The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, March 23, 1886, Image 9

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA, GA.. TUESDAY MARCH 23 1856, WOMAN'S KINGDOM SaSMISr ! The (mat Hymn. - . l®7 request.) The Sabbath day wa* ending In a Tillage by the , The'uttcrcd benediction •L,. «* Woman's Kingdom toaend me tuinn^P-^T***?• flowcr we are neW •“«* beeping, would like to decorate 5»sd?5Hi™' s « , «a eBe uw^u^unuKuonioucneo we people tender- I ( j a -- 1 h * Te “ muoh « n ’ '* ,M llghSd 0 weaJ & “"“ to *• * 1<mln * I * 4 ®^ —»»« SWsasre-atf _. A . , .' I nna a good exctue, u an “aoxtoo* enquirer" hu BlIt i5Sl2oJ5S5 •«K )| « the water*/ And aitromwu I *•? W 8 reque»t«d a recipe for Charlotte ^ wrara: jjmsuab«&*■*“•* * aA ,ii!!iJS r .* a * , « 1 " 1 to their yawning gulf, en- Pfl’Jff'? "W. one Plot of thick cream whipped Umt * i ' I Uilemmi5P!SiJKSSLJlSS!*J»_lla»orlng;lure a Vtryuxjou. were the people on that rocky com ^awftl uuea, of oomlog ““l®** tooold be telling I When theses had apent lu paaaion, and ihodld cast Snm^SiST «FJKfiSihf!&3 as KSSih'roSiCS&wn 1 » Book. IVeflnd they do" and Ply- blowing round her, a bra re woman (trained her erea, •mtatoeMwaloogthebiflowa a largo veeeal fau Ob ijltdldnot need a prophet to tell what the end ^ot^tolpccmld ride in lately near that shore, < "‘Ma^KSaS?’*’ 4 tnm bom ”’ “'pSrtAE’Ski^" "tore, «d the 'ro^thdSld?* Heli hep) pure In thii_ climate. Hare any of your Mucky churn power. It Is ‘ 1 ■tate and I am quite de af h.I hare heard some parties. By barinc. the trouble to fottfay butter in tweatyto thirty mU? 2K?13oS. • Um * 1 “ a •“* VOWUr “ 8. E. E. H., llonlaon’i Bind; Ark,—I hare not been reading Tar Constitution Tory long, but waa immediately attracted by the Kingdom. I lire way not here In Arkansas, and hare a Utile “king dom” of my own; of the king I will say nothing ea 1 am—*■-* *—- - - T ■ - - - - ^ ^ to ,h. ratal I OH — I 2?i. un ^; .1™!*“." «?*!!' nottaterafiSf find its way i about my Onl^oge^laMellnging figure on the spar was seen I **’*“• ■ Vre. K. A. Goodman, Oladarllle, Ga-1 oonld ; watchen came tho wrack I not readyour beantlthl linos, and tha touching !3S»sak's3ui£ flo ^ ^ "Could wo Knahim a short message? Here's a “d ploeked four of thetslreat boda togracatho trumpet. Shoot away,” I Sowar wreathed chamber of tha daad. One by ’’5JSK1S? that took it, and ho I J--* ^Agsr * “* tonnco? Flretlyt Secondly gjftffi ’£bS%& r a ^j£££*JSw There waa but one thing to nttar In that awful hoar | !^*.desolstc.heart sare swem aad mtmorlaaoltht lc.he’Srootad through tho trumpet, “look to lesual Can you hear? 1 wuS’anli tarn’ ““"“o'* 1 too watere, Tbentbe^y listened. Ha la singing "Jeeae loser of I Andtiw>lnd broughtback the echo, “While tho nearer waters roll,” 1 Btrarye indeed it was to bear him, “Till the storm l breveta o’or the waters, “Oh, noelso my Constant Header, ’ WhttSYWe, Oa-Yon will greaUy oblige an ardent admirer by answering Urn following questions: Bow to clean gilt picture frames? What dark colored materisls are satiable He could bare no other refuge, “Hanga my help, I leas soul oo TbcCs" 1 “leave, oh, leave me not"-The singer dropped Into tbe see. And the watchers, locking homeward, through their eyes by tears made dim. "land of tha Sky,” etc.? Note—To clean gilt, take sour salts; pranic stone puhrerlted, soft water and olive oil, mix wall to gether, stain and wipe off gilt. Dark percale ts , anltahle for hoys waist “lann of too Sky," waa *lJ»!*hyiBu!"* 10 ** with Jesus, in tbe singing of I written by Christian Held, don’t know the pub- Mabiians Faaxrxoifax. There ia no time hailed with anoh delight by ladlea aa tho plcaaant annshiny days that are now upon ua. Our flrat thoughts when tho mild daya come are our gardens and flowerx Firat, the ground mutt be tnrned up and ma nured, and it ia irrlaiatible when we see that completed not to wlah to begin to put in onr aeed. Wo are too often Impatient, and plant too early, but there cornea tuch a longing for aomethlng green and bright, after tho dreary daya of winter are paaoed, that onr eyre may bo reacted and our heart# gladdened; for truly flowere bring ua pleaauro and pure delight. I-aat week there came to me, through tho mall, from two dear little glrla in Floyd county, a box of hothouse flowere that were beautiful— double white vlvlcta, geranouma, s mi tax and other lovely leaver and flowere. They ware • little wilted when thoy flrat arrived, and aa my method of freshening them may bo naefal inlb reaction to aomo of my readers, I will toll them what I did to them, I dipped the steml into boiling water for’an instant, then Imme diately put them into very cold water. In a few momenta thoy were looking aa bright and freak aa if they had only been plucked a few hour*. One of onr correapondenta lake about tie propagation of panalec. This is tkotimo for planting thorn, and thoy need very rich sol. Onr bulba are all ready now to be put in I thigi l E S., Eureka, lltss.—Sends tho following In formation: To one gallon of warm water add one tsblCspoonral of salt pour this over one quart ol rice or wheat bran—tha Utter preferable, and give to your cow night and morning. If aho la (ond of It yon may add more water and aalt In proportion, if not fond of Halting begin by only moistening the bran and she will me fond d [given only once a day, In the morning before milking, and tho flow of milk haa Increased onwhalO lira. I..C. Stewart, Manapalta, Ala.—!wish tall tha listen how I manage my weeks washing. Tha eraniog before wash day wet all yourolothos, ■oap each piece, then rollup tight and lay Jn tho tub until next morning, havo your pot of cold soapy water and then boll them, rinse and it. A. C„ Euatavls, Turnbull county, Ohio,—We think at our house that Tua Coxanrtmoir lathe moat readable and glvea cure for onr money than any paper we taka, now that Woman’s Kingdom Is added it la complete. I am a northern woman, a wife, mother and housekeeper. I teach my children to give thalr Bret and bast lore to God, and then let the bond of love unite them in all they do so bring out all that la host and noblest in them so they may make tha beat use of every ad vantage that may come In our way to advance them Into tho strongest purest llfo they can attain to. I bnve a strong sympathy for tha south, and your paper has drawn me nearer to you. We havo burry our family at ones as Uko them south say •’southern ladlea will not aaaootate wli care. Will -..—'again oh other subjects inch as art decora- Hons, dressmaking recipes and housekeeping. Holt—Will be glad to hear from ronou the sub- ground, and there la plenty to do to keep busy in tho garden. Ho many have boon unfortunate this winter in losing their flowers. Many beautiful plants that wore carefully nursed and tended to the greenhonsee have, owing to tho severity of the weather, died, so that naw cuttings will have to be put out early this spring. Cuttings planted In a box of sand aeem to thrive better than any others. It would be well for ladies who are fond of, and are successful with, flowere, to dlaeuaa this sub ject through there columns, aa there eoems to be many anxious Inquiries on this anyect. Correspondence, I leeti mcnUoncd." Como south and you will find The writer ia not a housekeeper, but hat posttloo I j--, nc h famllM aa Bill Aip'send many to wal la almost u responsible—a teacher, a noble baton- I com c,nr who coma amoogst ua preiared to do grateful calling. How ftw people appreciate the I Qji^ice. efforts. You know bow to appreciate tha excr- I J lions of a kind teacher to brain the minds of thalr I A (mutant Header, Bine Mountain, Mlaa-If children Might. Experience In this grand work I wearing black as mourning Spanish lace would haa been mine, and God has Mamed me with some I not be suitable. Ableckaatln Can could be used good friends. Christian mothers and ether pray- I in light mourning. Whlto fWvsa. tan and parasol tog people, wo need your prayers, especially wa I not necessary for uss for uhliedresx Tkeuseof who are homelam and an thrown on oar own to- • ’ * sources, and who cany out the prmnpttngilofour hearts to ' H. K Murdock, Beotts Z Roads, H. C.-In tha paper March S, I saw a letter from Tinner's Daughter, at W«*t Point, Qa.; If she will write ms a letter 1 win oMxsoead and exchange chorehet patterns with her. Also, I will lend her the. poem entitled "Curfow," If she will write to my address. Success to tho Woman’s Kingdom. Bustle Allen, Hannahatchre, Ga.-1 am a con stant reader of TnaCoxvrmjnox andacoept many thanks for the privilege afforded ua of expressing our thoughts in Woman’s Kingdom. Won’t some flftrtaffisajssm&jss®} OomandMhevhaautiliilpattonu. Best wishes for Woman’s Kingdom. Mia. a A. North, Gagganavilla, £a.-l hare of ten Ureoght of adding my name to Woman's King dom, not that I feel that ' * ‘ " *** Mm DatUe Coppsge- Paris, Tcxav-I think Wcsnan’a Kingdom dellahtfal- I thought somi of yon would like to hear boa Texas. I thick this Urn garden spot of the world. Wo lire on tho ■ a; can stand in my door and view tbs oily of My husband has bsen fortunate in eecnrinq some of the rlcheA soil to cultivate and Is delighted It is black land and can make ana halo of cotton per acre, without guano, which la better than ho SBlbvss- siss:astfJi??^“XK which 1 hope to moot again in tho near fotnra. A T„ Troy, Alabama:-! am an admirer of Wo- man’s Kingdom. Will some of tha ladlea tell me bow to mead broken china or whan I can obtain "Iron Orip.” bare heard that it was splendid but do not know where to obtain it Note—Tbe preparation can he gotten at any drug ■tore in tbit city. ______ Cooking KtocipMs To make bread and rolls, dissolve two teeipooni- fol of good yeast cake In one and a half pints of warm water, with on# spoonful ol sugar. Boat tUI I could bo of anybenefle, tut merely to ask a querion. Inhere anyselefor natural hair In Atlanta, If eo what It la worth by _ . . - the ounce, and where can It be eold. It is needles; I the ccnsislency of waffle baiter. Pul in a pinch to rev how much I enjoy T«x ooxanrcwox. I I of salt to keep from rising over; ere In a warm wish sometimes 1 could take three, as Z have three I place over nlpit: is tbewnorolug mix up two lnttmlfyeSl all wish to read at once. I liked the I qtuuu, of OouMrilb this bauer and a little laid mid piMbtSiR last week, as It wasn’t gluad together I u] t ; ret spool* ina warm place to use:when 28%. could all hare apiece. {*K5®, , SA“roffl5’rff^^g Bell B. Black, Prarje Lea, Caldwell county, I rlaeandUkeiltdpeaixitmMirewnelhmrUialat* Tmtax—I wouldllketohave ^plre of Ptare(^ if^ k * t Sl‘ 0 JSSiL^eN kl C. U * d * d ' andBlackberrychrocbet. WIU arena oftheladlea I Housekeeper, ureensoau - of tha much loved Kingdom, please send them to I CMm eMa-Boil a pint of mead, let it cool, see. Will gladly send any I have to then; have I „„ t TOp of nma In, beat two eagt, a spoonful of ’SI AJZheHtoo^BaSwlS, I saU. half a spoonful of soda, one spooulnl of enam break fart dl»b. ria Atlanta. Ik T. MJUbrd. Ga—I cannot wflraln from ex*. I lation ofTH*OoxiTrrvTio!* and I a and advice derived from the ffowuMi Cake.—One and a half ettpeof engar, one of batter, two and a half of Hear, dvt e«t* beaten leparetely, four teuepooufots of swret mttk, one UMpormfolcres^fJ^Vi^StblSSS^i if two lemony beat the consistency at FOR THE YOUNG FOLKS. Fun for tho Children—The Constitution’* Training School for Bovs and Girls. Dzab CmiiWBN.—I wrote yon snob a long letter last week that I am only going to write a very short one to tell you how sorry I am that so many of your letters have been crowd ed out of tho paper. You must not think Aunt Susie threw them Into her pretty basket, for she did not, but the editor sent mo word they had been ao crowed that they had to eat me down for the last few weeks, but you moat not think it will bo tho way all the time; we’U be all right alter awhile. A week or two ago I had a letter from one of my nieces saying aho had sent me a picture of the Ice castle of tho elt7 of St. Paul. I think her letter must have been with the papers the little mouse destroy ed, for I cannot find it, and I wanted to thank her tor the picture, it only came a few days ago and I with all the children could see it. Just think of a largo castle built of ioe; it ia very pretty, and I have hung it up in my room. 1 want tho little girl who lent it to write to me again ao I can put her name on the picture, it ia too largo to get In my “Consti tution scrap book,” where all my children’s cards are with tbelr names right by them, aad where they live. But I most aay good-bye for thepreaent. “Aunt Susie.” Correspondence. Desaa Albright and l’earl Gilbert, Pickneyville, Ala—We are aged nine and ton. We enjoy reading tbe consina’ lcttcre. We lire near together and at tend tbe same Khrol and have four studies We have a good time playing. We want some of tbe girls to tell us some new plays for school girls Odessa McElwrcath and Bailie Bates, Hickory Flat, Ga-We are friends eleven and nlno yeara old. We read your leltoreto the yonog folks and have learned to love you ao much, that ore would like our names enrolled upon your book. Wo would like to hear more about your trip to Now Orleans. Wa go to lake music lesions every Saturday. We cankntt, crochet and piece qutite and help our mama in many ways about the house. Fleda Sullivan, Holland's store, & C.-l am thirteen yean old. My papa la a humor and Uvea sixteen miles bom Anderson. I havo a pet cal named Bill Arp. 1 have been going to school, but 1 of measles In the Khoolhare stopped a We all enjoy reading Tub Coxsnruriox so much. Minnie Button. Soqne, Habersham, Cft, os—I do not go to Khrol and will notjill fall. 1 would like to exchange aomo marigold and ainlna aeed for some " la aeed. 1 have four sisters and three brothers _ to read Betsy Hamilton, and mama, Bill Arp, ofall your paper. John Moore, Lockhart - Blatloo, Miss.-I dive twelve miles from Meriden, Mias, on the M, and O. railroad. It Is a city built before tha war, and nn. led for railroad IscUltlon Fine courthouse, oil mlU, two compresses railroad shops, etc. 1 am twelve yean old, and goto Kbool. Iharcno pets but my pocy and fun. Bell and Vallle BbelleTlfeDonald, Gs-Wo are slatan ten and twelve. We do enjoy the children's letters so much. My pap* Is a former and a sub- acrlber to your paper, m 1 think all Georgia humeri should be. We atoning to school and have live studies HcarAuntHu-ro. may you live long and bo happy, and always And your dinner basket like Tnx Constitution, filled with good things Casey Bamsey, Clay Hill. Ga.—I am the ion ora fanner; we live near Little river. 1 go to school at Salem academy. I Uko Tua Constitution very much. I would Uko to correspond with aomo of theboys Annie, Fannie, Emor and Willie Adams Hamil ton, Gs—We are listers and brothers Wo wish of tho cousins would exchange quilt patterns ns I named my doll alter > to Join your band and rend love i I have taken music leseoue but did pot learn much but I Uko singing lemons miles Iran DubUn and owns hvo hundred acres of land, three horses eight cows, thirteen hogs three dogs two cats and plenty of rets and one hundred acres of cane swamp. "Why Is a hog and a tree so much alike?" Edgar K. Williams Anderson, a 0.-1 am twelve slater. I have a bird to read your and lore to hunt. 1 love felly Bill Arp and Betsy Hamilton, feiijor the coosins’ led " 1 would llko to hear from Alda aud of Dawson county, Georgia. P. A. Cochran, Hardeman, Gs—I am n little motherlesa boy living with my grandfather going to schooL My grandpa Is eeventy-three years old; he likes your paper better than any he ever took In hit family; he says hit Interest In Tint Constitution la not for sals aa long Mho lives. Georgia and Irina Copeland, Vallle Plains, Gs— We are litters twelve and seven years old. Papa takM your papa? and we Ukc It w much. Would Ilka to hoar aomo more about Aunt Suite's visit to New Orleans. We wiU write again some other ms (tells Hodges, 8L Marks Os-1 am a constant reader of Tna Constitution and think It a splendid paper. I gtsasa Johnnie Attum la ttn yeara old and hll birthday on the 2tth of February, as he hasn’t aeen hut two birthdays Imma Crittenden, SboUman, Gs—1 bare been wanting to writs to you for aver ao long, but you bad so many letters to read, I wu afrpld of worry ing yon. I want yon toeome down and aeons this reading Tna CMntWBOff three or four yoare aud like It very much. I am not a very largo boy but uncle as postmaster and clerk. ' we enjoy reading Bill Arp and Betsy girl. I do not go to Khrol now. Wfi havo I splendid teacher for the last three or four ye*__, C. McDanall, I would Uko to have a box of your nice chewing gum. Will Aunt Busle pleaae write again about her visit to New Orleans Ladle Apple, AnMIa, Ark.-I am twelve years old. My papa la a farmer and I have two brothers and one sister, all older than mymlf. Wo all Uko to read your paper better than any papa takes. Here Is a rldSlcV “How long did Cain bate his brother?" Lonla Avay, Hampton, Gs—Wo take Tna Con stitution and enjoy especially Aunt Bnsle’a and the childrens’ letters. My tether fo a former, have one slater thtrtoen years old, no brother, am ten years old, Jessie aud Pottle Klnnebrew, Hermitage, Floyd Ca.Ga,—Aa we have never written to you we will ■end you a box of flowers- We Imagine you are very fond of flowere, aa you love children. Wc are sIstenAvc and nine yesrsold; our brother la older than we are. Our baby sister Is very sweet aud Heart. Note—Aunt Busle, thanks you for the li flowers they were reoelred lately, a little wilted, but I took them out and dipped the stems in boil ing water, then putimmediately In cold water, and they arc aa fresh and pretty aa whan lint plucked, and give me much pleaauro. Emma Harwood aud Kuby.Ucrofglns, Duluth, Ga.—we are two Mends We go to Khool. We love to read the children!’ column and Betsy Hamilton. 1 send you a paper band. Naggleimlih, Locust Grove. Henry CO.,Gs—I am twelve yean of age and going to Khrol. I help mama every morning beforo I goto Khrol; I make up the beds We like your paper so much, especial ly Young Folks’ column aud Bct-sy Hamilton’s let ters. Carrie and Hattie Norwood.—We are siatcra thir teen and eight yeara old. We love to read tha cousins’ letters. Wolovathenamoof Georgia, for we are Georgians and expect to go back to that good old state this foil. Wo have a little sister and cannot decide oo a name. Won’t you name her through your columa Note-wo think “Julia,” a sweet name. Basle Brown, Aahvlle, Als—I want to bs ono of your nieces, aa I am your namesaks My papa is dead, and mama, myself and little brother and sister live near my grandps We live In a beauti ful little valliy between taro high mountains 1 went to Khrol last year to my mama; we have no Khrol now, but arc to have oncsoon. Lottie K. Prince, Mehervin, Vs—I am fourteen yeara old. 1 havo two sisters and three brothers My father tea merchant. 1 go to school about half a mile from here. I love dearly to read tha cousins’ letters aud wlah to Join your circle. May Balter, Florence. Gs—Seeing to many let tore from the cousins, I Wish very muoh to be a member ofyourdrcla I am a little Georgia girl, and would like very much for sons of the cousins to write to me. 1 goto Kbool to my uncle. 1 have a pretty Uitla brother with blue eyes A. C. McDonald, Channag) Gs—Will the cousin* please wail patiently unUl I commence stilling and I wiU forward them the chewing gum. I busk tome of tho little ouuatna havo almost become dis heartened. 1 received lota of letters from tho constns: soma Of them written with a pencil, and they were aodlaflgnred I could not make out the names and address Alonra Houston, Garland, Als—I am a country boy thirteen yean old. Wo live two miles Atom town. We have two chnrchoa, a Khool house and Sunday Khool. 1 love toread the cousins’ loltara. Addle Boeder, Walhalla, 8. c.—I am flfteen years old. I Hvo four mllea oast of Walhalla. 1 haves stepfather and ho la a former. 1 go to Khool .to mama at Fort Boch. Bhe says I am progressing very much in my studies I havo ono little sister and two brothers We have had tho coldest winter known In a long time, every thing huboen frozen Mamie Groover, Areola, Us—I will writ* to you. I am men yeara old and have four brothers 1 hare a pat calf. The anawtr to Vlltle Cook's rid dle la “the Bun.” Ella Terrell, Clayton, Gs—I bare two pet calves named Betsy Hamilton and BfU Arp- When mam* and IgotomUk I tope BIU off and he prances BUI Uka aha did not know what h* meant. I am the only girl mama has 1 have three brothers Fowler Allen, Peacoburg, Als-1 thank you very much for your little verses “How to Kcceod.” 1 am a Utile hoy coins to my flrat Khrol, and had It for my flm speech. My teacher tbonabt It very nice. 1 wish you would pm lots of IHQ# speeches in your column for Uttle boys I will learn them slL isle Shipley, Finkaburg, Maryland.—I am twelve yaare old. My papa la a cigar and tobacco dealer. I have two atatare and roe brother, all younger than 1 am. I notice so many letters from all oxer tbe country, 1 concluded to write you a few lines from Maryland. Papa Ukea your paper better than any ha lakes Will W. Murdock, North CaroUna-1 am thirteen yean old. 1 do not go to school. I lore to read Uncle Benins and Folsom best of all in your paper; "at IMa place. My brother 1 think you are very colsmn in your PSI-w- David and Viola Dlckaon —We are brother and slater, thirteen and nice years old. We go to Khool at the lnitltute at Pint Lent, Als I hove a gun and three hounds and hare much sport In bunting ~ ate tbe loeelereut here HVinl other*. I bill with delight ibeeoesingof our paper and the res I- Ing ofthe yoong folks’ letters. I hope Tna oursri. Emma Champion, Worth Co ,Gs—1 am a former’s daughter and lives In seuthwert Georgia twenty- two mllea from Albany, which ia our arareat town. Papa takes TNBCoxatiTUTiog and I enloy reading the children's corner and Betsy Hamilton. 1 would llko to correspond with aomo of the cousins Albertes Abreeomtle, BaltvUIe, Kaaaax-I aa ten Jeasa old and want to add my name to your little family of nephews and nlecas I go to Khool aad lias my teacher very wall. Wa moved from . about three years agn We hare had lots but It Is fofnaawsw tea. Papa takes your ffiSSStW^adro-l think you'are very good to give (be young folks a up. Eagcno C. PaUlBon, BridgevlUo, N. C\—My mama's name la Buale. My papa died before 1 waa borp, I will be thirteen In March. Mamacalla meheT "on• little owe lamb.” I have a little dog named Qttai aho tatta la bar riaap.1 aaoroahtfc andma I’attlaon, who llveaTn Kat Minnie and Chambers, Bibb, Ala.—Wa are a lUUe boy and girl nlno and aoren yeara old. We lovo to read tbe childrens' letters. What la (he dlffcrw’aco between a hungry boy and a glutton ? Herschel Twrlggf Walden, Bartow, Ga.—Will bo six years old next month; havo never been to rchnoladay. Papa aaya I knew the a b o’a at two lyzn three yean old. I have a stepmother how, who very kind. I have nine living grand parents, tw arand-Athcrfl, two grand-mothers, one groat gram, father, one great grandmother, a at ftp-grand-rat her and mother, one great step-grandmother. Who can beat that for grand|*repie. Jimmie Burton, Kymnlga, Ala.-I am a miller boy fifteen year* old. 1 have been going to Khool, but stopped. 1 havo twoguna and have a heap of Am shooting birds. Claudia May Cherry, Mott's Mill, Ala.-I havo been a silent admirer of tho childrens' column for sometime. Iam thirteen years old. Wo take your paper and like it very mueb. I have ooe pet, a little dog, be goes to Khool with me every day and bchavea very nicely. Alberta Langley, Camp III 11, Aia.-I am thirteen yeara old and going to Khool and try and learn all 1 can. I love to read the young folks' letters and Hamilton. 1 would be glad it some of -is would send me some Sower seeds. 11 guess tome of the riddles. Mary Owen, Madison Co., Ga.—I have eqjoyed reading year's and the "young folks'" letters to much, that I wish to Join year circle too. I i nearly fifteen. Won’t some one tell me bow — rap book. Mr w*w. saw .J»tWll»lt Til turkeys. Ina Kay, Stinson, Ga.—raps taka Tna Conan TivioN and 1 ilka to read the cousin.’ letters. I fo to'Cbrol with my brother and slater. 1 haves snot little brother, his name la Baaoom iTaroa. Jon.; t> Edfar Bateraora, West Point, Ox—I am thlrteen:carsold;canplowanddoolhsr work. I havo Ex Maters and ana little brother, I hare tw* wen a letter to you Itom our place, ao I WiU try and write one. I am eleven yean old, and am not (olng to school aow, but will start soon.' I havo a pet oat named Minnie. I can help mama low, cook and wash dishes. Joeale Ro,gers, Athens, Ga.—I am a farmer hoy, eleven years old. I Uko to read Uncle Romos. I havo a real Aunt Busts who I lovo very much. My flrandmolher will be surprised to see a letter from me. Etta Elffcrt, Vlnlta, Indian Territory.—SInco I wrote tail to Tin Constitution I have had aev- Cl al Utters ftom Georgia and one from a nice lady In Virginia she sent me good. I received sent her picture and I am going her. Charilo Bcalborn, Caldwell, Co., Texaa-I am an oiphan girl living with my slater. I would ho (lad (four friend MoDonell would tond mo a box of chewing gum, for I hare never aeon a plno tree. My sister wants sesne to send her a pleco or poetry called "Only a Utile violet.” She wishes it for her wrap book. Annie IVelborn, Pilot Point, Toxaa.f-1 am twelve years old aud wu boro In the lone star state. My ( papa la a republican and wu an officer in tho union army, but ho says ha Ukea Tut Constitution better than all tho papers he takas. I enjoy, rout ing the letters from tbe young folks. Wa all llko TUTTS PILLS _ TORPfD U0WEL8, "i disordered LIVER. and MALARIA; (hemlcaau !WB“frie« throo-fourths of SH?g8tJ»wto •<re«»e. Mels GStfSi IB§»r a Blarch Hlnslcy and Georgia Bromlee, l’alereon, Visa—We are two dear Iriends, and are Texas siilsTohr parents came from Atlanta. I here's sweet Utile cousin In Atlanta named Cora Ramie. We like Til a Coxanruviox better than any paper In the world. Lilly Hamuli. Hop*, Lavaca Co., Texas—I Uvon In TEesoulhweatem I part lof ITcxiarMy paps Is s firmer. Be takaa your paper and 1 enjoy reading the Young Folks’ oolumn. Llrxle Buffington. Cherokee, ax—f am an orphan and live In the family of McFox; ho la a bachelor, But hit mother and Slrter teach ma at homx ' tiavo four studios 1 go to tho Baptist school utoget many pretty cards I will Texlea 0. Disks, Horn don. Gx—Aa I am a naw writer to Tna Constitution I will make my letter snort. I waa not In time to guere bow you looked but think yon are pretty, and I want to aoo you. I know I would Uke you very much. DURING THE WEEK. Tuesday. MarchJlO.-Loulse Michel, who is mobbed orerywherefiMieC tatiraptajlto makaja speech", Intends IvlslUnCAmericx The city of Grenada,| the capital of the; province of tho aamo rsWaTtes&a ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA A! ■ovio—lAirkl/ abb wed Irf I Mix tmwok 1 $50 REWARD 1 OHM BERNARD/ . . hcrlCf of Clayton . weigh! one hundred k complected andouQ TRAVIB. vanes for thcjpropoaed^’aitauria Bancroft, wife of UeurgctBancrolt, tho histo rian, died In Washington City, In the CiTV.-Bud Dunaway, who waa struck by a Georgia railroad ongln* Sunday morning, 1a In s fair way to recover——The oily council of At- lentx* la talking of building a new oily hall K xl rabbit dogs and catch a good many rebblta I vo a rat trap and catch rats Wa Urea six miles Worn Wait FMnL lexpectto hare a watermelon Jolla Blaatogame, Bosk, Texas—I waa horn In Atlanta, Gx, came to Texas whan I waa three yean old, and hare been here nine years I often WhomTbrobHnrai-l buflxck A atick in his hand, a stone In , Guere me this rlddu and I’U give you a goat" JnUaT. Bibb, Belle Mins, Als—I have seen so many letters from Alabama, thought I would writs Wa Lave little dog that foil from the train salt paired through; a man fot brother. Tha poor llttta I Florence Tag*. Pine Log, Ox—I am going to ■cbool, and am twelve yearn old. 1 Uke my teacher a Wllllngiitm, Sylvan, Alx—Wereoieved our flietfViiO'TirtVioNoiith.anhofgcptemh.r lass 1 thought then It waa the best paper In the world hut It has liximaeo in value every wrek. I wmilt »exchange hairpin trimming for l-iiie apple UwUbsuiuofihe cousins, and woold uke jo com,pond with some of the coating from John P. Young, Stephens, Gs—Thai, been res I log letters to Tun counttutton from tha little- cousins a long time. I love to read Bill Arp's and other letters Ians Uttle boy eleven years obr and 1 goto school, 1 have a splendid teacher ami llko him very mueb. We have a pretty whoot- boose situated In x beautiful dots I to to flanday-acheol and have read ute story of the Libia through. I asody mi Bible aod try to I* irn all I can about' it; I expect to read It iheotuh this year. I have been taking lire Youth's Companion pees*!' i^virruKT^;.^ a old*, than 1, aad two slaters My mama 1 two yearn ago. I will write again before long. Haute C. Gann, Mablefoa, Gx-I have nere i no lupcrior court wllljukclup tho criminal docket ine'TIrst Montlayjn Aprll.l.xmaxiS—< tredneadnyTSfaroh 17.—Captain James I. tt sutleiT who’.was Jan admiral on the confederate aide during the late war, and at the Urns of his death commandcrjcf the Maryland flabetlre foroea uTcTinJAnnapolli.lMd Frofcmor Frits Holdsr, a German editor, committed sntcldo In Jenny City Mrs. Anna D. Coolege, charged with oonsplracy p murder, pleaded gnUty In Boalon. “In ina crrv.-The aeed stores of tho city art doing a much larger bualnere this reason than they have for years The Western and Atlantic railroad baa commenced the work cf chaogtog the wheel gauge of Its freight can A revenue officer said yesterday that John Coffee, the mur derer of Officer Merritt, wia men lnaiUTllle a few days ago. Thursday, March 18,—Police Bergeant Brooks, of Richmond, Va., waa allot by a burglar, whom arrest ha waa attempting lo make.. ..United Btatea Minister Jackson has icit the City of Mexico for home on a three months’ leave Tha farmers In the northern port km of Ohio are alarmed over the eppestsnee of swarms of young grasshoppers.,,. The suit against the Bell telephone company to test the validity of Its patents will be brought at Colo®bus, Ohkx iNTiiaCivy,—The board of aldermen has author- tied tha appropriation or 17,000 for the purpose of removing tho temporary structure and maohlnery and equipping the artesian well permanently. The work will be finished In about Italy days. Friday, March 10.-Official telegrams from Zanilliar confirm Iho recent report of the potting to death of lllshop llanlniton by the king or Mombasa Tho Denverand Now Orleans railroad was Hid at auction,ibrtngtng fa,l!7,IM In Nash- vlllo Mrs Kilter waa lined M.OO for oowhiding Oconto il. Whelley, and the tins waa thto remit ted.— Tho Johnsons and Bmltha ban organised themaelroa Into socialist In Dallas, Taxes. Chol era has appeared ia Italy....Ueavy enow storms ate repotted In tbe north of England and Bootland. In vita City.—A beautiful picture of the pro- Mcd Young Men’s Christian association naw eliding haa been received by tho building col mlltM The Flrat Baptist cbnrob la being i painted and otberwlH Improved.—Wednesday, April 21 it, has bean selected as the day for the nn. veUingor tha Ben HIU monument, and Mr. U. W. Grady, managing editor of Tut Constitotion, KlMIcd si the orator of tha occasion. Mr. Grady statu that It will ha Impossible for him to deliver tha address. Saturday. Meroh *0.—Tha buslaeat tenures throughout the country during the past week number for the United Btatea ISO, and Cauda H —A slitean-ycar-old daughter of Joseph In flay county, TenncsKe, accidentally him while handling a pistol In hlspiaaoaos..„It te announced that Russia la masting a large num ber of troops In Boesarablx In thb Ctrr.-Tbore an now In tho United B'Alesmanbal's office twosubpnmas which were la Deputy Mart hat Merritt's pocket whan bams killed by John Coffee, and Ike papers are covered With Merritt’s heart’s blood Jim Masters, a eel- Orel man, had thru Angara on hla right hand crushed while coupling care on the East Tonnes- sex Virginia and Georgia railroad....J. a Pyle accidentally shot blnuair through his Itft foot while loading t pistol, gaud Tour Orders to M. Rich ft lire, for Dry Goods, Carpets, Etc. Thoy hare the.largest_ atme^enny Jh* ROSADALIS Q ROSADALIS Cures Scrofula, j 0 ROSADALIS Cures Rheumathwsj m ROSADALIS Cures Syphilis. ROSADALIS Cures Malaria, ’j D ROSADALIS Caw Ifarwa PtHHty. ' A ROSADALIS Cures Consumption. L rosadalis ssjpjraws I lgx ghowlt toyror Phyrietan, and be WiU tell yon It la oompo-cd of tha wrongest alter- stlree that exist, and lain eueellant Bioeft A ftrmimx Aar FOR BALE BY ALL DRUGGIM* THE Admiral 1’orter'a Great Hook. In 1 vol., 70G pages, hundreds ol Illustrations. A full and auw tbentln history of tho marvelous growth, splendid nehlovemrnta and .taring deeds of our Naval Heroes of every grade. It toll* tha story ofthe Navy « "Grant’s Memoirs” rooltes 1 he hlatoreof the Army. Liberal terms to AgeataJ J. M. hTOIlIlAUT ACO.,C22PBL, Washington, D.Oj Mention this peper. marldwkyU KM on all orders. Famplesaont on Address all orders to M. Rich ft Broa, Every Man that Could Bead Was Taking It, That onr agents In JsIforeonviUe, Ox, have been actively at work It very clearly proven In the fob lowing tetter; Mr. H. B. Wimberly, Jalforaonvllle, Gx, writes, '1 canvassed a church matting a abort lima ago tor subscribers to Tna Coxstitutmn ami the rreult - that every man that could read wu taking was that every man that coal " This Is a good latter. We have SAWI agents In »tool hern states and If they would dnruta only small portion ofthelrllaMMCh day to tatting subscribers, there le not on* In the nuasher. that MasSnbsMt'a In lesa than a year we would he booming way ova- h^^i«i?i!i;g. ,llpp " wtl,M,< "- •THE EVANGELIST.” THE REV, SAIUONES PAPER. By special combination with tha publishers o Tho Evangelist, Bev. Bam Jones’! paper, which contains tha OFFICIAL .REPORTS OF HU SERMONS, one year for M cents, or In clubs of flr* I hla otter la open only foe oo* month. The last number of The Evangelist bss ttx-pag) description of Rot. ham Jones’s crusade agalnxt sin in t hies go and the remarkable set nee being elected there. For SO cents (or 40 cents to clubs of fee) you sake a year's trip with tho great avangai- Ist all over tha country. Hv* OoMand Two BiivorModa Swarded la 1883 at the Expositions of New Orleans and Louisville, aad the la. VanUona Exposition cf London. The superiority ol Coraline over bora or whalebone hag now boon damonatrstsd by overfly* years’ experieno*. It la mom dunfole^mora^pllablu, uiore comfortable, Avoid cheap Imitations made of various Unda of cord. Nnno are ngitilae tissltas “JDx WAini'a C'unnni" Ja printed on inaida of steel com. ' y ft (II *AU IT All 1CABIII MUDMITI. WARNER BR0THER8, 353 Broadway, New York City. v February EUx«U'th Jackaou, latfl of f, dKCEiiod, aiut I vill pau upon MtUS n tbe flmt M ikUt id April, UHifl/ my bend and ntbcul itenature, thU UW6. M KKvMgLIN.Ordinary. FIVE THOUSAND LADIES - Wanted at once to doqur Fancy Work. Ko can tang ns; noburabug. Kaally learned and neat. Flveto tcndolUraperweekatihl»>ca«on. Bteadycmploy- . ‘ ‘ -*•— Hi lTOTn-niofitit., Bdton.MMI,/ Me ntion Utl«tdunr. njEriJwklm HE GATE CITY NATIONAL RANK OF ATLANTA, GA. U. 8. DEPOSITORY) Interest Allowed on Deposit*? For Informttlon, caJlon or ftddreir, L. J. HILL, President. Mention this paper.