The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, July 20, 1886, Image 8

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I THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION.' A1ULNTA. ?TUESDAY' JULY 20 1886 THROUGH DIXIE JWHATTHB SOU TH BRN FOLK* ARB SAYiNO AND DOINO. F.U1.0- =«■>. — am Mud •»« w.t«r-B«p»» M "““ Somalia »»»«»■"•“ - ..lol4M-r»» Work ol !■*« L»OOB. *<«• TMH. Da ring » M«m> «*« **>« C> 0?1 ' ”“* h twenty a 11m umiih of Penn, e home in nhijn four women were Jl|bttlng end nil . aping wee urnek by , InrUntly killed. North Owoimn. The cllr eatborltl*** here decide,! ihe i’ght p llm for AiblTille le lAMjrof the eleclrld BjBag^yaf;was The first tbroutli’^ m over the A. Afl. rovl reschcd AehoviIIe w m Jeering Spartanbur* *"*•*" HW “ mRn “ Aden end i— ifMteeoc The new i Charleston, Sevan osb in portent point*. ..pen* e quick route to Florida, Augusts eud other rule, we I*rliam< South Carolina. wv »uin contributed bjr the Ifl*h citizens leetonand <>th<- ‘ymp**hizoni with home .re forward til 'oiay to toe treasurer of the tontery fourty ward of fifty delegate* to In the peat few <l-> the state democrat |r • by various county ro< egetee will comp in email proportion nt n to urge the clsfoi*«' „ sthan three among politician* h Prlra*cer 1* nnr m ty. In the Miutli . Hire of governor. *o hta i t** very promising. Every r Richardson gain* atrength » men In Coluaabiaex iloncl Richardson will re- the flrat ballot. Notwlth- 11 pit*invention will meet in • 'itiw la aearcely any talk oivnn»hlp* of Homier conn- i r ton of Privateer Is a larga tract of plnt y wihnIf >v i,w h |m dotted with cypres* nondi. II I* a low w » ill'inal Mellon ol country, and la Inhabited |»fli fn ally l»y aome negro squet- ter*. Amor a them m winter Canty, who died In Frhtnarr. Tbo »>.|. »» mwroM think th»t HtMti’* nh„« ;,i. rlnn eCnm In tblr mi ll, .1 "I Hut It Met iron pint) to Virginia. The federal coutt m lgea Bond and Hughes presiding, baa i-»- n trying the case of Polanry v*. thi ••••«*urnr of Shenandoah county, and thf *t*i* board of Indemnity, con* sitting of the first :u d -wood auditor*, treas urer,secretary of tb* < ornuionwaalth and attor ney general. Th» < *».* wan not finished, and the lutywaaaflj tirMil over till tomorrow. 31. (i. Dulaney, it *> .Irby citizen of Hhenan- doth county. tn..irred atate coupon* In payment of hi* taxes, which wa* refused, and the connty treasurer levied on eight of Dii'anoy’a cattle and aold them. Dulaney atird film for tresp%8« lu mak- lug the levy and Nile, claiming damage* at 4>l0O,(XM). The state'* < Ulcer* are defended by ilan. J. Randolph Tucker and Attornev-Osn- oral Aver*, and Dulaney by Win. L. Royal), retinae) for tlio crtdlton of the atate and Win. ll.Siudto. An accident to < xcurslonlsU on AlHo rnatlc Bound, on Wtdneoday, is reported from Norfolk. Between twenty and thirty residents cf Want* n, '■ O. had been to N»gi hesd on a ulniic While returning by n nebooaer, anu when -bout two mile* from shore, thoveBael wh- e j. sized by asquvil and a number of pctaoi.a were thrown Into tho water. I.ieulctmntCbaji.r, of the revenuo nmlue gcrvice, with the rlo^,« Alert, went to tho aids* tauro of the party m.d roacued a number of thoaoln peril. Tht«t- hodirs, two of which aro those of young ladu *•, the other that of a child, have heel! recover, d. An iDullest will bo hold, when fort he r part In • Un» will be obtalnod. fuller— r**e concluded l»y a verdlet of acfnaJ dsmafc* Mtatalned by DuJauoy In the lory and sain of hi* stock. Tonnoeene, Wm. Tired, while bulbing In Flat creek, near 8helh> ville. a few weeks ago, began to fool around under the »- <-ka for H*h. Ue caught what ho tbony: t was a flsb, but tit*on drawing It to tho imrfioo of tho water '•»tod It to be a large water inono^in Thoauakebit Rio*l on the thumb, but aa t* w*a killed nothing was the nght nr it until m few day* ago, whoa h't«d a hand begun »» mell, throwing him iuto a violent fever, lie hoentna delirious aud wanted to bite rvi < * »u-« who cauio near his l»cd. It requti I the eomblned atrength of veral men to oonflno him to hl<« h u Several modloai mou 1 1 tbolreflortsseamad wore all eiaiUar to those The constant attend were call* d lu, fniii]e.*A a* sym;»!< iu uni of bydivpl mice amt skill of pultrd him tliruUKli well. nd ho gottiug Plea* Scale*, co'.-ml, was shot near Chat* Unouga while rrimniug from a drunken dance In comi any with a white woman by two nukuottu white from lliorgU. Tl» Jim wuidvrtirt li v (leorpo O’NM! at li mp'icg to boa the Kant Tcnm* railrwd, near i on the track aid U tensing over hi» The Marietta cIin eetahliibjfcent* of f ho kini removed their hovlyiatter* aud wareroomi to Chattftuooga. river, got Into a dim n >upjn»*ed to havo boon lu-gro la fatally wouudod. i ; been captured. «i t'barleston, whilo i a moving freight train on Virginia and Georgia ; .UNiiooga, was thrown ^i uitly killed, fire can works, one of the largest nd in the oontb, have Two men, Jaaper CliattasNMta., on __ cully today li wbicti 1 rankiln waa Mabbot Itre times by Je»ptr an«' »>e wUl die frees hU tnjurlo*. ^Lee ntgjrk^of Spring «»ty, waa drowned recently News has been rrni vrd in Montgomery of the repture of Htcte RentY *o, the notorious Sam ter county outlaw, lie wa* capturod in Cuter* pi lee, MU a, Tuesday, and had In.hU poaiei* •ion a mule aud alt of all vet ware, which bo had stolen near I.»v ugaton. RU career has lu . checkered and romanth. Thcia waa nu »• ant oonfoderata aullier. ltctimiing tohlaiioiuo after the war. howi* active in tho wfr«>« the white people to overthrow the radical party; was at ouo time armted by the f**;*ial authorities on tho charge oflwing a Ku klux, but was released without trial; waa c • ted sheriff of tho comity, and while In th:. i oilicn developed evil trail* ■ idl. Tp to that time bo i U.undetl confidence aud Ho waa charged with I with an attempt •• • aul rcoorda, and wai • il to «a,v*pe lead l»ee mu i Mlong tho birder Hue r «l MiNUalppi, • •ug crimes were chsr cel ‘•••riod. He waa dually 1 t« l.lviiigaton, tried and uitmtiary for a jiurio l of • outiw'.ioniaecurol him. ‘.-li rate men made thou • n«-ar Birmingham.8in<<e •rntlaw and fugitive. l{i* : • uuifort to the people of bad enjoyed Uu > esteem of tho p« «>. i mlw . t’.cim i.t at to butu the courth« artcfeltd, but mana. an outlaw, liugt-ii Urwecn Alaban a a Mm.* th< It* at . to bln timing in > unrsted and can*. Mnteuerd to the |>v areata. COel nunii.i hue heard ctl« r . esewf efiotn tin u.ii tb«?i baa U , u r reptuie ia a aour.« the twotlau*. The«fd annua', m- * rooreutU u n »t m than Naml»«*i. . ideal; J. J. D.Ibt dent; W. G rh. Went. There m, ? and many di*tn v hundred chute' areveprtaettci in BsnlrrtkutiH aion was dewoteo ^ mitt res. Thore|< rolkgi ibowa that twron* crmclllon and free of debt Thi report of the home mission board shows s large in* enaa ii. tl.e recelpte end amount of work accompli*herf. The committee on theevan- gelisailou of the colored race reports en In* crcoAed religious intelligence among the no- grom, and recommends that the convention adopt acme plan for the better education of colored ndiiietire. The convention wdi bj in •eesion five day a. GEORGIA NEWS. Neva of the Week Throughout the State llrlcfly Chronicled. .. KUbt thousand and seven hundrel dun*** werth of timber wa* cleared out of D irion la it week. Robert Rowan, of Bheflleld, who wav hitton by a highland moccaidn, imuiediat ly dr^uk a g*iloti Of wbiaky. To this ho ascribes hi* re* coveiy Little IHaki-Jy UlUon, son of Mr. Olh»on of Dawaon, wbii< atandiug on the pis/.z« of hi* father'* ubidmee, was instantly killed by lightning. J. A. Dillard, the Gwinott county husband, wbocloptd with Mrs Davis, both leaving be hind them largo families of children, is id Lawrencevilio fail. The little boy hurt by the moles running away in Monroe Thursday has sinco died fintu hia wound*. Tins was the most horrible accideut that over occurred in Monroe. JoMph Ingram and Mira McCoy, in mites of the paiif.i ir home, in Cherokee county, woro* d in marriage by J. C. Avery, last San* day. Mr. Iiigmiu is 70 years old and his wife alM.ut 00 yi ara of ago—old enongh to marry. Mr. W. V Boatwright, of Douglas county, haa n yellow leghorn hen that lays remarkable eggs Remit ly she haa been laying eggs abaut three Imdira fnug and two Inches In clrcum* ferrnce. Home of these eggs have been ex* hihitid iu Atlanta, aud their peculiar sUo and ■hape cxciti-d considerable wonder. Mr. Robert .fuatice, of Coiambus, has ro* wived a loner that was mailed to him from Glsacow March ft, and waa on the Mituuirr Oirgoi. which was wrecked off Fire Island March 11 1H80. A few daya ago a mill P'lUch that whn on the steamer Oregon w&s found on tie U-scb near Cepe llattorai, having drifted tiesrly four hundred uiiies. The letter wan probably in that pouch. There ia a man near Griffin who has been mairied three dilTHrent time*, and boa«U of having undi r hia roof six different families of children. His last two wives woro widow! with children, which makes his home like a young wlony of maiiy grades of ralatiooship. The old man ktepa a register of the names, date of birth, end the family to which they belong. Tho Atlanta conference of theM. E. church foutb ia in Mini on at Doeatur, Rev. II. H. Parks presides, aud Itev. H. Crumley is see* retaty. Rev. Mr. Kill*, of Evans chape), Atlanta, preached on lbe new birth. Different report* were read and passed upon. The next conference will be held in Conyers. A report from Kinesville says; The heavy rain* havo not ceased, and great loss has re* snltrd to the crops. The corn crops which were planted In low places have boon very much damaged. Perhaps the yield will be one half. Rice planted on high lands looks very well, lint in ell low places it Is a lailnre. The cotton crop will he very short, not likely more than a half a crop made. The prisoners confined in Pulsski county cement under tho lron k long to reach the outer brick wall and effect their rampo Tho following prisoners escapa l: William Fratikliu, Charles Williams, Dan Mc Cormick aud Henry Lewis, all colorod. Hour/ Dorsey, colored, charged with the crimo of burglary, remained tn bis cell and mado nu attempt to oca;*. LaatButurday morning, during tho rain* storm Iho residence of Mr. F. M. Walker, noir Kcirburn, was struck by lightning. Too family waa awakened by tlio keen report and vivid flash, and soon discovcrod that tho homo had been struck. A blaxo was discov ered in n room in which, fortunately, no one waa sleeping. It waa soon found that basldos aMvrring a mi in Her cf plank and daniolishlng a table, a wardrobe and c ntonta had boan sot on life. Tho fim waa soon oxtinguished with but little damage asvo tho loss of a fsw of Mrs. Walker'adreiaca, Monday afternoon about three o'clock a severe th under cloud came up in Dawson. Tho ligbtuing struck iu aavoral places In tho nity, but only damaged iu one. Mr. W. B. Gibson's three sons wore at home in the front poitli, wheu the lightning struck a troo in the yuitl, killing ono of them about nine yoars old and shock* d tho other two aovorely, A large hole waa torn in bis hat and his hair swinged, but oth< rwiae there was no sign of violence on him. A peat in the porch was struck. Tho lightning tunning down killed a setting hen uuderneath tho house, and broka all the eggs In the nest. •*n of the Alabama atate II rmiugham. Uon. Jona* lm%. waa re-elected pres- i i. D. D, flrat vioc pro*;. "•». D. 1), second vice ptea* delegatee in attendance *'vd vblunt. Thirteen »•’ d sixty -five association* Oe conveatlott, a larger • fore. The a train g see* Mating reports of com* • *>f the traaleee of Howard LI st institution ia in a paoa- but G. M. Bacon, of Mitchell county, bentl to the credit of being tho first, always, to noa a cater pillar. M r. liman ia an egioallent farm* er, ami a vtry dose observer, und watches on the vampints, aa it were,of the cotton belt, to round the a'arm at tho first approach of this drtaoid runny to tho cotton plant. Oa lavt H.*tantsy Mr. Itacoii discovered the flrat cater* pillar >«t Been iu this section. It is several wrrfce later than the discovery of tho peat last •cmou, nod it encourages the hope that thsy may tu>r come in nmubers this year, or if they do, it will ( e too late for them to aorioutfy in jure the crop. Cutlibnt Appeal: We havo been shown the pay and muster roll of company B 47th Geor gia Yi-luutn rs, Captain Tatrick (iormley com manding, which waa meatered Into aervlce on the 1st day of May, It oontalns the names of ninety-seven members of tho flower of the county In those dark days. Many of thite paaaed over the river, while following the Lad of their gallant commanders, whilo others who survived have siueo died. This old relic of the coufederary Is now the prop erty of Mr Nerd ham Brown, wheee namn ap pears as one of the oompeay. At Augusta, Wednesday, the hands In the picker room of the Enterprise mill demanod an advance of fifteen per cent on wages, which will cause a strike. The directors will refuse their demand. Treeldent Phlnlgy refuses to giant Lu m r rein advauco for the Augusta factory. The indications now point to a strike in the three lamest factories, throwing oat of cmploymmt nearly two thousand hands. Later—Natloi al Executive Board Representa tive MulLn, who reported rumor that the Ali gn* t» to -lory official* bad burned the books of the conn any. has withdrawn tho charge, whenupon rnaulcnt Fhinixy notified him that bis company was not able to advance wages t»*n per cent. Tho atrike canttnues without any pnapret of •eitlemon'. Tha KnUinii.v* mill abut down Thursday, bo- caurc of the strikv iu tho card aud picker room. The committeeman, Mullen, late Thursday onhud theatrikere in tho Eutorptise mill to letnrn to work. Mr. Butler, proprietor of the hotel at Conyers, wns badly knift-d last night by Mr. Frank lit Cttlla. K)ine of the young men wanted to bavo adance and sent to Atlanta for a iwio band. The band artived about 8 o'clock d Ma nila took them to tho hotel and nak ed Butler to give them their supper. Butler told him that he could not dp it iilTcs* be was paid fog it in ndvauce, us he had been brat several tiniaa ia that way. Tula made McCslla mad, and he currtd Butler tn a most vigorous manner. Bat- Lr cideiid Mci'alla out of the hotel but he wi uld not go. Buthr then stopped into a riHiu near by, and while bo waa in there bi* father walked to the door of the roo-n lcad'ttg into the hall where McCalla was •ta r d ir g, w h* n II (Calla advanced towards him, nt.d Betirr. Sr, thinking he meant to attack bin» with his knife, struck him with hit vralklig stick. Then McCalla attempted to rat him when ynnug lluilrr interfered, and M. Chile then forced on him and cut him tn thr*•places. The flrat was a serious eat about three inches long acres tha breast, lay ing the fleah open to the ribs. Another was a deep gash on the left hand, jnst above the little finger. The third was a digi t scratch on the thigh. In a few min ute* he waa aa bloody as a hog. A report from Tbonrasvilleiays: The incessant rains have done ontold damage. Even the potato crop ia suffering from too much wet weather. Tier* haa not been a day ia over a month that rain hat not fallen somewhere in tble county. Yon have printed already that the pear crop was rained by the storm, and yon will not mtsa the troth far by eayiog tho corn crop is not ranch better. Tho leaves oa cotton are beginning to look sickly and drop off. Jnst as soon as the rains cease a few day* of sunshine will make the frnlt also drop off, and knowing ones aay that the cotton crop is going to be under an average. This D certsio* ly discouraging. Last year tha drouth dam aged all eropa at least one-half and this year floods will produce about tho sarno result. A half crop two consecutive yearawill not sup- support the farmers and allow them to keen out of debt. iSM Albany News; The News and Advertise, some years since, investigated the melon bud- ncse and felt that there was something In it for our farmers who were neareoengh tho railroads to engage in the enterprise. Too farmers have had many backsets and discour agements, hot like men of pluck, they havo worked at the problem until it appears to he solved. Melons hare commanded fair prices tblsneason, and the returns havo paid. B it even yet the freights are too high. We tr nt time will regulate that. It ia indeed gratify It g to us that the melon growers havo realized some profit this year. Our farmers havo but tow home markets. They are almoit compell ed to plant cotton, but now that melon grow ing has attained to the dignity of a busiuesi, It will give i their crops tout one, am risk. Tho southern farmer kits. These come with population and are the growth of time. It will be manyvears bo foro home markets will ho as abundant at in the north and west. But the Georgia melon bus found an outlet and goos a welcome visitor a brood. Quitman Free Press: A difficulty oocnrrod at ihe switch cast of Quitman, ou Friday last, In tween Mr. J. A. Parker and Mr. Ebeneztr Folsom, which has resulted In the death of the latter. Wo learn that the trouble originated about a car, which Mr. Parker had ordered aud masked, and which Mr. Folsom took poa- session of. Wo -da ensued, aud Mr. Folsom at* lacked Mr. Parker, aud was so badly cut that bo bird to death. It Is not our desire or inten tion to sav anything that will prejudice the tuinda of tn people for or against either party, as Mr. Parker has given bond and tho case will be tried in dne course of law, but in justice to Mr. Parker, we state that in the opinion of tboso whom wo have hoard state tho case, the fight waa foretd upon Mr. Parker, and tho cutting was done iu self defense. They were both respectable citizens, and Mr. Parker hee the reputation of being one of the qnieteat men in the connty. It is a deplorable affair. Sheriff Clemente, of Polk county, a few days ago received a letter from Mr. Wyatt Lips comb, sheriff of Milam connty, Texas, stating that ho had arrested George Mobley and had him secure in jail at (tomeron. Mobley denied that ho was the man, having gone under an assumed name, but as he had been spotted by a man who knew him. thero remains tho least doubt aa to his identity. Sheriff Clements has left for (tomeron and will bring Mobley bnck. The crime for which Mobloyisto an swer la that of mnrder, having shot down in cold blood young Frank McMcekin, In tho road between Coder town and Cavo Spring, thirteen years ago. A reward of $150 hat. been offered by the governor, and to this hss been added $100 by tho murdered young man's father,ThomasG. W. MoMoekln.and thong gregite will go to filohlr y's rnptnrcre. Sheriff Clemente ban quietly beon instrumental in securing the arrest, being apprised of Mob ley's whereabouts, aud putting officer* on his traek. Albany Now*: A N«.wa and Advertiser rcr porter, teeing a conpngaliuu of tnolon grow er* and soliciting agents ongiged in an anlmi- ted conversation, following tho direction of a laudable iiujuisJtlvenrs*s. eagerly approached to ascertain the topic of discussion. It provod to he tho effect of prohibition upon tho molon business. The general prevailing opinion was that it had contributed largely towards its sue- cess, even In the present season. Without ro- rapitulatlng the argumeuts adduced to sustain this position, we merely mention one, which carried the weight of conviction. Tho con- Cochy was. and pistol, had a gun followed by in about ton atop*, when they called on him to halt ai d surrender. * Harrendor whatf" say* Baugh, and »nddonly turning, ho moved off toward the swamp like a quarter horse. Sev eral shots were fired at him as ha ran, bnt none of them took affect. The party thou want to the swamp and soirehed for him, but ho had passed through and was so Car la the lead, that no further attempt waa made to follow bias. The party returned homo after a frultlom r ight's raid but havo ascertained his tramping git and. An old negies, going by tho nAmo ofAuot Dnlriy, living two miles from Sbarou, bad one {•<oi badly frost-bitten on tho ramo night that Williams, tlio convict* suffered so inuco. Annty. believing abe bad beon “tricked," kept her condition from tho public until tort Thursday, when Dr. Moran was cvllcd la. Tao doctor found the old woman In a terrible stato, l er Lrt foot h«d disappeared entirely and the Utah on the leg as tor up as tho knee joint wa* in a terrible state of decomposition and filled with worms. Amputation being necemry, Vn. Moran and Kendrick went out yesterday and removed the limb from above the knot*. She stood the operation very well, and although she Is seventy years old the doctor* have good hopes of her recovery. The old woman baa lived in Taliaferro connty all her life. 8be has many white friends, who are doing all in their power for her. The following comes from Tallulah: Mr.T. II. Edwards, of Atlanta, and John R. Moore, of Athens, are stopping at Aunt Fannie Smith's ni ar the Sinking mountain. It is reported that the mono tain has lately, and all at once, sank elxiut 40 feet. Negroes held a mass meeting in Dawssn to deteimino whether or not they would nom inate a candidate for the legislature. After a good deal of speaking on the part of the lead- i rt of the movement, it was finally decided to jh rtpone definite action until Saturday before the flrat Sunday in next month, when another meeting is to be held. Many of the bestne- OFFICIAL DRAWING OFTIDC— LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY tingle Number, Cltsi "G," Drawn nt New Orleans, Louisiana, on Tuesday, July 13, 188& —FULL PRIZES.— V22J.... im.... 1442.... 2U74... SOOO J 2416.. ... 24H> 247ft 2633 2*0 5*C6 2902 3118.. .... 3I'll...... 3202 S2GJ.„.« 4*05 .... 4271 4271 4m... 4*6 44CC 4443.. 60 28351 100 28401 ... 60 28546..... 100 2*07-.... 10L 28(115.. M > b/ing out a candidate for represents- ir<oo... MARRIED IN OBOROIA. Mr. E. M. llorlne and Mias Louise DeGive, At lanta Mr. I. M. Grig * and MU* Docia Stowart, Randolph county Mr. James T. Comer and Miss M*rgle J* Alexander, MavsvIUe Mr. Rataey * Wooals, Watklnsvillc. Hester aud Mis* Mollies DEATHS IN OBOROIA. Mrs. E. T). Lnpo, Atlanta.... J. C. Ayoock, Adairs- vlllc Mis* Mattie Plum. Atlanta Mr*.C. H. Moore, Atlanta,...Mis* Addle Plnland, Roswell ...Mrs. T. G. Simmons, Jasper Mr. Hu as A. Tate klhcrton Mr. A. P. Clements, Irwin county .. Mr Plx Fletcher, Marietta Mr. Mlubinaett, Milton county Mr. Pulaski Holt, Macon. Members of tho ISth Georgia Who attend the reunlou at Cartersvllle, Friday, SOtb, will only bare to pay fare one way IT they will write G. W. Maddox, secretary. Cartersvllle, CHI COTTOM cJoivanrunoH ornoa ATLAMTA. July 17, 1611 THBwxsrsuntw. New Yotk—Nery little change lias taken plaoo in the cotton market for the last few day*. Fu tures doted dull but steady. Spots middling 9!<c. Not receipts for the week ending to-day 11,689 hull's, against 13,906 bales last week and agalust 1.27J bales for tho corresponding week last year, exjoru ior the week 36,231 bales, against 16,567 for the corresponding week lust year; stock 215,658 hales, against 239,874 bales for tho same tlmo last year. MKW YORK. July 16- The following is Um comparative ootton statement for the weekending t*day: vet receipts stall United States ports..... 8\me time last year .......... Showing an Increase........ Exports for the week. Same time last year......... 8howlngau Increase.. Total export* tn date Same time last year 6186. 6323...... 6332 6162..... 6313 f402 6104 CM2..... 7120 ..... 8422 6610..;. K08...... sumption was greatly Increased in prohibition , Hhowtng a dccrcaso...^.. 185,000 towns for two reasons—flrat, quite a *»uiu in » Amerieeu cotton afloat foe Great Britain^..., 6VWX) Same time last year. Showing an Increase. stock at Liverpool Ksnu* tlmo last rear....... Showing a decrease.. the aggregate was saved in dimes and nickels waa now used to obtain such laxusles as mel ons, peaches and othor fruits. U was also stoutly and inccessftilly maintained that a drinking man had uo tasto for watermelons, that whirky and melon had no homoogonioty, ao to speak. Madisou Madisonian: The Wilson basket Weaving machine Is the latest Morgm county Invention. The machine weaves cotton baskets out of wood, and in such a cot they are rendered four or five blc as tho ordfuary hand-uiade basket. Tho rim Is perhape tho securest part of tho basket, a feature that commends itself at once to the buyers, aa this is the weak point In all hamper baskets. Mr. Wilson haa been at work for months perfecting the machine, and could net make its complete success on account of his failure to provide It with a suitable noodle. This has at last been provided by tho eugena- ity of Mr. T. J. Allen, himself an invonllva genius aud together they have perfected one of the most valoabie inventions In tho south. These gentlemen claim that their machine Will turn oat baskets at the rate of one to from three to five minute#, and can afford to eell them at the sarno price charged for the ordin ary hand basket. Borne colored people gave e dance Saturday night, about two miles from Sharon, in Tails* krro county. Among those who atteuaod woro Leo Powell and OUio Akery. Tha dance broke up about midnight, and as they ware return ing borne a quarrel arose between the two mentioned as to the beauty of their respective female partners. Words soon led to blows*ad in a very short while Akery's kntfo sliced Powell. Akery escaped almost untouched, but I'owcll was stabbed in six plaoee. Dr. Mo ran waa seat for, and had toeewup four of tha wounds. The worst cut waa down the spinal column about two or three inches, thence screes the right kidney. The doctor f*ars they may prove total. The atraageet part of the eflhfr ia that the eathoritiee have taken no •tepa and have made no inquiries into the matt tr. There is, near Whiteaville, Harris county* one Mr. Thomas Haralson, whose wife, eleveu mouths ago gave birth to triplet*, two boys and one gin. Cleveland, llendncks and Queen Victoria. Those tittle ones were heal* thy and vigorous aud grew rapidly. A few days ago all were attacked with cholera in- fautuoi, and on last Thursday night Has- drills died, Friday morning, Cleveland, aud 'riday night Queen Victor!*, only thirty* >era free ihe death of the first to the dialhofthelast. They were buried yester day at Whiteaville, Oa., in one grave. The U i saved parents havo the sy mas thy of the hole community in their sad aliliction. Gwinnett Herald: Warrants have Wen in the bauds of the officers of this aud Waltoa counties for some time, charging Captaiu A. T. Baugh with horse steal log. The geucral im* prereton was that he bad left the country, but * ttbtn the last week or two it was ascoruined that he was located in Walton county, about tbice miles Wlow Lngausvillo. Last Sttur- day the deputy sheriff of Walton asked Sheriff IY») y to assist tu yaptntiog Bangh. who was ' make hts headquarters about Mr. That night, accompanied by D.T. fair, M. K. Brown, aud V. A. Garrison, a* a L< ur, he went to Logansville, where he waa loir < d by l)r| uty Sheriff Knigbt aud Messrs. Kelly and Tribble. Home tfmo taxi year. flhowtnv an increase 21,006 33,000 New York-Futures dull. Spots, middling 9%c. Net receipts today 4,249 bales, against 250 bates last year; exports 4.316 bales; last ye*r 3,909 bales; stock 283,131 bales; last year 234.565 bales B.-)ow wt give the opening and eloduf qnotadooi o' rot ton futures In-New York today: July. m . MM > mgust v .~~.,* eutember They went to the locality 'evert! outbouar#, without making any dis covery. and just before day they located themselves iu tha rear of Robinson * house to await developments. Jnst after light they discovered the object of their search coming ontof the said, and heading toward them. Tha party had divided, part of tham were on ina nil) and part on tha other. Oaptaia Bangh rame directly on the party with which BharUf November...... December January.......... February... March......... 9.U _ Closed dull but steady; sales 30.600 baton J-ocal-Cotton steady; middling 9c. NSW TORE. July 17-The total Viable suapiy of ootton (for the world Is 1,610,** bates, of whtob 1,131.208 bales ara American, against 1,646 045 bales and 1.157,C45 respectively last year. Recetptsat all interim towns 6,235 bate. Receipts from plan*- tUms 87. CWP InatoM 6,451.603 bag PROVISIONS, GHA1M, WTO, oomrmmov orrtum. Atlanta, July 17, UM Tim following quotations Indlost® the Bootnstk •n tha GMoago board of traoe today: .... 9 M r °?90 9 80 9 80 16600 16628 16933 L,< 100 42889 IOC 42941 60 43001 43674 50 187*6 100 43860 M 48965 ... 100 44010 m ... “0 4416*. .J 44197 NX 44206...... "I 44310...... 0 list/ - i 44477 60 44518 to 44GOO 50 44812.... IOC 44814..., M 10C 44892 > maty *5 40; __ nil; extra ;cM«t9- Wheui—Old No.'2redfChijlfLMjNa . <• too: • new Wo. 2 Hu 1W-. Onm-Ho. 1 Whu». Ttmemt. M; I*- J whiu ■nurd Me- Com Me*l — 67c. <HU — «sc: 5»y—Ohrtt* OrootiT. In*. l*l» »0c; cboto. tlmo- th,. mull tah. Kc; Wo. I, Urw Wjj ftv- rST i, until UM 4Sa Ho, —51001 WHO. Bmi MWWC1 8ni*s.» * w bun lur .rente, 11.V.IV; until .rente l«<* lit UM-Tkn«MM. "bob* <-bMS*S> Lcmoo.-W Ot'iOM.K) • box How. Hoor Wl ntim- ».5i MiotluiU IJHWWO Inw boni.db.innH.00. Jtjw ibilni MiJJ MM. ts erercham bar,: blasting Rk. To; Hot II JO. D. f. D. n« Me: Im 2MMK; whno o»b Kit «n: bwnou loufeo, xvtv M.cb unt-'f ISMtno Ten -1(*. fiBH.r-rtrtrti, obom mm, »r: Bnrnr M»nn- *»*«■» lJrMt iM. nwDw uaioe. Poaitry-Xonn, ebtokMM-t.t-R. KoiMi tmxll. njbiso; b.u. a one: aem* ,0c. Tweet poutm—7V Hour— MnOMd (MViK- lots' emb i<«l*W Orwd rmlt—RiMiab drkd iwofhM wtie-.yeom pmmm *e: ion«b drtod i»1m »s mmgl ■XT Of.— 21742 ‘J , .-4’’ 21646 2R66.... 9IC08 Ul (65.... •ri63. 1318.— •A3G6 22413 m39 *885 •i7*2. J 45214.... L 45170...m. 16250.. .... 45270.. .... 15366 J 4M17...... 456*7. 16642 45646.„.» 15707 15733 45885 16120 16132...... 16207-m.. 16305 46432 ) *6168 046685 *6704. 47756 17989 l fc Ml 18267 iSMO IKUS ... a i I CUREtheDEAF MvUMMMta mg. A4*M«r«UflBg.Hlia8Ki UMLtlij wed frl man sit 6C 83315 100 88468 M 88475 200 83718 200 83768 mM . 6C S3918 00 848 7. 50 843». 50 4I395 m> ... 200 81016. 50 <1694 JQ0C <4M57 u <VW0....^ « <5235 68 100 57127 50 52202 10067299 50 57817.... 57 W9...... 57968 58149 .*,8518...., vat? _ V«91 ... oSSKr M 59156 ..... M 50109.— VMH 59191 50 59499.... — 5«*W.... 59550 60*45.... .59861 59961 50 60160 80 60709.... D 60704 0 COM2 0 61031..., 0 61391 0 01172 ..... 0 01519 10001716 100 6l7i6 0 61821 061838.... * 61901 71995...... it 022.52 0 62116..... 2rt corn lot- 100 aiote. 45377 <M14.— 85542.. .. 86166 86231 <6257 86529 46571.. .... 86580. 8G6I5 60 86621 60 86654 60 40632 60 86840...... 336867 87166 . - 87240 8€ 87488 W 87520 87664 87700...... 877*0 60 60 88118 200 88226 m . 60 88406^.... 100 88474 10C 88619 ... 100 600 200 100 mil./.... 6f 90617m.... 100 90785...... 20C 90849...... 100 90878 8C 90987 60 91077 100 91196 600 914&4 m 200 91487.. >1471— . *1519 _ 91681 10J 91648...... M491854...... a 91930 92067... m. '[192171 0 922 » 504122/7...... 6092293 100 92101 50 92427 6092111 200 92(46 20092:495 100 92461 .mm. 6092670 100 9*6*1 .m.. 60 92772. 6092917 10092034 ... 200 94DK3 ..... 60 93194 ...m 60 93148 .. 200 94096 I0ri 94120 “ 91251...... 94160..... 60 945GO 100 916*9 ..... WO 94779.... 600 91785 60 94617..... 20091851 60 91993 80 95029.... *1 95015 .. *95128.... 100 96297.... ‘D 96355..... 95*6 0 96694 0 96725.... 0 95949... 60 95966 m. 100 9806S.M.. 200 96291..., 60 95291... 60 96804 .... 100 96882.... 0 96385...., D 96UI 60 96191. 80 6o 97549 m... 100*97515 100 97741m.... 6097061..... 100 98483.... 100 98188 200 98511...... JfOO 99211. 66 97110...... 60 99391 100 SO 90767...... 99784m.... 99807 99817 09877 09970 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Prise of 975000—125. awing the Capital The subscribers baring supervised Single Num ber Drawing. Class "G. ,r LouIsiaua State Lottery, hereby certify that the above are the numbers which were thltdaydrawn from,*the 100000placed In the wheel, with the prizes corresponding to them. WitncM our hands at New Orleans, La., this Tues day, July 18th. 1886. ?T ffi S ° ARD ' } CommlMionen Prizes Cashed in Full without Reduction, j No. 81375, draws Capital prize. 976000, aold In 8an j Francisco, Cal., Boston, Mass. Fort Wayne, Ind,, ) Columbus,O., and Anniston, Ala. No. 77227,draws •econo capital prize, 925000, sold In New York, New Orleans. Kansas City, Mo., and Teledo. O. No. 10406. draws third capital prize, $10000, sold in lust on, Mas?., Detroit, Mich., Bprlngtleld, Mam, Clear Lake, Wis., and Dennison, Tex. No. 692JI, draws fGOOO. sold In Pan Francisco, Cal.. Soath era iucumonu. > no*. oww, r:wX). dr.wV.cb 12000, ,old In Nrw Orlcu", Brook- drwnru nun mm only aa, auuro# In Praporttaal LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY CO "W.dotaonbjmrttiythntwo nperrlM UM •— rxnRomenta tor jUl Uie nonUUy ud jnxrtMtt Molud, la lla idTorUMmonta drnwtnf. of Iho Loulxlnnn BUI. Lotteir (tomponj, mod in ponon nunan nud control too dnwtnjn UiemMlm, ud Unit the nmo nra condtxud wltk Manly, (unnn ud In rood bllh ^1 w ana we ulboriMth. opinpuy to ■» IMl dcue, with bodrlki aBtoMMta U0MH1B9I0.1BBB Wo tb. nnaerelzaeA buk» ud bukm will pay all prlM. dnwn Tn Th. Ixmlaiua BUM LotterlM wkfch may bowMotod uoBroonnma. J. H. Ooludy. Frea'tLoolalan. Sat'lBank. a capital of 9i,ooo,ooa-to which a reserve fond rt over 9650,000 has Sum bean added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franc tom was made a part of tha present State Oonatttnttoa ^X^^^aMud lndo*d by thapaoptoofanyaiatob it arxvxa scALSB on raarroras, Xta Grmnd Single Number Drawings Take placa monthly, end the Kxtrmordinwry Draw ing* regularly svsry three months Instead eS Semi-Ann unity as haretofora. beglaalng March, 18KC. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITT TO WIN A FOR- fUNK 11GHTH GRAND DRAWING. CLASS H, N THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC NEW ORLEANS, rnesday, August 10, tSSO—105th Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL FRIZ*. *75.000. 100,000 Tfakabi at rtva Dollars Each, Free .OobuIb Fifth*, in Proportion. list or rstsxa 1 CAPITAL PRIZE. 7 prizes of rooo :«((l)'43t.M 0000 100 do 50,69313 .M., 50 60IM 100 GW 79 60 60607 ...m do NU.. M M9 1(8 71116 601 71312....m 1(K 71581 M 1* la 1 :r 10( 72793 *2 nm 50 72102 i» do do 1057 Ptrsob, aruoimung I Apf uo*t.ou for rau-s to dubs should be only to the office of the COmnanv in New Orleans For further Information write clearly, string foil iddrero. Postal Nona, Kxnress Money Order*, at New York Exchange la ordinary letter. Qirrancy by express (at our expense) addrasMd R. A. DACPUIM, He w Orleans, X^a Or rt. A. DAUFHXM, Washington, D. C. Make P. 0. Mane* lrd«r» piytbto aid td- dretf Registered Letters to WWW ORLEANS NATIONAL BAIOL New Orleans, L* Bon snnwkynrm » PSP«7- SHARP GINS.™