The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, April 13, 1886, Image 8

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THE WEEKLY OONSnTOTIOlT. ATLANTA, GA, TUESDAY APBK, 18 1886 Thoroughly 0 by using D tion,Buoy SEASO THE YEAR, for it Climate and pro days.” PRICE LIVER DISE DR. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL For Torpor of tho Liver, Bflfouinesrand "Live ft* sovereign remedy. It does not debilitate the nor irritate the stotmichand bowels by disturbing digestion, neither does ft act win ■o (tot!- —•“ —* - If tbeboweis are unnsnalfy stogfish (chronic e, in — 1 — 11 “~ * bio, geatlon, neither does it act with severity upon gently, insensibly, and yet with so much ccx rjvtee and admiration of all who ose It. “ ‘to bowels are uuusnally slngglsh (chron* conjonctlon with the Discovery, to uso DR, PIERCE'S PLEASANT PCRGA Which an powerfully alterative, besides being mil Jn their operation. They are tho natural allies-re IUhrovery. and the two work harmoniously togeth- In small doses, and their uae pcrsevoringly folio properly regulated. DILlOt'fl ATTACKS AND IIKA People who are habitually subject to "billons*’ MUous headache and loss of appetite an pleased to Discovery eml I'elleta furulsltes Immunity from thiir tiaual ncurrenec. A Treatise on Diseases of prgans sent to any address for ten cents in stamps. Liver Disease. Malaria G. W. Lots, Trudliomme, La., writes: "Kor four fullness alter eating, general debility, restless nights, tonguecoated, etc. After taking four hot* tksofpr. llcroe's Golden Medical Discovery and pellets, 1 find that I am as well as I ever was." A Had Case, Ham an 1 ha Gaines, I/ickport, N. Y.. writes: "For Its or eight years previous to 1*ho, 1 had been troubled with a seven pain In the small of ray Lack, also across my shoulder blades, with consid erable bloating of the stomach from wind; was so Herrons at times ! could hardly sleep; also troubled with dlxxlneas and hard breathing spells, 1 was in duced by my step-daughter, Mrs. Warner, of Olean, 2N. Y., to try the Golden Medical Discovery. The rffects were marvelous. After taking three bottles J.was entirely cured." General Debility, 8.!.. Fisher, Pldncy Plains. N. Y., writes : "Dr. It. V. fierce, Bunaio, N. Y. Dear 8ir-My wifo Miflurcd ror several years ftom general debility. M»c had become a confirmed Invalid. The pliyal- rfans who attended her failed! to help her, and It aremed as If she must die. On reading one of your memorandum hooks, it occurred to me that your (fotdcn Medical Discovery might help her. I pro- leanse the Bio R;.PIERCE’S ant Spirits, an NABLE counteracts the mptly dispells th $1.00 per Bottle, flSE BLOO od, which is GOLDEN ME d Bodily Healt ADYIO enervating and d ose languid, “tire or Six Bottles for D IS TIHE L THE GREAT DIOAL DISC h and Vigor W E ESPECIAL DERIVED F • ED BLOOD epressing effects d feelings” so gen $5.00, by ail Dr FOUNTAIN OVERT, and ILL BE ESTA LY IS GREAT B ROM TAKING T PURIFIER AT T of the Spring-ti erally experienc uggists througho Complaints" generally, liver by overstimulation, oonaHpatlon) it laadvlsa- TITC FELLETH, d, gentle and anlrritoting medial assistant*—of tho er. They should betaken wed until tho bowels aro the Liver and ] Never. Mrs. Caroline * Sim- monds, Medina, N. Y. f writes" I have been troubled wlUi symptoms f >f fmalarlt, wl tb fever, for brae years, but after tu ns three bottlesof your Golden Medical Plscove- * llcasent Pnrgatl 1 am happy to s he liver, but when sho was at tho lowori. Rht three bottles of Golden Medical Dlscov- »me, and, although before using the medt- .j was given up to die by all the attending hyslelana, her fkthcraasoree me that she has now il y recovered." Diarrhea and Cough* Mrs. Curtis Hogue, Wist Enosburg. Vermont, Writes: "Two bottles of your Golden Medical Dis covery cured my cough and chronlo diarrhea. It has workod like a charm In my case, (t Is truly wonderful. 1 walked over a mllo last week to re- rommcndiyour medicines." Chmnle Diarrhea. Mra A. V. Parrish, of flump** VJffinla/irrllaa as foUoas: "My bowels have been regular sluco 1 took the Golden Medical Discovery." Golden Medical Discovery curve all hnmore, Ircatuc on setoftiloua disease* which we will send Abner** of I4ver. Isaac Gibson. Kcmvond, Pa., wrilot; "My wife Is getting well fast When she began to use your Golden Medical Discovery our best doctors In In- county sahUbe would dl$. Tne^aaidyour if a loaf of broad. ggglgl niter on her liver as large -. Well. »tr. to our surprise, when she began using your Golden Medical Discovery sho commoncea spitting up phlegm lor some two weeks, and thru commenced spitting up corruption and blood (It looked like what comet out of a blood loll) fur some ten day*. ah# now baa been well lor ki. carbitaelee. J. Adams, Esq., TVdedo, <>hl<s writes: "I have liscd nine bottles of your Golden Medical Dlscov- fry. and the result is I am today free from bolls au<i carbuncles tor the Ant time tu many years.' Constipation and Dir era. Mis. A. D. Johnson, Georgetown, Ky.. writes: ■The Uol«lrn Medical Diseovorv relieved me at owe*. 1 had a very bad sore on the hack of my left band for five mouth*, and it cured that, as wull as and tbiltgcsUou. from which l wa ry and Pleasant Purgatlvo Pellets, I am happy to say that 1 am entirety cured, and today 1 urn perfectly well and able to do my own work." IJyapcpsfa Cured. I.ucy A. Wood, Taylor’s Flore, Va., writes: "After many years of great suf fering from the evils of ilytpepela. I was ludncod lo try your Golden Med ical Dlecovciy, and I can not express tho gratitude 1 frel forth? great good It has done ms. 1 do not xuflbr any pain from eat ing, and 1 enjoy life an well as anybody can wish." Too Foorto fie Always Taking Medlelae* M. Lizzie Vineyard, 'of The above ly for the man sometimes l had thla in J theWORLD’S >ll|«lrd. dark circles SSTml’ exceeding mer had a cough, was often sick at the stomach and restless at night My health baslmpr—* thanks. Yqu a leal Discovery. right away, inowwclal _ . more than I did then. I am sorry that I know of Its merits beforo I spent so much with other doctors. 1 only took three bottles. My frleuds told mo it mlgut bcuellt me while taking It, but the good effects did not ►top there, as you will see from tho above." WQRLD^iDISPENSARYi^'LAB.QRATQFOLBUlLDlNG, Dr. Pierce’. Farottte prescription la not . "Core-ill," bat admirably fulfils. alnglencm of pur pose,bring .most potent Specific for Ml those Chronic Weaknesses end Blseuec peealUr to wo* men. It le .powerful gen eral, u well e> nterlns le and nervine, .ad r»rl.vlgor.nd strength !h whole ejsten. It promptly cares non would weakness ofstom- ub, Indigestion,bloating eructations ol gu, ncr Tons prostration, debility end sleeplessness, la either sex. OVER-WORKED WOMEN* For “worn-oat," “ran down,” debilitated school teachers, milliners, dress makers, general hoose- kcerere, and over-worked gomen generslly, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite mserlp tion 1: tho beet ot a restorative tonics, GURED It proveu Its efficacy In curing sau rnoum or lower, swellings, enlarged glands, and eating ulcora. A ou rt cult of ten cunt*In stamps. \\ c have also a post paid for ton couts. Salt-Rheum Cured. Mr*. L. Dnnkle. of Iiartgeatown/JCana., writes; "My daughter has bcon cured of salt* “* 'lotos Mia. A. L. Cory, Uadluy, Crawford county. Kan., Writes: "My sou, aged fifteen yean, was token dawn last January with awaltngs on his right •shoulder, left hip and knee, lie lay halpfassfbr five months, when great abscesses formed* four of which nmsttomsd todlssbargs at the llsse ha coi xmmti using your Golden Medloal Plseovei. underyooradvice. Kuar, after haring uwdfoar Imttlea of tba Discovery, ha Is almost wall and walha thiaa foonha of a alia to school every day. A arrofoluus sore on bis arm, which ran constantly for two years, has healed completely under the In fluence of the remedy named. 1 * "Fever florae.** Mrs. A. II. Crawford, Linn Grove, Buena Vista County. lawn, writes: "I am the person who wrote to you two years ago for advice respecting fever n m^lcg. 1 took ilx bottles or your Golden re ryes and a lams tumor c ■'taTTad gtwlwth lo’iUl of jwuv mellleinS"**’' Consumption, W While It promptly cures the severest coughs, U ROjrW the system and purldes the t.luod ThaauwlUve property* of rod-liter oil aw fba *7««a. a»n IncreaMth. firehaud weight of ucaarenvafi below the mu.l itanj.rj ol health t>r waMlogdlaraiaa.'' A largo pamphlet treatlae cmrowtuniKloti and klaOiwt diwaw. wMlpoaMK lo ug aOdrere on reeript of tu cent, la wap. A Woa4erfnl Caw. Daniel Fletcher, too . i.tonrvwer, g». write, “NaailT five roan ago 1 wa. taken tick withadn- Ceae rwanllng which the three pbraldatu who atleteVO me ware usable lo agree. One of the t phFilriane to BoMon raltefi It a tumor of , an* treated a» toe that, neaMf kill- *- **** ****• At ohtraihe. 1 had bees confined lo BIT voem (hr d ... -rheum by tbo of Golden Medical Discovery." Erysipelas and Floor Cured. Mr. K. ft. Wilcox, of ClaUkanle, Columbia coun ty. Oregon, by an accident, broke his leg, orystiie- Is* set In at the anklo and an ulcer followed. After frequent trials of physicians aud proprietory modi- rliH'*, he determined to use the Golden Medical discovery, of which he took over two dosen bottles. 1(0 writes; "Sluco writing you In the spring of last. I con tinued using the Golden Medloal Discovery and lYUcta until they mmlo a iHjrfec’t cure of my, leg. It healed up thirteen months ago, and there Is no ►Jgn of return of the disease. I have beeu able to work every day thla summer, the first 1 have work ed for four years. for which 1 thank you most gratefully.’' Throws Army Crutches. the ease steadily grow worse Instead of better. We then applied to a aneeeeslon of doctors, one of whom would treat it for a misplaced total, another for bona disease, another for something else, and so on. Amputation of the affected limb was evan suggested. Last April, at whteh tlmo the child had not had his fool on the floor since the previous December, we placed him under the In fluence of yoor Golden Medtcaj Discovery, and the improvement was immediate,'and In a short time he was able to walk with the aid or crutches. For merly hts ankle would sw ell and pain him and was so very weak that a high fover would result; but since commencing the use of your IHseoverr be has not had a rtuiic one of theee spoils. In four months from the time he commenced the use of the Discovery ho threw his crutches aside, for he waa well." Chronic Sore* Cured* Isaac D. Fraser, of Troyvllle, La., says: "I wrotr you some months ago concerning my sun. rude your advice 1 obtained two bottles of Golden Medic cal Discovery for him. By the time he finished his second bottle be was a sound boy. It has now been aomc mouths since he has had any sores break out on him." eak Lungs, Etc. g to die. I was so bad allow any one Co coma Into my room, as I could not talk, nor was I able to walk. 1 totoked ud cxia vour memorandum books on the floor of the hotel where I was boarding, sad after reading it 1 began taking your Golden Medical Dis covery, and the tint bottle brought me around oo that 1 could walk around the room all day. I soon tvgau to buiUl up and gain so rapidly that U aston- slied me. I have token no other medicine slue e thru, end have used perhaps twenty bodice in all of thb medicine. I stopped taking It in August, one year ago. I feel that It has saved my life. I now weigh about l«9 pounds, ami I think, and my ftfordi with me. that tnfs medicine saved my Ufa. Illustration represents the i ufacture of Dr. PIERCEfS DISPENSARY. Within its it that they have acquired & Threatened With Consumption. Ron. J. K. Bishop, of Ylctoria,CoSce county,Ala, lave put ou flesh and gain * ‘ Is belt toed strength. reports "I have l c and my cough Is better. Since ttkl ►crtpUon 1 unproved so much that run for and was elected representative rrom my county to the general assembly of Alabama Wbtle there. 1 Contracted a cold, and upon lnoufry, I found yoor Golden Medical Discovery aud com menced Us nea 1 continued It through the wintar and spring, and ceoMderttdld me more good than anything! hpd mad. 1 used noma U bottles sad am as hearty ail ever was In my life and am able to look after my bottom." Quick Consumption Cured* Eli Rosa, Ida Grove, Iowa writes: "Dr. K. V Pierce. Dear Sir—About nfno yoars ago my wife was taken with a severe eongh which the doctor ►aid waa running Into quick consumption, lie thought II would be a very short time before It would take her away from mo. This 1 thought was hard, and 1 did not know what to do, as the doctor was my own brother. After he went out Z told her what tho doctor said. Hho said;—'I be lieve If 1 had some of Dr. lMcrce's Golden Medloal Discovery it would help tae.’ So 1 went aud got six bottles of It. By the tlmo three bottles were used she was much better. Six bottles made her sonud and well. Hlnootbcnwo have not been without It In the house. We uro it for oougbs and colds of all kinds. Wo could not keep home without it. My wife took another bnd cold at suit a month ago, but with Iho use of two bottles she Is now well again.'' Consumption Cured. tailed Dr. Ilerce's (toldon Medical Discovery, and took U, tuid by the time It wat used ho wav as well as ho ever had been. When 1 saw him ho lookad to be lu tho bloom of health. Ills statement caus- lUeadlng from Lungs* Joseph F. McFarland, Athens, La. writes: cover) . 8hc has not had any since Its seme six months sho has beat feeling i»o well that she has discontinued It." Consumption Cnre«l. J. Anthony Bwtnk, Dongola, Ills., writes: "For five yearn 1 suffered very much from a terrible cough and debility. More than n year atnoe I commenced to take your Golden Medical Discov ery, and it ha* completely cured me. I thank you for the splendid health 1 nave since enjoyed." mense six-story building occu STANDARD MEDICINES, walls are manufactured med world-wide reputation and X. II. Roger*, of Bchutenbarg, Taxis. A wachw Innljt-ntM r-anirfagr. wko.ufared from palm In Ihoc-hMI,abort breath, aad bronchitis write: "I bare uaed two botlla. of Dr. I'Wrre'. Golden Medico) Dlacorerjr. 1 feel cnUrelr cured.” Itronchltta and Weak l-nago. J. \V. McClure, FincYlUa, K. c., write.: "I am u.lngjrour Golden Medical I)i-; ,'vcrr and your neawuit Pnrgatlre MMa for chronic bronchitic and weak long*. I ban load two bottle and It nedlclne I ty-lca Un it bottle, of ram/ all of which f prodonnee of no accotlnf." *' Coaaumpllon Averted. Hannah Ranaa. Dartoata. Randolph county. In dtana, write.: "Dr. R.V. Pl«ee-lle«r Bit: Four ycauagol watanfibring faarfully trom tba d*. ronaamptlon. After roBhring taro nan my ha.- band procured one boula of your Favorite Pre- rc-rlpttoo, and by tba time 1 had taken half of Is X began to kel much better. I then procured three more bottle., aud have regained atrengthao at to do my work with earn. Golden Medical Diseove Price $1 Per Bottle, or WORLD'S DM® MEDICAL Consumption. Gained 15 lbs. Mrs. Thos. Von Slcklen, Brighton, OnL, says: "I have long felt It my duty to acknowledge to you whet your Golden Medical Discovery ana Pleasant Purgative l’cllets have done for me. These medi cines cannot be too highly Praised. They almost raised me from the gTave. I hod three brothers and one sister dlo of consumption, and 1 was speed ily following after them. I had severe cough, pain, copious expectoration, and other alarming symp toms. and my friends all thought I had but a few months to live. At this timed was persuadedto try your Discovery, and the first bottle acted like magic. Of course I continued on with the medi cine. and as a result I gained rapidly In strength. My friends were astonished. When I commenced tbo use of your medicine, six vears ago, I weighed but 120 ana was sinking rapidly. I now wolf n l:» and my health continues perfect. I have a copy of •The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser/and Consumption, "Liver Complaint,** Heart Dis ease. Thomas Ruland, Esq., East Bonton,Lackawanna county, Pa., writes: "Three year* ago 1 was a dreadful mi lie re r from consumption and liver com plaint. I exhausted the skill of several physicians end was quite discouraged. Doctors and friends alike thought! must die. X had a dreadful cough and raised a considerable amount of blood and matter; besides 1 was very thin and so weak that I could scarcely walk around tho house. At tnls time I read In the Now York Weekly of the won- derftil cures performed by your Golden Medical Discovery. I procured the medicine named and began using It in connection with the Pleasant Purgative Pellets. I'ndcr their Influence I recov ered my health completely. I would also My th% your Inscovcry cured my grandchild of heart dis ease." For Spitting of lllood and Weak Lungs, Gold en Medical Discovery flnrpatsses All Other Medicines. IV. M. Morris, Esq., 89 Center street, Indlanapo- Us, ind., says: "home Ume ago my brother, Ur. L. C. Morris, had hsmorrhsge of the lungs and ca tarrh. andyourGoldenMedical!~ " “ Bage'i exclusive- ind known as icines of suck sale. OF HER SEX. rand Dr. Bleeding From Langs* U ml lev Farmer, of Stauffers, Pa., a school teach er: had hemmorrhage from the lungs, due to cloae confinement in Impure.air, physicians suspected Consumption Cored. Mrs. K. A. Rlvington, ISO Seventh street. K. E., Washington, D. C.,writs*: "X hope you will pardon my delay In not writing you of the arrival of your priceless Golden Medical Discovery. I am now on the last bottle you sent me. May Heaven bless you for your kindness In sending It when yon did. Mv cough has ceased, and I feel like a new woman in every way." A Lingering Cough Cored. Mm. M. IL Boaul, of Oak HiU. Texas writes: "lam ha —- - — -- your Golden Medl igh. I had .. t receiving auy relief.’* ty is Six Bottles For $5.00. ASSOCIATION, PROPRIETORS, MAIN STREET, BUFFALO. NEW FORK. Texas, writes: "World’s Dispensary Medical As soclatlon, Buffalo. N. Y.: Gcntlcmen-I feel a deep sense of gratitude io my oeart to you for tho great benefit received. Rad It not been for your treat ment I would have been burled long since. I havo induced many of my friends to take jour medi cine! and with good results. I am using your Fa vorite Prescription and Pellets at you directed, and havo been cured of a weakness peculiar to my sox and of a aevero dyspepsia. That auccesa may crown your every effort to relieve tho afflicted, is the sincere wish of your grateful patient," General Debility* Daniel Beauchamp, Marine City, Mich., writes ' World’s Dispensary Medical Association: Gentle men—1 will say that I never havo seen a cure effec ted In so short a tlmo of such a severe case as lhat of my wife. I had begun to despair of her ever getting better; and now after taking five bottlesof Dr Pierce’s Favorite Prescription she Is feeling so well that she hardly knows herself. Sho thinks your medicine a national blessing, and I agree with her." It Surprises Them All. Hilda Danielson, Cowrie, Webster county, Iowa writes: "Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., Dear sir—I should have written you long ago, and thanked you for the great relief 1 havo obtained from your Favorite Prescription. To my surprise, it waa all tho .medicine that I required. I have advised many to give it a trial, and they have all found It satifactory." ••Rest Thing In the World for Female Suffer er*." Mm. Mary L. Evard, of New IUvcn. Ind., write*’ I am very thankful you gave me such good ad vice* and I have been taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I really think tt is tho best thing In be world for all female sufferers. We have your Discovery and Extract ol smart-weed lu the house and their tae has always gi ven good satisfaction.’ They Work Like Magic. Benjamin Franklin Pratt. East Dover, Piscataquis county, Me.* write*: "Dr. R. V. Pierce, Dear 8Lr- My wife has been taking your bleated aad valuable medicine. She was ao she could not walk across the room. After taking two bottles of your Favorite Prescription bought of our druggist, she s so she can do our housework. Your medicines are saving a great many lives here. They are selling extensively, and work like magic." A Women’s Gratitude. Mrs. F. Oats, ofShumway, Ills., writes: "When I had used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription one week, I could walk all over the door-yard, and I could get into a wagon and ride two miles to see ay neighbors I had not bean able to walk out in tha door-yard for six aionths. After using the Fa vorlte Prescription two weeks. I rode in a wagon ten miles; my neighbors were all surprised to see me up and going about and helping to do my house work, after doctoring with thirteen of the best physicians ire could get—and the last one told my husband that I would never be able to do my homework anymore, I am thtnktol that I wrote oyou, fori had suffered Organic Weakeeas until I had aimnet given op in despair. OF HEALTH, Good Diges- BLISHED. ENEFIT TO BE HIS UNEQUAL- H1S SEASON OF me Changes in ed “about these ut the world. T.rrlbl. Fain. Mn. F. E, Wtloo*, Friendship, N. Y., writre: "For Ut. or ,!i rear. I had bren badly troubled with Organic IVeaknwa and terrible pain* acroa the snaU of my back and pit of tbo itomaeh. Three bottlea of Dr. Fierce'. Favorite Preacriptloa acted like a charm, and cored me completely, to mj great Jo,.’’ Marvelous Benefit.. Rev. Sidney C. Davie, Gellen, Michigan, write*: •1 wish in thla letter to expren my gratitude tot Mn. Pavla and myaelf for tho great good which hag bcon accomplished In her caw by tho tue of yoor proprietary medicines, when .ho began to take them, luJanuarylari, ehe could not endnrethe lout Jar, oonld walk but a very fewatopaat a Ume, and could atay up only about thirty mlnuMa at a time. Now ah* not only rite np almost tho entire day, hot can walk, call on her neighbor, two or three block, away, and not feal any Injnriotu effect, at all. Whoa wo oondder that abe had kept her bed the greatw put of ho tlmo for fourteen monthi, 'and would low repeatedly the advance iho had made, her progreae now wenu marvelous. We had almoat teat confidence In medical practitioner, and ed re tired remedies, but have found In your Dr. Plerce'i Favorite Prescription and Felleta the propertfai needed, and which we believe will bring about a complete and final recovery.” inf Tk Wrong Many times women call upon their family physi cians, one with dyspepsia. another wl'hp*tplto- tion, another with backache, or nervousness, an other with pain hero and there, and in this way they all present allko to themselves and their easy- • going and indifferent doctor, separate and d stinot diseases, for whteh he prescribes his puis and po tions, assuming them to be such, when, in reality', , , when the suffering , no better, but probably worse for the delay, treat ment. and other comnUcaoioas made.. A proper medicine directed to the cause would perhaps have entirely removed tho disease, thereby insu- tutlag comfort instead of prolonged misery. Doctors Foiled. "Organic Wcaknem" Cured.—Mrs. Sarah A. Lovely, Greenfield, Adair oounty, Iowa, writes: "It. V. I’lerco, M. D. Dear. Sir—Haring been 111 • number of years, and having tried in vain almost every advertised remedy, as well as having paid nearly a hundred dollars to our local physicians, without benefit, I was finally Induced to oonsult you. You advised me to tend for your medicines. I accordingly sent for your 'Medical Adviser.’ six bottles of your Golden Medical Discovery, six of your Favorite Prescription, and six vials of your Pleasant Purgative relicts. When I first began using these, 1 could not stand on my feet. In ninety days I could walk a mllo and do itght homework, whilst in six months I was completely cured, and my health has remained perfect ever since. 1 recommend you and your medicinal wherever 1 go, and loan your 'Adviser' to my friends. Two of our most prominent physicians who have read your great work, •Tho People’* Medical Adviser,' pronounce It the A Thousand Thanks* sired*. UaiJfsx, N. write*: "Dr. B. V, werce, 1 thank God, and thank you a thousand tunas, for tho relief that yoor valuable medicines, th* Fa vorite Prescription and Pellets hare given me. I am perfectly cured of a chronlo sickness that had troubled me for years. How my heart is overflow ed with Joy and gratitude towards you, my looguo can never express." "All Run Down." Mrs. V. H.Peterson, of Locknort, N.Y«hid suffer ed for threo years from "Organic Weakness/* was greatly emaciated and "all run down,” as the expressed u, and Dr. Pieree’a Favorite Prescrlotioa and Golden Medical Discovery promptly cured her, ns they have thousands of similar case*. "Do Likewise." Mrs. K. F. Morgan, of Newcastle, Llnpoln coanty, Maine, saya: "Free years ago I was a dreadful sop ferer. Having exhausted the skill of three phyal- the local treatment recommended In bis "Common Sense Medical Adviser.' I comnwooed to Improve at once. In three mouths I was. perfectly cured, and have had no trouble since I wrote a letter to particulars to anyone writing wo for them, ana an- oloatng a at am pro carrion, for reply. I Mr. ro- ct u«a over four hundrod rotten. lu roply. I hero dcacrlbcd mr cue and the treatment u««d. »nd hare Miuotly adrlrodthe* to 'do Ilk.-tie.’ From a groat many I hare rccelrcd accond IrttCT at lb Aka, Mating that thoy had commaruwl the uae of Farorito l're«riptton. had aard tha ILH M; •miredforth. Medical Adrlaar. aad had applied the local treatment ao fully and plainly laid down therein, aud were much better after dy." A Doctor's Mistake. Ilia Henry “I had been u AdvESSdi! three months I was well and strong. DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIP TION reduced toll per bottle, or six bottles for ¥>. EVERY INVALID LADY Should rood for ‘‘The Fgoptrt Common dena* Medical Adviser," in whlch overfiftypogeeare do- voted to the consideration of dlsfMes women. Illustrated with numerous wood cuts aad colored plates. It will 1 - — WORLD’S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION