The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, December 22, 1885, Image 4

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA* GA., TUESDAY DECEMBER 22, 1885. CHRISTMASTIDE. THE CHILDREN AND THEIR OLD FRIEND SANTA. Arp Writ*# of the Bup??ntltlotui of People???The Art c Making Mouey-TUe Cbaractera of Hendrfoka ??? and Vanderbilt Compered???BUI'* Bod ??h rlat mu???Other Win Strings. * It is almost Christmas, and while sitting hero watching and waiting for tho morning I got to thinking of that wonderful supersti tion about Santa Clans and how long it had lasted and how^rajiturotiAly the children u <d to believe it, and how willingly tho parents let them and wonld not undcccivo them. Hut the children are smart now, too smart to be fooled, and they soon find out that Sant* Claus la papa or mamma; but still they wait anxioue* j for the presents and humor tho supersti tion. It is just human to have a shadowy faith in rome great and good being who has immense store houses of good thing*, whose touch can turn things into gold and diamonds, and beautiful gems. In ages post tho men of Acicnee have tried and tried again to discover the philosophers??? stone that would enable them to make gold and diamonds by the hushel, hut It was not so intended. Indeed it would itot do any good for then gold would he cheaper than iron and diamonds would have no more Value than colored glass. If nobody know tho ttCTet hut one man, of course he could get as rich as Crccsus, but that wouldn???t do the world Any good nor him cither. Lots of men are richer than Croesus nowand are not happy. Bkbts are a curious thing. Everybody wants them and atrivea to get them hut nobody ad mires the man who ftucceod* in getting them. Vanderbilt and Hendrick* have just died??? nobody cares for Vanderbilt and everybody grieves, more or less, for Hendricks. How is that! One was a great statesman and a patriot Who sought, by precept and example, to bene fit his country. The other worked for himielf Alone, and Tidies wero hi.i Oo.l, and hit methods of acquiring them wreie qnrstionable, Neither his precepts nor bis example* were good. Selfishness is it twit in human nature that is never forgiven. Bieh nu n are most always selfish. Therefore, We do not like rich men. The nubile haven tilt nt contempt for the Vanderbilts and Aston and Jay Goulds and all their sort. I have. The selfish greed of these millionaires is to mo disgusting and I look upon them not only with contempt hut with nn apprehension of great 'lunger to our country. Where is tho limit to flieir ambition. If Vanderbilt had lived twenty years longer lie could have easily been worth a thousand millions, for money makes money and will double itself-in ten years. These men would take it ull if they could get It???every dollar???and then where would wo be and our children? Slave* to a few tyrants. It alarfits mo to think of it. How the rich nro Coiict-tit rating and getting richer and tho poor are increasing and getting poorer. This thing has got to stop or wo will all he communists. It Is legalised robbery. No man acquires property and a go's!, honest title to It except by producing it himself or Inheriting It from -somebody who did produro It. Tho other way is by theft, swindling or robbery. Tho Nobles and Tylers, nt Anniston, have made a million by honest toll, and added a million to the products of the country. They gave value received for what they have acquired. llut neither Vanderbilt nor Jny Gould got their money that way. They made some of it by adding to values, but most of their immense fortunes have been made by speculating???by ttick and strategy and using tho power of vast wealth to break down others urnl build u; themselves. They crushed tho weak, an< 11n ir victim* nro numbered by thousands. They played bull and they played bear and now the newspapers\ tell anecdotes of how this dead Vanderbilt got tho apodal favor of hia Cither hy catching otto of Jria father???s tricks. Like (Miter like son. It is All trick ami robbery. Wlint they have got they did not cam or produce. They gave no value received, but wliat was their gain was somebody???s loos. What a contcmptlblo thing U is to get property that way 1 Loaa and pin ???like the gambler???nothing produced. Wlicr* the farmer sells his cotton ho feels that th money ho received for it is honest money, And so with tho mechanic or the working man of any class or profession, and the public are willing for them to havo and enjoy the proceeds of their labor. Hat Van derbilt rays dntn the public. Ho makes his Will and throws a little sop hero and there, about one per rent of his ill gotum gam*, ami that mint satisfy. That la tho nttoucmcnf, and ho held on to that until the hot minute. Well, ho died norm too soon. 1 wish they would ail die before they count their million* made hy such methods. I am getting to believe that tho rich men of this country have no limit to (heir lovo of money, and they would take it all if they could got it. It is the method* and tho greed of iu< h hum that causes trade union* and labor orgauku- tlons ami strikes for wages, ami arrays labor against capital and the poor against the rich. If this government goeft pieces that will ho tho enuuo of it. Money Is power now. Nobody respects it, and yet everybody fears it. Millionaire* go to congress now, mm tho tlmo la not far oft* wlron nobody but millionaire* can go there. Do Tocqueville wrote years ago that our great danger would be the vast wealth of tho rich and tho poverty of tho poor In largo cities, for, said he, mammon is not men lAil, and when the poor are utterly helpless they will rise liko ??? tornado and sweep the rich away. Hut 1 havo strayi doff from my first thoughts, which were about Christmas and superstitions. 1 was thlnkingabout how wo all worshipped great nun, liko Mr. Hendricks, and thou I thought of what Mr. Carlylo wrote about wor shipping heroes: Mr. Carlyle said that every nation should havo a heto nud should worship him???not .Worship him m a god or In placo of tho true God-but the next thing to it. l(o sty* it cements the people together, and makes them proud of their country and content with their government. Every man. woman and child thru has a reverence for tho b&uio great man who fought for them, or died for thorn, or was tho founder of their Institution* or their law* or their religion. It makes no difference whether ho was a good man or x so they U-llcvc that he was, but ho must be great man and love his country. Indeed It not nvirs.-arv that ho jdiould be a man at all, but ho may be a myth???a spirit???an tm tgiinry Ideal God who is a hero who rules and protects and is to lw reverenced hy tho people. Mr. Gsrlyle illustrates ni* idea o?? hero wor ship with Odin aud Thor of the ancient Nor- armen. These divinities for whom Wed nos J y and Thursday were named, had the worship of that people for centuries and was only spplant- mI liv I' v .ii.l Otn w.iruMi, ???????* l*K????? In courec of time tho oracles got corrupt and ttld lira and gave had advice and the people lost faith, and tho empire went to decay. Then there has Mahomet a no table hero whom tho Moslems vvoiihiprcd and worship still, for he gave them laws and government nud religion. Great is AH: li and Mahomet is his prophet. That hero has unbind the teat of ages and is a hero still and ho???dsan immense nation in unity. Then there I* Ireland that hasitagod Bt. Patrick, m <1 her people* worship him still and celebrate his Mrt}. dnv every year. I liko Sr. Patrick for he bated makes and made war on them r o do I. Then came heroes in later day* ???Calvin and Luther and John Knox and Wesley, Mr. t???nriyle even speaks well of Napoleon aa a hero, for he rays he unified the French nation and it in Utter to have a hud hero than none r.ut the time has passed for enlightened nations to have a single hero. Our republic has pros- pored and become great without lieing confined to a single hero. We havo had lota of them, and wo honor their memories and their heroic deeds, lmt wo do idolize any man. Heroes are common for that. But we still honorsuch men ns Washington uml Webster and Clay and Cal- htnn and General Lee and Lincoln and Hen- <1 rick??,a ml wc have no respect for those who lovo gold more than their country or their follow in' n. Our people arc all after money, but no body likes the fellers who get there first and gobble up the pile. Bill Arp. THE GOOD WIFE KNEW IT. BETSY HAMILTON. ed by Christianity and the worship of Christ greater hero. Before Christianity came to limn they did the best they could for a hero, for human nature lias got to haveone.amlso they began gently with Odin and os genera tion followed generation. Koch added to Odin'* womUrfrtl powers, and they gave hint wonderful company, such as Thor, the god of Industry nud thunder,and Jotnm and Skryiuir, and they had us many wonderful tales Ibimasthe Pcndans had about their genii a* found in the Arabian Nights. Thor wm a glo rious eld ft llow. He hod a servant named Tbtalfl, width mrat-'s laW-??????manual labor,??? and he thought the world of him. Thor was always fighting for him. lie fought Ice and anew and fru>t all winter, and drove them away into tho dark caverns, so tliat hummer and sunshine and seed time and harvest might retr.c and blew* labor. Thor had a big long*handled hammer that ho called hia thunder bolt, aud whenever he got mad with the weather and wanted to make it rain bci hurled hi* hammer at a cloud and hit it ??o hard the fire fit w and made a big noise, and then the rain came down nnon the thirsty land. But Christianity brought a hero who they raid created Odin and Thor and all the giants, and who wo* a better frieud to labor and tho Iour man than ever Thor wa?? or C)d??n. And so the Noircum prospered and foiinrd kingdon* that prospered. The Homans tad a lut of heroes with Jupi ter at the!r bead and they vrorahippad thorn And counseled with them through oracles, but Tlie Experience* of a Drunkard Who One Day Broke the Ffnfift That Enslaved Iffin, Angelica, N. Y., December 8.???There is a retired cobbler living in this place who de serves the respect of hia countrymen for moral courage. Ten years ago he was. and had been for a long time,'a eonflrmca inebriate???not a pn- liodirnl spreer, hut a genuine soaker, warrant- i d not to draw a sober breath from sun to sun. Ocrcf-innally the fumes of tho whisky with w hich he plied himself would clear away frbm his befogged brain, and at such times his men f??I equilibrium would wrcstlo with tho proh- It ni of tots 1 or even partial abstinence, to be utterly wrecked nt the sight of his haunts or the first faint call of his system for tiro stlrnu- bait which long use had rendered peremptory. One day, however, a halt was called, aud this is the way lie tolls of it: ???J was nn my way to tho Imm when I saw a f mall make in niy path, 1 kicked it with uiy hoot and 1 turned to n hit of crooked twig wldeh 1 snapjicd in my hand and threw away. I thought nothing more of the matter until 1 reached the barn, when directly before nro a second make twisted aeror?? the hoard*. With a quit k spring I seized it and it proved to bo a whip Hsii. A sudden horrible rear made mo faint and weak. I sat down on tho lower rung of the ladder lending to the loft and Wiped the cold sweat from my forehead. *' ???Hnskcs, by Jericho!??? I exclaimed, ???that tnes us Inslncs,??? ???Then I stated straight ahead at a corn stalk tl at rcon l egnn slowly to wiggle and curve. With bursting eyeballs nud all the strength of luind Iroormd 1 forced that corn stalk hack fioin thl animal to the vegetable kingdom,and tin n 1 staggered feebly out into the open air. I Nam???d against a fence, and for fear I should ecu more of 1 hose terrible twisting things, I clung to n nost and closed my eyes. *??????Time Is called, Jim,??? i said to myself whisky nud you part company today;??? and soberer than I lmd been for many months, though with no more strength than a baby, I managed to get back to the house. 'There was a fight, though! I didn???t tell my wife, for I had made a good many pro mis'* that hadn???t held water, and 1 thought I???d go it alone for awhile. 1 got up In tho morninj* after a terrible night, with the thirst of tF chased fox upon me. Water wouldn???t quench It, all'll tried milk. I crept into tho milk room, slipped a straw Into the edge of a cream- rov'rcdpan, uml sucked out tho milk until only tho cream was left, lowered smooth and unbroken to the bottom. Then I tackled an other and another, until the flcrco craving was somewhat dulled. It was ?? household mystery * H??t became of the milk. Noott could lap It, y wife Sfltd, and leave tho sidoa and cream ??? untouched, and where did It go? "I let them talk, tot the efnigvl* was too tore and fearful to bo apoken^of, and I went on drinking the milk. * The rend from my house to my shop lay hy the gropgery. When I left my gate tho morn ing 1 took tho road, aud on a dead run, as if j tmtird, 1 made the distance. I ran hard all the wny home to dinner, and back after that mini, never, in fact, trusting myself to walk, or oven take to tho sidewalk for months. Tho cure was slow. I keep all the brakes hard sot yet. A single gin * of hard cider would undo the work of all these year*, but you can bet that gluss doesn't touch my lip* while tho memory of there little crawling black reptiles Slavs with me.??? ???And did your wife finally learn what be came of the milk???? he was asked. ???Yes,??? mid his voice broke. ???I told her on her deathbed. "Mini, dear,??? she said, when 1 had finished, with her hand clapped in mino??????Jim, dear, I knew it all the time.* IN A ltt.17.ZA Itl>. Ectay Ha* Been to One, end Bu Invitations to B era 1 Here The QulHtae* sed Cind/ PttHfaga??? Til* Kachers and Their Pumpkins- Scent a in Rural Lite, Etc., Etc. A Hough Experience In n Storm of Sleet Vratrle. v tho Chicago New*. ever miw a bllz/ard on?" win tho query of William Orvla, from Minnesota, yesterday. ???Well, if you never raw one you don't know anything about it. Only those having |uwvd through genuine one con appreciate it. I was once caught >ut in one aud I know how it look* and foci*. 1 left my hourc to go to a neighbor's, about half a ~away, one morning when the iky r~ loud* but them wu* no wind, look* that there returned, knew would be mow before and put on my hutlhlo rout, after 1 hud started on the return trip the mow Ik-. pan to fall and the wind to blow. In lot time than it takes to tell it a mixture of hail uml snow *?? line n??* meal came Watlng In uiy face, nlmo>t blinding me. 1 buckled up my coot cloa could ami pulled my cap over my earn, hut all to no purpose. The Meet sifted through :ho front of (lie coat, inside the collar, and down my hack until 1 us* nearly wild. 1 couldn't keep my eymopena second, turn which way I would. I bad only a short dbtuucu to so to reach my m\ lut it might a* well have beau lie. 1 staggered on until I must have tramped .... miles, but whether 1 was going in a ???traixht line or In a circle 1 knew not. I was very nearly dis content d u hen 1 stepped in a hole and down I w ent. - - ,a* a relief to land anywhere out of the tvanh of . . t elling tdcct.nud as i did not fall far, 1 felt per fectly satisfied. On examining my quarter* J found them to U n culvert, aud knew Iff could keep a bole large enough to admit a little air 1 would tx* letter eff Hum I would be outside: Ainl po t self ltd down. llow many hour* I stayed there 1 can???t ray. but I finally aroused l??y hearing voices near me and .... next moment the cold ntr from the out>ide murk me and 1 knew no more, l had fainted. My t'.vigld-or* hod mimd nanhforme *'* after being k They carried me to the hi i! had organized ???l a few hours in hot blankets. I came to AM was III right. I never want another ex perience like that, imagine the snow fhrnr a bll* ??? *---. | - - nail-hole m * the velocity of it 1>???? Yon Mean Itudnesn? Well, if von have strength to push your bus- ice *#, it U well. But many a mxu???s business bn* broken down because the nuin was broken down, am! had no mu-h in him. If yon want to make a rutvcM, build up your system hv tho use of Brown???s Iron Bitters. Mr. W. M. Win- free, of Petersburg, Vn , gays: "Then* ia no tr-??d<cinc rcual to Brown???* Iron Ritters for general debility.??? It cures dyspepsia, en riches the blood and strengthens the muscles. Tlie Old Spinning Jinny, mm the Katuoton, Ha., Chronicle. There is a spinning wheel in Midway, n^vr this city, that Mr*. Martha Thomas spun upon 18ft years ago, aud it U in good order, all hut the ftdndle, which has been lost, Mrs. Thomas Was toe mother of Colonel John 8. Thornt??, Who lived to a great age himself, and died a fr w years ago. The Nurse at the llnlddr of the Mck will find a safeguard and purifier in Darhv???s Trophylsitic Fluid. It will thoroughly purify the air of the room and destroy all dtsue germs arising from the patient, tho bed. ni ??Ut ???hairs, etc. The patlcut will obtain refreshing relief by being sponged with a small quantity of the Fluid diluted with water. For safety, cleanliness And comfort in the sick room the Hu id i?? indispensable. Christmas frolics is done sot in yearncot in this settlement now, aud you wont hear noth ing Lut fiddlin and danciu plum on tel new yew's day. Our gang???s l>cen axed to so many it makes my Lead swim to mind ???em all, wero done been,to one and got u invite to six We was axeil to Miss Hasher to tho "punkin dry in???.??? I never beam of a pnnkin dryin afore. We'un allers dried onrpnnkins every year but never thought about axin help. Wife* Hasher she lowed her gals was a fixin' up for a quiltin??? and as long an so much vittlcs had to bo cooked, any how, she would ax Koine of the old folks to come and help fix her punkins to dry. The Hashers riz a powerful chance of big valler punkins in ther new goun'fiel??? ami the biggest un taken the silver cup and blue rib- bin at the fair; and Miss Hnehcr she got tho news from town that dried punkins was a gwine to fetch a whalin price this year, and she aimed to fix a chance of ???em to sell. Ho the invite went all around the settlement. She rent it by a little nigger and it was black and grcaj-y time it got to we???uns. It read: ???Cura tu mi hows tu tbee punkfu drine on a chose* dy nite marthy an hasher at hom her party.??? Hhe lowed that night "Fin a powerful nun*l to mix work longer piav and I gits a right unart chance er woik done that way. too," nmlOmn maw Lnftis she 'lowed ???you air right Mia Hasher, if ther wa* more work an i less play ther???d he more work done.??? I*be Goodens on tothe r side er the creek most ingintnerly opens up the frolics this timo a year with a quiltin' or a eviuly pullin??? or lump???n or other, and it takes tho rounds, ever bodv else has to give a party or some sorter to do, and penr* like they don???t know when to stop. But the Hashers got ahead of the Goodens this year. They ie<l off with a punkin dryin. We???uns nil went. I???um and Bunch Bcroggins was lure from town and B-ineh she was most ravin distracted to go to a quilt in. hadn't never hem to no quiltin in her lire, and they both liken to a tuck a fit when they Itcarn about the punkin dryin, Buddy lie???s allers high up for gwine to tho Ifnahere???he lows they feed so good over tin lie axed Mis* Bunch for tho pleasure of h< company end lowed they???d go whether Any body else went or not. Cousin l???ink she lowed it was mostly for ot folks, and she didn???t keer nothin??? about gwin< hut when sho seed some of tho settlement hoys ride up and hitch ther crittors to tho ft nee, she taken a notion all of a suddent she believed she???d go. They come to ax the pleas ure of our company to tho pumpkin dryin*, Cousin Jake, Iky Itohenon, Cap Dewberry and Jack Singleton. 1 knowed in reason (.'up he aim to ax me for my company. Zftck Singleton, ho didn???t keer no more about gwine longer tne, than tethers, but ho loves to torment Cap, and whiio Cap???s little hob tail mule was a ratin??? around and Cap ho was a tryiu??? to hitch him, Zauk hurried in the houso and ask'd me for my company to tho purakin dryin; and when Cap got in he taken the dry grins aud lowed it wasnt fair. The dry grins hurts???most all of us has had cm icmc time or other and can guest how poor Cap felt. And what rondo It wnsrer on C??p, hu turned around and axed Miss Bunch for her company and alio had done promised Buddy, then he axed Cousin Pink and mIio had prom- ired to go longer Iky Roberson???and by that time tothcr boys was all ahead of him. Fiur- rfdy Trnnysy had slipped nut when she seed the boys a comin to put on her tothcr rout i>nd come back in good time to get Cap???* inviW,U|ji I??? don???t know what Cop would \r done fr Finr- rldy hadn???t er tuck pity on him, for tho dry grina wns n jqlttin* the upper hand of him dret- fril. Cousin Jnkc. he aimed to go longer Miss Push, lut Jim Wiggin* was ahead of him, and so Ctusin Jake ho taken the pleasure of Cule* deny'a company. The Williamson and Stnngfoller gals went l>y er hour by sun, all dike out in ther Suu- ly>, the red ribhins a Ilyin??? and tho starch hick on ther faces, (flour enough to make a hls'uit) and attcr a bit hero went tlie Crabtrees and Jhikinses aud Wigginsokers all washed up clean enough to give ???em a cold, and we???uns knowed then thcrc???d be a big crowd, that tho wholo settle ment must er got a invite, and over body and and the baby and the Bttlo dog would be thar. Fart of ottr crowd weut in tho ox waggirt, It was monstrous cold, and maw she taken but rock*, wo had Vm on the hath for dog irons aud they was already hot???and sho put ???em in the wnggin to ther feet, and kWered ther la|??s w ith a old tore seven star quilt aud a blue and red checks yarn kivcrlid, and they kep plum warm, but them of us that ??? * beast hack lack to cr friz???and whon tv thar Iky Roberson???s noso was redder???n his lu nd. 1 know in reason tho Hashers is got tho biggest fireplace and fliugs on tho biggest hack logs of any whar ever I seed, and it never token us uo time to git warm. Kack lowed ho wosnt cold; ho had laughed enough to keen iiis-ccf warm; ho most enjoyed his sef to death over cuttln Cap out. Miss Hasher and the gals axed us in???and tho old folks was settiu around the fire la the shed room, uud had done cut up mighty nigh all tho nunkios aud struug ???em tip to the jico logs to dry* and the room was blue with smoke from ther cob pipes uud homemade ???stingy green??? backer, come was a smokin???and sonic a dippin' Mint); and all a talkin???. Tho youug folks never sot down???they was a flying??? around, some in tho shed room, and some in the kitchen, and some in the loom ???ouse, and the gals all a gigglin??? and haviu' a power of fun. The loom ???ouae is in the yard a few steps from tho Iioubo aud dancin' was gwino on out thar. We beam tho fiddle away down tho brier ruteh road halfa mile fore wo got thar and Jitn Pinkney's big possum mouth a railin' tho Ustuc. He's alters tho biggest tuanat ever??? frolic lie goes to. Wauts ever body t*> do hia \\ ay or none. Bunch, she wonted to sco ???em dance, Tito lot m 'cure was so full wo jest peeped in at tho du>r. ami J in lie was a callin??? ???Fard-ncr* for a tqund-driU! All git your pord-nens how to your pard-ners???turn tho same, awing them corn-ilers???all to your nun-chin???swing them purd-uers???nil promonaue???every feller to his j'Uiuhlu- ladies to tho right???awing them paid-nets???seat the same.??? Then he culled cut lurtncrs for a reel, and another *ct came out. ami ho didn't atop callin. uml tho fiddle and banh* didn't *r-.|?? r* m tinte, only to tune up. ??? Ting, ting, ting.??? ???Tong, tong, tong.??? ???Tint Ung-tong-tung.??? ??? Chunky, chauky, chtnky.??? "All promenade!??? aud a tet was on the floor all the time. A little sal- h u face dirl-rnting boy stood and beat on tho fiddle w ith two straws and kent t me to tho tune of "Jay bird flew to tho HighL nd waters.???* Tea-patfh ladies set to your pa*tnew.??? V&ldter???* j?? y" and "Come, haste to tho wed ding.??? A t ddle string broke, bu??? hey never sti jped ft r it, and some of ???em hollered out: "I???ll le tcund for Bill Borkum, he's a gwino to play that fiddle as long as a t tring???s left. Bill he ??li n???t let nothing set him back.??? That fct??hed a big laugh from the crowd, and Bill tried hissef to rrc tow fAst he could play, and they never halted a tu nute tel some body hollered out. Taidncre for supper.??? "I knowd that would stop them fldd'os.??? Hays Cousin Joke, "When ratin' won???t stop 'em nothin??? else won???t.??? Mol Freshoure was most cut???n breath from dancin', and her panl- ncr had done axed her comnany to supper, when up walked one of them big green grin- nin??? Davis boys from H;turnon Ridge srd axed her to go in to supper with him. "Will you Intercept the nlcggcr er my company to supper???? says he. "No. I thank you, sir; I???m cncoecn,??? say* she???"I???m done chu-zen,??? and strpned back and made a bow. The table was loaded with a plenty of Tit- tier, backbone pie*, punkin pies, died apple turn over-, gtngervakeo, au*L taler costards, ard baked taters, bile titer*, aiul fiife tater pie with sorghum lasses on it, and lye hornony and cracklin fatty bread, and turnip greens, ingens, stewed punkins and siromoa beer, and a big dish of stewed dried apples. They all et monstrous h -arty and then went in tothcr Loose and played ??????J???shin for Jove,?????? and one of the gals get mad kase they didn???t ebeore her aud went off and cried end said she was slighted. There is er st aJJpr3 one gii in every crowd to git mid and pout and mako tethers feci had. Home of ???em 'lowed It all riz O???Jt'n'possum mcntli Jim l???inkncy???s smartness a laughin??? at Me nnd Bunch Hcroggins and Cap and Hack went in t???other house to see ???em quilt. They was on tlie la*t row and ready to roll the last l hue, and the needles was a Ilyin??? fast and the tt ugucs a keepin??? time???all talkin??? at ???Pro-s me the thread over this way.??? ???Hand me the zeissors.??? "Lend me the wax a minute.??? "Misslimber, you???ll hadder accommodate mo with another needle; this yer???uns done broke n???ready, and the pint???s off'll t???other???n. Them j oke berry lines got rubbed out and this shell got started crooked and ???nears like I can???t git it right.??? ???I wonder who had a frock liko this ycr yaller piece???? ???Miss Hasher???who had a frock like that flowerdy piece in that stair over thar in the corndcr? It wonld make a mighty pretty sun bonnet or waist apron airy oue???laws, laws here's a speekly niece pine b!ank like my Becky Ann???s weddin coat.??? ???Hold the torch over here, Bill.. I can???t see to thed niy needle. Gimme a dip ont???n your box, Sister Strong; my snuff haint got no staenk in it. I???d drnthcr smoke as to dip, but Im afeard I raought set this quilt a flro. Thar that???s a plenty???gimme the scissors agin. * never seed sieli thed fur knottiu, pass mo tho wax. Is you???nns beam about that ar thing in town that talks???? ???What thing???? ???They call it the???ar-rar???tho what-you-may-call-itV the ar-rar???telefore I believe is what they call it. I want to git to town one timo jisfc to hear it talk. They say Zaek Singleton make it talk.??? ???I bound fur Zaek.??? says old Mi's Fnsliours with her mouth full of snuff, "J hound for Zack???he can do anything he???s a mind to: he never undertook to do nothin yit without gwino through with it???I bound you h<* can make it talk if any body can.??? They divn???t know Zack was listening. Tho laugh was turned on him, and he run in tothcr homo. 1 hauc???nt saw so much fun scncc last Christ mas. Cap lie never seed much fun that night, ho was mad at Znek for cutting him out. Zack he made it &U up with him by lettin him go home with me that night. They fay they've both done mode ther brags that they are agwino with me to tho next tarty, but they???ll not do it, kaso Iky Roberson Is done got a head of???e m both. Betsy Hamilton. PEKING THE WEEK. Tnenday, December IS.???The Orville, Ohio, Farmers??? bank bn* failed Don Carlo* announces that the reports referring to the marriage* ofhts ??o:t to the Infant a Mercedes are premature The South Carolina senate passed the bill repealing the lien law, atul tho honnv overwhelmingly defeated the bill to establish the whipping post. In i hr City.???There men named Young father and two sou*, have been arrested in Somerville and brought to Atlanta and lodged in Jail charge,d with killing Ceptaiu Kellctt, the revenue officer, on Lookout mountain ..Jew Leach, the little girl who was run overby a negro???s enrelcsi driving last ueelr, Is rapidly Improving, and tlie negro who did the work was fined 9*5 and cost Jn police court, and ii unnant will bo sworn out agalust him by the ebild???s parent*. ' Tlmrrdny, December 17.???The work of track ing and returning prisoner* who escaped from the Jail nt Yttmns, Arizona, i* Intrusted to Indian*, who, It is ??aid, succeeded In almost every instance Hearts! fever of a malignant typo hA* broken out in Protestant Episcopal home for children In Pitts burg Bulgaria ha* accepted tho proposal of tho powers for an International commission to demur- <nte the Huljmro-Smian frontier under certain reservation* Severe weather Is bclngexpcrienced in the south of Italy Eleven European* wero inuidcrcd by llurmQMO trotips. IkthkOtv.???OfficerSteftan, whowiushot by a burglar at the National hotel more than u month ago, has returned to duty Last night twenty-five Itnl'nn* r atfiid through Atlanta on their way from Indiana to charle-ton, where they go to work at the phosphate bed* In that locality. Friday, December 18.???At tho River coal miners???convention In Monongahela it was unani mously decided to continue tho strike for tha three cent rate Mrs. Hendricks ho* filed a bond a?? ex ecutrix of the will of Thomas A. llcudrieks la tho turn of 217,000 While John MLmkn was feeding a pair of rollers at the Dnringer coal breaker At llnzclton, Pn., lie lost his balance and foil between the rollers, crushing his body to a Jelly. In- tii r. City.???Judge Met'ay???s decision hai not earned the nutl-prohihltlonlst* to give up their bet* on the election, and they say they will wait until the question is fully deckled Tho United Stal deputy marshals are making it warm for tlie m.M ildtiers, and every day orjtwo bring In a prisoner or a bicckode "still.??? Hntnrduy, December 10.???Hnow to tho depth of seven JncbesfeJl on the J 1th Inst., In Kansas a remains on tho ground yet, covering all the ft from ranee cuttle except on bottom lauds The business failure* throughout the aountry for the tint week number for the Untte??l Btates 23ft ( Hr.ada 22 Mr*. M. C. I.ueas has been elected Jailer of DuvJcs county, Kentucky, to succeed her huM'snd, who was killed by a mob while In the ilbehnrge of his duty The government of Monte- negro. In view of the general military activity on the border* of that country, hax taken tho precau tion to arm nnd equip A000 men. In tiik City.???1. T. Register's resignation ns sherilf Of Colquitt county was tiled In tho exccu- ifice yesterday ^Virgil Barnwell, a negro boy, wns -cutto the rock pile for thirty days hy Re- ???rder Andenon for disturbing public wondilp George Oaks had hi* left arm hurt while coupling the En-t Tenticwee, Virginia nnd Georgia railroad, and Tube Byrd had his right hand mashed while coupling ears on tho Central railroad. WETOR DRY IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE, B. B. B. BOTANIC BLOOO BALM -IS THE ONLY- GREAT AUD TRUE TONIC ???AND??? BLOOD PURIFIER. ANY HAN Whose blood is impure or vitiated can be cured quickly and cheaply by the use of B. IB. ]B. ANYWOMAN Whose life is made miserable by complaints peculiar to their sex can be relieved promptly and perma nently by tha use of B. B B. ANY CHILD Whose system is impregnated with hereditary taint can be made heal thy and strong in a short timeand at a small expense, by the use of B. B. B. A YALDABLE BOOK FREE! Drop a postal at once to B ood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., Jor a copy of their ???BOOK OF WONDERS??? Free of Cost. It contains full information con cerning Blood and Skin Diseases and their speedy cure. M. RICH & BROS., 64 aud 56 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. Offer for the holidays the largest stock of fancy novelties in plush and leather work boxes, toilet sets for ladies, gents and children, music boxes, plush and felt tidieSj scarfs, lambrequins, bric-a-brac, brass ornaments, and thous ands of good and useful arti cles. As the time for selling them is short we are now offer ing them at great reductions. All our art goods in embroid ered plush and felt scarfs, tidies, lambrequins, etc., we offer to close out at fifty cents on the dollar. This is less than the cost of the material to make them. Glass ware,brass ware,bisque ornaments, music boxes, toilet sets and thousands of other fancy articles at M. Rich & Bros. Besides our regular carpet stock we offer for the holiday trade a fine line of fur robes and animal skin rugs at one- half the regular price. They will be sacrificed this week. Nothing could be more accept table to a good housekeeper than these. Select an elegant Christmas present for your friends now. We guarantee that we will do carpet work better and sell carpets cheaper than any house in Atlanta. We have supplied uiue-teuths of the fine houses that have been built in the city in the past year. Our prices and goods tell the tale. M. RICH & BROS. Rmulay, December 20.???Tim citizen* snti- l liliioc ofeoclation was organi/fl in Sacramento, Cal., l*??t night, having for Its object the further ance of legislation to rltl California of the Chinese and the displacement of heathen by white labor. Tho French government has ordered a cessation of hostilities In Madagascar, rom to facilitate nego tiations for a treaty of peace Tlie Southern F retry convention closed Its ???c*don last night at Do Fuii ink Springs, Via Tlie City bank of lion- Texas, hat failed I*n??perty to the value of SUfi,- a* destroyed by fire In Montreal, Canada. 'urollne* qtiretion ha* been settled between Germany nnd Spain. In tiik city.???Mr. 11. IL Broomhoad, one of At lanta's oMcrt and most respected rlHseo*, died lait night In a fight between William White and Tsliy Kit???ff. two negroes, la-t night, White received il??ngtu'in??ai:d probably fatal wound on the head with a stick The aricdun well 1* still running, and thousand* of people are carrying away water daily Governor MePaniel lias offered n reward f fifty dollars for the arrest and return of Rce^c Walker to the sheriff of Sumter county. What a Swarm of Urea Did. .ran in Minnesota who had rheumatism, under took the bee remedy. Ho got into bed with a swarm of young bees aud tho remedy began to work, it took four men to bring him back to the faourc and forty could not have put him into bed again. Uo then did wlut ho should have done at first, used St. Jacob's Oil and is now well. A cough which ho caught from expoMiro waa removed bv Red Stir Cough Cure, which be says i* a wonderful discovery. H costs only twenty-five centa a bottle. Sold by druggists. MRS. WINSLOW S SOOTHING SYRUP for chil- dren teething, softens the gums, reduces tnflamma- tlon, allays all r*ta and cures wind colic. 2 cents bottle. A Biw Into her evt mortified wl ulated her upon the improvement c Tbs ???Exposition Universe!!* do Tart Cal in- sire??? awarded the hffbett honors to ANGOS TURA BITTERS u the most efficacious stimulant to excite the appetite and to keep the digestive cr^ans in good order. Ask for the gsuuiLc article, manufactured only by Dr. J. G. JX flifgcrt Jk Boos, and be were of Unite- Lets. Curoa Consumption, CoMa, Pneumonia, Influenza, Bronchial DtfBculttan, Bronchi tis, Honraones8, Asthma, Cror.p. Whoop- luff Couffh, and till Diseases of the Rrentn- Inff Organa. It acoihcs unci Laale tho Mcmbrano of tho Lungs, Inflamed i.r.d poinoned by tho dlseaeo and prevents the night sweats and tho tiffhtnoeB pcross tho chest which accompany It. CONSUMP TION Is not an iucurablo malady. HALL???J5 BALSAM will euro you, even though professional aid falls. JUST ADDED A. NEW PRONOUNCING GAZETTEER or THE WORLD, Containing ovrr 23,000 Titles, describing ihp trios, Cities, Towns, and Natural Fiat. a of every part of tho GioLo. Webster???Jt has 110,000Words, V J!, so jo Kngravlngs, and n Now Biogruphlcal Dictionary. fTTIffJf TPt Standard In Gov???t 1'rinting office. JL JKLJSd - { ???*000 copies in I???uMIe Schools. P;??! ^ 20 to 1 of euy other i cries. BEST Holiday Gift It Is an intaluai! ??? companion In ??vcryCuhooL mil ??.t every Fireside. frAC. MERRIAr 1 f. CO., i???ub???rs, Springfield, Maas. tEECATALOGUE OF BOOKS OF *, fiitcakers. Dialogues. Gymnastics, i, I>r> nm nooks, Debates, Letter Fortnno Tellers, decH-wky 4teow. mlTOR 18Q6^m Win bs Burned FURR la all kpslWMta. u4 UcuMi IK, 1 .?.*". '?????????W" 1 ??*??tes w ft eonUIo* ibMl ISO t #00 lUjiaUttloM, prlcts, ??ce??r%U OmctIbUmu m4 ??U ???dieted with Membranous Croup, aud do prognostU utfoneailscem to prognosticate in dat alrecshnn. | Mb. Brown???Foah de Utwd, am dat so? I had???n noticed dat Uo imli lum'a brain was 'fected. Well, yo??? euali him ob de brainouMiess an??? 1???It just knock aat Croup hfgher???u a kite wfd a dose of) Taylor's CHKROKKS BLMEDY OF SWKK??? GUM AN??? MULLEIN,foh 1 alias keep a vial in dc cabin. TAYLOR???S CHEROKEE REMEDY rvuiumi r-micr*, luuuuiis ??? ruiuuikiuiKCspeuiumiu principle that loosens the phlegm producing the early morning cough, and stimulates the child to |throw off the fabe membrane In croup and whoop ing cough. When combined with the healing mu cilaginous principle in the Mullein plant of the fields, presents in Taylor???s Cuirokes Remedy of Sweet Grx and Mullein tee finest known remedy for Coughs. Croup. Whooping-Cough and Consump tion; and so paUtablce any child u pleased to take it Axk your drueglm for IL 2k* aud 91.00 sites. If he does not keep It, we will pay, for one time only, express charges on-large vtze bottle to any pirt oi LTEH A. TAYLOR, Atlanta, Ga. SHORT-HAND BY MAIL, . Cncima O*ro UN;TA? IAN CHRISTIANITr. TTNITARIAN LITERATURE WILL BE SENT dec 2t???kwylt rack I???m! Cards. New Sample book and A BIG OFFER win 1 give away???,om Self-OpcratiiiK Washing Machines. If you want one send ns your name. P. O. and ex* E rcss office at once. Ttu* Nuiiouat Co., 23 Dew y. Amrawkyaftt ill beat old fiporta. Addroca IL O* irwcsThttfS^'S FOR ALL! fS TO 38 l???ER DAY -???fldly made. Costly outfit FREE; CKtRY, Augusta, Maine. axk your uelghl??or t h.- will ray buy tho Mllbura. W E HAVE A FEW ROAD CARTS LEFT: they are for rule cheap; buy one and save ana wky Reduct the Cott of Yout Crop I THE LAMAR COTTON CHOPPER. t RINTAIXABLE MACHINE FOR PLASTERS, A chops eight acres a day with one mole. Lighn simple, strong, thoroughly efficient and very cheap. Guaranteed to Do The Work ! Now is the time to secure it Send for illustrated circular. Addrm BLOUNT A HILL, dtcd-dliu-wR Atlanta, <4 a. mmfs lessfcsae.'tta: Itcturrr of Sb* toii* t ,otps I lo BWks Us follow tog3- IbeanUroffcri OaNtB I of ;o cfi.t* !<>t JMwo-ctai IwsSSmI ??at r*w?? if HW ws.arc anxiou* to Inrrvut our lid rmpUlv we will md 4 mm- a-rpdooi and s*??n in-.i, ???* ??U>r?? for only ft. >:??? rolcrt oil ???retprrpsM- trirtiditohAayo#re4??natll??6r mSEF&gvxriB&iSiw^iJssr. mill: BEST GOODS ARE ALWAYS CnEAPEST.??? icck at the ??? tun wky ax.???Mtrad you tU tlr.* r , p*4 erne ea???? of Er, fflHE LARGEST STOCK CARRIAGES. BV03 1 glea and w*g??gi?? In the sooth, will be round at MTOwm Won rtnnpany???s repository, Library building. Atlanta. son wky IfiCUTC don???t watte time canvassing fort RUCniO inferior pictures, but asnd at oa< catalogn* and detcripuon of oor nsw and el AIR BRUSH PORTRAY and double y??Mir|>r>m??. Any owe can show yonr 'free. Charlotte,