The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, January 26, 1886, Image 8

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION" ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY JANUARY 26 18? 6 STORIES OF THE WAR. Which Ntrer Fall to Interest Iho Bender* Whether Old or Yoon*. In rolling attention to our war stories thU week, we Announce lor next week a splendid, whole-soled letter from Werren Hopkim, » northern seIdler, describing his adventures in the south during the war. It is s letter every man north and south ought to read. I/>ok out for it next week. It is a noble and Interest* iug lotter. rnurr sum nr thk war* An Athenian Tells of the Hatties of Fort luwtsr. I n.m tlx Alliens Gs„ Banner. On the morning of the 4th of April, at four oYlork, I waa awakened by the boom of a cannon, and after that the rejiortH grew fast and furious. My father and the family with me immediately started for Mount Pleasant, and reached there Just in time low* the /lag- ttuff of Fort Bumter fall by a well-directed shot from Fort Moultrie. The shout from Charleston could Iks beard three miles arrow the waters as the flag fell. After that red- hot shots were thrown Into the doomed fort (Bumter), and hy one o'clock the white flag was raised, and the steamer from Charleston started for Fort Bummer to reetivc the Yanks, who had in sueli n short tin « I ren eompelled to vacate this stronghold, (in t hi tcuuier was young Lieutenant Has- kill. who. on "reaching the fort, was presented with a piece of slate hy a ^northerner, that was l>r< ken tiy the firat shot of the war. This ho nitrile into n heart, and gave it to a young la dy. This valuable memento is now in AtU- ci.s in the possession of the writer. When w gh.iin hark at the number of years, and con- aidei that the noble Illicit, of Charleston, with a ft wstaunch men. held this fort under the ljf'isy Aren of the ironsides and the 20 steel monitors, with lier broken walls of brick patched up with aand hags, wonrebotn to he illv gusttd w ith the wanton boast of the northern writers about their skill and war engineering. They could not hold the fort in its perfect Mate hut nine hours, yet the noble Kbett held it in its ruined condition until the war ended. Often have I watched nt night the grand but veritable bombardment of I he northern fleet against the poor old fort and her noble little garrison. The whole heavens would lie lit up with the explosions of shells. This, with the heavy concussions of the guns and the noise of the cannons, made it a scene never to Ire for gotten. and ns my mind reverts to tlioso days, it seems to me as some horrid chapter from •he noble old writer of Action. T. B.Toomer. Calti'ii HlrnUgem. The mrviviug members of the 5.Tth (leorgia regiment doubtless remember Cain. If he ever had any other name. I never knew It, for lie alwavs went and came hy the name of Cain—simply Cain. .lie joined the regiment when it waa eu- tamped in East Tennessee. Ho was uncouth •nd illiterate, but withn! possessed of a good share of “cheek 1 ’ and cunning, whic h often enabled him to extrirate himself from seem- alone on Colonel Ponton's lino liorao, ho tool too touch whisky aud became drunk. In this condition he waa robbed of all the nionov he had with him. The spree mid the robbery took place ut a little “doggery'’ on the road )m was traveling, hut he preferred keeping his loss u secret to exposiug his greenuess. For innately bo bud paid nil hif bills nt the dramsl.op, aud could get to camp before night fall. Put in order to do this he waa obliged to cross a river at a toll ferry. Uow to get over Uic river without money, and nt the Kiine tiroo avoid the humilia tion "P egging his passage, was the question ho he put hta wits to work. Upon inquiry ho learned that tiro terry was kept by nn old negro man. After riding n considerable distance, ho sud denly put spurs to the horse, which moved oil" nt a rapid rate, never for un instant abating hi* speed, until be reached the river's bank Cain was holding his hut in hi* hand, nnd began making rapid gesture*, nt the Raino time bawling as loud n* in could: “Row mo over quick. No time to lose. The enemy is after mo,” etc. Tho .negro secant! to comprehend the situation and lost no timo in laiidlug Cain sab on the oppoaito side of the stream. tun hero on this occasion was wearing suit of the colonel's old clothes, and hcliig man of commanding llgure, presented quite ui.iitial air. Taking advantage of this fortui ton* circinuitanco, he addnvMul the negro hy saving; “I was uiakln' n raid hack hero on a town, mid vot cut oil" from my hrigude. Them reba come mighty nigh gittln’ me, but I give Yin fhededge. I'm In n powerful hurry, and " want to get over yonder in them woods an hide out till night, and then Pit try to cross the river agin »ml .line my command. 1'iu gwiuc to set all you black tins free, ami tlx you up, so you ran live like white folk*.” "I . |>ertid dat when J seed you coinin'ilow do hill,” replied thene^io, * l-ut you better lie travelin', low.*. My licsit * w id you. but ill* place ain't htultliy fi r n Miigle Nunitod State gon'ill ’flout er umiy. Tak»* my n. v ice, un’ gi away film here fiw’n you eomc hero. I ain't no ht iuc-muilo i -u a fotohed «" t'W'r. Y Oil call '|K!llll on 3 Ye ! 11 ii to mill, and to Macon twice.” Mid iVin, putting his hand Into his emptj pocket, “let me s »• it lean get you seine i iiiiugo to—"’ "B!’. dat ban’ out'n dat pockot. allns fiieiid vou, Yep'u I die. El you i lieu ;,t do hour oh midnight. I’ll Md you ober.” For prudential reasons, i uin did not insist i n i*?iug the old negro, mid after a few hasty winds of further amuruiicv of speedily sotting him free, he rode away ns fast a* hi* i‘inild, Icaviig the negro to his day dream of “livin' in do l ig house wld plenty gowl Feat and 'l-a I er recordin'," G’>TU (1 THE IMPERIAL INCAS OF PERU An Ancient and Wondeiful Race. Their Veneration of the Coca or “Divine Plant " WUhin the lari few mouths Coes and Us prepar ations have come very prominently before the medical jirofcsriou ami public. The forthcoming review thereon by Dr. Ferdinand Sccger, of New York, therefore possesses uniiMial intcr-t .\ curious fact In this connection i« that the first « !• voeatcaof its use were specialists In throat affec tions, aud still more curiously,both began their ad vocacy nt about the same time and In Ignorance of one another's view s In. FauvcI. of Paris, 1* the cekbiated professor of laryngology at the great medical school* of Paris. Dr. Kroger on the other hand is well known us an American specialist in the some line, and who has counted among-l Ids patients the leading singers nnd actor* of the day. The doctor Is In hi* r/.th year, and though a young innn, has been active in many directions. At ill he founded (lie North Eastern Burglcal Clinic; at ~, the Hshncmanu hospital, and was made (he medical director: at 21 he was elcctsd an honor able member of the Imperial Medical society of fit. Petersburg: at the some age lie was elected physician in thief of the hospital which he found ed at 22; he J* nho honorary manlier of the Itoyal Adolphotr* Fyllogu*, of Athens, Greece: honorary t'OiiMiltlug physic-inn to iho llahm-mami hospital of Pan*; honorary numbir of the medtcai society of northern New York and of numerous foreign H-lcutiilc bodies. lie has written voliimulouriy, and Ids compositions to the Popular Science .Monthly on 'Ihe Lnryngo-cope and Khliioroope, or how we now explore the air passages, may he raid to l*o the earliest {opithir expositions of an advance in pincthnl medicine. which I* one of the most brilliant of modern lime*. Dr. Bcegcr trans lated from the German the celebrated work of Profovor Hchi ron the art of singing, lie Is the inventor of imi*>rtnnt throat Inriroments. and h n fil>Mk*jK.rean M-lmor. fiouiurli at to the two men who were among tho first to recognlzo the won derful value of tliet'oca. Having Jcmncd that I»r. Bcegcr is engaged in collating 1111 rluboratc bonk on Coca, I decided to call upon him to recurs, if possible, ntt advance ex am illation oft lie proof sheets. I round him in tin; cosy library of hi* Lexlngton avcnue mansion, and btoy with the very Mibjcct which had brought me to him. Prominent on his mantel was nu auto graph picture handsomely set In a gold and enam el frame of no less a jictmiii than the redoubtable Ben Butler, of whom Dr. Heegcr is a great admirer. The Coca i* a small plant .jet in hcf‘“* — elpally in r tree front six to nine Bolivia, Kquador, New Granada ■nu oruxu. 1 lie leaf is the (mpor taut part of the plant it* use date* lan k into the unknown putt. It wan first used by that remarkable race, the Incas of Pent. who*e advanei-mcnt In the arts and sci ence*, added to the splendor and luxury of their piiiaies and even humblest homes aroiincd the as- lotdriiinont of the early fipnntih Conqueror*, and with It all of their fierce rapacity and cruelty. Judge or the feeling* of then* greedy plunderer*on arriving iu mi unknown laud, to tint! a race not only cultured, pcnccnblc, industrious, graceful, •dhli-tlr and com icon*, but Also thoroughly wind- flil of one another* rights, w ith a profurioii or gold, I'tcelou* stones, rich nnd wonderful embroideries, rendered In palace*, temple* and even In themo-t simple dwellings. But now much greater their - * ‘ i*n they learned that all their ge" * little leaf. Illstoiy ha* 1 and trusted (hem 1 Coos. The 1*ook llere’n Your Mul We were before Ken ness w uml facing Bhor* man. My regiment hu| to he ou picket on out extreme right, 1 citing on Nooudary cmk. when u battalion of cavaljr—llencral Joint T., now Senator—Morgan's came by, go- iug fotward to feci the enemy. The command was irregularly mounted, rotue on colts, some ou hacks, souto on splendid chargers, anil oue. a tall, gosling legged ft Howe ! natued Rushing, on amnlc. They canto awe* ping by in u trot ami forming in line immediately lit our fiotti made n charge. Forward they dash ed in gallant style, hut they hnd not fir to go before they encountered a strong line of in- faulty ready for them. As the ob ject was to fire* rather than to strike the retreat was sound* d, and . * rapidly as they nd- Muircd they cau.e thumluriug balk., folio wed by frw shots—all but-Rush aud h1> mule. Much to the astonishment of all they kept tight ahead the mule with tail up nnd ears barked, dashing shwfpM for tin* etlPtnr. From my poinK ou the bill, J aduld see it ail. and it was Mas most hidfe-mtu sight I ever IwU-id, That long-lagged fellow tugging at the pmu*, Uytm to Mop or to t int his otntinaU* mule. Hint hero wasfea turn In him. Ho bad got bis head Migud nothing short of a bullet would stop him. “\Yoa! woa '' orie l itusliiug, “blsltu your fool ural, wont you vroii?' hot lio had jtivt as well been whistling down the wind, and nelog tmth. io* but rapture «r .Itit'.i abCMl the . des|Knato man nntied J»is leg* from beneath the animal** body, and with a smumeraault tomldGl to the ground Luckily for hire, the federal, were t«w well* tickhfl at the *it?ua to c;ir« to hurt him. and it would have done yon good to see that fellow bumping it hack, while the good-huaiorod yanks tailed oat: “Bto:>, stop, come back, here's yourumle"' To this day ir you want I.'tidiing. “Where is his emit 1 fight. »t ask To be t»ucc+»»ful la all nml»ruvinm In life, ut whatever name •.mature, vigorou.hodlljr health U tvavnU;.I, ao4 a dear herd. Thtrer are vnnehnfed tu all aimed lio*plinllty Mountiles. 11 ihx-tot . century. «•* the lir*t to write ■||mh| In Seville in nu mioque tiatii ile tinliis Ins ro*a* i|tic traett ^W^ITOTYtros linllas orcidontak**.'' Crislovsl ilc Mollr.n. a priest, wrote In 1*‘0. Next followed (liiviiis, who wrote lu 10u>, and then GarclU«h#ode 1a Vega, who wrote “Thor cunitoouutrteKofth* Inca* - ' 1017, ami Irani nr obtain tuircnrly liiftirmAtk*u. The Iiica-i 0 Ailed I It II enutorcucdlo-la folia de Coca, the bicssed plant. It was also called the Sacred Life plant ot the Jura*. It ua* considered nn anlmstctl reprv- H’lilMtlreof the Hit Inlty, anti the llchli where ill grew were venerated as sAiictiiArles. Tho native* made (ailsmaus of (he pluut; tlnon litlued favoreof folium*, triumph* dlH-nrc* and teller front pain. It made oracle* weak, and ft' presence in their hotncH ktpl nway all accidonts and 1 time. None could visit the tomb of Ills an- eestors, or Invoke tin (r splrlle. unless lie bad somo Fees In Id* mouth. The earliest Inioramtion tellsj us that the Indian- nt firM regarded It a n «.tcrcd nnd mjsterletts plant. They believed that Manco t iipue, the divine, ilescemled in the prlmltlvo ipcli ftpnt the nx k* of l^tke Tltleaea and be- ^■|U|hiiiUic gty. gives strength to the weak, ntid nukes thorn lot get their misfortune*.'' At llrst it was rc-erved for the worship of the Divinity, and tho two of the lues*, those grand uiotiarehs who claimed direct descent lYom tin* God*. No one was »llowed to u*r ft unless some great deed or some speoiu n*a*on nude him worthy to (Mtrtake or the same w Ith the sovereigns. It was the recompense for loyalty, bravery, or heroic action- a recompense more ptixid than gold or silver. .Mlhough the uperstl lions connected w ith the t'inn w« u* grud.uilly dl rommouLlfc ). Tl»eaverage duration, say* ProfesJ M«r Marklum (sec May. I*41, issue of the American Drugs)*!) of iVa-a In a sound state ii abjut tilia months, after which time It loses its strength aj flavor and 1* rejected by the Indian* as vvortldcH I have said Dr. fiercer examined during the last] fifteen yrais'.TO specimen* ot the ordinary coma merctal Importations of Coca leave*, on average but one In ten of tire sample* could bcl garden a* having snv value. Kverv one of H samples I found t» 1m* adulterated. Even tM best and highest priced specImen* had an (■ mixture of leaves or other varieties of toca.H have already enllcil attention to the many variel ties of the (*oca plant, but that only one, viz: the KaYTMitoxvioN Coc a pos*e-xe* tlie valuable propJ cities which ha* made it famous. The leave* ol tJuse varlctler are so much alike that mlultcraM lion Is a very easy matter. The real fact is that there is hut little reliable Coca In the market. The I Liebig Company of New York, virtually raonopo j Urea all of the reliable Importations ofCoca leaves, I •ml it* brokers are constantly ou the watch for what little there i« that reaches American nortsd which ft does not lmjiort itself. When these facts, viz; the worthlessneNN of nearly all of the Coca in Anicriraii market* and its scarcity arc considered, it w ill l>c Ken liow absurd the trash is that 1* be-l iug circulated ubout Americans having acquired n “ng-a haWt." And it becomes still more alwnrel hieb, os we have already IJzc* all the relisl >le ('oca I. ever sell* the leaves. Even If there were thing a* n coca habit among it* Indian user*. ithsi reaches our |*orts, f that wonderful r. cere Its first users Is iu Itself a nonsense. They inhabited the ; a th/ug w miidboan absolute inipo-ibiilty In climate. The real secret of the yarn* ntx>ut Coca which have recently been »pi*eartng iu the paiM.r* lies in the jealousy of a large manutiuturer of cer tain tonic Bn paratlnii* tin- sale of w hich liar be come greatly abridged by the growing popular ap preciation of Coca as a tonic, in fact, the hbtory % the Imperial Inca*, who ■- •- - ply to all such .. - .... two central sec- tioua of the f-Icrrn. and nature here hod >rki don her grandest and mo-t imtiosiiig soak*, seemed a* though she had intended It as the home of an iinnotiul race. A country like this, lya a writer lu the Eneyelopn dla Britaniilcii, was ell ndapteil for the* cradle of uu imperial race. They had an daUiiftte system of state worship. History ami tradition were preserved hy their hards, ami dramna were enacted before the sover eign and hi* court. A well considered system •t land tenure- and of colonization provided for lie want* of all classes of the people. The ad ministrative di tail* of government were minutely and cnroflilly organized and accurate ‘tatistk were kept. The edifice* displayed innn'elou* building skill and their workmanship in unsur passed. The world ha* nothing to snow* In the w ay of stone cutting and tilting, to equal the skill nnd accuracy displayed in the Inca structure's of Cuzco. A* workers In metal* ami a* potters they display infinite variety of design, while a* cultiva tors and engineers they In all respects excelled their conqueror*. Jom- Sebastian Barranca, the iintunillxt and auUqtiurv. a few years ago pub lished a trau-lation of the ancient Inca dramaof /llantay, w hich would put to Mush seven-eighth- d nil the dramas of the present lime. Here we nave a brief picture of a race which m tlulged in t'oea from the monarch dowu. They noble, kindly and hospitable. Thefipanhird- (l them a happy, prosperous, contented roe ivili/ation, u*doe* hi* re-d brother of 'the north isern, till clfare. t'olfw*, tea, tobacco have been trflauzen Bcscbrlebting von Dr. H. Goullon Grow lieizoglich-fiaehfclKhcr <Jehe»mcr Medlcinai-Kaiu Hitter etc.) says it facilitate* digestion and givet more tone to the stomach than anything he ha« ever seen or used. , . .. yrofcs.sor('oi|*«ert (Bulletin Si»c. Accl. PlfH.1^* ij. y<Oh reek convinced that “OocaU a streugiheu- Dig substance.’’ He has often, when i*vslng the grand drain of the Andes, chewed Coca to combaj the cold, aud always with the bo*t%fTect. In one c f the latter journeys to Vlleabamba. one of the richest mineial districts In I'em. he arrived In the town at the moment of hi* home one of the non native miners, who ior many years had been afflicted with a dread.ul malady, which had defied all the efforts of medics! skill. Ills body was completely covered with ulcers, and ihe miserable man had been given ovei «* incurable, aud bU nuflcring* being uncndnrable, he implored to be put to death. An old Indian, v.hobad formerly worked under his orders, asked permission to undertake the cure, which wa* grunted. The patient wo* laid on the floor of the room, stripped, and hair a dozen Indians corn mcnced chewing Coca, and singiug nnd daucltn. r.round him, with strange, cabalistic anion*. After abouiaomirtcr of an hour, when the leaves had been sutflcjently masticated, they again began dance and spit on the patient’* laxly. This lad for about half an hour, when each Indian placed hi* quid of chewed Coca ou the ulcer* of the patient, who was then enveloped iu doth* and left to repose. The isnte scene wa* renderedeveiy two day*, and at the cud of the month the patient was thoroughly cured. This occurred in DM), and years later the man was still living nnd in Indian w ho accomplished a Journey of Jt' English miles in live day*. After resting for one day, be *et out for his return. In which he was obliged to pan* over a mountain of 13,000 fi-et In height. During the whole journey, there and back, lie had only taken a little roasted maize and plenty off oca.” Dr. Bickering (United State* exploring Expedi tion) Mates that lie found Coca formed the resource, eoisolation aud uourklmu-ut of the miners of the Alpmarca. and add*: ”1 wav here struck with the superior j«owcr* of endurance of the aboriginal American, an imi>ortant item, a* it ha* appeared to me, in the profitable w orking of the South Ameri can mine*.” "The Inhabitants of I’cru and Bolivia consume large quantities of Coca, Its use being almost uni- versa 1. Jt Ix a well known fact/that these people, who live to an average high age, generally retain their mental and physical faculties to their last day*.—Nov York Medical Record. ertaln that the Peruvian Indian* have always ascrilicd to the Coca leaf the most extranr- itiaiy virtues. CLUfill'S, U*0j. Humboldt ray* lie lias never known a case of dwumptlon ornMhma among the natives who re accustomed to its use. nnd that they live to a icat age. retaining their mental aiki physical icultlcs to the last. COaMOfi. “Ci ca has really wonderful power in aup[*>rting rength, My Indnn follower* have acconi- ? h the forests of Peru for thout food or anything dlilgc. And yet the solace in their u*c*. Vi as though it were the device of the arch devil uml yet we keciion right merrily iu our work n nrlfytr,g manly arm* and prettty leg*. How often do we not hear It said that history r. |M Bts Itself. The one generation eottdcn generation the Catholic council cn ere l it ion of the devil, 1 11 Ihe next generation, goid Jesuit ftthcr C.’t «lcinomtrated beyond cavil that ;I«/M*d a* a pure* superstition. at it* folly. I11J« Coca 1 therefore per to *|>cak, the wi*o ami took up the tight “ ’ icrniclou^' could not !*•• ... 1 that the tfldUrre lleied it In-cauce It was, In their estimation, tin* most valuable of ull that they could offer lu their orxhlp. He tin 11 goes oil to extol it* virtues, since that time Gaea, like Cinchona (Utiininc), has been compelled to undergo Its share of detrae Hon. But mark one thing. Thh detraetiou ha* not come from scientific Investigator*, nor from those who have patiently examined into the fact*, mch ns fiir Robrit ChrlMbou. Baronet, (M. D., D. - I.L. !>., F. H. H., * ‘ ‘ •' " j eJJeil. ihe pbml )ia* never lost, • un toIhkday with the nutke* ot fiouth Amerleu It* marvellou* prestige. ‘ Tiling to the mill, *-t !ra«iliim! s handed down in the viititu:* of llu* bjuinkh Conqiierer*, had a | rfinu.eiil place iu th ,,_1 chief m— PPPVMMPHHclr t’nu;> pave it llu plan* of honor in all ceremonie . Tho popular sur-crstltlon of the time credited it a* tin \\mbol of divinity. It wa* regarded a»a*aered “‘ il mysterious plant. The monarch!, notdc* aud e>ts\ Ud in their pimi* ollering- of it to their . tv, and eui-imon* quantities were burned upon their nllam iu (hi* way. Priest* chewed it nt prayas 10 coneJliato the benevolence of I heir gods. |itisiii* even at (hi* day, and when a do- nilant of the Incas of the present time meets will) a mummy, he kneel* down with devotIon, * ii *■ " **'. — Before the and phti eMiremnd ft a handful of Coca, nrrhal of the Hpaniarda, ft was u*ed a* ttio cacao “1 ** feo, and tobaceo iu the early uMonial ovinia, instead of money, e Spanish conqueror* were mystified by itloti loan Hreignlileant plant. Then with Don of superior virtue which thoChrla- in Me M hiMory of Yirghits, Instead of devotion to an inManll* Hint , tlan*of all time* have ticv lug, riJegiojj: •ireiMil'g licen back ward in nnd bishop* Lima. . .... ... part* Ann lies, anil held on (Ho- ondetuned it a* an "illusion of tin MW. lilmliiftthm hot' ^ a* will 1h> shown later, it only the more glaringly the Kdllshti. oii.iuerore. Alter a w hile they I'cgnn to loam It* Blue, a* well a*its value a*a source of revenue, tire* edict hy which tt v. as condemned a* an su ck nt Mi|cifeu wa* ievened, and priest* and outiucicia \ toil in filtering itseultuivatid the pro- notion of its comumptton. Coloasal fortunes were rapidly n« ev.iuuiated, and in the Mxteeutli eentuty plantations of w Inch the rent* ranged from 20,000 to -MXlrt) weir hy no mean* rare and the tax levied wa** irmarkahic. At the present time tho annual pu dueti.nof Coca in fitnilh America l* c*U- \ nt lO.uvbtxo pound*. ie ate jr.ntir ri^ciesor varieties of the Coca •latit, but only the Erythroxylon Ova ha* the flittu * vvliieh jliUtory and cxperleuiv awribc to ft. ■ Tqnlre* nn expert to dUttugubh the true from take t era. aud ft requite* a* much nicely of ia*te and sharpnes* of precept lot t to diMiuguHi “ ca w hfch i* good (h»m t'oea w hich has become rtlilt f* «*■ i* riuulred hy the taMer* amlcxpi'rui lute*. When well dried nnd itrvftillypreseivixl *e leaf ha* ait ugrveabie t»!or au>l 11 peculiar 'ibrscUriMk tortc which lu ileeiKtlou ha* a I* a>smiy bitter and astringent flavor. The greatest un nnde\j« rtni " is rtsi'ilmlfrom e ut\ t!ret. Net rnly arc *po : al co.iditlou* of •tl. eY vat lor, and 1 lltaatt *"* mial to th* tvrfcet 1 wth cf the genuine Coca, but It te.|ithe<thtf nt- i*t nicety, ii»re and rxwrtenre In me picking id 1 urine of tho leaf. 11.» ave rage product U tied* ed the leave* to the acre. In lYninud the ecu ntrio where fMeasrere.*. It ts alwaysCoi a Frkm a seethe PruggiM andiiiemteal cite', viz: fresh t’« ca that I* otb red for sale, a* native* kr.ow how liable the have* are to do- rtoratlon. The editor of 'he American Druggret. In the number of Jut.e. aay*: "<\vv lctws of cod pr, *crv atlott have not been lu the market for long time.** 1 bat this difficulty of obtaining a supply of re liable Ckx a I* tu t recent, w ill to* shown by the fol- lug from the Nay. 1*7*. num»K*rof New Rome- m The diiticult} of uniting hue leave* nut- tltuu*. According to advlev* received from Peru, u fbr thUUthatt’oca thrives well only In a arrow zone on the eastern slope of the Andcv at elevation i*r:*,oro to li ocwfeet, and that the In- u nwremuer* retain the be** qualtue\ while ouly the interior *orU are export d. Any one w ho will take the trouble to investigate til scon t-e courltictd that seven eights of allrhe rea kavea which bare South America, by the time they arrive at their foreign de«ilnations, are absolutely worth!*-**. ••The) jhmI with their vola tile Ingredient* (inwidth Ls the value)very rap- Idly,” tay% ProfoAor Johnson iThe Chemistry of rgcot writer, ami a for honest Majesty tl._ John lit, Canieelmnof New York, ihedistingul-h* . Dr. W. H. Bcarlcof Brooklyu, the eminent d a score of men equally dlMluguished . devotion to the truths or itclonee. - In all piofrMlouaaud In all calling* 1 , there I* a da** of men who gain uotoricty hy their adoption of the role of klidcer*. Their sucCcim In life—there stock in trade a* ’twere—lies In the notoriety they gain hy iletiaetiiiR. The medical profession, unfortu nately, 1* ov i rerow ded with *urh, and it is to these men that we * * publli! ha* lo osluii. If we itori of us won . (early everything 1 must attribute the reason why tho • that » have any value. they seem to de fortnbly housed, live better and ilk older than forerat hen*. It was a holy father of the onb first look on the cudgel*, of Coen, lather of the onme order who tlr-t ni qiinlnti d wiili tjulnine. No remedy ha* been k» flhii-id n- tDiinltie, and no re medy l- >0appreciated the world over, whether in tropical jungle* or An tic solitude*. In fael.aluee has only served to (icmoiirirnte it* value, ami *0 with Coca. By all aiisletthem abn-eIt. Tin-detractorswlllr ndi of JeMilt* w ho t was a holy Jo the world the world orb! Ju-t red by nl cl ion. •. they have ley h jjr abusing many unotiuT article,.... aim*of whleh only I'-eame iimleretooil through id vlan product; ipiltiine, which i' pmiiiciil from clneluM—I notno i* derived from that of the t'otinte-s Kl- Cinchona, wife of the vice Klngof Peru, who gave *omi* of tin* bark to a JcmiH for tree among the poor inflicted with fever, mid from this, it l*ceanie known o* pulvl* |*ntrum. or |»owderof the fulhers. It wa* also named powder of tho t ' honor of the t oimte*: Kl lTncl>on.| 'I he Jesuits of Peni sent tome of the powder to Ci ditml Logo, the gvncral of their order; heneiWMd h!m> known by the name of CanllnnlY |iowdJ i the close of the day they ate a very hearty with evident relish.” DR. POPPIG, 1 (iertnnn Naturalist and Explorer. Travels in < hill, Pent, and on the River ( Amazon, 1833. the subject, I am clearly of the opinion hat the use of Coca i* not only not noxious, but, quite the contrary, Jt is very conducive to health. In support of tht* conclusion I may refer to the frequent of Indian* attaining the gnat age ofYw jenra, and there men, althe ordinary rale of eon- Mini ption.muM in the course of tlicir lives have ed not lc?* than '-'.TOO pounds of the leaf, and * '* • ■ rfect health and vigor.” TH11UDI, Travels in Peru, lilt. INAM’F or Lima, regards it a* the great- c*t of all tonics (“archltotilco). He advise* Its iree in convalescence to regain quickly the rirength J»tin ricknc**. THE .IFKITT DON ANTONIO .HIMAN wrote: “This plant I* a preventive of many di*- cates, a restorative for lost strength, and, likely to piolong human life. According to HO EH IIA A YE (Inst, physehap, f>*. Coca carries to the atomach, beside the Invite- . lutlon, a tine nourishing material, which, dl- goted and couvcjtcd into almndant and nu* trithc chyle, is introduced Into the circulation and metamorphosed Into tho body of a man coa- foimably with the law* of the economy.” .tlANt'IX Fl'ENTES of Lima said: “What- 1 \er may be* thought of the explanation, the fact is that the human laxly acquire* by the continued tret* of Coca an athletic consti tution, capable of resisting. among privations and misery, the severest fatigue m well a- the inclemency of the weather. Experience and *1 ientilic analysis reveal* to tw in Coca the most tonic plant in the vegetable kingdom. This pre cious shrub unite* lu lUclf all the virtues which ore separately tret In the large mimtier of vegeta- men ccmpriH'U under the gcuerai name of tonic 1*1 ANT*. Hit. CM. GAYKAU ("These pour lo Doctoral.” Pari*, 1*70. Parent, elillt, page 01 ct scii.) cite* a great many clinical observation* In whirt^/oca • ha* never failed to produce an apmisam.k action. sonniMcs i:\gjt marvcllovs.” He conclude*, 1 page «V>); “It seems to mo usc!ov> to present other inns: there milllcc tq legitimise this very general ized conclusion::coca istiik. mkoh amknt i*ah kx- Ctl UNCK Von W A I. A DIES OF THE 0I0EST1VE TKACT." to administer a noon aUTICT.K, a* the ditl'ereut ex tract* vaty greatly Iii rirength. WALT ER W. COLES, M. D., Weekly Medical Review. Above all tiling*Coeni* atonic. Unquestionably of benefit iu aim miu. ehronie lung afieetions, brain fug. diabetes, Bright'* dUcAH*. It* valuable in- iliicucu upon the ecrebro spltml nervous system must not I** ignored. DR. SCAGI.IA. ITiysirinn-ln-chlei of the Hospital of Pic-sis- The irtue ■rt (’hliccltu, t'liucchu iivlaus and Inca*, from learucU,called it Yura-tTiueehu, Yarn nieiiiiing tree, .and Cava bark, means rinnhlf ringrehivering. a» if they had Inteiii ed to convey the Idea-“Intermittent'' fever tree. Dr. William fi. fiearle. in an article upon Cue *uy* “It 1- »»ne of the luoal reiiiarkAhlopi tsliietions of the world, and has powcrftil therai'-utic proper- ith Lieutenant Ilenidon, (fnther-*nTMHHH re nident Arthur.) toexplore tho valley of the Aiu- 011, in ISM, thus Kpouk* of the Coca: "This vegeJ Able ha* proj'*rtlo* *0 man elloti* that It cnablcw ludian* without other iioruUhment* the w Idle, to iwrfortu forced inarches of five nnd *ix day*. It la >0 hracltig, Mimulniil nnd tonic Hint bv elieiviug it alone they will perform Jonraoys of three hundrodl mile* w ithout appearing in (he lea-t fatigued.* Dr Tkchtidi* mentions nu Indinu sixty-two year lof age, who w asemploved hjr him In very Inlxirionl digging, anil that during the five day* aud nights w hich he was iu my service, he never tasted any food nnd took only two hour* sleep eaf h night. At MMtfMaJMiM^MM|arly half ik brl;i ,' finished, ■■■PHHMMMVUys twenty-three league*, though on fiMit, he kept pitcc| with my mule, nnd halted only for In* "chacear,” without Ukh\ if 1 would allow him a stuipl ) he »illage pried a**-urc<l me that litre . *ixty-two yiarsofoge. that he wasin the constant habit of u*lng the Cot a, nnd that he had never Idm to be ill iti hi* life." CtLstelnant soya iclf knew of instances as extraordinary. v> to 17m) inclti?ive, Castelnau repre*eut* the eoirenn.ptiun of this leaf in the new vlee-toyal- t> 1 f Lima alone ut three uml a quarter million of I omul*, ai d worth one and a quarter million iu tnetn y. «ml the total eonsumptUm of Peru at two millions ar.d a lmlfofdollars. Dr.J. P. Itl.** N of Troy, who visited lYm year* ago. state* that the nu n in hi* employ regularly carried forty pounds of baggage, taking but ouefmgitl meal each even- I»*k nnd keeping pace with the mule* of the party. 1 be uscet the Coca was constant with these men. Dr fiearle. alluding to all of its w onderful proper lire. *«>'.- -i he eit«r t* of Hie c«wa ti|*on the humaii ►> *um border* ujain the marvelous, and, If Hot c.early auriu ntieatetl by author* 01 undoubted mis city, would be altogether lieyond belief:" and cgpin. {, nll tht* sounds like a tale of Baron Mutt- chairecn. and would lie altogether tncredftile wen* it not etui firmed by similar report* from source ton- lii'ud to the griatest WapfiT.” Professor Graudla. in fpeeking of it *ay*: ”1 hnd heard *0 much of it. nnd tclt increduloua a!mut it. that I was all the mere >uri'riretl to find all that hnd l>een written line in everv pariieiilar. The reasm of It* failure to i uhIuco tho same effect* In European hands 1*. 1 pm convinced from careful experiment* made n lui the Coca ofci'rcmcree and with aoxae of the extract which 1 had ireshly ptepared while In Bolivia, aud w l.u h I took home w ith me. simply owing 10 cate Jmnet* in its psekiug and traireportatioti, n> ex- p««*uro In anyway soon cause* it to part with U* \ aluablr propertie*. 1 could tuff learn of any inju Moire efleet* upon the system, being in thU retj-eet far ahead of tobaceo and alcohol, riuttc the con- limy. ttK>etu* to prolong like: longevity amonJT U* user* i* the rule, and not,a* with u». the exception. They are «!m> free from d!>etae, excepting w here thrtrcmploTmcnt In mines ami such like utmcaUby putsuiUexpose* them more constantly rhwaHrg iniimnce* of bad air. cU-. ioulhi •Travels In Peru during the year* of isistolriL on the Coast, iu the sierra*, acroaa the Cordilleras atrtl the Andes into the Primeval Forests by Dr. J. J. TYekmll. jEvt'ditfatt dan* lea Central*** *le l'Ameriqnede Fud ile Rioite Janeiro a Lima de Lima an Para. Extent re mr onin* du t kwivemmetit Kraneal* pen dent lea Aunec« 1M3 it 1*W7. sou* la direction dc Frrrusi* de CoMlenau. parts. IvJ 6 voU. I .a in m Ie. William C. Richardson, the dl*- — * 0 or Mb* of the fit. Louis Clinique ._ics of Woman ami child ... charm in i ok* where iligcstiou is d difficult. It Is also a pow erftil aud agree able riiwuJant lo the brain ami nervous system. It teems to me. *ald Dr. fii'cger. that suffi cient testimony ho* been adduced in the above to nt rest nil doubt* a* well ns to ctketually ili'jMi'C of tlu* underhanded cf- fortsof Interested mnnufactitref* to break down that which threaten* their relilrii interest*. The tcrifmouy alone of Mich ft man it* Dr. Seitrlo of Bri oklyn, who Justly rank* high n* ft *elentlat and physician, and whoisone of the early advocate* of Coca, may a* wi ll Ik* quoted in conclusion. He say*: "If we eliminate tlietrlal* of those whohavc* employed worthies* specimen* of the plant, wo have *0 much concurrent testimony a* to render iloubt ridiculous * • • We have the tes timony of an entire nation, employing it constant ly ilurlng centuries of time. * ' * Its sustain lug power is >0 marvellous that I prophesy oy It.* hell* we shall hereafter be able to cure many case* or dlreasp which were otherwise hopeios. Hii.k HER MAJESTY’S FAVORITE COSMETIC GLYCERINE! As Supplied to the Royal Family. To H<r Royal Highness, the PRINCESS OF WALES, Her Gtace the Duchess of Roxburgh, the Marchioness of T\veeda!e, the Marchioness of Waterford, the Countess of Ilchcster, the Countess of DnfTcrin, Lady Wotseley, wife cf General Sir Garnet Wolseley, and the Ladies of the European Nobility generally. ITS VALUE III THE NURSERY _ lady of the highest prom* 15r*t *oelety circle*: child of six months, ha living witness to the qualities of The following is fro 1 inence in New York * *My babv, HER MAJESTY’S FAVORITE COSMETIC GLYCERINE Laa week I was almost In despair. Her food vr.« too heating, and produced nn eruption which de nied all remedies. Suddenly I bethought mo of your delightful Glycerine. . . Ai the close of the day a new skin had formed, and withlo tfi vi W ,»v»»i-,u - .—ftti condition. Inval uable against Moths. Freckles. Wrinkling. Dh* figuring Eruptions, Chapping, Roughness, etc. POSITIVELY Ureful for all purpose- for which Glycerine is used and much cheaper. Unrivalled lor the deli cacy of its porfrime. One dollar. THE LIEBIG COMPANY, N. Y. Depot, 38 Murray Street, fiole American Agent*. Also of nil drngghU. The Grand Medal of Superiority Awarded to the Lcibig Co. of .Now York for it* Coca Beef Tonic preparations by the Committee of Judges and Expert* of the ;Grand National Ex hibition of the American Institute of New York. Highest Medals the World Over NINE GRAND MEDALS. ounce of choice beef in solution in a guaranteed quality of (Spanish) Imperial Crown Sherry from the vineyards of Messrs. Gonzales. Bvass A; Co. of Jerez. The Liebig Co. imports it* Sherry direct from this old and celebrated firm of Sherry grower*. A* nu cxnmplc it may be stated that under tho teimsofthe contract for lv-u, Mc*»ra Gonzales, Byass & Co. (New Y’ork office. Broadway*, are re quited to deliver 5.WH) gallon* of the Imperial Crown sherry to the New York depot alone of ,the Liebig ‘.aboratory and Chemical Work Co. Liebig Co/* Coca Beef Tonic also contain* AN ASSURED QUALITY OF COCA. It al*o contains C1T11ATKOF I HON. 1’UltK QUININE, cai.lsAya HAHK. It ls not aseerct preparation. Its ingredients are jtien and public, and it is guaranteed to contain not only ALL tbnt we snv it doe*, hut (and in these days of adulteration this I* of the highest Import ance). THE MATERIALS USED ARE GUARAN- “LED to be of THE BEST. Not every kind of sherry I* adapted to the sys tem* of those "out of health.” It requires not only nicety of Judgment in selecting an anpronriH-.e - —v, but also especial knowledge nml skill to ta GENU IN K SHERRY OK PROPER GRADE ANI) BODY. Nor does Coca blend well with every kind of wine, and herein lies tho secret of the worthlesatics* of nil attempt* at competition with the I.leblg Co.’s coca Beef Tonic preparations. It seems necessary to say that sherry has always been the king of wines for Invalid*. Nor need we add that it Is. If good, n costly wine. Buying it as we do. »»y the thousand* of gallon*, direi-t from grow ers ot the highest reputation, not only do wo secure nn n**urcd quality of wine, but also at n price so far below that which the small buyer must par, that it become* self-evident that an article or the quality wc offer cannot possibly be reproduced by Mnall manufacturers. The thousands and hun dred* of thousands in all part* of the world who have used the I.leblg Co.’s coca Beef Tonic*, arc no doubt frilly convinced of this, or our sales would not lie, ns they are for this year, OVER TWENTY- FIVE PER CENT beyond our largest record. OUR RULEfi. No cheap goods. Only honc-t goods at honest prices. Buyer* who look for cheap- tie** only need waste no time over our produc tions, UNIMPI’ACIIAHLE TESTIMONY From Allophatlilc, llqiu«i*o|mtliic nml Eclec tic Authorities. "Having been made acquainted tvifh the mode of preparation and the eoniixreitiou of Coca Beef Tonic, 1 have orilered it for patients requiring tonic treatment. Such patients derived marked nr.d decided benefit from It. Scientific men arc becoming more nnd more Impressed with the ne cessity of supplying by nutritive lujesta the wear nml tear of civilized life, and the Coca Beef Tonic I* compered of material* well suited tofrilfillthc necessary requirement* for which it ha* been pre pared. J. M. CAItNOCHAN. M. I>„ Prof. Surgery, N. Y, Medical College, Surgeon-In- chief, Slate Emigrant Hospitals. Ward’s Island, N. Y.; Ex-Health Officer, Port of New York.” From the New York Medical Journal. The most delicate, elfectivv and delirious preparation of Olynriss that I hare ever »uc«!. LILLIE LANGTRY. when extravagant I ower* claimed for It have seemed quite Incredible, nnd no doubt it would have been di-misled without so much a* a second thought, had not such men a* Humboldt, CbristUon and other equally eminent icutlst*. travelers and physicians lent their names to it. The Liebig Company offer* It to the profession in a form widen :presents many advantages. Thu* it Ik, for lnstnuco, well under stood that the active principle of the coca leaf i* extremely volatile, and that It Is, in consequence, quite, or wholly, worthies* when it reaches u*. The Liebig Company overcome this by using in their Coca Beef Tonic only the fluid extract, pre pared directly from the freshly picked leaf. The l ecf contained in the toule is from carefully select ed healthy bullock* and contain- a much larger per centum of albuminoid and nutritive clement* than i*lobe found In other beef tonic* and ex tract*. The Coca and Beef arc dissolved iu a choice quality of Sherry Wine. The indorsements of nu- meson* medic al men of prominence who haveu-cd It. which the Liebig office-, also Indicate th: The American lion The Liebig Co.’i K! opathic Observer *avs duct*, and worthy of tho recommendation* he- Mowed upon them by both hom eopathic i\u*l allo pathic journal*.” 1 he N. Y. Medical Times says: "We have pre- scribed It with the most satisfactory result*.” [From Leonard's Medical Journal.) “The Liebig Co.'s C\x*a Beef Tonic preparation* have acquired a large reputation In various part* of the world. • • * Wo would c*t>cclally recom mend the Coca Ilecf Tonic, with sherry wine aud quinine. The bitter taste of the quTuItie 1* com pletely covered; ami it makes the mmt palatable preparation of quinine for administering to chil dren or delicate women that we arc acquainted with. Wc have used it in the case- of children quite extensively, aud always to our entire sati- (action." The M. Louis Clinical Review says: "Wc desire to call the attention of the profession to the relia bility At the Coca Beef Tonic preparation* manu factured byithe Liebig Co., and to the high character oi the indorsement* accorded to »Iti- cel ebrated firm by leading physlciaus aud medical touruals of all school*." . —d reliability. Matty of the most reliable practitioners of medicine aua surgery, and nun long experienced, have given their indorsement* nnarcsulu iu their practice.”— N. Y. Medical Kc leetlc. To the Lelbig company—Geutlcmeu: Your agent let! me a bottle of your Coca Beef Tonic for me to tty. I took it myself, a* I had K-eti rick for a num ber of month.- with n lung atfectson, an l \ra%not able to prseth*. It helped me very much. St much that I am now about a> well a* u-ital. I have since given it to a number of'patients audit has U'netUtcd every case. 1 am indeed mov.tlu’.ik- ful that It eanu t«» my hand*. I had tried different' prexerntion- of Coca Ijefore, BIT HAD NO EFFECTS- FROM THEM. Dedham, Me. If. *. PHKVCX. Ihofc^r E. :i. IIAI.C, M D.. I.L. D.. the dl-tia- gui>hed ITefe'eor of Materia Medica at the Chicago Medical UnlveraRj, etc . etc., writes: ’ I have greater confidence In it than tn any tonic l have ever prescribed." *"Canm4 ftffotd to l>e without It.*’ Profciur II. W. NOXAN. it. Ik. ?! Fifth avenue. Nc w York city. • The best prep*ration I have ever soon. W. B. fKARLE, A. 1L, M. I)., 133 Henry street, Brooklyu. ••The l est tonic and nutritive preparation lu the isrkc-t.”—(Southern Uolical Record. Dr. I*. G. cook, of Rockland. Mfi., a physician of r»« gclxedeir metre, writes that "notwith-tauJiug the tart that the Liebig Ov * ctrcolan bear the im- j xo.-of heneriy and truthfulness. I had my mlr- K ng«, but after a faithful and conscientious trial idly bear testimony in behalf of the great value s Coca Beef Touic. I prescribed it to a lady 8& year* old, who wa* completely broken down with the infirmities years, unable to leave her bed, etc. Fhe. soon after taking tho tonic, waa able to leave her bed, to be about the house, and ha*io far recov ered her nristiue health as to l>e able travel a dla* nice of 60 miles on ayiiit to her daughter." - From Proiewor GRANVILLE CODE. Ph. D., Fellow of the Royal Chemical Society of London, Fellow Royal Institute of Chemistry. Ac., Ac., (ton of Sir Henry Cole. Director of Kensington Muteunt.) “Liebig Co/* Coca Beef Tonic speedily relieved and cored me of debility, consonnani. upon indigestion and malaria, others 1 Of Druggists Everywhere. SEW TORE DEPOT, 38 MUORIY ST. 'fileted with Membranous Croup, and de prognosti cations all seem to prognosticate In dat direeshun. Mr*. Brown—Foah de lawd. am dat so?. I had’a noticed dat de poah lam’» bralu was 'fected. Well, him ob de brainousness an' I’ll Just knock p highcr'n a kite wld t J L ** *" Kkmxdv of Swkk' Gt I alias keep a vial in de cabin. TAYLOR’S CHEROKEE REMEDY Of Sweet Gum and Mullein. The sweet gum, as leathered from a tree of the came name, growing along the small streams in the Southern State*, contains a stimulating expectorant principle that loosens the phlegm producing the, early morning cough, aud stimulates tho child to false membrane In croup and whoop- __ Remedy op Swekt'Gcjc and Mt'i.i.EiN the finest known remedy for Coughs, Croup, Whooping-Cough aud Consump tion; and so palatablec any child Is pleased to take it. Ask your drugglsst for It. 25c and SLOO sizes. If he does not keep ft. we will pay, for one time only, express charges on largo size bottle to any part or the U. 8. on receipt of ll.OO. _ WALTER A. TAYLOR, Atlanta, Ga. Mention this paper. sunwky «TCAPITAL PRIZE, S75,000.-8* Ticket! Only 95$ Shares In Proportion; !i.S 9 LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY CO Wc do hereby certify that we supervise the ar guments for all the monthly and quarterly wings or the Louisiana State Lottery Company, •nd in person manage and control tne drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and In good faith toward all par ties. and we authorize the company to use this certificate, with rao-slmiles of our signature! at* ttched, in its advertisement!.'' COMMISSIONERS, hich may be presented at our counters. J. H. OfiLEsnr. ITcs’tLouisiana Nat’l l 8. H. Kennedy, Pres't Bute National Bank. A. Baldwin, FreVt New Orleans NatT Bk. Incorporated In 1968 for 25 years by tho legisla ture for educational and charitable purposes—with a capital of fi,ooo,ooe-to which a reserve fiand ef over 6550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution ~flcd December 2d. A. D., 1870. _ .ie only Lottery ever voted on and indorsed by the people of any state. IT NEVER SCALES OK fOSTPONM. Its Grand Klugle Number Drawings Take place monthly, aud the Kxtraordlnary Draw ings regnlnrly every three months Instead ot Neuif-Annually as heretofore, beginning March, 1880. IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. NEW ORLEANS. Tuesday, February O, 1880—180tli Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, 975,000. 100,000 Ticket! at Five ;Dollare Mach, Frac tions, lu Fifths, In Proportion. LIST OF FRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE. do do 10 2000. lOOOu » no 500. to do 200. « do 100 W do BO- 0 do 25. APPROXtXATION PRXZES. 0 Approximation ITlzcs of 1750 •»g,ooo ; io.'ooo 6,750 1967 Prim, unocntln, to ~42 Application for rate, to dab, should M I only to the office of the Company In New Orleans. For further information write clearly, giving full address. Postal Notes, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordinary letter. Currency by express (all stuns of 65 and upwards at our ex pense) addressed M M. A. DAUPHIN, Mow Orleans, Ls. Or M. A. DAUPHIN. Washington, D. G. Mike P. 0. Money Order* payable and ad dress Registered Letters to NEW OUEEANS NATIONAL DANK, New Orleans, La. VmriJ mciv 1.will t»a»ntoti rttatTrtnf5 veotm. UAMtOrt KlVSPr t o., 44 W«fl Hla Ntw York. Janl—dly frl *nu ttus wkyiy UNITARIAN CHRISTIANITY. U NITARIAN I.TTERATTRE WILL BE SENT free of chargo to all perrons applying to Rev. Goa L. Chancy or Mrs. A. V. (Scene, Atlanta.. Ga. Work* of (’banning, Decvcy, Martlncau, K. K. Hate, Jam. Freeman Clark and others, also loaned to rersous willing to pay postage upon.them. dec 22—kwyst FRBB THIAXi I IHPOTEHT E3EK! kuslcsft^^KlSSssai. NERYTITA. AtriitMcamoatwriM or ratiT, ecau po«tw- * ssifSfSiSSaT co, trt r.. w*«bt8^ton_it,_c«rj»e^^^ Free as r.n.BesSriT Price per package 91.00. Six tor f W-KPSirR pauses. Canvassing omfit and particulars free. ST ANDARD SILVER-WARE COT Boston, Mass. sep It—wkyMU r 675 per month and ex- We urge our k reeder» when they answer advertisements to mention that they saw them la the Constitution. This will help all around.