Newspaper Page Text
Z This Is the Mis- \
? sing Word C
\ Sentence: ?
\ ‘ 'Once given the pas- S
/ sion for ‘that t
S one of the precious Z
/ metals will be most p
S in demand which is Z
< cheapest." /
f Now, what is \
/ the word? Yon C
X are the one to z
name it. /
VOL. XXX. NO. 47.
Bloody Street Duel Grows Out of the
Brann-Baylor Trouble.
Lawyer Kills an Insurance Man and
1 a Texas Editor.
After Dropping 1 J. W. Harris, Gerald
Advanced Upon W. A. Harris
and Shoots Him Down.
Waco, Tex.. November 3?.—A terrible
pistol duel, In which the recent Brann-
Baylor university episode prominently I
figures, occurred on the streets of Waco '
this afternoon, and as a result W . A. '
Harris, a well-known citizen and insurance '
man, is d'.id; Editor J. Xi. Harris lies
1 Colonel G. B. <ier
ald, i nt lawyer. Is srriously in-
jured, while a negro bystander, who was
hit bv a stray bullet, Is painfully hurt.
. ning brightly and
the .streets were crowded the long-expected
battle growing out of the Brann-Bax lor
trouble took pl ice, Colonel Gerald was
advancing from one corner diagonally
across Austin avenue to the next corner,
and -J. XV Harris, editor of The Waco
Morning Times-Herald, was standing in
front of the corner drug store, talking to
Dr.'- H. 1.. Tavior and XV. XV. Olds.
.. OI Harris saw Colonel Gerald
coming he remarked to the physicians that
trouble was on hand, and that they had
better get out of tile way. Without further
delay, he drew Ids pistol and aimed past
Dr. Taylor. Witli his arm touching Dr.
Taylor's shoulder he fired at Colom! Ger
ald, who was rapidly moving In his direc
tion. When Gerald saw Harris he halted,
Put ,n< d Is ovi reoat, thrust his hai d
into his bosom and drew his own
•evolver, after which he advanced
n Harris rhpldly, and when at
Vase range fired a shot which hit
’arris's <-.lnd'dpe, touched the spinal cord.
v ■ ?.lrg him the neck to the tO"S
it hli ,und heipl and
iior; de combat.
Meanwhile, from the corner opposite.
In front of the Citizens' National
hank. XV. A. Harris, brother of J. XV. Har
ris, was firing at Gerald, and Gerald was
now worn ded in two pl tes and I
Gerald faced his second antagonist and
marched straight across the street after
him at a double qu! It trot. Hunt Belle
f.;nt. a, rushed between the two
and did all he <■<> >.d to keep them apart
at the point of a. pistol, but they closed in
spit , efforts and con-
tinned to shoot till XV. A. Harris sank to
th' . d'-xx '.lk 'I < ■ ' use.
Colon. I Gerald tell during the fight, but
arose to his t. -t .pi 1. ly and win ti both
. f lit an' ■ ■ u v. ■ down on 1 • •
ground lie walked oft x..-|i one arm shat
tered, swinging by has side, a' 1 blued
spurting from a wound In the hip. Alter
glancing about in every direction h< found
an oilier aid offered to surrender. He
sa id .
"They l.dd for me, but I got them both;
tin t . . 1 think I did."
Great Excitement Prevailed.
M. anw.hile an Immense crowd had col
lect I. so that tlic st rev t- wide i .toss each
other it that p"int wen■ < m tii -ly blockaded,
street ears and ne to a halt
and the w .Idest excitement pr. vailed
union,' tl • p- -ide.
M.n .-i.nin t-.u-x» rd w .th str> tehcn aid
ti • ■ '! '■ ■ ' ' “■ xx ■ |>< :
oti < 'oi >: I <;.,.■■! had ; ruxvn
faint if -m the !•• -s of bl.-od ,
and was removed to hi. house, tile '"'T"
of W. A. li.iri was borne ■ls by frf< mis
to a 11 ment and Edl
tor J. XV Harris was stret-died out on
the floor of a In g tor. iid « xamined by
th, s r g rigid limbs d iciosi d :he
fact tiiat the sp n- v;.i» involved and ttiat
there was : > hop-* for al:- life.
The three parties In tie du. ; were mar- ,
pled men and the fathers of children. The
wives and children v. ■re soon on tile
ground and the sou: Is of women xv. eping
wet..- m:x- '■ ' i • -■•-.til .on <d n ■
\V. a. ! • ns's I .vly \\ 111 li.. sent to
South Caroline for burial. He was riddled
witli bulb ts and died instantly on tho ,
Colonel Gerald's condition may bn criti
cal, a- it" xv.- uid in hl- side muino: bn
fully d< ’. rmim d H<- was shot tn tlm arm
by J. XV. I'art s and the b< ■ Is shatteud.
XV. A. Harris's bullet ent. r. I Colon, I Ger- j
aid's side.
A negro. Shepp. rd Jasper, who witnessed
the batti- . was struck in the leg by a
stray bullet ami suffered gr< itly from the
loss of blood.
The troubl * grow out of the attacks in
Brann's Jeon- . !«-t on t'm Itnyb.r imi-.<i
sity. Editor Harris took th, sld. of It.vior
and cond-mr. d Brane, bitterly In ids pa
per. Gerald took a communication defend
ing Brann to the paper but it was not
published. Gerald to mt Ids tu.'
script am! lie ami Editor IL-irris ‘ad a
fight in which G'-rald xx as worsted. G'tdd
then published a circular giving his side
oi th" affair and scattered it broadcast.
>ia denounced Harris in unnrnc-ur.d t. rms. ; the publication of the circular Harris ■
has been sick and today is his first up- '
Editor B ann’s Home Was Guarded by
His Friends All Night.
Waco, T.November 81.- The bloody
,1,1. ] i.. • ween Col-'ie-i <':«• r;i d i i:.i (Is 1
ris brothers yesterday h is b <m the sole
topic of disx ii -.-t.m in this usually quiet
city. Jlditor J. XV. Harris, xvho wits so
terribly wounded, died twltty and his. body
Iles bi side that of his brother. XV. A. Har
ris, vho was killed yesterday xvhlle the
battle was at its flen ■-t. Colonel Gerald. I
ti : . i I
who left the field victorious, Is badly
wounded In the groin. His left arm was
amputated today and tonight lie is in a
critieal condition. Other trouble is ex
pected as a result of the fight and the
Brann-Baylor university affair.
The history of Waco from Its village
day.s contains m.iny sad and solemn Inci
dents of heartrending seems and tragic
touches, ami all of the scenes, written
and unwritten, tho deathbed of .1. XV. Har
ris today was perhaps tlie saddest. Af
ter lie had been borne from the 01.1 Cor
ner drug store, xvherc he fell, to his home
<m Smit li Fourth street, ho lay on a couch,
ids eyes wide open, evidently plainly com
prehending .all tilings, fu l of tin- details
of the battle he had fought and lost, and
tcaJlzing tlie presence of <l‘ ith impend
Although In a state of rigid paralysis, he
did not once forget his friends and strove
to indie it" that he recogn zed them and
apprent ic'd tlie'.r sentiments of affection
for him and sorrow for his fate.
'l'lie two 1 rothers will be buried tomor
row (Siind.'ix - ) in tho same gravt .
Judge Gerald had been wounded in th"
arm amputated today live times; three
times during the civil war, once fifteen
■> • irs afto *ux:i.d- ntally, and the fifth t nn
yesterd ay.
There is considerable excitement, but no
further trouble Is anth !p:iled.
| l.ditor XV. C. Brann, of Tlie Iconoclast,
] whose discussion with Baylor university
i xv.ts the origin of Hie trouble, was warned
. anonymously last night and friends guard
, rd Ills ri.s.deuce, but no trouble occurred.
Harris Moved from Toccoa
Mr. B. Harris, of Toccoa, Gtt., n
brother of Messrs. Janies and William
Harris, who xvere. shot to death at Waco,
'l'. Friday afternoon, was in tlie city
Sa.turd:' and xvhen asked concerning tlie
; cause of Hie tragedy, said:
"It arose really from the attacks nmdo
: upon Box lor university by Brann's IcOno
. clast. My broth, r James bought The
: Times-Herald, of Waco, a few w. eks ago
1 shortly tia rc.'i ftcr this Colonel G. raid
brought in an artielc to be Inserted somi
what In defense of Brann's po-Ithm. T'.:<
art l . I" was refused upon the ground that
my brother's paper v. is in ■ vmp ",' '■ x’ with
Professor Baylor and considered th.' " ir
upon his institution v< rv unjust. All tie'
best people of XVaco look upon the milter
; in tie- same way.
; "When Co raid's art el" was refus' d ho
attm'kcd my brother Jam. s with a
xvalking stick and had hi.s rex olxer drawn.
James kno. Red him down, disarmed him
and thr.w him down a flight of s f .ps,
b:< tilting him up pretty badly, Git.ild
swore vengeance.
"1 understand lie is a pattern Texas bn'
v, had n ■■■• r been whipped befor t .
. . my brother wor I i' t,; !:■ ', ■< I
'l i xas .' n-. He »'■ ver . < >n .if. r tiud has
, only just I', covered sufficiently to get. doxvn
: to his office.
"Only .' few day . since T had a letter
from mother t-iltng me these I " is aiid
■nitiia: tiiat broth, r would b - aide to go
down t< oon . feared a tragedy.
"James had r.eeiv.d Gerald's xx tiling
aid xvhen he first saw him lie was ad
vancing to attack I tn. Xly brother having
i cn • Hid perh ips easily < xeit. d mi.-s
--.<l .m ill 11 .■ ;• 111 and G. fold's 1.-i I
struck him down. Hr dlier Wiill- ■ tiring
upon Ge,aid was perfectly natural, but
iii" aim inis not good. XX'liile both of them
struck ti'olon, 1 Gerald it :•• • nis that lie
h Id hin elt together long enough to fire
the fatal shots at my broth, rs
"M\ bl'ot’i. r W. r. b nil t. ,'.r. d at
| o '. wh< re I have always |jv. d. Th ■> w. t--
quiet, peaceable men and .i.'.- k-i xvii ;.s
such by rill their friends. I link, tills
statement and give these facts so ilmi our
friends >r:iy understand wlij the at ;.ek
xxas nmdo in tin. street: xvie, they w. re
armed md how it all .am.- ibout. I think
had brmh. r Jam. killed G. raid xvhen Im
first tir. d upon him lie Would have I . . ii
justified. Tlie threats of his lif. and tho
■ previous el. iiaci- r oft).. man making them
‘ ..mount 'd to .. just provocation.
"Both ne. brothers are t" Im buried at.
XVaco. 1 have li. nd nothing further of
Gerald's condition.”
James Harris ran a pap. r at Toccoa, C. i.
previous to g .ing to \\i few x. ..,-
ago. W A. Harris was a lawyer at Toc
coa. There are two young, i- brothers of
tl dead niet in XX mo ami further trou
ble is feared.
Engineer Has Desperate Battle with 1
Drunken Fireman.
Birmingham. Ala . Novmil er 19.- On a
fr< !g! t train dashing so • .
Louisville and X mlivii . at t',-
rale of thirty miles an hour late lux night,
one of the mo thrillit ; encount. rs ever
r.eordcd in fact or imt.o.-i oecuired.
Two men. one black and < raz- d bj’ drink. ;
| the other white and cons ious of deadly
p'-ril. engag'd in a lif. and de..Hi
gle in the cab of a flying l.momutlv. xvhl. li
ended ;n t1.,. death of tin. negro and tlie
' '. I ■'...• ..■■ 'a ■ . fate
i tie xc.'dt'" man.
When train No. 25. sou'! hound, left here :
. last night at 10:15 o'clo :k Engine, r E. P. '
B hop md Fireman Wih.-x Crai;, colon d, ■
. ••■ ■■ '. • d 'lm h" .or:■.. \e • .1.. Alio it tweii'y
. minnt. .- l.iler .. 1.-xv md.. ladow th.- city '
tin negro was lying d-ad be de tk» track.
. and tie- engineer b'.e. ding from a <lozm.
> knife wounds, was t.ion. in his cab.
Soon after the train's <b parture, and
. when two m.’..= from the ci:y, I'.j. iop t.d.i
tlie fir. man lo stir up the lire The neg'-,
p.-d m. attention to tlie ord. r. and i v.
; repeated. Tliis time )■. utt' i. d an o.i .>.
. nd ipringit .. fr.m. hi seat, di tv a rev
tired a shot point blank at ,:m eng a t
Th. bullet missed the eng r, vl ■ ■ i.
the revolver from tlie negro's 1..m i jus
tie latter was about to tire a-. o: d shot
I'taig. now craz' d with rat-. . in.- .int.x
.1 •• vv an ugly knff., ami grasping tlm ■
ginecr by tin shoulder, pull. .1 him fr 0...;
■ tlie box and began to cut him across t..<
■ breast.
I:, hop had a pistol In his hip but
; lie was I.eld tor a time In such a position
I that in- could no: r.ue.'i it. Finally, after
I a desperate stru: gh . during wlii. li tin tv...
i m<n ruled over and ov.r on tlie p 0..,
I tlm eab, lllshot. managed to draw hi.- p s
toi and fire. The builet .struck th. ... o
in he and • i. • ■
Without a groan It. fell b,.ek .-i; <j, i. .hut
I" io '-i * and itisllop was .■ i
almm m : i - ea b .
lie train :. t licit ttne wa i. .>■ <ixm,
There it w is by 'lie wounded •
, ho told tile crew oi his tii
... >u . Bis • ' says : ' li ■ wat.
. , ■ on. aved lilm from a fatal blow
tin- hand.s of the negro who wield. .
, n fe with ii..' ■ n ag< ry of a demon
It. iop was ,;i\'en a pr< '.lniin iry hearinf
bet'oro Jo tier .Martin tins afternoon an.
was discharg' d.
Twenty-Five Million Dollars of Valuable
Property Wiped Out.
Four and a, Half Hours’ Flames Have
Their Own Way.
Entire Fire Department Brought Into
Action Supported by Thousands
of the Police.
London, November 19.—One of th. mo.-t
' disastrous tires in London's history since
tlie great fire of 1666 broke out in a large
. liloek of buildings lying < xv.nd of Aid' rs-
1 g. to street and b<-tvv." n that tl.urougli
: fare and Bed Cross street just .'liter I
o’clock this afternoon.
i Tile tin tiles Were fanned by a strong
' wn d and were fed by highly intlummalTrn
' Sleeks of Chr st mas i at.' .x goods and il.nt
: sy <ir< s: materials of all des. ripti ms th:., t
I tilled every Hour of the ix '- n v bulidii'gs
111 the uid Sir., t. < ■ •■ qu > ly H' ■ < on-
* ■
rapidity and was suou fa." i> yond he i.cs
, sibillty of being eheek.-d . y tlm fexv engines
xvbien Were e..:',y on the :a n Jor tour
and a half hour:-, th. fljr. es h id the'.r own
waj- and it i" ■: only all' r i lore .1
hundred engines had ivui'kcd an hour that
the chief of the file brigade, sent out tiie.
signal tiiat. tile hr. was . .m a‘ol.
At II o’clock tonig: t the. t-i'i is still the
scene of groat < xc:: ' til. nt. i-itly eng. lies
are playing upon the rums, wagons ;ro
Lurrying up coal ami tons oi water i>e
pouring into tlie fiery ilebi'S. H'e seeno
’ must occupy the lire brigade for several
days, e-sp. ially in x' .oi the grav. dun
i g■r of tiie .• 1 '■ >il:i:. ■.■ s ..I slu I' s of I> ti. 1.1 i ng:■,
V : ■ h .fail now and again w1 loud .
pott. 'l'. iat. st accounts ;m::mi'e i:.;it
nearly a hunch', d xx s i'.a’.e b- hi
des;roy.d, XX'hii. tile i"'S w;'l iir-at'ably < -
• ceed 3 ■ ■ .Th ! ■ ric chi r<: >f c l .
I l ■
: statue. Hansell street was tho rnctm of
break < the lire, w ii wa : '■ a
t by an explosion in contmellon wah i : .is
engm<3 on tlie premisPs oi XV a.: t Brux n
Co., mantel manufa. irers at No. ' •> on
tiiat t i.oroug fa t• . The th: d rmy of
the fa< lory was crowd, dv . • t vh< ti
tix.-s ru iad to tlie roof oi tlm Imdi.i.g
from til. nee <T" cd lo ■ ' " '.' fUil'l
itig;. , fi. . ting their .Agipo vv lil
tlaims v.'ie pouring out or th' b :.-.-m mt.
in less than a quart.T of . n hour the
11.. I>.id enveloped the adjoin :ig wt’.re-
1.. . : and thence they leaj d aci >ss the
stiver l<> an < normous pap>r waro.i,
w h wa-. fully alight in e; s than t« n
General Alarm Sent Out.
By this tint-- it was .vidm:t to tlie fire-
I:: a til It lie y I" 1 "'■ to fa. " wi'.ii a
r I', at di I-'..' and a general atom Was
.. Oi out. '■ . 1:1- n aimtit
t n.: .1. ...od in g|. it numbers.
This ii. lil.c. of strength on tile part of
the polic. was required, as the irovv.l,
sw. Hing n size ev< ry moment, soon
, , i to tens of tliousands of p< ople,
and tii ' men requlr d th< gr< itest po -.
I |. fr. dom ..I action, as tlmir light was one
oi ih" ii.most ditll. ally, owing to tim
mu : .X. m ■ I.' ■ ■■■ • ' .mil. d si rev .-.
wi.,.1. ar.- tiie )■ i.m.-s of 'lml part of
1.. . . o n'o d witli the height of the
Inch cut oft :he ‘ii m n Horn
a i fair chan. • oi eoniimiig the --ai.r ak.
ex. iten ' nt. i on'.ook ■■ xvho
' crowd' d ev. rv possible poliit of view, v ;.s
wry "real a-i max lie judge,! tie
s;, •tn • '.rem n Ir.d lo 1.. p ■ lly i. ■■-
by ■ d. by i." iof lire
' et.-ape., from Im Idi'.gs Wl.mii md e . light
ti.,. , ; ti. . Hu (li. iiii-n I id maun -I to the
t re -io ligiit tiie llunt' .; m adjoining .‘-truc-
Tli.. le.-. -ae of ot>'r.i tix■sby t ie firemen,
tim hurry .ng of hosts of clerks v ho were
trying to mve. books and valuable payers
li ,;n th. tir. and tim rushing here and
11.. re of many employees, who were at
. tempting to carry to places of safety < cst-
ly 111. .. II . or .-tl • r vulu ibles. add. d
I to tlm < oafii.-iom Then, aga. n, the heat so intense that s> .' r<il tiiemen were
.1 to .l.r.i t th. ir op. ration- umi. r
siiowei's of'T pout'd upon ;h • i.
I tut in spi< • of the exertions of the fire
men, tin- lira "i. pt on :.t. ... nt. un'.'l Nt'll
- oil . V l .in .1 -.1 tin- far
' <nd of I .an,-' .1 st i ' "I. w ..s r- ii- d
A: .. lilt.. t"r 2 o'.lo<'k a'i '.'.o'l bos.--
pip. -. . , X. to ;. tw. ix. foot spread,
■ , .. .1 vx.'it. r into' blaze i.uin an oppo
'. site root from tile street la-low and from
tlm burn ng promises tin ms-ix. but it
,i,.i no ... m to ; ..v any licit. Tile water
I. :md tn- Windows ..rd from the
>und tloo iik. waterfail, vvhile the
r icapod high r and higher, ..nd is tile
tl fell in, thu plac' blazed, a
g'gantie .1 .-1)1.,y of tire ami smoko, t.ll
11. im.l'lint. W.c. eomplctelv gmled and
Hi., w.ilis kevl'd over.
Trying To Save Effects.
the streets increased
... i'.. pr. ■ : . ad. Suddenly there an
v xyios mi m mis im t.-rs, sounding- like i.-.e |
i. poll oi io guns, lotiow d oy i mo- |
, u- >. v| ;, r : tl. I Hie Vv id
ih. ~.i tii. i' was . timed witli in-
I , imi .-y. M' II risk' ll til. ir l.Vus in
sp r ite efforts to sav. day books. )<dg
|.,it!iei's, i. w.lty, v.ilimu!'- eum.i ware.
<i <>i." man u.-ti: lly Imz aded his l.fe
to lei.'ll his 'mil and eui.e. txvo hundred
1. . i ot stonework and glass fating at hts
1., , Is as im i nt' tt.' -i from i." im.'.iiliig.
wr. I lir. nmn wr. :ili:t"». Im. i. l in
burning imns. v.litlc tons <>t fiery matter
w . . ■ fail ng in every d r. mlm. making it
impo.-sil'le to fore.-. e will r. tim conltagri-
: tiou would slot), as roof aft. r roof caught: i
jo ri window frames all about the
i le.nie beg::n to smoke.
A. the afternoon wore on tlie dense
crowds were till fnrtlu-r enlarged until
it was estimated tiiat many hundreds of
t|>,m-'.'inils <■: 1" 'iple siirroande-l the big
til". excited ma.-.-es of liumatiity
iiad to be constantly pressed back by the
police aS tlm area of tlm sw. pt spot in
creased in size, an operation which became
more and more difficult ns tim owners and
employe-, sos the vv ire.-.m ■ adjnc-nt to
the seen.- began th. wo-1- ■ living tiie
most valuable portion.- of Hi r portable
By dusk tlm picture pre . v. is .x-
1 tremely brilliant. F ir
ing on both sides and tin i 1 vv to. uimity to
interest tin- gambling ' t • the • '.!. ok
<rs in betting* as to vvm h.-i or not 'no
I venerable lower of St. Giles s hit'' 'll coul i
stand tlie hall of sp rks ''ml burnt: ; irag
m'-nts witli which it w ■ s' lop 4.
There was no abaler.'s c' oi itm bl. z ■ !>•-
! fore 3:30 p. m Tie i t 1 1' mitne
, i J.-win : :r. el and in X' ' 1 • '. win r-
> ccll.'.i'se of v. ill e I I L hai d si.:.-
I o that . ■ - mean:
saving tho bi’-; I ■ t: .til '' ct. 1
1 ■ width of B< d Ct ' s- * i . . miii. it'.iiive
: l.v broad thorough!':: lx, . . . tiled a b-ur-
i rier th< re.
i Tile constable w ■■ 1 t 'acted lite
I':- blew his vv.. it. .. . -for asslst
i ance, but see- ral :: . lu-tore
■ tlm ,-ib'ii i was f'l.itd i ol his com
rades. n '' t it ■m,
1 I i',. uffii-er wa*: ■•> .um cm the
I fire brigade. Bui lier. ere was an
untiecoum.ilile di lay of : ' « •-. v m mil. .s be-
: fore tlm first eligl. ap: ' lia n lit'’
r f 111 «I i
rent. :md ■ ■ call
l throughout tile whole I r it in <l:s-
I trict.
Amount of tl: ■ Lc sea.
I: is oflh.'ialiy report tlm' 150 warc
' houses liny, been gut: A . t. ■ estimate
' of tile damage doi '■ p’ ' no o'.lllt at
ne.-.rl ■■■"■- •
I Nearly all tlie B Insurance < om-
! panic: are jnvoiv.-d - d Pre insurance
I shares v• r* preet • ■ l un- lable on tim
' stock < y.-.-i' idty '. ' ion (l-'fl-
: day} afier the fir.- was well '<.r way.
. ' Nearly 300 telepiion. ■■ . ve lieen cut,
' thus interruptin'. . < tnitrmleafi,m with
i many of the big prove.c.til to ■ is. Th" li '
, will cause a:. , orniou.. dv t •- in the
i price of ostrich fetal."is whlci ro-.- 30 p-r
i Cent last evening (r'ri'la : Two fcatimr
| firms alone have lost Cl sterling (375,-
. i -000).
Tlie Burned I ■ ■n'"t.
London, Nov.n-i. ■ :i. rm A ve''y
, ' large force of lit. m. n I . twenty
i engines have been w irking it a lilgh
i pressure all night. '1 i • .. r m x I
'i by tlm lire is Imun i- .l i;. .I-, 's -it- sr. et,
' I Hid ('ro.-s. .Maiden i'. . oit ; mid Br ol-
> I ford aver.tie ami :n. i::'" I. - ! ... yl'■• t—
■ i ■ tree's of J"XX in. : m-1 i. \ . .> t.. 1 Ed-
m in'd and J< win ' a it I ot
; Australian axa-iiim, F t" ' .-'1 'T p;
I Gate ch ireh yard, XVcud i ■■ ■ .
, .Monkwell street. Ambo' 1 ..pts a , For'
Latest EsLtiit'.t'
1 London, N' v n.ber 9-1' ■ ■ i'-’m to
I a<.'eiit'at''ly '- the <’ lx
, h" ' x !y . -r. : tie I- I'm' ! . .• - will
. re cessll at •’ heavy sales by insnratte. eon--
1 pani' .md most o' th' in :irmi c eompe
; nl.-s’ rdi'iC's li'i-po, .11" to si.'.’iings.
Th. Ev S d■ I, In ;• li: ,n< i.:l ar
: tide tic- .-in *ny it s 1.-|iev"4 t'.i',
I tlm bud. . t tlm fir losses will frill lipoi.
| Ani-ir. "ti ins.H i ..■■ .ompan.. .
I In spite of the mac nil ude of the difis:. r,
I only two firms.' n wm ■ si! ;,'lv I
l dtirit g tlm work of <xt It. 11l- hhe.:
I tlaim s. About tl.r ■ hur.dr <1 firms re
S-. k t'g tor m w oil.. . ■ T!.- .fill, ii •• -
i port says tin- <"iuse of tlm fir.- : unknown.
A larp number i I xx r"■ it- o- from 1...
'to six Stori' s lli'.'.'l lu:\ la. I blll'tmd .rmi
, ve parily fallen, tlx who! c iv< ring m
, ar. a ft mi 2 0 to - ' y.'ir.: ■. ■ m:.d. I >y
Nicholls m . i■ . Ed land ! 1.- ■
. t'res. ent, Auslrallnn avinii.', Paul's alley
I .-m l It. d Gross str- :.
Till :r..-mitim-e C ■. k.- :. n .-pt irn’s 'Io
view of the lo s, th r < tlmatcs rang ng
1 from ?l..'Ai.hi):, to sl. ■■<>.■ '•>. It is i tm ' to il
dozens of lie Imrm -1 -mt firm x
I insured, in some cases b u. they were
In oth is > ■ :• - ■
considered dany rous by tlie insitran - com
panies. ’i h' i t'- r ■' s. rt it. : th" S' i..- i
-1 lon rm -o rmt-ir.i :. : :'■ • ■ '■■'' •
, . n p th st< - • - ■ m
1 a I tl»« h's'orlc. tr< air. ( of Crip ..
..a,,,. v r .. r ov. it . h.- ; ' ■ ’ ■ :
of Oliver lh.miw. Il's m -t d: pm <
burial and th. d' ath ■ from 'h. pl. .-.a s m
Lawrenceville Has Big Eric.
L'lwr. ■■ \ ' ■' ■' •' " ' 19 '
c . ;l | ) in,., nmst di* - runs tire I imt tc - .
’ pltme 1 'S ei' i- had ' rt. I tin nmrnln.r a- '
. 7 o'cb e'K. Tile town has I) :i ' a !'• v.-r ..
. . it m. nt all l< I. y, 1 « the n t .
.. , :I |.. ~f til- Who'..- Im ■ l-m. II" ' |
I town.
Tin fire started in tlm Im :. o".
■ brick store of .M. E. Ewing «■- Son. which
I was totally destroyed, im ludT; lels ent:'-.
stock of general merchand -• . They esti
t mat'* their loss at JF.eOO. 'I h< v had no in
sur: ne.-. The I.awretmevdl. bald;, will.-I:
' adjoins the Ewing building, tins a total
I ios*. including the'.r furnitlire md tix ut
■ They saved all of tho books end vim.,lib
! papers that were not in tho vault. The
■ V Ltilt lis not b< < n enter< d, but t I ng a
: substantial structure, ther. i* no f' •n-
■ tertained as to the loss ot th*- money a :<t
i oth. r X 'in 4.les dv p.' ited in it. \t: exp. ■ .
- <-xp-.-i.-d tomorrow to open tlm vault.
The ieti.k was fully cover, d xv-1 i insn.
! am-e. By .1 d.-p< i' ll' md iml'o: • tort ~n
the part oi tin ' .v. ■
- ;orx' Im.’.ding "I G. A . .V A ' . < :m. ad
I joining tlm nank. v\: * .' ■ ' th etc' i
caught several times. 'l'm ir prnimp ': l > s
I v. caused by tlie r.-moxti. <" I i:.-.r s
■ ~j. into the stri. Tho frame stor
~f Robert C'-.'ig eam'.iit - '.m 4 times, im'
' v .|. , ■. ■ i . 'i i I • Was
; to fiirii'ture - n the dw. ll adjoining t..e
• stoi". . tn md by r- n oval.
j No Income Tax on Postmasters.
\\ . ,-lm.. ton. Novemb. r 19. 'I lie is ■; i as .
i to wli'timr a stati or mun . ii'ality v.m
levy an income tn:.' on tin salary or coin-
I p< nsatlon of a pos masli r, a sultjt ct of
| broad ill'. 1' St to tile f. d.-ral s- tx t. -mil. r.ti
lv was tl v ided today in an opinion r.-nd' r
. 4 l.x Acting. .7mi Attorney Geiieid)
Htiri'.s.m .1. Btirre'.i lor the posioiliiv <b
p:i i", mi nt.
Tii, ease arose on an inquiry from the
postmaster at Gastonia, N. C.
It is held that a state lias no authority
lo tax tlie emoluments pa'd to any officer
or agent which the United States may use
and ..mploy as necessary and nrop.-r means
to exet uto Its sov ercig n posv er. Mr. Bar-
•‘The 'guv' t nment of tlie I'nitv-d States : s
I supreme wiih.n its spher,. oi t.cti.m and
...V act "f a : tat. or'. J Ii:-!.
attempts to tax tim 1 1 'ii.uhk n:s paid
iii.- ollie, rs of the govemmei.t is am. mati
tuti'.nal ant void. If th. power .>. -md i;>
mate I" lax tim oflic. rs or agent:; of tiie
gox..'rnment, it could thereby inip.iT tne
i„,w, r ~ Hi. I’nii.-d Stat. * .n the ex. ( tition
,',f its .ov :■ silty. Tin posttmisu-r at Gas
tonia. tlie;. fore, c.'innot lie req tl red to pay
a tax upon tlm <>f his office, fille r
to tlm state of North Carolina or to the
municipality 0., Gastonia.
i Slayer of President Diaz’s Assailant
Are Arraigned.
Prisoners Well Guarded from Prison
to the Hall of Justice.
Ex-Police Officers May Pay Death
Penalty for Allowing Arroyo To
B-3 Killed by Mob.
C.'tty of M"'* s a, November 15.—Great
ei(..-.'d.- irr.e.m.i d the grim old prison at
t'.i. in ami the vicinity of tlm palace of
' justice tin morning vvlmn thirteen prtson-
I • rs. mostly ex-poiieo ollie, rs, implieat'<l In
i' .. ly of Arnotfo Arroyo, the min
xx : . ■ • idu:. .i to a-i:inate l'l'.-sident
1 Ili:t”. XX '1 . .4. tl thl oltcll tlm streets in
: V.... : and eoae.l.. for trial. Shouts of
j "kill them" ware heard from tho indignant
populace, but the pr.soinrs were well
rdt d by mounted and foot p'deo.
Tlii- public ur> - seen'or asks for the death
■■ " ’. ■. . • ex-insp ctor,
v . . .1 ih- mui'i. r to his chief,
V.-bmp':- tin- insp- cor general of polic.-,
xv >o con milv< d sub Id. in prison.
\'i 1 :.-i V I-to . ape with life
. imprisonment. Manti . S* i to, major of p-i
--ti . , Is oim of tlm principal criminals, as
■ was privy to Hi.- crime and took no
I it . ...ns of pr.-v. tiling. It. M",n--1 I'abrvta.
' :■ -t-i eilief of tile d. tectiv. rei vm".
also kne'v of tin i-rojeet-d killmg and
1 took no st-os to prevent it. M.-iuro Sa:i
--: cii( s, a polie.-man, was guarding Arroyo
I ami was awar. of tlm int.-t-dt I crime and
| tiglit.-n.d up Arroyo’s .*: r a it; it j.mimt so
: it.- e.-aid of:', r a" rm'..".m— igna-'io i’-.r
--i dan.- i-d tii band of assassins.
- - ■ .. ■
i e.:s s. O:hi r< : talmils ar.- of minor d- gr ,
I but sonii? of tliem ivs likely to b( 'a
i to death.
i <*.ip:.tin Forfirio Diaz, ontx son of I'i'—•
! id.-nt I-HiZ. was married today- in tilt- ar.
I*., hop .■- private eiiapc-1 to ri.-c..rit:.i Rai
. dangler of on< of principal f
, ivl piop.e v. • rv- pr.,. ot .:;t the ecreniony'
■ .'.t'-l ’.tie xx. '-i coiipl-- r.-ec-lved an ei.or-
. mo., ■. l; I.- ■. r . • < - *;■: f; s .
I r.-i-lpi. 1.1 - i-f an . qua I ov:: tion.
I Captain !>' ■?. has r—ciuly returned from
| a. lot::; sojourn *ll Eutope, wta re he went
' I" p u- t - im.- -If li. the details of Ills
■ prufe. slon - mti.tary engince:'.
Couft .- a oi Velasquez Read.
| i'i:y of .M. x.- o, Nuv.-mb. r lx. A profound
I sensation w.m mud in tlm coin's, of tlm
• : J' ■ 1 tll< I' olltcjal I X- 4 will, tile
■ murder ,1 Arroyo, by Urn- proviuetion of th--
■ i .ml-s.-imi of tim lai. inspector geimral of
| p0.,.-,-, V.-Issqu. z. I. i a most remarkable
: attempt at tl-justiliv-ition, and falsely
at,.-: tlm: a mub of the common peop.e
Ily uc.’ivu Arroyo. Vv-l t iez said in part:
| '! tu- most entnusiastic adrnir-
j ation tor ',-n- ta.l Diaz. 1 li.ive known
: mm .-a:., ~- iu:..imy, w inn my pari nts taugn:
m< to iovt -,i ui. p—i him. I .--aw li.m a
; u.umg th. siege of J| ~.
ami then i nave entertained absolute
I iuoi.i i:yim ■i: ■ ii,.hi .x nu ru— our country.
Liny two lamilies reinaii: 1 a: (lua.laupe
' iiuiuig in- --ng.. on.- was >.m; of J.'.m
■ sii.-ai.u „.)|. :.U1:.- and th. otlmr was
• . I.eo I :. .1,-,. vl my majority I n -
solx Ito serve G neral 1 Laz vv it 11 Joy alty,
in inferior po -s. Whi e I wa
n.omn, I had charge of priv - • : : ■
. ■■ • . l>on .M nue-i Dubia.i A
ward 1 wa eh cted deputy ai i -..:i 1 iter
i tl-.- pr. t : at rn-- VO ta .n: f
■ p-sit,on oi authority In my in. v.- v..
i at a tin— of r- icioi:- mov.-m n; v.i. .mt
pa vllel in t i tory of our • itintr; , and
■ o. e ki.ows wiiat ;■ i•• .-. I -u -t i : -1
' inysvlf :n Ilia; difficult position as a pur.;-
\ .-la -i'.h-z tia n went on to ■ ly that i-,
. .• . ■ for ki w, re
I given. Imt that Hi" pop'.ll.iC". a'.ready
strongly wrought up by the nil: npo-.i
I t'm I'l- sideilt. w— nr.:'.| by lions
I to commit :1m <i< .-<!, Sahl In :
I I in. Int.'iin tii i’ I have .tom s-rxeii- to
my i-otiatry in proving that an .i.tack on
tlm pr. -i-l- nt xx id 1 ■ !•>.! 'W. d l.v sv, fit
: and terrible v • 1 g. io. , o; the p.-i ul.i— . so ■
nothing but tlm smallest hint is needed to
arm th-- hands of a |. ,|iu!m e ah<l ,- t loos-'
th, ir fur-, on • i'iiiivials. If i I.a'— . om
mitfi.l I urt. it ! tile !'. oi nr. admira
tion ami love for Hi.- presl-lei t of the
tlm magnitude of that fault, for, with :
teen to sixteen hours a day devott 1 to
efforts to . t-. at'- suliie ent poli- e pr..tee- >
tion f- r t!:.' I I of him witli wlmrn tlm |
j* of IM- .eo is bound up, it may w.-il
i a\.- li. pp- <1 that tii' functions of :!i • I
I .... : i.l \. .:- -i .■ -I co- f the j
I I-... 11 and tim. in Hi.' i.v I line .-"mini t- i
■. grave erior. [ thou; t I wa doing rigi
in otganizlng a popular manif- aiion t, I
a-,. I .-in attack .li tlm president an I !
thus '-. , . birth in t .- p" >plo to a pr--fmm.|
conviction that pu iliment for such an |
a< : w ord.i come ■■■ ift y in the form ot' I
lynching -o' wiiai ve:- i: may be sty I. d."
11,. p ii went on to -imw tlm' others be- ;
si-i.s liim .ls v.'-re willing that |
should lIV- 'halt to Arroyo.
'i'ii.- pros— uiinz attorn.-y this afternoon. ■
in a strong argut t pl ded for the < <
cution of a death sentence on all the pris- I
oner:; • x-'ept ' x-A i-istant Chief of Detec- |
tives Cabrera and on.- other minor prisoner ;
v .-i. , was not dll-eilx implie.;:.-I in tii. :
’fl..* is likely to be conciud.-l
Sammy or sio:.<l.iy.
Fast Train on Kansas City. Fort Scott
and Memphis Derailed.
Kansas Chy. Mo., Nov.-mi'.'r lx Train 2
on the Kansas City. Fort Scott and Mem
phis, which left Birmingham. Ala., last
evening tor I’.iti is City, was derailed Just
v.-.-st of Wiliil'ord, Ark., at 3 o'et-mk this
n: .rn'i'g. Tim combination coach, chair
,-. ir un.j s| ,p, )• went uvv r tii.- bank, tim
voinbimitlon ear going into Spring riv< r.
Tlm . I air ear a d si. eper were both con
On.-, p.iss.-iigir was fatally injured and
,1 , ,-it 'j:ls ..'clock tliis morning, and
about thir'y oiiieis more or less s,-riously
hurt. It Is b- iieved num- of the latter will
DEA I >.
J L. HOOVER. I I imt Hill, -Mo.
E.-opold I'olloi-';. Little Roek. Ark.
('| : , I, lie. M Ul'pliy, At W- a■ i. Ind.
.1 It. Morri-. 1 tak- I'stlel.l, .Mo.
(• R. • nstvin. wife and baby, At
wood. In. I.
C i i 51- rrivv, ather, .Sulphur Rock, Ark.
E. D. Wood, V.rnoon Nook. Mo.
.1. .1, Altsehell. Little Ro. k, Ark.
W. J. Grant. Salem, Ark., bruised and
cut about head.
M. L. Price, Beall. Ail-;., injured about
he id.
W. 13. Stahl. Corinth, .MI.-:-., injured about
head and bands.
V.'. H. Boatner, L • ton. Mo., injured
about head.
AL Hogan, Oaklanvl, Ari- . injured
about head.
Westly Ivins, Atwood. Ind., injured about
Mrs. A. D. Fvrkins, Hirai. Ark . extent
of injuries no: k lown.
R. S. Guy. Alonteiey. Ind., arm:' hurt.
J. N. Ashflat. Ail:.. <ut .about
head aml til ghs hurt.
John Horton, ins smi. fonrt -a y- .irs old.
hull bet W- eii tile sllOUidel'.'.
Lull Horton, his son, six years old.
bruisi -1 a bout i lie kne- s.
S. L. Gutlirie, Franklin, All-.., hip
bi ll I*', d.
John L. Eady, Hardy. Ark., Imad cut. .
J. D. Hill. Hardy, Ark., h- ad cut.
ii. A', i‘lll. li.-rdy. Ark., l-g hurt.
Mr.-', i'iiiieoji'g to Fort Smith, i-xt.-nt
of injiiri, ; .mt known; her son, iiurt" a! on'
: I.h'<- and arm.
Al. i:.iit< I'Mlrplav, A’o., foot Injur-' l .
1 V.' J. ;;I. sahcl. Vol.left. Ark., la ad i i
Mr:. .Arnett. Mammoth Springs. Ari:.,
back spratn-d.
No. 2 is a fast through train from tlm
south. Between Williford at. 4 li.iidy i "
AI-mpliis tracks parallel th.- Spring river,
u little stream running' out of Mammoth
Spr-ngs. 'i'll,- train w. ■ compos--1 of ti'-
engine, mall and < Xpi'cear, i;a.,.im ear,
combination eo-aeh. chair c ,r amt s!.-"p r.
: The eornbination ear lias a partition in
i the middle, one .nd being us. d as -t .nioker
. and tim other end for eolorevl pa-sengers.
When in-it* Wiil.forvl, tlie < agim . . f.-It
the train !■ up forward .and found that
- had parteil between the two day coaches.
Tlie last three ears butn'md ox- r tlie tl- .
1 tin- chair i ir and slei per tur.iiag ov. r
, on their skies and tiie , ~.n',lt..iti-m ear
' finally going Into the river. The < ;giii,---r
I |>a k.d up tiie. front part of tim ti-La .md
work of
Tim terror of th- pas-engers who iiad non
; down .nto the str-.uni w til tim combi
tion ear was heighten'd by cries of alarm
from tiie eliair - u* :.nd rt < r. both of
: which soon took lire. Th-- ini.-ns" dark
, ness .aided to the confusion ii.l It was
, some time before au o!';.;:i:z -I (-flor: ai
r, -.- ii- was put into < IT- . t by tii - trad'
crew and tho.-e of tiie |>us ■*‘n.‘-‘- , r: who had
i i-ei n able to -: ri'-ate t.'iem.---tv. s without
I ad. Ti-.' jiasseugei'.' In til" burning cars
I Were luckily f sciied b- for- the ii: -- had
r :- d its licit fit, and but few in tho; •
; cars were injur, vl.
Two Coaches Roll Down Embankment.
, Lrazil, Iml., Novi ini ' r 19.- An awful ac
i-iil- nt occurred, on t’i Chicago .and In-iiana
I Coal railroad about 5.3'J o’clock ti'i- ■ v- n
i i ... nine miles north of tl’.s e.ty. n ar
i Coal Bluff.
I . ■ mine:'.-' truln. on it: homevva 4 Jour-
i my. and bi tirl.;-. alx-ut 5< ■» mini ts. v. as
v* :<••-. ii on th- Glaus, one . : ii and two
| and d at I hot '-"I in ■ ■•.. I. >l l '• ■’
witli v. .vt-T to the depth of g.-v.-i a I feet.
Tie- aeei'lent Was 1 by rm .In - ov.-r
a hors.-, which throw tii caboose from tro
tr. i-ie. and it dragged t'.e other ear ir.
I Tweiity-tbi. •■ i.'.-'ii in all were more or
; b :-.s Injur. .I. three of whom suffer Inju-
■ r:< s tha; will pr -v- fatal.
I-ligli;-. n of ia .'i.iiued per-.,ns live In
: this city ."i'.l I. - ■ in Coil Bluff. Tiie f-a-
■ t-allx- fiittr- d are:
Asbury Rumnmll, check weighman at the
Z. 11-I'' Al.'librn Coal Company mine;
Gas It- übett, Guy Ackerman.
Tin y w - ie pitilo.ied iniih r the wreck' d
. ears and could not lv teaeffid until tho
j wr. ckage had b"i li l emox cd.
i'i’ the lie-- tm-n Injured at C »-'l Eluff,
two ar.- r. port'd to I. In .a c I'i al con
| lit i"i: .les-v Winn and Riley Smith.
A special train, b- aring phx .sielans. was
. im in.-'ll-' t elx dispa t lii'-d to t lie seen.- of tlm
av-eiih nt and n-turm-d lo tlm city at 9
; o’clock witli tin- wound -.I men.
All'. ot’mr ot llm injur. -I w< re:
Wilii m Bone . city, arm broken and
i oth'rw 'lnjured i>■ al. mim r, of
tl city, :.i ' . broken. Frank Field,
10-akenmn on tl:.- train, arm broken,
t'.. rpi nt. r, city, arm broken.
Gives His Time To Work on His Mes
sage anil Nut Appointments.
W; In;-: m. Nov nil- r 15. Ta.- pr- sid.-nt
' ■ a,,'., with a very larg ■ number ■•'
: p. - at til- pul'll.- lei ..p:Ioa 111 th. .
' loom tills afte'im-m. A' t - - '-. •
, r- ■•a| i u i :.!!• !11 I -ong.- ■r . 1 l-r ■ .: ■ d
: Al. xan.l.-r Mon'.gomv ry. o 'te-.rgia. a v-m-
lured man i'H x. .r. old.
' Wliiie p ■ -iti" .■ : l! b. in.: br-mgh: i->
' 1. f.-t' n|‘p e. i:m'li- is gix :ng little
i time to sue;: matters and prefer, to work
; on his nn -s ig. .
It is probable the presld nt will mak ■ -
re. ommendati >n In h n < ig< uj on th x
subject of general arbitration The fad
i tiiat lie ma.l.- his vlexvs clear on tlial sub
I jr.-t in his inaugural addre.u', and that
I no arl.itr.ition tn ity will b.- p.-r.ding -.vli. rv
i tie- annual message is sen' in. make II
I muieecssary tossy anything furth-r on the
i matter at this time.
Monetary Commission Meets.
Wusliington. November 17 After a re-
■ cess of several days tlie monetary commis-
I sion t-' sinned its ses.-Imis tmr.- t'dight witli
i all tne members present , :;e.-pt two. .Most
. of Hi" tim. was o- up-' 4 wilii a . • !
. r.-view of '.lie work already a •< ompli.-di- 4
Tlie finin'' work of th- . omniis : xx : I
■ 1-■ ilex ot- 4 11. ' irlx- to a dis- its-- -m of 11',
■ r. pel" - I tn- --mr.-s to 1.,- salmi tt< <1 I '
til.- consideration of eongre-w.
1 i: j s not probnblv th it any n pot vx
■-. w hen coi g- ess . onv< nes ear!
. |>ecemb< r, Imt it is hoped that b< foi■■
th.- ei 4 of tin- month some x
I suggestions at least will be ready for sub
; mission, to b- follow, ■! 1.-ter by moro
I g. ia ial and . Liberate !• ports.
E- st Makes Way for Mon dell.
AVasilington. Novemb.-r 17. -Judge llrnorx
I'. li'.-t. ot Genre:.'.. -th" • ' :u:ui --ion .
ot ti:- general land offi< .n 1
today xx is api'-'inti d a.—ts: nt , t ; ota.x I i
Hie interior < • I>artrm-nt. It. makes xx.ix
for ex-( onga'v-ssman Frank W .Mond.-lt. of
aii . . -r.t;. s-iom ' long ago. out xvhosc ap
pointment had be.-i: .ieferr I until now.
judge Best formerly occupied th< place
to wifi 'll tie has just be- ii ti iusferl'.-(I. an.l
was eilief ' I' rk of tile olii.'-' "f III.' is-isi mt
.atloii.' y general of tlie Ini. rior department
bi for.- his app" ntmeni as assistant land
i-. inrniss.oner nader tin last admin sn a: ion.
Blasting Powder in Coal Bin.
Norfolk. November 17.-1' is stated h r*
on w iiat is i-or xidered goa.l au'iioi. ■ til t
a, k . of txv-.ity-lixe pounds of blasting
powder was found l>y th. , trimm rs
. ~ Amphitrite, while that vessel was coal
ing al Lambert’s Point. .Monday.
Tii.- keg. it sc. ms. pa.-s- d down Into the
bunkers an.l was thv r-- dis- ox r.-d l.y the
men, xviio took it on 4-<-k ai-.l t< -t-4 i;
its l-r. 'tin is a tnyst. ry. imt tl.e most i
plausible tie cry is that it was left in the ,
,-.,r at tie- mines an.l brought here benv-atlv
the coal.
/ Have You I
y Solved the /
\ Problem Sub- ?
\ mitted in the
Z Missing Word k
? Sentence ? f
Better get in f
( your answer
Z this week and
get some of the
extra SIOO.
t Two Heiresses an ! ai Australian Artist
Are Swindled.
, Y'oung Man Secures Money and Secu
rities for Lady Speculators.
ii i RETD - ARE EVEt MA E T ; -
Grand Jury Returns a True Bill and
tho Young Man Will -Be
; New Volk. Nov tnbei- 17. Three y-a':u>,
>i. t'.'-o of tli> m i;- ' ■ die C">.
.i::d tl:.- ot.her a . im "is Aiislrallan v:.
.’ temporarily here, .ar • the victim of rt hw i
i . wlml.-i Arthur Bl ; r Moody, of >•'«'
li.iv. ,i. ' oi.m, \ .-> v.k I".day arre* '■
I at tiiat 'ii-. Moody I now out on ba-l
' ' ami i; li.'iill-.g atti-mp: to .-x:rail:."|
t him to N"w Y-'ik. lie is tb -nty-e... -it
. years old and 1: is always been a great
. I favorite with Women.
Aloody --- ;i • --: a good fa mil ’ . '■ •’
' - f-ith-T i.-' in tin- insur.i'ice bii-'itu *s in Ncxx'
Haven and !>.,. mother is a da.ctor. Al >o- y
' stopp d v'.'i- a I-.'g tim.- at : H.dl.ssd
• ' house and eu quite " via.:!’. At hen he I"-1
‘ , th.- Illol'.ard he was 31,1'0 In debi to Pro
prietor Daumann lor his board.
1 .Aloudj h pi i.- d t > m." tl -■ Rev. De-
Leon Nicholl. who took a fancy to h.m
md intri.-iui-'-d mm to .MI-< Al iy \. >
' . J'.i’v-ui Van-l'-rpno’, xx'l.o in turn inti-idm'.-l
■ i;t,i to her frieial. .Miss Eosaniond Ji.
. Own. i:.--h i."I ■■ i-oi'i high po.'iiions li
. New York .'.'i.-ty.
As soon a .Moody fel' tiiat I " had t n
; cd the cm I' n< -of '.women he <1 ne-'i
them .at t) ' 11 d'nt.d a-"I Ti.'.ii' -J
alleged, he unfold' ligr ■ t mining .- me,l
A fl '.'.' days lat- Aloody cal:- d on AL "
l Vanderpool and said that h's par:n--r li 4
told hirn of a ;nd opportunil: '-’ f ; o
’ subscrib'd miniiT- -t ek. on- of 1
who had put down his name for --n: <>'
tlie stock li .d i.a - J.-d to gr * : m■ I■' x . an.
j although the muvor <>:' N xx Hava: ...M
tric-d io y. -t in, lie (.Mo -I : >
: g.-t a chance for AL.;: V.-'.-t ' -'>>l. ’t ■■
latter w - d'-i glib 4 imt h
. m Ja y lab Aloody wen' !-■ ATI.'-' Ow '
an,;' : .ijfi R ~ ■ $1 - -it m ,r<- w Ide: -1
. 11,-''.. ■ I'l ' '
gold bond of the St. Paul. M lane:: p 0... . .1
j Alanltob.i railroad, marl; t xilti.' it 17 S .
t-dd Aloa.iy to dispose of ,t and return tic
r I'. ... 1 : lb- gave tl '■ I"■’ to I’ropr! -
I tor Baumann, of the Holl ind I;--::
board bill of $1.7 ■ ' " > { "
■ bond w:. not re- J m thirty ■! x h"
might sell it Aloody never redeemed t
and it was sold. H did net r. turn '
?7. to M.- ■ •xx ". Lat. : I Ji A! ■ d
w. nt once tn ,r to MI Vanderpool ni;d
told her of -nothe- p'.e 'did ■!’ „u'tunit
making money. Mi- - Vande-t-" d say* : •>
g .V.- .Mo d-. a >'."■»> I'ti’.!' I •*'• -it" ■ . Ot-t
bond without getting any r ■ e'.pt ot te
i-uitty for ,t and ';e h not ■■: '.’ h ‘"1
M. intin-.o Aloody hoi h 'I
the Buckingham I;.>:■■’. Ther lie m« t M *
; 11'!.- It. Own .in art ■ ■ In xv vte- col :
from '
' tr.alin. which she said worth
I artist 1 got $l5O fro: i ■■ ;. ■■ irity
ihe *chem" and -he F ■ m '
t lire as S' ..-lll'ltx . 'll- X .. : I ' :
depo. it x :ii I! -s x
. lie-', n- •:. • x!" ■ ■ 'id ‘J- ’*
;. 1 ■ it.- gave r l -- - '*. a i i-nt
and said he livl not know whore
tile - 'll) s *,xa : I' oil -i- t- -I f
• '.mid *. I. t',- n ( tut- v ■ V d r
Hlltrnm. N ( At-- ut :■ m- ths .- ,
maim a ?1.-t 'i board L it when he ) ’ Ta
, polio.- l:ap;'. ted to - ,r ■ the " au 1
V ody w i ii. >• .1 n tin ea m Ml ■
A'nnderpooi's »,,fOO i.-rnd.
Woman Given $65,000 for Loss of Her
Husband’s Affection.
Now York, N.'X'Unli'- .'- '. *.!>• riff- Jury
ti Brookly a $65,-
j ODO to AP- Firn'. -■- \ -n S .a- k ■■' U
' her fatf" r ti-l.txv, P('.-•!■ Van S. | for
the alle'.i.tli.m of h> r s iff . ',:0i..--
I Peter Van S--i. . .-k ' head o t ■ !■' ’ll of
T’.-t. r \ i i S a- k & (.' "i"
M i |i in I*'-.* sii. n: H --I -l >'ia V. a
Ena' '■ ' x." "V. .i m N xx Y-.i a,
Al ’X'- ' "-'ii ■ • ; ’
that shi .-.■■■■ ;.i -maie.l ln-r I: n.-b . ml'. » •
Society Was Present in Its Prctti.'St
Riesses prd Hats.
N.-w Y.-i -. taln-
ni--:it on tii. fin.-, ni -it ■ th, ' ; ■ i
annual exhibition us tlie N- xv ...:lv horse
shoxv • ' "ii a Pd'ule ■>!’ "
V. iii. h xv.a-' witli- -vl l-.X ' ry few . 'l-ov. I.
of tlie soe •ty I'.-. ■ I" I - -I- "H.s.
While i • ani i! "
their quarters la- tmx. s n.-gin ' i , 11 wk!'
la-, ,-mm r md t! :e w. r.- ab i 1 "I p< u'l's
in t ho first t: T bo>- s " B"' *a« < I'"
twenty-six tlioroi ; '
II; -y look, i . .1: '■ ■ ' I' y Wl,
: put t lirough thcii
, . ..< of . .- iii'l Um ■ .:■ ■ ' was
] pr, he riders •> M' ■ -11
and M I- I ' ' _
No More E mt'mll at Giia
: I’ll 'a. N' . - - I'l . ■ ' dent
1-’e - - roil , o’ <tirard < _e. I.n ■:.■ -I .Hi
,et .. .a •; i ■ ■•.- :' ,d ■ •," . t ■
i slii.t a-• "f tlie ills: i. ut..’ii n ... L-■ p off •
i the gridiron.
; The ban on foo'.b-ill was tlie result .if a
boy lia'.i:-: Ii ■ I'g broken la S. unlay
I during a pt .<■ a . game.