The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, August 23, 1887, Image 9

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA. GA.. TUESDAY. AUGUST 23,1887. (Thla ia the ladle*' column. They are invited to -*•--* •-*—*-—•- *—9 it a* their own. t or accept sug* geatlopa with picture.] The beautiful poem we give this week ap peared in Ryder Haggard’s "Jess/* and Immediately there arose a discussion as to its authorship. Mr. Haggard explained that the poem was sent to him while in Africa by a lady friend, and used by him in “Jett.” The sentiment of the poem is exosMte, and who ever the author is, has reason to l * proud of it. gathered, and served with a bowl of sweet butter 10(1 seasoned with salt and pepper, was delicious beyond coroparlaon. The ftill ears may be grated and the pnlp stem elln with tauce or cream, or fried with butter, salt and pepper. If 1 Should Die Tonight* If I should die tonight. Sly friends would look upon my quiet free Before they laid it in its resting place, And deem that death had left It almost frlr; And, laying snow-white flowers against my hair, Would smooth it down with tcarftil tenderness, And fold my bands with lingering carwa— Poor bands! so empty and so cold tonight. HI should dlo tonight. My friends would call to mind, with lovingthought, gome kindly deed the Icy hand had wrought, Some gentle word the frozen Ups bad said. Errands on which the willing feet bad sped; The memory of mraolfiahnct* and pride, My hasty words, would all bo aside; And so 1 should be loved and mourned tonight HI should die tonight Even hearts estranged would turn once more to me, Befalling other days remorse hilly. The eyes that chill me with averted glance Would look upon me as of yore, perchance. And often In the old, familiar way— For who could war with dumb, unconscious clay?— Bo I should rest, forgiven of all, tonight Oh friends! I pray tonight, £eep not your kisses for my cold, dead brow * The way is looely, let me feel them now. Beal gently with me, I am travel-worn; My (Altering fret are pierced with many a thorn. Forgive, oh hearts estranged, forgive, 1 plead i When dreamless rest Is mine I shall not need The tenderness of which I long tonight. To On* Correspondents* We would like to say to those of our corres pondents who are writing for situations as teachers, etc., that we are in a private way aid ing them all we can. The large number of Vetters received make it impossible to publish them in onr column*, but every name and ap plication is kept on Ale and are sent to persons writing for teachers, and wo make eVcry effort to assist all. Wo deem this explanation necessary, aa many do not understand why their letters fail to Appear. There is nothing connected with Woman’s Kingdom that V* given ns as much pleasure as the assistance has rendered so many girls and ladles in se curing good homes, and their lexers ©tthanks come as a sweet benediction to onr hoarts, .en couraging' its in the good work of helping others; we would therefore beg all thoso .who do not see tbelr letters to print to rriufinbcr fKejr sro not forgotten, but thoro no earnest efforts Wing made to assist them. }Yo desire to makcltho. Kingdogt agreeable to qjl and Willinglytmswer private letter* on any subject our readers wish to discuss, provided stamps are scut for reply—not otherwise. One word more to thoso who seud long poems. It is im possible to publish long poems; several have asked for “Ourfew;” such a piece as that Would occupy a whole column, and theconso- qncnco would be that many letters would be crowded out, which are more important; so we ~ Would ask our lady friends to paid on onr fail ure on this point and believe wo are endeavor* tog to qive pleasure to all and to please our tnany readers, oven though we do not publish all communications received, but can safely bromine for the future to do the very best wo Can to accommodate all. Edjtiuus. In the Queen's Kitchen. In the queen's kitchen there is a book-keeper to give orders to grocers, provision aud other dealen; four clerks to aid him la his work, a chief cook, four master cooks, two yeomen of the kitchen, tiro assis tant cooks, two roasting cooks, four scourers, three kitchen maids, a store keeper, two “greeu office” men, two steam apparatus men, first and second yeo men of confectionery, au apprentice, three female assistants, an errand man, a pastry cook, two female assistants, a baker and aariitant and three coffta room women. There is an extensive wine cellar, superintended hy * r»*n cf lsr„c kaUiy, and an army of officers engagod in various departments suggestive of eating and drinking. I have eome very pretty crochet patterns which I would Ilka to exekange for a sample of the rose-leaf Mrs. D. 0. M„ Comanche, Texas.—Will some of you many readers be kind enough to ftimtsh a remedy to remove dandruff from tho scalp; also to _ thick hair is frll'ng out so badly aud her head Is covered with dandruff, which it seems Impos sible to remove. IfE. N.. Arkadelphia, Ala., will fry putting a little spirits of turj eatine on the spots of axle grease Just before putting the clothes in water then washing |tn the usual way the spots will entirely disappear. Wishing mnch success to the editress of Woman's Kingdom, I dose. Plain Truth for Plain Housekeepers. Mrs. Sarah DeW. Gamwell, in Good Housekeeping. Many piano dealen recommend cotton for dusting pianos as superior to anything alia. "Elastic” starch obviate* the necessity of boiled starch, and It Imparts to liaen a fine To kaep tire strength of the coffee while it la boll- tog, plug the uoee of the coffee pot with a wad brown paper. Eggshells will clean vinegar bottles or nursing bottles cs well as shot, and they ponras the advan tage of being always on hand in every kitchen. The whites of three eggs well beaten, without any sugar, makes a nice frosting for a pudding, Spread immediately before carrying to the table. A delicious breakfrst cake la mads with two cup. Ails of milk, two cupfola of flour and two well beaten eggs, to be baked in scalloped dishes or patti If your child has the ear ache, turn a drop of milk as hot as It can be borne into tho ear and cover It quickly with a bit of cotton batting. This simple remedy has relieved many obstinate cases of ache. • To Clean Carpets—Go over them once a week with a broom dipped in hot water to which a little turpentine has been added. Wring a cloth in the hot water and wipe under pieces of furniture too heavy to be moved. To tell cake in the oven, never insert a broom splinter, but draw it gently forward and put the ear close to the loaf; if it la not dooa there will boa little sputtering sound. When It is thoroughly baked there will bo no sound. To prevent pto Juice from running out In the oven t make a little opening in the upper crust and insert littlo roll of brown paper perpendicularly. The steam will escape from it as from a chimney, and all the juice will bo retained to the pie. Importance of Taking Time. Among American Women “I have not tlrab, 1 has positively became a household expression, tfot time read or visit, or tako the needful fresh air and cxereiao oo necessary to health and the keeping of tho spirits, bright and cheerful. Women who havo largo families, find work from morn tonight; there is con stantly something for” willing hands to do,’’and Iruoly there would not be time except one "takes it,” whether or no. I met a lady away from home for lior health, this summer; a gno^hor of fire children. She had beep feeble for months, from an illness of three months last yoar, and was only now regaining her fiatural strength, ,She told mo *bo wss con vinced H waa from* om work, and remarked that white aha lay idle and an invalid for so long It crowd her ior think soriwily bn the tul.joclbif','taking tluiu.” Slio cotUd#* have been convinced that It mu possible for her to be uielA'Io hocffenily tor racbri'MWfc vt time ani jet there she was utterly uscli*,* .nil Iho tew' when too Jkte tliet much ot bar lick. boon .rolded had ib. acted other true, but it bad tlio good effect ol teach ing bar a useful lesson, (or ab* said: “I de termined from that tint* forth I would -take lime,’ not only forth, mat ao needful to tho mother of a family, but for recreation and oven pleasure, for I aaw things did go on, probably pot w wall, but well enough to do.” Many mother, might “go and da fUcewiae,” for it ft only too true wo imagine If wo don’t work and lupcrintend ourselves nothing would go right, and how often tlia thought conics into the beast of every mother, “wbat would they do If I should bo taken away from them?” Old C over atop and think about Ilf Tho liouac- 1 machinery goes on, nothing stops, the busy hands are folded on tb* pulseless heart, the triHit ling feet .TO never to toko any mors slept In the borne elide, end yet things go on and the life that baa. been sacrificed by bard WOlfc and want of em^ might have been pro longed. Don't say you cannot take time; erery woman can II she wilt, leare something un done; your life and happiness la of moro im- portance than trying to outshine yoar neigh bors In having a clean house, or having yomr children better dressed. Do with less clean ing and cooking, etc., and taka your children and walk In tba woods to enjoy the beauties of nature, or go aud ace a neighbor, or better (till, -take time,” aud rest body and mind by reading eome delightfal book that takes your thoughts far from your surroundings; yon will find whate help it will be; you wtUbe far bet ter for it, as will tb* children, and Urn work can wait and be none tho flurries and Answers. If Mm L—, Kluaril, 8. C., will sand address we Will forward letters bald foe tier. knal. II—.Grapeland, Tent-Mikado laee la en c voted; the directions wets given ln_e tt'exxu during the mouth of April. If 8. J. a , Piets mt mil, wUt write te Mrs, T. W. Lame ter, Attapulgtu, us-, she can probably die. pose of her peafowl fcatben. Mia 8. O. ft—i Camilla. Oa.-Weuht Uka to know at what foctery she cutdd obtain wasp, udt- able for wanting a rag carpet. --E. J. B." , Mrw LU. Scbuasfter, UFajett*. Ala., Is anatoua te pmiham peafowl Melton, and Irishes you la write hi regard to price* MteaM.B. W—, gehesonnw, Ga-We hereto addicts of the lady puu mention. Mi»c B.—. Binn-dd, Oa.-The com of «d- vettisomenl would he ten cents pet word. fuller Cbison, in Good Uoumkeeplng. Every American too. wife la ropporod to know / Marine an Ua iweet. Inner hoiks, gna mrtpphig them down to remore the silk, and thta tying them fa piece again; the corn to boiled, directly it wm To Clean Bllrer.—One-half pound of sal soda added to eight quarts of water; when at a boiling beat dip the pleats of sUvor, and Immediately wash gdllor Helping Hand. ■ Will you not, In the Intereat of women, please agi tate end resgllate the question of a woman mender! I do not mean a nmuder of women, but a mender of clothes, seweron of but tons, ala, who, making this : a Specialty, might rapport herself and greatly re lieve over-burdened brain and hand workers among ‘ women. Sho could have her times and seasons ap pointed for each family or individual, and charge each one ao moderately aud do tha work ao wall tbat she would aoon becomes permanent aud moat benodeent Institution. I am going to aea, at my earliest leisure, If we can not atait this enterprise In my own town. Woman wants bread aa well aa the ballot, and whenever the gels one of these she hae taken a step toward tba other. FsARcct B. WiLuvan. Quatrains, From the Boston Courier. tu* omen os ion Age rocks the cradle t!U the halm of steep Upon the Illy lids of childhood lies, Youth guides the tottering step adown tha steep . 0/ life and gently oJoecs Aga'a years. Some lives an like a day with rota-hnad mosn. Bright noon, and era of amber-tinted skies, And soma like to a dky midst tempest born. And gloom enshrouded till In storm it die* WOMAN. A woman's heart with kindly pity glows, And quickly shows tho sympathy It foals. She drop the tear of grier for otbaw-a woes Aud with a smile her own baartaebe conceals. Tha samples Jtut brought orer, samples of tbs new clan plaids, show that IbasenovalUea In dreaa goods are Ttty neat and pretty. The . clan plaids are all- wool hootch fabrics, which embrace, In subdued tones, all the colon of the ploidt worn by vtrioua elans, together with a fow busy Combinations, stub for instance aa tha Malcolm Grtame plaid, in ecru end blue, suggretlre of ”Hls flaxen hair of, sunny hue” which “curled closely round Us bonnet blue.” In there goods, while the colors are tha samoaa those In the old tartans aud highland fWrt, the tones are dUcrcul, the positive and slating hues be ing replaced by what can be termed merged oolots, that is a green with oast of ollva, otae with shads of gold, a brick dust red, a pink cast overpurple, a rosewood with dark brown and other mtrod tones. The newest colon In follla Frau cals a are two ex- quirilaahadaaofnaeeda.eridi (lulne, very dark, an entirely new bine, a cool Burgundy and anew brown. Cn am and pore whit# Mlk and satin brocades are most beautiful, with gleams of gold aad sUrrr tinsel Koy-a 1 red la magnUkwst with gotdand surer, while moat dainty la pale blue, wiikalirer Colters. Cashmere le one of the standard fobrles. The newel eaahmereeare in pore nett tones, snob i mcu In silks, such as tho new shades in heliotrope, gray and hum, that look ao much better In a ma teria! with a bloom than they do In dull surface woolens. gumethlngnew and pretty la a (sure tha color of a real Tussore silk, hut liner In textnro than tbat material and woran with open daalgna, alternating with raised designs of mnch beauty. This me- u-rlal la appropriate for day wear In summer and for evening drasaea in Ml or winter. Tbit gaure forms lovely draws, which require little or no trim ming, but they are rendered more stylish when adorned with colored velvet ribbons or with deli cate passementerie or lace aa a contrast. One of the new alriped velvets Is wcmdarfoUy wetty and effective. The velvet stripes an uncqtl n length and varied la shads, sail thsae stripes art divided by a bright but slender aHk cable. Manic colored Madias k vary SseMaoaMa; i tl-eofaiena are striped usd chacked withal laaal dlffenut loan of tha sane color. Tha woolen Mad* nw also comas in delicate browns with checked atr- pca In greeakh burn, ua»y blao wtth pink, ahowtag not only tha two coloss, but reriosa ihaOre o: tbaaa A rich pink brocade la divided into diamonds by threads of greeu ami gold, Indian lilts In all tba esthetic < o'orfoga arc pretty dresaaa for summer wear. faced combines W»n wtth plain drew a ground color of tba flgured goods This fabric kaa a ground of walk In aoaaadigbl odor. ^ with irregular ■tripes of broenda to bright hues, with poaafadour or antomiko dnbfctx TU pompadour vetting k retires expensive, la iro 11 k aaf only In small qnamltli • for paneja, reran, wakteoal, cottars and paramenia. Swim biwna In an odori, mch aa light blue, daep belie trope and p >:, are covered with whfte cm- broidery, and foras deliciously coot dresece foe Aagust wear. Embroidery k a marked feature of Ure bat dir rare for late amaarer. Thkklndof work k au dited in raised satin stitch. In inch designs as branches of coral or email sprays of karraaad fojaaex Texas Girl, Falaay.Tcaax—I'p to this time I bare teen a silent admirer of Woman's Kingdom, My foliar takes Tut Cbtarnvmm and aa all like tt very much. IfW. R K.. Henderson, Texas, wfl» apply eobl sage tea to It* scalp aura a day it will remora su| writuows hair, aad alao awrehaMaam 1 Would say to XcNrilL i mi land. Ala., to write so Mire Jana8n>Ub. Palmy, Tease, and she will recetre tha pons desfr.-i. I would ba glad to kaow where I can obtain the poem of tha tote* of ghdo BUI, coos- “Subecriber," LaFayette, Ala.—I would Ilka to lmioaoJcoiadyio act aa houtskeeper atdeom. panlon, as my bull Wild will he away bom home a good deal this Ml aud winter; we have no children. Middle-aged lady preferred, as I am an Invalid; would preforono that wutild mako It a permanent homx I am a great lover of Woman's Kingdom F0I1 THE YOUNG FOIKS. Fun for the Children—Tho Constitution Training School for Boys and Girts, Mrs Mattie Lawrence, Milano.—Will you allow m* room In your columns to Inquire for my lost brother? We have net heard (am him alnca last September; ha wsta then In Kansas; wrote tbat ha would he home right away; he has a wife and three ehlldreo here, who mbs hla cafe very mnch. His name (fa Albert King Barmen, thirty years of age; waa In the pattern buriaaa. Arty information con- coming him will ha thanklhlly received by his Mrs W. 0., Whistler, Ala.-Will yon be kind enough to admit another sister to your Kingdom? I am a subscriber to His Cosnrnnox, and II Is in deed a welcome visitor to onr home, especially Woman's Kingdom. I Uka Bill Arp and Betsy Hamilton; 1 wish aba would give us scene more sketches of her travels Will nma abler be kind enough to a rod me a receipt for making yankco doughnuts through Woman s Kingdom? Mrs J. N., Yarboro, N. CL—I have net written to your valuable paper before, but seeing that some one asked how to treat poison from pobon oak, I thought I would write and give my avparienca In treating. I have two UtUe glrb who were potaooed with it two years ago. and as aoon u It appeared I bathed the parts affocted In a strong solution of bl carbonate of soda and water two nr three times a day. It b a very simple remedy and I hare toed It with success Whst haa (become ofC. Parker and Mbs narriion, to whom 1 sent samples of crochet, asking for samples In return; Mrs UHL Garrard, Fort McKinney, Wyo.-As I do not know the edilrem, I wiU say, as do the children, Dear Aunt Susie. I saw in Tas cottan- niiloit ofJultatth two questions whloh 1 am able to answer. The flirt b by Mrs , of Goldsboro, N. C., aud expresses a wish for a recipe for aiaklng ice cream with buttermilk. My rertpo baa meat cream In addition to the butteimUk, end k none tba worse ou that aceotmt. Buttermilk loa cream— Hall gallon of nice buttermilk strainad, half gallon ofawatt cream, Jtdca of threataaaoaa, three pounds of sugar, or enough to make very meet; If flavored with vanilla one pound of sugar b aufflekut. Tha aaoond qnesikm Is by Camilla, gratae, 8. C., and asks a receipt for tho removal of flsrti moles I lied fonr taken off rhy bee by burning with ran glam. The operation b; sinful, but in my ease, waa per fectly successful, and the burns left no scar. I would ndrbe Camilla to havo It dose by a reliable physician, aa 1 did. I hope tba receipts will ba ac ceptable. Lcollno—If any on# desires to learn tha new kind ofropbyr. ombroldciy known ss scpliyr araacno work, which b much uaed on folt or canton flannel, for mantel and window lambqnbu, table scarfs, etc., 1 will (In them (till directions togetbsr with samples of different flowere ready for ttse, In ex change for knit lace or other trimming In sufficient quantities to use; also In exchange for other fancy work, books or natural curoaltlex Tha odltreas has my address C. E. 0.—I saw In your paper sometime ago a letter flora a little girl, asking for a remedy for her mother's asthma. Aa I hare been raoh a anSbrer myself I can sympathise with all who an likewise ■Meted. Dry Jlmaonlearea In the shade rad amokc In a shallow cob pipe, or saturate them in a solution •cod a two oast stamp to Dr. It. BchWhiaan, St Paul, Minn., be will return a trial package of powder. I aaw it advertised In Tus Coittmvnox and asm on for lt; I moat say It has done me more good than anything lever tried; 1 can sleep wellst night. Mrs L. B. Brown, Mt. Tabor, Fla.—I come again to extend my sympathy loth# bereaved slat am. - too have hod to pass under the rod ofaflllcttoo. bare a dear little girt In that land abort, where cares submit to endless loro. Doarsbters, 1st us all try to Ure ao that we may go whore they ere. 1M- mage'g sermon “Go end TeUJesuff- has much to comfort. Wabara boon having aoma vary warm weatbar, but not aa hot aa farther north, end our upfttilttotoput la bottles cotton betting onr them. I here tried aoma, and they are keeling nicely. A good homemade apple cutter k an ddeetba pot raont, or the funnel tbat bclonga to tho sausage atufler. 1 send Alma my re ceipt for Jelly cake roll;' hare triad aavaral, but this bibs best One cop of sugar, cue cupof flour, four aggs, btaten stptratfly, one teaapoooAil of ^Inf powder; bake to long pan; whan dona h en out ou a clean cloth, apnadJaUy rad roll Immediitely, cat through; If you will sprinkle sugar on them while warns makes them nicer. Oxx say cue toll me what nlll destroy little rod antar Hire received several letter* asking for the washing receipt with kerosene. Will you pleeae publish again foe the benefltoflhenew subscribers Mrs Mattie Bullock, lfarrlavllle, Mila.—I hare long teen a luhacribcr lo your valuable paper and bare often thought I would write and ask admit tance Into yoar charming circle. 1 think It b aa nice to have one little comer all onr own. I am tba mother of two dear lUUa children, one a hoy of six the other a girl of four; what bbastogi they an; what a dreary blank llfo would ba without them, lfow thankful we ought to be for mob prleelaa treasurers; yet I fear that wa toe often forget tha source Bum which ao many bieestogs com* How 1 sympathise with the dear bereaved stottm In tha lorn of tbtlr Btlle cuts yet God knows beat Mrs FSnula Summers asks for a receipt foe making icupperoong wins. I toko pleasure to giving owe. Gather the grepet when toll ripe, press tha Juice out ortbem, tike onr gallon of water to amp three gallons of Juice, poor It ou the hulk, let stand a while, pressont and add to thajuies then add three pounds of sugar to erery gallon, cork loosely until done tormenting, then diaw offend bottle. MrxAllle J. Brownlee, Lisbon, Texes--Many months hare elapsed, Interspersed with sunshine and Aw shadows store my last call on Woman's Kingdom, which k vary dear to me. I find la rids social circle much to edify and encourage tossy nothing of tha many valuable receipts contributed by sympathetic ristets fortuity alone can reveal oerunfcJgn lore for her who exerts such a sweet In fluence over those of bar sex. Iflnd te hern per fect model of sweetness aad truth, Ding may she reign and map heaven's ahotosat blessings ba here. Today Christians bareinet lo Invoke God's aid in abolishing the whisky evil from onr beautiful state. 1 have two sweet little bags to rear, and doubtless I will hare pamsd “ovaa tea rirer,” are they reach manhood, would ba happy to realize, one year's evil at least would net meall them when denied e mother's Sacs and care. Today k tha holy Pal,bate, aad white meditating my mind ravens to tba past while my soul feasts. On the sweets of the precious pmmlsea souchaafod to than who tore Ooddmrw wa esUcdadthkOme to reader an account foe onr Dkar Childrkx : I have concluded I had bettor not stay away (oo long or somebody, you know who, will interest yon ao much that I will find myself entirely “cut out,” and t don’t intend to let you tlilnk more of any oue titan “Aunt Susie-” Whenever I seeraythlng tbat interests me I wbb right off “my children'' could see it, and ao tha other day I said to one of onr good editors, “I wish I could have a picture now end then foe the children,'' and he •aid: “Well you oen,” end you don't know how happy it made me. So now whenever I can, I will give you n picture. This week I will tell you of and ihow you some toyi that belonged to Queen Victoria when she wee a child. On her birthday not long ego (and ahe was Ct,) these toys, which aha bad at six years old, were exhibited. Mow don't yon think ibe must have been a very good little girl to have kept them ao long? I hope yon will enjoy looking at them aa mnch ax I havo. alndy under the raperviilon of my older and only abler. If thbk printed I will come again. Aarqvolr Estelle Coker and Edna Lamater, Wslkon rttatlon, Ga.—Will you allow two more little glrktojofn yoor happy baa<Q We are cousins; our age respec tively ten and Are. I (Edna) live InCalro, a beauti ful little village to Thomas county. I am now on a visit at my Cousin Estelle s to Dougharty county; wa are having a splendid lima; I wbb you could ba with ua, Aunt Susie. I (Kstelle) am tba oldest; I lira at a beautiful country home; we call ft tha “Hickory Lent;" you nw- know It la a pretty place by lb name. Aunt Surie, when you get sick agate eome to me me. Much lore to you and tha cousins Old German toy formerly vStSS? “ u ““ Old^Geroun toy formerly belonging to Queen Now you will think “three are Tory com mon looking toys for a queen to play with," bnt I have no.doubt they gave her mor* pleasure than tba expeimlro toys our little ones have thcao days Ths llttta bureau la joat like those wo see In toy store* now. Tb* figure of the old lady la eight inches high, and the baby In her lap workawlth a etrlng, like the jumping jacka wa tea sometimes. Tha lliore and gloves are ugly, but when you Utlnk they have been on tho hands and feet real queen why they become quite Interesting, aa do alto the toys, and think every little child to the land will like to tee them, ao foe that reason I giro them to yon. Soma other time I am going to tell you about the largest cake tbat over waa baked and (how you a picture of it, but now I have some otbor things I want to say tayou. Tho fltst of September our holiday to over and you will ba at liberty to write again, ao I want to aay a tow words In regard to your letters. Wo must try and make our department more Inter esting. Many of our readers ate complaining qfso many little, letter* that toll the soma thing, they are tired of bearing that “papa takes Tub OogtTirtmog and I have four brothers and two atotora, and help mama do tho housework." Mow, children, lot's com- mence the fall, each one trying to write their beet letter*, ao that aoma one may ho benefit- tod. 1 shall only publish Jotters tbat are really intonating and well written. It to bat ter for you now and then to have a good story ao yon can leant something good, than to fill miu wsafsA allli Inttnm tlifot ' haw* nntMtu onr page with letters that'.hero nothing in them, Agreat many peoplo write just to so* their names in print, but that must not ba your object. I want yon to improve, and I havo a groat desire to bars our children’! de partment tho beet in tha country, and with your help wa will mako it ao- We muit all go to work to earnest and sea how mnch we can do to improve the "Young Yolks'" column, "Aimr Soar*." Correspondence, Haggle U. Moore, Fairfield, Trim.—After a long desire lotto as, I attest make ueftict lo Join your happy band of cousins I am t Hula daughter of a Mye mueh. capartally tba Yoang FbUm 1 eolama. I ban no peta except one little kitten. We have a vary fine productive country,good schools and churches Aa this Is my Scat attempt I will olwa, with mnch tors to Aunt flusto and tha coustnx Tola Both McCray, Rparta, Os—I writs asking the cousins for scraps of Ulk, velvet, worried, ate.; we ratmlntlnx our chnrcb. And dime will hare their name worked to It Mow bow many will help tri out? I would ateo Uka to coma- pond with aotaa of tha consl ns 1 am sweet sixteen. Aunt gusto, 1 do wish I could are you, for you are eo good and kind; arnd me your picture and Iwillea- krge It rad sand yoia Ufa sire portrait In return. An ocaan ot tort to Aunt Susie and the cousins Mattie Dawson, Mamie Zelgter and Ussle rope, Ferote, Ala—Dear Aunt Sotte: It has been some, time since you beard from the quiet little village oi re rote. Wo are three lasact, aged Just “sweet six teen;” we are spending the night together and are baringajollyoldtlare. Wa are going lo school aad Ilka our teacher very much. Wa are going to hare a plcnlo woo, and all are looking forward to hare a Plea time. Aunt guiie, you can’t Imagine hew eogry we were lo bear that you scare sick; wa kaow It waa a great disappointment to you that you did do! get off to New York; wa know you Would bare had a moat delightful time. We think, Aunt Auto, Wbat made you sick waa littlng up ad tola reading rad correcting ao many of tha rotates* monotonous lettere and would my the letten of tba Woman's Kingdom If we did not hare toOmnehto, ■peot for the old folks You writs such kind mid Interesting letten we enjoy reading tkeai and wish you would write oftener, Wa would Uka tori of tha lively corelre to correspond with us Mattie O. Cornelius, North Park, Catot-I thought would write and tell you what kind of a country I lire to. North Park te about s^oo tort high, to sixty mlks tong and fiffymllea wide, and la—loaa lad aU rides by mountains floe* 11,000 to l(MM reeard, test are prepared Sbr the tests Could we bat he gam loaded tha good inch aoa might do, w* would In inch labor and perfect rout nat, aad ooc pathway through llfo weald ba fend with joy and nrectnam. I bars passed ander Ihs rod and goat through Urn fiaryhtnsacoefaflUrttou, of which I would lore ao Mo tell you, aud of the sweet rail I aowaajoy, dare art to* fist of that anaallsflad wars* Maty hare aeknewtodge arerim of "Zad.” bat tot ms my the Ante to net to who felt ertrattolly Ml write me (for one mouth Erase this date I will tasks s discount eo wder received. Please specify nature of skin, color of bate. UIre express ottos before stamp item. Orem tret la the TVorM. Bo write* a gentleman of tb* proprietary high; It to (he beat cattle enmity la the United States; ytm can take a poor steer to (he AU and fowl him aB the hay ha era eat aad to rix weeks be will baht. North Park abounds to wDd flowers, also berries such as gooseberries, strawberries rasp, bento* ends good many other kinds As this to ' I will asaka its abort oast Core Bella Alford, Boetol Cirri#, Ba.-1 cm going u> school to Klaa Hattie Adair and Ilka her very much; I bare eight etmUee; my teacher baa thirty, ft renames dawn oo ha* book. I here So walk three mllei to school: 1 wM> IIInd eras by. ilka Hattie give* a prise to writing and spelling. Aunt gaato, re I bare learned my reading foam I am writing my letter in time of bonks re that leu play at playtime. Aunt 8am, do you tblnk a girl of osar ly twslre yean of age too large to bare play- Nellie K. Hohnsa, fftofftoo, Ga. t bare beau stand- lag out hare, oh) ao long, Urientag W tha rtmttteg sf tba eoorinswltbto and era as krngar nftate Baas aa taring aad Jobs their pleasant conversation. I know you are one of tba dearest aunties to axis- fence, Acre what I hare saredropped ficus tha amatos J aa a UUfe beown-eyvd aim wtth black hair, who resides In a small Intend village during pKtog winter's sojourn,” but whan the warm day) 1; Georgia. Zdo art go to aehool, trot Maggie M. B. Lang, Madison, Ga.—I am a little girls;. uni, imi narvnm been ao fortunate as meat of tha little cousins who hare beautiful homes to describe, bnt yon wlH admit a Hula poor girl Into yoar dreto, won’t yoar My pope tom farmer; wo Ure two miles east of Madison. • I can help mama do most any kind of work about tho house and kitchen. I have a little brother and two sweet little steters Hoping Aunt Busts win aoon bo wall again, I must my good-bye to Aunt Baste rad tho cousins Welter T. While, Clarkston. Ga—Will yen admit another oouate to your happy clrclof 1 taka Tus Conrrmrrio* aud like tt Tory much, ctpeclally the children's comer. I am fourteen yearn old ami go to aehool to Mlm Addis Boring; she Is a good leachor; I like her Tory much, I would Ilka to correspond wltheomoofthe cousins Ing.” We hope, deer Aunt Doric, you will aoon let w ell rad etnaig. for we have mimed you so mtieb. We thought you were to New York cqjorlngyoat good self, rad we felt glad to think you were having real rad a pleasant tlnfe, hot frit so rail when we learned you bad bora to bed too sick to go auywhcre. Wo feel wo could not do without oug pear Aunt Susie. Wo did not hare onr “Jug break-' tog” Christmas; don’t know why, hut K sms pot off Flora B. Wall, Cantrell, p. 0„ a CL-IUreto South Carolina, I am Joat a mile girl cloven yean old. This la my first attempt, after reading an many letters from tha cousins Ny father k a farmer and 1 help him work his crop, and ateo help my mama. I hare been going in aehool rad rood to f ha fourth reader, but school la out. 1 havo been going to Bun- day aehool at Bolling springs My tether takes fear paper* and wa Ilk* them all very mueh. Gem, Hemphill, Ga.—Ltslenl hare la on* more knock fcg admittance, and pleas* allow another cousin to enter. Weil cousins how do you like our last week's letter from Uncle Will? 1 think it me never r lilted and the habile of the Inhabitants. Would It not ba an txceariro pleasure If Undo Will would write the cousin a letter syery week? Nets, Isto iM like very mnch to oortoapond with yon. Please send yarn addrom. Au rerotr until another Louis* Mayca and Beatrice Morton, Huntsville, Texas—We hare been wanting to write to yuc tor a mutia*, but fearing our letter would Had tha way to the waste basket we havo hesitated until nowi and this la such a beautiful evening that w* are tempted to make a venture, as tb* old saying, “nothing venture nothing srln,” and see if wo may find Direr to your eyes so you will deem this worthy of a (pace In your lcllsr bos. Wa win tall you some thing about ourselves 1 (Louise) am the only child; am very fond of painting. I focalrioe) hare neither molher nor father and Ure with my grandma. Louisa ami I are great chums and Ure next ddor to each other. I 1st* hontbank riding and hare a beautiful pony of my own. Wo sro aftsld waaro making out latter too tong, so wUt cloa* by asking osutoa to oonaspoad with u*. and wa had It on tho ith of this month, (Fobmary) the fifteenth unlrcnary of the dedication of,ur church, and a alee pretty one it la too. Wo all— minister, teacher aad pnpik met to Urn church anil the exerdcea were opened with a good proyor, then rauilc by the choir, then a talk ftmn'Mr. Uswlcr.i our minister, then music, then come <raM?- fc -.e..i Ot liie young indies and when tney Were through two aweetUUle baby girls stepped out and recited long pieces, and oh they did look too cuts and aweeU Thao cams ton “Jug breaking," and oh, how qar beasts did Jump and leap with ner vousness aa each olaaswu called to come forward; wo were' all of cxclleiUcnt, but not nuga than on*? third'of tfcd school had anything, fans bad bsnkea tlmlr Jhga and eome hadn't made anything, ko In all onlyfcHM waa token to, batons minister »• ■ welt pleased with our efforts but If all had triad there would hare been something osar t» retire, forw* hare a good full mhoot We don't know wbllherji will bo sent to Japan or kept for bom* mlmlnns Of oouito we miiat now tbll our stranger flic rids who' harebeenao good to send tit dimer to helnfill non bow much w* had. Together we had Xl.TV, aad eb, how proud we felt to tall how many and who, helped us Indeed the Ailing of them has given ui such pleasure, and ohl Auat Soria, U baa brought us ao many awaat good friends and nfn bad al-out thirty lotion from kind strangen to answer anil now we quite know anme of them for we sUll ex. change letters We told yon before about Lola and Alma Black, of Linden, Tran., who seat ua a half dollar; Mnca wa hare corresponded and they acnr ns a saok of chesteatS, rad wo are now going to ex change photographs and then are will know each othar real waU, We owa them a totter now and hope lhay won’t forget ua before wo get time to answer. Wo bare tried to gat yon aoma new sob- scriben, but It seems like everybody wa go to al- dr we send you a dollar tea renew her subscription, tor home would rot aeem Uko horns without Ths OownTCTiO*. Good-bye Aunt auatr, and wa hops aoon to hear that you are well and at home agate. , Nolo—This letter has been walling a long Ume to (« to, and we are rely sorry It has been delayed. AnoteBudal, Morgan, Tax W.—I thought I would writ* agate, ss my othai latter wasn't printed. My papa lakes Tax coxaitTunon; ha la a natiro of your nobis atom, bring born to Marietta, Cobboouuly; ha took a part to all tho Important battles Aught to your itefe during tha lata war. W* are having an exciting prohibition Cannes; the election wUl ba next Thursday. I bare attended many Dice picnics and heard many flat ipsechss for prohibition and hope prohibition wiU win. Minnie Whits, Milford, Texas.-Wall, Dear Auntie, I coma agate to the door of lira Young folks' de partment and knock gently for admittance. Now look hare, you dear cauatoaf don't bagla in frown and look cross and my, “why you ware Jug beta tha other day, why do you coma sgator W#U, L’U toil you mybuateoae atones, it la this; that I bar* re- oeirrd aa outer letters from you that Iflnd It Im possible to reply to all, and wish to say through this column that I am Joat desperately to lorewlth every one of them, but I can't possibly coBiplrarUh their request for a correspond-, ut. I hare already re ceived forty letten. I think yon all Juste* iwcct Jttttl. . . .. ps* 'HMffleyaayia, sweet coustoa, sometime to tha fixture If you will ad mit me again, which 1 think you wUl. Munscy Carlock, Itlcovllle, Tcnn.—I am thirteen yearn old and day to the store trim my papa.’ Wa hare a good school here, bul l do not go. My palm takas your paper and seroral olheu, tut I Ilka Tun UOMimmox better than ray of the rest ho takes. I always turn to the children's confer (tit; I loro to bear from the Ditto cousins I can play on tho organ; 1 plly aasrrrel pretty ronp. IT sorao ortbc UHlacourin* wiU send too tho words to 'Tanl Vra*" I will ba mocb obliged lo them and will ■aid teem ray of life osseal kaow. I would Uka lo correspond with coma of Urn cousins EtldlaF. Espy, BorihAte—WaJl, Uda la pyflrit attempt to writ* to Tua oagsaiunualHIBB have been a constant nader for tba past two yaara. 11 aa a fsnncr'a boy fifteen yoais old anil weigh liO Cray* era vary flus to Ibis vicinity, con sidering the art and wind; .. fwaalbaewklchwchar# Just tied. Mat of the Israel are done pulling foddan rollon te opening very last 1 went lo cchocl te the spring and racket 1 will go back to tba feUi 1 wish school would open, foe I am tired of work.' 1 never did like to read newspaposa unlit pops sub- iCribydfof TugC'o.igiiTtTttrt,'now I road linearly through each week. Onlila Addison, Oreeniburg, La.-My tether la a lawyer and subscriber for Ths CuaaiiTUTio*. Wa an aUro wall pleased wit* Urn paper tbat J do not tblok wa will ever do without II. I am detlgbtod with tha Young Kolas’ column and drain to become a member of your happy circle Gar happy bom* to in east lootateim, ronrrnlrally near Baton Horn*, the cartel of tha state, and to the crescent city, the great metropolis of the south. Agreat many yearn ■toe* the people of our pariah aralled thcmaelrra of tba local option tow and voted down tho aala of malt, vinous or Intoxicating liquors Schools rad churches now taka the place* of tbs glided saloons MyscU and little toolbar spent tho holidays with out aanh who Urea la Maw Orleans, and her Christmas gift to mt waa a i«lr of beautlfol canariaa-eucb lovely pats, and ra* of tlwm slags ao sweetly evory morning. With expceaalima of regard aad esteem for yourself aud happy einto. Lain Ftouraey, Salem, Ala.—I hare written one* and my fetter waa asflrlrat for mt Baas* to go in tba roll of holMr.t would try again. Of rouse that waa qaltt an btaor, but Uka many others, would aajoy seeing It In print hatter. Amst Boats, yon told nsoot to writ* ray mare uut 1 Septearimr. 1 wanted my aama to go fa your Btbto for you** read when you are old and waa afiaM I would ba too totalfl waited, col decided to write and rand you ten cent* to help buy you BIHs I was twvtn years old to weak except rut March; can do ray ktod of house rad make clothes Ism one of lb# unfortunate, I am an orphan and Ure wtth mr grandparents and try to help them aD lean. WtHreto a aattlemral that nsycf ririlaor and therefore alwaya welcome the com$ig of the dear old Coxanrurrox. Wear* very much dboppolntod In Belay f famflfoo; He ha* filled lo write ao often, end wa *Qoy tettam next u> tha Young Folks' column. Baton I aka* I m u*t teU tb* cousins aloui my pets I hare twenty hule turkeys ahd tone guineas Koto-Yhraka for you tea cauls I wiB nqt hay , before ebristmaa, an all the children who hrifo and then II will be tbcnmrat ktod *f Alms Mtrteno, Hoorn's MfUs-l am a little country girl set on yean old rad hare Juat learne d my latum this sreak. I commenced oo Monday ■centag aad today, which Is Bstorday, I finished them sad ayrtted s litds I MI you Canutes, I ‘ are s'ndtoi hard sad got my Jaws boxed only once. think If] kaep a* laarolog so wall I will vary aaoo ba ablt to srrite a Utlte tetter by myaolf. My stepmother srritee this for sac beeaast I have been ■o smart tola week. I have lata of peta bnt tba ssreatest Js mj baby brother Frank; ha to no* yet two ytaas old sad can talk aa good M any body; ho pilw dirt css top of hla htad, makes mud pita, drtakjoo* of tha trash pan aad gabs fate fee* awful Mack, but in all think he tertry sweat; bwhorihbftiot vaster day and haaqrs “msuas tom* tlsa sweet Frankie’s foot,” ud the kterad It right oo d.o bottom tout Umsa before It got any better. I bar* rix cals Mary, tb* old mother cat. Tore Use, her son, a Utlte grandchild ktny sad tt roe small baby cals I foalaany foraUMe boy to this week’s pacer who rays ha telbnranraa and Ima nope* If b* wants It ba can bare one of my eats Aunt Baric, I don't know whora wifo yon are bug I tee# pen. r yon here bean rick and ahvot assr “Jng teanfc- RalUa EL WlUlama, DIUtmrg, Als-1 wrote with my Coosto Vanlo Loogmlre hi Dwambor ud short ly after you told ua not to write nnUlyun got back, wsx so glad to see a Icltsr from you In our hut, so I oould write once moro; am glad you an getting well, and hope you win he stout and at your pari to earnest. tVc will mba onr Maw York treat, bnt It could havo bean worse, I hare same (tamps for ta* little boy and Will sand them off whan 1 set a fow moss- I ora aympathlaa wtth aU ef the orphan Just two years old and now ho la reran; hla name la WUIte Wallace, but wa call him Wattaoe; brothel . Taylor te ulna and IwlUba stereo tborcth of tuik msai th..Maitm hra Justus to Uto will' lur: «, rent our land, f wUlaoswuyou.Oamu' WImltugc ' aud”, occurs 4S227 timer, sod now how often docs thd word "partildgo'' ocrarand who wwalctt-liniiilciL £ n u£ u £» I ,££. k " BU,y ' fSji WUJIim Dalmey Ra ir, Aspen Grove, Dlq- PK-aa Up rains iiu arid ftitut vaiv nvj uutv stii i If- a'jtiuiI and heboceaallof onr paopte will soon be Gradyed up to It. Mama says that although f'tbat careless man wtth fire” dll not got along hero, tho ratapU- lan did aad they made a clear sweep, leaving her to aa poor a eondltlan as Farrefa Jol ■PH Jhltofiy RcliL' wo are all harmonised now, and cry, rciUun ami ihu unlun. l'nidi is lt-ani> lag me to obey the dlrlne Injunction, vK tho «wc*t' ot thy brew tiiou ibalt eat bread,” iumYX urn proud of It. tfneie Arpicenujuit now to U> hn\ foa »otn<i or my tribulation*. Not Inn* alnef.I'vr«'nt to feed the »hc< Pi end the old coUtrool concluded ho urouM mako mo rcspoct his dignity, and nn I mn quits small 1 tlmUKht a good run bettor tben a I n.r stand, but tlisl nut Intoud lie aliisuld kcI the vlct<»ry with- out eomo bruUca, ao leathering a rock I lot (ly at him! but did uoMnrry to pon effect, hut took out, /uui *» I ran fintiicro l another, (a* by thla time ho had gotten ray dander uj») J turned aq«I . In ln< M dcllLoiitona ctn muklaum would udmit I gave him n hlmv r!j;M bclweon hla cyca, that Houudcd m loud aa the klrld tintlu ArpRot. ,My liit|ilwablo fco kept tulvuiirtn* and I haaanln to beat a haaty retreat, tmtlbrla* nntely by thla tlinn I whk near 11 gale, but time did not admit of open Ing It i I aprang for tiu> lop aa h« did fbr me and drew n t y little loga up iu time bo avoid the blow; he ahook. hla head la dliquiat { cd rage, but held tho field na victor. ] havo been trying to got up ■ dnh for Tux ComruTi. i io.v, but I hiave had no auocaai yet; our people axo wry i-oog and aay they are not nbloto Uko a pa pur. J aiudl tty to nko up enough money to renow my *ob*rrlpJ tlon heroro it expirca. It Aunt Buale will putliah t|ali you will bear from mo again. TAK.E Bouyanoy of Body, GOOD DIGESTION, Sold Everywhere. ASkEof Beauty is a Joy Forever DR. T. FELIX COURAUD'S Oriental Cream, or Magical HeaiitHier. The dlatlngutaheil Ur. L A. Payer wild to a lady ol the bant ton (a pair- 4 ' ***- — — t patient): "Aa you ladles will uao them, I reromtnend Hieomnd'a Cream' Mithclriuit li.intiml of all tiio akin pnrauwtiou." QM boCtUl wiU loatats months, ualng U every day. AIm I'ou- ore floMUe rmof** awiteiriiuoua hair without lu< iKKreraoraaHpwfimmal outlive UnitedKto!«a,C*nadiu and Kumpe. nitmmtmmUmi. fl.oou rewardftwarrett ‘ of any one M'lUng tho aamo. yauaoejk-wkeowly woking . rare iu;!."zTtJj l iS:rw t, 'i^: HUBB KMDX A COra^wTT hanuthlatapar, w wo k»ugp READ THIS! AMWAIH1IVU MACHINE ntKRt L**t jtar w* !. w ,o Oi* oiBiket tL- ;rY*t •t labor mvina m «f th« Wth wmiry. WiiW'ti, w^rl'BOAnDORxVr acaonio w'uxfaftoi — . (.* s.ra ‘'—■ *.gpi'nKHfaaSfMw. arensai rrraVSSSlnrpftTtBtwssa 5 n«alaiihare,ci,.iuu,ul liraujaiai.t-i