The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, March 23, 1886, Image 8

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IjroKOTCT Fsnif~| THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION". ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY MARCH ZS 1888 ACROSS THE WATER. H appeninosofthb WEW INTHi OLD WORLD. Ministry- Other forUlo Nows. Tmr ^« thOaWriU to tho contrary, it to learned today ahthor- datively that both Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, president of the toot! government board, «nd AT» Trevelyan, sncretary for 8cotl*od, hsvn placed their reeignatloni In tho hand* of Mr. (lUflatone. The premier his, ftowever, do- clinod to eceept tbs reiignation*. Biaawer to tow tender of them mi a most eondliatry °#r. Oledetone enggeeted to both gentlemen that they defer final declaion on the resigna tion* until after a personal dtocnidon of the nneatlon at bane between them and Mm. To thleboth Chamberlain and IVerelyanharo a*- aentad. It to now known that the aohleet . of dlfMito ii Gladstone's Irish oxpioprUtlon S, The exact atm which Will fie required io buy oat *11 the lenddwnen of the country, nt-cording to tho premldr’a pUn to, 130000.000 round,. The nropoaltlon to In- creasotto public debt of (jlmat Britain that much In order to nut-chain peace Jn Ireland, to claimed by the radical leader* In the cabinet to be asking far too much for what will be ob tained. There waa to hare .been a apecial meeting of the oabinat today. ’ It has,how- ai*b,fwan i committee j, to Which tho bUI providing for the prolongation of tho antl^odaltot law waa re ferred, after taking unfavorable action on the amendment* offered by Dr. Wradthorat, have Bismarck's spirit monopoly bill, and which loot weak rejected tho firat two cUuaet, today voted agalnat the remainingclaoieaof thoblll, thua rejecting the entire measure. Lon BON, Mart'll 17.—Tho banquet in honor of St. Patrick’* day waa given at tbeOannen Ktreet hotel thl* evening. There were 230 gucata. Including Karl Aahbnrnhamond many Paraellit* member* of parliament. Many telegram* were rend, expnanlng conddenae in J*amell and the Irlah commonora. K. Dwyer ' dray, wbo preelded, regretted the abaenee of l’tmell, who waa unwell. Amid great enthu- alarm be propowtl the tout: “Iraland, a Na tion,” adding that If ever a no* on tha fiua of tho gtobo had proved Ite right to nationhood, the Irlah had dene eo. In aplte of eea- auriee of bluer atnigglo, unparalleled acridcae and unequalled a* (faring*. Iriabmcn bad ahown that they were deter mined to obtain the right* of a nation, and ii tear wu their determination Wronger than now. Ur. O’Brien, preaiding over a meeting Of 4,100 Irlah men In HtUeone'* hall,In Bradford, tonight, made a apeoch, In whleh he raid that Ireland's proeped* ware nevor brighter than now. London, March lfi.—Tho dlobo thia after noon atatea that at tho cabinet meeting held Saturday Mr. Trevelyan, accrctary for Scot land, and formarly chief accreterj for Ireland, and Mr. Edward Ueneage, chancellor ol the duchy of laocaater, both tendered their realg- natlaoa. The rewon given by both gentlemen for tbelr action, aajra the Uloba, wu tholr ills- Inclination t* eupport the Irlah policy outlined at the muting by Mr. Gladstone, u that Which be had daclded to puna*. Tho rail Mall Uautte profouea to have authority tor raying that the atatement* of Jhe Time* and the Standard that Qladatone’a rlali cxaniironrlation achctne oontemplatea an _____ Ion pound* am nloua, and that the anm which Oladatone ' Ira ueceaaary to buy out all the preaent d* of Ireland, la much nearer ono hun- '.millions than two hundred million r. filadatono antliorlaea tho atatement that lio will take no notice toe' varlon* venlona of . hh Irlah plena that have recently been given the public. Ite raya that all tho etpriee that havo been publiahad ngardlng Ida Intention* with xeapect to Ireland are entirely baaeleea. It la understood that ho hope* to be able to pneeut lilslrisli programme in tho houaoofcommon* Monday noxt. I.OKPON, March 111.—Mr. (Iladatone, thla nfternoon, in the bonra of common*, raid bo hoped to he able, during the eomlng week, to name the day for prewntlng tho atatement of liia Irlah propoaala. Referring to the current rumora uhout tho nature of the aehemo of Irlah reform, which ho prepoaad to aubmlt, Mr. (Uadatono aakrd the memben ofthohouae tc exercise prudent reaorve In giving credenco to any of them. ltl* atated, on Indisputable authority, that the radical defection la inensaing, ana that hforlry, Bright, Oalmroe, Morgan and Broad- bun and other well known liberal member* orpatUamont, will Joiu Chamberlain. J1KB1.IN, March 'JO,—All tha acml-offlclal or gana continue to dlacnaa the proepeot of a war »f retaliation by France agalnat Germany. They attribute the probability of luch action by Franca le Orlranlat achemca. The l’oat declare* that Germany will await tb* earning of war proudly, rcaoluto and ready. All hope la abandoned that a reconciliation between Franco and Germany can be effected by reasonable mean*. Tho German*cannot be reatralned for an hour when the war eloud bunt*. The National K,ltung. while admitting the irrral progreaa made by the French army in recent yean, aeyl that Germany haaholhlngto fear while Franco la (related from other nation*. Frenchmen, it deelarea, cannot pardon (he German* for tbelr vlotortfa over them on the battlefield and their mcceraful competition agalnat French merchant* in foreign market*. The introduction of tha caplonage bill In the Freuch chamber of deputlea baa greatly em bittered feeling in Germany agalnat France. t-ondon, March Sl.-The vernation of th* coming week will be the announcement by Mr. Oladatone of hi* Irlah policy. It la not bellavod that the probable defection of Mr. Chamberla|n will aerloualy Impede the pro- gran of Mt. Gladatone'a policy, aa the raaaona which would drive Chamberlain away would attract Lord Ilartington back tohla allegiance. Mr. Parnell, rathe central figure, la now cloacly watched for expreaaiona of opinion. He re gard* homo rale u aernre, the only advene contingent being, porelbly, Mr. GUdatone’a health. Ha dow not regard a dlaaolntlon of parliament u probable In connection with chamberlain'* movement. OERON1MO SURRENDERS. Tohiwtonu, Arir., March *1.—The aoldion who have been stationed at Mad apring, un der command of Lice tenant Wheeler, have arrived here, bringing new* ef tore aurronder ofGeronlme lo Lieutenant Man*. The dr- cumstaaera leading to the eurfeader are re ported u follow*: 1’rlday afternoon, about ton rullca south of San lkrnardlua, the Apaohe camp waa attacked by the Mexlcen force*, and a hard skirmish ensued, during which two Apecbeo were kilted end the foeve* of Geronl- mo waa complcieW routed. Geronlmo and his land lied In the diresAion of I.ienten- aut Maos’ camp fee safety, and there made «u unconditional ear* under. The Mexican troopa followed them errors the line into Metis's camp, demanding them as prisoners, and ctaiming that the fight crconed on M.-airau toil, and the victory was Muir's. Lieut, uaut Maui refuted to give th* piiaourr* up. which greatly incenaod the Hes itant, wbo threatened to take the prisoners by force. General Crook wu hourly expected to atrlre in camp, but at last account* had not S ot route. Two dispatches from Lieutenant tut have beet, received at Mud tprluga, ap plying for aaaUteucc. The titnatlon la critical lu the extreme sal the massacre of Lieuten ant Maui and hit command may occur et any OUR KNOWLEDOE-BOX. (In this department we give brie anxwera to such ao—tluaa u cur : ■Ire tc aik-pnmaed the questions gencry Interest Answei brier and pertinent — reader* may de- j are of apecial or Answers may bo delayed tor a ' J. C. Ho Atlanta, Ga: Please give me a brief history of the Panama canal project. Among our clippings we find the following, which probably contain the desired points: * r active mover In this work le engineer,M. De Deneps. work, end to this comp by-Usa Colombian abortion of r assy. ■% operation 1418. Tho plan oj through i 29.62 feet L feet at the itten of a grand the central poln! mtsoftend /eminentin 1878 for the con* inter-oceanic canal were, .. __fluence, transferred. In I88L a number of en» guiccrs nna surveyors were sent from France to the Isthmus, and the actual work upon the canal B begun In the tallowing summer. DeLesseps In , report to tbe company in January eitlmated I —‘ of the work at francs » ny wartflxed at600,000,- argln for tho work, i be ready for actual , f the canal oontem- from sea to aea, open to the sky length,with a nooslaal depth of .. ._e sea-lcvei aud a width of 72.10 tom of the canal, also the excara- Isldo-baMn s.i mllea long, at about iiMiiAiiot of tbe canal, to Caollltate tha pfulMlneither direction. Jt wu estl- m that a total excaratlon ol a000 cubic yards of earth would be ring for the digging of the canal proper, and ilargementof tne ports at either end eufflei* cntly lor the traffic, filnee 1881 the work on the canaihae been steadily pushed, but the great mortality among the; white laborers has been a se rious drawback to the undertaking. The amount of excavation necessary has not been found to much exceed DeLeeaep’e estimate,but the labor and expense of It have been found to be much greater. Already the work has begun to lag from shortness of ftmds, slid In Juiy, wl.De Useeps endeavored --jBWWWt , ,—,— ,— nut it was re fined. The reporiioflhe great an, made annually, amf they. (riven an cncourulng exhibit of . the work. t'ntllTanuary, l»l, the cxcinttion proceeded but alowlr ration In clearing wu required. I0fl»d, more excavating was done than In "Jolstaa make." Pint, I would ray that yarn in formation on the aubject la not correct. Tbe Joint make lanol an nglr reptile, bat 1. u comelrandhamlcuuptwlbletor aauaketobe. nacp, ina nimo-i u iih-b h a m mimmm. body of tbe anake Is about alx ioehe, Tnng, tom tbe and of bla sharp nom to tbe anus. Tha reatof him la tall, running out to a point. The tall 1. Jointed, like that of a Hazard, and eullr broken off ljyallAwItbattlck. when the tall will hop and squirm about tor some time liter aorerenoe. That old traditional atory about the Joint anake collect- Ini hlnuelf tout her alter having been ‘‘killed hoax? H. S. H. G. In* hlnuelf together .after 1 and broken In piece, to all a "la Tketw No Balm In Gilead, to there no physician theraT That fg far all who xrill om ba hcnlad hy obtaining tha “Sdenre of Ufa." tee advertisement luiMonci, up vu I'm), 1999* sooui «v,wViWU cuoic srdsofesrth, or about one-seventh of the actual (gri bad been accomplished. Up to ^ MOOO, or MO,000,000 foincM. bad been *xpended on the work. M. De Leastps still asserts .hat If the needed funds can only be furnished the csnsl will be ready for tbe passage orshJps in 1888 mum, and divided the day Into equal parts, that he might give certain hours to certain work. His method of keeping time was to notch huge can- dies, and tell tha time by tbelr burning. The wind disturbed tbe flame, and made the candles burn unequally. To prevent this he encased them in their born partitions. They were called from this circumstance lant borns, whleh drilled into tbe zrodern lantern. Editoes Constitution: Your reply to Effle P„ of Rome, this morning, was misleading to say the least. Lanterns, or lantborns,. were first •spoken of by Thcopompus, aOrcekcomffi poet, and were used by the ancients In many of tbelr mum meries. They were carried before troops by night, borne on the top of pikes, being so constructed as to throw lights only behind them. In the epistle of Bb John, it Is .‘•aid that tho party of men which went out of Jerusclem to apprehend Jesus were provided with *,lanterns and torches." Let usbo accurate about these things. W. T. Smith. You say tho Oregon lies in twenty-two fath- asof water, and that a portion of the masts are visible. How many feet under water is the vessel? Sixty tlx feet. 0. V. M., Roswell, tin.: X. How many rail roads compose the Gould system and what are i her? 2. Is a man responsible for the damage done loothcr men’s projicrty by hi* children If he Is ab sent when tt Is done? 1. The Missouri Pacific, Texas Pacific, the Mis souri, Kansas and Texas, and all their branches, Including tbe Iron Mountain. 2. The doctrino of tho law li that the parent Is peter liable for the willful tort of hU child. Itatdor, Tampa, Fla.: Where is tho coldest spot on earth V At Werkhojausk in Hlbcrla. The mean tempera lure last January was 6J:J below zero. Everything Kfrozvn all the time. Milk is like marble. Rut ter has to be chisolcd. A mini’s breath falls like •now. Tears become ice. People live at Work- hojansk, but the place would not agree with a turn from Tampa. Hubscribor, Jonesboro, Ga.: What bocomo of the Hhenandoah when Captain Waddell sur rendered to the queen of Fugund: Tho British government turned the vessel over to the United Stale* consul at Liverpool. We have uo Information concerning Its subsequent history. Editors Constitution : My son, Frankliu Brazier, aged 21 years, lea I’olk county, Ga., two years ago going toward* Centro, Cherokee County, Ala , and 1 have not heard from him slnco. 1 fear ho was murdered the night ho started, and his body concealed Dear reader, tf you know anything about ihim Pill you write (o his old heart broken mother, AlMI.tNX llHAlIKn, I.imc Branch, Polk County, Ga. F. R. Hickory, Mite.: What is the price of the crude sulphuric acid of commerce? How do you uao the acid In preparing bones for fertilizers ? Fifty degree sulphuric acid, In car boys, is quo* ted In Atlanta at one and one-half cents per pound. Pifsolre 1.200 l-ounds of finely ground bone* in 1.000 pounds of the fifty degree sulphuric acid, and result will be about one ton of good super pho-v pliate or commercial acid phosphate. J. H. R., Apsonville, N. C. 1, Ifow do you lant millo maize? 2. Wliat season of the year? Is it very productive.’ Wo are iudebted to Mr. G. W. Besson, of Marietta, Ga., for the following answers to the gltove questions. 1. Plant M, M. the same as cotton seed ns ordi- apart lu the row, if for forego. But If for making a crop of seed, let the cluster of plauts be two feet apart; and for either crop the rows need be onty wide enough apart to plow once. l T so the hoc only Until the plants are from eight inches to a foot high. If the weeding has been faithful, the plant can take careof Itsalf after U is a foot high. 2. April 16th U about the time of planting at Marietta, Ga. 8. The productlvencsa of millo maize has been too generally attested lo call for an answer. Cav* SPRtNc,. Ga., March 21.—Editors Poustltution: In auswer to “Thoodorua of Fort Valley, who aslu If there is such a thing as a joint snake, you VJ‘. "many reputable persons •ay they have seen tlmm, 1 ’ etc. Properly speaking, there Is no such thing as a joint snake, and while t is true that many reputable persons havo seen he animal csHt d by that name. It Is alto true that f you will a>k any oue of them if they ever knew >f the broken parts of oue becoming united again, ho answer will amount to something Uko this: •No, but mv grandfathers’ cousin’s uncle over iu South Carolina’did." Tbe so-called lolnt snake, Is not a snake, but something In the nature of a footless llxsard, —*— *- —— ihUaurus, and known In ,ry as the glass snake. SudluotbevK os the Joint snake. Instead of being a ”small dirty reptile." it U a very handsome am- nal, quite ttmiu, and a* all fizzard- perfectly lannleM. measuring at maturity about thirty lu hcs in length, two thlrd> or which Is tall. It* icad Is small, compared to the body, and shaped very much like the head of the comwtou sand- runner. or old field hazard. In color, tt is «Hr- *-•- * tea, ibad! THE WIT OF WOMEN. Collected by Kate Sanborn. ■If steamers are named the Asia, tha Russia tad the Scotia, why not call one the Nausea?-Lou- fra Alcott. A Manil uld to tha slater of President Claveland U aba was leaving Buttalofor Wuhlngton: "X hope you Tllllhall Dora Buffalo.” "Oil, you oxpect me to hall from Buffalo and reign In Wuhlngton.’’ .Whan yon wish to affirm anything, yon alir.n Ilk* features, are thrust upon us: companions, like a, are more or Iras our own selection.—Kate ryln' a man ain't like aettln’ along side of Ights and hearing him talk pretty; that’s the guard doty in Washington seventeen years, to Mia Cleveland, "what do ladles And to think about be- aldca dresses and parties 1" "The heroic deeds of our modern army officers," replied Miss Cleveland. A Isay once told me she could always know when she hod taken too much wine at dinner—her husband's Jokes began to seem funny. A Iloy's Pretty Idea. Johnny hod a baby sister who was a particu larly bright child, writes W. J. Lamptou In the iMerchant Traveller. After a short time on earth ;tbe iUtle one went back to her home beyond the ;bluc. One night shortly after her death thechil- dren were looking at tbe stars, when Johnny cried "Ob, see the pretty store! and one of them Is baby i sister t" "Which one?" asked another of the children. ‘The brightest one. of course,” proudly answered Johnny,>eUllng all further questions. Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills immediately aftor dinner. Don't forgot this. New spring hats are tall and are trimmed in the back, the front or on one side. James T. White, leading dealer in wall paper and window shades, at 40 Marietta street. Big stock of new goods just opened, Samples free. Read about the Hilldale Jersoy farm as adver tised by Ham’l W. Goode, real estate agent, o * lants, Ga. _ Lace and Jet, jetted grenadine and jetted etamina will be prominenot among the beason’s imports- TUK COTTON MARKETS* tsh green, spotted with white and black, shading off Into white below. On account of lb timidity, It perhaps, under the Influence oC-frigid, become* more rigid than usual, so that when given a blow the tall M>mcltine* breaks iuto several piece*, which, however, are never united to the body again. If left alive the tall b. in time, repro duced. Just a* the tal.s . oi other liztard* ate reproduced after having been broken iotV. Several year* ago I kept one that had been broken for a mouth or two. as it wa> the first one I Ibad ever seen, and desired to study its habits. In a short while the broken part became nicely healed lover, and I had. as tt were, a bob-tol snake, about - t escape, oiherwue 1 should nave kept it until! had had auoccular demonstration of the fact of the reproduction of the tall. My Informa tion has been obtained partly from reading and partly tram observation, and my object In wrhiug the above U to correeu as ter asnosslMe.thear most universal absurd belief tn the existence of such an Impossible animal as a Jalnt snake. ^ ^ most ivoran ronwx. Wauuua, A. e, March IT.-KdHeraCawtttu. .on; laaetn Taa OommTvrsow that Tniadaaas." of Fort Valley. Go-, wants information abort tha CONSTITUTION OFFICE, Atlanta. March 20,188 THE WEEK’S REVIEW. New York—The months closed today about 18®20 •point* above the prices of a week ago with firm tone and decided upward tendency. During the iwetk the market was aubject to moderate fluctua tions. Spots, middling QHc. NEW YORK, March |18-Tho following la tha comparative cotton stolemenUbr the weekending todays • Net receipts at all United States ports 57.720 Same time lost year 82.074 BhowingSan increase 25.040 Total receipts.......... -...4,701,017 Same time last year - .4, PJ2.6I3 Showing an increase Exports for the week Batuo time last year Showing an Increase Total exports to date Borne time last year Showing an increase Btock at Ulterior towns........... Borne time last year— .8,183,089 ,....*8,254,217 121,128 ...... 005,152 702,016 ...... 208AM irarara 188,8*4 Showing an increase Btock at Liverpool ... Borne time last year — Showing a decrease....... Amerlcan cotton afloat for Great Britain PJi.OOO Borne time last year - 152,000 Showing an Increase 12,000 SATURDAY, MARCH 20. New York—Colton opened dull but firm with tho tnenths higher. Iu the afternoon tho market showed a slight downward tendency, and closed at or cesr yesterday's closing figure*. Spots, mid dling 9>*c. Net receipts today 8,176 bales, against 3,801 balsa lost year; exports 6,132 bales; last year 8,468 balsa; stock £02,160 boles: lost rear 703.728 balea. Below we give tbe opening and closing quotations of cotton Aiturcs in New York today: March 0.1 Id 9.12# 0.14 April 0.20f 0.22 0.17S 9.19 May 0.82& 0.34 9.295 9.80 June 9.49# O.Stffo 9.40 July 0.61# 9.52 August.. September 9.42# 9.41 October. 9.27# v/x® 9.21 November. 9.22# 9.25 9.18# 9.19 Closed steady; sales 62,200|bales. Local—Cotton (quiet at tho following quotations: Good middling 9Mc; middling S?£o;;strlct low mid. dllng t?*c; low middling 8%c; strict good ordinary S'#; good ordinary Tfte; ordinary 7%c; middling stains Sjlo; tinges NEW YORK, March 20—The total visible aapp’.y orreotton |forthe>orld U 2,918,614 bales, of whioh 1,451,311 bales are Amerloan, against 2,732,792 bates and 8,205,892 respecUrcly last year. Reoelpte at all Interior towns 30,212 bates. Receipts from plant* ttoni 28,729. Crop in tight 6,926,180 batea. FBO VISIONS, GRAIN, ETC, ATLANTA, March 20,1M, The following quotations indicate tho fluctuations on the Chicago board or trada today: WHEAT. Much JStfc . 9 80 9 60 CLEAN R1BOIOM. 10#flSS. Horecs—plug “1% iCm.uJ* to 15 b.aJ* n-saiiis. I and hotchcra H0MU.I3. Floor—B«t patmt as.S0ffiU.7S: araratano, lll» ■U S: f.npT ls.50iAiS.7S: extra family *5.i5: cholot mmlly 15.00; funlljr St.ii^KM: *. Cnru-No. 3 whltt. Teunemes. U: No. OwWto.mlr ml. Me.. Com Mral-ATc. 0*t»-Ku*t proo: »a«. Bax—Choice timoth,.targe brtmli.OO; chot« tlmo Sf Sfflh olay il.oorulxrd il.00. Wheat Bran St.0OaR 0S.8riu “ , bbi. Coffi-e-Rio Sffilto ».»: old aoeera- 3Sc. Out*n-0tand*id A M(c; *r*nu- irau—lieu rib lidra awe. toi»u- conri bound buora K00. iBJga a* U#N Trar. chains Jt-OO^^bottoiTrope 16c. Bwede lion ic: rolled, 01 merchant bar, 2 J-irate. Cast rtoel 150. Kails U85. g»mGa encumo TO THE OLD NAME Tbe Staunton UethodUt Conference Decline* to Okanye. Stackton, Ta., March 15,-At the tsulon of the Methodtat Eptocopal conference today, the nueation sent flown from the general con- ference, “Shall tho name of tho .church be changed from tho Methodist Episcopal Church South to Methodist EpI*cop»l Church InAmer- ic*,” wu submitted, »nd by * vote of 173 to 8, tho conference declined to change the name.. The minority wu compoeed, of D. Dlco and Her. Mr. Delaney. A memorial glring Itroag utterances on tho subject of temperance wu unanimously adopted. The committee ro- commended an 'endowmentof $00,000 by tall conference to Eandolph-Mscon college. At tho dose of the aession Dr. Head created quite a actuation. He rose to a qaestion of prirllege and etsted that, u chairman of the commlftee on examination*, ho had aubmlttad a report upon the trial sermon of J. N. McCor- mic*, disapproving it on the ground that it waa but an assertion of Gcrman rationalfrm, and not in accordance with Methodist doctrine. The sermon was afterward submitted to Btehop Wilson and Revs. Harrison, Canon and other*, who pronounced It orthodox and able, Dr. Head declared that if that sermon wu ortho- dox, there wa» no lino betwoon Paganism and Chriatianity. To fro»tbitoa, chilblain* end bite* of poison one insect* Salvation Oil gives Immediate relief 25 cent*. OFFICIAL DRAWING OF THE LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY I Single Number, CUss “C," Drawn at New Orleans, Louisiana, on Tuesday, Marob 10,1880. No. .Prize. „ eo o»173.., 491 Mg 5W WSS’~" 7M 1821 1970 2064 SAMUEL W. GOODE, Real Eilate and Loan Agent, . ATLANTA, OA„ Will fill any order or giro any deiired lafqrmaUon ebout Farm*, City or other property. Write to him enclosing 2o stamp and he will fend you sale catalogue. Name thla paper.wxtc ■ >4»"’l5» iSS 100 84236 108 84428...... 80084465 I00M847 0 84606 A STANDARD MEDICAL WORK FOB TODNB m MDDLK-ISED HEN. ONLY II BY HAH*. POSTPAID. ILLUSTRATIVE SAMPLE FEES TO ALL. 49«2ra»... 6206 6214 6241 8483 •6491 6582 100 29660- te: | 6206...... ino S 29990 i§"“ 3S SHOW THYSELF. 74601 74667 78049 78897 75409 75423 76767 75820. 76196 76158 76196...... 76618 76670 76782 ■ Medical and the untold mlaarlu resulting from lndlsora- lion* for all'acute and ohrotaPOHaOHaHH or which Is Utralnabla Bo found by the Author whom experience tor 3S! years U such u pnffiably naver before fell to the lot of any phrridaa. M pages, hound In beautiful French muslin, atnbom- ed covets, full gut, guaranteed to he .finer wm In cTcry scnsc-than any other work sold Inti countrj tor HAS or the money (will bercfUndctHH t) eve Instance. Price only I1A0 by tnail, postpaid. D- luitratlve sample free to anybody., fiend now. Bold medal awarded the author by the National iMcdlcal Association, to tho President of whioh tha Hon. p. A. Biased, and aaeociata offioen of tha Board tb* reader la respectfully referred. The Science of Life should be read by the yotraj tor Instruction, and toy the afflieted tor relief, n will benefit all.—London Lancet. I Therels no -member of society to whom th* ISclenceofLitowlllnot ba useful, whether youth, parent, guardian. Instructor or clergyman.—Argo- I Addresa the Peabody Medical Inatttnta, or Dr. |W. H. Parker, No, 4 Bulflnch street, Boston, Maas, who may b* consulted on all dlieaaM requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseas es that havo baffled tho skill of all LJ C7 A I other physlclansastwclalty. finch nCftL treated sucassrully, with out TUVQPI B an Instance of failure. Men- 1 n I ODLr tlon thla paper. mavi—dly moo wed ITlAnsra 1000 100 33575 800 33760.... 800 «3W.... 0S52;"!!! 100 33900 SX 51349 iooS 100 £»f 4 • MO®? 51789 54970... 5000 56363 55328 55423 55143 56615 66586 65536 ?^55730-r 55939- 50126 50213 9 91962.—. 6 92067...... 100 92094 100 926a:::::: k» SS »»•••■• **55730.::::: 0^*469 MVStat 0 23521 WOMAN’S FRIEND—Dr. Prltiy’a Ladies’ JPUls never fail. Bond 10 cents and try one box. Ad- fires* 1IROU DRUG CO#, Covington, Kv. Name this paper. mar23—wkjrOt wky o o w “ NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. M 67... 80000 M 16095 — 10077 10879 10482 200 10H7...;.. 1061 10722 B00 MBM. 100 84929.. i«f B TARRANT'8 EXTRACT? —OF—■ CUCEBB and COPAIBA . nn old. tried remedy fci ^onorrhoea, gleet and all d!> i>mw of the urinary orgaul ii* neat, portable form, fry* dom from taste and speed? ftrlp aenrn the ft<x tf label, with the signature <X Dr. Sherman Now in SI. Louis. Trusses never cure, butthoyaabject Ute wearer to strangulated RUPTURE "lib all its horrors, being equaled only br hydro ^nowa. No matter how strong one may uc, rup urp is a lurking enemy, undermining the const! tutlon and unfitting its victim for all the physical •Jjdfatftel enjoyments of life. Tho displacement of tho bowel* in rupture and tho use of the truss ailoct the kidneys, bladder and other organs till impotency, impaired memory, fevers, Bright’s dte* case.and other mortifying ailments are Induced. DK. J. A, S1IKRMAK, well known throughout its country and the >Yest1ndles, through his sue- wfol method of curing rupture. Is NOW IN 8T. KET ll&aCT mlted Pe ” Wt ° mCE ’ 401 **** In hfr treatment there is no operation, no re*, strictlon from labor, but comfort aud restoration from all the ailments caused by rupture and the -so of trusses. Dr. Bbcrman’spampnlet, containing Indorse* Mention this paper. 1x9 56811...... 800 TO ALD .EOYEKS APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 56322 ijwa 100numbers, from T2990 to^nooo, Inclusive, be- lug 60 numbers on each side of the number drawing the Capital Prize of 9150,000, .52 {u 100 numbers, from 10007 to 10107, inclusive, be• ton ing 60 numbers on each side of the number ™ drawing the Capital Prize of 950.000, 1 lOOn umbers, from 40G92 to 46792, Inclusive, be ing 60 numbers on each sldo of the number drawing the Capital Prize of 920,000,—. 1000 numbers ending with 40, being the two last figures of the number drawing the Capital 69868 59641 59680 100 59748 iJJsoaoj • 100 69875 1Mi«»47 100 00705 10060791 eoooooit The subscriber! having supervised tho Single Number Drawing. Clus "O," Louisiana State Lot tery, hereby certify that the above are the number* which were this day drawn firom the 100,000 placed In thcwhecl with the prises corresponding to thorn. Witness our hands at New Orlean^L*., this Tuesday, March 16th, 1880. G. T. BEAUREGARD, J, A. EARLY, . . , Commissioners. : rein Cashed ix Fun. Without Riouanow. .'l-ii.; «m>. iwi: arnws recona capita: prize, ew.: ■old in S*n Francisco, Cal.; No. 48742 draws th capital prirc, *20,000. sold In Now York, Nsw Or- cans, Cincinnati, O., London, Ky.. Pittsfield, Mass., Ban Francisco, Oakland, and Livermore, Cal.; No. 41281 draws 110,000. aold in New Orleans, Memphis, Tenn.. Cincinnati, p., Evansville. Ind., Monfgomcry, Ala., Loe Angelce,„CaL,_ PortlattL i.D.V, A Jiuaucipuin, ro., nan rraocuco. i*t.. uiUlomi* town, Kr., and Columbia, Mo.. Non. t>i970, CI9S6, -.. 66022. GS364 draw each 15,000, sold In New Orleans. 100 Cincinnati, Q„ San Francisco and Oakland, Cal. SKINNER ENGINE CO.^ft,Fa. AWARDED coilmrTOR8 QGOLD New Orieut ‘ U MEDALS EXPOIITlOW t BEST * PLANTERS’ ENGINE In tt» MARKET. Catalogue maned free. Address ■r„ Meridian, fillaas ‘ wky (as rights and exemptions and the gMHV mentofwages. Wo send a book of 100 notes upasl Th Cl £onstl ccnu > 0160 T* 01 ®* fcr 85 Addreas STOPPED FREE ofthePUREantl For SHAVING i irtanw of 6 l E anil QOO D, this *oap recommend* tha TOILET without on equal, too 4Q amat luxury- la Doundbars,afaa OSS. 109 61163.-.. . 0) 2006120 *“ 100 64311 10064400 100 04986... 8 200 64993-%-. .... 100 65014 100 66085 914162... 900 65140. 9 44X31... 10000 46801 9 44816.... 100 66343 . . all school teachers, ladies nml gentlemen, who are not teaching at present. Address D. H. McConneii^n *^ b. Broad street, Atlanta, Go. Pata, I will none ~ i ill ii if stamp fur pottage. Aaeota Waatra E.4L itlcharde. bole Prop'r,Toledo,O. Aqyie tliia paper. mnrl6-wky26t o o w ■TOE 8AJLK—THE HILLDALE JERSEY FARM. 4 situated at East Point. t> miles from At lam a, on io Central and Atlanta aud West Point railroads. The largest and best arranged farm iu the south. Six silos, with capacity of over 60) tons. Spring- ihoure with churning room attached, unsurpassed I 111*, the I'nlted State*; flow of water. 42 galloui per minute; temperature below CO degree*. A magnUi- cetit lUh tm&d.covering about two acres. Two nice irc*ideuco»and numerous outhouoe*. The largest and moot complete ham lu the xmth. Every im provement requisite to a first class dairy or eattlo feediu* farm. Fences eomblnatiou of plank pnd i barbed wire all new. Will sell l“0 acres or in sep arate lots of 100 acres and 70 acres. Land in hLh state ofeultivatlon. Terms ea«y. Also farms of I ■very character tu all parts of Georgia. Addresa Bamn W. Goode, attorney, real estate and loan [broker. Atlanta. Ga. M*r 23-wk lam til Jaj^M |4H >44983.... ) 45036 > 15087 ? nni > 45180 I tftel ? uSs...... 45362— IW» • tvna ' WiWl • 10990 ) 16099 ’ 46400 4 t64U-.-. ;• 16370 } 16681 9 66393 100 llTreAt.r.ii Tftithffi BbJ j •ui«vuis.' memJjFSP iurfSttuiQFi. Mautlon this pa par, fobld-ty wad frl aun wky fiiSUSJLSil fc«sn holder free by mail. Aluj ahead of anything of the kfrtd ever invented. Beats weigh**, oat* •ells everything. Brohard dr Co., ... 2»wVy ~ 9 66039... 0OOO Mention this paper. mar. 23 wky 13t. 100 67949. 9)0 60033 1000 48148. 1 883.-4 ft 6RU2 0 48725 ) 48758 68M6... KOOSIER RUGERJ1LE HILL 1 ' it Or VOBPBian AND ROUUIADOEH&CQ. Hendon this paper. BcsMHishi l.r.JS-wkyl^ QUEEN mrSOUTH PORTABLE MILLS. SELECT FRENCH BiitiRS. Writs for DeserlpUve Circu lar. Mention this paper. Straub iarWnery Co» CXNCIUS. ATI d foh23-wkyl3i cows at 16745... 50000 •67F.I.. LfisV.. 17827.. TS 9 64176 9 69284 > R UBBER STAMPS Bcls. a Rnt. SendScts. for oat. alogue, MERCER & CO., Loulsrlllo, Ky. wyft EXCELSIOR CARPET STRETCHER. 1 MuXTBUtw. o.llon, ttu-n., (Si. (tsnsfum r. ; 11cntion this papvr ftb2fi-wkrtt. ^^mart-wkySmd *4171 24525 If:::::: 26316 Mention this paper.