The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, July 06, 1886, Image 2

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qaatTf”': THE WEEKLT CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY JULY 6 1886. NEWS BY WIRE. HAPPBNIKO*OFTHBW*«K BRIEF LY CHRONICLED. Ota MtdiMi Col loco—otoor Korn.. rmPAOO, Jane 28. The chief of police. of the town of Lake Appeared at tbnoxtennlvo •witching ynrdc of the Lake Shore railroad at £ o'clock thla moraine, with a police force of one hundred men. Including “apeclala" nnd Pinkerton police, nnd nt once began to clear the yard,of atrikeraand idler,. Very few of tho latter bad entered tho yard, bnt remainod in large groupajuat beyond tho railroad tracks Intently watching the morementa of tho rail road people. Pcvernl hundred men, howorcr, remained in cloao vicinity of the round-houae and tho can of tho Lake Shore road, and (hard to obey tho orders of the police to move, Club. were drawn and aorcral ruahea worn Dado at tbeae group,, tho police oatng their club*, and In one of tho encoontera Dctectlvo Finn, of the lake police, knocked one of tho men down. He la tho only porson reported to havo curtained any aorloua Injury. Tho crowd gradually withdraw from the immediate vicinity of the yard,. Ate,TUKAI., June 98.—The (lrat through train to Van Conover on the Canadian Pacific rail road tell here at eight o'clock thla ovening. Many of the meet prominent men In the city. Including rcpreaenlatirea of all commercial bodice and thou- aand, of other clUrens wltnemed Ha departure and the battery fired salute, Aviivkta, Me., June 28.—Governor Soldo ha, appointed Hon. J. 0. Porter, of Bangor, aod Colour ! II. J. Orgood, of Portland, aa dalegalea Worn tbli state to tho national prison congress to meet at Atlanta, (in., In November. CoMCOltlr, N. 11., Juno 2fh—Tho democratic stale convention today nominated on the first ballot, Thomas Cogswell, to bo governor. Skdama, Mo., Juno 911.—At Lincoln, Ben ton county, last night tho village marshal, J. II. Shaw, aworo out a warrant for tho arrest at William 8Uvers, a hard character. Silvers waa enraged and awora that he would kill tho •fllcer on sight. H# awaited hla opportunity andahothim in tho back with a double- barreled ahotgun, almost riddling tho uufor- tunata man with buck shot. The murderer escaped, bnt la being searched for by a large bed/ of men. It la thought that he will be lynched aa loon as captured. I’llii.a uxi.i’ll!a, June 30.—The hasty sum moning of the members of the board or direc tors of tho Chesapeake and Delaware eanal company nt an early hour this forenoon created a eUr in financial circles, nnd the report ■■ickly flow aboat that a heavy defalcation had boon discovered in tho aooonata of one of Its officers. Tho company la one of tho oldget and was in earlier times one of the wealthiest! corporations In the middle states, holding a charter under the legislature of Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland. The first rumor , that reached the street waa that Treaa- nrer James A. iZ Wilson bad defaulted In hla accounts to the extent of £ 78,000, The facts, as sobsesinentl/ aseer- laid, more accurate, were that aa over lsaue of bonds to the amount of 0011^200 was made aadcr tha thirty-year mortgage loan of the company of Joly, 1850, for 02,800,000. Tho lean matures tomorrow, and preparations having been made for Its extension, the re turn of bonds for certification at tho office today would have revealed the other Issne. Treasurer Wilson did not appear at the olllce today, but on bis desk was a note containing a confession of guilty knowledge of the fraudu lent transaction, lie left the city last night, It la alleged, in company with Henry V, Lesley, formerly treasurer, under whose administration tha ovurlauuu waa made. Wilson Is about alxty-flvu yean of ago, and for ever thirty years has been connected with the Dhcspeake and Delaware eanal company, hav ing been lta treasurer sines 1883, when no tic- cccdtd littlej. New York, Judo 30.—John Patterson, the striking Third avenue ear driver, who attaok- cd a scab driver, waa today sentenced to eight mouths In the penltentlniy. Michael Htroh and A, Boseaberg. two of the boycotted of the Thelti conceit hall proprietor, plead guilty to the charge at retortion nnd wore remandod for sentence. 8a XAPOOA..V. V., Joly 1 .-(Special. J-Dr, F. H, Dime, of Atlanta, waa today elected president of tho American Institute of Homeopathy, Thla election was peculiarly complimentary for the following reasons: For two or threo J rara than has been a disposition to tender ins this office, which ho has put salde for per ianal rSSSMts, with modest objections. Thore la a by-law of the Institute which prevents the election of any one who was not present nt tho meeting to an office at the Institute. Dr. Ormo .was dstained in Atlanta by illnsss, but the by law waa put aside, and he was unanimously •looted president of the association, anoint , without precedent la the history uf the insti tute. The Institute Is tho oldest national medical association In America, and ranks among the first medical associations of tho world, Atlanta appreciates tho unnsnal but deserved honor deue one of her cltlaens. No man stands higher or la mere beloved In Atlanta than Dr.V.H.Onno and the American Inati- tuto ofhomoopaUiy ha* honored Itself In hon- The distribution of circulars before places of builnera waa a conspiracy anil punishable as inch. Their conduct, If nnpuoUhed, would I rid to savagery. They may have bean mil led by bad adviee, bnt their counsel should have rebuked them. They did not nse money fdr their own advantage, and this palliated their offense. We are told that it had bean the custom to rob In that manner. Us would not Impose the fall penalty of the law as they were working men. The Judge then sentenced Paul Wittxlg and Henry Uoldorf to two years and ten monttu at bard labor; Michaol Strobe and Julius Hesenberg to one year and six months Im prisonment. Daniel Dannbauser, the moat violent of any of the hojeottem, got three years and elghtmontbs In the state prison. CiiK'Aoo, J nly 2.—The usual quiet prevailed In the Lake Shore yards this morning, and nothing hut tho presence of a large Pinkerton forco would indicate thata strike was In pro- f rers. Tho company lost no time la follow- ng up the advantage they gained-in the op erations at the stockyards yesterday. Before eight o'clock and engine and caboose, guarded with Pinkerton men and police, was dispatch- cd to 1'ackcrbtown. An hour tvas spent in switching on 47th street, with no more serions opposition than tho hooting and yelling of women and chil dren who gathered from blocka around to watch the nnnaoal sight of train hands work ing under a guard or armed men. Switching waa going on aa usual in the yards at Sooth Chicago. There waa no opposition whatever of any kind, and from Indications It would seem that the strike was at an end. Judge Collins today sentenced Tom F. Col lins to jail for thirty days. Collins waa • snltehnian for tho Lake Shore and Michigan Southern read, and waa charged with violating the Injunction granted the road enjoining any Interference or acta of violence. In in anatoms, July 2,—The executive com- mitlee ol tho Brotherhood of Postal Clerks met In Kent lemlon today. A telegram was sent to the peetmaster general aiklug If he would receives committee. No answer was recelred. Tho com- mltlce will go tnyhow,, were killed tonight by the can. The, were riding In a buggy and attempted to cram the tracks. boots. flla haft lalongend malty, hti body tanned until It Is a mud color, and ho Is reiy ferocious, and has a frightful appearance, lie u very bold la hla adventures and can run like a race-bone. Mla eyes flash Use nia, and hts unintelligible up S r* are thrilling and blood-curdling. Ills at the people of that neighborhood have a reward or I ICO for the capture of the wild man and that a party will bo oiganUcd la a few gars to maka tba attempt. raovtiiUNca, Jaly I —Tout Saturday even- lag while Niae Evelyn Smith, who works at the La Jolly dye house osi Matheaon street, was talk ing with a seatleman named ltrowu she was strtok a dumb. Wse waa looking over a map and askod - U her. Mb* touched and add, ^Oji^ijdietonif. »return. ft, buti power of using her uni*no sndvoosl S Rm «m ‘ tnterrfewwT' l»jr a ruponcr bat could Mjr uothlng. In answer to tbo u of the mumUou the wrote on a piece of paper, "I feel, an •early aa I can express, u li I wrre In a rt*e. ' She could move horllpsssir shaping word*, but could not aettd out a sound from tba tenet*, f be coughed freely aod clearest tftroat, allbootb both of tbeee prooe—s pained She also comnlained of pain* to her ears aeoaauoa In the eyee and of fcelln* ** - to the statement of her mother, illy pen—ill of a upperntallxed , ... jeh mama to hare alwayssub jected her mpanlration to nsrvou* sufferings. About one year ifo ahe fainted In a thunder storm, and on rvfslnlu* cousctomness waa unable to speak, end for eight mouth* her inability to talk continued. Then gradually ube uttered nrtlcuiato s&pwrss trshsvx W "“ d * CrnrwllBi«s eta GaWeaton, July 2.— 'El ParUdo, the liberal gorernment organ, an- Boonccd thal for two week* Mat, printed doe- wmeote baTebeut ln circulation lathis capt- Ul, ruling nuoa the people to take ami and •Teitknw tVe proses! adminUtration, and nmmmgGeaml Negrete, aa oommander-in- chief of the propoeed revolutionary amy. General Negrete hM himself issued a circular, dated Lebarce to the aame effect. Clcvamaent authorities aej that Negrete la harmlemly insane npon the anb}est of raeoln- tlonr, end that thla is one of hla periodical at- Ucka. Several similar report* of outbreak* hare been circulated recently, bnt they hare i entirely Without foundation. Jndgs Burnt* made aome strong n them on the Uwlimnem of the crime of which they were coBTkted. Be mid that this waa a violation of the pence te a country that wel comed foreign-born citUent, te a country that offered freedom and tha privilege of rights. They had riolatcd public right* and epialouf jptd ihglr offtnM tu not short gf hlmkmUl OCR KNOWLRTM1K BOX. II. H. A., Dsdevillr, Ala.: Why is it consid ered unlucky to have thirteen persons at the table? In London, during the twenty year* of 16GO*’7t>, the general death rate waa 80 per 1,000 living, or one in 12^. It I* probable that tha belief aroro about that time, a* it would be a comet statement of tba probabilities If all clawe* wero proportion ally represented. This calculation, by mean* of a film interpretation, ha* given rim to the prejudice •gainst "thirteen at a dinner," and a supposition that the danger will be avoided by inviting a greater snubs? of guests, which can only have tha effect of augmenting tha probability of tho •vant so much apprehended. Bysorao it is sup posed that the supontlMon owe* it* origin to the Last Rapper of oar Lord and Ills disciples, where thirteen were present, and Judas was among them. Ife left Bn t, and therefore, the first of a party of thirteen to leave tha table is the unlucky one. Bid you notice tha account of there being thirteen at tho wedding dinner or I'ettl, tho prims donna? Tharo have bean a number of societies formed of thirteen members to disprove this "popular fal lacy," one of which held its thirty seventh annual dinner some time ago in New York city, with ranks unbroken, Subscriber, Sweetwater, Tennessee: Deem give tho origin of the custom or throwing n old shoe after a newly married couple. It cornea from the ancient Jewish custom of banding a shoe to a purchaser of land on the com pletion of a contract (vide Huth. lv, 7). 1’srents also gave a shoe to tha husband on a daughter's marriage in token of yioldlng up their authority, (Jrqubart, in his "J’iliars of Hercules," states: "At a Jewish marriage 1 was standing by tha bride groom whan the bride entered. As she crowed tha threshold he stoopod and strnok her with tho heel (of a shoe] on the nape of the neck. I at once nv the interpretation of tho passago of Scripture re specting tha transfer of tho shoe to another In sasa the brother-in-law did not oxcrclso his privilege. Tha allppor In tho seat, being taken off indoors, 1* at hand to administer correction, and is hero used to slgnlflythe obedience of the wito and Use su premacy of tha husband. Tha Highland custom Is to strike for good lurk, as they say, with an.old shoe. Little do they suspect tha meaning im plied." E. J. 8,,'Gold ITill. Ala.: 1. Please give me n general description or tho Mexican govornmont. 2. If Nova Hcotla should Join tho thiitod HUtvs would it uot;caufc a war with England? 1. The government rcicmblcs that of tho United Rtatcs. The president is elected for six years. In the City of Mexico the government supports excel lent military, law, medical and literary schools and colleges. Tho army is about the siio of ours. There arc twenty-nine states and territories. 2. No. H. II. F.» Columbus, Ulna.: Please tell mo something about our national department of agri culture. The department of agriculture was established In Washington In IMS. Its object is to acquire and dlfluse among the people at Urg* fkets oonoerning agriculture. Tha chief officer of the department of agriculture Is called the commissioner of agricult ure. Ills duties require him to collect and publish useftil Information on tha subject of agriculture. l!o is to acquire and preserve In hts ofllco ell the foots he can obtain concerning agriculture by means of books and correspondence, and other ap propriate means; to collect new and valuable seeds and plants; to learn by actual cultivation such of them as may require teats; to propagate such as may be worthy of propegatlon. and to dhtributo them among agriculturists. He Is assisted by a statistician, an cntomokigts, a botanist, a chemist and a mlcroscoplst. Ho also has a propagating garden, a storehouse for seeds and a library. Student, Seneca, 8. Ia there any authen tic Instance of a negro turning white? Dr. Hutchison, of New York, tells of a case that occarred m ittl- The subject waa a slave belong- tug to Mr. B., In the neighborhood of Marshal. Pallna county, Missouri, lie had been born In Kentucky of negro parents, and was, himself, per fectly black until be waa twelre yean of age. At the time !>r, Hutchison was called to see him he was forty fire. At twelves portion of skfn an Inch wide, encircling the head within the edge of the hair, gradually changed to whUc, and sodld the hair covering the portion, A while spot next appeared near the inner canthus or the left eye, and from thla the color gradually ex tended over the face, trunk ami extremities, until; H covered the entire sur face. 1 he complete change from black to white occupied about ten years, and but for tho hatr, which was crisped or woolly, no one would have supposed, at this time, that the man'* progenitor* had possessed any of the peculiar!!** of the negro, his skin presenting the appearance of thal of a healthy, folr complex toned European. When he was about twenty-two yean old, dark brown or copper-colored spots began to appear on his face and hands, being limited to those portions of the surface which were expoeed to the light. He had the measles and whooping cough when blaeh» and bad them both again when white. This recur rence, though remarkable, waa not unprecedented In the same petooa. The color of his eyes re mained Jet black. With the exception of chronic rheumatism and tha occasional Illness mentioned, Joe, es he was named, enjoyed excellent health. Dr. Hutchison obtained the history of hla oaso from tha subject himself, and from Mrs. B., a re spectable and Intelligent lady In whoso family Jo was horn and raised. * Young or middle-aged men. suffering from nervous debility or kindred affections, should address with 10 cents in stamps for Urge treatise. World's Dispensary Medical Amodft- tiov, Buffalo, N, Y. Mrs. Clrvklakd is for from being unduly in fated by position and popularity. She IsaaM to have given great pleasure to the students of Wells college slew day* ago by sending thlthsr from the white boose a roeegay which the girls of the graduating class sniffed in ecsucy. Lam per- UhabieMmn the bouquet waa a gift of a silver • in- aigrette la a cm* of golden plush sent by Mia. Cleveland to one of her personal friends in the ACROSS THE WATER. A r.aian mmMtaa . InHtam - p.ra.1 London, June 20,—A are Milan hna bean cnuMd by nn article purporting to contain important fonlnn revelation*, pnbibbed in tho current number of the Fortnightly Bcviow. The Article lx captioned "Behind the Sconra,” and liouteniibly contributed by an IrUhiuun. It tell* •nhatantiully the following *tory: Frank Ilyrnr, *ecretary oftbeEuglUh branch of tho Irlih national league, occupied un ofllco on Bihlge street, oppoiite fVcatmluter bill, In the opting of 1882, Tbo ofllfio adjoined room* occupied at the time by the Irish par liamentary p*rty. Mr. Parnell need Byrne'* office for the tranaactlon of prlvato business, became, as be said. It was the qnietest place he could got In the neighborhood. The knives need in the sssusinntlon of liord Frederick Cavendish and Bnrke in Phicnix pxrk were purchased with league monoy. Thoso knives were then given to » fenlnn cobbler to oovor with leather sheaths, nnd from the cobbler's shop they were delivered at the league’s ofllco by • brother of Frank Byrne, and were subse quently entrusted to Mra-Byrne, to bo convoyed to Dublin, and there bo delivered into the hands of James CUrey. Miss Maggie Byroe took A200 of money,furnished from the lesgue treasury, to Dublin to enable an organizer of tbo leagne implicated in tbo asuMiloation to esenpo to America. Patrick Egan, who was then treasurer of the league, bolted tho coun try ahortly afterwards. London, July 2.—Mr. Parnell nnd Maurlco Henley (Pnraelllfcs), have been re-elected to represent Cork City in the house of commons. Thry wero not opposed. Hr. Gladstone has beeu(ro-electod (pr Midlothian. TUB LATENT RKTTRNH, London, July 3, 7 A. m.—Tho latest totals of members returned are: Tories, 102; unionists, 14 liberate, 3S. Mr, Parnell receives letter* every day men acing him with Injury or asansslnntlon for hi* efforts to “dismember the empire. ’ He has not, however, solicited police protection or called public attention to hla perilous position. Ha Is escorted everywhere he gees in his cam paign work by n body guard of personal Mendn, all stalwart young Irishmen, who any they feel perfectly able to take cure of him and themselvcf. London, July 3.—Both political parties are disappointed nt the present results of thu elections. Tho torles, to use an expression of Lord Randolph Charchlll, were''oocksnre" of making greater headway than they have achieved. The liberals profess to be gaining inspirit. They point ont that, slthoug'i the torles have msde a net gain of two, yet the Gladatoneites won Carlisle and Leith against the nnionlsts, which practically makes the battle, so far, a draw. The total number of votes recorded In tho first day’s polling was Gladstone 235,OKI. Con servative 227,fibs, unionist 31,822, nationalists 2,011. The ministerialists era becoming more anx ious. The conservatives today gained neats in the following districts: Lincoln, Boston, Grantham, Stafford, Salisbury, East Birming ham, Kippormlnstor, Alston Minor. Oldham and South Nottingham. In Sear borough the election wentiguliut the ministerialists. There were many close oontests, notably that at Ashton—under—Lyne, where the mayor’s casting vote decided the election umld u tre mendous nprour. A scrutiny of tho voto has been demanded by thu defeated candidate. In West Nottingham, H. Broadhurst, Gladstoaoi- an, received 5,453 votes, and Colonel Scaly Jun, liberal unionist, 4.60B. Further indication that Scotland Is strongly Oladstoalan 1* furnished In returns from yes terday's election returns at Dundee, where lloblnson and Laearta (OladatonUuO received respectfully, 8,230 and 8J116 ffiscs against 3,545 and 3,84(1 for Nixon and Daly, llbpral nnionlsts. The election in Dundee was tho only one held in Scotland yesterday. In Bsston, the conservative* bad a majority of SO. Stafford gave a conservative majority of 87. In Cnrnley, P. Hylands, unionist, received 4,201) votes,and Greenwood. Glsdstonian, 1,100, In Derby, Mr.tlloe, Oladstenlan, polled 0,571 votes, Sir William Vernon Hsrcourt, Gladston- Ian, 0,431, and Mr. Erens, liberal unionist, 4,440. In tho Bordoaly division of Birming ham, Mr. Jesse Coiling*, unionist, polled 4,483 votes, and Mr Tail. Gladstonian, 1,010. At midnight tho totals were 145 conserva tives, 25 unionist* and 23 ministerialists. J. O'Kelly, I’srnellite, haa been elected In north division of Boaoommon without opnostUon. London, July 4.—The Uladatonlana are elated over tho deelslvo character of their victories In Dnn- de). They aro confident they will main tain their hold on Scotland. Tha Gladston- Ian agents report the agricultural vote safe for the ministerialist party. They say “ laborers, msetlng* show universal faith __ Gladstone and concurrence In the belief that tha granting of home rule to Ireland would relievo the English market of Irish labor. Jessie Colling* will stamp the midland coun ties, nnd tiy to persnudo tha laborers to the contrary. Gladstonian prospects in the metropolis are dark, os tha liberal unionist are giving warm support to the conservatives. Foreign Mews Motes. rAMn, June 29.—Thirty thousand people went Isat night to witness the pertbrmanoes In the Immense bull eirean at the Nimen, The entertainment had been extensively adver tised to be given nnder elcctrio lights. The lights went ont soon after the perlhrmances began, and owing to a defective apparatus could not he relighted. The neople became t nraged and began stoting. They tore down the fittings of the circus and mad* a bonfire In the arena of them and tha furniture. Troops hud to he called out to restore order, which they only succeeded lu doing after* desperate conflict with the people, many of whom wore wounded and umntea. London, July 2—Thu Wutaou’s spinning mills sod Kidderminster burned today. Lnas 1500,000. One thousand parson* are thrown ont of employment. Detroit, Mich., July 2.—Whoa tha second rending of the homo rule bill was defeated In parliament. It waa promised that ona thousand dollar! would ha sent aa campaign •xpemas for each Irish member voting for It. Thu fol lowing cable dispatch was sent from here to- dsy to Ur. Parnell: fire thousand pounds more transmitted to year trustees. Tha league to America Is mere than goad to tu engagement* cnasuw O’Rauv. Treasurer. This makes 17.000 pounds, or {55,000 sent by Mr. O’Kellly within thn week, or a thousand dollars for each Irish member who voted with Mr. Parnell for the second reading. F.vant-llcmphlll, From the Banner-Watchman. Hurled, nt Ibn residence of the bride's mother, on Pi luce avenue, yesterday afternoon, Itav. Sam uel r .Evans to Mira Mary /. UeaphUl, Her. A. J. JarttU officiating, A Meet liberal Offer. nORSFOllIVS ACID rnONPlfa-E; One of the Best ToatesT . Dr. A. Atkinson, Prefisssor Mater, Jfedlea and Desmatolraty, In College ef PhystcXaa sad tosrgcoua Baltimore, Md„ rays: “It makes a plosion t drink, sad inane of our best tonics ta the shags of the phsgjhatot In soluble tons.' The crepe ta Jickma county are aafsttag from tha rain. Do net g* to the country without a bottle n ANG06TLBA BITTEES la flavor roar Sada a*A Lemonade, and keep yoor digestive organa la order. Be sate it Is tha genuine ANlKW- TL'BA of wcvld-wid* fame, and maaobetond only by Da. J. O.B.8IBGKKT A SOX3. The Henry County Weekly haa entered upon lta tenth volume. FITS: All Fits Stepped Dee by Dr. Bine’s Great Nerve raotorer. No Ffte^ftor flnhdav’g am. Marvelous rare*. Treatise u>* *- Will W le free to Fl» coots. Send to Dr; Kline, Areh BL, Philadelphia, Pa. JONES GOES TO WASHINGTON. To See the Sight*, end Bm m "Very Large, Fine, Mice Time.” CoMYttft, Gr., Jolj 1.—About ten d*y* ego I koocludefl I would go *ofi see the big folk* in Washington, so I packed np* fchirt collar and ahfrt in a grip and told the old lady and chlldern I wu off. My wife rortcr kicked, bnt when I told her X waa gwlne to congiecs *he aorter gtre In, and the chlldern wanted to go, bnt J told’em it wasn’t no place for little one* and they nmwitay at home. Well. 1 gumped on the train at Conyera and made a bulge for Atlanta. When I got thar everybody wa* glad to see me and axed about Gordon and Laron. I told 'cm Gordon waa swim min' right along, but I bleeped Bacon had took the kramp and would go nnder. Ofeottnto I couldn't leave Atlanta without Beeiu’ the ring. bo I bunted Mr, Grady up, u*>l found him a* bfxy as a bee in a tar bucket an* hwerin letters from people, lie says, Bill, w.'mr vougwine. I told him Waahintou will ritous how Wilks 1* goln. I says 1 ain’t gwlno to Wilks county I'm gwfue tVa*hJnfon. D. c. That's what's the matter. I Want to see how thing* fagwlne up thar. Jtiet as soon aa I seed all the fellow* round town what I noed I went down to the abed and got on the Are lino train ready to start. When I wasgwine thru the gate that feller axed me If had a ticket and put up a stick to stop me from gofntbru. i says old feller I’m fixed, hare got about a yard of ticket, enuff to go thruc all the gates. Ho said pass and I patted. Afore long, time como to leare and out weakooted, and I tell that thar train flue rite along; but we didn’t git fur along afore the con ductor kept a fctoppln, and I axed him what waa the matter. He raid it wax only a hot box. i aays why don’t you thro the d timed thing off and let it cool and go long where we gwlne? He laffed at me and made me Rortcr mad. Just aa though I didn’t know what to do with a hot box. I tell you the fact, I had a mine to wire him a hot box rite thar, but I said to myself: Bill, you tint in Rockdalo county, now you had better keep still. tVe rolled -•— ——* '»•- v’—mu noed me, tut just' as wo waa lent in a place a feller hollered out hollow Bill hurra for Gordon. I didn't no who he was, but bo waa kurrect, certain. We kept a rollfn along all nltc, but wa* way behind time, and at daylight next moraln brut uato Lynchburg, Verginc. k It looked to me like they tryeu to see on bow high a bill they could bild that town, but I spoee they BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. .1 I got thar, fori didn't want to be green cause they are nig folk* in that town, and I had better loolt out, ao I wot off the cars In the big carahed and sorter looked round fore I’d wot out. At la* I flteped out and a feller was ready to wo for me. He had a great big whip In hla hand, and says hare a hack, I say* I rcciu not. Yon better take one; carry yon anywhere In the elty. I says bow mnch? Ono dollar, be said. I told him my namo was BUI Jones from Conyers, Ga , I waant no congressman. He says thats regu lar price. I says well I believe I’d walk around a little. Yon see my pocketbook was sorter thin, and a bad place togetbrokefn.solfthoitlhaa better lookout. So 1 moved out slow to that fine street, thyr call It a avnew np thar, and 1 tell you Us fine. The most lovelest street I ever saw; it looks inst like a flore. I got to the corner and was stand In thar lookln at tha folkaa walkln and a ridln along. Borne waa a Ilyin on the 2 wheel con cerns and come 3 wheel*. I watched them a long Ume, and while 1 was standtn thar a little follow come up and says bellow Bill. 1 looked round and ■aw one of mv old friend*. Bam Wilson I says to myaaU. Look ont, Bill; nowdon't be a fooL Bam. says BUI. how In tho world did you gat here. I ■ays on the train. He says how’s thing*. I told him only tolerble. How long yon goln to stay. BUI. 1 says till my money give* ont I wasn't gwlne to let him get non* the Best of me. No, air. At last hoaxed me If 1 wanted to go and see eouwre« set ting. I told him Iwood if i could git hold of soma water to waah my face with and get somethin to cat, catue 1 bandnt eat anything since I left Atlanta. 1 wanted to save my money. He took THE LIVER _ DYSPEPSIA Secretes the bite and aete tike a inter to Variable appetite; taint gnawing feeling eleanea imparitiee of- the bleed. Bp In- at pit of the stomach, heartburn, wind in the regularity In it* action or euepeneione etomach. bad breath, bad taete In the mouth, of it* function*, the Me pelsons the Hood, low epirite, general prostration. There it icautlng Jaundice, sallow complexion, weak no form of disease more preraientthan Dyt- I eyss, bilious diarrbaa, a languid, wtary pepsia, and It can In all cases be traced to feeling, and many other distressing symp- an enfeebled or poisoned condition of the l toms generally termed liver troubles. These blood. BULL'8 SARSAPARILLA by cleansing \ora relieved at once by tho use of BULL'S and purifying the Hood, tones up the diget- SARSAPAiULLA the great blood resolvent, five organs, and relief it obtained at once, Dn. Jrtmr Bm/r..—I bare been for a number of Dr JoiwBur.i..—Tharo no hesitation in sarin* rearsMverelyafmctj.djTHban.ercuriall.eRdache tbalibriUwVymu 8a^aimr^!l to bs^beTiSI iM*' pft *? * n my Three bottles medicine mmiufacnin-d for the cure of Scrofula of livt.i * haki.k H.MtiLi.A gave me mue relief Byphuia, and many otiu-r < uim>eou8 end gisnda* than aU the others comt»inod. larairpciteos. havmg uKd it with entire succ«* T. II. OW£XS. Louisville, Ey, In nuciLc'rx,of (bo above cases. J>a. Johh Bri.fc.—I havo examined the pre- JAMES JIOOHE, Louisville, Ky. ■criptton for the preparation of Dm. Jonrr Bull's ’ ~ , , _ . “ *•(lla, »na believe the combination to Dn. Jornr BUMS. — T procured one bottle •Ileut one. and well calculated to pro- Bunn* BytaaragtLLA for my etdejlgpn. Amt- iterative impression on the aystem. I tho regsyftex und taboos proscription* that have used it both In public and private practice, P** tried for rrcaklnnge end chest, this one boti KIDNEYS Art the great secretory organs of the body. Into and through tho Kidneys Bow the waste fluids THE BL9OD theTife.* llort. C*t«, Ky. 8CROPULA is a peculiar morbid condition oi the system, caused directly by impurities in the blood or by causing headache,weakness,paw m the small swellings, enlarged joints, abscesses, tor* of back andloin*, Buehespf heat, cbills, with eyes, blotchy eruptions on the face or neck. and b0 ". tl, ' A . 0UL K S Krysiptla* is ak/n to Hand io often mistaken SARSAPARILLA aete as a diuretic on the for Scrofula as it comos from the tame cause, Kidneys and bowels, and directly on tbo impure blood. BULL'S SARSAPARILLA by. blood at well, causing the . great or- purifying tho blood and toning up the eystem gone of the body to resume them natural forces the impurities from the blood and functions, and health is at once restored. ■ cleanses the eystem through the regular Da. Jam ntrti—I have n«*i bum.’* Samav.- channels-• -^'Sratanw’llfe'’Sd'SS&iffi 22:*®5» Buns-It la mr ontnbm that yen, tr. Ilhraalveno2bmhV?Atr.ll.V ^“ preparation of BAnapaniu-s I. deeKK-aiy iui- llj. .1 no* (iven u. DOUl (real ruiM. prater to any other Dow In ue, and I will uka THOS. n. BENTLEY,'ltoetvlhe. 111. STSttteaadatltfESSflo*(hotfloodmMklSKm BULL'S 8ARSAPARILLA. wwnS'dmcaf*" 0 " 1 '“ T ‘ BULL’S WORM DE8TROYER. Went Main Street Loutavifle Kv JULL’S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP. P THE POPULAR REMEDIES OF THE OAT. nalkdv 52” wSitan.,” mmg UKECEl BliOOD PTJKB. anio—d3m frl sun tues A wky 3m foil nxt rd mat top col want any feller to steel it, so 1 went to bny one, wo got In the store, and Baa says B1U, get a stand- in' collar, cause all the folks ware that kind up here. So I got a slander and a while cravat, and yen orier seed me, 1 looked a site. Now Sam show me seme hash and I’m reddy for congress. Whllo we walkin along Bam axed how Gordon and Ba con wus frittln along. 1 told him Gordon wau fust rate, but Bacon wua lyin over in Macon with n hot box. 1 axed how Gordon was rnsnln up thar, ho rays wo don't bother about governors up here. You don't, well. I better leave rite away, cause that’s what I come to see boat, afnt yon here. He said no, and I was 'stontshed. After we got hash we went op on that thar avnew agin and went to the capltol. Now, talk about Kimball house and them sort things, but that thar hou< alL W * congress ia settln. 1 told him to let um aot: this was good nuff for me, but Ikonoloded as I was thar, it.woodn't do to come away afore I seed tho big roosters of the country, so we went on un stares, and alnt them fine stares 1 shood say; ao 1 wanted to go In among the toilers, but Sam said wc had to go In the galry; ao we went up and I looked down and thar they aU was setten round in rows, and a big long follow was boss over em all. I seed Hebo Reese. Geo Barnes, Allen Candler, Colonel Hammond, Mr. Harris and all tho Georgia fellers. They looked like they felt good and 1 recon they did. Well I thar till 1 seed enuff and then we went to see the senators: now they are big roosters sure enuff; they look_tbat way; Just cr we got In there I —a » n ne B>|a: Mr opeexer. l t, what docs he mean for neanyro fwanlod% no what rood tell too talks when I got ,. 'll make a Cool or yottreelf and rite then and thar. I oomo ny nockln him over tbo rella but I thotl wouldn't, Well, wo loft nnd wont up town *|tn so u to won till srool was oat eWSky owed, and on 1 didn't want to hmh c they were doln, ro I coo SSRMttoof the blitost man in Wuhl Inton, they nil think a heap nr him, and bn most wsy ntib on to >80 pounds. Whllo wo was standtn st ihc hotel b* com and 1 told him howdy. PERSONS AND THINQ3. Nellie Bly, a correspondent, who haa just returned tram a tour tbrouih Mexico, rays or tho , -.-arty of Mexican edltonwhortcently made n tour ■ ref thn United States and trite treated so snapn- ously, that “only ono or two or them wore news paper men nt all, and only two havo a compara tively food etondln I In their own country." Ben Butleb Is said to bank annually (tom feronty five to a hundred and twenty-tiro thous and dollars os the net proceeds or hts law practice. General G. T. Beavreoabd haa gone northward to Yellow Pprlogs, Va„ tar tho dog days Toe empress ofliussla Is said to bo very mil ieus to bring about a match between her eldest son, tbo Caamvltch, and ono of tho Prlnco of Walo’i daughter, uihe Is very tenderly attsebod tobor sitter, tbo prince.«. Tee British Medical Jonrnal (or May says that from 28 to 40 per cant, of school children, be tween ibe .gee of It and la, arc subject to head ache. and attribute. It to the Irritation or the brain and dietnrbtnee ofeerabnl circulation. A great multltetoof merteen^cbjldresi get education at Arrxm treating n child for mtxaloa for tin day., n Do'rolt physician found that hla patient had virulent cm allpox. The hoard or hoallh and the people of that elty havo grave fear, that tho gtrma of thediaeue have beau eoatlerod through out thoee parte of the etty whore tho brother! ana ■liter, of the patient hare played. Tan latoet reported (hating girl In Jolla Hare rla, the twelre-year-old daughter of a Methodist Fowtea station, Texas Ehe te told no ituy 1 got drunk, lie raid he dldnt mean that aort btteterln. He arid fill n butterin. I raid yea. but dinged If I noed whul he meant I axed him where Mr. Hammond, was Ho told mo he mult be up In his ream. Bo Bam said lea ■gwraararawrahagrarareg to the omoo and axod tho Mo raid ho would uec, »o ho ixe^Mtoaendupmycard. I told him I didn't 'have none, I quit pUyln. Ho said not that kind o' caid and handed me * niece of paper and aays put your name on that and I’ll send it op. Isays M|r down. Bill Jones. Cooyart, Rockdale coung up end down all day, 'speoially If George Barnes •• y a ventilator, X b’levo. Well, >om and he was glad to see me. _ wasn’t down in Georgia, look- Inf after btewart A Mynatt. H# savs. ‘Bill, the people sent me here to attend to their blxness, and I must attend to that first, and as soon as < tonrns I will come and see 'em. Bnt If I by stayin’ here I must stay.' Rite thar 11— . was rite and I glory in hts spank. If half of tbo’t that way things wood be bettac. I didn't stay long . 'causa he was blxy. ao 1 exkused myself and left, got In the box and was let down on the ground. Tseed lota of the follen and they all seemed to be doln well and was happy. The biggest man X seed was Chief llusyhead. the Killer that bosses Injins out in the Xnlln territory. Ha’s a big feller and knows what he u doln. 1 axed him j there much. He said yea; he had to every year to keep them feller* from rulunln bis country. He give, me a Invite to come _ out sad see him, but 1 rccktn I wont. I don’t want any aa. I almost forgot oua t was Henry Rlcheraou. is like all the cengro—i -. .. any Important fol- He look* first couftcapncn. glad to sea ndBsooo Uke all the ,_t Uke I felt, little too much collar. Henry* waa hlern mlne and mine was bed nnfL the Lord noe. IWell I told 8am I waa bout to more. glad to be here: that place ia wo nign Iteme, but then Ire been tWoafi no ecmoshtn obonl thoway them felten gH along. 4 got JMrae jrat In Urn. to heat tho rad nows foe. Bacon,. A to liyood SK Vrer. Btu. Joxxa A Wonderful Cure. lima. Lawxxxck, Wttuaia A Obi—Yob in mo my namo aa tadoiring yoor Goa. banlfe Canstie Balaam. My Iraki* dom sag go lsmoaad from all anpaaraBOm te prafreOy wall. Ho waa lam* tor two yoam with the epavta, and gut no bad that I oould aot mra h.m. and be tig oerentocn year. oM, I thmght of killing him, bnt hie Iwtaga family ntaeo, could no. do It. Now ho te my wifo'e driving homo, nnd from all nppmrenree will ta for ravrral yearn again. Hla talag a fftaW riding horm a»wall ns a driver, we uppcreUto tha can T - Hakvet, J*. Lefinl Mtlle, Pa, Mareh 20, •». O.rabanlt-1 Cmaatle Bslsm In tor ml* In itlAWo hr BBADYtXLB U WAB*. M Whitehall Si., Atknla, On* WESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE STAUNTON. VIRGINIA. Opens September 22d, lfiSfi. One of the first schools for young la it* th ore ugh. Buildings elegant, etcam heat Gaslight. Bitnal ►tin from nldeteen states. All important advantages in one greatly reduced charge. Board, Wash* la*i!o year, from t-epteraber to June, 9200, . WM. A. HARRIS, D. D., President/ Staunton, Virginia. p, — —_ mppr log, Light*, English, Latin, French, German, Music, for Schoi No extras. For Catalogue, write to REV. ladle* in theiUnlon. All Depart xatlon beautiful. Climate splendid.’ greatly reduced charge. Xkmrd, Wash- DRS. BETTS & BETTS' 331-2 Whitehall St„ Atlanta, Ga- NERVOUS Debility, Spermatorrhea, 8emK Loss of Vital PoWera, Sleeplera- pew, Deepondenoy, Low oi Memory, Confusion or Iflcor, Blur be (bn the Eyes, Lowltnde, Languor, titoomlncss, Dcpree- Won of Sterile, Avon!on to Sol- ety, Eaefly diaeonraxed, Lack of . Confidence, Dull, Ltattcra. Unfit M d F^s!i»2SS PRIVATELY CURED. BLOOD AND SKI minister, naar I not to have ear w a* unusually L_ r _. fait, weighing 180 pound*. She la greatly reanded In flesh now. Hr*. Catuxiink Waoner, aged 111, and henlfter-ln-law. Mrs. Rebecca Wagnsr, aged 109 year*, live within sight of each othar. near Bar- tcrsvlllc, Ky. Thar have never seen a railroad, and each has had for fifty yaara a silk dress laid away in which to ba buried. James G. Blaine and family have gono to Bar Harbor. Mr. Blaine will there begin th* pre paration of an Important speech which he will de liver at tha opening of the state campaign during the first week of August The Salvationists claim that their army now comprises 1,662 corps and 8,602 officers, and that their newspaper is primed In nineteen differ ent languages and their banner waves lu nine teen different countries and colonies. Thomas Simon, a Virginian, aged ninety- four, waa bugler for General Taylor In the Mexican war. The old man is blind, but he haa a clear mind, and loves to tell stories about the stem old warrior. Ha takea great pride in »««» h*» used to carry letters from Jefferson married bar. The old man .-/ikeyirera a very bandwmo couple, bnt General Taylor woe not nn admirer of Doyle, and forbade him keeping com- peny with Me daughter. Tbo young folke, how ever, wero determf - — and ho aided (box. DUher wan neret any wlrar. Fnz John Porter wae born at Parte* month, N, H., Aagnet Ml UR and graduated (torn Went Point In M4& no eorved with dtottnctkm through Ibo war with Mexico, being wrerely wounded at tbo aieault on the capital, September 11,1*47. Cotmer William Bonacm, twenty yean tho dock. Mo. Moody, tho revival lot, will retnme work In Ancuri at Northampton, Mau. Bela viforoa* nave*. Tux lata Davimtavts, althongh a man o( eaonuom wtalth, made hi* lunch when lathe ,< mats on applet, a ginger cooklt and a glam of milk. t Do Hat Thing. Handy. Fmm th. Mllloo, Ga, Demoerat. 8*m Rldgoway an induttrione colored man that livet ln thla county, and who triea to mnknarevyedgnent, tan adopted • nov.1 plan at pnihtaff np kte work without depriving him- •elf of too mnch rut In thn moraine- Hn hat a trough ta hie lot Into which ho pate a feed far hit male. At might h* ftttone hla mule np tattantahte and tosdg It there, hahaaaeord attached to a pin that make, th* stab!* door fitat, this oord paaxra into hie honra nod 1a fleet* •nod to a jo lit jaat over hie hod. At three o’clock 1m the morning 8am awakes, pnlla hie Ua* and tha static door opens th* male walk, •nt I* Us morning feed ta the trench andSam tngnaarertor aa honra nap. At flew o’clock ta gets w, and ffoca ont ton hk dayc work. jtmorrhax/G^t, CyxEuS^cto^prmnpUy i ^NolffitomannreraSnnlora aooompaated by tan Ed“ulc a SwSuoS.Aapui^ p “ p ‘“° DBS. BETTS A BETTE, snftwkyurm SIX WhltshsH BL, Alien ts. Gs. 1 AfiTD IN Tb caused by Iba . M failure of tho Stomach THk juices to digest the i food, which, lying in STOMACH ^Stomach, ferments,’ uiviunvu nud sours, causing Wind, Flatulence, Dizziness, Ful ness, Heartburn, Palpitation, Flut tering, Vertigo, Drowsiness, Iro tation of the Skin, Nervousness, Irritability and “Bines.” - .Neither soda nor starvation will correct the faulty secretions of tho Stomach.. Nature has provided a remedy in Man- OfitTDWflV’Cjl drake,thebestmed- bOuijrlliA. 5] leal properties of | which, with other nccdAil elements, are combined in rake PULS , SCHENCK’S MANDRAKE PILLS DB. ftCIIENCK’fl Book on Conanmutioa. Urer Cora,htlut and Drapepria. ecat Free. DB. J. H. fiCBESCK A 80S, Phltedelpkta, Pa. mayfi-dtf inn Urn wky arm ENGINES, WAXES-WHLEUJ, SKOJR •pia-aij m non woo wky e • w \