The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, September 13, 1887, Image 12

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ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Free from Lime and Absolutely Pure. The Royal Raking Powder is made from Cream of Tartar specially refined and prepared for its use by patent processes, by which the Tartrate of Lime is totally eliminated. ‘ This highly important result has been attained only with great care, labor and expense. In money alone a quarter of a million dollars has been invested in patents, machinery and ap pliances by which the crude Cream of Tartar, being procured direct from the wine districts of Europe, and subjected in this country to these exclusive processes, is rendered entirely free, not only from the objectionable Tartrate of Lime, but from other foreign substances. This adds greatly to the cost of manufacturing Royal Baking Powder; but, as all its other ingredients are selected and prepared with the same precise care and regardless of labor or expense, an article is produced that is entirely free from any extraneous substance and chemically pure in all respects. No lime, earth, alum or impurity of any kind can, by inad vertence or by the use of adulterated articles or otherwise, be introduced into the “ Royal,” and it contains no ingredierfts except those certified by the most eminent chemists necessary to make a pure, wholesome and perfect baking powder. It costs more to manufacture the Royal Baking Powder than any other, but it is, as shown by chemical analysis, the only absolutely pure Baking Powder made. Royal is the only Baking Powder made that is free from both lime and alem. i.’W* n til Wcw.Hitn ernpbusl e the fact that Dhmiondi', Watches and Jewelry w arc ofl’erlng grndt i in dncein« li’.a thvn uny house In the K >uth. J. P. ftEVENS & 47 Whitehall street. : • n<l for ( fttalogUf. v. L. i p DRUNKENNESS Or lite l.iqnor llnbit. Cured by Adiniiiitueriiitf Dr, <«oldcn Specific. It cun bo fflven In n « up of roflve or ten without the kliowlAOtfo of the poraon taking It; iaubsolulH ly hannhiHß, mid will effect n p« rniHiu nt and aptetly euro, whether the patient In a modern tv drinker or an nlcuh die w re. 1.. It lihm l.rru glx»u> In thouHiindM of eas«'R. and In everv Inslana a per fect cure htut followed. ll’ N l-.V 1 l( FA i Ls. I lie •yatein onto impregnated with the Spoeltie, Il becomes an utter ii'ipoßrilbllity for the liquor appe tite lo exist. For circular and full pm tlculars ad <huHs M’llllK' <_■<),, |>s Jfure Street, ('inclnnntl, Ohio. nmi’SPWi Morphine Habit < nr. d in IO to 20 ilnyM. No pay till cured. Ui E wifi hr. .1 hirplirim Lebanon,Ohio. A Chance for Everybody. •i/uv USE rtavrED ENVELOPES, V lIITE J " Fx ’ or As.'i'rb’dt "loi*;, with name, bn. iiu and nd<lre>-K on »'ll for 10 rent* t'ASCT: b\ mull post fihld. t'ards, Bill HetulM ami Note Huhilh m same price* bainplca f<‘i four one cent Htaii.|-». Hi nd Oj»urk ry for cheap printing. Addrus* HF\R\ )i SYKR3 t “The I'rhib r. ‘ Nafvhez MTvet. u < n leant, Ln Mention tho Constltntion. u kiy ■ - - Naw York Ci-’ Wesleyan Female Institute STAUNTI>N, VIRG INIA. ? ’S' •.A ' 'A e-A $ Op*M Septanttw: tat.ltw? OnooftlwH ■ Tot •• s hk t KION, A 111 ep fienu thorough. u u unlit from uiuetemi Matea. All Imyortm i rd ’ , Beard. Wash! 1 talita, English, l.ntiu, 11.'mb, t,uimiu. Vm. mr S. I cln-tb r lh i it. i,: r,i , 1.,,. E Catalogue, write to Em. WM \ HARRIS. I !' . .J. m o,ton Virginia. th ni Ui v ky ' b our sl2 iiBiiBLE mSirnfm A tew weeks ago we orteuM our r. «.ler« n« i’. pr. mlnm n double tarn-lied biveeh lulling 'gun. 1 hi, gun wtt« es'cetallj Imp ro d tor it-us an.l wA!iii ite Ito u>. b> ..milker-. It Ims proved populai Unit we have determined to pi ,!, a podute -I: and give moot, pn-m;'..-; ee It is tue 1 e«t $i : :>ea eve; ,drt, I 11 Anienca, and is better than most of the I*.’> guns. Here Is the pi. ture of it. Jutstrau ia * douLbbarrelled breech km i t.of a . h-nnc flntal. with oiled walnut stock, phtrl 4np •n't tested steel barrel*. it weighs u trifle over 7 pouu h, is a true td outer, and warranted tp d<» just tu g Xhl execution ag any gun <•»>! ng twice this prk c cdv nut claim that tias gun t& as tine u v a hundred dollar gun. <ll 3IJ T WHO 17 A RA N T K E>> ty*' Rt ' *’ ‘ n,i ' “ K K°°d n Bhtxyter as any gun (hat II I* cf batter finish than any 112 cun eve S. 4 .\‘ U 4 nl ‘ ’‘ Kll bi ui V v one for wb <‘h t-2 ■ $ i.mftlh chftr.n d. It Is an English g in, imported » " 1 * 111 *. t: ‘ 1,1 pric Wv » oak! s’vt on hn \inv nan gun ex ictiy similar wm ?J4. We have of the>--gw.« and they urv gi.’iuj the lu st satiMuctiou It is our turn to please our r?i » M ""J 1 ”- I lent > ms. a.d bind them clover to Tim <o>&rnt ion Uur breech U dnu gun U one i^ l :riXsV; i ;ra u ; guuu ' * vcr> " ,u - E ' cry n,ru,e; £l2 CUNSTII l 1 lon BREECH LOADERistIieBEST HE CAN GET THE WEEKLY CCKSTITITION. ATLANTA, GA. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1887. CARTERS] » Kittle 18VER 1 PIUS, CURE Bick Headnrhc and relievo all the troubles Inch d-nt to a bilioui* Hute of the Hvet< in, such an Dir- Naipu a, Drowuin - <. Dtetn »8 after eating, I'nln in V-, Ac. While th<ir moat remark* able Biit’u»'M him 1- n rhown iu curing SICK llea<larhr , ,y< t ( ar 1 ' r’H ink T.iv< r I’il’aarootjUftlly vulnablo in Conaiip i lon, curing and preventing thia annoying complaint, while th* y also correct all diaonlcra of the stomach, eiiunilate the liver aud r*.gulate the bowels. E\ <n if th* y only cured HEAD A< hr they would bealmoHt priceless to thoJOWho anfier fr. ni this distressing complaint; but fortu uaiuly t heir goodness <lo< h not cud here, and those who once try them will And tbrar little pills valu able in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without th* in. But after all Bick head ACHE Tr the bane of so many Ih • b that h, rn ig where we make our great boaal. Uur pills cure it while othere do not. ( arter'g Little Liver Pills are very nmnll and very ca»y lo tnl<<\ One or two pills make a doee. They arc »di i tly vegetable ana do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who uHothein. In vials m 2& cents; five for fl. Bold Ly druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CAIiTEB MEDICINE CO., DENIZENS OF DALLAS Portrayed by Betsy Hamilton, Late from Texas. THE HEATHEN CHINEE AND HIS QUEUE. 'Tlii.i.ahke,” Talladega County, Ala , Aug ust, 1887.—Ln Dallas City ther' 'pears to Lv folks from everwhara ail over the world, and Home of’em looks mighty envious and t-.iks and dresses mighty funny. I believe me sufl C ousin Pink thought the Chinese was the fun niest, base thev drem so di&rrent from any body else—with ther heads shaved on top and a long cue bangin'down ther back, big 10. st pantaloons, a white i n ket hangin' long flown over ther pants like a Hour sack, a little round cap on the top of ther heads and tan slippers like Indian moccasins on ther feet—that’s the way they al) dress, and it makes ’em look like twin brothers. He’s got dark, dirt-eatin’ lookin’ skin—little black, oblong eyes. You see’em on the back streets next to lit tle fruit stores in a littlocuddy of a room hard ly big enough to turn around in, ironin’ collars and cuffs pretty and white sleek enough to see your face in, and that's the way the most of ’em makes tli< r livin. Sonic families hires ’em to cook—as fur me 1 drutlier have, a nigger. They take gn at pride in havin’ that Jong plat of hair on the back of their heads and when it is cut oil they f< .1 disgraced. A man was tillin’ about seeing a Chinaman when ho was a gwine to Colorado. He lowed I lie poor feller was by liis se’f didn’t have none of his folks witli him, and he hadn't been to this country long, and couldn't understand nothin' you said ami you couldn’t understand him. He went to sleep on the train and wasn’t pesterin’ nobody, and a passle of devilish cowlxiys tinned in and cut oil his cue, and when he waked up and found his cue gone he cried and wailed and tuck on enough to break a body’s heart to look at him. The boys laughed, but it was anything but fun to the < liinainan, he was nil broke up; poor feller hid his face and wouldn’t look at no body. The man said when he looked al him he couldn’t keep back the tears, he never was as sorry for anybody in his life, and he felt like pit< liin into them cowboys and whippili out the whole gang, but they was all armed with bowie knives and pistols; they was a wild, terrible set. It would have been like stickin of your head in the fire to say a word to any one of’em. The poor Chinaman went off and wouldn’t go back to bis folks, didn’t want nobody to see that had ever knowed him before. The Chinese don’t only dress and talk diff erent from our folks, but they have curious names, such as Wo Lee, Yung Sin, Lo Hop, Sam Sing and Chin Chou. You see the Indian, the Italian, and the Mexican in Dallas. too, and tiny all got power ful dark skin and black hair. To a body that never saw none of the folks, any one of 'cm is a curiosity. The Italian mostly goes around with a hand organ and a monkey: they arc mighty lazy and dirty; don't mind kissin the monkey; the monkey don't have no choice—it's k'iw his master or git a whippin. They don't have no homo; they lay around the streets and live by the nickels the Chilian gives the poor, little, cowardly monkey. The Mexican sells “hot tomollies’’ and “cbille-cnn carni.” lie has a basket and a lamp on the street corners. The lamp is to keep the tomol lies hot. You don't know what a hot t<>molly is’.’ It’s Romo kind of meat all ground up fine and full of red pepper. That’s why they call it hot—it’s so full of pepper. They make mush of corn meal, tilled with grease, and roll the meat in it; in a shuck about the size of your two lingers, and sell six for a nlckle. About sundown and alter night seems to be their time to holler “Hot tomollies! hoi to mollies!’’ and ever little horogry newsboy that’s got a nickle buys some and greases up his dirty little face from year to year. You don’t know what kirftl of meat it’s made of— jisl as apt to be dog or cat as anything else. The “chilli-eiin-ciuni’’is sorter like the “hot tomolly,” only it’s got beans aud onions in it, and they dish il mil like hash. There was a Mexican ami his wife had a lit tle fruit ami candy stand away out on Elm street. If M e’iins didn’t stop he'd run out and hull ns, jabberin’ hard as ever he could,c my hue bo-nanny ftf-li-ty cents: see dis, all dis bunch fil-fi-ty cents—cheap. You no buy’em tomorrow—all gone.” Ask him his name. ".My name \\ 'Savior Montana : my wife, she name Koi-nil,” he would say every time, ami grin ami look al Roann so pleased, who was so deaf she didn't hear a word. He was alters in a good humor, and I didn’t see for the life of me how he could be so happy in so much dirt mid Hies. That jjart of the street swarms in tiles. They cut a watermelon, and in a minute you can't hardly see the color of it for the flies. lint them Mexicans didn't keer. The Indians comes over thar from the In dian territory. Some of ’em sells bead work, blow guns, bows and arrows and moccasin slippers, mid sometimes they comes with tiro cow boys to buy and seii cattle. 1 saw one from the Cherokee nation, ami be talked so funny | wrote down what he said. (When Im says “he” one “Injun" he means himself.) HOW THE INDIAN TALKED. “Injun he tell 'em white num tm bbe so—-go Pallas sell’em cattles, mebbe so Lt buy ’em cutties Dallas. He stop railroad Dallas. lie go big house hotel Grand. (Grand Windsor.) Just all do time look, walk, lie no find ’em — ton much housi—loss Injun. He toll ’em leetlo boy—he give ’im money—two bits he show 'im big house—Grund. J’rettv so< u find uni. He tell ini big home Grand. 11.->.>v you seem 'ini one white man Bill Curtis'.’ He want to • sell him cattles Injun. Yes he say ho seen ’ini. Pretty soon heroine Dill Curtis. Well heaptalk heap talk, he want sell too much money Injun, eighteen dollars litter cents—injtm say too miieli er After cents. Long time, heap er talk —pret t> {.soon Deel say all right—no Liter cents - IS do'lar. Injun I. 11 'ini heap a good he tak' ’em 3,: do entiles. Injun want er see ’em cat tles. inebbo so he seen 'em, no good he no tak' 'em heap good he Ink' 'em. Heel say we go go next nioriiin'. Injun heap er sleep all nigut grand. Next niernin’ Injun go railroad. Heel t 'uriis ride heap fur ecu railroad git horse— riile horse all day night eomo he stop ranch < ’..rtis— !i, up nice cattles—he tell ’em all light he tab cm. Injun he go railroad he’s house . heap fur—lnjun Nation. Injun he ske.-ru im libo .so siek squaw lie's house, Pretty soon ho see 'em his house, no sick—lie sipuiw, he t<‘ll'em all time well—pappoosc— lie's squaw lie say all time gone—lnjun heap well." T his Indian was one of the richest eattlenv n in the nation, raid a tint* lookin'man. Them of you Hint hain't never been to Dal las miisn't think hit - all made up of liirriners and these curious kinder folks. Some of the nicest am! smartest people ever 1 seen lives in L'Aii.” ■ r ' ' ' kMII I'N. J’.'it i 't> n.iKiMi run U U. w £ i G — ORPRICES lakin§ ■ - 111 “ Used by the United Mates Government. Ti dorsod by tho hea-l« . tie Great I niven»itle* r.s the btronge't. 1' rv't mid Most H-'akhfV.l. Pr. )Tice’s 1 tho only Raking Ponder that does not contain I Aminonia. Lima or Alum. Sold only fu Cans. price Baking i\»wdv*r co. i NFM YOKh (HIUAUU. SI U/lfM I 6or $p fol nrui Aka hut va k PATEXT irEtoICUUEB. ■■lktojms SEEKING Health, Strength and Energy, SHOULD AVOID DRUGS, SECRET MOINES, ETC,, \ Ji IIVUIIO | U "The Review" or “rlealth and Strength legaioC 2 i | A LARGE ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL | | | Published Entirely for Their Benefit! £ Bta I It Treats on Health, Hygiene, Physical Culture ~ and Medical Subjects, " *"**~ | flC( m) , ft? eneyclopadia of information for suffering humanity afflicted will k iigitui.din ?. clrm i ■ nervous, exhausting, or ] annul diseases. Every xSBh. zrsew SB wwt subject that bears on health and human happiness receives attention In its ■r“fy gb-'S.-j B fer^ 8 MT” -ft Hr'" 3 , agesumd the mt ny que.tier 8 asked I y ailing persons and invalls whobave ia W WKSFr®® RS desp aii cd of a cure are answered, and valuable information is volume red to W 0 E .Sob O IF £V. ha 1 ' wurk 11,18 cver bee “ pub - YOTTNG Al.'fi MIDDLE AGED MEN, and others who suffer from nervous and physical debility, exhausted vitality, premature decline, etc., are < -pe<Tuly Lcneflttcd by consulting its contents. Everything such sufferers wßh to know is fully given in iis pages. If in need of medical aid or counsel, read, 1 i “l"ro “doctoring,” or investing In medicines orappliances of'any description, and you will save time, money and disappointment. If using medicine, or 1 - memcal treatment of any kind, read it and learn the better wav. THE REVIEW exposes the frauds pea Used l.v quacks and medical impostors, who profess to “practice medicine,” and points out the only safe, simple, and efleetive road to health, vigor, and bodily energy. P c 'l( lre !’I the sham curative articles called Shields, Generators, Girdles, Pads, Brushes, Corsets, Clothing, Plasters, etc., now receptively advertised as 1 .er-trle, A oltaie, or Magnetic. These articles are as entirely spurious as the advertisements concerning them are insiduous. This can be easily detected by a simple test, which is fully explained In THE REVIEW. I'.lcctrle Belts and n ]i curative appliances arc treated upion: all about them. Belts on thirty days' trial (?) and other fallacies reviewed. Thousands of dol .ars saved i.< r;< u, debility sufferers and others, by the advice given. Reader, are yon affleted, and wish to recover the same degree of health, strength and energy experienced in former years? Bo anv of the following symp toms, or class of symptoms, meet your diseased condition? Are you suffering from ill health in any of its many forms, consequent oh a lingering, nervous ci r. -me or functional disease? Do you feel nervous, debilitated, fretful, timid, and lack the pow e: - of will and action? Arc yon subjee to loss of memory, have! S elk of fainting, fullness of blood in the head, feel listless, moping, unfit for I nsiness or pl o«u:e. and subject to fits of melancholy? Are you kidneys, stomach, urinary organs, liver, or blood in a disordered condition? Do you suffer fr m rheumatism, neuralgia, or other aches and pains? Are you timid, nervous, and for-i rotiill, with your mind continually dwelling on tlie subject. Have vou lost confidence in your, elf and er.ecy for business pairsnits? Are joi subject to restlew ni .ids. broken sleep, r ightmare, drcams, palpitation of the heart,bashfullness, confusions of ideas, aver-idn to society, dizziness in the head, dimness of sighn pimple, and blotchet on the face and back, and other des|,ondcnt sympitoiii.s? There are thousands of young men, luiddle-aged, and old. who sutler from nerv ous ami phi sleul debility. There are thousands of female broken down in health and spirits, and w ho, fioin false modesty or neglect, pirolong ther suticrings. Why further neglect your health and happiness, or continue to be dosed, drugged, and quacked, when THE REVIEW, which costs you nothing, teachc« the ti ii aud only way to permanent health, strength and vigor? ‘THE BKYIIW,” 68 ‘IM M» SMffl Ml’ Contains particulars and information worth thousands to sufferering humanity. THE REVIEW is now in its ninth year of publication. Complete specMuenJ Copies mailed free. 'Address the publishers, Now la the time to, as you may not) n I 1 > I n i -1-10 [ T) I HI If I —jgSsSr Pubhsliers Review, 1164 Bioetay, New d&w lest page num . . . ' - ■■■■■ ' —4 THE FAMOUS f Custom-Made Plymouth Rock $[ Pants \ yi Why w’as it that over half of our mail orders for the first six months of \ \' f th’s \car wore from customers who had ordered before? There can be but k\' £A 1 on answer: Because they were satisfied with the cpiality, fit and wear of Vi 1 Ihrnous goods. To fully .-atisfN' these pdtrons, we have addedo Coat /1 / and Vest Department, so that we are now making complete suits to order, and LL „ / overcoats also. Full line of samples mailed upon rccci] tof 6 cent.--, including v' //' Self-meiGurcment blanks and (if you mention this payer) a good linen ta] c- H / measure. If you want a j air of these Pants, and cannot wait for samples, send I/ ft 1 us your w aist, hip and inside leg measure, together withs 3, and 35 cents to y/ II /J cover postage (or prepaid express) and packing, and v*v I r we will take alt risk of pleasing you. We refund „ “ uirAn L K 4 | money for any cause, if buyer wishes to return goo Is, Dv YUU VvLAK I a I —<> r . if desired, wo mate another pair. The American g 0a 9 i llj 1-V J'-- X P< s ' C'o. (capital $20,00t»,000) will cheerfully reply Lcffg kVj $ I -, J? Nto any inquiry about us addressed to their Boston 1 fiS Bn I >?e R X 4 ‘ rtYMOUTH ROCK PANTS CO., 8 3H B W 3 g XA tM#r m*«k. is Summer st., Boston, Mass.,opp. Jordan, Mar-h & Co. ainiainir nrri r i rui n.r Name this paper. wky eow nrm 1 ' ft. i* 1 ■*»*.. Ci '.[.“v . MnrtßirfWfc jMITJTr WjiMtaK w f .mi . ill > mu t J ~ H O M tl Oipo for internal JUHIidUli o htSsk Cures Diphtheria. Croup. Asthma, Bronchitis, Neuralgia, Pneumonia, Rheumatism, Bleeding at the Lungs, Hoarseness, Influenza, Hacking Cough, Whooping Cough, Catarrh, Cholera Murbus, Dysen tery, Chronic DI- —’TT-P'X O T-J g-Mjp containing infor- arrhoea. Kidney i mation of very Troubles, and great value. Ev- Spinal Diseases S Est Ms*? S crybody should We will fl«ud fir”, H b 9 H D| Brss have this book, postpaid, to all Bj |_-cj M and those who who send their pg send for it will names, an Ilins- ra I'M Wi IBfelS ever a^ter thank trated Pamphlet™ ki&iiX fcy ta UmJ steaks ti3eir i uc fcy stars. All who buy or order direct from us, and request it, shall receive a certificate that the money shall be refunded if not abundantly satisfied. Retail price, 35 cts.; 6 bottles, $2.00. Express prepaid to any part of the United Slates or Canada. I. S. JOHNSON & CO., P. O. Box 2118, Boston, Mass. MOST WONDERFUL | |Hf I ||fl fBl IF FAMILY REMEDY! fiBWSfIWIF W | EVER KNOWN. EsS Pl W WHI fesii tßa if SLID ROLLED GOLD |WI M7 (ID IOCKFORD WATCH “ELiJLE M WINDER AND SETTER, ONLY SB.OO. © O Days tho Price will be $20.00. our solid gold and diver Huekford Qnlek Train WatcLra, wa offer tndEoma engraved !4-k. solid rolled gold plat ? water, with the cela aln Koekford make, known the world over for their excellence and ig 7 ruby jewels, cut expansion balance, quick train, making five ticks i per hour and 432,<W per day, straight line escapement, gilt ia.lsx ulator. They contain everything esse: ;ial to accurate time keeping foundjn any watch,and have the following important improvements; Pat. compound regulator, has absolutely no lost motion ; pat. stem w ind is the strong*.-1 and simplest made ; main spring seldom breaks, ns Rockford Watches are finely finished that tiiev use a finer spring than other makes; pat. dust-proof movement is free from all varia tions caused by dirt or da.nvness, an advantage which no other maker does er’daie claim. They are the only factory using only genuine ruby jewels, the are dust-proof, oeauUfully engraved Bunting case with 14-k. solid rolled gold plate, which I guarantee to stand all acid tests. Wc do not claim it to be as cheap as the many worthless imported watches, but do claim it to be the best watch for the money ever offered in this country and one that ordinarily re tails for 525.00. At the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, the Swiss Com missioner, Mr. Ed. Favre Perret’, bought one of the Rockford VTetches for his own pocket, and ia his celebrated speech before tbs Horologicsd Society of Geneva, commented upon its qualities as follows: “At my arrival at Geneva. I showed the wr.t.h to one of onr first adjusters, who asked permission to take it down, in other words to take It to pieces. I, however, wished fint to observe It, and here Is the result which I noted: Hanging, dally variation, Iseconds; variation In dlff.-rcnt positions from 4 to 8 seconds iu the heated room : the variation was very alight. Having thus observed it, I handed the wntch to the adjuster who took it down After the lapse of a few days he came to me and said. w. rd for word ; 1 am completely ovar wlielmed; the result is incredible) one would not find one such waUh among fifty thousand of our manufacture. This watch, gentle men, I r»;.oai to you I took at hazard—-out of a heap as we say. You understand from this example, that a Roekford Wateh may be pre ferred to a Swiss. I have aud 1 bare L’d you es toeh as I have seen them." From ths foregoing exhattttive description of the Roekford Watches i: is easy to perceive that t • r ar« the stx" lard f>r accuracy of time, durability and pane, ion of mechanism, by which all oth*r makers in Europe and America are judge! adwe; t m hpn : the man r advantages sisv-cd bv the lortunate p. t.e»»vr of a Koekford Wateh over any other k>:m made. The ’t ’o sv iug . • g>-4 R Ji. p Berkeley, ,- U evtwar i the c lurse of empire takes Its wav,"’ is daily verified by events. > t least sig rifxanl ait. ag •' <• e;•t. e fact rv v Slate Pepa-t ..eut at Ws ogfun has rust purchased a number of Rockford quick Train Railroad Wattbea. to be given by the President to captains of foreign vessels, in testimony of our government's ar; recie/'-r. of their gallautry In M' u-g t,e fives of Au.erkaa seamen. A few years ac •• Geneva watches ooly would have bc-n considered good enough for such a purpose. M. a. artoug many comp< thors, the nmvemeo'.s made at thU i'Mtoey ai. aolocted as the best examples of butr.An skill is deheat, handiwork.'—Ttv Ttart. Tbs ootiuiry u tfivadad «>th cheap watches, called watches only Iwcsoss they tick. That thof» it co surplus of good watches U signally •mphastowl in the r*verr of th- Fork ford W at eh Company which' began ia with t»r mewmante pr lay, and ’.ow tu»- . out daUy 4uo of its Valek Train Wait-hsa n L.-h are u*«.J vu the L iawd Staw« Gcwsl Survey, in ths National Obfevvatory ami kr any d flkult service. (Mu-ago , j’. Ch eof the t < -t uetsl c ' tsnees of rapid progress in tuslnvss Is that affh.ded by Wm. William*. 191 H“.hted S l . Mr. Williams has by hoc’-r-blr me.' I- at e . .- . • t< I •• :. s built up one of ths bs»» city and country trades In Chkag •, recri. i-g daily Iy mall orders for the cvlebr-.-. RpekferJ TYatehas. log an axtem ve dealer ar4 Hwtnufa. tursr ©f wat bra, he can • \r> " any - n.’,« t•. r. Popular pi.v-'prsss. . rvr, . 'Ur.:* t nil g x-' s are wa • .nttvl !u t*c v parti'i.ltr. Mr. Wil. lams Is highly -ctl'nc- ■ .rcial orcles tabSiniw; » ■ ' quadiUtt and strict integrity, and jiutly merits ib« euccoas which U attending his well directed efforta.-" Atcgfa JT. e.ntng T ■ i ... Mr. V »r ’ aide; ba Is a rjccvssfa!, enterprising Chkaf 1 isfara man and will fulfill every premia* contained In bls adver- Useme-t.—C -jw ». »-<•—. <• Char!«. .1 'a!-. Ini., wr’i. ■. ‘I rec*!- <d your sample Koekford Qu'eh Train Watch In srod CWdition : ! was astonished when tt arrived. W! -n I read your advertis- mcnt 1 thought it was e avf tho numerous bvmbogs of the day. tut c - t ..-king •: over, con clmied to accept v. ■ »pc -is! ever ; I d.d so. a>d the watch 1 received prvvsd Übe more I expected, a yereit besu.y. Y u may ex pect a large vn r.. -<wr»-y f-e-, vo«r cau‘ «;ue at • davx Anj tmng fur t.. ar 1 can do to serve yen. wk. he <’ r>e.” Charles O < ms. Jacks* n. M<i ~-an, wrtr« . ‘•The watch came safelv. i find It all that fancy ;«alnted and } Ipr mLed : it Is very handsome. Its '.-d it oti U.< U-. I r '.ed h< r a dAy rar . deoil. Loc.k oe. for a largr; or.ier fro.--.-, y• • .tk»> .-•* ’■ ® I with you on ye.:r guard, as there are numerous irresponsible flrnaa advetUs!r.c cheap watenes Ust are worth «« as llfne- A printed f. rui or fac-sirull* of cvruficate of guarsmtee acre.npauylag every wafra uurenased from in. l : ‘ The waUh purchased from use by is aIU $" < rolled geld plate ca*a, warranted to stand all acid t< st. N 0.... genuine Rockford stem-wind works, No . .. v.d a > Suable time-keeper, whkh I hereby guaiantoo and agree to keop in good order for one year uo<for fair usage- Price, 00. V.l iatn WUlteiiv *' TV,* v’ fk-ate is upon ms, being an absolute gnansr.tao. and for which lat all times held mysdf This it a regular f 20.00 watch, ai»II nt N* sent for fx> (for key • orfS.OO for st-tn), ur.less the pees. > lering will t «eafiy endeavor V? u sar al*s from our large illustrated caiali'C' l * fl ll * w * with It. Will send C. O D. subject to full esamination if M .w .t» is sent with n'.-r, as a guarantee of faith, if you de not war t a watch yourself, you cwa sell It to some neighbor and make a rsuuieome protn. Many of mv agents sell three watebea Lr|Woo to |WaO. Send all money by Regietered Letter, Modsv Order or Draft. ! ft \* to wv ’■cliaMhti I roh% yon to anv bn- n»u» house ia Chk-ago. or If von have any (needs >n the cltv I refer vou to them. Elegant ««.«; . william W'ULiANS, Manutactu&ing Jeweler, iSLSoutb H«t- •led Street. Chicago. ~ . I'aw'f’Mi ■■ THE E. VAN WINKLE CO. COTTON MS, FELDERS —AND— CONDENSHRS Are the best that is made, awardfji the gold medal-in the severest contest eves made In Georgia, South Carolina and Texas. Cetd tificates from the best planters ia all the cotton states. COTTON PRESSES! And Seed Cotton Cleaners of equal merit. Send for catalogue and prices. E. VAN WINKLE & 0., BOX 83 ATLANTA, GA., And Box 140 Dallas, Texas. Responsible Agents Wanted Name tills paper. Early Decay. Youthflt,indiscretion results in complaints such ns LOSS OF MEMORY, SPOT.' BEFORE THE EYES, DEFECT IVE SMELL, HEARING AND i.iSTE, NERVOUSNESS, WEAK BACK, CONSTIPATION, CtC., t ie. ALL MEN, YOUNG and old, suffering from these afllictions, lead a life of misery. A LINGERING DEATH, the reward ot their ignorance and folly, causes many to contem plate and even commit sciou-e, and large numbers end their days amid-t the horrors of ASYLUMS. FaILUP.E IN AND THE P.UIN \TIOM of homes are frequently the r ilts of errors oif YOUTH, WILL YOU BE ONE MORE : Arc l with the thousands of unfortunates.' Or will y<ju accept, A CURE And be your own physician: ' ‘(Heino, alone never (ii<l and nevcf will cure the dis ;<e resulting front self-abuse. If you will have a Remedy that is Per« feetion as well as Cheap, a’. I so simple you can doctor yourself, send your address with stamp for reply, and I will mail you a d-scription of an in strument WORN AT NIGHT, aial this '. FVER-I'AILINd REMEDY. Dr. JAS. WILSON, Mention this paper.] Ixl (», Cleveland, O. m i| 3 A K P'ilii’ul embossed and decorated cards and. M? * NATIONAL CARD CO., North Branford, Conn. Name this piper. a wkyly DEAFNESS - CURED Ear Drum, guaranteed FUix-iior to all others; ligbtr comfortable and Invisible; the only artiticinl ea» drum made free from metallic substance. Send for circular and particulars. B. N. HUESTIS’S EAR DRUM CO., tvky C East 11th Street, New York. OnillM MORPHINE HABIT K-sis fl W | ■"! UVRED AT HOIK. NO PAW, Bl Net v.” )•:;•«, Ixjrt sltrp or lutcrf-rcnae vriflj ■ bualneu. Pir rthnn aknp'«. Trnni low. Tvate Q ment feat on tri*J **< NO PAY Mk«J ur.f.iyw* m« C'ait refer to kaudreda of Cl’ RES. Particular. FREE HUNTAMH REMEDY CO., LAFAYETTE Ind. Name this paper. RUg3o—wky 13t INDEPENDENT FOUNTAIN PEN. Price, S 2 and Upward-. Every Pen War ranted. The holder of thi independent* ia nuule of best quality “Hard Rubber,” and is fit ted with best quality gol I ] i, forming a coniblnip tinn that will fast a lifetime Sent by mail on receipt ot; e. Liberal discount to agents and dealers. We - manufacture a f;ra*» clas« Stylographic Pen for ? I an I unwurd. de .-vn<t for circulars a. ]• e listr. J Ulrich 4b Co.. 108 Liberty street, Neu Y -’ k. Name this leptfc, ukyrt XXX OSiIQ-IST-A.lj J PENNYROYAL PILLS. Warranted Safe, Cer ain and Effectual. I Taken with my ‘ Elixir of ». nnytvyal, Jree' they ■ ‘•'Bvbr rut. S ’nd 4c. (•tompe) r r particulars ■ Name this paper. novf—wkyly mrklOimkiO OlUcer’S r .y, bounty pro &v trloHjilo cured;deaertera relieved, r” fellVl Vite, a years’ practice. Succea. i ! _° r _2°_ !e9 ' Write lor circulars ami nc w laws., j L ▼. KcQwmick * to*. WaUnteaA C. a