Newspaper Page Text
Charge on Dargal Rldgo Resulted in
Great Loss of Life.
Advance Up the Hill Made in Face of
Constant Fire.
Bravery Was Shown by English That
the Tribesmen Could Not With
stand and Gave Away.
Ixmdon, Novi :nh r 15.—The newspapers
of this city have printed details ty mail
of tie capture of Dargai ridge by the Gor
don I i!g 111;: ml* is on October 20t.h, dining
wl ich that regiment exhibited remarkable
dash and courage.
On Wednesday, October 20th, General
J’ ■ nt the second division to di.‘ h dge
tile triliesnun from Hie Dargal ridge. The
position was a very strong one, the enemy
• "•eupylng tiie simmit of a precipitous
1:111 Th. top of tliis hill could be reached
only by a path ..long which the at
tacking force, at lirst consisting of a
Gliurko i : mo at. the Derbyshir:* reyitm nt
Bid t e Dorsetshire regiment, wa.s obltg d
to liinb Ind til , while three batteries
of artillery . I**.!* «l tiie breastworks m tho
1 iiln * n.
D. it. *i rid ■ from the dir* .‘lion of tiie
I -s’i.l:. p-i aits front a;.:,., of ’.bout a.
In:ii*. tin ft .:*! of which is sheer rock
for mfl yards, la spite of the ditliciiltv of
tie- i.s '. iit. tin movi ments of the British
ttoops were : ■ 1 coven except in
t’no i .:;-*<• oi : i,*,y dip. or small alley, from
1 id . about half way up
the raise. This dip v..m exposed to dlr*"!
fir< ■ ■ .. ; the < 1 iff. As the
• ■ .. Derbj hires and
Dor.-i :> ■")■• ;’. >,. **i lias fire zone tile top j
o' tin * I d's iiiir.-t cut into tlm . for a
llmiis". d trill .n. bad reserv'd .h r lire
until that mcment. Though decimated,
tie Gi’Urkos struggled across tiie
i, iter of a few rooks,
v, lu re t 1 * y lay down under cover for a
moment in ord"T to recover their breath.
Then, led by th' ir offle* rs, they made a
rush for tin* eov* r of th*- cliff side. But.
the othe, 1 ■ and the enemy,
through :: i 1 ' :i". in.-tmct, reserved tie ir
fire. Though the r* m ender of the Gliurkus,
hires ap
puiriil on tin fringe of the dip. >«*t to step
ln'o til*’ fl- za.o V. as to court death. But
the Doi set si 1 to
the support of tin* Ghurkos and thirteen
men iriis.-ad into the open space,
onl.v to drop before the far side
haven V.:.- !■ .eiaii. Then reluct-
antly th-- #=< :•:*»:• officer heliograph
ed down to the main body of the
British troo; s that the passage could not
be made.
At ’.lds juncture General Kempster or
dered tin’ G. alien H fgh...: to tile front.
Tiie time had arrivi.i for dcsperab ac
tion. for it was then -1 o'clock in tiie after
noon ami the dead and wounded were lying
thick on every side. Over tOO nun bad
already fallen and the enemy was shout
ing their defiance and waving their battle
flags ni il b.n.big tui Ir drums, confident
of the impr.-liability of their position and
certain of their* .success.
Rapidly forming his men, and ift**r bis •
now historic spec'll, “Men of the Gordon
.. om* general :ays that pos tlon :
j. . . . . ■The Gordon :
Highlanders will .< it," Color;*-! .Mathias, |
the command'*’.’ ■ I i! • n«:er. . dished !
out at t! In d o■ hi gallant reg.mi nt, .
and In a m< n ent t :■• 1 a. ross, carry- ,
j. ... every eio wlt'a them in .heir onrush,
st*.ruling' th. rldi* with a . •salmi-m that
was ic-i-tle - ..I.d li Hing down all oppo-
\\ i Colom ' M* 'bin gave th-’ md. r t
advance hr; aid i; ■' oiiw rs J.-iPvd into tlm
open and :li- piof tb"* *' fol
lowed. :-(rT.i:ig up "Celt of the. North.” |
ai.,l Wi’ii ant the le i.ling e”inp;’l:y Os . me’i vinto hi fire A I
or l. 0 ••..* pt • r. through and r;:*' them,
blll j, churn! ; up the dust *»nich 1 alf
1 blowing 1
1, . mi
a few
v ird-s i : • l<»\v by a shut through i
bot;.' > C l« managed to’ prop himself up |
I.aainsl a bowluer and continued with un- |
Lii . .. ii cm rgy to l’:ay "Cock of the North.” |
. by the fam
stiri .. mtisi. of liis pi]-s.
l: ul th. fir*- - of tli eu<my was most
,•■■■ the hading lino united away and
' ■ 10l lot) H gill md. rs
, Mon men, how .-. • r. s
. ]> ssage and the leaders i
. . . across ti tlm ’over. There t.hen i
~ . ■ . ; cie *' r* m !
■a,.,, liml ; a to .io how cruel hail been i
th.* slaughb r.”
la* n \ ! .: h a second cheer, tlm mixed t
| i *••;. !■■ ml.-i Dors. ml.lres. Ghur- |
1 ■ ' . . . treamed
a r..' ami tin* emniy, string th*.* barrier
Imd .fl sw.-pt away, bit their loop |
hob s and r. 1 k barricades and fled precip- I
itatoly down the reverse slop* s without i
v. ii’mr :..r ti ■: line **f cold steel which i
v • . ’ ri; on ti.. of tlm ridge. ;
l ip..;* I'imii. : r lias l.een recommended i
for tiio Victoria cross.
Captain Ilolm ,, of the Ghurkos, also I
; . wit! th. greatest gallantry. After i
1. idicg "sis nu n a* ross the fire zone to
i*.- ..over and finding tile force there In- |
suflicient, lie returned over tiie death trap I
a].,a.. . i.d was mortally- wounded while i
li ding the s eond r’.n h of Ghurkos to sup- I
port e ti: . ■ body of that regiment.
They Were Ordered To Leave a. Fort,
but at First Refused.
London, November 18.—A special dispatch
fr< m Shanghai says that the com man hr ’
of the German cruiser Division, Admiral j
I . ided troops at Klao-Chau
(not i< io cho) *m .Monday morning, No- I
xemb' T 15H1, 'j’::-. three, forts were ii* Id by- |
l.h’O Chinese and their guns command' d i
the fleet. Adviral von Diederlch placed his I
four cruisers immediately opposite, ready .
to Are, and sent an ultim <turn ord* t in* .
Free —A Wonderful Shrub—Cures Kid
ney and Bladder Diseases, Rheuma
tism, Etc.
New evidence shows that Alkovls. the
r-., w botanical product of th. K.iv.a-Kava
Hi.rub, is ind ..<1 a. 'rue specific <*ur* for
ses caused by I'ri. m id in th. blood,
:■ . ■ ■ : . . . ■
- ■ .
*t» v. A. ( O.'U’Ht'g, of North <1 1!I ia, i
j.j y._ . tolii in Th< N< w York World of !
recent date. He was cured by Alkavis, ;
al:, r. as Im says himself, ho had lost faith i
md nitsliciim, md was ;.r p rin
to die. Similar tt stimony of * xtraordinary |
u’O-s of Kidimv ami bladder diseases of
hoi'* stamling. comes from many other suf- ,
f, rem .'md 1.2 W hospital cures have been ,
)-..aj-«ii*d ill 20 -lays. l';> to this time tiie I
(; .).*’< ii Kiiln. Cure Co.. No. 41s Eourth
• \ N. w York, -ire the onl.v importer*;
, Mkavi: *' ■ 1 mxious to
<. . sot th« sake of intre
dm uon thev will s* nil a ft*. ■ treatment of
Alknws pi*, pi.i*l by mail ev. ry r. adel-
;• Soft -r< r Ir -m any form
' KI in', n I B oi.i r di o-.1. r.
pt's pis. as' L . Rheumatism, Dropsy,
in Baek, l -mal.- Compi.iims,
()1 . otlu’r .alilie’.ion .bu- :■* improp. r action
of th* Kidneys or I rin try <>t gans. M e ad- .
, all uffer.’t ' on. t rnm< ■ and ,
• the I
cui I
tlve D yers, it is sent to you entirely free. I
evacuation of the forts within three hours.
Six hundred German troops and six guns
were then landed and began to march
forward. The Chinese hesitated a few mo
ments end then the whole body bolted
belter skelter across the hills behind the
forts. The Germans quietly enti red the
fortifications, hauled down the Chinese flag
and hoisted the German standard, whlea
the warships saluted immediately. '1 lie
Chinese general, who had his family with
him, did not flee, but claimed German
protection. Tiie forts are now held by tho
Germans, who, it is believed at Shanghta,
intend to remain permanently.
In otliclal Chinese circles Germany Is
considered to have committed an act of
war, but It is regarded as Improbable that
Chinn, on account of her weakness, will
take action upon It as such.
American and British warships have
been ordered to Kiao Chau to watch de
velopments. Tho greatest Interest Is felt
as to the result of Germany’s action, be
cause the region is Immensely rich in min
erals,. and tho harbor Is the best along
the coast.
It is now asserted the murder of tlm two
i German marines near 'Yen-Chu-I'Ti (X eng-
Tu) was not the work of bandits, as orig
inally understood, but was deliberately
planned by Li Hung Hing, governor of the
provinc*’*, prior to his departure lot ~*i
Chttoan, of which he. has been appointed
The Berlin correspondent of Tiie Dully
Chronicle says:
’•Emperor William Is devoting consider
able attention to the course of riflahs in
China and today (Wednesday - ) discussed
th*- position of the missionaries witli Bishop
Anzere. vicar of the German Catholic mis
sions in China.”
Germany Sends Supplies to China.
London, November It).—The Shanghai cor
respondent of The Times says:
"Two steamers have been chartered here
to convey stores and materia! to, the Ger
man lleet in Kaiao-Chau bay. Il'’’ occu
p iii ition is ■ ppa r«-nt 1 v to In' mot " tli in
The Chines- general In com
mand if' the 101 l .It -lileil to ri’tlre be " had no ammunition.”
The B< rlin correspondent of The Time s
st', vs:
■ln the absence of oflplal Intelligence as
to tiie rela’ions betw. *ll China, . nd Ger which it is said, :s still du.- at -
;,n th,. *-.* I<i i .*■: is undec,.l'll to the
course to pur iw. 'flat" ini'* ben dii ti
er:,lions. In 'w* i n tin- d-pa rtments of si.ito
e. t cei n-d ami these are still pro* "■ umy:
but nothing d* tinit*’ has been d- termiii* *i
! u. to tin- . ours" to be pm sm *1 in the event
' of t’hiiia's )-"fusul to ,-icc-de to tin Ge’*-
n n <l. mands. i'robably in that case a
prelonged occupation would be necessary,
, nif it did not belong to tlrlgit ii in
t* ntion of Germany. The act of ho.-:!lity
of t| . Chim ■*■ must I.h* reckomtd with as
ii possible factor and In case the
cruiser division in Kalao-Chau bay would
bo re-enforced.
The Chinese Not Distressed.
lx) November 19. According to a
special-li.sp:i :eh from Shanghai Admiral von, commander of the German
cruis. r Division, before landing marines a:
Kiao-Chau. on ,M*i:'*liy morning, notified
th.. British, Ercneh and Him an admirals
of his Intention, ami it is said tlm Bii 's a.n
admiral * - pr : -“d approval.
The Cbine-e do not appear to be <l!s
trcss'sl ovei tin* matter, d.mlarfnp, that
Russia. Gernmny and Er.'iime are pr. parlng
to attack Jap n and will use Kiao-Chau
bay as a naval base.
Statement Comes from Pekin.
Ixmdon. November 19. -The Chinese lega
tion has received tiie following statement
from I’eking:
"When th* bandits killed tlm two Ger
man missionaries the governor of
Tung was ordered to Instruct th.- high offi
cials of the proving*- immediately t" arre t
tle offet d< rs. H rei ed on
November 15th that four arrests had been
made and this reply was coinmnnii ated l >
tiie German minister here. But i,*r:nan
j warships had landed troops on the a
i Kiao Chau. They had given the gariuson
! forty-eight hours to withdraw. Tlm G' "
nmii minister did not notify the tsung ii
| vinwn of th’-"- -'np-s. which haw • -
'* ;oimd tlm ;;i. <t< -* *-ufl’ ; ■ 1
I gov.-rnmi nt thereupon, with a v ■ m
I . .-eit-tlons with Germany, or.mre.i
i .. gov< rnor to keep the garri mn un ier
strict control and withdraw ttm troops.
< ■. iuin'.io. upon them not to mov<* wlthou*
Occupation Only Temporary
Washington, November 19. The ■-.ible
giam received yesterday by the navy de
p irlmcnt from .Admiral Me.xair, comm'ind
ing the I’nlted States squadron on tin
C'ciua station, announces that Im lias b* < i
informed by th" '<• rman adm t.*l *>.. *■
.station that German t'oi'i.s have l.een
landed at K'ao-' h.iu bay. .*n tlm sou:!* m
side of 3!ig’ Tubk pi’ hboh t orv, p> ii'iintr
■ a ... ... . ■ ■ ' 1 ■
*|. r of two G. rtnan mi : ionari< s.
Th,, tin dispat-h lies tn
: th.- implication that th- occupation is tem
porary anil not permanit t.
1 Sultan Will Apologize to Austria find
Salute the Flag. ■
Londo”. November 17 A special dispatch
i from Yientoi sijs tha' a tdi grain b
■ b< . it received th -re from Baron «!* t'atmo,
I the Austrian ambassador at Constant noj)!<
e tying that th. sultan ha/i d .-’.■:•••» hi-
I wltlmgm-ss to give Am'trla full sitisf.seHnn
for tin Mersina Incidents and in regard
i to the disputes in connection with t.e
Oriental railroad • rowtng . it of the trans
'i port. ..n of Turkish tro ■’ .1 r.g ’ 1 re
| cent war beiwcen TurKey and Gr. ■ *■*’.
A s]ii e ..l ilisii.iteli from < 'oils..*nllnople
1 confirming tlm special di.-pan h from Vi> ii-
• ■ ".. lurk govern-
I merit has ac.ried to the demands of Aus ria
adds that the vali of Adana and mutos:
i riff of Mersoi.f have immi <lcp is* i, says
: that, tiie victim of th*- outrage, Herr Braz
: zafelll. will be Indemmried asserts t at
! the sultan has consented to pay ti)*- claims
j of the Oriental railroad, who h is operated
I by an Austrian coinj' iny, paying tlm rl.f.i 1 ),-
i DOO, being the balance due th*’ I’onipany for
I i. oonveTam in’ Tarki o t.ooi.s
I tho re. . nt war with Greece.
H ol no; th*’ Turk:, ti g \. *, uinont yielded
* to th" demands of th..- *’t*ive> iirnent of Au>-
i tria lor redress on account of the Indigni
ties offer**! to a>i Austrian mor mt •
, M*’*.-;na, Herr Itrazzaf.-lli, the Austrian
I ambassador at Consta. fnnplc, Baron d *
Calice. w uld .... rurkish capital
I and an Austrian warship would have bom
i bard.’d the port of .Mersina. <A,i.i .Minor)
i tomorrow.
Japan Wants Large Sum.
A’ii'toria, B. <’.. November 17.- According
j to I.lvie.brought by tlm steamship Em
pr* -s ~f l lliina. the Jap.: nesr- govi rnment
■ • ■ I a um of S .-•**'•
from Hawed, by wry of indemnity in con
•t ion with * m :at ion : flairs.
Tin:* sum Inelud- s losses suffered by tlm
Immigrants to whom admission wu.- .*.-
nied. as well as by the companies which
.*-en* them and * ’’ponses of s* n*’:ag a
of war to Honolulu. Th, Japanese papers
cens'iler the dcman.l moderate.
Russian Warships To Sail.
I.ondon, November If. a dispatch to The
I Daily Telegraph from 6t. Petersburg s.ivs
I that Vie. Ailmiral Tyrtoff, HusNan'mini's
t< :* of .Marine ■ .. . order* d that clevet ves
i Seis of the Black sea. j-qtladroi) shad 1).
■ held ready and fully < <<u 11>i>.-<{. These e’diis
I will include four Ur.-.i-class b.i > t leshlins
I three gunboats, three training ship in',]
one trar port vessel. Tl is ord :■ !■ : . .
; that tho Russian government reg.irds ;) f-
■ f tp's in the east as affording little r",is.>n
. for tranquility.
. _♦
Big Flood fit St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg, November !6.—A1l day
lot : a fierce wind from the sea lias driv* ri
th*’ water of th" Neva up tlm .s’l' am and ti*..' canals, the suburban islands
and outlying portions of ti"- c!:y.
H'-veral bridges have been swept, away
ai l the 1i*.,..l continues to rise, threaten
ing to assume grave- proportions. At fre
quent intervals cannon at tho fortress are
fired to keep the Inhabitants tlert.
Nine u. m.—The wind is now abating, and
It is that tiie expected great flood
I may be averted.
> Queen Regent Ordars tiie Release of the
’ Four Prisoners.
Men Were Once Tried Before Court
martial and Convicted.
' Th Boat Was Captured While Land
ing Guns and Ammunition cn
' Cuban Soil.
1 Washington, N'o’.emb.r 18.—Minister
Wioilfoid has telegraphed the state de
partment that tin* Spanish cabinet has
retified him that the queen has pardoned
the Comp» titor prisoners.
} The state depart merit now an-toun-es (
that th.- Competitor prisoners were turned
ovir to General D- last Monday and will
be Sent bv him dlr. ci to New York.
It is i.ot’ doubted here that the prisoners
a-*e liberated <*:i some such conditions ns
wer.* imposed in the ease of former prls
oners, that is that they wilt not return to
t'ub.i. After their bitter experience In the
i Gillian jail.:, it Is not believed here that
the men will bo disposed to violate any
’ understanding of tl'is kind to which they
. may !"• p.-ii'tim*. li is singular that tin
nlv n • houkl hav ■ !■< n for four d ivs in
i tiie custody of Consul General Lee wilh
i I ~i*t the is 'I having I generally
i known, but it Is supposed that s< ■ reey was
i .* in order to insure d-’p *rt i>re from
Jla.vai.i without *.\<nii tro.inie from the
| * xtr* :n*’. *'on-erv.'i'.lve Spanish faction.
I There ’.'* r** four prisoners, namely, Alfred
) I O. Laborde, tile eaptnin of the Cornp.’titor,
a native ot A* w ' >rl< a.ns. ill'.am > lildea,
1 j th. mate ;> n ituraliz* *1 citizen; Dna M- I-
I t„n. v 1 ’ * Hirns K:m*-:.s as I.D native
I State. : el who went on the Competitor in |
th, ? < of a newspaper < >rn p indent:
: Chari* s B iri” tt, of British birth, but who
claimed the prot ctli n of t ii I nited Sti
1 by virtu** of his sailing on an American
i ' .. :
Ta., conditions under which tho ( ompet- I
Itor was. captund Ap.'il 25, 1899, "fl Ihe j
Cuban coast while engaged In binding i
arms ”*r the Insnr "• i*ts have b. **n oft*ai *
, described, ’i ii.- def. nse of the men was that i
! tin y* w r*. forced into the expedition
. I against .'.•■ir will by the insurgent party I
j aboa.'.l the boat. They were tried b* .i
nay 11 .:''*■ 1 b for. which t ■
, . i or h ■■■ ing,
pally ■■' Ignorance of
i■ la ; ■■ in yvhl th. pro • lings
-■ .■. .-■;■.* ■ . so that their < >nvi lot
; and th** ii ’| "sbion of th*’ death sentence
1 yy...-*, m.t ;: niatter of surprise.
At that point, however, the case assumed *
j d'ploma ti* impel t ance.
Ou r c.ov. riimcnt, through its consul gen- I
. cial at Hav ma, th. n Ramon Williams, |
and also thi-o igh .Minister llaunis Taylor I
at it ■i * ■ : an energetic pro- I
I test ■."ci'i t th" . X. ntion *"’ th ntence, j
, I eh::n,i*:' i'c : tlm. m* ti v.'.’i*<* impn.p-rly >
■ ; tri’ 4 w'tiowt ■ ■■ guar: nt*-*- beM out 'i i
.... * . . m'otocol. This pro- 1
, t* st .*.')<: it 1.1. "V:4 of til* C.’S*. to the i
I idler ;* id ■ I-I ..irhoritiis at Madrid, ny 1
... :-p::e -
: ' !.-ii go* < *-um. nt. however, did not and has
I not .'*■! ...i i'idid tbit the Cushing protocol
* appii* *1 **i s' 'h ~. , i s, ' S. To admit that
; **.* i i .* ti * pinion of th.- S? mish an-
I tliorit i. . tly stimulat** the fit ting out
' i , : ■.,<! I ..l i’i-s ill tile i. nit.-.l ; ; tn S.
. . lb n ordi di
Vad' d in; ’m* ,ci rt on the ground of |
( trial not ’
i be' ; i:sc of :: conei sslon of tii** soundness i
* *.f ti.* 01-.i-’i■:it■: li* * rp' :- d by tile I’nlted ,
: S ales . IS. It w * to have begun last |
~..■■ *. would ha e
i i.siiitid in tn*' iinpositi ci of the d ■ ith s*n
: I. tie ■ .main. This won'.l have provok' d an
, . mil tii 11 •*-o rd 1n g t o the
* art', ipa' o* . if the il.-p ii tii’i-nt oflicials
. i that wculd li.i'. I .-<ll h irdly less violent
j . (Tin tile Selin;, caused by th.*- taniomi
. i Virginius epi-’-'d . so it is to th. m a mat
ter .•-• : i’.i : •' t. it the Spanish qtnen
. , . ' ■(...:
pardon of : ■ i latere th- ■ ■ corid trial.
S’ a r Pupil;.' ib- I cni. , i'i.’ Spanish min-
: Isler, had i iong eoai'er* rr-'*' yvith As-.:-
1 i t:”*i S er .ary p.y tii- t* and It
Is believed that th** Sp.tnisli gov*rnment
i i.s voluntarily about to remove another
: i.. , ■ ;.. * *. *>■ : * / ". i.l oi n*-;.:o-
I 1i..:1 *ii* r V"i:i:i:' ; d'-er" • made by
ty > yi.-r p’.'.diil4:ing t!"‘ i xporttition *.f to
l ; from i. '.'li.i. Tills prohibition has
j wo.ked :;i« .'t liari.. hips upon laiy ■ Anu r- |
t . jean -%ir m l: ,ig Interests and up to this |
. ; tir.u-, ..11 * ''oris of tiie siate d p,trim* nt j
■ to sc. lire an ato-lf "'ai i. >n of the harsh eon- i
dition ■■ ■■■ i. . -a. ’■« 1..-, ii m* ■■ vidltny. |
; I l'h" I. ,-en . t "P by <1- i.-r.’l W* vl.-r |
! ■ for tin.’ <ll-.;. I* was. tl'e lie* , -a if of k'-.-p’ng i
, In Havana ■ . ■ly . t ace
■ thus, lij givfi . 1 yment to workmen, I
! Io *•]> iii* ti from iltii my into tiie Insur- '
■ i g- : t ranks. I: wn a matter of common
1 repor:. aoyv< v* r. . bat another pot. lit r. a- I
, i son was a de.Gr* to . rippl.- th*- Cuban ci-
! par makers in ti.* 1 I':*:.-*l St.'lis, from
I wliorn iiic insurgents lii'-w funds,
R- poris timl e. inn Washington tire to I
i the * f!*"'t il:.nt th,- m w crop of tobacco ]
i that ’..11 I" ripe i-i !•'* In-miry next is of 1
: * ’ ■ ’l* ' I *o'..':’* and a ni'-un 1 :■ to four
’ I fifths of an average cron. Buy. rs for for-
. cis;*) . onsumer.: ar.* a'r. ady in the tii ld *
io 1 ovet ■ plantation and it is ex- ,
l i !'■ led i‘ ■; |;> t.”.’ f. ’.■**.-,i- '
. | tlon .*f th.’ *!• ’t*eo of prohibition will soon I
I b,. made.
New Secretary General of Cuba Makes ■
Trouble for Himself.
Havana, .\’<>v« rnb<-r I", v! t’ Koy Wrst,
I’’j. -Th<- new • ■••••retary pcncral nf Cuba,
• Dr. .Tos<- Uo»*yos;o, forun rly Spanish consul
' nt I’hil.i'li-)! in, cont!nu< s to nuiko himself
* unp 'onlnr. huv h;nl ,t d’spun’ with a I
; iTOTnir- n •■<»!>* S<*n<»r b’ran<-:-<'O j
; do L-.ts S.’ntos Guznuiii. •> formop pres dent |
i of i!io oonyr nnd ho ■ iso has had :i inis- i
| undorst.!nding with S* nor Cuotro, a promt- I
i m tit Miiioioiinist, with tho result, it is un-
| derstood, that L tiers have boon written
i tn J\l. « d.t i-.iPiny it f < ntion to the alh-ip d
i r * e< iii r < i: i ’s of the •.••‘‘'rotary genoral and
, dwelling- upon his peculiar political sonti-
The pnte b< tween Dr. Congosto and
: Si-ia.r Ciiz’i ,m 1 ■ . ■ so h it**! that it
I nearly .*.'..! ir :■ na.s: dis-igr. • able man-
I ncr. and their "o n • rsation, b-coming g. n
| i rally !:■•*** n, .:* ': ■ :.■ mu. I. ciimmcii:cd
I on .'. *1 h:i ■ I d ' v*unf'ivorable effect
among the Spani.-o residents.
Il is heli, v* *1 her* that lin re will bn I
great .x< item* u: in Spain so soon as the
United States congress meet:. Letters I
found upon <• -ptU”'**i insury- nts .and r*- |
. : indl t that
tho In.-’nrv* nts w. ■* ■ i" ntly advised to I
1« op up i'io struggle for tiire*’ months I
leiigor. pointing uni thal tiie first net of i
•I. Saeas .* guvi't'nmi*! 1 1 would 1)< the re- :
moy al oi i h'ii-T."! Weylcr and milling that i
war would be mad. on th*' S.ianish minis- *
pa' at ** .* 'i i" ton. .-'*-nor Dupuy I > ■ Lome.
It is charg'd :':at S* nor Dupuy D. Lome ■
and Dr. *.'*j:ig*>s' i are to blame for the !
spread ui"' l States of tiie sentl- I
i ‘■'.eßi'-?'’- ,!!{ ' H-BtMU!’ !■'. SVf'.l.L
A v,' ■ wlt trial .11 Chrono-, Xervcu**,
: ti;-.,*' .. Skin mid Pf'ivHt*- fiis-
r*. i* ! 'X> ' *•;.sc’, it’s)-iiaen mid Men, I. *st
’ • 11 ’bud l "I i.'al’-'"Ils Il'i* ■lclri’. ■*.
* - <1 rict u i'e,(i!o*'t.<li»iii>rr!u’*i,
y.''.4'-si-.'.e *'■ ■' **3 » month, iui'lndiug
tncdii'in*’. A I! Antrn'tinte*’.!
3 ,s:^, to be ctirei! in three niontio* or
Nt';f ■'" .-.5 money i*elun.i*’tl. \dilrxsH, with
* si'-’iip. Hr. Xllicrt I-'. Si.ell. I»«•; i.
1 ’'"’/Pj-i;. , "A." ‘ ir. Si .i.h *k Waluul st.-*., Vln-
• .»-*.—V.j.'. cinnatt, Ohio.
ment in favor of autonomy, and it is even
alleged that they have Induced American
newspapers to advocate this policy.
There is much excitement here at present
over the news of the landing of anotner
filibustering expedition by tiie Dauntless
and the hard feelings against Americans
have consequently ben increased In bitter
Weyler Is Causing- Trouble.
Corunna, November 17. —There is a violent
campa’gn here for and against a popular
demonstration in honor of General Weyler,
the former captain general of Cuba, when
he arrives here from Havana via Gibara
and Porto Rico.
The moderate republicans and Carlists
are in favor of a demonstration and are
doing everything possible to organize a re
ception for tiie general. On the other hand,
the republicans, liberals and socialists are
organizing a counter demonstration. Ihe
general public is Indiff* rent.
General Wevler's son was s.Tenade.l today
on ins arrival fr .n Cuba
"Won’t Go to the Philippines.
Madri.l, November 17.—The report that
the government intends in return t*>r hi.s
service as governor general of Cuba, to ap
point Lieutenant General Weyler governor
g. neral of the Philippines is oflielally <le-
A.vording to a dispatch from Santander
ln the bay of lb- ty. the partisans ind
friends of Genual W eyl. r ar*, m.'.king
lavish iin parnti'ins t" w .*'om<' him *>n b..
return Boats yvith bands will meet tiie
MontS'-ri at and '•.i" 1 " roi'lwts v.'ii! be fir.. l.
When the;xplode they will drop ribbons
Inscribed “Vive, vlve Weyler'.
Th" public, iiowev. r, is not disposed to
subscribe to meet th* expenses of th.
deinonstratieil and in the ease " one club
having a m< mb’ i ship of 1,000, only six ■ m
Spanish Victories A .rain.
Havana, Nov. rnb. r 18.-It Is "fflclrUly re
ported that tho coniblm’*! for*”, s under
Colonel Esb’ben recent’y had an * ngag*-
rnent with an imcirg'-nt force und.r :he
leadership of Vnrlano, at Mogote, in the
province of Pinar *1"! Rio. v.'ith the res':;t
that th" insurgents w* re put to !' ght.
leaving twenty-om.‘ of their numb i
on the Hehl. Among the slain w*r.’ tho
leader Torrlcnte, ami the in urgt-nt pi»--
feel of GaJafro, Monter de <?ca. The Span
ish force captured «t Quantity of arms and
The Infanta battalion, according to the
official report, attack’d a l’»n , p of
gents at Si' j rr*a Yngi* s in Pin; r <!• 1 Ko,
and th<* Spanish guide and s'-v<n m-c
I w« !■•• wounded. 'Pin' tr<H»p-. the <»i'i<-i*> r
port suvs, «’iptui''’d th< nr ! her <•■ th»- . s
surgent lead'-r, Numz. .ml h* r two s*ms-
Forty-one rifles w. re •■•ize.l ami the insur
gent ’ amp and fit .y-tyvo huts w* re de
Are Dying in the Streets.
| Boston, N ovember IS. A letter was re
ceived here today from I'apt.iln Cb.arleson,
O s th< Clara 1 Randall, now In
. ■ ■ > of the
f’’ ' ;
i ('aptain arhs<»n sajs that Matanzas Is
! w ’ ■ av n ai.d dymg aol-
dvmg • k. i •• no uncommon
. . on the *.'*•!- :• men I; t
tiie gutter iii fi'ir l ist ,in:. s and to See
the <l. nth •■.-■■■-* -’"'-v!'. - Ing about
I gathering up their load of bod es.
Dreyfus May Have Another Chance To
Prove His Innocence.
: Itlon that
Alfred Dreyfus, tiie rin* r .' ipti’in <<■
French artillery, was t;" ■■ ly ac' us.-d ami
convii’ted by a cottrtn art al of el hi ■'
| French military plans u> ap“iits ot .*
i foreign government coii'in w a to be wiilely
Paris . ' • * ■ 1 L '-
person who
th" family, the corr. ; ’ ■ al* nt ot tne Asso
cint'.-d Press lure Ear licit im-ir pr* e n
tation of the prisom * ' to l. )■ reiicn
■ ■
which figures th* g ; of **-*’ til’ ■ “Jour
nalists" ami stock job:, "■ ' yvh*> lieset the
lute Max Leliutidy, t ! millionaire lim-
it Is claimed that th document.s Dr yfus
was charged with selling to Germany w*-r.
never really sold to th* agents oi
country, but yvere prepar’d in imitation
of Dreyfu ' ■ handwriting to bkickmail him,
his wife b'ing a wealthy woman and he
himself being in good i-ir.'umstan*-* s. The
plot, il yvould furt tier seem, w.*s e*>t.ceiv*’d
In 1893, when th*’ v.av, of jeyvbaiilng :-wept
ov* r Europe. Dreyfus of 11. br w ex-
traction anti these jn ka . of I' ris • ■ ■ >-
ei-’t*', les'tiiiy about for I'e.e*:.l*-:erm:n*'*l
to ‘'bleed this weathy Jew." A beautiful
adv, ntnress, yvlios* horn .* was th" r. art of
a number of Fr. nvli ofllc rs a::d foreign
diplomats, is said to hav** act'd as ill':
go-between in thr-e shady trail-actions.
By invitation, Dreyfus tvas -i frequent
visitor to her hon.,*-. In due I'ours of
time, the. plan for the mobilization of tiie
French army, wli-ch Imd been draavn up
In a bandwriting yvliu li cleverly' irm:at*d
that of Dreyfus, yva- produced and m 'ney
was demanded for its surrender.
Dr* "tus, how- . er, it is said, r.-fu: ed to
pay Hu* sum d. aiai.deil. knoyvin;; that pur
chase of the do iinwii' would be an admis
sion of his guilt and yvould furnish ground
for future extortion, ami being aw.ire that
tlm fti'-i ' *. t had l,*"*-n intimate yv::.l’.
tl is woman, w: o w * -a party to the plot,
I be eonsldi *i d • ' of tin strongt
< lontinuint , the frl* <1 of Dre* fus’s fami
ly explains that tee mw.-p.ip- rs alt mm
yvti*, uro *■■ .m em**l . i i *■ plot have con
stantly ni.iint lin'd a warfare against
Dreyfus, even u;> to th* pr* ■ i tin:.-, an*!
that in * 'ns* qm n*..'' ' * pi oner’, yvi■
and family ar** olmm.ed to lnep secluded.
Attempts have co'*, i antly b en nm.i**, it
Is alleged, to extort rulmi sions from them
to be u, again. Dr. yin- and 1: is also
.‘t:d th.ii advanci.s have been mm!*- to
Madame Dreyfus, wife of tlm pri. >—r, In
behalf of tii* atiti-Dr* yl.: pres-, oil', ring
to «:• as.* all opposition i*> ins r* I*use "for
a consl<l<ra'.lon.”
Finally, it i* said that tlm plan for the
in ibiltzation of the J - : n*'h army, yvh'eh
Dreyfus is said to hav.- sold to the. agents
oi’ a foreign gov* rtim* iit, tvas a compara
tively unimportant documnt. the features
of wlii* li were in Hie 1* slon of all th ’
. . ■ vm e ■ I ’ , .-
ca'.''*l by experts.
Is- Soil* says that tlm absi-ne.- ~f M.
S* iteur* r-K«*.-tner, w ho has tore. *1 the gov
ernment to n open the <as , from to.iay’s
meeting of the senate Is the subject of
g* a. r. 1 comment.
A reiKirt i.s pr vul. at that he was sum
moned this morning by -M Faure, who -mid
to him:
“Th • 1 i* ■i ■" ' :' ■. ■ case have
been brought to my notice. I give you my
word of honor that they con: 'in irrefuta
ble proofs ot g bit. I b g y o. then .'ore,
to e. tliis campaign, l»y yvi.ich you are
compromising the republic and yourself
to no purpose.”
M. Si lb uu'i -Kestner's friends, however,
deny t his s <*ry.
Later A formal <’*intr.idiction ha.-i been
given otli* :.'iily to tiio story put in eiroula
lio ' by l.e Soir as t" the .■.llegi.l in' i view'
t.*<lay 1* twi-en M. Four*.* and M. S*'h«*ur* r-
Ki stn* ■**.
London. November I'9 A dispat, h from
i ■ . to 'I' 1 "• iliily Ma 1 that fr i■' -
of Dreyfus assert that Coun *'. i
Eaterhazy yvas assist'd in Ids treason by
an Alsatian .-* ■ -?■,ant ni tj .r, who is imw
in Alsace, and has made a. full confession.
Nansen’s Next Trip North.
Christiana, November 18.—Hjalmar Jo
hann, ss* n, tho Norwegian army ollie* r
who was with Nansen in the r* e* nt irctic
expedition, ref* rring to th** plans for tiie
doctor's imxt trip north, says arrangements
have already b - n made for i sojourn hut
on Franz Jos. f Land. Tin* Frain, Nansen’s
ship, will be aecompanit d by* a larg.
sei called the There will be
many mor** dogs and mor** siientitie mi".i
t il.ii on this, '.rip liiaii on th. last on.
north, and on. nf the snips will advance
through tiie lee until it be. ome.s ie<* bound.
From there sledge ■ xp.-iilbins wiil start
north, 'the other ; ,hip will go along the
ic*- border, making scientille res. arches in
the ice, in the wa*ct and at tiie bottom ot
die sea.
Czar Declines To Allow the Sultan To
Enlarge His Navy.
_. .
i Austria Makes the Greek Conqueror
' i Come to Quick Terms.
I Emperor William Called Down by Rus
' : sia Touching- Influence with
' I
London, November 20. Tin' stock pot of
ini. motional politics lia * Im :i • nrl.-h. d dur- i
Im; tin* last few days by two or thr. •• bones |
which promise to furnish an opportunity .
for pl* ntv of contention lierca flor. Russia
1 contributed the firs: In her notification of
Xov.-mb* lllth t" tl.. tiorte that the arrears I
of tin* Utt. -O-Tnrliisli w r indemnity :
amount to £320.000 ($1.600,0<)0) at the .
time insisting upon the dlsmls. *1 of the
Vai! of Adana. A-la M nor. .md If tl-- |
mutessarlf of M-r.-lna and the jorte of '
Adan.l. the two ofllei ils who wen, n-spon- I
siblo for tiio indignities to which an Aus- I
tr’an m.-rcliant, Bruzzafolll, was recently ,
subjected to. and al-'-, for tlulr share in ,
■ th. Insults compl.iine*! of by ’in* Austrian |
• I consula at Mersina. who interfered in be- ■
i half of Bruzzafolll. the agent then* of I
the Austrian Lloyd S'. inisldp C air r.y.
ito all of which demands Turk* ■• s'll,mil
■ i Inci.iently the Turkish government Is sa.i.l ,
to bavo abandoned !•• r cavil reorganiza I
tlon plans as a re- nil of Hie si eond noto
of Ru.-.ila on tl,.’ subject of the war in- ;
detnnity aricar- due that country.
Germany flavor* i ti c content:- of the 1
stock pot with hot. sauce from China in !
t'j-’ ! i] e of the landing of her s. lor-; I
and ni 'i'in.’i, at Kiao Chou, on th** Shan i
Tun p* ::in ila. ostensibly for the purpose of 1
insisting upon i- Ir, ■- fur th** murder of
two German misdom.ri*--’, but possibly, it i
is intimate*!. In order to obtain a good
coaling station ar.l harbor for repairing
her fleet in the fir east.
Tnrk y's bad cas" of swelled head Is re- i
I spun-ibh* for two of tiles*’ contention.', con- j
! tributions to the simm. ring of tin* political I
I I'!"!, ii'i* i.isy vl' tori,*.* over (in.-,** have '
I so reliabilitatid tin- sul'.nn’s pride that lie ■
j had ..Imost arrived at tl. belief that by >
: follow ing the advice of < ’aptaln Mahan,
uithor of “sea power in history,” and
i making ids navy strong, Turkey might Im* ■
I * ..tii** tii. seventh great power ami lili.-rato
In i '■': from ti’.e tutelage *,t '
Christendom. Germany offered h* r asaist-
| an* e to build ships fur Turkey ami also 1
j off", d to .supply that country with the '
n* i'«'.'.*,iry arms, ammunition and uniforms, I
in return for about 25 pi r cent of the Gre* k .
i war indemnity. Then Russia saw her ;
clianco to check the pro,:r**s.s of German :
influence nt Constantinople. 1* t the past >
I twenty \i:u~ she has held !>■ r .moaid i. O.
U. as a, club to force Turkey to do in r i
bidding, and now again, but In a inoro |
sumin.iry fashion than U'lia.l, she has r* ■- I
p* .it' d lie operation and has kill* *1 two ;
birds with one stone, namely, sharply !
i checking B. rlin statesmanship and pi* - ’
I vicing Turkey from eina..' patlug hir.'lf ,
' from her dependence upon Russia.
Naturally this has been a bitter pill for |
Gernrmy to swallow, losing, ■'.* sh** d"..s,
| coiisid* r.ible | .'S'.'.ge and btg contracts at '
; tii" same m .neiit.
i Gn at Britain's part in t!’**.*-'*.* proceedings .
I r. mains to be d 'velopcd.
I G, t niiinj s s\vop*p down upon Kiao Chou
' I y. Chin :, has *.x*'ito*l tie: eham** IL t'l'
I anil’ the advices from Shanghai that two
1 steamers hav** b .eii ' liai tei'i.d there to I
i convey stor s and inat.ri l to Ki. i Ch**u I
i bay, coupled with the intimation that th*'
I G 1 rm.ui occupation of that place i.s up- I
i par. ntly to be mot'" than !• mporury, <'o!oi* .
,1 to which is given by the t'.iet that the i bi- ■
■ man matin'.-. arc now '■m' lg'd In litild ug ;
i wlnti r barracks, 1. av**s littl ■ ■: ■ : >t that I
; **'■■;;:.:■: h. : ■■<*. ’ ■ i*lly ' ■■: 1.. /
Chou bay, wlm-h, mxt to l or: Arthur, is |
' : the most ' :• U’tant 1 " ■ r ... Chit . a
la. fait a* ■ ompli .- an .iltn -st ' i" '.verablu
' argutm nt in th*- * ’.-'i, • i’ ; <*i*:i '•"* t" ”■ ;
.: Fra ce. Huss .;* .■'•
I Japan can do In the ma’b f. ,|: "* 1 - '• ‘
set to work and grab *.'.!.- r P" 1 t"" “ ■ •'■
Chim s" Empire.
Under th ■ cin umst: n* ■■ the. dtp mats
int, r.-n- in the east an* advancing by
. ......
mbl< the si con i we< k of Eebt
threi w. <*ks linith in niginully i ndeu
The principal tasks of tin* s..s*-.on w: 1
1,,, tin* lin- i lot il gov. rnm.-iit bi I ami the
ii form ’D*‘ London uoijtiiy cmim il i»'-
* , . : . ■ ' * *-
his sp< ■ ion i u■. .*• 1• iy i ts; b <hc lih s
miei’ as];« •! his h'-ar. r.- il tiny wntit'<l to
b. govrii’d like York • ■> .
i Th'-n parli iim’Di will b<» called upon to
| leg-id■'’*■ I'r tm- army, tin- gm . : m m !n- .
1 ch-asing- its strong th app l .' most ur-
I gently io tin- country I sy There is <
| a widespr. ad demand tlm.t th,* oth. r <pi s- i
I tioi b< olved nd I
d< votod io t o.’ army.
| Lt is a notorious scandal thal millions of
I pounds s’.'-rling- ate wait'd annually out
of th** enormous total of £2l,voo,C'i.i ($1‘5,08),- .
I (?»’•) expended upon tho army. As a I‘sua
i the country has enfir.-iy lost c infitienuc 1
in the war otilue and there is a universal j
cry that the c.ibii « t lake the matt r in its
own hand;* and introduco a workman
iyiii < t i 1 eon
sistt nt policy.
Th-- tn.irquis of Salisbury’s proposition
to ' sm.;." j ' the London county council, !
as iLi'< oiy r» icrrcd to, has rais'd a storm ,
throughout the land, ami the pr- - .
mi< t oovv is welt a worse “slanged ’ man 1
. • . ■ . K ' .
’ tm- roe- tit en in tn at o;*/. ,
The news Livni India is about as <iir-
• couray,iny as h '’.in b* . the HU'i’ioti r-urn
donut (15 of activity upon th” pari ol the
! ir:bu.smen, v.m a it was thougm thal tiie
i affair was about tinislnd, show., that what- ;
■ ’■ * 1 Bi'ii-. onn nay th : k, i • -
j nativos of tnu inv.dfi country .tic n>'t !
aware that theynro i>. ateu.
fin- co. b of mu military opera i Ln, ; j . al
ready «*•-!.mai'u .it 12,. •’ >o.' ■»♦ (sl2,s'<‘i h.i), aid
I this .’mount wiil probably bu doubled be- ;
1 to ■ ■ .
Wiili.un S. Eliding, tl"- C:nmd;an mlim- !
t*.r of nn tiii'e, v. :o ■■ .id iiii i . r. iu’u .
: Canada, in an interview wn.i a repr* u| ■
... * A ■' ■■ I :• .
I Canada. s:rmg!y il.sir.d niendly relalimis I
wit I. tl*. I nit*.*! Stat. s.
"Satan's Invi.-lble Worid Di.-pl.g,. <i." m* !
"I lespa:ring I >emo< racy,” is th* ■ i
till*, ot a sensational book *lealmg with
Gj.atei* .W iv York, w'narn \* . T. Si* ad. lb** !
Review of R
to the publi* of Eng md md Am rica next
month, as the fruits of the r- eeiit trip |
“across tbi* waler." This book is to be i
a companion piece to "If Christ i ame to !
Chicago,” the unique *!Dsection of the dark
est lif. in Hu' western metropolis, wiiie-li I
introduced th** vei.-atile and imlefatig ,lii*’ i
English editor to th*. United Slates in the :
capacity of autbor.
"Satan's invisible World” was. according i
to Mr. St* "I rev* alni by tin- i. .* ow com- '
I ... and “despairing *lemix*r ” i
moral whicli he draws from the e’lti cr of
Greater N w York. -.■. . . a to be a
i 1. gisl.i liv<* declaration b* the *'itiz.-ns of
their aliat.domm-nl of faith in the po.-,abil
ity of got' ruing a great « . y by popular
ro? *'’ r mail “U application, free iuft.ruihfion
* * lO *’ r ,r 4,1 U P“ U 11 ~a* T ’ iutl, stop taping
Thai., and rena»v»» sea:? 'hseasea. Address,
Ra-n Par irj*. JMjlunQ IMraEieuißttry
Y e - r*u < ?hJ- l»*f S. \ ChK’inuati, G.
Mention The Constitution.
claim and can prove our sb t* rnuiif tlcit / "ire cores bavp b*‘**n
W tc p j\j?J) KO PS" In ' '"-S. i^V 11 71
g;; .-mmi.t tail. More tnnn I,<HIO,Ur:: t'ceple < in-.<
V C* A r'iiy *t t'liimi I : sin, -'hi I ><•». X<*i>r:tlu, >. !!'s;.e,’~'u , i:.iel'm I:*' '■'tliin: * i*ii>
I'**.**.', i iitnn li. .'•*erv■.a-oie*. ~ '.•■* <>’i- ■•/»<! .'■l ernlgm
'■s*. H**ai!i*»’!:i*'*. i.eari ’A i iit :,*■-. *, 'l' ,n> I tin **iw, i a :a' '■ '-. * roll p, >we.'licff, •*.*
r-rtuttiE* M/SRK.J (h ippe, Mnlni i.. Creeping Sntnbii* t< .. el*’.
t qiiub 1 '!, anti is mpl cin . pi - ' tnj >l uml p» r.’i. «rvnt •. I liotig’j '.!’••’• f»"• • t ’’i *• • 1 ' ii*t ni* h, .•
: uhifl oiueu rat*
a b '.I i<> i'h ■?. ontlerlu’ ni' ilicliH 1 , ail ! relief Is UBuall;. felt the very sh t night
i lieve PuflerinK hoiuanity - is told io 1 utters of grab fill praise from tii.i.isands of Jo ni is one 4 sickfu.od and heavy
with pain, now painh’SH and happy.
G» ntlr n<*n: 5 can hardly find wonis to exprogs my gratitude for what your "* DROP' 1 ” Ims done for mo,
i I have taken but ■■ ■•' i' .■ ■
. • > one of in' neighbors and It helped him right » w ».;*■. Ife luul been us :•*'•■
nothing .s< 4 eine<l to do him nt good I i-Plleve th
* n’V faith In the inetlb ine. lamno v *J<> yarn of a? . Vu - v n> < <-t < uily j<• C. IL. B. CItOSUY, Boweiu HUI,
fete «r• •• Bxl > y J c JC’ TA ]< i:\ BT I G\'C! a DA Yls a dnse of th’s great remedy,
Y I f i'j •'fi Ii a A » ' ”'d 1 * ■ tui •.'■T■■!■ rs 1* iiu.ii; a trial of its wonderful enra
fi . c I•’ ■ ■ ’ ■ ’
c.'iiP'-n •! .ir* :>aid I.v mail s’ m <av. r.'. i a sampi'- h>lil* , jvh’< e■*•• <ol mei H-'• ‘'”'d
~t „ niHiicin Urge hot 1 ■■ «)i’ SOLD BY DRI GGI il ONLY ;* ’US
A.\D oil: AGLN J V j: i:,) 1 x ‘<k\V ’! r:i!r ri<»r V. WIU .' LLo 'J’Ol AY.
For Thirty Days, 3 Large Bottles, for 52.50*
SWANSON KHEIbWATIC CUKK CO , 107 160 Dearborn St . CHICAGO, ir r.
Minister of the Interior in Uruguayan
Cabinet Reported Shot.
Montevideo. November 19.—The city is lu I
! a pauic over the incident nt today’s ees- |
i sion of the chamber of deputies and the i
I report that Dr. Maquel Herrera * <lb s,
I minister of the interior and of justice in :
I the Borda cabinet, lias b*" n slfot’with ure ;
| vol ver.
In ti o chamber Dr. Herrera y Obes made
' a violent attack upon Senor Cuestas, who ■
assumed tne presidency of th*' republic ::d
I Interim on the assns.siuatlon of Senor J.
Rllarte Borda,who was shot by Arrendondo
: during the n itlonal fete on August 2 ith
last on September 20th Senor Cm-tas 1- ;
j sued a declaration of policy, pt'tfmlsing to
' ecmio'n'.'.'. t<*' purge the publ!.- departments, i
e.spoi i.iily the departmi nt of customs, unit
r< Igioui ly to p ty the interest on t io p tblli
I debt. At that time he expressed the hop.’
th it the partment or customs wot 1
! yield at least 5.i«0,000 francs monthly.
' ' Today Dr. Herrera y Obes called upon
i him for .- more *•■<;.!: It stateinent as to
I his programme In the event of his election |
I as president.
| Senor Euarduo McEchen, minister of tho I
I government, refuse*! to reply, whereupon
; Dr. Ib rrer.'t y ' 'bos presented a motion ■
j demanding the resignation of the president |
I of the republic ad Interim. It 1s said that
i If tlds motion i.s adopt'd by tiio deputies
S . . - cu< tas will ot- solv. the chamber. I
' All sorts of rumors ate afloat, many cltl- I
! zens have closed their houses and the '
troops ■re h-Id in readiness.
Czar vTTn Replace I)".:’toyed Section
’ of Canea at His Own Expense.
Vienna, November 16 -The Greek bishop
: of Can. i’. Island of Crete, has b on notified |
i, , Russian ’■ ul that the czar pro
to r< ' at his own cost, the bu
' ed <■■■".."•■' nd to < n-
■ large the orthodox ..'htirch,
) i , i *. i. s 1 y *.o < il.'." granted a large sum
\ o( won v for tiio relief ot the poor of i
i t’n.ih t.
Will Be Sliced to Death.
! Ean Erat cl Novemt ■ ' Tl ■ steam- I
! er CHy oi i..* ii*- Janeiro, w!:l*'h_ arrivo’l !
i today from Yokohama and Hong Kong via ,
I Honolulu, brought the following adv! a<:
I Some two months ago tin* Shanghai (
I miters publisl’ -1 a sensational story to .
, . *t tl nt ’ 11
. , : Klnkuel for .*u eld. ntally *
: cm-irn: the d**nth of Ills mother. It win
I j* ,i Hmt ' ehll'l had been most I
l-’Linnaidv t' -.Hed by the. Yamen rimnc-i |
: sent to arr. *t h n arid that he would have |
to suffer ' ■ ‘ ■ quonc.e; oi his lam<
1 1,1, ; . ".lent by being idlced to death wita j
. ■ ■ tmntly P
: ... . * |,ut i| ’ "••■■ iippi irs from an un- 1
.len'ial ' ■■ ■ ' ■ ' ■’
I e,,n/". d ! pt:. f I'"'' .
‘ th ■ tin 'll or.'**):' i *r tiie currying out ot ti'iu i
I barbarous punishmetd.
A Russian Is Appointed.
‘ ■ t: ’U’ ” . Ft p i
m ' I " ■' ;
• inlrTii.'i' lliV’ *•■' tbu> I ?:iV(ir>H y '-’J i
( D"tci*sburg, as arbitrator In the Anglo- i
\ enezu. jo boundary di-st nt* has be* n lor- .
mally approied by th** i-.'.ir.
!’r,,f...-*.;<,r Martens is a privy councillor,
■"■■.'■ Russia t I
: **U'.i rit ti - prot'ci-sor in lite I ’.lyi’t"' o* I
pj j ii •'(.'iking' arb ’: a”»r in li Jurniitlthial as- i
Mrs. John A. Logan Now Legal Pro- ;
tector of the Cuban Girl.
W'i. '• \ u'.brr V.' -An r w-'A
Airs J ’in A. Logan guar'll n ft.r Ab. ’
| <•<>■ < ii • .
| s. ain't i/s ;:pp« H'-iDee «.?mC«-<l HIW b liA- r-
i Tho p‘ .!t on for guard;an nn t out tha *
. Al,. .* < 'isju ros lia '■ <l« u’< <i in r* Pi* at; - i
■ .’-•/> far as tho law nllov.s, o nJ (h it ah.- in- *
j b-nds to - riTur an iiKtitution cf loanwu’ In !
I this *'ity and to hereafter t- tnaiti a r* -i-
•. . .and lat t ir ’ ■ > '- |
I liberated, if at all.
Tin- case was Pefor*’ Judge H.tgner. of I
' th.* or;,I urns’ . .mr:, and Mr . ,\i " whc -i I
guest the young lady now Is. acted as her :
interpreter. . , ~.
”(>n 1h» <•• .;' -urn ion <*' ■ * p*-!* ion o.
Evan *
frl. tui. Karl iK'. kvr. and .* i: l ..v iui*,. c> ' :
. 'ossio v ' lism ro:, born .I ■ : '■! ■■: ■
b**r. 1.818. liav.n;; ap|":i rd In <*p. :■ < ”""* ;
and el.’i'ted Ma ry S. Logan, <; '
TT: , - '■ ' .
Cisneros upoi ■- ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■
of (ill, condi tione* r the f
' ■ ' ~ th atl hi ' ■
I said Etahgi’lin:' is now m .i -r *■■ miim-m. "’ -
, 7 i: ' '■
' any useful pu: ;>■ a.* ii; t" *■ '■■■'■•
Boomer Defies Authorities.
Wichita, K.iu.. November 1 I! T..
‘ Hugh, s, the. boomer who i * ■ ' - •:■■ ;
I here to raise a party of volant* * rs to i •
I tin’ Wichita mountain l Otmtry >i •’k'-moma I
; Territory, state-: touay teal ■**’ lias b- -n
notified by tin* federal authoritie- In th ' ,
territory that any tiitvmpi to torceily '' 11 :
I an expedition across tin.* line of tlm H'.d an |
i reservation will I'** <!oal: witii a vid'-. |
l | - ;i " s a es troops being culled into
I ii,'* has D-md an addr.-s to Ids f"l ;
hiwers in which he pract:.*.*.lh d' e- • u ;
I .i:td States adllOl'itie*. ami ._■: s ; c■ ■* la -
claim that tin* treaty of tile Unit' 1 States ,
wi h too Kiov.a ,:nii Coma ili'ln in " l! ' "
pil ed Now Util and t hat tiie I md,
. " . .It
be chised to sei tiers and prosp • :ors.
Prohibition Loses in Baldwin.
.Mill, de Vide, C,a.. Movember 8. (S|i.e"i'.i
Tii*- ~us..l:.latd r :-r ' ol th. renuba. an
election I*' iv yesterday gates liny-i"i.r
nKij<>ri:y for tht** \v< t side. There is tuik vi
a contest of the result. ’
Emperor Will Preside Over Couslden
tlon of Dinghy Efll.
Special Committees Appointed on Va«
j-ious Features of the Act.
Inter-Central Canal Project Haa Been
Revived Again rend the Ruler
Favors It.
Berlin. Novrmlwr 20.—The economic coun
: ell. wbl'li began Its sessions this week’
and whoso most Important meetings wl'A
I be attended by the emperor, la a body
spcciotlly C'.'illcd *'j ’* r by tho govern
' ment o lev ' ' "■' *
' ■
i and <Jr it Lrltnln and her culonie/.
I The council Is compos- 1 of a score ot
, rrunt officials Among i's inumbers aro
j Karon Von Manteuffel, tho
1 Inter for the interior, and Baron Von T r i.el -
pointed on agriu.iP'd re, transportation.
; Industries. have h« ' ' dally tfo.-.idons
| since the council was convened.
i Tlu main purpose ol tlcotuv'd Is to
; ns'Cidain which industries and to v/
<>n Monday evening, when Count Von
• Posadowsky onturtained the council at dln
! ner, the emperor entered Into a lively
i conversation with tlioi-io present, but '.is
! majesty snubbed Count Aon Kanlt?: most
i xinni*reifußy. Tid*. fact la interpreted
| nns'Hdng that Lde ayrarlan interests will
I not be paramount in the delllx'ratlons of
| tho council. Another fact pointing tho
I imr^XX'eXs^ly
| tho intercentral canal preset, Ino-.”llnff
I river.-', ti e rTbu, ibo L iae, tho Wcsvr and
j «•'
i« 7 ; . ' ' i 9 J '
■ .
: hill .uriii’,.!. .ng 1 a • .< v.b” m * - *. • <1
d lie i »rrfH-”amd . ” -"■■o b'.s-ocd '.tei- Pre s
j s.ij, k \ ,o have be. n conv.-tud us leso
Another c-ktur, • 'dniann, has ueen
iiidu.i ; principle '*3 carcruly sh.elded
t<> (la' rulers of tho AlTaan tribes,
' * Whenever a ruler Is unpopular let him
shelter of b • ma.b sto, every criticism ja
l\ \ ■ w of the grow ng number of Bls
■. .. .■ K ' 7
| i; . 0 myself Harnt ov* a fossilized pudes
The ex'Chancellor has thus far refused,
to art* nd any uiive’llmps of statues «rect-
Ev.-ryhody who 1.-- at all Interested in
tyiu. i«’ v. -d b- d<dgir■ i : an article
X pa’’.*a ha-- \\ ! .(ion f<»r M *> next x • lumo
<q ( \i < i ■ <
terweave r proses-
Id- <>f tl: ' hiL’,'b’St valia- t” 'di 'i'*s ■>£ vocal
music. Its interest I-’ i d lim ‘ d to stu
dents alone, howev r. She t’J! *of i-ho r bi fore the tsar of Ku -.d'i on f!p' night
an<l”givi mui . ' • i
siiiL'.ers, which ell lev* rs of C”< i store's
Files Surely Cured.
Dear 1 i. nd Dr. Tu. k
Atlanin. . or*. 1 m of pi! ' . R. If.
Forbi'.-i. T'-nui” . G.i.
G.ri.l iiw : ;. ii ' r. -.1 Ml.’
yj. Heino Co.'s idverti imen for men on
it Is the small things of I':' that are moat
annoying. Ev* n tho little mosquito boros
on dreadfully.