The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, March 09, 1886, Image 12

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T12 THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION'. ATLANTA, GJU TUESDAY' MARCH 9 1836 THE TWO SAMS. WHATtHSY AM DOmo POrt THtt REFORMATION OF CH1CACO. Street* JUpMtM »*“>'»• Ummtimnti»l»>» «•““ -The EtamMUI* M ;o B«« to CMrttt II* WorM-TI« EnnnlllU U Ferf«*t BariKtar. Chicago, Meicb 8.-At tho Firet llnpUit l hirer h yeeterfiey, Bev. Sam Jon« raid: -Whit A pririlrfe It l« to pray! Now I went all thorn who *ot down on their Icgeei ■id prayrd before they came to tbU meeting to rlie iu their seats." Ahem twenty peront ereee. The evangel- M hand tplnst the pnlplt, end seemed to gup for breath. • "You map bereatednow.” he eeid. “Why, hrethrrv, yon would And wore prayerful Christiana in Bong Kong, Chiu, then there eiu In tbit meetiog today. If you can’t prey 1 want yen to taka yenr raicauea out of here. 1 don't want you to come hen it you can't pray." An old man, aittiog in one of the front powi, leaped to hla feet, and In a tattering voice, raid: “Mr. Jonee, I don’t think It la neeeaaary for perron, to gat down on their kaeaa to pray. 1 contldcr myaelf a good Chrlatlan, and I do not like to hear inch talk.” “I waa about to aay the tame thing,’’ ex- rlalnxd Itcv.Mr.Scuddcr.of Plymouth church. “I prayed while on my way to church. Ood ■ieea not demand that man ahail get down on ina knots before hla prayen are heard." “Any more exculpatory reautka)” drawled thaarangeliat I»r. Hcnddei—“These are net exculpatory remarks.” tot. wan wrrrt th* wau tucwptt. A man with an ear trumpet arose and pnnr. tualcd hla remarka with vlgorona pounding on the rostrum. “Mr. Jonee,” be began, “I did not have lime to get down on my kucee to pray for tbla moot ing. I have apent nearly the entire day read ing lire Bible to a gambler and drunkard, awl 1 think J am entitled to respect here.” Other men and several women keganto stand up in the various sections of the church, but a few explanatory remarka served to etlll Urn tempest, and the revivalist was permitted la daiah hla sermon without further Intermp- Moa. In conclusion he said: “Let ns taka onr text to onr homes and get sc. me food out of it Juliet In Tlmrr. ihi- good cuu fruaj lift sv ofil.e ticked, nut ttu*e mean little II lirmt! Thev do wnc mean twnj.mvl tliett »*•▼: **J OM that M a Iwrjvr, not a* a man.** VSLuitKr droiMlcnvn in hell I Mipyrnc Uie/'lt fa aLui.t • J>lug: ‘‘I'm here* a* a lawyer." ^Noir IfTfilr'riuLmMfhly. jf.n'rc- ar»!ng to get a flap. "* * --* * hiw (liti phvaKlHdtt atom In tw water forawtUc. Km*r mem* _ hauled on Trulh’a clotln* and ran off a* tSgfct mi lie could cut. When Tnitli come oni, there waan't anything for him hut Krror'ioid clothe*. and rather than wear them hechatcdofl naked. He's beeu rm»uln* naked tvertlm^^ EwaugalUt Minull in Hot Water. From the New York World. The JErangoliftta Zone* andWmalf, who arc no* “awakening” Chicago, are com pellet! to make hUrtling aaoertfona al>out mice oenutonally In order toaUrtha tinner*. Id tontcquence of their gcnaral leaning lo exaggeration the> arc kept In hot water all the time. Tba servant fir la of Chicago are now in a stale of mJlid in compliance of * declaration uu the part uTBrnall that many of tha vice* that exlat among the youth of the city are traceable to the vJdoDa dornfetfr* employed In private famine*. Aniatclllgent servant girl write* to the Herald a* 1 beg leave to stale to Mr. Htnall that the average domeMfc'a character w ill hoar as cfooe an tuveati* gallon aa that of (be avenge woman she work! for. Mr. Rmafl doean't atate where the youth arqnlre the art of amoking cigarette*, now many aeoom* nliaittd young ladle* who. owing to the Eallnro of tbi-ir fathers In hAluess, become impoverished, arc forced to become servants for raacal* aa a elasr. are wducer*. and glory in caeb nev which they be empowered to admlniMer a "fc& ouch borsewhlpplhg. Mr. Hmsll la cspectcd to an- ply to the anthorUlcs for permission to carry r gun while In where the way of the ifcllst Is harder Ibau tliai of tbv ordluary TWO WOMEN MURDERED. txmihe The man wha has been lit I he mouth. or lha Amcilcsn pobUcmom time- iu the last >Jx months than isrliapa any Other living puhllo sposksr, or lalvslc citizen: lha man who In tils quaint, curious, Inctiallbls way has carml ont and HIM aptaco M public crlttm that paihaps no other man can aenipy: Ibo man whore striking origluslUy, clrarnrw of thought, dlrcolucss of ipooch, and tirzcncaa of Unguagc have brought him Inin consplonous nntlcr In lire press or the whole country,' and tho man who lias como - - fcotln Up to this northsra city clad from head to Ore armor of his faith, swinging hla gospe with a powerful aim, and with an Intensa eager- ana ter tire fray, IhtaPeraron or the sooth has como aptonw-mrertnccltyof thv north. Hornet Intelho fttsud. with back to Are In an attitude that In seas would V unless; sometimes ho sits bethre you with ■■m hr- list leu; sometln Ms hand over part of his fare ■K. ttlssns--- iliigAtjtm si though a though Irewweonsblottngyau an minute and searching scrutiny. When were youcotreertcd— Iniktj.” ‘ ahal iHSBiimqy^ ^ .. generslhms all rettgti me, and I dMpattd pr a-stty. Yet It was more a dtwve than dls-ipa- ■tea. Tha olmuteness of nty convnndou were lire ricknem and death afmy father, who sue such • pMleutMfihrer, end dtedmehe here,y death.” ••Hew hmgaiDceyoubreaare |«omliu-ntly hint- ttnsd with Ibisrrerenl work"’ ••1 tuna been tidied hfthr public an evangelist mrabautthres reals. The stark ties grown upon m>, and than m no special period Inun which I ran dstc my work as an evangelist.” "Is your weekandenMnlnalkmelt" "My iliu.Iogy lasummcd up In. Unite seuleace: If you want lo ba good (ten trill help you: If you treat to ho had the devil still furnish all nsorretry ' old. Vim can ho good, sad vughl lo be. If yoa ore doing had. quit lu so rouriT oa raamour S reason for differtna whh me an lha shove pro- “if.-nii.K. m* lm fKral rectartaalara aa I am "AstoUa preeSaal ftatunwof ay work, It lare- pentsut c lonard 0»t. and not so much believing Gi Christ as ItpaiHag lltm. Them la aamething about feUawIiif Christ. 1 reach men that in your adort to da good tla-church will bo of great tn-neflt lo you. (lire yout heart to (iod aud your hand to the church of your cholcOL” “{low many ptopla have you cuuvcrredr "I tail only give au approximate number ami- vetted under my work, perhaps "Wlil, whallio you think onfhkago."' no of Chiragn la nol (rut. 1 mimhvhi the dlffercDCv, if aujr. between-CMetgo and BaMImon*. which Ih Ike C’leaufBt elty tn tk« tmian. giKWt <mi of *U« l that the itatula law* of the uiiUr, Id harmmijr a. ^“icut*, are more rlgMIy cu* - —* - fia\f ever icl than t woiUid lit except ago now * ■ ”" by do you use your peculiar style or addrem; It nalumb or doyou do It to make your work -Well, am. if I am not natural In all I do and aay t era not ceosrfauaat it; and wooudtr.lhoemwa re ligion te nothing but aaiicllilod taislaere. and 1 adopt the language aud stylo of the shot,, the olllrsi ami liar tswnunif room. A preacher abuve all things ought lo ha dear as the tun and direct as|lts you preach to tho head or to tkehoartr “I pleach toUMOoMclanre.' MsbeuutnlhBaaSofuic.troth, uut^a who head Hurt a dead ivmreietiiw can never I* pious." “Hun t au the world he hew christlantredr • "By il.r preacher* throwing down lire hook, amt tinea aed tv lumping turn the water, rhuhrs atul all. and grabbing hold upon the seluc pule and drawing u tumshar* aa It tweaks with tire Ashes. The es shaellaitc work should ho supplemental to Hie regular srork of the pastors. -One man MremhandaMtlrecmpelhiahd ho that aowreth aad he that iropeih shall ndotre together.'" A Big Congregation. Nam Junes had a Ug congregation Tuesday. It included young and ukl, male and female, aad was composed very largely or people nmn tha lower rlarsca. A good many people had Ihclr children with thvta-frowi Infanta hi arma tn half giean I cys, Tkalsowas was crowdmf. A Chicago N'awa reporter gtvoa lha loilowlugasa waipl, ot the evaugvUat'a talk; Thcw fellows aay: “I nerre saw aaythiog wrong shout cards. U'sMlaaiafhl aame: It's a solan- i Mo game.” They alias ring I u that word reienUau look 'KMiudeadsrea alukhi’srurldlladkmrwa t tell the truth wheu I say l'vo not aeon tha time In ihlrnca years whan I had« mlamolo .pare toe .W&nT* WfiS SK adh 11 kill nlae Uawaoul to. There moral fellows dy 0 di‘mrmadobjwt« ,rh |> l id .. io»y AinTyouaaonIt* lion of time wheat ha will be drowsed Mr. Janes caaw down on thlawotd drowwodwlth UnMomupaaia, dwclllagon H In htalaweaiton* Me oanttuwcdi” I hare irewrha* ha many cith-s krvd «een thou- rends uf people conrened. but I never hare yea, rej .ted 1 IT *my ludre. kmosm af iaj member of a dty cluh over Ming con verted to Cod-sum that is the saddest oom- IhaiOod or man could pronounce rm uttuUpoa. A man is almoaCcormtaljr llorrlhle Doul.l. aturdcr In llaliltrln Comity. Mlt.LgDfiKTil.t.K, fis„ March .1.—[Snecli Aa horrible a murder aa the criminal recoi of (icorgla contain was committed In this county yesterday abont sundown, in a thicket on (Jeorgo Vinson’s plantation. Tho terriblo hand of suspicion points to Frank Humphries, of this county, aa tho murderer, and ho re now safely locked up in the jail in this city, haring been arrested by Nhcriir C. W. tlnnis this afternoon on tha spot where tho horrible deed was eommlttod. Novernl witnesses were ex amined by Coroner Mcott and, with the excep tion of haring heard tho jrnn abuts, tho testi mony of only two of them Is germane to tho crime. Mn.Ocorgla Unities testified before tho coro ner that alio spent last night at Frank Hum phries's house; that ho waa not there, and that he only came homo this morning about breakfktl time. Ho waa wet and muddy, had blood on hla wrlatbands. hat and shirt collar, and that be nude a statement to her, the nub- stance of which ia given Mow In Frank Humphries’s ataUmcnt. To your correspondent he raid: ‘T went ont yesterday. Intending to shoot ine birds, and I thought I would go as far aa Mr. (ille’a house, tiro miles above mo. I have not been working my lands bat have rented them ont, and I spend n good ileal of my time hunting In too woods Tho day looked onpromi'lng, and I changed my origi nal purpose, and that ia wherein I made a [mistake, for I did not tell my wife, who la In poor health, that I intended to bring Mias Carrie home with ms But I wanted to have soma fun, and so I went to my Brother Kllsha's homo ana took dinner. It wrajast four o'clock when J succeeded In persuading Miss Harrioto go home with me, but 1 heard u«r aay thatahe would net go with mo unless Flla, my niece, as well aa her own, wonld accompany us, for ahe remarked that “TOAJIK. » UMKKIKO," meaning myaelf. Well, we set out to walk a distance of four miles to tuy home, my doga A know a renew down In Orenta who UsA so ■“£ 'hat alter three aongretrlafiat Mlttag tho !BTteo, ,, J£i b & r A&r.*5! yon <1 none the lawyers to death. I like?grant through the pine thicket where there Is lots ol Bermuda grass growing, when I stopped to tlo my shoe. We ware laughing merrily aud Mias Curie had my gnu. Aa l stooped d I heard some little nolle and Just i ‘ of four men, two lu front with don shotguns and two In tho rear, one haring a big pistol and the other n glittering bowreknlfe. They had on stoat ovorvoat* and high-top boots and we re masked with calico doughfaces 1 Just took all that In at a glance, for J WAS WlttTK aglfSgl.RSS with aotncthlug that felt soft like au oelskln tilled with rand. A 1 fell I grabbed my gun and fired both barrels at one of tho asaaa- sine, and aa I struggled along on the ground, trying to reload, I swooned away and knew no more until about two o'clock this morning when the warm min pattering In my face awoke mo and I started off, dazed and be wildered, taking tho opposite direction to tho way that led to my horns At tho line fence, two hundred yards away 1 found out my mis take, and than I set out for homo, whore t y- lived Just at dawn with my clothing covered with blood and dirt. My wife cams running to meat mo and hugged and kissed me aa she always docs 1 bad to cry a little, for tho Alii weight of tho terrible night's experience overwhelmed me. I changed my clothes and wrote a nets to my brother telling him of hew 1 had been assaulted, and that I did not kuow what bad become of Mlrala I'AHKIK AN1> gl.LA. “Then I got breakfast aud went up that way, and, oh, tuy (lud! I found them murdered." There Is n general opinion that tho verdict of the coroner’s Jury In charging Humphries with the murder Is correct. Hla statamoat la disbelieved for many reaaoua, chief of which ii that there la no evidence whatever to substantiate hla story of the masked men. It Is thought strange that. If innocent, ha should have ao careful!y concealed bis bloody clothes The younger girl wu undoubtedly outraged, aud the torn condition uf her garments show, that ahe made n bravo real atones It ia believed that the older une waa murdered first for the purpose of preventing assistance while the murderer attached the younger. If Ilutnphica la inno- veut. It stems strange that he should have been allowed to escape death, while tho two women with him were ao brutally murdered. Miae Baines waa about 30 yeereold, and kills Humphries about S3. Frank Humphries la about 35 yean old. Ho luu always borne the reputation of a taw abiding, peaceable nuu, ana but for the awful circumstances of this afilt which carries surprise and horror Into tha minds of thle community he would bo free ""maion, «a„ March T.—[Spatial.]—A uu>h of shoot thirty mashed wen attempted to lynch Hnmnhreya last night in Baldwin Jail, aad would haraancrecded bat for tha ehrewdnoae of 8heriff hauls, whs expecting trouble, had unrried him to the Inaatic avylom for safe- keeping during tho night. To your reporter the sheriff laid tonight: “I went ont to tho arena of the tragedy yesterday and demanded the teethes of hta people. They refused. I told them I weald carry them to fail nnleaa the rlothet wan pro duced. They then produced them, and tho ahlrt waa blocdy, and the wrist bawl cut en tirely away. It waa found where tho deed waa done. Ills brother relnctantly admitted that Frank's wife bad raid ha had hnraed Ue hat, which waa bloody. From others the reporter learned that the wails found In tha wounds Corresponded with the wads Humphreys had ont and used. Federal Cemeteries. . Major K B. litrk has IJu-t returned bom In- ►peeling the twenty-two national cemeteries over which he baa aupervMon. They are located at Mlowx: Fi-urlu N’orth Carolina, two In South ■'•muni tour tn Tennenee, two In Oeoigtn. three pi, four In Louisiana, on* In Alahwna nf, ia,om uueeweuta A good date of JT&HFAS!? its and workmen to hasp them In or ter. Huy hnHatere, hot ao equal, has Dr. Sago'n CWtarrh Itetaedy. Will A-k Greet* to Disarm. Ixxxrox. March It la expected that Turkey will aud an ultimatum to Hreeeo to disarm. NEWS BY WIRE. Happening of tho Week AU Over the Count* r« Buffalo, N. Y., Match 2.—I>iaca»Jon is fttill tmkioff place am tc the identity of tho mm whose death occurred from sliding down tho Ice ironed at Kiajrara, on Saturday. He vva* about thirty*Cve yean old* with aide whisker* aud mustache, and wearing a heavy brown overcoat and high silk hat; waa seen climbing the ice mound at Niagara fall*. Ifo * cboso the highest peak the moDiid. Tho ascent was made With conaiderable difficulty. Those in Prospect paik who ware watching all hit movements were horrified to see the man sud denly slide down tho outside of the mound and into the water, whether intentionally or accidentally could not he determined. No trace of the bedy has yet boon found. All that waa known at Niagara Palls abont the stranger waa that he came from finffaloon the 11:15 train, and paid bis way on tho incline railway at Prospect park. In tku city the man Is believed to be J. F. Marvin, n commercial traveler for the New York ding supply house of Hembury A Johnson, who has been stopping at the Tifll house. He paid bis bill and left the bouse, saying he would return on Monday. Ho checked his sample cases at the hotel office, saying he waa going to the falls. His appearance and apparel answer the description of the victim of the tragedy. > or. mi Mi a poor. St. IjOUM, March 1.—Two or more years ■go, J. V. I.ouin. an extensive manufacturer of cotton reed oil, or Ciut-inuati, Ohio, conceived the Idea of forming a pool Intended to control the price of the commodity It Is now Mated that his efforts have succeeded, and that he h*s formed a corporation known as the Cotton Oil Trust com pany, which control* every desirable mill west of Ibe Mbvjwlpp! river, and *Ixtjr per cent of the mills of the entire country. The capital stock of lie company I* placed at f'JO,000,000. BBOKRN DOWN. Indiana poms, Jnd., March I.—Mrs. Weaver, who went lo Atlanta to obtain the body of her hus band, w hom she believed wa* killed there a few weeks ago, under the name of Pierce, has returned home utterly broken down physically, having fail ed to satisfy the authorities that Pierce was Weav- — — * *•'**- —rfr. if alive, has plen- T a con ddc table es- rmiondencc with friends and relatives in Indiana, and nothing has been heard of him since the accident. Mr*. Weaver also thinks that after he waa hurt in the accident. Weaver gave 00 in money to some person to *vnd to her, with card and papers but that only the latter were ttnhcr. Hhe think* that posMbly part of this . jwjr fa the $600 whfcli Is now fn the hand* of the udmlulstrator. WWirn’t COHABITATION. Salt Lakh City, Utah, March i.—Tliero ere six convictions and sentences today for utt- lawfol cohabitation. SAVED SAILORS. Halifax, N. 8., March 3.—Tho steamer Beta, which arrived today, brought from Turk’a Island the second engineer and aeveral of the crcwof tho steamer Saxon, which was wrecked on the evening of February i in Caico’s passage. The steamer was on the voyage from New York to Cape Haytien. She experi enced very stormy weather early In tho pasaago. On the fifth day out, a!>oat 8 o'clock p. m., anil during moderate weather,she struck on Birches Lookout reef, and on the following day broke in two. The first and second engi neers and four men then took to boat and reached shore safely. Another boat lying nlonslde. in which were two of the crew, was swamped wheu the Boxon parted, and both men were drowned. Two others of the crew, by tho aid of a plank, swam to a schooner lying some distance away, leaving Captain Wyman and four others on the wreck. They were unable to get away except by risk ing their lives in the sea. One of these, tho chief mats, a ton of the captain, attempted to swim to land, bnt became exhausted and was drowned. The steward became crazed and hopoless of bo- ing rescued, and leaped into the sea and was not afterwards seen. Tho high winds and rough witter in the neighborhood of tho reef prevented any attempts at tbff rescuo of the retiigfnhrir survivors being made until 3Iou- day, by which time another of tho uiQn had l*ocn washed away, and tho captaiu becoming dellrons, * had died. On Sunday, when the weather had moderated and the wreck was hoarded by men from the land, there was but cue fireman and tho remains of tho captaiu to remove to the shore. Six men In all lo.rt their lives. WAITED ITO.Y BY A COMMIT TER. St. Favi- Min., March a.—Interest lu tho murder of Mrs. Funny Smith Klch, by her bus* land, and his suicide, intensities with time. J. Shepherd Smith, of Coblosvllle. N. Y., ar rived here today, to take charge of tao remains of hla relative. Mrs. Bich. When it waa learned that Smith made bis arrangements to leave for the east on tho 1:40 train, hut bought oaly two tickets, one for himself and ono for the coapse of Mrs. Klcli, he was waited on br three of a "committee often,” and told that no must treat both coipees alike.. He proposed to buy a lot here and bury Web, and ship the body east by express, taking Mrs. Web with him. The committee ualu this would not do; ho must take both* (iRAND DEMONSTRATION. Albany, N. Y., March 4.—A grand densou- straliou was held this evening in the Leland opera house, presided over by Governor Hill, to express sympathy with the Irish movement. Governor Hill said he disagreed with thoee who thought it improper for a public official to participate in such n demonstration aa this. Mr. Nailing reviewed the Irizhtaml »r*tem. He dectarcfi that th, Irieh wore not Intolerant In roltalouz matter., and instancod tho tact that Mr. Parnell, their lender, was not a Ho nan Catholic. Herald: “We have given up heating anch other'a brain, out for tho lore of j eg grating over the Jail door, eod hla life, Ling , llod. We are now engag.-d iu beatlug out onr encode*' brains for hatred of tho devil." president uf the hoard of .-ouneilnwn, waa i ailed I*'fore the nnnterinl election lavnatl- gation rommitte. this p. m. He awore that jitht before tho lari Ohio legiilntuie paraed the law tahiag awn,- the police from the mayoi and giving eonlrol of the police deportment to n baud of pteire cotnmtadoncre, Jno. It. Mellon came to the office on Third street and ottered him lint »1.0O0, then $3,000, and finally $3,u)o to my that he hollered that the police i-ommlulonera would appoiut better tuea on the police force than tha mayor wonld. Be alio offered on coudllisn that ba make thio atetemeat, to rapport him heartily far mayor, aad to give more money to elect hint mayor than he (Miller) would himself. A POfTB t.VNCItKD. Katoxtown, N. j., March A.—[Special.]— Nam Johnson, a negro aged eixty-fire, w« lynched lratuightforaaanltlng and oatr.giag a young white girl, the ninetcen-yanr-old daughter ofHtnry Herbert. The cenzmaolty lain a terrible atate of excitement. The pre ponderance of opinion Ii with the lyaeher*. and ratv pareaaa really condemn them for the aegro'i crime wa. one of tire worst aad moat fiendiah aver perpetrated In n civilized com munity. Tha young woman waa returning home lazt evening about dusk. At Main' inllla, aboil smite ont ot town, ahe mot a ne gro- who struck boron tha hoed with an axe. Ua then brutally outraged bar aad left bar tucaoRten* and nearly deed. She wuediscovered half aa knur later aad taken to her home near by. The neighborhood wu aoon aroused, and every able-bodied man in tha vicinity turned out to hunt for th* villain. Ua ran to tho woods aad from theoce ventered to go to hit homo in South Katontowa, where ho has a wife aad four grown children. Two active aad strong young men wont to his borne about hulf-ptat 9 lorn night end. after n severe mruggie, hound tkeaagioaad proceeded lo the tewajei! in Katentown. The jail was then visited by the father and tha brother of the girl, who requested permission to ihoot tbs negro, hat this was not allowed. impromptu indignation meeting! ware held, and the lire of the darky wu railed for ve hemently. An excited mob from rack town Marred for tbs Uatoatowu Jail. The aaebi met at Ike Jail aud. breaking open the doom ruined in and began clubbing tha darky unmercifully, liiit rise for metvy aud life were heard half n mile off. Not content with clubbing him until hit head was horribly braized, they tied n repz rrctnd hiz neck and. running it thron ghtne ...-rival tuea. women and children _ ai-out the black corpse in the sunlight. Miss Herbert is iu a critical condition and Lcr life almost despaired of. She ia a moit ■ ttimabie young woman and liked by overy- .Tohutor. was .bout 70 vtut* old. He wts ft jincjly jockey and got biz nick name “Min go” from having ridden a hone of that name, ne lias livtd bore many years and wu well known to Ilia victim. Sbe is a slight, delicate w< man of IP. She bad no fear when aho met .It it* *bo knew him so well, but he knocked her down, choked aud outraged liar, lie wss known to be violent and had be?n Hud while in tbs act of committing a robbery, hut had not been suspected of the crime which ■ oat bis life. Although there have been few simitar crimes committed within five years whose r«n,ctrators were not detected, tbs community Is rejoiced over the swift retribu tion tbat has reached blto, and everybody Is profoundly ignorant who the avengors ware. TAB APACHES bO<>Sf.. Tombstosb, Arizona, March 7.—News was received I.t re tonight to Ibe effect that a band of thirty- Attaches ten days ago attacked a party of travelers at a point fifteen miloa southwest of Kocataia, Sonora, Mexico, killing one Mexican and one American. The Indians is lielicved, belonged to derontmo's band, then proceeded to Willtam.Brown’»mine, where Mt Kerton waa killed last September, and killed Browtt and a companion, Jamea Moser. The band then started south, and camped ono milo south of San Pedro, where they stole eighty horses from tho rattlers. They then went in the direction of the Sierra Madre mountains. di'el wrrn pistols. tHim-AHt'A, Mexico, March 7.—A duel with pistols 1 >ctween Trinidad Alvarez and Senor Parades has just been fought in n suburb of this city. Three shots were fired by each. Parades re ceived three wounds, and it is belioved will dio from his injuries. The first tiro shots fired at Alvarez missed him, but the third struck him in the forehead, killing him inatantly. Both Parcdcz and Alvaros were prominent men here. Tho duel was caused Ity a quarrel between the families of the two men. in which they Iiecnme involved, and Alvarez received a challenge from Paradez, which he accepted with the fatal result deacrilieil. A NKKTOP SNAKES. Norwich, March 7.—Nelson Vcrguson of llean Hill, lu digging Into a hill tho other day opened a nest of sixty-three lively black snakes la a bunch. They wore la length from 18 inches to 3 feet. They were smart enough to run away from Mr. Yergtiaon, although tbs mercury was only ten degrees above zero. The effect of Dr. Ball's Cough Bynip Is most soothing. Tho price is only 35 cents. TUB COTTON HABKXT9, CONSTITUTION OFYICB, Atlanta, March a, 1M, Tim man's mans*. New York—The week just pest has brought about roiiklderable changes In the cotton market Tho dull and depressed feeling of a week ago has shined into firmness, and the rapid upward strides tliow evidences of a boom. Bow loag this state af tilings will continue Is extremely uncertain. There arc many who amert that there are no substantial rearons for any permanent advance, aad that a re st lion U only a mere question of time. The sate ol tatures today was perhaps tho largest In seventl years, and hai occasioned much excitement Fu- lures closed Ann today about Xc above the flyures of a week ago. 8poU, middling9?-Uc. NEW YORK,: March 5-The following la tea oomparaUre cotton statement for tho weekending Net receipts at ail United States ports....... K7.7M Same ttma last yrar M.eti Showingtan Increase.... — —— 11*30 Total receipts. —...ttatlte Sdrne time test] Showing an increase.. Exports fbr tho week Same time last year—. Showing an increase.. Total exports to date......... Same time last year ........ Showings decrease. —..— Stock at all United States porta.. Same time last year. - Showing an Increase.... Stock at Interior towns. Bxme time last year. Showing an Increase Stock at Liverpool Same time teat year Showing a decrease. American cotton afioat foe Oreat Britain. Same time last year...... Showing an Increase. New York—Tha cotton market seems very much unsettled. Future! opened Arm and moved Irregu larly upwards all day. In the afternoon the tone developed eonzlderabte strength, and no llttlo ex citement prevailed, though zalez for fotnre dettve ties were not so largo aa on yesterday. Spots, mid dling lIS-Hc. Net receipts today MM baleo, against «,(»l bates lastytar; exports 7,474 betas; last year 7,IM bates; Mock set ,777 hales; last year 773,103 bates. Below we give the opening andcloslngqnoUUoni of cotton futures In Mew York today; March...... Se~= Jane -Inly August...... W September 9.1 October....•. November Closed steady; raise 9SSJMS' Local—cotton weak at the Mtowtng quotations Good middling »> jot middling r.'ct'strtct low mid. dUeg 1340) low middling *Xo; s-.rict good ordinary sc; good ordinary 7!*c; ordinary 7Xe; middling Mains sc; tinges site. NEW YORK. March (i-Tha total visible (apply or rotten I for the [world la 3,015,bU bates, ot which 1,573,333 boles are American, against 3,833,817 bates and 3,311,517 respectively last year. Eeoelpts it all Interior towns LVU bales. Receipts from planta tions C3.C35. Crop In sight 8.U3,Slt balsa. PROVISIONS, GRAIN, BIO, CONSTITUTION OFFIOB, 'Atlanta, Mirch 4, ISOS, Tha following quotation Indicate tho tuctui’Jom on the Chicago board of trade today. WHEAT. March... March.. .10 33 10 33 10 X> mi anna. .5 40 6 40 6 41 to the demand 10 35 546 aetise. iiiles It follow- m us ‘ quins; light 33.foffi94.o6; packings 73. Cn Meal—37c. Gate—RnM proos age. H»y-Choice timothy, targe bates 3L00; cbo4oa too- thy,- small bale*. J1.06; • No, L Vlarra bates, elsv SLOOiaiislrd SLOOi Wheat Inn gLMMLOAOjlla Intel 7!,c: white extra c *‘;c. Syruri Orleans rholee «V: prime ■-rtffil.c. Teri-J nercham bar. 2] rofc 16c. Bweue ik strata. QHNMll teMXScr btaek apeesM Dried ftult—fomgh- peaches ec: rough di—. .. Official Expressions—“Royal” found to be the only absolutely pure baking powder. j' Governor Hill, of Hew York (says a reporter of tho N. T. Tribune), says: “I have been Astonished latoly #t the extent of the adulteration of food. It would soem that every thing wo cat is adul terated. * * This adulteration of groceries is bocoming a na tional evil—one that wo shall have to adopt severe means to check,” The machinery of the law cannot bo put at work too speedily or too vigorously against this wholesale adnlteration of the things we eat. Both the health and the pockets of the people demand protection. There is no articlo of food in general use more wickedly adul terated than baking powder. Tho Now York Stato Board of Health has analyzed 84 different brands purchased in tho State, and found most of them to contain alum or lime, many to such an extent os to render them seriously objectionable for use in food, n* •' L ' ' The sale of adulterated baking powders has been prohibited by statute in several States. It will be in the interests of tho public health when their sale is made a misdemeanor everywhere, and the penalties of tho law are rigidly enforced. The only baking powder yet found by chemical analysis to bo entirely free from lime and absolutely pure is the “Royal.” This perfect purity results from the exclusive use of cream of tartar specially refined and prepared by patent processes, wlueh totally romovo from it the tartrate of- lime and other impurities. The cost of this chemically pure cream of tartar is much greater than any other. Tito high grade of the Roy:.'. Baking Powder has been fully established by official chemists. Prof. Lovi, who made tho analyses of baking powders for the New York Stato Board of Hoalth, as well as for the Government, certifies to the purity and wholesomeness of the “Royal.” Prof. H. A. Mott, late Government chemist, says: “It is a scientific fact that tho Royal Baking Powder ia absolutely pure.” Dr. E.' H. Bartley, chemist of the Brooklyn Department of Health, says (April 24, 1885): “I have recently analyzed samples of tho Royal Baking Powder, purchased by myself in the stores of this city, and find it free from limo in any form.” Prof. McMurtrie, chief chemist U. 8. Department of Agri culture, Washington, D. C.,says: “The chemical tests to which I have submitted tho Royal Baiting Powder prove it perfectly healthful, and free from every deleterious substance.” Bread, cake, biscuits, etc., prepared with Royal Baking Powder will be lighter, sweeter, and more wholesome than if made with any other baking powder or leavening agent- address orders for DIAMONDS, WATCHES rP JEWELRY TO J. P. STEVENS, JEWELER, 47 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, BA. Mention tala paper. no* 17 wkj lp 13p Cl END TO ANY ADDRKSS POST-PAID ON AP- OpUcatlon. out of onr new Mantle Cataloxnes, iAKoraffiwffiffiffiMraAMffijiffiafiiiMkaefiffirarafiffinera HOW TO SPECULATE ANB MAKE MONEY. J. EDWARD GOVE & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 1331 F. STREET, N. W„ Wazhinfton, D. O. - Stocks, Grain, Provisions and Petroleum. 310.00 eecnree profits on Mshaies Stock. UNO bushel* Grain, 40 pbUFomk or Lard._ BraOjfor anojccr. CURE > a bllloai itatoof the evitem, each ee Dlz- lUeMKCtN liee been ,hewn in csttac SICK Hemdaetayct Carter’*Llttlo Liver l’Jllaare eqiaQy yolaabfa In Constipation* curias and prercotlog this annoylBjjcotn plaint, whflathay alio correct all tfloovdm of tho atevaeh* attealato the lhr*r aul regulate U»« bowels. ISua tflhej only cure* HEAD. §Sj§i|p|^ ACHE Ii the brae uf to mur lire, that hero le where we make oar peat tout. Oar ptlll can It white "cuteJVuiita Line Mte Ire ne,illltat nr, cu, la take. C M or l». pUte talk, * do—. Tut are itttett, vestutio rad do not grifie or sarce. hat hr thrir ceatte aeitoa rteire all win rSthea. nVlMiat39eratz: Ire forlt. Bold b, amt hyaiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., Nbw York City. Mewlton thl. pepf r- foh3—di, Mt too thu way an to, ti p hot Plants for the Garden I Plants for the House I Blooming Bulbs! Flower Seeds S END FOR DESCRIPTIVE AND ILLUSTRATED catalogue. Freo to all, to _ EDWARD WACHENDORFP. Prop. Atlanta Floral Bam, Go. febCSwyit Mantlon thl* paper. CATARRH Mentten thUratwr. oxrc-whrla IE MEW MIKADO” MANTLE, THE L map mantle, txtret atptei. LaFontalae A1 Wtif Mitchell a, Atlanta, Ga, HunnicuttS Bellingrath JOBBERS AND DEALERS IN COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES, MANTELS, CRATES, Elt„ 30 nnd 38 cor. Peachtree and Walton Sts., - ATLANTA, OA. Mehnein. proved derigni In tho markit, Ira Cit llcfilccroioit. WaterCoolen,Tubi Braabea, Straaa r * Good*. Martile SI—. Bath Tuba, Qu cbandetlere, Pendant eta, Plain end Stamped Tin Wen; IhlDt kept by fini-ctao. Book Puret Atent for Knowtee’Steam Pump, • Vanurzctnron or Concrete sewer Pipe and Orna mental Galvanized Iron Work. • Directors for Plumhln*. Gas nttlnt, 8f«am j Hue, Tin Roofing, Galvanized Iron Corn er, r aad Window Heads. Anrthlot J0t> wish. Mention thle paper. fcto-wk, 5t Electric Belt Free jentt-taethurat why corv reward will be taid to any one who will return m, tetter Wuih Botmoo. iggnaasr 1 - IMPOTENT WEE! neryTta. 1 ' _ A trMtpackadt|enreceipt or twelve tests pottejw - Tim U iffj- l^, jlg^ ^ TOSS,*: