The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, October 18, 1897, Page 10, Image 10

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10 TH CO NSTITUT lON JUNI OR Q conducted by. Our Younp' Folks’ Page Mrs. William King ° ° THE BABY MOONS. The Baby Moons. What are the little stars wo see? Just baby moons, they seen to me; The clouds are curtains, white and brown. That they put when they look down. And the baby moons, they go away. And stay somewhere through all the day; When little children wake at dawn, ’J'lie pretty baity moons are gone. But after sunset comes, oh, then, The baby moons come back again; So bright and far their watch they keep, While happy little children sleep. JEANNETTE LA FLAMBOY. THE BICYCLE RACES. !>id you oversee a bicycle race, children? W< 11, if you never havi. you don t know you’v. missed. I n< ver saw one until this week, and 1 enjoyed It over so m .a-li. s'.nn.o of yon who visited the Atlanta ex position may lemember tlm * .-ry lai go budding u.-'d .is tlie’in or lib.— e> ii arts building, 'fills build ng has been l!.eu..i ov« t i make a beautiful track lor I. , . I-.,'- , i.d ,-vi ry t;.ow amlt In n t e'e azef A V. j . -arted mt to one <G I!> ” f d to stand on the < or:.ei nearly a naif an hour before we could g. even on the outside ol a car. ,■ ■■ ; r, i; would i mie along with the mgiug oh. IL looked like .' x . Al la! ■ we wi re tble to o;i an ,| ..... sped to .le grounds. Tim t ~11 w - brill..: i'i.' light"-! and crowds ~f p. ~ple waiting for the races. i-j.. r u e was t t.ind ni matc-h race— m- n. two on each bicycle. It was ,'retiv and they did gc.ou riding, but inxious for the next rae* . 1. ' . m ~„e- ate tmt so exciting. Win n . ... x. nvo tellows <• till, out evr* oi.c v . wild, lot- tb. ’ wl. .;ood rid. .” . First , nie ;w ■■ m a on a tar.dein ihi y go ahead t ‘, . ifi, • in.l the two rid. rs came l-elr td them; th tnur-t Ito p just cm goes, xei-pt the last iw.. , s.x times around the track 1. . in. Vi.■ I. ng'.h of t e race), at the ... th fifth round the tandem fellows drop out and fvn the tun begins. , ilid .* ou never k O W „ ... e.,iug to 1,, at till the last minute. .... ~ rid 1' saves bis strength and h : wet ■. ■ if t hes< j .... in i th. v W' !’■ all good. 1 know all th, I swo |'d have . n.,.>y d tin m. j t' a k I i njoy. d nioih. r * i rt I mid ■ want o-i r.oout more t ... Ib■V. ;. I ,•.•*•.- I sp mt tlie morn j. j,.- ..... :dug to the third grade at the Williams <■:' et school r 'ii.- their lessons. 1 v. nt expecting to stay only a half-hour, gm | b. ■am so Intern- i> d Hint J spent ; t !( . morning. I H was rti. • a pi tty ght-a large, fine g. in oilO. m, with sixty >i. -ks and a child j . , ... ,-y ,|, 1;. Th' ’.’ look' d se, <•!, ill and ; j,, t and i icir desks wore i i perfect or- ( dm. and they ill -at. ap straight and , w:e -o nttinyve ;o their to.icier. It was i a sight worth seeing. Every or.t ol those Pity e’lildr.m r. . d tor me aid : aid '.lr- [ timltip'i. uion tai*';.*, nd sin'll -p liing v< u r„.ip rd ow . I .iui • i ' > tell v n a little secret- -the girls beat, tin boys al! to pl n spelling, but t he boys 1. at the girds in -iThmet • 'liny w> r< pretty , v . -i on read When it eamo timr tor I r, <■< s:- th 11 , marched out like soldiers. I , wish my boys and girls could have seen | tli. m I v.i ■- ii.viicd not only by tlm teach- ’ ♦ r hut by the rh ! If'-n to conic again* and ; T will go after I vi.-it Calhoun strent J >.< o!- m\ O i ■ down there and I iiav. ; not nald him a visit yet. l' gm ss there j : ... ! .el gI" 1 ‘: ■ lr. II < v>'-;. v’.. t■. I l )t ;l I .loif; ... i;..,w they could help being , .a. \ ■ l , ".1 kind t<-neb.-rs. f’liiidrea, , nex; to your parent-, you -hon’d love your ; t, . and , in everx wav to show I tii. ni > oil ,-ippr<' i.ile th. ir i sou ls to tea. 'i > yon. repay : hem lit studying hard and ! b. : g ee.'iitiv ’ t.i :■. ! th- v say. y.-u will , lif.y.r recr.'t it I: after Ilf.. 1-. r what foil ' ,i.-, ].. ; rniiT tow will tit you in the -'it'ir. I your places n the w • rI• 1 as either r- -pe. trd or smart .-iiiz. us or drones upon j ti M . public. That you may Ir' tlie former | ■, wish o. 'AI NT SCSI E.” J U NlO R CORR ES PON DENTS. It Lee Edge. Woodstown, Ga.—Dear Jun. .r. I. am t ight y. .irs old. My papa j tale - Tlie I’n,. itiit." ~ J like to go to l s< t 00l and try to !<• -ita all I < an. ib. - I.anicr, J-hiil i. Ark--Dear Ju : i. 1.,-,, where it I .s ov.-r!l<iwed. 1 am i tv.- ls- j.,iis I wish "ine of the roti ■■ l no !,■ ;< wv. : li. ■ w.iter was up. I. , ~ . , , . i • . is no schord but i been t at I a p. i.v .. uev own anti • -.m rid" wlienev r I : ... . i. la !, • d ir.l i" . . :.ts for Grady ph I. 1 v. ork'.tl fo l it on th--lev.-e can y- , Ing water. M ry T Doan Marsh.:!!, Ma.-lkar Jun- . ler I .'. only .ev -n years old. My i p-.p.i b. i !,n !':.■■ <' > -i : tut ion for sev- ; . : i .. . i iv kc it ■r '• muc’i. M . in- ; ir: t'. . <1- ii" chi: ir. n'■ I.'tt.ers to me and 1 ,j" ■ |. , ■ : -. :a. 1 I un reading in tht Third R. aib r. A ill atari to school in , r. ut a mo: ’i. li.'-10-d 11m cents fol- j Gr.idt 11..-pilei. I mmio it picking ! cottor for pup;*. Rosalie Mask, Americas, Ga.- D'ar Jur j [ live the lO'ithw< it< rn part of :.■’■ ■ nd I only or,- brother. 1 went to 'J’ennessee i thR summ-r, .i. ; v hil • tht r raw Earnest i Willi.-. Y ’ll ki I W I to s-him. ’ as T hav. i ad itbou' aim so much. I i xvTh io join tlw Grady Hospital Club. Tn ,. 5,,... ,i fj id ■: -. ’ • nji .■ t " Ing Hie '■ iigin.' !' :: ”rs . r\ m. ■!.. Nellie Hipps, I Lr im, Ga. - V-ar .■Junior: I r . . n , ll:t]t girl twilte ’'i’s old. M: mnnt has bet sick -vt ntt on month -. My littl tlI ot; . ■■ died ,: month ugo; ho was 'ice n , ..-i,- ~'d I have Iwo little <ist,-rs; tie lr rapes' ore 'Erin i ami Lucy. We have but ei;.' .I" is .in old ho is ho nie.- h- ;.;mosi one tlie family. I picked cottoi lai week and made cents. 1 in- c. ii 'Hs lor tii< Grady Im pltul. Shlrlt v Waite, D'Arbonne, La.--Dear Ju ni’or: I am a littl. girl eight years old. k want tn join th. bind next year Wo g, .. .a a .11’01., ht tills v ar anti did not n i two 1 ■ ■ mr and two si .'t is. My papa ..- i merchant and w<-. live In a small village. We haw .i g'.’iitle, horse mid I • arry my ll'tl.- baby sister riding sometimes. I semi '• cents to the Grady hospital. Annie Brown. Rhome. Tex.—D«-ftr Junior: 1 am ’ little girl twelve years old, and am lust tl'digiittd with th-: Junior departmtmt. of Tht- It'i: leii. I live in a beautiful little town tw< nty-flv«: miles north of Fort Worth. Tht- country around is as fertile the Mis d .sippi vnlh y: a rolling prairie, without a tree in siulit, surrounds the town. iCO 1O ii" li I wry day. We are to have a m w schoolhouse thl- fall to cost SI,OOO. Richard Eidson, Wenona, Ga.—Dear Ju nior: I have been lucking cotton this «=. a fon and now I will pick up corn till 1 start to school. I live at the sawmill of my un cle’ mv papa is the sawyer here Ido all the work tiint 1 ■ an get to do, but some times l am idle.- I iiavo two brothers anti two sist'r-s. I mi the oldest child of the family. A e tak. The. C uis'iiut lon and I like it v.-ry much. 1 scad 1 cent to the Grady hospital. b>,- |rl N .lor.--. Memphis. Tenn.—Dear Ju nior: I love to read your beautiful letters O ' so much. Tapa lias been taking The Con stitution for a. long time. I don’t think we could very well do without It. I live three miles and a 'naif from Memphis. AVe have a post olflce near u.s now-. Tho name of the office In Rubyville. We ino in a vt rv thickly settled community and I think Is a’ Vi rv prettv place. Correspondents so licited; either sex. Mattie Leo. Lollie B. -and Bessie Smith, Chambers. Ala.—Dear Junior: We come again witli 30 cents to join the Grady Hos pital Club. We have pi' ked cotton to got Hie money. We have had a very nice time : tliis summer. We have just finished oti- > lug a large watermelon. Wish Aunt Susie could be here to enjey some with us. Our little brother is so sweet. We have had several lette.ra itroni the cousins and .vere so glad. Wo milk four cows night and morning. Wo are going “scaly bartt hunt- | ing iH’fore long. (Many thanks. Wc love to hear your con tributini was earmed. —Aunt Susie.) Pearl Bonner, Willia Wilson. Minnie Cole. UHa Dillehay. Idly Dillehay. Gar landsviile, Miss.—Dear Junior: Can you, “dear juniors ” imagine live young jolly girls I’efuge.’ing from the yellow fever in the beautiful littl” tillage of Garlandsvilb . which is eoiisiu. r. d quite a health resort. \\ ... p away the morning: in reading, but as young pt ople like a little rt. ration. I’-.!’, ially V. ” liv. . the evenings ;.re spent in a game "1' lawn t< nnls, croqin t. etc. As «. o t’lf’ck u<J v:• id*s hov» ;iii‘ti.-ly wc look ferwar.i for the coming mail, oto n : Olli li „re blighted, I'.n w.j are sure , .■ifi r you cousins read this letter sont” <'■ . yo.: v'iil .-empathize with us and write us -ome interesting letters to help pass away i the weary hours. Emma. Long, Erosvilb’, Va. Dear Junior: I will try to describe mv . home. 1 live i U” mile soutbwi-t ol' the little village, of Brosville. It is i. very I'l -'ty village. . on sisting- of a store, a church, a s' hoolhouse, two tobacco factories and sevei il dwelling iiou. . .-. Our .school will open lit Oetobi r, I gm h. I will be v. ry glad, we have ha i \aeaiion -.’ine.. March. Cousins, wasn't the a tl> of li’.:'' Dudley Li e Kilkbiew - id'.’ I . :a: hizt w th hi I" - avetl parent- and -:.-a. r. 1 would like very much to join the C.r dy Hospital Club, but can't jitst now; Havlr- 1 will ’"on. I have ’h. hooks. “A : , , O s ■■■ e . i ion ” and “Nine of Hearts," to . X. ‘i inge for ”t'n. |. Tom's Cabin” and tiie books "Lady Valworth's Diamond.” ..nd "Ralph on I i’nve" to < x. hange for the B-'iin:.’ Brier B .-it." I do love to read Aunt Susie's Jette's Mamie Johnson, Ellijay. Ga.- D-ar Jun ior: How do you all feel tliesr cool au tumn mornitigs. :: mak< s •tie ft cl lively wao das to rise at the llrst break of dawn to prepare breakfast as I •>at ■ had to do for tie |..iw.a k, for sorghum making : is on hand and nt tills season of th year i everything i- in .in uproar with farm is I i g.itin ring in crops, and though it is n busy ' j Season ,dl Sec-in : a enjoy It. .nd i i.< a : ut behold abundant ero p s and > s. e th. happy smile on th” fat ” of the : farmer a- It n< of th good irop-. We j ha'., mau; things in this 111” to be thank- | i iui tor. but there are many who do not | think of m.iiiv luxur: s they n >w en l joy. : .■ ~ v. a.:.” ” th, nking I low ■ . P:i j for bls charming letter on j "Good Manners." .< kind wed we ! can m:ik some one happy and kind words ; and a smile cost nothing. ' Ada E. T.lnd: trand. Blackville. S. C. Dear i Junior: We tak” a great many papirs but [ The Constitution is my favorite. The ht : ters in The Junior department .ire "lien ■ very ii. tiuetive. and the Woman's I dom always contain.-’ so many valuable re- i dp. S’. I enjoy reading Bi!'. Arp s and ■ Sarg” Plunk H's 1 Iters. 1 think The ('on-. i stitut'on is. in cv ry resp < '. an ;d, al | a- < per. We lived in Atlai t ut ten years | ago. but I was young J do not re j m. mb. r much about th. city. : Ellie W.iik.r. Canton. Ml-s.. and . ’ R. J.. Gammon, from Austin Springs, ; Penn., your 1 tiers seveial montlis ago | ■ w’. i” v re good. Write us another lively . 1 I. ’I r. Eli:,- •"E. M W.. fr»in Ala., I j agrtn* with \<>u abn.i' hypiH-risy. I will sixteen in Nnvcmh- r and would like t<> corrtspoia*! with sonic of the- cous- Pat:’,.’- 1.. M” : . Rutherford Ga D. ar Jv'i I am thirt..':i y ors old. and have i ) ■ a j.■ tig Tin- ifonstitution n. r :•!«.• e 1 : -'..i- file. Mamma lais t o children liitn.g I and one dcud. I hav tb nr l’;;b brother tiftcen months old; he. is tlie light of Hie. <dd Pap ~ ■ ■ ■ of ■ : ■ i ■ 1 tut ’ ■ tin' tent h w. ek. Will -ome of I' i. <'"tis: ■ j tution’.s l' :di <ub.-’«■■ ’ oers phase tell tn.’ j through ii.-- eoluinm’. i' th.-re are any : M’l.r.s in Inland. My ga ,it-;a., ..dtnotbe:’ I and e I amir i: h. r <;u r. fi.-n I: • Inn.l I I live : , l : • count: . hut I do hate eolltl- I tri if. Why 'io t» ..pi. 11l ■ to liv- in th • <■ mu: y ? Phi ■ is i ■. ■ ■ tr< lit I w.i'd Ii!” err’ ■.<»• <1 i.ts of • it !i r • ex, . fi to tw. v. to siM. en. I live h ill' " m e I ft m the I >C"II.’” riv.: i: : I ry !. i.itii' il wii< n :: ris' S out o: th" bank. I vad 'Pae Ji . e w't'i inteiest and l.’dnk it is imorov ' ing v. ry fast. . R.-rtha. Bell, Pi'.:.ion. G.i D-.’ir Junior: ' 1 do not how some of you eau be so far advtineed in your ideas or: subjects to 1, ( . r, older 1 am eleven yen rs < >ld and a ; great r- ider. called a quick scholar. I I don' ; mpetent to i » suii.i’et. unless :t would 1.” "l.itllo Girl .” j I How short a time a child stays a little '. girl l.otig 1,, fore liii’j' inn make tlu ir I ,h,;i a. dr.;:, their mammas have them ' practicing mu: i”. Long 1., lore they .-an : clean up their rmimmas' dining room they <■ in play on the orp in and -:ng th< ir elder -Mst.-r's iov” song, but do not know a song to sing in it. r playhouse; in fact, she I ba-’, not :U. .1 a plnec. As for mys<df. I I have in - dolls, playhouse am! two sisters ! ■ k”. p ine a "lilt! girl." 1 help my papa j I'l.k cotton and I'.. ’? my mamm.i in th.. ' miu-e. and linn I find time to read :t good ■ di’.d and 1 visit mv little girl friends and ' l .... nice times, ami can go fishing on ]< im l’i.’ifoom-” ere”k. Southern Gill. <'n rt.rsville. Ga.- Dear Ju- ; nior: iTmsin William Good, your trip to ! Mitryimd v.a u 1 an» sure. most, enjoyable. . I I'ouid you not I'll us something more of ; b” ittliful Virginia'.’ Something of her his- : i toric Ir.itiefi Ills? For it was here some of I tl . nt"sl noted b.itth’s of tlie late war . SIOO aC 0 CASH PRIZES ! Will ba Givoss for Correct Answers to the Folkvnng Question: I.’tlie <IIORTb'<T Vi JfST. In th« FIRST < PRIZI 1550.00 to five ' pt'l'.’pipr M'.'Hliniz r<M 't .D A • J'H. PRIZE 523.00 to next h-n . jMT* •.'»« *« 'uhnu <•< n r.*'l iv -x> is. TUIRIM t'MI PKIZE. t® Jiexttwen- » ' ty-li\ ctjrr<’< ! answers, should more than th- i> quire I mimlx r sm-i carrect 1 ni. ’.vers. Ihe awards v. tl» h- matI'’ 1 '’ .I'a-ording to date * . ;< .! r is !•»•«•• ived, h» nri* it is :hl\ isabie that your Jotter . fld Hilo !.<• amoiiv ti. - tirsi. You cts win one of these i praxes if oil are tpiicl: and uw our br:iinn. • an<twill rout co r tddi ’ ition, l ir lh«* purpose <>t attra' tmg att'‘ntiou to ' 'I ii i I!• • . i■■. ■.l th< t jpular Health Ma > zine. 'I lli IJomi J)o< TOi; lells \ 'Hi ho'X t« get : how to !•.e p well, h ’A' : • become I ■ aiiUliil, how t > ’• < are lor' , and contain-' adx !<••• to all. i I ;,- re , ■ no pub'ieati »n in ■ 1 "i Id ’ k< it Ihn ( otidhfuii*. Virn must ith your an | Nw I 'J•> I’. iil - *4 imps or silveri for a three months’ i trial subscrii’tifm to Th i lhi. I i <»«. T’iiisalone is ■ worth maf’.'. imi‘‘H the money . Ji you doubt it send a • ' two ‘ent -t-imp for sample copy. I<\trn iiuliiiTMinit*. AH persona Bendins' ' rents, whether answer i j correct or not, will, in addition j to a three months' sub* cjiptlon. receive medical advice i thr» • iid>nths. J r-’e. and also one o| the foilowing valua- | lilt •• Toilet Articles: < *ake pun* ( oinpiexioo s<mp, Box eh* amt ’ old <'rcam. B.r: <!aint\ Sachet i’owd’ r, or | Bottle Toofn Powder. T hese articles are the quality j : which usually retail for 25 < eiita <*arh. t ’« his competition closer November 30th. The correct j : answ»'r*'with names of y\ i;nH*rs will be printed in The llo.yji !)<>( ion. Any Mercantile \g<u or Bank will | b*|| you as Io our reliability. This pv.jpos.tioji is entirely a legitimate on“. and money will In-cheerfully refunded in case of dissatis faction. Address THE HOME DOCTOR, I Puzzle Dept. 6, 23 Duane St., New York City. THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, G A., MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1897. were fought, and it is A'irgir.ia soil tnat contains the ash. s of our dear, dead, “southern chieftain." Jefferson Divis. Cousins, let us have more descriptive let- | ters. Toil u.s someth: -g of th., famous bat tles. falls and cave:: c.f the north and south. Now England < ousir.s, tell us >f jour win ter sports and pl ■ isures. and vou of the "wild and wcadly west" ot tlie praivs s. snow-capped Roekies ami national parks, in return why e: nrot we southetn girls and boys write of tlie many beautiful places for which our sunny southland is ; famed? Something of Sapelo and Ossabard ' would be interesting. Or a description of Jekyl. St. Simon and Tyhee, while : we of til” inland country toll of tlm noted homesteads ."id the myths and legends . eonneeted with th.m. Enclosed find f- cents ' for Grady hospital. Leonard Carlisle. Killeen, Tex..—Dear Ju- | I nior: 1 enjoy reading tlie nice letters from | the young people. I am sixteen years old | and live in the country. I help father farm. I AVe are very busy picking cotton now.'! ■ can pick about 300 pounds a day. We enme from Alabama, October 1, IXl's. My father ! was. raised in Georgia. 1 have a. great- : grandma. She is ninety-seven years old. She lives in Alabama. I also hive another o,it. there and one out bet”. I tiilt.k : we should be kind to them .nut everj' on. . 1 am v. ry fon.l of music. L ean play the i >r; an. I vv >uld like for some of the cousins I to and help me gal'n r pecans. we ' have a many. I enjoy good reading I Very much, but J don't read novel: . My two ; little brothers. Will e and Homer, will send : ’ 5 cents each. I feel V’ ry sorry, indeed, for I | tiie little sick ones. Hurrah, boys! tlie girls i | are .li”. J of ns. Whj don't m >r. of tli.v cousins join tlie club'.' 1 think every boy I a’id girl could give 1" cents a year. 1 would ; like to s.e th. children's ward I Inclose 10 cents to join the ‘lrady Hos- ! trial t’lub. Regard mo as ,i lit. -time tr" ii - : i>. r. I would like corr. .sjiondenco with eith- 1 er sex. W. F. Yates, W. al. V.).—Dear Junior: i The photo 1 offered of Hon. W J. Bryan on August 2:'d was award'd to Miss Cho< 1.- Little, of Harrold, Tex., h. r list of words being the largest which contain'd eighty except one I rce.'iv d from Denmark. Gt, which Intd no name or post mirk wii’.t. t on tlie inside of the letter nothing to tell from where it earn, except th” post mark ; on til. envelope, wltl 'lt was very indis- ■' tinefly stamped. Will .some of the cousins ! Send me a pt’. ” of poetry that was print. •! i some time in the spring of la t year, < itie.r in The Sunnj South or The Home, and Farm I think tile til!.' was, "Love M.j “1 won't be. .1 your kind caresses Win n the gras.- grows ov-r my face; 1 won't eiav. your lev.- and kisses In my last low r.sting place." I will give a go id novel in exel’angc for • tins, or will give either of f-■■■ following i songs: "1. -si”. I’li" Drunkard's Lon- Child." “Boys, Keep \way from the Gals,” "Th* Tramp.” or "The IJ tur> That Is Turned to the Wail." Would like to ex j change ballads also. L ola Marsh. B' lllia. AL,. Dear Junior: Autumn with .ill ”1' her attendant I. inti's Is upon us. Air. ..dy I ean see th" delicate tinge of gdd and crim on on t ■■ haves. ’l'o me it is tlie sw»” t”- ’ of al! the si asons of th" year. A beautiful mingling of sum mer and winter, light and shadow. Sb.- steals from all tit- other seasons th, r greatest charms <l*.tiling the trees so li vari'gated colors, giving to tie llov,- • is a soft, r. sivt’i i-r brilliaiK y, robing the fields in such pretty brown dre.-ses, and’ covering the hills witli sueli a p irpl ■ ' haze. Truly, I- she not tin- queen of all th' seasons, possessing a- does the.: SW. ■ t' Oil all womanly graces, ni'.desry. ' t agr. ” witli tlie ’oudn who wroP against i hyp'ier’s.v I spend 'he grcit' r pari of my limo ana', being th” 'nil.' - woman in He- I family. I l.av a dog that !•• v.ry intelll i cent, though h” d" not rs "in a:.y i n. !•’ Il- ms :■• im livs.nn-l hew l”’v ly l 1 get sometimes and tries so > .i I t" talk ( ■ to n■ . My horn, is - "in' d r 'tiler I lo:.. ly sp"'.. A v. ry ■ ■ .imnou u: pr. :. ut' li with no part -1 pretty vl’-.’.s. bu. n. ’.’ i - less It is ” very .!• ar spot to me. I v\ "iild i.k'- In corre-pond I v.’lth s<im<’ one who lov. s nature ::d p<j”- ,■ j Thompson. I'nadilla. Ga Dear Jiinioi : 1 take a : a subject "T' mperanee.” I;' drunken’" ss and li<|iicr drinking in the ,-.entry, towns ai’d in to.i • - fori the next live years .:s j: has for til” past I ... v at ■.’. ■‘: bi-eome of our eotlli ry ? n i: opb tha trunk m.'i’e whisky. b« • '’. o’.li t and n: her ' intoxie itlng drinks made now than tin I was a few year- back B* sides, there is , rew drinks being inttodueid i”i ’> '■ :r. ■ How mm . is it' i our country woii'-l be if we hail a law that woul l prohibit th" sale ' ol all intoxicating drinks thro ighoiit our ; land! 1! ail tlie crimes ot ear i ounlry | war.’ tr.ieed up. w.- would 1i::d that whis- j : s :l ; !' • b'll'ini of more than one- | lia’;f of ill’ m. T er, ar.' vminir i . n ail our land who pms.’ss bright f;t<s ' v. Im will dr'nk and never think ■ ' the teaehines of tii.'s dear mother, tin one ■ wim would die for tli’in Y.iinig men, do ■ have i oiirai-i' enough to say no’ w!mn ; tile social glass is offered you. Hoiil up vuir bead and sav no. It will ruin v.m. ’ mentallj piiysiea!ly mi.l tinanoially. ..Giris. ) v ■ . e ’ . .. . . . ■ . ■ , : : g!.a»:-. for it miuht lie that tli.y may 1.11 I a drunkard’s grave. I nd I' - ' ■•. nts to . join l!i' hospital I'blb I would Ike to -I ■■ i. ponel wi t h m 1 Tollie Taylor. Milano. T< x. Dear Junior; ! Tlie south. Hie bright, sunny south, the : Plustrioti birthpiace of Washington at Jackson, the native land of the orange, j th" magnolia and tlie mocking bird: where ’ harsh winters tie*, r come and where cool , and gentle sea breezes forever fan the ■ summer days. Her soil never wear:.' ;n ' fertility, her temperature never rep"!- pro ductiv. nature: her riven stretch unfrozen ' in quiet magnificence to th* sea. and In r I commerce is floated on alnjost every side ; by tie mjirmurnig ripples of the ocean I w. Who t .al Im.- i ver sojourne*! with- I in lo r borders <!"■ n>t foi lly n member ! t .. Imspitality ot !I<-1 p.e.pi. Hie plenty and b. mt y ot ■ i pi duet ion ind : . xl.’ila' at lug. iiillucn. ■ of tier genial , liinat, ’.’ . And who ean now turn io her romantic ills- | tory wi'bout |."’ings ol' t-un'r a: i"ii. p tv ’ and kindness" W!in<l..s not lov, ti. r the ; nmi’e for ..11 the trials she lias pas-.d Hirouc’n ami f'.r t!n ndi.l future before In r" Bravely and m.bly lias she borne all her misfor. unes. i’ .iir. r s have sprung from i! ” .1' '>f 'ln el l. richer ami am- pler lie!,ls have wliitencd with the veeeta i,!,. th wrier li. '.ls of cane rii-tie in tiie iri’lit winds, like rushing waters, and ■ semis their sweetti'ss to every clime; . se n."!:-’, factories ami effective implements | crowd into our fair land. I, L. 8.. M::ry. I.a.—Dear Junior: Will , you let one who Is only an old bachelor, j but. who is very fond of young people, , make just '.tie visit to your cheerful circle? , If you will, he wilt try to entertain you : Willi a true .store, which, at Hie same time, is :i. kind of riddle. And then he would like to add some questions which he hopes ( will draw answer, from some of you on ' this page, promising that If any shall wish . xpl: i ations, he. will give them, with Aunt Susie’s consent, in . ome future number. Well, guessing ii*' has your con-ent, here I j It i-: , It was morning ot Hangman's day. The : sheriff asked a number of us bystanders to come within his prison walls to witness I an execuiion. Win n I arrivd Hi. victim : was dangling in what .-■•■-uttir-d a dying eon- I diHon, m.du ly lu twix; the evilir-g and tlie ; floor. To test the question whether tlie I victim were truly dead, by tapping upon : tile rojie. the sheriff sign’ll’ .1 the hangman i io the lask <■! making siir.- bis work, fpen , I which that otlieial mad. due haste to relix i i and make stronger hi- doubtful cord, l.' I ■ seizing the victim, he thiew around his ! body several new strands, ami lien from 1 beneath, at a. point where tiie guy roji-s <•'ire tog« tie r ami join. .I Hie main one, by a sudd, n twitch l.e sent tl.e victim spinning around at sueli a speed that we could see only the ring tt made. This, he did time and time and time again, each time strengthening the cord and the guys that bound it to the floor. After he had finished his work to his satisfaction ho retired into his chamli’r. | And the wonderful tiling . bout it was. that i the hangman was smaller than the hanged. Now I.dl mo; Who was tlie hangman and tl no hanged? What do you think of the hangman’s strength, and how did lie. learn to do nis work so well? Sallie K. Lyon. Hollywood, Ala.—Dear ■ Junior; I take, for my subject "The Use of I Tobacco.” Tobacco is like whisky, good ’ in its place, but that place is not in the I mouths of the human family. It not only i Injures the system, but is a very unclean j habit. j ; "What ails papa’s mouf?” said a sweet i little girl. Iler bright laugh revealing her teeth white as P'-ai'l; “I love 'Him and kiss him and sit on his But the kisses don't smell good, as kiss es should be. "But, mamma," her eyes opened' wide i | as she spoke, I “Do you like nassy kisses of 'bacco and ; HI I They might do for boys, but for ladies and girls. j I don’t think them nice,” said she, shaking | her curls. f “Don't nobody’s papa have motifs nice and j clean? With kisses like yours, mamma, that’s what 1 mean. 1 want to papa, I love him so well, | But kisses don't taste good that have , such a smell. “It’s horrid to smoke, and cat 'bacco, and ! spit. And tb" kisses ain't good, and aln t sweet, not. a bit!” : ‘ And her blossom-like face wore a look of disgust . As the i.'.ive out her verdict so earnest | and just. I “Yes. V' -;, little darling: your wisdom has I 1 That klssi for daughters and wife should I b" clean; I For kisses lose, something of nectar and bl From mouths that are stained and unfit ' tor a IL-s." Grady Hospital List. : Ri. hard Eh ” . ‘la . 1c; Shlr- | lev Wad". D'* . L i . .Y-: Ros’." L. < Edge, W Islown. G.i . ■ N-’li!’ H.pps, : Il ram, Ga.. "Soiitliern Girl." Cart'-r - ■;«.<; i .'. Marj' T. I a. Marshall. I “A Friend." ' Ic. : Willie Carlisle. Kil ]. .n, Tex., .'.e; Hon. i t'.ii'l sle, Kill. . m T. x W. F. Ya . Weal. Va.. le; D. <!. and \nni' Lou .]• «■ , Ril't. Ga.. I.'.e; T'uW- i 1. ss Lanier Butin’. Ark.. I 1 <■. Grady Hospital Club. Mattle 1... Smith. <' All. paid; j ; Sallie B Smith. Co.nnber-, Ai.i.. paid:. I>< s- ■ si" Smith. Chimb Ala., paid; C. A. i Tbonips. n, I'na ii' Ga. paid; L.nn.t: 1 . Carlisle Killeen. T- ■ . paid; Ros di<- Mask, | Am. ileus. Ga.. paid. Trees and Leaves. From Tie London Echo. Lest th. :’e honl.l be danger of any num b* r of h aves beim-. to" . oppi" : ’<’ for : their r. ' leh 1< : f . small quan- tity of wood down the -talk to add to its : th” km .-’a. This lend r thread of woody I ~: a;. ■ 1 ” w hi< it no bit ; aeeonnt is in csistcnce. is . through the bramh, ami down th” stem, , with ■. per fe< .mo ’ and t " ’ ' that even in thrusting forward into the root it does not lo: ■■ its energy, until min- I Ing througn tii<’ darkm s’s. it has tak ‘U hold j in cleft of rock or <L p;h of earth :.s ex- I tended as tiie sweep of its gre n ci\S: in : the free a:’’." I’pou some umL rstamliiig I of this fact all trip and delicate draw ug j ■ of branch and stem depend; for it is this i downward glow' a ami tlm kening that :s . visibly express'd in til* fibers ami riilg.s . of tiie trees, not th upward growth from I Veal’ to J ear. L 1" ’’.US' t lie I' '\ es • must tiajo fr. e spa e to drop Hi a si- mb r strands <,f go.,d. in. v will not grow exactly orar tlm In ids of one not.ier. but I eji'cle round the sur.iy in a i•••fold, lour- ; fold ot iii. foil. , of ,is<: ’lisioti; . o that I this fa ’t. explain. law of spiral • irr i- . lure. The little riiim :■ ami im .pmliti* s at j I'm. juiK’lions of spray witli liiamli, ami j branch With n • ’ ' on it; and tie s< laws of veg. ration it is tlr- duty of tlie draughtsman to expr. :-s. Claude ai.d Sil.’.ilor m.—<l tlmm. N”.v foi tiie stem. “H >w <lo tiees male* t icir trunks’.’" Tl.ev aie. not born with io aas lik • flow- rs. mu liaV” to make tm r own heads. 'Lip \ do no: grow like flower-, but j edified like low. r.-, a braneii do. - m.t stretch ii .1: ."il a a. le. ca s: ve:.’)ies its bod;. . Im: .’ I- ” bj - -of • qt. 'I I'ligtt, store bv stoiv. Now. if tins.- shoots grew ti’Tipli:. ami w- i" founded on one another, instead ol each m turn >.c l ing out tlicir t .-i-).dual buds in vniiims directions, it would J. easy to mat tm? form ill ■ i of tin : . . trunk would •...!■>’ be 1 mat ' >k ” fol’lned. Tire j ■ ' ■ • ’ ■ :' " ’ ” to a . r; i:n h.’.glit ami t. *’n spread into a crown of branches: th" yiuiigcst s.iming lias its crown. ;.ad .- in ;a.’t, a non .oa." ti”-.-. 'Ll:.’ snoots off :a all dinc tl. soon as th tr-•• r- ..i'"'” ground: and ttie supplies of wood by tb * I a'. ’S. though thev .mm i..r the t liekeniiig. do not account lor the leug:lnning, of the stem. The cvnir.:! trunk is built by grad ually east ug elf tii" lower boughs w.>!••:> cannot thr've b.c . of tin shad.’ ..mJ damp thrown upon them l>y their happier brethren übov. : j ar by year they drop; ta y le ’V. I'm ir fibrous strenglh in : rank, and :I: . erases tire scat tiiey : ft In pe.isiiiag. Tlie Grant Family. i From Tb I'l'.i'it iuq:m:i. Il can b, .’aimed for the Grant family, I witliout tear of contradiction, tl.nt they ! have kept th'nisehc.- more prominently i before the public than the e illdren of any ' of the other p. < sidents. Tlie ilir. .. s ins of | Gen. i’ ll Ulysm.s S. Grant ar- imw in th” j prime of lifi . I'ir: t in the family stands ; Colon. 1 I'l. <1 ri, k D. Grant. 11 .■ :l W. : t i l ■ . ■ .... ' >.’ i ved un. tin: - witli bis fath.-i's oeeup in. y of the I white liouse. and ■ • 1 bei . mor or h | in the jm'nl eye ever sine*, having held | Born*’ sort of an .’!!.. < a’im. t utiin'errup.ed- Iv 11l 1 til. 11l lit. Th.- i'o'm I !'•• "t tlie Grant family is I thoroughlj Am. rii-.u < Y'lom '. Grant mar- | ri. da ■ ■ M ' " ” ' ' i’.i In ■r. ..f < "d- ' er.'fo, aM' Ho tm! she has made a * typical Ameri ’i" on .- in th. heart of the I metropol-a T‘ ' ” wo .’hildr. n, a I IH.J and a gir! Julia Dint Grant, the eld est of the I wo. ”.v .. iit'lc ..ver twenty y. ills ol' age. Sb" has O' n in society for i months and . ■ t■ ■ >m. qu ; popu- lar both in this city ..mi Wi-iiing on She i„ .. ~, her u '' u' er at N. «;• . • last summer. SI • a b nitif'il young woman, well edue ted ” ■ ■ am- ’” ’rn her. own living, if :ii'it shall bceome m . • s- , sarv. Sh. sp. iks h.iif a dozen, s, i an! Iris d”\ ’loped very satisi'm-iori.v . i iit lor pain: ng. S :Ortiy before General I Grant's death h left a b<:. r .l;r. < t d to j th., presid.-n: "1 tl: t'nitid States who j should be serving in tb .war IT'., a-king I him to appoint ti"- Ind to the military I ■ Tliis letter was not or. ■ in. d to I'l’.’sid. lit Ch v. land because of the ne- S ’ty for more '’ tudy. but 1: h is been turn 'd over to I’r Md, , ' M Kin pv. am! when the t rm >• V.'. s: Point be gins I'.'yss. s S. Grant 11 will b< entered .-rn the person’ll aiipointee o'' I’resid :it Mc- Kinley. Young Gr in: is an . ntlntslast on military matters. I!" has inhi rib'd iris grandfather'’ last.’ for a soldier’s life and is looking forward to a great career in the arm y. HERE lO PUZZLE. I —V,"--sL-Jg Siorki H'Ti'L.anew I - iG ■•• 111 If I 2A I 11 i'- ' n is eon. I, V’*J? \iC» — 4 <*<*uk«l, if s<”l < ar» Y tn:d il, wrk with 3 ; r . : xuux.'i A'm-Y* 4 * .’A 1 t t’,l'''-'I 4'’ beftiiUL.l ! V ’ A *** r4 ~‘ l I t’4 i * _-j- i .mi ii iiutrt-, aii'l ■ . ■■■———Z-z* Lt; o';, fl dcf.cived CX. jmrts. You m w-ar thn AT»nH«n t" »l. 1L” Ai*nth’.n r !>rH»ltxßcy for- , , < ’ .. pajs’r sli""’tn m’ ' ar*»i.' I'■ : ' r • :i: •" * t >*nf•». ; '•»r t<» pay i<'t . trctl icib-icrii'' ‘"n to «>ur tnaea/. it’ , ici'i v • v.,.i * .i;■ •• j th” fuiuo'i* . AlMlillU" tllnmond Rt.-'K '' ' a-” . n'-.l'H.-l,• tr-v Will send UH.r moaev rtiiul 1-ack if you are u t d I* A«i ireta, HaKVZ & GRAY, Lk.x hv'w Yvrk, N. Y« • ou..*uuuu ine UoDßtliuUon. Blhli ARP’S hETTER Now her*’ is a book that is worth hav ing. A book that is L’txlX inches and weighs j twenty-live pounds. It is sixly-one years; i old. and has 120 large-size plates of the t most notable Indian chiefs, each plate ; covering a page and being accurate and | graphic likenesses and all done in colors, I with lire fuss and feathers and tribal or | nanients and as finely executed in face amt I features as oil paintings. I did not know | that there was such a book or that such i work could be done in those days. Each ' plat*' has a biographical memoir a'compu nying, which is in large. t.'P —so large that J can rend il offhand without glasses. 'I bis work se< ms to have been compile*! from tiie records in the Indian gallery i of the war department at Washington i by Thomas M. M< Kenney. The book I ' have is the property of Mr. David Black, i of Atlanta, ami as it came, down to him : in tlie family I did not suppose there was I another in the state, but my friend Joe | M. Brown tells me that his brother Elijah has it, and also another volume, which I wish to see, for tills one has neither Ross nor Osceola. It has Ridge and Mc- Intosh aml othert Creek ami Cherokee ■ chiefs, and Paddy Carr, the famous in , terpretcr, whose father was Scotch-Irish : and his mother an Indian. For many years | he was in General Jackson's service ami ! in governn.ent service, and got rich and ! invest! d ids money in land and negroes. and own'd eighty slaves when he died, j A warm friend of his had a beautiful , ; daughter named Ariadne, ami when I’ad ! dy’s wife gave birth to twin girls he nam ed ct.” \rv and the other Adny. 'Phis book Ims a charming biography ' of Major Ritig’. , makes him a very Mrong-niind< d ami noble mam His lik'ncss allows a: niuch force ami decision of ehar aci’.i a. do.” Liat of Webster or *':ilh. on. Imb.d, sonic of the spetebes mule by tlie Indian < hlefs in their long protracted dis- ; cussions with the government arc as pa- | thetic, eloquent ami unanswerable as I if tiny eanie from Patrick Henry or any otiier great orator. It is touching and tear ful :o r. ad the pb ailing, eloquence of Blmk Hawk and Keokuk and I’uste nu.:g• ami Major Ridge ami Big War- rl'.r Mr. MeKcnney was the government's .ii. nt in all these treaties, and declares i their orator* to be .i natural gift, and i mi rm e ol people could excel them. They 1 peak without art or effort, anid most of ' f'.'tn Li.l a. low. soft, sweet end mit”ieal i voice timt gave lit expression to their I ! cartip.-t pb adings-. / Th* account given of Major Ridge's ' ; gr. i'cst * mbarrassment in contending a-ith John R is v ery amusing. Ro t was bitterly hostile to Ridge and his policy, and in order to alarm the Indians 1 : h. i’.,' a Is. : breed named Ciiarb * to : I p'etcml to come down from some far-off . mountain witli i im —age to Hi'iii tram j tlie Spirit. Charles said. "Tim Great . i Sidi’lt i” angry with you. He tel!” rm- i you are following the customs of the white i p, upl. ; that you have already gotten mills , and cl Hu ” and feather beds and books i am! cats Ji’s, cats and, therefore, the I I buffalo and other game an: fast disap- : I peering. The Gr at Spirit is angry, ami j say.: you must cut snort your frocks ami , I kill your eats ami give up your mills am! I quit, liv'nc |n houses, and then your game I will come l ack." This • X' it. il tiie Indians very much, ai.d j tiny cried out that the talk was good. ’ ; Ridge arose with .anger in his f i ami : voice ami said: “Tim talk is not good. It j Is false. It did not come from the Gr. it : Spirit.” The Indians ruslm I upon han with fur*- ami a wild fight ensued, and ”onw j j of 'bis friends were stabbed, but Ridge J wax ■, v. rv powerful man ami defen.b d | dmself with are It courage. The tumult . I was quiet- I M'U r :• time, ami iJes.-e *ann j ,md John Harris ami some obi m n brought I about a reconciliation. Tl ■■■ :rn ■ " I : those ~ 1 b.’ivo a long letter from Mr. R. M. Edward.: .i v.m table lawyi r of Cb v. i i: I Term. H< s.'i*.-: "In mj- vouth 1 spent many l : ' ing v” lil Hie 11: Ilin ...y-’ of the <>■*"’• <l;.. ' t ;.’t i t Tern 1 among t nan; ad ”<’• m".f an uneventful life, "i" "I til" j smbb -t was to : >■ m* 1 :'!'■ p'.’iv l.hows i start , n tb. ir long na.l wary jonrm-v to : !l .. v.. -1. 'l':i' * left th” m" '■ " 11 country 1 rv -r beheld. It. resembled more . a rmignitK’i nt park limn ' for, si, <■** ng to their tribul custom of burning tm* wno-is to 1 ep down the und. rgrowth. « * * R is singular that so great n concourse of peoph iourt. ’ii t<> sixa. n thousand--• oiihl : be gntiicri'l up b* fore as :1 were .ml re- i rm.*’. <l. fill: It lire":::, 'i'enncr Keitneky, . J;, li.imi ,”..l Mil--Ti. Th'-v • i'”S ”d I 1 " 'l'. iim ss< e ,”t B.lvthe's fi rry, just below the , me’.llh ot th’ Hi**’:'- . then eto d Ci.mb'Tlaml range at I!*• ■*’ i li" ■. Hull io . Sparta. Lebanon md Nashville; tb n ‘ to: - ~1 tiie Cumberland riv r, ami mx l the j Giro ami Vii ■. nm then on t » the Mi sippi, which th.,** found frozen over, ami ■ mor h forth" ieo 1 an I ti l l!!*’ i ! ;i.di. .1 TnHaquah in April. ■; , tin debttes In congr< ss gre it oppo ■ tie.i vas mad.- to th! ; triaty by John Q. Adim.s ami H.nry A. Wise, amt it was stM'-.l on th. th.or by one of these m n that | ss -* - arri ted b* : : tate of I Georgia and carried to Milledgeville ami his I ! hmme was robbed of b n thousand dollars I wi ib- Im was gone. Tim speakers v. ry j 1 ;. *■ iv criticised I're-id. nt Jackson for . j his iimi’.’itituile to Ross, who ” rv.’.l him so ; ' fail lit idly : 'ln batilc of du. Hors.-Sho’ i This old miitbni’i'i is full of memories ; | of th....- ind'an tiim.-. and s i.vs that tlmr.- ! ■ is yet living at Ciiai h-.-ton. T' :in.. Mr. H. 1: II ■ . who ” di great j abaidc all the **■'.** to their home in the 1 I Ami Imre is a char icteristic letter from . i an id.l lady living in Myrtle, T x. : She s.iys; "l’b i. ■- ex. us.- an old woman . | for trying to write to you aboa ::.os‘ I I Indians that you hav. imen f iling us o: , j in Tim Constitution, and as I was burn and i rail ed in th. ‘'herokee nation. 1 will v. :i --! tin’.’to tell you s.-nm things th,it may liner- | est you. M* father. Wan Tim-mp.-oii. settled , at !!’.'■ nr sion station on the Etow ih (or 1 Hightowr riv. r, as we eall. d it). My eld- . est brother. Berry Thompson, was tiie in- ; t.rpi’.’l”r for the nation a long time. My fathci'- sisn :*. Naney. join, d the mls.-ion wli'-n sm- was only fifteen years old. She ; followed them to tim territory ami kept up ! '. in i mission work tl” re. and spent a long ; and useful lit', and <lied in her . ighty-fourtli I y< ir. When Boudinot was killed slu was ■ j stami”ig on Ih” por. h wry . ally in the ; ; ii- :i.i:..; ami saw a num running as if for and t o men p irsuing him. Tl - I sooi . ingiit him and killed him and rah I . way a: fast as th. v e.mbl go. Sm- loir- I rie.l to th*, man am! found it was Boudenol. ■ "There web- several families v. m> had i Indian blood :n their veins who did noi go ‘ Wc”t w. ii the tribe. Tim L* neli i'amiiy wa< part Cherokee. B’*’”!la Lynch mar ried Jewry Williams. I expect you knew him. They hml tint one child am! she was n i nied Cherokee. She marrii .1 Robert Wylie, a son of Clark Wylie. I i’.’tm inber a good many Cherokee * hi. fs ami braves, but can’t spi ll their minu s for you. Ross was not an Indian. Ills mother was | a white woman he left her up north | when im earn" to the nation ami marr.ed j mi Indian wife. John Ridge was par: In dian. I .’*p' ei your friend Gcorgi Ailnir is | of Indian blood, for we had two Adair | families, Blmk Wat amt Red Wat. ’ Tl:.y cousins. When John Howard ’ I I’.iyim was staying in the nation **.• saw 1 | him often. H. named my liith- s ster Aim ■ | Rayne. *)tm of mj- sister.-, went to s*’hool ’ 1 an Indian girl Harm d l.izz* Sho-.’boot : i ami she taught my sister to swim. Tlie | I Cheroki’is culled my father < 'otim lm J'ii,»mpson. My husband wisl'es rm- to : i prove mj* rights in th*? nation as .me of I them, but I ha*.’ never done so. Hi - mime ' is It. D Iv'e and he was born in L.iwreii.”’- ' ville, ''.a. We often see names in The Con ! st it ut ion that we remember awaj back, i ii’.l Georgia is our dear mother. .md ■ : ■ have been separated for sixty jeers, we love her sill. ’’ "'ut of tile fiillmss of the heart the . 1 month speak' th.' anil tlds is my ‘” .’ii. . ■ for writing to you. MRS. R. D. IVIE." : Weil, now, that is a good letter. How : the chickens would come home if they ! could. Next comes the advance sheets of “The 1 ( $5,000 CHINESE PRIZE PUZZLE! j 'pHTSpicturo represents Li Hung Chang at tho j 5 original occupation of his people. Around ,'‘t-«**Y « j him aro four of his custoniers prciaiinably after 'weWl J % their washee-washoo. It. i ; not very easy to find »(*'" ■>, > 5 5 the faces of the four customers, but by a clono 5 ? search and twisting and tinning the < himuniin f ; - ii',-=> X *, around they willbo revealed. Can yoafindtlgm? * nmmwiMSWEnir s J TRY IT. Don’t give up. It will pay yon. When v 'ZWjUj Y'A $ € yon have found them mark each one with across W, /T ~ , C , l $ S (X), cut out the pictureand mail it tons. Ifcor- Agjrw Z Vil r. J 5 rent we will send you n prize at once, all charges j// $ ; prepaid. W- arc bound to Iw nt tlm top. 11. nce X t B ’// \/ J t > wo :im compel! •:! to make big oflo.’s to induce 5 ./• ’ J £ people to subscribe and wo are epim." to do it. |!'( J ' .ML, J 5 WemustdoiibloourHnDeriptionJisltlimseasmi, \ (IV > J and todom wo mtnud givm;: away .rZ/OBS- ■: .S 7J 1 ANO-S' <»F' PKIXhH. Among them will - //J y G'OLO rZATi:i» \ M Z I*/-VS, IJirth of our < i J 5 Napkin IlingH, Hlc.,and last but not least »*ii H*.) jji; ji i 5 Aero farm (our value) . t • ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, i I Every one solving this Chinoso I’nzzlo correctly will surely me. ivc /■ reo nJ/ , 5 O/icirmes ono of fbo above /»r/zo-4, ot our selection, ion aromr-to jepi.-amd ’j • but. if you can honestly say yon am not; we will cheerfully return yo-.r mop. * >. ■do , ? this to advertise our paper in your locality and w- will expect tlms" *yho wo :ld wm . 5 interest ri.ei.- frien Is in a pwmniary mann r. and vdu a tlie* get their prize < show it an-. ), 5 sav it <■; me as a premium witli the Chicago Household Guest, one m tl.e bos fa-ml* pa . J pore published. To be first .is a limduhle mnlutrnn It is our de-.m .<> load Ml 'Jb’T $ £" and for this reason alone do we make tins wonderful offer of V./aoi'.. .rjz.#r/s ot v. ntjlfj 3>ri zo.s. to secure th** biist.subscription nst. - You can win if von try. With your answer yon must send uftern : fa-ips. "■ -• ? ' cents in silver to pay for on<* voar s sub.ienption to the Slouschola ‘.t.ic., . I he regidar ~ I Sprice is 60 cants, but during this offer, we Will give yon m ■ je ■ -r.p'm’i $ f for Um price of six months. v " •■■• ill ' f"H value in I 1 "’' ?>:./. r, .*'"•! y-m . ’.■ sur. ..i, , ■ Jprironl'o. Bicycles. Ten Sots, Wnb r I’imi.ers and all largo nrtgm . Mim tby ex. - r whilo \Vatclvfl. Picturos und SHck i man. if jou mn.-* joti ai I v - £ sorry. It in tho opportunity you ov*»r iiwi. Aiis\v r to-H’iy it .L’rj’ ;>■' ’<h ,r 5* Evory ono hns an equal cnancoto soenro the < v-h ac oiryrb' b u*n< •; J the names of winners of the principal prizes appear m tho riou..i.. :<i j_. j . THE FOLLOWiM HAVE RESEIVEO I.ARSE PRIZES ? ; BURIWC THE PAST YEAR. £E. Fom, Knobsvillo, Pa. ?l«liti;Mrs. A. A. I’, ak. U 2 < Southgide St., Loni ■ iHo “ Sirs. Parkinson, Stoi’tou. Manitoba, ' 'an.. JltH.'ii': iteiu'. ..iilli’.’, b< x !, ■' J i L”. . Walt« rßlack.Etna,. a. 1.00;Mi - Kittie I rntt. I::■ . 11 , u iltii’ll”. i'■-.'.i. >i I'l.-’i. ~| 'I; Mi'.: >. II ireim’. ‘B H. t" 1 ; ■ 1 : : ” iti. St.. S. E., *'■ ■ ■” I). < Bi'-J • ", 5 wood, Vn. Bi. yel. ; I). E. l ore. P. M . Knolawille. Pa. Bicycle; lolin Schult' , -u hK ’ .’le. Hbort J. Thomas, Detroit, Mimi. f. Washington Ave.. lYeyeh’. M. mary ....’ti;- r 5 mn, Sluryis.S. I) )!.<’. <•!.,•; IL*'. Printer, .'27 L. i ngton A*”.. < 4 .’a-Ui Ajt.v r West Gr.-'ie'll”. Wi;. <12.0'1; Mi - Mamie i- •■:, (.:. ■,bm.h. Ren: to., I ' l '< ” Mi.< ..rmolv, Jt-7 ii ./.-d. I”. ’A i '■ » Coer.. $25.1X1; W. S. Leavenworth, Ripon, V. is. 325. W!; Airs, ll'churdbannd* , \,a..utown, - 5 N. Y., 16 Baker St. $25.00. . 5. Hosid's hundreds of other prizes. It is onrdesim Hint you wrile any of llwsi parties ; » and sat isfy yourself that wo do as we eay. When answering please state whether yee V" a . * . übscrib-. rornot. s Address HOIJSEHOIJ) GUEST CO . Dept. H CHICAGO, ILL. ’ young I s History of Ai .’’writ t<n by my friend E. Porter T.ioiirp on. now I at I-'rankfort, Ky., but lung u i” : lent . nd <• i io:* in Arkana.. Tii i h.’ipt.’i’on Colonel E.i i ” ('. Boudinot : Is full of interest and mak. him a very remarkable man Hi- fathei name *v’.- , ' Kelle-ke< nah. but bein adopted by Elias Boudinot, "f New Jei napie. I Boudino* sided will* Ridg ■in !■”.• Ito t’” '. treaty and Ross bc.'am.: his lilt .1' encm*. ( i itoss was a powerful vlnd.ctive and un scrupuloiis imm. He had Boudinot ::i”l ; Major Ridge and John Ridge all ■■ mi1..1. Colon.! Elias C. I 'mid :ti"l " , born near Rome, Go., Augu.-t L I”” H*’ ' was edui 'ii 'i it Maii'-li. st.fT, V'. In he dinto to Fay.itt* ville. Ml , i law with Hom A. M. M i'.”oii. war admtit. I to the bar in JSSG ami soon rose to the from rank as an able lawyer and gil'.ed speaker. In ISGO he becani" editor of Tim’ Democrat at Little Roc!;. In IS'.’., all r th” state ”■ ced* d, lu and I 1 Watie,” r.’. i-.-d a regiment and fought t ■ battle of Elkhorn. H” was elios. n as * member of the confederate congr. s in | ISU3. After Hie battle of Eiklivrn Ro: - d • ■ S'Ttcd tlie confederacy nil a-.iil<.l th" southern Cln roK'. -•• tor In 'fin tn.' Boudinot <!>’!■'.i<l-'l them with signa! ab.litj and *1 Hl red su t a ph 1 aga >st his treaclnry he was eons’:';:”" t" in'.amy. i Some y* a t '' ■ ■ - of senatori- and repres ntalives, delivered a lecture in M'.ishington on the Indian raee l that mad.' a profound impt. .-.”."11. Judae Hallun S° n 1 married a beautiful and •"•i.omiii.sln d imlj i of Washington. He I-- an abk lawyer, a ' polished and relined genii man .. I ■ i ” : ’ ’ , tional *” wci■■ He has a most wo ■ I musical talent and one of th most chi’.rm ’ ing v. I. •’. ever given to m.”i." Isn't tii..: spleniiid l wouldn't mind be- . .I.g ’ iiat *ort . . an i n.! an. 1 have many more historic letters. 1 ut thl . : ”' -for tin.- time. I have great iup history that will -’.oon ) s into < 1 unle.-s sumtbo'.iy records i' Utci” : house on th. bank ot tin? Oostana .Ha two milts above- Rome t ’.tt 1 I ." ' ■*■”- ; en< for It w b Hit b . Maj I' ” 1 !«• uriy s» \'< nty iigo ;«u>! • ** u! ■■ i two :. was bu ' ■ I wards ceiled irside and weatli- rbo.i: de l. ; Wh . I first knew it Colonel * N '■ j liv.d there. He was the fathi r of Mrs. i : Warren Altin, and she was married the: young* -< broth< r was born in This good lady Ls th-- in. '•:■ v of Judge John \V Akin and she still live- in mir town aid Is full of many sweet mi many , sad ni'-moriv.. My obs*.r-. at:on is that wo : nu n have better m< nmrii - i ...:n m- ' i especially , oncerning marri:'’-: doa: as. birth and the social .:: ' f i youthful days. BILL ARI’. SHE IS SHARP-EYED WAR WIDOW How She Secured a Pension When SLe Was Hot Entitled to Tt Jasp'r, Ga., October It. -lSpecia!.)--Com ' nti-’.- . i.-i'-r Sirnmons has unraveled the j j ifi ble my.- • ry. Mr Martha J. Goble, of Gilmer county, : | was ■> rested l y Deputy M trsiial Thomas I . \v. an.! brought before Commis- j • s”ai. ’■ noi oi.s fin* filing a false ciaim p ( n . , n and rec* Iving m >n< y unlawfully ; m-d .11. gal. Tii" * vi-li i. show.' that Martha J. Goble i ed al."lit Sl'Ki from the go*a rnment : that did not b long to her She secured the pension is (lie legal ■ ■ ** ■... iv of An I hanged at Ellijay. Ga.. in tii’ year D’7:t. j I The •■* idence pktiidy tliat tl >1 i da l’ Gobi" M.’iiti’.i a t"* $ ■ from ' Marl! a J some live or s.x .*■ ■:'■ bei n'. Il” was ex. elitcd for murdi r md th .: Ir m i: ! ried again. Th. woman l e e* id. nt!y de- • fi'mi.l.’d t'nele Sam 1 > ill- tun m more, i than STJ". Her only d< f< n that s Im did not know j her husband hd ever sued and "1 mi' ”> ■' , diver*-. . Sp. eial Pei on 1 r A. B Parky ha ■' 11 • ; untiring work ami t.u-t ol 1” 'hum into th'-.s" . kind of cas< s brought this tr md to light | The e-xan n r tin ks tha th< old 1 been worked into thi tr< by other ■ parties. She se. ms to be very ignorant ami j unlearned. WOMEN OF ALL ACES Quickly. Thoroiigl* • I’ei :ii;ini-:il I * < iire*l •if any I-’ein . * 'omplaim. Ki'ln. * o’’ I '.i oi- , der I'iscm-e. General ami Nervous D. b’.l iy. ■ i kne.- s ol Boil* iml M ind. Rem and treat m ■ , .|. T< rm- !".. IT.* '■ I' * I't”'" lor ' | dies who prefer to eoim to Atl> for I valu’ilile ”'i f.-.i:■ for :o > - only sent j free in pla ■ it. d. \ddress I Mme. Dr. Bymnum. I'2 C.i| l' ' ;i'.en :e, At lanta, Ga. Dr. Titi: ; Ali.rl'.in wri’. >: “Ilatfleid. P September 25. 1597. Ed it. a- Constitution: I’ ar Sir I have been on.’ of your sul ;et : - sine the early autumn of p.'.i; ami I .an trutlifully say it is mie ~f the most, if not the most, inter and nr.-t ■me i* •’. < i”i'.n at..| polish".,! le ws- | pap. rs thru e\ r ent ri"! my "ifi.-c. i like j. ami exp.■. ' to eoiitinu.- my subscript on as lons as l can. Ym” very i.rmeetlullv, "'I PIT'S ALBRIGHT." Thomas Slater has a message so- every man on page nine. Don't fail lo read it. j MYSTERIOUS NEGRO IS IN JAIL. He Is Charged v.ith Striking Ladies Whom He Met Upon the Streit. A Ga., October 11 • 1 I>® negro v ■ ‘ ' the st rt ets of At hens rest b* liind the bars in i: ■ ■ . ■ . ilia nail”- i . W ill Henry Cole- ' man. and ho was arrested la-: night im mediately after having struck two la.iies. 1 L.a-t night in. t after tlm f'bt.-i ati eiiureil I S'rvices W'r ■ over. Mrs. Ida Sln t r 11, wliilo I rei umi ng home . ■ negro who i got. away before li< <-.iuld b • eaugiit. A lit!. :ae Pl .-. .-li.n eburch : turned out. Mrs. W. F. Dors.-y. who was i witli a. ri-1. :ve. saw Will Henry Coleman ' standing :n.-J a jm-". on Ham oek ave ' rue a: a r < oguiz* 1 him. | A littl" l.u ■: -Mr G< orge D. Thomas ' ; nd her sb" t. Mis,; M iygie Morton, were ' passing along tm- avenue, returning liotna ' from ehnr' ii. Tim. n- • a'a struck Mrs. Thom >WI As an in . • I .’g:*> Las: ni.:-”’:t al”.ut midnight Policemen !: nd con- fined ban 'a ei ibo . Tn; morning ! he was ! ed by Mrs. Thomas and by Sam McQumi. i Coleman tleni.-s the charge, but the Ol'i- " den. e seems tn be eoticlusiv’e against him. Colemai ha.- ■ same ■ ;'ran . ot the mgro who .-true), a nunm. r of ladies lo ro recently, and is bihcV'd to be tlie same mam Cobb County I-' a Success. ; Mar.'ta, . October 12. (S| . ciul.)- Tl.e 'i: t da*’ pro- r.. mm.* o the i.'obb • ■ounty I:::,- !■. pm-sed olt with great suc- ': . s, ai’.i fully <1 .-nonsi r;. ’ i',.’it the week II ■ ■ • ’.iil-.i ory Tt. ii'”;..-' ..n the gr.iuml v. - ro all of ' a. high order, embracing every line of agri- . . ure. 1 *e stock, m.uiufnet- ”i • ■ imlustiy. ’i'li” first sug- well rou::.l'».l i:ara. of tiie exhibit, .. I”" licit I■ ’ . ... • which I; .’l9 ' brought !: ,:>io . ing is of a varied order. ' - ; It : ma*’ I?” *'.' W ed. ■ft... atteml.:le■■ from Cobb and surrcuml- . ire; court: . q"it. I.H ”c. a.':d li’.e promise tha ■ intil the end. ’■ : ■ ie which ut- i tr.iets sj”'”ial .'[■ al i. ’: Experimented with X-Ray. ’ NashvT'” , T .ur, 0.-I-.lie,” -(Special.)—- ' Th.- ’■ ■nJ ..”' th T:'-Sta. - Med .al As- l ■ < - ' perimmits wi: i ti e N ray machine. Tho Wei bv Dr. J M. Mat thews, oi' I ' LGo I .ii"’ \! . I’i <;• or:m S. Brown, I'.irm- M ■ . ot 1 Bo imr-’.iam. Ale; Dr. l'..dg’tt, of Colurn- 1 pur v cli'.l . :i .”■■ riven rrua j I . .petit”” by t h eat - : -■ i': ■”’■l. i ' i WATCH ■ ■ ; | *<: GENUINE DLEBER CA'iES r ■ : ■ T?! ' ■■ ir 1 11 ;i * ■ / ’. . Ji'' ’ c i*«* -il wi’h «rd*> «. • •It | i i ■ w, a A''J < i I • I.: I 4-haif ki’”’Jx" !i "' Ko/At. wifc. co., rn 331 ix ai’ St.,Cbtca c o, ill i ■ ■■■' ■ ■■ SOMETHING WON?). Ri U!.. STIi E3:<IN( i Cl RCD. Prof. i. *'. r: . ■” • wtirlil, is n'»‘\ Ht 72 >{»rtr>’ •>( -t. ti. i- • ■ urln« I m.iri*' s:n't r<T'< • • : liiirmti’l HfitllcitT** from I <it‘or’.'in. .\l.t I '!Vir'i/'iici ;«n«l ti"’ < hi'''lmas liavo bit;. i - S|» D !ln!I V. ;’h lit.- -MO}* ;it his : School. AJoi'i phis. It-nii. X!;m* Ir- in tins ! iiarn** I I-un •• to him in .'lf io.Gi-s un i • ■•• x boon curial, but t ii< <*x p‘ti ->• .0 ; > iv< j,. t ‘writ ' hn\o «i «>n him u>* . ; Hi- rn in MLnii • H* j brings from «; .). M. 5 . t Missis- • sipp , :iibl nr:n\ from urea! pr»* ;l -in fs ti::;! Htn'tor--and j Htiitlii’' is. \\ *i. on be h.'s ci'f.. |br -t. .;!<!••!■ -houbi i cal! : > s"(‘him or write *it once. His cbHrg<*s ar** quita I rciHonabic. n " rr " s j l r \I- 1 TN 11 II ■’ • 'll.’ Vis ti 'PATENTSr . . - tor In\ I'iitor’.- • ‘ui Ic. 6.-' RODS’ ■ pm - ir i*- ” " ■ t* •( U'Lu 1 hl I. I ■ 1: - i ’ : I ”'.. I.” I. 111. M<*n v*rt«<iin fe’-z co’tmr to hi hb p-lrat» i: .- : I : m-'.”un- fcj* E'JCC.’BAry. I iIiVC! ‘-al 1»* r«'* ’) Y>- A,.'-in". , i diannyoiis, -ud. AV A NT! ID 'Te r two :**.’■-• .. men in ,a. h souil’,. i’li siate. •:. • : ' Hwl P'-r I month .nd cxi - I'erma .nt pc- i .on ' and . x.'.ir-ive teriroi” i” r.l:':hle i c'-.-ors. Exp*: li-r.i-” not absolutely r e. s.-.iry. For par;.. add re. s I'aUel-on Tobacco w ork Greensboro. N. C. M \NTED A position a■’ g *’’rnoss or loinpanl'in; terms rcasonilile. Address ' Miss $. Dubli, Mill, tai .Blurt', Ga.