The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, January 05, 1886, Image 12

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J 12 TUE WEEKLY' CONSTITUTION", ATLANTA, GA., • TUESDAY .JANUARY 5. 1880. GEORGIA NEWS. ABit To* B*cp Near Anguata- Herman Offlsarl Hcbtrahiun County-Sjj Lives Lost by the Wreck of aBtcamtr oa theC'i*Usho >ohco A Bad Accidentia Brunswick Etc. Columbus was In ft s-Uto of frenzy SunJay over the rumora which were received (luring the morning of tho sinking of the steamer W. JL rl«ip!ey. The first report* had tho loir of life plated as high fifty. As in. ptWHuyera, aud all of the crew, were from this their friends and relatives crowded mi «uud the offices of the Merchant*, Mechanics it! «i r.'autere’ company, anxious to learn tho « :n facts. The first authentic news, how c\tr. was received at the office of the Enquirer Fi n, from which It appeared that six lives were known to be lost, that three hundred hales of cotton were In flames and floating down tho n\ f r. and the Chipley was a wreck, complete- Jv I •token tofpleees. tii* rtory of Titr. wreck, f no of tho worst points on the entire river is i-.tarke's Clay landing, which is twelve miles north of Fort Gaines. At that point tho Chat- tahoochee takes an abrupt bend, and tho wnters, having gained fn velocity from the heavy falls abme, arc almost resistless in their force. It is the great fear of the river men, and has the reputation of lacing the scene of tuotc casualties than any other paft of tho river. Yesterday witnessed one of the worst rainstorm* ever experienced in that sect ion, the waters falling in blinding sheets. As night tame on the darkness was impenetra ble. while the rains were even more blinding than during the day. It was thus that tho Chipley, working her way down to ApaUclii* cols, under command of Captain O. M. Sparks, with Captain Ilrockawny and Kd Carpenter a* idiots, tried to make the landing at Stark's Clay. As the vessel struck and lurched tho pilot turned deathly pale, and cried out: ' We’ve struck upon the rock; look out for your lives!" It w;ts about eight o'clock, and many of the pavergers had retired. A moment brought them out, and as they realised their danger, a wild shriek pierced through tho moaning of the winds. Another lurch, and tho wator wa.-hed clean over tho decks, sweeping away the three hundred cotton bales. The paisen gm and crew realizing that all was up, clung in tin Isde* and timbers as their only safety. Fite tiicti added its terrors to tiio scene through tho explosion of a Kerosene lamp, whirli communicated to the cotton. Til* RJCfKTJ! COMES. it happened just at this moment that tho Naiad tumid the bend. Jlvr oilirer* at oneo gave orders for the rescue of the drowning nu n, hut the danger of going near the burning cotton hales rendered tills work extremely lutntdous* It was evident, notwithstanding the gallant work of tho Naiad, that a number vf lives were.lost. Ah tho disaster occurred Kir distant from a telegraph station, the nows could not sent off in that manner, and tho officer* of tho Naiad deemed it their duty to stay on the scene and render all assistance I'omII ic iu saving life and property. i TIIK DEAD LIST During tho day six bodies have boon re covered. Tho hooks, otr., of tho Chlplsy were tost, hence n<* lint of the passengers could ho obtained. Many of them, however, wero col ored, taken up at the various landings, and it has been impossible thus far to ascertain their number or tho names of tho lost. Out- of tho dead recovered was a colored child, three col ored men and two white men. Ono of tho col- ored men was named .lames Alexander. It has Iwen ascertained that one of tho dead white men waa Mr. McAllister, of Neal's Funding. Other bodies may havo floated further down the river. The boat carried u cargo of three hundred Ifttat of cotton, besides a largo quantity of gen eral merchandise. Tho Naiad succeeded in tying up two hundred Me* of cotton, but tho river bus swollen so much today, owing to last night's continued rains, that this cotton has Iweu floated away, and will ho swept into tho gulf‘tonight. The Chipley has Iwett on the river two sea- sous. 8he was a staunch river milt, costing $1H,000 in construction. She belonged to tho Merchants, Mechanics and Planters' line. W, It. Tillman, president. Homo was startled Sunday by the news that It T Jloyt, a prominent merchant aud influential citlseii, had committed suicide at hit residence in the upper part of towu. It seems that for the pest two weeks Mr. Hoyt has been very depleted in spirits. His health lias been bail for some time, and his family fearing suicide, kept a close watch over him. It h thought that lie has attempted to swallow poison several times recently. This morning, while tho fam ily were nt breakfast, Mr. Hoyt remained iu his room. About half past nine hi* little daughter, shout thirteen years old, Went to hi* room to kits him aud bid him gooa-byo before starting to FumUy.fcliool. t'pon entering, to her horror, she found her father lylug on tin door, the blood oozing from n gaping wound in his bend and a pistol lying at his side. The little girl ran to her mother with the tor- riblo intelligence, ami soou the family wa* gathered in the room. Mr. llo.vt had deliber ately placed the pistol to his temple and flred, the bait pepetratfug Ids hralu. He was still Imathingund lived for two hours in an uncoil- state. He died about twelve o'clock. The art was committed about half iiait nine this morning. No one in the house heard tho report of the pistol. Mr. Hoyt leaves a wife and h vera) children. He had many friends, and stood well in business circles, being n member of the wholesale drug house of W. 1). Jf« yt A C*o. No cause can Ik- assigned for tho Nuiddc except ill health, which may have pro duct d temporary aberration of tho Wind. The accident Itninswiek. in the killing of little Theresa, the acven-ycar-old daughter of Aidei man M. Ullinan, by a north bound freight tram ofthe Hast Tennessee, V irginia and Gee ul.i rallrcad Saturday, is the subject of i .n /. comment today. The ac. ideni is re- d ns unavoidable, and tto blmue is. «t- ttu ltd to tho officials of the train. Mr. Fll- luau. the father of the child, is the son-in-law* **' »*• -.of the firm of Mayer & Gla of Ml. GluUVri, ui iur iinu oi aiiiver »\ lilAII- ver. The child bud been to the store of Mayer A Gh over, which is located on tho lino of tho miifcl that tuna through the railroad yard, and was leaving tho store to go home when H r unfortunate accident occurred which caus- * 11 to lose her life. It seenrt that tho lixnka * e ranal were being repaired by tho city, i he dirt between the tracks Was torn up. / . child was crossing the track her feet rsv ■ u the soft earth and before she could •* tri. ,te herself the freight train backed down * • ’* her. Three freight cars passed over tho h. * a»id upi*or portion of the IhhI.v mangling Ihc th^h terribly. Her death must have been 1*4 n prty of forty-two fox hunt- erj-. amongst whom were twenty-one gentle- men aud twenty-one ladies, engaged iu the joyous sport of a fox hunt, and captured a a chase of thirty miuutcs. l he uog* m the race numbered twenty, aud wer»‘ the celebmted Birdsong dogs, the pack of Mr.\. S. Sanford, who within the last ten days, have captured more than one hundred aud gray, m Green county, s-i-rJ? 51 Morning Messrs. 8Wi ****** r *P luwd » red fox. after an exciting race, near Augusta. The ladies and gentlemen participated iu the chase, and the deg* were of the celebrate*! Kentucky 1,1 lhe lHCk, nil of which wen* white spotted, and ai they ran at Ughtmug speed, with the rays of the ZXSSfi!***'* thrir k ‘ vks thc * s « hi 8even of the fastest of these dogs are In Augusta, aud Mr. Crawford says that ho will wager any amount that after a red fox they can outran any dogs in the south. Deputv Collectors Strong aud Ware within tho last five days havo seised and Act strayed in Habersham county four illicit dis- HUerte*, with over twenty-funr hundred -a*. IMS of mash and beer, and aided in the arrest woonshiners, who have been committed to Fulton county jail. lcu A ycnerat cat-poisoning is in progress in ****“* J P ereU ® mh m dignat ion over it. KJohard Fau Iters, of Athens, who has gone oat wc f t to seek a fortune, writes bark from Fort Worth, Texts, that there i.i plenty of bfis- ine» out there, but that it takes a fortune t- start with. There aic one hundred and tRIrty- three horrooma in Fort Worth’ and none ol them can he bought for lets than $8,000. He is going further west. I.nst Saturday George Ingram, formerly Br nlfii county, poisoned his wifi* in Colquitt cMii.ty. lie gave her Abe poison and left. no‘ waltii g to see the rfl'f t. Two neighbor ladle went to see her before it was too late, ami lira, Watkins and Goto mail being siiiiimoned, rescued her from iU effects. She iv now out of danger. Ingram was caught and yesterday lent to jail to aWnit thc superior court. Koine Bulletin: Yesterday afternoon M licrrybill, while «t work on the Alabama road, revtu miles from Rome, found Mr. Ham Wood, who live* below Cedar Bluff, lying by the tide of the road in a dying condition, with his throat cut from car to car ami ugly cuts nil over his head. Just as Mr. Berryhill had sue. • redid in nulling the unfortunate man into thc road Mr. 8. W. Vann, who furnished the particular* of the affair, came along and assisted in removing Mr. Wood to a neigVwr's house, aud medical aid was summoned. Mr. Wood was able to state that ns he was on his way home, walking, a negro man joined him, and after walking with Mr. Wood several miles tho ne gro Wrowed his knife. He opened thc knife as if to cut a stick, hut suddenly assaulted Mr. Wood. After getting Mr. Wood down tho ne grocuthis throat, rtobhed him several times in thc head and shoulder, and then robbiug him of &I0 iff cash left him fo.- dead. Sev eral men who knew Mr. Wood met him and the negro while they were journeying along together, and Mr. Vann says that ho met a negro man wont distance down tho road with his hat in his hand and moving fast. Friday, night at Miles' mill, 15 miles from Augusta, on the Charlotte, Columbia and Au gusta railroad, Mathew T. Bettis, an invalid, sixty-five years old, was found murdered at bis store. Tho officials tclographod thc chief of police of Augusta that the murder pointed to two negroes, who were seen walking towards Augusta last night. Mouroc Parks and William Boorsm was arrested on suspicion. Friday evening Mr. James Holland, citizen of Haralson county, nml a young man by thc name of Ifughes got in a dispute over a note. Hughes struck Holland on the head with a rock, crushing in his skull. Ifp to late Friday night Holland was still alive, but never spoke after he was struck. Ho will die. From the Lumpkin, (is., Independent. About two weeks ago Mr. James Richardson, of this county, went to Baker county to visit tho family of Mr. John T. Kidd. At far. Kidd 1 homo Mr. Hichardson met Miss Mamio George, charming young lady of Baker nty, and as the sequel .shown pro- led at once to fall dc*|M-rutoly in love with her. Jim Isa handsome young fellow and it only took him from Afonday at noon until the next Sunday to win the affectiona of thc young lady. Johnnio Kidd was never known to go bark on a young couplo that de sired to get married and knowing both parties well and Ik licving it to be n most suitable match, rendered our young friend Richardson much timely aid in procuring the licence and securing the services of u minister. Miss George had returned home and on .Sunday last at three o'clock the Rev. Mr. Furry, of Raker county, performed tho ceremony, uniting iu marriage Mr. Richardson uud Miss George. On couple loft taking tho Southwestern train reached ('uthhgrt at four o'clock. There a carriage was procured and on Monduy night Air. Richanlton reached tho homo of his mother and miieh to her astonish ment brought his wifo with him. Air. Kidd accompanied the couple homo and iadcliglited at the successful termination of the romantic episode which began nt his home. Gcorgo J. Wynne and his brother, Pat V Wynne, are thc best shots in tho stato. Wo except no one. Pat is tho qub-kcr shut of tho two, ami will kill more birds iu a crowd tlmu George. Pat went to AIncon last year and downed two of tho finest shots In Alucoti George went-out hunting Alonday and Tuesday last and killed 170 birds. He has one of tho best trained dogs to l>o fouud anywhere. Pick Townsend, negro, who 1ms murdered three men recently, and for whom a reward of $£00 has l>ccii unbred, was captured near Camilla, on tho turnentinu farm of L. A. AI. Collins, about thirteen miles from this place. A short time ago ho killed a Air. Cohon, of Bradford county, Florida. After that lio killed in tho same state n negro, Jmko Mrformick, and about a week ago he killed in Lowndes countv, this state, the sheriff of Brad ford county, Florida, who was iu pursuit of him. When raptured lie gave his name as Richard Bell, hut on arriving nt Camilla ho was recognized by several negroes as Dick Townsend, and then ho confessed having killed two of the men, tho negro AlcC'ormiek and tho sherifl’ of Bradford. Towuscud ha* been hotly pursued for several days. Hi* cap tors arc Aleuts. Joshua Decs, «f Valdosta, and Judion Collins of Camilla. Amcrirus Recorder: Yesterday morning Aunt Nancy, who works on John Puuhun dace, in this county, came to town. Aunt rancy claims to l>e 101 years old, uud imjo pie who arc well acquainted with her say it is so. hhc can boost of having tho longest hair of any know n negro. Her huir will measure over four fert in length, and it the oddest looking stuff you ever say. It start* out from her head iu n tdg lump, but gets thin about two feet down and tben grows thicker to tho cml. 8bc calls part of her hair 'possum hair, soiuo more nigger hair, and the roM she has no nauio for. Bho *ays when elm was liorn her hair was a yard long, ami that it has Iwen cut several times, she dances around lively, and boosts of having made three bales ot cotton, fifty bushels of corn aud plenty of ’tafers this year. There i> qullo n MirAinong^the negroes near Ap pling fn moving from one |•Ialltntiou to auothcr. nu- place* arc alqiosi descried while others havo double thc numticr ncccwarf to work them. Tho*c who hare not yet hired enough labor arviiot at allioUiKrt altout It. They nay there Is little mon ey In them In fact none at all—and tho less a iMtucr ha*of'them tho belter lit- Unnuctal condi tion ut the close of tho year. They ivUIkow their iamb in «»ai* and raise what cotton they can with day hand*. Heine who hare tried this say it works well. Thc null was a very fine one. and as he was couiddcrvd a little vicious, lie wa* kept iu a pcu. He broke out of his pen nml attacked a mule on the place, and gored him to death. He thenfitarted across the country in it mad run, signalling hi* coming by hi* constant bel lowing, and causing i«oplc to flee in every direction. Three or four miles from the place where ho roke out lie attacked two young ladies, a Miss Mauley and a friend aud they made A VERY NARROW KKCAPR running into a house near by and securing door. The bull seemed to become more furious by the cscxti'e of hi* prey, and for some time stood before the door and by nawiug tho earth and bellowing *ecuicd to challenge them toopen the door and give him tight. Finally he started across the county and went to llev. Thomas Head who lives three miles from town and about six miles from Air. Tut Patrick'*, here he broke into the lot aud killed a fine mule of Air Herd's gored another so it will die and seriously wow ml id Air Head's lino buggy horse. Air. Head gave an alarm and soon succeeded iu getting his neighbor* together and they killed thc maddened bull by shoot ing him, not until, however, he h id done damage to the extent of live or six hundred dollar*. Due Thousand Dollars a Mile. A woman sued the EyaumUIo and Terre Haute railroad company for f\000 damages which vbc claimed to have sustained by being carried five miles beyond the station to which she w it* Umnd. damages. But the rail way-company thought t hi* *Im» excessive and nppcaUd l<» n higher court, which h*-* now decided again-t the p'.alutiff'An-l rv- hand tLe company froinliflUHty. A Che erful I'raiprrl. As we go to press a telegram from New York give- new* that cotton D up a sixteenth of a penny fn J.lvctfoola*compared with closing price.* In PccuuKcr. Thh might to indicate n nest rise in prices here. Iron i- nj\ trade i* Mur and the prospect altogether i> cheerful. ALL THROUGH DIXIE. WHA7THE SOUTH EHN FOLKS Aft if SAYING AND DOING. An Entire F«tni>; ta Kentucky Drowned *7 t*i* C< tiztug of« UJiirt-A Wtf« Aceidentn!!/ BUov.a atd Kilts Iter HastMad-Seutb Cerallaa Evolutionists — ircws. Kentucky. Jan.e* Puulejs. w ith bis family, consisting wife and three children were crowing tho Kentucky river iu a nkiff hit uight NuholasviUe. They missed tint binding place and the skiff *!rack a projecting snag, n}«i-tti»R the Wat. Hander* gut ashore but it wa* bo very daik hews* unaMc to render ns- snlance, and hi* wife and children wero drowned. _____ Virginia Thursday the legislature, after being In resftiou a few minute* the roll call in the house showed only 45 members prescut, six less than a quorum, and rcccs* was thereupon taken till 4 p. in. In thc senate, with a quorum pres ent. a joint resolution wa* adopted requesting Governor-elect Lee and Lieiitenant-Govcruor- elect Massey to take the oath of office next day at noon, iu the hall of the houso of dele gates, in the presence of both bodies of the general assembly, before ono of thc judge* of thc supreme court of appeals. Some time wa* spent in thc discussion of tho report of thc committee on courts of justice, to the effect that the term of office of all thc county court judgcHCXpircs January 1st, 188U, regardless of the date of their election, after which it was adopted lire tobacco association report sales of leaf tobacco for the last three months to lie 7Ti00,- «00. pounds at the average price of 10.23 cents per pound. Thc sales for the same quarter of thc previous year amount ed to 0,205,000 pounds, at an average of It.21 cents. Hi 11 re the first of November the plan ters have marketed only their most indifferent tobacco. The sales Cor the lost twelve months have amounted to :i8,570,000 pounds, at an av erage of 13.31 cents. Texas. El Paso wn* stirred lip ouo day last week upon information that a hold attempt was made on the night of the gid to blow up thc bridge of tho Southern Pacific railroad across the Rio Grande river, several ndlc* above thc city. Dynamite was placed on the track and thc bridge bolts wero loosened. A dozen or more men speaking English seized the bridge tender, Melvy, about midnight, hound and blindfolded hint, aud then marched him to lit* cabin. It was thc intention of thc men to Mow tho puftsenger train No. 20 from the bridge as it was crossing, and then plunder the dying passengers on tlin rocks below. Thc train was, however, several hours late, aud as day light appeared thc robbers fled. Garrett, thc murderer of Sheriff Davis, was Mirroundcd in thc woods near Blossom Prairie, Tliursdny, and captured. He fired 011 hi* pursuers, wounding John Anderson. rrett received flvo wounds, any of which would have been fatal. He has since died. Bundny afternoon, at the settlement known 1 Stack ley e Prairie, near Paris, Deputy sheriff Clay Davis xvas killed l>y a man named Garrett. It seems that Garrett was disturbing a Christmas entertainment at church, and tho deputy sheriff placed him under arrest. Gar rett, on thc way to tho lockup, asked permis sion to visit hi* homo for a moment. D.rvis allowed the prisoner to enter the room, through the window of which Garrett pointed his Win chester rifle and shot Davis while his hack wa* turned. Garrett fled toward Arkansas. A posse is in pursuit. TonnoBsob. Thc colored exposition at Nashville, Tonu., ha* gotten fully under way, and largo crowds arc attending. The articles ex hibited arc nil niado by thc colored people of Tennessee and form a most creditable display. Entertainments of various kinds nro given every night, and. large excursion* visit it daily from surrounding to was. Ex-United States Senator J. K. Bailey died nt liis homo in C'lurksvillo this morning of pro tracted illness, in hi» 03«1 year. Ho repre sented this state in thc senate from-1877 to IhM. Mrs. J. \\\ Bryan, of thc celebrated “Brampton Cliff” farm, passed through Chattanooga recently Mrs. Bryan gained the flrd prize at the Georgia ►lute fair last October for the greatest yield of oats to the acre. Slu* received in all nearly two hun dred dollars in premium*. Mr*. Bryan'* son, ten years old, made a very good crop or corn with a donke y. He claim* Unit J10 can make enough to live at home. The fruit from “Brampton cliff" re well known In tho market* of Cincinnati and hlcago. ( harks Ritter, ynrdtnaMcrnf the depot at Paris ta* fatally shot by n double barrel *liot gun in the hand* «*f Ids own wife. Mr. Ritter had been hunting; aud returned homo aud proceeded to dean hi* gnu and dress hi* game. Bis wife paved during the cleoniiigor the game, stopped aud ad- mind hl.-guu. Mr*. Ritter thou passed from thc “icarnco or her hnsbnud and ho subsequently nkhed hi* Job. Returning Id* gun to tho hall iu tho home setting it 011 the floor and told Id* wifo he believed he wouldn't load the gnu fur fear of thcchiklrcu tampering with It. Mr*. Ritter a-,-itiu }te*>nl from the ;presence of her husband. After Ids wife hud gone Ritter found ho hud only a shell or two In his pocket mill concluded to rid ldrmelf of them py slicking limn Into Id* grin, which lie did. lio het the gnu low n nnd went Into an adjoining room to recruit (lie tire. Hi* wife came into the ball wholly itn- - ‘ d and picked un the gun to snap it nt him, . 0 her surprise, the gun di '* * " ’*■ rowring its entire charge Into hi* A most startling sensation ha* developed in organ county, Town., over the discovery that the leading county official* arc defaulters to amount* nrying fh»m t'J.OUO to SI0.UU \ suspicion of tho ' ' rttkm ha* been prevailing (or -c - M-eret iimMlgatlnc two mouths ago. They hi HI HPJ and their report will t** made public next week. It leaked out today Hint the hum glaring fraud* ‘ as beett discovered. Kx-CtreuU clerk KeUttond, member of the legislature, i* -aid to Ik> defaulter •r l-'.TTO. Kx-County Trustee Kr* i» i* short about lO.tCt*. and cx-C'ounty clerk staple- i* reported to •o behind a considerable amount, staple* i« clerk and inaMcr and at present po-umfetei hi Lancing. South Carolina. J. 1\ Colburn, who was shot in thc back nt lmrlcftoii. 8011th Carolina, ou Wednesday last by Etuile Geretii, an Italian, who after* anl§eomtnittcd suicide, died at Mt. lieasaut, . C.. Friday, of au internal hemorrhage. The late Census of Charleston, rhows a tota )epu!ation of 60.11\ against w.OMtnl&BO, an in- create of over 9) percent. The white population U2Tdv0and the colored 22,540. The colored sur- >1uk conU>| mainly of eiiikln'ii. At Mt. Uleasant, near Cbarlt on, today a ter- rible tragedy was enacted. E. Geretti. and ltaliau. was beating his wife, when his brother, Geretti, atul Janie* A. Colburn, a well kuowu insurance agent of this city, interfered in the email's behalf. The wife.with her four little hiidren, escaped from tho infuriated lUsband, who, inccnsetl at tiro interference ropt up Iteliind Colburn and tired three shots at him, one of the kills lodging in the spine tnd inflic ting what is thought to bo a fatal WLtind. After shootiug Colburn. Geretti fieri to his farm, about a quarter of a mile distant, inirsurd by the town marshal and a j»o«e. lie erked himself up iu his house, and the p use being unarmed, detUnl them to arrest him. While hi* pursuers Were deliUnutiuir, (i retti .■lacol the muzzle of hispi-to! to hi.* mouth and blew out his brains. The fight between the evolutionist* and the anti-evolutionists, which iu* estranged the brethren, disrupted tho svihrLs and shaken up the entire Dresbytcrianchurch, has w rought a disastrous work in this city. It hs* depvpu- iated the venerable school of theology and in* catted a rapture in the First Pu vhyteriau church. The large aud wealthy congregation T this church culled to its pulpit t'.«* Row J. _i* Girardeau. This action was distasteful to the adhertntsof Dr. Wowlrow. Dr. (iiranleuu declined the rail. Last Huuday the sam • con gregation gave a call to the Rev. J. E.ig»ne Daniel, an earnest advocate of Dr. \Vj *drow and bis evolution hypothesis. This greatly provoked Dr. Girardeau's friend*, who put in a vigorous disseut. When thc call was ratified hr a mRjority of the con gregation a number of the most influential numbers of the chareh acvedetL 8itwe then many others have signified their detcrmiiui- ion to cut loose from this body and creme members of the Second Presbyterian church, which has lately been organized jn the o| jar part of tLe oily. 'J he Ncw’s^nd Courier prints a review of the industrial growth and rosourres cf .Smith C*r»- hi:::, rotcriug a period of five years, bincc Die b’uitcd ‘■txtr* census of i-*0. The review shows an increase of ^25,142,^15 in the value of real and personal property. or nearly twenty per cent, and a decrease 0 more than $5GO,000 in tho public debt of the state during the same period. In th,. value of the productionsofthe state and of the agricultural machinery was $74,lft'J,ttT:b In I8>fi tlie value is $114,'.*08,f;77 t au iucreasc of M0.718.71t8, made up as follows: The increased value of live stock #>.018,350; agricultural productions, $«8,02!>,221: agricul tural machinery $ 1,105,07c: manufacture: 5 products $21,055,240. Tho individual deposits in the state .and na tion:! 1 hank* during tiro past year show an in crease of $Hll,(tK». f'ormuercial capital is estimated at $10,082,000 as compared with $40,150,000 in 1«90. There [are 3,256 manufacturing establishments in thc state os comparod with 2,708 in The capital employed has increased from $11,205,804 to $23,307,510. while the products have increased from $10,738,008 to $38,403,257. During the five years two hun dred and forty miles of railroad have hccu built at a cost, cf $2,000,000. Iu fine, the re view riiows Hint the people have added in five years fifigj,000,GOO to the total wealth of South Carolina. ^___ Alabama. At Opelika, on New Year’s Day, Colo A Co.’» wan-house took fire st 6.-.V) p. ni. It had between fifteen hundred and two tliou-uud bales of cotton, lt'ls a total loss. Friday week, at Gainostown, Clarke county, a young lady, Mis* Carrie Boyer, aged Hcvcntccn, was waylaid while on her way home from a neighbor'*. She wa* found dying with a bullet hole in the back of her neck, and witli her skull crashed in. A broken gun stock, with blood upon it, was fouud lying iu the road. The gun stock wa* recognized as be longing to Alexander Reid, a negro living near nt baud. Reid fled when the aveugers called for him. The barrel of the broken gun was found iu Reid's house. It had Mood and hair upon it. The people of Clarke and adjoiuing counties, both white and Macks, organ ized n hunt fur thc mur derer. Two negroes captured him Thursday at the county line. Thc mart Gaincstowu was participated in by hundreds of me n. At several paces along tho route tho in habitant* turned out and demanded a lynching Rut the guard parsed ou iu silence until the spot was reached where tho crime wa* como L.ittcd. whereupon Reid was securely chained to a tree. He confessed that ho had done the deed, hutdhat his gun went off acci dcntly and then ho was forced by circum stance* to complete the murder. Thc men then built a pen of lightwood around the crim inal. The negro shouted for mercy, but tho flumes wa*l quickly applied. After burninj awhile tho ember* were scxtterct aud a new pen built up. the negro meanwhile suffering Intense agony. The process wa* repeated threo times before death came to bis relief. This is the second incident of tho kind in the same place. About seven years ago a negro preacher, who mur dered an old lady and a little boy and out raged a young girl, wo* in n similar manner tied to tho stake and rousted to death. A boiler of thc Gulf City oil mills cxplod cd shortly after midnight Wednesday. The mill was erected this fall, and all the machine ry wa* new and in good condition. O. O. Nel son of tho Montgomery*, Ala., oil works, i* president of the Mobilo company. Tho explosion was doubtless caused by low water. Ten persona were enveloped fn tho clouds of steam, and au Instant later in tho downfall of immense masses of debris, which had been blown straight upward to a great height, four negro men were buried under the ruins. Thc dead liodles were dug out this morning. JOE JACKSON. WILMS BLACK. MORRIS WARREN, and ( HARM'S CHASTANY, T. S. HTANTON, a young whlteman from Social Circle, (in., aud foreman aud engineer or the mill, was internally Injured, and will perhaps die. m will ni*o three colored nu n. ARCHIE PERKINS, the Hitman, JAMES JONES and ISRAEL ft RACY. There were terribly scalded, so that the flesh peeled oil' from thc body. Two other*. WILLIAM BOUDEN AND RICHARD HUNTER ere painfully but riot seriously Injured. Both ore colored. The explosion was heard all over tho city, and produced an impression ns if thc window •butters were being slammed, then followed a roaring souud like tho iws.iago of a cyclone through tall timber. Tho damage, however, was small, as the forco was exerted per- ncudicularly and the* mill escaped. The loss is about flvo thousand dollar*. Htanton was the engineer as well as foreman of the oil mill. He can givo no explanation of the cause of the disaster. He is very low to night. Israel Rracy died nt 5 o’clock. Farley, or Jimmie Jones, died at 8 o'clock. Pickens will die. Hordcu will recover. This makes six death* iu nil. Tlie Flak Singer* In Fremont. Cincinnati, December 2i>.—A special from Fremont, referring to tho statement recently made by a member of thc Fisk university ju bilee singers, (colored) that they had been subjected to gross indignities at Fremont, the home of cx-PresIdcnt Hayes, says the state ment is utterly false. When thc Fisk jubilee singer* gave a concert there two or three years ago, the troui* were entertained by private houses, several l*cing taken rare of hy the family of cx-Prcsldcnt Hayes, This was done not because the hotels reftiscd them, hut be cause the citizens wished to show their appre ciation. ^ MARRIED IN GEORGIA. Maxwell, Augusta Mr. l'rcsl White ami Mi Stargcl White, DawrenvIIIo Mr. Bud Drawncr ami Mbs Mollie Watkins, Lexington Mr. \V. J. Halmnunnd Mi.-* Annie Roland, Columbus Mr. \V. A. Rawftou a rut Miss Davie Stewart, Roswell G. P. Hamm and Mis* Sallic Simmon*, ccluitta Mr. < lurries ftoutrlte and Miss Sallic William*, Columbu*. DIED IN GEORGIA. Mr. John C. Carey, Atlanta Mr*. Frank Reilly, Savannah Mr. William K. Taylor, Ailanta Mr. Frank Edward*, Atlanta Dr. A. E. II. Best, savannah Mr. Johnnie Hamilton. Villa Ricu Mr. I*. II. lluterly, Villa Rica Mr. Walter c. 11111. Albany Mrs. Martha Lumpkin, Lexington Master Hanrell llayguod, Montezuma Ml** Margaret Randolph Hampton, Atlanta Colonel Thonuri HolcomK*, ftnoonton Mr. Janie* Ham mock. Columbu* .Mr*. A. A. Madden, Lee i uouuty. ltellerBonn 011 the Approach or New Year. Let us sit down, my soul, iu the twilight. Aud take up thc i-ast in review. Let us balance accounts with the old year. Before we begin with thc new. There ure moments we've squandered or wasted. Blighted hours which wc cannot recall. And thc t<Hdi*kcci<cr Time, in his day Ux>k. Ha* carefully noted them all. Has ht charged us w ith cruel word- spoken, With nets and intents to deceive: Are their heart* that our conduct has broken And who o'er our faithlessness grieve? Have wc turned front the cry ofthe needy, Nor listed thc sufferer's cal!: Have we walked in thc path of the tempter. And hissed w hen the weaker would fall? If thc look-kteper Time, to our credit $omc kindness has marked by the way, Some burden* we've striven to lighten. ’ Feme grid* we've tried to allay: If by labor and kindness we've lifted. Some Outcast ftem darkness and sin. And sought to the sweet path of virtue. Their (altering footstep* to win If we've given of food to Hu* hungry, The cold and the destitute clad. Have comforted mourners In sorrow, And the heart* of the sick have made glad, Then mtlhink* thc kind Father la heaven, There turns will take in review. And square our account* with the old JW Before we t cgln with theoew. OVER A CENTURY AGO. Front H:c Harannah, Ga., News. A glance over thc files of the newspipe _ publi&licri in Savannah a hundred years ago reveals much that is Interesting in thc early life of tho city. Savannah had not yet attained ti position to command a daily paper, and a weekly \vas all that the town could well support. The circula tion even then most have been somewhat lim ited. The carrier*’ delivery had not been estab lished, aud subscribers had to get their own pofcr*. A notice in the Gazette published iu J7o3 says: The Mitocribel* to this Gxzette are requested to send to the printing office ever}' Thursday after- noon nt 1 o’clock for their papers Among other things complained of the pre sentment goes on something as follows: M e present, n- n grievance, that no measures are taken -to establish a public school in the couuty of Chatham. We present, hs a grievance, that the burying ground in thc town of Savannah U not enclosed. M e present, a« a grievance, that the magistrates ofthe town of Savannah do not use their endeavor to prevent that mischievous kind of commerce too frequently ca»fiod on by petty shopkeepers on Sun days with negroes. We present, as a grievance, the several murders that have been committed iu this country with impunity. WepreH-... ...... . _ of shaving* and other rubbish in the streets of Sa vannah, to the great danger of the low Thc rates of taxes are ns follows, vizi For every 1001. value of houses or lots within the city or hamlets, fid. 1 a family st..—, other service, w ithin the city or hnmiets, Gd. For every fottr wheel carriage, (waggons excep ted) 2*. For every riding chair, chaise or sulkcy, ft Marriages aud deaths were very briefly re- jiorteri. In writing of a prominent wedding which occurred in 1784, the reporter said: Mairicd—The Hon. John Morol, Esq., president of thi> Mate, to .MI.-* Hally Powell, daughter of Mr. Jorepli Tow vll, of London, a young lady universal ly acknowledged to be itforefscd ot every qualifica tion necessary to render thc married state perfectly happy, ••—A raalchli'** pair. With equal virtue formed, aud equal grace, Distiiigui-hed by their rex alone; Her'* the mild lustre of the blooming morn, And his the radiance of the risen day." One ofthe most interesting accounts is that of a balloon ascension, which tho Gazette al leges to have taken place on September 30th, 1784: O11 Thursday, between the hour* or four and five in the evening, was set oil' from near tho Vendue hou*c in Havaunnii. in the view of a number of spectators, a beautitu! nir balloon; but what is enough to stagger credulity itself, we arc informed she hud taken in previous to her departure near 600 bushels of corn, exclusive of six men and neces saries sufficient for (lie trip, aud is intended for the island of Jamaica. Bets of great amount ure offer ed that she makes n safe and expeditious voyage. A postscript added to tho account suvs that should things tun: out ns expected by the pro jectors, they Intend making great experiments in future for this so expeditious and easy con veyance. There is no account of how things turned out, but it is quite likely that the pro jector* were disappointed. Tho following appear* tinder the heading “Taverns and Lodging Houses." At the Havannah tavern on tt: from eleven to one o’clock, good s may l»o had. Dinners and suppers ukcwisc will tM provided at the shortest notice by thc public! 1 obedient aud humble servant, RtcttAiin D. Murray. Jane Watts presents her most respectful compli ments to thc publick in general and her friends in particular, informing them that she has taken a commodious house near tl»c cast end of tho Ba; for the accommodation of gentlemen in board am. lodging, and hopes for the favor of her former country acquaintance. A notice of the opening of a private shod in 1701 reads: Thc public arc hereby informed that a school is now* opened at the parsonage in this place by tho subscriber, who will Instruct in tho Latin and lud the reading and writing of correctness and propriety, ipev ft schoolmaster it wanted cnpablo of teaching reading, writing, arithme- tick and the mathematicks In a private family. At the bottom of tho advertisement was tho significant line, “Good encouragement will bo given.” _ NATIONAL HOTEL Semis New Year's Greetings All Over the World. Bear Friends: We are going to write you all a letter, to let you know we arc well and still at tho National, hoping these few lines will find you all enjoying the same blessing. We thought it would be cheaper to send our letter Iu the great Atlanta newspaper than to writo on epistle to each oue of We also want to let you know the National hotel I* atill close by tho depot, and also close by “ “ J —’ 1 to the center of ... . . ^advertisemuch, and we do not have deadheads, slcti a* conductors newspapermen, etc., to get you to como to our house, and make you pay for tho fiddling, etc. Wo believe there «ro economy times, so wc'don’t spend much on foolishncs*. We don’t run much on snow, nohow: but you can como and stop with us nml lots of It by stepping across the street and peep in at “tho Pride of Atlanta." We are trying to keep out nail show expense, re wc can board you cheaper and better when you come to town. Lear friend*, we feci sorter lonesome, oulessa good many iff you arc here with us—pretty much most all of the time. Wc ain’t got no big syndicates or big rings to help ns out. All the little tubs havo 701 to stand on their own bottoms here In this urg: but wc want you all to come. Wc ain’t got jo big mimes for our vittles, but our eaten Is good all the same, and clean ; re is our beds. Wc will be sure to give you the worth of your money, nml “i honest welcome. Dosr friends, this is also to let rou know that prohibition has been elected iu At- nnta, but when you come you can still get some thing to drink tiLnoxt July, and it I* thought bv get it later if you want it. and if some, yi you — don’t j artesian a ell 1* here certain, and Is full of water, but not clean to the top onless you pump it; and it i* good water, too. but don’t taste exactly right. l>car friends, wc want you nil tocoinc—wo want to tec you all in the face—also them wc arc yet unac quainted with. Now, you mu*t come, and If you can’t come soon, write us when you kin. Now, wc must conic to a close. Excure our bad spellin’ nml willin', and with our best wishes for your 1 happy new year, we arc D. l T . 8loan* & SON. SUITED FOR ft* ax iorctudi c stnrsmrrx ros CA8TOR Off.. SENNA, BABY KVRL'P.T, _ I HU) PM. ETC*., J-’uR < Jltl.m;* N; a.nw TIMA MINERAL WATER*. A PEW K> AND OTfIKU PHYSICS F0D ADULT*, f entwining ss n*t»rtc| or v*hr.* '.Bjrri- out In^rrJifUl, ft 1* « nilr*-if Uarrutea* B r liilMnts and rttiidrea of off un>s, Mud etualif effective for strewn reriea*. OOSE SMALL ACTiCM fflCMPT. EFFECT CWFCiriNa For Constipation, Bits. »*/.•#. brat Conjre>U«>.i. SleX Lrow-ct-v-a, XcUtpoeltlon. Loaaot Appetite. M/sIucm. iurti- wckUoti, fcallow t>r lied «’«>mon. Tv ague. Bad Taste to Mmatt. lurur-icrre >!oa- ach,Complaint* of Children, aod I.I wr. Korn- ach and Bowel ahmeuia (en«:ally, tt u no* Absolately safe for dellrnte and nars* tic women* Taken oa«vriy Lj Uniat* and children. S AVERAGE DOS PR FOR S CFXTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure, (f TUa powder never Title*. & mure.of parity, •tract end wholeaonraeM. KoreeAmornmi, tl»n the ordinary Urn), and cannot be old in com petition with the multitude of loir teat abort m ilnm or pboapbeto powdera. Sold only In e ROYAt Burse fowsn Co., 106 w*U atreot. 1 ADDRESS ORDERS TOR DIAMONDS, WATCHES & JEWELRY TO J. P. STEVENS, JEWELER, 47 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA* nov 17 wky ly 12p Free. G>Pfi fats FOB COMPLETE BUSINESS tnOU COURSE, Including Board, Tulttni Diploma. For large Anmud ('atidognamna f formation address WELL & WJLLIAWS, Bo Green. Kjr. WW.COMMEKCIAL DEP. IIENT OPEN ALL THE YEAH* July 712thp top col wky 6 m full in luvli-n 'A Ui- card rms ftx.oo ciRccuRinats; mwsram decl—wkyl3t cow 12 p pEOI Y. i* EORGIA, FAYETTE COUNTY—MARGARET Jones, guRr“ _ - ' - “ w * * * “iglno, J. Jones, no\ F. snd M. A. Jones, r . me for letten of dismission from said 8 *'wir r j*Til . and official signature, this January 1st, lASii. * * - ** *' *”* * NKLII J«n4 wklt l-’p P. M* FRANKLIN, Ordinary. has applied for letters of administration CONSTITUTION OFFIOK. Atlanta, January 2» USff. THf WEEK’* RXVIEW. New York—Thc cotton market has been of ta&ris tendency all tho week, and dull and week fcclln has prevailed. Today thc months closed 15^' point* under the figures of a week ago. Spots, m!< dling OMc. Irocal—For several day* the cotton market ha shown considerable weakness, but not until tods NEW YORK. January 2.—The following is comparative cotton statement for the week today: Net receipts at sll United State* ports 237,85 Same time last year 208,* Showing!* decrease 28,721 TotalCreceiuts....*. tVG7,-S'i Same time Inst year J), 103,01:! Showing a decrease... Showing an increase... Total export* to date "—"-Blast year «a,_ Jng a decrease 181,665 Stock at all United States ports M l,079.039 Some time last year 1,017,795 Showing an increare.... 81.215 Stock at interior towns 265,017 Same time last year. 211,122 Showing a decrease 61,891 Stock at Liverpool 511,000 Some time last year Showing a decrease...... American cotton afloat for Great Britain 222,000 Same time last year. Showing a decrease.. SATURDAY, JANUARY 2. NEW YORK, January 2—The total visible sup ply of cotton for the world Is 3,068,726 biles, of which 2,715,926 bales are American, against 3,091,253 boles and 2,(29,C53 respectively last year. Receipts at all Interior towns 115,118 bales. Receipts from planta tion* 219,<*£. Crop In sight 1,510,909 bales. Live Stock* ATLANTA, January 2 — Mules *re In fair de mand with supply moderate. The market U no- 4.10. Miscellaneous. Flonr—Best patent f6.25gS&75; extra fancy 15.76 016.00; fancy fWM066.75; extra family 65,25; choice family 64.75065.00; family 51.50^61.75; extra #L23 061.50. Coro-St. Charles white 56c; No. 2 white Wc. Corn Meal—6$6C0c. Oats—Rust pre Tcnnca-oc 61.00. Hay—Choice timothy, i 95c; choice timothy, smalt bales, 6L00; . . .... Jo, 1,large Ibales. 90c; No. 1. small bales, 95c. Peas—Red 75ej clay 75c; mixed 75c. Wheat Bran 95o/a|1.00i Grits «3.'.*5 y Lbl. CbffeO—Rie J0@l3c w t»;old govern ment Java 25c. gugan—standard A 7J4c; grann- iated 7%c; white extra C 6j*c. 8yrup—New Btrwt. N»w York. Wear, iffwa ireiiif, and other* ecckic# IteaV.b, ntMiiib nt! Eaarav,t.Toa-!.'‘sHI ta •and for tbs "Elreuts Ifpvlew,** a lartra Itlita tratcJ i^>r^8i p'i± ft shod tuc ( rca wA« i to- It’treats on health, br*l.r.5, phjjlc*! tab tara cr.d rurJical I. n c-r.’rina uanttv oituctre with lose standlnr. rpronie. narvrjj. ca*.%u«» lur and patafut disco* s. Tour* m«u aa4 oehera mtb* «nfT*r free p?tt- erased mvictl debflttr. ub •:**• • Brtmature.Ire.'ina.atv.aro fDnopiiu'r bycansulUagfu cw/r.ti. TJi :cw4i.c*. ct u-5- tanaaved n*rsou»-d<rii ity sn meznsnr.d h-r% by tba odvti'* glveo. If la need cl ire V.cM atjorcoanv-l.r-*4 ltb»for»Icrr-tiuglr* ru*>II cinsa or appliance* c! #r.y 6+rrtpdon tr* yom WUI MTS liras, money »oA *. A4«Jrasa focfrc^r pr v Tho EtercrU a*- VisiriliNBitsJos/. Stow Yura. •rf’-dly sat wt' Avkv n»w Uxipsg . 3, bbt., 66JW: % iH2ooii5.or#WMHiV lk Meats—clear rib sides 5K#5WC- 8««ar^ ■■ average. 12c; small average, l: «. refined, 7*4c; choice loaf. ......... V 100 aim Rlce-sxa«ib saaaicei^-vieer rib «ldc» 8Qj»r<iuyl J hams, large ae | I.»rd—Th-n o*. . Lemon*—62.50013.00 > bov. Horse mule- shoe* 65.W: shoenMli 12}4&20( bound hames 61.00. Trace chains :x> i,70. in 'ji. to rAi-ii-i * — 64.00. Cotton rope 16c. sweile Iron 5c: rolK merchant bar, 2K rate. Cast-steel 15c. Nall* Eggs—170 ire.Butter — Strictly choice Jermr 2S0:«c; strictly choice Tennessee I’JSJWC*. outer» grades 10^. 12c. Poultry—Young chickens lOr^ire; 22y» 25c; cocks 20c. Sweet potato riouey—Strained 9rfi;2Kc; In the cc‘ Dried Fruit—Rough dried peaches S peaches Cc; rough dried apples 2c; evaporated, . k - owing to quality. J’caimu—Tennessee 6c; Nona, Carolina 6c; Virginia 6J^c. It Certainly Cured tltm. . Read what the great “Directory" man says of? “Hv.nnicuu * Rheumatic Cure;*’ An-aXTA. Ga., October 2, ISS5. J. M. Hutmlcutt &. Co., AUanta, Ga: Gentlemen—I wish to award you the credit of a! complete euro oft case of rheumatism (acute), b tho ure of Hunnfcntt's RhCumatfe Cure. Mr nurse’ rhild, H years old, George Dorsey, was aorelutelj curtd after Bring 4wo bottles Physician* had ap plied the taual remedies with but lfttl# effect, — Death of General Swift. Bermuda, January 3.—General Eben Swift, surgeon United States army, died hero ~ Ur 24th.