The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, December 01, 1885, Image 4

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY DECEMBER 1 1885. HIGH AND DRY. S [Continued From Fourth Column, Third Piter.] With loud nnd prolonged cheers by the blue ribbon*, and were generally discredited by the red ribbons. Mr. Dodd teemed GREATLY ELATED AT TIIK M'lCIWI ??f hi* cauw ???? shown by the figure*, and when n friend questioned theuraccuracy, he raided his hand above hi* head and exclaimed in a tragi cal manner: "J have a mule at my store I have to keep rounded Ix'cause he's mean, and I???ll agree Great Li* left ear off if wh don???t carry thin election." .The red rihUittf were not despondent over tin* apparent result and announced their wil- . lingnew to wipport their belief hy putting up money on the wet side, and as lute a* half post three A 1s t of $1,000 a side was made by Mr. Rosenthal lind Mr. Phil Dodd on the result. During the aflemooii the voting wahbvonk*. two* and three*. only one or two efforts were made to form an other line hut these were failures. Along About 3 o'clock, things becanle rather monoto nous. Every eye was turned up Pryor street ry body seemed to Imi awaiting the blue ribbons went wild. They jumped, pranced, danced and yelled them- wives hoarse.' The air wa* fill! of flying tick- da and hats, men climbed upon RACK* OTHER'S SHOULDERS o see the advancing column and when the band passed through the throng the mush: could not lie hoard. All of this prohibition display, however, dhl not scare tho antis. .On the contrary It appeared to inspire them, and with renewed energy they searched the ap proaching cfowds for voter*, and from that time on every vote that was east was fought for closely. Somd time after tfio hand mowed through a great throng reached the courthouse. They cguie from Tallulah engine bouse and were generally workers. They mingled with TIIK CROWD ABOUT TIIK COURTHOUSE, and from that time until five a perfect psnilo- luomium prevailed. Carriages containing voters < a me through* the crowd and wagons loaded with men (waring the riblsm of hi?? choice went-bit her and (hither. On anmn carriages were red cards hearing the word liberty, on ethers wen* blue cards asking the voter to side with prohibition. Homo of the horses were deeded rown with the riblsm aiVd all of tho drivers ! ad a bunch of rihlxm In their hats. A* there carriages and wagons drove through Ike crowd the scene was fndiscribable. A STRAIGHT FLUSH. *Tn the People of Atlanta, One r.???.i Alt: The (Mil . thuh other fifty tin have i 1 people that nis&ves u tter have paAsed through ibncs of a mighty,rouG-re, in which each WHS wrought to the nluuwt. You know what It aas. States and ritic* tar and near looked on with kindling fnlercM nnd often In wonder nnd Mirprlw. Through it all.tinobreured by excite* mint, fnten^tor pa**fon, the pole star ell bar Ftniti. I cannot dels; idingnm* 1 humor HHmVML ,J both I die rr.xi r. or tiik citt! And right you kept ft. Then h no tear ay or roprewt the Impulse of com- Hng and thniiking^ou fox Hieh absolute order a*,- About four o???clock a darkey, carrying a long wrapped In red, appeared In . the crowd. I tho top of the pole was a. live rabbit? and five curds???a poker hand???a straifcht flush In diamond*. Under tho cards were the* words: ???You can???t bliifl'iue. Liquor wins.'-??? This device, novel and striking, rrottfod a general yell. H catne alter the rumors of tlm country precincts wepe in and seemed to In- fplre the wet men. After dsrk only a few votes were cast. The muJoi ity of these were for liquor. During tho last flftcru minutes twenty votes were cast, mid ns the eloek struck II the court house door went to, and tho prohibit ion election was ovfer. The last sccno was a strong contrast to the And. The voting o|M*ned with a rush and dosed with ' no energy at all. At III* Engine Hmm, At fi o'clock Wedneiday morning Nrhbn Tiik Ck)N*TiTi???Tlo.N reporter reached the engine house there was only one human Mug that met hi* view; this was a watchman in charge of the lunch room provided hy the ladies, which was opposite the polling place. . At six, four policemen, in charge of L'hisf Connolly, Died up the. street, and took poslv X * ** ??? - ??? polling ym lions at the entrance of each ??f tho polling At half-vast six, Messrs. Jaimw *\V. and If. II. rubanisa, representing the ihlhition committee, appeared with tickets wafeh they distributed among the workers, who, at that early hour, lmd assembled, afc t writ' blips!lent to lie tin and doing. Ill a few minute* several ladies appeared In tlm lunch room om>oaito; and tho Watchman, con verted into h butler, plaois* ?????? mm ImwiiSM 'htmh <Wii W ?? the prohibitionist 'workers, and Imck of the water was a large sign on whleh was Written, "water for the workers.??? Tho watchman faithfully idlrrcd the water every three min- tiles in order to break ???Up tho,loo. The colored voter never did fell tntakea ??? chance at the free lunch table. Just an main he finished at the polls he won ami pay the table ids respect*. t???ouiilJug at tlie Courthouse, Wiieu tho doek gave forth the last strokft of the hour, each manager pasted a place of paper over the hole on the top of Ills lmllot box mul than they begun discussing the count. Var- uadbe ami Ilutsler were made tho tallymen,mid with broad sheets of paper ou tkeir tallies awaited their work. Box No. 1 was placed on a large table. Judge Tanner, tho must skillful election manager in the state, seated himscl i>?? one side of flu* fable, while Mr. Marlin and Mr. Flesh took high stools on the other side. Mr. Wnn Inmatin and JnOgo Anderson rrpresrtiitig the prohibitionists and Mr. ltoson thal and Mr. Uaul Jones rcprescntiii* the an ti's, arranged themselves around th?? managers. When everything was ready Judge Tanner arose and unlocked the first bog., When tho lid was raised a mass of blue paper appeared on the *iirfa<w so great In'nppearanc* tltatithe nu lla??? hearts sank. Judge Tanner picked up a kaadfnll of tr * * r tha table said) "Mr. Martin, pick out flve of a kind. Hand them to Mr. Heidi. He witt recount them and hand them to ??nr. 1 will count again and an netitire the reaiilt and it can Its recorded.??? Mr. Martin looked up at tho ceiling, let his luuid go down, and picRtng up a ticket aj nuidoiii. looked at it. It wax ??????For the sale. He then picked tin four more of the kind and handed them to Mr. Flesh. Mr. Flesh said that then* wen* five In tho hunch, and handed them to Judge Turner. Tho Judge looked over them,and said: "Five for 'for the sale.* ??? When the couut was evududedin tlm const- bouse, Mr. Frank Meyers went to the door, and raisiug his hand, obtained silence. He thru said: "The liuiior we all like has got just :??. H J ma jority here.??? Tali setthd it. The vast crowd knew that Atlanta was dry* and amid a howling yell the c rowd went away. Iters|??itutnt Ion of the Vote. ??? * The following Is a recapitulation of the vote < f the ctrauty: break bread on the morrow, let us??? under pinclAUMitioti of tho president and the governor - u ???? rentJy thank Goa for nil hi?? blemings: and pray Hist bculiUK mid |??ace may Ik- in the sheaves cur ]-topic bring in forever. Geo. Hiuykr, . # Mgyo f'nngrut illations* SAEi ERSvn.iE.Ca., November 7A, ltt'i.- 1 To tup. Termhajo k Pkoci.k op Fnt.To* county.???la-nr KriendK: I know I rl-k notlilug in ixtiimatulniing you in (he imnic slid in behalf of (In* (h-orgls T??-m- pcrance io-MM-lnUon, for the great victory you tisvo achieved today, for yourselves a* well as for tho whole Mate, . c. It. I' President Georgia Temperance Awodalio Talks nltli Iluslnesa Men. "Every dollar of my property Jx in Atlanta nnd I consider it worth twenty-flvo per ?? more tislay tbmi it wax worth Wcilm-mlny.??? 'rims sjMike Dr. J. W. Hunkin. Ho added "1 have some vacant lots mid I???m going to build them up with good houses as soon as the spring weather opens. I feel that I can rent them to sober tc nan tt> and ge t my money "You think prohibition will liuvu a go**!* effeet from a business standpoint???? "I do. I believe we will Jose nothing and that we will get ten thouMtnd popnlatiou that we 1 would not. otherwise get. 1 know a Chicago num who is coining here to invest a hundred thou Hand dollars have gone for prohibition. 1 do not look for any depression Hint Is even temporary "What do you think of the profaned con test???? ???There is hothing in it. Of cousc the "whisky I raffle will die hard, but it luw got to go???the Bioa at his fiome on Peachtree Inst night. In reply to a question Mr. Ulrn raid: "Do you believe prohibition will help At lanta???? ?????? "Indeed J do. How could it bo Otherwise? Over one million dollar* Is spent hero every year f*??r liquor. Ono luilf of this, at least, is clear profit. One liulf of it U sent out of the- county. Tim liquor docs not produce more money. It dm-s nothing hut produce mi n ry and destruction. The pcoplo would ho better off If the liquor watt emptied into tho Tennes see river. It disqualifies man for every position. The first good reault of prohibition will lm lietter f??K*l nnd raiment for tho people. Thru they will tmybettcr fhruituro and house- hold goods. The third giM*l result will ho the Iniy ing of tots and building of Iiouicm. It will not be tnjig liefore Atlanta will Im tnily "tin- city of homes,??? nnd tho licM of aH will bo that tlie (K-eupants own these home*. "TJjo negro ]*??pu1ntion of Atlanta???oIkjii' two nty thousand is a big tliiug. They sjK-nd every cent- hero. There capacity fi* - making money is as great now as whan they wen* slaves. The profit of their trado will always lie capital u*od t???? Imild u.?? Atlanta. Our system of ]ienuauen. improvements has la-gnn. "I raw a gentleman today who said ho w ????? going to move to Atlanta, lie has six boys t ??? educate, mid has Wn waiting to sco how tli ??? election wn* going. If it had gonn wet li ??? would not have come. I will glvo his name to any one who will call at my office. I believe prohibition will be the making of Atlanta.??? A ro nort or .called on Mr. W. A, Moor.*, of tit i film of Moore, Marsji A Co., who said: ** "I think that hualacas will uot bo porini- routh AtUnUL. :::::::: Ptachtrre Jiurkhead Oak Grove OotUos ???... AdaaPYilU?...... BansUzzxzr.:. Total TM 2 I .MU Uhst Mr, Amlerwm Thinks* Mr. J. A. Anderson, nan|wign secretary of the prohibition people, being asked about the result of the electlou said: We would have mode good onr claim of 1.0QQ nutji-rity, hut for the fact that the good news from West End, Peachtree and South Beud, received early In the afternoon, so elated our folks as to make them believe further effort *n unnecessary, and so they shouted and en* Joyed t him-elves, while the ofipdsitiiNl were doing some of the finest work 1 ever saw done around the {tolls in any election. As to the cflkrt of the result npon Atlanta, although freely admitting that in a city of her sioe this la au exferimeut. yet beiievtugjhat "Uodliaam b pvoitablc to all things, liavitig promise of the life which now is. and that which is toooaie??? 1 cannot doubt that the ultimate outcome will he very lielp(bl to cur city as Well os to our people Mayor tlltljrsr, MaTng???a??FFK* l Axum l GA. l Nyvmh<* ath, "1 think that tho saloon keepers will be hurt hy K-Ing thrown ouLof business, nnd that tli ??? inom y DOW spent with them hy the workin; chusts will Im tramcbmal to tho grocery an I dry good store*of the city.??? "Hour about tho wholesaleTnide of Alisnf i?" "That, 1 imagine, will not suffer either.??? cuu- -??? tinned Mr.Meow*. "Wo aro now selling dry- fgvMrmrfhr south as Oml*. FIs., end In other dirtslhdis wo go nearly tho hoiuo dbtouo ???. Many of the merchant* of Atlanta have pub- lidicd that their trade this year has bi*cn nmcl better than for years, ami they attribute thist* the prohibition cause in lunkiug dry out of we count!**.??? "How do you think that tho nxlucthm of the revenues from lionises to sell liquor will offc the city???? "1 think that tho olty nnd the county will ho aMe to sfnud tho hiss, nnd 1 figure it out in this way. When tho oalo of Ikitior is aliolUhed, there will Im* lea* expeuso to tne city and coun ty to mn the court*. Mr. lieu llill said tune ago that of tho 1,000 cases that lie had prosecuted during tho time that ho was noIUI tor-general POO of them were caused hy liquor. A Contest Almost Certalu THE LIQUOR DKAI.KIUB ORG A NIXING TO TEST THE ELECTION AND TIIK KILL IN V.iKfOtW WAY*, Thero Is every reason to liel love that tho election will ho contested. Mr. Julius L. Drown, Colonel Alliert It. Cox and Mr. Walter It. Drown railed on Ordinary Calhoun Thurs day and linked him to delay Ills announcement of the result uutil today, tu which tho onlinary consented. Tbiintday night tho liquor dealers of tho city diet in Dio old chaml>cr of iiniiinerco. It was held with rloscd doors and the great est care was taken tu keep secret what trail- pired. The meeting was largely attended, near ly every wholesale ami retail denier of any prouiinenee in' (he city Wing present' After tho meeting adjourned a prominent tne hi her said." * certainly bo a contest, lmt I *r it will bo by the V *r the united efforts of the anti-prohl Of one thing only there is a certainty, and that is that tin* contest will bo made.??? "On what grounds???? "Tlie Wst grounds in the world. West End really mid truly had no right to vote, and tin* vote will not bo coanted. Thou thero is good rrtuion to Micro, too, that none of the county precinct* hail any right to imrticiMte in the eleillon. Tho i-nnstitiiUonulity of tho bill will W attacked." Have any attorneys boon employed???? 'None yet. lliit some of the very hoot attor neys in the Mtv linVo said that tho Hwtion isn???t rtaiid.niiu that tlu* ground* that I have fuuiitrrated nn* kimnI. The Wwt lawyers in the Mate will l*e employed, and wo will not stop with tborgiu talent. Wo will engage tho best lawyers in tho United???States." Judge Tompkins said on tlie subject: "1 know nothing shout the matter, but I pro- same there will Ws contest. 1 think there is room fur it. West End???s vote is illegal, I think, anil ix rhaps the Mil is unconstitutional." Mr. Jack Spalding said: ???When 1 am outvoted 1 shut up. l'ra dqno with it, and I know nothing, about a contest. rked for. anti-peobibitimi because my convictions were on that side. I???m going back to work now for my clients.??? ' A .Inbdcc. A big crowd, numbering probably taro thou- mud people, md at the teut Tlnin*U)??? night in respouse to a call for a JubilatJon over thorhlo- ry of the prohibitionists. Tho exercisrs opcne??i with singing, which was led hy Dev, N. K?? ff Hiuitln aud was joiueil In by a groat ehortisof Voices, The sermon Of the evening was preached by D?????V. II. Melbmald. D. IV, |**stororthe Se*???*uut Dapfist church. His text was tho Nh vers.* of the Hh chapter of the Act* \>f the Apostlt-*: ??????There was groat joy in that city,??? The text referred to the Joy which wa* created when the apootle*. aftertnirying Stephen, the first of ll;r martyrs in the csum* of i???nrlM, hcalt*d the sick ami cured the afflicted. It is an appro priate text, said the prrai hcr. for Atlanta just uw. There aro time* when the angel of ioy ilh Iut tl?? liejite lingers touches the heart strings and makes music so sweet that wonls emunot express It. Thus we feel tonight. But I wonbl have you all know that the best joy which evaieo to us iu this world is brought through the go??pel of J.susi'hrist. It brings us joy because it reveals t<?? us a (Soil to whom we ran look w ith the omuranee that he ia our that in a near and beantiftil Thero aro theories of the deity which liit Ui rIvyc the zvach of our poor human rympftthirs. We are brought by this g??wp < . , l of joy near to a (iud who can feel for us in our rlfyhU'at ordeepcat wr*% The (rod whom it lutein* us to love hmiI to worship Is one who is touch'd with a feeling of OCR INFIRMITIES, six] who piticth us as n father pith tli his chi! dri n. This gospel brings joy, because it makes n fed the hrotherhoorl of man. It tmehen ns llmt the man who sits on th in* el idiMiluteJkrone in thisworiil is the broti erof the meanest and most abject ercaturu in the shape of man. It I* a go-pel of Joy. if gi way to sym)4ithy and In-Ip for cadi c it i* a gospel of joy, iM-eauKC it ImiHiIs up a ittoiul sentiment which leads to bette it is this Ik ih fit whhdi we rejoice over tonight. 'J he belief in thin gi^K-J h;w buihled up the great seutitiidit * FOB TEMPER A NCR in Atlanta, mul has hrmightr(into us the great Joy we fe< l tonight. The prohibitionist* had n meeting yesterday morning at which ?? committee of law yers was apjKiintcd to take charge any legal trmihhs that might arise and to???i elet any effort* that might Ik* nwls to effect a reveiwl of the verdict rendered Wednesday at the halh.t-l ox. One of their lenders, who roqnewted that hi* urine should not l*c given, said: "We are not afraid of a contest! I don't think there will 1h* one. The movement wkh???h indimteH Hmiethlngof that kind now will soon ???peter oht* and the people will ???accept the aHu i linn.??? We have won liy an apfsiront majority ofS^H. If this contest is forced upon us wo will go to the Ixittomof the thing and will come out with a clear majority of ONK THOUSAND of the votes that will stand the test. Wc are will ing to let matter* stand os they are put by th official returns, but if they force a contest oi us they must abide all the consequences of it. ???As to the act ilaelf there is no question of it* constitutionality. It Dikes the counties as they now stand and, recognizing their different conditions'** to prohibition, simply furnish** n method of local 4-|<-ctions on tho liquor qnro lion. .\n to West End and Bust Hoint, we iiav no doubt that they had ns much right to vot*! n* any |??eoplc In Fulton county. Il???!t\d the m etioft 4)ii which they rely to throw out these precincts, nnd you will see that no elec tion Hlmll Im- hejd ???for any C4??npty, city, town, or other plnce,??? ivhero prohibition is nlready of force. There has never been any election ???for??? Fulton 4omity on this qiiestioh Im foro. West- End nnd faist 1'oint are in this county, and have a right to vote on matters affecting it, no matter wlmt their regulations aro fur their own territorial limit*.??? If the other aide i*cor rect in its interpretation of this clause, all they could do would he to throw out tho Vote* of the rt-MdrufH of West End itself. ...Llnckhall district has no prohibition law, aud io the territory affected hy tho West End law ihero aro mit 100 votes. Homo of those were fur whisky, hut taking them itll from our total vote, and throwing out East Point entire ly we would still liavo a majority without snowing tin the ballot boxes. ???I could understand why the liquor men ivould want to routest if they could gain a de lay in the execution of tho law, but you* will see by rending section four of the act that after the result isswertaiued and ntiiiotiii<*cd hy tlm 'I'diunry, if it is in favor of prohibition, it loses the whisky men out and throw* on them tho BURDEN OF TIIK CONTEST ???a restoration of their privilege. Thero ii no supersedeas under tho bill.??? ???But suppose they take out nn iujuuetion???? "Hiich an cflhrt in guarded against ill tho act, Thero is every arrangement for a sp -ody trial f all questions nhitlveto the enforcement of this law nnd the merits of an iujunctiou would 1m* Very quickly disposed of.??? ???Whatalxjut tjn- talk of going to tho fciloiat. courts???? ???It is merely ono of tho many vagno nnd isHrss 1 to pcs wliii-hitro cherished by tho anti- piohil'itioni.sts. How they are to t-iko this queHtion into tho fcilernl courts I cannot set*; It Is true tht-re ar??? a few non resident stock holders in tho hrewi ry, hut if they euuh into tho federal coiiita no decision they iL... thero fibfnfn,'ootiid'go ftirther than to protee them. Tho efi???ort now throatv'ned lias Itch Hindi* time and time) again nml tho federal courts have always held tlint nuittm Audi ns tho regulation of the liquor tnitlli' are within the absolute control of the htntcs. | Wo fiavo no fear, wliutcv r, ns i?? the result of a contest.??? KIJXTIONH KLSKWIIKItl}. IVIIkrs'AVHiit; Whisky. Washington, (la., Novemlier S3.-???[Sjioelahj Wilke.h countv Im* repudiated prohibition by a majority of Intwecn thrr??? ami four hiimlrcd. The agitation over prohibition was quite in. Ulna*, uml at one time it .looked as if the prolii- liitioiiists would carry tho comity. The stand taken hy Hun. William M. Boone had much tq do with chatiging this seiitimeat. "Hi* letter.* were widely road, and the {Hiitit Hindu that t!iq bill insult' d thonie'lii-al fraternity by providing that tlioir preiw riptions should not ho hoimnil; allowing the rich to import liquor while making it ini practicable for the poor to uinku simiiar p????r- chases, went n long way toward bringing nround tlio present result. This laying the home of Ocncni) Do)??(*rt Tooms, tho we)K known opinion of that gentleman against sumptuary laws alia) had it* effect. Ono thousaud and flve votes were cast iu tho Wuslu ingtoii pnvinct, of which the* wet ticket li??d ft major it v of ono hundred and one. The return* from tlio county precincts aro anxiously aiwdC'<1, hut enough is known to phut* tins lunjurityjit not U>s than three humlml. ^ Tatlaferro (iocs Dry, (???rawroitfiv I i.i.K, Hu., Novcmlior t!l.???[Hpe- rial.]???Tho election for and against tho sale of liquors in Taliaferro county was held yester day, and was carried in favor of prohiliitioir l??y fifty majority. The dconest interest was mniiifcstcd in tne Heetion t??y our citizens.. The election pusmtI off quietly, notiritlistan'l liouse was.filled to overflowing with the old than they were when they legalized the s-ile of in toxlcatiug liqwjr*. Tli?? opponents oi proiiiMiio In tiiatcity will Is; wt-e if tiny will accept tlie. with a proper ???j.frit, ami coiHeut to let pn e tris!. chief southeastern /.I noteworthy mmerclal tea. I victory th ou In this country. bfbitton have Not Possible In Any Northern City, Fr< ni the New York Herald. The MM ulh-d ???temperance victory??? in th- local election iu Fulton eotuuy, Go., which i* ct rth d hi our special dh-r^tch from Atlanta, pro hlidts the nianufaetiirc am! the *'ale of inti icntiug ???Ihjuoi city of ill l* hy Ur the itrohfhiikmlMsc.v......w - ??? - 4*4* iu*t think that it would have been poHWo in any coiroi-onding city in the mjAhcavt. .I'roliiliilion In 1888. rrom the New York Sun. At the Chickcnng hull meeting of tfle prohi- l*{i fonMs .-'atur*lay, the Itev, Stephen MeiTftt, tho opponent of wicked Senator Gibbs, -al<l that If At lanta, Go., rimuld decide t4?? prohibit, the ??ale of In toxieoting Jl4pjora at Wcdncscjay???* election, and thus bring Georgtn Into line as a prohibitions he was confident that a prohibition president uri Is* elected In lWsR. *???I was defiMted," he said, ??> the iTohihitionist candidate of my district, out DURING THE WEEK. Tuesday, November 94.???A five story hnllding ??( HH Kart tHth street, Sew York,* waa humeri .yc*- terday morning. The bodies of a woman and two < hihlrin w crvfoondin tlie ruins William Warner, Ferdinand and J. Henry Work w ere Indicted ycMer- dsy hy tlu ll'uftC'l States grand Jury, iu New York, f<??r C4inspiring to defraud tho cnslitor* and stock hoidenofthe Marine National hank. . In iiii City.???Colonel Marcus A. Dell, a promi nent citizen of Atlanta, died last night at his-red 4)4 m-eon South J???r>'4??r Mr??ft A fin* this morning at tW4?? o'clock oil Marietta street destroyed three houses. I.??km ?I,800 MarvcyMerritt, an e>ca|icd convict, w hs lirrested in Atlanta yesterday. tV'-'IneMlnjr,* Noveiulier 9*1.???The Westshore ridlrr>ad Inis tH-en sold to *J, Plerrcpoqt Morgan, rhanney M. Depew and*A*hbcl Green for fU.aW.ftW For ihc fint time in three month there were burials yesterday, of ynallpox patients iu Montreal at the expense of the corporation fq Mount Car- met, pa., diphtheria mode its appearance hi the fuiidiy of Juhn Giarheardt, and yesterday the K-vcnth death occurred, and the family, contalnlug nine niorumembers, are all expectei! to dle?? IK im: Cmr.???ColoneJ Albert Howell, who v charge of the union ticket! office at the pantennae 4lep'??t, was ???h4??t an4l seriously wmimliHl yestenlay Horning by Mr. Henry Cl. Pope Augustus Robin sou and Stephen Amos, two roloml men, fought a terrible duel with knives lost niglit. Roth were badly cut up...-. CongresMuan Mount passed through Atlanta on his way to Washington yester day. Tliursdny, Novemlier 90.???It has been c-tlm i- ted that Ferdinand Ward, ftom I??tW to INM, mode yiOO/KJUotit of 4iis 4UvIdends The circuit court at Ulueinnntt has ordered |he canvassing board talv- irtlfientes of elcethtn to the republican cam!!- for M-tmtor The trial of James T. Holland, the Texan, for the murder of Thomas Davis, of New York, has Itch indefinitely (poatponed The Knight* of LoIht. of Reading, Pn.. have boycotted Glmcr ii Frame. Hgsr manufaeturers, because they n flue to unploy union men. In v m: i iTY.???Ppecltd Fish Commissioner Gcorgo 11. II. Moore, reiu lu-d Atlanta yesterday aftermsm iu his car, bringing 10.000 carp for Georgia......Only -ons were nnestcil yestenlay fur viola ting the eketion laws. Friday, Novrinlirr 97.???Firijcl States Minister Jsekson, gave a reception last*light to tbe mem bers of the American colony In the city of Mexico .OttU-ial returns at the health office In Montreal show that six deaths from small pox oteurrediu ifiitt city yesterday The hh-rotary i>f the navy is Jtifoiincil 4??f the arrival In Key West, of tbe rescued n from tlie Island ????f Dom-ailor, in tho Carribeun 1. All, ineluding tho jmmngcn, are well. miii: City.???Scwntee.i plain and ornamental drunks w< re iMKikint nt polico heiukiuarters last nltihb Thank*ehi:ix was oliaervcd pretty gener ally jisU-rtlay in Atlkira, except the retail stores. l harh * Moore, coiared. Iost a linger yestenlay u hili t )4.n|.Jing cats for .lie Georgia Pauifia rail- 98.???Tlio business fail ed States during the past If* hi Canada A death d ???on boant a steamer at A *t(>amboat*suuk In West Virginia, and sev- ??? d missing The South utctl a committee t6 draft >??? death of Vloe-Presidenl over J.NW cars of wheat yesterday aud ??,(XX),00j nniLer IW, 1 ami young, all anxiuui to hear the result. Union Point, 11a., NovembersM.???[Bneeial.??? Tin* total vote cast at Craw forth???life, the tho county scat, is o74. For prohibition, ???Jtkp, for whisk v, majority for prohihitou ten. K???ughiml precinct has gum* dry hut m> efficial account vuuhl lie obtaiueil. Flalier dbtnict I ns not yet been lu*arU from Uit par tus well itoionuixl think (hero is no. doubt thut* prohibition will receive a majority at tluit pticim t The Hn-tiou ihi>m-??1 off quietly ami It is safe to suy prohibition has won by a small majority. (iordou Gtros Dry, Calhoun, t??a. f November [Speciah]??? rrohihitifii was carried hero to-day hy a ma jority of twenty-nine. Tho election was or derly mul quiet. l*m>S AND PHOHIIIITION. CoumicnUFront!hr Press of the Cuuutry on Atlanta** Decision. From ibe Knoxville Tribune. \Y??* pr?? dii t thal one of the results in Atlanta nil! he to make (tcorfla a prohibition -fate ??( sir early day, and that the movement will be wonder fully Mrenathened throughout the south. ??? **ri m the In??tiau??|H'lis Journal. Treat Ihr It Outside of Puli lies. In 1&4 Mr. St. John polled Just li>????? votes in the entire state of Georxia. ktutiicoqtia li*s praeti- colly prohit4nd the opt n irsftW iu liquor imtcr the of a keal-rcxulattou law. Kv olently the people of Georgia have I??eeiral??l4?? to ( this ques tion trt anon wav, and without the aid of a thitd party. s-oinrthiuc More Is Nested. Frr-m the ChlrsgoNews. When tbe prohibitionists onn carry *0 im- portant a wmthcru city a?? AtUnua. Go., -ourothinx tnotv (ban (he prating of John J'heman and (he mu mbling of Geom* K. Hoar is nee??b**| to make m???umI'U* | emms l>euev e that the people 4>f the wHith sir p> bod as the agitatur* |??*iut them. \t lit Protnete Our Prosperity, From the Augiuta News. ITohibitiou will do no harm. It will not 9heck Atlanta???s prosperity. It wtli promote it Th* testimony ftwn all the enantias that have sdo(>ud probibltlon is that they are frcrv pcacvftd and mory prreperomi yellow fever New Orleans, yestetth Ihc liver nt Parkcrsbr, til dock hunds arc rt |. )i??i1i):a li-glslnture apt ??? ittddc resolutions on 1 Hendricks Thero wet Minneapolis. Minn, buthcls iu the elevators. In iiii: Citv.???An Atlanta barkeeper???reft we* (??? sell whisky to a prohibitionist The twoeompi nics of United State* artillery thut havobec. spciipiug the summer in Atlanta, have relumed t?? Florida John Willis, a drayman, was throw . from his dray and seriously hurt yesterday. Rmiiluy, November 90.???The sick fireman o 1 Ixiaid the steamer 1 vanhoe, who was stricken soin * days ago. with yellow fever, died yesterday off Git!- vestoit leltcrs of tulmlnistmUon weregrauted on the estate of the lute John McCullough, In Phil- ndclplila. The property is value*! at tU'.iMJ Tin taaly of Warren Yates, son of iVesidcut Yates, of Omaha national lnnk, was recovered yesterd.1/ moniing at Halting Uollow. Long Island. In the City.???During the October term of tho United Mates court, nltout three hundred anil thir ty criminal cases were disponed of by plea and ver- 'dict Tlie resignation of Judge.W. It. lhmnn-Mi 1, of the Atlnuta circuit, takes etfect TluirsiUy, an??[ Judge Marshall J. ('large, nppifintcd ill his ??teu I, will la* sworn in, and Mr. Howard Van E|il* wilt quality os Judge Clarke???s successor to the city court The lowti'ffice building is draped iu Mourning iu honor of Vice-lTe*ident*Ilcndr1eki ami flags tlirougtKMit tho city arc at half mast. A Hereditary Ailment. From the Jkiroit Free Press. A great big overgrown .tough entered a Grand Diver avenue saloon yestenlay In sea roll of gore, , lie was ???primed,??? and he asserted that ho was ug ly. lie even acknowledged tpgt he intemled to hurt Fotncbocy N-fore he got o????L amPR wouhi be an in jury requiring the united service of nt least three eminent surgeons. The barkeeper was rending a novel, bead down aml???elbows on the bar, and ho di<l not look up as the big tough pounded on tho cherry anti called ottl: , "tot ???em up! 1 tell you to set ???em up for ail hands!" Au old farmer who had been warming hbr shins got up and Mioakrd out. Jle said he didn???t propose to go back home to Maria Cripple for life. II* wa* followed by a lanky youth with brick-colored hair, who ohremd that the doctor had foshlddcn htqt to fight for the next three week*. ???Are you going to st ???em up???? howlcl the tough r.s lie pounded route more. ?? * ???No,??? u its the quiet reply. ??????Then % the evusequeuev*. t.?? .upon your own head!" * With this he reeled hit coat, and th* two remain ing men l otted for the door. One excused himrelf on the ground* that he didn???t want to hurt any- body, and the other raid he hid Just licked two men up the rirect nnd was wailing for his second wind. A* they went out the tough up-ct * table, ap*\ he w a* at-out to overturn the stove when the little bar- keeper shut up hU Usik witlt a sigh, cam-* frotn be- hiuj the bar, aud exhibited siguaof UK*. He took tlie. tough by the ear and said: ??? Two dollars!" ???What fttrr??? sages r; rtr. fty mrii vy nr him attremendons kK???k ???You g??* home!??? The big fellow waded thrnngb the uml to the op- shlc an??l stool ami looket) ix.*k. *Uu* of the spectator* approached him and said: ???Yon i!!dt;???t make ntnen of a fight." ???I didn't eh? Well, now. I'.want you to under* sMsitl that I -honed more c.'ear grit iu this liiti* fracas then ever before In my life!??? ???h of a fightci ??? THE QUITMAN FIRE. EXCITEMENT OVER THE BURNING OF THE COLORED COLLEGE. Story ct the College Established by Mra. Allen??? IU Stormy Career???The Viatt of Randal Coal- sen r.ud it* Effect???The* Story of Hie Fire???Coamtiit, Ctc., Etc. a a* be itrorq*.* I hi* vo???.*v 1 lead right! I g * in all r.g \t l, ??? * ??? s or??t. I -lootor to e!" shouted th** barkeeper. Ir.K???giant day!??? cn witboot cnet turning to look be- Qi'itman. tin., November 23.???{Special.]???The (iument which exist* throughout*hi* section over the incendiary bttminjrof the colored college here, w hieh it ok place one w e ek ago tonight, while quiet J* intense, fitisjdelon as to the origin of the lire points in two direction*, and is just uncertain cnoitgh tb leave the matter in dispute, probably, for all time. To undentaud^the situatlou a abort sketch will be neresrary. The Allen hooce was one of the largest buildings in Mitith Georgia, being three storifes high, and built entirely of pluo. It wa* |quite popular its a w inter retort, having for jatroui' many well known and wealthy people front the north. Some flve years ago Major Allen, of Watorbury, Conn., bought this property and greatly improved it; making it a beau tiful and attractive building and a comfortable and commodious hostelry. He dlcdfliere, and tha prop erty passed toiiiS wife, who had never lived here. She sold it to Postmaster Griffin, who fulled to pay for it, and it reverted back to Mrs. Allen. She then, without notifying the citizens, or giving them a chance to make other arrangements, donated the property to the American Missionary association to be used for a colored school. The building was in the heart of town, and surrounded on. all sides by dwelling houses. The people were opposed to the location of the rohool.thu* centrally, andjmuch bad feeling has l??een engendered thereby. Before this trade*wasJyultutnatcd. a gentleman, who knew that it.was,pending, met Mr*. Allen in New York, and asked her to authorize him to trade for her and give the sole .another direction. To this she replied tbat.tlie.propcrty wa* not for sale, thut she owed dispeople ofQnitinan a-grudge,which she intended to l<ay hy turning tho.building into a negro school. This.remarlb when reported here tended to maddeu.the???people. *Mr. J. 11. Parr, of Chicago, with three white tvomen from the north, tcok charge of tbc.collcge on the 1st of October,and took 111 the following week eight colored girl*. Tho conduct of these people, which was closely watched, was Mich as to cull down upon them the, bitterest hate of the community. The nnret???perfect social equal ity prevailed. As the building the centre of town, turroundc'l chicly l??y residences of|th??- best people, the familiar proceeding* between white and colored over in the follegc was an ever present eye- Wire. Many threats were made.against the institu tion. An Incident which occurred ut.tho college a few day?? before the burning serves to illustrate its dis cipline. ??? Among the visitor* or scholar* at the college was a negro well kimwn iu the community, named llundul C???oabon. lie D|m* hluckjw the ace of spailcs, nf??out thirty years old??? which would seem to pre clude the idea ufjhh lwlng a ??tuilcnt,-and weighs IM) jiounda. It seem* that lft > tw l ecn the said Randal and one of the w hite teachers, there existed a considerable degree, of intimacy. So In timate huil they l*rcome Indeed, that the lady in play fill mow? lent the aforesaid Coalzon her flno diamond ring. Whether tin* ring was intended us .an engagement ring or>erely lent ft??r the purpoie of enabling the colored party to cut a swell for a few days still remain* a mystofy, and the wholo matter might have continued a mystery had not Mr. Conlson lost the ring. Then the lady let the cat out of the bag by sending to mar shal Dinkins, with the request that he use his offi cial cupncity to recover lier<iiamoud. Mr. Coalmm being pushed tip a little to return tlm ring called on the Jeweler, Mr. Barnes, for tho purpose of buying one to replace (he otic h??L&Thc first ring* shown him were worth about four dollar*. Tltesowcro too expensive and lie finally compromised on one ??? for which he paid u dollar ???aud this he presented lo the Judy to replace the lost diamond, which it lx said wa* worth one hundred nud fifty dollar*. Gommcntlugon this story, fthp "local newspaper, the Free Press, said: Buch ???carrying on* ns this between a white wo- ???.ji nml n negro fellow are simply indecent, nil- natural, outrageous nnd Uiscusting. A woman iU the north who would be guilty of flirting with a negro would be cla*??cd us she is here, with the lowest dreg* of xs-iety. fan the citizen* of any community, north or south, be blamed if they are opposed to the ???social equality??? teaching* of such creature*.??? While the indignation against such conduct was deep, yet the best citizen* steaility counseled against njl vlplcut maun res. It was liopctl that tome inwle* might be urrangnl between the college authorities and'the citizens by which a more suituhle loca tion* would be accepted, In which event citizens would ral??e the money for that pmpooc. (When, however, a! wt ft midnight on Monday, one week ugo, thc*bulUllug was found to be iu dome*, 110 Anther uccc??dty for ucgotiathiNS existed. The outbuilding* consisted of a large bam and stable, a school room???formerly a bow \ing alley???and a recitation room???formerly a sample room. The inmates of the house .consisted of Mr. J. 11. Farr, the principal of the school, Id* wife, the tpree female teacher* and eight negro girh??? brardent ami scholars. The fire originated in the reurof tlie two-itory 1. attached to the main building and on the i??-idc. The lower story of this addition contained the kih-hen and 4liuing room. The night was cool, clear and entirely ciftm, hut so rapidly did the flame* make headway nml so dry and combustible was the material that no earthly* power could liavc saved the property. The steam ngine w as on hand, aud Its entire energies ami the ??? energies of many citizens was required to ptvvcnt the burning of adjacent imlMiug*, upon which the imlers were showered In great abundance. Tho oulbuiidiugs io-iciigiug to the college caught in a ry short time, aial such a blaze has never before been seen in Brook* comity. Very little furniture property of any kind wa* saved, Mr. Parr nml the female*???teachers and scholar*???(bund tempo- potmry reftigc In a vacant brick store, from whence the teachers w ent to the Omuuciviul house uml 'spent the remainder i*f the night. Ou the next niglit iTmtday) the prinei|Nd|hU w ifu aud teacher* took the frnaton Ball train fur Macon. The KeiflVr IVnr. From the Thomasville, Ga., Kntcrprise. , Mr. L. A. Varimdoc place??l on our table Sat urday a splendid specimen of this pear, which weighed 1? outtcea, and grew on a two year old ??? v Kirffcr has been bearing only a few years in this sectiou, and while its good points were appare nt, it being a rapid grower, a tine l'earer and as thoroughly blight proof as the l.efoute, it was thought that the fittit did not ripen nicely. Thia season, how- r, they are* rip' > nlng in fine form, ami the or is excellent. Th<* frnit is an excellent per and will b* sir keeping for two or three weeks. The Kit CVr ripens at a time when the market is bear of pears, and it ought therefore, ???to command a better price than any other va riety. We predict that the Kciffer will prove ns profit able lo Thomas county as the Lv- ( elites. ??? ??? btralued Ills side, X????. 12 West lAfrri Sr., New York, March 5,1P65.???1 am pretty well known in New York as the one-armed baggage master at the N. Y. Central depot. Three months ago, in lifting a very heavy trunk, I strained my side dread fully. I immediately procured an Allcock's pen its plaster. Every hour felt leas pain. I wore the piaster three days, then applied aitothrr, was well in a week ami attend ing to my busiueai. James B. Kennedy. The mining jewels t??f the late John McCul- lotgh, have been fonml in it valixe iu the ??torcn??ui of the 01 j mpic tlieatre at !*(. Lonis. Nervous Debilitated Men. You are allowed a free trial of thirty days of the life of hr. Dye'a eelebrated Voltaic Belt with Elec tric rtvyentory AifMsiro, for the speedy relief ami jenntr.tut cure U nervum debility, loos of vitality amt mauhoi??!. and all kindreil trouble*. Also f*>r many other <U*t:aK^. Complete mtoratiou to hcatth. vigor and manhood fmarant'vd. No ruk b Incur- DISFIGURING Dliit'-bea. Humiliating Eruptions, Itching ???Tortures and Loathsome Sore*, Cured by Cutleura. H AVING BEEN a sufferer for two years and a half t???r< m a ??U???ea>e caused by a bruise on the leg, Hint having been cured hy the CCTKCJU when nil other meUtod* nnd remedies failed. I dee lit it any duty to recommend them. I visited Hot Springs to no avail, and tried sevend doc tore wUU- ep????ke give ( .. principal druggist, Mr. I shall ever feel grateful), about Ctrri'fKA, and' I consented ta n tn n trial, with tlie result that I aut porfect- ,. luicd. There M now no sore about me. I think I can show the largest surface where my suftbnngi sprang from of any one in the state. The CUTICURA RcMEi'itx arc the best blood and akin cures nmnu*. factnnd. I refer to I'niggist John !'. Finlay and ??? )tn of thOt place, anil to Dr. BEACH. I??r. I??. c. Montgomenr. both of thflt place, am! smith, ur Ukc Uv, BEJ Greenville, Mxw. * y .> atMive (dated. A. B. FINLAY, A CO., Druggists. GREENVILLE, MW). ??? * TERRIBLL^SKIN DISEASE. 1 have tried for eleven years to have my wlfO disease. The C???tmcuBA cure, end CrncvBA Soar, au exutihlte Skin Beau- t;tier, rx!??????rnalJvbhave x nethJd ? { have tried for eleven year* to have done. You shall hove the partletilars a* soon as I can give them to von, ami us we are ????well known in llmpart of tno country, it will benefit you, and the rcnteditti will cure all who use them. C11AS. II. Nt III TE. Mavsvii.i.e, Ky. TETTER FINALLY CI T REI>.??? Having tired your ClTiciTU Remedies for eight* ren montliN for Tetter, and finally cured it, I am anxious ti'gct it to sell on eommlralon. I can rcc- onimend it herond any reuiedies 1 have ever used, for Tetter, Hums, Cut*, eta. In fact it i* (l\p l^pat medicine I have ever tried for ???^ ???Jj^ioj'TON 3/VRTl E, Miss I RA, .0 ceiu*,, ??i w, Prepared by the J???otteb J)??t o anoCiiemj* ??., Boston, Mass. Send For ???JIow to Cure Skin Dlae??*cs.??? , GRUBS P???'*??? < 2**- ped flnd 1 oily skin, use CvncuRA Soai THE SEWING MACH INK i* the enure of Uterine Pains and Weakness. For Aching Hides and Burk, Kid in y Pains, Sdaticu, Cheat _ Pains, Weakness and Inflammation, the ft ti< t-7: a Anti-Pain Plaster is Infallible. Tic. WrL I II wk MEWUF SMALL WEANS "HOME PJlUTOUltAPHY.??? ??? By tli?? rermil fttuvuitcu. >.i > 1 .m.??uiuiii.* ????i>KV Gi !??lm* Sim l**r Wcr Cuik??ihMi. (It?? I-. Ur?? uwicml i?? im>'a j r. pared In taro* rnolo. Factorie??, mmJ tnLu **??DT Eos |wz. nmtnr to (?????ruul4T ????r * Oua; K..*i..i??r Mca or W<>ia>a with ?? * ??? iiipmar Pltotos to wiiat fmiu* **??? no espsi fence, rrljr rnoiirra limg rears oti(UHe*'lt prarto* J ^"tlJT^sthan fttl eta. for ??us ilUsii Unr* 1- ?????????*. that sail |c.- t??. $u. Is cayour tut ?????ttt other hunlaea* in *iora or thop-. orat florae, or from koun to hou*. Ths norsl;urpri>??Ua oian with rimpista sppuram., k|<p??sriBt at ths dw-r road/to TOHNTODD VP. MISSOURI TODD, LIBEL FOR ??J divorce, Fayette superior court,Septcmlier term, issfi. It apiH'ariiig to the oimrt by iho return ftf tiie sherW/n tho aimve.stated case that thedefend- ant iloe- not reside iu said county, and it further ap- pen??? 1 ??? 1 - ???"??? ??? ??? ????????? iie.defendant by the pub h month for four months before tho next ??urt in The Atlanta Constitution. T. V. LBSTER, riuhiilfTu attorney. Be It so. T. J.SIMMOX&J.S.C. I do certify that the above nnd foregoing is a trite extract from the minutes or Fayette superior court. This October ??, 18N , ??. A. E. 8TOKE-?, Inmrim c. S. C. F. 1;. fccted order( term oft hi* LIPID GLUE k MEU3S EVERYTHING Worn). Irnffw.Papyr. Jrrry.ahM, C'hiiu, t-uriiiturs. hric-a-Lrci', Ae. Stres,; M Iron, Solid as a Book. Tba tciUl quanUty sold during the past ft vn y??ar* ameented to over All deatars can sail it Awarded rrononncfii Ptrongcit Olua known a beii'idi-alfr'* rani and Ifr.pcstagw &??????????????????? -siaS ??? Pack Fun Cards. New Sample book and complete outfit,4 cent*, star < uni (Jo., kniU-)il. (U1J0. repl wCm ctannoJ ERKQRS OK YOUTH resor nut I tiringjrears and allroxual di** fully tri une). Thirty years??? experience. ton, rareonnlorhymni!, free nnd sacrwily eon liden- tial. J>r*. fucker ii Haile,!) Marietta street. Ailuuta, nov 17 wky tt TIIK eXcea* success* ' experictuv. t'o-.iMilta* Ire Mllttkf Itrti'u Look ar d Laugh at ???Hard 1 Onlv Sl J to $15 l??hh hr tr??? saw antlsr ?? pMMlwpft^4i lit U SU )M< (*??'?? HUMUht U Cm,. ????? w# k%*i ia?? rasp* a.*** ??? atu^..?? ?????7 mi, ???oa, v*i", ii* Mis^.GwMunit *??>??? StaaM ???* OBOtOK TA VTT A ???ITaMAvasswra. ft??? - A MONTH AND hi >ARD FORTH RKE LIVE fiUDf mc???? or lnilii * In each county. Ad- P. \> Ziegler ??V Co.. Philadelphia. BEST TRUSS EVER USED I ACME HARROW. IV >wi e w uhotit one. ITicct for a..^ ... two lior>c F. O. B. t27.. r <0. Send for circular*. 1 ??? , MARK W. JOHNSON A ?????()., oct?7 w kyly 27 MartetU St??? Atlanta. Ga. -.That fanner* m??y come to knov Aims lea???s bet national farm, gaticn aa t bona weekly without cost, -THE RURAL NEW. will be lent to nil applicant, fhei fob fits mn, and promptly btoppid at the end of that time. 34 Park I cBow, N. T. W ANTKD-AX EXFEKIEXCKD, ENKKGETlil ???A*'k ugiTit ti> ivAjj'bift a general induce lu T??.a-. Art.tSJ. 'TubU.hcr," TvSrkZl^V??J. DRUNKENNESS Instantly Cured. OSUSB inemo SO.IH Hut n, ctaduaa Ck* <