The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, November 09, 1886, Image 2

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2 THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA. GA~ TUESDAY NOVEMBER 9 1886 p IP. r. Nrw Ye*m, November 0.—[8pecI*l.]-The beaux aad ball** of this city boro been mounted tn bobby botiM all thia Book, for beraehaa Indeed been*bobby, Horwbiaket- ante* f« ultra faahlonabla tbla moms, anyhow, and oodar (bo extra •timolol it hat become a mania. Tka mitlaaa dance at Jerotnt park waa a cariooa affair, and I couldn't mate It •earn to me tbat daylight feaiiTity of that aort waa admirable. Of coarse, the glrla didn’t wear erectly drmaar, with' bared weeks and arms, and their attire wai anch aa they would baro worn on an aftaraaon ytand of calla; but in tome ret pacta they wore aan plotted in making np their toileta. For laataaei, (hair earn. Hoof I will tall yon a now trick, laarnad from the actresses, ls|te tut tka aan for svenlng occasions. Tha feat, nine mind baa taken the notion that, ao long aa man tpaak admiringly ofplnkeara, an an- fiaalardcep blrnh may at wallhapnt onto atay while datirad. Tuarafora, when adornlog thamaelna for ball, opera or other plaeeof panonaldiaplay, they range thairaart Intida nodont. bathe adjacent portionaef their naeka and baada are white, either natn rally or from pondering, the contraat la rather itart ling. Well, aoma of the glrla at Jarome park had palatcd rare on their; frirolona baada. Laooard Jarome, a boatoommittaemtn, gazed for a moment at one of them, and then caught bar In hit arma, bold bar tight and klaaadbar. 0ha waa a dlitant ralatira, and ha a veteran, bat aha got angry jnat the tame, and aakadbim how be dared. "bn old ccitom of the hooking bee*/' ha tald; "when yon aae a rad ear yon can xiaa the girl who abowa it,” The riding acadamlea famed by Fifth art. naa dam-els are clotiarad dote to tbaaoulhern oatranora of fhotral park, and three are right alter aide of the ooruer graggmy whlob John warm tbay ware covered with towall oat of warm eolation of cunolle acid. b ligature of Ba.allk thread bad bean pre pared by boiling ft two boon in carb jiic acid, and then looking It during the operation! in n weak aololfon or the odd. With two polra of foreepa,tbo operator tore a alit half an look long in the lining of the back ofthe abdominal oarny, directly over thedl .eas'd arterj. Than the tumor waa found to ho of tho ahape and alaa of a man’a flat. With a bloat eurrad needle, ta surgeon passed tho allk ligature aranodtba artery threa-fourtb* ofau Inez from tho tumor, where it wae firmly tied and the tnde cot abort. Tho Interim**, whlob bad bean kept In their nrtlflaiul cavity about twenty ml no tee, *wem then tranefemd to tbalr natural reeling place.end the wound wee doted by Hitching tbs abdomen llolagiegathtr •lib eat gut aud the akin with allk. it waa ■ben created with rubber tlwue and iodoform, ovtr which were placed layera of anblimated gee re and horatad codon. Tho patient awaked after having been kept Inwntlbla two boon, and at flrat ha gava Indi. catkin that ha would recover. For the drat five daya ha wad given hypodermatic iojectiena of morphine to auiat renlotaoon. On tho ttrat Cay ho waa allowed to eat cracked ice, then to drink mi'k and 11m* wator, and on tho fifth and klxtbdaya to twallow milk and •mill quantities of whieky, Tho healing of the woond programed favorably, bet tho an no Inflammation begin telling ou him bo loot hie (traogtb rapidly, and on too aeveatb day after tbe operation ha diad. Bra Fiohrer and Pur- rcy believe lhat he weald have roooreredif hie 1) item had been other aim srond. Mow. with thia operation in viaw^baxandoc, may think it peir.ctly raaaonabia that 'the' negro ahenld. In hie delirium, have imagined ■bat bra interior bad ban robbad of all con tents; but thafaot la that ha never knew fba natareorexteatof what the aurgaooa bed dona to blru. It waa doomed beat an to loform hfbiastothellbertlostaken with him whlla he wa,!undaroibailzatioa,and bn tluiuly knew tbat an operation of tome rare bad beau per formed. The intonating scientific question tbeiafore arises how a hallucination to on- dnntly caarrC by the truth took poinaatao of his mind. Ia there tuch a thing aa physical memory, wholly aaido from meocaiityr 1). M. Wmraow, If, D. tire, JLeoaard Jerome at Home anil In Society. • W«w yoBB, November 6-ISpectaM-The growing dteira for eot-oftown resorts, suf. ficlentiy near tho city for a day’s oettng, has mnlttd In tho Country clubhouse. at 'Weet Chester; the Kara County elob, at Orange, and Tnxedo Falk club, da la natural with the apringlng up of theae new plaons, tha elder recoil, Jerome park, baa bean lent fre- qnentad. Mr. Leonard Jarome la dealrona that it regain lta poi ulanly, fbr tlma wn when It waa the moat approved pleaearogrouod ofthe fetfaionnblo people in Now York. In this end ko orgaaiaed feitfvitlaa at Jaromo park on olactton day. at which a grant many well- known peoplo were present and all tha drags nf tbo Four- In- Hand cl oh, and other* who want out on tho train, with moat, dancing nod nn elaborate luncheon, tbe whole under tlr Ixeesrd Jaroma'i supervision. Tha affair waa, of ooone, a raeona. “Why do wo never hear of Mat. Jerome?" mid a member of the riling generation. Be- fiire Miss Jenoto Jeromo beeamo Ltdy B«n. dolpb C'bnrohfll bar motbor entertained In brand style. Tha prtMm University elob waa bollt for their private residence, previoaa to which tbo family raatded on gfadleoo Sqnan, near Fifth avenue. Thar* war* two dsegbiars besides Hire Jennie, Mlat Leoei, who tltcrwardi married Mr. Lett >r Do K tye, dnMEuglieiUUU, and a yonngar alitor, Mlax Tho mother, Ilk* the daughters, waa a beta- !T' 8h*wu aMla.CI*rlaaa Hall, of Palmyra. _ liar aletcr, Miss C'nthsrlne llail, married Mr. g^^KbU?iarS!| 0 5^J I hair, 35*2 IbinyJinchM every time that (ho other pil was MASKED GUESTS STRUCK DUMB Tha Ojpey Maldtn suddenly Vanishes With Use Devil. Kew York Morning World. Memit B*ue:t,onoof the pretties: girla In Hurtbid tennty, hue boon atraugoly miming. Jftr homo until recently waa in a qnaint lime “tit** near Havre do Ones, Bor {ether m a retired pompmakar. ItiahUboeatthsthehu made more money off numpo than any other man In tha country, not excepting tho mlk- men, being worth over (10,000. Braldee thia b* baa made tacky epccnlitluni .cn the advice of a wealthy brother la tho oil regions. Mamie now flgoraa aa tha heroine in a novel elopement. Miaa lfamio attended a math party near Aberdeen a weak ago Tuesday night. 8he took tha character of a Oypey Queen, and was prattler than avnr in a brig hi red skirt, oevarsd with silver ipaaglae, an onag* colored bodice and a bewitching turban, from beneath which her rich brown bulr fall in a long plait. -For several months past a young man from . New York haated Donald Jennings Sid been jmj* ing bar attention. Tbay nut on a Ashing par. fy early la July, Jennings being on n visit to too* friends la (he country. Ho waa portion- laity taken with MamlFa blno eyas, and aha toon liarnad to more than like tbo handsome eltik from Gotham. When, however, bar father began to taped | I I i I j i I i i i a c a o perfectly ddl* cot- 1 ia kept, cratture , latghbor- a aoooea wait baa Boreal, ly art aa them la me, 1 ig at th* •t plana, the gait "audyat quite at habit." I looked or outer not oa sy won carriage lean in- ■hat ah* l J bailee ae gaaa to the o toll of tile gab poaluou raoback. e veered d 1 a b *1 y « y although now it Is hoginning lo torn gray. She always catrlcd herself with great dignity and seem td to know abo waa handsome. I' Leonard Jerome, aa everyone knows, wta roi.M. ajeaje al»n vlvaur, and had bostaof -frlnpds. Be i» gt mill Mtul witty. He onoo k*Y° * Tctnd Dot e mH»l to Princeton t* Jloga, hi -givenI to the niott pi rirct gmioinsn ofthe cleu. n -t-» T I W*e» »*k*d h..w tbat wta to ho daurmlnad be Itw’ra fiz'oMhlad.fliliion of a peiiect g ntleman, it In sb ’ B* who la tbo moat tbouthtful of otharv’ Thia shows tho keynote of hit character. Mrs. Jerome was more arahlilous. Bho know her daughters wsio lirsuiirul, and dstsrmlood tl ar ahould make what tie world ctlls silvan rageous marriages. How sho surcseded In Lady ltai do'ph Ohaichlll's cats every ono knows. Her ton in law ia certainly a prom), nest man in Kngllih society and poltUoe. H1y ! Churchill letboonly American wlioha) ever bean a lady In waiting to the queen. m stld th—pull it In a I it In an- its Nan- lungly hiefson id slip- rake tha ran I do to loan <l la la a di g s aa iat Th ta ly I iqalati* v.plok drape* i What king la ropUg Co untry, in that ■hlona rolkl bah ini gball a, le er ton tka mad d«l Tka «5 will nrtog cloth | ittioa wool. rtm hoir. blue, I cab. > tka loin. •1 ia ■yl Bit fiktm T»t o hi* rkfc Ak __ jf JjJy kt*o Ukeu •nj’Jbi Ntkd. It was a cariou hAllacia*ttoa. ma i Mail uw»: vastl, 1*1*! Bit I Dr 1 Meat fonoi tar la with maai latiw path! rra lew a sin hat 1*1 I Fecit about lUvera, From tie it Loutt filob*. Democrat. Thc axploratlonaorrocent years htvseon •IdertblyehsatsdooT notions of the compendia rank of Ike great riven of th* world. If waelsat itron aeeoroiog to Ibclr leuph.botb tha Mila and ra* ■«« he named before tha Amasoo. The NIla'at ODOmlleaof waterway, (ram Ms bradqnarten Moth of Lata VlatorU to th* McOlwrraaaao, make it th* Ur rest rim In tha world, nearly at long aa Use Mississippi and MU routi tagetber, ana about 1,H0 mllre kxutrlbtn "-aaiaioo, TaeAmaaouU tbo groatett liter In world, because » bas lmasaaa* trlbatarUa, i of ibam larger tbau Ua Dstmba or tu Itnina by araaaor waieU the aausoo basin ouvtra an area about 1.MA0M square mtUagraaiar than tuat of aayatbarilnr. Tho Onego rinrkttoluunh lorgftt river In tbo world, but In thavolunMof waier tbat It poors lato tbaooeeu Itusrooodonly Uthofimaaoa. A vary auiloua thing has been dueovarad about lb* ibraagrtaiattrlsarbnlasinfiouthAmrrlca- tke Orcnoco, ih* Am-son and the Ihaite basins. It baa Maa fimad teal Umt ar* so eenuaeUd by wslar course* tbat the traveler can pew In Ma*Bi- beau or etMti bom ou rinr tysieut Ulo audtbac He ran atreadthoOroaoeo river lor huMrada o} milts mill ha comes io iho Cassaqulari. on wmed btoen travel tor aboot 'too mllre io ih* Md Negro, oa* of tbo largest MbataiUeof the Anuauo. Flou- Jngdown to tbo amaara and ikon dsworadlngtoat nsrr for seme distance be can ascend the groat Madeira Irlhoury. In 1U upper own* be can tuns into tbe tram ore, then turn tbe Oospore, than Into thr Utile AUgia river. Hero, as u often done, be can haul bu etno* over n long grassy fist •bent IwoaOUa wide, ud Unoaatl lain the Rio Anw|*hy, and tbon dcscaod by lb* Jaunt and Paraguay tn Bueuot Ayres tnd th* rut * river. Tka AlegKMd Atoapahy rtvara handauaaaaof twomlahty tyatema flow side basic* tor twenty orikuttaallaa and many or tbalr branches nn talented only by a tow hundred yarda. Mr. Wain, tka engineer whom Bnill baa am- pUytd tor yarn in lu railroad suivvya, says thsl lu many placra tbo basin of ibeAmaaon could •asUy b* connected wbb tbu ofine rutt* river by can ate, and comannlcatun by want Would this Pr ised*rad oompui* from on* system to th* oibir. Salvation OU, tha groat nalnwradlcatcr, aa miaaial or other oexlaa* lagraduuto. Woe* Mr.J. H Latimer, traveling ptaroogar agoat <^fth# McKaatU route, u out of ta* clyroubum* Alwava avoid hank purgative pill*. Tbay flitt make yen tick ud the* leave yoa cootti- nalad. {briar's Little Liver Filla aeguUaa th* bowels ud make you wall. Does, om ptu. , nura, uowover, ner itioer began to tu that tbe young Now Yorker's attoaUons more than friendly, he gave Mamie a sound lecture sad srgned that then wore plenty of nic* young fellow* lu Hartford for haibaodt without taking a store chap from wicked New York, Mamie’s mother took her part and triad io Induct tha old pomp-maker towalvobisob Jteflons, hot his will waa insxorabte, and the pent time Mr. Jcnnlng* called pop* met him and told him tbit Mamie was intended for a farmer’* wife ami a farmer'a wife abo ahould k*. Jannlags weak away wUhing bo wee a plowman li st, ad of a haul ware clerk. He re- tonred to New York and than tbo postodlce at Aberdeen did agraat basinets inlovo letters kotwrau Mamie and Donald. Old J’uop m.kcr BauaU Imagined tbat ho bad andad tbo love affair aud waa tloklad to s*o that Mamia waa more gracious than over baforc to Farmer Burton, who, though ugly and •onraa, owned a atxty aero plan* and waa con- I tldered a "catch" among the country mtideoa / Burton had heap rejected by Mamie laat win- I tor. but renewed bit auitand forced blaatum- Bona do the girl. The two fatulilea bad bean wlfpi^ftryasra. When Burton's father died. Alt ALLIGATOR'S FIGHT. Fattoua Battle Batw. lout Jf'f to Um FJ»h CanimUiloo. Wauiiboton, Novomhor s.—A jrare oom- bat took place io a bulldinl occupied ty the flab commission, hotwooo tbo ncwly arrlvad "moMtor" from tb»aila river in Arizona—tbe only apeciaa of ligsrd whoso bite is knows to bo poisonont-tend a two ; car-old alligator from Florid*. The Heard ia fonrteen iachrt long and about twice tbo weight of hit antognntat. Both rfptlla* wore In n acmMorpid condition, bavlngiioanaed to toko food p week or two ago. aud J for aomo potpaao tbay had been cl ramovad from tbalr glare ensre and paced be- aldo each other upon tha stone Dorr. An attocdtal Inadvertently touched the all! gator's tall and caused him to move sluggishly onward * few locker, when he cemo lo eon- toot with tbo blnnt noon of tbo liaard. Tbo snaky ■ yro of.tho liaard lighted np; his hlsok lips opened wide, sad blsj*«*cloi*d with* snap upon tbo fora paw of th* alligator. Tbo iruonrr mode for * time a gallant fight for jlboty and life. Bit movements woremsr- vellundy qoirk snd his jsws closed a dozen times Inquiek soccatslon upon tho milled heid nf hie assailant. Bo soon, bowevse. ha- came ez> ousted, and moaning like a suffering pbHd, lapsed into quietude. Tha attendant* sought by a variety of meana do nlasia the wretabad alligator, bat were 'Compelled io bo extremely c ireful in handling the venimciK "meatier.'’ Bo waa Mixed by the toll sad held np in tbaair; taken by his blose- ed etch snd choked severely; plunged under wafer, ud maltreated In other ways, but to no purpose. Than abarp wire* wero thrust into bis near, and finally a largo trowel waa force 1 into bla month; bat such waa th* fores of hia ■ 'iat tho steal blade, though considerably th* effort, failed to release tho in- prlli md paw. Than the pair wore replaced In tbs glare case which bad beta occupied by tha liaard, snd again the alligator renewed hi* atrnaglea, thrreblng his enemy with tall sod anapplngat him with biajawa. In hiaatrug. gire ho bad dislocated his shoulder and the inipriaoitd limb became limp and powerlsaa ■At last th* trowel was again introduced into tbelixard’amoaib, and probably made a se vere wound In some tender part. Babble! of grayish Hime wore exuded from the month nod nostrils, and finally tbo jaws alowly opened. Even then it was a work of rever- ni mluulat lo diaongag* tbo booked fans* from tbo wooaded paw. Tho oombatanu ware placed in their separate cage*, the Ha- ard lapping hia thick black lips with hi) grtrniin forked tongue, while tha alligator cloud bis eyas probably to die ofthe venom. TOLD BT A TURTLE. be left bit properly to bla ron and doubter. Greet Burton and Mamie Basrett wore ac quaintrd, though tboro was not much friend *“lp between tbo two bccaoiacf Mire Burton’* Abt the pnmnmskar'a daughter. Whan Mamie received aa tavitotlon io tho maiqnerad* at Bnrton’a boose sbo was seme, what surptlred. She told an lotlmate friend Who knew her lov* secret and bad received her letters from New York, and tha two girl* laid out a plot which proved a feature of the masquerade. Mamie wrote to her Now York lover to come to Hartford on n brief vtalt, and not lot it be known that bo waa la th* neigh- korhood. The night for th* party arrived, and from all about tbe country and tho town* of Aberdeen and Havreids Gran came the frloods of th* Bnnoi a. Tbo wide double parlors of the old hoots were filled with agrotesquo crowd. There were court ladles In msgullcent ’'paste” jew 2 Is and flowing tattoon robes; "eindareUaa," Sirica,gyptlsaand knight*, minatrala, princes, »»,£ »'• “frauf fancy and oomle costumes. • The “devil’ was there, too,* fins shaped, bsspangUd,glittering dovil that theglrls rath *' * lk *A u, » n f “«d- Hia sataulo majesty paid to »• 1*. Urey ala. rles. into srod 32! I M tu Carre indigestion, headache, malaria, kldaay disease, bv*r, Childs, lore of appetite, debility and ovrvooa nrauratioa by ngnltuag th* l.ivar, ktcaseh. Bowels, Kidneys aud Blood. Lsmin Eliatr ia prepared from tan freak In It* vt Lemona, combined with other vege table to* lea, retharuen, nroatatm ml umlaut* ltd kloud pQttSrlf, Fifty onto for oan half-pint btotl* (1.00 fur Fiat and half bsttla. Hold by draggia:* gcnamlly, and by all whnlreata draggtet*. Os rat all Onnaka, Odds, Haereansas, Saw Tkrrwt, Brorrbtii*. P»aare«alaaad all Ivraak and Long dire as*# except OraamapiUa, wilsb “ h*tl palliate* and greatly mImts*. Fibre rare. Lareste Elixir »*d Least* Be* Mou^LAtteLV^G*! < *' Pr,i ** Wl ^ D »-“* lingrrteg,. Idling manner as sho trawl tha linraon Ihsnalm which made ItaWsb wonder if ttb really had tha better oft ham and knaw the ’•dovil." The ton waa at lta height abont midnight whan Farmer Barton ordered the maskers to ravaal tbalr identity. B* lowered tbe fhln whisker • sod trig which bad mad* him a bad ImiMlien of Blnabraid and looked around AJI Ik* dancers were then excaptlog th* "devil" and the rod-droued gyps) queen. No on* had seen them depart, and eomo of th* ■rafrno* (<>■• grow a tnUo supantltlou and ■aid Ibey smalt anlpbnr. Mamie OareatS, it honhecam* known, bad gone off with tha "devil." • But who tha da’ll was he?" anxiously la. qolrrd Burton, and nobody could toll. Thia dlsappecnuM broke up th* party, aud whl * tha talk* were wondering, a handsome ronig man In a light overcoat with the oollar ioned up, and bla hat pulled dawn over hit •yet. was standing with a trim lilt!* faoul* (giro dinging to bla arm, at tka deserted eta- lion near tha Susquehanna bridge at Sevro UrS,Mltt* h * 1*0 - tram Next day Farmer Barton and Pnmptoakar hereto wan tha two maddaat man living. Tbty bad learned tbat tho "dovU" at tbo party waa Donald Janntaga. The oouplo had changed (heir clothes and war* hastily married at tba home of tbo mutual friend, and wnnt to Btl- Urn ore and Washington on tbalr wadding trip. Dr^^bg^^gSa^ Mr. T. W. Glover, tnvdlng agoat of tbe Marietta and North Georgia railroad, la In tire An Old Nan* for Ckildren.-D*n’t Walt ~ 10 procure MB&WINBLOWB BOOrniNG SYRUP tor oclldnn lac thing. Twanty-fletoantia boulo Mas Mitchell, th* daughter of tho senator from Oregon, was educated in kuruoe, what* ah* bad many admirers. Ou* of Ultra Uta Duke da la Ik chefoucelt, la coming to this country, and will spend tha winter lu Wianlngloo. Gossips are tla rawing tba ptospeettof amaich, Brown's Brenahtnl Troches tor Coughs and {bids: "1 think them the beat ud moat non- yanitnt reltsf axluL”-Rav. C. M. Humsbiar. IfdAEj. ’ Chablx* P. Tnesras, an Otkltnd boy. Bf- laraytaw oM. recmily traded chewing gnm with KwssjwawafifcTs Tba Queer Reunion of tba Bln* and tha Gray. Mabletom. 6a, November 2 —[Special. J—A abort tlma ago a terrapin was foaod near lh a pise* with "U. 8.. 1865, J. 75th O. VoL" oot on Ms book. A notice of tba fact wag pakUsbcd, and aoan afterwards tha postmaster received a letter from Dr. E 8. Monfort, of Cindnnatl, In which be expressed a desire to obtain poems. Mon of tbo terrapin for tbe punose of placing is on exhibition at a reunion of tho Scvonty- flfib Ohio regiment. Mr. J. M. Gann replied to hia letter, ud leoalved a response, whi :h, S resron of tba kind ud fratarnd sentiments stein axpretead, ud alto on account of tha piomiunc* of tbo writer, ia given in part or low: IH m# thank yoo tor your prompt roepoureto ay IrquIryaM the beautiful and touching atnt:- ainra at too close of your latter. Thera was dur- u glhacariy day* of ih* atruggl* a very warm '£* ^ Ohio remaut also In tba h Ohio tor lha boys of the I2'b Georila. We X ff m !*!* tn auy of tn* early battlaa *Lds4irmieIiss(rfW*H Virginia and w* alwayi found loeaan worthy of oa. Than are many lu- etencee of *1 u d trvatme ot of TStn and mihooya ra, r o5? n 2i.r;?.i jg#sn r.'r bSa. “sar* ? ‘- ,9 ".S , d*A h ,io 0 5S?'re*.?d S'SS-VSndYd” him witti my own *j** .i.-u np m ino- - rtihi Indonliabl* courage and hon-lem un co f r four hours aud one half Wnsn wo miargcd up the ridge toey fail back about ono nun- dra-i yarn* in aooihir ridge end etered there until tot Hoc*, when uodvr the cover of durkneea bolug un*bi*iodulortg« them, we retired. 1 veaiuroto rer that the IJihGoorgl*. nor any other Ngiarant in rbecontederete service during the entire war did ani rente brilliant flaming, and after tho bat- '*“• th* heroism and o- hie oi-mag* nf that regiment waa a aunject of favorable cummant In tbe »ih and J5tb regunenu tor* Mug time; and at onr rennioniatno* tha war tha qntstlon la often asked, have yon over met mi? Mth Georgia menf la re- Bpore to your generous mUmentf, 1 JvJolc* with you and with compaai roe of the oon- flicaon both sides lhat more daya ol watching, ttlgbiaufaurrow and anxiety are forgotten. Pm- Bob* that ruled them have toded into tenderness uo thouadlilons oe tha war have been iohcnVd ky ih* lngtkninx shadows nf kmdly r^mtab new so that.tha raWnal of in tdaotoof thjean jaapore 1 am glad lhat ■ You will 1 th OMo «a* not In fiberaMa'aedBpalgm hot to wwdd^, havingbaHi ^radnoot *ky^S!’ ctaa :{2Si ^ »bSa- v » 'Olio inscription, aad If yonwlllraula it nfod THREE EX-CONVICTS. In 18fi3— Juno of toot year—three confed erate soldier* i erring in tbe army of Virginia hemmed to their homes in Fannin comly, baton forlontbs of thirty days each. They were maa of no education and without pdlrtoUtm. They had entered the army "for ta fun of the thing." A year’* service taoght them Ural ton waa bn unknown quantity In the army, but, Instead, that there were gnu hardships ud eonetant dsngerof lessor life. At ta expiration or tho thirty dty* granted them by their furloughs; they tgieed that they would not return to the army la other words, tb«y dttenalnad to daeen. i Fannin county is a mountainous region. Itwaa, therefore, not difficult tax tathmedaaorttn to so Alda tamielras aa to be entirely out of ta way •f officvti sent in March of them. They remained tn hiding until the waritndcO.] Tbotukaeqnenthistory of there deserters was singular. Tnelr names ware Thomas, Bowman tod Watu. They werelonmarried. From 1805 to lt?> they remained In Fannin county, most of tbe time manufacturing lllottwbUky, In Jane ofthe Utter year, they were surprised by a pony oi revenue men In a dlstlllary situated In a moun tain gorge. They wart brought to Atlanta, wttare they were triad upon ta charge or illicit distill ing aoderereeonvioled. Each was sentenced to •erve a term of two year* In ta Albuy, If. Y., penitentiary. In June, 1877, tba three deserters, now ex-con. viets, were liberated. Tnomaa obtained work on a U tid< on nv*r steamer. Bowau tz listed ia tha UbltedfitatcaaiBy.ulwsaaantweat tofigbtta Indiana Watte want to Florida, whero bo obtain ed employment as a brakesman on a railroad. In June, 1878, Thomas married an Irish woman who lived in New York city, About the same time Bowman Married a squawof the Apache trio* of Indians. Waite, in ta aamo month ud year, married a Cuban Woman, whom he mot in Jack- sonvllle.rrhc degree oqeducatlon poesewed by tha three wives was about ta asm* aathat poaeaod by ihtlrbutbsnda; Living ro widely apart, it sever occurred to ta three ex oonvima that they would ovtr again moot But in Jane, 187V, Thomu was employed by tho ownerofn St Johns river ateamer to goto Florida i At ta same tlaa, Bowman's command wae mot to fit. Augustine. While passing tbrougn Jscxson- villa they mat Watte, Tbe three az convicts de termined to celebrate their reunion by a banquet, which was provided for tarn by ta keeper of a •hasp restaurant. Their wives Jolnod them at ta banquet, at which gnu conviviality reigned. ; The nezt morning the wives of the thra# ox-con- Viera died vciy suddenly. The lea cream they had eaicn at ta banquet had poisoned tarn. It main Job*. 1880, -tat ta thra* ex-convicts mu again. JachaonvtUe waa ta place. They wen on their way to Funin county. Baobhad beard tat the few acres of land bo owned had suddenly become of gnat value, by reason of the discovery of gold. They traveled together, each full of wcnderfol plans lorthe future. When they resohed Funin county they dlaoorand tbat what ibey bad beard waa untrue, mar were bitterly disappointed, naturally, and to console themselves ret up n distillery ud praohadad ouoo more to manufacture Illicit;whisky. «lx not known bow long ta three ox convicts remained In Funin county, but la Jane, V81, they wen living In Chicago. They then disappeared, ud were heard of no more until June, IMS. On ta sth of that month u explosion occurred in n small house on a hack stren In Chicago. Tbe oocupsnti of the boose, three men, who killed. Polio* investiga tion developed that tbay were engaged la the manufacture of dynamite at th* time of the explo •Ion, presumably for supplying tba aaarohiste. owner or tho bouse said that he had rented It and Walls, EXHAUSTED YITALITI. tot.IHustratlv* Sample Fr««l*ig orem thlToat. wj SS8&K sun wk top ool n r m iLUES nROPSYj 1/CURED BSfKSlfSS.'EkiS.T novSeowtm TURKISH LINIMENT. ThteBmmant l* guaranteed to give aatlifaotlea Ofcxffc Wo bare made a Bpcclalty ainoe 1877 of sltln« L-Uow.aua tour and T«a 8eU. GoldBau^SsJUp Sllvenraro, * t€ * w from to to TSoonta par pound. Wo do a ron Urgo t«A and ooQee bualno * betide* .sendlna out trom 60 to 90 C3ub Ordow e day. Silver-plated Cartnra aa p: |7 t tod 910 order*. Wbite Tead Dccorttod TVs floia with tu. 0 Bet* of 44 pleco^ or pinner Beta or 112 piece* with 920 order*, , end a boat of other premium*; Send ua poetaUad mention Tho Atlanta Courti- faUon^andwo will send you liiaitratod ftfoo and , OFKAT ZrONDON TWA CO*. " NEVER KNOWN TO FAIt. ” TA It BANT8 KXTBACP CUB15B8 and COPAIBA " IS sn old, tried rcmi-dy fux gonorriraa, r.Ioct and all dis eases of the urinary organs. Its nest, portable term,ftt*. dnm Oomtsste and spaedy . action (It frequently cure* in three or tour days and al- way* In less time than any other preparation) nuka 1 "Tsrrul’a Extract" thw most desirable remedy area muofacturcd. , . tat each package has a red raice u.oo. BOU> BY AIX DHUGGISTS. Ifostkm ibic paper. dec7 mon tbu saMvlry ADMINISTRATOR’S SAXE. plOBOtA. FAYETTE COUNTY-AtiRBEABLY « to u order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will b* sold before tho counbriare door o' said runty, on ta flnt Tn**d*y la December next, within ta lets! hoars of sate, the following ptoferty, to-wlti Land lot NolM, in the alxih •.late of mid oonatr, dMoased. Terms cash. SUNDAY AND SUN-WORSHIP. only on*c I tbe w IB and unitar la ta A cjsrjymu, alter yean of nffoxtng from that !<a hsom# disease, Catarrh, ud vilaly toying ovary known remedy, nt laat bund a prescription which completely eared udhnvod Urn horn death. Any ao Hirer from tbU droid- fbl dlrena* seeding n self addnreed skampad iKY.t%. u !S»K?3r , J175 charge. A Cbimaban baa purchased for (18000 Ik* »*'SUyre &OSM Blip wcriv itucrc’fn ptnir »o niMpiHuiUB PUT** ly to recucteg tee dHL Vaag Twain Is gmuag old vtrv lhat, al. * 1U*. to Ga told of that fact. .. — take* Ute easy, and very Ml* hGfiw f)e'tn O'fllucc, am) U |* no. etally neon when he tits down to bfeakbut. Aa Amummg of bMmptlkU UtociilJT ^kopna*M»i>oronaraU O. T Baaungfard, of louinUua. mi 4 juUil %. K«tly,cf Virtluta *1 tbo ol Tbe LouMm* 8uic L«i'«ry Ovaptny; In ent'ic charge, ti ictkuWd aa a marmot** uf ab* Kiit)«e fbinie** at.d inu'imy. Any adeer«i»»i<Mut rr i flbr io t"ar*m*e any pa ifaitte wmtM aarto-* lb#rkte«» hdMtfofibe aotodb-r Remwaber tbat tbe rex* (Um HU Oraad MonUly set um Knr* t Ta'.ik*n Qu*rt»rt9)t)«**l!i|Ukr« place on New — —‘ d*U«r* mU A Form of Fagmuiatu That lleaehea Back to thm Prehlatorle Period. From ta Popular sclcnca Monthly for November. Sun-worship iathaoldaat and most wide spread form of paganism. It reaches backtoihe psablrtoilo patted. Under various phases is has always boan taparelawnt fee to the worship of abovsb. It III lha prevailing ud mast corrupt, lag term ol idolatry whlob assailed taUtorew naitea. In lowest torso. Beat-worship, produced •he deapnt social and aaural degradation, As the period nf idolatry passed away un-worship as- sssssd 0 tore material bile form, wltnout lotlog ta vlrulanc* ol Ua poison. It lay in waiting, Uka* beast of pray, to corrupt Christlaniiy, salt had al ready owrupted Judaism. Transtomd from th. east, and from Egypt, to Greece aud Boa*, it be. 0*B* populer, aud great affima wen made under Halkwabelna aad olher*. Iota third andCnuth cental lee, to exalt It above all ester reU.ioua. ladrad, Mithraletem caa* near gaining ta field ud driving apuaioUa religion oatofta Roman ^ It did corrupt It to aa extent UtUoun- Eagtn Korea made religion a part of ta Bate. Lug baton ta edreulcJ Chruitealiv. taare- peror. as heed of ta Slaw, ud tarttore of the chun-h—lhar.iSez Maximus—waa aooisaioread to legislate upon all nllgtema mature. Ha had aw piema power In this dircocleo. fioeewa of (eared day* ware sat apart, under ta pagan empire, upon which Judicial proceedings ud osataia terms of week were prohibited. It was the Kitted 1 oucy of ta respire for tho emperor ttere to do- letn ta concerning ferial dag*. Apostolic Chain llsnliy fortada all appeal lota elril law ia Bet- ten of ChrisUen duty. Cartel had hi* anoetlre •ooght only ta right* of cluzanship el tabeud of civil goveraaeat. Whan three were refuted they gladly yielded, sum ring penJCution unto dralb IT card he. const repeatedly declersd "My kingdom is not of this world.” New Tret* ■sent Chriittufty could no* have Instituted snob a raltns ts tbtt which gar* tiro ta Sundry Isolate, lien, tbe union of cborcb ud stele, under u cm- p. tor or su emperor-pope. "Old Mixon" peeob met ran hot beer crab applet Alt civil legieie- Den eon renting religious r.Uh And prscUco, x icb Mohislued In the Romeo empire, wzsiho prddact efy-gerkm. ItwssnntuoOUrotofCnrisUahliy or of th* Hebrew theocracy. "' T The fires civil bgtslerlna eonreraleg Ban-ley, eaprars tn the edict of Oonstanila* the Greer, lit A.D. Nothingtgpeare In history ts fismsadtag the lesbltUtu, or wUhing IL escept ta WIG of the emperor. Hv wae a well knewn derates ef the >on-god. ns were hU prodeaereon. HU eullote tewud t krtettutty. both baton aadtkmg after ta teenager taiudeyedIH. was the eultudeofe shrewd roUitetu Pro ard his rivals U wu tarot —•— btoodyhsadadmcnsrch. The Hen Sllnlster, From tbe Boston Record. At sn island on tba coast of Mata* which Is much resorted to, taro 1s an esteemed local olergj mu who la known to the suBmar resldanto nearly nil of whom ore Bostonians, at ta"hen minuter." Tola It by retaon of bit habitat tolling In seeion or put of reason a certain story which quacrlylllostrstottaldaaof fsltb. "I preached n sermon one Sunday," ta good minister will toy, "on ta doctrine of fsltb, In which Zfaugbt my bear- ora lb* good Cartetiu doctrine tat all things may be hourbt by falih. Instructing thsm tbtt fslthta taeridsaca of thing* not seen, ta snbston coot thing, hoped for. Thar* wsss farmer’a wife In ta congtegsUon who wu greatly edlflad by ta •aimon. ud earn* to me and told mo that ah* now oudautoodjostwhat falih wax Next fionday morning 1 overtook baron tho way to church. "Srobrre parson," says tba, "1 don’t think much of your taachln' about frith." "Why not?" 1 ask- #«. "Why," say* the. "ih. other day I heard my •Tackled hen n cackling ilka all to pay. “Now," rays I, "here la a chance to show what fsltb la Tut 1 speckled ban's egg l. the evidence of things not •ran;taaohaune*oftblngshoped for. lb*n friibtatsht laid u exg. ud rm aura tbat when 1 got out to lb* abed I'll find 1L’ Bo I gore out tnd looks for it. ud taro wasn't any age there, ud that speckled han hadn't laid uy. Now, what a your frith goed for, I'd Ilk* to Snow?" "And than," ta minister will say, "I told her what waa ta matter wltn bar lalth. It was mean t tor a rehnka to yon tbat yon dMn'i find any egg there,' laid L 'Yon ought to hart trusted In trod, aad not lata ban.'” YFbatih*Professors any, Frefksaor Cook, to n.-w York THbue. My advteo, In uswtr to toanlry, ts: Let light, i iara£USWB&i: nlng rods alone I More earn at* noted oMaetrae. j ThU Octobsltoo 2Stolwi nf ‘ h0 *« not tuna I ^ ROBERT MATTHEWS, "protected." Caieful statutlca colleetrd bv Men. I wbyU U'ta In Baropogtv* similar rasuirs. One nf tha Admlhbtrattr. ere. are Pot d. ctl-d with there oxpVosI Ufihlntog rat mate pr.—ru. Ulnr oily ton«ntof H8 mmi hivn, or hi could not , thm* in n which iIvm. u •xperisnoi f **s ni a 10IM Utr-Mii. I know of oa* te-nr turner e bn ha* sum rods ou hb buil-llnx, *' d yet from aptee raves* It Is safe to My scat be !• really in prod of ta comfort* of life: Surety ‘'“ra th «re sre more profitable mi *Ofl 'Or HHDfJ, DYSPEPSIA Ckuscs Its victims to be miserable, hopeless, confused, and deptesaed to mind, vary trrltai bla. Unsold, aad drowsy. It U a disease which does not get wall of itself. It require*, ears!oL persistant attention, and a remedy tq throw off taeamoa and tone np the dlgtf* live organs till tbay petlotra tbalr dutitq willingly. Hood's SanapsriUa ha* proraq jut ta required remedy to haadnda of aaa**, "I ban tabu Rood'* Sarsaparilla for dya. papsla, trom which I hart suffered two years, 1 tried many cthsr medicines, hot non* proved so aariatoctovy as Bond's Sarsaparilla." Tiiouas Cook, Brush Kltetrto Light Co, New York City Sick Headache -, "For ta paM two year* I have been afflicted with severe headaches ud dyspep- •U. I was induced to try Hood’s 8aisap» rills, ud have found great relief. I cheer fully recommend It to a!L" MBS. E. F. Aknablo, Kew Haven, Con iff Mn. Maty G. Smith, Ouahridgtport, Mass, wu a sufferer from dyspepsia and sick lraad- aehA fib* took Hood s ■areaparilU ud laaad 18 talwatwnBdytaarar atari. Hood’s Sarsaparilla' Md by all diuggfsU. *11 six for $8. Mad* rely by a L HOOD Is (XX, Lowell, Mara. I.OQ. Poms Dollar, ■futioa this paper. ketrei wanted In every county, _ Llbreal Discount) {» to Clubs, inn rsi ciicnut.' -. . UNIVERSAL QRAVITV, LEVEL ca , r V“ 3? B. Breed 8L,' -J v ATLANTA. QA. < MnT.mVwrim ’ Southern Medical College, ATLANTA, OA. tostnerionm circulars or Ini F.SL- ® KEJRVIXAmI ■BP 1 indistinct print »