Newspaper Page Text
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Empty Stockings.
. Oh, mothers in homes that tire happy
Wh< r Christmas come ■ lad n with cheer,
Where the < hlldr< n are <1 iming Iteady
<>t the merriest day in tl.e y< ir.
\s yon gather your darlings around you
And tell them th" “story ol old.
Remember the homes that are .li'e.ii.v!
Remember the hearts that arc cold!
And Ranking the loy. -t ha. .lowered
With all thni is d. ar. st and best.
Gix f> ■ illd
bom.- but. li. i•' u blessed!
Oh go where t ki " -
, r i« t mt in but a n ime,
for the Im of the Chr st-, hild!
'Tv. IS to seek such as these that lie came.
- l.icn Manly in Cbri-tmas Im ■' Homo
Gifts for Children.
V Chr tma. ■ . - ' ' •'"icblng a
I tb mt t! little ones and th. t gift
mu. not b. ami;
F: nts m .1. at m ;;:.k. s In try ig
: ' al!
to have sin 'I very tend",- cot teile.-s that
tl ey think it wrong to encourag. tin li. -
. e.»t ♦ ( I • ' • ri’.lv nit V SU-’ll
t ■>U of a ban.a < . ■’ • ■ •
p oplo tnd m St si •'ri ” I> 5 C111<1 !‘ n
connected with them. How much the nn
uginati.-ti >is d. ■-■ all thi ■ig lit to t ' -
u., pt. ur. , and 1.". v m- ■ : I n r and
brighter 1 :is I'l’"' b. vii mad. I ; Ike imag
inary . xis'.'tiee >1 a Santa ( I
Is he not i" irded by tbon-a..os of <
.' . ■ a the hi.i - I tyn a gi„. tons
v. r of good gift And lie only comim in
< rat. ' ' ' if the best gift -v< r
mad. to man—the birth of Hi-- hoh child,
j, sus! Then h t the children hug the
..■weet fancy t.» their little liearts, :u.d b’t
. . r. parent give them all th.- pleasure
tiiat it is in their power to give.
Don't : ay it is too much trouble to fix
a Christmas tree. You mty h: v< it ever
.mall, y..' think of the pl astir, it v. I
giv. ; h. w" little saerillee of t m-- or fa
tigue it will I'o to to string the lei;' it r. d
li.dlv berries and tb " snowy popcorn that
v odd .1. < k its b.mghs. and how many
h me-made pr< sents < < uld d eoi ate it wh i •
rnisiak. is tiiat all pr-sonts from mamma
nn ,l papa are put upon a Christmas tree,
and ..itr.mttd to Santa. Claus -this is
wrong. A tr ■ should have up >n it fruits,
, ,miles nd seme little gilts, but the prop
■■ pl .ee for all gifts that come f'oni par
ents nd friends are under the Chr st mas
.... Tl ■ y h< tld b- 1: 1 d and gro ip d
.... On tl.- tr< ■ ■a. h s mall things as
v tives ' and balls and fire r t "k< rs, < tc.,
... tld 1..- id tex d f '• Santa CI tus to give.
A writer in Th- Woman's I lorn".-Comp.m
lon for 1 ..-mber. tells of <|idte a shock
t ,...i, as er much w. rk 1 ;!i I• l bm"^'i.'bptnl?
and al home, produced i be; ut.iful t'lu.-t
--n t. 9 tree for her only child. Christmas
n.-riling . tn.-, and th- little heart was
glnddem-d and all through the day evt.-ry
t nng w H duly < n ioy- -1. bm n ill.- tw i
e si pi e 1 about
mother’s neck and a st ft voice tsked:
pr.ttv thiiu s on Christmas but you .--ml
f .mi. r-.i-d 1. .If it d.-z n
aunt.-, utud.-s and friends, and t!i.-n said:
• \)1 but just you.” So you see th< m st tke
that was made; one gift from mamma or
p ipa W’ aid b tv- b. n worth al: the r-st.
So don't Jit Sa: .a t-'k your place, but jet
t -U have a pl o', ot h:< own. W. plead for
t!,- cml.iten to all have Chrlstma.- tn .’3
tic- year, and If each parent will only re
memb. r ho.. much cause for gratitude
I-. V hat in bavin.! in tl ir 1 om< > bri> ht
j . v.rr." I -king l n- Santa
, desola 1 om< s
wh. re th i ar-- no ehil-lr.-ti, sur. ly they
Will do !li tl tin r p w- r <' v< t- 1 ni
pl.; sure .n d think m. fatiem- or trouble
to., nr at t • up a < -risunas tl.-e for
Santa Claus to till.
Club Government.
Whorever a woman’s club exists there
j - a great niton t m inif- st- .1 on th.- sub
n-.-t ..f ci’ib government and any informa- I
. . . . red • ■ make i club I
V‘-r". best pap. I- I. ad at the recent conn- ;
cii of wmm.-it a-t Kmsavill.- was on Hus '
fill.), et. It u a-- r< id by Mrs. L. C. Me- :
Clung, of Kuo r<nm, and was such I
an able pai visit every c tib wo- ;
m,H IO : .1- . I. I', -it of JI. My only
regret it previ nts my giv- .
inj it .n full, but J 1 ope to i-e able to i
g.vo a f -. '. of it and am sun my .
r. rs w. ; i njoj it. Among other tilings, ■
she ;.s: f’i.'.- tr.i mug whi- li ha- b-.-n
the h.-ritagi >r mat through the past
1.,:- . 11. .. : n but just begun by worn a, I
fur w- . :1\ now in toe early thro... I
... ; th<-refore, to write a pa-
per oi worn.-i.’.- club goveruni. nt must j
net • : . e pr< sentuiion of ono’s in- |
• : viduttl oplu oi. . for we hav.. no long lists I
of amhorities the tin.,- work accomplish- I
ed n this . to i -for to for br.iliant il- I
lustrations of our subject. • • •
'•Harmony of thought is not possible, nor j
desiral,!.: ev-a. n t:a ; club. bat. harmony
all org:-.. i- lor >:i itnr.r aloe. is .
power. • ‘ \> . 'Hid notion;, mor., de-' ra-
infor club . rm.- .: th.-i to hat.- the
wtv small ..out i .- i ; <-l lifo observed here I
u ■ ot, I. ■ r\. i !i. m il m- tioni. and i
with our elo fv.. m -. To c-n . id.-r tbo ■
ci.l im- . : I or th" ,- >m .-n.- ice I
of our associates produces an atmo phere
in cion li a tn ip. a ' ~- bn i' "i of
and cordial i ---o;-. :on of the " fforts made I
to eonlri to our m-'Kt I •■>.■ rtainne nt i
Is inspiit . to h- -iililitl grow- i of indival- j
ual or i - * '1 be i.ilrins;. worth of ,
a wot . ! b." th. 11■ a h set
tles <la > in - ■ .p. i ■ i - wort i y ■
of t:iu in,; i s’" i .r-i of a woman's clnii.
»» • I
business m- I.< X. . : i r. -1 g" n. -.1 I
and attnion to ‘fatias of j ~,. rnn>'-nl,’
as wa ll as to . ducat, women to d,s--u;
on ali si;l-.i- ■ ! - In t liberal, court,otts man- ■
tier, how v. r Ai-I. lx op' -ms may o.ii"f. i
•* * The privi!" of a voir.- in ,
the affairs of our club must press . lose to .
the heart "f th- elm Warnau, and . a.-h
must f. ■ 1 li<-r imlividt al r. sp-msiiulity in
eV) ry distinct sei befor th. ideal club !
government can !.-■ <v. n approximated.
Wii.-n tie" -• t'c >t tai-- a root in lae m d
and heart of th- < Inb woman that h.-r ,'
pr. sene, is m■ • . try to make a resp. ~. ..
quorum lor Imstn. ■■ that her silence Is ,
not golden when it • ■ ■ that she
express her w. 11 d-fimd opinions, then she i
b.-g ns to r. club prix b p. s and I." no- i
fits ai d her part in th- ...utrol of affairs.
• » * The. work of a club should be tit tn- j
ly .mb-'ided in a el--ar, concise eonstitu- .
tlon, embracing only the vital points of :
the lif." of the club, forth- law of or
ganization shows tl-at its bulwark must .
be the constitution which cannot be chang- ;
ed wl f h .very v.liff of changed opinion. |
Not so thv by-law.-; th'." nay I" < ily i
multiplied or altered nt any time tn meet
altered con.llions, and that each member
should constitute herself the ‘watch dog
of the con-titution’ that the purpose of her
club may be kept true to line; yet sho
must concede to by-law changes which may
! bo nee.-«ary to promote, desired growth.
! • * * Another element to be carefully con
i sider.d in club formation is that of eo
' her. nee, lest the after growth prove only
a wreck, for tl..- relation of one idea to a
whole is imperative before success can
p.r.-li upon li.-r banner triumphantly. ***
Mu- li has been su’d of the length of the
term olli. "rs should w rvo. A close study
of the subject is convincing that, when a
club has a large membership of brainy wo
men. on. year should be the limit, because
this gives opportunity to many to fill im
port int positions where their talents can
1..- divcloped. *** A great deal do
pe.ids on the choice of a pros'd..-nt—the one
selected should’ ho h vel-lieaded and judi
cious; one who has the tact to harmonize
tl - diff.-rent <I, tn- nts, coax into discus
sion timid members and control all wisely
in strict conformity to parliamentary
law. '* * All Hr t-ela. s clubs ar.- now
conducted upon strict parliamentary rule,
mid r- gulaT drill in such practice is of real
beneli:! *** The responsibility of club
government rests with all oiii. ' rs and mem
ber-. comb nod, for however well versed in
the d.aai! oi parliamentary rule the pres
ident may be, she is powerless to bring
dts : ta. re I- no response from
rs. * * *' Weary and dreary will
Hull life prove if we do not feel the invis-
I alm.ispln-re of eompa nioilsh ; p, breathed
! u: on us by im re pr.-. neo alone, strong
| n . i w T b'- th- bond if each will bring;
A a ros. y of culled flowers, with
. im ' our own but the cord that binds
Miss Clara M. Busby, Independence, la.-- '
I \\ ill some of t’>o s.sters of the Kingdom I
K c '..1 im- a rat tl. nak. s rattle, ami
I ' ' Next limo will re-
in. ini., r tin" Grady hospital.
Mrs. H. A. Abbott. Wea th. Hord. T.0:.-
Would like th. postollico addrrss of Ku
■-: ribilled rctinxlies foi kid
mid il.-o toniv, but ill doing >
j n, gleet, d to give her trostoH'ice.
i Sarah W. l.cwis, 110 Tremont Street. .
I Boston, M iss.—ln The Constitution of No- i
] venib r L'.’d 1 find Mrs. C. It. It., to ‘‘Sub
scriber.” speaks of the Rab.-lon Health
■ Club, which tells yon how to r- t rid of .
and prevent catarrh and rheumat sm with-
■ out >■; d :ae. I wi-ei to kimw more about
■ jt. Won n’s Kingdom hat become a mat
. t< r <.: interest. That is life lirst page
I perused.
M. i! It'volv. M ,d. -v.lle. Ala.-The
gratitude of my ten x.-ars subscription
; to your newsi. . I of all new. p ip.-rs will p. r- •
■ mil my pen withholdin;. no longer telling
. you ol It. Til. privd.-qe. of ex. hang, s of 1
1 and materials too is truly of great ,
i benefit. 1 li tre a tri. .1 r. rm d.v for a . ough, ;
I all Imm.. made, and on. -or .Ir. psj that is ;
■ not too far idvunced. Those wishing these
in. ,-ipts must send u stamped envelope.
Mrs. M. A. Sfuddard, Allsup. Ala Mrs. [
I>. T . you expr. ■•. I mj I• ling; in ret trd
to ti iimm; < -..!.»■• n. If fatli. i r ould 1> ■ ;
' burden, d with th.-lr <•'> ii'a . tern .; wel- I
far. and !• alw ys r< ndy I > give good .1
\ • b->w < n.-oura. ■>« it would b to |
. mothers U'd much w.r,., . ..pd. coui|,l ..1(0 I
t'l- “XV '■! Spoil of Indi . . will ■ x
change for !..<•.ofl'.-i. Writ." wr‘h,
.-. If-addi. a ■<! env. Idp.-.
Mrs. J L. Tucker, Cath< rlne, Ala. -I have
long felt, a w .rm admiration f r the Wo
: man's Kingdom and the good r.-.-.-ipts
wli eh I ent oui ..ini paste in a book 1 I
have two lift!.- sons to raise and ;im glad i
to g.-t all tin- information from good ex- ■
IxTieiieed moth, rs 1 can. If the sister who !
suf l ’-rs with indigestion will drink a cup ■
of bail water before m-al and put just a;
pinch of salt in il. I think sin- will ,
pl. .sed with th. r- still. M.x lit tl. six-x• ar
old son inquires of I’lll Arp if he knows
wi.ethir Santa Claus died with yellow to- i
ver or not'.'
Miss Priscilla Smith. Camilla. Ga.—l have
l<mg been a admirer of th.- Woman's
K m;dom. and have gained a yr. -I •!• -.! of
inform tiom I wi'l s nd to all tin sisters
Wil., wli .-end im a s.-lf-addr.-ss.-d and
stamp, d envelope enough llgyptian wheat
for them to g. t .. ed. for sdk. plush and
worsted s- r.p.s .-uitabl.- for qiiil's. It i.s
tine • ... k- u !'. ed. Y"U -..w .a A "HI,
| hi-sowing turnips; cultivate like corn;
| patter in the .a'l. and thresii 1 ke
mid put .-> a v for win' ru . . M ould like
‘ for nd those s.-nd would report next
I fail through the Kingdom.
Mi.-s Leola .Armstrong, Norwood. Ga. I
: notico in Woman’s Kingdom that one of the
I s'.stirs, Mrs. A. Garrett, wants a recip. for
. corn b< ir. 1 submit on. , that 1 have us. d,
■' ns follows: B"tl onc-liaif gallon corn till
soft, put it into a large jug, pour in one ;
, gallon hot waler and one quirt molass.-s, :
I «.r brown sugar; add some dried applies, if •
i . ■ "iCui- nt; k. ' p in tile jog in a warm |
t several days; water may be poured
in . veral t m<s to th< same corn. I will
I th in’-: any ■■:>.. for information regarding .
tin indus.rloii.s boy between ami
I ,'i-<|. .-n y. ns old that could be engaged to
live tn a. Christian home and be on. of the. ■
I family.
I Auburn, Ala—This is my first letter to i
1 tho sisters, and I sincerely hope it may
j accomplish the. object -for which it is I
written. Will some one assist m- in getting
■ a good horn" for a bright, industrious girl
; of spotless reputation, age eighteen; also it i
I boy. sixteen, a manly little fellow, willing I
to earn an honest living. These children I
So Sho is to Thom—Not so to a Woman.
_ ' I
A Woman’* Knowledge Saves Mrs. Ebbert From an Operation.
I ' '7' i 1 |1
f\ A woman understands women as a man never can hope
to. For this reason Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, of Lynn,
i A* -
I" 'i/ i, After long and patient investigation, Mrs. Pinkham
s " -if I l'\\l jfi'TTw confirmed her own conclusions, namely: that seven*
<.■7 /I \/ eighths of the sufferings of women are due to dis-
/ | V x ' " oi-dei-s of the '.'terine sysi<-m. Ih a.c niing on 1 his line,
/ / I she saw that the only preventive of early breaking
| / k II V down, was a specific medicine which would act
i 1 j |I * alone on the female organism.
’['his was whv she prepared her excellent Vegetable Compound, which
has been such a boon to thousands ami thousands of women, if you have
i headaches chiefly at the topof the head, and are troubled by painful menstrua-
tion, dizze.ess, sleoplessm■ ss. backache, and that bearing-down feeling, Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound will tone up your whole system. Mrs. Chas.
I). Ebhert 330 Wood St., Reading, Pa., testifies to the
great power of the Compound.
“Mrs. Pinkham—l can say that your medicine hascured
me of the pains and troubles whith I had. My case v
a very bad one, and puzzled lite doctor. My womb had
fallen ami I had terrible pains in my back and hips.
1 could hardly walk. My husband went to our fam-
ilv doctor, and he prescribed medicine for me. but lif A \
I found no relief, and grew worse instead of better, tj •'&''<s
The doctor examined me ami wanted toperforinan ’
operation, but my husband would notconsent.
theadvert ; sement in the paper, Igotabottle of Lydia -h ■ ’
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable, Compound, and before I had •’wj&v’V*
taken half of the second bottle, 1 felt like a new wo-
man. in all I have taken four bottles of your medicine, and can say that tam
entirely cured. I hope that every woman suffering as 1 did, will follow my ad
! nee and take your medicine at once.'
are rendered homeless by the loss of prop
erty and a mother’s ill health. Why don't
the young sisters write to us? It would bo
Interesting and instructive. There is not a
home that does not welcome The Constitu
tion as an honored guest to its fireside
these long winter evenings. Address Mrs.
liosa Lovejoy, Auburn, Ala., Lee county.
Mrs. Donlo Burke, Elamvllle, Barbour
County, Ala.—l highly prize the letters
from the sisters and the good recipes. I
have the Russian sunflower seed and will
divide with those sending self-addr ssed,
stamped envelope. T also have a. curious
old-time Bible printed when "fs” were used
for “s.” I guess it is the old King James
version. If any" one wants it, I would be
pleased to hear from them, as 1 .vant it io
help me pai’ lor the repa.r .>1 ouy .Tiiii.-ti.
I am without money and have just been
reailing where Adonlram Judson's auto
graph brought a. pour man's mil for tho
‘‘union,'' so my old Bible might help me
a little; If not, no harm is done.
“D. E. C.,” Crewsvllle, Ala.—l enjoy read
ing the letters. I live In a beautiful eoun
ti\v home, and how I have enjoyed ■wan
dering through the beautiful autumn
woods, so richly tinted In their golden
brown hued foliage, reminding one of a
mythological fairy tale, gathering the de
licious nuts we southerners are so fond of.
1 want to ask here will any sister semi the
words of the poem commencing. "The mel
ancholy days liave come, the saddest of the
y.-ar,'‘ and also the one comm• nclng ' ib*.
day Is done, and darkness falls from the
wings of night like a feather wafted down
w ird from an eagle in its 11 ght, through
Tho Constitution? Sisl. rs, 1 think “idle
ness" is such .in ev,l. li makes such a
useless, empty life by Idleness. Work
cheers the broken-hearted or downcast,
making time, pass pleasantly ami quickly.
Miss I*. V. McCreary, Ellenton, S. C.—l
have long been a reader and admirer of
The Constitution. My favorite writ" r is
Bill Arp. He has the ability to put poetry
and sentiment into cv< rytliing he touches.
Woman’s Kingdom semis forth much in
struction and many beautiful and elevating
ideas. In last week's pap.-r one oi' tile sis
ters mentioned The Midget as being a good
child's paper. I would be glad to learn
Wli< re Tile Midget mbii hi d A f. w
Weeks igo omt" l.aly -
know something ol laxallonr. I s. nt for ■
tho r< cipe and a pacha:,e of laxaliour i- ;
year ago Tile lady's addri s.- was then: ;
Airs. Smith, Alexander City. Ala. I have •
forgott n tier ... i ■■ ve th. re-
c'lpe now and if the laxly who wished it I
has not nor cannot hear fr<>m Mr: Smith
will Scud me. her address with l imp for i
ant wcr 1 v. H take pleasure in ending the
J r. .’; to h" r. (Address ".Midge:," \\ arm j
; Springs, Ga.)
! ;
Mrs. 1' J. Latham, Williamston, N. C.—l :
have for soxi ral years read with d: light 1
many inter-sting letters in our paper—that i
' word "our" means my husband's and mine. ;
Tho de ir old Const.tution is the paper and .'
It has caused me to feel a. little akin to tho i
writers. 1 would have b. a ind. • d I
■ doubly so, to have met Aunt Susi, while I
J was in Atlanta, but n y stay was only I
few short hours and tin leisure mom- nts 1 :
had to spare 1 took to vi it tie Grady '
mouumeul. J took my liitb- daughter with i
mo m a. cab to s■■■• what the" people '
had done in ii-mor to their beloved Grady. |
Although h" is gone, nis n ,t h l:\.s ,
in ill," memory and h< .ris of the good peo
ple. I know wiiof-of I sp.'-ik, lor many j
children in this suite httvo his iiatm , md I i
visited a i osodh. ■ in t .Ind aa Territory |
lalic.l ‘Gt-.uly. How m-.iiy .-i y .u ' :
heard Bill Arp? Woiiiiln’t 1 I d
to hear him. !!•> was in our stat"- no; long I
since and lectured in om
I Washington, N. C. Christmas will ,-o ni11- 1
, her. ■ .1 m.'.y It liml us all Hi inkfill f r Hi" I
abut:<"..: nt im reies .f th" pa "t, if it find.- us ,
I pet li May th< ni" r. :• a I God gui«lt tnd
<iii-«t us ail through lai., ioinmy o: 1 o
and I - "ly nave it.- in a b"Hi r v.orld, .- the
I pr. y, r of your unworthy writer.
I Mrs . H. Rainey, Conant, Fin.—l g!ve a
I re for col.Is: Got a li: n- >i-. ■ al
of veet oil and ten cent ’ wor h of can 1.1: up t 'l. . ■ •
’ put ill the sweet oil; " 1
and wlnn the head 1
] rub th.- son h> ad an
.-It- ■t. If tie till'-. ■
menl 'is follow. . ’llqual pa.
tine, sweet oil, spirit; of <-im;i.,.*.
oil, paregoric; shake well togelhet md rub .
ment I have ever used for ill k id ■;!’ |
soreness. When the. little ones arc sick and ;
vomit ,i sour X"in i. tr-. j .x- g '■■. m a :
( llttlo salt nd soda <lissolved to ther in a
'little: tor cold water. 11* will a i rdevo
Inst pah • • . If i lit-
i He ol liave any liow-l • "tn -taint, ii. i rub ■
i the little s;. Uli:;. "I a: .1 b a- I wi. a t . • :
' above P.niment, or spirlls of camphor. I ;
have tb.w r . ds. eiitnags i<) ... m-d |
' ros.-s, lily bulb- and many other flow. ri I
I ind seeds to exchange for small remnant I
of any kind of ni. i-. .-1 >r ■■■ . i ■ ;
quality of quilt scraps si l !'., worsted, ci! . >. ‘
s itt- "it or glngh im. Also have lots of g tod
r< tiling for exchange for same l beiievo
in b>t It home ind foreign m dons, hut,
sisters, had we not best considei near
us first?
Mrs M I'. Abrrn.-Ithy. M-. Molly. N. n,-
1 on ioy reading vour l -tt. r. so mueh. . ■
clnlly anythin-; eon.-, ruing the r. iriti-- ot
children, church work, missionary work,
and. In fact, most anything that interests
Ip .- .-■ .1- . L hale ■ \ ch ■ ldr> t I: vt-
boy. ind one girl—and my gr it.-t .l. -lro
and humble prayer to God is that they
may |. • :v.- an cdueat on and become
Ch- :s‘. i-i. .
I would like to get some oranges from
some Florida sister for Chrlstma '- for my
children; please write and state price pet
box: or p> rhaps saim-om wII •\. h im-..
■ oranges for . ometli'ng. We have bl o k
i walnut"-', it ckorv nu s. l a-iKt-'. an.l ; t-
simmons. I w.mld Ilk-- to .... tie Rtl-
ston Health Club." "Mrs. C. It. .It." pb-tse
wr':..; I w mid wti'i first Imt 'Io no’ kt.ow |
x out H.ldr, I>< ar . s'. .. w. : .vo i
"shut-ins" in this I ttl. town a.. Chris- j
Han wont- a. who hav.- b < n <- itfiti.-d to I ed t
for .ix months one of ic m is t m.n i
wfe t'M. tho.list), ami she i om ot the I
FW<...t. ■ charm tel I .v. r knew. Sli. fs ,
a t;t'"i' sufferer; h is b mi an t'tval'd for !
eightei n years. Si is a. great lov.-r ot
fl ■ ... < r ' ' ■ ' i I ■ ■ I : ' ' ■ i- 1
who “lox ■ ' to make ol hers happy' wo tld '
r. .11-111 .et- the.- by -.-.-I : a ,
b of fruit. I will Answer Mr. R. C. i
Abernethy’s letter spin.
Mrs. T F. Morion, Pry Run. Miss.—l
Will I guess there is about half of you
that think I ought to bo In tho peniten
tiary, and I think so too. So you can fusa
ut me us much as you please and I will
not got mad. I guess we have all found
out by this time that It is easier to get into
trouble than It is to get out. After tho
bulbs gave out I called on the neighbors to
help im-out, which they did. but it cost mo
something. <fonsequ nlly the l ist boxes
were discounted a little. Some of you aro
out a 111 tie on the cactus to defray ex
penses. But 1 reckon you will have to lie
llko the preacher who after s"nding around
his hat to take up a collection and tail, d
to get anything remarked that he ' was
glad to get his hat b."'lt." I Want to
thank the st-tei's for waiting so patiently
with me. ami m pecia Ily those who a: nr
receiving the bulbs scat oi- flowers. Tnero
ar.- Home things, sisters, I think we all
would do well io remember. That is that
anything offered in th. so < olumus is good
for only thirty days. XX. don : hav■■ tin.-c
tilings bn hand the y«ar round t > make us
, a living, and the supply Is usually ex
hausted in that lime. And in exchanging
asking a lot of inquiries aa-l .dmg only
stamps enough to defray . xpen;.. u <m things
want..!, il' eompelled to m ■ .-hell Wat. r
for washing clothes have it drawn (he .n
--ing before ami stir in d mlvetl borax of
asiies. If 1 have overlook'd any ono that
sent to me for anything please write mo.
A. H. I’., Robtrdel, N. C -Of Woman's
Kingdom department in Th. < oust tution I
have for some time been a sib nt .mlmir. H
J hope the good sisters will m<v< r allow
it to weaken or wane, but wili labor on to
make it still more inti, resting and ti.-. fitl.
Its influence is appreciated and it is re.-
g,trued as an Important lector m *:ie make
up of the paper. Contribution", from tho
suge of Bartow are episllts Known and
read ol' all men, and women, too. Long
may he live and prospei and continue to
supply delectable things, morally and intel
lectually, for the repast at the tables of the
millions. Among tho numerous and in
valuable eflusions of ills p vi le,a pen noth
lug tins been read with so much pleasure I
and profit as tin seniim. nts express .! ,n :
r. :o the book, "Hi.a oi th". Ages.” i
H - words • ' mmci ion and ,
have done mor., geed n. r. t. f.oii: ponii nf I
view than any or all titin;"-' w iti.-n on '
Oth.-r subjects. -No work Iw : read a; -
poars so thoroughly biblical. Mor.- Han ■
s. hundred texts and scriptural r< ter-
; emirs ar.-, found iu Its dii; aimited p.
; nil of which wtien .xplaimd and applied ,
! throw a. Hood of lg;. , lilt- im uTation :
: itself, iu pl ie. s hither o dark and -i,:.-';-i- ’
deist —I. The tru ■ • tian, div ed of I
all pr< . : wh< i ■ ... undi tands
■ and apprcciat i a will , • ha | ■ . nd d.<
! happier, and the s'k'-puc and unbeli. ver i
; who reads It will find .!•• i. ty ble.i-.ade.l I
, by a fortress strung and impreg; able as j
j the rock of Gibraltar.
i Mrs. J. R. Aklnsi. I andon, Al;’.—l enloy j
i the nice letters. Tillin'; ivmg has pi . <l.
I will tell the t i>w w< observed
i the »iuy. First, 1 |. 1; like, we had a g.a at (
deal to be thankful ;or. Xie have been !
■' I|. s.-'< oln more w .ys tmin on- i 'i. ■ :' i
', ■ an ; ■ rs, and 1 ' ■ droi
Iwe Jiam l i.-.. a i- . i - crop, and we !
have so many ni ■< : to ea>. \\'m>
l couldn't liavo a ~:.,aer lit f-.r any on.-? So |
wo gave a Titanic , ivma di.'in. r. Thu f
weatlivr w.c uufa, orti'-le, and >ll who '
I were invited did not eoiue. Old-. Sol ins" ed
I on hiding h s fa." that day, but in the
I alt. .-o-! a .1 ■■ '; ' -dm in to ali. nd
I devoiioii.ll e;.. . w.-i.-n w. re cjadi:- d
,by oi l lovid p i,tor. 11- r. ad B orn Hie ;
I ii.nely-s. . i...d and ninety-loth I'.-i-n -. I
w i:< re Hie l‘salmi.->t said, "it is a good
thing give thanks umo tm> Lord, and I
I ... ;ng pr.. s unto ’) l:y na:m '• most
I High." lie ru.m... iitol on H ■ words and
Oitir.d a wr..- impressive pr-iy.r. V.. ltd
| i .c and -iiiy.n g ai'.i witn.d we . ajoyed .
I our 'i bui!kh;;iv ha;’
' We c.une to Lookout Mountain n< nr two i
years :ig... My li.-alui lias always hen I
b.ul. 1 was m-v. r able to do my horn-- I
work but a . nort v die a the I inc sinao |
we hi re. 1 do it ill ami !'■ el str mger
and better than ever. We have good '...i1.-r i
and ih.c air. < im; l.etw.-en ..'a and IO 1< "t
. '.- ,o ...■ io
'h's ii-.ok lo loan will send it to mo i
■(,. go -luge Ir. im' '" ' ' d- .
\ *
. ■ r• ■:.!. ■; 18. n
i-rn North Caroliaa. on the *..;■■
While we may not beast of wealth aro |
gr' at .'ilu: , yet we may be. - : of on.- of j
, rhe healthiest local.. '• - in Am- I■' I i
I Tim Corn Itution w1 h much pl- isur- and .
' profit. W-- may tru' I", pl. ud of su"li a |
paper and ich a kind editress I m >
i letters written by find haml ••. hut Ir.. i j
loving hearts oft) ■ -or, ill oye> -
:■ ml. After . W -un i’i ' K ••
I one fpo’.s then ;u\ trends n idy to h« it- In j
..nd deeds are never forgotten." Son;, of •
the sisters give most excellent adv!.-.: in
rearm ; children, v. nich is re id with mm h .
111'. :. .:. Tie a th. re are r. ip. - no end to
them In r, n fur s >m< ot th« < I would |
ill-,.- to coutr'bure sonv :i'’ig. To .ny w' .- |
will send st imped, a Idn>sse<l i > velop. I i
v.iil s< nd sunllow. r >< ed. While tne sun-
I. :■ -.ot so --. . ; '. t 1 n•' ,
n.-.v. It m:'.;..a a nice o-Ji.-r tor a bed ol
: tunlas ”1 s s: id I’ wards off fev. r. 1
v.- b. n k ."'ir,; : I w.-aiy-t wo y.i
■nd have nei r h ia < e >f :■v« ' 1 wiii
also .-. nd petunia . x -ry large and ■
pretty; also morning glory se-d. sqt a.-li
si ed, fly poison ’ w
gani' u bea'i ;, tin tin. 1 ev -r s ''v. < »!' I
,' ' ■ ■ ■ I
over “Milk nlal I'iawu ", 1 or a rerm I
I . ■■■■ l "Having more charity f.-r ea. li
I ,trier ”
For . ome time T h ire thought of writ
. - : ■ .1. ■ irtroent. hut 111 h< ilth and
- : . pr x ■ k m<. Mrs. |
II r-medy for'.ll: or enlarged tmi|
I I med to suffer greatly from it until I [
■a ,daw. ,k . dutlon of • .rl•• •!:• .1, tdo :
not remeniKr the .mount of acid to a pint |
of water, as I have not bad any trouble
of the kind In seven or ..iglu y nr,-. Any
g oo<! druggist or physician can prepare It.
lusidlt as n yai.. .itsllx' —from one half
to three-quarters of " hour between times,
according to the s. vtrlt. -if the ease Tho
ulcers in my mot; are probably due to
some stoma.-li trouble, ami nr. what s-:nfc
call s oma- ii sot 1 would consul: .: !
physician, though a pln.’h of black .iraugh, :
after each meal w-.uld be beneficial.
How many ot th. sisters are successful
In making pies -' !i a nieringii.-? It is
so apt to fall wh- -i Hie p . Is cooled. I
will tell how 1 m A., it, md I always have
it ni.'.'. 'Io the wliie .O' va.-h < ,;g u- a.
b< at< n until it will stand, put oi . heap ng i
tab!.(loiiful of sugar. .' at until it is
smo- li; b.-t Ih. pl- ' ■ U" . 01-l; spr. an ■
H e ir,-Hngu-- oa, i>! ice in -in ov< n where '
ft will tak. fi'.'.i’ '...lit to ten im.'Ht. s to I
brown. It will then stand, as the white
Is thoroughly < "ok".'. Try it. i' in -. ,s I
to., dry -m.I still. I find it falls ofi of cake ■
w hen cut. w orse th in wh< n it ha hss su- .
* Sonieoix .. k bow to make e> rn b er. I i
boil a nint of bell, d corn t'-.r ail hour or a :
■ - - , ... in ... it. :■ to keep . II . ov< red '
To «g • I’-• • and :. I:'. 1 ' of v ■'• i. sw. . • .1 :
to taste p--a■ o'i v w ;, n sorghum or v, ,
1 pour th.- boiliim corn ind v. m.-r, e..v. r- .
it,,- q. i sor.u Hm. - id-l i pot or mo-.- of ■
strong glng-. r tea, iv'-t. ’i adds gr. • lx-
It, i think. I'l u" th v. --I -on in ng ih.-
corn and xv.i ter it ■ v t'm P’ ■ ■ and tt, '
a w< ■ k or ten days It is r ady io ii"'-- As- i
r vs.- off ih.- b-.-r I pv‘ in sw- .teneo .
<• i to k • .• it ’ ".i’ ruining. A pint of
eon will make b- r a Ion;
I will give a remedy for “• cake” or
w- . I In hr. ist. I' : -th" slmpl -' ."'.l
. . r< m-'dy I ver saw tried: T ike
equal part of vinegai and wh ky
and a- much salt as it will dissolv-t I:--it j
ft (hot): saturate a (lanm-l .-loth in : ie
hot vinegar. . ml apnly t-. the br.-.-ist—tl><"
I a w - njoy Aunt Su le’s ]< tters and j
the sis • too. Th- re is alway s som- - ■
thing useful tin.l instruct ve in th- le;t,-rs. i
i Hwny turn to ..'ir :>ag-- -'on a- the’
p-ip.-r comes in. Long I-. Aunt t-’nHe
tn brighten our pa.'-- 1 Yours. Aunt Kather
Exchange List.
J. Y. I-'reen. in. St unp. s. Miss., has old
confeder...: bill ot ISCI is-iie to exchange
for best off. r. Write witti stamp.
Mrs. r>. .1. Rowland. Kittrell. N. C..
wishes to exchange The YMuth’s Com-
panion for ’95, ’9G and ’97 and music for I
bulbs, seed and rooted roses and eape jes- .
Mary R. Clayton. Acworth, Ga.. has
flowers of many kinds and .sword beans to
ex.-tiauge for colTce signatures and calico
scraps. Write with stamp.
Annio S. Clayton, Acworth, Ga., wishes to
exclian;.-. long handled gourd s.-.-.l lor hya
cinths and tube rut* s. Jtatl I'-snake water
melon seed for anything useful. VX rite with
I>. A. Fairbank, Red Hill, Va., has hand
camera (Blair's) takes 'pi.flur.i J'.xl'.i
iuches to . icebange for pocket kodak or
Baby Hawkeyu or other photographic
goods. Addr. ss with stamp.
Mrs. M. L. Ward. Tabbvillo, Miss., han ,
pecan bushes two years old to exchange, lor |
best off.-r, also Columbian stamps. XX rito •
wl at you have.
Mrs. I>. L Milford. A ppi-. Valley, Ga..
ha;; moon vine seed and *lh iiotrope to ex
change for worsted scraps.
Mrs. J. Cory, New Decatur. Al i., has a
good view camera to exchange for any
thing of equal value. Write wl’.ut you
I’. O. Box 17:1, Brownsville, T.-nn., Ims i
magazine., an.l : lory papers to <v. iriiig. for
< ar,cel-.l stamps, confeder.. ie money, In
dian relics or bir.l -ggs. XX rite for li.-t and
stutew hat you have.
Mrs. W. N. Greenlee, Cr.-eidee. N.
will exchange daffodils, grap.- by.-:, intha
and lemon illy for o'.m r bulb; . nasiurliuma
and verb, mi seed for other flow, r seed.
O. L. Mullins. Row. rton. Miss., has old
Btradlvarus v olln 1717 in or.l. r to ex
change for gents’ or lull..- gold waten.
Waltham mow ment preterred.
Levi Moore, Moorefield, Ark., his good
t< . ■ i i nip hot < mera to exchjngo
for foreign, confederate and old Liiitvd
I States stamps.
Mrs. Laura. I-.’. XX'hitman, Myrtle. Fin.,
; wi.-ri.-s to exchange for eovv. bleyele or
spy glass, go'd wat.-h and . Im'.n, Iwo wln
' cnesters, a 32 and .11. Write Hist.
Mrs. 1, I!. Glover. Spr. -id. Ga.. will ex- ,
, change solid gold ring' with brown stone ;
camera sitting for a good btby carriage.
V. rue.
Mrs. V. L Lentz. Athens. Ala., has half
grown |>. l squ-rr.'l to tx- lmnge for liw
I yards nic ■ dress flannel suitable for child’s
Mrs. M.o- Roop, I ’.oopvllle. Cm.. Ims music |
' “Trim to th- i.-i "W bisome Gram to :
.- ■ :'w ■: Bunch Os Dai:
| and “Pride of the Ball.”
| Mrs. W. D. Senn, Lontshor-, S. will
| cxehang." rets of strip-d mine, -mtor oil
| bean seed, doll di'-ss s and enps f..-' livn- ■
i eintits, tulips, narcissus, < r- cus and other '
i flew. rs.
Mrs. E. F. I |. .Grange. G., will . x-
| change searfpln. hooks ami aov--Is f-r Ar- I
! buckle ; i'll.a tur.’-s, and Shakespeare and '
: two volnni s Diekmis's works tor a good
V. I!. Rr-v '1; . M 'pl wills, Al : . 1’ "S S' ' 1
of < . lard, r .di, b. poppy and oth- r ; Io i
. xcl.ang. f..r e .nc. l' d .stamps, cons. d. ra lo
:■ i . ■ > cotton .. .1 from tris in j
Peru, for ki thread, calico oi spool
thread. XVrite for pi rs teular-.
I: ...thy Let. Rock F.'Ue. . Ga.. will cx
; ch <; ■ dir lions fir shorthand painting I
: for fifty soap wr,.pp. m.
S. M"vs, Lockhart, T"X . Ims r- <•!;>.• to
kill J.dim >ll p.-ass to . X. h .nge for li'- r ■-
• tor- vv.o-st. <1 scraps or twenty coffee signa- i
i tiin s.
| Ev.’ Byron. Lisbon, N. C„ has th- “Cen-
.~o (■■ pel tan.’ “Petcri . " and
o-lii rs to . x.'liang.. f.'f cofi'e.. ; Igmitufi s;
live for one m;'." .
.Mrs- x w . Ih'- on X' ‘ fl!. C l . ha ' Baugh
nr a'.-- adjustable tailor- machine.
w : ’h '!’ • for ••!«•'.-
, unabridged dictionary and
: f- '. ’s poems.
, v c
Society Lady Binned to Death.
| Trenton. N. J . December <> • Josephine
XX' --.-. .-> prominent young soe'ety woman.
i m ,1 toil' lit from burns sus'aim-d w'.'.'.-
Miss Warder envel
,l ut-rself in a cloak stuffed with cot
ton caught tiro and d. -pit.- the es-
o; r friends, .he was fatally
Two Men Killed by Explosion.
' ■ n-'.-boru. Ga.. D.-.-. mb. r 6.—• ial.l j
At V. -. vw..,-, !. this county, a st'. lona v
10 US< 1 by Lum Pyron < xi lod I
i s 'Ully killing Ills son, Syd Pyron, ai d a
i 1. .—-1 and wound'ng some o’hers
chronic < t have b-en
i Hmt lo i; hsomo dh- i"-o for '"ars. an-l <--.n-
| not find a cur'-. Their doctor. In w.nm ;
they have implicit faith, can do them no ;
good; th. y arc perfectly (It- -onrag. .1, anil. I
i after "(pmnder ng a largo sum of mon-y I
: hi v i n attempts to find n cure. t j
j Inevitable (or what they ■upp-’'i‘ to be the >
i Inevitable) and settle down to a lif>- o'' 1
j mls- ry.
The following fs a letter written by C II
Hardin, ..f Fvansville, V.':-., who had bo n I
. a uff. r. i wit >< ". j
X t -rrh f""
Nb i ye.tis; his wif<‘ ;
fj l .' 1 • I ’• .
LA I with th.- earn.- dis-
case for twenty- I
■'m v . fi'.- y ir- T'ney I
i ’ x -'g" ' beard of He ru n' .
' '". -' G. rind w. re both
; A. ' cured. Th. I-' r
I ' r-a.l : “In the
\ //- ?■ ■■>, nrpt ,bw r <> '
’ > ' ru-na. cured my |
wife of hronlo |
catarrh, with which she had been tro-:h e<!
for more than 25 years. Tier breathing I
! Wis so bnd that she could not sleep on .
' her back at all. but Is now tibl.- to do so '
: w-th p-rfect ease. I was also troubled w ith ■
1 catarrh for 15 years, of which the Pe-ru-na
Ims entirely cured m-. I am no more :
troiib --I with Hi.- . 'poking which the ca- :
tr.rrli produced, .and I am able to sleep .
' well, which T <• mid not <1- when I bad tho I
.-ai-irrh. X short time ago I taken !
! "i!'i It severe eol I and my v. fe gave me '
I the iloet. .-'s ;m li.- n -for It, nd I gr- w i
worse all th" time. She then got a bottle j
of Pe-ru-na. .and in a short limo 1 was 1
i . ntirely well. Some time ago my yonii.;.- a i
«,>n t ad tho grippe and the disease s . med
' to settle tn his ,
■ lungs. producing /m.m'
rinrrh'. < "r’"i /I ' r ;-‘t
' thr * luniii. W."
pr, the b< - V*/ '
dical aid for N- ~ 4 I
h'.m that w' —•/
could, but --Pl I" no rA-v
X t "1 ' '’.." A
F".ru-na and his <'A - 5\ \
hemort ‘
I".I. and ’
got up and is well
and h.'td it w rk. IT- h.-m hid no mor;
hemorrhage.<” Tins gives a faint i.l a o.
what Pe-ru-na is to a great manv fnmlli'.-s.
it t iltos the place of the family physj. im
and is of wonderful benefit in the many
little adments that would otherwise need
tho care of a physician.
Dr. Ilarttm.ii Im written a very Interest
ing little pamphlet on catarrh, which will
be sent free for a short lime to any ad
dress. Send your letter to Tho I’e-ru-ua
Drug Manufaetitring Company, Columbus,
Ask your druggist# for a free Pe-ru-na
Almanac for 1898.
Ths Secret et Wealth is to DKyCigiiHAA- ’
_ , . 11kj &i's /•*< ;** ( X *a; L Kill
Thn nearer the manufacturer and consumer <an be ‘ j $
brought together, tint more money aaved to the < -m- Y ’•' A
miner. We can sell yon an
!nt wln.losaio prices, thus r.aving you eveiy p. any usually L ~'.L f. ;,. -j i-' c.. J
i poeM-t.,..! by a;-, i.ts and d-.i-r.,. ; "Zj ■ f
days’ trial. No money in advrnye. Snfe delivery ( >
nt v.Mr depot iii 'ire<l. (>ur now de* bill cert Hi-at'- liox.s (■, ■ : - .. ;
V ’l !• iw to get an or I'iano 1»r J.:tle or muhin/. ■/_ . '■*
]lemomb('r o:ir < alah»"’io you nothing, ainl will .dvioLEl’l(".'n; ; ’ ’ . . ' I
positive/v scvoy-mi zno.ucj'. I n " ■ lv/ a/,.
PIANOS, $155 UP. x. ■' '
f ■ . .
tt/'F-i "
aJy’ /. . ' .- ; ... v;.’.;. /.' CC ’ .
''''' ' ' " ’
'. - . ' t :'s'. f
.... .fi.-' - -> / tIN
fe! 5 A’- mi APIA,
: • .. yv ..
Delilah I tired the Elder Kent Into tho '
Woods unit Sli d. Hint While Ho
Was on Ills Knees.
XVav-rlv, Ia„ D.- ■ ibn 8.-Mi:m D.llLh ,
I TX'.I. s 1 .1.-. ni. '.'! ■du;."' in tl'. H -g- |
' ie death of J r..'.m- i<-rn. The ma:*, was ;
i found dead ill ;-. Im: ly wo "J on the 22d !
i of last August and the young w - '
; now > -h" Urea the 1 v'b th it |
i ki11..! bi-.- S> ' •is i.‘ ! ct- a tu-ay. and It |
i Is sa d , ." a..-'.e-l iicompl'c. before tho ,
I fact, a son of tho victim, will bo indicted !
< mrges that when ho
; a. m-i" .-,;d -jf Hint, hi ?.• ar H- i-.-l-r ,
> Kern b. nay. -I I:- r. and t n ■v- r if" r ’
ho Imres ■.| Ji. r v.. ■. bm at - Mme
than that, I. ■ smi it by b'meken ,ig m r |
I rrn .:. • • m
' - ■ r mm im--- '
sot ■ had b. ; i fairway to be.
bapp >, mat ed, I many t
Jerome K in, ..1 , poit-.iw 1 r
lovers at .du>t Ie r.
At last, wb.ti by the si.itio m>:l:)l l-a ■
h. i" . j .... 1 . I -tr. .1 m y< n- v. e.t i ,
i:,-.-if ..i t; ■ :-m ... th- :m.. S:
"1 killed him with pr-m. •! tat »n and
deliberation. I pra-.-d God to g-ve 1.-«
strength to do it \ .ii, .ill i..<- . .I'm t: ■. s
i I Gould • Hl ' 1.-11.1, 1 a.n- I I H u' '
caln ,ii life from ,
k tj-i x |
fired those fat 11 shot
cm. ■ ■ " -
j Would b- 111, I- ' ' V.l mil m I . Ollilcll.t > . >
I appointment for the following morning ;
■ iu tlit- woods ni .'.;' her honv-. They m t i
I and 111, a. . <t li.-r to a' :;lit I'l'olu lo r '■- |
i h ” S ‘‘> ' ir r ' ‘ '>'• ' 0,1:
"lie w:.- on his km . > I-- .or.- me. I s v I
up. A> -v hl). . ’ ;.l; J h.-IT I , ■.: :. J
I a litth; \v i a’ltl ’■-•!! forw.i.i'i I .
j Tb \ • \ 1; i . .<i I i IK r purp >
j hum (.•.ii to K<rn. Lvw.j mu*t bu )h -I I
Bears Matched Against Dogs.
Birmingham, Ala., i>mber 7.—(Special.) [
: '. w Issued today to R. H. Hed-
| '"lla; • bears while - til
| cubs from a Hl. i.d in M . ai'-l
I tnds to accept all com- i Hi -ij • '.h it 1
! he will w.liter H at his !-e:c's will tackle |
any dog th.-1 cute.. -:.
I c- M'" - * -“ ■ “ . ...3 •
Treatment for Women.
i Tn.l'- 8 who
i I>r. Branm, . i - .-nm- -I 1. r ': ■ in-
I Rent's home. 'l'i t pt
I anywhere win, directions for horn.- use. |
I Terms law. )■: . lantlv fnrnlsii-d I "im- f - I
! ladies who pr- I. r to < to Alla: in to ,
1-- treat- d. \':; lllab!.- -a n d - vinp om i
' blink ma led fl. .- in plain . ::v< l-e,. i-'-.i. |
i Aildr--s I >r. M.n A, I‘.raiinon, l->2 <' ■'!■:: 'I ;
I avenue, Atlanta, Ca.
I =
'ki r’ ! !' A > ■ Ik” (( i
j/VAO .11 Ik a c )
j Y i k< i t ill-: erbout y.-r hifaliit in' dmn rs
an’ the sb li,
An' yir b.i..qu. t.. an’ yer lunch. >n.s wi at
ar.- <. rv. d up to the rich;
Where yu eat yer stuff in cau.vas an’ r-o
clo.- - the waiters stan’
Thar "via n jon finish up it’s Hird tr ‘--Il
where yt began:
I-’nr : I'-' i-I'.ki : t at home an‘ irain
A 111. K Ol ,be C lod oi’ ch', k-.p. that my
nielli- r i.sto to mak".
I kin look b .-k to that li' - ountry x ill . re
How happy tlvn, w . youngsters, at the
'ir.- • faint fall qf sii"W.
Fur vve k '"V th. Christmas season ('twas
a Im . to us I hell)
XV as. near and. an’ alt our folks would
XV. '-! guh ri" <1 t'i." i .bl ■ bmg an.l sup
plication make
For a ph c of that dear ol' chicken pie that
mother used to mak".
On the moitdn' of Unit happy day, how ;
early vve would ria.,
X.ll’ work like !.. \ : .i. ail of u, . a thinkin’ I
of those pies;
Au' latl: r lie would .tail t five In tho lit
tle parlor stove,
—rj r\. r®, j? r'"' ' f fvs,
I AZ'f,mr-.AF£
I ' •
tr f . ■ > /' ■ ’ !'•> It’ '
S. tt "ll’TA.'.l, -ciicurUuroSt., t; J ti!-»so
Mention The ConstltutJ-.-n.
LADIES’ 1 ’ !-•' ■ ' - will re
lieve your ■ .
Sami. '
[ “Till'! BAH \D' :. -
, wi'll" nd'om' '\- - ■ S iv,.-- ind Nov-
I s».y
. •-•ft f <■ '•'
'’■ ■ n ■ • ■ ■ ■ ‘
: ■ ■■'. ‘
s-’. v - • •' ’• 1
dVP I'm ’ V- ' e". ! im’ m< ’»
‘ , «r.J Uroadwajj
Mention r Constitution.
ri-Mir T 'nn iv.-.nLi-m 00
-. , tjiti i.. \ ii.;..
Xfentlor The Co-ijtituHoii. _____
i K ' , . i ’’ ,J
■ cm - ; : w m -■ r
this numb, r; .1 Ho- ,
nielli V, :■ :.| t‘ • liv : l-l- ■.,. S
<-y \v k ai .1
t'i'..- < ■ - ■ ;
i o I . it
D r. N i ON.
To 1 -ivo ev rythlm; in remlim wh. n ' ’ o
foil. . Hl, y dm tirrov-. -
An' moth' ; '■ ■: '■ ie kit- hen fir. vn
back d'd m-i'ie
Would work in tlxin’ up those thint tt
Oh’ thorn d- v th lt.ipp -t; there's
Fur when w m .| it' da'' r. nt, I''- ■' i ;g-
■ I about . >me:. nv.
My wife s . ■ 'ok.- . good ;i Muff a ; any
one would a.--!'..
An’ she goes about it. too. as if it w - .n’t
But of all the .1 .in !■ ■; she, ; th. r s
none, I vow. take
The. place of :li;a ■ ood ol' t.en pi.- that
my mother us' d to im.k- .
Tlie city folks arc many, t<>< who f n's
Altha* when i duty to cut a
At dinners and ,
pose as kings
An’ find fault V..HI t!’ luxue-s t'. Tt H'.e
weary waiter brings.
But I I.- ■v- t. i !" ; -Hie’,'.! ■, ■ ,
most anv stult.
To have a ; .. e. of th li • ' -i pie th»t
their mothers i>-.d to make.