The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, June 08, 1886, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY JUNE ,8 1888 8 SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST.PEF?FECT.MADE Lhnatud strongest Natural Prnlt Flavors PRICE BAXIKQ POWDER CO., CHICAGO. 0T. LOUZft Galon's Pioneer Blood Benewer Caras Whoa the Doctors end Hot Springs Polled* Macon Medicine Co.—Yon ask if I have ereraaon anj symptoms of the case of Syphilis you oared on me over a year am. I will state that lamas sound as a silver dollar. When I commenced taking £ row's Blood Rxmxwkb, yon know my condition, bad the case over three yearsand was on my way > Hot Springs, Arkansas, when a friend of mine, who had been In the same fix, told me to go to Griffin and If Grout's pioneer Blood Brawn » W'Ora UHJ UOCKJIW Ol you* W/l °J which wu seven dsy. af-er I coin- , tho medicine, and they will certify •ores on me. every one having heal- who wss In as bad a condition JAMES KDWABD3. B MACON MEDICINE 00.. Maetm. A SAFE, 8PSEDY filing [liUnC GOMBHULT’S CAUSTIC:* •: BALSAM a la prominent aao Is tho hast Tat. inn«ilc.MtmNMIM put Tweaty Year*. ... (LAWRENCE, WILLIAMS A 00. t • ’CLEVELAND, OHIO, » tor Sale by BBADFIEU) * WARE; It WhltahaU maytAmntootiiuwkl nrm « “NEYER KNOWN TO FAIL." XABRANTa EXTRACT < JCZia and COPAIBA i'-.iotd, tried nmi gnncrrhtae, (last and eaaaaof thaurii * Its neat, portab dom from tA*te _ action (U frequently cures in three or tour days end al ways in less time than any other preparation) , make "Tarrant’s Extract" the most desirable remedy oral manufactured. EaBRANT a CO., N. Y., npon It ... ...npon l Paica >1.(0. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Mention thU pa par. wky 'The Cheapest Furniture House in Georgia.” -^Ibrnltl . ate* for farnbhingaotiisSSS* Writ* Sf * Snook, Atlanta, Ga. ^ i this paper. dec22 wky ly IMPOTEHT MEK Awi tnoasaaUef Cases of aertOM ommama procrmtamrnmi :tu'i NERYITA. •MaagaHjF&SCTJT "*** DXDlf IAXIIO 70 BUN THREE. FOUR rAlufl LUAWo, w u , ^ Mnt Commissions light Bata not or«ron»-tMrd what .— a. * ant. w. f*00., Alfred Gaicoar., ) Bexj. H. Hill, Jr., > W. Woods Wan, j SKINNER BNCINB CO .Mo.ra. AWARDED QCOLD O MEDALS BE8T PUNTERS' ENGINE In th* MARKET, . Catalogue malted V frve. Address t, A. btC'A’bt. Gcm'IAh., Meridian, MU*. Xaut tali pap.r iaai»-wkyOia THE CHART FOR ALL. F S SIMPLICITY ALONE AWARDED IT A PAT* nit In IBM. MU. Leola M. licad’a wall farad, perfect fitting ayitcm of catting main ■amenta. Adapted to all Hanna and i and fell tctncuoni foe count mailed drew for 11.10. So Simple aofooa can cut wlthot —, Addrem MauLton M. Hum - dc, Ala. fisbes. Tap* wky 4i «a. Bldg., I Dr. WAko'SttioTiSaajSSi mo. ‘ Kantian tkUpaptr. JasM-dkwk inn gad 01 THE WEDDING BELLS RING OUT IN SALUTBTO THE PRES IDENT AND HIS BRIDE. Foil Detail, of tb. w-ddint at ta< Whit* law- Wka WMo PrM«nt and Bow Tfe.j Wai Dresssd-Lovs In s Oottaxs at Dssr Park. Md.-Ths Reporter* Outwlitted. Freparlng for the Wedding. Washington, May 31.—[Special.]— Tho friend, of tho pretldent wondering what to do about wedding present.. He haa refused to accept anything in the shape of a gift alnce ho wu elected, except from hie moet Intimate friends. Many things that have been aent him have been returned to the donors, with letters of thanks nnd regrets Uutr they oonid not be ac cepted, while other present, in tho form of curiodtie. have been sent over to tho National museum. But ae the president will probably not be married again daring hie term of office, it is thought ho will not eoant this time and will permit the bride to receive tho nenal courtesies. The members of tho cabinet will present Hu. Cleveland a solid silver dinner service and Hn. Whitney haa been delegated to make tbe selection. She went to New York on Satnrday morning to arrange tho family residence there, and this was another of her errands. It is understood, also, that in addi tion to this general gift, the families of tho cabinet officers will make other preeenta to the bride, and that many of the president's intimate friends hero will follow their exam ple. A democratic membor of congress, worth several millions of money and an intimacy at thewhito house to make him happy, haa lent to a friend in Philadelphia to aecnrehlm some thing handsome and appropriate, and on Sat nrday there were an nnnanal numbor of cus tomer in the Jewelry stores of this city- Tbe brief time before tho wedding gives very little opportunity to tho president's frlenda to do tho proper thing, and in political circles there has been considerable doubt as to whether presents would be accepted. That donbt will deprive Hr*. Cleveland of a great many handsome gifts that she would otherwise receive, although,it it believed that she will be well provided for. It is intimated that there will boa short: wedding jonmov after all. It will be out of the beaten track, it is said, but the exact route will not be announced in advance of tbe wedding, Tbe quarters in tbe white boom that tho president and his bride will occupy, are those that have always been occupied by President! Cleveland and the same that wu occupied by j President Arthur. The rooms are on tho north front of the house opposite tbe GarSeld room. The main room is a Urge one, a grays THE PRKSIDCIfT'S Mini. Ish bine being the prevailing tint of tho fur nishings, Tho paper has a grayish blue background with large silvered figures. The furniture Is dark rosewood npheUtered in blue. The bedstead haa a low square head- board, and is encloaad by handsome bine drapery, pendent from a ring In the celling. The room wu furnished by President Arthur when he had tho whole white house over hauled, end hta excellent taste dictated the changes that were made. No- changes or ad' dUionaofany kind have been made since than. All that was deemed necessary was a good overhauling and cleaning. On one eide of the mein bod room b a smallsr room, simi larly furnished, which can be used aither as an office or dressing room. On tho other side b a very large bath room, with elegant fittings. The bine room, in which the wedding b to take place, wu elegantly fitted np under Pierident Arthur's directions, and to then oughly was the work done that it hu not been thought necessary to make a single alteration. In the metamorphosis that it nndarwant at that time it almost entirely lost its decided coloring of blue. Its prevailing tint now b called a robin’s egg bine, bnt haa almost a greenish hno at first glance. The carpets, walb, ceilings, curtains, furniture all decorated In tbb shade. The blue parlor b the oval shaped room between tho green and red rooms. It bssalnays been the favorite room for small rcceptioes and presentations. The statement that tbe president and hb wife will descend the western etaircase to be married, b correct, si there b no other way for them come down from tho upper private part of the house. The state ment that tho bridal party will enter the bine parlor from tho main corridor b also correct, aa it is unlikely that they will pass through any df the other rooms to roach it. The whole ceremony will be conducted quietly end in goad taste and withoat the slightest ostenta tious display. The bridal couple will simply enter the parlor to tho strains of a wadding march ly tho Marine bend and will ba made man and wife before a vary few rebtious and invited guests. Mrs. Hoyt. Kiss Cleveland, Mrs. Folsom and Visa Nelson will probably remain at the white house bnt a short time after tho wadding, but the exact date of their departure, when they will leave the white bouse under tho solo charge of lb new mistress, has not been considered a ques tion of such importance as to demand imme diate attention. The following'!, said to be tho form of invitation sent by the president to tbe member* of bb cabinet; Executive Mansion, May 3*, MM.— My Daar Mr.—: I am to bo married on Wednesday even- log, at 7 o’clock,!! the white house,to Miss Folsom. It will bo a very qolst affair, and I will ba tx- emcly giatlBcd at your attendance on the occas- o. Youra sincerely, GsoveiCuvblixd,” To tbe members who are married the invi tation tnciddes tbair wives. Three of the the members of tbe cabinet are widowers; Meat re Bayard, Lamar and Garland. hus BOS* abbaxcino detail*. Th* while housavaa closed today to news paper man as well as to everybody else. Dec oration day was pit ad as theexcuse, and tho fket that Hiss Cleveland was the only repre sentative of tho family a* home. She has taken charge of tbe arrangements for the Im pending wedding, and spent tbb morning In perfecting the details, mitering the plans of the decorations, a little here and there, and superintending tbe propantlon of the rooms forth* occasion. In the afternoon, accompa nied by her guest, MU* Nelson, who, by tho way, will be present at the ceremony, aba mads a few calls, sad after dinner again bus ied heme If with the festival arrangements. Mia Nelson b proving hrrself an able coad jutor, and these two ladies have entire per sonal supervision of tho decorations. The persons who will bo in tho bine room durlni tho wedding ceremony are the following, am these only: Tbe president and Him Folsom, Secretary Bayard, Secretary and Mrs. Endlcott, Secre tary and Un. Manning, Secretary and Mis, IVbitney. Secretary Lamar, Postmaster-Gen eral ana Mrs. Vilas, Attorney-General Gar land, Bev. Dr. 8underland, Mbs Cleveland and Mrs. Hoyt, Mrs. Folaom, Ur. Folsom and two or three other relatives of the bride, in vited by her, and not including any of those who have been heard from through tho medi um of marriage gossip, interviews; Mb* Nelson, Colonel and Mrs. Lament. COLONEL LAHONT TO DO Till TALKING. All the employes have received order* to refer all newspaper men to Colonel Lsmont for information, and are pledged to absolute secrecy. The energetic private secretory haa had his hands full for the lsst.fow days, and today he took advantage of the factor Its being a holiday to deny himself to all callers with one exception, when ho held a sort of levee for reporters and others anxious to glean do- taib of the marriage. Ho declared, however, that he could toll nothing more then bed al ready been published officially And that alt else that had been printed waa the remit of Imagi nation. Headaedthathewaa In abaolate igno rance himself of all the details, because tt had been left entirely to the president end slater. He did not know whether there would be any "beat man.” but thought not. The colbtlon to be served afterwards, b to bo merely an informal affair to which the guests will not alt down. Ho did not oven ■now wbctlicr then will be any innate, it was found, however, later, that no Intimation has aa yet been aent to the leaden of tho Ma rino band tbat their services would bo requir ed on the oventfhi evening. Ae it hu beau usual with thb administration to lot the band have good and sufficient notice before hand u to when they would lie wanted, it te, there fore, probable that thora will be no music at •11. It b not aurprblog that Colonel Lamont should want to hide from the horde of nows- gatherers when it b considered what an enormous number of questions, many of • perfectly foolish and Insane character, are asked him npon every occasion. One corre spondent or a western paper, ho says, sp. prosehed him tbb morning and solemnly asked him if he thought tho president on the oventfhi night “wonld come down by the west staircase." The colonel assured the anxiona inquirer after truth that tbe presi dent would have to do so nnloss he descended by means of a tope. Tits GARPENEn'S ANXIETY. The gardener wu in a world of trouble to day when it began to rain, for be feared that all the roses and other flowers out in the open air wonld be battered to pteees or at least a fined that he had cause for alarm. When, however. It cleared up later in the afternoon ho breathed easier and was highly elated to find on inspecting tho flowers that ( not damaged to any extent. All listents wen employed during the day in Preparing the wooden atoms on which the ■fthousand* of cat floirsrs will be placed In forming the decorations. Tho mass of ooior with tho hack ground of green leave* which will adorn the bine room, as described In these dispatches today, will set off the beau tiful costumes which will bo warn by the ladlca of tho cabinet and other* attending the wedding to gnat advantage. Tho diplomatic corps are greatly exercised regarding their duty on the occasion of tho marriage. Thor cannot understand why the wedding shout take place at tho white house, Instead of the bride's home, or tbe residence of some of her rotations. Then, too, they are puxaladaa to what they shall do In tho way of wedding presents. Nona of thorn have re ceived invitations to attend tho cerem notwithstanding that foot they fail being the chief magistrate of the country they are accredited to who b going to bo monied they ought to commemorate the affair with offerings anltabb to tho occasion. Bnt when once thb conclusion b reached they are mot with the objection that the president preempt- orily declines to receive presents no matter from whom, and so they are all at eea about It. They are really giving themselves more eon- corn about tho matter than tho prasldant him self. At lint all the ladles of the oablnst had agreed in joining In preosnttng tho bride with an elaborate silver dinner service, but one of thorn finally oppooed the prqjsct so strongly tbat It waa given op. and eaeh family will make Its own gilt Tiffany will bo besieged today by purchasers of wedding present o>l or those ladles now there are weighted besieged ■onto, as jilted with cumin lesions and others have sent direct to Tinny. The whole woddlng b being con ducted In inch strange Unas that ordinary rules cannot bo agreed npon. It b a royi' and an official wedding, In th reuse that the bride oomea to the brldarrooo and it takes place in hb hoosa and at his ex pense all th* way through. "A toft snap for that bride’s family," said one congressman who haa undergone heavy expense In having one of hb daughters prop erly married. The New York newspaper man have touch ed the furthest limits of Jonkinbm in gtslng tho mean of th* bride's breakfasts, lunches and dinners at the Gilssy. It b apparent that •he is fond of Ice cream and strawberries and still retains the hearty school girl appetite that she gave every evldenee of whan she waa hers a year ago. THN SUDDEN Bill OF THE BRIDE. Those who regard Cleveland as a man of destiny and bb rise phenomenal, most admit hb bride as furnbhlog • parallel cat*. Her rise haaJran es sudden ana dassllug. All her life her snrronndinga have bean simple and her advantage* only those of sn ordinary American school girl. Tho village school, the city high school and t ladles seminary had been her world up to her vblt to Washing ton last year. Sho la yonng and inexperi enced, knowing nothing of th* world and b not even yat a debutante In society’s eyes. At Wall's college, where she graduated, the aolld branches and ordinary accomplishments wars , but not those things that are th* main the New York finishing schools, where daughters of th# great and wealthy era trained in the minutim of etiquette and the forms of high society. Yet these who know Mbs Folaom claim that ah* b an old girl for her years, quick to ts* and asiss things and gifted with great telf-pomeaslon and equal to any ordeal. Something of it waa shown by bar appearance In New York yesterday, when aha occupied a window In th* front of th* Fifth Arson* hotel and applauded tho marching troops. Her appearance at the academy of music at night was also 1 for bride oxpsetsnt, Boasra custom tours in* yonng lad] rely ont of sight for the but days befori wedding, libs Folaom it b said will waai irnfagfor bar fhtbar-in-taw so lately da The Ceremoay I’orformed. Washington, June 2.—The white house was entirely closed to visitors today and the nsnal afternoon neoption by the president waa omitted. Inside, all was bustl* and confusion in preparation for tho wedding. Several express wagons nnioadsd numerous packages of various alias at tho main entrance and they were at one* removed from sight Some ware addressed to the pres ident, some to Mias Folsom, tome to Colon*! Lamont, and on* to "Mrs. Grover Cleveland.” Most of them were undoubtedly woddlng prtt- ita. About half past tlx o’clock th* wadding guesti began to arrive in thalr carriages, roll- ingup to th* main doer of the mansion through the great iron gates on Pennsylvania avenue- Tbe first arrival was Secretary Lamar, at 6:37. Ha wu closely followed by Rev. Dr. Sunder- land and wife, asd daring tb* next fow min ute* then time. In quick saceosslon, Postmas ter General Vilas and wife, and Wilson 8. Bis- sail, Socretqry and Ura. Wkltaay, and Secre tary Manning and wife, Removing their wrap* In tbe state dining room, *11 tho guests proceeded to the blue room, whet* they were received by Mbs Rote Clevsbnd. A LIST or THN GUESTS. The following b * complete lbt of those present: Mrs. Folsom, mother of th* bride: Bov. W. N. Clevsbnd, tho president's brother; Milt Cleveland and Mrs. Hoyt, the president's sisters; Thomas F. Bayard, toeratary of state; Daniel Manning, secretary of tho treasury; Mrs. Manning, Wm. C. Endlcott, secretary of war; Mrs. Endlcott, Wm. C. Whitney, secreta ry of the navy; Mrs. Whitney, Wm. F. Vilas, pottormattor.gener»l; Mrs. Vitas; L. Q. C. La mar, secretary of th* interior; Mis. Lsmont; Benjamin Folsom, of BuflUo, Now York; Hr. and Mrs. Rogers, of Seneca Falls, New York; Mrs. Cadmsn and Mbs Huddleston, of Detroit, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. Harmon, of Boston, relatives of tho bride; Mbs Nelson, of Now York; Mr. W. 8. Bitteil, of Buffalo, the presi dent's former bw partner; Dr. and Mrs. By ron Sunderland; (Attorney-General Garland altbongh invited, wu not present.) AFFEAEANl'E OF THE BE1UAL FABTY. ' For • few momenta tho guests chatted gaily, but the conversation wu quickly suspended at 7:15 p. as., when a selected orchestra from the Marine band, stationed In tho corridor, struck np the familiar strains of the Wedding March from Mendelssohn’s “Midsummer Night's Dream,” and all eye* were turned to the door way to catch the first glimpse of the coming brido and groom. Starting from tho western corridor on the upper floor, the president earns slowly down the western staircase with hb brido leaning on hb arm. They were unac companied, even tho bride's motbor awaiting her with the other gucsta. Passing through tbe central corridor, the brido and groom en tered the bluo room and took position near its southern wail, which wu completely hidden from sight by a mass of nodding palms, tropi cal grasses and an endleu variety of choice flowers. A crystal chandelier poured a flood of mellow radiance npon the aeons, and the colors of massive banks of scarlet bagonbs and royal jsqnsminot rotes, mingling with the bine and silver tints of the frescoed walb and celling, gsv* a warm and glowing tono to the whole brilliant Interior. Th* delicate ivory shades of tho brldo’s wadding gown found sn exquisite setting in mimes of crimson roses Immedtobly beyond. Tbe president wu in frill evening dress with a turndown collar, white lawn necktlo and white enamelled studs. CONGRATULATIONS TO Tni IIAPrV PAIR. At the conclusion of tho ceremony, Mrs. Folsom showing, detp traces of emotion, wu the first to tender hor congratulations to tho newly married pair. She wu followed by Mbs Cleveland, Bev. Hr. Cleveland and other relatives and frlenda in turn. THB MARCH TO TUE EAST BOOM. While congratulations were In progress, th* hand, under tho letdeithlp of Professor Sottas, performed th* bridal rhorut and s march from Lohengrin, and to thb mule tbs president and hb wife were led array into tho stately cut room. The adornment* of thb noble hail wore In heaping with Its majestic proportions tnd ib ample apses and brilliant illumination afforded an opportunity for • fitting diplay of tb* ladies’ toilettes. THB BRIDAL COSTUME. The bride wore sn enchanting wedding dress of ivory satin, simply garnished on high comic with India muslin, crossed In Grecian folds and carried in exqnislto foils of simplic ity over a petticoat. Orange blossom garnit ure, commencing npon tho Till In a superb coronet, b continued throughout thu costumo with artistic skill. Hu vail of tails, about five yards in length, completely enveloped hu, foiling to tho edge of Ure petticoat in front and extending tho entire length of hu foil court train. Sh* carried no flowers and wore no jewelry oxcopt an engage mint ring, contain ing a sapphire and two diamonds. THB aVrPBB BOOM. There wu no formal order oburrad in tho opper nam, hot the collation wu served and ho gneste ut at small table* or alowly prom- jnaded tb* room u they discussed th* menu and chatted over tho event of tho evening. Elegantly designed souvenirs of satin boxes containing dainty slices of bridal cake, and each one bluing the ‘ ind-palnted monogram “0. F„” wore n lived with great admiration. While tho orchestra wu playing its happl cat selections and the guests were gathorad shout tho tables, tho bride quietly slipped >fir and changed her woddlng of a grove and b upon one of tho finest drive ways, forty miles of which hSVo reoently hern constructed through tho grovo and park. The president and hb brlda will find abundant ure for tho horses which hb friends have provided for him in thb mountain retreat Tho drives are a charming feature of tho place, the reals being perticnlarly well constructed and u smooth and even almost u race tracks. Tho president will not bo annoyed by tho presence of guests at the hotel at Deu park and Oak land. u those hotels are not opened until later In June. Deis Park, Md„ June 5—Corres pondents who can only sot within slsht of tho cottasa in which reside President Cleveland and hb rtlfr, are havinx rather a dimcult task to And material for tliclr dally bulletins. Mr. Cleveland keeps within the confines of the srournb, pro tected by rx-Benator Davb's watchmen. He and his wife are frequently seen taking an airing and exerctae, hut ho proa but little oom- pony, Senator Davb today Introduced a couple of prominent ettltena of tbs neighborhood. Out er peroral hundred lat ter* and telcgrsnu received, Mr. Cleveland today icae were all In reme form of eon gram la- non, excepting ono from tho Iiatchelor a club of Broohville, Indiana, which KnQogreta. Among there who Mod congratulatory measure are the Irani of delegates of Ameriosn Is raelites, by Adolph L. ganger, of Now York; the mayor of Fuffalo, the Michigan press aaaoctatlon, tho board of trade of Jacksonville, Fla, the faculty and students of Wells's Female college. Aurora. Now York, Henry Irving, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Florence, Helve Lockwood, a number of state omeere of New York, ex-Prealdent Arthur, the mayor of Montreal, who aayi; "Montreal field battery fired a royal salute on the announcement of the marriage:"* number of American citizens assembled In Lnridoa, Mrs, Gett ers! Grant and her family, and Ministers Fhelpi at London and Pendleton at Betlln. THE KAN OF THK 1STB OF KAY. away to her roofir and firms for a heavy gray silk traveling dress. Shsthenretnrnedtonef company, and waa afterward Joined by tho president, who bed, in tbe meantime, changed hb dram salt lor a traveling costnmo. Thb was about 8:20, and the president and his brlda said a hasty "Good-bya” to thalr friends and laft th* house through a private exit from th* rod room into tho south grounds, A dosed car riage awaited them, and aa they ontarad and th* horses started off, ■ shower of rloe was thrown on tb* carriage, and thalr friends wand tbdr final "God apood” from tho roar Pretty soon three carriages dashed out of tbe stables into the whit* housa grounds and went np to the southern door. One waa Colo nel Lamont’s carriage; one wu a large new on* balonging to the E resident, and tho other wu one that as Iran frequently employed by Mr. Clovo- land in bb afternoon drives. No on* could, of course, get into tbe grounda and so It wu Impossible to toll in which the prmldcnt and hb bride seated themselves. The thru carria ges went out of the grounds by different gates •nd uch was followed by several cabs. It proved that th* on* which came out at th* west or 17th street entrance bora the newly wad ded pair. Tbs first drove np 12th strut and then turning to the uat Trent to tha Junction of the Metropolitan branch with tha main stem of tho Baltimore end Ohio, where a spe cial train of three cars, one of which wu President Garrett's private car, stood In wait ing for them. This special train had come over from Baltimore at 8:45 p. m., bnt instead of coming Into tbs depot bad bun switched off and taken to tbs point indicated. When tho second section of the 8:55 western train came along it took np thou special cars, and tha president and his brlda were boras array to Deer Park, where they will occupy Mr. Garrett's cottage. They will remain them aht ut n week. Muy of tho newspapsr man want to the Baltimore and Ohio depot, expecting that th* president would taka tha can then, and waited anxiously for hoais,oniy tolorrn after wards that they had bun outwitted. TUB QUEER'S CONGRATULATIONS. London, Judo 2.—Tho quean hu sect the following cable meow go to President Clove- marriage, Vicidua THE BRIDAL C0CFLB AT DEER FARE. President Cleveland and bride arrived at Dear Puk at four o’clock Friday morning and domiciled In on* of tb* cottages attacked to tha hotel. Thera ar* hut a fow persona bar*, u than wu no knowledge that the bridal party would com*. Th* proudut and Mrs.Cleveland are sojourning very quietly. A large Influx of visitors art looked (or usoou u It b known tb* aawly wedded couple ar* her*. Tb* place which hu bees selected for th* presidentialhonaymooa bon th* ermtof th* Alleghenies. The house b what b known u th* cottage of Ex Senator Henry Davb of West Virginia. Deer Park b thru tbotuaad feet above tb* get. Mr. Davb’s cottags b situated about on*- half mil* cut of Doer Park hotel In tha p sf cottages, among which ar* thou of Hanboa Garrett Him Mary Garrett, daughter of th* hta John W. Garratt, and of Stephen Ekins, are th* most conspicu ous. It Is * large two-story frame hoasa, con structed especially by th* owner forth* us* of hb family in th* summer. Itb in tb* centre An Accorat* and Ksact Account of the Inci dent at Hpottaylvanta Courthouse. A correspondent uks ns to gin the exact facts of the occurrence of th* twelfth ol May, and asks If General Leo aver IndorsoJ the aeceunt ol that herolcactlon. Our correspondent states that Hie Bacon men In his neighborhood sty that General Ira denied that any such thing ever look pleco. We present a frill history of the oeenreenee u taken from tha history of General Lee by Kev. J. Wm. Jcnce. D. P : On the 10th or May, 1MI, tho confixlerate lines were broken near Hportsylranl* courthouse; the ftderal troop* poured Into the opening, and a terri ble disaster seemed Immincut. As Ksrly's old di vision. now commanded by General John B. Gor don. (wu being rapidly formed to recapture the work* General Lu rode to Ure front and took his position Just In advance of Iho colors of Ih* Forty, ninth Viixtab regiment, lie uttered not a word- lie wss not the man for theatrical dlsplay-but u Ire quietly took off hb hat, and sat hb war-hone tire very personification of tho genius of battle, It Ident toail that ho meant to lead thecharge, and a murmur of disapprobation ran down tbe Hue. Just then the gnltont Gordon spurred to hb side, seined th* reins of hb hone, and nxctaUMd with daep anilely: "General Ira, thb b no plaot for you. Do go to the rear. Three art Virginlatu and Georgians, sir-men who bare never failed, and Urey will not foil now—will yon, bo tv? Is tt neces sary for General Ira to lead this charset" Load tries of "No, no I" "General Ira to the rest!" "General Lee to the rear!" “Wo alwayr try to do Just what General Gordon bib us, tnd w* will drive them beck It General Lee wlU only go to tb* rear I" burst forth from the ranks, Whtlo two soldlors led General Ira's hone to the rear, Gordon put hlmselfln Iroot of hb division, and hbelear voice rang out abovo tho roar of the Ue: Forward I Charge I aud remember your premise lo General Ira I" Not Napoleon’s mefta words to his Old Guard, "The eyre of your emperor are upon you 1" pro duced a happier effect; and these braro follows swept grandly forward, stemmed the tide, drove back fiye times their own numbers, retook tbe works, reestablished the confederate lint, nnd converted * threatened disaster Into a brilliant victory, Hon. John Thomson Mason wrot* to Gtnnrsl Ira asking him to write out hb story of tho abovo In cident. The following was General Ira’s reply: Lxxixutox, Va., December 7, IMA-My Dear Ur: I regret that my occupations are such aa to prevent ms from writing at presents narrative or the event which you requeet In your letter oflh* ttb luitanL The account you give b substantially correct. General Gordon was tbe officer. Itoccuredln tha balUre around BpoUiylranla Courthouse. With gttst respect, your frisnd aud sarranL RE.Ua. Hotis John Thomson If moo* BomaofMjr Kspertanca. I enclose |150 for another bottle of Caustic Balaam. Ism ranch pleased with tho result of the oasl have usd. I tppllsd It in the first pise* on s man of my own, which has Iran lame since last May from s sprain of th* bock Joint, resulting in a bog spavin, tad I think suoa bon* spavin. I bars driven her several Umsslnths lait two week* and can not era that ah* fovon tb* lag In tha least. In the second piao* I applied the Cuttle Bal sam to a hors* olghtor nln* years old, which I from*' *- wss very lama rbono spavin and had been for three yean; bad boon treated by "firing" and blistering several times. In tha third place I tried it on a bora* (colt) . novad a curb, and two applications removed It ontlr*. ly. In th* fourth place I triad It on a mar* with dropsy or milk log. ud It reduced it by only on* tpplletlion. You or the doctor may think that I am a “horsa doctor,” but I can assure you that I am not, I only applied th* Balaam to these horses to gift It a fair trial; they belong to my neighbors. I am well sat isfied tbat tbe Balaam b tha beat thing for what It Is rroommendad that hag aver been discovered, and wbon it* virtue ar* more generally known, It will ho tho only thing turd for hlcmbboa, etc., on bora**. Mtadvfllo, fa. O. U. Uollistee. (Jonihanlt's Caustic Balsam, for gala by Bndfiold & Ware, 26 Whitehall atraat, Atian- ts, G*. MIS. W7N8LOWB SOOTHING SYRUP Mr Chi’- Hon, auays SB pain and sons wind oolU, Mosul* ft b ssld Hut th* hardest place In the state In bleb to buy send fruit at retell b Vacaville, the rtripping point for on* of Ih* sreateet fruit district* In California.—Hen Frencboo Alta. Ask for "Maud Harris Tobacco" every time. "Are you msrrit in Just going to tolas Wirings. ask you bow your with was.'' THE BEST MUSIC For bhooKSimdiy Stliool»,Tt mptrant e Sotitlia I During Vacation and 1 lie Leisure noon or Bummer, Teachers and Directors will do wall to Examine and Select (Irons Oar Very Supe rior Mow Books t I superior u a cnUoctloaof Song Reader,». Sf * canfouy ^fea«^h'!^.nTrf3n‘S} tha bet cxcjplra and songs. Book I, M eta; Gemsfor Little Singers,& TO g For SUNDAY SCHOOLS w* call attention to fjuenu Song Worship, SiJSSTVS ready used largely, and te of approved excellence, ttets.; to dozen. ______ Tbe Temperance SoiiR-HereW.SLi £ the brightest and best of Temperance Boo* Hooka toota.ssto.radjran^BKM. price, Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston. M7 c &M"*wk torfAsaasau Sp msyttwkytf EXHAUSTED VITALITY. -4.Illustrative Sample Freely A look for orerr man. Price only I raid, conccalcu In rlnln Yrnttwr. _ ILLUSTRATIVE BAHI'LKFRL., n „ u Young tnd middle Aged men for tbe next to <1ara. Send now, or cut this out. Aaron majaercraeA u •nln. Address Dr. W. U. PARKER, 4 BallflneR •trait, Boston. Mam. Janet dir. »un wk top col n r m DRS. BETTS & BETTS, 331-2 Whitehall St , Ailints, Ga. NERVOUS Debility, Spermatorrhea, Seat- nal Loom,, Night Emlnloaa. Lom of Vital Powers, Sleepless- ness. Despondency. Low of Memory. Confusion of Ideas, Blur before the Ere*, Latitude, Languor, Oloomlnea, Depres sion of Spirit*, Arerrion to Soci ety, Really discouraged. Lack of Confidence, Dull. LUUeis. Unfit for study or bull nest, and finds ..FELY, PERMANENTLY AND PRIVATELY CURED. eradicated without tho ura of Mercunr. Sorofola, Kmlpclaa, Fever, Bona. Blotches, Pimple* Uli ecu, Pains In tho Headland Boooa, Brphylitlo “— Throat, Month and Tongue, Glandular Kn- ement of the N©ck,_Rheumatism. Catarrh, eta. MANKNTLY CURED WHEN OTHER*} llAVK LED. Gonorrhora. Gleet, Qntltis, etc., ; •afoly cured* Charge* reasonable. No letters answered unleM accompanied by four DRS. BETTS A BETTS, snAwkyntm Sffif Whitehall St, AUsnte, Os.W SPRING FEVERS MALARIA Are caused by the foct that In the winter, te maintain hast against the cold, Iho diet te largely ol rich, fat, substantial fired. When winter break! op, tho BLOOD IS THICK AND SLCUUUU, and ono FEELS DUMPISH sod ALL OUT or SOOT*. That’s natural, hut must bo corrected. To do thb. AUTF.n the condition of th* blood, STIMULATE the accretions, rouse the heavily leaded Liver, andgelthohcatoulorthe Blood through the heat seneretlng organs, the Liver- end the Bowels, by a week's fidthftri ua* of SCHENCK’S MANDRAKE PILLS DIL J.H. fiCBCfCK A 80S, PlrilsSelphls, Fa. mayS-dlfsun thu wky arm ‘Era; College ” Engine! Built at Emorv ollege chool of Technology. T 6 ! tho occu SHARP GINS.-jS*' PTIPS BEillD EUjtl? BPiUif octu-wtyist row Unitarian Christianty. __ SENT,’ manning, iiowcy, »i»nine*u, c. a. Freeman clarko and others, ab« ■nous willing to pay postage upon BEST TRUSS EVER USED 11 Munttan tM* £oh a* Iho *Sn«lr MllN»rw * CRIMPED A CORRUOATfD IRON ROOFING W.G.HYNDMAN&CO gaaoiUfpw* ww-.