The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, July 27, 1886, Image 11

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTIONS atLjxjXTA, xfd., TUESDAY JULY 27 1886 11 ■I iW" THROOGH DIXIE WHATTHB SOUTHERN FOLKS ARB SAYING AND DOINO. A rocful Account of the Fr*ohtt-tfeeinc From the Urcuth Strickeh Counties of Tcxu-Aa InU- mouoBanerof Women That Cornea t Grief-A Crooked Minister, Etc. Alabama. A hub rain and thunder storm pined over Bu; mlngbain lut Thunder. A negro, working near the rolling mill wu killed by lightning, and the steeple ot the Fresbvterlan church waa struck and badly damaged. The rain waa Tery heavy for a few minutes. In the seaboard manufactory at Mobile Friday .Cbulee Nellron.a young 8wede,waa caught on a pully while putting on a bait and was whirled eronnd several hundred tlmea n minute, end every bone In his body broken. He died In two hours. Virginia. S. R. .'Sterling, the defaulting treasurer of Harrison county, on last Wednesday was arraigned before the county court for trial. Seventeen indictments against him were retd, to which be pleaded not guilty. On motion of hie counsel, the trial was then postponed until August 17th, on account of theabaencoof witoeuee. The prisoner re newed hie ball end wee discharged. He waa looking wretchedly, and many think he will not live to bo brought to trial. Mississippi. A had atsto of affairs exists near Union, Newton county, east of Jackson. A band of J tcung white men, styling themselves “regu- store,” have iaaued a decree that no negro ehall work on the farms in that vicinity. The band contains about fifteen members, and they have killed three negroce and wounded sev eral other*. A perfect stato of terror prevails, and the entire connty is greatly excited over the nutter. Every one condemns the atro cious and bloody actions, and it is determined that every member of the band ebail be made to answer for hia Crimea. Mr. J. M. Kelly was here yeeterdsy to see the governor, and was told to arrest everyone of the young outlaw* at all hi sards. About twenty eitiaons, headed by officers armed with proper warrants, are now after the young desperadoes, and their speedy capture ia looked for. It asoma when tho attempt waa flrat started to regulate the ne groes that it was more In fun than anything else, but the “regulators” have now nndert tken in earnest to execute their designs, Their ac tions can hardly be accounted for, and laa surprise to every one, Tetmeasee, Chattanooga wti thrown Into great excitement hr the publication, In n local paper, of about lour columns, exposing no end of alleged crookolnosa of Rsv. M. M. Wumboldt, pastor or tho First Bap. tist chmch, who wsi recently called from Stout, gomeiy, Ala. Letters were published from respon. slide paitlesin tho north, where IVamboldt for- merly lived, showing that he waa a bl— - — Jnrersndbad dessrted hlafirst wife, «»,...»«« in detlllule circumstances. All these reports reached the official members of tbe '•lurch a month ago, and wero t< lug investigated. Mr. tVamboldt has told several garbled stories rei—" — gnat many they a obtained from him. were opposed to tba match, and watched her closely to prevent elopement She managed to elude them, and fled to tho snbnrbs, whero she was not known, nnd rented aroom, paying for It with IVilkey joined In the search for hia affianced bride, one ol her frmlly know sho had been found. Mtu Owen remained in the room wilhout a morsal to cat forty-eight houra, in order that no one should JV im.-cu uy r. a, oiun/| ui v iciur cowuy. Texts, it was sold at public auction and rcallzoa tncnty-flvo cents per pound. Texas. Wagon* loaded with families and their effects from the western counties wero pasaing through F.rt Worth Friday. They are fleeing from tlm drought prevalent In western counties, and are in quest of work. They give most gloomy account! of tho condition of crops and the lank of wntor for stock. Hundreds of familita are abandoning their cattle and home* and going eastward to keep from starring to death. The situation Is critical. Bain sel dom falls In that dlatrlot during August, and by the time it come* there will be, It ia feared, nothing left in the country. Ur. Cutting la still in jail at Paaodel Norte, Mexico, Just acroea tbe river. He waa taken out of jail Wednesday night and led before a iuilge, who atated that an order had been re ceived from the supreme court of Chihuahua to admit Cutting to ball. Cutting sent for Conan! Brigham, and told the Judge be was la tbe hands of his government, which had de manded hla unconditional releoao, and that he wonld ignore the Chlhatlnt court. He wa* than remanded to jell, but waa agsin brought out yesterday and questioned. Consul Brig, ham advised him not to answer. Considerable excitement exists in Paso del Nurte. Quite a large body ot Mexican troops have been quartored there within tbe last forty-eight hours. The object of tbit move ia not known. South Carolina. A prominent planter of Georgetown county, writes to the Georgetown Enquirer, giving s dolefhl account of the condition at thiaga. Be says: look over tbe prospect and bahold one dull, dirty, yellow mare of water. No sign or lira pres ents Itself, except tbe fast running current and bltdiof ptey tbat soar ovethead. Menhevcbeen to ma asking for work, and saying tboy had eaten the last food In tholr houses. Thousands are m Ibe same condition where he Is, aud elsewhere iu the county." The diaestroue result of last years’ cropping censed many to begin thla year in debt, and they are atopped from what they might other wise do. Mr. Alston thinks hla people are on the brink of a famine and suggests convening the Itgialatnre for relief. At Columbia a boiler exploded killing a colored firemen, family wounding mother col- ired men and aerionaly injuring five others, among thorn the superintendent of the works end Aldermen W. B. Lawrence, who was alrnck in tbe back by a piece of timber. The eegin* nnd boiler went to the bottom of the river during the May freshat and bad been re-erected, thla afternoon being the first time it area used also* then. "intelligence from Sumpter aeys tbat Leigh- ten klUos, a distinguished Presbyterian minister, died in that county on the 13tb in. atsnt. He was formerly a missionary to Africa and waa tbe adopted father of Paul B. DnChaUlu, the celebrated African traveler. Sr. Wilson was 78 year* old. The Charleston News and Courier aayn "In the forks of the Kdlsto a school teacher nsmed King, net assaulted by Thomas Williams and several friends, who dragged him from Us boggy and tried to whip him. King thereupon •hot williams. Inflicting a fatal wound." Louisiana. It la now atated and believed at New Orleui that the Newton county, Mia*., troubles arose some two years ago from conflicting interest* in a homestead entry between s negro end white men. Bad blood arose between the parties, which has been kept np ever since, growing in acrimony nntil It had involvadthe relatives and fntnds of each, and been taken in hand by what is known as the “Secret Bsnl of Regulator,,” who are supposed to have been organized slncotbe original trouble, not for th* purpose of nuking indiscriminate war on tho negroes, but for tho pnrpiae of as suming to look after and ngnlaM those who, in the opinion of the regulators, are bad ne groes or law leas parsons- The organization is supposed to bo similar to I ho** which fig ured so prominently in 1880 and 1681 la tlm eount ie* of Amite, Lincoln and Piko. Hereto, fote th« operations of the regulators have beou so quiet and secret that their existence could uot be legally established. No idea i‘ ,y « °£ members has yet been fixed. It is said that ono of the baud has agreed to turn state’s evidence and give the names of the offenders and a history of their depredations. Fifteen of the ringleaders havo already been arrested. Tbe circuit court meets next Monday, when the matter will undergo rigid investigation, It is said that Mr. P. \V. Chase, sheriff and tax collector of Concordia parish, La., is short in his accounts as tax collector $27,000. He has a very good bond. Up to this time he has been one of tbo most popular men in tho par ish. He was of a good ramily and has hereto fore been considered perfectly honest. The announcement of hia shortage is a geest cur- price to hia friends. It if rumored that the blame does not rest entirely upon theahoulders of Sheriff Chase, but tbat others to whom be confided bit official affairs have been benefi ciaries. North Carolina. Years ago, In Union county, Alfred Goflirey and his wife were Jiving together, apparently happily. The nearest neighbors wero Rufus Potter and hla sister, Susanna. At time rolled on the fhet waa disclosed that a strong attach ment had been formed by Godfrey for Miss Porter and that Rufat Porter entertained similar tender feelings towards Mrs. Godfrey. A trade waa finally proposed. Porter was to take Mrs. Godfrey and tome property as a bonus and Godfrey was to take Mitt Porter. Thla waa carried out with the consent of the women, and everything moved on peaceably and lovingly. A few years ago both families moved to llecklenberg connty, amicable relations having prevailed between them. At times the two families liv ed on tbe same plantation. It waa not until lut week that the tranquility in their domes tic bliss was disturbed and their households divided. Some one had a warrant issued for their arrest, and the cue waa brought before a magistrate on Tuesday. The warrant was not served upon Porter, behaving run away. The cafe was heard and tbe parties were bound over for the action of the colminal court. While those who had boon tried and bound over were in charge of the constable, Godfrey made his escape and hu not since been heard fnxn. Tbe democratic congressional convention of tbe sixth district met at Wadesboro Thurs day afternoon. There waa a hoc contest be tween Cbarles M. Stedman, D. A. Covington and A. M. Rowland. On the fifty sixth ballot Stedman waa withdrawn. His support was ~’ven to Rowland, and on the fifty-seventh Hot, at ono o’clock this morning, Rowland received tbe nomination. Rowland ia from Robeson county. _ Hon. James W. Reid was nominated by sc- claiuativn for congress from tbe fifth district. W. L. Keister, a drummer for Jacob Hecht, 1st dealer ot Norfolk, Va., committed suicide In als room at tbe Central hotel. In this city, by tak- *ng chloral. For ton days he *—• w — ■“* lueb. Ills ape was about tl wife and child In Norfolk. GEORGIA NEWS. Heat of the Week Throughout the State Briefly Chronicled. There was shipped from Brtiniwick last week 611,000 worth of naval stores. Frimas W, Jones, of Baker county shlopel the first bale of cotton to Mneon last Tuesday. Willie Bedford, was drowned at Holm's landing, in tho Augusta canal, while bathing Thursday. A patty of eight hunters frow Milieu end Rogers bagged 1100 doves Wednesday lut, on W. O. Wadley’t farm, near Rogers. Dysentery la assuming n dangerous type in the wtsttrn part of Irwin county. Six chil dren died In n week in n radius or three miles. A number of nogroes In Washington county, took ont ono of their number, Louis Lunday, and after flagellating him with buggy traces, left him for dead, Colonal A. S. Darnell, United States district attorney,whose term has expired, has received a commission from Judge wood* to act ad in* terim until tho president appoints hia suc cessor. During a thunder atorm Friday, Flore Smith, colored, living at East Savannah, was ■truck by lightning and instantly killed. Sho waa alone at the time. The house wee badly dam aged by the electric fluid,tbe weatherboarding being torn np, Andrew Conkle, of Henry county, culti vates forty-five ocrea with one mule, alwaja make* from fourteen to eighteen bale* of cot ton, sometimes corn enough to do him two yean and always onongh for tho one year. Thla la all done with one male. A little daoghter of Mr. W. J. Willis, near Onsley, was bitten by a snake one day last week. Hr. Willie bed some liquor handy and promptly administered It, and the child it recovering. She and a sister were oat in the woods near tho home looking after the cows when the was bitten. They did notknowwhat :ind of a snake it was, but it is anppoaed that t waa a moccasin. Thtre will ho an exhibition in Weyneeboio 1 tho lint Tuesday in August of all tho colts, both hoists ana males, owned in Bathe county. It will ho an Interesting exhibit, as it will show tbe progress which has been mode in thi* line in tbe lut three years. There are over one hundred eolte in the county, and if >11 of them are brought out there will be a number of good ones in the line. A while man, giving hi* name as George W. George,was found Friday,In a dying condi tion, in a house In the suburbs of Waycroie. He waa carried to a house near by and died in a few boms. Nothing could bo learned from him, u to who be was, or hi* bniioeat. Us looked like a respectable man. He wu burled at the expemo or tho county. An old miter died in Cerroll connty, G*., the ether day, who bad literally atarved himself to death. He wu alone In his hnt when found. Hit neighbors found money sticking around In crecka of his house. They an- esithed $18,000. Ho owned land and improve ments, yet abandoning hia wife, be died with money in abundance, but too stingy to buy food. At a negro frolic at Chattahooche a row oc curred between David Mason, Fletcher Barnett and Jim Finkard, Barnett and Pinkard firing tbrea shots at Maaon, the lest taking effect in hia right side, just above the hip. The doc- ton ptODonnce Mason seriously if not fatally wounded. Barnett nnd Pinknrd havo been arrested, and will bo carried to Bachaosn by Marshal Bentley, and placed in jail toasrait their trial. Tuesday while tho Rev. A. B. Mitchell,’who livid jnat ont of Bowdon, waa hoeing with bis ten-year-old boy in his plantation, ho waa struck by lightning and instantly killed. His little son was knocked senrelem but toon re covered, sod finding hit fsthor dead, gave the alum. Mr. Mitchell leaves a wife and eight children. He srea on able minister in the Baptist chnrcb, a good farmer and valuable citizen. Ftom Darien w* learn the freshet will injur* th* rice on the upper plintatlons. Several hundred scree are already under water, bat it is herd to determine to what extent the rice is damaged until tbe water racedee. Th* low* tr plantations are lees liable to suffer from freshet* and so far no damage ha* been done to these. It stems tbat a July freshet Is some thing which rio* planten in thla section hero never before experienced. B. L. Wolfe committed anlcide at hia planta tion, six mitre below Blakely on tho Cot- qnltt road, by shooting himself In tho held with a shert shotgun that ha had when a boy. He leave a loving wife and five interesting children to mourn hit low. It was a severe shock to his friends and relatives, who account for hia task act only on the ground of mantel abi nation. He was a wall to-do and nectu- fnl farmer, In good circnmttaneea, had recent ly joined the church, wait good citizen an! was highly esteemed by hia friends. Ti e grand lodge of Good Templars met at Colon,bus. A large number of delegate* in attendance. There was nothing of general intan at In the proceedings Tuetday. Stand- all of which show tho order to ho In a flourish ing condition, and th* year jnat ended to have been the moet prosperous in tho history of Good Templan. A public meeting was held at the opera house tonight, at which the ad dress of welcome and the response were de livered, Rev. Dr. J. B. Hawthorno ia here, and will speak tomorrow. At Social Circle, Benton, son of Mr. Joel Davis, accidentally shot himself Sunday night. While fooling with a pistol in bis pocket it fired tho hall, atriking about half way be tween bis knee and hip, ranging downward and lodging somewhere about tbe knee. Drt. Gibbs and Spence probed the wound today, but failed to get tho ball. He did not inform his parents that he wet shot until laat night, hnt complained of a boil. The Griffin district meeting began at Thom- aaton Wednesday, with a large attendance of delegates and visitors. Bishop J. Key arrived yesterday. The Womans’ Foreign Mlaaion society convened at 9 o'clock yesterday morn ing, lira. E. J. Blalock, the efficient vice president of thla district, presiding. An ad dress of welcome wu delivered by Hiaa Annie Clay, and waa replied to by Mias Stead, of Forty th. This society hex raised for forelcr millions in the put year $876 in the Griffii district. The meeting will continue through the week, doting Sunday night. The nine-year-old ton (Letter L. Hardman) of W. E. Hardman, of Milton connty, wu killed In a shocking mannci by scow. The cow waa considered perfectly gentle, and had frequently been driven from the pasture, (by a rope attached) by the little fellow and oth ers of the family. On this oecuion he wu discovered by his lhther with the rope snap ped twice around hia body, having boon drag- The little fallow wu a child of bright promise. The Oglethorpe Light Infantry commemora ted tho 25th snnlverury of tho battle of tho fint Manauu by a parade and prize shooting at Schnetzen park. They made a fine turn out. In the ranks were a number of old war member*, including H. M. Branch, now cap tain of tho Bavannah Cadets. In the first class N. Marine won tho prize, a silver pitcher, by a se- re of 20. In the second clan F. C. Wyliy won the company medal and silver card re ceiver by a score of 20. In tho third class Captain H. M. Branch won the gold aleere button by a score ol 15. Coroner Mct'ants, of Harris county, was cslled to Catania district to hold an inquest over John Shire, who died from wounds in flicted by Henry Crelg. Both parties were negro tenants upon the farm of Ur. Richard Young, and quarrelled while hoeing in afield on tho first of July. Angry words paued be tween them, when Henry rushed upon John, sttnek him on the head with a hoc, and u he fell kicked him in the aide, breaking two of hia ribs. The verdict of tbe jury was in ac- coidance with these facts, and tbat the killing waa murder. Warrants havo been issued fur Craig and hit wife both, but neither had been arrested at iait account*. Walton News: A very distressing accident, with a fatal resnlt, occurred on oar itreets Wednesday afternoon. A colored boy named Abridge, about Id years old, driving a team of mulct for Noel Malcom, lost his life. When the wagon was standing near Shcata Bro.’t store he walked ont on the tongue to fix eomo put of tho harnees, and tho moles bocame frightened and ran until a shade tree wu struck. The wagon tongue wu broken and the forward half, u the mules wero thrown back, itrnck tho young driver, cnttlng a fear ful wound in tho abdomen. Dr. Hammond waa tummoned at once and tbe eufferer was made as euy as possible, but there was no hope for his recovery. On Thnrsdny night be died. • At Cullman Sheriff Carter put a'prisoner in Jail, in which threo others were confined. He made all the priaonen go inside tho cage and It angered them. Thla morning, when tho sheriff went to feed the prisoners, ho band that they had unlocked the cage, and, with water pipes, wrenched from the inside, they pried open the grating of a window and es caped, Clark A. Nelson, white, who was In for rape, la anppoaed to havo boon tho itnthor of the plan to escape. No trace of them hu been found. Nelson’* kit of tools nnd gnn in a vacant room were not carried off. Men are searching for them. Mrs. Buty, who lives o nly a few miles from Dawson, Is seventy-five years old, and can get shout u well as many women at fifty. She can do a great deal of Work around the hoaeo and fum, and walka two mllea to preachiog on Sonday. Her hatband died In 1880, at tbe age of Mventy.five. Thoy always lived at home and raised thsir own nest and bread. It was the rale before the old gentleman died, and Mrs. Hatty keeps it up. They have railed twenty children, sixteen of their own and four grand children. To thla couplo there arc fifty-one grandchildren and eighteen great, grandchildren. Brunswick Appeal: Yesterday morning Mr. Funnel Ward visited s small home owned by him nut Bello pond, and which had recently been left tensntlau. On entering he fraud sitting up in one comer, dead, a man appar ently thirty-five years of ago, pretty well dressed, wearing a monatache, the rest of his faco having tbe appearance of having bean unshaven for several daja. Hia shoe* were off, u wu also hla socks. Ho bad only bun dead a ft w houra. Dr. Davis, the coroner, summoned a jury and held an inquest, bat no ono uemed either to recognize the man or to be able to give any information concerning him. A pipe, a niece of tobacco, throe cart ridge! and an old knife wu all that conld be found on hla person. The jury rendered a verdict of, "died from the effecte of chronic dlarrhaa, superinduced by want of atten tion." Friday morning Dt C. H. folding, the physician in charge of Savannah hiapltal, dla- covered Jn a rammer bouse on tho grounds a white man, neatly dressed, In an nnconacioas condition, evidently under tho influence of opium. Ho ires recognized u John Fort, a wall known sporting character about Savan nah years ago. He bad been a long time at the attte lunatic asylum, where he wuaent after attempt at suicide by abootlng himself in the head. He was reieued some months since, and bu been about Savannah very qnlet and reticent. It appears he climbed ovor the enclosure of the hospital grounds daring tbe night and sought refuge in the summer honsc. On hia person wu found a paper upon which wu written with a lend pencil, the fallowing: "Weak In mind and body, 1 do not leal 1 can struggle for life, for I Ho wu removed to the hoipital, end effort* made to revlvo him, bat without success, and he died at ten o’clock. Lut Friday Mr. Cullen Hargrove, of Sum ter coenty, heard some negroes yelling and causing a disturbance In hit cotton field, and calling to two or three negro men who were with him, they proceeded to the econo of die— tnrbance. and found that a huge alligator Wat tbe came. It wanted to fight and u tho par tita had no weapon the ’tutor conld make a charge, and they would have to retreat before hi* formidable display of month armed with teeth. A lucky throw knocked out *n eye fur the enirten, and all parties mode a charge, armed with hoea, fence rails, etc., and the bratu wasitnnned. The body wudrawn to the hour*, half a mil* off, the bead cot off, and left until night. When the crowd gathered aroond the caress* at night to skin It, the severed head opened It* wide jawa and snapped viciously several times. After th* body was skinned the lege wonld drew np and stretch out as if trying to move. Th# darkica divided out tbe meat and ate iL Hying that alligator a task la as good, if not better, than beef. They made a clean sweep ef all th* meat, which they pro nounce fine. Mr. Hargrove ujrs that Line creek is full of them, end persons desirous of the inert of killing thorn can find plenty of enjoyment there. Paulding New Ere: Mr. Randall Vaughn, ons of our moat prominent citizens, wu wonnded in a battle at Waynesboro, Oa., De cember 226,1864, by a ballet from a Winches ter rifle, while urging in th* Second Georgia Cavalry. The missile entered between the bn ul Luna and the point of th* heart. It conld net ho found, and after a Um* begot able to attend to his duties, but tho wound never entirely healed. Pees axndad from th* woand most or th* time, bat at slated intervals It way till about four years ago, when Mr. Vtngbn discovered the formation of a cake on the left side of his abdomen, which gradually r ew worse until it developed into an abscess. few daya ago he became so low that he thought It advisable to send for hie family physician, Dr. T, J. Foster. When the latter arrived be found his patient in a very critical rendition, and decided to call in Drs. Connslly aid Robertson for consultation. After making a thorongb examination itwu tbe opinion of the phystciane that it was necessary to open the abteest and make an effort to find nnd re move the tall. Tuesday morning thoy opened the abscess, which exuded over a quart of putt, aud then by probing found the batl about two inches below the abscess and soon r< moved It. It wu muhed fiat, its inner sur face wu smooth u glus and the edges wero rigged. From where it entered to where it was extracted wu fourteen inches, having cut its way gradually that far during the twenty- two yrare that it had been embedded in bis bedy. Mr. Vanghn ia getting along well now, and in all probability his health wlil he per manently restored, LaOrange Reporter: It will be remembered tbat, • year or mere ago, we paragraphed the Ices of a wedding ring by Mre. W. V. Gray, of this city. It wu anppoaed to have been ewal- lowed by * chicken. The elngnltr manner in which the prised jewel diuppeared created a sensation and It wont the rounds of the prase throughout the anion. The other dey the rlngwu discovered, partially Imbedded in the Mil of tho fkri. Although Mr, Grey had had a duplicate of the original madoln New York, the recovery of tho original wu no loai a joy to the happy couple. On tbe plantation of Judge John T. Duncan, about a mile from Dablln, while engaged in hoeing ent some cotton, * quarrel arose be tween John H. Watson, white and Bob Sin gleton, colored, which resulted in a blow aufll cient to kill the latter. A coroner's inquest waa held In the afternoon and the following ie the substance of tbo evidence, all tbe wit nriiee swearing substantially the nine: A diicnsiion arose Detween the pullet in ques tion u to which wu of the most vain* the horeo or cow. During the discussion a side remark wu made to Watson which he failed to hear on account of the talking of Bab Sin gleton, who was told by tba former, to cease Is Ik ing. This aroused Singleton's anger. A few more worda and Watson cursed him. Bob replied that ho (lYataon),had boon cursing him ill the year and that it had to bo stepped, whereupon he was threatened with a thrash ing. Singleton, still at his work, told him that if he pnl hit hands on him he would “c it hia heart out.” These were about the lut woida used between Wataon and the deceased, the remark being answered with a death blow with a hoe, breaking the skull of Single- ten four inches in length. Hrsin. A. J. 1111- bun, Drewry Hobbs, Andrew A. Fuqua, Sam uel Charters, Zicbarlnh Kennedy and Jarrel T. Orr, with Mr. Hilbun foreman, wero am- pannellcd as a 'jury to mnko Inquisition Into tho matter, and, after hearing tho testimony, rendered a verdict that deceund, Bob Single ton, came to bia death by a wound received from a hoc in tbe hands of John 11. Watson, and that said ctTcnso against the laws, goya order, pcsce and dignity of the state wu in voluntarily manslaughter. Watson (oft imme- diateiy after delivering the blow, and hu evaded arreat so far. He is a young man, and leaves behind him a wife and two small chil dren who are dependent on him for a support. FITS: All Fits stopped free by Dr, KUno’a Great Nerve restorer. No Fits after fint day’s nee. Marvelous cures, Treatise and $3 trial bottle free to Fit cues. Send to Dr Kline, 931 Arch St, Philadelphia. Pa. Her eye* met mtno Chew "Maud Barrta Tobacco.” TH* cotton smmin ooNffirnmoii oyyitis ATLZWTA.Julyct, lass, KewYork-rotton opened euy for tho months, but ibe feeling throughout tho dty in generally dull, still the market closed at better figures. 8pols, mtddlingpt-iee. Net receipts today 2,03 bales, against 261 btlea list yeti: report* 1,7M bales; Inn year l.aic balcn; stock 2M.M3 bales; last year 2.-0,917 files. Below vc give tbe opening and dosing quotations Of cotton Allures In New York today: July *.«••.»<> August 9.491 u—.. September 215- October M* > H? November. 9- ;, -0-A 0.31 December. 0.3i( January. O.ta s 0.44 icbruary.- 0.M11 9.83 , March.... v 9.m3 0.81 1 Closed quiet bit firm: sale* 37.000 bales. Local-Cotton rteady; middling 9c. The following la our statement of receipts and NXW YORK. July 98- Th* following la thi oomptrtuvt oottan statement for tbe week en tin- Wtti— ttf» 2.101 8,334 Net receipts st an United States port*-.. Bane time lsct year •**. - Showing an lncreut.»».s»*.**«i*.o«a~~. 1 total receipt*........, - Bams time Jut year... Same time lut year.. Showing an Incre 1 total export to date. Same Ume laat year.. Showing an Increase. Stock at allunlted Statea porta. 6une time laat year. Showing an Increase Stock at Interior towns Same time lut year,. Bhowiog an increase....... Stock at Liverpool Huav time lut rear Showing a decrease •**•*. American cotton afloat for Great Britain... bazoo time last year,...,. Showing an increase NEW YOKE, July r4-Tba total yitibi* (apply of cotton (for the world la 1,615,899 bales, of which ,IW bales are Americas, against 1.055,073 bale* and 1.0*3,573 respectively last year. Receipts at all interior towns 7.323 bales. Receipts from plants. Ile&s 6,741. Crop in light MM,ISO Pail FROYIfUOMB. UUAlM, ETC, »,W8 sett* stove# nOM U....U...4,187,517 AW5.175 ■re.....*- 862,112 sea 256.259 eure^re# 221.121 ere* 32.131 25,818 .....Mute 13,058 12,781 601,000 7$1,000 , 180,000 46.000 16.000 82.000 UOHBTITUTIQH QVnCIfc ATpavra, July 21.1858 Tba nmowipi quotations lndicatatha fluotcatie© as tha Chicago board of traoe today: WRIST. Opening. Highest Lowest Okwti. wu. 73K 73# . 6 CO C 00 9 35 6 00 9 35 600 injr and tpeeUJ committees were Appointed • wonld elosv op. Bia health wonld Oe v«ry and reports fxoox the different lodges revived, • ud until it opened again. I; kef: oa this July— July... Ju3y^. Live Stock 170. IMiHzri'tvm«g, guar aau*< V.'fflk’. OBWPE SB* tight fi 15*14 ft packing urn hu teflon 14 65*15 w Miscellaneous* Floor-But patent 85^754616.00. extra umy J* r 00 685 24; fancy fi.7b*|&.0d: extra family $4 2t#M.r- w ctoir* famllf ‘ “ - 88.(0efS2t. t da 06c; - . Corn-No. 2 white. Tennessee. 00; No. 2 white mb eri Mj.. Cora Meal — coo. Oats — 45c: H*}—Choice timothy, large bales (Oc; choice timo thy, rmal) bales. Wc; No, 1, large bales aw: No, 1, email bales, o5c. Pe« —5100. Wfcest Bran 70tf»,76c; Grill H.26E bbl. OoOie-RlO o V ft; old goren ment Java 25a rfugar*- fuanOard gxsntUtcd 7c; rtandard A O^o; off A «<cj white extra 065#; yellow CJ 6. Syrup-New GiVvcs ctoire 40c: prime ©. Teas-Bluet a $60.00 High Aim Sewing Machlna for $?21 2U l ar«l-TJercee,n*flnea, V/fr. nbolce leal.*#* *• isnssaR3»JS6wsrus hotird f4.00i Trice chains aV%78. h.w. univu low me. Swede iron lc; rolled, or merchant bar, i\{ r**.e. Cut^teel 15a Nalls fltt Olidden barbed wire, galvsninrd, 7e 11 b: paint*? 6c. Powder—Rifle $4.00; blasting 82.70. Bar lead 7c; flbot tl.85. UatLrr-G. D. &WXCi t. D. 21* 2;c; test v/jfW, white oak sole 40et baraeu leeth* toenuer up**r 3MMUB ,hSTi» %3V53 ssu/vgr tTsr^e Dried Trull—koogh dried peaches 4*ao; pastas swrak: ranch dried (pels* On evaporated WTH ONE YEAR’S SUBSCRIPTION TO THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION ——I NGLUDED. Tbls raschno Is .he first of Its kind ever offbred tbe publio at factory prices, and cannot now b tonght from agent* for lew than 157—the regular selling price being Mo. > li ft th* High-Arm Pattern! Has Self-Setting Needle! It Cannot be Run Backward! His Antomat'o Cut-oir for driving belt, whloh prevents It being ran beokward, thus avoiding al 1 dangers of breaking thread or needles. ...... ^ .. ^ Itlsanolseleis, UthlrunnlogMachlno, acoomptnled by en illustrated book,of Interactions that makes every thing so plain and ample that any lady or child can master It, Wo eali It THE CONSTITUTION HIGH-ARM SEWING MACHINE. And we warrant It to give frill and entire lattalaetlon In every ease, or It may bo returned to ns at our expemo and money will be refunded. Is supplied with tho following oaffitt One hammer and feller (on* piece). one wrench, on* limiting gauge, one screw driver, oilcan filled wltti olli cloth gauge and thumbscrew, aud a book of direction* The following sxtra attachments ere also for dfrec: llulller, tucker, binder, set of wide hemmers and shirring plate. Uur Cla-ms for Superiority are ai Follows! A Device whereby the bobbin can be wound without running the mackln* eavee unnecessary wear of tbe macbiao, aud the uonblo ot unthreading and removing work and altaobmanta white th* bobbin Is bolug filled. :ro Is but nolo to thresd through, making It the most esslly threaded shutll l be changed without removing the shuttle from macnlno. twiiravpcietcu. uu»» uinuu uuu iu icqulflte to produco perfect work. Invitin- * terJnJ.ror It la unqucatlooshly the moat popular machine now oa An improvement on the Singer. The ( h eapeat and Beat flawing Machine* with Tho Weekly Constitution 1 Year for Oalr lift R egular Price of the Machine Alone $45 to $50, I vfiy mtthint is|uaiastcedfo give nlii faction,or it mj be retorted udBoiey vill be refolded. chine fa thoroughly wall made* and fitted \ and no machinal* ; cirnltte<Tb jllie impcclora to go oiit of the ahop untjl it haa fal^ U^^Mdf^roren to to perfect ... __ ^ ^ ...... j[tr. Tba "hf*3,” or nucblDi part of th* MWtnjg mVcTiioe, ss'reprer’tnledTn ihscnl sboTeTl* afhe simile of tbe Singer Manufacturing Co’s, In shape, ornenunlatlon and appesranc*, with thaaxcaptlnn ot the lettering on th* arm end the trad* mark. We give a few rearoea why every household should have th* tewing maoblns nfforsd by tho ronstltulion: I. It Is tha best adjusted. 9. It has the best mslerlal. I. It haa tho Finish. 4, It hss Ibe prettiest woodwmk. 5. its msohshlsm Is better fitted. (I. It haa the hcit Jap inning. 7. It liar the best stands, a. It baa tha hast TsiuflOD. », It will weal th* longasL 10. It la always reliable, II. It Is tho Cheapest. HERE IS OUR OFFER: Fsr $18.00 the Weekly Mutton One Year and Ibe Seif Mine Afvcdayn’tilalof thamachtnaU allowed, and cacha ** . .. “ t en Publlablnx Company to bo n represented, and to glta | and tbe money will 6a rt/nnded. Hl'ICJAL.—We have raid hundreds and hundrtdi of thaw machines, and have guarantcad every machine. Wa bav# had ONLY OFK returned. What Those Say Wha Have Tried our Machines." Yhe following tesilmnol*], ere authentic. They Com* from inbseribm to Th* Constllutloa, win •re known sod respected to the countl«s In which they live. He ask you to writ* to any one of lb im, end they will Indore* what Is printed below; My machine came safely to band, and my wife Is well pleased with IL It does 111 work u well si CP, that would cost 145 from an agent It tivts perfect satisfaction. K. O, NORTH, Clayton County, Oe. My machine received In good order; have tried tt: give* aallafactlou In non particular. Tbe only d! rerer cebeiwreh It and lb* MhHnsrr, tt runs lighter, tasks* leas nolMaodh. a nicer cabinet. I will >sy, 10 those who need a tewing machine, that this la a good on* and no mistake. W. D. MKHdlMgjl, Ocaloae, Thu. TbI* Is to Inform yoo that tbe sewing machine 1 ordered from you * few weeks a to has arrival. I ir t beauty and gives perfect sailafactlon. It Is surnrlslo, tom* thatsneb a machine with so many stisebmcM* can be sold for (UM eighteen dollars. Including a year’s subscription lo the W eekly Con stitution, the Usil paper published la th* Hath. , , A nilibl or sod bis wife called In today lost* my sawing machine. Thar liked It so wall tbat they ordered ana. j. C. CROMLEY, Ntllwood, Bulloch County, tie. MorrerTimt*, ft C.. March 2J, l«!.-a*nt!*mnn: I hare recti red roar machine and h*i* trteft 11. it oaa proved to he what yon represmu. Yours, rsipactfully, (turned-1 J. M. CAMPBELL. WHiTssvllLa, HarriaCo.,0*., Apt.2,1SZ3. f.entlimen—W# bare received oor machlna and are delighted with it. It le all that it ie claimed tote. Wt have gltan It * felt trial andean iraly say wa would not exehjwre It fee an y Mner. enuld not s (Signed) MRS, ff. K *U.tCKL(FORD. ThHU the voice ot the people. Raid It and head It. We might Mleotamoa-wtthjtt. Hundred* of bemeeare mads happy wlth Con atltatlon machine*, and tr-ilfy that they are tha beat. order™!"?;. iKKaiSrHS^Kiifireday.’ trial of th* machlna, and if tt don't.m yo:. wo roarer tee to refund your money. Addfeai THE CONSTITUTION.