The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, August 23, 1887, Image 8

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA, GA. TUESDAY, AUGUST 23. 1887. X&VC ATIONAT.. EXHAUSTED VITALITY KNOW THYSELF, More Than One Minion Copfee SoM. T TREATS UPON NERVOU8 AND PHYSICAL Warranted the bait latied In the English maJLtxjrtjeld, and cm- K - No, 4 Bulflnch i . PARKKIt, M,: ' *—a all order* i Hlnch atroot, Boston, SB, M. J}., Consulting order* should bead* wkv enn ton min rm CANCERS, SaBS: sriwu-in. titered of record, that be has fUllv administered I), L Brown's estate. Tills Is, therefore. to die all tier* ons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show ansa, It aof they can, why said administrator bould not be discharged from bis administration, nd receire letters of dlsmlsrioo on tbs first Monday D™ M %TA».OMIn.ry. KOttOlA.FAYfcTTE OOUNtV.—MARTHA KL * der, administratrix of Mini Detbena Harley, of Raid county, deceased, bss applied for dismission, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in September next. This Jnne 8d, 1887. “i)7w8ra P. M. FRANKLIN, Ordlr " f whom It may concern: J. L. Whitlock, admlnis* >f J. A. WillHock, deceased, has In due form I to the undersigned for leave to sell the to the estate of said deceased, and _ will be heard on the first Monday n„«. ty ft Ordinary ‘Afftifft htumrui PWm nands against the estate of J. M. ( J county, deceased, are hereby noth I to render In their demand* to the undersigned. - • • *Jted touilfi payment, n.w c > Aug 9 d It, why St, (to law; and all pemms Indebted to said Angu*r& U lAS7 *° 0111119 bninodlato payment. -Cheap Excursion— TEAXS AND THE WEST VIA TIIR— Atlanta and New Orleans Sliort Line, ATLANTA AND WBff POINT R. R Rteursion Lure Alluta Angnst 2d 30 aod 31. Tickattiood ft* Thirty Dtyt, Only One Fare for the Round Trip To toy point. In Texu. Atlanta, OVER THE OCEAN. Burning of the Steamer City of Montreal. Name this paper. auglA-wkyri PLANTATION FOR 8 A LB. THE BEST IMPROVED PLACES OF , to Lee county. Alabama. Publishers Of Country Newspapers THE OEQRftIA PUMP WORKS, HYDRAULIC RAMS & ENGINES' The ltean Stone Tump a! way a In atock. ‘DKPAIB8 ON PUMPS AND WINDMILLL3 A ' SstinSL Bff « RSS; sSH nwyuirn. OSr. snd worts. 7» Wavrrty ITnot, S THIRTEEN PERSONS LOSE THEIR LIVES, London, August 19.—The Inman line steam er, City of Montreal, has boon destroyed by lire at sea. The passengers were saved. The City of Montreal left New York on August 6th for Liverpool, commanded by Captain Land. The news of the burning of the steamer was learn ed uj>on arrival, at Queenstown this morning, of the British steamer York City, which left Baltimore, Angnst 4th for London. This steamer rescued the pa*eenger* and crew from the burning vessel and brought them to Queenstown. _ THIRTEEN PERRON* PERISHED. The destruction of tho steamer occurred on tha lltb Inst, five days after she left New York. A boat containing si* passengers and seven members of the crew is missing. The oocupante of the boat are the thirteen persons reported as perished. She had 420 passengers on board. QfsdstonlansV Jctorious. London, August 15.—An election In North- wick division of Cheshire, on Saturday, to fill tho vacancy caused by tho death of P. Verdin, liberal-unioniat, resulted in another victory for tho GlMdetonee. Tho votes stood; Brunner, Gladstonlan, 5,112; Lord Henry Grosvener, liberal-unionist, 3,963. Grosvener Is a son of the duke of Westminster. In tho last election, when the liberal-unionist candidate was suc cessful, the vote was as follows: Verdin, 4,410; Brunner, homo rule, 8,998. Dublin, August 15.—The nationalists here are jubilant over the Gladstonlan victory in Cheshire. Thoy declare that the government cannot proclaim tho national league in the face of defeat, which completely change# the polit ical situation. Elated a week ago, the con servative Standard said that tho issuo would be a trial of strength under peculiarly signifi- (leant circumstances, and pointed out tho fact that though Brunner was a largo local em ployer, hh opponent was a member of an old Cheshlro family, that had boon seated in tho county for centuries,and liod special claims for the support of every unionist. Brunner made an address today to the electors of his district. In the course of his remarks he said: You have u oa victory for Mr. Gladstone and for Ireland. The iwno lictwccn tho elnsses and the masses ban t*cn mado absolutely clear for the first time. The xi^iiliicniiro of this message of peace to I relaud, it is impossible t > over rate. Consternation Aiming Conservatives. London, August 15.—Tho result of the Norwich election is a crushing blow to tho conservatives and dissidents, who wore con fident that they would retain thoir seats. At their clnb3 tho news was received with con sternation. Homo rule clubs and ccutros wore correspondingly cheerful. Ravage* of Cholera* London, August 15.—Eight now cases of cholera and five deaths were reported in Malta, yesterday. * Komis, Angnst 15.—The cholera returns for today arc ns follows: Naples 8,0 now cases and 3 deaths; Palermo, 7 cases and 6 deaths; Syra cuse, 0 oases and 3 deaths; at othor places, 93 wes and 40 deaths. Simla, August 15.—'Medical roturns show that 70,000 persons died from cholera in tho northwest provinces of India, during Juno and July. Preparation* Against Eviction. Dublin, August 15.—The tenant* on the Ponsonby citato havo engaged a civil engineer to auporviso tho construction of work* of de fense in preparation for expected evictions. in the morning and were thought by people, not yet out of their houses, to ho penis or thunder, but the *ky was cloudless in all directions. The story then geos that men came np to the village from tho shore and reported that an unknown dominion fisher-cruiser had sighted and sunk an Ameri can fisherman, the vessel going down with every soul on board. Bo far as can be ascertained the vessels were too far out from shore for any row boats to ren der assistance, but on this point no statements of a substantial nature are to be obtained. The whole story Is thus disputed, as it is not to bo believed that men would stand Idle on tho be« ben the slightest effort perishing. Coupled with the rumors, and of the same unconfirmed character, and the statement that there was another nameless fisherman in the vicinity at the time, and that after one a*i«k the cruiser gave chase to tho other. It is impossible to say what gave rise to the reports in the first Instance. The Associated Press has reliable Intelligence to the effect that gun shots wore actually beard off Baetoucbe on the morning In question. Whether some fisherman of the locality used this occurrence to form the basis of this sensa tional story for the dolectation of the vi cannot be Judd positively, but it Is the reasonable explanation. Another Report That the African Explorer Has Keen Murdered. Paris, August 17.—A dispatch from Zanzi bar has been received at tbe foreign oflico which says: Ilenry M. Stanley, explorer, has been massacred by natives alter having been deserted by his es cort. London, August 17.—The report sent from Zanzibar to the french foreign office announc ing that Stanley had been deserted by his es cort and massacred by the natives is not cred- WASHINGTON NEWS. The President and His Southern Tour In October. SECRETARY LAMAR REVOKES AN ORDER village io only Ing the alleged massacre. Oflicl eign office are surprised at the intelligence in the dispatches received by the French govern ment, and say that if the news of Stanley's death had been received at Zanzibar the Brit ish agent had failed to sond it. Sir Francis De- Winton, president of the Emin Bey relief com mittee,says that trustworthy news of Stanley's expedition could not possibly havo arrivod at Zanzibar so soon after tho arrival of the oxpo- dition at Anriwimi on Juno 17th. At tho otii- , inces of the Congo Free Stato association . Irussels, and in other well Informed circles, ?4££*“ W)M Storms la Franc*. Bordeaux, August 10.—This city has been visited by a hurricane which destroyed an enormous amount of property. The atorm caused a collision at Arenchon.of two excur sion trains. Sevoral cars wore wrecked and seventeen persons injured. ACjelon* in Paris. _ „—, ___gust 10.—A cyolono tc. a great part of the south of France, severest lu the department of Ande, where a number of liousee were destroyed and several persons wore killed. Mr. Gladstone on the Situation. ndon, August 17,- i Mr. Gladstone has written a letter to Mr. Brunner, the successful candidate for parliament In Korthwlcb, on elector, in which the ex-premier says: Few will seek to disguise the unquestionable ad dition thus made to tb* evMeuce, now rapidly ap- ling a domou strati vo diameter, that people of England Intend to. do justice to the people of Ireland, by confiding to them, lu a spirit alike generous and wise, the conduct of Irish amitrs. It Is to be lament ed that years or precious legislative life of the conn- try shmdd have been speiit in a controversy which can inly end In one way. But while it is important that tho nation's Judgment be speedy, it is more Im portant that when it docs coiuc, it shall be unoqulv- ooal and decisive. Damages by tho Loudon Storm. London, Atigust 18.—The damage caused by yesterday's storm is very serious. In London three pereons were killed and a number of churcfiea and houses were struck by lightntng. In the country also there was much destruc tion of property and many persons are reported to havo been killed. Against Ferdinand's Occupancy of the Bul garian Throne. Tha Eclipse of the Sun. Bkrlin, August ID.—'Thore was nn oclipso of tho sun today. The sky was entirely over cast and the sun was invisible. Tho cclip30 was procodcd by the appearance of deeply col ored clouds. The color increased as tho sun rose, but gradually faded, whereupon general darkness suddenly set in. Tho clouds of deep coloring returned after a fow minutes and then daylight onsuod. Thousands of peoplo came to Berlin by the railway and in carriages from different points to observe tho phenom enon. Th* Government Lender Issues a Strong Cir cular to Them* London, August 20.—Mr. W. H. Smith, ivemment lender, in the houso of commons issued an urgent circular to tho conserva tive mombers or tho house. Ho toils them it Is imperatively necessary that tho government Washington, D. C., August 15.—To Hon. Henry W. Grady, j^lanta, Ga.: The president will reach Atlanta on Monday nigjit from Nashville. He will leave Atlanta for Montgomery, Ala., on Thursday morning, and from there will go direct to Washington. D. B. Lamont. Secretory Lamar Issues an Order In Regard to Railroad Grant*. Washington, Angnst 15.—Secretary Lamar today rev oked the order of withdrawal ofin- demn i ty lands for the benefit cf the Atlantic and Pacific railroad company and in a letter to the commissioner of the general land office, direc ted that these indemnity lands be restored to settlement under the preemption and home stead laws, stated that between 25,000,000 and 30,000,OX) acres are involved in this case of the Atlantic and Pacific company alone. Tho above order also applies of the other railroads to remain at their post and doclino to pair. This whip is tho strongest that 1ms boon hisuod for many years. Timothy Ilcaly,speaking at Hawlch today, said that if tho national league was dangerous before it was proclaimed, tho government would find It ton times worso now. Letters From the Explorer—Scaring the Na fives. London, August 20.—In letters of nonty M- Stanley, written at Gambuva, near tho rapids of Aruwutn, Juno 19, tho explorer says tho na tives evacuated tho place upon tho arrival of the expedition, owing to tho fright producod by tho vigorous blowing of tho steamboat's whistles. They returned afterward evincing a dispose ' burg says Constantinople, lias ha tPrir L lT£88Elfel®BiK^ 1[t a. 4 wrfe *>S A LINIMENT fiERFECTCf NLRNCCSSM/a SHOUO BE USED A fiCW MONTHS. OCFOHE CONFINE MEN T. -BF/YD for book TO MOWERS 4 ombamjr »t hamlod to tli, port. » fto- tost »|P»ln»t Prince Ferdinand', orrupanoy of th. Vulgarian throne. It declares th»t he has been guilty ol an audactuua attompt attain,! th, right ol th, powers, and that reaponslMlIty tor hu adventure and for Ida flagrant violation ol thm. rights mint now ml entirely with him, evon should other powon think III to per il a violation ot their privileges. TtiaLMgu. Proclaimed. London, August 10.—Mr. ltalfour, ehlet secretary lot Inland, announced In tho liotua ot common, thl* afternoon, that th, govern* tn<nt£had proclaimed tho Irish national league, lie a*ld that the league wee proclaimed a, a dangerous aMoctatlou, under auction six ot the Irleh crime, act amendment bill, recently made a law. [Chews and counter cheer,.] The Government bed thus taken the power cocfemdupon them by thatatatuteto prohibit and rappns tha laagna. Mr. Parnell, In an Interview Ihli evening, eaid that the action ot the government In pro claiming the league was • gratuitous Intuit to the Irish, conquering the present condition ot Inland. It was merely a move to cover the waeknroe ot tbe land bill. It the btQ did not tenant, from eviction, trouble would be >le during the coming winter. Mr. postponed hie departure tor Dublin in order to attend the debate In the hones ot commons In order to emphaake Icy that iitcro wore mi... rapid, further ap the river, still more difficult ol nav igation, and that further progress by river wonld be Impoealhlo. Sir Francis Dowinton, president of the Emin lloy relief committee, commenting on the letters, says ho calculates by this time that Stanley and Emin Hoy havo met. TUG GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. Senate Routine. In the senate, Mr. Roberts concluded hi, argument In favor of the Dean bill, providing for the sale of tho state reed. Mr. Roberts •poke only fifteen mlnutee, end In the begin ning reviewed briefly bis argument of tho pre day. __j bill when Mr. Powell, (ho committee will speak In favor of the aale. Mr. Powell will be followed doubtless by others and It i* not likely that any conclusion will be reached on that day. At tho rate of two •neeoheoa day, tho senato can speud some time upon the matter, but tho probabilities are that tho discussiou will terminatoon Tues day. The rules yera further suspended, and t senate took up tho following resolutions and bills, which wore read the third time, and paused bv tho regular constitutional majority. A resolution approving and confirming the action of Governor Gordon in settling the in terests of the state in tho mattor of the bonds held by it of tbe Spartanburg and Ashovillo railroad. A bill to amend an act incorporating tho Capitol City Land arid Improvement com pany, of the city of Atlanta, by changing ita name to the Capitol City bank, and to author ize the transaction of a general banking busi- and Dakota;rit raul ana Sioux City; City and St. Paul, and Winona and Bt. Peter. Theaoare still under consideration and unde cided. Respot)>e of Queen Victoria to President Cleveland's Congratulations. Wa/uiinoton, August 16.—Tbe following re ply td the president's congratulatory telegram, scut 4n the occasion of her jubilee celebration, i been recoivod from Queen Victoria ;a, by the grace of God, of the United Kil jrcat Britain and Ireland, Queen, defeni of thi faith. Empress of India, Ae., Ac., to tbe prtai- dcut/of tie United States of America teudeth n«—Our Friend: Wo havo received from the i of Mr. Phelps, United States minister at our tho letter which you addressed to ua on tbe _...,of May hurt, and In which you convey concrntulatloiis and those of tho people of the te-liiftlt N, on the occts'on of tho celebration o ftotiilanniYcraary of our accession to the throne. We > i|ue»t you to accept our«best thanks for this proof of frlcnddiipand good will which, with simi lar proofr, we have received from ** ’ * ‘! of other state*,, lias < au«cd v.»...» m... MU - L-rntlfiration. In thanking yon also for the • which you have made of Mr. Phelps to be in ter of your sentiments on this occcsion, we re- you to accept in return our txst wishes r yfur own uninterrupted happiness and welfare, if jr tho prosperity of tho United State* of Amer- And so vro recommend you to the protection Almighty. Improvement* of Pensacola If arbor, Washington, August 10.—Captain A. L. B », of the engineers, has submitted his an- •eportupon river and harbor improve- i under his chnrgo in the southeastern . Of tho improvements at Pensacola r, Fla., tie says that 80,000 cable yards of ing remains to be done to eomplotno chan nel across to tho inner bar. Expenditures up to tho present time, $203,187. has resulted, as to 4ho channel, in obtaining temporarily a depth of twenty-four feet at low water over the inner bar with a width of 120 foet. The channel must bo dredged continuously at an annual cost not yet ascertained. Tho shore protection works are perishable and must bo promptly strengthened or they will l>o destroyed with a resulting loss of every advsmtago hitherto gained. Owing to the failure of the river and harbor bill, no funds havo been available during tho present year for dredging, and work upon shore protection must ho suspended with probably serious in jury to the work. On the first July $11,400 was available and $4,000 estimated as neces sary to comploto tho work. On the Cliatta- noiue Routine. the North and South lino 05, nay* 1. • “ * and of commons hat* decided to join tha teagu*. Tha proclaiming of tbe league was excitedly discussed at all Gladstonlan club* in London this evening. Many Irish papers appeared with Mack borders this evening. The an nouncement of the proclamation was received quietly In Ireland. At Limerick today twenty- six now members joined tha league. A Riot In Ireland. Dublin, Atigust 19.—A riot occurred today at Kenmore, county Kerry, and the mob at tacked and stoned a barracks where police were quartered. The police charged with drawn awords upon the rioters, injuring many of them and arresting a number. An American Teasel Sunk. The telegraph wires l-etween New Bruns wick and Halifax have been crowded all day with ineuirire a* to the source* of the rumor that a Canadian cruiser had sunk an Amer- Soon fisherman ami it ho* bean learned noeb lively that report* of gun* were heard off Borioueheharberaome day* ago. They were heard betweeu eight o’clock and M«e o'clock Incorporating railroad. Yeas, ^ _ Incorporating the Atlantic, Atlanta Great Railway ami Narlratlon pany. YeulIO, nay.ll. Transmitted at ones to th. Musts. Amandins th, charter ol Barncivltlc. You 00, nay. 0. Transmuted to tho senate at ones. Incorporating tho Citium,' Rank ol Savan nah. TraatiO, naya 0. Authorizing tho coinmtiwtoncni ot Burk, county to imu. $12,000 bonds to build a now Jail. YejuM.nayaO. Amending tho public ichool law ot Konnon. Yea. U7, naya 0. Amending th. charter ol Ulakoley. Yoaa 93, nay. 0. Creating a county court for Early county. Yoaa DO, nay. 0. Repealing section 3 ol th. act organizing a criminal court (or Dwatur oounty. The ipwial order yuterday In the house was tho bill appropriating *12,000 lor the inititutiou lor tha deal and dumb. The finance commit tee recommcnitod $'.>,000. Mr. Wheeler moved to itrik. out *9,000 and burnt *6,000. Mr. Donny mad. a strong argu ment In anpport ol tho bill at amended by the It nano, committee, and was I attained by Mean. Stewart ol Rockdale, and Clay ol Cobb. Mr. Harrell, ot WeMsr, offered an amend ment that tha money be expended under the anpervtaloa ol the governor, and only In such mm as absolutely necessary (or the purposes aforesaid, which waa accepted. The bill aa amended by the (Inane, committee then passed by yeas MS; naya 1. Mr. It am moved to disagree to the report ol the commute, on hygiene and sanitation which wa. adverts to the passage ol tho bill to habit, ol which h. was a (right- (ul axampla, waa a physical, mental, moral and spiritual nil. Goats, worms and man alooa Uirtl the weed. Ilia friend, Judge Shew- make Informed him that liras would not bit. a totem, user. II. referred to tho immense growth in tho urn ot cigarettes and condemn ed tho use ot obscene photographs, ol which he bad one hundred, ty ctgaretto manufac tured. The report waa diaaneed to and the bill committed to the committee on th. state el the republic. nood's Sarsaparilla *ia mad.' only by C. I. Hood A Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. It U prepared with th* graaleet skill and care, under th. direction ol th. men who originated lb Hence Hood’s Sarsaparilla may be depen ded npon as strictly pure, tamest and reliable. Increase ol . river,' Georgia, the balanco on hand (812,400) ran he expended in cutting through Rock shoals below Albany and removing channel obstruction., and with an increase of plan., *40,000 can bo profitably oxpendod during tho year. Work on tho Escambia and Conecnli riven, Florida and Alubaraa, during the year past consisted principally In the removal ol .nag. and logo. This work will bo continued dar ing tho present year with tho lands on hand— ($'.),800,) and an appropriation ol *30,000 !, oskod lor the noxt fiscal year. On tho Ala bama river, work wa, confined to the removal ol snags and other obstructions from the chan- no]. *10,000 remains available for tho present year, and *40,000 Is asked for tire next fiscal year. Ho work was done on tho Caliawbe river, Alabama, for tho reason that owners of bridges rolnsod to remove obstruction,; and legislation is recommended to compel them to do so. Th. removal of snog, and rock, and tlis construction of jetties were tha only work done on the Tallnnooan river, Alabama. About *8,400 remain, on hand and S 15,0(0 Is adeed (or tho noxt fiscal year. Three employed on the Choctawahchco, Alabama, in removing ointructlon., and th. balance on hand, (85,200,) will be used to con- ttnuo tiro work. An appropriation of 830,000 la requested for the noxt tUcal year. Considerable work wa. don. on the Coon rlvor, In Georgia and Alabama, In th. con struction of locks and dama, and tb. available balance, 824,000, will be expended continuing tho Improvement between Roma and Selma. For th. noxt fiscal —~ work waa done on t id plant and the removal of ob struction,. Estimates for tho noxt fiscal year U 828,000. Ho further Improvements are reo- ommeuded on the Coosawatco river, Goorgia, until tho Romo and Decatur railroad bridge la changed so aa uot to eontlnuo an obstruction In tho stream. On th. Oconee river little work was done, owing to a lack of plant. At the beginning of the fiscal year *7,700 wai available, and 97*800 is asked for th. next fiscal year. At Apalachicola hay, Florida, work was commenced and la now in pragma npon Apalachicola bar. urgently recom mended that the whole amount necMsaryto complete this Improvement (838,800) be pro vided In the appropriation on the Apalachloola river. A steam snag boat was employ^ for two months in removing snags. Two thousand dollars la asked for to continue the work. Ho work was done on LaG range Uayou, Florida, and an appropriation of 88,000 Is reqnestad to he expended on widening tho channel and re moving obstructions. There an many forma of nervous debility In men, that yield to th. na. of Carter’s Iron Fills. Those who are troubled with nervous weakness, night sweate, etc., should try them] A Umlthy Stomach It a blessing for which thousands of oar dys peptic countrymen and women (igh in vain, and to obtain which swallow much modklna unavallingly. For no ailment—probably—are there to many allegwl remedies aa for dysnep sla. The man of humbug t. constantly glut ted with the dollars and dimes of those who resort to one nostrum after another in the vain hope ol obtaining relief, at ieart, from this vexatious and obstinate malady. Experience indicates Hostetler's Stomach Bitten as n mean, of eradicating dyspepsia, in which n firm reliance can be placed. Ho remedy has, In three decade* and over, establish^! such n reputation, none hu received such unqualified prolcesloual sanction. It la an admirable in- vigocant, because it enriches the blood, and not only this, but it thoroughly regulate, th. bowels, kidneys and bladder. Tho nervous ■gnptoms are usually relieved by tho med- The Triumph of Some Men. From the Jersey City Argus All men are bom equal. But soma of thsm let over tt very soon. Great Herve Restorer. Ho Fits alter first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and 82.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. 8end to Dr. lOinoMl Areh street. Philadelphia, Pa. DURING THE WEEK. Toe*d*7, August 16.—A disca** said tob* Texas fever, has broken out among cattle in Oxwego, N. Y......Ttro new cases of yellow fever are reported from Key West Ex-Senator Blackburn, of Ken* tuocy, Is dangerously ill, and his death Is expected at any moment A negro named Ike Sloan was killed by a bolt of lightning near Colvimbia, South Carolina. The engineer on tbe steamer Carrie, on the Alabama river, fell overboard and waa drowned. In thb Cmr.—The Interstate formers' convention met today. Great Interest is manifested The Brotherhood of Locomotive engineers picniced at Salt Springs yesterday. They report a royal time. Wednesday, August 17.—The Indian chief, Colorow, Is giving the ranchmen near the reserva- ▼atlon a great deal of trouble. Ills tribe have donned tbe war paint and the governor of roll has ordered troops from Denver, Colorado 8pringi, Cannon City, Leadrllle and Ashen, to start for the scene of trouble at once.........The engineer* of the first and second divisions of tbe Mexican Central railroad struck yesterday J. P. Page, book keeper of the wholesale stationery house of CO. Beachlnm A Oo., of Montreal, raised *925 check to 925,000 and skipped. In thx City.—Mr. Bud Veal was removed from the station house to the M irkham house Be* tun day resulted in a lari# number of new cases be* log fried In the superior court Twenty-six car loads ofwatermelons were condemned by the sani tary Inspector. Thursday, August 18.—The body of a dead negro was found on the railroad track near Brock's Gap in Alabama. From marks found on his body, it Is supposed he was murdered.........Tbe authorities are still having trouble with the Ute Indians in the west.........Valuable discoveries of iron ore have been made near Waokon, Allamakee county, Iowa mmmm Charles Fsge, the man who raised a 925 check to 925,000 and skipped, hu been oaptured and the money reoovered. In th* City.—The bicyclists paraded the principal streets yesterday and made quite a nice appearance • Judge Hall, who waa. stricken with paralysis in Asheville, N. C., is reported in a dying condition •..Mre^Cbarlie Fuller, a young nun sixteen years of age, was drowned in Angler's bathing pond. He could not swim, and got Leyond his depth, and wu drowned before he could bo rescued. Friday, Angnst 10.—A train on the Fort Wejrne road Jumped the track, killing a negro porter and seriously injuring two other men, who may die ••..“•An old lady fitty-five years of age was killed by the falling of an elevator in the establishment of G. Lcldcnburg & Co., New \ o k An attempt wumadoby train wreckers to wreck a North eastern train near Belvidcrj, III., but near neigh bors frightened them before they accomplished their design. In th* Citt,—Governor and Mrs. Gordon tender ed a reception to the delegates to tho iutentato formers’ convention, which was a brilliant success .........Mr. Bud Veal, tho man charged with the kill ing of C. D. Horn, will have a preliminary hearing Monday James Terrell, the mnn-skeleton who was kent alive fer several days by tho use ofdvna- buried ta ,Uo rotU Saturday, Au*u*t *o.—Th# Pensacola citizens have Invited President Cleveland to visit that oity during his southern tour Tho East Alabama fair, which opens on the 21th of October, promises to be a grand success The Xoith German Lloyd steamer Travel, while making her pier at Hoboken, ran into the pier, doing considerable damage to passengers and tho shed Henry Sheridan, an important wit ness in the Chicago boodle aldermen cases, has mysteriously disappeared. It Is tiiought he hu been bribed and sent away from tho city Tho latest news from tho sick room of Judge Samuel Hall in dicates that ho is gradually sinking, and can't last much longer. SUKER SONGS, AUTUMN MELODIES, WINTER ANTHEMS, SPRING CAROLS^ 3 the daft By the thousand and hundred thousand, are on the shclvea of our great muslo store, “burning into song," they are at least frilly ed with the best and most popular music of the o»y, 1* to to *»In to give any idea of the wealth of oat Sheet Music catalogue by any series of advertise* ments. Persons wishing to select will please sen! for lists or catalogues, or call at the “Dltson" stored (Boston, hew York or Philadelphia), or examine th* music with Dltson & Co.'s Imprint inanyn music store. New music and books are fothfrillyand # nT , r . descrlbed in Dltson it Co.'s MUSICAL RECORDl a monthly costing but 91.00 per year, which doUu is amply repaid to every music purchaser in the ire form*Mon covered,tho good Yocaiand instrumental music and well made reading lYiinmna 0 f th& monthly magazine, We mention, u prominent music books to be uu$ the ensuing season: Jehovah's Praise, (IL00) ft fine Church Music Book by Emerson. New Spirit* nal Songs, (85 cts.) by Tenny & Hoffinan, and thft Diadem, (35 cts.) a new and very bright Sunday-School Song Boek. OLIVER D |ts oTT& CO, BOSTON. C. H. DITSON & OO., 867 Broadway, New York. wky aug 15-tf3p folrm New Oxlxxns, August 17,1887. TO MERCHANTS. departments were quiet George Rauschenberg, i former resident of Atlanta, was hoiribly manglec r, Angnst 81.—Two men and a boy at- o drive across the Nashville and Florence ear Lawrencoburx. before a coming train. „ were Instantly killed and the boy serious ly injured...-....The Texas fever has broken out ■ ig cattle in Lancaster county, Pa -..Cater- rshavo made their appearance in ty, and at* doing much damage. In to* City.—Colonel *** and Influential citizen The news of tbe death. *iout the cl (/..^-..Policeman seriously injured while attem; ting to oroee the rail road track near the Fulton cotton mills. g|jp DIRECT TO WEAK LV< raiwia Modern otf** fan Cons up T in N \ GOES DIRECT TO WEAK 5PQT£ Don’t allow yourself to break. Keep ap p.’crr.w, rr.*!ratIOTl, ikorbMd. Jvtodonbowdi tifigcBaffiMa pew. Than. I. in the tect tb»t whereirr la- “Booos on Bays' . Is the mo*texteuslvely advertised. 7 article of ita kina [j all around th# world. -CLEARS OUT- BED BUGS, _ FLIES. Bowhw. ute. wztw-bup, mnthxreteL Wire, parrows. Jack rabbits, *qulrr«la, gophersTlac. pared to state on the best authorities that these I Vr r w LIGHT WEIGH cro, ‘ > uine Bed ~ vero cold J a failure, as thi r—'A *o meet the deman Oats, which it only lo to 8c higher than the infsriof attached. dn&ff with exchange, biils of lading wly J-TO. T. nnODNAT THEE. VAN WINKLE CO. COTTON GINS, FEEDERS -AND— CONDENSERS A RE THE BIST THAT IS MADE. AWARD] the gaM models to the severest contest rend. In Gcornte, South Caroline sad Texi tlllcates from tb. best planters In all tb COTTON PRESSES! E. VAN WINKLE & CO., BOX 83 ATLANTA, GA., Aqd Box 145 Dallas, Texas. Responsible Agents Wanted Kama this paper. « Early Decay. YOUTHFULINDIICNETION results in oon as Lots OF XSNORT, SPOTS BEFORE THEE IVE SNELL, HEARING AND TASTE, NERVOUBNE! BACK, CONSTIPATION^ #tC. v CtC. * w * ASYLUfS. OP HOMES aro H T °tIlLyOD BROVE MORK numbered i. thousands o( unfortunates? Or will jou accspt, A CURE your own physician? never will core the diseases resulting fron «e. If yen will have a Remedy that Is P*r is well as Cheap, and so simple you car ilfr send rour address with stamp kt will mall you ^description of an dp f WORN AT KIOHT, and thU NrVTtR-FAIUJft IXXXDY. Dr. JAS. WILSON, Mention this paper.] Box 136, Cleveland, a FREES OUNO AND MIDDLE AGED Jmuld read it On receipt of r* Address IL FRANZ. M. D., > Lexington, are, N. Y. city. ” TCtssazitd BATtS ACO., Import^*, 13 UUk SC, Mm ton, NajS Electric Belt Free naxa-wkrttetr