The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, November 02, 1886, Image 2

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2 THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA. GA.. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 2 1881 NEWS BY WIRE. HAPPBNINOSOF the WkIKBRIBF. LY CHRONICLED. En.Cuatits V. iMrcnH Ooik-litM lr« twr A Body 7ouno—A HeborPoiwEifaU libm •Youdia • Ornk* A Btmeuu «t Sm —Warped of Crook*-Oiker If owe. Nsw York. October 85.—Mr*. Cornolln H. Stewart, wife of the Ute millionaire dry good, merchant, A. T. Stewart, died raddoniy ihla mi rt It# at 10 o'clock, at her raeldenee 01 Thirty font th a treat and Fifth avenue, of con- get' Ion of the lac*i and heart troubles. On Frldaj>ho took dinner with Ura. Henry Hilton and on her way home contracted a heavy cold. OaBatarday ahewaaao 111 abe wee compelled to go to bed, and Dr. Idlnor war neat for. Yeetarday Mr*. Stewart grew worm. Dr. llllner remained at the boaae all night. At half peat nine o'clock Ihla morning, ez-Jndge Horace Butiell called at the Stewart mintlon aed waa Informed that althoogh Ura S swart .pent a reetleie night, aha waa feeling better and waa able to all np la bid wttboot great effort. A few mfuaiac after ott* o'tlork, n Judge Bauell waa anrpnaed to learn from a meatenger that Ura. Sieoart waa dead. KATES nr A iieab. Cr.nvti.AMr October 25.—rhii morning B la. n tao gear old daughter of Usury Deernhtefik, e ealoon keeper, met with e hor- Vie la death, being almoat eaten alive bye hear. The little one waa playing In her fath* er’ahnik yard end got through n fence la to theyard of a neighbor, eesloon keener named Xmrlr, who kept a bear chained In the rear of hie lot. The child ventured too ntar the bear, which knocked her damn nod comma coed devouring her body, which wna horribly mu tilated before elm could be rnacuod. Tne own, r of the hear her been arrested on charge nf manslaughter. a nrnv rousn. KaaTEKS, I'a , October 25.—About two * o'clock yesterday afternoon, aneeral boya found the mad body of an unknown woman, •aed about Tony, In a clump of butboa along the Delawato river, about two hundred yarde below the IYnheylrania railroad depot at Milford, N. J, end immediately gave the alarm. The body had the appearance of haviur been there aome deye, dreempoaltlon harlt g aet In. The noon wat crathed la end tbo fun brad appeared an If liked been (truck by e heavy rlnlt. Tne women wae (oeu on the elrreiavf Milford four or dve daye ago and then tuddenly dnappea<eJ. Coroner B bble labeled a Jury ud began an Inquest this morning. Ton iadi- canons are that the woman Waa murdered and thrown where the body waa found. Jautot Collins, ngtd Ally dve, wat arrested this morn ing on »n»picton of tnardorod tha Roman, ntid win locked ap to awaU th* re tail of Iho luvrsiKt'.ioo. Culllus Is told to >a?a been seen with tbo woman aboutn twk •to. UeiDibollTwftUlMOOloa, N. J. Ho boa notlilng to sap about tho murder. Thus far tlia only tvldeuoa taken la la regard to tho biding of lb* body. Tho testimony of do«- lors who made au external examination and 1 who saps the womat iaatiottifDt, and jf 1 pla who hi .. ..... I bar with clothing to taka the place of her worn out garments. A Man OF FOLKS. If JLwAt'Kkx, Wis t October 23 — Considera ble t xcltattictit wan created hero Btturlaj Light bp the wild actions of a mob of !*sitas, wao goccceded in hraakfog up a demo^ratio mass meeting. The people, it is claimed, had been commanded bp prioats to attend tbo matting, which was held in the parish sohocl bene. The people left Rodxlmkl hall In a body and went to tha tohoolnouse. where John Black d< wo*ratio congrttslonal caodidato and other .loliticiaiii were congrega tel. Black waa chair- * * ‘ jorp that indicted the rto- f jbe grind jorp that Indicted the rto> Cashtrlllc, the two beautiful - Per Jhoron tera laiakpnng and when he attempted to staUlona, and Blaek 8am, the Aneat Bpsnltb *| tak the iiso’j Jiofctid him and his comptn* * J»»k In ihla rountr/* ► _\ . .. lotiMALd made such denionstratlons that the B lMeians had to leave the hall. For two or ire hour* about 1,000 IVes crowded tha stride fi r blocks atonud, pelting like madmen. aiVALs in Lora K AW Frank fur r, fnd.. October 25.—A'ex Boaid era John Paxton, school I ojsaad rivals In Mive, siood In a store pesteruaf. Thtir ■antbiart, Hi s Inis Hollis, pasted bv g »ln< te school. Boaidthiowa kiss to her, aud Paxton, enraged, knocked hi a on lire lead with a stick, fraoturiog bit tknll and then stamped hta face to a Jell?. Past on ttemed a madman, anl featurd at the month, and before he senld be captured rushed to tha woods, wav ing Ms hands and shrieking. Hoard will die. Beth era ions of prominent formers of Scott county. Great excitement prerails. Too J oupr lady itmains by the bedside of her pinglovtr* A niTBXTOAXa AT SBA. WiRNxrxo, October 25.—Captain Uawlee, of Hudson Bay company ’a ship O sen, arrived jtatejdaF J overland from llodson bay. He r»poita that oa tho voyage from London to Talk Factory, while doubling GapeCnarchlll. a hurricane arses which drove tbs ship on the socks, battering her side* In. Her crew ef ihlittcn and petmngera. conelstlat of a ata- sl< nary, bis nuullp and doctor, escaped to tha •bars safely and made their wap to York Fan* bo Sept bore under medlccl .. . mtnt until be 1» able to return to Laurel. He h«o less than IJCO when taken today. A FIRM LETT KB. Ambtkbdam, N. Y., October 29 —The Am sterdam knit goods msnafactnrerat assoslatioa lost evening sent the following letter to Messrs B«ilcy and MtOnlre, of tho executive board, Knlgh's of Labor: “Our s» octal Ion desire me to state that the? will •dbcie to the decision couvei eu to you la their teidiuuc u of October IS, to-wlt: “Jfesoivtd, That we, the member* of the toll f'OC*n>aniifactDie!*’ a»w>cia<lon of Ama’crdam, ate notliiCllLcd todeai wl ban) petaonawitn re- tart) to the management i t our private b jvJne a loti rota ixcepiloglbote who are Men tided with ua as paitntrs or emp'ojc a. We desire to expriMtopoo ourper*oual regard aud esteem and wiab In no sens* to be undcraiond *a refuting to peiionaliv meet you as Individuate, but we can aoe no good to come from any official meet- log or any official action. a double txaordy. Wilkxrbaxbr, Pa,October 30.—A doable trig*dp occurred this afternoon at tbs B*a- nett slope of W. G. Payne A Co's, colliery neai Kingston. William Motes, one of the oldest miuing enginecis in LnrArne county, was on doty at tbia colliery. Ho waa given the signal to faoiat a cage from the bottom of the abaft, which waa 300 feet deep. He supposed every* thint was dear below and started hi* engine, Jo £ as John B.-oida. a foatmtn was nun nga car m en ti.o cajto. Tbo sodden hotstiog threw Bf'ririar.ff, ardin failing he waa caightba* tween the cage frame work on the rideof the abaft ard was Instantly killed. As soon as Kugirn r Hears was informed of what bsp* jHi-cd be walked to bit room near by, t*"b a tevclvcr from hfa coat pneket and placing it to bis forehead, fired, killing himself. THE BfATK FAIfi. if a con. Os., October 20.—[Special. J—The Central City park presents a lively and anl mated appearance today. The buildingeare being rspidly filled with exhibits of all kinds, aid the fair promises to bo ono of nnniual tutfiiil tide. The stables are mtre now did than they have been for many y*»ie, and the ili-p'ay of fine cattle promt** to bo one of tbo tuoat attractive features of the whole fslr. Holsteins, Jerseys end many otht r fancy breeds ere represented. The racing •tab cr aro very full, and some -of the beet Mi odt d stock in tho country may bo seen, loony Brown, of Afacnu, (la.. h«a an exhibit of very fine pit games, Luff Cochin, Jtrshioss, Bantams, Length«n«, M»h 11 rays, Wjandottea, Plymouth Ito;ks, P<*itridge Cochins, Houdana,White Pilesamoe, W it da -r White*. Lovelock A Vo ,of Qttdont- vlllc, Vs., aho rnadi) a Quo exnlbit of poultry. / 1 he exhibits of the Holton and Monroo Farmer*' clubs are worthy of mention. Taey etc to ho fun id on Iho first floor of the preml* mu hall K«ch club has an end of tho build• IsiK end both ends are full to ovorfiowiog with thf prod nets of the fertile soil of Bl ob and llunroo lonntics. Tho Holton display Is in it site of Hr. Kdgsr Uoa* and much of tho luccisa if tho exhibit is doe to his ef* foitt. The Monroe display is la charge of Farmer Wadlv, of Bolinbroke, ai d u fleets great credit upon this gentlemen. These exhibits will receive fnrtbor notice. The first thing on docket was tho pablto display i f bonus annoauced for 10 a.m. sharp. 8ome delay waa exoerionoed at tho begin* nlig, but tho horses wero fiuatiy re«dy, and at 10:10 tao bell at the jndgea* stand was ruug. Tha pro* evision marched around tha mile track at a walk, to the music of tla Bibb County brats band. Muorehotd A Halter, from Backers station, led wuh their beautiful stallion. Granby, and four oolte, followed by the otosr •lallion. l)ilvo. W. O Wadley, of Boliog* bioke, followed with two beautiful mule colts. Others came in order, and the show was a tioamlfnl one. J. A. Dtown, of Macon, hsd his haidiomt horse of Mambrino Hamiltonian blood. W. L. Nowman, of Holloa, had a fine animal. J. G. Smith, of Barneavillr, had Phil 8herldan, and Ds PRINCE LOUIS NAPOLEON An ArJsteeraVs.LeofciDf Toon# Waa with Black Mastaeh* asd Wbiak.r*. rrav*Un«as 'Jooot Moa* aailart-BaBasta* STapoiaoaia ravaiosoomr with tA* 9*ad of to* Sow tlighUrfabiaod. ia.tutal Whll. onmlai from York Fa) a ran, n.t Oalonal UiWar la an npanr pan, of voj.goia, euro a to for WASHED or cEOOEa. Haw Yoke, Oinob»r27.—Inanaator B,rn-<, kavio, btoo b, Iho pollao of otb-r alllfi, inalndina BoaCon, Fhifadatphia aa.l av< t Ckiea,o, inat crook. wan laavln, fur N.w York ro taka . hand In the atatua of lib..*, calrbrailon, a,rood hla oat laat ni,*it to eatch th.m a.iba, cam*. Datactlva,w.ra ttailontd at tha farriN, railroad atatlona ood hot. la with order, to arreatevar, thi.fur hahnoal creak tha, mljtht Hod, aad othara o.raaiutuut to.wruli iba atreauand dire.. Tha ratoll w.a prolidc, and tkapoUaahaal .natter, pave up Ita motle, craw thl. moraine Wfhre th.ooaru, and tha police aakad that tha priaoiteta be remandtd nntil after tomor- raw, which waa dona. rotIHD IK A CEEtk. OALkticio, 111., October 27.—Harr, Nel.oa, a too laar aid child, waa atiaaolpao tarda, front tha uanhcni. at Kaeavtlla. After a Iona ■torch hla had, waa foand I. a crack a quarter of a alia from Iho alnuhonw. Tha cbild’a ahall had kata ahalterad. A elab foaad aatr h, la lappoted to hare bean tha waapoa, aa on no ran ef it waa faoad aome hair, corroipao !• ia, ta that of the child. At tha laqaer. clr- nautaana pointed itraa(l, to nan of tho wraicn lamaira known u "Crakv Hannah” aa tha oa. ci ta mitt ink tha daad. For a ,oar aho haa had charra of tha ho,, dad attach td ta him. Ua waa to ha lahaa awe, non,. alaaa harm* bean found for him In a fanttl,. It la thaa,ht that tba idea of taptrattao her ta tbo dwd. bha Btaiaa tha deal, and a aim. that dniin, h.rahaencaaha wat aaAtah. a, for tba child . Dat’KK OK A TRAtK, Draw, ltd, October 27 — Tba Lake EH# and Weitrrn peawatcr tralo earning wait lot al,bt *u toarded ha<a h, a cai>( of rouec men who haa hern at a pub to ratnermc. Seraral or tha | art, wcie ver, touch under tha InS ieo 'o of Uquer, aua there waa evidently bad blood anon, them. Too tralo bad nardiy lett the ttatl m before they craitorcced C.htinc amtiti, themadvw In lit tanka , ter. u.e ut.n bad an a m broken, !•?,**”’5; 1,1 koa probably fatally **• »' , 51!' 1 I* “ aiw Ih. tv waa no and to black ayaa and hlot-dy nnat A II t/r.D TkKAtl'KkE. ClKrjKEATi. 0. 11,-Inter is _ j. Btrhldw. tvtatnrrrof L.urtttown.hlp, U'.rm-mt cointy. Onto, came to thl. city earl, ;iu g.pu«het wlta W tea t elm Ilttc to that corporation and .-iddenly BtMn*ar*4 Todag ha wat r<»un«l ati<i<*tlat Bfccui ike sirveu of ibis city in a d»*e4 rn« aa j SI* J*! ea *«Ucs hittl^ok'-ur*. .» * cvprmion In hit .feuu, tvl^SBlIj cauevi b r a blow ».»» yA >u j' • W ®s*-A Ha laid a vsg i» storf tha # s , ultctl on the Hm bsak. als w MvmagM»**#uh*i SMSSaly.* by atrantart sad «m imxifi koto Ute AwaiRg. Ha oeoid not as/where J»i k la ibis i ouutr/. A second pesp In agricultural lull today, showed the "two ktug<," "klug” corn" tnd . 'king cotton," both approprlstsly fixed In tbolr own propor garb They occupy thrones near cash other In B j Hogbroke, "Jfotiros farmers otubV spsoo, oao el the most atilking In tbe whole fair. This Afternoon Messrs. Livalock A Co.'s flue Hofsuin rattle were brought out sud esrrivd nroubtl the grounds for exhibition. They At* Use til mvrb Attantlou. Csptsln Ih. IL Parka’s Shetland ponies nre very brantIflil. They are incomparable, nod the display 1s the finest eve r mado in tbit eountiy. He bae all sorts and aises of tbo pretty little crcxturcs, and they wero carried opt ou dress parade this afternoon. The jug makers of Pike oounty have a show that is all tholr own. Trey say that Bibb conuty has as fiuoan arti* els of day as l'tke. It Is a yellowish gray, while the Pike oonnty clay Is a delicate piuk. The manner of making |ugs Is* a curious thing.. A COLD* 1ILOODKD MURDER. U a Hit ison, Ark., October 30.—Details have Jnst teached this place of tbe cold blooded murder, at his homa in Marlon county, on the 22d taste*t, of James Hamilton, late deputy collector of internal revenue, in the office of tl«nry M. Cooper, at Little Book, About two Tiers ago, ilamiltoe, while acting as deputy oolltctor ot internal revenue, made a raid In Johnson county ou a number of Illicit distiller* lev, among whom waa a man named Mulligan, eaptniing one of the dLtlllore and managiug to get loro with their crooked prooerty. Mulligan was one of those who esospol, and nothing rnoro waa heard of him until e bumi tiroo ago, when ho cams to tho himoif liemilten, who was residing on his fat in ta Marion countv and applUd for wurk on the futm, giving his name as Page. Ilam* illontmnloved him and he woiksd until iait Friday light. Without attracting any par* licolar attention. On that night he left Ham ilton's and went to the honsa of a usighbirs, about a half milo distant to spend the oighi. Aflrr family hsd mired for night, Pago or Mulligan, left the home and goto# bsck to Bamliton'fl crept into the latter’s oed room sad as be lay asleep, placed « pistol to his htad, blew ont his brains and fled. Mix Hamilton gave the alarm, and there b« log some men abont tha place, the neigh* bets were soon aroused and in pursuit ot tbo mordenr. A party of cUttsni caught him a short distance from tho home, and placing a repo around his neck made him confess hu crime. Just as tbty were in the act of lynch* ing him, another party of cttlaens came up, and tha lyuchert supposing them to be tfficerr, left their man and scattorod. Malli*. gen, taking advantage of the excitement, •scaped, hot was recaptured the next day and ukiDlo Ysllvilie where he is now In J«(f. Hamilton had twioe been elected sheriff, aud twtoe circuit dock of Ssarcy county. Ho was for fi.ur years deputy collector of internal revs not and was u candidate for sheriff st the recent election. QVBIR STORY FROM JKRSKY. from tbo Philadelphia Times. William Emerlch, a man with peculiar history. 1s held attbe tint erecinct station bouse in Newark on a nominal charge of drankonoost. Be was arte*ttdeiibeluateice of hts wife, wno cuui Uiiml that be drank to exosu and abused bar. When be was arraigned yeaterdayurrnlax Mrs. Emerli b Mid that thice years ago »he Uv tf d wiih he• h' lband a prosperous farmer based Hill, at JtckMW. Michigan. Th* y took Rnerich Into their settee. Re iruuwd* Jealousy aud was or* eared to leave, lie consented ou condition that Mrs R 11 went with him. thrv*w<un< to burn the i ©ute aud k II in lnm»*r» it she refused, sue and h> i i u»Mtd Cornell* d as to what she had better CO, at>d r*ached ihecourlualon that hia*«f «ty and d> ta Cemandad that »oc should c* wiih Knvric v. «<ts oueuilr the went away wiih ths f«im baud ••ds U« i)<ieutl| Hill procured a divorce. Tn«u *lt m irt'U Fieeiich. but HU( even afterthe wc I* oil# ootl burdto send htr mon»y. Since tbe o img* the soman bad teamed that Kaerich • s<i m rrUd avoung glrlfa rbiladeptKa maty ini n,oandI'lKiltd her. Ue claim* to have ten 4 toretd from tne first wlV, bstXrs. Ke*r- , t N •. 2 Ct ub's the tnr h nr the story. Ik te held pending further Inquiry into the caw. From lbs Ban Francisco Call. A hack was driven into tho Paltcs hotel d tirtysrl about twenty minutes to 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and when it stopped no*r tbe door of tho office, a sedate looking little man with sandy side whiskers scampered down from tbe box with tbe driver to assist the oc cupants within to alight, while not lesi than four of the darkies connected with tbs estab lishment ceased an interesting discussion of tho merits of different hoarders end rnsbsd over to the carriage to take pert in tbe ceremo ny. Bo much concern was an Indication of the arrival of an Important personage. Out stepped Francesco Lambertengbi, resident eonsnl for Italy. Two young men followed, tad at one of them alighted the eonsnl doffed hla hst wl .h piofonnd courtesy and extreme retpect. These two young gentlemon wero one of the Nspo* lconio princes and a friend with whom ne has been traveling. When the hotel register was presented at tbe office desk to the party, tho Prince snggrited to his friend and companion that be might do the writing. This the latter did with a manifest inclination to obey. He wrote sim ply "Moncalleri” on one line of the register, and "Michel*” Mow it, that being bit own tide; hot as the little man with tho reddish hair was tbe prince’s valet, tbe clerk completed tho os oration by Indicating "and servant." Hov er si pairs ot eyes were scrutinising tbe appear ance of tbe piince, but he seemed to be wholly onrM.frlf D* that he was an especial object of olrervation. Ho bad been represented as be ing "tall, pale, and slkhtly built, with a thoogbtfal. ttd expression of tbe t*ce that remit ds one of pictures of tho greet Napclion" Bnt this detcripMon. though !nier*st(ng and rom«nMc, proved to be romiwhat imAginative. He is art aristocratic looking yi.ung man, whose phys ique end full fare showed him to be to goo I brnltb. He hat a hhek mustache and wht-kers His face wore no trace of sadovss, and b*e mind aevrned to be unoccupied when he ar rived. lie haa the N*pol»*onlo physiognomy, hut it Is not so apparent sa to strike *d observer at first gfarce, it is a refinel ooantorpsrt of tbe Nspoleonfe features, the bend of the prince’s nose being more •'ibdaed than tha? of tbe well-known feature whloh the first Nspx- first floor at tha Annie street corner. Thither the party immediately went, the ooninl d »f fing his hit and bowing oarefully again as the prime proceeded to the elevator. Soon after a big wagon load of tnnks, with the rrtacely insignia thereon, was brought to ths Ths party bad arrived on (he steamship Bol* g'c from Yokohama, and had been received at tea whirf by the Italian cooauf, the prince being a nephew of tbe king of Italy. In Franca he la regarded mi raly m a cUiasn, and « n ariountof toe attitude of Bonaparte and the French government toward each other the French representatives took no notice of hla arrival. At the rrqueatof Consol Lambaiteo* gbl Collector Hager, by authority from Waih- ing ton, permitted the baggage of the prtoQe u be landed without tbe emtomary detention. Tba prince is traveling under the nai * AN ANT BATTLE. which bean that title la tbe following "Hotel do Hoalllca, Marseilles ” Prince Looi* Napoleon, or Napoleon Louts, aa he waa christened, It the nephew of tho king of Italy.and the grandson of Jerome ~ parte. He is 22 yean old. JTbe story or tbo msrrlsge of Jefoi parte, his irandfather, has been that every one 1s familiar with it rech lets, end uproarious. Ho married Miss Psiten on In opposition to tho warning of tbe Frenrh consul-general, to the advices of all his friends, and In iplte of the soruples of the lady’s family. He Bred with her fifteen mot tbs, then left her at the command of his Iniperions brother, end married another wo man The emperor derlared the marriage null, aud so did the archbishop of Parle. B it tho marriage was not null; it was perfectly valid, as tl o pope informed the emperor whan he rout lit a decree dissolving it from Rome. It wasprrformtdby Bishop Carroll of Baltimore. In tbe prereuco of tbe mayor of tho city end othtr leading cltlsccr; the groom’s only sur viving parent, his mother, and his elder brother Joseph, sweated to it, as the French law ro* quin*; tvtry formality, both of tho Ffonoh atd the American law, was strictly compiled with. Jerome subsequently married Catherine ot Wnrtrmberg, and the isme of that ma'riage was tho father of ths young man who air*vai yesterday. While tbe great emperor lived no one dared to dispute his will. He called Jerome’s wife Mbs Patterson. He forbade her to lead In Emopo He Insisted that she should return to Ih* United States, and on oondltion of her retorn he would allow her a pension of 60,000 fraice a year. He spoke of her In private and ta public as "that little American girl, my bro’be* Jerome’s mistress." Bnt his will was not rrmgnixed beyond tho reach of His tons. In B>l'im<r* Mrs. Jsrome Bonaparte was rso* ogn'sed «s tho lawfully wedded wife of a king. B* th of Jerome’s wives bad sons. Tha War* temberg printers gave birth to Prluoe Nspo* l*tn (better kiown as Pion*PIon ) Ho married Clothilda, sister of King Humbert of Italy, aud is tbo father of our presont visitor. Ttto B* l • In oi n w Ife ga v© bl rth to Jerome B >nap irte, • ho married Susie Williams of Baltimore and became the father cf Colonel Napnleou Je* r*>mt- Bor arnrto. a West Point graduate and n dlatlDgtmhtd officer ta the French army. When tools Napoleon visited this oouutry In 1837 Mr. J*romo Booasarte invited him to vi»it him and rntertalnod him hospitably. Fourteen years afterward, whan Nanoloou was waled on the Imperial throne of France, Mr. Bonaparte wrote to congratulate him on hvr* Irg t nee more elevated tbe family to power. The emperor promptly replied, inviting Mr. PonafArtetoviiltbimin Paris. Onhiaeriivsl he was a»ked to dinner at tit Cload, aad bsf #ro tbe tuests were seated at the table, tha empe ror barded Mr. Bonaparte a paper signed by tbe ruioitter of Justice, the president of the senate, »nd (he pnsldent of ths ooaodl of rate, eei tfj tag that ths marriage of oa fat ver to Mias Patterson was legal; that Jsroma Bi ns parte was legitimate, and that ha shoull bo ' r lntegre, dans la quallte da franesds.” Tha »t» riling o*wa soon spread and •’arm nf old Jeiome Bonaparte, who was than 70 tears of age. Ha protested that his mar* risga, half a century before, was really null. But the emperor was firm. Tha 90th day of Angus*, 1831. a dscrea was entervd in tha Belle* to cis Lots formally acknowledging tha lrftltiiiiacy of Mr. Jerome Bonaparte of Balti more. Nor did tho emperor's kindness uto? hare. Jeron e Bonaparte the younger,ths|<radaate of Wesi Point, was gazette.! toa lieutmancy in the French army. The young man Jut fled tha enii en-r’e favor. Ha served with metr dis*4ne*. lion ta tbe Crimean and Italiau wars that ha meivtd the Cress of tha L*slon of Uontr fn-ni Fiame, the Victoria Cr-ua fro a tbe qer* n. the Order of the M*djirtte from the anitsD,and^ifc( .Order of Mi' iter* (Valor (ram tho k«tgof Irslv. ll««'rv.ii again with distiao* Mon In the Franc vGerman war, and when *.he en>p«ror waa overthrown <t waa he and d. de 1/SMpe who escorted the empms out of Fr»n*'r il«' ia married to agranddsug'iter of Daniel Wehs’er Bn* the prejudice among the Earvpean Bo* rsiartra ssstast the AmetLwu Btnaparte t r • ltd i ut. In 1835a do fa uill» was bald, which c^ns drrcod too ease of tbo Aintron. Is decided that he waa legitimate lor ell | orpote* except tbe right of succiMsion. Id other worns, he succcet lotus throne, and he could not iahmit may portion ef hts father's pr«*aertr. Azaiual ih'Sdeotston Mr He* a ran© appealed te the Tribunal of Pint Instance, an * Ms mother made a trip te Parfa * >prriat y to urge her rightt. The sour*, however, decided against kirn. J. 8. Clieyney, In Philadelphia Ledger. In the romaer, a year ago, a swarm of black ants, Formica Pennsylvania, built their nest between tbe celling and roof of » shed near our dwelling, ta the auburba of Philadelphia. At a distance of a few hundred feet from tho shed a second colony of tbo same species had also built a boms in a sheltered place. Both nests were unusually populous. Battles between ants of different species, ftngbt for the purpose of capturing slaves, have been often detcribed. Bat on a bright morning ta August I was a witness of a fight between these two colonies of tbe samospeoies, which could have been Wiged for no saob pur pose, and which gave tbe occasion fora greater Oisplsy of forethonght on the pert of the com batants than is usually conceded to tho aoL Ths nest ta the roof was the one attacked. The only approach to Jt from tbe gronod was by a post and plastered wall about six feet high. A smooth pJauk floor fitted closely against the wall and pOit, ana was raised above the ground by a low step. This floor was tbosconeof the confliit, Jn an my rtpetted slndy of those nests and tleir ichsbiUnts daring tbe summer months tho sn all workeis were the only ones who rtmifd to labor. They did all tbe foraging, and it wse veiy unusai to see one of tbo large workers cntside tbe emratco of tho neat, which, lx wever, they faiihiully guarded. Tbe conduct of tbo latter so much more closely a greed with that of iho told leraats of kindred sneili** that in spesking of them in tils paper I slsl 1 call tl em soldiers, because they cer tainly perArmed all the datics of a soldier, and so far as could be seen, did nothing else. When I first saw them ou tbe morning of the bit Je, both the sma’I workers and tha laige ones or so'di« rs sir* out ootUo wall, post ana floor in great numbeis. Taoro was no fighting then going on. A strong force of hoI- d er* held every approach at the foil post and w*ll sn«all**r bodks wore fermod Jn regular lints bfcli-way np the post and large outstand ing grt ups were s'Atlunod at ul« sv distances spurs here aod tbnc upon the floor. Too sn all workers, far ruore active tbaa the sol- dieiv, were testing in sll directions over tbe floor am! step, and ruunii>g up and down the poM wh c« supported tbe nest. While I ituta wandering at the nnusnal commotion I saw at tbe distance of a few feet a hist of small workers closely fallowed by a great horde of soldiers streaming along a fenoo from tbe other distant neat. They must bavo i umbered thousands. In a very short time these bo*t^o workers had descended tho fenco to the ground, swarmed up tbe step to the door, and ponrtd in crowds upon the defensive eeouto. Too aatofconiats raided aponsesh oiler, ssd with their strong jaws ous off hsre a leg and thero an antenna, and sometimes raven d the body of an opponent at a blow* Tbo foremost soldiers of tho defensive party soon cams to the rescue, and the swat n of hostile woikera were driven back toward tho •tor- Bothy HD time tho soldiers of tbe attack ing party hsd lotohed tho floor, moving dslib- erate'y onward in a dense, black mass, ortuh- ing their smaller foes as they advanced. In a lew moments the small workers were either all killed or retired from the front. Then the battle between the soldiers of tha opposing foicssbosan in earnest. Hatting a moment till thsir ranks were close and compact,tboogh by no means regular, tha Invaders advanced to the attack in a dense mass, seeming to oom- « cover tho floor over which they moved. close array they met the defendsrs, whom they greatly outnumbered. They were reetlrtd, however, with a ooorago as groat as thsir own, a>.d their ranks were quickly bro ken np and thrown Into apparent disorder. AfUr tbo general charge had been that msdesnd the combatants wero mixed la an nndUtinguishablo crowd, single champions were »et n rushing around tbe floor seeking a foe. When two of these champions approached each oi htr a mutual examination with the ends of PICTURES OF STRANGE LANDS. CURIOU” LAKES. Churned Into thick »ud» b, th. Action of own W«m. Spoken. Comipoudeucc l’orti.nd Ore*onl»n. I bed heard mock of th. f.mon, modlcl J,kr. mile. wc»t of bore, cod lo drew ont to roe It emonf the cloud, of du.t, Eu.t. of wind end broilm* »uo clrern.tely. To. trip ont nsd bnok w.« plouint, bowover,» confUnt cbtDinof Motor, nod .uneeMton orturpruoi. We round there were three take* fu.t.rf of one. mil the romo water, mid to oontuin “life’, elixir.” » cure .11 for all bumnn aliment.. No doubt there or. o pmportiej In tho w.tcr, H .ttretrf b, th. n»d the bDoereni tettimony of tboee rtllowd by it# "w. were proptred for a both, but time ud jncliuktion beta forbid; time, l»ca» of th. inclinitlon 4r*t to ret; inella.tiun from the pni.DC. of certtin tied reptile, in th. w»Ur to be ten-, tblny, M tho Mtendut Mid, "ncr before known." I reptilM; three were ot the bottom of tbe lake, wbieb termed holt Ilttrd, h*If fith, with th. flu. of» dih, th. »rmi of » llurd. the body ofncltbrr, with th. flat of the Ull horizontal, in.tred of p.rpcndicul.r ns with n dib, n tort of n mongrel, as Ilk. * inUmtn* der. In ftrt, three .mutt hero h.d pecnll.r tenuity of Hf. to hor. lived In tbcu waters at ull, charged with nit. u like lye, out of which near by they ware mskloE soup. Th. tior of the lake h.d lubrf tha wzter Into » fiam, precisely in appearance u like u henry reap tads, the frothy snd. piling up in tome puon n foot deep or more. BRAZIL’S AFFLICTION. BY DR. J. A. gRWUJrs method. No oimilM or detention from Urea Book with Indorsement, of Fhjmeluu. Fzrmere end other, cored, mailed for io Wom. irre|.<wnt tub Send for 751 nrtudw.y, New York. OUT7*t» .«» im , muiy rereil , an arm,, of erer: foo fiomfifind. U.ny auct. mw Inks were' to»],kt]onn)iue ” ‘ bothwould come maim. In. f frlibdly, and after the ulnlotioa iuhb owey .t full ipoed. But when, by th. dellret. tut of freling, < them to tbue diotingai ng. or whatever serves ;nifb, saeh had foand an Jaws, akd, doubling iht msolvcs up, rolled over ih* floor, biting and tearing osoh other, an* lively nncisiurbed ta thsir deadly work by Icing lifted up into the a«r with a pair of for- rci'S At oic timo thn floor was nearly black with these rolling combatants. As ih« Ihtilo prognssed the snperlor num bers of the Invndeii ores. th. dofeudora of their bom. .lowly backward to tbe foot of tbe poit. Thru n number of tba ain.ll work- are, wbo bad hr on ointlonnd upon tho poet, the pest, parsed thn tu.rd.nt thn hue nod f. upon thn Tlcioriout fue, dri.iug then b«k slowly, bnt eir.dily, to tho edge »f thn (tap. Tho tDirdi at tbu bare of the poet did not np. ju nr to Irev. thnlr sutlon to CQf-Z* ia tha krn.r.l dyhl, and eulr took part in it at all when the .tucking soldier, tried to p»M th.m to reach tha nreL Tha debt luted abont lire bonre, and ended In a total rent of tb. atucklug party. Toward Ik. clou the wonnded, duubtleu of th. lurat In, party, were run dreigug Iheuuolr*. off tbo Bold, k.ntrally carrying with them oomo ertmy which had faitencd upon them by hit strong Jaw. In .death embrace. In many uses three attetkcd Amman were found to conll.t only of a pair ol j.w. and a bead, all bha tret of thtir body baaing bcoa lota away la the light. With bulldog tenacity tha bead bold on dimly, muting all < Oort* of tha woaaded noli to remora it To test tho fore, of thia giip.f th. Jawa I touched toms of iho an- wounded soldier, with.* pair ol sto.l forceps. Thiy bit th. end of th. forreps (o drmly that It wa. not possible to detach Hum by ■hem again,t th. moach of a collecting holt), wlihunt crnUing lb. cut itaelf. When th. tnemy had breo driren off and th. dghliog WMovor, tbe worker, came down from Ike nut and carried away many of tha dead. Bat whin they cured labor., hundred, of dud were left, and fioin th. that before lifting aad dragging awry n body two or more of thus at the ram. urn. carefully examined it with antenna, and thro, •lth on. occord, .ither took it away or loft it where it wax lying, neTeroocareminf todif. ftr in thsir dccialon. It would ream that oven after death tb.y dUtlDgnUhod friend from fo. in their treatment. Tha wounded defender, of their homa tried to crawl ap to tba neat Tha lore of leg, and •a'eana mala thl. difficult, aad while aome ,accorded many tailed. Whan tbe latter foaad IhatwkanalatM" th. gnu aad died, battle a it rung gnu the bottom cf lb. putt. Fin. ly three ware withdrawn and th. ant colony rettlad down to ita nnal quiet renting SURPRISED HEIRS. New Yo*e. October 29— Kra. Wointsrtan, dfty yean old, droppwi dud today at Aatoria. In tho pocket of hcrdrruwaa round abrek' book obowlag $19,000 to heroredit. Uor tranks were dIM with ralaabl. silk dreams aad other clothing. A March ot too effect, of Hannah Stndt,who Used aloe, near Bye, W.Mchretar county, nod wbo wo, tnppored to bo very pour, hai rareal- id (too COO In money and bouds aoeod np man old .klrt. Th* only relat rear, four nephew, who will get $100 000 voob. Borailo Ondudouk’. will ta to ha ooatretad. One clause in Ik* will rare.: "My win J dm b.. bream, i.solr.nt, defiant caiumulnui end fn«d’ Ink’niaa; hence X direwn aad duia> h.rit him.” Fi.biir, another ion, was mentioned ta th<, wiil ,c being tudolcne and eztrtrarent, aud hie father expreared fear that be eroull i|u«u. d«r hfa painumpy, ae> ba gar. the hut tie id* come of $1,000yeaily are premium fur gx>i conduct,.utulatiig, hnwerer, that ho shrill eel coi teat tho wil’. p, r.uit hi. to bi Incumbered or m.rry au'tcrthe oecuf tw.aty* tight year., and tb< a only with thi erii m approval of thno or th* axreator; Fr<. .|< waa al.ofuibiddeu tudiiukia' liq nr, are tobacco in any f»rai, witaret hurao r«n viait guahitag or hillUrd A Terrible Plague of mice With Extraordf nary App.tit.., From Bcirare. In the colony of Lou ran oo, Brnil, in the nu nlbr or If ay and June. H'fi, mice suddenly ap- pcartdln tnormoo. numbers- They Invaded the grain field. In inch large number, that th. cor. Mtmea llttraliy .'Ire with them, dniroylng In • lew d.}> every thing that wu edible; .no where, but a rbotl time before, bnahela of train mifbt bore been barreled, not an bar remained,end the noire produced by their nibbling end climbing waa audible lor e conaluerable diitaace. Alter the corn field, were deraatated the potatom next re- celnd their auction. Only tba largmt wart eatrn in the ground; such a, wore tran.port.bla aere carried away end hidden In .hollow tree, or other retreat, for future ure. Gourde and pimp, klnr, even the hardest, were gnawed through and eaten. Of green food, such eaclorer, onto. Barley, not ■ leaf was leu .tending; area weeds were cut down end the leper part, eaien out. In the houto tha airugglt lor exiatenea ol thi Mig-talkd invader, waa truly amazing lummy of tbe dweUlon hundred* wero killed In a Slagle day. Tho cam could contribute but little aid In flthllsi luch a plague, lor not only were many of tha rare so large that It woo'd hare been an now qnal contest, bnt by theirgraatnnmaer they drove tao cats aeiaally irom the boater, not ta return nntil (he plegne war pawed. Nothing, except whit war compared of Iron, ttoua or glea, was ■oared from their dertroctlraneu. Furniture, doth., hate, hookp-ererjibing—bore tha tracei of their teeth. They gua«ed the hoof, of the CJW. aod hone. In tha itablea, literally a o au tho fatted bega aad often lit away tha hair of perrons dar ing tleep. They penetrated all apartment, and gnawed thtir nay through hoard, cod palls or homes. Ditches that were dug about granaries did not mace; the mice would e,lmb over each other end reach the top. The foregoing account of one occurrence ;in Lonrtace will suffice to show to whet on extent Ike plague reached. The seme produce had reft feted similarly in 1M3 end 1803. end in all proba bility will again In 1U9 Similar plagues, though tat leu ta exirnt, have occurred in Europe la which the Held mice uaaeoonotebly appeared in greatly increased numbtra Ouamay well think wbtt would be the mult were these Utile, almost luigD take! ■tendency. When one couUdert that every One or two mouths from ore I horn, and that these joong bo- few month. tbemMlves, he will bemrprlKd to know thk) k lingle pair of oommoo field nicola the coarse of nebula rummer would Jamree to 93,009 rodents Could all the condi tion, vblch now krep them in check be removed erriy living thing on earth would be consumed in half a dozen years. KILLED BY A OOVBRNOR. The Chief Magistrate Finds Hinuelf In Trouble. St. Lours, Oct- 31 —A special from Nogales, Arizona, to the Globe.Democrat, says; Is bss juit come to light here that the governor of Sonora ia Implicated la the mnrder which hod fur ita motive political consequences. The particulate are meagre, bnt it is known that the governor learned that the parties who kil led ble courier were in the villtge ot Uuute- rune, end that they had considerable follow- lag. Be raided tha Vi lingo and in a fight that coined, several on both tides wero killed end many wonnded, Tha raid of Governor Torres, of Suaore. Mexico, aad his man Into Montezuma district was more fatal than was at drat eipposcd. Ficm reliable Mexican gantlamen wno era residents cf Ihli town, your correspondent Inins tha foi'owlog facts: After tha killing of tha prnftcta, Turret, who was a cooiin of tba governor, resolved apon some sort of vigorous retaliation. A couple of wcoka ago too governor, accompan ied by Commandant# Torire, a oomln of hie, with one hundred end fllty state troops, atart- ed for the Montezuma district. At tho to wn oflfontr soma, tbe capital of the dietrict, they mot the levoiniionlaia, heeded by Buer Vel- larde. Thl. wm the reme party that killed Prefect Torres. The governor on acting tie parly made reedy for fight, bnt .ahevqaeutly on armistice wu held, but blood on either side being warm, no amloable conclu.ion wae erviv.d el, ud Governor Torres, palling hta piilol fired »ad killed Vallarde in hi. tracks. A fierce fight then enaned, whioh resulted in 15 mu being hilled end eeverai wounded. A Cowboy*. Bar* With a Train. Fcxt Keooh, Mont.,October 28 —A eowhsy holding reme cattle near Buxomoo, yesterday, the Men of ranniun a race with* freight train jnet parilng. Pitting span 10 hta broncho he ceasbt op with tho dying can, and for awhile the race wu u even one. While galloping like mad al.-nintd- tha tralo, by a sudden lurch tha horse aad rider wan tureen against tha care. Tha oowboy sms killed, bb hud being split open and both hta 1-irbnkcn. Th. bona waaalo killed. Catarrh Cured Catarrh ta a vary prevalent disease, with distressing aad offenilvo symptoms. Hood’s BiruparUla glrea ready relief and ipotdy cure, from tbe tact it acta through tho blood, ud thus reachM ovary port of tho aystem. * “I suffered srlth catarrh fifteen years. Took Bood’i Sarsaparilla and Ism not troubled any with catarrh, ud my general health la mack better.” L W. Lima, rental Clerk Chicago fit fit. Louis Railroad., _ — ” I sneered with eatam tor l yean; tried many wonderful cures. Inhalers, etc., spend ing nearly ono hundred do&ara without benefit I tried Hood's Sarsaparilla, and wu greatly improved." 1L A. audit, Worcester, Mass. *' Hood's Birenparflia ta oharsctcrlred ty three peculiarities t 1st, tho combination of remedial .gents; fid, the proportion; 3d,th0 process of securing tbe active medicinal qualities. The remit Is a medicine of unnsuat streugth, effecting cures hitherto unknown, fieud lor book containing additional evidence- “ Hood's Pvraapariila tones up my system, pnmirt uiv blood, sharpens my autirtlte. aud seems to make mo over." J. 1*. Tuoatrflov- Ncgtsur ot Deeds, !-owe'.l. Mass. ” Hood’. Earzaparilla beats all others, and fs worm lit weight in cold." f ■ Bikuizaiok, UO Bank Street. New York CUy. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Bold by zn drupy.ta. tl i Hr for $5. Mada only by a I. noou ta CO. Lowell, Itau. 100, Doac3 .Ono .Dollaru ^PAGE’S ■■LIQUID GLOE r,1Et,03 EVERYTHING SSSSiiSS Irn.njalm.redlyw.M Cerinr ire teps M1IS NOTICE. G eorgia, favettk county—agrekably to an oidt-r tf ihe Court of Ordinary of uUd courty, will be *old be’ore tha oourtbooN door off a»US county oo the Bnt Tue-d«y!o December a * Electric Belt Free Tointroduc® il and obtain agents wa will for tho next SOT S.".™i^n°uLwL“SiSSf; BLiinaauWlBHMHHIvSBiB ret wky wnwssms&t, Mention InU poner. im S'bood 'rreiomf* W& SS'WSB8’ LAKE ST.. CHICAGO, nnnnT.aoi Name thl- usuer.wptMwky7tNoL Do You Know It?, BIND FOR HUB ANNUAL ' "Lt Ccole Ptar Trrei and Thtir Hfioipment.’ r FBtt. W. JFNNING8 A CO , Thomasvlllo, Go, MfMlop thl* p»i»er. nov2 ct iTi AM8Y PILLS! tBffl want on* send u« your uzme. p. a MS S700toS2S00miMren.c°.eS2 a Ha* for Agratx preferred wt _ teo*mhora<M anJjgtYojtborrwholt rioo.i lfsn boo this rover. STATE AND DISTRICT AGENTS WANTED FOR OCR FAIT BkLMKO PATRKT HANDY HARNE8S ATTACHMENT* n-lli -a Ilrhl. Liberal Urns to Ibc rlihtne*. Oalr IbMl »bs u* —S will w-rk • lire, ttrrluir UMS srply niuum uimu co„ nrt«. a Julylk—wk> Jim re|.l unv J*u mo may Horn i IMPORTED, EMBOSSED SCRAP PICT- I are. by met], only IOC. HnUonzl Cud Co. ra,:». J.■ wktow YOU I LK&S Ntmt tau paper. octft—vkytt 10V CAMPC too new and popular soui songs zro sent unto pay post- pieces obolco mrnlo It els. Catalogue tree. P. O.VICKKBY, Augusta, Mzlno. heme this pop-e. octlO—wzytt ore NEgfMSYOUS&a Ksne this paper. n orS-wkytt cow T(f ANTED—ACnVK AND INTELLIGENT AfKft I TV and women for every rouniy, oily ud lowta to Georgia, lo canvass tnr ready sotlluk Bnbserlp- rood cart form to (U. Not „ a and comfort cannot bo boot Como ud son them ot Library Building. H. L. Atwatsr^nuno- !S9S*“S©'S5.'fi£ Noma Ibis paper. norJ-TWrlOt Naas ihiz popne. aapr—wkyltt ' manager, Library BalMlag. pOR (iNE CAUBIAr.ES CALL ON US, AT Li brary Building. 11, L, Atwater, manager. BonWkly ~PARKER T a ' AIR BAL8AM Bame tlx paper. Junel^fiflya o BKNXV B TOMrKIX* MOXXU MAXDOW» ft*OMrRlM8 * BR1NDOP I » TTRUVCVJ kD ATTORSFYA A? LAW. Ko4fMVulrtti, AtUnt«. oeonrit. EEDSW1 'BlueY^ A0BNT8W. C afUtaMMtHtkrUliNf] oitsaf •<rei'.tss'«V knnr*. t—yrtssw Iun44»-U"d Mruftl'S, DFYiStaGta ■ 4 1m4i o-s mm ttnw* ••*1- iSiBeaas OPIUHSSSmS Mama Ulspaper. ioctw-wkyly