The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, July 06, 1886, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION - . ATLANTA, GA-, TUESDAY JULY 188 » Rost perfecymadb frepsrod by a physician with special ngut ••health. SoAmnoaU,UmsctAhun. Jff-To tboao owning water powers. STEWART BROS. & IVY, ID Forsyth street, I Atlanta, Ga. We are man* ufac taring the Improved Prlant Tar* bine Water Wheel. We claim from 15 . to25peroent I more poirer with same water. On ao* coant of con* structlon of wheel, gate rigging U be* _ yond com* par Ison, allowing snakes, eels and other substances to pass through without Injury to wheel. Below woreffer toutoJfoUowlng persons who are urine our wheels: J. C. Zorn, Thomaston, Ga*; V. J. Georgians Say I e In recommending it to thepabiio BBV. J, ROFUSJMHiDKB, t „ Houston ooanty, Ga. ms Liver Reg* PATION, and benefit. Ihavemscd Simmons - Ulster for CONBTIPATII always with decided' HIRAM WARNER, ChIlX.JUJUCOOftll.BtAt. Of Georgia. : IlhATO been troubled with llw compl*int,kld- Dey disease, Md h«d blood fbr» loo. Urn*. I her. used Simmons Urcr Regulator. and it hose done me more good than all the medicine 1 ever took' I would not be without Jh pBRATT V. a Deputy Collector Seeond District, Georgia. I hare been tain* Simmon, Urn Regulator lot DYSPEPSIA, end would ny to all dyspeptics that I bare found It to reflovo me. wheQ Ml other treatment had failed. R.T.lODDUfrON^.^ Messrs J. IL zeilin A Oo. Gentlemen: I contlno t* on ammoni Llrer Rel ator, and I hope ion will be able toexmw all fraud! and imHsifimsaf your vsluxbl^medlcino. mavll-wkrlvnrm no3 Orchard. wanting l'OUTK.UTH or jjjR ^lao» an v a rnmauk H ptlop tula paper. Julye—wkjlt HHUPfAYKTTR COUNTY—0L1RRISSA Jienau. widow of lingh Drenan.haa applied to undesigned lot appraisersto value for a rear's port from the estate of the deceased. Said ap- CLOSED UP. The Atlanta Saloons a Thing of the Past. DRY ATLANTA-HOW SHE LOOKS The Day Dawns and Goes Out Rainy and Wet. AND WITH IT WHISKY GOES TOO. The Scenes on the Streets During the Last Day. JUGS AND BOTTLES HAVE FULL SWAY But No One Gets Hurt and all Go Home Happy, From Thuradar'a Dallr Constitution. This morning for the first time In her his tory it is unlawful to sella drink of whisky within the limits of the city of Atlanta. At twelve o’dook leet night prohibition wont In- to effect, and Atlanta atanda alone a olty of fifty thousand or more Inhabitants committed to that policy. The manly and tho reasonable thing to do, la to give prohibition a fell, fair and frank trial. It baa been ordered by the people in an election that has stood the teat of exhaustive legal scrutiny,and la accepted as a fair and full expression of tho popular will. Small evasions of tho law will help neither those who make them nor tho cause they represent. The Mends and tho enemies of prohibition agreed during the campaign that It was an experi ment. It should bo aoeopted as inch and put squarely on its merits. If tho will and spirit of the law la obeyed and prove* to he a failure, In eighteen months It will bo reposted by a popular vote. If on the other hand it la evad ed and contested, no matter what tho romlt may bo it will only band the prohibition peo ple closer togother, and make any adjustment of tho leeue tho more Impossible. All olastes should unite In seeing that tho law la fairly and honestly carried out. Pat It on its merits and if It la beat It will stand. If it it not, It will fall. Beyond the responsibility of the people to which we have alluded, there la a hoary re sponsibility resting upon those who am charged with tho administration of tho law. Thera should ha reason in all things. An attempt to press technical points and path the enforce ment of the law beyond reasonable limits, will be sura to react. There an largo lames and large interests involved in tho experiment upon which Atlanta has entered this morning. These should bo met and adjusted In the larg est spirit of liberality oonslstent with tho en forcement of the pnrposo that lisa in prohibi tion. Pettifogging espionage will be as fatal as trickery in evading the law. Whatever may be the result* of this experi ment Atlanta does not shrink from meeting them. She went into the prohibition fight with her eyes open. Every phase of the question was discussed in tho prolonged and heated campaign. She determined deliberate ly to try prohibition and accept the conse quences of that trial. The experiment be gin! this morning. It will be watched with interest in every state In tho onion. Atlanta owes it to herself to make this experiment In sn honest, fair, dignified end libera! way. This ws an sure sho will do. TIE DAT ON‘TOE STREETS. , j in Al ___i snd official lutvswHt I will pan upon wo asms ou iuc usuit, 18M. Glr*n under mj signature -hit July in. ISM. I). II. FRANKLIN, Ordinary. BEST TRU88 EVER U8EPJ Worn night i^H l’.i-i'.ivclyci.real S. nt l.i Write McaalEilicB J-l-tBreadwiylRooml), NEW YORK. VEORGIA, FAYETTE OOtJ.VTY-CLARRISiA man has in due form applied to the under- I for permanent letters of administration. M an has In due form W for permanent lette.. aa*w Mod* • 10j hfinil fjnri , Otdinirf. JaljCwkit itture this Ji application on the 8. Given under m; hit July 1ft, m D. M. FRANKLIN, ( ^lllre EARLE, 19U»th fit. Waahtnftoj^D.C. Name tufa paper. Men Moving About with Jagfl and Drinking Together the lout Time. The day has been watched for with tho greatest Interest by every one In Atlanta and ont of Atlanta. Every day for the past week the universal salutation has been: “Well, Wednesday next is the last dsy for liquor.” The facisl expression accompanying the re mark, however, differed. A prohibitionist would smile a pleasant to-the-conquorar- belongs-the-ipoila sort of a smile, while the anti's face was covered with a frown and his voice was indicative of almost pain. Bnt the dsy has come end gone, and the world still moves on. On* of the most Interesting features of tho dsy was tbn'grcat number of Jogs, bottles end dcmljolun aeon on the streets. To the oh* servtuwbo occupied a position near the oor- ner grreachtreo and Marietta street, Jogs always In eight. Old men, young men, roman, poor man and well- > aeon moving in almost :non witn a Jug, bottle or demUohn Some carried them openly ana In dependently while others had them aacnrely wrapt In paper end carefully stowed sway under one arm. eo as to attract aa little attention as possible. Jogs were swung about with an air and froe- pom never before toon In Atlanta. On Decatur street, near Loyd, there was a moving, seething mam of negroes. Every on* had a bottle or Jug and all were having com whisky put In them. They were remarkably orderly however ^id joked about tha closing. la the beat of humor prevailed. Tha atopic appeared willing to accept tha sltnylon aa It was, and with a smile and word pMwd each other. ’ the leading ealoona of tha city hat jn famous for Its fins com whtaky, and long tha patrons of that saloon wae Capitol avenno cltieen who never drank anything bnt the com whisky. Yesterday about noon ha an tend tho saloon. Bs had a five gallon dtmljohn In hla hand and plaeiog It on the counter said: “Got any that good corn liquor yet?” “Yea,” said tha aaloonlst, “How mnebdo yon want?” "Five gallons,” was the answer. “Well, don’t know whether Iv’e got that mnch or not but I ” "Alright, give me what you're got, 'canes it’s good. Put it np till I get back,” aid the gentleman, as ha walked out ~ were several gentlemen standing tho aaloonlst picked np hla hag of Iquor and emptied every drop In the , hn, bnt it was hardly half enough, saloonist then wished at the crowd and ‘Well, here’s a chance to get even on him 'cause be voted prohibition.” Ha then filled the demijohn with gin and .jrklng It np placed It on the counter. Tha crowd decided to star and aaa tha play ont and presently tha oora liquor drinker who voted for prohibition came hurriedly in. “Oct my com whisky reedy?” be asked. "Ye*. Here It 1a” answered the saloon “?Ail right; give ma a glass let's sae how It tastes.” A glass was set out, and tha crowd looked on with renewed Interest, believing that the purchaser would detect the fraud. Ha poured ont a drink, gulped it down and mid: “Oh, that’s fine! Bow much I owe you?” “Fifteen dollars,” answered the bar man, as the crowd began to ami la. Tha citizen paid for his gin and corn liquor asd left. If a man had owned five thotusad jigs yes terday morning In Atlanta, and tha jags bad have been bis, he could bar* gone to bed last night rich. Money c could not bny a jag yesterday. There were none in town. Tuesday at noon, O. B. Stewart, on Peter* street, received two thousand five handled jars and yesterday afternoon wae down town frying to buy more. One firm reoolved three days ago, two car loads, and yesterday wanted more, but conld not get them. Jogs that have been discarded for years were yes terday brought out. boiled out, clesnod out and then filled with liquor. Tha vinegar jng. the molaaes Jog and even the Jog which had hern consigned to the ash pile as a receptacle for lye was brought into use again, and is to- dsy a treasure. Bottles were abundant, It U true, but it took too many of them to holdaa mnch aaa Jng. TIIE LAST DRINK. As tha Clock Strike* Twelve the Men Take Their Last. At midnight a doaen men, quiet bnt well loaded, were In Breitenbuoher’s. Some were sitting at the table, some were standing by the counter and tome In tho middle of the floor. Tho hinds pointed to midnight, and Phil Breite nbnrcher said: "All ont now; 'tis midnight, and the town'* dry." "One more drink,” said some one, “come op and call for It.” "I’ll take a beer,” said one. “Wblakey,” said another. "Gimme * cocktail." “A eonr.” “A straight.” “Qnickboye, the clock’s striking,'' yelled Phil. "Here's to probe” said the setter up. “Bore's to prohl,” answered the crowd In chorus. The negro man grabbed a rad, began taming ont the lights, and in a minute the place wet dark. In Folsom's two old proht't stood side and side. They were sober, and they were welt ing for the clock. Their drloks were before them, and whan tha deck began to atriko one grabbed hts glare and said: “May It always stay dry,” “Yes, may It always stay dry,” answered the other. "Folsom, did yon send my five gallons c home?" And In a minute Folsom's saloon a lug, one a cocktail, the other straight liquor. "Put me a bottlo under the oonnter, and here's your money,” said ono of tho young men to Mr. Holland, one of the most popultr reloonlsts In the south. "A whit?” asked Mr. Holland. “A buttle of whisky. I can call and get my d rink when I want It.” ‘ Excuse me: catch me dishing ont whisky here after tonight.” •Why?” "1* re always bad a holy horror of sleeping in jail. Don’t think I'll try It on this sum mer.” And tho yonng man tamed sadly sway, carrying the quart under bis left arm. At tan minutes to twalvo the reporter again went into tho bar. This time he round a number taking their lost nip. Presently fellow wearing a broad brim hat waltzod and slapping hla atlok on the oonnter, said: "I’m a howling cowboy from Texas, and I propose to drink this town dry, I do. Give mo straight good, Mr. Gin Sllnger, and no stamp water, goat milk and logwood. I'm bad dtlsen, I am. Do you hear,” Special Officer Fouto was standing conven iently near, and tap;' ‘' reminded him of the quiet or bo bounced. "All right, pud, give me er quart, an' I’ll go." Ho got hla qnart and departed, and he was the last man who drank at the Klmbtll house bar, for the doors eloaed, 'and the last night waaover. “What will yon do tomorrow?” asked tho reporter of the proprietor. "Just what was published In yesterday’* Constitution, in an interview with Mr. SeovlUe.” “Yon fear no trouble?” "Note bit. There will be no violation of tho law, and where can tho trouble corns from?" __ __ LAY OF TOR LAST MlNSTfrfcLS. The Boys Who Took In tha Town After IS O'Oloek. “Mule hath charms to tooths the savage ■east,' 1 and aa the drunken crowd were forced from the doors of the Big Bonans* by the polios—they bant into long, end forming Into* regular battalion, four abreast, they mucked uonnd the Kimball, making the night hideous with their din. It wae a good- natnred crowd though, despite Its bluster, and their hoots and yelu meant no harm to any body, unices It was to tho man that was trying to sleep. "Pare around the bottle and well ail take a drink," was tha bnrdtn of their long, and this wae punctuated hare and there with yells ot “Hurrah for prohibition.” Noth ing hot a bonfire and a few icons of torch lights were needed to make np a regular Fourth of July demonstration, and tha thing had very much tho air of a Christmas night in midsummer. Now and then some poor fellow who had shipped more than he conld carry would drop from tha ranks and sink to tha pavement, bnt h* would be grabbed on either side by those whose legs were more steady, and dragged along after tha yelling procession. Some fal lows whoa* llqnor developed a belligerent spirit, would square themselves offend declare that theyoonld lick any son of a thief of a prohibitionist that wonld show himself, bnt If sny inch was present ho was notofsn argu mentative tom of mind, and was disposed to take their word for It. The police were In structed to give the crowd considerable lice are, and only interfere when necemery to prevent Injury to person or property. The strolling minstrels accordingly took possession of the town, and a* Tux Constitution presets ware working this morning, the refrain still echoed In the distance, "Pee* around the bottle and we'll all take a drink.” ATLANTA'S WINE BOOMS. Marietta Street to Have Several Handsome Ones HoswThey Will be Bon. Several of tho ealoon doors will open again this morning but will not open as barrooms. They will open aa wins rooms. Yesterday City Clerk Goldsmith issued win* room lice ness to Phil Breltebnchsr, Scovlll* A Beermann and L. B. Folsom, Kenny A Wer ner and the Bonanza will fol low an it today and procure a similar license. Tho gentlemen who have taken out these licensee will not attempt to eell liquor or beer, bat trill content thonueiros with serving native trines, cigars and tobacco. They trill make lemonade and other load drink* that do not require llqnor. Each of the gentlemen who havo taken ont a license ray most positively that they will not sail nor allow the ml* of whisky or beer In these Breitenbneher’s handsomely finished saloon will look odd with all tha whisky oat, sad that nobby little place, the Bonanza, will look jnataaodd. NOT EXPENDED FOR NOTHINO. A Prohibitionist Says That Prohibition Will Prohibit. Will th* law ba enforced? Jut now s good many paopla In Atlanta are asking themselves, their friends and thsir neighbors that question. “Prohibition u hare,” they my, “and now that it labors, will It prohibit?” Ou* of th* most prominent yon nr prohibi tionists in the city, eaid to a Constitution reporter yaaterdsy: “We prohibition! tbourand dollars for nothiag. “ coat aa, bnt every cent legitimately. Oar car riage bills ware heavy, and ao were our braze band bill*, our speakers’bills, and our food bills. We paid roundly tot the food end had coffee served to valets on the day of th* election. W* paid roundly for ad vertisement* in the newspapers. We don’t propoe* to loo* the money we ezpended. We Intend to see that the law is enforced." A former anti-prohibitioalat, recently verted to prohibition principle*, said: "I understand that by soma hocua-pocn liquor dealers have obtained the list ef voters at the prohibition election. AU tho** tint voted ‘wet’ will be able to get ihvors 'behind the scenes.’ Thoso that voted ‘dry’ will bo boycotted. Well, all right, but yon are going to me the law enforced." THEY DO NOT CLOSE. Tho Wholesale Liquor Men Pay Their Li cense Tax and Will Oo On. The wholesale men will remain open until about the last of Angnet, and after that time whisky will not berm ule anywhere except In the drugstore*. Tho wholesale houses con tinue bectueo the license they operate under cornea from the county and state and not from the city. The wholesale licenses an Issued for the county by Ur. Tyler Cooper end ex- tend over the space of a year. It ao happened that Cox, Hill A Thompson, J. M. Hill and rani Jones procured licensee In August last and these licenses cannot be revoked. Yester day the gentlemen went to the city clerk and paid the city license tax which Is required by ordinance, and are thus entitled to continue until their etato licenses expire. Mr. Fanl Jones’s Uccnie expires last, August 25. MAYOR’S PROCLAMATION. He Calls on the People to Aid In Enforcing the Law, Mayor HUIyer last night lent the following proclamation to Thi Constitution office: NAVoa niu.vzn to Tile runt or tai.axta. Mayor's Office, Atlanta, Ga..July ltt,ISM,—In obe> dlenee to popular will, the barroom* were all closed last night, with the Intention never again to be re-opened or tolerated In our much loved city, is been cberged that you will not be able to ‘Ugh standard of morals which this live up to the high step Implies, Thoi you si I do, and es ose who think eo do not know you know one another, in the might of your Integrity you bare born# with pa* Hence the unfoundedcommentsof theunlnformed, or of prejudiced men. It now becomes you to prove them In the wrong. You were and are conscious that you acted from principle, and havo done what is right. In the purpose to stand by the right, the greet popular heart of tho city does not hlter. The decree has gone forth. You hare closed up the barrooms In Atlanta, and because you loro the city, and lovo ono another, and love your children—bleared children—your will Is the! the barrooms remain closed forever. You will in a spirit of forbearance and modera tion, and yet with each firmness as becomes you as men, untie to sustain the authorities of the olty In the enforcement of this law. A just and healthy public opinion is the beat safegnstd In every com munity. As those who hare differed with you soo .ha good effects, opposition, If there he auy. will quiet down and disappear. It Is the high destiny f Atlanta to prove to tho **' ’ **■— ----- an be enforced In a largo o “Set upon a bill and her 11 'TRE POLICE WILL ENFORCE. Chief Connally Reads th* Act to tho Foree and Instructs. The friends of prohibition noed have no fears about tho enforcement of tho laws. Mayor HUIyer saye tho lam •hall be enforced, Jndgo Anderson, of tho police couit saye tho lam shall boon- forced end tho city council will eneteln them. Yesterday at noon and last night at midnight Chief Connolly retd the ordinances to tho po- " department and Instructed tho members in force it rigidly. Ho informed thorn that selling liquor In Atlanta now waa as much a violation of a city law aaa state law end gavo them to understand that neglecting to enforce It wonld remit in a dismissal from the forco. Ho also Informed them that they need not Interfere with merchants who have license to soU wine when thoy conflno thom- •olvet to American wines, not Georgia wlnei only. The cells at police headqartors wore well filled at midnight, but not half eo as people wonld suppose It to have been. The Black Maria moved about considerably yesterday— so mnch eothat aha had a hot box, but only half of thoso brought In wore booked. The chlefinetrnctedtheforootobe lenient as It waa tha hut day, and many coses were that passed by that otherwise wonld havo boon made. When the day waa over and the city wu a dry city the amount of drunkenness was •mall under tho circumstances. Tho majority of thorn who wore ont wore young mon. VS. IOWA. The Gist of the Opinions In th* Celebrated Case. The Interest, Jnet at this time In prohibition, suggests the celebrated earn of Bartmeyar va. Iowa. The opinions In the caw wore deliver ed by Justices of the supremo court of the ilea States, Miller, Bradley and Field. Tho owing is tho gist of tho o * 1. Tho usual and ordinary ng or prohibiting raises no question under tho const!- lutlon of ibe United States prior to the fourteenth amendment of that Instrument. 2£Tlie right to eell Intoxicating liquors Is not beprtrlleges and immunities of oltlsens of ItM States which by that amendment tho — 'Tibidd r.m-i-riiic tilC IfllltKl ..... Mates wero forbidden to abi r that a sutS'tnr owning liqtJMI wae passed by the stats absolutely prohibiting any sale ot It, U would bo. a very grave question whether such a law would not b* inconsistent with the provision of that amendment, which forbids liberty or to present that question, It Ikllod to do It, because the plea, which Is taken aa true, did not state, In duo rorm and by posltlro allega tion, Uw Umo when the defendant baoame the owner of the llqnor sold; and, reamdly,because th* record sallsded the court that this wee a moot case, made up to obtain tho opinion of this court on a grate constitutional question, without tha exist ence of the recti necessary to raise that queetlou, 6. In inch a caw, whore tho raprome court of tho state tc which the writ of error isdlrecudhw not considered the question, this court will not ftrlet liberty to go out ot lie usual oourse to de cide it, WHAT "NATIVE WINES" MEAN. Th* Construction Pieced Upon the Term by th* Mayor end Chief. The leloonlate who are thinking of opening win* room* are anxious to know whet con struction the mayor and police department and caarte will place upon “native wlnte.” Borne persons claim that “natlva wines" mean wines mad* In Georgia only, while others claim that It means winw made any whan In tha United States. Yesterday Mayor HUIyer, laatlon.wld: iw liberally oonetrnsd, will permit the sale of any winw made In the union." “Unleea I am otherwise instructed,” sold Chief Connolly, “I shall not interfere with wine rooms wiling wine* made anywhere In the union. I think tho law does not Intend to preclude wine* mad* In other states.” “Bupnow a man opens a wine room. He has winw down stain and a restaurant up stairs. Can a customer buys bottle of wins, send It np stairs and drink It?” “With a meal or lunch?" *‘Noa dry io.* 1 “Wall, I don’t know. I hardly think w.” “Wall, with a lunch, than?” “Yea, if th* lunch la a bona fida lunch. But a man can’t bay a sandwich and taka a bit* Jaat to nt bit wine.” "If celled upon to oonitrn* th* law," wld plain English, chairman of the board of no lle* commissioners, “I should deal liberally id I think the courts are w In- THOSE VACANT HOUSES. What Baal Batata Agents gay or Certain Th* OomWTUTioM has already referred to the statement* published In a Macon paper rel ative to th* number of hosaw for rent In At lanta. Oneofthow statement* wae that th* real estate agents of Atlanta havaonthair rent Hate fully fifteen bandied house*, and that this large number of vacant houses wu tha recrilt of Dtohibftion. Toe Constitution hu shown that this wu a treacly exaggerated .statement of the number ef vacant house* In Atlanta, and this morning it is enabled to show how th* exaggeration oc curred. Th* parties who eansad tha statement to b* published, obtained from th* real eitste agents lists of all hoatu sad parts sf houses they have for rent. Parte of nenees, la many inatenou single noma, were counted u honsee. For butene*, at th* office of Leek A Lyle,* Constitution reporter wee ” bis story: i furnished a rent list to th* oorrwpoa- dent of e Macou paper. On It were many single rooms, every on* ef which the corre spondent counted u a house. In a mjertiy of Instances, the owner of a honso which ha de ltas to rent will place it on the llata of all tha real estate dealers at the urn* time. Thru- fonrtbe of the hones* now for rent in Atlanta will ho found upon tha list* of all the promi nent real estate agents. The eorraepoudent of the Macon paper counted the same houses as many aa half a dozen times.” ‘ How many house* in Atlanta are for rent? 11 "Good, bad and indlflercnt there are not 800.’’ "How many doalrable residence) are for rent?” "Beginning with four-room houree and as cending tho acale, there are not two hundred and fifty.” "How many vacant residences are there In the city? ’ "There are not sixty. At Samuel W. Goode’s office, tho reporter heard a similar story. Mr, Anderson Howard •aid: “There are not two hundred and fifty da •table residences In Atlanta for rent. Tho itories that havo been published abont the number of bouse* for rent In Atlanta are abenrd.” In tho language of another real catato agent: “Misrepresentation Is a mighty poor game." QUESTIONS OF CONSTITUTIONALITY, Different Opinions Ooneernlng the Local Option Act. The Interest In the constitutionality of tho local option act contlnnu unabated. It la be lieved by some that tho tost case under tho domettlc wlno clause will canes the entire act to bo declared unconstitutional. Others be lieve that only that special clauso will bo de clared unconstitutional. Others, and they are by no meana few in numbor, believe that the entire act will be declared to be In strict con formity with tho constitution. It la agreed that the two loading questions of constitutionality presented by the act are: First, does It not interfere with tho vested rights of tho Atlanta City Brewing company ann wonln not preventing that company from doing bneineea bo unconstitutional, and, therefore, render the act null and void? Second. If tho domestic wine claueo means Georgia wince, does not tho act attempt to regulate Interstate commerco, and le It not, therefore, unconstitutional r Neither of theeo questions has aver bean finally decided. The derisions affecting them do not ehed mnch light upon them, althongh it Is claimed that tho weight of tho decisions eeemi to foreshadow afilrmatiro replies to bedh. The Georgia Law Reporter, for July, thus deals with the second question: gonerel impression, that uuuHMiu niunwu uu minilftClUKd aud Hold tO thift itate under tho pruvl*!ona of 80011008, or the the local option act, but not In barroomi, nor by retail. Alf thoio who an* laboring undor thh false delusion, will realise to their sorrow, bow docop* tire our laws (?) ioroetlmos are. ot ton times they prove snares to catch tho unwary and Innooent As an Illustration, take tho caso or McCreary va. state,* decided not long since by the supreme court of Alabama. It was held, that. “ The proviso to the act of February £td, IMl, prohibiting, under penalty, the sale or other dis position or spirituous, vinous or malt Unitors, or Intoxicating beverages or bitters, in Mouroo and other counties, (Pamph. Acts, IMO-tl, p. lots.) that nothing contained lu the act shall prevent any person itoni selling wine, In quantities less than one quart, mado In this state, Rom grapes raised therein, being a discrimination against imported uftetured from grapes raised in any of . . tales, or In foreign countries, and In favor or wines manufactured from grapes ratted In this state. Is violative of the constitution of tha United States, and void. “ Tho unconstitutionally of such proviso does not affect the remainder or the act, but It Is left In full force and effect, operating to prohibit tho sale or other dlsposlon of any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or Intoxicating beverages or bitters In the counties designated: savo for the purpose ex* prcisly excepted Rom the operation of thoaot; and hence, the fact that wlno sold by a defendant In* *ed for a violation of tho act was ratted by him ha SnfUefinen 1101 ’ 11110 defonco “ ^ ild decide nal, which • manufactured from grapes “not be soldondor i expressly gram After all le said, however, tho questions will remain unsolved until tha supreme oourt of the United Slates shall have finally pautd up on them. •_ Odd Names, From the Youth's Companion. In the "Taming ot tho Bhrow” one speaker ridicules —"mephen 81y, and old John Nap*, of Greece, And I’ctcr Turf, and Henry Pimpernel I, And twenty more suoh names and men as these. Which never were, nor no man ever saw/' Rut people with very »noh worso names than these have actually been, and been seen—and are living yet. The names conjured up by Dlokens are more than matched from the subscription list of a certain New York newspaper: Marla Pickles,Cyntha Nelderfrankenstelnhauser, William F. I’eterflsh, John J. Cowhog, Laura Loot* borrow, Maggie Mussmaker, J. Tyranny, Minnie Blggbost, Fannie Vinegar, 8usle Bouse, Nora D. Free love, Mattie B. Tootood, Mollis Wnltoneok, Pbeota Bnfflcoo), Elite Plunk, Cora Ooou, Viola Kycetone, Kaytie Hblvers. Pearl 8had, Frankie Hsmple, John George Dlnglodog, 0.0. Panoafce, Dick Turnl paced. Orange Grove. Five acres only fooo; t years' Ume. George P. Herndon, Leesburg, Fie* Till Kansas prohibitionists are bent on showing that tbrir state Is the temperance strong hold. They will try to have oompleta state, oon* grcwlonal end county tickets In the Hold. To be free from ilck-headache, biliousness constipation, etc., use Carter’s Little Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable. They gently stimu late the liver anu free the stomach from bile. Lxvi P. Ifoston considers the chaneee of republican sueeess In the oast presidential elec tion "almost certain with a wise nomination.” Tho Breton Herald suggests that this is a modest way to spell Morton. Jtolmti’ Kart Core Honlk Wub Dentifrice. Cures Rare Thrash Btesdint Gums, moors sna ■■olioaw. OtesnsTnth, Ftmfist ths Brasih, Fro Dared by lire. J. r. A W. R. Romes, UentUls, Ntoou, K Foe iste br *11 Drunlsu sca Dwntou. sufU—wkjir A lawyer or Kinpten, New York, has ap peared 1* loro the local sutborltlM with there- qUCTtttiit.n ssnsamont tor 11.000 be taken from the property of a nslzlihnr and plactdupoubb own lot. The an of wlrsetss hsa not coded. IJrut. F. M. Eymonda, U. A N-. Bays: "By tho use of Llchlz Go’s Arntested Extract of Witch Iltzsl I cured myatlf of * scran, sod chronic csttrrb.” Also curs. Piles, Rheumatism, Neural,Is, Varicose flora sod Veins. There will be no boxing match at tho Near YOUR SUNDAY-SCHOOL Finds pleasure In Its Mnslc. Ilrlght songs inako tho children bnppy. If you are Tin nrrd of a newr act of binging Books, ex it ml un tha foliowlogi Songs of Promis».SndoJIKrewS Meeting*. Bf J. If. Tenney and K. A. Hoff man. Price 36 cents; per dostn S3 &). *'80011 of Promise” fill ibis beautiful book, and they have a great variety.having been contributed by many able writers. The book hsa leo pegesaud 149 hymns, each with Its own tunc. Music and words mostly new. Singing on ihe brook. Price ucents; p.'dozen, K to A capital book, coutsluloMICO togs, of excel! ml •outs, Mans snd “cccoiionar' plww, such aa wllTht welcomed by llw Huodsy school. Bun piece may t* played upon llw or|*n. Song Worehip win. Price js coot.; per dozen SI SO. A book that is Intended to lift the strrlce of nor In the Psbbstb acbool sbor* the ordinary level, without puMiM) It btyoud Uw reach of Uw vest majority. • ; • • Prf r l, PIciwaatA -For Infant clmw* rresn r.ioweis d t y. K i IOO is ByKmm* rut. Fries 98 cents; per Ocean tl "I. A dainty llttlo hook. **- foil as it can hold of Oliver Ditson&Co., Boston. C. U. iKiaon A Co,, N7 Broadway, New York. The Firsi Sign, or railing health, Whether In tho form ot Night Sweats snd Nervousness, or In a sense ot Gonerai Weariness sail Loss ot Appetite, should suggeit the use of Ayer's Bsrsaparllls. This preparation Is most effective for giving tens and strength to the enfeebled system, promoting tho digestion and ssalmliatlon ot food, restop. lug th* nervous forces to their normal condition, snd for purifying, enriching, snd vitalising tho blood. Failing Health. Ten years seo my hesllh began (o ML I wss troubled with * dlstasslng Cough, Night Sweats, Weakness, snd Nervous ness. I tried various remedies prescribed by different phvslclant, but neratns so weak that I could not eo up stairs with out stopping to rest, lly friends recom mended mo to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, which I did, nnd I am now as benlthv and strong as ever.—Mrs. E. L. Williams, Alexandria. Mlnu. I havo nsed Ayer’s Ssrsapsrllls, In mr family, for Scrofula, snd know, If it u taken faithfully, that It will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. I havo also proscribed It ss ■ tunic, at well ss an alter ative, end must say that I honestly bclievs It to bo tho best blood ■nctllclno over compounded.—W. F. Fowler, D. D. 8., M. D., Greenville, Tsuu. Dyspepsia Cured. Tt would bo impossible for mo to de scribe what I suffered front Indigestion and Headache up to tlw time I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was under tho oars of various phvalclnns nnd tried * great many kinds of medicines, but never obtained more than temporary re lief. After taking Ayer’s Sarsaparilla for s short time, my headache disappeared, snd my stomach performed Its duties more perfectly. To-day my health is eom- gletelj^restoMd.—Mary Harley, Spring- I hsvo boon greatly benefited by th* prompt uto of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It tones and Invigorates the system, regulate* the action of tua digestive and usimilaUv* organs, and vltellzo* Uw blood. It Is, without doubt, tho most reliable blood purifier yet discovered.—H. D. Johniioa, K3 Atlantia are., Brooklyn, N. Y. ’ Ayers Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. a A jer ft Co., Lowell. Mss*. Frio* Oil six bottles, 05* «*SEDGWXOK+~ STEEL WIRE FENCE aras i luenilonlnx Dioar. •BDQWICK BROS., Richmond, Ind. EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES ALWAYS SATISFACTORT Eighteen Sizes andKinds ALL PURCHASERS CAN BE IUITEO JfAMUFAOTURKO BY bui i Sheppard I Co., Baliiaon, MA AND FOX RALE XT HUHNICUTT k BELLINGRATH, Aflsnte, Cteorgla. Jans*—wky 90t oow SELF-TRAMPING COTTON PRESSES. First Prcaslssi, N. O. Exposition. tissm&asis GIN-HOUSE KING ENGINE Nun* this paper. Juac23—wkyllt sow nol PIPAGES ,UES JumIA—wkjt v mow 5. L Na»qiMip«pyr. _ jun*9»-wkrii*qw