The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, June 22, 1886, Image 10

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— 10 THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA, GA* TUESDAY JUNE 22 1866 BAD BLOOD. HtniftilMM, Inherited »nd Contagions Hu- non* with J-oaa of Half. filuidntor H wallings. Ulcer- oa*%tchuofo thffmr.rnt aud Mouth, Ab*ca*-ct, Tumor*, OMbuucb *, Blotches, Bove^ Hcurvy. Waft if nr of tba Kfclncvs aud Urinary Organ*. Dram. Anarmto. 1* blllty. Chronic KbeumsUam. ugtiMit aUoo, end Plica, and * from an impure or ieipovcriJ HI- cnfccdllt cuied by ilie Cmli-ura Besot- rent.'ihc »w Blood Purifier, Internally, au .Utc-1 by Cutlcura, tbo nut skin Cure, and Cutlrma Soap, an exquisite Hklu BcauUflcr, ex ternally. gCBOFULOVg llLCItBi. Junta E. Blcbardren, 1 uxtmn Uotue, New Or- "In IMOBcrofitlonx I'I sen broke out on my body until I wax a mau or cor nipt Ion. Krerythlne know* In the mcdtrxl facoltj wax tried In rata l became a mere wreck. A1 • ‘ net Hit say band* to my.' bawl; oouW timet could not Hit my bands In an. ant turn to bad; wax lu nwlaii Mla, upon lllk ax a curse. bo roller c Tran. In IMO I beard of the f.'utlcura Reran- <U R'om tobefoltaSnitcd KsU-sOommlutoner I. D. nr oure in ten okk or Tar worn casks. ol Hnolula I eter aaw wax onrad by the naa of lire bottle, bulletin Basal rank OuUeure, and CaUcura Soap. I ha Soap lakae the "oakc" bare aa a medicinal • 0 *f Ar , flu 4 XAVI/kR, Profalata, Frankfurt, Kao. VABICOMCD SOUK LEON. V Mr wile ured the CuUoura Ramadiea, for a lure lea, rained b, rarlcoaa vclna Iwlib eatlro and perfect sslt.farlUnj. Mr, John Flair ry wax alao rurrd of a aore led of long ataadlog by tbo aama treatment. CDTlCt'BA hkmkmbs Are aald ertrywh-re. Meet Cutlcura, M cents; crerywh-re soap, tom 1 by Potter l ■nod for t-How to Corn Skin Dlaenaea." Dl MI’l-SS, Blackbeada, Skin Rlcatlabu nnd rllTI babj Hnmnia. nw Cutleure Soap. EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY Eighteen SIzesandKinds ALL PURCHASERS CAN BE SUITED BCAMUFAOTURXO BT but L Shcpptrd I Ci, Minoro, HA AMO FOB Baud BT HUNNICUTT & BELUN8RATB, Atlanta, aaorgla. lanrt-wkylM cow Georgians Say 1 Iflrnmnoi Liver Regulator hut hem used fn mv family for men? mm with great ■ lucre*. I reg*r<l *“YALUaBLM FAMILY MKDIUINK, end 1 Houston cu tbepubllo count., Qa I turn _ n la toe foe alwajra with Urer Rea. 'ION, and Ckla^ Jostles of Mel mm troubled with Ur or oareptalnl.kld c, aud bed blood fora Irate time. 1 litre ■rare U«« Regulator, and It haae dona me Bore pood than all the medicine 1 erer took 1 would tut be without It tun. , PBBATt. 0.1 Depot. Oolleetor Peootid District, Georgia. BiStau^^i5SStu! U e , a nc|uiiwr mi uimrurniAe rim would rep la all drapepUcw that I hare fuund U to n" “WEB® vaMottaua TO, ssu liSSTi fit ■am-fk?li« .pi not AREYOUDEAF? TlfrP' Aik, «Y lUalttM UOb pw*r. V»i U»Up#|*r. mayjsw-wkjiltow I by ill, CIh VhlUdA., Pft. )an2—wk)ly tow MMBN ktd-erae w THE DITTOES ft COWARD COT ■ BBABTlPtab WBB PhltoBIBIl m !¥&»»& £ I K'Vr^itV!^ L‘Sfc tst-Uwky 10 a o w W HAAUf-MY BKSIDKPl’B, AT MARIB1 email fnitw ta ehnixUoce. Tsmiuqr For tbur taiomatVm moply on tM ipremlre*, « letter, mo. W. Ifeuauu, Boa a Marietta.Ua, - Junrl-wkytt IRON ROOFING; WG.HYSOMAN f. CO GLENN AND FELTON. fCentlnued Ikom Eighth Papa l courtbouto clique, and adriaere, who reply “i win hot/ when aiked If they will support tbo democrat* Ic ocnmiee, If be bo (Iordan. Colonel (lietui wae often interrupted by ap* plauae, and be took bie aoat amid a perfect about of applanae and crieoof “Oordoa," “dor* don.” Dr. Felton wax Introduce! by Mr. E. Kennobrew, who la erldently a Felton • lie spoke In an exceedingly compliment!try manner of the doctor, nnd it seemed that be preferred the doctor to either General Gordon or Major Bacon for porernor. Dr, Felton's speech wax devoted to s refutation of tho charges bo rial mad that bad been made convince tbo against Una, and in trying to audience that John B. Gordon can Id not United. Da apoko over nn hour of bla record, of bla stand In congreaa, end laid bad aver hern a democrat. Tboogb bo in tbo course of bla speech that bo was not a candidate fbr governor, nor did not expect to be, yet be was evidently bent upon making an Impression with bla nndlonca, that In care they considered neither Bacon nor Gordon tt bo governor, that be was a true and tiled man. Of Major Bacon bo hardly (poke. Be gave qulta’a number of statistics In regard to the Panto railway syn dicate, but failed to show wherein Oordoa bad at any time shown bimsolf unworthy of tbo confldeuce and admiration of ovary cltisen of the state of Georgia. He asked tho sodiums If they did not think Oordou bad boon amply rewarded for bix gallant aervloct aa a soldier, and the erica of no:" “leo!” •'go'” drowned out Urcoe who even thought of dy ing yea. Of course tbo doctor spoke of Kcwtomho and Huntington, nnd discoursed, too, on Wall street aid lla frrqneuten. But In truth it may b* ■aid that Dr. Feltou'a speech as to doing Ba> con good was a complete failure, and really did Gordon good. At the conclusion of Dr. Faltoa's speech ke grabbed his scrap book and laft tbs room, and nearly all tba Bacon men followed Uni Enough atayad, however, to make tho welkin ring when THk xioqrxirT rovso MovvTAiirata aroso to conclude. Colonel Glenn replied In only a short speech daring which ho was en* tbnslaatlcally cheered. Than was nothing to answer. Tbo speaker had only did that Gor don should not le governor on account of his present connection with rallroada, To etch and ovary proposition tbo reply was conclusive It was shown upon bis own principles that Gordon more fully repreaontod the people nnd their Interests than Bacon. The doctor's speech wss made np of oelf lau dation and In it certainly failed to either ahotg Gordon'! nufltned or Baron’s dtnsss for tho office. . Tho result is that tha Gordon man are iubllant and tha other side depremed. Colonel (llenn'a speech was conclusive end able, and he fully expoacd the doctor. 11a sustained all ol the charges heretofore made against Dr. Felton and said that ba was afraid to stand the music, aud the doctor'! actions shows lb At first no one but Glenn would enlt tho Bacon committee to reply to Felton, and It la now Judged from their actions that they would rather have had any one else than vo '9ealt with their man. Colonel Glenn to have It takes a man with a bettor record than Fel ton to match him. Walton can ho put down for Gordon. General Gordon anil Dr. Millar In LaOranga. J.aGhakcii, (la., Juno 1*.—[Special.One of the largest audiencea that over assembled In Ladrango (reeled General Gordon aud Dr, II, V, M. Miller today at tho Immense hall of tho Ladrango Fomalo collage, Tho oaeaslon has been the auhjoct ol comment all day, and unlomappearanoosaroexooodlnily deceptive Gordon will carry Troop next Saturday by a heavy majority. Today hat been an svenlfnl ona In Urn history of Troop, and will long ba remembored by those who participated In tha exeicleea of tho occasion. Tho coonty can by no meaua ba considered even a doubtful coun ty, Three weeks ego it was for Bacon, Ho was thoroughly organised here, with pewer- fol Influences operating for him. Ho has made ovrry effoit to retain his original strength, but to continually has It bean eb bing that defeat now attroa him In the face, and nothing bat a mirarlo could Intervene to lave him In Troup. General Gordon'! grant popularity, hit wonderful record in the conntiee that bavo acted eiuro bla announcement; tho blllor war that Is being wtgod on him; tho attack of Dr, Felton, and othar cauaec, com- blntd lo Insure him t tremendous hstrlug when It wit announced that ha would speak here today. At noon the hotel was surrounded with a large crowd clamoring for (Iordan in tha wild cat manner. Already tha hall where tha ■peaking waa to occur, wss crowded, mtny having held their mats for soma time la fear of being crowded oub While this wss going on without an inter- eating little drama waa going on within tha apartment la which Gentral Gordon was receiving hie caller*. An old negro men, evidently attired in hie bcetsnit and otherwise docked ant to cult the occasion, had bagged at thoofllco to ho admit ted to tha general's pretence. “1 haven't seed him, hoee,” eald he, ' sense do wth, and l knows 1 would know him." Ilia face bore a smile of exuberant joy and bla black conateaanoa glowed with ox- precalvogloo. Tho crowd had heard hlx con versation, and aa the clerk directed him to the gcntrel, they followed. Ho ctlabod tho stain with the agility of t child, aud in an Instant was In tha reception room. Beach ing the door, he sprang through tho crowd, grabbed both hands of the general, and with n “My God, Moran Jtkn, the aama as anr.** hi* stout heart melted to toare. It wss Nelson Gordon, and aa old body servant of tho Uar- alionsj who had followed General Gordon throughout tho war. Bo was immediately Ihroogl recognised by the general, aud the scout was both touching and amusing. Just hen eaether pretty lacldest occurred. Little Mlessee Blanche McFarita and Birdie Fitts entered and naked tha general's presence at a church foetlrel being held across the street. Tho two charming Utile misses captured ktya and took him o willing captive across tha way. The samr committee brought bias beak, and with a him a piece he wae lost again la tho of tfctcrowde These on the street were impatiently sailing for him, and aa ha emerged frees tho hotel door, o lnsly yell rent tho sir, and move! by ntlnglt impulse, every man started toward him. Foremost snout them was brave Ramis douse, who sat on a msgulflcsal bay, which seemed Inspired by the occasion. Rising in hU still ups. aid standing in the midst of thv almost frantic crowd, he waved bis hands for silence, aid In riuglug tours sold: 'Gsucral Gordon: You now hove listers you » number of your old comrade* in arms, who desire to see you on horseback as we bares oftru seen you in the field, aud march. Wo have followed you iu the past, aud sre follow yon bow with true fidelity. At you hive led os before with courage and to victory,we follow yon now to victory. Wo welcome you amongst ns, as nor old esmrado and leader, who lrlll ho tho ncx t governor of Georgia.” In an instant bo leaped from tbo preoclng steed, and In another Instant General Garden, caught In the arms of tha multUnda, wu lifted shove their hoods, and deposited in tho •addle. It ana done so qaickly that tho gen eral himself wae amsied at tha rapidity of his transition to the saddle, A half dooon other boretmaa snrrouadod him, and this phalanx, led by General Gordon, bended tho prooecsloo to tbo hall. A striking fcatareof tho liaawsi Ike handsome appearance of the Jeff Davis Cadets, thirty strong, under com-sand of its yonthfnl commander, Morris Kohn. Tha ages of the members of tho company raogo from eight to fourteen yean, and tho little follows took as much Interest In the events of the day M anybody. Hundreds followed the pro-et- akn, sad the greatest anthuslasm wae mini- feeted during tha march. Tho Woct Point bond was In line, and added to the eathasUsm of tho emtio*. Old ooldlem, with hat* throws wildly above their heads; crowded around tha gallant horseman, and teemed to loots them selvae la tho delirium of Joy with which they were overcome. They hold his legs and aims tod took tho reins from hit hands. From slmoot every house along tha litre handkerchiefs and banners were thrown to tho breeze by fair ones who joined la lbs general joy in which everybody ap peared lo participate. Arriviog at tha hall, the party wae escorted to the plafcoiui amidst tbs greatest demonstration. The hall of tho Methodist collage in which the speeches were made, is oat of the larrest In tbs stats. Tbs general estimate places to day's aodience at twelve hundred. Tha hall was crowded, tad mors thank we hundred wars ■riled on tho stage. Tha moating was called to order by Captain Wychs Jackson, of West Foist, and Mr. J.T, Johnson wss chosen per- meneatchairman, who made a stirring speech. Captain J. K. Swanson than Introduced Gener al Gordon in o moat eloquent manner. Tho ovation with which General Gordon was (root ed waa a most remarkable demonstration of the earnestness of his hearers. His whole speech was tntcrrnpted with storms oT applanae. At his beautiful tribute to Hill, tho enthusiasm of tha audience was demonstrated la applause, which lasted stv- sral seconds, sod was again and again re- newtd. His arraignment of Dr. Faltoa was a master piece of oratory, and was reoeived With tremendous applause. At his picture of the rlo»el teens between Hqjor Bacon and Sen ator Brown, the aodience applandod and laughed and then toughed and applauded, till It cried. “Ob. my folend Bacon,’’said ho, “hag b«ea fighting this Atlanta ring myth and Senator Brown for years paxf, ever since hi has been a candidate forgovatnor, and you old eitiions know how long that hat boon. [Laughtor.] But in his last campaign McDaniel began to acaro him np in the convention, and what did be do? Why, my friepds, ha sent for Joo. [Grtal laughter.] I don't know txoctly what ho said in that closet, bat yon nil know just about what took place. 1 expect he took him In bis arms and meekly told him the story of bis irrongs. *“'0, Joo,'said lie, or probably be called him Joey, '<>, Joey, they arc about to down mo, and I want you to help mo. I never will yon again, Jcoy, If yon will Just help mo.”’ [Gnat Inghter and continued ap plause.] He handled tha resignation question In a moat vigorous manner, nnd fairly stormed the audience. Hospoke for twohoQra, |M>u audience ins probably nsrtr more aaterteln- ed nor interested than Was his today. Beontl- fol floral offerings were sent him at the close of his address. The day waa an exceedingly warm one sod tha heat wae almost oppressive, and when Dr. Miller arose to speak ha complained of feeling n little badly, but ha never batter spirit*, and started at enra into the question with hlx usual energy aud determi- nation. Herssdfor thtsudlsuce a telegram which waa handed him, stating that Warren county in n teat vote bad given Gordon a decided majority. This wai received moct enthusiastically by tha sudienct, for that county had been counted to Bacon. Tha doctor continued addressing himself to tho railroad questioo, and had riveted tha rlosect attention of hla hearers. Stopping In tho mid dle of blsapeech, bo said: “Ladles and gentle- man, I regret exceedingly that my physical condition moke* It lniposolM* for m* to pro ceed. 1 understand this attack, bat I cannot •tend op longer. I regret thla tho more that lam InLaOraage, for I had rothar speak to * Troop coonty audience then any other," Bis fisc* won very pole, hot hit good ho mer was opparmoct, and with a smile ho aald: “1 know yon will excuse me.” Ha was assisted toa teal ona eofo on tha stags, and at A rat appeared quite tick. Tha audieaee waa dismissed, tad tha eloquent doctor, who to loved by everybody la Troup county, was sur rounded by bit anxious friends. Ho soon grow hatter and expressed tho dyepeet regrot sthlo Inability to finish his speech. Ho laughed tad jokod with everybody around him, and held an lnpromptn and Informal re ception tt ho lay on tho lounge. As to the result tq the county, than teds oot W tho slightest ap- -rhensioo. I mode it a point’ to talk to roproctnUlivce of every militia district, tod particularly to Bacon own. I have estimates from every precinct nod from both (Ides, and by men who ore well petted, to moke a xoaeral estimate of the county rota. There will be about a thousand and fifty votes polled. Circumstances may cause a much of Georgia, he hired some of them, and tried make some money out of these. Just like soma jou have dor.e. When a follow 10 eeavtcMd of contract. Thera was somebody that hired the oot. My friend admits that Major Bacon was member of the legislature of Georgia at the time that this convict lease Mil waa pasted and voted fur It. | Applause.] Here lx Gordon, a citizen, tsith all ibe rights ora cltisen of Oeorgta lo utako contracts: here la Bacoo, the sworn reptossulaure oath votes for a law that bins out these convicts Hero tbo speaker wet Interrupted by some sort of musical Instrument In the audience, and paused for quiet to be restored. Mr. psttemm exclaimed: "I went testy that my tuoihcr U making music in the air, that I will try to make some myself' (laughter.] Mr. lueny-'-That it hu music, my Moods. couetnsieu of his speech; km, you ace, ho got out of isnmi nlilou before the mush^mechtue struck im [Great laughter and applause.] Kero la, Ms] its coo, the sworn oBeercf the law, that hinuftffi there convicts and Inaugurates this, iniquitous ays- tt in In Georgia. Ha late be pnlred for tt sad Gor don eoudeiiutrd, because be Md them off when ittccn rut them up! [Tremendous spptause and I cheering.) We mutt have an exodus before ire set i biowth; we ore obliged to have II Dr.Fetteo kasrabed a great hoe sod cry aver the convict hare, tod my Mood follows bun and tho Tste- trapb sod Mnuwnoor is raising a great hurrah alio about U. I know of but one remedy for peace, sued older and civilization In Georgia. That ir to ■i.point Dr. Felton principle keeper of tho peoi- tll.t-iry. I rcpprwe that Is what hois ranninxi for, daughter) end take there poor coorlcts and cany them to seme lonely trie, colonize them, and re-i 1-rdttdBmMHffiffiflllllffiHMifltfMMMH r, Felton there wii lonely i» re with U 1 their I them. LrtttoTOegnph _r teokblAd Binds m the light o? troth, nnd tbenUt thU "Oeor«l» preacher." vrhu com pare* General John B. Gordua to 1'tuedict Arnold. Jnftne Into their heart! the orff t and gentle apirtt of Christianity. (Long continued applause and cheering ] Let** come to the railroad romani>*Ion. There ia not a hit of proof of all these charge* that my brother h*r re* (erredto,except what Dr. Feltonaaja. (Laugh* Ur J I am going to rely upon authority and proof before you. Lel> look at toll railroad com mi* .dim Lutlxufcs. The railroad commiMlon waa ere a led in IK?!’; at that time M^jor Bacoo waa a member of the home of reprerentativea, in which thla Mil originated; lie appointed tba railroad committaa; when this bill came np. My friend toll* pitfcnt you with the record. ThU record that when this bill came up on it»^ jMUMj^ha did not tom tor It much lcm sj*ak i plauae. ( 1 body while for ft. if it v iwi i*. u !»was a good meanure. (be tells yon. to* day. he was always in tarorofit) j et he did not vote for U, (Applame.J Mr. Tettenon. "The gentleman will hardly d expect them to accept that statement Mr Gueiir— I knew that withe major's dodge. I ^^■rhothcr book, House Journal, m), tha ezeiaai . jowa (banding I when. Mr. Fauci Mr. l*attcr*on)fllW ■■■^■■■Hnonran (nr solicitor general, and when all of Bacon's friends ran, ha voted, lie, or nolle. (Immerweapplause.] Mr. J'aiterson—"Ime gentleman Is still JMi lug upon what be considers tbs ignorance of Ibis audience, the speaker of J the bonce alwaysi votcOu cases of elections, baton the manage of a bill he only voles In case of a Ue. Tharefocej ■ uiss UH1| tu utro. U» n saw* AUltulwIui Bscon voted in every election that came up and so does every speaker. *It is the business of tin tpcsker to vote in cases of election and in cases o a tie." Mr.Gtierry- , ‘From what you say I presume then, that when the convict lease MU was up there waa a tie and that Bacon cast the deciding vote In Mr. J > aUen»n—* , Where U tht record of It? there anno tic on that MIL" Mr. Cuerry—"You admitted that he voted for It. and nald he could not vote except in caso of a tie.' 1 Mr. Fatlenon—"The gentleman ankedme a ques tion. 1 said I didn’t know whether Major Baoon Died on tfce question or not." Mr. Guerry—-Headmitted tbit he did; he said that* * *1 picMimc that he voted for It* f Applause.] I know that hu did not vote for the railroad commission bill, aud did vote fornry Brother Patterson." "Mr. Patterson— 1 "Mighty good vote." Mr Guerrv—Yes, but Tike the votes for Baron, availing nothing. (Much laughter and applause.] . • a little more about thla Now, I want to show you a which provli commhMon should, on eystems like the tevcral lines, ahr » kuuaio oi a Dili. that the railroad Ing their rates of freight, >» i-('ii l was n rm mbi -tu-nl-J, 111 lis-ng tilt " tvnttal spats It trait them two local tnrlils toccthcr,m.ik- n P)li-n trum hero tu Savannah, makiux tho city of ~ 'o itiJitii-rcucr heavier or a lighter vote, Imt tho proaretion- be mate- •ta strength of tha two sidas wilt oot rlally chaogwd. Making a loweatisuta aa to tta majority, tad taking figures from Bacon forcoch precinct, Gordon wilt cast? tbo county bg two hundred voteo. Basing tha eati. mates oa figures of tho boat posted aud most care fol Gordon men, he will have u majority of three hundred. Suppose wo pat It at two hundred and fifty and recoil tho animate next Saturday night. c. II. Dl'VONT Gl'KKBri Sl-EECU. Delivered to For Sharp Be,lew of Ictefo'W 'o'nti. when he ware candidate foe solicitor , reared thing lo vwu snoot i SSHbsSin know. anjthiDg ntre aagthtng rod touts dav-tre — . w , JSL.VK wt have s cese of fits now, or soon will here: we nrr going to throw these Ba* con people Into fits, nnd thru. I think, with the a to of Dr. Fulton, we will he Abie ■*»«• UjDfoPjjjJ^sgjhlernnd epptnnse.] sheep t the Belton, the old ram, nnd my the lUtte lamb. (Mnrh laughter nnd Apntewte.) ^ Bow fi-Uow clvi.en*. L*t u* come<lsiw-i to bail- ikCAA. The f nt thing Is the cowvict leAsu: .that is the thing that Dr. Felton talk* about, and that is the thing that my brother IV.tenoa talks about. Waa that not a remarkable statement that he made in »cr.c! a <>iuu whew he admitted that Major Baron voted for the Irate act: WLat u th-re a<aiu*t Gordon in tbu connection: That when tbear’coov'.ct* were oirerod tec hire to the pcopie with that feat* .onesjhad been stride* iy a unanimous vote. S3 Reveral line wod skowM fug a sum ol or from Anu... Macon a tollgi a dollar a bale ton here ak urc In it, th> en out. pass _ _ to nothing. It tv a* on my morion immediately transferred lo the hotiao. There It war referred or a railroad commlttre that had been appointed by Major Bacon. Well, people from Fort Valley, am mil along the line tame up there and helped m_ before that committee, and the reault was that the voice of the people was unheard, the railroads tri umphed ana my bill dlt d. (Applaulu.] There are people here that know that themselves. My friend here refers to this convict lease con tract. lie has not produced Ure bond at all. Thai contract provide* that bond shall bo given, enotents himself with the production or the ( Here Is, in the Telegraph the very tMng that he introduced; here U the Interview of JoSn 11. Gor- doo, from the Working World. "For years I have conridered the convict lease system a great evil, •ndamjln favor of doing ail that we canto break it up. Yes.alr,ifelecred 1 willrecomaeudltach action am will enable us to abolish this evil.". Had tho legislature gotten this thing up and he had taken au iatereetbi It, concluded that U was wrong, and disposed of his Imereht. He says further, "some of my friends desired ate to aid them In securing ■At ofp?rsu<uUm,| referring to the records, which i would like ^you to publish. You will find I ta not mentioned In tho partnenhln There Is not any partnership here, so | Kras this thing 1* concerned; the bond ho refers to 1* for the security o! the contract, and not the eon* ■■ply~on thfrliond. I presume that there Hi lawyer In Gconria, or auy man that hopes to be a Mnyjmtwm Insist that that on that score. charge. They htvw Just like a crest many other lag air over thnsmimi WSiSi Ihinge they arc clrculat Hi a nHWHUmil MS . i I M^tojliforoffiroofehtef outor'dwrearillteua. [At. , . We more lo the reslgnatioa bnstnore. That Is- that this patriot, that wa ess as to do that, Is now r executive, forthep superior eeori. Nobody Francis Walker, of An- known alt over x 1 t crem!: a i i. ulor of me*. He had a noble raroS^^lei^n^htt wi. larecura theiepreleMhe Yazoo fraud. Let ne look to thl- rotenetteo, act according So what I Dr. Fatten says, rwtu nod you, righttathlseoa. oeetJon—for Dr. FOltea reaawlke auto U oot the only witness tosll there chazges^ telegram: “Rvery word of Dr. Felloe which reficcts upon mv official or private honor ia barely stand.tetw.'' ■UffiBUM apptazue sad t-O.wB L ■o:»:u.->, thc.v writera iMBM i.::1 even n-.v ■BPffiffiHPneod to have a WWfflHWIH? Ithcy havo abthtsg but Feltoa'a word, and I will •how yen that that la not worth a cant, according HSteffiMMkfoKikaHMg, you Ike Tr.rgnph that th^^Va Bre RdSrSS.®? tnent. I.u:.Jl-rthi- sra: I even raise a suspicion saOTWWW zautt vuare treat him that indicts: the mao that makes tha accusation must prove u. [TO Fetter. lyj: .s»*aagg tsaSfaaWfi'Ti! 1 HSPSwilo Victor Nerrccmb baiteem: Gor don sage Ihatit tones oa and than u on proof that it Is re. But, aa to the resignation. 1st us go a I little fortbot with that. Wham tha war rasa. an. to hb country, they were scccvtcd. Ton know to hfei country, they were scccvted. Yi wbst followed. H* aurved four year*: be of tho war poor, with his wtfo and children to Nippon. Two people of Gsosgta asm him to tha »»nate of tlw United state*; he served there six v'»>t»» •hilr-t biia l> all ing uDunlraoua. I There wrrt sown and four years that he had giver, to his country be wa« poor, had hi* depen*l dmt latnliy. If any of you go tb coogte— and fitey there a while you. will know.wkut It costs to yolitlCfilL.- l.'-turBl ofcir s»L>t* r>t*tvs ' Gewgis; some were rilll oMMPRMB He staid until the whole south wasonce morefreej I and free more largslyfoom his tflbrts than those cf any other living man. (Applause.] He telia jou, (rankly, that no came home to.serve.him! time, be came to do another service to All nnd to Georgia, end. with his great n»mi mid high character, be brought five millions of del ist* of property to Georgia andAlabama. and suc ceeded In constructing the oeorgu neue rau* toad. [Applause.] Did more than all the Baeji recti ever have done, or ever will do. (Immense (•and cheering.] ring, because there arc as good people in Ms coo as there ere anywhere else. The only dlflHence In theae two rings Is that the first Is ~ nied, that when the Macon Telegraph lead the I | Bacon dement to the assault In the convention of 1883, and In the very hour of the people's vlctory.i and when they had made war up to this time upon tbta Atlanta ring, h they called It, that Major Bacoo was eloeetud In • room In that Very builoing asking old man Joe Brown to Interfere i and secure his nomltstion; and he never has de*l tiled ltl (Applause.) I know men who saw him there. .I was there myself, and though 1 didn't see him, I heard ol It, and knew that it wasgolng on ana we heard of it and hnrried up. (Laughter and applause. I He was closeted there, and when old man Joseph blackballed him flanghterj he throws himself Into the erma of Dir. Felton and irlTaln Talk!" [Gerat laughter and applauw.( me tell yon what they My. what the tgot, time, but honrst man and an open toe. Let Parson Felton come out a pronounced republican, as he la and he will merit and receirethe respect of every well- thinking cliL’cu." And then again: "Governor Fmlth strips him (Felton) ol hi* assumed indepen dent garb and leaves htm?n the republican ranks, a renegade and falsifier." Aud yet they ask you to convict John B. Gordon of bribery, treachery. larceny and all manner of corruption upon the testimony of this same pah- lfshra 'YslsWer" [Great appfamte.j Now, lbtento another editorial from the tame paper: "Tbu fact 1* the bid incendiary," (a great speaker now) [langliter and applause] "is the punched dime of Georgia politics. (Applause) The * * * 1, bat even the colored brother re- ».• i«nghtcr and applanae.] Let's metal is good,' Jccisit." (Great langbti go a little further. Tost was a long rime ago and they may have changed their minds. I will sf all it has been vary recently. Here to their opinion last fall when ibe railroad bill waa up la the legisla ture, October fi, I486. I "But, upon the railroad commission bill, Dr, I Felton has displayed a dangerous disposition. I coupled with a forvid and masterly eloquence. Professing to be a friend to the railroad, ae has, I 1 upon mere rumor, made the moat startling charges against Rome of the most honorable and eminent i citizens of the state." (Upon mere rumor, Jnst like he to doing now against General Gordon, and ye! It wu falsehood in 1M6 and truth in 1888. [Ap plause.] Bela the greatest statesmen on earth now. Old Gladstone has faded Into inrignlfioance. I system of the state wfth the vigor, the vim, we regret to add the venom of the poT' agogues. His language and spirit If c ported (and it has never bet on Tuesday last would have been wocthy of Herr Moat or citlmn Schwab the leaders of tho communists." [Groat laughter.l Now here 1s what the same pater nas In It as to what Dr. Haygood ha* to say about Dr.| Felton. 1 want to Introduce [Laughter, i in Dr. Felk ] "November I. but waa the most demagogical I ever read. It wasYm ccndiary, It was uncalled for, It was Impolitic and utterly unchristian, not to speak of Its untruth." ‘ her a patriot, norm Cbr' ‘ ** "Nellbur a patriot, uot a Christian would h mado that speech/' "Felton would like to get nomination for governor, but falliug In this ho w ill ran as an independent." 8o much for Dr. Haygood as appear* in this paper. Notr. hear to what the paper says by way of editorial comment, "lie thank Dr. Haygood for the manner * * ' ‘ ilf ‘ he baa expressed hlmscl je points to which wo and commend his example to othi ip position In church and state as wrorthy of imi tation in tho dibit to stay tho tide of fanaticism and communism which seriously threatens our ^htotide wasmriy^threatentng in 1**3. It hu come upon ns now, but the Telegraph, instead of they uy vtsrt Gordon slandered Ben Hill In bis I butt*, and I know I On toe contrary, his eulogy of Mr. 11111 on that nrcaslun won more — — more opi-louae than anything tlw 4All HIP Il'IU mortal II 111 hiuiavu, ssusu a IBI1CI I degraph aud written by Mr. Hill in reply to lack made upon him by this Mine Dr. Felton, eve to what Mr. Hill uys: "This letter (referring nttnei to Felton's) to certainly the most bitter and veuo* imous summary of charges against my public aud nlvaie character I have overseen. The vlleri mrtuction of carpetbag slums could not say more fodefemcmc. laa pictured u having been all my life, before the war, during the war and sinoa the war, a corrupt hypocritical, malevolenfeH sute of myb'lrth and destroyed t bo 'lleuiocratlc — ^ ^ — idshlp, party, and as whPH The "cause of Fc?* ton's outbreak to arrived ’at with the a weep bus wny of editorial comment: ton's outbreak toarrived nt v pen. It is the foortlfieailon and rs^c of I Aa Hill paints him with all the evil In bLsHI atonsedby failure, with bllterucss, dtsappolntmont i|MMHM|Mtatinghlm, unconsciously the pic- MEMMIrugiUug with hla Insplratioo, la brought to mind, and in the light or the event ■blcTi hurled a life into eternity, we can see the you think of these pseudo defenders! ~ Kay. look —‘ — c *- —. lest wfr*- not, we beseech you, lest with your tongue of llv- 1 —^reyou burn them black with everlasting In- ! [Great applause.) I*t us look a little for- gthc backbona of the coaliUoa inibava r . r . Here la a new toaue „ graph. The first thing mat we see. on the editorial page, to "Bacon «fc Felton," a Bacon and Felton ? Bacon and Herr Most con and Citizen Schwab! Bacon and Guiteatt! [Tremendous applause.] And now hero ate the Mood ay. May Slat; Harris county Tuesday, June "Hon. W. H. Felton will apeak In Montezuma on Wednesday, June *Jnd." And then Immediately under this la the follow ing editorial sqntb: "Herr Most b moat In the penitentiary." [Groat ter and cheering.] y say that Gordon to running on hi* war to a mighty good record. Ho never —war recent ‘ tie a letter In red from toe traduced It. number that he IV announcing btewl be did net any itwiu wr m Bwia i upon the fclea that he The way be brings it in ha ^^je^tounted wni^ heir a ^-’tnxVi^W ^Wlenlns SHB ruof purpore—be Is a heap belter loan moss of hla folks: l will rev test much tec Olszi-whcn; they; attack him for -Wrung hla pan, he modally re minds the people of Georgia teat than was a time taken h*didn't resign, that torn wore four rear, ■hen be did not resign. [Great apptausc.T Ha also tell* them that at that time there waa another imanwhodld resign. [Applause]. 1 don't attack say that Gordon resigned for hi* own good; didn't Bacon resign for his own good\ [Laughter.] Ha tells you he had typhoid flerer la hu family; that he had typhoid fever himself, and war. a a* unsafe to stay in tha raa there, for a little while, myself, and my ex* fence taught me that tbewarwasa safer place a feck man tka^toria well oot; the best thing _ it a fellow could do, sometimes, waa to gel atek. I Laughter.] 1 wont attack Major Bacon's courage, bull will say that he had the longest attack of fever oo record, except his attack of gubernatorial lever. [Great laaghte r and applause i Let me read you a little hutore, very little. I am not going to read you all of ibl* book* [ Laugh ter.) 1 read you from "The life of Gcm-ral Robert K. Lee. w rltten by J. E. Cook, e standard biography: General Ue bad bis la»t council of war they had talked about surrendering and tiually agTtcd that General Gordon should lead aa attack, and see if they could nol cut through this great host of the enemy- "He awoke from brterV.umber. W»L0e his bivouac fire, (that wa* General Lee.) Calling en officer of his Matrbeseuthimdo whom*] to Gordon. (Doing what?) "Coremandin?tt the froo«!" [Applause.] And here let me reed yon another bit of into same [Couiiuucd on First Column Eleventh Page.| Fry anil.RoffirS. s*>niI $Rtt. • IlMd.TypfU'riUMrMat r Fertilizer Distributor. at to- tarnations! Cotton ,x[ [fair, tho Na- ||ihfe|fod|gfei|a|mMlMtofe labor, two styles end tU.KUUUUUW aUliT ■oil end the moat u ■t.M halngnow asa . ^ ^ Savelits Cost Three Times Over SINGLE SEASON As It plants from right to tan aorec per day. wfth 1ms fan one amt one-halfbuzheis of seed png acre, and opan^dr^_ dtt01kntoa tocttlteszs and TWO handstand one team. The price has been redooed to salt IBs tlmcc. Bend fog Circular (tying foil description an< f GLOBE PLATTER VTG. CO, 880 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Sfl. Mentlin this paper. SKINNER ENGINE CO.Ctu.fth AWARDED2££ __ _ COMPETITORS NewOritaae w MEDALS EKPOamott BEST PLANTERS’ EtasiE IntAiUAMET. r.A.t»TUAUT,n*a>iA«l..U,r;filaw,HU» i u* tul. pspzr. tna.q-wkjrfita E- ie Central and Atlanta and West mint ralln lie largcnand bMt arranged farm In the st xaUoawllJ^spacltyo^TW COO tons. Bp fcrl’lj ) i churning room attschi rcxldcnrccand numerous outhonac*. The larged and moat complete barn In tho south. EtrnM- agreement requUito to a lint clan dairy or cattln |dlcg term,- .Fences combination of plank and f 100 acres and 70 tens. ^PAGE’S —0RIGINAL40NLY BRADFORD. IKILLs IGRINDIHG.I ft» Bradford WU Co. _ eighth 4c Ernsts Bln. OnrciNIgATg,*. Baa* this paper. aprC-wkyQSt cow DOra? 4. O. AIXLSOH, OalTcaton, ton tar foil particulars. Ham. this paper. tebJ-wkyly IMPOTENT MEH! Aa4 uumaMri cum ar wtwi cretuDjWmm MERVITA. -«*wsRBassr' Price pjrjxicxBjcCl.CO. Eli for SO.1 Kama thU paper. irOjK-DOGTOR m, ' V