The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, December 29, 1885, Image 9

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA, GA-, TUESDAY DECEMBER 29 188 --SIXTEEN PAGES NEWS BY WIRE. Happening! of tbe Week All Over the Country. JVns to aeprto???iU taming sXUh surrey, Big with thtwmim of eachpassing dag; Births, deaths and weddings, forgeries fires and wrecks, Barangncs and hailstones, trawls and Irokm necks. Milwaukee, December 21.???To. Krebta, an employe of tbe Milwaukee c??r shops, was bit ten in the calf of the right leg by a dog about twenty-five daya ago, but did not experience any trouble until lut Friday, when the pre monitory aymptoma of hydrophobia seized him. He complained of a severe prickling aenaatlon at the wound and at polnta along hlr right aide to the crown of hia head, had awelling in the threat, waa unable to swallow, and restless to that extent that he could not sleep. He was taken toabath establishment, the theory hav. ing recently been advanced here that a treat mi nt of turklah baths would cure the disease if taken in time, Saturday Krebla passed five hours in the sweat room with the temperature at 165 degrees, and Sun day passed two hours there. Saturday night he had eight hour* sleep and rest, and Sunday again slept soundly. The dangerous symptoms have disappeared, and tho man ex pects to resume his usual work today, should they not return. The theory that tbe disease has been brought ou by imagination is dis proved by the fact that be gave no attention whatever to the dog bile, llois a Bohemian, and not a reading man, and knows nothing whatever of the symptoms of hyd rophobia. AI?? ATTEMPT TO DESTROY LIVE AMD PROPERTY McKeesport, Pa, December 22.???Tho Pen ney mine, in the second pool, was entered last nignt by unknown parties, presumably strik ers, and tbe tools of the workmen destroyed. The props holding up the slate roof wore ' knocked down, and traps were set to kill the men. . FOUND DEAD. Lancaster, Fa., December 22.???Hugh B. Fitapatrick, railroad contractor of the city, was ound dead in bed this morning, having boon suffocated by gas. On retiring last night the gas was permitted to burn, and in this manner was extinguished, the escaping gas filling the room. A ROMANTIC MARRIAOE. Cleveland, 0., December 22.???Ella Bige low, aged nineteen, quietly left Sunday-school at Doylestown, 0-, and meeting her lover, Hartley Boyslnger, who had been refusod per mission by the girl???s father to see her, the two drovo rapidly away in a buggy. An elope ment being surmised the whole Sunday-school soon rushed out of the church In excite ment. The girl???s father jumped into bis bug gy and drove after tho pair at breakneck ajpeed, bat they eluded him by turning into diverging road, and succeeded in reachln_ New Portage where they were married. The bride and groom returned to tbe residence of Boysinger???s parents in the pvening and a ban quet was served. Hr.BIgelow swears vengeanco on the sharp young man. ATTEMPTED TO KILL BIS WIPE. New York, December 22.???Gerard Murray, twenty-one years old, a medical student, who Is completing his education at the college in Virginia, attempted to kill his sixteen year old wife, Josie, and end his own life, early this morning, at a boarding house in this city. The parties came hero from Middleton, Eng land, a short time ago. Jealousy was the cause of the attempted murder and suicide. Murray tried to make his wlfo swallow the contents of a bottle filled with laudanum, and tailing in that he swallowed a dose of hydrate of chloral. Afterwards he produced a revolver and tried to shoot, but the landlady coming into the room wrested tbe weapon from his grasp. A doctor was called, who pumped tbe poison out , of Murray, and he waafockM up in the station house on tbe chargo of attempted mtflrdor and suicide. A BRUTAL HUSBAND. - beck room of Jsmcs O???Hara???s saloon from Injuries Inflicted by her husband, David Lewis, Saturday evenlni The case was first reported to the mayor???s ol flee as simply a sudden death. Investigation by the police revealed the tact that the woman had been finally hurt by her husband. Lewis and his wife and George Dudley and his wife had been living In a tumble-down sbanty on 8eoond avenue. The filthy hovel contain ed but two mall rooms, neither of which was ftirnlshcd. The outfit consisted of two orthree stools, an old cooking stove, and an old mat tress. Both fhmlllcs lived by their wits when they were not in the workhouse. The mur dered woman was only released from prison on Saturday morning, aftor having served a sixty days??? sentence. Tho pair were drunk together during the day. and in the early even ing Lewis left tho house to hunt for whisky. When he returned he found bis wife In con versation with Dudley. A free fight followed. vcnauoH whh ifuuicy, a hw uguuuiiunw. in which Mrs. Lewis Was knocked down and brutally beaten. After the fight the woman left the place and went to O???Hara???s saloon. In a back room sbo laid down before afire where sho died. At four o???clock she was found dead.; Lewis has been arrested. Ho is a hardened wretch, and says hia wife???s death is a relief to him. A MEW PORCE NEEDED. VjMcxNNta, Jnd., December 22.???Late last night Mayor Wilhelm and a committee of tho council made a tour of the city, to see how the police force were attending to their duties. One of the officers was found at home In bed, another drunk, the third inahouseof ill-fame, and the fourth asleep In a saloon. This com prises the entire force. A H0RB1ABLE MURDER. Detroit, December 22.???The murder of the Knock fkmlly on Wednesday morning last, was even more horrible than the first details of the -crime show. Besides being shot, tbe fktber, mother and one child had their headscutopen, and after being further mutilated, the remains of the family were piled up on the floor and the house robbed. An officer baa been sent to Saranac, where a man is held answering the description of "Aleck??? Howe, the hired man. He is one of those suspected of the murder. AN INSANE WIRE. Decatur, 111, December 23.???A young fkrmcr, residing in Long Creek township, brought hia wife to this place last evening, for treatment, the having suddenly became dan gerously insane. Yesterday morning the at tempted to kill her two children by dashing them acroea the room. One of them was seri ously injured. Her husband had a desperate struggle with her, and his clothing badly tom in Ms efforts to subdue her. Mrs. Maiden was apparently well a week ago, when she began to read tbe Bible dally. She confined her reading to the Book of Jeremiah, and finally .thought that she and her family were forever lost, She is mow in the county Jail. ,m A SNOW-SLIDE. Silverton, Col, December 23.???A snow slide came down the mountain into the Minne sota gulch yesterday afternoon, sweeping every thing before it. The slide struck the mouth of the Prodigal Son mine, felling the eighty- five foot shaft, and burying Burk, Hovey and J. H. Scales, who were working at the bottom of tbe shaft at the time of the accident Tbe snow was pecked so tightly that It was found impossible to move the bucket which went to tbe bottom when struck by the snow. A res cuing party is at work, but all hope of numb ing the imprisoned men before life shall hare become extinct has been abandoned. WOLVES MAKE THEIR APPEARANCE. Hillsboro, III, December 23.???Wolves have appeared in this vicinity in large numbers, and are playing havoc among the sheep. One farmer lost twenty-five out of sixty one night this week. The woods seem to be full of wolves, and the farmers are organizing hunt- ing parties. ALL TOR LOVE. Chicago, Hi, December 23.???Mrs. Lisxle Brown, a young widow, residing on Wells street has for some time been annoyed by the persistent attentions of Jno. Oakley, a barber. She tried in various ways to rid herself of him, but without success and on Saturday tbe had him arrested on the charge of dlaonlerly conduct. The rase was continued to Thurs day, and Oakley gave bail. When the Indy wsa leaving the court room aha was fol lowed by Oskley, who assaulted her with a rarer. He cut her ou the elbow and thou at tempted to cut her throat but only succeeded in inflicting a long ugly gash over the right temple. Mrs. Brown was earned into the Juatfce???a office, and a physician was summoned. It was feared that aho would bleed to death before her wound could bo dressed, bnt the physician sewed up the gash, and she ins then taken home. HE KILLED BIS WIPE. Binghamton, N.Y,Deeember23,-AtFlem- inrcIUe, this state, Aston 8baw, a farmer aged ft!, this morning abound finally wounded his wlfo, ngedts, end then shot himself Jealousy was the cause of tlfo crime. Shaw's wlfo has been living with a neighbor named Newman since October, while Show has been living with a marridfi daugh ter. Shaw shot his wife in NoWman'i house, tnd Ibcn went to tho homo ot his daughter and shot himself n few minutes alter. patbick euan???s views. Lincoln, Neb, December23.???Patrick Egan, prcsldcntof the Irish national league of Amer ica, on being queationed yesterday as to hia views on-tho present phase of tho agitation for home rule in Ireland, raid: "I consider the principle of home rule aa vir tually settled, both the English parties admit ting the necessity for such n change. I am of opinion it will bo accomplished by n junction of Parnell's forces with those of Gladstone, when the critical time comes: not on alliance, ns so frequently stated, ns it would ho contrary to tho principles of tho Irish party to ally themselves with either of the English parties, hut by independent action in the some direction. Ireland does not look for any- thin; focm Gladstone or any othor English leader from love, but from fears. Parnell, at an early stage of his career in 1877 and 1878, wor ried tho houso of commons with only six fol lowers. In the last parliament with about 20 worken he broke up the (Bedstonegovernment with its majority or 120. Now, with 80 follow ers, he ran simply make tho government in England Impossible unless whatever perty may be in power comes to his terms. Then, In the event of a failure on the part of Parnell and his party to obtain through ??????cenetltutlonal methods, tho recognition of Ireland'o legitimate -rights" England would have to deal with the Irish revolutionary ele ment, embracing tho most daring, tho moot Intrepid, tho moot devoted men of every race in Irclard, England and here in America. This lection or our countrymen want to seo the national question settled peacefully and constitutionally if possible, but If constitution al methods should full, I believe there are do lcnsthsto which they will not go to nccomplsh their purpose.??? Mr. Esgsn wished It distinctly umlentood that he did not ray this in any sense as a threat, but only ns an honest expression of opinion. Mr. Eagan rays tho lcsguo hat for warded to Mr. Parnell during last two months about $80,000. CUOTPED TO PIECES. New York, December 21.???Joseph Walsh, fifty years of age, of New York, went into the Brooklyn sugar house, near the dock, and while looking at some machinery fell back ward into ono of the circular cutting mills and was literally chopped to pieces. The machin ery waa stopped as soon ss passible end the remains of the nnfortunato man were gathered np and removed by a friend named Frederick Bird. He carried the remain i out to tbe dock and then went back to tbe su gar bouse. Several people noticed that he was very white, and great dropa of perspiration rolled down hia face. Ho could h ' and upon reaching hia workroom chair. Tbe eight had overcome him, he re plied to Inquiries, bnt he thought ho would bo all right in a few minutes. After a short rest Bird rose to his feet and attempted to walk to hia machine, but reeled and fell to the floor. 8evenl fellow workmen rushed to assist him, but he was dead. A physician waiaammon- cd, who pronounced the troablo heart disease, caused by the shock sustained In picking the .angled remains of Ills friend Walsh * itetflar knives. HANGED UY MASKED HEN. Denver, Col., December 24.???A speslal from priager, N. M., to tbti Republican says that x masked men rode into Springer last night and after taking the keys of tho Jail from tho Jailer, took therefrom Theodore Baker,charged with murdering Frank Unroll, a wealthy ranchman, with whose wife Baker Is supposod to have been criminally Intimate, end hsngod him to the telegraph nolo near tho Jail. Tho jailer, In tno meantime, gave the alarm and the citizens, after a brief skirmish, drove the mob oat. and cut Bakqr Nnrn just In time to save hia Vfo. Springer Is ho place where In March hut a mob attacked the jail, in which fight fbur outlaws wero killed. Great Indignation la expressed by the law-abiding cttlaeni over this lost outrage, as they are endeavoring to rid tho country of tho bad element which has been predominating for several yean past. HE COMMITTED SUICIDE. Beadino, Pa., December 24.???Near Shanes- ville.thls county, Michael Jtunnlngor, aged sixty-five, a bacheli he ...... u, .j . MNwior, committed suicide at his home by hanging himself in the garret. Ho had been missing since last Saturday. The old man lived entirely alone In a small bouse. He was a familiar figure In that section of the county, He had been Jilted by his lint love when only eighteen yeen old, sad since then throughout his life he never toionted any female about his prem ises under any pretense whatever. He did his own domestic work and attended to hia cattle personally. Thenelghbon seeing his homo asserted for nearly a week, made an examina tion and found hia stock in the hem nearly famished. The honse waa then broken open, and the decomposed body of the eccentric old man was found banging In the loft. No motive for tbe deed is known. HE WANTS TO STAY IN. Milwaukee, December 24.???Among Presi dent Cleveland's appointments betero -the meeting of congress was that of Dr. Everhaid as postmaster or Blpon. Tho oppolntee re ceived his commission, but failed to qualify be fore congress convened. This morning Dr. hard appeared at the office, presented his Eveth commission and the discharge papers of tho old postmaster and demanded that the offico lie uroed over to him. Hia demand was Ignored and he waiklcked Into the street hythepreaent incumbent of the office, who has held tho place for four yean. The United States marshal has been telegraphed for and he will go to Blpon this afternoon. REFUSES TO RESIGN. Boston, December 24.???N. W. Bingham, cclal agent of the treasury, has written e letter to Supervising Agent Martin, declining to resign u requested by latter. His grounds for declining are that his office is In no sense pollf ' foil! d partisanship entitles him to still continue fill hia present position. STRUCK BY CUPID???S DARTS. Chicago, December 25.???Tnthill King is e retired millionaire, cighty-ono yean old. Yesterday ha shocked society and completely surprated hia espectant heirs by taking out a marriage license for himself and Mrs. Harsh Bell, a handsome widow, forty yean old. Of hia determination tbe old gentleman said: ???Perhaps yon may be surprised that a man of my age should think ofbecomlngahushand. The reason of it Is this: I have been troubled for somo years with bronchitis and my suffer ings at night are terrible. I finally came to the conclusion that the best thief I could do was to finite my fortunes with a good woman who could take care of me???a none, in fact. Mrs. Bell Is such a person. She waa in- tcrested in the drug buiinesswithher husband for years, and is familiar with the practice medfeind. Betides, the has charms foes and figure which make her doubly acceptable to me. Mr. King???s former wife died on September lest. During their married Itfoof fifty yean they had three children: two of them reside in Chicago and another in the west Recently be gave each of them $50,000. THE ???LONE JUROn's??? BROTHER. Waterrury, Conn., December Si.???Richard X. Hotchkiss, s brother of tbe famous ???Lone Juror??? Hotchkiss, recently moved to Prospect, s short distance from here, and so worked upon the graces of ths good old Puritans of that town, who are known aa tho steadiest ef Connecticut's steady Inhabitants, that they put him on the asst district school committee. Hotchkiss begin at once to mike np with tho birchen rule what he lacked in the rule of three. Among his pupils waa fourtoen-yeer-old son of George Chandler, one of the leading form ers of the town. Lest Friday young Chand ler got Into an altercation with Mr. Hotch- kiss's sun, for which offense the teacher raw fit to Inflict such a punishment as was never before heard of in theee parts. Losing his temper he threw the bowdown, end with ell hts 200 pounds??? weight jumped upon him sev eral times. He then kept the boy in the school-room, although told that he was se riously hurt After school tho boy wes taken homo and e doctor called to alleviate his ???offerings. It waa found that some of his riba bed been broken, and other serious inter nal Injuries sustained. The boy continued to fall until this morning, when ft waa not ex pected he would live twenty-four hours. The community Is nearly wild ovor tho outrage, and the taw Is after the dominie. A wife-murderer, Indianapolis, December 25.???Counsel for Phillips, tho convicted colored wlfo mnrdorer, has prerented a motion for r row trial. The motion was overruled, and Phillips wna sen tenced to be hanged on April 8. This is the negro who murdered his wlfo and then eat his throat. Burgeons fitted a silver tube Into hia throat and raved hia life. When the verdict of murder In the fintdegreo waa brought jin re cently, Phillips gavo notice that he would tear out the tube and die rather than be hanged, SEVESKLY BURNED. New York, December 25.???A fire started early this morning In a framo dwelling on Sixty-sixth street, near King's bridge road, which waa occupied by Patrick Driscoll and his family. The occupants were In bed when the fire started, aud the smoko wna so thick through the rooms and halls that escape was made most difficult. Driscoll, however, found his way out, and gave an alarm. When tho firemon reached tho scene the building wus in flames. Soon the entire stiuctnre wss consumed. Driscoll, his wife, Mary, and a son named Patrick, wero severely burned while escaping. Three chil dren, however, were burned to death. They were John, Julius and Mary, aged respectively 17, 14 and 7 yean. Their charred remains were found after the fire was subdued. A DEFAULTER. St. Louis, December 25.???Information comes from Clinton, Ho., that Silas E. Cheek, a prom inent real estate loan agent of that ptaco, Is a defaulter for over one hundred thousand dollars. The utmost confidence was placed in hia integrity until recently, and tho hanks bad given him credit far beyond his means and honored his drafts for targe amounts. About two weeks ago F. C. Nichols, of Bridgeport, Conn., arrived in Clinton to look after a mort- S igo on property belonging to Onon B. Jones. e discovered toe name on the mortgage to bo fictitious and tho mortgage a forgery. Cheek had forged tho name of the recorder to the bogus mortgage, and had defrauded him out of $7,300. To save himself, Cheek gave a deed of trust on hta property for the amount, and the same day gave soother deed ef trust to save friends whonad advanced him money. Ho then left for Canada, and has no! been heard from since. Hta manner of obtain ing money was to forgo a nama to bogus deeds of trust, imprint tho recorder's seal upon the documents, which he could easily do, as he had access to the recorder???s offico at all times. Uls books show that ho has loaned $171,000 for eastern parties. In his uesk tho following was found: ???I am a thief, a scoun drel, a knave and a liar.??? This wss signed i'Silss E. Cheek.??? BLOOD POISONING. Milwaukee, December 27.???A peculiar ease of blood poisoning, attended with fatal results, has occurred In thin etty. About a - hllo t PASTEUR???S PATIENTS. ARRIVAL OF THE NEWARK CHIL DREN IN PARIS. Interview or Sr. BUUaxe with Peoteor-How the Little oe t e were laooaleted-Tbe Forty to Btmeta la Parle Ten Saya-A Vltlt to tko Laboratory ot the Sol outlet. werk ago Mrs. L. A. Bradley, whilo dressing a fish for cooking, punctured her thumb with one of the fins. Shortly after Iter arm began mcai conimiuu, no uavmx out from ft r ??*or, which lio, 8 ft Jiieco*onna mm mui 5 fish was fresh, but tho fin to swell and Inflammation set in, extending throughout the whole system. She died yes* terday after terrible suffering, and her hus band is now In a critical condition, he having been poisoned by a cut from a r had used to rein of?? ??? wife???s thumb. The _ Is summed to havo come in contact with do* caycd animal matter. SHOT AT. Kansas City, Mo., December27.???Christmas night, at Little Blue, Mo., Frank Vaughn was married to Ella Swope. Immediately after the ceremony, whilo Vaughn and his wife wero standing at a window, they were fired nt from the ball grazing Vaughn's head. ought the shot wss firod by Abram Nave, a cousin of tbe bride, who had threatened that If sho did not marry him he would shoot tho man she would marry. Last night Nave visited Vaughn???s, at Argen tine, Kansas, and said the reports of the Chriitmis nffair worried his mother, and asked that Vaughn and bis wife accompany him to bis home and deny that they suspected him. Thlsmornlng they started horseback. When half the journey was completed. Nave rode up to the buggy and shot Vaughn aesd. He then rode home, and upon tho approach of officers killed himself. PERSONS AND THINQ8. South Africa has 1,502 miles of railroad In working order. Thb cost of King Milan???s dagger and bullet proof esse was 1260. PBorzasou Swino???s pews, in Chicago, wero sold this year for 910,000. Kx-Senator Tabor, of Colorado, la to build a 91.000,000 residence In Washington. Since the siege of Paris, in 1670, the con sumption of houeflesh has gradually increased there. Old names for girls, such as Gladys, Elfrido, Wilfred#, Enid, Ethel, Clarice, Rosabel, ChrliUfael aiid Clsrihel, arc again becoming fashionable. ???From a single acre you can gather 300bush el* of prime oysters,??????said anoystermanof the lover Chcrapeake bay. ???This beats wheat raising by a arge majority.??? Cremation will soon be practiced in tho Pete la Chaise cemetery, Tarts. The city lias just given a concract fur the erection of a building with appa ratus for tbe Incineration of bodies. Mistletoe boughs for kissing purposes aro now sent to New York from Vlorlds, postpaid, at a cost often cents each, being thus much cheaper than tbe imported article. Jay Gould will spend tho remainder of tho winter south. His yacht, Atalants, sailed on Tuesday for Charleston, where she will await the arrival by an overland route of ber owner. Ths mourning drapery on tbe public build ings at Washington, placed there on tho death of tbe vice-president, will be removed today. It Is estimated that the cost attendant uponputUug up and reproving this drapery will bo 910,000. Kansas is soon to hare its first legal hang ing in many years. Heretofore It has boon tho practice, when sentence of death was passed, to confine the convict in tbs penitentiary to await taMrrgnJng of tbs warrant, which was never Ths lion market is suffering from aglutst present, although???since the Boudin war made it almost Impoaiblt for tha hunting caravans to do their work???Importations from the desert hava ost entirely. 8bo i depending npoti t garded as inferior, Ex-Senator Tabor, who is at a New York hotel, wean diamonds enough to make a king???s crown. Ills shirt front blazes with big stones. He has a ring mounted with a Jewel as big as a chest nut. Hin cuff buttons are about an Inch square, of gold, studded with small gems, lie must wear all told 990,000 worth of Jewels. He always takes them off and (Hits them in the hotel safo before out at night > going Kino Milan, of Bervfs, so say the gowfps of his court, has taken to wearing a hidden coat of mail, which Is, however, hardly what a Norman warrior would have understood by the phrase. Next the body It is of tbe softest silk. Over this Is a thick, tightly compressed lavar of eider down, and upon this again is a layer of wadding; lot* outer surface (sol tha toughest leather. This dagger and mllet proof care reaches from the neck to the knees and covers the arms. By the completion last month of tho railroad from Cspe Town to tho South African diamond mines at Kimberley, steam cars have supplanted tho tiresome stages and tbe great ox wagons of tho Dutch and British traders for aboot 709 miles along tbe direct route toward tho Zambesi. The advent Paris, December 23.???[Special.]???'Tha stoam- sbip Canada, which railed from New York on December*) for Havre, having on board Patrick Reynolds, Willie Lane, Patrick Bjan and Aus tin Fitzgerald, the Newark boys who had been bitten by s mad dog, arrived at Havre on time, and the party proceeded at once to Paris. Ar riving in Paris Mrs. Bysn and the children under her charge were placed in comfort In a small hotel near M. Fastonr???a laboratory. Dr. Billings then started in search ot M. Pasteur. It waa now five o???clock, end little hope was entertained of finding tho object of search, but fortunately tho precaution had boon taken to Inform him by telegraph of the coming of the party, and he wss found waiting In his office In the normal school, Hue Ulm, hi. Pasteur wel comed Dr. Billings most cordially, sud sug gested that the inoculation bo mado tomorrow. ???But cannot it ho attended to tonight?" asked Dr. Billings. "Certainly, if you Insist upon It,??? replied M. Pasteur. "The sooner, tho better,??? cxplaiued Dr. Bill, lugs. M. Pasteur then raid: ???My medical assist ant has gono homo for tko nlgbt. Will yon make the Injection???? ???I would do so most willingly," Dr. Billings replied, ???wero It uot so muck better to havo It dcac by s resident physician.??? ???Very well, then,??? rejoined M. Pasteur, ???I ??111 send for Dr. Grancher, my assistant, and ask him tocomo this evening. If he can cotnc I will gladly inoculate tho children tonight. Beturn to your hotel and wait.??? Scarcely had the soup with which the din. per was begun been finished when want wai brought that M. Pasteur and assistant would be ready for the party at 7 o'clock. It la scarcely necessary to say that we were punc tual. In the laboratory wore at the hour gathered all tha members of the patty, ??? including Mm. Ilysn. We bad to wait a few- minutes whilo M. Pasteur inocula ted a Hungarian officer, who had been bltton a E. VAN WINKLE & CO. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, 1 MANUFACTURERS OF fortnight before at Pesth by tbe mad dog of s ntt This officer, who is s handsome foi led been badly bitten In hta right arm. if tho laboratory Dr. When he ramc out or tho laboratory Dr. Gran cher ivodnced a vial of virus, syringe* and lancets. ???Begin with tho eldest first,??? directed M. Fastenr, whereupon tho youngest at once began to bawl, batons soon quieted. Young Use was chosen as the first subject, seated ins chair, and told to uncover hta abdomen, M. Pasteur was seated close to the boy on tho right an Dr. Grancher In front Tho latter filled his syringe, gathered np a portion of the fleali near tha naval, and before tbe boy fairly realised what was happening, had thrust In tbe Instrument and tbe Inoculation was safely over. The turns of Fitzgerald, Reynolds and Baby Byan then followed. Either of the children bore tho operation bravely. Tha wbolo affair lasted less than a quarter of hn hour. M. Pasteur did not look at tho wounds, but he was foil of gr ntleness and sympathy for the children. At Dr. Billings's roqust tbe savant was informed???tbst tho doctor hod six dogs looked up which had been bitten by the animal from whoso mad fury the children wero sufforori. ???Kill them 1 Kill them I??? ho said, with neat emphasis. ???But,??? laid Dr. Billing^ ???I want to koep them and ice If they will to road. The result wiH;tcst4he ,u ???Ah, very good l Excellent l???*respondod M. Psstenr. Dr. Billings asked . far Is of the laboratory, and M. Pasteur replied: ???Yes, you shall see all tomorrow. I willsho w S ou everything. I will take you to seo my ogs, and give you some virus to take to America.??? When asked how many cafies llkethesoho had had, ho replied: ???Let mo make 114 since the beginning.??? ???How many cases have you now under your charge Y* ???About When asked: t SO, and all aro doing well.??? * " ???How long do you want us to boys around here in the morning, so that I can look at them and tell when they will re quire another injection.??? The children slept j contentment and good 1 An Interesting Ceremony at the Hound of Kev, Ham Jones nt Cnrterivlllea C???ABTEHaviLLK, December, 2U.~[Special.]??? Christmas day tbe residence of Rev. Ham Jones nos filled with friends and neighbors towltpem the dedication of tho evangelist's homo to Goil. Rev. Ur. Kendall, pastor of tho Methodist church of Rome, officiated. The ceremonies were opened with the singing of ???All bail the power of JenW name,??? after which Dr. Kendall read a suitable pawago of scripture sud then offered tbe dedica tory prayer. Rev. Bom June* for himself and wife, presented the home to Dr. Kendall to ho dedica ted by him. Rev. 8am Jones said, In presenting the home, ??that he dedicated it to God because of God's goodness to him and his family. He and his wife had already given their hearts and their children to God and it was meet and right that their home should be given to Him also. The act was but the token of gratitude of an unworthy ser vant toward a gracious master, Dr.KKendall re sponded by ray lug he considered the occasion one of the most sacred and be hoped It would result In many similar occasions. He knew of but ono other homo In tho state that bod been dedicated toSQod in such a manner- He hoped be would live to rce the day when every household would be dedl- ested to ???*IIIm who is worthy of all we are and ail v r have.??? After many more impreeslve and beat!- ml words, Rev. W. A. Dodge, pastor of the Metho dist church In Cartenrllle, made the notable one. Rev. Hamucl G. Jones, grandfather of Rev. Sam *??. Jones, now In his seventy-seventh year and ???till a faithful preachcrof the gospel, was present 1 listened to the ceremonies with moistened sand fervent amens. The mother of Mrs. Ham ??? The day wV o were there. Oitr Two New Premiums. We advertise this week two new premiums??? our combination plow and our breech-loading double-barrelled gun. Our success with our sewing rfiadiines, Watcrburys and books has been to great that we Investigated these new premiums ve ry carcfnlly before adding them to our list. We are satisfied that they are ex- cclcntand that onr readers ??ve at least $5 in buying the plow from us, and $12 in buying the gun. We therefore offer the gun and the plow with confidence, those who Iray them will thank us for having brought them to their at tention. Htndy tbe advertisements and order either the gun or the plow. The Hoyal Daker ami Pastry Cook. 4 royal addition to tbe kitchen library. It con tains over seven hundred receipts pertaining to every branch of the culinary department. Includ ing baking, masting, proeenring. soups, cakes, jel lies, pastry and all kinds of sweetmeats, including receipts for the most delicious candles, cordials, beverages aud all other neeamery knowledge of the chef de cuisine of the most exacting cptcare, as well as for the more modest housewife, who de sires to prepare for her lord mid master a repast that fhall be both wholesome and eronoatcal. With each receipt is given ftill and explicit direc tions for potting together, manipulating, shaping, lab ing, and kind orutensU to be used, *o that a not fw can go through the operation with *occea$: white a special and important feature Is made of the mode of preparing all kinds of food and dell- racial for tbe sick. The book has been prepared under tbe direction of Professor Rodmaul.latechef cf tbe New York cooking school, and is the mo* ??? Me of the recent coitions noon Uys subject of y that has come to our nouee. It Is gotten up Jn the hlgbret styleof the printer???s art, on tinted mfiM%Tmcmmrmio?? *ka will rend n n- Circular Saw Hills, Cotton Gins, Cotton Seed Oil Hills, Presses SHAFTING, PULLEYS, MILL GEARING AND GENERAL IRON WORK. TTeFurnish Engines and Boilers of all Sizes, Either Portable or Stationary. Nos, 16,18 & 20 Foundry St. ffi 214 & 216 Marietta St.,??? ATLANTA, ??? - - - - GEORGIA. THE BEST PLOW IN THE WORLD. We olto our tanner friends what ire are satisfied Is the best plow yet msdo. it la The Syracuse Chilled Hill Side Plow. ' It really combines three plows In onc-shll! side plow, a level land tarn plow, and a terracing plow. A ent of ft Is printed below. No. 26. This is sn exact picture of (bo celebrated Syracuse chilled plow. Its several construction makes it ???.perfect plow for hill side plowing. It is equally good as ft turning plow for level laud, aud for terrao Ing it has no equal* Wo warrant it In every respect. It Is simple In construction and light la draught. Wo havo been considering for some tlpio OFFERING THIS PLOW WITH THE CONSTITUTION, Bnt hsvo Jwelled tinlll It has been tested by a number o! food tamers Into whom hands It was put Their testimony convinces ns that It Is Ihohcst plow yet offcred to tho tarmcn of tho. south, and wo pu Honour premium list No. 36. TERMS: 7ho ordinal, retailing price of thb plow is lie for lbs bug* sloe sad 111 for tho small size. Wo oil the large also to subscribers at $11.80, or with THE CONWITUTION ons yssr it 412.23. Tho at H.SD, or wllh tho paper ono year st *>. Tho plows will bo shipped by freight from Atlsuls, tho buyor paying the freight,?? hleh will usually amount to fifty rents or less. WE A WORD OF ADVICE: RAWe hare never deceived onr readers. tVo have sold hundreds of sewing machines, tbotwanli o Waterbary watches, sront of our breech loading guns, whole libraries of books, n:>d all who liavo bought any orthesetblnp, know that what tre sell as premiums always tarn out bctlcrthan wo I prom ised. Tbe certificates wo print every week provsUhls abundantly. Now, we are Inclined to believe that the plow Is the ??? ??? ypB F BEST PBEMIUM We have yet offered onr readers. Tho tanners who havo thorn declare that they woold not bo withon them. You will do well to order one. REMEMBER OUR PRICES. Larger rise 111.50, with CONSTITUTION one year, $12.25. Smaller rise $425, with CONSTITUTION one year, 10. Our $12.00 Double Barrelled Breech Loader. w _.j*mium a aouuio uarrciica orcoon iow d for im and warranted to u* by tho maker*, tcrmlnod to print a picture nr It and gfvo it OYCS offered in America; and lz better than ThiztODlf ft! pih to $ grip i .. I er, rhnlwor openn ore, and warranted to )tr gun. wo do not claim that this gun Is as fine as a hundred dollar gun 1 of hsndsomo finish, with ollal walnut suck, oclzbsa trine ore 7 pounds, is stnoshoot- IJlut ss good execution assay hundred dot- BUT WE GUARANTEE ss good a shoot similar was 124. that taJuatssMfk and u good a shooter aa any 3|un-U.m it9aqf better finish thsn any K Hz tunever offered, sad a better run thsa the Jos fljr whlellf 25 Is nuttr ekUK">. It ??? si, Rujisb cun, ImportolsMaA^woyn^^owe^rtcyjOjoiifj^t^ji^n IlllSIi? tougut W . have ft good double barrelled $12. Constitution Breech Loader is the Best he can Ger.