The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, April 13, 1886, Image 12

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12 THE WEEKLT CONSTmmON'. ATLANTA, GA, TUESDAY APRIL 18 I86tf MOODY AND SANKEY. CLOSING SERVICES OFTHE GREAT REVIVALISTS. Hr Moo-tr ssa Plain Min AdroostM Sr.,itr B.ou- diatmttMbraa DM* IT*t Lika IS. Oltolr Slag* lr< tod » Opptttd l« lb* u.atlas *f run la Cb*i*b*t—rb*lr Dtptrturt. Mr. Moody eonducteu quite an interesting mceiiuE attlie KIrst llairtut chonsh on Mon day morning, the Mb Inst. Mr. Moody laid one Important thing mi to •botli u servicea and break up the stiffness In meetings. Fifty yeara ago if a man arantod to order anything from Mew York be would write page after page and nend it by malL Mow he condonaea into len worda and aendait by wire. Ur. ' of a ’ daja. Let ua rejoice -that we an in (lod 1 pretence. Ltennr to the worm, t atch crery one of them.” Mr.Sankey then aang; O-er jeers of wasted IL_. O er sins Indulg'd white conscience alept, O'er voaa and promise* ntttcpt „ And reap from yean of strife— bribing but leani(! nothing but leareat Nothing but leaves! no gathered abearea, of Hie rfalr ripeninggrain : we row oflr seeds; !o! Urea and weeds— Worda, idle worda, for earneat deeds— Then reap with loll and pain, Nothing but 1 caret] nothing but Marat! Moody related the experience of t church in Worcester, Maaa.. that war greatly ravlrad by the membera taking en notice Inf , _ i Interest in the viaiton and In the choir. Ur. Moody aald ho thought the people ahonld slog more, iio didn’t like singing in en nnknown tongue; be didn’t like it any morn than ha did preaching in an unknown longue. He hed been where be would giro out a hymn, and the quartette would ting it, but he wouldn't know what they were singing. They aeid it was eery liar, and he reckoned it mi; be dldn t know. lie always noticed that the con gregation wonid look about at tiro fres- coeing when tbo cbnir was singing in an nnknown tongue, lie thought tinging ought to lie done in a language the people could understand, lino day ho gavo out "Jierk of Ages'’ and tbo high-priced choir aang it to n tune ho had nererhaard before, lie wanted Urn people to atng. He aald that he thought the heat place for a preacher to leare a nianoacrfpt waa at home eaperlelly I’reecbcra ongbt to get close Sunday nlghta. to the people. Nome of thorn get too bigh up —like a men who went np on e mountain to local# a wild mill. TUB MILL rAIILY M'XZSO, but it was ao blah up the man didn't get any milling to do. Hr. Moody aald that oare ha roneeited a Bwcda who could not understand a word of English. The fellow wanted to do some work end he sna put to operating a lan tern with n Unger pointing to the Moody meet- Inge. Ho alio handed out bills inviting people to the meetings, end If a man caned him it made no difference to the poor fellow for lur didn't know whether It waa a blessing or a Mr. Moody attacked the ays tom of ranting pawn and raid pawn ought to he free at least nights. The deril goes np und pin tha on Kuaday nlghta. The deril goea ... down the country telling poor peopf mr- aot want thorn,'and when tiny t pewa ranted they gat nervous and faal likatfaoy an really intruding. Mr. Moody raid mother* ought to he in- couragsd to come to church. even if Urey hare to bring their babies. One day ha was preach ing to a congregation of alght tbonaand. Directly In front of the pulpit waa a mother with a little baby. She bad aridantly came early lo get inch a good seat. Jest at ka began y. The le prrarla tha ehild began lo cry. Tha mother's teoe began to redden. Firs hundred [taw rent. eta, Hht triad to quiet tho child, at the door, than at tho pul- not. hha looked pit. Mm bad comb a r/iiro wav Mid had gotten a good acat, bnt she hail to give it up. hue arose. "Molhei!” I exclaimed, “you hold the furL The people that don't like it lot them go oat!" Bho stayed end the baby soon fell asloep. Tha mother rate for prayer, and when the i came for going into the inquiry room tha huby began to cry again, and a great big six foot hero Just took that child in hie arras and walked up and down the aisle with it before night iboueend people ead lot tbo mother go into tho inquiry room. Mr. Moody advanced and raid; 1 I he 34 th vara* c apter of Mark ‘Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. After a few introductory remarks Mr. Moody raid that that ha believed than won many in kingdom ibc house who were not far from tho k of God. This la Ura brightest day tho church had rrrracea. There is a general tidal wave of prayer to the throae of grace. God is call ing the people in. The tidal wavb nr ItcriDBLITr waa fast disappearing. In tbs put six ■uoatba ho had haanl very little about inli. ■leltly. I till dels were hiding their heads- Tike up the cross end follow the 8»n of God! Near the kingdom of God! How many era here tonight near Ihe kingdom' Herod was once nesr the kingdom of God. Ho listened to the prcachtoRi and teachings qf .loin, tha llltld ill ami waa almnab nnnHndait I 'n. Nothing but leaves! sad mem'ry weaves No rail lo hide lira past: And as we trace our* And count each lorn and'mlsapent day. We sadly and it lest— Nothing but leaves! nothing but leaves! Ah, who shell thus U And faring but withered loaves? Alt, who shell it Ihe fiarlourVfeel, iterate itienwfhl Judgment scat Ley down for golden sheeree. Nothing but lenretl nothing hot leeros! A BLOODY RIOT IN TEXAS Laredo, April 8.—Interne excitement and lawlessness which has prerailed here tbo put '—* Ust evening in a bloody fortnight culminated rloL Tho immediate cause is attributed by many toe circular which eppsared yesterday morning nnnouncing that tbo democratic party would bold funeral aervlcea at 4 o’clock In tha afternoon over Ihe party known hero ns the "hnnrchca." Diroctly alter the appearand of tbo circular it waa announced that tho "huarchcs" party would prevent by force any such demonitra. " ' o’clock tbo atrecla leading to tlon. At four tbc point whence the democratic procession wu to start, were blockaded with armed men. For half an boar the suspense was intolerable. It waa then announced that there wonid be no cffbrt to buy tho effigy of the defeated party. began This had a paclfia effect, and the crowd to disperse. Suddenly tho mnilo of the dem ocratic bend struck up, end the procession moved ont to end down Mein street end turn ed into a street leading to the main plana. When the heed of tho column had reached Marlin’a store, a party of men armed with Winchesters and ravolrora, charged tha r roceaslon. Instantly over one bunded men coame engaged In deadly conflict, and for half an hour a regular battle raged along the atrect near the river. During the height of the con- blch had been used by filet a small cannon wl _ tho "huaichcs" party, and which Is aaid to hero been charged with nails and stonea, waa Arad down tho street. By 5 o'clock mob epirit wee supreme, and It me feared that woman and children would ho at tha mercy of the riolerr. At tbla critical moment word waa die patched to Colonel Bernard, commandant at Fort McIntosh, that the haaey firing io tha city waa canted l>y an attack by the Mexioaas from the other aide of tho Iilo Grande. It took but a few minulea to double-quick two oom- panka of Infantry to town, before whom tbo mob qulckly'.diapened, and In a abort time every unrad man on tho struct had bin weapons taken away from him, and order waa restored. Tha cas ualties, so for as known, arc fivo killed and ihiaa wounded. All tho killed wore Mexicans except cue, a young American named Breaker. SUCCESSFUL FARMERS. SHORT TALK8 WITH FARMERS ON FARM TOPICS. aHMn Contradicted—Aa Illui. trstioa of Whas can M Done-rse secret or Buresre-A Fleetest Visit-A B riant Falun la view- Other Motre- The recent statements made by ex-Hanater James M. Bmilli, that farming in Georgia dose not pay, finds plentiful contradiction in tha axperienoe of numerous tlUen of the soil who hare made It pay. It is not clalmad that farming is n lottery from which a few draw tbeprixes, while tha great majority draw blanks, but that It ia tho only safe, life-mu. talnlng business which gives to each mu the reward which hlx labor merit*. The trouble with aome men 1* that they are mere •pecula tors, delving at the soil with the same me* tlvaaaa if they w*ra on Wall stmt. The true farmer ia the man who la eeataut to build np a homo to shelter his fiuiily, to have around him bis growing acock and hi* fruitful fields; who is thankful foe tho health which mokes life pleasant, and finds In the enjoyment of a contented family that bliss which can only bo read of in books by city paepie. Bucha mu ia spoken of by tbo Washington Chronicle sa follows: Mr. John W. Bnsly, who lives on the Lin- colnton road, owns one hundred aeraa of com mon ridge land. He paid two dollar* an acre for it, and he pays taxes on it at this rate. He made in 1888 eight bales cotton, 120 bushels wheat, .’WO bashels oats, 12S bushels corn, be sides peas, potatoes, etc. He did all the plow- >tioi ccrcala, making cotton n secondary considers, tion. The milk cows are of snperioratock and have an excellent record. To Mm. HiU is due the honor of the successor the dairy. This excellent lady gives her personal attention to ingoftbi " ' — the churning of the milk, and preparingof the butter for the table and market From twenty- marketed weekly from twelve cows, sftcr supplying the family. Ono day last week tbirty-two gallons of milk were given to the bogs. The cuttle are being crocked by "War Dance,” a fine registered Jersey bull, cnce the property [of Major W. B. Cox, of At lanta. Mr. Hill gives ail bis business in its minutest details bit personal attention. The care of all work tools and Arming imple- yeara of his firm money. Mr. Hill's plan of raising nil A plica—stock ef all kinds not baying oi and paying time prices and making as Arm sup a great deal of manure and not buying t . .. —._ -• - —... |„f n g n he docs guano, ia the only plan that will bring aneceta In farming. The reverse course has well nigh bankrupted all tbo planter* in oar state wno bare raised cotton to the exclusion of grain crops. In uswer to a question Mr. Hill said: My aucecta may bo embraced in these Aw words, rotation, diversification, adaptability and diligence, together with a proper care and comfort of both laborers and stock. My first aim waa to make my Arm self-sustaining, rain ing everything tuck as supplies, forage and stock, as my meant ud surroundings would warrant. It lug and hoeing himself with the exception or twenty-five dollnnpatd out for extra labor, most of which was for saving grain. Heelear ed two hundred dollars abort expenses •nd has loaned ont the money. He says that in 1882 he cleared ona thousand dollars on tho place, and never Alia any year to clear at bought tha plaoo aome of the ofd Armen, with an ominous shake of the head, said be would soon have to quit such a poor place or else starve. The secret of his success Is that he makes all of hit supplies at homo. The Haralson Banner mentions the caw of Mr. 8. W. Neeles, livings few miles east of town on Little river. Ho made NOlmsheia ef corn lo the acre on three acre* last year. Hr. scales is a man who hat the respect of all. From Ihe three scree he gathered 210 baahela. what can be done in south Georgia. He wu married In 18S0 and hu never since that year bought for hit family any bacon, tyrup, beef, lard, batter nor potatoes. Ha raises everything of the kind at bomo. Although far from the hue railroad, he raises fruit, and hu n number of LcConte pear trees. Ho bellores there A money in tbla trait even if a farmer ahonld never ull it to anyone. He lays it will raise bogs, and a hog Is money. Just after the war, he bought eighty buahelaof corn, in 1888, and "that's the last corn this old Lakkdo, April 0.—At daylight yeatorday morning the toderal troops withdrew from tho city, no disturbance whatever haring occurred during the night. ByH s. in. the city bed apparently assumed its usual business upect and the day pasMd quietly. Nlnee tha diaper- slon of the rioters Wednesday evening by t utted states troops net an armed eitlsoa hu been setn on tho streets. Bitter feeling, how ever, exists between the two pobtical parties and the least overt net would An it Into n Hunt. Ail tho sfteraoon the bells In the Gathollo church werctolUnga and requiem u boilu of the victims of Wednesday's light ihe 1 wereconveyed to tho graveyard. Twelve wounded men were found yestor day, at least four of whom an thought to be mortally inland. Colonel Barnard maku tbs following state meat in relation to hit interference in the riot: “1 expected trouble, and did not wait to be requested by either party, but marched my men doable quick on hearing the firing. I knew (bat KhcrlffNanchu wu tha leader of was the Unarche leader. Therefore, wu no legal author!!; ' men, women and child Baptist, and wu almost pomaded. . dvr the sound of tho voice a induem-I of that prince of prom era. he was not far from tbc klugdi of (led. When John tho Baptist wu preach Ingin thousand* of people on the banka of •he river, llcrod drove up, and the people ■fir ' ‘ arrli thought hr hed come to break up tho mi nud put John In prison. Every eye turned toward llcrod and It wu scan that ha saw duply Interested la John's l<narhlng. The dltciplce told John that hit eyes wee moist John wu the meat aatrear- dlnaiy man whoever spoke on this earth. He wu without rank, without title, end without a handle lo hit name. There, wu no -'liar." to it It was simply John the Bap tist. The only soul rrer shipwrecked sad kept cut of the ktugdaui of God are tliora that were not williugto GIVg VI’ ALI. SIKH imrcasi verily. Those who won't be oevo l are lhose who at* holding on to aoaia slu. He bonnet sod say there ia tome tin which keeps All elaaatt flocked to litu preached the JdLd preach. fikjto pjal^Uiigiiy^ Warrant preacher* ••todeaflu plain truth, lot the chips where they may. Wo bare had ranch .mooch Iprenohlug. John mid Hdrslt! 11 Vmi liawm uwsd h«is. fall too Hcrud, "ken bare got your brother’* wtA.' lie ws-nat afraid to ray ib llcrod was not — lo Gist kind of talk. tJotm Ididu’ toloug tO'that'Hcboo) of ruon to keep' any. thing hark. He rauie right'square out wl_ the truth. Herod got engry end hid him l ist into ptisan, and, later on. he ordered that thepriureof preachers bo beheaded. It wu •lojto- Herod never Argot the teachings of •John. He spent many sleepless night*, if Herod had given u|i that slu hit uamo would •pcuiiblllty in tho Interest of humanity. There is no statute law that authorities my action. The emergency did not admit of delay, so I determined to ect und got authority from the wer deportment afterwards. I never raw two parties better prepared than wore tho rorubtleiilg^when they raw our boya file In between them. If necessary, however, I could Justify my action that I moved against’ the in, I knowledge of voders from Mexico, as 1 have __ numbers of man comiug over from I.sredo, Mexico, carrying arms iu skills. Thirty-two carbines handed over to me last night are inch aa I never saw nuywhtro except in Mexican civil service. Colonel 1 laniard's action la highly rommond cd by ail parties. Today it is admitted the initio would have been kept np all night and huudreda killed had he not acted promptly. The colonel led the forces. As he crossed Main atrect bullet* were flying thick and Ait, but ha turnad neither to tho right or left, but marched hia men to the center of the plan, and flouriahlng hit eword. commanded tbo csuibatania to retire. Aamslyslng Ihe Disking I'owslere, I'ndor Iho direction of the Hew York State lioaid of Health, eighty-four different kinds of baking powder*, embracing ail the brands that could be found for salo in tha atate, wore tub- milled io examination and analysis by Frof. F. ('handler, a Member of tho State Board and President uf the New York City Board of Health, arsieted by Prof. Edward G. I-ove, tbc wtll-knowu late Fulled States Government hi mist. The official report ehowa that a largo number of tbo powdera txarniued ware found tu con tain alum or lima; many of thorn to aito-h au extent as to render them seriously objection- able Ar nrc In the preparation of human food. Alum was found In twenty-nine samples. This drug is emplaned lu baking powdera to Moody ana rwuttey meetings, were begun last Friday,doaod yeatorday aflei- 1 the evangelists have " to their “QucWion Box" After the service bvga A number of questions had been rant to Mr. Moody, which ha act out to answer. One wag “How can wa keep our boya from the rum shopaf •Tleee them up M yeu have done Is At- mid Mr. Moody, and tha congregation rs-ui'.dly applauded tha answer. Another question was, "Hew can I keep my wnntcan-yvarmld hoyln Sunday achoolf' "Go yourself and ka will fellow,” aaid tha Another was, "Da van think it it wall to rune, "I do," was tho fifty rt»'where^hla'fat hra* hud srao. U you don't give na aoraathtng in tho place of them aaloous. whan thayonag men •aa meet and have a chance to mingle to- Bather, they will go a pound these hauls and 4 smuggle la whisky and play IJB will have a worse state of tha ratoons Don't flatter vour- ra Ida, until Uiiip tfrfn seliti that the work U all di alt the saloon h* up. I was |in tag bold thorn, tad tha roams'oaboth sides of ora werw crowded with whsl I was told ware the picked jsnsg night they ware di heard sack jairing of tho town, and all rook and cursing. I never Tha mothers were ro of u profanity. fitempUtiwi wsmontel the way of the hays, and yat there they main, carsing sad drfa’ tag aad gambling." Alter thollyma Bar. X. Keff Smith JCtff Smith made a hcsuttAI prayer, aad the* Mr.Sankey said "I Sis, gsing to slug the ninety-sixth hymn. We hate ao farewell songs losing. May Gad help na to bear fruit for good iu tho coming heapcu their cost. The preacaco of lime Is at- diluted to Ihe impure cram of tartar of com- lucre# mid In their manufacture. Buck cream of tartar wai also analysed, and fouud to con- lain lime and other impurities: in aome ram- pica to the extent of Wl per cent, of their en tire weight. All the baking powdera of Ihe markot, with tha ling!* exception of “Royal" (not Includ- lag tha slum and phosphate powders, which were long since discarded an unsafe or inrffl. dent by prudent hoaiekie.pen) arc made from the impure cream of tartar of commerce, and rouicqucutly contain lime to a corresponding cxienL The only bakhig powder yet Aund by cbem- irel analysis to be entirely free from Hum and absolutely pure ia tka " Royal.'' This perfect I urliy re lulls from the exclusive use of cream cf tartar specially reflued and prepared by relcr t preceaaea of Use New York Tartar Co., other Ira] minis. The coat cf this chemlcilly pure rieaoa of tartar is much greater than any cl her. and on acraent of thia area tar cost is tired in nn baking powder but the “Royst” I'rot larva, who made the analysis of baking -.uadtia fin the New York Bute Board of lirslth aa wt it as for the government, rays of the | lave rested a package cf ‘Royal Biking IVwdrr' which I purchased in tha open mar ket, and And It composed of pure aad whole- aoma ingredients. It ia a cream of tartar poo . dcr of a high degree of merit, and does not rioua su leisures. . I .ova, Ph. D.' Klbos and three quanar 1c: most universally worn hr Asl spring oilh strew as sell as h I*wear's cottoa Chopper. This bone of the best cbopvaia marie, aad It b given perfect MUIaAcOon wherever tried. Wl tare mule il will chop tight acres jper vnra hop light seres per day. aad Messrs. Moons* aid. AUaaas. t.a. have them fav sa!e. Call ou. or write them. oltb nut. silicon. man bra bought" Aa Ar potatora, hie nolgh- * " Dbodyin " '" " Imre say. "nobody iu the world ran boat old Sorrell.” Here's what he asye himself: “If n man hu fifty acres in sweet potatoes he then lucks just four rows of having cnongh." Between old Nlarkvillo and Leesburg is a Lee county he house standi In a beautiful olden time. It it known home." Until u few year* ago it was the res ilience, of Judgo G. M. Stokes. He has no children, but ho aud hla noble wife have reared end educated, at their ownexpenae, more orphan children than any others in South Georgia. A par* of tho honaa sna built to ac commodate their proteges. Iu addition to thdrgood work in this line, it hu been a labor of love of three good people to bnlld and " ' ' biircli at Leu- malntain the Proebyterlan c! bunr. Thi io Camilla Clarion tells of an enjoyable visit to the Arm of Mr. John Tuckor, near Moultrie: When on Tucedey Hon. W. N. Spence said, "1-et'e go and spend the night with John Tucker,”wo answered, “that lulls us exactly." Tucker owns land and stock, and hu a com fortable home, and with u large family enjoys that independence which only until Georgia farmers know, .Mr. Tucker and Mr. Spence were old cronies in tho legislature, and in n short time ho wu sitting up with his kind family entertaining us charmingly. His table groaned under dishes of frosh flair, from the creek, and the lawyers ate enough to mako them groan n week. Mr. Tucker is one of tbo sons of the late Reuben Tuckor, the patriarchal Primitive Baptist minister, who wu tho father of thirty-two children. At one time It took a mutton u day to feed them. Ho arrange so that the cultivated aud uncultivated crops alternate each year. The lends that aro in cultivation ono your ura sown to grain ud grasses and ciovor the fol lowing you or Ali. Thia plan enables mo to cultivate double tho quantity of land, aud u tha land ia rendered more fertile; in thia way tha yield is necessarily greater. Oats being one or the principal crops sown, ud I may add the must remunerating put in altar my manner of doing u, enables me to make twenty bushels with leas expense than to make one bushel of com. Cotton ahonld bo raised, but only so much u to engage hie laborers’ time when not profitably employed in raising Rod crops. As to whether tbo grains snd clover aro ea- ■eulial to snccresful forming, the answer is that orchard grass, red clover and bermuda have proven decidedly profitable, my tends 1 icing admirably adapted to tbs successful I do not wish to convoy love very near all will raise tho latter successfully. I find only tho real mulatto lands, or that with a clay sub-soil only, si " bis, and he who attempts to ralu it In other luda without a considerable outlay, wil find it to result in a Allure. Hard gram ia wall adapted to eomo of Mr bottom lends, when the semo hu been properly prepared. Ae for Bermuda, I have about 78 scree well sodd- vaiuo of which la inestimable, ud Met sue. reeding yeu I hove more appreciation of Ua value. There being no gnu that yields a greater amount of graxing, nor none moronic tritious, especially when there ii a sufficient amount of stook to keep tha same abort mud tender. It ia a rapid and bonntiAl growth,and tha reason it’s not more appreciated by the people of the south for gnaing purposes la, it is not kapt orf, elthor by constant gnaing or mowing, which ia absolutely essential. Two brothers or mine, Messrs. T.'W. ud D. C. H. O'Hare, have each a large tract of burmndalud which and curing bay, they having cut last season 130 tons of better hay thu could ha had from the north or west. Whereas they once de spised Jburmuds, now they claim the luda upon which It grows are by Ar the meet valuable of tsv they pornoae. and could not bo bought for *2S per acre. Tha day te not for d intent whan burmnds luda of the south will lo by Ar tho moat valuable tend* we was a pioneer of tho country, and was n can. Seminole A Lovesick Jap. Hew Yobx, April 1«.—[Special.]—The ar rest ofa Japanese young mu, who imagined t hate daughter ofthe Into William H. Van. deibilt wu in loTe with him, ud Wildly sought her, loads to the discovery that the rreidences of tbeVuderbllte, the Aston end Jay Gould ore constantly guarded against cianka by private detectives. Tho private service for the pi Vanderbilts, Aston ud Gould wm organised three years ago, and ia ostensibly separate fur each family, though tho men who defend the Vanderbilts ud Alters are providsd by the came eetablishmont, nnd practically work to gether. Regular patrol doty Is done, night end J — “ J twenty detectives sro exi' day, ud employed Ar the purpose. There are four Ae- tor residences ud five belonging to tha Yen. elonging dcrbilts, nil in or clou to Fifth avenue be tween Thf lain in the wer with the Creek nnd Indiana in 1HM. He fought in tbo battle of llrosby Creek, near Little river, about twonty miles from whcroMuultrio now stands. The block house for the white women nnd children was about twelvo miles hclow Moultrie, at John Sloan's. Friend John aayn ho wu n little boy nud well remem- her* one night when the Indiana came tohia father's house. Hia father wu away from home with hla eompuy. It waa a moonlight mi night though a little cloudy. Hla mother all going to Ire killed. The yard ia fail of In dlana.” John peeped through the cracks and yard. 'hay came up to the house end peep ed in. I could see 'em, end I could smeu ’em." "How did they emtll, John?'’ "Sorter like n gourd vine ud sorter like a uiggor.” Strange to soy, the fathor cure home while they were in ike yard end walked right into Ihe house ud the warriors left without do ing uy special damage. The Leary Courier, published in the hurt of tbo cotton bolt, end a region hitherto curiod '•y tho credit system, sere better tlmreat hud. The credit system." says the Courier, “so ruinous to our farmer*, will soon lie known only u a thing of tho put, Thom wilt not bo onc-hnlfaii much supplies sold on tius in thia port of tho stats this a* thorn wu last yur, and possibly onr-fonrtb an mnch u there wu three or four yean ego, yet without some actions blight there wtllhe Just obont u much cotton and corn produced u there wu then. Thie is one reason why we uy the worst is pill. A MOREL CEOIK.I A FAUN. Mr. Henry J. Hill, of VTIlken Comity. Tickle Fortune Ont of the Soil. Wasbixcton, Oe„ April 8.—[Sporial.l—On Ihe Elbert on read, eighteen miles from thia J lace lies the magnifirent Arm cf Mr. Henry . Hill, which contains 2,300 acres, 1,'JOO up land ud iJOO river bottoms. l.HOO acres of Ihia ia under cultivation this year. This Arm is cultivated by no hands, both on tha tenant nnd wage system. The product teat year Colton,lae[heirs; corn. 2.300 bushels; w 700 bushels; bushels: ground poos. .Tin pnshala; sweet ead mmImIk Irish potatoes. 7M bushels: dvr of all kinds. UMMO pontidi. In INti Mr. Util commenced forming u the piece with 1,400 eerie, with but little capital, working only Kbudaud tanning 3 plows. The total of his profits en tho Arm Ar the 19 jean have not heen lesa thu 813,000, which added to the amout of about *#3,000 interest inherited from bis father's rotate makes him worth fiaiNM. Three profit* hare been invested in eix forms, five situated In Wilkes countv and one in Arkaaaas, and in 1,100 acres adjoining. which is a part of Earldom Avol A visit u the piece disclosed a wonderful story of indus try. At the giahense were one hundred bilea of cotton. Tho borne were filled with ell kinds of provender. The cribs contained hundreds of barrels of corn, (aome of year before last's rep’and tha grain hia* All of wheat and oats. There wee* forty head of hones end mule cotta, which will root Ml HIU not exceeding a-v. r.W CM tame* lsrara.1 to a*U* III a" *25 or *30 per bead to raise that will npsly of antes that wonid coat him >130. tho place There were Ann beam tad rnatee. ud large Prince Albert Berkshire Northern Essex hues! sad (wo of tho finest ‘iinteai horses (Black lUwk and Tons Buford) to bo Anad in tha south This splendid exhibition of stock ia *11 the result of raising core, elorer ud other lrty-third ud Flity-sooond strata. The spies aro on watch eight home each per day, and the heats are ao arranged that the nino homes cannot bo approuhod unseen by one or more of tho guardsmen. William H. Vanderbilt wm the originator of thia system; nnd he wu Incited to it by the Urge number of cranky letter* which h* received. He pro fessed to have no fear of rational evil-doers, hut was tppnhcniive that maniacs might at tack him or some member of hte family. 8!ace his death tbo mills have been laden with all lorti of appeals, demands and threats directed to his sous. . goods ud carpet house In the routhtlhry have aoomplele mall order dsnari- id guarantee satisfaction. They will du- incut ud xuaiutcc Milsfactlon. They will du- pllraicany dry goods or ranict bill flora ihe north, rend your orders to U. Rich & Bras. 5! and M Whitehall .-licet Atlanta, Ga. A robust blacksmith te needed to shoe a horse; but It requlrnfiho rarcAllud (enderltiand ofa woman lo "ahoo" a hen. Koudnlte for Bhaumatlsm, Meaart. If. Peck Jk Son., of Btreetsboro, 0., writ* ua, June 6,1881: "Why do yon not ad vertise ROSADALIS for Inflammatory Bheu- matismf Itisdeing wonders here in during the diieMC.” Wall, wa do advertise it to euro RhaumeUsm, aa any one cu au by reading our circular. It ia a splendid Blood Medicine end it reechet the very root and seat of diseue by being conveyed through the blood. Drug* gists, loading physicians end oiiitsnsof th highest standing unit* in commendatien of ROSADALIS. It has Just been discovered that Use green gSjulggySrfjP*” 11 la0 ”Wte have va tAlklJ luftblc Aii oM phjvtcian. retired from practice, bar- 1 placed (able * “ mUslnnsry a by u But India a atmpia vegetable and radical cure Ar aerrona debility and all ^AKlH C POWDER Absolutely Pure rntrerttriet. A marcel of portly. uuki'i (Bill'll, Aflifincj UI punij. wboleeomenem. More economical ordinary kind, ud cannot b* sold in bt alum or phosphate powdera. Bifid only in y RotalBaxiko Powdbb Co.. 1M Wall street, PeterkinCotton 40 PER CEWr NET LINT. bettor than other ▼arietiee. 1360 COTTON WILL OIN 600 lb. BALBl Prlce of Heed 81 her bushel at •I SO per bushel at Ncir Orleans, Memphis; 11.90at Little Rock: 12 at KAFFIR CORN, Spanish Ground PcaS^Miflo a *“ •* , \and Garden Seeds, address aa -w*-^ ^ you went to learn to write DO Short-Hand? lr to, send stamp to cufte buna stste of the Systran, aBH f^&rf 4 ro .^tete^iSiSS: ablsaocccsa has bran shown in caring h SICK tuiaie taa dowus. jiruiuiucyouj HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to tiMM who ■offer from this distressing complaint; but fortu nately thdr goodness does not Aid here, and those who onco try them will Had these little pillars hi- able In so many ways that they win not be wUllsg to do without than. But after all aick head Is the bine of ao zaaoy lives that here Is where we make our great bout. Our pills cure It while others do sot. Carter'e Little Liter IMUs are very email and eery easy to take. Oceor two pills makes dost-. They are rtrtetljr vegetable and do not gripo or purge, but by tbeir gentio action plcaen ail wbo use them, in vialsat 81 cents; fire fortl. Sold by druggists tmywhcrc, or sent by mtih CARTER SZCOICINE CO., Now York iiity. Mention this pr.per. feba -dir sal turn thu wky nn ror h f. noi DEBILITATED tm I and WOKEN eeolrtaff Health, Strength and En- y, should avoid s.SecrotKod- o., aud l for "Tha Xto- r,” or “Health Dr^AIIJCnl 19 ^ Strength Be- RE5AINf!£| gained,” a large 11- luatrated Journal, COPIES FREE. «5,•?u^L 1, iand human bapp^ ■gigBLBjg I Q f uguiyiu I ftttCTlt Voalmllarwork haaeverbeenjrabtiEhed. Kt* ill sink in alllm iiiiiiii 111111111 inmgj .ye It. YOUNG AND fiHDDLJl AGED MEN, from nervous and pb.vsJ •d vitality .premature deJ Uy benemted by consul ■■thing Much Bofflsrera ■ielW-b.'fU; . irillrlnoi ornppll* aud you nlll nva Einoiy College 1 " Engine, Built at Emoiy College School Cii:Driu:xstxoo« tine runM/iM.a Mtni N 9UVI dccl—wkyiat e o w 13 p The Magruder Mine and Plan tation for Sale. O N THE FIRST TUESDAY IN JUNE. 18M, AT the place designated for shorift’s sales In tho town of Washington, will b€ oOcred for sale at pub* Mine, located twelve miles from Wi branches, and is unfailing, and the hundred and one acne, more or leea, of what 1 nsidcrcd ono of the moot desirable and fertile nutations in tbo state. * rk, rich chooolate clay base, most* ly upland and Ilea well ibr cultivation. It is well timbered with oak and hickory principally, besides some cedar, chestnut, walnut and pine. Terms 892 Broad street, Augusta, (Is. tpurcl fore day of salt '*7 STOPPED FREE . sweet ij. i GKNT8 WANTED FOR GOUOH'B PLATFORM A cu ^ J\ Echoes aud M. Quad’s Field, Fort and Fleet. Adair ” * ‘ ~ — mtr30 wky t gHORT-HANP BTJMAIL. I .u flrsn in FBiUXU'AL sBUjin'.llASn br ■l.THnN. Giacmsvx. (rare. giea end wagons tat tha sooth, v bnlbltut, 1 WE WANT SALESIj _ amflllparceadaalarvaada WHIM ar Uw, EUUaa SairwieMoM mmj ■ ■laoax a COra MuntfeiMnn, m UMTS* st., < complete outfit, 4 cents. "Apply u#w or preavnt ear addrsaa , atrgl-dip aat wad wky a e wtaa pa, n r a ADDRESS ORDERS FOB DIAMONDS, WATCHES tfi JEWELRY J. P. STEVENS, JEWELER. a WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. Mention Utla paper.nor it wky ly Up LAD! ES!~"li r, ni n ^ Kiae this paper. spris-wkru Name this paper. marlO-dwcd sat Awkly HOMES WITHOUT C WHITTIER 18 Dmpnra . Und In EwaiD county, N, 0, tracts for actual settlement only. P Bbtuam.»Mimvu. to ten yeara. Tob»«2" Frafi Grasfca grows, 838,000 in tiro mom Reaaona—Interest only ter firoyaara ttea, roads, scboola, markets; on ft oter road. Address for circulars c. W'Uja tier. N. 0- wltt stamp, lieullon tier, lania-wkyly FOHALtaEfiO.wrek IsaW-wky-lsu t^SIEsT SEED HOUSE jja-LiiiNOaovs •"*- SEEDS^PLANTS T. W. WOOD fit SONS, Wkettsate av* Bstolt S Mention this paper. Jtni»—wkyffin Electric Belt Free Wonderful curative power* cun, has felt ithte duty to make it known to hia lufltriog fallows. Actuated by this motive BBfitatag and a desire to relieve hnmin anfikring, I will ernri free of chane to ellwhodeelro it, thia re ceipt intterman, French and English, with fall directions ter preparing and using. Sent by mail by addreming with stamps naming thia rr. Vr. A. Nojca,U3 Power's Block, Boche*. ter, K. Y. square ritmus, wl or, but Urn prates with BENT FREK—Samples of wall paper and hat i How is apply it. M. M. liiu t, AtUats, Oa. CppifjGFiEiD engine Ah/]) •f THRFSHEft C0;-?V- | Sprinlfield Ohio. •j? 8£.'T : HKL SHIN 5 MACHINERY - J “’a MAQfc • S.£ NO FOR NEW \ illustrated catalogue. ' , yrtLivAMS. Bowlins or sen. Kji Nime the CmaLtntiou. lagmhT. i MMML- • lil iaiartsafVKi ] . D«)sr^ust cpw« all tbs y* mart-wk j4m