The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, June 22, 1886, Image 8

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8 THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION'.' ATLANTA, GA* TUI$SDAY r JUNE 22 1886 HOW IT STANDS; SIXTY-BIOHT TO PIFTY-TWO IN FAVOR OF OOHDOK." A Hr 1 tM Wrti Vottag-A HWinU Dolus ana Urines al DUTssanl mo» •( ttts IH-rilM Bless »ron Us Qlllatt. son or whltlltM—Pit or Xotoo. Gordon 08, Bacoa S3. That ia tho way It •AnnAn. A woek l|t It WM Gordon Si, Bacon 44. Thg Buna non ware (oothadlut Sunday with tho proentao that their man would be in tho tend again by tbla morning. Instead of (hat be baa dropped atlll farther to the rear. Tho peat week has been tho beat week that ha will hare in thlacampaign. Wo mean by tbla that ha haa carried more rotee tbla week In proportion to the delegates elected than ho Win carry again daring the campaign. Aetodyoftborotcaoftbe week la Interest ing. In three counties the mass meeting) postponed the selection of ddogates and or dered primaries, Thomas, Udsoogeeand Wil cox. In each of these counties, a) reports will ' show; General Gordon had a majority In tho meeting. The presumption la tbatjlf delegates had been elected by the meetings that Gordon would have carried eaeb county. This wonld hare Increased bis rote by ten. In not a sin- . glo county were tho Bacon men In majority where the election of delegates was postponed. Here Is another fact. The Macon Telegraph * I toasted early In the campaign that there were thirty-nine counties conceded to Bacon with- out u light, while Gordon hed to "scullie" for •rosy coonty that bo got. The exact rererse Is proved to be true. During the week Gen eral Gordon haa carried Cobb, Ilrooks and Putnam without oppoeltlon, or by a vote of dxtoona, while Major Bacon hsa barely managed to eeratoh through for a short ma jority In the two counties ho hu carried. All through tho campaign Gordon’a vote# haro been overwhelming, while Bacon haa woo by the skin of bla tooth. This shows beyond a doubt that the people aro wltb Gordon, and indicate plainly what the llusl result of the ctmpelgn will be. The Bacon men will make their most des perate light this week, and will try to hoop General Gordon from Incraaalng his load. Uo> mail tactics ban been adopted. In Oconee county tho meat meeting bad been called for duly. The chairman of tho committee arbi trarily ahortoned the time, and ealled tho meeting for dune 34th. In Twiggs county the mass mooting ban alto been called for tho 24th. though no reason has yet boon given why Thnraday should hare bean aelectod for then two ooun- tlos when Tuesday or Batnrday la the usual day. In Twiggs county a moat nnutual atop haa been taken. Tho mass mooting It callod, not at the county site, hut at a station tlx mllot array which situated in a part of the county that is strongest for Bacon. Tho clear policy of calling thoeo two couotlca on ThunJiy It to hare both counties net for Btcon in tho hope of inllnenelng .Saturday's eleetiuns. Both couulles are conceded to Bacnn, and it It hoped that they will haro an clfoct on Satur day’s primaries. The Gordon men are wido awoke, and will mset the achemes of the Bacon men by hard and carneat work. They aro well organised. They understand etch other thoroughly. Tboy are nut giving their candidate a perfunctory auppoit, but they aro with him beoauto they lore him, and Iweauso they believe In him. Because ha haa been slandered, and becauto they know It, and bccauto ho It the hast and the greatest man of the two. Wo print tho ta ble below: Row They stand. TBS TO on. MAmiZTTA, Oa, Jnno 19.—[Speoial.]—Gen oral Gordon curried Cobb today by a rote of ten to one. Ton precincts harobesn beard from. Clem' ants carries seven, Fain two, Blancs one. Five are yet to hear from. The enthusiasm of tbs Gordon people It In COVHTItl Brooks........ carroil™ S'Usiltnn Clay. jfer..”.... iJfc—: leyvtie..... Forsjth FUlluu...... lionleu. (dev no. (drene jrti lluiloeh - Camden (release ..... Clarke............ cl I ii ob Coffee Colombia..... Dodge. Kohols. Hancock ..... liberty. llt’Dlliuo McIntosh Montgomery....... Macon Pickens Job mend — iiyne — rtlTNAU r oll GORDON. K*tonton, Oa. Juno JR,—[Special.]—Gen eral Gordon today carried old i’utnam with out opposition, aud four more votea can bs added to the Gordon column. “Al goes l’ut- nam segues Ihr state," and the result of to day’s choice here It ouly a further demonstra tion of tho truth of this. The meeting was an unusually larga one, And was so overwhelmingly for Gordon that HO ballot waa taken. Bacon's friends conceding from tho brglmilutt hit defeat. Twenty-five delegates were chosen to attend the conven tion iu tho interest of General Gordon. Tho present slatobousn oDicers were in dorsed. Colonel It. B. Klsbet was presented to tho district for nomination In congress. Tho dote- gathmsm Ueeoa men after N label. BACON'S tir A CLOAK SII.VVK. Spaata, Oa., June 18.—[Special.]—'The Bi con people wore put to their iwrnpo today to main tala their bold on tbo vote of llancock, aud anonodsd by a very small majority. Tbla county has Instructed evory Unto for Bacon and waa ouo el hit principal strongholds. The total majority of Bacon la Aefiay’s election * III teach about 100. GORDON IN BROOMS. QtlTUAH, Ga, Jum 18.—[Spoolal.]—Tho war In Brooks It over and General Gordon has tallied the county by a majority of all to Bacon's friends were so few and damoraUzod that they gave up tha fight early iu tbo day. TEo farmers and General Gordon's old soldiers turuedoul to defeat the political combination of tho town and succeeded. Tho Gordon men had e grand torchlight proceaalen tonight and the town seat ablate with enthusiasm. (been Bobinaon, the general's former over- •cet^cu whom It it charged that he claimed that General Gordon owed him 1300 for over acting for him, enthusiastically voted the tier- dost ticket stnighlowt, thereby refitting tha cbarge made by tho Bicoe men through the hi aeon Telegraph. .Brooks sends greetings to (ho be roof Appomattox. A ORRAT DAY IN WAKRKN. Waxuextom. Go. Jana !».—[Spedri.1— This has been roesidered Wooed la grand by the Bteoaguopio. a»penitteat tesfu tbo Beoon peo ple la claiming Is shat she dlliaaw begun to think The counting of the votes etas today, however, dispels all taw. Gordon's old aoMlatt rallied to Urn dtdmau of Ms good name, and a veie ol anfiw Cordon and KM for Hm asosrs how tbo people •taftfc The advocates of General Gordon hit o worked Bryan for Bacon. Savannah, G a., Jana 18.—[Spacial.]—Bryan county today solaetod Bacon delegates Is the gubernatorial convention, instructed for Bacon. Gordon’s Arrival In Quitman. Quitman, Ga. Jane 1!.—[Special.]—Get era! Gordon arrived hare this morning, ac- compacted by a committee from Valdosta, at seven o clock. Bren at that early boor a great concourse of people mot him at tho depot. As ho stopped from tho cars, cheer af ter cheer went up Itota the crowd. Tho most remarkablo feature of tbo campaign was pro sen ted at this tlms. A groat body of clMsoaa on horseback, many of them his old soldiers, were drawn up In regular order, forming a long lino, fronting tho depot grannie, wilt well dealgned banners and smaller Hags, cheering as they waved their hats and flags, while the dispensed "Dixie.’ 1 The general wsa escorted to tho carriage by the committeo which waa preceded in tho march by the band and followed by those on horseback, and Urge concourse of people Ailing the sidewalks end streets for a half mile. Tho ladies wore in groups waving their handkerchiefs and banners of welcomo. The music, cheering of the entire people and tho snvlng of banners, as the 'procession moved np Screven street, mads snch an ovation as haa never been wit nessed in thU part of the state. Notwith standing it was so early In tha morning, the general gave it up that it heat anything ha had witnessed. Some of the man oa horsohsck had come TO MEKT Turin OLD GENUAL fifteen to twenty milea, while some of tho well-to-do farmers bad come on foot from flvo to nine miles rather than atop a plow. This gives hut a faint idea of tho reoeptlon here- celved here. The long procession moved up tho main street from tbo depot to Screven street, and around the public square, amidst the wildcat enthaslaam, to tha Commercial house, whom tho gonenl hut been entertained In royal stylo by the propri etor, II. A. McCall, who ta a Gordon man. The general hu been thronged all day by bis old soldiers and friends, who are more than delighted at shaking bis hand snee mere. Just at ten o'clock another precession was formed In front of the hotel and moved to tho public square, pi .ceded by the band, which rendered some very line music, to the stand, which wua ornamented by a splendid floral display. Among those decorations by the lovely ladles of Qoltman waa one with tho motto, "Our hearts aro in the cause.” An Im mense audience was gathered around the •land, cempeaed of ladles, gentlemen end children, who raised the old “rebel yell" it the general mounted the stand, where be wu meet eloquently Introduced by Colonel W. S. Humphreys as follows s Ladies aud (Icullcmen: I have the honor or In troducing one of Gooigia's greatest aud purest •lammcn.andeneoflbe most Illustrious heroes that the world bu produced. HUraino as a sol- dlcr and statesman Is eternal. Ills foes may perse cute, but bis name and rime will live fon-ror. History has recorded upon her paces his name In loners of diamond and gold, and they will grow brighter as Ctrl Illation grows older, and through out all the ages to come tbo fathers sad mothers of Georgia will gather their lored ones around the hearthstones of their homed and teach them to loro,to honor and revere tho name of our great and lifted leader. J Introduce to you one whom I claim as my friend, who Is your friend and tho fritnd of our country-Gencral John It. Gordon. GKNXXAL OOBDOK SPEAKS. General Gordon arose amidst tha most tumultuous applause. Beginning his address by referring to tho tact that when last hero hu wu accompanied by tho Immortal B. H, Hill, while seeking the redemption of this asetion from misrepreaontaUon in coagnra, ba drew a striking contrast bstwsen tho situation then and now. Ho thon proceeded to review tome of tho political controversion from tho founda tion of tho government to thn present time. Ho showed that some of the greatest aid purest a ta teaman of the put had bwnt maligned and slandered; bnt It wu tha glory of this re public and Its people that such methods hid nover boon Indoned, bnt indignantly rohnksd by tbo honest people of tho country. Ho paid a compliment to hit competitor and plead eloquently for higher methods In poli tico. Ho uld it was a matter of little coaaoqnoncs to tho public whether ho wu elected or not, but It ta a matter of great er oonsequenoo that tho young man of tha country should bo brought to tread higher petht In ueking advancement than thou which aro pursued in this campaign. Ills whole speech, from tho beginning to tbo end, wu received wltb cheers and rounds of ap plause. It left a deep and lastiug impression upon tbo people. At Its conclusion a largo number of ladlei showered bouquets aud flowers upon him, and both sexes crowded to the stand to ahalre his hand. Brooks Is overwhelmingly for her be loved Gordon. The Gordon Tide In Ttiomss. Thomasvii.i.x, (la., Jane 10.—[Hpoclsl.]— Grnerel Gordon spoke ta six hundred people hero today. Scares were unable to got in the courthouse. His gpocch olielted round after round of applause. A larga nnmber of ladles graced tho occulon, and tbo crowd wu wild for Gordon. I'pon n ahowing of bands uins-tenths of tho audience showed up for Gordon. There are not 000 Bacon men iu Thomas county. The county ta practically solid for Gordon. You mty add without hesitation tha i-ountlra of Lowndes, Brooks, Decatur and Colqnitt to Thomu as being for Gordon. South Georgia it abide, aud nothing can now stem the Gordon tide In this section. Felton In LaUrango. LaGranuk Ga.. Juuo Hi.—[Special.]-For two weeks Troup county bu been flooded with Aiming announcements that Dr. Falton wonld address the people bora today In tho Interest of Major Bacon. Tha announcement claimed that more people would ba pnaant than assembled bare In 1801 to au the fir« military company afiT ta tha front. The day ta now ended. Not twenty-five men came in from tha county and not over 100 rallied In tho courthouse. Felton harangued, them for three hour a after which, bs was de molished by Colonel W. C. Glenn, and tonight tha Daren man all admit that tha whale dam- osstretinn wu a mistake. Dr. Falton arrived here yaotaiday, and was taken In charge l-y Major Ferrell, who enter tained him at hts charming home. Colons'. IV. C. Glenn, tha dunking young onto! of Dalton, arrived an tha midnight train and early this morning ns rBxuwiwagv sKinwiinncu ' began. Mr. Glenn's overtures to Dr. Fatten (hr gdivtaian at lima ware flatly denied. Dr. Fallon olslmnd that It was bis day, that ha Intend ad to make his speech and satire bam the courthouse, a ad that if. Mr. Glenn nv fit l u choaa to remain and bear him he might do to. This action on part of Dr. Felton cha- grinnedthe Bacon men greatly. They aonnd- ly abused him for thus lowering hie colon anl acknowledging hit inability to meat the elo quent ion of Whitfield. One Bacon gentleman, a man of state reputation, proposed g petition asking Dr. Felton not to apeak al aU. It wu learned that Fatten said tha Gordon central committee had set Glenn on hit track and ha did not propose to be entrapped. Heated before a flat desk wu a young man who hold In his hand n fiat stick. Under another desk wu a liver-colored setter dog. Tha man and tha dog reived a useful purpose for Dr. Felton, as will ba described hereafter. Major Ferrell railed tbo meeting to order. He uld ho doubted whether there wu an Intelligent citi- nnofTroepwhodld not know Dr. Felton. Ho Indorsed him u a Christian gentleman. n, ro the man with the flat stlek hit tho desk vigorously. "They do my ho it independent,” ho continued. The deg barked. This by play between tbs man with the stick and tha dog continued all the way through. After Major Ferrell prononnoed bis Felton’s paper, the Coo rant, u the .old-time servant of the railroad system. Major Joe Camming, tho head of tho Richmond delega tion, is a railroad lawyer. Ho may be needed to draft resolutions for tho convention. There wore outstanding $1,800,000 of Bnmswiok and Albany bonds Indorsed by tbo state. The legislators hu declared them Invalid. Fending that disens- slen thn German bondholders became Interest ed in a salt In Glynn superior court. They OFFICIAL D SAWING LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY! Single Number, Clm “F," Drawn at New Orleans, Louisiana, on Tuesday, June to, 1888# —TULL ntlOB.- 72361. 73884, 78355 net it than I. Here Is a legislator accepting itate a and flimlygraaping the ■aid, ho wu there both through request and of bis own free trill. He proceeded In a strain or self laudation and aalf defense for Jut one hour and a half by the witch, without ever mentioning or ever referring to Bacon's name. The Bacon men grew restless, and notwithstanding the part played by tbo man and tha dog whoso duty it wu to start tho applause,^ interest flagged considerably. "I am bore to Investigate the antecedents of tho men who are now In tho reeo for tho gov ernorship. From their surroundings and preferment In tbo past wo msy safely form opinions of thoir future." Thon looking over the room Dr. Felton's eye foil upon Mr. Glenn. ”1 am told that Mr. Glenn ta here to reply to mo. Hehu lately made a speech in Social Circle in which ba attacked me. I am not in this nee; Glenn is not, though ha nuy bs ambitious/' The doctor fought shy of Mr. Glenn for about twenty minutee u If fearing ba would divulge somo private matter or toll aomething wbleh ho thought wonld bo severely cutting, tho doctor wonld mb bis bands, hisllpt would smsck, his eyss would glisten and a cynical •mile would overspread hlaface. After speak, ing two boms nr. BOA (-HED THE SUBJECT of the day, and uld: “I have not ono word personally against Gordon. I am not hero because ba came up into my district,” and for another twenty minutes he plunged again Into tbo seventh district. This led him into bis career In the legislature. It wu fall of Felton. Foltou saved the railroads, Falton sided the veterans, Felton, in fact, furnished tbs brains for the entire concern, bnt not one word wu uld In favor of Bacon. Ho thought tbo aoldlcn should bo booorod by monuments and flowers when they are dud. This was cold comfort to tbo veterans present. Tho doctor reached two hours ana a half, lie returned to tha governorahlp bat not to Bacon. There were three Ideas In Felton's spoech. First, General Gordon wu Incapable of taking care of himself, second, Dr. Felton wu the smartest aleck in a fee to Alton upon the stal $1,600,000. liability of 2$::: over and again that ho would never voto fur Gordon. Apparently ignomutof the conven tion in July, be uid nothing about the con vention In July, but relerrod it all to tbo bal lot box. It wu a speech for October and not ' t July. Loud calls were mado for Mr. Olonn. Ho advanced, accompanied by Hr, D. J. Galfnoy, who briefly introduced him. The applanao echoed and re-echoed. Mr. Glenn was white with suppressed excitement. The autilause broke out Spain, hut It was noticed (bat the man with the stick and dog had disappeared with Felton, Mr. Glean sald: "Can it be that yon do not want to hoar both Ira; ta it Ibo policy of the Bacon men to pre vent a stranger and a guest from apeaklngf” Here Dr. Felton again bobbed up and aaid: “My Bacon friends listen to Mr. Glenn. Give him a chance to talk.” Several voices answered In union: "Yon don’t uulentand ns; wo aro chaertng for Gordon.” Tho doctor dueked hta head down and made .. — - - - -- . . , — a bea lino for tho door. Mr. Glonn at oneo 1 «*•» eompoUttt to bo governor, and ho is to- caught the attention of the audience and soon day competent. Didjrea"-'* **- T " t ’" »- Felton aud Glenn at Social Circle. Social Circle, Ga- Juno 18.—[Special.]— From tbo beginning of tha campaign the Bacon element bu claimed Walton county by a voto of four to one. Today, however, it seems that things have undergone a change. The chance now ta not only good, bnt it ta quite certain that Gordon will carry the county. Great interest had been manifested in the dlsensslon which took place today between Colonel W. C. Glenn and Dr. W. H. ■Felton. By 10 o’elock tho people from the country began to arrive and by 12 an andience of perhaps three bnndrod bad assembled In tho grove near tbo town. Itwu arranged that Colonel Glenn open with an boor and clou wltb an hour and a half, while Dr. Felton’s speech should be two home and a half long. This wss done by the Bacon committee, thinking they conld pull the andience away, when Dr. Felton left, on tha three thirty train for At lanta, but thoir attempts were futile. Tho andience remained with Colonel Glenn, and evinced not only great Interest In hta spoech, but CUXERED HEARTILY uch time Gordon's name wu mentioned. A majority of the audience wu for Gordon, and the result of tho mooting wu quite different from what the Bacon men had anticipated. Tho speech of Dr. Folton wu hta old "stereo type,'’and wu a disappointment to the men who invited him to be present. One of Ba con's most ardent supporters and admirer stand the leading lawyer In Monroe,uld "ho wlshod to God old Felton wonld go on home; that he wu beating Bacon.” In fact the whole committeo looked used up, and one of them, tuning huvily npon hta ntlok, said ho would bo glad If he wu out of the ess. | COLONEL CLINK INTRODUCED, At a little after twelve o’clock, Her. F. if. Malabey come on tbo platform and introduced Colonel Glenn. Ho spoke of Colonol Glonn aha finished orator and debater,and paid a glowing tribute to General Gordon. Mr. Glenn’s speech was a flneoflVirt. It wu a model polltlsal speech, and won for himself tho admiration of his audience, and gained many votes for Gordon. He made no side is- sure, bnt went boldly into the subject and discussed the relative merits of tho two candi dates. Ho raid, in substance, ‘ We are met today u democrats to discuss tbo claims of tho condidatos for govern orship of Georgia. I, u a democrat, am ad dressing men who srill submit to the Anal arbl- ratlon of the supreme tribunal-tbo democratic convention of tbe state. The candidates are well bnown to you. Tho ono tho rooognissd peer of any man when In the United States senate, and who ta noted for both hta brllliapt military end civic career. Tho of the a man known by all u one whohu spent the great er portion of his life in tha legislative halls of the state. Of John B. Gordon much ctn be said. He ta distinctly a man of the people. Hta whole life hu boon with tho people and for the people.. A supremo test of his merit is in hta ancccu. In the days of '81 and *2 he wu the leader of tho cause which he believed right. In the darker days of ’6S ho wu tbo ono man who had tho courage to oome boldly out and stand np for southern rights. Ho was 5447.. .... 6466 6688 6606 6816.. .... 6641. 6851 6944 6001 6387 6888 (440. 6630 6671.... augl lad It at hta command. Ha showed that Fel ton had two motives, hatred toward Gordon for unhorsing him in tho uventh, and the >po that in the wreck caused by the slanders If cted by himself Into tbo campaign there Ight bo room for an independent and that dependent would be Felton. “Bacon bu been effectually concealed under the egotism of tha gontleman who makes himself a witness. What right hu ho to dictate for whom they shall vote; a man wbosa life hu bten spent in warfare support Gordon if nominated. Ho ssys there Is a crisis, bis deeds of battle have always been wbsn brethren were at war. Whoa Georgia wu ovarrnn by carpet-baggers whoso wu her Uo damns and slanders Gordon be cause ho did hta doty uo democrat in tho seventh. Do yon tpplaad that slandort Ha hope* to profit by tbo wreck of tho party which he freely advises in cue one of the can- didetoe ta nominated. Where ta the man of whom Folton hu not epokon in disparagement? Ho enlogixw Ben Hill today. Waa ho honest in It?" Mr. Glonn then read from Dr. Felton's letters and from hta editorials in tha Csrtererllto Con rant, wherein be bad used tho vilest language against Hill. Amnng the expressions by Felton regarding HUI wuone in wbleh he uld that Hill "stands conflated uadetlbonte falsifier of tbe tratb.” Hu Dr. Felton re tracted a tingle slander uttered against Bou I1II17” Then Dr. Felton goes into tbe secrets of an execu tive session which be says Mr. Hill told him. I do not believe that Mr. Hill betrayed the se crets of the senate to Dr. Foltou. Du yonf*' Many voices—"Not a word of It." ^M^or Fortlll—“He didn't say HIH told Mi. Glonn—“Yes, he did." Major Femll—"No,he did not," Mr. Glenn—"He not only did say it hero, bnt bo said It In Carteravillo In a most offen sive manner. He said he wormed it ont of Mr. Hill." Major FerrIU—“He did not say It hire." Mr. Glonn — "Here it the s'.nry told by Mr. E. D. Graham." Turning to Col onel F. M. Langley, a Bacon man, Mr. Glonn asked: "Colonel Lugley, is my witness re liable?" Colonel ltaugley answered t "Yea, he is.” Mr. Glenn—"Jnst Imagine the Titan Falton carries _ _ congrent be wu under obligation, if .elected, to vote for tbe repnblicau candidate for speaker. I tatters were sent over tbe district to that effect by bit republican friends. This It the man whohu slandered Ben Ilftl, who ta mad with Gordon. Ho ta uotgolng to soldo by the noasloation: that la bo will not support Gordon, and that amounts to tho same thing. Felton says Huntington calls Gordon our man. Tbe Bacon people also call Fallon thoir mam Whenever the rover end gentleman attempts to lead Baooa and his followers out of the r»rty ho will find that they are not his men.” Mr. Olonn then took up the Huntington etory and disposed of it effectually, thawing that Gordon’s con roe throughout was wise statesmanship. “Take tho railroad question,” said Mr. Glean. “If yon want lo Jodga men by tbeir associations there ta tha Central rail road like a great devil fish tappiag tha state st every point Bacon ta thn ndrtaor of that . —— .— ■— , M un der Now- _ year, Btoengete $33,000. If association famishes thn preef that a man previously connected with rail- rands in likely In fill, does It not prove tho same of the mu who ia coaneeted with roads today. It il u argument which can ba inland aither way. The Macon TV tench, whichaopports Bacon, war daasnncsd & D». not vote for John B. Gordon thon (to Dr. Folton!) Take, follow- cltixene, his record. I appeal to known histo ry. Ho stood In tha senate tub rxxa or any nan there. He it a man who hu aver boon whore duty called him. Ho threw himself into the ranks of the people end contended for their righto. Never hu he failed when doty called him, and today ha stands u pore aud at tried soiL JThe opposition 8*7 the WM U oror and too, that w want a statesmen, not a general. That la true. The war is over, bnt • man who bated bis breaat and fought long and hard ftr the cause he bolioved right, is entitled tore* •peel, admiration and love. At for statosmsa- •hip Mine of the grandest soldier* hate been the graadeet atatesmen. Bnt la Mitjor Bacon a statesman. I say he has nover by action, word or thought, or anything, es tablished any right to the name. Major Bacon, S enUtmen, baa never been one of the people, te has never touched the chord of popular feeling. Ho has never done anything for which to dmotto either thanka or reward. Yet, I must say that he has oome nearer making e personal canvass of the state than any man within its borders. Why is he* still .trying to becomo governorT Why does he suffer defeat after defeat, and still persevc Is it for the love of his stator Well, let's see. He is the legal adviser of tho great Central railroad system, and of tho Eaat Tennessee, Virginia aud Georgia syn dicate, and it ia by the corporation! that MAJOl BACON IS BACKED, And the question has become, 8hall (he cor porate authorities, through Major Bacon, or shall the people, through General Gordon, control tho deatinles of this grand common* wealth? These railroad systems are et the back of Major Bacon, and they are the onee who persist in parading him aaa candidate for governor. Judging by associates, are not tho asaociatrs of Bacon the onee who were at the head of tho little courthouse clique in Rich mond w{io did not possess the manhood to give the gallant Gordon a hearing? If, genttomeu, General Gordon is unfit for the positioner reason of having been the ad visor of a mjroad, Bacon is doubly unfit by being today Be advisor of the most powerful syndicate in The state. Over a year ago Gen eral Gordon said that “when the contort came between the corporations and the people, I am with the people/* yet M^jor Bacon never evae that it aeons that Bacon haa sent ont hia 1-. lowcrs with tha command to go preach Bacon to .tho state; tear down the character of hoi u»m... 0 80472 0 30500 _J> 80668.... 800 W69.*... 100 80764 ioo aosis looaosm. aOO 81178—« 100 81262.... 100 81866...... 100 81894 100 81021.... 100 81648 200 31696..... 100 81697 100 32033...... 10002178...*. 100 82221 100 82228 206 82271...... 200 38588 100 rtTM 100 88747. 100 34017 100 81123 100 34124..... 100 84272.. s. 100 84348*. 200 ioo :too 600 200 35171 800 35017,.. . 900 85789.... 300 36881 100 85888... 900 8001.1 100 36123... 100)30141 100 87826 10087M7 200 37850.*... 20088011 100 88020.., 100 88062,*... 10088172...... 200 88219 100 38227 100 88238...... 20088268 . 100 38287.. 100 88196... 100 38739.* ioo — 100 100 89627...., 200 39913.... « 10617.".. 1000 40613 !« KsK- under the tnn to advance the causa They say that Garden should not run for gov ernor. The opposition forgot tha CONDUCT or MAJOB BACON when he wsa a candidate axainst Colonel -33ton... nooocj Boynton. Tbay forgot that without regard far what W* really due tho dead btepkcu that Bacon rushed into the race. Nor did bo ITS res wait until life had waned or tha body become rigid in death bafore he did IL Bnt. Gordon dees not coma trying to S ain' waits by slandering Major Bacon. t wmkes no onslsnghl npon kit character Gordon reason u a man of thn pospte; asa man worthy te bn governor of tho empire state* omaa not supported by corporations, bnt o true and triad man. And althoagh ho bu bun slandered by tho organa and support- •re of Major Baooa. and even called a Bsaa- dirt Arnold, ho appeals to yon a, men and u democrats to join in crushing hit opponents, whom methods are tending to break tbs salty of Ibo dims mail: porty tn tbs stale." Oeiouei Uteen clcosd with so earnest appeal to stand up for Gordon nad help to down tho ideetto** * screen column TWuk ra*«T~ 100,46666 dWIM™. 3 TO!50 3 Taos... in> 90161.... 200>90M1 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 numbers from 70403 to 70603 Inclusive, belnr M number, on cub side of the number drawing tbe Capital Prim of ,20000-176. Prize of #160000—160. awing tbo Capital Tbe subscribers baring supervised Single Num ber Drawing, Class "F,’ r Louisiana Slate tottery, hereby certify that the above are tha numbers which were this dardrawnftomjhe 100000 planed In Ibc wheel, wltb the prises corresponding to them. Witness our hands at New Orleans, to., this Tues day, Jana 16th, 1WM. jaTBEADRECARB, j commissioners Ptliei Cashed In Full without Beduotlou, No. 13146 draw* capital prise. 1150000. sold In Cincinnati, O., Kansu City, Mil, and Crested Bultc, Gunnison Co., Col. No. 23106 draws scoond capital prize, 190000. sold in New Orleans. La-tSaa Francisco. Cal, and Mcmpbli. TCnn. No. ran* draws third capital prism *20000, sold ta Boston, cisco, Cah, Chicago, SL Thomas, Canada. IU., Washington, D. Oh and na-OAPITAX. FKUK, g7S.000.-Rg llakate Only W, Bhang In rropnrMsml LlS.L. S LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY CO OOMMSBIONffn. J. W. KiLnamf. Pree-t BUM Natl nalBank, A. Baldwin, Preft New Orleans NUT BE. Incorporated In 1M6 for g years by tho legists, tnr*/bred nest tonal and charitable purposes—with a capital of ti,as,ooo—to which a t—two tend ff over 1660,000 bu since been added. By ad overwhelming popular voto IU fnuiohlM ygiggrsTx^^SrnJSm^SSSSSm adopted December 2d. A. D* 1179. The only Lottery ever voted oakad Indoned by Che people of any state. rr mevaa scaijb ob romoinB. IU Grand Riucle Nnmber Drawings Take place monthly, and tf— “ ——— Inga regularly every Mmi-Annually as Tuesday, July 13, ISM—104th Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, 970,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Keek, Trwi ttonSftn Fifths, ta Proportion. _ _ LOToynusas. 2 GAPHAL PP.IZE-. Mansion this payee.