The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, October 26, 1886, Image 2

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s+ POLITICAL FIELD. THB MOVEMENT OF THE LEADERS THROUOHOUTTHECOUNTRY* Mr. Xlstns KikM • Bloody f dirt Spooob la Pittsburg -Foah vtllo a blare With BathuWaoiM Ov»» UM VliUcflb* Onbroitorlil Cudiditn- Tfis Hanoostrotiono UatqoilH N AH1V1LLE, Toon., October 18.—(Specie).—J The Taylor canvaai retched hlghwater mark here to- night In a proceatlon terer heretofore eqealod, eeve by the greet Cleveland demon- ■tretlon In l*rM. Kvery train yeetordey end to-day brought In handrede of people, end to-dey extra treinion erery roed here been required to ecconiniodete the immenw throng* bound for the cepttel city. Sceroely e county in the ilete wet nnrepreeented here. The brother* retted quietly yeiterdey end lett night etprleete reildencce. Hon. It. I.. Teylor.pento roilleet night lett night, end troie thle morning feellog eny. thing bnt well. After ethort drive he retired to the retldence of A. J. HeWhirter, end ■emmpned e phytielen. Mr.Taylor leafier. h)g from e tevere cold end bllloatneti. Blit- tore were epplied to hit eheit end tldee et o’clock, end everytlng done thet medlctl •kill conld tuggeet to dt him for to-nigbt work. He wet feeling much better In the ef- ternoon, hat not well enough to do blmtelf jettico to-night. He, however, received hit frlendg. et the Htxwoll house from two three o’clock, end meny handrede pteteci through hie room between theee hour*. lion. Alf Ttjlor It tbo gueet of Cepteln Ollford, Bnreell ttreet, Kent Ntehvllle. It wee iuit two o’clock Ihlt efternoon before ho mtdo hie appearance et the MaJrwoU ’ honto. A number of prominent idjidlAlehek Allied et werir.ut time during thru day' Id ply their ntpccte. He it feeling In better condltloo then urutl. All dty tbo ctrocte were threngod with ttrtngerr, end te the afternoon advanced troopeof cevtlry from thocuuntiy round about poured In on every pike end merthelled. Their eldin derted hither end thither In gty regtlle, forming or preparing to form their dlvitlint for the grand panda et night. No ■ore tbiaieled teena wet ever wltncteed in Ntthvlllo. Erery men, women end child wte decked In whito or red, wbllo roue of both colon were worn by ell. Even ledlnt thowed their pertleeniblp liy wotrlng ' bonqnait of tholr fevorlto color, nery etoree were depicted end home nude rout of common whito paper told at onboard.of prlcct. Bulldlngtell along tbo line of march were rrtplcndent with flag. end buntings, and at night approrched, wore brilliantly II- luniined In honor of the occetlon. The center of the decoration end Illumination wee the American office, wblob wet wrapped In llagi and bnntlngr, and anrrnunded with rowa ol gu Iota thet mode the whole comer brighter then day. Over the front door wu an Ira- aunte oil pointing of Bob Teylor, ten foot tquere. By common content the republlcau end domocreti had united in the demonatra- tlen. So thet both brother! rode conaplcloua- 1^ In the proceeuon, though In uperate car- Promptly et eeven o'clock the greet procea- **?? “'Jf’.l V d w " every whore greeted with e blare bf light. Broadway from end to and wu bluing with bunflree, whom light red dened the tky over the whole city. Fire- werka greeted them, end from two wegona in the proceeilon the echo or cannon end the Bgbi of Inworka anaw.rod beck. In line eereell themllllery companlca of the dty, U* Porter BldH Herraltago Qeerdt, Noah- *illo /ouvea, Cantreli’eOnerda, Burn 1 . Artil lery, Herding Artillery. Political elube from oven ward end dietrlot mounted end on foot. P” “•Aboete were gathered tb* entire popu lation of NethvUle, end theeoenw along the Bnc of march beggar deecrlptlon. The apeak leg took place on the pnbllo eqnare, where fully «,000 people were gath ered, Inelndlog nearly 8,004 ladle*, for whom epeelel arete had bun nrovldid. Both epeek- era acquitted thcmaelvee fairly, bnt Bob’! phyaicaj wcaknne end Air. hoeraoneu dared It tmpoaaible to ruch the crowd. 1 lltfmuiibr.te’r^htb.^drrh^ were gruted with round after round of ep- plenu,,but their apocchcj were both brief, neither looting over dfteon mlnutoa. They were devoted mainly to the Blair bill end In- tyraietorial propotod by the Knight* of At the clou John J. Littleton, on bohalf of tt* republican! of the .Ute. preunted Hr. 6eorge H. Armlrteed, the Amoricen corn*, uondent, who travela with the Taylor*, * fln* fun! rcpreaentatlon of * tautlcel Inalrument known aa a lyre. Alf Teylor will not accompany Bob to Oat- lettn tomorrow, and, It I* believed, will atop the ranvete her*. Bob will dll hie remaining engagement. _____ Hob And Air In Lebanon. NAMirmiK, Tenn., October 11i-[8pecial.]— Beb end Alf Teylor apohe In UallatlTto day to ono of tbo lorgcet crowda ever aeon In thet town. The train wu .topped Ore mllca thla Hdr, end tbo gubernatorial candidate# end their pertlu were eecorted to carrlegea ood ■errltd Into town, eocompenlcd byenimmenu eeveicedc of honemen ond people la vehloloa. who had come from ell over the aonthern end •f the conotry to mut their champion. Thorn were aboil alxty Mice on hora.'beck. wearing black plume beta with long white atrumart. In front of the procoaalon, on n can lego ell to h maolt wu an Immen e white rooitor on n VAa-T* h*tlly eU the way. Aft brought In new thing. He referred to Sob’e nfrrtuu te Andrew Johnun and to dlefran- Chlrmrnt, dulerlng thet Andrew Johnaon bad declared thet all rebate were tralton end ell trtuon tbould be mad# odioua. And now Stover Cleveland hod appointed u Bob Tky. lot’e meet tier In the pentlan office et Knox ville, emen, who, when In the Teonuue leg- Wetnra, voted fer dl. flinch torment. Andrew Jchnton raid mere eat thingt about the uulh (ten any other men living. Brb Tey lor retorted thet hiobroihor Alf had preload Andrew Mm more then ho, tod h J voted tfcnc* in tnocemiou* BU *** • #n * ,OT ®fty-uv*n *bo Toy lure In OheUeaeoge. OaATTARoeae, October 8Z-I8etelel.l- Tho lw* Taylore apoke here today to an Immcnee tkru^n* epeehlng look place In the eon” heme read ted urn eendldetee were eaoerted there hyehlgpreretalon, laelndlug local ttiUierv com- puiee. M Teylor mod. e.reodWfcn end com- rletely ruled hie brother. Aire vetee -wu very beaky, however, end he eeold not do hlaueli yt»r» <»tcri»jt Info man j of the mechanical ja- duitrle*. Jn Birmingham, Ala.,*ln ciisttaaoage, Trno , rn? la various psrfs of Virginia Chef are maing plglron a: wages ofirora rix*y to seventy canli per day. Tho produce of thrir labsr thu* bat far bran so nnall that the Important fact I am now Mating baa attracted comparatively no atten tion ; but If the quantity which they manufacture attains lsrgt proportion* it will neceaarlly com pete In the waxkttte of thla county with plglron made In Pennsylvania and Ohio, and they, Uicmwlrea, will compete with men here who are paid II60 per day. What leaponae la to bo made to that by our working moa who receive the better wages Tbeaohwer wllibejuxt ibis: That cither the great body of workmen la the sou’.h muit have justice done them and bo falny com pensated for what they earn in the sweat of tnelr facer, or elre tho wages of every northern laboring man must be InjurloualyafTected. Thla Matemeit. when first made by mo, was met with rldlcnle and derbion. bnt when that great organization of ttn KLight* of Labor met in national couvenUoa la Richmond, Va., tho other day under their Chief Powdeny, whom 1 take to bo a man of extraordinary ability and preception, [pro longed cheers. | the flnt thing they ran agatnat wan the abaaluto unwillingness on tbe part of the dominant white racaol the sooth to allow colored laborers of that region to have soy benefit from the Knights of Labor organisation* or from any other that could protect them in their right to be paid the wages which they earned. By a strange coincidence I reset red this very morning a letter from the sow bon that subject. My corres pondent glvea mean appalling picture of the south, and In one portion of liis letter «ays: "Iiat after all, we are ahead of you In the north In resoect to la bor, for In a mat tnanv Parts ot tm south we have cMAblistrd the tight hour law lor the oolorod man -Hubi boors in the forenoon and eight hoara to the after noon.” {Universal and loug continued merriment. J You often hear from democrats in Alleghany county, perhaps, aa elsewhere, that tbo republi cans were served Just right because they put negro sufiisgo on the south and that It has return >1 to plsgue thtin. Well. I deny It. I deny, and 1 want to make that denial aa Intelligible and forcible as lean. 1 dony that the republican party, in its ftjrtcm of reconstroctlon. started out wltn the Idea of forcing the louth to take negro nufTr-tge. I had a small part In that legislation. What we did waa Is: We said to the south: the llth amendment to the fthnsUtu* tion. That amendment la of Inestimable advau tsge. That amendment tmtkcilhe citizenship of the United Btatcs natioual. It consorvos and pro wives the national credit, it conserves and pre- ici vea the }<cr Mon of the soldier. It prevents mon whose hands have been made bloody on iicJdv of battle, against union men. from taking part in the government until congress, hy a two thirds majority, shall re lease them from that disability.’ Wo mid to them: "Agree to this amendm mt and oome in; bnt y on it 111 find In that Amendment this provision: (I am giving you the popular mean ing, not taking the exact language ot the law.) It >uu txcinUa the nogro from votiug he must ho ex cluded from the basts of ropre-entaiion. but If you n JU giro him the right to vote, he ahail h( ouce on put 1b the basis of representation." That was perfectly fair and square proposition. A representative is based upon a constituency; and If they did not allow tho colored man to he Included within the constituency ikon thorn men ought to be reckoned within tho basis of represaQ- tatiou to increase tho number of representatives among their enemies; but it you will do one. we will do the other. You enfranchise tho colored man and we will increase your representation.’’ Tenncsaie. alonaol slllha southern states, ac cepted that condition and came la at oaoe and the other Uu rejected it In their legislatures; scorn- Ailly, promptly, absolutaly, by an ovar whelm lag majority; not one-tautu ol tho votosin any legist*, lure being in favor of it. What waa the United Walts to do? 1 go ovor thla hecausa 1 have aeon In one metropolitan Journal what purported lobe a correction of a statement which I had made, as though I had made a mistake and had omitted an eaatnUal port Whan these states rejected the fourteenth amendment, what waa the government of the United States to do? That form of raoon- atiticUon had failed. It was dead. Was the dal- ted States congress to sit down with their finger* lu their mouths and say: Urntltmen, our soldiers, oar gallant command ers, like jour candidate for governor In I'tsonsyl- vanla (cheers). have whipped yours ofTtha field of battle. We stood up to fight till the last rebel sol dier had lurrenfiered. and wow la tM congress ot the United State# to acknowledge Itself absolutely . colored laborers are paid sixty and seventy cento a day. The Dally Times, commenting on ibis speech, says: A careful inr* stlgation here reveals Ute fact that Ibe lowest wages paid colored laborers in any ia> dastry Is ninety cents per day. and this race covers only a tew atthe South Tredegar iron works. The greater Lumber of colored men at those works run from fl tot- per day. with a large number at lu termedlate rates of 11.25 and tLtoperday. In every case where skilled colored men are employed as heaters, puddlers, helpers, ate., they get exactly the same wages as white men doing tne same work. Colored laborers at the Chattanoogt fur naces get 11.23, II50 and t2 per day, owing to the skill, responsibility, etc., required to fllt-the vsri otis placet in which they work. These are representative southern lndu«tles. What we say ot Chattanooga in this regard applies to Birmingham. Kooxvlllo and other placet. Col ored boys In the South Tredegar nail work*, work Inf as feeders, make from seventy fire cent* to 11.^5 per day. according to the skill nod industry displayed In their labor. Some colored men make aa high aa|4 per day as puddlers and foundrymen in tbla lection. We may say generally, that tbo scale runs from 91 to 91-60 for tho great mas* of tho colored men working in aonthern industries Ilialne at Brownsville. HROWWBV1LI.E, Pa, October 21.—Hon. James o, Blaine and party arrived at Browntrllle ot lire o'clock this evening and waa escorted to the hotel by stand, where he held an Informal reception. Tomorrow he will visit the graves of bis parents and sister, in tho evening be will speak at the lyccum. and Saturday morning, In company with his sons, will go to Washington, over the old national pike, where ho will visit bis alma mater. The 1-1 q ii or Dealers* ('BiCAno, October 18.—A national conven* tlonof brewers and liquor dealers began here at noon today. There were delegates present from Ohlot Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Iowa, Mary land, Wisconsin, Maasacbri'ctts, Michigan, Mis- rauri. New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Tennes see, Virginia and Mlnneiota. Mr. J. A. Pratt, Louisville, was elected temporary chairman. Tho resolutions adopted declare that: We most earnestly favor temperance and most strongly condemn • In' emperance and appeal to every member ofthetradu to makos proof of tbi* declaration by bis dally life and the conduct bis bonnes*. Tbe resolutions further declare... favor of both public aim private morality and good order and popular education; and unaltor.ibiy od- pose proituition «• invasion of tbe rights of citi zens; and therefore wron g In prlnclnlo and Im practicable in practice. Instead ol attempting to dev trey a business that employ a Immenso capital slid support* a vast number of honest working men, the efforts of our enemies should ba directed to the ekmlnatlon of the evils existing and result ing from the abuse of liquor. In this work wo would.unito. The cltsirg resolution la in favor of: Absolute non Intervention In politics os an or- ganiAStlou except In such places and at such times as united action 1s necevary to protect ourselves Central Gordon lu Florida, Ocala, Fla. October 23-[dp«ctal.]-ae» oral John B. Gordon, governor clock of Goor- S p, at tho invitation ot a citiaona committee, at night addressed a large concourse at tho Marion opera house, in this city. Uoapoko for cno hour and a half, and it was such a soul stirring speech as has not been heard in this state for years. The intensity of politi cal feeling in the picaaqt congressional can- vass la each that tbe effort of tha heroic Oore don hero last sight had an effect almost dec* trie. Ida speech more than any oneevont of tha catnpoign will tend to ancouragotho democrats in their straggle arainit tho enemy, and the next governor of Georgia has lent new life and fresh vigor to the democracy of Florida. Tha Taylors of Twaaasswe* A* aloha*,. .»•: -Tho, I* ob oatnea from a letter wtiitaa la 1878 br tteBtaMr.l^lo, taihar of the iwaTaa- aaiaaa Taj lore, to hia wlfe, who woa Moodlo, Uoaumatar uapaglho mooauiot u?Norta QaraUii*. niahon alfoaaa a aoiaplo of the Batac, which la tala to hara beu handed da«a to Mr. Taylor'e aoua. Ha laferatoiha atataUoaaa aotnaty araaad bar, -abara: ua *•? U »°* U “V* h “ *‘««*4 *ha Urthplaoa and Maotaarr of tbo oluada and pliUnd tha with towarfa, awaatalaa aerratad atimmlu tba a a motor »oa Uploa to tbo mule of ra- wbllo tbo ttormkia, -joiaat tholr buu (V “*Wa 0*4 took-ribbod U* . tempaote and korrlcaaet of tha natation la inurmtuio, apaama-tat l“ *•1^ Aaahorad Cut la tha amoipotorca of Sod,tbeaafraad old moootalnt tiiUraortheir —*■ rahlo h«df. oa the eeatioala of tho a CM, ■Udl*K with aaroral apleadon eash dawaloa •ft" “■*•»* with (oldaa (lotlea each aao* Sri'rtlTfaa iy*V* ftv •’“'b Co warn •7 UbtHx aod 1 ratdoa, a (ulawn for whet. aver baUda tha low land, ud tha plat*, whan */»*»h oaolaroo oad luxorp eoiropu, thooa (tea kalid tholr atota and rear ihelr roaaa *••*•■ Iheekfla of tho uaoauioe out tbero Bnfattexed freedom will arer dwall.’ ” ■lalaa la IVaaejIeaata. Prrmraa, Oetohar 30.-Mr. Jawaa 6. Blaioa addraaatda crowd of 10000 aonaoa here tala/ oa tho aohjaet ef tha hlaodp ahlra. usable lo rccoulroot thoaa auuea oa o baal, of Icyalip. - We .aid: “If jou will not oome In on o huh or the lourioenlb eiucudmcut wia," (iroarnu jroor lime tod rour judgment lo determine when tho negio aliall come u> aun'rago tod thall Incroaw jour grepmeatailoD. whoa joa do brio, him to tiilhage, If jou njtcl that thall wo lot you In, joo demand to bo lot Id without condition, with out (lUatincetlou. to earn* la ot oar meater.?'' No, uudtr the lead of that great commoueror Penaajl- rauta, Thadaiaa Blercna (clioen|-hooor lo hla memory and peaec lo hit aahea. Wo aald: ■'ll you will uol reconatruct Ihoae atale ■ wo will ampowtr U* color od mon to Join with a tow loyal white mao, and wa will Haro recoattruoilon by the uae ol colored .rotoa. IT ib* wbllo own do not enforco 11, [Applanae.1 Then w* paaaot the llfucnth omtudmeiit. which gaeo auffrago to orory mon lo tbe Untied Htatea who wot nuiy nit nrallran or waa horn on our aoil. I want now to mate thla qnouncatlon. 1 don't aund horo In lua- UIJ the term ol raconalrucuon merely br tba fjur- ucnlh amendmant leorln* to too aonth tha right to daltimlno when tho nagro ahould coiuu to aul- rage, I think that In tha prorldenco dt Uod Uuougb tbo atiir uackrd and rebollloua ooa loutbein men. who would not accept rcconatnictton on Hum oondlUona, w* we la brought to o bettor Judgment, ond that put ly through Ihtlrobaliul* ana unreuoaobl* tplrU, •ud thiouib IM Jnaplnutoa of Cod’. Jmtlc#, be which tho republican potty vraro Influenced, we were driven to enfrenchtao the colored man and do Jut Urn Air him. (Uheera.l Ball want pun clearly to keep your mlnda on tba tact that wo ■Ud not force ne*ro anirrag* on tho aontn nntli they Ihemaolreo hod made It an Indtipenaabla irrarutc of rroomlracUon. Wehtro tired to m nrgro tuflVaga In tha ronih abaolutale daauoyad. When ha b In a maturity of nro to one, tut negro canoot t leet a rrpretentauva. Tba aonth tokaa St to IT rcprcwntatlR. In oongrtaa and the Mate number of pittidrnttol tlcctort la the United Slate.; take, them hy force, fraud and violence, and oaonla them in tba damoeraUe column. Thai la what they do exactly. It romlnda me of ariory very pertinent lo the com. 1 hoard It not long ilnce In New York. A aouthcrocr aald to a northcruman: “Let ua play a game of oimardafor the next pramdtsllai clecUou two yean hanrn- <01 polnta" dual the number of tlccton that la to they went down to the Fifth-avenue hotel to mill# tba eltellon two yean In advance. The •onthtrntr took up a cue and mid: "Well, IwUl count off IM point. In tbla game; Ihoae am mine without playing for them. '' He added: “Yon will aat than that 1 ban to gat only torlyetghl while run nave to gal aoir r •ooWaa, gentleman, that I am utterly at a lorn to denounce trauo. and tba wroa* which b ao wail tllnetiaudhythat atovy. Southern clacUont are worta In point of political morale than u to. gam- birr who luvbea a youth Into hie den ond play, •galea! him with loaded dJea, [Cbeera) It l> not republicanUm. It to not demx'racy. It to not beavan'e Jtntlco. it to not man'i jut ploy. WholwodamoadlnlhtoOboatryto toot wo eboll not play t Hake lor IM pnatoenoy agalu.t men who are shaking Oleeal no Yon ray we cannot no anything. Wa ought to ha able u no aomeuing. We ought to Mabla to make aatblld a north aa tliey bavemada aaolldamtn. Now, gentlemen, 1 do not hold out to yon tha alight! at belief on my part that tne rcpnhlleana heva any prmpect ot carrying a aonthern attic. TM white men havolM political power of that country la ihelr grip. At firm they call th<y would not let tbe ncero come to coogroaa, aa torn a. Uu y rot tower to it. p him Welt, tno neareea r'rtptd aide. Then they laid thiy would om let theiarpat-hagg.r eeme to congrem. Walk thi rarpet-hagger rloped. ILaugbier.i Newthtyaty that they will not let Ibe native white man coma ■a tM front, if the oolored meu vole for him. (l.uthicr 1 That elrkw op tha ansnee pretty tightly. TMt would iprvdlly nettle tba <i>icettoa. Th>y hare tithiy tveieptraemativci In cenareufrom loo .l.nniuualhetrrrrotntherebellion. Withtbe • iceptloooM believe, one to Vlrc.nle. fr . whhe c.i*atltm ncy. and one to temicvec, me, >ak< 1* to. whole efthent, alttuugv toMvcraior thtic .later, tbrta at leaat, Ik* colorod race an la tbe nujoiur. A N-Ply to Ittolna-a AMMttone. CnarraHootia Oetohar 81JammO Riolan, la htoopeteh at Filkabarg yarerday. raf.rrel to Ouuaaeoga u a poial la the irathwhare Xfomiaatloaa for Congress• l?»h district, Near York, O. T. Hopkins, K llcan. district, New York, L. D. SaokeU, demo- reptibllcan. *. at- Ileorj Giotgo'a Idea# fYom the Chicago Trtbanaw* ” ■ ■ Dxa Moines, la., October 11.—The notion of Htitry CJiorge that toe ownership of lead ahould be lu tte atete and uot in tho Individual laaotoew. It Is otiDDoii to all uncivilized psoplea. The most curious survival of it now to be found is la Rus sia. 7 lie village commuoii containing about five- sixths of iho population, are the owners of tno laud pertaining tiieroto. Tire general government assert* its paramount tltlo only so far as to levy on each village a certain tax for the payment of which tho whole commu nity Is liable. Tba actual ownership and control of tbe land la held by the village commune, which divides it among the families and apportlonsto each Its share, subject to redistribution at tho will of tho community. The land includes that upon which the vUlago Is built, tho arable land aud tho meadow On tho flntof these la the nouso and garden, which are hereditary iu the family aud not iucluded In the periodical distribution. Tbe meadow is divided annually between the different famine*, or tbe grass is cot by all aud tbe hay dlrtded. The ara ble lead it apportioned cutteciy about ouoo In fif teen years to tbo families In accordant with tho number of workers and cousumsra lu each. Occa sional changes are made to coircrpond to Increase or decrease in tbe working strength of the hold er*, Aa cxbanitlve account ofthlacorlona InaUtatlon may be found to Walitoe'c “Buaato.'' Thla aathor cmarla :ha! - It to not a little ttruge mat thla primitive ayttem of land tennro ahould have too- ctrded In living Into the nit:Circuit! century, and •till mora remarkable that the lnttUnUcn of which it forma aa cticmitl part ahould bon garded at one of the groat lortltutloua ol tho future, aud al- moil aa a panacea lor aoclal end political evlla.'* Thla waa written ten yean ago, before the writ* Inga of Ocorge were mod* public. It u not HUl more remarkable the! IM boil remedy for • lining ■cclol evlla which the ebloal land reformer of the day It able to anggeat ahould be * return to that •jMtm wnleb the world lua alowly outgrown, and wblob would partly to Individual elfortaad deaden the«flkcl ol tho moat powerful InconUvM to labor wblchclvllluUon baa built up aud protected? *• CLaaa. toan exact coulerpertef Oeecgwalaod •yricro la Iudla, when the farmer, pay rent to tM gonramoul-and all tha rent they can aland. TM Briibh-Iodton (armament hu epplied Oeocge’e land acheme to tena of mllUona at farmare, with the meat deadly egbet. On IM fact of the whole ruth there to no peeaeatry an ground down and ■mpovtibbed aa tha Indian ryott wM pay not to tbo Britbh on tholr farm* All bona of galling an In tba world to killed. Abare.mtotr- able wbttoWMa la tilt hoy get or can over hope to «cure] Han la a man who won'd not glet Tn ContTiTt TtoN for any two pvpcn ho hoi oeor had. Ha can ardor ona of our goat, and If ha don’t like It, wro will retnrn the money. We •and nothing ont from thla otto* that we do net guaratilce, and will ntnrn tha monay f. r anythiag that la not eatiafaotory. Mr, Colltaf ought to get up a club whan haordan hla gnu: Beurp. ala-I a» a rabaertbor to yourvalna. Mr paper, and would aMglre It fur any teVotaer tepera 1 ever bad. I Me y « baea a breact toad* li'r gun for aalc, and 1 daalro lo boy oaa If I tend • U and got ooa or ibe guua ud doa't Uka IL con 1 return the gun ond get my mnneyr R. P. Oott nre. Mr. R II. cox, of Butler, Co., trrUet: "I think your poper lathe beat paper In tho world." Lit all car readora get to work and tend oa lo n clnb. Now la tha harraat lima fat tab. icrlbtnaod anyontran gut np a club with wry little trcuble. Awi.rloaw Miaaloiiary Aaonclotlou. B»vr Havmr, Oetohor 40—Tbo American M'wtenaly UMOtollow raoUnuod lu meeting thl< motnlog. Tbo lemon war occupied by tha cno- .t-lr atlon of touthera and ChlncM work. Mr. Car too II. Ryder, auperioteudanl of. edneatton aod church work to tba tooth, mode to report and uucuated IM retotJoBa of ike aokool to IM church. ThoMoaoue Coodentw Liquor. LoriaviLLX Oetohar SO—Tho grand lodge of Kantocky aluoaa, to tauten here, today adapt. HareMattoo oondemulng tM aro of lauxfoaata. a— ■— - TtlMt. 10 ItpanUktdaiaaaXaBMagaUtt the order. DURING THE WEEK. Toeidsj. Oelob»r 19.—A foot python (ot away in the Boston mnream, and after atwo hour’s hard straggle, was caged, but not before it sue cctded la erushlng the life out of one man before U succumbed....The National Geological survey is gathering information In retard to the earthquake In order to make a study of it Fever has again made Its appearance in Biloxi, Miss... Ed ward Herbert, luperintendent of tne West Virginia Central, fell through a Seattle hole in Baltimore and waa instantly killed....Great damage was done in the north of France by s hurricane. In tiie City.—Mayor Hlliyer hai vetoed tbe ordinance pawed by the general coun cil on Monday the 4tb lust, whereby the ordi nance prohibiting the Atlanta brewery com panr from delivering beer was repealed The Fulton Couc ty Confederate Yeterans association held Ua regular quarterly meeting. Wednesday, October 20.—A heavy snow storm visited Ogden, t ub, being severe enough to seriously interfere with telegraph lines Tbe su preme council of tbe southern Jurisdiction of BcotUib Bite Morons, held a short session in Wash ington, 1). C Oakland, 111,, was almost destroy ed by fire... Up to date New York bos given 9S9,- M4 to the Charleston earthquake sufferers. Jh tho Cttt.—The remains of Mr. Walter 8. Gor don reached the cJiy, yesterday at noon, from New York and were buried in Oakland cemetery Mr. J. B. Cook was .struck by au engine on the Western and Atlantic railroad and severely in jured.. Thursday, October 21.—The business portion of LaGrange, (II., wa* destroyed by fire..*... The twenty-third annual hiternatlonal convention of tbe brotherhood or Locomotive Engineers convened in New York clty......Tb6 Russian government has officially informed the porte that it doc* not intend to occupy Bulgaria The 1’tenev: mills and the phosphate f<ctory at Raleigh, N. C, were burned Ill*stated that the top cotton crop of Tcxaa will not exoaed 75,003 bale % under the most favorable circumstances Grading ru the sixiendon of the F.wt Worth aud Denvarcity railroad has been finished to (j nan oh, Texas. Is tho rmr.—United States Marshal Nelms re. celved a dUpstch from Wauu, Texas, yesterday, stating that John Coffee, the notorious mountain moonshiner, and who shot and killed Dcpnty Marshal John Merritt, a short while ago, bad been captured In 'Rrxoa . ..The state board of pharmacy bin session.... A new Indxo of Knights of Pythias has been organized lu Atlanta. Friday. October 12.—President Cleveland visited the fair at Richmond aud was enthuilutl- caljy received along the routo......At in annual meeting the association of tho army o. northern Virginia, elected Miss Minnie Davisau houorary number-....Mr. Blaluo is speech-making aud hold ing receptions in Pennsylvania.... The wife of Anarchist Parsons is lo New York pleading tho cause of the anarcbisi*......The Protesiaut Episco pal cborch In convention, discussed and voiel upqn the propriety of dropping ( Protestant Epis copal" from their prayer book, which was not agreed to.... Prcaidant Clove and contributes 9100 to the Sabine Pare sufferers. 4 ntr. CiTv.-The sale of Jerseys and nolsteln ifenk was tbo order of the day yesterday. Jtnejr sales were ratlsfactory, but the sale of Hoi- steins fell far short of the expectation of their owbera and were withdrawn. Saturday, October 23*—The war of Runia kills Baron Preton, under the Impression that the harpn was about toattempt tbe czar’s life Eng land and France are agitated over Egyptian mat ters The Bulgarian matter is still complicated, but It seems that Russia will at last carry her point and force Bulgaria to submit to the czar....E!ad- no. a town of Bohemia, is sinking—the town la built over Iron and cold pita. . .Charlestonla ahak- an again.... A mountain In tho naif hborhood of Ljochbarg ft splitting... Atlanta had a small ihgka up from tb# earthquakes Hast occurred yes terday.... Dr. Woodrow and the Presbyterian syr- nod of 8onth Carolina are not disposed to agree, and tho doctor refuses to resign his position inthe Columbia seminary at the request of synod Inthe convention of tbe Protestant Episcopal church the marriage rite waa reported on by the eommittee on canons, to the effect that c!andes> tine marriages ore wrong, that the solemnization of marriages should be made publlo,tbat no pouon should marry under eighteen nnlws parents were present or given written consent.that marriage re- Jatfena should n*tbb dissolved but for adultery that tbo guhiy party sbouHr not marry again during IM llfo of the other party. I* tub City.—Six of tbe United State, prtaonen, who wtro confined In Fulton county Jail for Tlo- latloaa o/lha rerenua lawa, har# aado thclrca- caj*. They wen allowed tbo freedom of IMJajl yard, and were gone acveral boura before tbclr ab- ■ waa known.—Tba reveuua ofilcen captured Mra. lhomaa Frick aud bar two daughter.. Bai lie and Emma, ol Ploktna county, who won run ning ..blockade dtollUcry at tbo back of tbclr gar den. Sunday, October Sa.-Jnatln McOcrthcy, Par- nellltc, ha. been awarced the Mat in the bona* of common, which be conseated for (n tbo recent election agetnitCharlti Edward Lewto, conaorva- live In tha game of baMball, for tbo cMmplon- ablp of tho world, batweon St. Loulaand Chicago, the former clnb waa ?letorloua...Thirty-tbreedwal!- tog houaea wan daatroyed by fire at Xarmlngtoo, Me.....The aoclallate of London save a banquet In honor ot ooa of tbclr member, who wu raoenlly releaied from priton Emperor WJlllaa baa marka to creel a monument to Martin LuQier In Berlin. Ja Tilt City.—Tbo ccmmaaalon appointed by tM leiblatura to atlrcl n plaoo for tho looauon of tM tocknolegtoal acbool hare choecn Atlanta, and wort on tbe bulUUufi will ba commenced Tcry loop......Ocorso McKinney, n printer, who waa wanted In Tcanataea lor aaaault with Intent lo himtclf Urrongn the heed with a plitol/ * A MOHMON AUROAD. Tb* kneonnter of an Bagluh Farmer with • .Mitalonnry From gall Lake. Fiotnthc London RareBIta "‘Ate jou a Mormon?*art I, with a atlflia’ aort of a gatp that pony nigh choked me, fori multany thatulooknttbnman'afaocho -penred (oddcnnirio lead a claac maatln’, and I waa afearad ho mightn’t Ute lb* queattoo, bat he aot lhar aa kem aa cold Mtna, and act be: “Well, yea, nilbar.’ T don't think 1 wai erer orercome to complete ebont euyihlDgatnce I tot religion na I waa )uat then. You could .-knocked mo down with a fsittui ‘As soon aa I could ketch my breath IpcrcMdad tonic himovur the coala party lively; but ha didn't sit mto care a smudgin' for anything I said, and 1 d.dn’t rila him ona particle, Hejost sol lhar aa unmoved aa a stun fence, and never «oi hla dan der up oucett. 1 told him that he was a mtxreble wuim of tbe dust, but ha said he knoeed U, though he stuck up to it that ha was tryia’ to do tha Lord's will tha best he knowed how, and ha rather karkelatcd be would keep on marrjin’as long aa he bad a hair left •’And from that wo got to argyfo’ the msteer,and joo wouldn’t believe, my tenth*, what a mon mi sight of shrfpter the elder cud koto to show that It waa right fbr a man to marry wherever more help around the borne waa needed, lnatld of hirin' and tbrowln’away money that might bo kept In the family je« as well aa not. 1 must say last ha made it 'pear ao dreadful reasonable that I won’t n «h so much sot against him as I wa« afore. Forty nigh all the good men wu read a boat in skrlptee fhllered this plan Car beepin' down expenses; bat I never looked at it jest that way till he pointed it ont to mu. It didn't take him more than ten min us to show mo that It wai a preshua sight easier to merry a hind raid anu’ hard times than “ wu topay her tbe oa»h. "It sum times happened, tbe elder said, that he would ham a tar bull good wife, jest as the spring work was a coinin' on, and otter hedo bento the expvnie ot winterin' her; bat lack In marryla' was party much the same as it was lu rimin' pjrk —somt tore ther was profit la it and sumtlmce iher warn!. Howsomum, be w- sn t the mau to make kla cyaarot* tin waepln' about wbat cada’t be bslpcduloacasheeud findaa abte-bodted wo man tn thu Lf lx hborhood who badi^’tbea bespvkc, and so In such cs*es ho xitintlly put oa hte blue cost erd nankef n wr.'kti sad msrrusl *#tn a* soon as he cud pop and git the gU to a preacher." Tha Antf-Barau Thlaf Aitodatiin. Chillicotbb. Mo., Oetohar 21.—Tha statu reavrr Uon of the aotl Horae Thief aaaociattoQ m*-t tere yratridav, 300 m^mbarv bales present. Reports by commttteus showed the order Ct be ta- C -aring^m nbmtar« and Influauce. and horse •Ua iAgdarrMstct. aathemMus-nr dctentagsi ra*ren> b*uouw mum cm tala. The retec Urns af CActis wUl uka place today. PRSONSANDTHINOS. A vxxv nholetoao movement hu been or• CSnlzcd In the thirteenth assembly district, New York, in which both republicans and democrats take part, having for its purpose the proveutlon of bad nominations for the assembly. The signers of a circular which has been Issued by the organiza tion declare that they will oppose any unworthy candidal*, "for example, if he be a liquor dealer, a professional-politician of doubtful reputation, a man who will not pay his debts, or one who boasts of bis wickedness.’’ ft neither party nominates a good candidate this organization will present one of It* own. The Jacksonville Times-Unlon says that n Urge number of sale* of oranges on the tree* have been made to northern parties, who have come to the state for this pnrpoce. In Sumter the sales, aa known, amountel to 40,000 boxes atSL60a box. The fostfM of Murray Hill have published a rumor that Mr. Henry Hilton will soon lead the widow, Mrs. A. T. Stewart, to the altar, and in the nates from the f led a inlte of twelve rooms at tho Grand Union otal, Saratoga, one of the hotels of tho estate. xnlies of beautiful arenucs without once losing sight of her own trees aud lawns. The Philadelphia Ledger soya that iniideof what seemed to be a bird and exacting exterior, the late Edward T. Parker hod a humane heart, u will be seen by tbo bequest be has ma le of near ly tbe whole of his large fortune to found a home for eged, infirm, honest, respectable colored peo ple. ▲ j’VifrKiN pio waa left on aseat in a school home in Maryland, aud ono of tbe augu»t directors who came in on a visit covered tbo pie. In revenge he discharged tbe school madam, and in return she bad him bunted in effigy and cued for her sal ary. The Rev. Dr. Gordon, the eminent Baptist minister of Boston, was ono day walking through Quloey market, where ho is au fnfrcqoeut visitor aud was unrecognised. Noticing some attractive be king fishe* at a stall, he asked what they were. * W* rail \m JB«pMsfs," raid tho marketman. "Aud why do you call them Baptists?'' pursued the m lull ter. "Bccanro they generally go to tbe bad very soon after wo lake ’em out or the water." A Nr.w Yorker in Boston, tho other day, called a carriage and told the driver to take him to "Whisky straight." "I don’t kcov any snoh place," »aid tho driver. "Don’t know where it is? It's rcmewbere near Boston," was the response. "There’s certainly no placo of that name about her*,’’ asseverated tho driver. "Well, returned the nonpUuccd New Yorker, "it’s something like -xcJBmadt ..... Plain!" and be hit it sight.—BmtoifPoat.' ‘ No Gob Hollow" in Chautauqua county is aald to have received its odd nsme iu this wise: An evangelist went into the va’lcy and worked very earnestly for soma weeks, and apparently without.any good remits Ono day in speaking to one of tboiesidontsof tho place, he said; "Ido not believe.tbM|4s a God la Chenango valloyl” L"« 1 5iS5feTO5Sd d ll, n S 0 o^ a tao J,1 *“ ““ Oxi:of the peculiarities ot .230 pound pujnpUu grown at Netvburg to that It waa fad on milk. A' root waa ten tout from the also to obtain of milk, and Uconauuad a pint of the Unldeach fiajr. Tiai*td . dnga won ancceaafnUr naad dar ing the ryceut German manenrrea for tho Irani- to futon of mcnagua. The dog. were a apaotoa of colli*, end when not utilized w motaeugen did doty with tho field watch and the tontine], to whom they recor d to M of coutderabla actTlc* tn giving the clam upon the allghicat oooarion. Ms*. Ob xbi. y waa c cripple, and to herhnahaad thought It would not he right to heat her, bnt Initead, aa a pnnlahment, he need to lower her Into tne well. One day the ropo twitted aronnd her neck and aha died, and now Chorine'* lawyer ta trying to maka a Mtoaonrl Jury bellare that it waa an aceldant, Tbe rlebeat young man in Philadelphia la ■aid to he Angnatna Jcaiup, twenty-four year, old, with an Inoome of over IM.OOO. A pate of knavea worked an old, old awlndlo on a almpla citizen of Reading, Fa One of them went Into a cigar atora carrying a violin, and, after baying a cigar, aahed to M alloeed to tear, the In- •trument there for ao hoar or ao. HJareqntatwM — "—ty toon knave numbA two canto In rlgu, law tha violin, examined It, laed fr, and wanted to buy It. The d buy li When the owner cane back, and an- nrltedhta to go aa hlghiaKO. Thenbclolt and the flnt mto came back, refna :d ta foT the wlrdto, MMRLaad. flnally, with great healta- Uon, accented (Ml for It, becauae he needed the money. Up to date the terond man hu not called far tbo fldale which to worth Juat 13, There Ii a wonderful malteee cat out wait, ard thelCheyenne Leader wanto lu raatlere to be lieve tbla of him. It wee hla regntor evening duty to go a'ter the cowa He found one of them ao badly crippled that iho conld not get home. De taching tba net of tha caul* from her, he got them emailed, ud then he aeparated * calf which be longed te the Injured eow from the other, ud drorellbackto Iu mother. While it waa being aucklcd the cat waited patiently, and then, hanpy In tba conaoloaanMa of a duty faithfully performed, he drove Ur* calf back to the cerral. Prhident Cleveland atopped at the mar ket on the way home from bit latest bunting and flnblng trip and pnrchlted a duck, two doaen par- trldaaa, adoaeu atiulnala, find a Sice airing ol flah, Ha knowa bow to go a hunting! Una Kura Batcbslee, of Lonlarllle, a fair weeki ago marriad a yon ig French lawyer, whom tha tnppoaad to hava only hla profeaalon aa a main tenance aod no expectation,. On her wedding day ba dbcloted to Mr tha awful rant that ha waa tha ho and hair of a vicomte, with a long and un pronounceable names and belonging to a dlatln- gnlahad French family. Ha hat alnce taken hla bride to tha tolanda et Manrillna where ha to to practice law, lnatcad of living in Parto and waatlng bU inbrtancedn ltagay aoclety. Mlai Batchelor had gone lo FarU to perfect herself In art, and there the two had mat Read next waek’a Coimrrrtmox. It will ta the beat Jtoprr CTerlaiued. We hava a larje hatch of flnaapaclai article, for It, Don't fail to get It. | A Rude Intruder, From tha Philadelphia Preta, Onr eater nr.ed contemporary, tha Larodo, Texaa, Timet, In dcKriblng a hall given tn that neighborhood a lew evoulngataips. remark, that tha frattvtttoa ware “partially brokan up by a drunken boneman who rod. thrungh the hooae 1 ’ during a qnadrille. It la cheering to know, how ever, that the Interruption wu only temporary, and that ueooau Ibe aoctoty leaden of Laredo bed puntUm d the cutaneous covering of tho rudo Intruder nntli It looked like aa azagumtod norna pla-ter U a metrj dance went on with Joy wholly ntcoaflned. . LEMON ELixnr, Edita rlnL Omcr Sunday Telxobasi, 1 Atlanta, Oa, October 8,1883. J Us. Mozlby: Allow mo to thank you moat kindly forth# bottla of Leman Hixir. Iatn not ranch o/abeliever in medicine, bnt being ovcitajed hy exceeelv* offlm work, I con cluded to try yonr J-cmon Elixir. It proved all and more than yon claim for It. It acta like a charm on tha liver, etomach and bow. eft, gives a check lo nervoognesn and pro. dnetg wbat I craved most, namely, pleaeant and refreshing real at night. I cordially reo- crun,end you remedy aa a delightful tonic In aUcaaeaof Indignation, bllloneneei and net. vona prostration. CHAS. T. LOO AN, Edllor and Proprietor Sunday Telegram, Sold by drnsalata. SO canto and (1 per bot tle. Prepared by JL USER M.D., Atlanta. G*. S' V' A Off. the. ev .tor. IUM.1 :> ...toll ..-lidcsf wlthl^smuotot ‘.i' W tlw Mx'.atliCogllS :ul ivaoUd of Mncimmi :o to luirijr Vi.e am, igmt* ii'Mnnd, .MJJ,-.* rf P«m. i-rwZf ’ s.uL.cj.^ l^fctiui.a^uAfipda#*niIiualLonlj:»i)o*tor* mm mmni TREtTaair* -or P:.ln* Dotj. r/w! VltU»T, Etc. tenC Jans—dly atm tues thu wky , Catarrh Cured Catarrh Is a vary prevalent disease, with dlitreealag and ofeaalv* eymptrena. Hoad’* BataapatUla glvea ready relief and epaedy cure, trees the fact It acta through tha blood, and tba naebet every part od the ajataa. q u IinScred with catarrh fifteen yean. Took Hoodto SanaparOU and I aa not troubled any with catarrh, and my general health la much better." L W. Ltma, Poatal Clerk Chicago £ St. Lonto Railroad., _ ^ a " I entfered with cstaiTh fi or 8 ycirg I tried many wrektorM caret, Inhaler., etc., gpaafi, tag nearly aMbnadreddoUanwitboat benefit, I tried Hoodto Sareaparffla, and waa greatly Improved." U. A. Asazr, Wurocater, Mau, ‘'Heodto'sareapartSa la (baneteriged by three peenUarttlca: lit, tb* eoasblaaf few ol remedial agent. I 3d, the proportiont fid, tb* proeea* ol oeeuring tha active mcdtctnal qualitlea. Tho result tea medicine otnnnanal atrengtta, effecting cure* hitherto unknown. Seed for book containing additional evidence. “ Hood’* Baraanarilla tone, up my tyitcm, pnriflo* my blood, eharpetu my appetite, and aetme to mako mo over." J. P. Tbommon, Jteguter ol Decda, Lowell, Maaa. “ Hood'a Saraaparitla beam all r.tbere, and Hood's Sarsaparilla Bald by an dnggkto. gl| aU lorgl. Mads paly by a L HOOD * COL, Low.ll, Meat. 109 j Poses Jfino Dollar* Catarrhl Catarrh! Y.'E NOW OFFER TO THE PDBUO THI “CANADIAN CATARRH CURE," sedy that vro know will enro any osse of do* . It has necn lu privets nse for a number ol end bas never felled. WE GUARANTEE A E when used os directed, or the price of 1 luawkylm . RUPTURE. money nfnnded ateai for eall-treetmeut, eddreee BaNlFABXUSr, IndianapolJa, Ind, TO Market at. Name thla pecer Oct 12—wUteow AGENTS J XfStfgS£iaasSr8 Cilpppr Mfx. Co., (limited), Clnoinnatl, O. Name thla paper, ione23-wky ly eo w Winchester’s ■\ fiSSS H EAVY mustache In ro day, gnarantccd. Send J*®-O’,1— HEtoRY, 95KUka slreal, Chicago, III, Namcthl- paner. acptai wkr7t Vo 3 Nome Uiis psptr. c-, L- BBTAMT, Sec’y, Buftklo.K. YJ Marne thla paper. oc-,12 vk t ■FIT IS A FACT? Lmtnlaiell^itoa^&aaMqiVBSyi^^ammte rtllsS fold rUt*. SINGER 1 "ISSg isss for rlrcutor ^ |vSU^A^Vj| Maine. Name thla narwe. 0CU»-wky0t aaa Name thla paper. octdfi—wkyiat erw WITH KSTEST “UOHTMING LARD CALCC- nary SgC fvcersl acenty r wnsiutetnspemsy bo with* ffitSSS FREE Mm4t’« tew T.dtor I miDING8 OF COMFORT AND JOT. 1 road rsrt for |33 to 938. No bone