The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, December 22, 1885, Image 10

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10 THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY - DECEMBER 22 1885. THE DANIEL BOYS. usually went forth in a suit of home- t made jepus, a wide brimmed hat thrown care- sly on his head, a rifle upon hi* shoulder, | and a brace of revolvers around his waist. A Visit to tbs Outlaws' lfomtAa P*staess**A Story of Murder a-d 82ood??hed-Tbe Capture of i Lkureh-The it*ttlt or Pint Log-Laefa- da???s DeMb-TarUlioff Adventures. i made them feel the effect children, five in number. for his Ilis rage and Jefferson, Go., December II. four men killed! Two men lyn-hwl ! A mother murdered! Half A dozen hum mysteriously put out of the way! 8nch are then-suits of a summer campaign by the Daniel buys, the noted mitlawa of Arkansas, who arc ut present secreted in this ???county! The story drl|* with blood nnd bristles with gensation, yet to i<w??r it from the lips of the principal in the tragedy wna n privilege only gained after sonu * uriuiis esperle *cs. ???You can see the Daniel boys by gelling off the train at I*rtnder;:rw *, where you will laipiloted Into the injsteri< i.- Lookout hollow,??? was the message sent J>> Mr. Bose Duke, a man of popularity and u/??urce, with whom your correspondent h/id_ no persoual acquain tance. TJh: was muddled in the send ing. ??r.<l the writ < -ontinuod on his way to Jt-tfai.on, all oblivious to the 'meaning of the gathering nf thirty well-armed, dutenolned looking men at I???Midergraw. The ???werp to Hate -bet u deployed along the .rious approaches to t ho hotiso in which the .conference was u?? have been held, in oni r that detectives might hot follow reporters, retreated In disappointment, utid put up in tho house of a well known citizen. Your correspondent slept that night IilJi flVrson, with dreams in which revolver* and bowle knives played part, and early nest morning started out for the house where he knew tho men to ho gathered. ??? MISTAKEN FOB A DETMUTIVK. , He bore a letter of introduction to Mr. Duke, .by whom how** received am! duly credited, but he could easily see that there * was aomo unusual cotuiimtiee among tho other members of the party, Jt ww{ explained when ouo .of . them said: ???What wvmrntm kart we that you detective? You did not get off at the right f dnr e. and you tuny have manufactured tho otter which $oti brought with you.??? This was a revelation u well as n theatrical situa tion, and at ouco a parley began os to whether thp correspobuetit was really himself or some one else. He ptesded fo? . Ids own Spncisl.]- I ,, ! or,,i "R >??? a family of Geor gians ramped,within the promised land, approached them with his usual tactics, i He to find in Jack Daniel a man ready to defend his rights. ???This is government land,??? said Jack him, ???and I intend to preempt the lot upon which I am camped. As soon as my crop is laid by I will go to Little Rock and liavo my preemption filed.??? onk mubdf.b and probably another. ???The hell you will,??? answered ,???R ???; and grinding his teeth in rage he turned away. It Was the first time that he had ever been autrked. He called lil t c-Ian together, and it r.os agreed that a system of intimidation should first l e punned toward the intruder, to he fol low! d by more i r. triune measures, if necessary. A few months later Dr. Emory entered the title roentand was warmlywelcomed by???R???" t???, who told him that as yet Daniel was only id the Jot upon which he liVUl still ojien Identity, while the local Holomuns, headed by i i * ** ???*???iia ut. an eccentric Individual named Dump Trtffll b him that lie was only tX endeavored to convince; JHHHPI Yell county detective. After four hours of ne- goliath'ii, during which time various little trl|is were taken down the lane, along the toad, and around tho house, by self-appointed vigilance committees, Dump Trout offered to produce the Daniel hoys for twenty dollar.. In hand. The emphatic rejection of ???this overturn on the part of this thrifty citizen threw him Into hysterics, In which he saw ??????'moors" flying in tho air. Mr. Duke, seeing how difficult It. was to convince .the ^rowd, changed the programme, nnd iji Ids company your correspondent, in considembh doubt ns to whether he., was himself not, started an tho return ??? trip Jefferson.* Til BN TAKHk TO lU*. .IACTC D:\NJKI.. While ascending a hill about throe miles from town an old Ur mu named Tom itcunott, was noticed, leaning against a wagon wheel, Ah the buggy drove up Tom advanced, and ex tending his hand, raid: ???How???dye. ItaN'l"- Tlu n looking into tire correspondent???s face in nu inquiring sort of way, Itohnctt grasped ills hand, and said: ??? ???I???m moutyglad to see you???.luck." Thus tho correspondent not only found hi* identity doubted at 0RP place, but saw it jilotoly destroyed by his IdontUoiUon a original Arkansan outlaw himself -Jack Dan iel. Dlnd to h?? allowed an identity ut all, lie merely replied: 'Thank you. I had to pop them follows ??v< in Arkansan, thong Ii.??? "1 liclieve you,??? the ????W1 man replied. ???I have met warm friends since myjotimi legal preemption. Thus influenced, Emory ??? rival dnlrn to the lot. erected a house orneref It. ;, nt for h;?? wlf??*. nnd went to hor cheeping. it did not take Kinory long to find out the true state of affairs. Ho de clined to become n member of the dan, and to v his sense of honor, went to Jack D.tnicl sum-mil red whatever claim ).t have acquired upon tho lot. The ti ment which followed thesodevelopments intense. ???It "swore- that ho would make turtle bn it of whoever should oppose him, nnd their bodies would he found higher up the creek. The next day Mrs. Emory was found dead from poison. The ???K ??? peoplo declared that she was the \ Ictim of her bus* band???s crime, and to support that theory he was missing. ??????Since that day he has never been heard of,' raid Jack, as lie looked up at the clock. ???????????? >9. Kmorv was noi; by the ???Ii ??? gang, and that in fulfillment of threat Dr. Emory???s body was to thA turtles up the'creek.??? # Then began a series of j*etty annoyances, lasting through the winter of lw2-'lw, In tended to make the situation of the Daniels a* unpleasant ns possible. Whenever the women or children would step ont of tho hotuo they would be tired upon from covert; or at thohour of midnight the families would be Awakened by the rattle of musketry, only to look out nnd ne?? the retreating farms of ???it V' raiders. ???It V jgttng was iu looi with similar gangs in other settlements, ami was their custom to exchange sendees. In this manner it was always impossible to identity tho culprits. "For the aake of dear Lucinda, nnd tho little -hildren who cried around my knee,??? said JncR, his eyes brimming in tear ., ???I stood all this, though I was often tempted to go but with toy t itle and giro them u shower of lead which would make route of them hit tho grit. To do so would be to place my life in jeopardy not that I was afraid of that, hut it would leave thoso whom 1 loved to the rude mercies ot these detestable brutes* I continued to pitch my crops of wheat, corn nnd potatoes for tho harvest of lBo.1. begging for peace with uiy nnd tick At heart fur the safety of my little ulici.' THE KILLING OF ???Hut nt ln*t the dreadful moment canto which led toalliuy subsequent.troubles, cut to tho Reed settlement, anil said that _ owder and lead were good persuaders. Ho would ocuro off Jim Darnel nnd ???II ??? and kill Jack. On tho inornlug of April IB ???H- came out of breath to my house, and told mo that for a wceky???B ??? had been iu- cnwilng his pressure on him to leave. , That morning "R " said i ' railed on him Libia field and "Ji be Pose at once pul tho whip to the horse, aud ire left the old man to his woiidqrful discovery. In the Presence of the Out laws. The next day your correspondent was duly led into tho presence of tho Daniel boys???tho principal of whom, Jark, was nt once rocog- Hired ns tho man who had given the greatest evidence of faith in the comsjiondcut tho day before. A tall man, of quiet manner nnd few ???words, with a refined face and cyoft or piercing night, ho appeared to ho nnythiug'olae than n dchpeiadu. NunieroUH friends were present. In loto Teel safe. I bright April morning, all currying their guns. whose midst the boys were Hindi H The Dauiela were horn iu this comity, their family haviug been uuioug the origiuul pio neer* ono hundred years ago. The suceeseivo genurations of tho family maintained a high reputation both in church, sorioty and bus!- wens. Their intermarriages brought tucm into close relationship with every family of note lu this aud unjoining counties. Dunii Nvllietakes Us name from one of their number. Russell Daniel, tho grandfather of the so-ei|ltcd out laws was a man of mark ns well as nerve, the ago of l*D ho could hit the huil???a eye with uumiug aim. TUB TRIl'TO ARKANSAS. Bl-xtcen years ago Rtisscll J, Daniel???tho ???Jack??? of our atorv???married Miss Lucinda Dott??, a lady of excellent family and widely connected. Their courtship was romantic, aud thoir marriage was an evout of note, which is atill remembered. Two years later they dc% elded to emigrate to Arkansas, sett ling In Baltne county, where they soon established ???1 cannot, answered ???H " "Then takQ this,'said ho drawing a head with his rific and inilicting a fieHh w.ouud. T ill l*i?? back this Evening anil finish tho Job if still find you here,??? ho said ns ho walked nway. f Anil now,??? aald ???H ?????? to me, ???what is to be done???? ???The innn was chicken-hearted and scared out of his wits. Tho first* thing to do, I told hinif in to???lie n man. While wo jilinid for pence we imiat protect our lives nnd those of our w h en and children. Wo had better go and sco ???R ", and show him tlint while we w ill mako any sacrifice for l??encc and harmony, our rights must ho pro tected. Jim Daniel was sent for aud agreed with whnt I lmd said. Now, then, let us iuvojco Goil's blessing ou ur errand of peace.??? Thus the three men started out on that To i l plain this net it must be stated that it is the nue ami not the exception to go fully armed nil along the froutlcr. Tho country is full of gnme nnd ravenous bcasD, to gain or kill which every- man goes prepared. When, therefore, the three men went forth with their arms, there was nothing unusual in it, but it was what everyone else did. We lound *???R ??? lu his cornfield. As soon io saw us approach lie mu toward n tree ??? hundred ynids distant. 1 saw' his gnu limiting against-it. (tabling it ho at once gniN|K'd it, saying with nu oath: 'I will give you tho, welcome you deserve.??? ???Don???t aim that???gun!??? I shouted,.???Wo are for ponce nnd not fighting.??? He hnil-tho gun almost to his shoulder when I again shouted out: ???I will shoot,??? nnd with tho word went the sharp to* and blubbered like a baby. On the horsemen came and rode In squads of five and ten around the diamond retreat in which we stood. At last finding one section of the road clear of troop- ers for the moment, we slipped quickly across and escaped, while tlie horsemen were watch ing for the game they were afraid to close in upon. That night we were again joined by a company of friends. In the morn ing we waded Ion???s creek, and reaching the home of Dr. Flood, a venerable man of seventy-three, we bought from him three Win*] Chester rifles, sixteen shooters, and retumr to the woods, keeping on our way until, < the fourth day, we reached the cliff overlool ing-my bouse. As no one was there my family I ventured down, and heard enoiu to harden the heart of any man. / ??? sooner had we escaped onj the \ of ???R???V??? death, than forty armed hi cursing and swearing like Coniancbes, 9 as I saw the blood-sucking creatures, aud held my finger more firmly on the trigger." ".Tim," said he to his companion, ???let every shot go home-!??? In n moment the hounds had passed the mark, and ???D " and the sheriff! With the report which rang out from Jack???s rifle one man fell dead from his horse. Au- otber sharp report from Jim, and down went in n charge to my house, and firing ???><* through the open doors and volvers 11 DO) did EO, they were met by obscenity at one of the- lueu slapping my wife???s * they were blackened, and others infli dignities upon the children. They- that I was toncealed iu the cellar, an< them started down. ???I wish to God jol there,* Lucinda said, ???he would then deserved bullet through you.* The was broken open, and tlie corn scatter the ground, the chairs aud tables wor??? cr out of the house ami smashed to plece^ 1 SOME CLOSE CALLS, wbt?? ???To tell you of the terrible incitttti these four months would crowd my l>nra& to drive me crazy," said .Tael:, pausing pas 1 incut, while a friend handed him a di^ water. ???One night we built a campfin wor ds which attracted the attention piwauers. They came up dose enough l.fard talking, but would neither advnn * 01 retreat. We stood near by all night witl iri] cocked, ready for attack, hut as the first t b of moriJng light burst faith they slowly u , away. ???Ou another occasion wc were tracked bouse where we were sleeping by twenty . Ono of them was a friend, and dropped t??? signal, so we were ready. * As daylight CAnj they scattered without attempting our arrest.' ???Again we were-caught up with by about one hundred men, while at breakfast in friend???s house. We sat at table with our Wi che??teffl across our laps and our pistols table .beside our plntds, while the posse sat off at some distance aud leyed. Wo called on them to come iu, and we would divide biscuits with them. They, top, departed. There never was a party rout after tis which did not contain members who were our fricuds, and they always either pave ns warning, or so acted as to keep the fdhers from making an attack. " RETURNED TO HIS MOTHER. *???H " wo found a coward am man who only wanted the opportunity to become a squealer. It was to ayeuge his wrong that tho R killing took place, aud i f was his fault that we were iu our terriblo situ ntlori. Yet he cried in the faco of danger and whimpered like h blind pup. Ono day wo were ut-ar ???If???r???s??? hojisc and overheard tno troopers cursing aud beating 3Ir.s. ???H Jt made Jim ami inc so indignant that we started to take aim and fire into tho cowards who would abuse women. Although this was in defense of ???H V own .wife, ho rau to tho Tear unit cried like an egg-sucking dog while being whipped. We fired several shots over tho house, when the bravo detectives turned their horses??? heads tpwards Ion???s creek and ran. As they gal loped past my house they fired about ono hun- ihots nt it, one shot striking and killing died s a dog which was lying on ono of uiy children' arms, and another passing through xnv broth era* wife???s hair.* Wo lmd taken an oath to the first ono who would turn traitor. It plnin that ???H V??? cownrdlco would yet call want to Ufkc his llftvso wo took him to his father???s homo, found his mother nnd said, " 'Mrs. ???H we return your He should bo nt tho breast. It will bo time yet before ho becomes a man.??? ??? That was the last of the man who after- wards proved himself to bo tho Judas of our arty.??? THE CAPTURE OF A C HURCH. The nest adventure of tho Daniel boys was io which brought them increased uotorlety from its curious character. All over tho coun try bands of nrmed-men were being.organlzed for the arrest of tho outlaws, for whose capture tho governor had offered a heavy rewArd, Stories of atrocities never committed wore cir culated. Through /riernls tho Daniel boys were communicating with tho sheriff of Mont- f they could get a change of venue/ Against this result tho ???It?????? people, bended by Detec* "whom they had employed, wore fighting with all their might. On Sunday morning while tho congregation of Chalybeate Springs church were assembling for midday erviccs, they were astonished totlud tho Dan- el boys, with their guns slung across thoir boulders, lit their midst. The boys asked if they might l??o jiertuitti'il to enter, which per mission, wan. of course, grouted. ??? Taking the pew just iu front of the pulpit tho boys sat through tho service with the gun butts resting upon tho floor vheu a j??od reputation, amt tnado hosts of friends. U-c years ago they heard wonderful stories of Cedar Buck Valiev, a land which surpassed in fertility any that had yet been discovered In ArknuNas. Jack decided to move thertv nnd ???old out his possoMionvin Saline comity. Cedar Suck valley was, united, an enchant ing sp*t. Jt lay between two rocky mount ??? Bins running east nnd west,??? The eastern end uf thivmonutuiu Imravdioo nflorfled a narrow p*????, which led into the valley. At the foot of tho p????s, ns the valley was entered, a small spring buret forth which, Increasing iu vol ume, continued on westward, ou either side a rich bottom of one mile In width reaching out to the ha* of the rocky ledges, which' arose at nitres to a height of tix hundred feet perpen dicular. ??? Thus stream and mountain eontin- ued for twelve miles, when tho mountain* ngain converged, leaving only n pass wide euough for Cedar Nuck creek to empty itself into Ion???s creek, which rnu (Yorn north to aoutli. fainting a T. When Jack Daniil looked upon this rich mountain valley lu* stood enchanted. Tho grass, which grew thick and rank, bespoke the wouderfal fertility bf the soil. The flowing stream tang a gurgling song as its limpid wateri council down to Its estuary; nnd tho overhsnglug cliff* of granite lifted their gray ish peaks high toward heaven. It was .governmeat land, subject* to pre emption by actual settler,s.' Jack selected a ???pot on the south aide of CVdar Suck creek, just within tho mountain ??-haiu. and wi firstoirtn to lav rlaivi to any part of it. rifle 1 "K ?????? started as if to nil shot was fired by Jim Daniel, then fell to u sitting posture. We ran up to him, and I got down on my knees in front of hint, nnd while examining his wounds to see if I could do nuything for him, said: this Is all owing to your own con duct. ! have.begged you far peace, anil takon insult nil winter. Now we have trouble brought down upon women and children. We came this morning to get iteaccoblc satisfaction.??? ??? ???You have got it???here,??? said "R??????, plac ing his linger upon the wound iu his breast. ???Ho gasped,tlie death-rattle was heard in his throat; he fell back dead, nml wo left him. TIJK COMPACT AND FLIGHT. We then returned to my house, where all the women and children hud assembled, cry ing. *'We are in for it now,??? I said to Jiui aud "H *???. i'Before the sun sets they will be after To fall into the hands of tho Yell county le means only swung up by "U???V??? _ We must take to the call???s aud defend ok to empty itself I ourselves until we can arrange for justice iu ?????? * ??? ??? some other county.' ready to go with you,??? said J ???So am I,??? answered ???ll??? * Thou swear.??? I demanded, ???that we will be true to each ofher, never betraying each other, nml if either should he arrested, be will give no Information of his companion???s whereabouts, and that whoever violates this agreement shall meet death at the hanlU of the others.??? ??? To this oath all three lifted up their hands and swore. Then kissing their wives aud rhildren, buckling their pLstols to their h<51ts, and swinging their needle guns over their "?????????r:?????? ??? - .w|Mt* VI ?????. Jim I ??mii??i??ni MID mirej, mm uutit *nv Danu-i selected a site just outside of tho valley I August, there were recues enacted nt the intersection.or Cedar Hpcb and lop???s I have but few equals In the unuats ot creeks, while next to him. on Ion???* creek, ??? * ??? ??? li\-??d ???R ??? Shortly afterwanls Mr. ???H- "a native Arkansan, selected a site within the valley i o'row. Cedar tsqrk crer*k nnd three tuiU> di-tant from Jack Daniel???* place. This introduce* the reader to all the character* in the tragedy. ??? THIt ENEMY APPEAR? ???K " was a good type of the law less frontiersman, lie wax a native of Indiana and year* before, accompanied by his three brothers, shortly afterward rein furred by 6he!ton and Hull well. Frank Vaughn and others, **R????????? at once orgnnlrcst his Adherents into an ??ath-b und baud, wkoso intention was tolsy clxlm to all the rich val leys, and by viol on- e and fa ti mutation to drivo ??ff all immigrants. ?? xrtpt Mich Us n theniN l\e?? c j tabb* to him. Btrange stork* yrore t??*bl in the nd.ioming scttletucnf* uf meu Who had entered IVHter???s territory, only to disappear, and never wore to be heard of. " overlooketl the valley, ami trot such ax border wkefare. Tho three men soon realised that their* was a fight for life; that to fall iuto the hands of the Yell county people would be death without justice. They were joined iu the mountains that night by about fifteen sympathizers, wlio proposed to keep them in formed of wlmt vras goiug on, aud to give g of danger. On the evening of the April ???It-^??????*??? wanted to hear from his wlfr. AmtMBftr was dispatchwl for that purpo-v. far whose return wo waited iu nu ??? triangle of woods caused bv the intersection of three roads. In a few rnfnuLs be tttnmed out of breath, aud without leaving the road, he told us that thirty five hwatnietLW ere in and about Miocker's house; that they kid caught sight of Jjim in the distance, ai.d vtre now fallowing In full gallop, lie then disappeared in the opposite woods, while we st.??t4 behind the cover of some bu/hes, witbguu* prim oil and ready??? all except *11 ??? w ho sat ujhju the ground Whin tho preacher, Rev. Sir. Flood, bou ot. Flood, had olnnit completed the sermon, the boys sent him up a paper which ho read, ns follows: I.tTTF.n or Warning.???Inasmuch as tho'Daniel buys are accused gravely before an intelligent aud iu your . fly . generous people, wc, the ?? mUM for n rihk! purpose, w . danger. If the authorities comjwl you to aid in patch of the so-called outlaws, we aaylse you nnd MfliiHwprlsoii. : friend* against JIut. having mnat injury, il .motive any, and to ivold. stay behind when ... . . Hcspcctftilly submitted. Daniel Bovs. When the services were over tho entire con- grcgtitlou gathered around tho boys, who wero the heroes of the day. They wero iuvlted to dinner aud entertained until nightfall, when tho preacher shook hands with them, and they disappeared into tho forest. THE (RATTLE OK VINE LOO. The crisis of the campaign was now fast np- preaching. It had been arranged that thqDaniel boys should be tried at Hot Springs, nnd olUccrs had started to the selected spat for their sur- after his return to his mother, to save Ills own life, told the hiding place of hi* late confeder ates, near the house of John Coker, who tins their frieud and gt^bo- tween. Urged by ??? Detective ???D " the oUlcers changed their purpose and resolved to capture the Daniels. They arrested Coker and Detective ???D * then increased their posse to fifty mounted men. and with two bloodhounds started in the direction of Rrushy mountain. Tho boys had crossed tho mountain In hdt hgstc on Saturday, the 28tli of July, and an nrobush. As the mountaiu path led down, a bold spurr rofo up on oue side, about twenty yards in, on the summit ef which lay a huge Is a good retreat," said Jack to Jim, "aud If we are attacked it will furnish a good breastwork. l.ct us get all Our guns and re volvers in working trim." After this had been done;one slept while the other watched alternately. Daylight exme aud with it the sun rose in fullest glory. The rougsof the???birds and the scent of the wild flowers all spoke ofpeace, yet what a tumult raged in those two men???s breasts! "At lost they come!??? cried Jim, holding hi* ear to the w indward. ???There is the moaning, droning souutl of the bloodhound*.?????? "Yes.?????? answered Jack. ???I hear It. Let ns pick out the'* dogs aud "D If we can kill them we will cud the tremble. Get ready, keep your bead low." With that wild shout* aud curse* were.heard a* half a hundred horsemen crossed the sum mit of the mountain, aud galloped down in their descent. . ???lln!" shouted Detective "D ???1 can tell by the close scent of the h ???uads tint we have almost hogged our game.??? On came the hounds their droning uote* in- cosing in intensity as they reach trie fresh ened scent. ???My God," said Jock, "what a chill stole over cinda as it ascended between tho granite crags. ^ she stood before me, * and into nay arms, she fainted like one dead, an hour I listened to the terrible story of out rage nnd persecution which she had to toll Hhortly after my last departure, she found one of the children about to eat a biscuit wiuen lmd found in the yard.. Several others like were found. She soon found that they were poisoned biscuit, and she heard tho confession later that jeet was to poison one of tho children, so that iu the eveutpf its death I would be drawn out of my retreat. Two of them"she brought up with her nnd gave to me. Sho also tried to sell out our goods, so that she might return to fill UUl Mill guu<l>, DU Wl.'IU Bill- Ullgm. l< Georgia. In this she was balked by tho"R clan. John Graves had bonglit my horse from my wife. He was nt unco arrested, the horse up v _ foot so qs to keep up with the horse for thirty miles to tho county site. They hung him up three times until lie was black iu .the face, to make him tell our whereabouts. Then he was set free, but * horse Wns never returned to him. Then no one would dare buy any tiring of Lucinda and sho wns compelled to stay where she was. Do- teetiyo "D???-the week before, threatened to burn tho house down over her head ou his re turn if he did not succeed in catching me. Whenever ono of tho children would bo sent on an errand some member* of tho clan would shoot at them to scare them. ???Tho fences around m.v fields bad boon to tally destroyed, aud the cattlo of tho country round tnmedin, so that not a thing was grow ing. I theft told my wllo that sl;e had better sacrifice all aud go to Georgia, that my present day???s work had put an end to hopo in Arkan sas. We ascended to the extreme a|iex of tho cliff, where wc might look down oneo jnoro upon our ruined home. Tho moon was just rising over the valley, nnd as l turned for the last time toward my wife, her face, deathly pale, was illuminated by tho moon's ray. ??????Wo will meet in Georgia,??? I said, as I re leased her form. Yes, or in heaven!??? sho answered, her form soon lost among tho cliff* ns she scurried down tho hill to the babes in the cottage. ???That," said Jack, ???was the last tinio I ever saw Lucinda!" THE LYNCHING OF F(.OOD AND CQKKR. When tho boys turned nway from .tho ren dezvous, nnd wore skirting 'tno public road they heard once more lire omiuous droning of the bloodhounds, nnd tho loud shouts of tho posse returning from tho scenes of Sunday???s bloody work. ???I have two of tho poisoned biscuits with me," said Jack. ???I will throw them out ou the road 'so that, the hounds may get them.??????- They then crouched down in tho bushes to watch for events. As tho men rode up the dogs took the biscuits. ??? ???We???ll hang the host ouo of their friends,??? said a voice, which I recognized ns that of Detective ???D ". ???Let us take Coker aud Flood ns wc pass by.??? And tliey fulfilled their threat" said ek. ???On their way they arrestod Dr. Flood, because they believed-'he hud knowledge of hiding place. Ho was the most respected physician of the count)-, and was seventy- three years of age. Going further they arres ted Coker, and confined them in Yell vounty . ail, where they fouud that tho nformc-r ??? ???H " had preceded them. Two nights later a band of masked men attacked the jail, aud demanded the tlireo men. Tlie jailer made no show of resistance, and turned them over. The party then pro ceeded, to the river bridge near by. aud placiug a rope around the neck of Dr. Flood, called ou him to tell what he knew about us. ??? ???You cannot cheat me out of many days,??? ho replied, ???ami 1 will not court them at tho ex pense of my honor.??? Instantly the other end of the rope was thrown over the bridgo beam, and tlie Iwdy of Dr. Flood was swinging in the nir, while fifty bullets were sent through it. The rope was next placed nrouud Coker???s neck. At this point "JI ??? began crying and plead ing fur.Coker???s life. ???Shut up your damned mouth, or your rhauce will come next,??? was the reply made to ged, aud both bodies him. Coker wns then banged,, were fouud dangling in tho air uext rooming. ???H ??? was taken back to jail, * ??? ....... Where he pur chased immunity by betraying the names of the lyncher?, fifteen of whom he kucw. The lynching !of Flood aud Coker wa* done by "H V arrangement, and it was in the eleveuth hour, like Judas, that be repented. It was so like him, theu, to purchase farther favor by Informing on bis new confederate*. The governor offered rewards amounting to $4,500 for their arrest. THE FLIGHT FROM THE COUNTRY. ???This brings us back,??? said Jack, "to the poisoning ot th??? bloodhounds. We knew that with their death we would gain a start suf ficient to get away. We took the big road and kept on fifteen miles to Wachita river, where- found a canoe ou the saud bar. We turned ???ver, put it in the river and rowed down to Cedar Glades, where wc left the river, seeing that we were noticed by par ties * along the tanks, and entered tho glades. While hidden . in a thicket of laurel our Worst fears were realized. Soon a troop of horsemen gathered near enough far us t- overhear their conversation. They h id heaul the news of what they railed the battle Log,???and were organizing to scour tho country for the Daniel boys. When they rode out towards Ion???s creek, we at once emerged aud took the big roa??l again in the o'pposito direction for Little Rock. There* we bought a skiff, for which we paM fifteen dollars. We bought Insides fishing tackle, a ???jug hisky aud a bottle of quinine which we emptied ???low to fight, malaria, and placiug tho skiff in the Arkau-a* river, were soon floating d >wn to tha Mta-'-fappi. It took us four <i..y* to moke the three hundred miles which brought to that point. We tied the skiff to a tree at igbt, a-ml slept on shore-. One day we were overtake u by a terrible s 4 uaU, and dxsh- pm* the river tank. Cntaring the Mu*lr?ippi we mode nine hundred milea re tis New Oricau-s being a total of 1,200 miles In a skiff. It was our intention to come home by way of Pensacola, but hearing that yellow fever was raging there we worked around in Louisiana until it was over. One day at Whitehall, Louisiana, I thought I was dfccovcred. I entered a shooting match and hit the bull???s eye every time. One of the managers, looking me straight in the eye, said: ??? ???I do believe that you coQhl oat shoot that fellow Jack Daniel!??? AT HOME ONCE MORE. ???This was getting too warm, so that night e made for New Orleans again, through to ???ensacola nnd nrouud to Waycross. As we cached Athens, but a day???s walk from home land friends, wo both gave way under the I weight. My God 1 what a nine months??? expe- ???rience we had. How the calm of that peaceful April morning in the enchanted Arkansas val- fctole over us, to be disturbed by the sharo report with which ???B V??? life disappeared. Then the flight, the vain appeals for justice, the pursuit of lynchers, under the guise of law, the terri ble light on Brushy mountaiu, the parting with dear Lucinda on the cliff! That bust appealing look which I caught from her face as the moon light fell across it! *Bud,??? said I, ???I must see jLucinda tonight! -Let us press on home. At (last we were in sight of mother's house; wo ou the doorstep; wc could uot await the answer to our alarm, but opened the door and walked In as people from the dead. But Lu- [cinda was not in the group, though my chil dren were! ???Mamma???is???dead!" one of them gn3pcd ???etwten her sol s. THE STORY OF LUCINDA???S DEATH. Dead ! Lucinda dead ! Never more to see -! Oh, how my [wandered, how I fell uuconsdotts under the eight oft he news! Tlie story which awaited mo as more horrible than all the rest. When on the night of our parting she returned to our lesolate cottage, sbo sat up with the children, 111 in fears aud breaking their heart* over th$ [errible tmn events had taken, au attack from T) ???s??? returning and defeated trooper* put hem in an uproar. They were taken out aud ???based In different directions ??ver tho fields, hots being fired over their heads, and language ???f the vilest obscenity used toward them. They eie warned that they had to scatter ut of the country. There was ono family, hat of Mr. Reed, which lind always been kind f to my wife, nnd to them sho disclosed her trou bles. 81ie tried once more to sell, but no oue dared attempt to buy but SCROFULOUS Sores and Glandular Swell ings cured by Cuticura. i Be Mon. says: "I have been affllci and nine months with what the doctors _ rupia. I was taken with dreadful pains In tho and body, mr feet became so swollen that I 5 head I lofct flesh, and roon became so wretcheS that i longed to die. Physicians failed to help me. lly direct daily grew worse, my sufferings became ter rible. The eruption increased to great burrowing, foul-smelling sores, from which a reddish matter my tad. In this condition and by advice of a well- known .physician, I ibegan to use the Cuticura Remedies, and In twelve weeks was perfectly cured.??? SCROFULOUS ULCERS. James B. .Richardson, Custom House, New Or leans, on oath, says; -In 1S70 Scrofulous Clecm broke out on my body until I was a mass of corrup tion. Everything known to the medical faculty was tried in vain. I became a mere wreck. At times could not ltft my hands to my head, could not turn In bed; was in constant pain, and looked upon itr???a curse. No relief or cure in ten year*. :d attempt to buy but ???II ?????? people. A ?? named Mr. ???M " targained for our lots. sion of mine, though he had not' paid n rent for it. One morning any children awoke to find their mother lying in the yard mortally wounded, by a shot through thenndomcn. As they gathered around her ???31 "walked up, wheu she said: ??????I know you, 3Ir. ???31??????", Shoot me again, and put me out of misery.??? ??? ???31 ??? spread the report that she com mitted suicide, but that I do not believe. His anxiety to get her out of the way, his curious fng him to shoot her ???again.??? led me to believo "hi. This left my soveu tbat*she w??a murdered children without on? to take care of thorn. 31y son Forest, aged twelve, aiuljny daughter Ivy, aged???elcveu, prepared the best thev could for their mother???s funeral, which toolc place funeral, which tool next day. When they returned to the liouso after the funeral they found that ???31 " had taken possession of the house, thrown their bedclothes out in the yard, * anil fttsed to let them in even to warm their hands. They then ft'cut into an old out- liohsc, and stuved therein from tho 15lh of December until the end of February before they could* get assistance from Georgia. My children, though little better than two eldest , ?? tabes, went to work heroically, and during the long winter month* kept tlxo other five, ono of whom was left a suckling infant by its mother, until flood 3tr. Bennett went "out to Arkansas for them. I baVo written a pam phlet, giving tho fall history of my troubles, much more than I could relate to you now. This is cm salo for the benefit of my children, to pay for their schooling. Hiding out from of- ikcrsasl am forced to be, unable to settle in ttny place aud go to work for them, surely the good, kind Christian peoplo of Georgia; tho good mothers who* can feel for the trials of these childrens??? murdered mothor, will by buying this book, enable them to get that education which cannot give them." As the brave man concluded his recital, to which his brother had been an attentive listener, occasionally Joining in, ho called iu his seven little oucs, who had been sitting in an mijoinfng room. iFather and children mndo one of the most interesting groups- ever seen, the baby clambering upon his knee aud kiss ing him. while Bliss Ivy, who had so nobly played the role of mother during that long winter of gloom, passed her arm arOuud her father???s neck and wept. As I rode off, In company with Mr. Bose Duke, I looked back, and saw the tall figure of .Tack, looking after us, his .children cliugiug around him like ivy nrouud a giant oak. ???That is one of tho noblest of men," said Bose. ???On the loth, of ,3Iav. last year, a revival xvns going on nt Gallilce church, on the Oconee ??? river, nnd many were baptised. This Is n Christian or Campbel- lite church. Among those who presented themselves for immersion, to Rev. 8. S. Land- im wns one upon whom all eyes rested. ???.???What is your name???? asked the preacher. ??? ???Jack Daniel!" ???Then under the waters of baptism Jack was passed As he came out, a holy peace seemed to have taken possession of him. All present were in tears." ??? ??? . ???Wbataro their means of defense?" I asked. ???They each have strapped around their waists revolvers enough to kill twenty-four meu without reloading. They still have their winchesters with which they nro prepared to defend themselves to the death." Just here we wero once more passing tho into the correspondent???s-face, whom he bo the original Jack Daniel, he said believed to bo earnestly: "Jack, you are safe here. It would take morc???ii a thousand men to get you out!" Pea Jay. CUft QNIAN???S OBACCO T REMEDIES lartSSnutiaa'ftem wtuUrer"cmm. THE CLINQMAN TCBACCQ PLASTER Sworn to before U. S. Com. J. D. Crawford. Hair, Glandular Swelling?, Ulcerous Patebes in tlie Throat and Mouth, Ataoesses, Tumors. Carbun cles,, Sore?, Scurvey, Wasting of tho Kid neys and Urinary Organs, Dropsy, Ena-mia, Debili ty, Chronic Rheumatism, Constipation and Plies, and most disease arising from an impuro or Impov- ty, Chronic Rhcumatis midmost disease arisln??? ..... ... .. erfshed Condition of the Blood, ore speedily cured by the Cutict ra Resolvent, the new Blood F ??? tier, internally, assisted by Cuticura, tho f skin Cure, and Cutici ba fcoAP, an exquisite I Beuutifier, cxteTually. Cut ?? Chemical SLOP. Prepared by Potter Drug Co., Bestow. Semi for ???How to Cnre Nkln Diseases,'* niasPLES, Blaekheads.Skhi Blemishes aud Baby rim v ??? ??? Humors, use Cuticura??? Soap. NO or Sh > ACHEJ strain, or OR PAIN',OR IIRUISE," Muscular Weakness, but ew, original and Infolli- pain alleviating properties of tho A Common Cold I?? o/tai tld boginning of sorioua office* tlous ot tho Throat, Bronchial Tubes, oml Lungs. Thoroforo, tho lraportonco ot early and effeetlvo treatment cannot bo overestimated, Ayer???s Cherry. Toctorol moy always bo roiled upon for tho spoedy enro qja Cold or Cough. Lost January I was attached with s severe Cold, which, by neglect and fro- settlin'; on my lungs. A terriblo cough toon followed, nccoraptuiied by pains m the cheat, from which I atiffeml Intensely. After trying various remedies, without obtalnlm; relief, I commenced taking Aycr???o Cherry Baotornl, aud was Speedily Cured.' I contracted n severe cold, which rttd- denly developed Into Pneumonia, present ing dangerous aud otatiimto symptom*. My. physician nt ouco ordered the uso ot , nnd tho result was a rapid and permanent cure.???11. F. b???itnpsou; Rogers Prairie, Texas. Two years itgeLsnfltod from a severe Cold which settled on luv Lung*. I t????v- sultmV Vtnfoug phyulcinire, and ,tbcM ??? ???unci. Twinsu? nnvi ...i I medicines;ihcy> prescribed, but m only temporary reta-f. A friend me to try Ayer???a Cherry Pectoral. A Iter The. Best Remedy for Colds, Coughs, lind all Throat nml Lung diseases, over used in my family.??? Robert Yanderpool, Moadvillc, Pa. sSomo time ago I took n slight Cold, which, bclug neglected, grew worse, cud settled on my lung*. I had ft hacking cough, and wns very weak. Those who knew mo best considered my life to be rent danger. I continued to suffer until Pectoral. Loss than one bottle of this liable medicine cured me, qml I fool that I owe the preservation of my life to it* curative power*.???Mrs. Ann Lockwood, Akron, New York. Ayer???* Cherry Pectoral Is considered, here, tho ouo great retard;.- for all disease* of the thront and lung.-, and I* morn in demand than nnv other im tlicino of its cliu*. ??? J. F. Roberts, 3iaguoliu, Ark. , Ayer???s Cherry Pectoral, Sold bv DruggUU. Price til; aix bottles. DRUNKENNESS ? r tJ??Llqn?? r Hsbltnosltlvcly cured by administer ing Dr. Haines Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without tho knowledge of the perron taking It; U absolutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the tient L a moderate drlnkeroranalcoholic wreck, has been given In thousands of cases, and in every Instance a perfoct cure has followed. ~~ the Specific. It becomes an tm^lbnity tar the liquor appetite to exist. For circular* and testimo nials address GOLD I! V 8PKCIFIC CO.. octSOwktf 183 Race St??? Cincinnati, Ohio. -A MONTH AND BOARD FORTHREEUVB 1 young men or ladles In each couuty. Ad- P. NV. Ziegler & Co., Philadelphia, nov 24 wky Gteow Sawing fiflade Easy. ZX0S&BS3 LIGHTS1I3Q BAVTISQ HACHIKS BE3NTT ON* 30 DATS??? TEST. TRIAL. rjuaB>iaaiedpo351a>ooBifc<8??! -??? IWt MNf nwt, CMt-i';. B CO., (A) Stt Giateflt. Chkon,BL ACME HARROW. MAniV . IIUIIAOUA iXl/O., wkjly V SUrfctta it., Atlanta G*. IF PAGE???S [GLUES CUNGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO. . ' DURHAM. N.'.C.i U. S. A. ^ Used by the l**t riaaafactQrvrt and mechanic in It. ruUman Polar e Car Co.. Mai-r, * Hamlin Orsaa * liar. ) Co-.i &C.,/or allli+???huffintt ?wi. At ttv?? New Ori.tni Expod- 1 Alt u, ittiau madj triUt U cn- duruf ft strata of ov*r IGOO Pounds TO A filJCABR irCH. measM