The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, May 25, 1886, Image 8

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION - . ’ ATLANTA, GA* (TUESDAY MAY 25 .188? ’.tig ra tftwfcn Cfifitsl »n<l w*li*lnown »idcelt* f if n'.r rr.t!r#»:>-k ef\ psitt. . . .. Mu* Holt* ttnldf flu1ab«4 HHt ••'•rlflr# \V* Lira purrhBMd and Ob. ■I •outrol of tf.fa immtDfi ato«k (**.oor) of VfttaJtM. Ti sdfortlM oar tsalMS* M4M* laMWtatrMa 4 iraei aitb comsman at aara •*« atcara UMiaH vlUaf wall far fetors Halaaaa tbraufbaat tba [TnlCal ifaiaa aod cati44aa. ira ha»a dacHai to aafl a Ilaitta4 aaaabaraf ttiaprlaaaljr aallaattaa affiaaa VMIaftiMtlm L avlihln I) da»i you aradlaaatliSad trlflH ^rawlil matt cbaar fell v raiara jaar auaef. ivarfwWRP laranUtadaa lraa«lb«ara bafora labrlaf tba factory, ■atf nadaioba*p aaenrata tin a. Tba pndaitlaa of tba faaat vatth nailaa talas taad ■aatalaborata and a a pan. •Ira autbleaijr haaaa, baadaaaia aoatly gold flulabad m and burntUul daaf|na, M«Vl wlti pat \\ [r I no dollar rold watch uanallyanld by dtolara. R ainat ana im dollar go id watZh utaally aold by daalara. at tba thin* far »Ma« v«fea agaaia ar at Kara la aa» ar for bparalallnf sad trading parpoaaa. PmUJvdI jr aa dla. a ptlraa—order at aaaaaaddinMftafaa ataafara* liwiiim, watrhaa will sat ba aold ptui aa daya front data af Mooay by ragleterad i latUrargaataflTraMan- 1 •y order waf ba east at 1 •arrfeb. Addraaa «y.y ilaatoMi liiSlVADIlH a CO./ Consignees, J I nr Broadway. Hew York Sulphur Springs OPENED THIS DAY For Reception of Guests. THTEmTIOM OB ATLANTA, OA. U. S. DEPOSITORY. Capital and Surplus$300,000.00 Bftua cantTmcATE? or deposit payable OB DEMAND WITH INTEREST. JAEHNE’S TRIAL THE SON OF AN HONBST FATHER CONVICTED OF BRIBERY. Tb. rim oriMAUmuli stud to M CooriotsO nu moists* u< smstsiu or ku urs-a OlinpM or uoittrarouDd Folium Life Is lh.Or.«tCttr or Now York. Etc. New York, May 21 .-[Special CorrespoU' dencc.]—The caae of Alderman Henry W. Jaebne, tba drat of the board of aldermen con 1 vu ted of bribery, It inatrnctlTC, It czhiblta tbe material of wblcb many New York politl ciana nra made. His father was an honest German gunsmith, who did Imalnesa on Had' ton street for forty years. The old man's children were all born In the eighth ward. Hcmy was the second eon. He received in excellent education, and made many frleinds. Fire years ago he entered the Held of politics with the brightest of proa poets. He was elected alderman four timea In aaceaaalon and each time by an ineratalng majority. Six month! ago ba was made vioe- prcsldcnt of the board. A shrewd politician ev er ready to do favors for his constituents, he quickly took the leadership of the county de mocracy In the assembly district and stood high In the councils of bit party. Next fall they Intended to send him to congress in Hil ler's place. Hie political eky waa unusually bright. Suddenly a cloud aroao on lie horl- The state senate ordered the Broadway railroad Investigation' The seleetion of Boa- coc Conk ling aa master of ceremonies Indica ted, that It waa to be no child's play. Jake Sharp, Jim Blchmond and other millionaire manipulators were put In the furnace and came out scorched, but not destroyed. One day in the twinkling of an eye the young al derman was shoved Into the dm. The furnace waa heated hotter than tiauil. An affidavit from a Knickerbocker lady was read, which plainly accused him of being a receiver of stolen goods. It waa cleat that he waa net only n professional "fenco,” bnt that he had been one for yean. He kept a-crucible In which he melted down thn gold and silver stolen by thieves. The Knickerbocker lady had traced her silver to his crucible, and had received $1,200 from him to hush the matter up. BoipccJ table citizens who had known Jaebne from a boy stood aghast. The affidavit, however, was only “ * ' " ‘ " the foundation for n aeries of questions propounded by Boecoe Conkllng that still far ther astonished tho community. Instead of keep ing silent on the ground that hit bnalneaa transactions with Mn.8chnyler Hamilton bad nothing to do with the Broadway investigation the alderman lest his head and tried to explain. While floundering in the Dm of Oonk- ling’n persistent Inquires be made the, to him, fatal admission, that Chief Dotoctlve Byrnes bed demo hie best to cover him, and that the dletrlct attorney, a member of hb own political dkganlsatlen, had adviaed him to pay over the $1200, thus compounding a felony. A day afterwards tho alderman besought his friends to save him from an in dictment for receiving atolen goods. It was whllo trying to avoid such nn Indictment that bn fell into the suaro of Byrnes, who con. bn leu into the sniro or Byrnes, who con cealed hit Indignation at Jaehae's admission. Tho men had been closo friends for yearn. Jaebne waa confident that Byrnes could exert as tulluenco upon tho district attorney that would save him Rom tho dreaded indictment. Byrnes's ac tions confirmed the alderman's confidence. No indictment for receiving stolen goods was one, however, Waa turned up In n way that hn little anticipated, he wee Induced to make the admissions con cerning bis part in the Broadway steal that' ltd both to hie Indictment and conviction for companion tobogganed down the flight like lightning,bumping ■" theiijmitles on every ttei with merciless emphasis. When they read tbe sidewalk they rolled over and over each other in what looked like a Gncco-Boman wrestling match. Tbe doctor was first on hi* feet and he helped the old lady up aa beat ha could, hot he has a iso of the ludicrous and having seen keen tense c that the pertner of bis plight wms unharmed *“ f langhter. The old be had gone off into fits of ___ _ lady didn’t laugh at all. She walked to her carriage aa beat she could and drove sadly away. Half an boor later one of her servants brought the following note to the doctor Mrs. — presents her compliments to Dr. Talntage, and deMrei to know U hS waa Injured. She her self is unhurt. The answer returned waa: illmenU to Vi*. —. uninjured. Dr. Tslrasge presents btanompUmenl and la Pleased fo learn thriiSs la unli himself hart nothing buthts dignity. Sydney Beid. DURING THE WEEK. TilfMlay, May 18.-CoOnt 'Herbert Blimarck bn been appointed aecretary of atate fur foreign ■ffalra Tbe bans of marriage between Patti and Nlcollna have been pnbllabed Tbe report that tbe Ashing schooner Emma L. Doughty, of Port* land, lie., has been seized by the Canadian gov* eminent it confirmed ....p.Four new cases of cholera and six deaths at Venice, Italy, and six new cases and four deaths at Bui.... Officer Thomas Redden, who waa wonnded in the Haymarket riot in Chi' cago, died, making the sixth victim. IicThx City.—The young men in Atlanta who are the sons of confederate veterans will soon form an association .The remains of Colonel Frank P. Cray, who wu shot and killed at West End on Sunday last by Manbal Jones, were taken to Adairs* vllle for burial.... Mr j. William Shearer, of this city, has Tallen heir to nearly 1200,000, left her by her brother, who reeently died In England Hat* lie Moore, a negro girl, attempted to kill beraelf by taking laudanum. i- Wednesday May 19.—Kx*Presldent Arthur was oat driving the flrsttlme in seven weeks Mount •Etna is In a state of eruption.... Heavy rains .fell in Alabama For several days past a group of (•erman anachlsts have been holding meetings In Cleveland, Ohio, and calling on persons of their tltlpe to arm with guns and bombs A hall storm visited flask ills, N. C. Im the City—One hundred and eight cases have been.fllcd in tho clerk’s office of the city court for the June term.... Heavy rains fell In Atlanta yes* terday, doing considerable damage to the streets. w....O. H. Handy, a Dccjitur street clerk, hu a watch which Is said to b? one hundred years old. ...Dr. J. M. Johnson, a highly esteemed pbysl* Ian of tbisep.y, died yesterday morning. Thursday, May DOr-Switzerland Is taking active tncuures to put an end to Mormonlun In that country While the two soga of Chaplain Androde, at Nogales, Arizona, were on their way to Aqua Sears rancho, theli* borne, they were mar* dered by Indians A mass meeting of the fish exchange of Portland, Maine, was held in that city John A. Henry, a printer, and who Is sus pected of being an anarchist, wu arrested In Chi* cago Seventeen Indictments have been found sgaltuit S. R. Hterliug, at Harrlsouburg, Va., who wu late treasurer of tho county, for ouibezzlcment, and six for misappropriating public money. In tiik CIty.—Willis Owens, an East Tennes see railroad yard conductor, lost three Huger* while trying to couple cars......Artcsian water pi]«s are being laid In the principal streets of the city. M ...Tbc members of the Cate City Guard arc talklug of orgaalzlng a drilling school. Friday, May HI.—Republican papers In Paris arc strongly opposed to permitting Orleans princes to remain on French Territory Later advices from cape Coast car Ue, West A fries, saythatthe forty-five traders who were murdered wero natives, and not Germans, u reported.... A marble statne of a confederate soldier on guard wu unveiled at New Orleans The anarchist, Parsons, hu bean traced toTampa, Fla., where it Is supposed ho ship- l<cd for navana....Near Greenfield, Maas., a farm er gave his lUUe son strychnine on a piece of can TheColonel’sStory From the Chicago Leader. “I did not learn tha beginning or tho ro mance nntil long after tha story was com eluded,” laid the colonel, in response to n question from hit niece. “Bnt my part waa small snough to allow me to relate the clrcum stance without vanity. “I do not like to be particular at to names; it lookl too much like scandal; but you may satisfy yourself that it la a true story. “Henry Horgan and Cosmo Bolahorsn, at I shall call them, were both suitors for the hand of Camille Cheater. This young lady was tho daughter oft very wealthy souther nerwhosename waa well known In Washing' ton before tbe war. “I believe she waa the most beautiful woman I ever law—no offense to present company, and she wu u high spirited at pretty. “1 received bnt imperfect reports u to the character of Cosmo Bolsbovon; bnt he wu a very fine looking mu, with nomethtng of tho reckless, dare-devil in hie countenance. "Horgan wu altogether different; he wu rather plain u to hit features, but Intelligent looking and very well informed. "To conclude, he bore the beet tort of char acter among hit neighbors, while Rolahoven wu admired more then liked. “Him Chester la supposed to hove treated her two lover* in such a manner that cither’s success in her favor appeared doubtful to them, end, of course, they gave'themselves fOU benefit of any smiles which she may have bestowed upon them, “This wu before the declantion of hoslili Hies between the north end south, and when matter! in Cupid’s tent. to settle fortune to the test. more attention to hie toilet then did hb rival —he might have further to go, or anything you please—certain it U that Horgan wu first upon the spot. “He met with a reception which hb charac ter seems rully to have deserved, and when they walked ont Into the park late in the af ternoon Camille Chester bad promised to be come hb wife. “Soon after they left the mansion for the outdoor air, Cosmo Bolshoven rode up to tbe ante, and being informed by nn officious dar ky that Miss Chester wu strolling about the grounds, ho started off in the direction the oiiug lady had taken, hoping to overtake 'Not boing aware that she wu notili si began to form s most melting speeohu mind, which should bring hertocaplta. immediately. ' What wu hb utonbhment and chagrin when he came to an anglc'ln the little brook idanrof" ~" " which formed the boundary of Hr. Chester’s estate, to find the lady of hb lore seated upon a hillock, with hb rival at her foot. '•Wo may imagine that ugly feelings ware in hit heart when be understood the lady wu already another's, and he cursed his steed, u though hb being e few minutes behind hb rival he had lost hb cauao. 'After watching u long u ho could bur tho to the bouse, end ordering - in l sight, bo returned l out hb steed rode off, notwithstanding Hr. Cheater’s Invitation to him to romaln to din ner Feet per earn par aa> ... i If taltalx months. 4K per cent par annua If lad twalve mouths. L. J. HILL, President. Mutton IM» paper.wky AGUES AND MlURIll AFFECTIONS Ar* due to the Congeetion of Stomach, Spleen, Liver and retention of POI8ON8 IN THE BLOOD. The active principle of Mnndmko b Nature'! remedy for Liver disturbance. A Hoaad Ntamarh Means Mirk Bias*. A Baaad IJrrr illraaa fare Blood. Eras Nterrtleaa Means Health. KEEP TIIB HEAP CI.KAU. JUUtP TIIK MINI) Fit KB. . KKBF TUB BLOOD Fl’BB. With that pure Vegetable preparation, free from mercury and all Impure substances, ica doiu to nu lnaictmont ana conviction lor ““ ■ig/vumuc «u » i»icvo oi wu- bribery. In t«7lng to avoid tho whirlpool of I dy, wblah .killed the child Max AUce Pandit- x. v.a — -i- fi ,..i- ton, wife of tho present minuter to Berlin, —* HojHa be had run upon the track of Charybdb. Nor wu there any escape. Baoderad wary by the work of tha profes sional jury-fixer In the two Hchsler triab, the dbtrlct attorney took no chances in tbe tbe district attorney look no chance* in the Jock ns coat. The jurora wore not only locked up tut were not even allowed to receive ertlnd letters from their famillee. Great wu 1 he outcry among the other indicted alder men. They ncmeed the Judge and district attorney or flavor!tcIsm, because Jaebne wu I for bribery, they auorted thst one trial, and that three Hebrew jurors were fixed on tho second trial. They got no comfort, for the dbtrtct ettornoy replied that theu wero the SOHENCK’S MANDRAKE PILLS DR. MCUKNCK'M Iteakaa ( M.ematlea, liver Complaint ami DjrineiMla, aunt Free. DR. J. M. ICKUCK A KOI, PMbMnhb, Pa, majt-dlf tun Uiu wky nra TWhor's Cod-Uver OB and Uma.-The ■polarity ol this ate and efitraclixu pro- t babas aiutbnabla to Ualntilulc worth, e of Ouutlu, Colds. Aslhus. ltnmctillU. Oot«h. Bcrofnious Uumon, ami i all let Bymptoon, It hu no superior. If symptom* af —. iuc Chs.t, Lunas or Throat. Maaufkrtuivd only by A. a Vt'n son, CtiemUt, Benton. Held hy all diulUa. /ANTED— BY A UIIIDI.K AGED GENTLE- WANTED- and esp.rteno.8 gusumi to tench durtn^ the ainm and mil. 5JJNw reut **^ddKi^|Gcor|cto«uji^nrown- ImsSOUTH 8tr»*b Eichl.eryCa, Haailoa thl» papet. npinif .VT 1 ®! *“ IWf Ct'BKD DT ON cue should not be allowed to sensrsto. This hu made Hhslcr’s friends tremble. It b erf dent that he will be tried the third time and by s Jury that will bo made pnctloobly unap proachable. Tbo other Indicted aldermen wero ebo cha grined because Alderman Walts,who hu turned stntca evidence wu not made to unfold hb budget. The dbtrlct attorney preferred to victlon end tun trials. Waite's promised dbclosnres era intensified by n fleer that Ollly Ma loney, tbe clerk of tho board or I “Ml, has iwen corralled by the authorities and that hn will bo dropped upon some of the boys, u Andy Garvey wu dropped upon Oakoy Hall in his trial in 1879. Besides afibrdlng glimpses of underground political life in Now York, Juhne'e trial let in n little lnrld light upon hb own antecedents. While on the witness stead he wu eloeeiy questioned concerning his association with well known thlevee In diamond rubberise in Europe eight or nine yurt ago. He denied in toto nil Insinuation or theft, bnt admitted that he wsi In company with the crooks, and that hecamo hark with one of them vb Canada. The story, u told by detectives who claim to hsvo it from one of tbe crooke tkcnuolves, b interesting. Cur. tiu and Stephens, well known u diamond thieves, went to Europe on n buineu tour. They vbited the beet jewelry stores end priced unset diamonds. With a doxen or twenty Jewels before them it wu an easy matter to •nbotltiito an inferior stone (hr a superior one. Some times e puts stont took the place of a genuine roltaire, end again n rail two-karst lews) was slyly exchanged for one of grater weight On luring the store the stolen diamonds were poised to Jtehne, whs stood on the sidewalk nurthe door. He saunters sway thrown from her carriage, while driving In Central unit, causing her 1’ark, New York, fracturing her •'caUi In ten minute In rnx City.—Thu muilo stand, will be finished rtOrentpuklnafewdaye In n game of beU I etween Atlanta aud Bacon yesterday, Atlanta ' hut out Bacon by a score of 1] too....Tho revival l n prugtesa at Evan* Chapel Is growing more to' ii rcellng every day, Saturday. May *B.—Seven Bormou mission' *rli» from I’lab, who have been holding meetings near Fayette City, m., were ordered to leave the place by Indignant citizens....Dr. Dio Lewis, an- Dior end reformer, died at his homo to Yonkers, N. Y....The combined wealth of the United Males senators b 1162,000,000. In run City.—The Atlanta wheelmen are oak Ing arrangements toga to Columbus, Go., on the Mth of July, to lake part In the bicycle racee.... Governor BcDanlel Issued sn ordor directing Mate Tresstrcr Hardeman to proceed to pay the bond* maturing July 1,1M6. Hominy, May *8,—Durban Ward, of Ohio, Is at the point of death..,.. Dr. Dio Lewis's remalai win be cremated, according to a request ho left behind him Natural gaswuatruck at Cauons- burg, ra., and during a storm In the afternoon tho well Ignited An attempt was made to burn the Orangeville, Ontario,' Advertiser office....The minister of coasmerre at Bedrid will Introduces hill In the cortei Ibr tbo sale oft portion of tho crown lamb and forests of H]Aln The lnfhnt son of the queen regent or Spain was christened, the ceremonies being megnlficent In detsll. In Tut city.—James Buore, a ininhand on tho Air l.tnerailroad,had afoot maahed while coup ling cars Henry Ward, the Kcit Tennessee train hand who wu Injured white coupling ears, about •lx weeks ago, Is dead. were all dressed in the Iwat of taste and tba all* and manners of Eigllth^H ih gentlei A hotel, never allowed themselves to he aeon together in public. The trio worked the gaero tourney continental citiea with greet profit. Finally they landed in Cologne. Hen they made a rich strike end secured ticket! fur London. While Curtin end Stephens were eating lunch at a hotel they sa* a gathering around the door. Fearing that they were suspected, nod Fearing that they , . knowing that Jnehno was to the hotel they rare in e quendiy ss to whet to do with the ■dander. A minute afterward! Curtin met Jaehne on en upper stairway. “Have yon get the boodle:" he asked. “ Yes, safe,’’ waa the response. ''VhtmiM tlm itnnati*" Ptirfl Where ere the stones?’’ Curtin asked. Hero I” mol Jaebne, holding out a handful of diamonds. "Swallow 'em! D—m yon, swallow 'om quick, or wc are lost! ” The jewels wero promptly swallowed. It turned out to lie n false alarm. But Jaohne's pats hint s-elose watch ou him until he ar rived to London, where a dose of physic administered, and the prociont stones were recovered, F.taKA. Talmoge's Fall. On ono of the wet dsy's of last week the iiev lir. DcWitt T*tmaire.Hrooklyu'scetobr*t»l ■readier, received a visit from n wealthy old ady. who I* one of hb atsanchcst friend* and admirers. When she arose to go, tho doctor with hb usual courtesy, aecompanlsd her to the door, and noticing thtt tho atone atepi were slippery laid: “Be cartful mtdame. You hod batter tska yarm,” The aM lady took hb arm and instantly was adzed with puslonaU regret, (hr the dee- tor’s feat flaw from under him and ha and hie From a Minister- Bar. C. T. Cbrk, a member of the South Georgia Methodist conference^ writes from Tatnali county, Ga: One year ago I waa taken with rheumatism and bacoma almost helpless for over throe months. All tho remedies used seemed to Call until I commenced tbe net of Swift's Specific. I have taken five bottloa and am perfectly sound and well again. 1 would have written ooonar but waited to see if the cure was per manent. And now I unhesitatingly recoup mend 8.8.8. ns a oafs and reliable remedy (br rheumatism. I have alt confidence in its vb toe. (t Never Falls. I hove had blood poison ever since October, ltffiSand obtained no relief from any treatment and I tried severs], nntil I commenced taking Swift's Specific. In one month I frit ai well aa I ever bed. I also had e good appetite end wee entirely free from the peine in my ahaal- d on and head, which had tormented meat long. Now ell the sores end swellings from my heed are gone. 8. W. HcCAKTEB, No. 70 Madison at New York, April 30, 1836. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diets tee mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC OO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Go. Mew York. LTT W. 23d at. ttmoultt house wool yes to death?" Pat-' Patz, I'd fty tor l 1IGHHFOB1VS AClil PHOSPHATE, For Overworked Females. Dr. J. P. Cowan, Ashland, 0., auya: “It prom satisfactory aa a nerve tonic; also in dyspeptic renditions of the stomach, with genera! debility, such os wo find in over worked females, with nervous headache end it* accompaniments.” The cftlret* of twenty netioual tradei unions met with closed doors yesterday afternoon at Don- aldson'a hall to take wine nulled nctlon. It wu Mated, to twist encroachment- being made upon unions by Knights of Labor. ANGOSTURA BITTERS b known as the met regulator of tho digestive organs all over the world. Have it in your bootee. Ask your srecer or druggist (br the genuine article, maa- by l)r. J. G. B. tisgest A Sens. 'lit was lato in tha evening when Henry Morgan rode homeward, and ha had traversed bnt n mile when e dark figure upon honeback barred hb passage. "Horgan recognized Cosmo Kolthoven, al though tho Utter sat on bb hone in the mid dle or the roadway with the air of one who wae about to utter tha old demand,'Your young man had bean schoolmates in former days, and although they had never been friends, there waa a sort of 'fraternal feeling,’ ts Burnt eelb it, at least upon Hor- gen’s side. ‘“Hello, Bobhoven,' he said, somewhat as tonished at the man’s demeanor; ‘b that you?’ “‘Yet,’growled Coemo, and then he wu ti' >1 ha wu detsrmtoedto fotca upon hb rival. “Horgan coughed •lightly. 'Yon appear to have something to my to me,' he mid. '* *Ym'iT ItatfA enmelMnw Jq ||y ( a pair of r how to growled the young men, ‘I tub to n case here—yon know them, and must protect your life.’ “Horgan ventod an ejaculation of surprise, and demanded the reason tor thb straogo speech. '■ ‘I wu an observer of your interview with Mbs Chester a few hours hack. I have al lays hoped to make tha young lady my wife, nd tinea you have dbpoaiamed mo or her, I [organ drew himself upright in hb sad- litfi an impatient movement. die wll “ ‘I have dispossessed yon of nothing. Bob- hovsn,’ he uld quietly. ‘Your speech cau meet with but one excuse.’ “ ‘I do not desire you should find an excuso for me, air, I am perfeetly aolior. 1 too you doubt It, and am determined to fight or thruh you; tabs your choice.’ “For e moment Morgan did not reply, and Bobhoven drew hb steed back e tow paces, and waited to alienee. Horgan wu u bold as most of men; but hn wu reluctant to enter toto thb adventure. If hn wu killed it would bo without honor; should hs succeed, he would b* stained with the guilt of the blood of an acquaintance. “‘Bobhoven,’boaaidilowly, 'you know I do not fur you; but I do not wish to enter into thb affair. Your causa of anger b alight; I have merely won the prize we were both striving for, and '“Yon need not throw my disappointment ishinf stroke of thb little drama wu given. ■ iponied by “I strolled out one evening, acoomp federal forces hod been victorious in a battle which hod been fought the day be fore, and the conlederates were upon their re treat. “We ume to the foot of a hill whose top was flooded with a bright moonlight. “Mw pfttmtenlnn nrnnnsn.1 Skaf n “My companion propoeed' that vre ascend, d,we began to ciirabjthe hill. we neared the top, e man suddenly 1 toto vbw. h 1 ’ whispered my companion, pulling my era,'look up there and observe the uni form:' “I followed hb direction end nw e man dressed to the confederate uniform, with a riflo in hb hand. The weapon wu leveled, end he seemed in the very act of firing open some, to us* invbiblo object. ‘“See me pick him oft’ cried my com pin ion; and he threw the light rifle which he had brought from comp with the remote hope of meeting — * ' ' — * meeting with game, to hU shoulder, and ere I could interfere, had fired. “Ihtd not the least idea that tbe ballet would reach its mark until I nw the etran- gvr throw up hb arm and toll. “With e cry of-exaltation, the yonng officer began to clamber recklessly np the asesnt. “He secerned to forget In tbe excitement of tbe bands of bbenemles. “With a cry for him to return, I wu forced to follow, and we clambered np the ascent without discovering anything suspicious, al though I expected my friends’ shot wonld bo though I expected my friends’ shot would bo returned with deadly effect by concealed marksmen. “I wu several paces behind my companion when he reached the top of tbe hill, and u he halted with n cry of alarm I imagined he bid ran into some ambaih. “Came back,’ I screamed; bull did not stop, end an Instant later stood at bb sido, deter- tennined to share hb danger, should there be •ny. “Instead of a party of filllbuetors, whom I had expected to meet, I nw a yonng lady upon tba ground and a man dressed in dark cfnthet bending over her. “I supposed the wu dead at first; but she hed only fainted, and we soon restored her to "The man upon whom my friend had fired by upon the ground shot through the brain. rmlon thanked us for our urvioes, which he tu.d had preserved their llvu, and after a lit- 0iisii naa ]HTKncu mcir lives, suu alter a iiw* tic hesitation, thinking probably that we would not part with him unleu he explained hie presence here, gave the following brief accounti stroll They (tbe young lady and himself] had led out from the former's home Just as evening wu closing In, and as they reached " ' * “ hill were confronted by the top of the ni*n who now lay dead at oar feet. He was aii-old enemy, and hod declared hb Intention, end was in the act of shooting the young n an when my companion's ballet had cat el'irt hbesrecr. “Thb wu the substance of hb explana tion, and when the yonng lady added her ex- preuiona of gratitude to hie own, wo were compelled to allow them to depart, although ind a strong suspicion that the men wu not dividual whose life wo came In time to nre- ■erve wu Major Henry Horgan, and also tbe nrtlcnlart of bit feud with Cosmo Uvlt- loven.” vThe First Sign Of falling health, whether In tbe form of Night Sweats ead Nervousness, or in a aense of General Weariness and Lou of Appetite, should suggest tbe nu of Ajm*e Sarsaparilla. Thb preparation b most effective for giving tone end strength to the enfeebled system, promoting the digestion and assimilation of food, rei tog the nervous forces to their nortmd condition, and for purifying, enriching, end vitalizing the blood. Failing Health. I wu Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous^ I tried various remedies prescribed by different physicians, but became so weak that I could not go up stairs with- — . Uy friends mended me to try Ayer's Saras] which I did, and I am now u heah etrong u ever.—Hra- E. L. Wl Alexandria, Minn. I have used Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, to my fkmlly, for Scrofula, and know, If Itb taken faithfully, that It will thoroughly .. i thoroughly eradicate thb terrible dbesse. I have ebo prescribed Hue tonic, u well u an alter- $• tv i/o iuu urn uivuu uiuuiciuo ever compounded.—W. V. Fowbr, D. D. 8„ M- d), GrcenvUb, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would be Im ■crib* wbat I euf lo for me to de- from Indigestion end Headache up to the time I began * _ l under taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I wu the care of various physicians and tried • great many klnda of medicines, bat ntvtr obtaining more than_ temporary re. a siioi After taking Ayer’s Sarsaparilla for on time, my beadaebo disappeared. and my stomach perforated Ita duties more perfectly. To-day my health b com- gbtoljr* tutored.—Mary Harley, Spring- I have been greatly benefited by the ' of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It prompt uu . , tones and Invigorates the system, regulates tba action of tho digestive and assimilative organa, and vitalises the blood. It k, without doubt, the moat reliable blood purifier yetdbooverod.—H. D. Johnson. 333 Atlantis eve., Brooklyn, N. Y. . Ayers Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer St (lo., Lowell, Usta. Price Ell eta botflas, 88. |THE CHART FOR ALL.I TTS SIMPLICITY ALONE AWARDED IT A PA1 A ant In 1885. Miss Lcola M. Head's well tsetse ana mil lostroctlonsfor coring mailed tOonvaS dress tor *1.10. Hn simple anyone can cot wtmoa Instructions. Address Mias Loops H. Heap. Eaw Rtdgo, Ail wky4t SmpIcsna'mtoSSful uomofrcsScnL*' Addrari ■ PAGE, 12S Eut 24th ftreet, York Mention thb paper, nurt-dlm tosthaeatwh] THB MBTHODIST3- Richmond, Ve., Hey 10.—In tbo Hothodiit pbeopel conference today, Bev. W. L. Protss- on, of tho Southwest Missouri conference, created en elaborate paper ue suhetltate r the report of the committee eliminating the word ‘‘■onth’’ from the noma of the church and transposing the words “Methodist Episco pal” to “Episcopal Methodist.” Tho substitute wss rejected and tho report of the oommltteo against changing the name wu adopted. Dr. J. E. Edwards, of Virginia, offered a resolution tint ministers bo excused from reading db ci| line rales annually to congregations, and tin question whether they did or did not read tl cm be not asked at the quadrennial confer- Ur. J. D. Blackwell, of Virginia, spoke at length in tovor of the propMtlon. Dr.Thorau G'.Woir. of North Mississippi, Dr. Johnson, of Mississippi, and Dr. HoFerrin, of Tennessee, spoke in opposition. Dr. T. J. Dodd, of Tennessee, end others favored tbe change in earnest speech abeui At the conclusion of the dbotueion, Dr, Edwards's resolution wu rejected. The conference refused to abridge appoint ment of presiding olden from twonty to four teen churches. The committee's report to teen churches. Tho committee’s report to have tha board of missions, competed of pros!- di ut, vlee-preeident, secretary, treasurer and nineteen managers, with the bbhops u ex- ofiiclo members, wu adopted. There wu a prolonged disci discussion of theme' mortal to transfer thst part of Florida west of tba Chattahoochee river from the Alabama to tbe Florida conference. The conference decided against the chango. The committee on revbal presented a ltu,thy report in which, among other thingi, the signal it which we ere both to fire e pistol fforeb ol at your service, if yon an not uld Morgen, hb patience ex- ton suffer, it b no more than you while the moon wu elowly making ita way ovor the mountain tope in Ue dbtance. “All wu quiet around them. Horgan, whoso dbposttiou wu much cooler than hb advenaiy s, atcretly wished that >ome chance comet wculd interrupt them, but no one “At lut Bobhoven grimly demanded that tbe signal be given. 11 attend to that yourself' uld 'You shall Horgan. T will have nothing to do |'n the matter—it b against my will.' ' Without making any reply to this, Rols- boven prepared to coant. “'Bendy,' he said, in a harsh tone;‘one, two—three,’end u the last word issued from hb Uja. he fired. ''Morgan wu a trifle later, but did more ox. ecutioa; fur, white Bolthoven’e ballot whbtled over hb heed, he received tho other's lead in hb body. “He thought his death wound had been given, end epurred hb frightened steed to ward Horgan. "Drawing the uher which he carried from its tasbbud ho timed a blow at tbe other's Chaw “Maud Harris Tobacco." Ask las "Baud Harris Tot era" every time. “The mss a treachery wu so uncX] tbit, to trying to ward off tho blow, Horgan toil from hb saddle. “Bobhoven leaped from hb horn, and wonld have dispatched tha tallen man had he not been intercepted by the advent of two persons who now appeared upon the scene. “Thau were Hr. Chester and u negro set- vast, who had witnessed the commencement of tho rencounter, and hid hastened to in form hit matter. “As they galloped up, Bobhoven drew bnck, " notwithstanding hb wound, looped apon - * with the fcry of e "Nearly a rear pesssd away hefere the fln- from several conferences uking that tbe name of tho church be changed from the Methodist Episcopal church, Heath, to the iboopui church; also, ou a memo- Methodist Epl , , rial that any church member signing e petition for tho uia of intoxioetlng liquors may be dealt with as in oases of improper and impru dent conduct. In tbb bet nutter the commit tee uy that the taw should remain u it now stands. Bichhond, Va., Hay 20.—The Hethodbt Episcopal general conference consumed tho greater portion of today's session in discuss ing the reports of committees on missions. The board of missions wu Incrated to twon- ty-flve, and the bishops made ex-offido mam ben. A paper wu referred to tbo board of mtadona suggesting ate^ towsrda unifying addressed tbe conference in opposition to the Arkansas, E,E. Wiley of Virginia, andothen also opposed the measure. Drs. H. B. Gherman of litatouri, Horace Bishop of Texas, D. C. Kelly of Teuneuee, W. O. Bleak of Hbabtlpi, J. 8. Gardner of Virginia, and others favored the pioposltlon of unification discussion wu the molt Tho earnest of the present satrion. At the conclusion of the debate the com mittee's report recommending no changes m the status af our foreign miulon work, wu adopted by e vote or 100 to 87. At 4 o'clock this afternoon the consecration of the four newly elected bbhops took piece in the presence of an immense congregation. The sermon wu delivered by Biehep KoTyerie end the consecration services were conducted to accordance with the beok of dbciplin. Tbo hew bishops are W. W. Duncan, of South Carolina; Chartee B. Gsllaway, of Hb- •iseippi; E. B. Hendrix, of Missouri, and Joe, 8. Key, of Georgia. Bicbmond, Vu., Hay 21.—In the Ucthodist Episcopal conference today the report of tho special committee on tbo hymn book wu re committed and two papers on tho nine subject ordered printed. The conference proceeded to the election of ecnnccllonal officers. Dr. J. B McFerriu, of Tennessee, was re-elected book agent, receiv ing 107 out of 207 votes cost. THB PRESBYTERIANS. Acoi sta, Ga., May 21—The second day’s commenced by reeding tbe committee's report on education. Tbe report showed a tailing off in rontrlhutione and an increou in the num ber of candidates to be educated tor tbe mintotrv. Tbe receipts for mission work were $37 733. a much larger emoant then usual. Tbe receipts tor snstentation scripts slew a (ailing off; $15,000 were spent to sup port III evangelists, suets of $31,666; at abilities were shown by the publication mtttee. The committee on the training ot rd ministers report shows progress. Tbe committee copectally appointed to examine the question of evolution is beaded by Dr. Arm strong, of Virginia, and boiganinod against Dr. Woodrowb peon ■ peculiar theories. 01 Capital Prize $150,000 Li.S “Wade hereby certify that wwsoperviu the i JAnrwnentsforstUh^tonthlyanyi s of the Louisiana State Lottery il BKthasamaueobodaM 3 In good fsilh C lowsrd s Hgl I whi I bet I ons I whi We the iQMm* ^ rblcbmAjr be prcscnlcdjtgir counter* Fret. Louisiana J. W. KILBBETH. Fra. Stale National Hank. A* BALDWIN* Fra. New (Mans National Bank. * a N»%k. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTIONS! Over Half a bullion Distributee, lop* I drei I pl«c I if tb lenoi 1 cut i land I that Iteri* Louisiana State Lottery | Incorporated In 18C8 tor twenty-flre ye*rt b| Legislature for Education*! and Charitablo p ssi, with a capital of ilMO/na fundofover t.«>,aj0 hisiiucc ivx By an overwhelming ropulsivole, lufl wu mods a port of the present State OuoJHra adopted DcccmberM A. D., UTfc ' J Its Grand Hingis Number Drawing* wUl a I place monthly. oJ i^ltncvcr ^teiilcs or postpones. Look at tha (j 19*3(1 Grand Monthly XXD TUB Extraordinary Quarterly Drawing ■in the Academy of Music, Now Orleans, Tussda June 16.1M6. Under tho pcisonal supervision and t Jniiii. a* aiBM Capital Prize $150,( t,m mass amounting to — Applications for tries to stub) should bon inly to lbs office of tbs Company in Now Octas w York Exchangsw ordinary letter, r by exprau (si om.expenv) oddreswa M. A. DAUPHIN. I NswOdsaus,L*.| Or M. A. DAUPHIN, Wsstofton, D. 0. Kf h * dfii[feri^a o i n smr p,ytb ' fl IBB# ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, . New Orleans, ts,' I set wedwkvarm “ MEYER KNOWN TO FAIL.' TAmUNTS EXTRACT I t JBZBStnd COPAIBA I I*hiiold, tried r ftonorrhac*, gleet and * cozes of the urinary oc_ Iu nest, portable form, £ dom from Uut* and «jr action (it frequently < lntbr^cor four dayr — ways iu \tm time ti other pre(iarmUoO) I “Tarrani's Extract" most desirable reme* mnnuUciuxcd. To prevent fraud me that each paefcaft hi drip scmrai tbe fore of label, with Urn riga rARUANT A CO.. N. V.. updo IL Paica U.Q0. HOLD DT ALL DUUOGXtES.