The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, November 23, 1886, Image 2

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* THE WEEKLV CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA- GA-. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 23 CARLISLE AND BECK. fIXPLYINO TO TOASTS AT ,THI IROQUOIS BAHQUBT. >m ffH# _ Hurries In ts« , Met* use Proeoseen urtuagsemwsrs. - Cnirkno, November 17,—The fourth annual fcuqoet c/iliolrequeleelob oocerroJ tonight R tbo Palmer boon. Among III lugs aura tor of dtattogitehnd l«Mnb to whoa Ikvi to Ilona hod boon ml III following art atanug flit mcitwidoly known, who accepted and won present! OjMiktr Carlisle, Senator Back, Hot. XA- vrnrd & England Ban. J. Burling Horton. IjOttoro of regret won rooclvod from Pros!loot Cleveland, AbrMt 8. Howltt,. SoMI ~ Blower, 8 8. Com, William 0. Eodijott, Perry Balmont, flovernorg D. B. HOI and Pltahagb too, A. 0. Ttotswa ui Finiots Penal After the htnioet, at which batwoea TA niW)jraostaaodroombereof tha dubs sot iown, tha following taioto wart made and mpoadtdtoi ” American Indnsttigl; TbrfrGrowthand Pros- It; CmuoUo Ftomstod by Uhneooessry orl'a- tqnsi TKiUtn^Koa. 4.0 Omltete. “The Trevor, eusplas endsne Toni "-Senator •eel. • Fublta lull and the People's EoriUtt for Hm*s*v~H™. W. J ■m Of tat Repabtaf’—Von. V. W. Poller. *Tbe l'tctidrac of.tot United BtetaP'—Han. Mr. A Drug "Meuapely Shin Hot Itulo"—Hoc, f. gietllog Mono. "Ht awifllll of ihtAmtittan Home, tot Role. S ard of American Ubertg’-Hran. Junto K. Soto He, ... "Tae Democratic P*rt|"-t 3. Klanr. ’-Too Feting tun In Polities'—1I«. F. M. Lew- men. Mi. Carlisle wot received with (mat If. pitas*, and epoke at ftllowt; Allbcagh the taut Jell nod assort! t sotlevt der I troth, we ottnol tAnt to Igoeiw the tut Mot tern in lUttgttf parlosophlooi mttaltiltn mi practical know lodge these in nun la toe Wert run tf literature, polities and biwtaass. Vborerlecily eoproaf melt la eUUat wouldno to mm aeoesd ta ttraissrablo test | I Pit uMiki that tot pruptcur of geo- ■ Ittril j ota bt . .locmutd imrelng tun anon their ft>«l. f cicthtr,, tlcir bunding mUr.iU, toots M el tm Pj».r»UM, eid tom ultefr rntt-nlhilriiOwnn, Fuier Oa t ji ere- TTwetHh. Ttey iwiit a. All tuailot. wbrtawlt be ettou tt tslwrabareo nt owner bow limp bt dunked tt to wkti num ut wswasgsm aSSS1SSSS pS-SHcSS-v-SSi Rt worn Unto tototmt opntne ptretflot pt» ■toot act fists of ledmtries tlBpli tot Itt por- pms of incwtilng tot psoli* of atuteec put oftoo Jwop o orarotosf elm of lodonrte* o» when tax lo to Itid inti lie noocssary effect Mi to, laereete to#, procu to urn KiMSKUsasnt I ore bo o'.vluu, to n crnie comment. ibv.Ui e iwlhj W the tejaiuoeut of reltt ol tsxsttoa tul m natron «f tnlelnuTunwhiim It thtil [li net io be upeciod and In fsot not I bssss'Jir'.wr^-^i!? *sr whMhttcreotce Cairo 5r tree In • pile of It, hot lc ; tllh,tbe_et B e»eua he peonie’t WMMm ofu «SWBR.«SWn- fiSS.a^nmSA f i <' ir.f* vi rj ; *» p>°h wero •&JS. •*10*1 in tSckopeSSSI Wli mtitrlel tgtnriet In ont modem ennlnnn; with t ruteotrnt ofanouaapled andnaiSwlSal tonltoiT. with free inoattUenn and on touUltwib which tinlet tbe crowded ntuoao of the aid s? &■irjh title. JJrlrelaiuehtoeaatnr tnduimwadad hr lbtn>trreir<eutehlercnMmeoftbt mott wto- dbrlnl htU centnrjr In thennotlooftot nnnwn lift. II fbswmli mmsllmmm a». tnd aia tow ttd nobiflntn tottom- fit' lie EKSSSSS .1MI tnd tllng wllA Mhhnni unttnr (t iM wont I fittnnttf uttpitora under which -them trt»J jhneeoilglnnttdnndnlltletdlbnlrimeaipiopoo-l Bui, nmuanan. ne mntr wit mtp deteu or ?e^ae^ "X R ^ \&S!mJ9U ^agCTMdfbtgg?! nus&iPmSzk Li ni'fiy f{i) f l '. CI'iiH'.J!' ■ Mtlytoternttlnniunuiln iwmerw nnmttearr hnidtnr. nnd openpttha thtt lead leptom oad nrarmltp. Walk net trndt It lapnoUMtla Inotnultf tod eomtureM eauwlptuon eta an! ikU bt accompanied by wM and medervoi bottom of reform without Interfeilnt fnj prl’Ut «nierprt«t or Injuring |b)io fclcTrit To unt tunt of nr Mmamr by too THE ORDER RESCINDED. 1Ht PPM1DINT RI2IH8TATB3 ftUSPBNDID OFPICIAlw. juj«l Ut IhuplcdAMt toil to UoiiKUof mriUMe tk> and opporUxiUie* aooUlbttUr fa ffJfW4fU> i be carl j and oociplcto triumph of rervouo r> form. Sr am! or Beck, in discataiof; Uxttlon and propv-tfbpotftfoa of out nrptcM r*venae, t cia oot * fn I the part I tonkin l In JiUimry, PcbiOAJ 1 errs t tfj'iii . •*! f qna] trtbuia to e*oh other nobody would bt a*B< luted, e»td li ta juet •• tnrkloni thel U ail do iwa^saMr»P^p«i( ■ tt - to tycfjr hosert tm jarful oraupMtoa-canaot ’ bt protkMd ft.*’* l|M».m of mtUonot tty polio; el itgla> buea.klilok abenmlutwt bttwma Una, ttd aowptlfflMlo oontrlbu't put oflu twn own- {wtrd Iplttt3mto to^Sa^^BSnSBd Mrxrswrsrs«». »u »»•>* i ! -I Cher* l Rebel,e tu norm tnd tuopt, — ■d matt and nrtm oa the'httn trt-iktm ut Ancrlwa tnda drttt A ut mighty nea tr nttatt tnd JESba «bro*d flaw at them which com-r " S u|l alaadt ■■ m ttaum wkfca pivrtbti *ocape»utoa. aadtn .. ti. Rw%. bt done to. i£ Sm KSd hM o, n t3“bo^**t> the ladirldutlwho etrrWt on builnewi, that fan at. tbepaicktHitof walacts tad ut paid »tt of ibt tarulagr of other InduMrlcr. Other indue- Irlet. IcirrWwe, not only male .fe d hit lotMi, but brief him a, pram bo-Mo, that firing b . thin end labor In an iitrrttmit taOtewT {tel aimatbw jean ol dependency upon iba mo«j «f i he coveremam and peofitaTthemid Kettaam«M*<b laeumdeiuaeandcwmiiwiS Cta>.\)]> withurir rlv#!w, tiot oatT tulaebijwo mt.lM.hulIn HI olherr Urdu if.in3»Suinf }b\' ^fr'torn* tha tat fwowciire tarUJ waeeaaotad kbi-fttaud jet, alter evveuijr jran bavaaaHed. neuj of eana lndoWrfei whtefc th-o itai haiorerythibunce oni» an now detaaadme hte ta (krntir riMufdaf tlw taaol eatt •« r i aod tin it aeertdaod oommmtm awdertmc KtiMucu.) (kcliit that oolea in me fa.rticae bounty ehell be todJSS MpSx Is&rJk £±Kk p-x^^raur*i, b Ts*tiSi 6a Memnrt ot ilia; UhSecmflnS feagva.aiBf. ^ SbusksSm ... tot (Nat deMtt to ihtttn- utln Maran, IK), taow IW I ttu utonl to ttiud on the rtoorU 1 then made. I'ftt tnde pmduect Dome rut Promt) tu rp teotuodon tetonott cote. Tn. only direr* turn button iba m to tka paotto woo id u atttp torn under Int trade . daw -ptrtt nkhcr pnttouon, and goodt at ntU rutoo .amply moat daaklt wagra • • • Pit tnn avrtruMat »m4 kart rtrenat tofteMottotap- ptoaatttfetotoSmKKtHtotfpinBttfcUm ana oiitam, ol waiaajaad tootooa, wblon art Utftrmate ofclaaa of uiallta. I atrm utt tot •okmiw of »matt rtitant tvgnt to ht nkod ly tut* tat anon, and tout It ought to bt >o aCitnrd at to btnanetr praetleaelo uni- torn tiweceattn tkb Dnlmd autos tad that tt tootm ftwte. admnmie tod tncauwnt tot largoat ammnt cf yradatuta tn out mauaUetoiug <n MnJrhmtiite, tamotlag buidtattad onugaa a, Mdaltycaiwwmucrtolr *» that our mauntoc- lured tot da could ha atnt to Central and Poult Amenta; to Ada Airtca ltd tha Ititndt of mama raid girt am factory opattlTtt work lor twttye raotuut la uced Off fib It b melon la UUt about ralatog ityobot by tired uxoa, which moat ot spoor- to nad among to* etrafAtum In praportloa to thru popotaima nadturmtoad by tot prtetdlac ernrua. Taxation propoiuooad to portolailta u unjust and untsoal than nan Col land tax A lew werdt about the turplua ittassn of tht namaant, tad I amdwu. Ol oocran they irarw ptoondad by ttatmfenUu- on. anil can only ly araoatlr atoppad oy toaie- ,iu, Jouoliaxaa. Wo camto. look up bnudfadj of million’lti the treasury without oaukrapuug vho trslsgsn.t saourh now, andiuMy wt oogat oot to 'bonds not dot at any premium too oobloia of it may roo flt to doiaauA Tnorabirt, nutulng —sloo. that loan ato, cioaptio redact uxoa to the point medt d fur tha waits of the surornuient. . II a nrsosnss not scum oooot a uidouut. and I am adold II has net, rather Uxn hara too moaoj loclcd up. too appropriations inure to t xirsvtgai't pnmiuau paid, I snail prupm fore tide ooairuaadjouras to loan inesurolu.. say a m rent, per annum, to any out wbt wilt deposit Ofnrieudini e^orfptrttti. bonds of ino Unlied biatos as security, apporuoolnt the smonal loaned la Uw tlra Insunor among tot tiain to proportlou to population, and antoonamg lUher party to eaotol tot Iransaatlnn hr siring tho other afs xnoa.nt nouor. II tooeltUtmof tM WAftanioroK, Naretuhea 17^-The follawing aerrmpmAcata it naAt pobild bg tha prtaMtnt tonight: WKOBO, Ho, Noramhu io. mnuuBob. a. B. Osrlaod, Attorney General, Wmplntton. ft C^, «ri Tonrlettereftha tallnaUniwuntoe'tanraa, nppdatngmetf tha bsslt at my coaptation Mm the ttton tf attorney at tot Dotted CtaUt for tht writorn diatrict of masonri, wtt renolped. I de- nunenu to aght csiapsUa ^ -lanSBrSi day nl Ecptember, I bad beta theft, with my strut ant, furstettal dtya pdmr to tost dan, .preparing cuts for- IrU), Tbo district .bintruss (meant A„ fsw.. pleu ol tmut) wst Oniahsd tn totgMb of Aeptomhu, aa.l on tot Mtowtog day conn tdloosnod. On too night M tot Xtolepoktmt JatrtiMo City. I then want to Kansas city, sad-jfn *oah,ay ssrUuol, and 1 prepend ooreehrm mr Ikt Ottobsr term of toe aeon tot the wemndtnetae, andmenwhllt 1 bed, u tot earnest tnUclutton of llmara Doefe- try, CrtTtaa nad oihtng escdldrua fcrooagro s. and tot drmactaUe atom central eoannlttoe. and .With toe haowlcdgaof Dutton CMntU tad Vcs, •gn td to make tome campaign apotthu. A flrrte taangtog Vita, ox to Unit, as uotlr lo- It Hero with my oaotal hast ness, I gate a list to ft X. Shield, chairman, and this list was pablish- Cd,ton dam htgtnnlng September 3tth.7pm , tt Aurora, Mo. lit sppalmmtou wan made to etch , slda tf my district to thtt I camdauddld resell Kansas Oily si tot end of cash weak to loth xfitr tot routine huslnttt ol the «muo. HysssUt- ant, Mr. Ur. U Cush, was In the office all tht limn that I wu away. Two of my appotatoarats wore mtdefWeth City tnd Hercoxte* eoarsalently to leplln, where 1 appeared in two Important ctsts on too inn day of October, hcfmCluk crayeroft, Dn IP d Stotts comalstloner. f tilled my engstements lo eslardsy, Ostobor TCIh- At Screes, Monday, Outoher leiu tbo die- met court fot Ihe wrr cm dlvhloa began Us urm. BtSit lndlctmontand lalntmttoou Wat prcpir.d. In eomrgnaaeo ol tola lbs grand Jury was dl»- mlmcd at noon of tho third day, I had thought tost I would got through with tho btnlnem of Ibis short tern In one week 1 hid two engtrementa to ipent during that sock, do-, 'at flt. Jouph I did oot Qll; tbo other at Kxn ,os Oliy, IdMtUat night alter aojoutnmial of tbo court I found on fleterdry, the iM of Ostoher, tost I hadiix lmnoiiantcnes which I hollered su.-ra'.d bellied. On that night 1 come hereto gut my psituer, Hon. Joseph CrstMi. Mon John T Tool of Modal Vernon std Dr. James Cnns of jllohoU. 'Often efitmty, to egree to Oil my ippokiimiun,oi Mnolug wltl> Southwest City on toe Mih ofocto- ter tnd Inmcdlalelr lutorned to ICsmos Cllyaud aanennerd ready Tor trial the hear toe ainnet taort dooket was eolled. I remained In eoun ana nnrndnd toctsea until 1 rooelTbd the preoldeat’e letter mapendlt g me. ' Ae to my recent ea a pnbHe officer, 1 am wtmog forthe depart meat report! of my aneeem In iritis, cwon offieeri of droutt and dirtrlot teoru. and tboro who hare bad boat nut with tola office 1 rolled on lhaiMlowing otanieoor toe powldeai'r letter of July wth In nuking tngifeineuis to spnk: 'IndMdnnl Interest tnd seilrlly In poonesl tlfkln art by no mean’ oonOtmnrd office honem am as Karr Okttraochljod nor hHHddtntborxer- «bt ol poUtltm ptlyiletta, hut their prlrllec'i tit not tn larged, nor la toetr duly to ntriy IncrtOMd toptroldoua tetlTliy by office holding.'' . rouTicAA. ponwi ErgAATOB, Pn., Htyotottr VS:—II was pub llely actonaetit hero today that Boa. Clmrlta B Seek alow, meanbtr ol eoegrease!act from tht UlhdWrits, haddten Uodsrod toeofla# of niunty gaaimi by Fuatdant CUretead. A rejertor in Ui viewed MTsrat at Mr. Bute. Isw’e pc>i onai frii n Jr, tat of khta a member of >he ooagreaslouai otnferrnet toot nourlna- ted bio, and all coaAtmod the ramor. <Jol, Ixmcnt aald thnre is r.ommg si ill lo tons. Thera to no osoaney in that cfilet, "and,” he added, wlihnumlo. "I don’t think there it likely(obtwne. Them lead Ma to nay inch story whatever." , Has Fhinmco, IJevemher lflc-OHciol to* tarns from til Uo oonhtisain the gtoNt with retol-ofilcial cobuto in San Francisco, g'To Hsrtlett, democrat, a plurality for gorornorof H32 oyer Swift, republican. Tho ropoblloan* -bare elcotoA lisa tenant gsraraar, tuornoy .general, iiperixtonAont of public Tetradoix * 'Autiror 1 cnitul 1 tad' twQ r jumetf ot tRo* »aproia6 court. The democrats tleeUd CMrsUry of ate' - trtiltr, inmartr. dork of tot snpremi and ootjusdetof tooiipjemacourt puhllcaba hare elected fuhr oongruatoisn nad too demoento two. In too state sonata tot democrats bare a majority at twolro. In ton assembly too republicans hato n majority of two, leaving toe deatenta a mgjoriry ot tea on joint ballot. TEC gECTLTIH nmiAMA. Ixduwspous, Boroaber 18.—Official re- (urns of the recent election shows Ua follow ing retail on too title ticket) BoherUtn, if resnl , tbllcnn, Nelson, democrat, 228,803) for lieu tenant governor, Gale, prohibition' lit, 0.185; Pope, national, 4,818. Robertson's ~ 319. LaFolleUt, repablicsd ma tt lot superintendent of lion, leads hit tlokoV wjlh ~~ blio Inetruc A Political KIM. Fran tn Interview. As to 1888 Hatton It bloat and outspoken. He Mid lo mo today; "Blnlco would baron herder litas in litashan be did in Itof • Bu Mends ncytrtkin to manhoul bis groat popularity nut I leH them ol tot itoiy 1 loMIdccrttary ToUti In t oablatl cutting two or three days after the election. Wt had baud when B'nlne was nominated that he would rup like s western cyclone; that ho didn't wsut spy national ooumlueei that bo dldnt't need any crg’blrsijoD, anatbu If republicans laigoof him to spit oo thtil hands ho would bo oleaa out of Ihelf right tun half ttoond. I told loiter toe resell reminded me OfanliUh railroad man with )Wbtm I was talking at cnloago aOont the fust mall rtrtlce. The iralnt iso at (buy to fifty miles an hour. My Irlthmso (mined tost was not tut 'Fill, sir,’ ho laid, 'orer tn Bnglsnd toe trains run much faster. M> brother war stepping on tho train cue Osy and stopped to I Us Ms mother, who watnn tot platform. The eassbot away safest ibslthe kits landed on the rump ol n oow strum Pan miles out.' That was toe way Blalno ran. J don’t believe ho bus got too taste ol the hair out Of his mouth yet. huts an) afraid he may get H ou and play the oyolont took again.'’ Batten la for Loot a tor president. THEN AWO now. ttvetal staroaPants lake tootrprop-r ptopaeUoo, I would, a/rsr ninety dap. mats it free for all. necdltsa innallaa has brought ou all out troiblea InsPuthulnorlghlsof tosmsaeaoof tax psyen here been bat lightly regarded by congrtae Mr JAPANESE fOLK.LQBt. The Wind Imp and tha Thonder Cut Vs- lathy Dago. Btieb N, 8. Thompson In Oakland Monthly. A familiar sight In front oft Jtptnegttam- plan tn laments figure of tha "wltd lap" tnd another or the "thknoer cal" The wind Imp ku a hot. hag of comprerecd sir on ala task. By idiot ont tad, tooting It or lemorlng hi. hand m It, ht may mat too wind a gentle hroot. n tempest, or n tornado athle pirsraie, Tttrelen ow tong tad tedbwa routes elWansTtUrslr turn bitten or tom by tbe wind Imp ea be peases, though to them ht to lo- rulblr. The r bunder cat esrrtsa on hts head fro drams naiened tettther. with wMcb ht mton launder Vo often ttnpM from tht cloud to the ground doing terrible mischief. When n victim to guild by lightning U to became toe thunder cat haa leaped upon him. Anomtrof the supernatural beings who Idlest it earth to tot ktmnilsebl, in tot ftwmoft wrrael-who tears turd Itemm the facia at bn man Ittngo with a slurp UvUbta, twhtdgod •1‘1'C W“»slha* toopsTMteat or nmangiao Jberp psbbtssifthe garden pats a, at up tot maun, lain iidi -wbiuS bccsnasoflhelr awkward clogs, Is ot lienuentoernrteboe-it, to tha ksoultsriU JoltotSt dio*it* 11 u toelmp’eilurp The lappa Is tnothcr Imsglntry enemy who o- E lsie to bran lu tbe water. Ho has tan daws tf t tioSie and toshwey aad bead of a monhay. Ils poittton. I ooucet with muan lotarost a dtarrira ®f Iktlplntirt thooompam hung npaaihaaaU- lot* of hptol Siorpiug rooms aad the tamo tapri- Oertaln days are rm nulecky. Beads win ant spnHii ll sown M >och days. Oo one of t bast to s h, ad taut tat be watted or tht ante srttl bacamt reo.tooiorof.hkh they have t great horror, as PrrialnP g to eetl spirits and bad m.a ^.uihas •txbWd. end tor n man Is bo uudtlslwsl (accord- lot lo their standard) to a grief nbdmukmnaa Uelcre tot talipot of tnatunaerooow writs are ran rally torered Itpcamrt poloop faUIng into rents are thtrtod with 4i dtsmod otaM to born to ps- Itvwowod Bar Ago Tan Toons Thai UK may ht prototgod talk) dtsfrt of every InralU.ana with ratfanng, hhk tola it utt alt Otaptaad Oxygoa data, at the Ittotro uf many pobtato tutify. A Lawnaca (MsaA) lady wiliest "My aid trotblta on all slowly toayiag mm I harra renewed my aa% toa years or morw.” A termor writes (not Lockeaburg, Ariu "1 sm foaling hotter sod dearer tf ptim than fur years. 1 eta plow OB day.' A Inly srritet teem Morin Waterford, Vs: “My masher, oltooogh hi yttat ttd, (tail nt writ at ekn dad wham 4d yeart old. Sha walks around tot hones sptyly an* dam etttHnrnbta walk. She It liticg.tht stye, n tow llte* JU’VZ'XXFZ-ZVZ. meal, y tn tan decide after ta crtm-nnUtu at n ronoed nt Ht mark In » mnlritudt of twni. A paapbhA nf nearly iwo knndrtd pant tw moiled Dot to any ap-llaaui ty Btssxot MUM) l£! Arik (Knot, I dslpkla, Fa, , eritl . Ww MU. MMlKil ormber lit, lhM.-Uon M. K. iiunton-bear Dirt |Yobr tottstol tot Join lull, adUrewod to tbo at- Intnry ycuersl has teen inhmlittdlo tu and care- rally oteuddaitd. lu frank tone and all I know of tour character convinces rao tost too truth Is I utrrsln selsiod touching ostiere which tod to your luspBaston from offioo, When I latnod too wsr» Jog M^dfitebdd^m^to iist OC IrnSw aud°lrivoHHHI mtllctordunppahnmoui, and ihodallberaiade. sign on tooytnof political anooltslo annoy nod ilubatms, containing the tuduUtnoe by nppolnltoonndcribtnresenlnd^ulriroiloiij tot language ot auco wanting tool Isllh loir adlLg io reap, cl It mlgnt not bt in dimbl at in Its n.esrlni, and would tbomselvos opplv 11 to renotiloci too dmunstsDCeo wtech itwaolmpoo-1 etkto nw tot to atomry- I old not lutea l tu ooo- aaaaa^s^jgira'aa I hill* t!:u *utra irWqweei 1 do boi ll with bun tn thc ranvsw hto offidti newer lotnret in niwiitomni d. si osu bo properly made 'VhErB© ,-Ct»Tb*Of««Cl _ ... j*h bo oocorttlaid on witlmil dtoeaiu. 1 taUovo la iho IKotof d£ alifrtooUoir* BolriiofodmualUoa gtrm bjdt* , vorelpiUwooadoctol acitlsea frasuho tai of Mrnitrittnrre'tVtflln’t^ho tSfit is ptremount lo ntitlsan service, molntaimug too tltgolty of office holding, nvoktir 3 uoutrol over IM poUdoal acUou of official piano, end Icsohiag tot lomon to .too le tost pnbdo potluaus trs not t under pledrt of neuvt ctrUssn ee __j printed UK tsksu framnnow submllhOto me, contained engage nsuulo' madewkhythr ewtouPrilsIly fur quite n period, tod nos nuirequcnUy iwfoi ndsy, la frrrni parts of the nttenf mum rl: and 1 was.... ' tot that on many of toe days tpeotdsd, on nt srhkth you had dalles to per fotm wu la atssioh. Tula to presaat a oust of fitgf si' c Octal doty and propriety. Cheap Driest nad llsivadsd LabsrcAIsal from- Um F**3e Hr. P. 0. Cnmll. of lAolevtlle, Ky.>urrita» to me BulKHn of the Iron anfitecel eneectoUen ne follows; # 'Is not the Hon. Otrrflll D.TTrtght n little mto- taken Instylng tout‘htotrwy hat nre begun to toll the story of the nffertak of labor prior to to* ad* rent cf the modern industrial system; II was toe apgrsoe of undone that such snOerlsgs existed, tod It wu pride for their own kaoor tool caused legisltuouv "I wonder If Mr. Wright bis ever road John Hampden, Ji’e. History olthe Entltoh Ariitoottey. Hero to what UttlhMoriu ssytof the ooadKtoe of tht ntsssta tf tot peopledurtoc the long.dtrk agaa whan prietsware low tadhietyihlngthttp, when the fret trade ol 'hoy cheap' prevailed: 'To dig andtoswtlletinhtwlnread In giotalnt under heavy hurt he ns was the btrtee lot of the multitude TO the Ibwwtffi given ou the lauds and all tha honors o< all the nations, and to the town were •Hotted the slavery and toe bondage el serfdom. Royal end noble robbers atrodh over tha earth and. latdtd It with the lash end tbo duogeou end too hsltsr over an Ignorant, (righlemodpeople. Btlow, io degreded, was tht oondldon ol tht groat mast of the people, they maintained that Ool and Ills anguished either inllen asleep or deserted them.' ' (Ur Fracto Wen ban written Tha History ol tot Toor, Tho ucblt tutoor tolls us that,.while tolntt were bough end told cheap, and while toast were uo 'bloated capitalists,' ‘toe wosklogmoa envied the tentto of tot field. 1 In Kalfiht'a Htotosy of Kngtond (volumo A page 77) w* ut told thtt while thlugt were bought tnd sold cheep 'tha Um cob signed the workingmen to toe rotter oud toe whip.’ in volumo z, peso 2M, Knight soya tost white things were cheap 'tot poor wart east Into prisons, they ware placed In crooks, they wait whipped at tot cut’s roll, they were hanged In batches often* end iVoutlos at the same time (torn toe stmt gallows. 1 1 ooutd-illl ssvtrsl num bers ol Tho BalteUn with tuneieftom' standard histories showing tho poverty, too ignorance, the misery, snd tbo degradation of labor while things writ) bought and sold cheap, IKstcry shows that while things ware bought nad told oheap tot malms of tot ptupla wait wont heated and waeso ltd than tot beast which too/ tnried. History also shows toot tt prism advanced., tot physical, tot mental, tht moral, tot social aad tot fiouroial condition of tot (armor, tot laborer tnd ton me- chuteedranetd with them. Lot mantel agate to Knight's HUtory: " 'From lion to mu priest advanced 100 per otat, owing tt tbe lncnate of gold tnd silver. This 04- ‘ prints cars an Impulse la prod notion tod oo, cresting a demand Jar labor, and tons tot workingmen emerged from too sufJom of Eyes Ears Nose . Ate <H aero cr tern tffttted by catarrh. The eyes Mccme lnfl.ffied, rod and watery, with doll, TWevg pstn betweea them; three are roaring, bus- sJngntlsttm the cars; the uoMUascvtrarifi'cNr, -With III unctminrtahlcdtechsig*, bid breath, and ttm at the sente ,n< smell. All these tymp'oms Clm; pear whiaSha distntels cured by Hood’a Blritparilte, . hltk expels freir toe blood the lm* pin li / ln|n which catarrh trices, toots tod restores - toe diKiuod cretns to health. Catarrh Jn the.Head . 'I tiled Hood’s eutopasUla lot catarrh, and . rfectred great roltef end benslt from U. Tht [gta-rn wu very dlatgmttbte, especially I In toe winter, rtnstag ewmtam discharge firom my nose* rlbgug DOtees In my care, tnd pains la toe hock : el my hetd. The rfiort to clear my head In the rooming by hawking tad rplcriog wot painful. Hood's Ssntpttllla gtrt me relief Immediately, while in limit'wed entirely cured. I tm never without tbe medtttne in lay house ta I think It u worth its V C t>l In gold.” MBS O. ft GIBB, 1039 Bgbto sucre, ft 77., Washtaiun, ft ft ■T have eofiered with catarrh lu ley head Id I years, end paid tot hondndsof dollcrs formiu- Claes. I wntwtok, tod mg eyes were to sore '. rat I could not eew or rood much. I .began to take Hood’s laneptrlUeandwow myatasbil ntaitt cured, tho weakness of my body la all gone, my appetite Is good—In fact, I led like another pc* eon. Hood's etmparilla Is too only rasdlciaa toot hts tone ma peremmeat good.” MRS, M CI NJHKGHaM) Frorldtnce. ft I. Ringing Noises IhUUtarummetlmttn roaring, burring eoanlj or snnpplnt like the report of n pistol, tie cansodl by catarrh, that exoAdreglj dlssgreeobta and ver* common aueu* Hood's Bsrmpu Ua. too groat blood pnrifitr, is a peculiarly successful icnad* - for this dlstete, which It cnrot hy pcrif>tag ted. blood-' Jf yog suras from osturh, try Hood’I MU itpuIUa. tot pocuilu medicine. “I have taken Hood’s csrsapuHla for cstsnM and It hsa Osuc roe a gTSakdtal at good- I recom mend It resell-within my roach.'! MTHEE-BJ BOBRINS, Karl Thompson, Cbl Hood’s Sarsaparilla e l!f sold by til druggists. »i; sUlteR. Prepired only i Bold by an drogglsH rtrix f«*S. PropsrH bujjl HJr C. 1. HOOD A CO., UwOll, Mbs. | by C. I. HOOD S CO.. Imwell, Him ICO Doses One Dollar 100 Doses One Dollar — j. ..... g •- These pills wifi t wonderful discovery. He others like them in the world. Will positively curr or niHsreainainner cf disease. The inftnnatieaaronad each box it worth tea times tht eeat of n com no taso’evea- ^!^! 1 the mtrvelou paver of then pDlt, they would walk 100 arilet ta getai ben if they conlt rut bo hod ■ J witoent. Sent by mail for 95 csota In stxapa Hlostniud punphlst frsa, paetpaid. Hsmhfbrit: ■ the Utennolioa it very vulashls. 18. JOHKBOR gr CO., ** Custom Haute Stmt, BOSTOH, UA1S. DtcdO—dly. wrd M moo wkynxm Vcallon this paper; American Agrieulturist, The greet stsFtrlcdllorv, ■ ), who for ov»r a qnsrter of a centnir bate mod , Iterspsrtslntag to sericulture, horticulture, eto., hM i known conrilMitoro, ns jprnnu;, nkAitvH and bouskbolo DfiMXtKtoniuwMu<iiiitcJ,iiA _bt great nterrd tnibotltyupini all mil with ssrtffolwfll ai r periodical tho redogl is now httnrolnfotcerl HCDUita Ex pcs ares arc to receive additional attention* SPLENDID ENGRAVINGS FREEH* HOMFS OF OUR FARMER PRESIDENTS were n area on isrros. ar retired tram pnhUo life ta rural scents. Tht At t ntllshlnwtndMnulaw frta (o all subscribe;*, at an cutis; of over •30,’rov. anporo • y OS ll obtain M») otlhsre Eomu, together with r peel si dfcKriptlvt pnptn by Jsmet F G Miicbtll nr d other emir cut living Anrerlnan authors. These Knxravfnge couatltuta i aments for tht walla of npitoot arpenmut'a bant. ButecnpHo Amsrjasu Agrlcultwist lx a ptniorlo coin ttlcm ofornsritwts rorlbt walls of a prince or peasant’s i 'lo forwardad art awtltledtonlllhe serieq bcrlonbig In May lswt spa loro rPI6INAL illustrations;-®, trsi'ona of antanls, plrurta. new term nnd liouiohold convenli tteuv ctr. ' . ul*' v I * THE.A, OF prsettral wrl'are, which will tesnlth Isvslutble lnformtllon to evory prorcvinu-ii man, tatrenaut an r 'ehtirle, who Jeoks forward to being Ure happy possessor of sr * “ Jih ng to ltanpinriictl Agrlcultutc, etc. • conveniences am sF* '*— u We begin tho year with fl scr’et <? papcrs(milil'rwjr,Jectby well know , .0 every prolcMninlman, merenautan r an acre or more of Und-io overyhod ' 1 Try Tlrcst on Thick Tongues. Amidst tbe mists aad colder frosts, With barest wrists aed euntew bamta He thrust bis itsls against tb* posts, And still Insists be asm the ghoota "01 all tbe saws 1 aver saw, I never raw n raw saw ss tote raw Raws." "Tboo wreath'd sod mniil'd'tt toe tar-tetched ox, end Iroprisao'Cst him U the volcsnlo Mexican Jl.', twist Umn w to pep I mountain DfFDpocaiaptU.tnCMopaii.' d wise I When n twister »-twkUng wooldti r Lsi tsmlro'ro'h! I For twtet&g n twist ihreqtwtetawlH he twist; thdo.i^.* , «i«Hr«OTcSisa. u, itaJ >o ‘ 'laS? 01 ,h * ‘ 7u " ibo klAUSifQt tn jour WU*r —** r - 1 tne rnlow «rc nntimf •w'ltioi l ^_ K _ K _ $tt dnpftaiua tun noatb tor a Oilman Jditioo, which choc Moo •X.50 ft year; Single Number US cents. BaUncc of this ycnrFBEE to dll snlrscrlblng tnuncdlutelj's StnCSIx Cents for mailing you Grand Doable Kmaker, Jnrt oat, SJ-pegej Fnaliun Utt, nnd Sample Troof of Engnrluffa of “Uontev of Oar Farmer] Frtfilitntt,” together with Dcnerlptlon by James l’arton. Address BAT1D TT. JCDD, rub., 751 Broadway, H. T, W.OAHVABSHR8 WANTED EYBRYWHEBEsTI 1 * COMPLETE ^lGun lAMiNA’rEDlTA'aRELa V" HSS^S^OP 5K^> ^ FINEST LAMINATJ W« offes •sUtcnilctry tamioa In Um Rmporor Dotlblft 1 a? Kshowiaa i . _ , WMwTireiKamauto to murtsre •axe* of omoisr Soty, you sudmd e cf inch duty dorm* yooe tod r the trr.h of r«jr sriots'-'otl tn •clad toa aider suspenAlng you from office aad to itinerate you ta toa same Yours very truly. G novas CLgvmuxm tws onnxn niocireDSD. XxxccrivnMasri.mWutHitioTON, D O, Vovgw n iv, fret— Hod. A. n. uniinnd, Attnvuey 'tenor- l-lreariur Hailwg fully examlnr,! oodcoorid- j wdtoa slinwrsnu rmrtolnoi lathe tetut ot Mro mas ftJBBi. which )ou sateattrod tamo ana* I a c ol our consuiiatliwr o rhereln rerossod lo I havu I ha ui <1*1 raagow flow Mr. Boom* rtnmtMoffiooar ettotticy nf too trailed grou* foe lira wtatarw dls- A VtiiA Aaoihar lottery wave passed error New Or* eons Inst Too day, and la icieoaree strath Mr. Adolph 1. Beltran, son otous wall known fallow elitasa. ft Beluaa. Msq., oommlalon merchant on Tbs blow was a sotot* one, sod 11 struck Adolph ra nnengeatadly tons ho has nastutlrely reoararal his wares. tougghhtapeMaeioa of mm cents than | ho n« bad In the conns of ah ckeek-orod csraor. On WWflasratsyc wunadollataua exprosalra ta ts&szf&iai»wsss«SK This nnxnlar inquiry axolisd too curies; .; of toa ■ fficr.ahd ha was mvltad to a root tn tho loft-hand urspulsa betas Mien awtraosdtnuy eeatrao- ttea of tho Mnsolsotftbodlaltaof tats right head wssOkeorooS On reducing to* ssce. • bKtory tlrksi was ts-voated, bosner rhs warohw er as' nqntekaisgncMoof his earn woo ms to. Ths rot- ure woes hsd glvwa him, tnuwdrewrng on Nos. rararneradolTas terargori,thaence mttme "ZFZSffSl'e*.-. lftlk»tamof ml*rd (Wt WM u ftMft *d*pict<Mf»d fts4 Mr. ltttnal •ffpSaSJSBite thofostmuro heroes,who isapnaismls 11 loan otaga suwJ assasgsaMfegigigg The twkt thus oa twisting ontwlsSoth Ihstsrttt. "Robert Rowley rolled a sound roll round; n round roll Kobtn Row ray rolled round. Whore rolled tot round roll Robert Rowley rolled "rrhevghUns Thistle, tha aatoamtel thistle-sifter. In rifting n slcveful el unsifted thistles, thrust Uuso tooossnd Ihlsrlro through toe thick ol bis toaolb. It, then, Theoptrllns ThtetUr Uro uecatt- In) Ihtelte-slOer,- in sifting n tlervfal ol tmtlfted Ihlstlss, thrust thran Uwosaad thistles through tot thick ot his Ibxmb, sas tost then in sifting n stevttel ol unsifted tolsttes tluast not threw IhoaHtod Ihlklao through ton thick at toy thumb.” "vmy Vita nad lire van! ta a royago ta Vast Vmrenc and Vast Vuidham Ton Vilsun Vadna> day-" "Dnndy-lcetrrd Bcnohle Nnotnhto WMskerfuv- clus, the ksM tutbrwva Bumnotdtaoaf BartsI. oa Hhsshoard Bashars of Baset- own an ahatffinahle bumble of Bashaw." 1 saw Esau kissing Kate; Tho fact la w* ali tore*saw; Fi r I saw Uaa, ho sow mu And tire raw isnwkram Carter's little Uvwa Pitb kin ne eqttl « nunpt oml pooitivo euro far 8lok Hrs lsche, lousnccs, OonsUnaUon. 1'atn In Side, nnd all Liver Trow Idea. Try them. PkwnAPtra. knehandof VtelotCaiMion, thn octrees, isilod for Rumps Friday. A friend paU Mayoress* mobey. TbeCssetun troupe will go to Fagtrad octet tad ofthtewosk. IteMtwYack ongogsmeat ass been uasuocosalul. Prof. Benwa Carer pboll, ta. ft IX. D., FnNJcnt RryoliroUego Physicians and Burgoons. Mtnber General Oonnell I'nltvnlty Edinburgh, orc..steaktt|o(to*LtablgO*‘s Caen BeerToclo myx"Jihumore tosanaNsreSmyngorutosas." FsTiixn AcurtTV* Talton, pester of 8k sepb’schurch ta Quinsy HL,ts sold tab* Uu orely native Amcrlbsn kacton Catborto rrMKsf Aft loan b ond. H* wan bon a Karate r fail, Dr, (Jigs’. Guns. Itq rn iWeil linmlre llo Iwst Grins retr irifTitt iSrarirenHwHeMwa ■ t-ArtOese. Do net luy • w in tfsay kind aetUvr-a Mrs seen our list, os VacaOMosym, wwaso. uAddsssx,re. CLAFUN ft OO., Ouftno Street, New York Clty, N. Yl ^ I Name Me trorou uova-wkyStao w BUY SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO ilfld Dissolved Bone Phosphate of Lime. BOR SALR EVERYWHERE. TBE HOST FOFULAB FEBTIttZEBJS 15 USE For Cotton, Tobacco, Crain, Grass. Fruits and VegetablesJ IN THE FRONT HANK FOR gg YEARS, J. 0. MATHEWSON & CO, AojrutA, Go., anfl Itohlle, Alt. C»ra,lKto^^teO £S te WK g, norid^gjg ADAIR BROS. <& CO.® General Agents. Atlanta, Ga.,|* FURMAN FARM IMPROVEMENT COM PAN Vo Add Phosphate, Furman High Grade Guano, GufFalo Bone Guan Provident Book Clubs ; ORCAN1ZINO aft orer ton coretiaral. Desks for RETAIL boyoro direct ftr BELOW ) amdtmant WHOLESALE priora SoUenemy rr.entolyywrmoreu (Trots wUa Imls^S liKtatheaeafrom-neaite 8000 AUTHORS, ctaBagranaiieBA and Ueguagcx (rnratesafi - tataKnstetah Oew^*re»X>rarerivei>wOATALOCU£ sad full psrftulsraowTequere, /We. JOHX B. ALBEIT, Publhfici',393 Pearl St-, Few York* ' ^JOretajssattkCMdllkt HliiaBl,niai|IHWTitattLTewMs. ^ .