Newspaper Page Text
The Present.... \
Missing S
' Word Contest $
Rartcrf J» th SASrt to \
; •• •■• ■ ; IMS- (
' t
.• a X
handsome pria* sum of /
At Least 51.500 ?
Marine Hospital Surgeons in Charge
of the Infected Districts.
Citizens of Plague Stricken
District Anxious to
Get Away.
The Siu.ati- a in the Oirterent Cities
Where the lever Prevails—Quar
antine Regulations W<»rk Hard-hips
and Cause Much C<»mp'aint.
•f hoalih late th* .«ft*rr,*>«». I* s* torotoa
b> that lat> r It , .11-t ' •«"
a... d to tin* .-t. ’
Thi- s t • :t-l r« ! *i;> tow.
not the' of
b a* .«r.- by ta« «j.-**orerh-s
t. tai tti’ I?--Tt. *-■ • »• 11 • ** •*- •
Atlanta is the Haven.
Surgeon Wasdin Stricken.
M . ■ st- pt- mta-r I, -*. - m W -
u ■ *;. .< g !-r
*. tu*. » tab • Hi ti»«* ill. tn *■*,
t <e •• .u» a
of s. :--t«r a* «•*• n b>n i anil w»*
> - J * “*
R len’s Leaving Meridian.
3,: r . miU iSp ia ♦
*. i.. ... I. ft th, ir homes f r
. ... .1 m« n. re will «1> part
.. 4 I* ar . utlrely un-
W T?
- c nt Mobil*.
Mat At S- •ml rII • «M»
, f« v«-r .-re «Ks * y »*•
tb s -- t tt k ’ AlUti’.a
fna! «y Swy t • •' • ■••-• I
- • tr*' vMIV f
>ur &*■'» • K* l ' ” x
Jackson Citizens Fleeing.
J «■■ a. Mie* Ap’« rnb-r 11 < s l" ■
j. I tl. <->■ lu* •- P • lev r itr.-.t
«.f y. -.r f.v.r ■ EJwar-H •» nty tml «
i. -t of her». *‘ffi ---Hl »t.H«d thia i-v.nltiK
•j*. - ate author ties have calk'd on V. y-
» Is suspended. though many
..• fur*', --ani.- of it«< m the I *t known
, ■ . ■ ' rum gat*-I I
e. ,».th authorities*.
Shows but Little Malignancy.
Xe-W <treat l-«. S t-.n -r U -At
n . - s «.. ■ -*t ***• of h- aith
. f- .» -K -v. ..|4tu t--.. of the
<ay-» I i-ptr-f- tn th- 5 liow fever
t • rl*• - I to I - *.rl
t:. .•4 »■ '' • rd- i
... " ■ • ■ ■ '■ *
: t- r.nit w. i i harm!- f-.-r,
nv. • art- ;i~ au-p • i- but
n.rt. -ir* j«■ further suv .-:is it. d before
*PiiH K’H-■ : '■ - > ; . j
4Ht/»Us < \ < . ,'! i W
I n .!. tint- r. i-.rt <-n!.l 1- n«’•! nr -i -I'.'tn;
I there w. r. no reports -to t air eas' .<n>l
I tour •a— - had *«• « proiioiinev.l s:> tni.i>'
! v. How fi-r. r. thoir-'h one of the i.itt-r was
I> - -1 .< of a nri l t\ |>o."
<>!:«• the fe.iiun s <hv«loped during th'*
dav !< that |k of Ul ituret 3Rf have
b» *■« a: ’ «• «l.
li* r> t«»i**r«- lh»* dis** h«s b* • n confined
l.rst . Palis .hl .il. nos ■•■.IT >R- “'“J
Imo- at <1 cirls not fit Ki •"» to niaahood
i atid womanhood.
Looks Brighter for New Orleans.
x. '• •'
I eh. . of the day's ini• <!«;-. lon by «!>«•
; f . f. i. r.; -n it on ~o t ir. .it 1< .i ' S‘‘ w-
«»r . iT-b < . .*n. tl. wt « « «•’ .>*.d r« *1 t“
• have ir. it-ri.ills- improv..l. Tl.. r. w;i- |. s
anx • ’>• ' m it any rime .< ivv stondas'
io.oi v :.. 1.. I't’i ••’!> 1 • • " 1 ’ ■ ' '''
’ . -i. .ur i;.-l to :i. s- t. it l>y no tn- i-.s
! has- :• v 10-: con «>! of the .-Hn ttion.
. a:;.| ' ii '~ i|it:t.- within the rang.' of a
l.rot.ib i> o .s|ss i that .ii .i e’ ort tint.
■ . ' ■ ' :
.-t.j.- .y. .1 w II prevail an.i . nis.i .’in
fh* brvt 7.-- a s.? »3t.
-1. .1 . v there w• r twent* • i ■
r .art. .1 to ill.- he tit i Itoar.l f ’r mv. t «■<-
• I <. •- -. ta . an s il iin.h r ins -■ • -
two w. r. r ]-»rt..l <- .-n.- :> • i ms.
. | .jn.- a further .llagnoi-a. ..itrt«.t»
w r-- f' ‘I t • •"* harm'.' • a-, iof f. r
~l -wo w r. pronoum-.d g-aulm
•> \ » I • 1 • • 1 w«».»»! • ■ • «'-•••*!.<■ I
I . J , .. . ||. rn n I* .r •>. . U -
• *
« i. y * :h» Fit ix*h market. ll.s r*t -• i
H j • • vi-:»: b’i l»• ; a j
m - i w.i’t.r sitnrday h<
I ■ > tn. . f it <-n - > ~ th- i’ tti i r •>:
. iat• •• “• S-l'ti’t « <n rJ. .n
--i. .-• md Na
•n .v 1 i< Hit. C. i' r..n.r>
«.f i- M-th.-i.-: • aur. it. BiaH
‘.'7." r .... o f «•. k. i
, . . ■. a.' ■ ■ .ji ■ i. '.'ow f. v. r, j
- \ . . . ,i 11..1 0.0. .a to
• r- nt r< med. Tl.. r-- i ~ie 1... u no
.!■ itba • Hilwxi.
Jackson Tronic Stampede.
' J . ’ . II . 8 • ni.» r 1 . The . ' >i<
. i - .Is
of - ..ria .111.
I’t it. li I of a 1. :y mild
Tb< »•«•• Ins from •’>!< • itv. which b m
in .-i. . v.... t.i ral •• >. >»-•'. his -at- <
It Gut. ■ . r- ■ .11 ..H :■ at 4:Y» I
• i t -I n • .i. v ■•.<! a '
■■■■.<: i - • ‘ .
■I ?A S . i 11... r M I
V : <1 ... . ) ow ...
..... . v • » In. I’orn 1 . . -
. :. tity. i.iH r. ail tra. tl.! :■> th.
A .!• ... se. v. ii. a t tn from Oe.-a:
1 ■ ■ • ton ..• •
- •"■!.:* ... v ... •? - .1, In. 'po -a 'a'tit
tr uni m.itis ;> ojii. "o * .*xl
Iminun . I • «.nint •! . ■ <. >n -nt to
• . ■• . ' ' ....!-
I I St. ,l| .lit ’■ t'.l. < Os It 1" •>'. Io R
sot M. '.S', unit - rw .'• <1 ■ t i
"(It I i KRAIS "
State Board Issues In tructions.
Tl • • <l. ‘ ! 'istri:. ■• .1 l»r. 1’ rneli
to n’- i .'..r.10n of « • mis aroti’-d I -I
w • i■ i ? t ■. i •
| .ho :■ ,>l" r- I■ • t to iandSm th <, tow • «
•:. .• iTh« i ■ • board . . • ■i- •
'• .1 th. •i. on . "ill on the
I v. ii tl Mi .1 of V is-i .. I
, M.. . .-pi r ’»• . • td
Thcie Mny E? More Cases.
It t« la;.-1 that an •\|. •: ha< te. >. r.
. q ..I to pro- -I to Nil’ .Min:.;. M
j ... |.,v. _-.t.‘ 'he t“- •■! M i oni t’-mn
i roa who am.- tr- 'n leln uds, and to «-m-
( Xo tr.. a- ar.- 'ilb.w.M to stop ■ \opi ♦.>
. . i mail at t’io n.
. , . . . • < . leave
Complications May Arise.
J. ( S-. 'i M-- S- p. mi*-r !'■ <S|ie< lai.)— j
Th. aniiounc. no nt if y< ll<>w fever
■ t IS'.'.i . tu. ti’y-fii.. inih s w. t of
J I, ..ii. ac. •i. r <t.-d the -lamiwde and> ..f p. ..• base I. ft h-re and
..ther> ar.- r ing and y.-t health of th.
city Is ->i|.rh.
Tl.. < ty t.. l-h authorllhs some days
. id th I, .111,. tl it t’.l Would
b furt. fii-d train- f< i t ...Id r . lim it.-
I ■ ■ ■ t f.-vT l.’ofc. tu .... Sap. rln
I t. I i • Imn’t. ..f sh- IK tioi- t'l iilt .l. has j
wl d >h.n h. i-a.i |u thirty • <>.■ h- h« n
I short noth .
It - .id toi.Kht th it th. I. gal .lepart
! m-nt li*. ' wind th- state hunl of health
It., know if its ord r that p r-ons from
:if..t.d l .onl.i no: 1.0 i• .1 trains and
1 w prompt > aiias..l tti tt It dal
I Tl ,■ i i a* *. i. t ■ Ji.. ■ . ’a-
j |j ’ii. .ftinois I'.ntral -vs m. i,-- ixs-n to
I I I ■ 'ii*. i< <' whin s< r ■ x|i n ■ to
1 *•!»< k the plague.
I .din a- of the road say that they I
dare not take the p. oplo aw iy as the ail- ,
thority of 111.- State board of health Is nli
soiut. and a ii.i.i'ion of th.-f mandate
would work a forfeiture of their charter.
Eight New Cases. Otic Leath.
New Orleans. 1. i . S. pti mix r !"■ The
fever situation in New Orleans today as
suni. <1 a more serious aspect than at any
’ in - slue. Sunday, when six of the St.
t'iaude < as. s nail- declared to be yellow j
ft yiT. At C o'clock this . I. ninsr th ■ board
of h.altlt of th- city announced th* V*
p. aran. . of eight new cases, and of these
one death, that of /.. n i Bruin, r. At tie
office of the board of hi .tltlt today reports
wet., considered .-••t.u ivliat surprising and
. .gilt new <-.i es. and of th’s one d alh. of Zi mi Br.iimr. At the office of the
1.0 ird ol 1,, alt . today r. ports w. I id-
< red soir.i iv.ia Mi.*priaa:g and d.sappoint
Tile situation had so materially Improved |
last nig t that it w..> f. It that pretty ntueii i
the worst hid citn., and that condition.-, i
would improve.
i • rday u n or.- of the hottest days |
of t . m .util, and as yellow f. i r thriv. -
in drii';irb r vs w« at •*-r. there ta • tns
to h;iv« ♦n .t rap.«l <it \ • nt of m r:n ..
Th** ph>.- « in f» •I. liow vi. that
th* r« i- much ti;at i. pt’ >fa< ;«»iy «n the
situation. I: is true that tin* n* w < a*.* s
today . pt* ’tit i • «x:r»ni<’ upp**r. th**
• \tt* in*- . »u« t and tin c iitral |»«u i »n> “t
ti»i • •>. hut tip n hr ii’t u t«» vr’ou
hpr»\id from original h»« i. ami t:i«‘ hopeiul
« pin:uii j >*ili i xpr» •<i th’* dis* * '*
in ' !>• contt.*K« «i and thai th re is no imi
t.cni danger •»! an vpid* ndc.
New Case of Yellow Fever R»porte<l
M.. 1.11. Ata . s', pt mix r I’t. The board of i
I. .I’ll laport d l ie- new < f v. lloiv t.-
yarti'd.,l. tn king in .ill de.Tin d.
At-'iton- <1 -e ui the first yellow 11 1. f
. as- dll d till,- Ittetno in.
fill, pitiiilt Wl d:.-< liarg. d to.'.iy.
Fifteen New Cases Reported.
■’ ' J
Hunt. I have : . !■ ;>ot t .a ht new ea.-.-s ,
>1 s llv i \X <. til .a r. I'lank Ro-mail, I
.'t. d \V. •at ■ a r. M. I’-: ’m l" II
I', ey- It r.15..:.a. Mrs. It.irntt. Miss I'alil
in.- Lew!-, ind .John •' i •■, c010r..!.
"< ..It !,.■ i'; ■ ■ ■ I'tii.i • in I's ..nt,
.it’d .<>■:■. I two i i - Num- r "f other
. , . I town to 1... . . n l.cni.rroii. No
. . . - .r -a I to.', . ht. I’i'KNEI.L.'
Mayor Calls for Help ns the Sick Ate
All Poor.
Jtii' xt. Miss , September 17. The elty
<a.u: .il t .<1 n adopte.l resolutions calling
on tm p • .- f.,r aid s'atiti - all factor!,.-
-I .. ' ~'■■! . .w n.
11. tl ' ■ ■ i• 1 .■ i; p, o t ,4 • 'ii
, ■ . n I ll’ 1.l 'll • I, lie til*'
< ~ to |.ur.'ito-' isieu.ea,. and
• ' : i . no -ary in s 1, etiier-
. .■ ,;u. <1 -Ig:>. I by II iris T Howard,
MisElsrippi Is B- t ied Out.
S’lma. Ala.. S ptember 17. (S lai.) ■
T-o boat.) of .alth of I’alla- c«n»ity to- ■
.. y o’ nt n< d ißiin.i lie etite of
Tl. .i I .op I! through buslti.--- on |
t’ M. ■ -I. a: bran, n-i th. Southern r ii'- |
way. i-th . 1 ’>■ town a th.- Junction '
ot •• S- t. i .nd Al; ial, , I• it S "it h-
< fl; r.i v -ya. eSbihl ‘ d all eff' tIVH
.-lotgnii * r.ia < A. < mpioye. of t'.e
f e-i w , ■•■nt to Yeti; Horn*
d. •la ■ . ,M . In ' t.b !■> • r. for a ■
I. a a ■ tie !• . 11, w.r ptonip'ly
. -.1 out . : tov. •. it the muzzl. of ~. i-
Fewer N'V Cases R rto.l.
•T . , i" ■.• ii! I ■ ■ ’a , ■ »n
Hl t d • .’ . : til dll’ W". Is •!' th.
'• I.! i . , .'I , T :• w .!.,!>
. ..’I y -t. . ■ V at..l t Ina. w< 'a !• w• r
e is. - At i o'. . k ti .venire; there
w . t ... . !■ • ,:. v< . .... < '
tll< . is- .1.1 . .Hol five were de-
. i ,r. d I ■ . i ll'.w t.-v. r.
aid . ill tile- war. W 111, S' Jit* red.
*i the r< . or i
P- I K. II .rnion.
X. V. ■ ■ S.ata Graffo, M ,r|.. l>iii:..|
■ ; ; . i . II <; oman, \X M. I-
A- . i: •■ ■ a • . . :' ; it ••nt" w ■ ni "
■att > ■ wt.y • a I'- ’■ ■ r ..r.- r. < 4
i • ! in ‘-r b ■tl a *. of thirty ■
not y. . , ■■■ ; ■ .. t . >w ix
tii> ii di • - - < ’ : ■ . tyi • of :.".a . t,w. i.r-
M , .ai flow’ .a m mber of t!l< < it, ie!,.-
t. ■ ■ v . .r. .. a- a ' i.
; ■ > ■. I • e i.'. I! : > M l com ■■. ,
I 1... i-n ; id I' aot thviiß <t tnat '
'!■ . la ry, Ahi . S ptomb. r IS <Spe-
I ■ ’ • J OU v.. rot to
: ■ I '; I 4 St .got. 1.l hid
d 1 arg : th. .| ti. at M-blle
Ii ' -it ■! ' < - li'I:.; a imp <4 d'4e:i- i
tioi m >r t let, .
* ■ ..I.lit y intboi z.'d the us.- of the
state p-.j. t'v .4 Mount Vernon for this
u -Iy .iced tl.'-..
I ' I■> ll* ’ a . I . ■ . : 1 l . .ml ar
ia I ■■ I" I v • mil - :tuat<..l re-
i" . ■ t -;.i. and i tr-
ot • ' b. a I i in k Wall.
M- ’ i • r !>. <Sp* -
ni • t t » ?• i• • * \ «*x. i au •»* •!. ? (
i>.-i>.»! I I rs Hunter m<l K'r r. of th» .
I ' t
p, a ..i I tr.i . tin \ . IV. r din. d. >
Inwh fi o:.I. rd w is ma.i. to upp. ar t iiat j
M t al. in v. in ■ if* • <1 |x.Hi.
Tai- is ix ng .'on. .it < i-a.,1. as a re-
t., .'i on tl • pot of ih. , for
:.n oi.’.r to slop In • t:..a:s adopted by
H |<. l-ar-l
T - - ’*i w l ,-h
r. ... . .. *r..| -Iy eoti.l. mti.itory of t tie I
a > on o: I»• limit' r I Kig. r -and of ■
tti. ...’a. n <•' Sup. ret. ndm: li.iux of the '
A li'l ' in ‘li-' ail’ll:; • :•* ~| «,r.|. ps 1
j ton c. t<d y tl. !• *il is .rd of he alth
■ was also
n MU' -ana imp]; t < o iti.b .a . m |
th. il author■ t" •• •• with th,- r tua- ,
• . 1 - ta- I
d y ' o .!• n Hl.'! it'.ry <4 tb< .- offiei ita
I board ot t ht and '
n a -.1 • ’ p: • "U- . ‘l.i ' la: y.- to A.
~l \ > •' !•• l■ a * ia; t.,a.1 o
•a .; t’ through tills <*i:y p r < . ab-.l th. y I
w . . t.fotm to * ma i.. namci ol* '
1 o t t ■ M ia. I
I. Id N. <• and N. I? ’I .eritor Me- I
Laurin was war. .I of this aetion.
Tl.. hoard t-ie again Hi- tn..ruing aid
J. d :■> .st,il. 1 -,, a qiiatanti!;. around
, ■ ■.. on of any jx«»Pl *
~,U . ,'f. '.d polls fl. Hl . n*. r:l • Hie
li ... This <pia> untie, will o ma, i: i.ned
lin'd, r u In ctiouol ■ll mil. airy otli ■a Is
' •' ■
and ve: v rigid. i
Al’i.u- on. -: Im d of the wlilt. populat ion
Coiitinucd oti Second Page. |
But Trans Are Ucdwgoing a Very
Rigid Inspection.
Visiting Physicians Seem To Appre
hend No Danger from Refugees Here.
Dr. Alexander on the Situation in At
lanta—Dr. VZestmo’ e! tnd Tells
of His Father's Er’pcricnce.
... ‘
nation so fir a ’ At-
\ ix Ej l.mta i cori'.rmd,
|7,'. p 3! remains the s irne .is
F' y .F. s'3|\ Hl.’ I’ n since the
ir r : r <>-■' • tapp...r.d
I' v ha •I■•r. no r- lux t-
' * -' th»n on th*- part of
l -' tiio 1.. ..I’li depart-
ment t" prevent per
sons suffering with tlm di 1 •• from • ’
terlng. In* S;iwt*:!i*. the govern
ment iiffi.', and I>r rft'in., the Savannah
city official, are watching the condition of
.. f!.: irs In Atlanta, .. nd b>t i - ’ t orn
out reports y. tcnjiy Olli ;; of the situa
tion here.
In*, s.iwtelle'.' report wis excel dlngly fa
vorable to Ml.mta ao'l ‘■hov.'i th't < very
thing is ag pt t the <1 *■■ se entering hern
<x .pt by impoiiation H report -".ni’ to
show that lie h.e m> ap:-.*'- !;• n. on of an
outbreak lu re.
It Stop. '■ report was eg "ally as f ivor.a-
I le and shows that tin* n-e. try precau
tions art* being talon 1" prevent the dis
. : .• front t-ikui;: a bohl i* Atlanta.
When a. k. .1 S it ir. ,y if ie there
w i any .1 .* of of Atlant l ava. - tn out
-1». ik of t.o f. v.-r, T'r. Sto.T 1 that the
post re. ords sbo.y. 1 th i the f. v r I. i
b. . n Io re and had n it spr. id tn.l tl;; ’ v. .. i
very* mm'li in favor of the ilty. H • -out in
a mr.rr.r ol' H turd . in fore 'or :
the re. ord ;:> r. ird t • >■ Low !■ v. .■ p- ~k
for them ■ lv.
Mobile Well Represented.
Nev.'t* lx lor.- I> Me th-re I' - n «> many
jx epi., from Mobile in Atlanta. Ihich
trail fioni tlm* city brinu-s crowds of
i* fug. . s ~| tie numlx-r of tl.-ni hi
a. r. • 4 mi I ; 11. '.* ale now to I- et; 1 ;
all pal ■4’ Hie . ily
I . tl . . . ': - f the I. 4. 1 • Mo
I Ilians imth. r in group, and .1. .a ; :!i<*
situ.;, .'I. lite..', '• :. giant i*. ••••iyvii 11 Tl
tl:. re i . I. rly r id al-t all noy r 1 a ..
to th. ’ ill.:; oil i; toid to a t. ’ -te.i .■t..y..l
A• . I t! • . M. I. [" opi. ,i r ,1 *. as
any who hay .yi r < oi.:. m Atlanta. Th. :•*
po. • • - I■ • ..mb', -pi.t w'; ■ o milks
H. yah .mu «v» i y k. die - ili-mn Hi. m
li gli.y up) r. ■ 4. .1.
M b.ll is -.rd o’ :Ih M-.b b- j |,|.. .an
!»• sii.l al-.i of tli.i■ .• from N«’v orb ns
.m.| ti e other a.f. :.«1 [ , Th y* ar*
m.-.kit ■: tic I- ' .1 a lote. I u i
■ i town ; 4 : ’ • H. i• , 4 t ■ , ■ At
lanta W..S . iioii,:h to anew th tn to
enti r.
Mr. Kennedy’s Experience.
Mr. A. 11. Ke'iiiidy*. -,-<■■ 'ary of th"
< '-Tin.' . ' I '11... of ' .
;no-t prominent . itiv.-ais ~f t ilt |.‘»v. is
It Al 'tr, Iliya e :rt I\. .1 h t.Titur--
He ' lib in’. :*> ' ait v ..’ .'m i’lon in
M"’. and of the • p r . b. -
t.'l.. ■- l • : p ■ I . . • .V j. ■■ . r
b* ’ ' ' • "-'.hi. • m
II ■ . .y a.oi ' ; on i' ».
I V.:
1’0.1)' p ’Hi. w . • h ,rriv..i at AH mt i
lout* ows ; it*, l ist Taut .lav. This ' ■ rt
Was mu!" up erair. iy .a d - and
wa- ->p. i| from Moi, > . Kti.nt.i.
•'a : a s tr m. .. . tn. . n.yyd ... ■-
pie. th. gr iter numb, t u s w i , IU ~.
i■ ’■ <t ■ > «yiy < r . d . ..nd
wi. were i. iy:t.g the . -I el strict as
f t . they !>.. Ih. . Mr. K. lied,*.’
I' :. ■tl ' ■*• . ' • o|", , . !, .■, ~
II ’. n V i"; ■,:. :- • 11. <■ ■ <. . y > ■g. .
\iar b.ivittg Mo be said, tie tr.. t
went at a wry rap. 4 rit< ,m.| p.i ..t
through the f.iyyta beat* tier.' at filil -p. . .1
V.jli. all : 'I .yildows elo.-e,i .111,l
.a ’• tli.i. In * h-.-. pi n. pteeiutioti wis
t ik' tt to H',. that the ’rain did no: op.
In -Montgotm ry th, vae.i*,. s: trouble was
. y .:-:. * ..t by the n lup. is. an I Mr. Ken.
ti' dy ■ iti - t sit it . -oHi' a.. :!.:•■ i
u . • h tis no <i. xa o'. .vn U
tie Tifi. t : . ol tie pa- . " <rs w ; - ry*
I'.r.’.it still I!ii I*- was ail ~*. ’OUS -:,1.. to
the -i'laiton .il'.l pi - h"..l .1
much Inti a. ibl.. guying t a gtii i'.
wHi .• Ir. p, l.•! . O •I. .- •!■ < ' .lie * T;' l
to !. -•;> <i0.,i... .m.I w:>id w- < io-.. .1.
'1 lie train. . .1 Mr K< tto Iy. .i.rp.. I 'n
M nil ...’I, ■' y o'.".:' a u'.-l.M'ii t *!h
di. >r.dug . :<1 w< nt thr •• g . a: t rot .1 rate,
nut sto). . a.- unt .! .rt '.. I at part
ti.. mi ■ from the < ■ «
v.. ■ ■ y'.a.d about .."J !. - uni., g :a
an op. a li.-lil vita the ray- ■.!’ a Ito- suit
Ir-i’aig do-n op th. tn atwl alttm-t siifl'o
ea’ing the |o ug.-rs.
,’t this Inter, it moment Hie Ice nr<l
yy t. r siv <uf I ml th. p• - ■ w. a •
left to -tiff' r tilil d I Weil a h' It. No
effort, it . si’.l, w.s mi.!, to f iml-lt
yy a o r.
New Quarantine Retrulations.
A p. . story is *<i!.l of an M 4».:in:i
ray, mar Mobile, In wha !i th. )-. .ij, .
site wild wi it feir of tl." y. I! .w ml.
It is said this county <iuara:itined
ai' tli" railroad .md inti ndi I not to
allow trains to - ven pa-s ttirougti.
As tii<. story goes, a lompretafs.. was
<in . ted by wlii' h the railroad a ,r.-od to
blow th*- wtiistle of tin train . ontinuous.y
white it was pa *.ng through tl
lar county.
Whither this portion of the story Is
true <<r not. it .s Certain that wlmmv.r
tin train * tit* i • Hr- • ...inty lit*- m iie. r
pulls down ti.e V. hi-lie cord ,*m.| clings to
p uh a ' H. n
story 1- told l>. lilllgees yy ~ wit,. ,|. _
Itirkil by tit.- un* litlily shtieks of th. lu
eometiy < .
’l*l>e -espiTs'on of i tn- -t. .inil>..a: S in Mo
bile, it i-- - will pronati.y Tin much
mn.rifig In -iirill towns whieb were sup
pled trout Mob.le Tie re will be a great
den 1 for fiMxi in thi pla< -,
Statement frem Dr. Alexander.
Hr. .lames b’. Ab xamb r. pf. Mont of tl>>
board id health, who has maintain d that
an epidemic of y. I'ow fev r <• live
h- te. and that there is absolutely no dan
g. rot Ti;.,. tastrophe. ha - written »
card for th*, purpose of setting himself
right on certain points.
I!- that he has n* ver b en In f iv«r
of allowing r-fui:. * s to enter th.- ci'y tnd.s-
• riniit’at.'ly. ami li'oilgii he b. .'."Ves tin re
i- no d u.p r. dots not think it proper to
try *x)»"i*imonts ..r to run pos .ble risks.
His curd in full as follows-
■\tlanta. G.i , t-'. •'■ trie r 17. IVO7. l-.ilttor
< 'oii.-i it ulton : As it is )'o-<lb:< ttl .t my )'■<-
*- m*n in regard to y. How t. ver .md tn**
lelug. *.s from "Hi* r . ;ti. s may b* mi.--
und. rstood. 1 desire to make the following
I .statiTu nt: . , , _
i I hay*- i'* ver been in favor of t.irowmg
■ open Atlanta's gabs tor Ht*' indiscriminate
I ailnnssion of all t'ei'tlg. s and traveler*
j < "tiling ftoni p'aces where a a t.oil-
I .11-. *■ is raging. All )•■ r.-..n* * "tning m
At ST si I." ’"Sp. ■ led and .f they
i have Hl*, y . liow f. v> r they .diollM I”'
I t th .1 at some convenient )>’ " " d" •*'
<>..r .th until tb'-y i. over. \\ me I
p r .Tally nave n * b .r*. I do not
to mil:*- anv • xi-Tim-nts or t.-t- wha n
would b ■ old . ; o.t ibi*' to an' <>i our citi
zen . This h.'T always I CIV I'"- lion.
”1 have always held, and sti’l hold, that
un,!. r Atlanta's favor able < itn.iti. and
.uh. ' . ..i dimms tl'< f. v r wouM not
: pt* ail iH-r*. and Ix conr .-pl.lemte It y* :-
: ver patients should com.* here This
*,p h;.,:i ba: ■-I upon » ;n . an 1 tl' l ’
b -tory "f the < !ty for fifty years.
"I atli tnl'd y. How t ver some
y.'ir: t’o in tin- Kov*rnor's niamion and
th*, family and s rvants w* re no: affected
by it. I also attend, .I women anil ehildr* rt
‘ w o bid th,, ii:-. a.-i a' th* i.iJ Am. : . tn
hot.'l on tto. eoitu r of Alabama and Pryor
str . is. tli.i it wa not I'ommutileated to
t y of our p*-**p!,' Teen ’’ w’l r. mem
ber, d th: ■ H'i lit*. 1 »r. jotin <:. VVcstmorc
laiM -but tn the -.mte room with a yellow
f. v. r pit'.*Tt in this city arid took . are of
h tn w :1,0 :t ;my ' irmful r. sulfa.
"Yellow f. ver r.'fug. cs * mi- lice in t**7f>,
■s* ’Mi ■,l 'l' We It v. bl •tl throngh
th. • \f. i tt.- a numb’r "f tint. and
I ..111 eotoident that Atlant l Would b. itj no
d u * r* v*r if we hid a .score of
y tow* foyer pit;,Tls s.-HIT. I ..v.r tlm
city. Still, as I sa d lx for*>. I am no’ in
f t o’* ... try . :;; ai.v i xpi rim. it. a"..! I have
r* v r - 10. .'.M the p •!: -y of ,*|v ling our
doors l.i all tti.;' Il is l.tti*- to follow
th. ei:-tom of other cities and not ndmlt
. I- Tom who h ve to symptoms of a
*|..‘ 01. d <nt g ; ois dis. . ... When the
r. tin.. ar, , r.’itkd to th* proper health
e. it " it bv .HI tm o * !"t th. m I'.inio an*l
r ci- a warm w. 1.-om*. They . houtil ,t»t
b. !■ " ..I out by any u.’tlia. o’t.ibl. ami
j ground!* fear.
Dr. ■Westmoreland's Test.
T!i*‘ st,*ry often.-st told by Way of llltts-
H ' AH in: i’s n’i'.iimi'y from v.T .w fc
v. r '- that of til. trying of t lt m if. r
m *!•■ by fly. John i> W'.-* :r.or, !a nJ y irs
rt; •*. when with a fever p.-ith-nt in
t.. - .it',' :md *x; rl* , d m* evil r . Its
from : Tli* story h s I" n r.p- abd i
Huts t.d time. In Atlanta during th" pres
ent * p cm!.-. I i:t tt-e t*.ry fit's not om <*
I told In * x t-t <b■: ill.
At th.. r..|-f . t of 'll.-- I'onstttution. I'r.
Robert W. M inorx'land th >n of Ihr.
st... " of the i.lf lir:
' li|>id, mi. ;r. marl*. I by seasons of
[Tti Io 11 ' :i.| g. t ral, ard nt> du ll i
-el . .<1 adv T" -T.’lM lie lent; •*. .1 with
, 1.1 i i.i'.Tn. nt ,tul il b • •’ "tt. Th" b ii’-r
In your i. tuo ot y -t.i.’*v ii.Tt . part ..f
the Atlanta bo **<l of li Ith. - ' far H’Tl
having ta:- <•<>> .rvativ. pen' "f ':.
had mot* :! • ;) iiran. eof king to io-
, i .i-o Hinn to lay ti;.. ' • !" tig p iiv ky
foe • ~1. It . . rd to tn. pt. It ' pi'b m' l '
. .It* f. y .-r ■•! \ :.g Mot i; ear gi.lf
coast. I'ut w'i ■Il all t tne ail p.t-t ,x
--)T : tie.. it.T ■ !:>■:• tv ■ st.ibi.-h'd W. le oy< r-
I, .te d ot ; ”f. d. Till At! ' t tian.
.. 'Jh’hT’T ::•! ant :11 s,
yo.igti: lx 'l' ’4 'l.
It, Hi- y or '*. . Dr. John G W. stmore
’ i ..t ■’. by :w a- of ' ■ !lur. fee r
tu , ’ !":T I I. . ty, to .! nt.T-
- ■n •• : H*. d: -. i- *■ ■ obM co’ j»r• : -
. ..lint .*■ -n . - "f * i:. • 1
tv).. . t< fu: - • ing r.-tu Hu* iuf.'t d d.-tr .
v " ti a■: : I ■ tr**l. In ttc M ititli ini
Hous" hot. ’.. Son afb r ’ p • t’- .-r H m
Mi tii|il.i w t tki-n ' :■>'■ Idly .11 upon I'
urriv ' In th*- • ■ . I w ’ ■ '" ■ ■ -f*" ‘ I
from i! de|.i>t )., Dr. W, tmor.Ti M's otlt‘
:.i th,- Markham lli.iim building. This party
w s t- I tit of * tow*, eon: . >1” t to
A! 111... W Sos th v :<•<: tyo".
11. w.'S I’lo.d in tl* ca-ultitig t t m of
no : • it ... . • an.i a
• f IT. 4 ■ 111* ■I '’ !*’!.. ’ ’
v’.r If. ~f (TT. 1 'on -■ d m>t <i ’* ti
p* eg tu . . .rv nur-ing t;.l m, 'li’ L al at
.■.T.lT ’ e to th" *ly!ng man T‘ • may or of
\■ latt• ’ ••t ’ll tin-' Dr A•• r ' ! :
a- *11(1 t’.e w ■ Timtt" :t y tbit t *!an
... of ’ ' ■ .n V. ’ . ' . 'ill W’
• |. -o t<, . m n tn th" lu irt of tin*
, .... n ,1. , tier* :’l p. I ’ll. ' . h.iv* the
1 , t " t I'. 11*..1 to t 1)111 IT*. s l* ton.
y. .th. : fu- •! to ,'! *w i i- r. r ".vat.
T'' ■ m ’ : '•! th ■ •” ' ■ ■ •
• . 1 m Thi- ti'.' mi- '■ -* 1• I v
..Tie d and f ■ ■ ■!> min .!: .' i’t t.’ otfu'*‘
iti .t a I **‘r wl ■ h a iMtost h:* la - t hr* 11 h ('.'tst-
. - .. *t 1. \.'t ■ • o' r :’..* I
, . , in of t >,*• tv ■* di'vot. *1 ill n.l itits. Not
, w . th. :<■ *"t t!b .'•* t Ind’.TtMas of
, ~.,'t ion observed In -my put of Hi’’
i.T.-nb.xxl. bat th. two t;. itdati*-. worn
d .*•■ «!’!: H-.- i”l" "T v.* I < M effort-
. i ,f :: ■ •r. w t•• in how - •
V. T'.y. •* IT. ’.d than itl ' ■ 1:1-
< . . , !■ ... • ■ I they had hum.nne-
■ I;, n upon th* n*- lx *
*<\| I ) > p.,1 to . w* that yellow* fe-
Vl r f< |.,, I .1; ’’'l' to the .-ffillV • I
y. T b|,. .cd *'tn>l ,!• '’OH! p< >-11 io tl
, . • ’.'t ,1 Wf'h ’tntii <■! ms' O .I'H ■’ *
. ■ ■ ... y■' • • ■ eons! ml districts
,tp,, ;’v tr It: irv to it. Why then. - sottld
ii *t \ I’t:'i. w’th lu r s.nlttbri >us and inti-
. ] it,.:,: . h... , she !'. tiripi.-tltion-
al A x. nipt t"' »t yellow f. v. r fnffii. in <s?
■|'.,r* .it’ T" ot nt -ts.'. . x pe
ri. I mil I ~' of t!i< d : — i;-o is in
tr . . throwing ’/!’! op ■> th,, gat. s an.i
v. . tut'* tlie refuge.'’
"I. m (.tll.T TO', tl road to public
y~r ' . ir I-* . t :It :t Hint v. ’: • b «.. k**
r,, it, H. tu lons of the ' w'. >
i , * .1 .<•.■’ temp. r. 4
w'i tn' .I,l'. tn* I' and common s. ti— .
f . t Atlanta -i’ll the sifi* haven for the
*.•!*,w f. ' ■ r str . ken, as w l! as the Gate
i*l|; of H •• South.”
automobiles growing in use.
United States Consul Calls Attention
of American Manufacturers*.
, 'ig’.T. S. pt.nit .r ’7 -An :nt r* st-
’. .m . ay ■ i' ' ‘I. 'optn, tit of : Auto-
Ir , , •■i .. itl I 'r.i t*■ e..n»’s t.. 11..
. • ‘ ST I . ■
' p , S ! II". nn.
; It. Tilts a'.t.utiou of our own niannfac-
• (1 .. to 'I., great Ftrido Ixittg mini" la
I't-.iU! . by i t T I.- of .nit, mobiles, stiruu-
. ,; ),* I . . . : >|t )i't!> d. Hi I IM. a d
t: , ■■ in-omni tis they !>■ in. d
to ctittip tr. It* -*Abnti'T a pli.e list *>f th
-1,, , , , *, . el r ■ ng fr-nn S'k-h tor a
two —at ■ arr't.i:■> ?I.2‘A for a six —
v.agom it. or a d.’ltv, rv v an.
This One W.,s Discovered in Arctic
St. I’etersburg. Seimniber 17. A t*l>’-
i gr.tpT.e nt. -. .u’o re*’ei\.d here from Kt ts*-
. „ y tr-'k. in t'o interior of Siberia. - i\s
: thi on S- panther iltli, at 11 o'clock at
| n p|,. t c in militants of Hie v.',. ot
A i’zt:' b." j.w . in ti. .!!-'i**t of Y. ti
re -k. Areti. Itu- i. saw i b.ill, on, b- -
t . V, ,| to be that of Prof.—Ar Amir. o. the
S'.'.d I a. r,U. lUt W 1., left til. .- Cid "f
Tromao ■ short y befor*. 2;ID p. nt. on July
lltlt in an attempt to cross the polar re
Wholesale Hanging of Lawbreakers
Occurs Wednesday Last.
Osgooil. Ind., SeptembT 17.—Incensed by >
num. rou. depr. .I.iti*. . daylight roober-
■i* s and np, ati l burglar:..*, the !>• |
j pie of Ripb*y county, Indiana, have j
I taken the law into ttie.r hands ,in*i rmte.i |
out to the j*. rfTtt ttors a punishment I' r than provided for by th*' law*. ;
I‘ive men. who have l ing lx, n a terror I
to the <i iz<ns of this county, met liutr
*b ath at the h it.ds of an enragt-d.popu
"Stout ropes, not over six feet In length,
had serve,! to s> nd each to bls eternity
and their fe* t were but a f. w inches from
the ground.
"Versailles is a town of eight ttundred
ti. opt' . It is om- of the oldest in the
state, and although it in ilve miles from
a railroad ’tat.on and lias no t*!*graphi,*
*■'Tltll" t.T It TH Will !.» outs de world, it !
Is *■ ill tla*. county scat. For four or live
' year-, .n d «<v* n longer, the farmers of
th** county have !•* it the victims of a
law!, ss gang. Farmers would come into
town w ith u bunch of • at tie, er load of
farming pnxiuets. .*nd next morning they
would lx found l ong the roadside suffer
ing flout a wot;::,! and minus the pro.
of <l*c;r safe Old German farmers have
been visit**! and both men and
have b* en subject,’,l to tortures. Ag. I
G* rtnan women have been f. r,*. *! to s'. tM
upon a r* *l-h**t stove in nn effort to Cotn
-I*l th*m to ,tis. lose tlio pi ee of
some treasure in the house. T:.e’.> depre
dations have . untamed ura.-mgly. Ar
ris ts have Hen tn uh*, but ti.e guilty pir bid <'..'er,f up th. i:* l.iwb -s 4
i it was sehloin that conv.ctlon followed.
"During th,- past w.,k rot b. ru s l ad !n
--| cr- sul alarmingly. On list S.iurday
i word w.i -r, , '*,<) by the sheriff that t
s >re of Wooley Pros., at t'orr., *. 1:,.1..
4 t, >*n re. v».*; *.* l.e . ■;
How the Arre’-ts Were Made.
•‘The 4 forma'. i, was g.v t. by one of
the gang’s *■..*tf. <!. r *tes w io had b . n ' t -
<l* r ttspicion. Shi .-.lf Ihnry I’.u- .d ig ar
ranged that his informant si. .ut.l a-com
pany them, and s- cunng tive d. put: s
tax w.tit to the place. S!ior:ly ,t':*r
niiiimght the gang r. u*!i«4 Woo y Bros,
j store, t’l.fford G,>rdi«i and the : erlff *
1 informant v. re d* signal d to break into
; tit" bulking. Gordon I* •’ ’■ if * IT. "-1 .in
I , ntraiie.- ~t..| just as In • p p . d t.s.d •,
j st r.lf gr.’ 4x4 aim. Hot:* pull* I p.s: ■■ ■
i i.t tl. itu t:tu< .nd 1.-, tn lirar:. I
An..r-v. ■ with wait the too; rs and no. tc"..
j.i.T'd in tla* fusitad , "lit- the <
Tim.* to I assistat: . of the sb ritr.
■'l si, tiff was shot tarcmgli th.* hand G i;don was -not s, v< tai t..n, -. 3 ■
■ pistol baLs * titer, 4 l.i. body, an.i w
al.-o st*.*: in tit** !*g. Gor.l at. * At.drcv..
I : Itee,•<*l in < 'ap t.g al*d cattle to <*s
goo.i. '*.. te they ** r,* arr*; • i. Th* Tub
; b* i s had < riv.-n < t** to t;*** p*a. e in a buggy
* b, .nilgai*, to E* vt. an train informa
! tp.r. xUbs* .|U» tit.y gaiuercd. il was b arn- ;
; cd tiiat tile nu b. ry , a be et p. *"ta. 4 al
: the home of \\ laatit J, tik..,. . Tbe : ' ■ I tr
ier were arn st, .i as a. .*t All w. r,
! t.ik'ti to the jail at Versailles. Henry
I iSi buittT, tweniy-rour years . .4. wa.; put
I ill the j.ul for root'.ng ill barber s top
I at Osgood last wok. taxi wts -s. t. it
I years of ag -. Gordon iWeiily-two, ATJr. v.s
thirty ami Jntkz... twenty -. ven.
They Call It Justice.
"While th* eitiz. i s bav. a...: ... -n •
to tlx t ■ var.ous roooertes upon
I men. Hi".. Wil" thought t> be part s a
I gang I .s.- cuittimtt,-d n. —t ,4 ttiem.
\k Hell il bl l Til," H.’I.IW .1 lilt * '.* y V . .
I Its Jill, It "as .pt.eliy suggested by the .
v.ctltns and sy itipa. uz, rs It,al 'justice' be
, summarily *i* ait tae prism, t-. tt ais L
1 o'clock tt,:. m*>it tk wti. ii horsemen - tn-
I ~1 to eotm ’tom ai* quat:. rs an.i ".-’mount
ed ou a hiiistde near \ E.titv .
l ine was i i.-t. tor it- , I. t . .* :
I pl eat rat.) . <l. E'ui' tly about tour Idimlt ed
I la*,* mat, ;nd lino lite ■
"the J.ul "a* *“ cr*a."ge of William
Kenan, Stteriff Buseitlng's br,*t;-Uw.
tile torm.-f being at Lome on a ount of
his injury. In front oi tin Jan proper
is Ht residence, at d in In " w. re t we tig
jail, t, K**. ai*.* *."O* it Unmet, u **- Block and Um Weuz. l, u.-pur •s.
"shortly betore Z u\ !■ , s .*.<!< wa a
knock at the door and when Kenan *■ ~
others op. tied It they ware pl’.-, it'd wi’i.
i pistols by three ma .1 m m and ,i-k. .i
to turn over the key.- ’* t.s Hay d. ; ,i
th.-n the mob I*l.d in:o tie j :! Ti.ree o',
the prisotivis, I."*t. J. nkuis atm Situ <
I Were on the lower II a*, wbit. Got ~n *:u*l
: Andrew s w t'v in tbe upp* r t.. t. I, v and
J.ukina and Sbul er . *.>.\ t tight and i*.
: former wts shot tiiiou;: • t■:•' :* > , ’.v..;,.-
: the .■ Lulls of tit,’ two Ist: : w. .. t
; willi a stool. Ropes wer, in r< t.lin, -s 4
adjusting * noose around t!:* t i * ot * .
their fe I and hands were pillion,,l and .
then tile mar* h began.
I "They were not ,al l ied, but with. -. ..r. !
i men at the end ot * n rope, th, live
i prisoners were dragged a distance of 7 j
: t* el to an elm tr* e. w It* n- tl-., ir bo l.- w to
I suspended. It is said i.T.t. J*nka:s ami
siiul'.if were dead b-tore tit* y rea. i.ed
tlie place. Death resulted from hanging
In the ease of Gordon and Atnlr.-w * Jus
: lice of th.- l'*n,*,* ('barb s Roswell held an
inquest over the live bodies this snorn
"Till* live victims all r "Men’s of
< <T- I. three m:’. s iwav.
"Two men wire I ft it jt'l. Charles
K* Iley, ag, d foil ft e. n. for burgtary. at..l
Arthur MeMiiia’t. for carry ng )
w ipons. The latter wa- 1* t out ton gin
..n ixutd. Mi'Mill an says H:r .■ ..f •':*.. pris- |
on.’rs were killed ;n tile jt.l t.tM one of
the others almost kilid tin re. The mob I
came cry near taking McMillan out.
Fear Friends oi the Lynched.
•■Tonight tit, jail is 's qn <•* as t ie hum
blest residence. Besides tit, one lone )*■ s
on, r. K. tiey, th.,* oniy occupants are t* .;.- i
uty Jail r William I*l. md his I
I guar,!, Wil!' mt Bia, k. They fm***,| the .
I mob la t night, and were quakly disarmed |
* L LL,» f'C ppt • r
/ The Sentence k
CsFiilliAllssliiO ?
< s wore. Contest ?
( ,>
J "A st' -iy of the o' -■■ 'i of f
/ V ’ i''.’’ "■ tr!s .;oun- J
\ try trnpressooe >
X .' *t* .m- j
J ■
> r
/ Xnw. ■■ :■■■:-! .• -i •it i
) fills,ip t:.F blank properly? C
\ !:■ ' I
rurcE FIVE cents
An Elm Was Laden With a
Quintet of Quiet
villagers are satisfied
People of the Section Ab ut Versailles
Were Exasperate*! at the Constant
Reign of Outlawry and 1 ecided to
Put a Stop to ruriher Outbreaks.
and locked In a cel! while ‘he werk of
Slauglt’.r was d I t while tne j I
is so lightly guard •I. it does not follow
that th,* • xclt. 1 li* .wn ::- a-. -*p w! tr
out patroL Mar-I,.ii John E. Tyler, with
P ry road running
into town is p- | vt'li v. M. t w i.a
ri n. T p: , ,n :- not taken in an
tii pat.Ti of a- I v.-t ■ the regula
tors. Th* <*..«. tt .. : .-’J,,: is from
aiio ti.-r :|i; ir: ■ . ,f t- e :yt.- ... .1
"Rumors are r!*-* of tare »ts on the part
of fr. nds of tin-- m. r* v. :* *, w. re mobbed o
• v««r t, UTT. rs . y *■ ~* •*:• •_ ■■ .
Bu. I a,.i b" .ru for -tt "on
l'»’ I'le j . ’I pt::. ■
Office .-r ar al > stthj, <*t.-. of ’:he«». threats.
• ‘ t t: .*. ', 1,
pf ... r, .dents 5.:.1 v .-' • on -w,
lynch* rs v.* re all ■ .-r* « .'s. ... *1 tt; -t
not r man living it or®, r town !:ad tty
haiHl in th*- s! .'gitter.
“Th’re Is a g,4 - I und -curr.nt cf •>-
prov ,’f the *.!• .: : I: said t’.a: : o
• Tt wII I < n. •■:. i• ■ '■ ■ 1 ;.ry ~ >
w ■ . par.. par.
!'«•■ of str. *' : •; i t - v." 1 *
w that H. ■ tive men can to their •!< a
-. ;
h >',*i under gt Aft.r M M . . h .1
been r, I tsed K> ■ y was the sola occu
pant cf ti •• < II i tr of th. j.. I.
"Uv is ,’tly 1 'TT.. . y. rs . , IK .. and
the hurt rs of la t nl* it .- . y,>d up,«»
Governor Mount Interferes.
Ind!'.'. ,p-.1 s, I'.i . >
or Mti: tl ' t 1- v -* o t t
Bl riff of Wph” ci .. y.
"Wire mo • par irs of
v - ■’• 'D* mi i
•in J ‘•. : •’ ‘ • .... 1 ’ ■ : :iL'cnt
People Will L : 't ■! e St?.ftiebacks at
Jopli, Mo.
Joh !n Mo S, : -(Spe'—T’
S' .T - !: '
Kas.. hav b: e, T" ”■■»"' b. 'miy
butci ■ ri, that th" ..teol the Ben
der family tw* nty '•< >•
The Staffs. I *'. * ns' .tfng of
mother, stepfather *1 thr. e sons, h.a'.u
for years I • n mur ' : arM rob ng p. o-
plc and live r. tr.l :s 1.-- !.. ■ t :r - Ito
them l devciopm. *.’s in * -terday’s and
today s tri.;!.
S- par.,"’ trials v • .-jv n t'-e tb.r. w
S..t i.‘ i* :* ; *-y’S * ■ ..' I:. '
Y. -t. r.lty '** v A •■■■ -n- t
boy* T*t
oil er lx*y w - >■ ;.. arrow tho
third w 1 b" t: .1 D k G ' < >. Kat. .
last J .': ' . ' .
On the tr .1 * . S'..fl!* ’* . k lirok •
do Wli .';: I I ■. ■ ' • • t
der. but i ■ " m • ! s 1 «t I' *’
fam'ly had c,,mt*.i'.t
Ills wife tls 1. V ’. m- or t ir
■ '
Two girls w i o w • :'■* ion of th * S tflle
b u-k I. *’:-■ ■ d v '■ . r
». 1. k i I’" tl T
w .ks a,l. : th.* 1 ■> ■" - !r •r.
An "M man - •* ' ‘ • ’■ ; 4> 4 Ly
the- people, live y- ' ’ " • i' *o
Today <'.*ri S:. t ; 1 ,*k - : *'.■ offi
cers the minin st !'* ■ ' r th-*
dead bodies v re t:Town. 4 are
a; work '. '.ir ib ■ ' r *“
ord- r to ix t t . A
...... . . - ■ '
ck sos >,•*•■ >!• 4 s'l :. '■ *- • r, w. 1»
fished out 4 th,- st : '. - roan
* 'tow ds -4' ni*".. i *: • - a■ - .1 t >»e
old shall* l.m ; f *'■ ■: ’a.' -■ for
th.- bo li.’s. d.-t.-rm "d t ’ •••
family if '.:>*' ~ t- .o'd r I'te-
St ' t'l.4, .*• k - *1 *
Kan.. ■ ;' *r "
**::■> aw org;;i"'*d *.■• . tm-m ar. -
ing that th. y at. t .t r- ..-o. .1.
Intitt-e < 'X*'l. • ■)»)• . !'■ • i: " G'.lcn*
and the su|*p. •' i ’t' ■- - many otit. r
.1 ml Ix.’iiis Wil: Le f .ut'.l ul : - aid mn-
ing -has;- which were thrown there by tne