The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, May 18, 1886, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION'. ATLANTA, GA* TUESDAY MAY 18, 1886 8 Most FERFECT_MADfi Preptral by a physician "with ipwln mm fohtsUb. MsAmmonia,LintorAhua. DRW. J. TUCKER PERMANENTLY located AT NO. 9 MARIETTA STREET ATLANTA GA. Ail Chronic Diseaes of the Heart, Lungs, Blood, Nerves, Skin, Bones, and Genito-Urnl- ary Organs scientifically and Successfully treated. CHRONIC FEMALE TROUBLES Beadily yield! to the doctor'* skillful treat jnent YOUNG, MIDDLE-AGED AND OLD MEN Buffering from the effects of indiscretion and ex cesses, such as involuntary emissions, spermator rhoea,and impotency successfully treated and PER JfAKTLY CURED. Dr. Tucker has cozed more cases of PILES AND FISTULA Than any physician in the south. Patients treated Successfully through the mall. Dr. Tucker was tor several years professor and flean of the faculty In one of the oldest medical Colleges of the south, and also has been president pf the Btato Medical and Surgical Society. Consultation personal or by mall, free and sa credly confidential. Au honest opinion given in every case. Mention this paper. JanSwky tf cow n r m ESTABLISHED (Oil. CHOICE OLD WHISKIES MILD, MELLOW, AND DELICIOUS BILL ARP, THE PHILOSOPHER WRITES FROM THE TAR HEEL STATE. TO. Buts reroiezeo omtk. Fr*. mm Qimtton -H. Think. Too Hooli Bdio.Uon spoil, the N.gro and Smack, of Oomranniam—Tk. LoufiUoa Lotte cj nd Uto fun. North Carolina U perplexed. TUo supremo court has recently mode b decUioa tbit do ssnget their school system. I am sorry for It, but maybe it is right—maybe it is. The graded schools in this state are the moat prosperous that I have aeon anywhere. I have visited them and studied their arrangement, and heard thepnplla recite and I felt ashamed that I was so far behind them. The modern system of teaching is certainly Ar ahead Of the old field schools of oar fathers. Add np that column of figures, John, said tho teacher to a little ten-yoar-old. Ho atood op, and In a distinct voice snot np tho long row from bottom to top, increasing with ovary figure, and announced the result without hesi tation. He did it as fast as Oliver Stillwell or tho cashier of a bank could do it I strained my own mind to keep np with him, but could not. Next a little girl, and then I other and another, with now columns every time, and they ware all expert -and ready. They learn this skill from cards that have every combination of i ben, and get so familiar with them that they are read, for any numbers that are written at random on the blackboard. Tboso little chaps could all write well, much better than I can write. Wo went from room to room and there eras excellence in ever; grade, and I thought to myself what a bleasoi ago these children live in when education is so cheap and so thorough—cheap to tho rich and free to the poor. Professor Cobb, who is at the bead of tho achoola in Wilson, is s young man with a bright, intelligent fsco, and seems perfectly happy in showing visitors whit his pupils can do. But as I said, North Carolina is perplexed. Heretofore the whites hare taxed themselves-to sustain the schools for tho whlto children, and the negroes have had to do tho same for their children. Thesehooi fund is not common to both ness. And so as tho ne groes have but little property to bo taxed and never will have, their schools are few and feeble except where they are aidod by col buttons from abroad, lint tho court has elded that the negroes are entitled pro nta part of the Bind, pro nta according to the number of their children without any reference to prop- orty. And so there is some rebellion In tho camp. A man with no children submitted reluctantly to bo taxed to educate other peo ple’, children. This was hard enough whsn those children wore of bis own moo and some of them perhsps akin to him, but whoa his money bus to he expanded upon tho negro, too, ho will not stand it and hence tho graded pnblic schools are in dinger. The patrons will draw ont one by one, and lesvo the achoola without money for the tax involun tary tax assented to by each community and they can vote it down if thoy choose. Well, now the question is what is right. cato another man’s reconciled to either ita juitico or Ita policy, but I surrendered and fell iutoliue, I can sco no mote reason in being foroed to giro my fiftSE'ssrsMSSsyrr* . Dr. WARD A nfcrti this d»»*t WOMANMjgftB dmefcriJK.SS5nr.ifi Mention this paper. mart-wkyltt OPIUM! tftHaulhmawr- Ouir-dlywodUsuawky CUREtheDEAF. nan r Avert wnorro ensajono bar drums nmcTTWoutniuuM and purfcm (*• wwrfc mt Mm AS ■nwria uni mm w. WA twiiiumn^ gw, «*■■■»■ r-HJSCQS, Isprtfi-dlywed M eunwky^g FOB 8AIJB—nfl.IiOAUi JKHSKY FARM. B MTUATED AT SIFT POINT, BIX MILKS r Porn Atlanta. Ga.. on the Central and Atlanta and west Point railroads the largest and beat arranged Bam in lb. south—six silos, with capacity of onrSW loos. Spring hotaa H||tag|ijmfMmMMIUch«l, nnsurpsiaed lathe •pring 43 gallon* pertain- r M degrees; .tatgnldceut ■ 3acr-.;2 nlor roidenooa every improvement n> qnltlic to a fimtebm dairy or cattle feodiog ftrm: fence, combination, of nunk end barbed new. Whole farm contains HO acres-divided into two tracts, one of 100 acre., the other 70 acres. Will sell both together or either separately. The Bant on this tarot is the large* and most comptata in the south. The facilities grouped here, enable cattle to bo tattened and a dairy carried on at Iks teas cost than is poartbl* on any farm la the a tale. The land la rich and in high state of cultivation. Term, very liberal. Addreaa me for further par 8AMUKL W. GOODE, nabor’s children learning than being forced to give them broad or clothing, or to pay their doctora’ bills. If thoy could not got aomo education without my aid, and if it was wsU established that thoir education waa essential to the publlo good then I would fool that tho now aystom ’-ht. But I nover know cbUdron to bs admiaalon toan old Hold school beoauae their fathers could not par. And lam notyot satisfied that education beyond reading and writing and arithmetic is of any advantage to tho colored race. Tha whole aystom has an odor of ccmmuniim about it. I was conversing with a gentleman whoaenda his children to a private school and pays tho teacher, for ho says ho has this right left him—the right to choose his tcicher and hold him responsible— bnt he pays his tax for tho graded achoola and makea no complaint. But now, when that tax baa to be doubled to tako in tho negro children, ho will fool tho oppression and will resist, for ho ia no advocate of doatroylng the contented labor of tho country by educa ting it. As I traveled to Now saw the solicitor general of tl . dal district. Ho waa a -hard looking mulatto and attracted general attention from hia profuso profanity and hlahragadocia. Tho negroes in that district are about five to one of the whites, and they elected this loud mouthed hybrid. I am tala that the bar, who are of the old type of southern gentlemen, have no difficulty in keeping this man within tha bounds of proper behaviour in tha court bouse, but it is certainly mortifylog to think that tho autecratio people or New Berne, the home of tho gifted Gaston and of Stanloy and Vanly, should have to submit to the like of this. Education taught this man tha arts of the demagogue and the pro fane swagger of the vagabond mad not muoh else. I waa told that there is a new color line in Now Bcme, and that it ia extending into the interior—the color line between tho blacks and the mniattoes. The tatter includes all shades between white and black and thay assert their aristocracy both socially and re ligiously. This color lino was at tha bot tom of the late church trouble at Columbia whereby one party refused to give up tho pulpit to tho preacher appointed by tho bishop and in the fight ferposaeas' and two wounded in t Tho mulatto barber wl thorn black niggers had dona tamed him out long ago and they wasn't fit for nothin’ bnt tho cotton field and ought to be than. Ho asked me if Hr. Davtawaa eemlng to Columbia and what subject ho lectured on. When I told him that he did not.leeture at all, he said: “I heard today that he was dm molin' for his Louisiana lottery.’’ “He hu nothing to do with that lottery,’’ eaid I. “Well, don't that lottery belong to the confederate generals?” laid be. This reminds me of the earnest Inquire that an otd gentleman made at Kinston the other day. He uld he wanted to take a good newspaper that didn’t advertise the Louisiana lottery, and ho hadn’t been able to Undone. “Is there no paper In the south;” aid he, “thst is rich enough to do without that kind of money? Is then none that hu solicitude enough shoot the yonng men and morals of this country to coma ont and frown down this demoralising dasiro to gamble and get something for nothing. Why, sir, one- half the yonng men of this country ere going about with a lottery ticket in their pocket and their earnings are going into tho greedy, all devooring mew of that lottery. Beauregard and Early have disgraced their epaulettes and their name and their feme for tho uke of lid.” Kinston it a beautiful little town, thirty miles east of Goldsboro. They haves good trade then, bnt bntlnou is dnll now and to tho whole town turned out on a Heyday frolic ap the river by steamboat and had a happy day. I was mat at the depot by an old Boman friend, Major Barrett, whom I had not an oyster at the tablo. Now Berne smells fishy. Large, buntifui shad sell for twenty cents a pair and oysters at fifty ceuta a bushel. A friend excited me about the fine sport of fishing and said I must come down in September and go with him trolling fer binefith and Spanish maker- el. Said be, “Yon Just arm yourself with a hook and line and a small white bone with a hole in it, Tho lino is drawn through the bone and it rests Just above the ’ hook and tha big fish mistake It for a little one and make a grab and are caught. Then yen have splendid pulling. Did you ever catch fish on dry lend?” “Of oourto not.” slid I. “Why, it it very common here,” uld he. “Wo sot our aeiuu and nets out on the sloping banks of then rivers end daring the.night the tide rises and covers thorn, and u the tide ebha the fish make for tho failing stream and are caught in tho nines —and there wo leave them until wo can go to the seines on dry land.” Hy friend said that the seines around Now Borne, if all put together, would make a lino four hundred mllc<jong. Tho host farming couni travels Is thst bolt " line of railroad and land from New Borne to Ttrborough. Tho farmers look fat and aleck and don’t grnmbio. Trrborongh hue splendid trade from thou •olid men. I sros welcomed to this old town by theEdgecombGnards,aspIondld company of young men that hu grown up on tho de cline of tho old company, tha War Horses, the veterans who under thst name fought the first fight st Bethel, where tho lint eeoonlon blood wii shed and tho first man killed. But these boys s»y they are not hunting for a fight, but they expect some day to he part of a national guard to uro tho union and preserve It from thst horde of foreign devils who are about to unsettle and demoral ise civil law and government at tho north. Georgia hu a great name with thou Caro linians—thoy think we are a little ahead of tho other southern statu—well, wo are in manulhctaring, bnt I do believe wo are behind in agriculture. Nevertheless, there is enough everywhere I go to make the people thankful and contented mind to be. I an Ohio man, and he looked in tiro door of an humble cabin and said, “Now, look at that man. What has he got that a man ought to have.” "Something,” said I, “that yon havo not got, and ta worth more than gold—oontontment. He hu con tentment” “So hu a hog,” uid he cynically. Well, I felt the force of hia reply, Bnt I knew the Ohio man wu worth two hundred thouund dollars and wu working hard fbr more, and wu ail absorbed in its .pursuit. Bo I ruminated and wondered which I would prefer to bo If I had to choose between them, and I thought of that Scripture which fays something about a camel going through a needle’s eye. But I don’t with to bo either tho one nor the other. Thera ia a middle ground that anlto mo vory wall. Bill Abp. TO SAVE BUI CHILD. Tho Courageous Eirortsot« Mother to Res cue Her I la be From Drowning, From tho Greensboro, Os., Rersld. Fraser French and his family live on tho I .* Old Hlnu farm, in tho town of Bradford, this I “““• “• hoarded county. In the farm yard is a deep well with I “ r r tn “ ™ a a low-curb; the water being drown up by an old-fuhioned sweep. On Saturday all tha family were ahsont from homo oxcept Hrs. French and hor littlo two-year-old son. Far mer French cimo homo at noon. There wu no one in the house. On tho tablo was a slate on which wu liutlly scrawled: “Baby and I are in the well.” French ran to tho well, and,fleering down, heboid hie wife in tho water clinging to tho well, bnt apparently dead. Alva Horris, a neighbor, wu passing st the time, and re- eponding to the farmer's cries fur help lot himself down into tho well, futenod a ton around Mrs. French, and she wu drawn to th top, alive but unconscious. As aho rovlvod she asked for hor child, whoso body wu found at tho bottom of tho well.' “At 10 o'clock this forenoon,” aaid Hrs, French, “I went to tho well after a pall of wa ter, taking baby along. I at that a board on tho curb wu looso, and running book to tho houso to get a hammer and aomo nails to Ail- WEST END'S TRAGEDY. MARSHAL R. L, JONES KILLS COL ONEL FRANK P. ORAY. The Homicide the Remit ore Dimoollx About Coloaol Oroj-o Cowo-Mro. Orix's Terrible Griff Harrowlos Doeth Seene-The Oovou- one luqooot—Whet John San. Colonel Frank P. Gray wu ahotand killed Sunday afternoon st 1 o'clock, by B. Jones, town marshal of West End. West End hu an ordinance which requires the marshal to impound all cattle found run ning at largo upon the at recta. At fifteen min ntes to 1 o'clock, Jonu turned out of Pooptae into Gordon street, driving three cows, the uma instant, Colonel Gray turned out of Ashby lnto,Gordon street, accompanied by one of hia sons, a Ud five yean old. Immediately in front of tho residence of Colonel A. B, country I have seen in my I Matthews, Colonel Gray met tho com and lying between the coast I recognised them u his. Ho ran from the aldo- ■_® k? nSuf I walk to tho middle of tbo street, and picking up a rack, threw it at the cows, attempting to drive thorn hack. Hr. Charles C. Nelson end his wife, who board with -0010001 Matthews, were sitting on tho front porch of the gentleman’s resldtnoe. Hr. Nelson's face was turned toward the atreot. Ho saw Golonot Gray throw tho rock at tha com and hoard him uy: “I will taka oaro of these cows.” Previous to hoaring Colonel Gray's remark Hr. Nelson bed not observed Jones, nor did be Mar Jones's reply. Immediately after he uwoue of tho com run toward Colonel Hat thewa’ front gate. Colonel Gray and Jonu fol lowing. The cow suddenly turned and ran back into the street, luring tho two mon facing each other under a small syumoro tree, twenty feet below the gate. Mr. Netaon heard .lefuo iravmo wuw i ,,ot £ in .? more that wu uld. Themea faced if they* have a I ** ch P«hapa a minute, when suddenly traveling over lend with ,**• WK-VE °“* ’SB!* ‘S* •*'“ looked at a man who sat Mr. Pf 1 —, saw Oaionel -Gray staffer into the strut and whirl around and around u if forced to do so by a power he oonid aot resist. Atonco aware that Colonel Grey had been ehot Hr. Nelson jumped from the porch and ran to hia assistance. A MOBTAL WOUND. When he reached tha wounded man he diced his arms around him and sup] ilm to tho goto. “Friend Nelson," Colonel Gray uid, "I am hlllad.” “Oh, no, Frank,” Hr. Nsbon replied, “you are all right. Coma with mo.” 11a led Colonel Gray to tho houso, not aware, ho claims, that Jonu wu assisting him. When the steps were mounted, ho oonduoted Colonel Grey to a back room on tho right aldo of tho hall and restated him to Ho down. The instant Colonal Gray’s head touched tho pillow, ho uid: ”1 am dying; get my wife and children to mo, quick I” Ur. Netaon hurried out, first to summon a physician, and then to inform Mrs. Gray of the torriblo fato that had overtaken her nui- rn it, thoughtlessly loft tho child by the well. When I returned the baby wu gone. I looked In the well and saw him struggling in the wa ter. Thinking that some one might be in the house soon, I rushed back and wrote on tho alato that we mu in tho well, so that wo could havo help u soon u poaafblo. hurried beck and let myself — *- of Doctor W. A. Crow, whom ho informod of what had occurred. Ho thou hurrlod to Colonel Gray's residence. Dr. Crow soiled his hat and started in a ran to Culoncl Matthews’s residence. Ho did not slacken his pare until he entered tho room in which Colonol Gray lay. Carefully removing tho wounded man’s cost, vut and collar, ho loosened his shirt and examlnod tho wound. ltwufn the loft side. The ball entored Just below the heart, and probably passed through part of tho loft lung, Tho external bleeding wu til ‘ red drope having stained the wl Colonel Grey suffered lntenuly, but he wu perfectly conscious. "Doctor,” ho said, “What do you think of ywound?” “I r egret to uy that it ta voryaerions,” tho doctor replied. “Yes, I know I au going to die. Dootor, I want to toll you something. I am perfect ly conscious, and know what I am going to uy. I picked up that rock to throw at tho cows, and not to hurt any ono, and he shot nr.” This statemont Colonol Grey rapes tod twice. job** ATTiunrn suicide. When Colonel Gray wu being led Into tho »ta tha posteuster at Kinston snd is highly respected by that people. But Now Borne ta tho quaintest old town I havo aeon. It to nuriy as antlqua Ud u St Augustine in Florida. Many of the ancient buildings are there yet It used to be called the Athene of Caroline, and ia atfU a city of culture snd refinement, and boeatc of considerable wealth and commerce. Their ■cciety wean that graceful dignity that ta peculiar to seacoast towns and cities. Thay have abundant leisure and tako life slow and rosy. New Borns Is a great fish market bnt I did not got any. If I wu a low country landlord I think that I would ire a hungry man from tho np country some ishand some oysters, hot they won't I would look ever the register and aee whan my gneeta were from, end would suit tho fare to their tastes. Hy friend Judge Underwood wu in Florida last winter, where the shed were as plenty end u cheap u spring chickens in north Georgia, and ha told mo bo had been there fern week and had aot seen n fish nor uurnea urck sna iot niysuu a ter by the niches in tho wall, getting the baby ont of tho water with ono hand, while I hold myself abovo wator with tho other. I then placed ono foot in tho nlcho on ono aide of the well and the other foot on tho opposite aide, and braced myself so that I oonid keep above water, which reaohod higher than my waist. “The baby wu Clive, and, having the tut of both my hands and arms, I soon brought him to. I called constantly for help, and both myself and tho child were terribly chilled by the water. Fooling that wo most both die from exhaustion and cold unloss I could reach the top in soma way, I began to work myso]fup,n»lngonehandandmy foot Lit tle by littlo I crept nowar" ’ ' hour I wu almost the well. out I don’t know, and curb. _ knew I oonid havo done so, bnt they were too tired end week. After resting e while I wu feeling eronud for a place to put my foot on a WUitamWItaon,whore ruid.noota.p- posit, that of Colonol Matthews, did not see tho difficulty between Colonol Gray and Jonu, but ho heard tho shot Ho was sitting on his front porch. Alarmed by tho shot no ran hastily to tho front gate, whore ho found a colored girl, his nurse, “ What to tho matter?” he Inquired. Tho girl replied: "Hr. Jonu hu shot Colo- itl Gray.” Hr. Wilson ran Jones u he reached the gate. The latter wu greatly excited. “Why did you do it?” Hr. Wilson inquired. “I didn’t moan to doit” Jonu replied; “It wu an accidental discharge." Before Hr. Wilson oonid uk another qoes- .uratfon, Jonu draw his pistol. It wu u Ivory handle 38 calibre Smith and Wasson Im * *uutt. a .„PPN. „ IN. . **““* - hto thought of tossing the baby up orar tha ! i. If! had had strength In my arms I .AM&?i!kAma, win »» Hu ■ TnM h».. tS. imt ik.i waro ia, I Mr. Wilson saw tho haiiimer begin to rise. Aware that In another Instant Jonu would bo in eternity, ha gruped the pistol, slipping a reaching distance of How my strength ever hold I stopped to rest 1* around tor a place to put my foot on a I VS&S!&£ little higher to draw myself up, whan I lost ~,* r r* 11,^ .ting entirely anawo fell back Into th. ££ SUfffiR Wta SKSlyTw! my footing entirely water. “The baby wu knocked out of my arms and when I came to the surface of tho wator I could not find him. I remember grabbing akoutamong the niches in the woll, and that wu all nntil I camo to after being rescued. I must have clung unconsciously to the wall for more than an hour.” Inflammatory IlhauinatUm—Statement Bov. J. BI. Lowry. For over two yean I suffered lntenuly with muscular rheumatism, I bacomo almost help- dly cried ics, you wouldn’t do that!" Jonu paid no attention to the remonstrance, to kill Iho i them, they anoreedod In wresting the pistol from Jones, and It wu than carried by Hr. Wilun to his residence and mother for safe keeping. Whan he found bis father engaged I with Jonea to prevent hie (tabbing hinuelf with his pocket knito. It wu finally secured, but not Wore Jonu bad severely cut the less, had to bo helped in and out of lied. At I rfiLJlLKrB nuSnn. v. .... times I wu unable to torn myself in bed, and I fronuha Wilsons anTEurricd off. T bad to bo handoied u tenderly u an infant Uy cheat, u wall u my limbs, wu Involved, and the pain wu intolerabla at times. All the old end well known remedies wore ex hausted, bnt no permanent relief wu obtain ed. I wu compelled to abandon my ministe rial dntics, being a membar of tho north Geor gia conference, of the H. E. church, south' About a yur ago I wu induced by a friend to try Swift's Specific, Tho effect hu been magi cal. Hy friends scarcsiy recognize me. Uy rheumatism ta entirely gone. Uy fenerel health is superb, end I am weighing thirty pounds more then when I commenoed taking S. S. 8. I tm able to attend to ell my ministe rial work. I am devoutly grateful for my re storation to health, which I owo nndar the hinting of God, to Swift's Specific. J.1L Lowav. Hampton, Ga., April 89,1888, When a man declares nlmself to be Intoxicated with s miuicsl sir, hs may be considered u air tight.-New Yorit Ledger- A Popular Summer Resort. Leu Springs, Grainger County, E. Tennessee (near KnosriUe), is well patronised on account of Ihe greet and superior variety ol Its natural min eral ureters—whit* Sulphur, Black Sulphur and Chalybaata: Its mountain scenery ta grand, and Mta. GUAY'S AGONY. Colonel Gray's residence ta on Ashby street, ome distance from th— ' * shot. Hr, Malcolm near by. About fire minutes after the shoot ing, Hr. Johnson, who wu on hto front porch, beard agonising seratms in Colonel Grey’i yard. (Julckly following them, ho saw Mrs. Gray rash to the front gate, accompanied by two colored woman, who ware vainly trying to restrain hor. Ho ran In great alarm to die- . , cover the cause of Mrs. Gray’s frantic screams. I “My husband! my husband! my husband I” T I she shrieked, violently geatlcnlaring. 1 I "What to tha matter with your husband?” naked Mr. Johnson, not having hoard of the booting. Hrs. Gray wu Incoherent in her grief and frenzy. Onooftho colored woman aaid: “Ho has been shot” It wee at this moment that Mr. Nstaon ar rived, bat hto message bad been forestalled. Colonel Grey’s little eon bed carried the dreadful newsle his mother. Aa soon u ho heard tha abet, and saw bb father stagger nto the street, he fled swiftly home end t into her praeence, crying; “Father has i killed I Father bu been killed!" Mra. Gray did not wait to inquire tho par- icoiars, hot ran (creaming to tho gate, u ilrcady related. Hr. Johnsoo and Hr. Nel son grasped her arms snd accompanied her to her husband's presence, arriving twelve min- ulaa - ronukabIy~haautifor. (SMl SDd a*aUhy I ***»• «*«*•, pise*, season opens lftb of Wy of each year, she tore hereslf from her escorts, and rushed !*nd for deacrtpllve circular to the proprietor. Mr. I to the bed and threw htiaeif upon her has- H. J. Hughes usuwky | laud.-He said something to her which coaid not be understood, and placing hia hand upon bn head, kissed her. TBX DEATH SCXKB. “Ob,”she moened, “how could he do it? How oonid he do it t* The: she again gave nttorauco to frenalod “Cos it be possible,” the repeatedly ex- dajmel, that my husband to in this coa- Vo well rontoted household should be with I outebotte of ANGOSTURA BITTERS, the world renowned appetiser end invigorator. Be ware of counterfeits. Ask your grocer or druggist for tho gssnina article, manufactured by Dr. J. 0. B. Beigart k Boat. ditlon ? Can it be poulble that he to dying?' Tho dying man -became greatly exoltod, strength, for ho Bri bed, groaning piteously, Tha room wu filled with spectators. The dresdfol horror of tha sceno caused their faces to blanch and limbs to tremblo. Some, nnsblo to bear the sight of tho wild grief of the wife and tha fearful agony of tho husband, hastily left tho room and sought the free air outsido of tha house. The harrowing offoct of tho shrieks of Hrs. Gray end the groans of her dy ing husband waa rendered all the more intense by the cries of their children, who had gath ered around the bed. So violent were Colonel Gray's contortions that ho would havo rolled out npon the floor had it not beeq for tho strong arms of some of tho mon who the terriblo spectacle. As death drew nearer Colonel Gray grew quiet He repeated to those around him his statement to Dr. Crew: “I picked np that rock to throw at the cows, and not to hart any one, and ho shot me.” He was conscious nntil within four minuter of his death. Than he spoke no more His breath became short and spssmodij. Hiseyes became glased. He struggled slightly an iu- stant, and then tho magnlOlcont physique be came still. Life had dopartod. Tho hands of tho clock on the mantel piece pointed to thir ty-five minutes after one. Tire-coBONXB'e INQUEST. Coroner K. O. Hsynss arrived at the scene of the homicide at 4 o'olok, and at once or ganised a Jnry to hold an Inaneet. The tettlmony of Messre. Netaon and Wil son and Dr. Crow wu substantially u out- 1 lined in tho story of the tragedy Mr. Burgess Smith toatilod that Colonol Gray told him soma time ago that he loft his bouse one mornlngwlth hta mind fully made up to kill Jones. But, Colonel Gray uld, ho met Hr. Arthur Howell and informed him of bis intention, and wu advised by that gentle man to let Jones alone. Ho acuptod tho ad vice. Hr. Smith also testified that Jones told him that Oolontri Gray had threatened him. The testimony of Edna Davis ires so con- Atscd that it wu ruled ont. Joshua Scales testified that Just previous to tho shooting ha wu racing with snothor col- ored man on Gordon street. Homebody util: ‘‘Lookout, or vou’ll get shot." Bealequked who ms quarreling, and ms told that John and a man he did not know wore the parties. Ho saw Jonu and Colonol Urey at Colonel Matl hem’s gate. Colonel Gray pitched a rook into tho street. Scales beard ono of the par ties uy something about a cow, and then he taw Jones, who wu shout e yard from Colonol Gray, drew hta pistol and fire. Several af the witnesaee testified thst Colo nel Cray wu not armed with e pistol. Hr. G. A. Howell test! Hod that some months ago, Colonel Gray went to hta house and com* ilalned that Jones had taken np Ms com and mpounded them. He mntodto know by .shat authority ho did it. Hr. Howell, who wu mayor of West End, explained tha or dinance, and Colonel Gray loft entirely ntta- fled and in a good hnmor. Ho had narar heard Colonel Gray threaten Jones. ItitaSama testified thst she saw Jonu and Colonel Grey In front of Colonol Matthews's gato. Colonol Gray picked np a brickbat and “mado at" Jones, who asked if ho wu going to strlko. Colonel Gray replied, “U—d d n yon, I’ll kill yon." Thon Jonu shot him.. When ail the testimony had boon hoard, tho room ms cleared of the dense crowd of spec tators, snd the Jnry procoodod to make ita verdict. Some of tne Jurymen wore In favor of declaring the homlcido to be murdor, bat the majority wore onpoeod to returning each a verdict. In accordance with this decision, tho following verdict-wu returned : ”Wkst Run, Fulton county, Ga, May til, MSS.— Wc, tho Jury empaneled snd sworn to inquire Into tho cause of the death of Frank P. Gray, hare lying dud, do And from tho evidence adduced and tho statement of Dr. J. M. Boring, county ptiysl- clan, that raid Frank I'. Gray camo to hta death “on a pistol ball fired from a pistol In tho bauds ! 1{. I* Jones.'* At B o’clock a Constitution rouortor wont j tho Jail to intorvlow Jones. Ho wss found ! n tho office, quietly conversing with tho offi cers. He Is a man of mcdlumhclgbt, rather •lenderly bnllt, and hu a rdeu&nt, open faco. Ho is twenty-nine years old. When the reporter approached him, Jones Uld that he had boon advised not to talk. “There are two matters, Hr, Jones,” tho re- irtor uid, “aboot which yon may talk with out prejudicing your cate. Did you assist Mr. Nelson to conduct Colonel Gray into tho house?" “Yet, I assisted him part of tho way." "Why not all the my V “Because Ur. Netaon abated mo to oat- geonsiy that I couldn't stand to hear'him.” •’Is it tree that you attempted suicide?" Jonu thought a moment, evincing muoh emotion. I would prefer,” he uid, finally," not to interviewed on that (abject I was greatly excited When I loft Colonol Grey and Hr.'Nat ion. I deeply regret the necessity of having to (hoot Colonel Grey.” DIB SIDE or THE CASE. “ Ware yon oompallad to shoot him f* " Well, I suppose thoreta no use being silent about tho matter, and so I will toll you all about It. When Colonel Grey mat me I wu In tho discharge of my duty u an of ficer of the town of West Bad. Ho camo at mo very abruptly. Ha picked up a email rock and threw if at tha Down. I In terfered by trying to drive them on up the •treat. Ho then picked np a larger rock and, holding it In hta hand, etrnok at ma. I dodged the blow. Ho celled mt a ’d—d scoundrel’ and struck at me again. I us that ha wu determined to do me a serious In- ury. Ho ms a muoh more powerful mtu ban I, and, in self defense, I drew my pistol and fired at him. I regret that I had to kHI him—regret it deeply, but it wu that or per haps a killing for me.” BLOOD AND MONEY Ku and Women of Distant Btswa Baeeias taMrosted la th. -Blood ud Moser- Boldest a* Curled oa In Atlanta, and Do trot Hes itate to apeak Oat. The blood or man bu much to do in shaping his actions during his pUgrimsgo through Ithis troub lous world, regardless of the amount of present or expectant money la hta pocket or stowed (way in bank. It la a conceded fact that we appear as our blood makea us, and the purer the blood, the hap pier, heslthler, prettier and wiser we are; hence the oft repeated Interrogatory, “howls yourbloodt” With pure streams of the life-giving 0 uld oourslng through our veins, bounding through our hearts and ploughing through oar physical frames, our morals become belter, our constitution stranger, our intellectual Acuities more scuta snd grander, and men. womeu and children happier, healthier and more lovely. Therefore, during man’s degeneracy and tho ills that beset tu on all aides. It becomes au Impor tant duty lor all to keep their blood PURKaud thereby retain their pristine health, vigor and beauty snd at the same lime cure all such troubles and complaints as Scrofula, 8crofeloui Ulcere and aweillngs, Rheumatism, Skin diseases, all taints of blood poison, Kidney complaints, old ulcers and Sore*, Cancels, Catarrh, eta., which now terrify and destroy m many of the human family. Thiu far all will agree that wo are comet, bu the means ta effect such happy results in the shoe test space of time and with Iho least amount of money, Is a question difficult for the publlo to de cide. Wc are prepared to alveyou the desired Infor mation, In t manner that loaves no room to doubt. The number or sronb and size or an advertise ment do not necessarily offer the best proof, but evidence which appeals to and satisfies your boiler judgment, ta that which should be sought. Wo are going to tell you osaotly what to do when afflicted with any of the snore enumerated complaint*. The unprecedented demand, the unparatlelled curative powers, snd Uis unmistakable proof from those or unimpeachable character and Integrity, point with an unerring linger to B. B.-B.—Botanic Blood Balm-as Ar tho best, tho cheapest, the quickest In action and the grandest and most pow erful blood remedy over before known to mortal man,In tho relief and positive cure of all lha above complaints. Itbonlyi giant In power—but |io remedy ■da sboha wonderful showing • In earing and entirely cradl- aplalnta, and Ita gigantic solas ay havo fro thirty, fifty and cvenono hundred bottleaof a boasted decoction of Inert and non-medldnsl roots and brarchraorrouimon,forest trees. Wo hold the proof In black and white, and we also hold the fort i Why ir it that three bottles of B. B. B. are eoid In Atlanta to one of any other blood remedy, and twice as mdfch consumed in the state of Georgia aa any other preparation. No ono need take our word,but limply ask tbs druggists. Ask tho peo ple. They are competent witnesses. Ms houses la Atlanta are buying It. iuflvo and tan gram "'2 haps a killing “Had you hoard that Colonel Gray had threatened yon?” “Yea, hot I paid no attention to tho threat, it did not come from -a reliable source, ily about ton days ago I had a pleasant talk th Colonol Gray about bis tax returns. I don't know why he attackod mo so suddenly snd ao violently today. Bat when he did it T was forced to defend myself.” ’Drivel Gower, of street car No. 4. says ho ini yon say when you were struggling with ,_j Wilsons, that you had committed tha greatest mistake of yourllfe In ahooting Col onel Gray. Did you say that?” “No, I did not. I aaid that I regretted that bad to kill him.” “Have yon met with any expressions of rmpathy?” “Yea, a great many. I talked with many of the rittaens of West End before I surrendered myrelf. They all expressed sympathy for i. Bind have been at the Jail, a number __ people, both from|Weet End end Atlanta, have celled end expressed sympathy Arms. I have always triad to live nprigbtlyand to give offense to no man.” While Interviewing him the reporter ob served Jones’s manner closely. He was labor ing onder deep emotion, end appeared care worn; but ho did not appear to bollevo that ho had committed a crime. He seemed to Ml that ho bid acted in eelf-defenso, and to ha confident that tho law had no punishment in •tore for him. Colonel Frank P. Gray wsa well known in Atlanta, he having been for sometime eproral- nent member of the bar. Hta wife b this daughter of the lata Judge Tomlin, of Cartert- ville. Colonel Gray leaves four young chil dren, threeef whom are boys. He was about thirty-five years old. Palpitation of the heart, nervousness, tnmb- tilings, nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain in tho hack, and other forms of woakneas are relieved by Carter’s Iron Pills, made es pecially for tha blood, nerves and complexion. Him Catharine Lollllard Wolfe bM given (7S.090 for Urn erection of a elofgylwaao In the dlooeatof New York. It will oontain an office forte* me of be bishop, a ball forth* bmlnern mreUngeoftho lergy ana Mvoret reading and lodging rooms for he city missionaries, Change of climate and water often affect the action of tho bo wall. Ono or two Brandrethi Pitta taken every night era (perfect remedy In such case*, they also prevent maltrisand ares protection’against typhus fever, or dis eases arising from had sewerage. pie. They are competent wltnu Atlanta arc buy Inc II. H.D.laflTO ant) tong lota, and *ome of them buy ** often a* crery . month*. Why the*c unprecedented Mica here home with 10 little BdrertalngT Modesty forbid* ua mtklnir a reply. Had D. D. B. been before the K blto a quarter or % half century, It would noi ncccMary to be bolitered up with crutebe* of P*ro advertisement* now. Merit will conquer and down money. Illustrated liook of Wonder* (Free.) All who desire fttll information aboot tho cause and cure of lllood Poisons, Scrofula and Hcrofulous Swelling*, Uloara, Bore*, Ilhenm*tlsn. Kidney compUinta, Catarrh, eto.. should drop .us spostu flB wonderful and startling proof over before know* BI/)OD BALM CO.. ■ Atlanta, Oa, WH,BOB’S C0UF00ND 0? |PURE COD LIYEE) OIL AND LIME. suffering from m Is oc any of ths ra* &was,s THE GATE CITY NATIONAL BM 07 ATLANTA, GA. u. s. depository; The Magruder Mine and Plan tation for Sale. O K TOT FIRST TUESDAY IN JUNE. MM, AT the place designated for ahertffasalM In tha IRON OFlfiS Bead fbr pHs« and IlioatraUd Oataleneal CINCINNATI (0.) C0ARUAATIN4 CO. apeo-dem Uui sat mon Awkjbow „ ro