The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, May 04, 1886, Image 10

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA, GA* TUESDAY MAT 4 1880 LIVER, THEIR LIVER DISEASES. The rritw fl-ir— to profs— the consMorallon of (lie ilitcaM* BfDtlonfd at the head of tbU art!* ele bj t nylng that the truthfulness of the theories which lie I*about to advance bait been confirmed by a vast experience embracing the ancceetful treatment of thotiaxnfls of caae«, and ho therefore promulgate* ht* view* without fear of (heir being tDKeNifnllj controverted. He hold* that to a con- geatad. torpid and direaacd Urn can lx) treecd n*uy dircas—of diverge symptoms, and afTectlug rarlouk organa. Many of these diseases are usually treated aa if primary affections, both physician und patient being doomed to disappointment by an utter lack of favorable rwtilts: for to treat a dlaeaao sucre* tally we mmt have a clear conception or Its true nature. Tlia ♦*Housekeeper” of Health. The liter la the largest gland in the human Sys tran. It la the great purityIng organ of the system, and has very appropriately l*een termed the "house* keeper** of our health The importance of the liver aa a blood-purifying and cxcrotory organ can* not be overestimated. Tin- f< ul and mot bid matter absorbed from the various tissue*, and taken into the blood, if re- («lved therefrom l.y a healthy liver and contorted Into bile. When the liver becomes torpid or con gealed. it falls to eliminate this vast amount of noxious substance, which, therefore, remains to poison the Mood and be conveyed to every part of the »yMini. Nature tries to work off this poison through other channels and organs—the lungs, akin, etc.—but these organs become overtaxed In performing this labor, In addition to their natural fanrtlons. aod cannot long withstand the pressure bet ton-roe variously diseased? near! Disease. The blood, Burchsrgcd with dallv accumulated poison, as the mult of torpor of Uio liver, unduly stimulates Urn uervsa of tho heart, and produces chronic Irritation, palpitation, or excitement of that organ, developing forms ofhaart disease. Dyspepsia and Costiveness. The stomach and bowels cannot escape becoming! affected, aa a direct result of liver rilsoaso, and rostlnneaa, hemorrhoids, dropsy, dyspopsla, or diarrhea, and many other forms ot chronic dlseasej tie among the natural results. ?end us ten cents In stamps for our Complete Treatise ou IHseases of tho Liver and Dlgestlvo Organs. HJrk lloadarhe. The brain Is not properly refrefcheri and stimu lated by the unhealthy blood; hence dullness, dlx- /hies*, sick beednebe, bilious headaohe. sleepy or nenrnus feelings, gloouiy forebodings, and Irrita bility or temper. Skin Diseases. The Meed poison, not being worked off by tho Uver. when that organ!* diseased or sloggisli, ao- cumulates and Mtoriog through tho skin become* ao acrid as to produce blotches, pimples, eruptions, pustuh -, scaly tucruMatlons. lumps, lutUmod patches, ncoe, Impetigo, prurigo, paoriada, salt* rheum, tetter;or, iMtomiugMill mom virulent, the poison breaks nut In bolls, carbunolea, ulcers, or old sott-Mhat are difficult to beat. I Rod i s ten rents and wo wtl forward to you wtonlit, ot»r t’opip'ete Treatlaa oil Hkln Disease*, ^ 1* It Arttid with UivUta colored platot. Hcrotuloua Dli A long h tie* tddhwaaev commonly known as *.r... n —---* - * 0 y |be liver—the poisonous, fester* cart, iwtarrhororwnm, fever sores, while swell — * ** J ukwsklhm of ton—, Inter* u of thaliver, kidneys and 'uterus, and other maladies too numerous to men turn. LUNG TUBE NATO -liiretkli.iidBtdlMHM, oka .uaTt-wrlUotre, uln-ratlonat iilpmv .ml other tnaladic. ttou. 0«ar Complete Illustrated TreaUsQ on Hcrofttlous sent. |a*t|*ald, to any address, on *“ “* —*- In Manila. Cnn.iiiu|»tloa« ■The till. potaMd Mood, remliln. (mm nwiliy action of 18. Hth.mi m Noa tt» upper and right , oarttyaf tb.bfortt«tli.V>w»rMlrtti\theoec .11- lljr ta tltotop«» — - n —-* irotly to t>» tom» .Irvtmhujhwnirtt «li parti of nttotoMt delicate organa. -Tito itaw or tho liuito potirewd amt Irritated. and time Invite I Si attorn lmt> httmorr with ,UH lb* blood tchur-i <bMd. Id thta w.y rotonmjHbni, which Urereare wsstt&stsS**'* H ■ Our viewannrt^ : Kien- ii the nature of OoonwpUoo, Itrou- esnus, i.aryugttn* and kindred affections, together with pisefe ot thalr e—Nitty, are to be found to ffclllu a complete treatise «m these affections, which wlU be seat to any addfraa on receipt of teu feustvc breath. Neivous cough, bronchi Us and consumption itself are »ha natural results. Toe lungs would not have become diseased had the Uver dona Ms whole duty. Asthma. This spasmodic and digressing malady 1> rencr* ally tbs irxutt of rrffex nervous action, produced by Impure blood i- ‘**—* — — wesds. of -Mprof pad of Uso liver. Kidney Disease. The imuure blood, wkloh a torpid liver falls to purify, affects not only the heart and lungs, but also other important organa. In Its circulation passes (urns the tattitWk to the upper left each y of the beast, thassce lotlis lower cavity, and the tiro Uwaagh the avterire and capmastos ta every tissue and organ of the sy»trm. The kldnesy aru among ' those organa, furuMitng as it excretion-»<hat of the urine. ... td. being Irritated and oonges- *rdj>7 the presence of Mlc-nqlwmed blood, and Blight's dtatase. iHatotr*. ami kindred affections, ramM. Tbe-uriuetocotas* scanty, high-colored, and at tisaea loaded with red dapastts, orolhar dls- eare product* whveh lrtndaoe Arrivatlou and to- tlaramatlunorihe blstbicr, thus adding another malady ta the ahead) lengthy catalogue of all- . Opt creapltea Illostratrd Traatlre on Diseases of the urinary organs t* sent to any address, postpaid, **« receipt of leu rents In suunpa. Malarial rataons, which arc abmihed Bum the atmosphere taken ISS Monlkto; but ubm It MU in Mea |mA>nnnr«k tb, iy.ivnj miTt'i, (hint rhliU. am, dumb iim. — rbllu, ut wbtt fb>^< 0 t miitrt.t Ike Njmptunia of Liter Itl.rn-e uud U. ie,uJum nod kindled uAetleo. nut ditto, ■ttetdlt l toll* t'lnum.iaucen .ptliu.ti, teaptn- ■Mb «te,«r cm»iUuih>u«l nkm of the lodt- vtdual .ini Ike eetoplluillauof ike dlieue and In ttoaa at adnaeanaut Not anfreiaenllr ltw Ma . Ulaaleu leeoaua |»I. and aalioe, and tkan la ruCiiu. ubder the e^, htlloat or Nek hcadwke, Mliat taite in the nimith. toaxtte ooated nktle or oorarrd «bk a brnea fur, kackiaf ceujth. lerar, naUneueML Kaarttme. aa aanaloMl , ap- awuawe of tke akin, at other. It I. dr, and kank. !£ eniMloo., idaiplvt, dark ktotelw, and treobltemua tichiua. Tlte eater U SMUentlf wautT aod UabeatmC aad. trallowad aad derpaadeot. Tie runettmial |hmrr. of the « iianiiiTK}. uu piiu crui'iaiioas; tha loucis become Im gular, usually ro.iatipated. •adoeeadauall. eibkrt to otatlaate diarrhea, at- uadrd *hb eollrk. i^lD.. Ihtrth, ih.a.r the rdrrraut-Ti to ;tu,.fcb and tba tort and Md to I. raid, bat at otcM ibe putoe t. .reeler- aM.atnl th. pain, of Ih. hand, aad thewjle. of Ike Uet bar. a buraina muatioo. Tbc kuerdiia toaplat, ► an net .11 tneenl In any one n-e. inr are ah) loo net alik, lu trer j rtopect. Coaraiun Sen.. Wo apMfli to Ike reader If II I. not retaotable lo a that all tbee- c.i^Im that ran becSnwtr to iwarn. ,.rtpia. or cauaa. kboald ko times treaue as tt entirety on- w and d-mandtog dlflbreat acwtlagtothe pecaMaritjr of Bd. TBe writer, ucTcrthelm* confidently asserts that all tho diseases named iu this article can be and are constantly cured by tlte use of a potent alterative or blood purifier and liver invigorator. The active rented!*I propcrtk-s of tbc most efficient agents now known of the above classes of medlcfaM are scleullib’xl'.y corn-, blncd In l)t. Merce’s (iolden Medical Discovery,; w hich acta especially upon the Uver, and ihrou-gh that organ upon the blood, cleansing and invigor ating the system generally. The (■olden Medical Discovery the delicate processes ot digestion; neither docs It act with seventy upon the blood; but Doper- the Discovery, to use Pleasant Purgative I f alteratlv . rrltMtlng lit their operation, me nuiurut allies—tcnynllal asststauts— L'fivcty, sttd the two work harmoniously together. They should bo taken In smsll doses, only one or two ter day. and their use persever- Inglv lolJowcd until the lrowels are properly regu- Dll loti m Attarka. I'eoplo who are hnbitually subject to bilious at tack*, bilious headache, s.Ick headache and Iom of appsilte, are |dca>ed to find that a course of the j/ikcovcry arm 1’clletM funtlsbca immunity from J ilH UIUkl ftl I ¥!.*««, VJ IV. » . — . . (over l.ono pages, ;too Ulustralioas, buuud lu cloth), price 116Q, post paid. Address: World’s Dispensary Medical Association Ko. WB MAIN HT„ mJFPAIX), N. T. All Praia# to tho Medicines.** Mrs. 8. It. Ooositx, Brown wood, Texas, writes : "Dr. It. V. taKfia!. Dear Mr—I received your let ter last week, since I wrote to you last there has been u wonderful Improvement in my health, aud 1 give all i.rmlie to your medicines. I havo been using tho Favorite PresorljHIon and (loldcn Medi cal recovery." Malarial Fever Cured. Thomas M. Acres, Fonchatoula, La., writes: V. licroe. Dear Blr-I taka r* Ing that my son, T. a Acres, wl “ “ H. C. K. H., at Pasamanr - *" d of malarial fever, oft tag, by the use of your Pellets and (Iolden Modlcal Discovery taken together. Ho bad taken calomel, quinine, tonics and physics without effecting a cure, labo certify (hat nr daughter hat been entirely cured from malarial fetor, after suffering *tx month*, by the mu of tho Poltotx and Holden Medical Discovery.” % . Liver Disease and General DobHIty* V. nelftt, of Haegoratown. Crawfoid, Co., Pa., writes; *‘I tako the liberty or dropping you a few linen to let you know that I have been taking your valuable mi dldne— the Holden Medical Discovery —for upwards of three month*, and must say It has done mo more good than all tho medicines f have ever taken, anu 1 doctored with four different phy sicians. 1 claim that I am perfectly cured. I never Iclt better la my liru than I do now." Only One Returned to Give Tha»k». v ' lepers wore healed, oulyouo returned to give thanks tor bis recovery. 1 have enjoyed better health this summer and winter than 1 have before In year*. My Np|MM|to is now good, and I sleep woll. I no longer cxpertenco any of the difficulty about tho heart, bciure 1 began tho use of the Uoldeu Medi cal Dlscovciy. my friends thought that my health would uever Im* any totter. It has done for me what my home doctors failed to do.” Chronic Diarrhea Cared. Mm. II. Taber, of cor. McUanocks avenuo and Ilume street. NaslwtUe, Term., say*: "One bottle '' Wen Medical Discovery cured me of Thca of three yearn' standing." Gained 10 1-8 Pounds. M. I.lrxlo Vineyard, of Houston, Del., describes taking medicine, ami 1 am too poor to be always taking medicine. I had aorencas In my left side, near the stomach; sometimes I had this In both aides, and imUii lu the head: was always ronxtlpa- ted, dark circles around the eyes; I spU a great deal of phlegm, had a cough, was often sick at the •totnach andrcstless at night. My health has im proved so much I cannot express my thanks. You advised roe to take the Holden Medical Discovery. I did so and 1 began to Improve right away. I now w eigh ten and a half pounds more than I did then. 1 am aorry that I did not know of Us merits before I spent so much with other doctors. I only took thico bottle*. My frieiula told ine It might neneflt rue while taking It, but the good effects did not stop there, as you will see from the above." Heart Disease and Dropsy. Mlsa M. Watkins. Joliet, tlto, writes. "When l began the uso of the Favorite Proscription ami Holden Medical Discovery, 1 bad a great many ills* Hewing symptoms aud smothering spoils, or what my physician said was caused by heart disease. My throat used to swell and pain me terribly; mr body was bloated, aud my feet used to bloat am. pain me; 1 had pain in my heart; enlargement of the spleen: alto pain In the right aide and tn my kidneys; frequent dearie to urinate. My menses AND RE AND COM medicine naaremovedall these symptoms, aud I am very lhankftil to you." Liver Complaint and Uendaehe. G. W. Lota, Prudhommo, La., writes. "For four years 1 suffered from liver comptant and attacks of nignw, tongue i» vwru. cu • ai,i r ,**lug lour on.- f ra of Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets I find am aa well at I ever was. Thanks to your value bio medicines." Dyspepsia and Ague. Kdwln Hemming. Chaffee. Erie Co.. N. Y„ writes: "Two years ago l bail %ly«pepela and ague very badly. 1 waa advised to take your HoldetiNedloal lUM ovcry. It has effected a complete cure. It Is worth its weight In gold." Heart Disease. Alice Staples, ltopedalc, Mass.. Writes. "I cannot retrain from writing you a few lino* to tell you how thank ml 1 am for what you have done for me. Your Holdsu Medical Discover)' has worked wonders ta my case. 1 have takeu six bottles ot U and ouc oflha Favorite Prescription. It has «lonwan tm- meroe amount of good, built up my wimto ay>tcm. and Miengthemd me. My head tt relieved or the bad ivciluga which 1 suffered from for several years. It la the best medicine 1 have ever used, aud 1 am fflad to apeak ta Us praise. My heart troubles are gone. I have not had any bad attacks of heart dt»ca*e since T ‘ my washing this week any tbc worse for it. 1 no help ftw me, aud ga<« »nj »*» ■. w.m ■■ my money was aone, 1 now thank tied aud yon that 1 am wcll. n Dyspepsia, Uver and Kidney Trouble. Samantha Gaines. Lockport. N, Y.. writes: "For six t*r eight years pre vious to l&SO, I had been trou bled with a severe ualn tn the small of my back, also across my shoulder-blades, with considerable bloating of the stomach from wind, eras so nerv ous at umee I could harelly sleep: also I was tremb led with dlrrincm and hard breathing spells. I was induced by my Hop-daughter. Mrs. Warner, of Olean, N. Y., to try the Hold, u Medical Discovery. The edi cts were marvellous. After taking throe bottles 1 waa entirely cured. I cannot find wools to express my gratitude for « hat your medicine* have dene for me." Malarial Fever Mrs. Caroline fUmmoads, Medina. M. Y., write* T have been troubled with symptom* of malaria, »tih fever, for three year*, but after using three bottles of your Holden Medical Dl*covory and *“ tativw tvilets. I am happy to say that cured, and today I aa perfectly well i my own work.*' Liver Complaint. JohnF. Drake Dyrou, Olmsted Oa.MIuu., writes: “lllc** jou for the go«sl your (o»lde«t klclical Dl»- em ery has dor e me. It d.vv a poor soul good to take It. It is the test in the vorld, You can use my name anywhere you want, to indorse the great lent fit* that 1 have received from your meltdnea." Dyspepsia. l.ney A. Wood. Taylor's Store. Va . writes: "Af ter m*ny years of great suffering from the evils of dyxurpata, I wa* induced to try yinir Uel len Medi cal l'ucovtry.aiid 1 cannot exptvwt the gratitude I fid for the great good U has done me. I do not suffer any pstn flow eating, and 1 ccJuy life ax welt as a uj body can w tab." Chronic Ufcrrhea and Ceogb. Mia. Ciutis Bogue, We«t Tuosbarx. U. writes 'Two bottles of your Holden Mein si Discovery cured my rewck and chronic diarrhea It has worked like a charm In my earn, It b truly wou- derfPt. I walked over a mile last week ta recom and yoor meduiue*." BLOOD DISEASES. Medical anther* describe about fifty varieties of skin disease, but as they all require for their cure very similar irrntment, it Is of no practical uso to know Jtut what name to apply to a cert liu form or skin disease so you know how to euro lb We might describe various kinds of scrofulous sores, fever rorea, white swellings, enlarged gland* aud ulcere of vary teg appep ranee; might describe how contagious Mood pofron may show Itself in various fojms of eruptions, ulcers, soro throat,bony tumors, etc., but as all the^p various appearing manifestations of bad blood arc cured by a uilform me ans, we deem such acourse unnecessary. Thor oughly rleanre the blood, which Is the great foun tain of life, and a good digestion, a fair akin, buoy ant spiritt, vital strength, and bodily health will be established. Onr c« mpletoand illustrated troatlsc on 8erofu- loux Ditcou-s. micD as "i’ever-ttoro*," "Hlp-Iolnt Dfteaie," “WhiteSwellings," aud "Old Bore Ulcere, will befcent loan/ stddrms, on receipt of ten ccnla in stamps. A trcatLeon Hklu I lsca>cs, illu-tralcd with life like colored plates, scut post-paid, for teu cent-- In stamp*. (tar complete treatise on Contagious Bloo<l l*ol- ■on, will be sent to any oddresa, on receipt of ten cents in ktampa. Address, World'* Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, No f«3 Main at., Buffalo, N. Y. We have shown how the Uver is the great blood cleansing organ of the system. Set the great ’housekeeper" of our health at work, and the l oal l*oIsons that accumulate In the blood and rot out, r.s were, tbc machinery of life, arc gradually expelled from the lystcm. Wehavoalreadr shown tbat for this put rose Dr. Pierce's Holden Medical Discovery and Dr. Pierre's Pleasant Purgative Pellets are, par cxrellcr.rc, the articles needtd. Thty cure every kind of humor, from the common pimple, bloichorcMiption. to the worst scrofula. Great eating ulcers kindly heal under thalr mighty curs- live tailticnce. Vmilont and contagious bisod porion is robbed of its terrors, and by dhelr perse vering and somewhat protracted two, the most tainted system may be completely renovated and built up anew. Tumor* and Swellings dwindle away and disappear under. the Iniluancc of these great resolvents. The system being put undtr their Influence for a few weeks, tlio akin to- com** smooth, clear, soft and volvcty. Salt-rheum Gored. Mre. L. J. Dunkle.of Bartgestowu, Kan., wrltos: "My daughter ba* been cured of sall-rbeum by the use of Holden Medical Discovery." Kryslpelas and Ulcer Cured. Mr. K. B. Wilcox, of Clatakanlc, Columbia Co., Oregon, by an accident, broke his log; erysipelas set in at the auklo and an ulcer followed. After fre quent trials of physicians and pronrletanr mud- tellies, he determined to uie the Holden Medics! Discovery, of which he took over two doaen bot tles. He writes; "Sliico writing tinned using the Holden I'clkls until they made a It healed up thirteen mon _ sign of return ot tho disease. work every day this summer, the first 1 hare work cd lor four years." Hendaches. Mrs. A. J. Brookline, Lockport. N. Y. # s*yv 'Your 1 diets are an admirable medicine. 1 would not be without them for any money, l am autyoct to sevarc headaches, for which Uioyaro* perfect charm." That •<Tlr.<l F.MIti,.- lV Mm. t). V. Srnit, Kart Main atrmt, Frlon<1*hl|>, N. N.. writes: "For three or four years I had been troubled with general debility. I felt all tho flmo J now loci uio a different woman. 1 Chronic Ulcers. Mrs. If. Hamilton, No. bit) Broad street, Trenton, N. J., writes: "As you recommended, I used your Holden Medical Discovery for tho cure of two varierse ulcere. They liavo both healed uicely. Your medicines havo done mo awrouderfol amount of good." Cancerous Tumor Cured Wa. Babrook, Nelson. Pa., writes: "I have taken your Hoiden Medical Discovery, and the cancerous tumor ts all gone. It wa* growing very fast when I began to taka your medicine. I would uot have a cancer for ten thousand worlds. My sister died with cancers of the breast. Your writ ings and ex pcrience In treating such eases I belfavo are-the best hr the world. I would recommend every sufferer to go to you for holp." BLOO MON SENSE took fourteen bottles of Ooldoa Medical Discovery Fcrofulous Tumor and Bore Byes. b> the use of your Holden Medical Dlxcovery. I have great faith In all yonr medicines." "Hip-Joint Disease** Cared. D DIS TREATM Mrs. Mary E. Bldgely, Hales Greek, Washington ounty, Oregon, writes: "When my little daught- r w as three years old she became very lame. 8be ter, but the was still fame. She nover had any sores of any kind on her. I asked a doctor about it, ond he set It wax hip disease, and wantod to pi a seton in her hip, but I would not let him. Wbe. six years of age she took a cold which settled in her lame leg, aod It became perfectly paralysed, febe was three months under tre doctor's care. He said she would neverget wcU, and quit; so I com menced treating her myself. Whcu slio began to take your Holden Medical Discovery she o-iuld not walk without her crutches or cane, and com plained of great pain iu the right limb. It tva-ted away, bccMuing small and short, and her back be came very erooked. Hue complained all the ti ne, had no appetite, and was very weak. Moat of the pain waa In the hip and knee, which were very tender to the touch. At time* her kidneys refused to act. "Four months ago I began giving her your DU- covery, and It has done her a wonderful sight of good. It has made a complete change, ana ahe is now growing fast. and. never complains of any rain or arhe. Bbe sleep* well, and eats heartily Ilcr leg has filled up and Is as big as the other, fche plays and runs all day with tho other children and does not wtn to be much tired at night. Ev erybody la astonished to ace how fast sho has Im proved." Several months later she writes as follows: "Per mit me to say that, after three months' use of your Holden Medical Discovery, ahe has fully room— * from her trouble In the hip and leg. flho Is .. entirely free from pain, and can walk a mtlo with out either crutch or cane." iwuoa renn., wnios: ”asy Df well fast When aho began to use your » Medical Discovery, bur best doctors in In diana county raid she would die. They said your medicine would do her no good; that aae had an ulcer ou bsr liver aa largo as half a loaf of broad. WelUrir, to our surprise, when sho began using your Holden Medical DUcovciy. she commenced spitting up phlegm for some two wcek*,and then coin meoced •phttug up eomtptloo and blood (It looked like w bat comes out of a blood boll) for some ten days. She now Has been well for weeks.'* bcrofalous Abscesses Formed. Mre. A. L. Cory, If ad lev. Crawfoid Go., Kansas, rites: "My son, aged fifteen years, was taken CONSUMPTION. Weak Lungs, SplUlug of Mood, Holden Medical Discovery cure* Consumption, (which Is 8crofula of the Lungs.) by its wonderful blood purifying, invigorating and nutritive proper ties. For Weak Longs, Spitting of Blood. Short- net* or Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, Asthma and kindred affections, It Is a sovereign remedy. While It promptly cures tho scvorcst Coughs It strengthens tho system aud purifies the blood. The nutritive properties of cod-liver oil are trl fling when compared with those possessed by Golden Medical Discovery. It rapidly builds up tho system, and Increases tho weight and flesh of those reduced below the usuul standard of health by "wasting diseases.” A large pamphlet treatise ou Consumption and kindred dlsoucs, will be sent to any address on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Chronic Bronchitis Cared. Msry Wagner, Maitland, Holt county, Missouri, write*: “I bought ten dollars'* worm of Doctor lleice'aGolden Mcdiral Discovery, and it did me more- good thati all the medicine* that 1 have ever mod. it has bet n over a year Binee I have taaen any." A Lingering Cough Cured. Mr*. M. H. Itorell, of Oak Hill, Texas, writes: happy to say that one bottle-of your Heidi ktolrsf Discovery completely cured my cough, had coughed for a year or more without recuivi: any relief." Ilronrhltls Cured. chut, short breath* and bronchitis, write-*: Bronchitis nnd Weak Lungs. am Itargatlvo l*el ets for chronic bronchitis aud weak lungs. I have used two bottles aud it has done me more good than all the medicine I hare before taken, and 1 have used x> bottle* of one pro prietary medicine. 16 bottles of another and 12 bot tles ofa certain 'Lung Balsam,’ ail of which I pro nounce of no account," Consumption Averted. five mouths, when great abscess— formed, four of whlrh oontioded to discharge at the time he oeremeuced using your Holden Medical Discovery uu.ier your advice. Now, after baring used four bottles of the Discovery he U almost well and walka tlmv-founhx ofa milt to school everyday. A ftorofuhms sore on hla arm, which ran conetaatly for two years, has healed completely under-the inthiimv ul the remedy named." Throws Away Crutches. Mis. Mary Wolf, Milan, Sullivan Co., Mo., writ-: "Nearly three years ago our little toy burf hla an kle. Wc doclured thU — a spratu lor some time, hut the case steadily grew worse Instead of oetter. We tbi n applied to a succession of doctors, one of whomwonla writes: "Dr. It. V. Pierce, Dear Ulr— Four years ago I was suffering fearfully from the depreedog ef fects of nursing a child. 1 could scarcely walk. Wo thought that I was going down with coqsump- anear bis foot on tbc floor since the previous De- fob crotchet aride, for he was well' Erysipelas. Mix K D. Ttchenor, Ulaukaule, Columbia coon- ty. Orrgiui, writes: “Permit rue to say that I have tom ftilly cured of erysipelas by the use of your Goldcu Medical Discovery.'' Constipation and Ulcers. Mis. A D. Johnson, Georgetown, K>\. write**: "The Golden Medical Discovery relieved me at once. I had a very t>ad sore on the back or my left ham! for live mouths, and it cured that, as well as consultation and indigestion, from which l was suflvring very much.” Holla and Carbuncles Cured. J. Adsms. Esq., Toledo. Ohio, writes: "1 have used ulue bottles of your UoMca Medical DU- Cvvery, and the result i<* 1 am today free from tolls and carbuncles for the tire; time ta many yeaix" Wasting Dlaaaae-r.lvea l p to Die. Jacob Homph. Ks.|. t Thcdfonl. tomt>ton county. Out., writes: “YourHoMeu Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgative .Prlteu saved my danehter*s life. When she first took sick the doctors called tt • t vitt>oi«l fever: but great blue blotches broke out all over her body aud it turned into a chronic llxase. hhe had toeu confined to her hed for .ipxatds of a year, after bavin? fell off and wasted »uay to a mere tkelctou. After using a few bo> tl.ii r your Dt MOV cry ami FeP.cta, she was com plete >y cured and h unwind now as wcU as ahe ever was in her life." Cured. Mr*. A. U. linn Grove. Buena Vista minty, Iowa, write*: "I am the person who wrote to yon two years ago for advice respectii< fever- ko* on m* leg. I took six bottles or you: Holden Medical Dbcoverj and waa eared." Thlrk Neck. A. Hague. Logan, Kar.a.. "I wrote you ... .and have regained strength so — to do my work with ease." Threatened with Censumptlon. r Victoria, Coflfce Go., ... , fleah and galacd strength, aud ruy cough ta better. Since taking tke last pre scription I improved so much that (consented to run for aud wav elected representative from my county to tho general assembly of Alabama »V hi li the re. I contracted a cold, and upon inquiry, I found your Holden Medical Discovery and com menced Its use. I continued It through the winter and spring, and consider it did me more good than anything I had used. 1 used some 18 bottles, aud am as hcaity as I ever waa in my life, and atu able to look after my business." Bleeding From Langs, Dudley Farmer. offStauffer, Pa., a school teacher; had hi iuorrhagc from the lungs duo to close con llnemeut tn impure air; physicians suspected con sumption. lie writes Otilck Consumption Cored. teas taken with a severe cough which the doctor said was running into quick constunpiiou. Ho thought it would oc a short time before it would take her away from me. Hits I thought was hard, and 1 did uot know what to do, as the doctor wus my own brother. After he went out 1 told her wliat the doctor said. She said:—I belter* ir I bad rottre of Dr. Pierce's Holden Modlcal Discovery. It would help me.' So, 1 went and got six bottles of it. By the time threo bottlea were used ahe was much better. Fix bottles made her sound and well. Since then wo have not been without It in the home. We use It for coughs and colds of all 111 ceding From Lungs. W. M. Morris. Esq.. Centre s:., Indianapolis, Ind., teys : "Some time ago my brother, Mr. I.. C. Mortis, had hemorrhage of the lungs and tho ca tarrh, aud your Uoldeu Medical Discovery aud Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy completely cured him." Consumption. Maria C. Smith. Crlpplebush. 1'lrter. t’o, N. Y., writes: "1 feel iu duty bound to send my heart- foil thank* to you for your kind advice and the woodetfol cure obtained, after u>inr fire tollies of your (.olden Medical Discovery. uotiDced by *- *- today I fc* 1 1.0 more me ferer knew the virtue t It Uu NoSKqnwl. Consumption Cured. Mrs. E. A. Ritington. SflO Seventh street. N. F , \Vs»blDg!cn. D. (X, write#: “I hope you will par don my delay in not writing you of the arrival of yourprlc**io*»Uoldvn Medical Discovery. 1 am now on the Int bottle you sent na May Hewvn Consumption Cared. W.J. Bartley. Vera Crus, Ala., writ—: gradually grew wuree under his treatment; redneed to a skeleton, bad x fearful cough i wss thought to have consumption. While in l low state he made a visit to see hla relations, and w bile in it distant town he pur. ohased a bottle of medicine called Dr Pierre's Golden Medical Discovery, and to it, and by the time It waa used he was as well lie hsd ever been. When I saw him he looked he in the bloom of health. Uu statement caused a great deal of inquiry, as he is u msu of high standing." Marvelous Success. In "The People's common Sense Medical vlscr," by It V. I'ierce, M. D.. which contains l,(00pagt»and more than :O0 illustrations, aud coats oiiiyMl.fiO.poetage prepaid,* complete course of rm-nirsl treatment for Consumption Is suggested, which has, in a large experience, been attended With marvelous success. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association NO. G6.T Mnln 8t., Buffalo, N. Y. A BOON TO WOMEN Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is not a Cure- all," but admirably fulfills a singlcnees of purp—e, being a roost potent Specific for all those Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases pcoullar to women. Is a powerful general — well as uterine tonic and nervine, and Imparts vigor and strength to tho whole system. It promptly cures nausea aud weakness of stout ach, indigestion, bloating, eructations of gas, nervous prostration, debility and »loeplc*sncu, In either icx. OVERWORKED WOMEN For "worn-out," "run-down." debilitated school teachers, milliners, dressmakers, general house keepers and overworked women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the bost of all re< storatlyc tonics. Fenmle Weakness. Mr*. H. C. Swone, of Weston, O., writ—: “Your Iron the on fomalo troubles exactly described my * difficulty. 1 had antevcnlon. ana began taking your Favorite iTescrlptlon, also your Holden Medi cal Discover}'a»d Pellets. I commenced to lm prove at once. 1 took two bottles of ihe Favorite iTcfcrli tlon. fivo of Holden Medical Discovery, and have taken two of the Pellets. I consider my self well. I advise a great many to take your rcaeolcs. All that havo used them are greatly benefited, nod many jierfcctly cured. I am much pleased with your treatlso upon Consump tion, aud believe your Goldcu Medical Discovery will do all }ou claim for it." Grateful Words. Mias Ellen Griffin, of New F.ra, Bradford Co., Pa. writes: "I have taken five boulos of your Favorite Prescription and four bottles of your Golden Modi- cal Discovery, and I never can express inygratl- tudotoHod, in directing me to you, for the great benefits I have received from your modlclucs, and 1 shall always do all 1 can for you." The Story Not Half Told. John Purols. 2014 Maine arenne and Providcncel Scranton, To., writes: "Dr. It V. Pierce, Dew Sir— Wo have proved your medicines to to more than you say for them yourself.* Your Favorite Prescrip tion has proved the greatest temporal blessing I ever met with, and 1 praise Hod today tbat I eve - heard of It. Wo have uso your Golden Medics Discovery and Pellets with the same good retail*. 1 A Sample ol Hundreds of Indorsements. L. J. l'alge, Burlington. Vt., writ—: "Dr. H. V. I'ierce, Dear 8lr—My wire has used you Golden Medical Discovery, Favorite Proscription and Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, with the mmt satisfactory results, and others ofmy acquaintance here whom I have induced to give a trial, report groat success and faith in your remedies. And of four Pellets must say they cannot to surpassed. I have sold and given away to rny friends hundreds of to With best wishes." Cnso of Ulceration. fol to vou for prescribing such good medicine for me. I had suffered for three years, and wxi under treatment of several phyulblans, and received no benefit. After using fonr bottles of your Holden Medical Discovery and Favorito Prescription, thoy havo cured mo sound and well. I have not taken any medicine In six tnontbv 1 letl — well —1 ever did In my life. I recommend yonr medicine to all who 1 know are afflicted. There arc —vocal taking It In my neighborhood, and they arc all re ceiving great benefit from its use." Good Words from California. S r.of . owt: i but o ..jsoriptL-. being, and will hon—tly state tbat I have derived more benefit from it than any medicine I have over taken for my trouble, which ts womb com plaint," told Aside Her Supporter. Sophia F. Boswell, White Cottage, Musk county, Ohio, writ—: "Dr. ft. V. Hcrce-Dcar Sir: I hope the dear Lord will reward vou for tho mwwf medicine has done me. K ean before I commeoc •d to wear a supporter, am ___ time. I was unable to do ray own work, biu had to havo help, since I commenced the use of your medicine, I have been able to lay the supporter —tde, and 1 feel as strong as 1 ever did.’* Gained Eleven Pounds. Mollio Johnson, State Line, MIm., writ—: R. V. Fierce—Dear Sir: 1 have used three bottl— of your Favorite Prescription, and It has more good than all the doctors I havo been to In my life. Wheal begun to uso thorn I only weighed l'JTi pounds, since using them I weigh 136 pounds. My health Is still Improving. I can uever give you thanks enough for the good your Favorite Pre scription ha> done me. The soreness I hare had 1l my stomach has left me, and 1 have a good ap petite and rest well uights. My feet do uot swell* aud my side don't hurt me any more." A Painful Malady Cared. BOX 1, JOMKMtOROUOB, ARK. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.—Gentlemen; 1 write to tell you of my re covery ihroogh tbe nsc of your wonderful medi cines. 1 have used two bottl— or your Favorite Prescription, aud one ot your Holden Medical DU- cover}-, and lean truly say their effect Is marvel ous. 1 extend to you my warm—t gratitude for your interest in womauklud, and close with b—t wishes for your success. Mas. Wu.t. Macs.* Cured of Weakness Peculiar to Her Sex Kllra P. Richardson, Alvrado, Johnston county* Texas, writes: “World's Dispensary MedicalAaso- ~ it lemon: I elation. Buffalo. N. Y., HentU feel* deep incut 1 would have been buried long since. I havo induced many of my friends to take your medi- cine* and with good results. • I am using your Fa vorite lfeseriptiou and Pellets as you directed, and have been cured of a weakness! peculiar to my sex. and ofa—veiff dyspepsia. That suce—s may crown your every effort to relieve the afflicted Is the sincere wish of your grateftil patient." General Debility. Daniel Beauchamp. Marine City, Mich., writ—: World's Ditpcnsary Medical Association—Gentle- jieu: I will say tbat I never have seen a cure effected In so short a time of such a severe ease as tbat ofmy wife. 1 had begun to despair of her ever getting totter; and now after taking five bot tl—of Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescription, she I* feeling so well that she hardly knows herself. She thinks your medicine a national blessing, and I agree with her." It Surprises Them AH. Hilda Danielson. Cowrie, W*bder opoulf, Iowa, writ—: “Dr. R. V. I'ierce, Buffalo, N. \.—Dear Sir: l should have written you long ago, and thanked you for the great relief I have obtained from yonr Favorite Proscription. To my surprise It was all the medicine that I required. I have ad vised many to give U a trial, aud they have all und U sutLfoctorv." "llest Thing In Ihe World for Feuaale Huf* Mrs Mary L. Fvard. New Haven. Ind-, wylto*. I am very thankful yougmvwjaesuch R«joJ ad- «ice. sod 1 have be* u taking Dr. Pier— # frisnu Prescript* 00 - I really think tt l« the Itost thing In the world for all female sufTererwWe have four Mxottryasd KttlMt of»»«rt »rad«;>«»• SgS god their use has tSvsji given feed sails—too. EASES ENT. They Work Like Magic. Benjamin Franklin Pratt, Kaat Dorm. • Pistut IMUI. countj. Me, write.: “Itr It. V. PloroJ- DeerStr: 11; wire hu been taking roar blmd ■b.r.Ju.blemedicine. Ebewuu.hecoaid net nelk aenweibe room. After taking two koHlM 3 four Fn.orite Preecrlpjton, bought of onr dro*.- KjM, .be can do hoomwork. Yonr meal- cine, era .ertnc • gr.u men. lire, hem Thernre wiling extiiulT»tr end work Uke mHgto." " A Women’. Gratitude. . Mr. r p.u, of Rbnmway, HI., write.: “When I bad uted Dr. Pierce’. F.rorlto Prcwrtptlon ono week. 1 could wnlk nit over tbe doer rard, end I ct uld get Into a wagon and ride t.o mile, to mo my neigbbon. I had not bran able to walk onl ta tbe door-yard for Hx montba. After tiling tho P»- vorlte I’reicrlp’lon two weolt., I rod# ton wagon . ten mile.: my neighbor* were nil .urprlaed me up ind going about and helping to donor housework, after doctorlug with Thirteen of tbe hem pbratclnn. tre could nit—and the tort one told my nuibnnd that I would uorer be aide to do my housework auy more. X atn thankful that -I wrote to you, fori had suffered from ‘Orxenio Weakness’ until I had almost given up in despair ’ Marvelous Benefits. Rev. Kidney C, Davis, Gallon, Michigan, writ—- "I wish in this letter to' express xny gratduie for Mrs. Davis und m>sclf for the great good whleh has been accomplished In her case by the use of your proprietary medicines. When sbo^beganto toko them in January last she could uoteudaro tho least jar, could walk hut a very few stops atu time, and could slay up only about thirty minutes at a time. Now she not only sits up almost the entire day, but can walk orouud, call on her neigh bors. two or tbreo blocks away, aud not feel any Injurious effects at all. Wnen we consider that she bud kept licrtod the greater i*ar tor ths time for fourteen months, and would I—o repeatedly the advance sho had made, her progress now seems marvelous. We had aim—t lostoonfidenoe ta med ical practltionors,and advertised remedies,but have found In your Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptlot and Pellets the properties needed, aud which wo believe will bring about a complete and final re covery." t Terrible Fain. Mrs. F. E. Wilcox, Friendship, N. Y., writ—: "For five or six years I had been badly troubled with organic weakness and terrible pains aero— the small of my back and tbe pit of my stomach. Three bottles of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Proscription acted llko a charm, and cured me completely, to my treat Joy," TREATING THEWROHS DISEASE. Many times women call on their family physi cians, ouc with dyspepsia, another with palpita tion, another with backache, or nervousness, another with pain here and thore, and In UUe way they all present alike to themselves and their easy-going and indifferent doctor, separate and distinct diseases, for which he prescribe# his pills and potions, assuming them to to such, whsn in reality, they are all symptoms caused by some ut- ferine disorder. While tho physician Is Ignorant of the catuo of suff ering, he encourages his pa tient until large bills aro made, and the poor stiff crcr Is no totter, but probably worse for the delay, treatment and other complications made. A proper medclne directed to the cause would porhaps have entirely removed tho disease. thercby|lustltuttng comfort Instead of prolonged misery. It Beats the Doctors. Holconda, Humboldt, Co., Ncv. Dr. R. V. Pierce: Dear 81r—I received your _lpd letter a long tlmo ago, but I was feeling so •adly that I was afraid to stop treatment with our tome doctor here. I thought ho was helping me. But be told me a little while after tbat he could do no more for me ttnlcM I got a supporter. I stopped doctoring with him and got a bottle ofyonr Holden Medical Dircovcry, one of Favorite Prescription and a vial of pellets. After taking them According to directions I have been enjoying perfect health, and have since done the work for ten In a family with comfort I do rot have those nerrous spells now nor any weakness. I remain your friend. Mrs. Fannie L. Cuslck. "Female Weakness” Cured. Mrs. Karsh A. Lovely, Greenfield, Adair Co., In, writes: "R. V. Pierce, M. D. Dear flir-Uarlng been ill a number of years, ar.d having tried m vain almost every advertised remedy, as well at having paid nearly a hundred dollars to our local physicians without benefit, I was finally Induced to consult you You adrls#d me to to send for your medicines. I accordingly sent for yotfr 'Medical Adviser,' six bottles of your OMdeo Med ic tt I first began using these I could not stand rny feet In ninety days I could walk a mile. I do light homework; whilst in six month* l -■ —- —^^“ihuremalDad you aud your rBBfllwjy to u>y friends. Two of our most prominent physi cians who have read vour great work 'The Poo* A Thousand Thanks. Mrs. Caroline Byers, corner Duke and Argylo streets. Halifax, N. a, writes: "Dr. R. V. Pierce? I thank Hod, and thank you a thousand times, for the relief that your valuable medicines, the Favor ite Preteri]Alon and Pellets, have given me. 1 am perfectly cured of a chronic slekneas that had troubled me for years. How my heart Is over flowed with Joy and gratitude towards you, af tongue can never express.” ••All Itun Down." Mrs. V. II. Peterson, of Lockport. N. Y„ bad suffered for three years from "organic wc»kne*C’ wa* greatly cmscintcd and "an run down" as she t—scri it, and Dr. lleree's Favorite ITssortpriou Golden Medical Discovery promptly cured her, as they have thousands of similar coses. Do Likewise." Mrs.K. F. Morgan, of Newcastle, Lincoln chanty. Maine, says: "Fire years ago I was a dresdfol sufferer. Having exhausted tho skill of three phy sicians, I was completely discouraged, and so weak 1 could with difficulty cross the room alone. I be gan taking Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and using the local treatment recommcuded In hit 'Common Sense Medicsl Adviser.’ I commenced to Improve at once. In three months I was per fectly cored, and have had no trouble since. I wrote a letter to my family paper, briefly mention- lug how my health had been re*tored,and offering to send tbe foil particulars to any ono writing me for them, and lnctaiog a stamped envelope for reply- I have received over four hundred letters. In reply I have described mf case and the treatment used, aul have earnestly advised them to 'do likewise.’ From a great many havo received second letters of thank*, stating eotimt 1 hoto rweiroo iccnna iftucr. or inanx*. ili.t they bid ccsnctsnd tbc cuoT Kator irrlptlnn. hid K-ut tbe ,1.60 required for Uu leal Ailrlwr,' aud bad applied tbe local I'. A Doctor’. Ml.take. rattcreon, of Kew York Cltj, tiilor an eminent.phrelctao'.r , for what ho catted •eplnal dl itch. M a tty, mured »rapathetic hiehache, tarot. „ rr. rerreou. and icnerol debility. 1 ray ntcored tbe etc of Or.ntrtt e Farorlto T rmcrip* tlon and Golden McltmlDiMovorr. applyUtt aU. the local treatment which he recommcalb jo the, and In three month, 1 war well and Dr. l*ieraa’a Favorito Prc.crlptlon fold by drn«I»tt onder onr potitlvo ptaraa- ir,. Fot conditioni, aeo wrapper around bottle. Price reduced to .1.00 par HatUe. aril. for Sd.oo. EVFBY INYALID LADY thread food for “The rraple’e Ooramon ReaM Med ical AdTlecr,” In which over fifty p*ff* arc devoted to the eonilderatloo of dlreare. peeaHar lo womaa, Ittnitratcd with pmarrwn wood etiu tad colored putt, ft I, tent poet paid to any oddrerefor •LJIft. A TrcalUc on DUeare. of Women (i» pefoA) pro- ftocly tlluitreted with colored plate, and numre- onswood-ent., will borent for ten eenfi in fxntad. wcBU'insruuiT hesku rsuctifm, IN. dt* Mala dt, ■VFVALO. K.».