The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, October 18, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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£2L~— «« W1 W>wm \W W>z> *«*«H C* -^»»c/--v : ”--iS“~*—"iJ ■—’• <Z Summer Is Passing Away. The Bummer is passing. The days full of splendor, Are rapidly drifting away; i The soft winds are sighing J In tones low and tender, And their sad voices whisper-'—<decay. The green leaves are turning And here and there, burning Is the red, flaming torch of decay— The sun-glinted meadows Are tilling with shadows. For the summer is passing away. ■ The roses are fading, The lilies are drooping, The bird notes, me thinks, are Jess gay; And across the bright river The faint sunbeam quiver. Oh. the summer Is passing away. Aye, the summer of splendor, lu hazy September, V ill h>oii I--;-.- !:-r smiles, bright and gay, And w 'll sigh for the t’o.v rs /.rid tie hi ght, golden hours Os th. sweet summer drifted away. TA 1 at hath It brought vs? hath it I;■•ly.lit us? This sttmm- r, ros. (Frowned by the May? Tl:i-- sweet, golden summer. Whose musical murmur Is even now passing away. floodlo. fair, bright sumn'.'-r Wth thy ■ ty and gladness: Alas! could I keep thee alway— My ln-.oa would not f'orr- w F •-. tn, dawn of tin morrow Ard >li.- .-im.rie. now passing away. -MAY 1-1. YIeMILIAN. Belleview, Ga. Debt Versus Poverty. Mcst p opl, think poverty is the worst thing we have to contend with in this world. w. admit It brings much unhanpi n-ss and Is < tiainly a misfortune, but ota- can b - poor and have the r. spe.-t ol <•«. ry <■:--■ and r-- t 11: ■m-.-lV'-,-, and y< . 10. k o(hi-r- hi r - >■"-■ w tlioir. : l, im •; one can be poor y. t proud- -too proud to do a mean act ano !,■■ loot • <1 down upon l.y hit; associates, i’c.- rty ne ■ I to-v.-r > at'se n< to .-eon; ,--n one on it.- oio-t; povi-tty m * d never iow.-r the moral . Ii- va'-ti-r of dry one. We a'-knowh dg. poverty is bad « :1;, but th. '- Is an abyss t! it is far <!.* ;,,-r ami more to be shunned, and that re Is nothing that rit d. -s a c-r wom.:-. --m-’.. -i.mpl. t.- ••:.»•.- as debt. We rn.-iy bo poorly dr.-ss- d, even to darns and pati 1. yet it we are horn st an i owe no man for .a: eotbes w. can hold our heads h gh, but If w- a debt ti nt we cannot p.y, w- are .•!>'. t a "le to whom i; .-> ow -I. T'.-'.-e is nothing halt so humil iating ■ . world as debt. An 'aid Irish I .: out . ~ ■ on eent v t'j a tm-ss..• to a I'r ■ ml r< mark. i she ci. i'd not go irotr . ;. certain corner, and wl,.n aslid w,.; i ,-. that was urn nearest v. a y\ si: id tlieiwag a mad dog around II .. - -rm r. ; i.i s* '•'; I o s ions she Us- d .. .. .■ . . , . ■ | we .■ mil <m that it $ . ■: Whom in <i- a,, and she said site Would •< .- me t a mi-.d dog as her cn diti . Wh ie that was using rather : strong et-tpres-don. v. In ■- .'o.-ht tht-.t the bard, n of c -iit ..mi l j.i -dm ■■ sti It a . tate off. There ci.- :--s- a-.? mid v . m y - ■ contra el e-.l tl it are almost ti’aai I •!. , bin a- ..- ra! t '.-i-- Jndf the ur>in-: :a-.< -of tl.- world < .>rn s fr.,;n - -bls -,-. d that might l-tivc >-.<-n .-■ivoided. D.-l.t is a tell <<n:< ks nd. swal low In,all who i :sk tli.-nt,--.- 1 . ~< wd.hin Its bounds. It humiliates; it • • ■ ot ■ to i>,- luoJ-a d down upon: it avC'.t.-< a one of distion 'y' it mal'.-’s enemies, and in every w: y 'mm. r.- ; " -rsoi'. Many a good ma’i Im ■■ . s.d io lx> u.' . f'i! w'wn bi ari -p; tile a.- '■■ ■’. would --.-. m. f<-.- rf'.tl dls.- i... - eon t iminn . scour,e,■ s and f’m.aliy d stro.'s. Woman’s Power To Love. It Ims oft n i • a. that woman's power to io’.-e far cv--!.. that of man; het (..•on-fen to the o!>j.-. t ..f her Is more end-rtfitt. Truly a woman's l-m. veri'l ■. St. Faul's assertion, for a woman'.-- I- ve " noi easily provoked, t!-ink.-th no « vll; b> -,r.--!h all tilings. l>.-',.-e. th ad l.’-'-ms, FBEE TREATMENT. Dr. 1 ! rt: .iu h's , - • rrv.t ■ i’ -nt brine,* r'.-ny ,tt . - from Jc.'nkful p.ilfcnts. The arc .>ptciinen.s: ’ h ' ,v f'dlow-d x "sM yor- :,<i ' mm-b benetm-u ay ■ I have continued the u?e c,f ilil '^s'is something* rare, O <i> 4 ns my ll! m,s are eon- JkrJ? f tltutionaily weak f I t\ your medicine and f f kind have // ’iS done more for my present health than anything else could have done. La grippe and p mmnorii > have b'-et; epidemic almost throim.hout the state, land I fee.! that I owe to your modi, ine my cscap - from ’h< -e m.d.-i'lh-s. ] tlmnk y .ii 6 iK-eroh- from the bottom of my h. -.rt for all the good you have done me. 1 am f. cl ing so well and fro. from ail suffering .hot my heart go. s out in tha nkfttln. ,- s to you. as an instrument in God'- h::n.' . ~f w! at. I am today. MRS. M. JI. !.<• iHBLXS, Montrose. Ala. I will write and toil you what Pe-ru- V ina has done for mo. I had choking s'-t Ils for a long time, and In the night I w.c.-d t.-m. •. i ~- A r'-? . ..y.ylXx bed b. eattse f roi i)d n-t breathe. It ,-.n tiff s' Z-.v d'.app. lr ed after ( VW-? /S Vk had taken Pe-t -ti-na. I also .bad an ab- X £.cess on my buck J that telt as if n< i dies were sticking into my back, and after’**** I had taken -j. little Pe-ru-na the ab~ . . (disappeared. I can walk a great deal ’eash r than I could. My husband, has also taken l’e-ru-na, and we both recommend It as a. good ni- di.-:ne. MRS. ISABELLA GooLSBY, 1.i.-bon. I'i.t Those wishing n complete description of Ifoma'.e diseases, their causes and cans ■should send tl’.c-'r address to Ti.<- j’e-ru-n : jDrug, M.innlar t ;a g Co., CoiumLu.;, < for a cop}’ of “fl°alth and I-.‘-a.o y." f.-i.t flee to women only. This vai i m. d! cal treatise should be in the possession of every woman wi-.o has any i.ii* .•• st in these diseases. l hopoth all things, endureth all things,” I and she dots even more; she forglveth all things. Padla Lombroso, the daughtre of a cele brated Italian criminalist, has written a pamphlet in which she upholds the doctrine that the fate of woman in the world is ln -1 expresslbly happier than the fate of man, for a reason she says: ‘'l’.-caus:' the true 1 happiness on earth is to love —and women i alone have the. power of loving.” The writer holds beauty and fntolilg.'nee cheap when compared to love. The heart, tend -r --i ncss. love; the highest love, devotion; In these she believes lies the true happiness of this world. Did you ever think how different It would have been had Adam tempted live? In all probability she would have borne God's anger and said not'ling, but A.-l m at. once said: "The woman gave me,” etc., and so since woman came out of the gnruen of Ed'-n she has been long suff< ring, pa tient at’.d loving. Sho accepts blame and grows accustomed to being found fault with and often kisses tho hand that deals a blow. Woman's love is a wonderful thing! Strange that, .such love should go unappreciated, mid y . it does; Is often thrown aside with disdain, or still oftener It serves to amuse a man as a toy dees a child, t t.-l like the child with the toy. as soon as wearud of it, throws It aside. “Last at the cross and first at t'no tomb" was woman found, at-d so as long as tl:o world stands will woman's love follow through death and the grave, enduring ev< n through < termly. Something 1 New in Petticoats. Colored . kirls li.-ive 1 eeame a part of a lady's wardrobe. Tim silk peiticoat being most popular, but ranging so high in priei s, only the v-ry wt ulthy e-'.a afford them. They come tn variety of color:-:, the new ones are nmdo narrow at th;- top and not very full In front, and it any of litem have ' a siicce.-'.ston of wide rutfies tip the back. '■ l-’or those not able to afford a sill: skirt i the newest mat rial is wool moreen; it com< s in dark cheeks and str!n--s and is (A cents a yard. Five yards mak, s a skirt. This moreen is really the mo-tt. <;• r-lred for p. winter skitt; it : as light a.- -silk with a. lit:, men- stiffness and being el.anir.-able in color, is quite as desirabio as taffeta. Fell Fashions. Sleeves and sk'rts continue to diminish i slightly. The three and five-gor'd skirts | ami the circular sh.t;e are the preferred - I styles of the season. | Shaves, though gradually dei-r.e-rtng in i size, still show some fullm-ss at the; top; j this fullness Is .mipplh d either by a small ! puff or epaulets. Th tnodtfie 1 muit..n 1< g I sleeve, close au-1 ; ;.!u little;.' t-> v. 11 abo'.e ' I the <-:bow. is tl,.- most popular sleeve for 1 this season. Feather boss are popular for the early 1 ' cool days and will be worn again this i winter. Flov.i-rs will be little seen during the s- a l son; ostrich plumes, tip- and all kinds of ; plnm.-igo have t .ken their place. \ civet i will be used to the cxclu.-lott of ribbon. KINGDOM CORRESPONDENTS. Mrs. J. R. ,S.. Chambers, Ala.—l have Just finished reading the Vi’oitia-i :■ Kingdom of i tin- week, find as tli .re are . ■> many good ; phx-is, I couldn't h. Ip writing. 1 wish 1 i ml,! shake ha.n<is wjth "du ■ • ■■;:>• -r.” Jav; . .'J :.s.. as sir- so well c.xpr--sse.-i my condi tio::. I feel some time like all hope is. <1 ad i ar,.,1 again 1 f<-<l happy. Oh, so bam>y! But 1 thick 11., greatest c-' u.-• of m.v des , p‘t<l(.t:<-y is from bad !<■ ai ' It. And ttico'-ir si-ler who has just lost h- :' little baby .'-"l:l. - May t od comfort and Id. !.■ r, for 1 l-. lost a 1 tie baby and know what it Is. But . tin i us, ''. :I: ’ 1-• <• Ii• .■ i .-H;' .1 j. id th. lamVi ry much .■ s; 1..,: :} v, t:t M:.-.. J. V> . G iffelL. Alt, Wiliiae, Ahi., : il v ii a. nimby, i t.av-- .and .: te .v aunt, by v.iiti-. : ' i Th-- C.uetitutlon I ata t-i> glad. It !.-• \j .x er ittd pap r. Miv-’. R. i’. Bazemore, Caiherim , Ala.--I ■ wiote to tho Kingdom several y, is mm, : ami how well i r ■pomb. -.- sem-. hbig i-. K-h <■(>!•>• till my liter d. and how di ' a. ~ liuted I v.-i .tl 'in , a; >. pat ' of it ,-titiic de- ;, into th ■ w-i.-t ■ l>. !<■ . ' k: vs> I ‘ w; ; too enthusiastic ov-. •' my tlowi rs and ' bbte-ey.-d bi.-y, : T 1 b I -v- all til.- j ■ of ; a .young m>■ m-r'.--. ;i-ar: was •■'-■r v-..• .1 in i i, •i> ■ -.itli- r I.dks a -.1 bat I I dldi’.'l to’ow teat. 1 cor.l I tel) som-o : things, o; I 1 ’- l>:iby, grov .: ’al.. '-'Ht will t ''ruin, it < •:h.,l< - s I .a- c : I tie today as 1 was on writing h.u. I i was n di: g ... er from ; i.-tter In i <)])•* of OU!* HJUI )’<!*■] p!lp«' s ;i''t i ,'i;. apo • amt 1’ In n ;-o- ■■ 1 > In r .:■! that I in i th, light of a <b:*}, and I mil.; hoi" i I some. .■ ;:ff,-i-, r may l : b< n- ■<! by I fev .Imph remedies'; sotm 1 Hur..' 'o bo ! fdi )< l . f roil) t»- *‘i ; • o’ h* ' oir, th. u croup, jeat r-'.ct > an i. id '■■ ; -■: • lum, gi v in reji. .0..’ ,|.... ■ i'’ v.itnii I place. It it w- il to follow <r ,u , .- i' a < t- !.■-;■ ■ i< : I 'm ca.-h-iii ■ s< ' v..- .-1 ~-i bed ! v,ith patient, ,-vn-r bail "itb . b-.v'. '/ ie j Inhaling of this bus b> m •lY itua! < v-a In i membr>u ■ croup. w ■■■ t- lb-r | with t c tro . I this luliala-ion. sub-’ .iut:n» turpentine lor ; u.du and takir.i; ..l you are ta t < x- | posed to any draught in <-otv>i e'in'ti a i it. Tiii.s frlii-d »f mine has lnha.t.-a m.pen tltie for a numb,v< ar. , ii < a by .itttr- - atlng a • .hub and ia.v-ng it at tier head at ; nlcht. She was treated and pr • -I In | curable of throat trottldi y.. ral years ago. Her hetilth v wretchid and slt< alii ■ her good health today to tut ;>, n-Jne ...I faith ;u n-ay r. Si,.. !., ■■■,■.-.ok and tcachi ■ and her influence . beau tl to SI To Mrs. Garri-tt. 1 will say. it is :-omn tit: <■. v, ry tinv thos, ’ ■ i Ing sores; better • son on th an!-.;,- ban | on some vital ;• ••rt, ie- ■■rtli- '. I ;;iv<- a leme- I }': A I'niub and oite-i . . . r- in edy Is the dripning ; mad,- .-Tom :'- ton i of pleei of fat bacon; strain an.: ..pp’y i.itn feather. Yo.t may try this. too. on ,-■ s re of your hors back; better tivtt.ali, for th-- latter, 1.-- tie- con.-iaat aiidiontii t. .i i appllca t'oti e .-ii::':. I For a. splinter ti'iiler the ling.v nail, drop | rc-peat diy warm i -How on it. and .1 • -■ I try to , xtr.-'ct the offend--;- uu il you - an the greasc has surrounded tlt< pli iter Gan any on< give me an asthma cure, from ,-, i.-'i-ii.e'. If any of th< a- ■ • ■i. a :-’me;ly 'ar ti.-hig br-a.-t, 1 will ; :v. it wb<-,i I corn, again I mi's, ~-los, . .is tl.--. candy ma - :• made ;■. • I -c. i . parched, i for it Is my i.i. bj'-; birthday. Mrs. T. F. Mor' ;n. Dry Run. Mi- . >w. sisters, -be merciful, if you .ir<- p.,-.-. rfi; , v.'-n ;i I b-’l you th'- bulbs are giving out .- -d 1 am rtill ye. ling about thirty lelp- .■ i-- ii mall. What shall I do? 1 reei;.ia J wih have to commit i;■•:<!<>. I belh-v- tl - ' only way [ can got out creditably is to die ' out. Bur bold on, I -im no: d-ml yet. t failed early in tax fall to take up ;.!1 my bulbs and t’u'.v the tops !-.-\■!, ,1 down they are lutr.l to find. Be-s'd—. 1 hadn't .i largo supply of tulips and -ind . s 1 r-- 1 ■- I ii.i-1" ■ ’• ea t ■ ■ I '"; ■ '■' I. i yen: off, to send r.-al" om l bull, if each, m that all. could , • ■ a Start. Howver, I can next sumrmr, aftc-i’ tl.ey are through ' blooming, send as m-'ny of th-- white ;>ar i els r.ts and jonquils and .-• few of t e la-i s. ti. you will wish. If some arc- willing io -THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA., MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1897. wait until next spring, perhaps I could send soma chrysanthemums. 1 fail'd to’ raise any this season and It will probably cost mo something to get them. 1 will have some yard annuals, Aleanthas, etc., besides a few geraniums and some other plants. I will also have next spring about fifty dwarf cannas—two k!nds--and they are cer tainly lovely, eithi r as a yard or box plant. But the sisters will, I think, be. witling to allow me something. I have received post ago from 2 cents to 50 cents. Os course, I am perfectly willing to return postage to any that wish, minus 2 cents to return it, I would like a postal from those intm'i sted. The premade a rnisiak - Io otto of my letters, putting my addr,-.-;-. "Dry River.’’ 1 received one letter from the dead letter office, hut it contaJimd no ord r. 1 hop.-- all received the seed. If any one failed, i hope they will send me their name, and 1 will do the best 1 can by them. Thanhs to a'l that sent me sod, extra stamp; and other little tokens. Wish I could hav.- written io each otv-X 1 made a mistake, in my lust let ter, saying Jos. pit’s Coat, instead o’’ Star of Bethlehem, which is a bulb; the other is a seed. Mrs. V.’. T>. Edwards, Hester, T<'<•—l am a subscriber to TTi-- W'.-kly '’'institu tion ami I < •i.i".’ wading t!,e many good letters f"om tl,. ; . ’- rs, ~s '.iso the many other g'C'.'l feat.ires. If Mrs. Jlagg.e i.i. H:,. hards will give her pestofflec .•••Ide- . ' through M liman's Kingboitt, or write di rect to me, I <;tu offer her many flower.-; in exchange, for her t'Osi-s. I the instructions sho gave lit regard to | rooting roses. | Mrs. E. J. Bissell, Camden, 8. C.—Can | any of the sisters give me th© words of ‘The Beautilul Snow?’’ 1 would like a I remedy f'-r < Hills ;■ ;ii fever. If t’B«. sister ■ who is bothered with a sore, on h< r ankh: I will use an oiritment of stilpliur, laid and I tag -ho will find ri.lief and j. cure. I ’ )«. xi. I:.,’’ Columbu.', Ga. I m i. "s- '.- | era! of tlio sisters cuium.-.iding i:m book I ".v ilb-nult-tl I'a.v.n” and I will say that wnoever re ids it prayertuliy will thank | God they ever saw it, and will lev-- God I aio;,-, and ,)<-sun more, and th !r .s i;, boor ; more, and wnl ix i->ign.z;c fiia.t all the world I is their neighbor, as .!■ .;a.- taught. 'i hey will also b - l.mibied to lead tho : signs or’ the tim. s as they develop, and will ' discover irom these signs that Jesus Is I now “setting up’’ His kingdom- fust in ' the minds of num, and that in a few years, ; i H.- v. ,1, with tin- ''little tie k” ol’ saints, j i have “th;- kingdom and dominion and tho ’ i givatiii . of the kingdom tmdi-.r the wbeio ' : ■ ■ ns.” Th. He w 111 begin His "thou- i i send y.-.-as'” r- lgn. Tl - n the dead will | begin to com© back; not from bi- iven or ’ hell, but from “their graves,” as Jesus | taught. The Lord teaches us through the I prophet iah that each one then will ; have b") years to start on tho "hlgh'.vay of ! holiness.” Tin- thousand y-ars' imlo of Chris; Is tho I ag’e. of I’rco grae-, and «■■■'s--qi . tit H • i will. The devil will be bound and all evil ; will be curbed, and those v.-'io fail to make ' hiadwry under th,- favor.idle conditions • that will then prevail will die tho “sei .m.d j ib.uli.” This is a. <erl.istlm- destruction. ; The scriptures teach tlia; th- to is rm ri -ur- I rection from the cond death, as. from the I first death. gitis the reason why in I substan-e, flint Jesus Is "i! b-yon-l tue p-iw r of deal "Death hath no more do minion over .Him.” He cannot die for sin- ittead the J’l.m of tho Ages—the first vol ume of Mill; nnla! Dawn series, and thank ’ God and take courage. Miss. V. T. Strangi?, Ed;-? water. Va.— To those who are so busy canninyr, p.--- Fi-rvlai-.. ,Ic-’.;yietc.. 1 would s:.y, >-.-ive tile flap--' o:’f of uin'-’.-iod <-r.c-. !<..>• - those r-ir como in are good as any, to label jars and "lasses. The edge of the flap can ' ).<■ note i-d or left plain, ami tit- y have the i advantage of belli!-'.' quickly pasted on. I Some of my IT' are making pillow shams (!> i.-.t Materia), two yards i-f lawn, i I'.iur if lac..- Insertion, eigl.t of la--.. Ono ■ . lawn, : . ■ : hei (Relied ' < Irt .-. <4 - qi; ii si::", join four together with . ; ill; . rtion lot- < ae.i sham, hulv. til.- lace, ■ j... .. . ■, ■ und th' • - . full at the cor- I ■ ni l \ die.i fax-ten to a lining of pink or pale I i tin lady who wanted some y- ilow to- i I m.uo ti-i.d will -,ind me '.wo two-cent i .-.n.-ps 1 wilt send her a t- w of tile de- t i &il ’ 1 yclt1 ' I i Lav* iv. j jot t••• .- ol in.o.c.y 1 \\ . h to j ! *•:<<■!.o.u.ut for b- l ullvr. Un< is a brijzLi , j il-iibiif ot the is* u<* o.' J l *-']; tile o', nr | i i: .. p:< •<. ot ni'iney--;-;i*ctubacli. . m Centavos, ;u.t 6 lAi A;’'i. ; la., IbS 1 ,” is the ins'_T:ptb»n. Writ • v. h t you have •; i Xeiimige, and if ail answer is waited, inclose a .- a.up. Mrs. c '' Hughes, A -i, G? -1 am I In ,-ympathy with th- l;.Mie> wh... la-, mi mi, for■: i. t'.m coin;..ami of I our de ir Lord to "g > ye into ail th.- world j j :.p:-' h ;(:■ : J . < i,. j I p.i.ipie j;tt«!•«-• ' ii ui om.-, you find tm-m i".- Iti - i< 1m: ' - <■' !-• i iwh -: \ • -.1,1 ' | t‘.< fish al mg pop . b.iv,. 1,. . j. q j | not the iw. pel been fi-'.ii’ :!.t to u ? ' J haw .1. a- . ..... mg yl >r ; ,- ,'Kiml j | m-xio ix'pt.V I i :'.u : .',a;-" to an- om- j I who wlslms tb. m. I v m:;.| like to .-x.-liam - ■ <.;.: ■.: ii i; ’•■ i: • u!; ■ < for id'": aid ••■ -. a• > i • I 1 1S ’ b - iv " a W'” '-'- 1 M-. P. i.;. ti vlile, Horn I.ttke, AB .--. -T i I uni .! -I- tmnl r adi :■ ~f I’m. C ns- ■>' m. | ' • ■' w’l" f °cJmL ' th or f< ,s. ■ <t- . / aslor oil w ■ i iii.-tw ■ v • .-I-. To pc -c-'nt worms get- | ; and chip them • . ■■ ■ , fruit, j ; V. ’ . ■ ; . i 1 I sent Al; .', i a -i’ did i.«-: ch . • .' i. '. . | Melvin, Ala_—Can any of the st iters of I Kit,tv, I-;;.’ toll nv w'tn're I can get .-off■ Irw il like Mr. J. C. Huftmnn, of ntu---w, ? i 1 saw the pi pping ' i The Cons"tu;ion i fr«" Tin Gia: -.vs about the 1 ."-st ■ w -k in Atu.uiC. I- sa'.i he . ".ut'ed 1.-s | steri from parties In Garrard county. ' Frank Rmlth, near 'v- Pot ; tery. M-ii-on, Ga. -1 ofmij ;. ■ ; b--m tlb-d ■ f;,.m r'-adi’ig The Cousthutlon V. o;r.. -'a l Kin dom. I find fresh I n.:,er, alum. i ; t'-r. I- ".w. juice, tir ■ turn of Iron, earboile ;a< ' 1 and bismuth tri x d Ir. i ,lv. . ,t onful of * ■..<■. pof but ter. I .c , ,! set eont.-;. ry si r. at i.nx and .ill I I ;-.m. ;'. Is; I !.!• "pirli - :ur:>. r. it, | ' ar.wug mi.v mid ail of my s ■•!. X., bugs I ’ will iii- go n. ar. 1 p• ir one quart of i ■ spirit.- of tiii j - nt: iv and cm- qu.-i . t of i 1.. r<-s-tne Imo a mi’ in -' Hie s .mo I ! ?, t < ii s' wo: ' h of e.'i rb .ie- acid I c i-.-a n Imy -Ist. ..-is good will': w.-.rm -.vat-v. n .- -, , ■... >nrax I . ... . ■ - i wlii; k 1-rmin;, -iip into the turpi-ntir.e ra'.x- ■ tur’ ;:r.d brush ■-v- c" wi ,- to - \ • i>' pi co ot the bi " id and springs. I so this I j. h a ;-i .X’o". id’-f, :• "i I ni-vei haw I any but fr-sh, clian beds!- io-’. Mrs. E. C. v. <rm-.'k. Or; ’ ird. Fla. -I | lm,k 'or tin arrival of The \V- ;!y Con- ; i t iittion as o:m anticipa;. s tin- r-omine. of - .-i frii-ml. Arm I 1 I.- it’d-cd a fl, ml. I ii'm . -'<>■ .il'im \ --ry nvi, li, 1-nt it? gr.-at- i > <■( i-lit.rm is in t'm Woman's l-i i-guor.-i. 1 ■. ':!■ Ii is muel: in-; roved. V.’-.- g-t many j ; mill hili', submit lions'hil-i affair:, if Mrs. < larr. ' • will ma he a pa: tc • wbit- lead , mid litisceii oil a.';-l iy a pl w: r to ti"c wr. <I. im . I think ill v will aim be | < uri-fi. For burns trim-, a ■ y th’:.-I; I.tiller I ,-i tl,o h.iiuls of comni-.-ii bar snip ti.l rub .... -Jm bur ; as s 'ti : ■ >i is done, ir i;i> i i . -lot ir--!i or l.u'ok n. ami • ori- -o ippiy ■ ■> imlil tie- a.'- m • 'it. i J/ ii. sk'n is pwi cl o'!' or b!:-~t'p'< ’. ;; :ly ! castor in! '.'’i'll • .-ttvil' .;iim>ti!y of I.aibi"- i num m.y-<) will u .-‘Hil'V Irequemiy with ; .*, ; i till J. y.ehai. l g e List. • M’-'S !•: I-.: to ; . . Morton’s Store N. | C . Ims rp.iip a w ri. ty o' r-opul ic --.i" -, ,-iud also . ■ ■ssi,.-,1 ini'-;', to for bi; .-‘i-iri Hi.-: and lUlip liilbs and siii, :■ ":,ps. | , M.s Emm.i ’.on.g, l!r;.« v«d<, Va., iu-s Faik's Floral Magazine from September, | 'IE, to 'i'l, to exchange for best offer. Mrs. B. J. Roberts, Clay, N. C., has pfiotii;-,r;iph frames, blotters, bookmarks and fancy work, '-rayon portraits, silk and plush scraps, elfor chmu, bedroom slip pers, rug ii- ,-die, etirnera. < .u-n do table covers or ol’t’ers. Inclose stamp. Mrs. 11. A. Tate, Green!.c, N. C., will exi-aango bulbs of grape liym-lnths, ilafi.i itils, lili'-s and ether flowers for other bulbs and plants. Write first'. Maggie ITazeile, Manchester, N. C., has can-ccii d stamps, papers and novels for <x cliangc, -.'.’rite, with stamp. I. M. Y"um;-:m, L;;.'ay, S. I:.-:-; Prince Mi-sewc- ' - method of li aching Imoiiiu op ing ami other books to exi-hang, for book.s. Mrs. M. A”. F'lti'it, i.ake Butler, Fla., has good sew in;-- mm hint :o exchange for I 'int.o outfit, camera and ii-ns, in good con dition. M'ss Jennie Andrew. Mat. Ga., will ex change S'-ml of fly i-oisop. for one yard of Indigo blue calico and self-addressed, slam I >ed e’.i Ve lope. ■Miss )>. Funderburk, Dudley, S. C, lias a taven''-dollar bill of ■ onfml<-ra .< mnm-y am! war poe'.r,. ami noveh. to exchange for se-i. shell.-, now is or anything of equal value. Write what you have. Mr '. Annie R. W. de, Ixonia, Miss., wish' ■to ' xi-bi'ti; "'j’.," World's'-sn of Religion” (cloth boi' .I,)'.:<; pages, t’.ir fifteen yards of indigo blue calico. Ruth Fresh y. Sali.-lmry. S. C.. will ex cl hig a 14x17 crayon portrait for the b". !; "Itaro Coins of America.,” nr any thing useful. L. I-’. Hun'er. Peak, S. C., has valudblo books at , ti- Ha'", iixl .-ami-v.-i for .x --eh Write, with stamp, for particu lar:.:. Mrs. M . Roberson. Terrell, Tox., has the book, "Ititi- Coins of .America.” *o exeliange for ' : ays of Rome,” “Gulliver’s Trawls,” or other books. Miss Isabel Kinmel, Hulon, N. will i '.-•!.■ ng • music book, "Boutbcm I' ." I 11, f-..r twelve yards plain black sattcen. I Write ■il-tiv-) Johnson, Ellijay, Ga., Jias old ' co: fin. 'ate money to exchange for best '. offer I A. M. Corathers, Gaston, W. Va., has j “Beside th t Bonnie Brier Bush” and other - no-. -1- to exchange for sea shells. Writ© i for list. i Mrs. Beulah V. Rogers, Boyd, Ala., has i O. Ilii-i-’s •'-'f-:» musi-.- system to : -li.-iui-,. for tho Ink offer. Write what i you haw. • Mrs. It. T. Baycmore, Catlurine, Ala., i h i . baby • irri.". , Excelsior printing | press and .-■■■a I'u.c.n wash'-r, all in good I condition, ta >. xciiat go for best offer. J Mrs. J. T. Foster, Morristown, E ist ; T-Will i-w-iuiiig - likes, e.iil :.s and i inai.y oilier t'c-wers tor a. pair of thor on .iil.-r-u i lii ..i iT... mouth Rock, Co- ; ch ii-. ••;' Brahmas. A\ rue tvhat you want. I Miss H. I .mpbei!, 1 Mdlc'.on, Tenn., has I im;i,'ovc.i I’.'.- ■-?■. incubator -tn«l broo-ler It" ••change for beat offer. Write, with stamp. i C. C. James. Fairfield, Ixy., has tho I 1.-c- 1 : ■ Tla :.r ii its’ to cxcliango lor “S.--ii.'tji:!.a at :■ ■!■ ,i" or something of eq. al value. Write first. Miss Will: Tbiitnp on, Zion, S. C., wilt • i ii . .a.,- music for music and ;,. largo el-- trie for good guitar or lady’s si- viii; bi-.vole m good repair. Writ© for list of music I'-;. J. i'. r.ati-i-iin, Davenport, Ala,, 1 ' ■ ■■•;-hand liool books and. re- li; ;'j-; Avork. to i xi-fiange lor Rollins’s "Ancient History," or pet game fowls. lit:;;-nie Clvipman, Hulmeville, Gt l ., has violin i.i good oril- r io exchange lor edr nel lit good oixter. A\ rile, first. Anna Apt, Rixl Bank, Va.. has confcd ei; rnmie.i, pi inted scurfs and croehvtted lace for ex- hi: -gv. Mr.;, ii. B. Willl.-.-mson, Gasport, Ala., I:.;. "That Fair False- Woman" and "When .i Wom.m hows." fly Airs. Holmes, t ' • - I.' for "Ijuiechy" "Edlino I or M;.;-:.;Min V.'le.” ; Boimdary Line in Dispute. 1 8.Fi:,.,i,m1. A ~., G'.flola.-r 15. -Governor ; Lotviidi ol i, has Informed Gov- ; e: ■ or (I’Fei rail that in his opinion ii is ■ ;.. . . . to havi the bou - ry lim I■- | twee:. Maryland and Virgsni.i In the Poeo sound and riv, -r established and that i In- liin :-;< if will have tin..- matter attend ! e-. 5 to. 1 hi- matter referri 1 to has be--n repeat edl;. in. v.-t Muted by bot h the states con ,-, . in ■ has always taken the grouifj tbyi. Cm? i»v ; nt boumiiry Lae i tin: laid down by tha 131 auk .'md J< n- kins I. Four years ago the legisla t i sot’ th ' t ted special com- I nv; - on-:-, who w<-it over the gre itfd very ; . ■. in la comm e ai •t, •.... i.. r ported in favor of r tabling the I vw-'i • l-.nnidary fl; --. I .. '.: iryland people declined to accept i t!1 ’?; ir ot Virginia Doctors Gonvi ’ 1. I V, ;odstm-k, A'a.. Geto!;,-.- lb—The jury ta I th. . . . of Hr. H. P. Irwin and William I F. A’. ..tin, both of this county, who w, re I imliit-il for ni-.!p.'..eilc--. xelurned a ver j ill- i o! guilty tnis .ft* moon a ft- r being out ' fur ii.iif -.a limir, and -I the tirm of im- ; I ' ' ■ ■ ; - I im !i. I 'I ~- <-r:me for whi--h the prisoners are : COtlVi'-t'-b g-.'-.-W OUt Os tii' lie liil cl ?l :*r‘. |F: m . ’Vi.Ki- . ■■ I ’Ma.m F. W 1 kin. ; ; ■ pri ■ ; , - ■ ■■ -- . I .-ei,,. ;-.mi :li mak-.- application for a Scumar Jt-mps Overboard. Brin.-;., vk, G... t- "■? 12 tS;.;oi':a.l.) Tj. i ■ - amai on i >■ !’■■ ;. h - - - ■ . by jumpir.g over'- 'ard it' eomni;; across. FRYING OEDKAI S FOR WOMEN, Mr.-j Pinkha-Ti T !1r How Wo- ....... , ainful 1 ' ■ r -> ■■ ■•■■ ■ ,-. ■ ./ , - Et.rui ■•■' ■.•■ ■ ■■ .1 :'■/■,.>• ■ .7 , • - '■ , ’. '■ ”■ ■’ —■■ y.'/WV ; . ■ >■ • ■■■•■• ' 1 > ■• >\ •!’.■■ ■■ in .io>pita’s -c; : n r»r v.itr •>;• . 1. :<■•'. v-i-T/V J' r <Vs «>' *> ’ •’*—n An ion • sn-' or W;\\ \ K •,■ /' Z'. z < A-/ !: ..y. -a- p>j<ml:::r to women, ./ <) <■) so at lea i. it is declared by the pr<> A fesii'w.. This would not be the ease if —-dtSif' ■ patients heeaed their symptoms in time. C ~\y. if ayonn? girl's ulood is watery, her skin pa' mid x looking, her lips colorless, bowels L -} torpid. >i: restion poor, her ears and temnles throb and liY 1 •") \ she is subject to headache, begin at once to build up her i •-..■: t'-ir. •.■■ ltd Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. AV) ( *) (?) Ito not allow her to under,"O a physical examination. * ( .) (T \ Il .‘>-c is a letter from a young lady who requests that /) ( (_,> t., \ her name should not be used, but gives her initials and / ,? £) (> ‘1 e ‘ street number so that any inquiry addressed to her / v ) ' • » will be received. She says: “ 1’ ar Mrs. > inkham:—lt affords mo great pleasure to be able to say a few I words in rejrard to the merits of your Vegetable Compound. 1 was tempted I to try it after seeing the effects of it upon my mother, and now 1 feel like a new person. I ata a stenographer and was troubled with falling of the womb and female weakness in general. I continued to work until 1 was so weak I j could no longer walk, and the last day I was forced to stop ano. rest. i •■ I was then so ill that 1 was compelled to stay in bed :<:•<! so nervous that I could not bold anything in my hands. The least noise or surprise would cause iny heart to beat so loudly, and I would become so weak that I :ouldShardly stand. I suffered for almost a year. It is different new. I c;:.i go about my work with pleasure, while before, work was a drudge. “Trusting that my words of praise may help some other a'llicted person, and be of benefit to womankind in general, I remain, Yours in gratitude, I L. IL, 441 S. East St., Indianapolis, iud,’’ j“DE MORRIS I j There was a death out In Edgewood • last week. It was not chronicled to i the world as the passing of some great I character. There was no conspicuous flar ' ing of funeral notices, no eulogy told at ’ the grave—a mere Incident of daily life it I was—the passing away of an «j>ld negro v.'o j mm. ’ A small circle gathered to mourn her | loss, for “Mammy Jule Ann” had been a | faithful family servant, and they came to ! give the last tribute to one whose life had ; been a life of devotion. When the lainent !ed Senator A. 11. Colquitt camo from southwest Georgia to enter political life in Atlanta Mummy Jule Ann came also and remained with the family. It nothing notable —just the death of an old, toothless, wrinkled, white-hair ed negro woman, who had been suffering for many months and talking sometimes Ineolierently about, strange "people, people of tho old days—her slave associates —call- ing up in her wild Imaginings old planta tion memories of Baker couni y; picturing again the scenes about Pine Bloom in days | of prodigality when she was young and ; tho plantation life was very gay. No, it was nothing, this death of Mammy Jule Ann; but it was tho departure of a type soon to be extinct, the disappearance of a specimen of old southern life, as well defined in the civilization of that day as the planter himself and holding a position of honor. She was no mental, this old "nigger mam my.” She presided with portly dignity ! over the smokehouse and the pantry, and j her frown was feared as much in tho par ! lor as it was in the “quarters.” She bo | carte a kind of understudy to the head I of the household and was thoroughly iden -1 tilled with every phase of family life, ; wrapping the swaddling clothes about the j Infants, presiding at their birth and Im j pressing race traditions upon the children | as tli'-y grew up by telling marvelous tales I of the feats of their forefathers and call ing upon them to develop and do likewise. She frowned and thundered at timee, b -t th< re was always a smile and sunshine concealed, for this old nigger mammy had heart enough to encompass the wide do main ol’ fertile acres. Sb© was tho only one who dared to vent impudence in the face of the "Ole Marster," but this waa made In a. spirit of mucking raillery, which told the kindly humor prompting'lt. They are going fast, these old relics. In after days of individual effort, except in rare Instances, they were misfits and free dom to them meant a curtailment of lib erties, a sudden narrowing down from v.hich they never recovered. Aud Mammy Jule Ann was on© of these. There was in her tho pure pride of aris tocracy—tin- spirit of noblesso oblige which caused In r to scorn tho sordid tendencies of this day and generation. Was it any wonder that on her death bed visions came of old Fino Bloom with the gray moss streaming down from the mag nolias, and ti;,- chorus of the field hands ringing out from the cotton fields; that she saw rhe while vine embowered colonnade peopled again with ’black faces peering In, while the dance wi-ut on in tins huge hall way; that she recognized her young mls tr- .--s curtseying in tho mazes ol’ the reel, that s'he heard -her eld marsti r call and hurried to answer—for this, ail this, was her heaven. A. C. N. SEABOAKD STAETS BATE WAR. Reduction of Cne-Third—-Will Be a JE’ig'h.t to xinislt. Norfolk, Va., October 1-I.—(Special.) Once more the Seaboard Air-Line and tho combination of its big rivals headed by the Southern railway, are engaged in a battle royal. Open war has again been de clared and the light will probably be ono to tho death. Tin; circular just, issued by the Seaboard announcing •. dilterential passenger tariff on through and local business and the ix-auction of 33 1-3 per cent m fares con tained ihervln is the first -shot in what ; may b. i initial - in a long continued strug gle between the associated railways which nave rei'us d to haul the Seaboard through ears und the Seaboard. The rules are subject to change, and this phrase, as defined by Gem ra. Passenger .Agent Anderson tonight, means that the Seaboard will cut as often as its lower rates are met by Its competitors in order to preserve the dift’ereiitiul feature. AA hen questioned concerning the possibili ty of mte: in fence by the United States court, as has been the case In former rate wats, Mr. .Anderson said: "This road is proceeding upon different lirn-.s from tho.'© adopted previously, when cuts were merely mam.- without any reason being given. We are proceeding upon !o ii grounds and liave ml- pt- ', the dif fer- ::t:al rales as our weapon, as tile nor, !u : ii and western roads :u tin end' av ■ ;o , i-.ial.ze rates, hav. done long sirine. Tlie m.w rates go into eft'-ct October 25th and nave a ! r.-mly !>•-, -i fil-i’t with the inter si:ili’ commerce commission. "During the past il.:■•■■■ or four years tho Seaboard .Air-fl/.m- has made many and fre <p. nt i ft'orts to scour-■ for i's-. ; and tho public the same through si. <'Phtg car ser vlet enj'.yeii by its compi tltors—'.o say noiii'ng of their solid irain service—be tween New York ami Atlanta, and New | FIFTH MISSING | f WORD CONTEST | F—. ■ = r With a cumulative offer of $579.30, in addition X to the 10 percent fund derix'ed from the sub- X scriptions of ail guessers, this additional sum X i'iF beinsf the una’.varded fund fur the Summer Contest, in which there were no successful guessers to the word “Participles.” WS'Hiivw- 1 i-.. rs.Bt.fl M ■” -'X fk'Xtfai s-P. i» i.-j,-in »« ■ An there are more than 13,0«) .sub« rlplions expiring in the period of this Li contest and ns the i-iri-uhitlon of The Weekly < ’on-titntion Is slearttlv In- V .■ creasln;’, the fund to bo <lll Moil la this c .iitt : should be Ironi JI.SW t 052,000. * > ? THs Gontest Began 6tii, Ends Nov. Ist The’vord th!. c time 13 a S IMPLE, EVHKYOAY. FLAT.*’ cxpreß iOn, a .k G ffttniliitr lo <".■(• rj’bu».H-»n bein'? who can t; lk Englhih. It is taken irom a •>',/ Btaudarti publication of v-»luo as an authority on matters pertaining totbo garden, the forest and the far: a. ’ti-. j word familmr especially tor. ery jy farming household, Y:> i ou .dit to hav‘ the book, but even without lty->u may be abk* to supply'the word by using your Judgni'-uit. II ere is the sentence: $ £ J> ~ ~ /’x “A study of the origin of 1 ’ now in tiiis country will im- ’,.x press one with the largeness of the number that have been intro- "w duced from Europe."* • 8 THIS GOKTEST 15 THE FIFTH g M, Os ft series of Axtraordlrmry Inti-rcT, S’t'ARLY In cixli bnvtng 4-. been distributed tn the tht'i i 1 pr---c ling coia-'sts, tm-.'li--;t of whi -li vui’ un- nounci'd lust Nov nib'll- la the ,'lrst conte .t, i-n-na ' Jnnunry Ist, Mr. M. L. M B' ltl.. In wan the only p.-rson to supply tin- corro-t . .ml of tfin 1 . -nti-r.' " then ftnnoutie-d and hl-1-. celvi-d in en li. 'i o ni:;t <-<.nt,--t closed ml 4A March Ht, t.b, re W'-ri-» gn-nt ninny suc-i-ssfiil i sirs, turning whom Ai tk/ wasiiivhled SI in o isl>. 'i'll" third contest broagl.t iminy correct an- sworn, s t ,000 in cash I , lug divide I ftinong them, and In tin' contest <k whli-h Hi-io'il Septcnil-. .-■ I . ,-r running tlir nigh the dull auninw-f nionihs, / #5? 9..30 accrued but emit > not bt‘divided, ns OX ll corn- -tl. . .q.pilod Ac/ if*A tl.a missing word. This amount, liowi v-r, will be u-'.de Ito tin- < -oui' -t now 'y ' nmioiim.- 'd. in'ren: i::c the fli p r cent fn 1t > t extent und inakbu the 'j;, t, ,> contest ol peculiar interest. Th) onti 1 ■ ’ ’■ to be div l led will probably be In tin- n'-ii<lii" lof There miy tie /fl. '5, one correct answer, there may be ft dozen, there iiy tie t >re, but remerii- ’ <■’?.') her it costs nothing to supply a v ~i-d, and you miy get it correctly. Whether you do or not, you get f Tlie GrcaiGSiiOt fill fliwlcan I 0 Wijtooaim iorOils Year > 'ft. Keep that tn view and ft'n-F our ga -.« with yo-ir dollar lor a year's sub: i >n. Re* leii.b-T, tlu.t in t hi M •• n’c '. In . It 1 mt. the > 1 1 r cent ofall'.be gu « r- sub "rq.t. .i;s a ■ ; '.f-O I.- ,:u U;.-la emt st, iz will be u>. the s., '•i-ssli. , l ;;U.-r "r or g-ic ...ers. 0 ’ Ten per -.-ent of tho gu,s ,-rF Biitacrl|-t!ons :;.ico to the fund to lie divided. A In other wot - ption fund amounts to ?2 > for the two 7months, the fund to to to th * jucm •>-dill gin -scr would bi: MM). Following are the conditions of tho cotib st: if.,7 / A V, Ji I'KiH’WSt-l " > 'M T H> Pl'it f l'S'l'of ths n-.-'-'int we receive z A s ' . . cid itr;'. ni a .-un-:i:: ill',' -. n.une ..rre.tlv Za I ♦. .> t: ■ .me . . I •i ■ i".-- ■'-tu. . ..:• t' » word t./ r'.'i-.t he ~r • a 1‘: c Oi.iv be. will havo a'l th-- ui-.n. v. Ifnioro fIZ. t ) ti . --'-i. i ■ ;-u . i- ia' <i i ■■ ;--h i■ r -et miHwor S-/ ■: < rei-elvlngit. pr .p - -a the ■ i:. to which will ■ add! 1 tho t < . -I. ■ ■ ...... ai .1 -...1 :. I. -al- : I.; -■ ; • -.1-Ipi- iberlst, < < ' thii ('OMHTHix r:« ’ I’li’ii-iM'i-'c; '• • •>. ..m; a. i '—nt tin ?.li-...::.; Word S 11.1.1.-I -h ai.d ey. -y . . ;s i-iast. ii - a.-eoin; anled by a • iJt v ..,- ■ ;pl .t..T:o’A. : ('im tililt in;tlv-c - ii-.u-t 1 e.t Y . , In :)"• i-nvcl'P ■ that brims th- i-me. i.,r Ur- »ir.. .. v-■ ; : , i: ■ ingo ; ■ I- Il tl ■ I yon ■ . .or any olher nas in, , , , ■ u'lt.h ■. ■ .! ■ ■-.-- nil-r-- -.r I- Tho guess must come , ' < go I.;-, m;tl - I ; pr.-- .... will ■es ' lirst . v '■ If in.-i ■a <ll. : ;-i •<i Io :.; 's': .w. ,r.l pr..p.-riy. th-luori will ( •/ ■ -. .ii,: ■ :. ,1. Cl . ~-ta . i th. same loot-.n... 1.-isun, '-’ 'r'l,,. Ci,. : |,.st B • ..:«•» e-• pie ihi-f *’••- '■’ ■ 1 ■ n thei-to ki-p accurate , nil• . - tlie ••■)!,-. -o! - -i ■ Ire Ivi> !i u— .. a:-. ’mi < icl -er Ist ». J VC". I inil.ii-li !-, . liob - I-.'. er-.-' of I■ • e-.-.i crlb-.-.s gie-. -ig I wl-.i.'-r w. ~«£•-• .sh I-,, .1 \ '. raw ; n-fu.-d has i-rown. ‘t* < Tin* ' 'oo -1 x- , 1 > li.e I .: ■- :■ .5 an. -act ('.at aa* u-i-rii--d io VT ' the contest, t - tlier with thu i ,-ld owr Iroi.i ihc lust ■ • In Making Your Ao»nr- 1 ai- -. d not write flic sentem-o out l:i lull, 4 < / AddrcM* Ml Order# to « f J 1 iIL Uv|l.w A1 £ U 11.wj a 5 > L Atlanta, Georgia. York ai New O such eq;; il fai fiiticu b-.;t >'. -.en tn -.. , ■ has in <■ ■ >’s' ic.- tai" ; "' " \ clinatior y ©'■ r U" <. .■> ;■ . as a cuu for meb rtfu .;;■■■ on and ■■ n an->: 1 m '- ' has b- en lo an ex it u ' , ■ 'The .aboard. of such >nt Its intel ami ' , 1• 11 ’ ''- ~ "• trons, fl delermlt ' to de.r whici it operati tuid x press t> - ;-'S to ; : "'t that ta! . ■•■; trunk, nn A ork a. (’’lira;;--, 01. L ' ■ ' ■ and othi "fi ' • 1 ' , by the ink I;.' pi ■ iper ■ : ". ’-■ ■ ' ist." Gra-‘ ’’ B- r Y ■ho'it'f' G'"ts Govern ' ; respite • Gr My 1 " ■'' fessed m :rder w of Merehan 01' Jack.- county. The r. . It© was* grant* of Solic r C. II ■ 1 ' ■ governor csteriluy mcrir: g to 1-' . - Holds a • r' a on lif. respite - r ‘ ■ • of tlx f • ■ that :m - -> ■ Reynold partnet In < : . .• 1 1 cached or- N -v< Thu r., ■ •* gr.Jilcx. t.'.e urn-- that Brooks’s < is- . 1 court w; for four we. 1 expired October I-':- -t v--'.i 1 '■< I, n n< c- try then '■ ‘ " '■■ respite i -a n 'h. , .«•:• .<• grui.' .d <-1• ■ r dav is u -,‘l Dem r. ’,. I. The pr ■ ■ of Bud Bro- are ~, . *•- mined ti ' Reynold siiull Brooks . is ■: ■ ■ - - v '■ -'■■ l ■ 11rook it tornejT ire anxio It, ynolds hanged and out of th ;vay, o tbnt pul' sernim al and d. sire so. ven geance a iy in a n 1 - ;> ,-■■ b ■ sat ii. Tb-y bo’, then to to t Brooks oat with a. light sent -n- -. jf Bro ; ; is i.rnnt. d a i.-w t.ia! Rey nolds wi l ) be the m-'st intpor;an v e-s. He and B''ooks killed M-c li-ut :■ viral months uga. Sell’ Home Trcntiiicnt for Lndii'w. I will -rd free, with fa', in.-trii "-■•i- annn- ,f th! ■" pre ; 1 a f T,m .1' - alien. I i;" ra'-'.it and u'l i'< ni.J, i’.-• bl, -.lo;.'I la-lh-s ser. la ... ad-'r, • . I I,;,",- 1,.,' 1,".i; --11. T-;l Other slide.s <■■' '< tk.'.l i- all 11..?. .’,lll-. "-M --MEIiS, Box .-. I'., X- P .1.1 I m,. Stale Treasurer's Statement. The an . ial report of I-- .it.- Tie i.-mr. r ’-V. J. Spei.-r was m.-Me ir.ibli • -fl.iy. Mr. Hpeer sin -.vs that tile ■ ‘ish bai * -■- i’l l.a' treasury when T.c sun- ■■■ --.i ’.i' ll I R. U. Hill'd, .min V'.'lS :' ' <.s. and 1 the rei eipts h ve been ' - "'. n k a total 33.::.' .Ml ' 'i’l:> <ll bur tx during ti c same '.im-- amoun • I .0 .::1.'.‘71.- 0G5.77. leaving a balatiie of .‘“irt'.L’iii.?- 1 . This balance, how ver, docs not consist of cash, but Is largely ixpre--n'.ed by the semi-annual interest cm the pub ;c debt ■ | paid on the first day of July hist advance! to civil estoblitaim for qu : Just j ended September SMh. tit. per <1 ■nt and I milt th< a n oj e legis- lature and oij'. ... :i et tiie hr. ligating | coinmitt' ■■ a. , ’iilit>i'.Z'. ti by rese' Jiun ap- I proved ' . f which [ varii.i. will b-.- . 'i at !!■ {iropeF j time, and viJ . V's .a in the iu\i annual Physician Killed by a. Train. j Molli .umili :. , .'. 1 i •r 1 I.— .jp.'r: 'l.) ! Er. fiinotlij i. . ides, djo i- i Ing county, 1 ft Mu tgomerj this fternoon I 0:1 11 .it in'ille ni.*< ..iatnize<! road for i his homo at Hayneville, driving mule to i As !■ uis driving across' the tracks of i the .M bland road a few miles v .■•: of the | city his veiiicle v.'. i struck Ir, . gr iv 4 i triin. and I’r. Burke was thrown upon ; the tr. -.k and kill. d. <’■.>4 morning, have you read Thomas I fc-l’t' 1 " advertisement tor men o.i page 9. • Piles Cured. 1 Co.'.niJ John It. Harr! . t'olunf.-e Mi a., ■ cur. .1 of !-.!• I . Dr. Tu. , r. 1G broad at.. .Atlant.:, l>’i. __ ______ n• w ' . '■ \ ! < ‘‘-bO” - L u .o-M ■.■ rd e-i, > ! ■ ' fc-.-uijiriSi < irculxr, . r. a u it t .tgeney. Box ,Mi, Palm. >■.1,1'3. ; AVANTI'D—A position ns gov rncss or ’ <'i'Tipui'’:< hi: : i i.-ts rr.isOiE.ibl--. A<idr.'sg ; •. . .•>.■,. ' Ga. j i -.T sr—v X. ">■• ’>.• ’N G r> Given ?v* C Zfl ? 3 x ° l ‘ HI ' S • X x ' n '‘ OCAI r„ ashville, ‘ *■— - y Ten i., to t '.e person •< ■ Z-? V. K) 1.: i. so in i::- gie itc.-'t ? SclioSarshipi’ < b b? i Given liwr.y us. I ColbT; / X 'birdie, Tc. 1 . Calve*to i >rTex;.r- , ’ IE is a t sc?..’ -i inti \v journal < ’ i .ieen pag> . I’.’cva ti ■ 1 ble to ’ .! -i • i-«it r. 'i- Mtirji >j Sioricu •j.. ■ Mention The Constitution. CMnHee'cre l>»rl 'i fM-.aar.nrf Arard. PtLLS v G .7‘- ;/*V**-$ ; ‘ r ‘ - v ! • • W ! ‘’Gi •■’ «ca.Li • -f.'n. v * I { j A •■<. «..?4 •■ > .’fl’fu i« • >'.v .n; •end I*, ) 1 1 ’t*. r ’’ ,b ' ur *' <nd I \ *w* to ‘ S’.'lie." •' r k.3‘Ve«.*’• « /•{>» I rtr'.itra I «J>» I- 1 AtttK- •' Fcu.r.oninia. iVfttju;/-t.;. cr, ' Ch!<*be*4evClaeiu'p.ACoM *?»»•: \ »r, | fk id by all Lccil Drus i ill I’SJ ‘ b.111A., Void by L. X. Brunt/., i& Wholesale Druggist, ISowOrleaia 11