The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, November 22, 1897, Page 12, Image 12
12 Badway’s Pills Purely vegetable, mlbl .mil reliable. < ".''J - '' Digestion. <• nuplete :itiW|ib'H and lieallhlul tv for the cure of t'l dis r.lers o. thest'iin:., li, J.ivn llowels, Kidneys, Bladder, N -rvoiis Diseases, J OSS OF appetite. SH'K HEAD M’HE, B IHIIB'I'IOX, IHI.IOI SN E>S, TOKI’JI* MVEIJ, f»V-PEs‘s» A. Observe the following sy inptoiiis resulting from Dis eases of tliv Ulg.-Hti.- Organs. ‘ " I1 ‘ y!. tininess nt '1.,..,1 in th- lies I, ulv of ti< stoni- Beb, muH-.i, l.eartl.urn. ~i loud, hillness or vvei’ht Vitin ■■' ' ■ " h*."™* terlii; ofthe beat, . ikin »r siiiroeuting sensations Ula n bl n tri"'. p'.stiire, illniii'SH ot vision. dets or ~■ tii" fever and dull pain the head, . ,i • ' 'i. y <ol '■ ■■ sLI,I '; n '' ~.. nil ana s uiden dashes of la id. hnrrn:i in the o<’*li \ feu d .s'-- -I ItAliW ' s 1’11.1.s will free the sys tei innieil disorders. Price’.D cents p. i box. Held by i.ragglsts, or sent b <.",’,?| ! ; .> UK. K M'W VY A* (O . k Box 365. New y • WHEAT HAS. No v is t'.ic time to send for dea» ; v& c: ~a ci Famous 0.1. C. ■■■.•. ■•■ n Swine, t*i ■■ ■ ■ 5 ;' /// 21,06 Lb.-. I :f applicant sets “I— a pair CN TIME and a ’.ency. " V Mention The consul utlon. ■ ' . ■ . ■ Hose. I.inn- - :•■...!• • • • • 'I ’ ' ’ ■ t ...... : 3ili ami !r .':r««i‘, Chicago. Mention 1 'he CunstKuU o ' ■ ’ I K! ? • '• « < ."i • ; ■■ii\ tr< d iy- C- . . • *:• : 1 ■■lie fm?, 3L.:. . •: !i r’Cll ’.:• !':>U 1" <4 I 11. • R. I. Ji.r. I j <:■ n Jt’.itio-' r .. ,-m Dip for I’rt.-r-. Miners, , '• ■ nil I rca uro S ■ekers. . , . 7\ ? • ! < i'u • • r A. Al , ■ < :id ;; f,iims2 ■ f"SO. R«-(. ' ni til ' .i. i;'i . '/i-'iV Mea.Uon T’- ■ CuDsiituUon. ; "■ | " ' ' '■' T . ■ J - ’ f i*!' • - t’i >•■. •; » I V-»n»«- I ’..f 'if; } '■■ e '■ > 1 fur .IMO. It. si !>. 1 Oi > .>si ♦. i;.’ « B’wmj, .s.y. Mention rhe <_ on-i;union. ■■ ■ ■ ■ :: nur twrelal titr. r. a , tii*:. t"', .'l,l'. CO. 1 Va' nol, ;iv. nuo. Chic; 111. rs 'r w.- 'hn If ; I ■- ; j - . .■ ■■■ .. ■. ' ' ;rt ii.ii Mention The Constitution. ■ k!y . : .. .\h : •<!!' ils ■ < «>:i.< juitiun ■ c I 11• ••• ! I i tr» •to hovono wish- : 1 ’ I > r<- AI- ■ ■ ' ■ i ■ ■ 1,1 ■I :< •.•■! Il lit 11 '.ll, MliHHtt- j < ■ t box ' ■ . . . \V M K' ' 1‘" e”re in " few i . -i; t ’.i n The Coir titutioru I ■ • . . . - . ... fc i. .•■? 'or • -r. , a niontii c*.nd linn < i neces- DO f ; r TO 1 Premi ims With ‘ This Paper Some of the Very Bost and Cheapest tings, S ,2 7-8 ‘ Org a "i ; -;o s batches Sf’id Drifs, AHasss, Bibles, i " 'To 2 chcs, . li jzors, Kkim, VasatiJia, and (ioo’j Books to read. Or; the jueat “Factory to Fireside” t “tickle Ito death” to send yoa a catalogue describing everything, free. WHO’S SHELLABERGER? ie win . .>■ " . b> i, Ga., r i ; ... i « ■ I purposi i Catalogue free. XVrite for K. L. SHELLABERGER. ce Foi ytl st reef. . Ailantn, Ga. ' . ; ■ S! - 5 •?; n • E A-'i •:• SRiIAT \ M b ;>.?■ c . r f ,. A I. ■ .1 i-. i ■ J . at' -■ ■ .1 b ■ ■ ■■■'■ / [ptH • jp v ('rij/tO; -t , f- T" ■ -'A if. ' -t- liention The Constitution. Farms and Farmers ™ _- 7 y■■-- 7 ' _ I* NOTICE TO INQUIRERS * I 1. Writ* plainly and to the point, giving only tin* quostionn to which untnvith nr? desired. 2. < <»nfine Inquiries strictly to niftt tens concerning the farm. 3. Never :iHk fi r answer by malt 4. Never Ask where an article can be Innl. nor the price. 6. Always give your full nameand adorers. If you do not wish your name published, say so, and Initials only will be printed. 6. (’arefully Hie this page for future reference, and before writing ex amine your Hie to sec If It has not 1 een already answered. 7. Look ahead and send in yonr In quiries early. Do not expect us to “answer in next p'lper.” Theedhor must hand In his copy a week before the paper is published. F. Address all Inquiries and com munications for this department to THi:(O.\STiTI;TiON, (F. and F. Department. DAIRYING IN GEORGIA. Tii' fourth .iiunril mrOiuir of the Georgia J>;iirym< n’s Ai sor:..iron, which in. t in M. ■ n. G:i., Xovi iiib. r 17th .nut isth. was a lak.iblc one in more than o:.e r< .'licet. While the nunib. r in attenilancc was Dot large, It re.|uirc,l but a shnrt stay at tiny one of its s. v, rat s> ssions to enable one to 1 <ils. ov. r that the association is a body of > iitn st. .hvot.' l and enthusiastic men and womcii. It was evident that they meant business, ami l.itsiness only. Tile first tiling tliat v.ould strike ,111 01./.-rvir accustomed 10 attend I'libl..' g.itherings for the ostensi- bb jniriJOsv of promoting any industrial inter, st was the entire absence of that variety of the genus homo known as the ollii <■ litmt' r ami politician. There was no a-. of tlii ■ soft to erfnd. Evi 1 y om- seem ed d .'irons of getting all the good an I do ing II tl>.' good po: . ibis. /M't.-r tii. “.Iress parad. " ]>< 1 fi.rmam i s, tile pleasant spool lies of w< Icomi- and the r. spouses 11 ■ ; ■ ~ •, v. • r. ■ .\. 1 <a nd they con si inn d less than an tour) tin : -o. a.ion entered ini- 11 edlately upon its work. It is not our pur- j po. " to give a detail of the proceedings, i tl it has '■ <n moi., or 1> . s fully and ac- ■ cm it, ly pi rihriiini by daily nvwsp:ip< rs, of v. liici t! •i, w, in i.I repre. i ntativ. s pre: ■ ' : . pt'oi y 1 .1 de- tail, In-inding iln- inti rating papers that were rea . . < issi< uni cross- <Ui> iotf: ngs that follow, d. will fully ap p, ,ir in the print ,i proceedings, which will ;:pp ar i'll a few weeks. Ths meeting was rail.:!."' a... tin fust that has been able to s. oilier, ognition of the sei iota ry of tigrl eul nr., at Washington, lion. 18-nry E. Aly.ed, C ... ;' ol l!;e daily division of the >11:1. all of anin.a! ‘ ains'.rv, I'nlled States depart mont of agriculture. wa: ? ■ the rutile m'.tiiig, and his plan, practical and ill dru -11 co address and his rep, atrd 1 spoiL's to inquii a s for inform.l - ( ~n: : itm. d a'ng feature of the 11 wo ■ latli to thou 1 sands of the most intelligent of Georgians i to lisien to p::" ti'"il t.a] , is and talks from i i.ativ. G.orgiaiis who l.ave hitherto de- viled their . in rgh s to t. ■ cult Iv.ition of 1 cotton, but who. witliin t1.,,- last tlirei- or I four years ''liavo found the better way." Ti.. ■■ • addresses were 110! by mere theofls I i or scientists alone, but eanu- mainly from I 1 ni n who had laid aside for a f<*w days the I I milk pails and churns and come together i 1 for intcri hang, of experience, tor mutual I aid, encouragement and , ongr.itu'at lon. It was remarkable t!:af (her., was not a j man to lift Ills voice in b lmlt' of poor "Kin;.- I'niton,’’ the tyrant of the south. In 1 ; was not so much Ike a firm r I. I, r ill i j w ■’,■ .joy oi.s I s and pleasant t-tnllcs. but ■ re 1 !i, r s’l h a an el ltig as should follow the I j a sit;, -! die 1 pp. .li'aii,’, of a tyranny and | the pfosii. ct iv, eiitliruiicmeiit of a n w . : dynasty. w 11 those wlio have embark, d in the 1 dairying biis’ne.-; there was no show of i doubt, or um ertainty. but th'- evid -nee in ! every tone and vxpn s.-:on of a confidence I they had at last got into the right t mad. 1 The exp■■rb iic. of th- sc courair. o-is men übo have ’ oil,- into tie business of dairy ; farming and cream,-rtes show d b. yoiul a ■ doubt tliat there is peace, protit and pros perity ii store foi those who will inti 111- ' gently f i'iew th" bu.-lness. It was proven .ill" us good butter and • • can I. ■ made ill Georgia as in any I stale of the union. It was in evidene., that I tin- N'or. loss .Tl aim ry, the LaGrange cream, ry, tin- Ilei’muda dairy (Harmony ,;. c ploy ci ■■ ■ ■ th( Ross dairy (Macon), and the Fl lds i’ros.’ dairy : ((’anion), the Talbotton cr, aim ry, and otn, Were working to their utmost < a pacity in the effort to supply tlw demand ‘ . . . du . The managers of ... .... I c. 1 ■ and dairies have i pivhi .1 Ilieir way i:i:o the large eit les of the : . . . ■■■ , and are a I ini: no farm's , xeeat a I'aii trial of th' ir i go,.ds. and are '.vid.ev and surely taking the maikets I wherever thev leive made an effort. \\ .. ay t .1' y ' ask io fav’i -wept a. tan I trial.’’ because, having’ become expert ; judges as well as i xpert makers, of butter 1 : and other <1 nil" goods, they know tliat Georgia's bermtida pastures, clover and ' I peavine bay, corn < u.-dage, cotton seed ! | men), etc., mixed In proper proport lons with ’ I pure Georgia, water, d'gested by’ Georgia i ‘ Jersey' Hid grades (and even wcll-r.ils, d | “scrubs") and ma.nipula.ted by the lately ! .- ~i’:.r ,l skill and ii 11■ -1 lig-nce o’ toorgkx I ; dairymen, will result In :.t product that is , , . , pect to the most fa mous ' brands of tlm north and west. This claim .... .... , ; absolutcly established and | bey ond question. ~ ,■ . ■ poor cotton farmer, no ■. i sac,. to face with .Io ent cotton for the j | second tin, . has b-n for .years on the 1 anxious hunt for some way “out of the ■ ■ yy ilderness." f,.r same "new departure,” 1 ■ that will ril'.cv,* him front the thialdom . i and uncertainty’ and ruin of 5-cenl cotton. | I Hrt wilts com,.thing done by sone one 1 I , i..,., ~r by s<nne outs do power, or “eo- | ( ] "ration." to "raise the price’’ of cotton. | ’ He has been looking for a r ni, dy t'"i ids | I ills. Imt in the opinion of some this same ; i ai eriigi farm, i woi d no’ know ru- r- nedy ; j “If he met it in the I" id." i Wo maintain that tie remedy i- In ’ farmer's own hamis. ..i,d he .>• ••! b.n to I recognize the truth and avail ii mi'll of , hi natural otijiort ni , in - ■ ! from present conditions. Wo do not. mean that everybody should 1 ttis’i Into dairying. Indeed, flier.- is no dang, ’ of Unit re.-ult. There an seventy t;,- ~n: of ex tv hundred who will slave ever lio 'iiig that : on-thing will “turn up” to gw them relief. Nor do we insist that i i! 'b eing is the only off, red avenue to pros- , I p. rity. But we nr ■ now writing in the ' st of this particular Industry. Dairy- ( Ing is but a department of live stock Ims- ■ bandry. in every d-i-H tim nt of w hich there j . moi" or bss promise of protit, prosperity | and plenty. I will bo m i-y yvirs, if , ver. before the ; vill In 0 in Georgia. | In I ’., we made only IMMI.tiW pound.- of . 1,..;,,in Geoie-i--only enough to butter ' n small siic" of bread (about on,-third of nn oim--> daily for , .o h 111:111, woman and ch id in tile s' it, ' W- produced only two thirds of a pint of milk t-r -lay for icti inhabitant not. as much as should be daily drunk by the children of the state under ten years <>f ag l I Gtorgia cows and Geor gia datri“S should supply ( very pound of THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA., MONBAY,NOVEMBEB 22, 1897. butter and chesse and every pint of milk consumed in Georgia, and we ought to con sume in the state 100,000,000 pounds of butter per annum. If the. above hastily written linos shall I excite, a desire for more information, we will do our best to supply it. on request. If any farmer, or dairymen, or owner of a few cows, shall desire to put himself in touch with the rapidly developing dairy In dustry of the state, let hivn send his one dollar to Secretary M. L. Duggan, Sparta, Ga., as an annual fee for membership In the Georgia. Dairymen’s Association, and he will in due time receive a copy of the printed proceedings of the late. 31aco:i meeting. R. J. REDDING. FARM CORRESPONDENCE. Quest ionN of IntviTHt to I'h rniri’M Answered hj the AtfriciF.liirsil Editor. Fistula o£ Mule or Horse. J. I’. Moore asks lor a", ~"i ai d tried remedy for lislula on tnulc ~r horse.” It he will refer to lat, J: . ue.s <it the XV. , kly he will find what in- wants, viz: September 2uth, In reply to F. V. R.; November Ist. in j r, ply to .1. 11. McM.; November BUI, in re- | ply to “Sub.'cribcr." Pecan Trees. John A. 8.. Keiidalia, Tex.. Is Informed that the Stuart Niirscry < < >' 1 an Stir mgs, Mj« .; p. J. B< rckm tn’s, Augusta, Ga.; Herbert Post, Foil Worth, Tex., (.ill prob . ably supply him. Nankeen Cotton. “A Subscriber," (’ok.-vllle, Ga.—ls I there am demand or market fort: ink, ,ii (or yellow cotton. Jiatur.,l color), and will ; ■ it living iii'ii, in p'l' limn whit - cotton; I and Would it p.iy to kv p separate and raise it tor sale? Please answer in your fanner's dep.irtnu nt. So far as v.know, there 's no demand for nankeen cotton by the manufacturers. XVe made imptlry scvetnl months ago with the above result. Nitrate of Soda and Acid Phosphate, p (' .tn el. I. Roseland, La A w rlt r in’ ’;, l arm 1 i per that was handed to mo . 1 iims ■ h ' in < ton ot nit ■ D>d tlwr, ar- u ."u pome's nitrog- n and v' 1 ’ pounds soda w) ,177 pom for I'ertiliz'ng crop.-. Is be right Au-i . oiild a. inixiui’.'of nitrate of soda and mid ; phosph ite b ■ made licit would Ii" a. com- i plctc fertilizer f-r v < got.ibb s? Any Infor- | motion will b. thankfully r<■••elv.•■!. Il 1s true that one ton of high-grade j nitrate of soda contains "20 pounds of ’ nitrogen, but it is Very far from true tliat . i the 7-’<t pounds of .'-oda is equal to 1,1,7 I pounds of potash for fertilizing crops. As | a matter of fact, the so,ln is considered to ! be of no practical value as a fertilizer, <is I it cannot take the place of potash to nny tijijin c'al»l" ext, :it. 'Die writer Is wrong and not right. zX mixture of nitrate of soda and acid phO'phato would not lie a. complete ferti lizer for vegetables, since it would < ',i’.i:iin no polash. No fertilizer Is “compleie” that contains no potash. Losing- the Cud and Hollovvtail. Tmpi rer, Darlington, S. - IT iv answer ' th, se questions In the farm dou irtment of i 'l'be <’(institution: < '.in a <•■•«’ I b, " cud? If she can, < auses ' • r to lose it. and how can a new one b ■ made, and of what made? If a cow loses her <"..d. woo 1 st), die If no olli.-r one wi re giv< n her? Do I cow have what is < :i1b.,l !>y old q-’ki" “ii.’ilmv tail?" Is tlwr,’ such a thing’’ Is it '■ good to doctor a cow for loss of a ppi '.lt, " I “Inquirer” certainly t. ; not b"on r ,g till-’ dips "tr, ' ill i loi ely, else h Would j have seen tliat. these two questions ImV" i . l> . n repeatedly <!i-< "■ 'S'l'd during th" pa t ! 1 live or x mouths. ’Die “cud' 1 of a cow. ! ,ir other ruminating (eu<l-< li"wing) an'mal I i. nothing more nor bss than i. po-ti'in of 1 the coars,- foo l that the animal has 1„. n eating durt ig the lo t hour or two. XVl’il.’ grazillg, or wlien intini; 1 rotn t tic 1 u ::; ■r. such an animal does, not chew the coin’’-, food sutiic'' itly. but , nly enough to < n.iblo i ; li. • to swallow it. After finishing Ils meal, j ! In dm time the animal ei inmences to bring j up (":«■)• !i Uli"! little vads of t lie previous I v s w:dlo w, (1 tovl ail chews, or mast l ! cates, it thoroughly, which !;•■ called “rumt ' mitlng.” XVhon a rumina nt'll n anima! that chews the viol is ailing. It. generally quits vii .i.g; and having nothing tn the etonmeh. there is no occasion to "view til" end." I is Uidi i.'l that ii lias "lost the cud." ( attic, sheep, c.'iimTs, go its ami rabbits nr,’ ruminants. Th< idui that a cud can l e artificially simp! , <1 in the form of a ball ol rags, or s 'im thing of the kind, is .-hi old sup< v t Ilion, but it is believed in by some people. "Hollow t ill" has been <li.-,n:.'d sutl:- clcntly. W’e have mv< r seen a case of it. j it is not described as a dis, use in any book We ever heal'd <>!'. But tli. r.,- ore a j many tieopl- who belicy, tliat tie r,, is a , d . case of tin- bones of the tail, ami they I • ■ail 1: "holtow tail," mid tl.,' usual rim, dy 1 is to split through the skin of the tail, put 1 in p, pp, r and s ilt, or salt alone, and tie : it with a. string. We suppose sugar, <.r soda, or anything that i- Inert, would do . ns well. A Remedy for Heaves. James I’. I'ason. Smithville, S. <’.—T hive ; S'en two or mor,, InquiiT ■ in your v.'iluai.ile ; ! ;.per for a remviy for iti avcs or broken : wind in iinr- i i.ave us.d tl'" following i tor thirty years ami have nev, r known a ■ ringl.- failure: Giv, a lump of him stone I .he size of a elimqii phi every morning for | pine days. If. after three w-eks, any synip- > toms "i the disease ar en. give another I ine-d'ty tre.iinivat. (me eo'.irs, . however, I usually cures. Pulver z.e the bluestone, draw the tongue out with one hand and with a spoon pour the him stono on ttie tongue, far back, is a convenient way to i administer. Heaves, or Broken Wind. I J. T. XV., Tigerville, S. C.—l have a fine j I torse tliat. has something wrong witli hts 1 ' hr- ithing He g. Is his breath bard and j i blows vvli' ii walking, and more especially i when gong up hill or moving at a list I gait. Just as soon as he is still he ceases , to blow or make any kind of noise In breathing. Ph :ise <:ive me th- cause am’ i r n>,'ly through The Constitution and ’ oblige.' We think It quite pr ,1 able that your ■ horse h.i liviV'S, or l.,rok> a wind. Your I(h --, r;i>tioii lack- one symptom of this ' I ' MEN CURED FREE. A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY. Thousands of mi n will welcome the i news that a most successful remedy I- is been found for i sexual weakness sue!. eas impotency. shrunken I organs, nervous deb.ll- I . ty, i< ■ mmb 1 V '’in.-.aons, prem.imro 1 rye and I,:: other *' ■’ ll s 111 ■ elt-a buse or I excesses. It euros any I ■ ■■ise of the difficulty Mr. it. c oids, . , ■ - mred him elf ,y r ■ many year..' suffering, ! wants , *' t 'dlT-r m. n ; ( < jpt giving the various ; ingredients to be us< <] - that all men at a \pense can I cure themselves. 1 1" Hem!-. ;1. r .•■■■pt . free, and all the reader need do is to send I his name and addr s J . s.atim; lie is net : writing out of curiosity but wishes (•> g ;> ,. tli.' remedy a trim, to Mr. 11. t . ids, l.ox 1824 Kalamazoo, Mich., requesting t lie tiee. receipt as r< ported in the papers, ii Is a generous offer, and all men ought to bo glad to have hi<l> an opportunity as this. Cotton, like every other crop, needs nourii tnent. A fertilizer containing nitro gen, phosphoric acid, and not less than 3% of actual Potash, will increase the crop and im prove the land. Our books tell all about the subject. They are free to any farmer. GERMAN KALT WORKS, 93 Nas .au St., New York. Mention The Constitution. we have consulted agree that heaves Is incurable after it is conlirm-d. It is now believed to h ive no r< latlon to the lung v. ■ ••ipt by svmp.itby. but is .l ie to a d"’- | ranged state’ of the digestivi organs. Feed I so is not to overload the stoin.ich; give a ■ It tie hay lust, tii-n wa’er and then thn ■ piam. 1'.,.1 as little bulky food ns possible. I Mix four ounces . .o h of copperas ami .- i.t --1 I" t,’|- ami two oum • ■ of mix vomica, and ~ ;vidc into twenty-tour hoses ami gA-o one ,v ry night in a bran mash. Tli, n skip two or three vv.ks ami r it the treat ment. It no (e'lmh is present ih" horso may be aff< ct< d w.l n w tis calk d “h th blowing, ’ • -p. cially if be does not appear to l.e (Xham-ted. This i- a mere habit and is not even an tn ss. You vuil not' ,h ,’V Iml Mr. .lames I’. I ■ "1- v, ■ a r, in -Iv lor In av s. Put it does not app. at t case, he I’.IS ll' atl d were I- o.y ll< iv s. Mange in Dog. J. It 11 . It", kalo. < V II ve a pilg dog which I i■' very h ghly and which has a severe case of manm . Plv,-" give me a tdncuy for nmngu Luruugii Tii- Constitu- i lion. W ish the dog tlioroughly with soap and vvat. r ami a seruldiit brush, o s to re mov,’ dl -a uiT and cabs. W’m n dry rub . well in to I ’ • ■ > ’ tollov I tintment: Two ounces sulphur, two ounces j i of hard. Apply om-c a day. but the wa.-hing-l ■.. . ’ i <d uni more than 1 ■ k.ill be it. < iiy. 1 »r, if pre- , |f< rred, tl.e toil >vv ;ng may be used: On i ounce of o| of tar, twenty ounces whale I oil. Apply one,- ,i Give fr-sli litter 1 , v ry <iav .rid s-ild a 1 rues ami blankets |th have I<•nu •d or lain upon by too (log. It' in .1 k. s aki tile k. nml will I boding we r and ■ p, and when dry ponge a over with one ounce ol corrosive sublimate n one gall-m of waler. VZry Tail. j x j; i',l-. ■ N. ( I have a horso that J.-’ 11l- tail d'.'wn to on- (tho i-.-jit si.i,-, all tii- tim” ana it , th" sale "f him v ■ r.i mu h. Please give , m- the ea'. 1 . " ami it i ’ :ii< dy- lor it thiougli : your columns. a only by the 1,." ration of " ■ ting, which consists , ' m cutting :he undo.' (or leader) on the i side of tin tail d tie the tail so as < | keep it : ■ lip,:., for about three weeks. Os | ’ course it i, tuin s ,ui ''.Xpert, to do it. Top yessing Small Grain in Sprif*g. Sub-' :b ■■ Rock’ Mom,’, S <' I' ' ! ' V,'oiild it l> advisable to :-ow- .i.y’ieiam ! |..,-t;..z.<r bi'.'ideasi on oats ami wheat n I i tii- Tirtimi. or sav liter p it't of I’l b .iaiy A. ■ . ..(' M : ■’ fertilizing ■ in table salt? b'ii .-t. it m,. , I ’ r aP’-’.i larger part of the f. tt I Pit no d lor | wheat o” ■ • 1 ’ ' ' 1 sowing ..• ■ se< d. This is especially true of the potash i :~. ma; - i 1 : and less so o 1 • liospho-b.’ .ic'd. W’ln n no fertilizer shall ■ i have ban applied in Im- fall wiien tb- I 5,.,,is w r. snail. - m b- tt- r to apply in < the spriia'. I. hi not t a.I. on l.'ie iniuei- | pie, "better late tnaii never." But we 1 ; ■i- a ' i. wi have i t 10n,., top-dri sing in .'.larch with nitrate of ' soda al the rate Os lifty .to one liund x-d , pounds per tii’iv. s , Tbir, is no plant toed .n , om- mon salt that is not already abundant ia ; i very soil. Commo i salt is compos'd of ; a r,..5, ( lilorin, . and .:, sodium, (,'iilo- I t ine ,s iic, .>;< <ily injurious to vegetn.nm, while sodium, n t:ie form of soda, enters ' very spar.ngly i•.t,, toe lo.npo ..ion <i plants. Xcl it is trin that appln aiion of sail is ben : < :al to a . toil ; by .tn ■’..;' c< rini.i i .■ n:.. .u cil ia,’.' ■ ill I tile soil. J.line IS often b giiiy ben ill '.nil I on ■■■: :: m soils, but . b ■ •-■ ’: - Uni* i lisi ll I’nrnishi s any needed t«, nn nt of : I pilll; I 1 mJli <!:: • cl I". Cornstalk Manure. IT. F. D,'..1.. I . i .i. i :on, T, nn.— I want i to main a < omp.n-I heait of straw’, corn j staiK and ■ iars, manure and I want to i io know iiovv to pro , ,<t to liav, it cut up ' i fine enough to drill . co n or wheat dr ■ J low would it ,io to use i high grane acid ■ fertillzi r? W'hat Kind ot aril can I use , can j ' buy ii'.’ I ions, • g.v i- me all th" information vi, c:h: tliroug'n your colunii': ; iiow Io make a lertilizer nit of eonr.-v manure I ( ~,( (ail i,. lin all grain dr.l., and , , oblige your re.idi r. i W. know of no method by which a ma- i I nure tim enough to be d'atributid -hrough i a gra n drill van be, made of corn siaiks. ’ Thy I, st use that can be made of corn ' ilks Io shred them line with a < orn- | , stalk slif, dd, r ami feed the corn hay thus , : imide to horses, mules ami cattle. In this j way tiu» food value of the corn stalks will ■ i go utilized. Then carefully save the ma- j i nure (liquid and solid) from the animals , ’ and in this way you can g.-t the greater | part of the manurial value of the corn i i st ilks. Th, next best way js to litter tho i ■ riiiiks and stock yards With the corn stalks j ■ and let .them lie t tinpled under loot until . partly d'composed. Il will not pay to , mid, rlakc to work : uch coarse and com- I para: ively inert mat, ra; int o such line I condition ns to >• > throu. a the feed of a gr.iin drill. You want to put tons of It to the acre, Instead of hundt ’.l weif hts. Unit ' .i- ’ ’ 1 cd comm re l fer- i li'.iz. i- . i:v be proli’ab’.y applied by means of a. grain drill. | i niat'd guano and drill in vv th your seed, i 5,,:.:'.’ the co;:r>, immure on th, and plow in. Another Prolific Sow. F. E Ellis, Level Land, S. C 1 have a ' i I), rksliir.' sow tha: sou id twelve pigs. An- | gust, DI’G; th'rt-en in .Mar ti, 1“7; thirteen in August, 1SI)7. I also have a uiit from s lid ‘-'III' (1,. ■ 'ip I"d in - :',m :. j b 1 i.. ' m-' tight I'Ve in' Man li. Ivi, -i.i'l mu- m August, I”,’’.. I The Pi ice of Cotten. li C. Scott. AT' r v ”, . Am Du prie of i cotton, like cv ry thing < I-•■. is i mlat- d by the law <>f supply ami demand if vv- just could p : at iim- "-!■ a' ' •■ - ’ ”>• Hi" law of supply ami demand vw might im prov- mat.:, rs -in . I'aii't w, I i m-rs do scnmtbing for i rselves'. Wiieii tltere is a w.ll tin re is away , and if «<• don’t try’ ■,o do something for ourselves, how can we ,'.xp. < t others to do for us. when we know tliat their int- rests are the oppe- to of our own th bankers’ interisls. i-n- install".■ I he could help u. , but im is .-> busy h"i|iing himself that h- Im.s not lime help otn ers. ('ii! troth,r tarimi.-. vv don’t m"'d help. I, , ar iilenty’ ibh to Inhi ourselves, but wo arc lik ■ tin gr al bit el pliant that allows himself Io be tied up by a puny’ littl, man. Study bnsiiu s ' tmthods am! bimim -s ways. J’rotii by- the many object i ons In for- us. Let's form a united bi’ot lierhood. Let's try it anyhow. No harm ran come even should we fail; but !. t’« try trv again. Correspondence .so licited. The law of supply and demand Is sup pom d to operat" of itself, being a law unto Itself. It is the farmers who may regulate the supply- so as not to exceed the demand; and the consumers of cotton goods who largely regulate the demand, by buying more or buying less. The “law’’ to which you refer is that the relation of supply to demand r, gulates the price, and we do not see that, it needs any regulation, or that. It can be ( hanged, seeing that is a. natural and unchangeable law. Your contention assumes that the, producer of cotton is bound to sell his product at once. This is not universally true, and ought not to be true except to a. very limited extent. A farmer should strain every’ m-rv,* to get out of debt, if he is in debt, and get tar enough ahead to “run his farm" on a cash basis until the crop is ready for the mar ket. To do this his plan should not be io strain t very nerve in tho effort to produce a big crop’ us cotton ’.but to exercise hts wits in doing without a. great many things he has been in the habit of buying, and in producing, as far as possible, such things on th,, farm as he is obliged to have. I lie farmers who are not in debt—don t owe a dollar—are not worying about the price ot cotton. Tenderfooted. XV. J. Floyd. I’l. ase tell m” "’hat m.ittcr with my horse and r r r .,; j Si .’His to be !•■!)<]. ri'o<>l''d and it. M be in the edge of th.- hair above the ‘"’Dm description is altogether insufficient to mml.'l. us l<> diagnose tile case. 1 would be well to place the f oot in a bat, containing a poultice to reduce the sore ne.-s. You do not even say whether it is one or two feet or all four. A Lame Horse. To John F. Bishop, Newbern, Ala.—From your description we are not able to say is tii.- matter with your mule. I rob ably the chur.ieteristic symptoms have not yet dev loped. You do not state whether she < ats heartily or not, or wlieth ,l 111. re i ■ any lev• r. Cotton Seed os a Fertilizer for Coin. It, S. I.ow. Smith county. Miss.- 1. I’lease giv, through your valuable paper til z r foi con ' ' . "’ “ 1 break l and Hint was in corn this y< ,t in winter ..r wait until spring. 1 intend plant ing- in cotton next year. If practicable to do so without two much hauling it is advD.ible to exchang. tho cotton ' d for cotton seed meal. AL the USU li ra'e of . xeh.Hige offered by th- oil ~ ■ ,; oo pou ds ot ’■ : 1 ' pounds ol :-'cd) you can uflord to haul tho seed ' a considerable distance and make Hie < x i change. Eight hundred pounds of, meal is about the • quivaleiit to one ton of seed, I as a. f( rtilizer. .But. it’ not convenient to m ike the ex- | (.'linnge a Very good way to use the s.."d is to open the corn furrows early in Feb ruary, put in Hie set'd and bed on tin in. i Just lieforc plaining time op- n the list and add phospliute at the rate of 1.000 pounds for each sixty bushels ot st d us< d. Another, and perhaps tho better way. would be to mix Hie cotton ,"..1 with acid phosphate, muriate of po:a-h (or kainlt) and stable manure, according to the formu la we have mane tinn s published, as fol lows: Acid pliosnliate. 1.000 pounds; cotton seed; 2,5,0 po.inds; muriate of pot- 1( si». 50 pounds, er kainit. 2 11 ) liounds’, stab.e manure, 2 to -I tons. Mix in successive lav' rs. having the cotton s< -d Well VV'tted. into a bread heap or p.le, i early in January or February. 2. As a ml’ we would break corn stalk : land in early’ winter, ord as early in Janu i ary as possible, win nto be plant-d ill < ot ’ ton. Not the Same Cotton. To XV. J. Limbaugh. Child rsb’l ", All,: I The stalk of cotton sent , co: lln ,ii..o as (Welborn’s ). I I .somewhat similar. We cannot -iy v . at 1 variety it is. It is not desirable !■ r a 1 variety to produce more than tlve I ”.ks to ' the boll, in our opinion The price tiv n by’ a locai merchant would not be a safe I criterion to judge of th- qu ili:y cf the i staple, Its length and firmness. It ,i es not app-ar to be extraordinary in this r<sj',Ct, - although very good. Price of Cotton for Ten Years. ■ seril’ r." Storeville. S. <l’leiise , publish in y-.air vw ■ kly <' i::.-titii,’ion frr th" I Info'ination of several parlies the mien ■ cotton for th< last ' •< r.-. Wc want . to know whether it pays to old eo tin o ' I not. 1’1" :se add up each month of :ue t n years separately at tnr bottom of ti- vol i umns so a |. rs'on can se- at a gian-’, which month in the year av rag'd Hie I highest. XVe somewhat doubt If the information :,n ’ such detail can be laid: but we 'nave mad ’ l application to an •■mimnt "t’”i statisti cian and if succt.-: t'ul will publish si on 1 m: received. Bermuda Grass —Rye as Soil Renovator J." 4 I', t: :t. Gr, . n ■: S I send you - 1 ' mens of a plant d “w’.re pre ■" in this n, :ghborh,,o,l. ft :,.,i I to destroy and in a few places In:, got s" ! thi'k tliat the ground • ninot bo cultl i voted. : . W’• n t I :: ■ n. a"' 1 " ” Wil. plow ■. ’„■ land In winter onl i let ::ng it fr, kill it" 3. i low i ■ ■ w ■" to de vr >y ii" i, i ■ ■ ■ land o iv It In rye , to Improve th, land? If s<>, will the t •fe - with ■ ul- : tiv.ition ii-' ’ y. ar and wh it time tn t ' spriiur should it I"- turned tin It’.’? 1. it is Irinu la I > «SF. 2. It will ki:l the long-jointed sterns if plowed up to tho sitriaee an 1 if f JloW'd ty hard fri zing vwathor. bit pl-nty of them will be left to make i. jo • 1 s- md. 3. Sii'iliow turning of ’he -<>d - ma! t.m --’ mer, followed by repeated .larrowinvs dur , lug l:ot, dfy weather ta th" nn-t iff . tire i method of subduing Remind i 1,-it .n md* die Georgia ti.c fitmers '.ir.'ly' mTn an I effort to eomp'etely destroy th:.-, v’lT.-ihle | gras... A very good plan ,s to sow he j land in small grain, thickly sei ding and ; liberally’ manuring. Follow tin' small gr.iin j with cowpeas, either broadcast at theiate , of one and half to two iiushels ■ pea J i per acre, or in three-foot raws ii.i.l culti ’ rate once or twice. ■I. Yes i ,'. If turned under in February’, com- 1 pletoly Inverting tile so,l, ■im land u..:v b> , cultivated in corn or cotton without d ifi i culty. When rye is sown in a cot ot or . ■ ■., o planted in co- ton c." cert next spring, it is not pr.’n.’ i-’shl., -o ge’ th* full b, refit of a rye crop. I; is then rfclled a “catch crop." and the object Is to propria:" any soluble plant food bf: a the -oil. prey nt the land from washing du'lng the winter, furnish l. '.t '.razing a,d a considerable amount of vct.t.'lil mat'er. But it must l ecessi.jly be luit . d i unit, r pretty < arly in order i > , et it cut of ] the way. Beggar Weed. To S. D. And, r.-'in. Sumner. Ga.- Tlie ' l beg; him nolle) v.ilthd in south Gcorr.ia and Fln'ida as a pasture, plant, b: - plant and land improv er. It is ii.a; illy sown in me corntb lds (the first. Him) t laying by ot' the corn. Th" seeds germinate aft, r the first, rain and Hie plants sprii: up and grow v ry rafnd ly. After the corn is gathered cittle and other .stock are pastured on the field. r 1 ' «•< W \ jftW Howi — inlt ” K \ I A Wonderful Now A/ >. jCt W Medical Boo!., written M l\ i° ; ' ' |pn ’’niy. <>no A,/i vr-i’lY 1 c«.p-. may be had free, ViW'7 Illi' ft iv ] realed, in plnln envel- !i ] t \ i \ I ope, ou upplientlon. V ER>E MEDICAL CO., j 64 Niagara St., BUFFALO. N. Y. STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOULDER, Dr. XV. J. Tucker has been located in Atlanta nineteen HO wm ten h- -Vt’h-'Sur!: of trou / i.'l. and witeth. r .a.rolilo-or not. You "'i'' f’.p^re’! fc?) Hous to put V.mrs if under his treatment. It j !l ’ [7 M treated Hi,- (iuetor iiuaranlor’s Hi.-f : DI. Url J' I ' l1 ’ IF" ' Dr J 'l l '..-t'u tredb s .'.s y ours lor ma m\ \•h b. 111 “Dr. Tm-ker saved niy wit- ' I’ l ''- • l - I . Iw-ni tt. feTAiAlj i| “Dr. Tuck r has wonderfully bem-iit... n". wife in as v ’ w. ■ I'".' Hine." X. G, Lap'iser, Han, lioro, Mis-. Di. uk r cured me WIIDI all o ’,os fail, d." It. v, J. I', a yem A!.<>. "| re.-omm. ml Dr. Tucker to all my trends Hu- wl .it he has (lone for mo." Mrs. R. L. Parker, Waldo. .Ark. R<v. S. M. Garrett. Waco. Ga.. .am dby Dr. Tucker after '- ■ lot years. I recommt ■< Dr. Tucker unqualifiedly.” Rev. D. G. Hatcher, Luling, Tex. Write and ask any Os lll’Si* J'.'ll’ti' _ - n-T-ri xr T> \r r> Pampltl. f ami question list free, T str, ■» AGENTS WANTED It ui'.k.'s II three | nss. ie.'.'r t.iqr.-i ~ut of a t ■(" s. iitei’. It niiil.i’s a h’x Me.’. ■s] pass ng-I-l.iiKny out "i a lain i," 1 1, le 1 '<•• 1 • -1 1 1 ■ 1 ' • '' k Iln.'e I. Not", erm. L.>ll r nut I. It lit" "n ma J’ 1 ' U| ’ amt I i' nt nli n not ill u>" A "''"‘'j' 1 ' 1 :. ditX'.J irnms ,t-irl't. I.'O'l, want ■! m . TIN.' >1 • , ,:.'liv,i<'.t any t'lu" in the t’. scnd«l.M Inr sample and Sfa ~la, prims m mu ni’,. THIRD PERSON BUGGY SEAT CO., 3 ( , K Depi. 5., (’inciniKHi. <>. - »■". . Buggies,Phaetons,Surreys,Traps,Harness Buy (liri’ct from ftatory 111. W holi'i'ile Prill s. :!'» per rent, Httved. V* 7.''.; J)-s. P—S. ( l .0y,,. .W! t. ■’ f .• c!■ l.'tesl z —J ,j J/A f , ,-.s y,-^.. y ql p,j,,n firm ... ') eslimo'i-. ;■ from m, ry.-. ID:m t f . I V," rV'v'-j. ) I'.'.v .(Ids Uorli! . i'. ” i.tA-mnl. iE. ■■ a. 'I ne m ■ ■ l a.m! 11 n, . I V,. '•" / ‘.'/e’-7 -w -V-. ’ - ■ ' ' ' '■ cm,.. id i >i,tit 0., ;7L.I:t„ tI'AD AD,O.-i Ment!«n Th* ("onati fiitioo. - HAWKEYE GRUB AND MACHINE <! Works on either Standing Timin rnr SiL inps. './Hr en (irdinar - firtioin ' >u r . > 5"“-" ; ’' ■ ■ - , .. i ... j-- a™ ro> . O -■ ■ 4es on unproductive timber / i ■|2-/-.O?*SE fee,’ ” ' Ct> ,7HI Bth 81., moninnuth, li:. Tg, one and If not /d\ Our Improve i SEWIIG MMM V ’ l,h Automati Bobbin Winder and kX.7,..’ ij ’’♦ir 52| I ■’ ’ tl ■ lb" <5 Mountains. \ l-’irona! Dariibl. ! Spcmiy! \\ f I ■ * 1 \\_ ITT; T’ i j« I :””'T (1 V • t// ’J ’ ! H 1 ■ . ■ ' . ‘n. •’ ■ our \ i tu . - ■’ . . lu >r, kr o'C -■ 1 :.i.’’ix . '■ ? < " i . .. tl i—Vj'.’ .\ to > ;■ •. i t'. - ■ k v. Address wii ii a -.uuit the Atlanta Ca. 1 •*T Juiive been uonig <>ne of yonr High Arm MnchhiPM nlrte jfu:a. i ; ' ' -■ Sunlly &cd mueia of the - (arit.U m- A 1 . i Thoro will bp pl nty of se d to stock !:•“ i soil find it< xl \’’ir it will spring’ up ;i’or 1 ; the '-rop of corn is laid I ?. It s< < dis to i ]>¥♦•:• r .: sandy N'sl. Jl »s ii"? a p* . t ai any sense and is easily got rid of by late cul- ! ; tivation. Large Yields of Cotton. F’very i t* t*iv ■•••.. idiot. • i*. "ti- | ' the cotton 1>« it is dir-ctly ,ai.d vitaHy a- , t<T. sted .ii iliira the large . : ; yield of lint 1 r act- -consi- <nt wi:ii pr > : • it—hci!» W ’ offer •;.) . ii D>;.;y ’ 1 f 1 i read i p. r pub!ish<'i| ■’ i ; io. ’■ • vo r e d I ing, it seems that we ar«* placed <m the i j defensive; so will It re state t sit. w- .u i in no way uneasy .iboiit 'lit* Ena! •!• 'isaai i of th Dim pro ; ‘j’lie Const it nt ion . arc imply a pi.ii.i, •■■ - 1 1 ciaim to In a “prcgi'' one, Tais gd .- • strains us ;o b< sum- v. ;■,■ ’ o; an • t«• m- I 1st;” yet vv,- fiiopo,-- tod it in “facts." .uni fli sire ti:,' truth. Hie vvlml,' truth mid mitli- ' !:tg but the truth It w- tall 1" g , frern other soure, s. v.,- ( "n-bl"r :t m, fault ' ot ours; hence ■■'-■lit bn-v n,» sb ,?p en . ■ ■■ I count of Lili' vnyuiV'S end slnul '"m 1 ’’gs of ethers ■( li ,cg 111,' im-- Tin' -in. , • faof th<* • ■ ■' ire tl it eit ter ' "large v b ld-" per acre have b> ■ u mad. ,ir th y have not; they c-hi ~ m;i<.- <>r tiny carmo. If 11 ~v i; iv, -v. r b, en m " ’ | can be made again, vvhciu ver and w er conditiot t fa,ct or.i i r I t-iv tb 1 >■■ kt ■ Hiey i been don. How do vv, know very simple r, . rm Hint v,< have d . * it ' ourself—t his present, very uui,i v, ■ ssl'b- ■ ■ season, t'.in w- an t’ieu ■ iiate it? I:' H"’ | affidavit of numb-rs of must :nf!ueii :: , ; farmers and met ’hauls, t>r, ich rs. and : doctors us this immediate section count tor I anythit.g, we uuddub idl.i • in; if I’tir.:’.,’ i im. a.aii'i m. nt i i ire.i ,>e,-u,a,l , ; .■ i y | as as, lira le w ' igli O ; ’<.> ’ gathered atnouut t" a::yth tie., a*, a: > v< • say—w'e nipiou »t' , (lly Can. I. il. t e- <_■ -at for becails, not d’Ui " til - an.! iukli r the directorship o! ' : I exports." paid by the t or mil ernmeiit, w, mu selves “b ft:" '"111 We Still Im"" ei'.l'i:"'- enough b :'t t<> b i 1 v■■ 'hit i u* y. *'' .v ■ ’ ; broad nie:isur<* a u lien ot In n-1. truthfulm s.= em.iigli to remli-i uit ait.l disieiei i : i d< ■ " ' yield. W’e have ’ I am) ir, "line :> < d J" "’ 7' ' I gut “John >n e ti.c ’ vv ' , a,' '• ,i I bolls p.-r stalk and “Kim ' ■ i 130 liolls pel- .-'lallt: w. .■ . ' b, ’ . and '■ carrv H not pi. Io i. o’ bolls' to one of Ho sto!’' at Hu' i.:ii ; had them .aceura' ■ !y w. Iglwd by Hi" koi per. R. 11. McF.lro: numerous dlsintei rmer weighed one p.'>mi<l. loot’ them !• in-: ’ a:’ lock and tho her five-lock bolls. '> ’ • ■ sons b.. -t known ’ > ourself, ar 1 t- "■ i■■ , a■ an objict b sou brotl tanm of |fa votte Mi has at this d He (< 3’)tb) n< cor ■■ P el-; ,1. It “ ' . p-,c."iinc. 4 by i “best pitch of cotton eV r seen a t -' ■' Sidon” W'e mention varieties .1 planted to show that tin re ’. variety Xn really prol would have done as well. Wo .yil lat all m," ly I o : ’ ’ results will follow Hn same trea.nn . as surely as ", fl 'll"" .. I '". “ and all similar < 'a.lav i al- i , We lire do ng, w,■ ir- -.'”'’ ’’. ’ 1 ’ ' '’, ~!' progressive i " iltur> , ing “the greates good to the " nun b <1 t“ h< 1P "’i" elv. , ■ “Cl • ap” roiton) v\ 'V ell (’■ • Now a \\ "ftl iwo • i •' i>- ■. ■! ■ • Ml ._ . R. Pate. Tha: gentbli'an ]. ■ . vvn .1 '■ '1 11 ' v v’uni w or exp wh. n ii" ■ "Wv olsD’vaii and I ba " ' '" ' " ' ' , ’ I serving, that win : - col :■... ly lux. riant to 1 ’ . ; 7 ' P p Ke ‘tl ' bale* half of t rot >nd ", ■ . sofisi i from lampn ■ ■- ’' ■ • Diino " Our fr: n I ’ ‘l’ it" ''/ ''' ;l ■ th, , x-nct |>redb': ment of “tin* -■ >4 Pir ,n j who did rot 1 • cause be H rht Hie h m ■■; n ,|n< for tin m:’ hi . ' ' ailing l is cotton.. . thou " ■ ■ healthful studio I his bit mess ’ ■ the e> I, n o! km ■ ' » ailment. Th" C 11 ' making 'Tom’ b”b J-l’ 1 - 11 admission mi the part . vv -• . . 1,, I- a -y.">i ic v. h”re la i. ■■ v ■ ~ > n . era. d) ’ln” the 1 Ml ■ r ’bi li ■ • 1 ssm nogiigem ' , >i. ■ d to do hi enc, inly t< p, r no:’,' was - c ■ <l. 1 of cotton plantc’ s"- Hie H-d i v < of I.,inis' ma a’l untutored Ytru rut ."ill “good f:i”m'ig" in this: naUi'.ii:: "i'""r s’v,. " W.' 're doing be’. !• r I ’ Hi "il ; f •■•paradise.’' .and others mav d i fi’lly Wl .]i a ■ 'V ’ [';»«< to Hu ,-■■■ notw i’n o' liie ) Tl .... 'n > ' -’- il I■’ on tin en 'il'.k - arati hi .aa eany b’l 1 P' il’tb’ v 11; :v; shal- I low, bit f. 1- ' nt. * ".’’’ic .'li .'•’ 1 '<i' ’n t’lil- j suit be en '. iwo i r live, or mo 1 " lan a | ,-r • ere. "iiiiad farr ’in. " dem.■ nd ■ I edl u' tl ■ml ■ I . f eacl and i-vei op p manu- 1 i;.:|, cultural ;, ’i,l ~ :"' r w ■. tv Hi ’ - s ; I;,.null’,lg.- ’.irge yield- -a nw’l.. !>’• ■. while ’ ■' " i i; ' ' 1 ’ ! G. H. TL’RNA'R, ’ Burgess, Miss. AVc quite atiree with our correspond-nt ! tiiit farmers shniicl produce larger yields ; per aero, not <cily of cotton, but of all alarm- 'io 1 ! ; .a i v ■ ? much • laiap r \ i than tu p' ■ i'. .■ V' r.” . • cin bo >■' ■ l l ■< I. if the f.Hrna r k :<»w - how. \V.- have l> - u for years past imt' larg ■ yb al cest p r ■».!', 'H.'v pr.’ic'i- '1 . Din- lion »»f ti’-- (’’Cion qii-.’ • . W • have b« ■ a <i'T.)i>. .ti’i ; it. W■’ i li.>!,•:. ht wh, a v *• conini' dVfil to A!,. Turn r •• arii* b . < intension that :■ .'•oh>” are pos.sihbq c<mti'.iry, have un. < , rby insisted u. e' Im * ■ t!i' i .... n jut 'ured h - \\. Ih . . I ”. .. ..1 ,)f our own S' I • or th. ,t -t noi • . ’ mop v .. km. / that \\ i it th. y att' Si is tru- , ;s true iu 1 ‘ • • i 1 ’ • ■ . *• t ..iidi’ . . f ■ V, T gqjv./y v Goodyear Work. I ... w 11 ... :r vo from Wash 'flieir object will be to : sure, y the Goodyear work on the Bruns- 11 veil! charter a ' ' "■•'■ ’ b vvho wa • ' ' • ■ 'pl, wdl xr. i an M. d’.-lne < b"i :■ message for eV, .. in - n ..’1 tDon'■ fait to re id ii. Governor Bob Taylor’s Tales. i rhis bcok i mad i of < ;ov. rnor Tay- I '' r 1 ■ ' • "Tii ’ l-’iddi* and i H" Bow.” “The Paradise of Fo >ls,” an i W *.• . ill to m. ,d ’ 1 ti* r ' > ’ h ■ ’ r won such won <h t IT] .-;■!'■■■ ■ . ' awh ilo 1-I IK!;- Gg\ erm r 'l'.; \ !ur. •\il t ii th im’ ho has lectured .. ; ( 1 'V ry v. ii. r« all aim conditions of d car nini. And i non,. w."it who did m t fall In love with “Bob p.i:lose.‘by. and In. flights or i l irincnc.e -1. In e th< sands Os I . ■ 'pb. have b.>i'.,.l to love Bob Taylor, an i they will 1, gla i t,. b arn that his be iur< s—tb.osv bri l .oit. soulful, sparkling tn d 1 havc been put into book forhi. Now he cun go Int . ( every home and .-it by every tiles id-, and ev. iy home be better and every fir sldo la ig’lit : for i being th re. The I'ttle book should lii.d ii” way into ev* ry family in the land, for win. rev.*r It goes and la rend iti ... , ". ■.■■■■. : g humor and its nobi,- lesson.--, of pat.-nee and hum: i;ty a• -I b* i- - ■ i , I~p ■ and lov< to Ind i I .nn and burst into sunshine and in the human heart. V. ■ will furnish this l.imk and Tho W< k ly Coo.sHtuiioii both on y, . r f,’c y.;. m, ■ . lien t i la Olib v I Put think of it -ail the n, v.s of a y ar and all H: hum '• <v' I'.,', ’l'jv.t’s three lecture;: for oub.' *•’ \.'di s. 1! ..I'd-vs to th>■; consti ri "ru in Atlanta. (?a.