The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, December 20, 1897, Page 2, Image 2

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2 TRAGEDY IN A VILLAGE PARLOR Three Men Shot To Death and Two Ladies Badly Wounded. WOMAN AND CHILD MAY DIE Host and Two Guests Die Within a Few Feet of Each Other. OTHER, DEATHS MAY FOLLOW Host Requested an Offensive Guest To Leave the House and a Bloody Duel Ensued. Jeffersonville, Gm, December 15.—(Spe cial.) Three men s hot to death, one woman fatally woiii.dcd and a girl hurt b> a itray shot, make the opening' chapter oi one of the bloodiest and most sensational tragedies aver enacted in Twiggs comity. The whoh s ale killing took place at the home of It. L., one of the most proniim nt young men in the county, and he is numbered among lined ’ad. wni*e it is his wife who-e <t. itli is momentarily ex pected from a pistol shot wound re. iwd while a determined battle was in progress under her own roof. .Monday evening the Clift' home was thronged with guests who lad be<n invit'd to spend ll’.e evening socially. The t alilis are known the county owt as among the nwjst hospitable p. <,pl> in Twiglgs and those who were bit! came expecting an evening m' pleasure mid happiness. Among tin- invit was Short Grltlin, a merchant here, and a young man oi good ; nily, t known tl.ri.ui'.hout tho county’. He w J been cot 1 < d Wild and soniewlmt dis.-il'al, d. yt not In tlm habit ol i eial events v th . . liquor. Gt among tile last of the gm.ts who leached t. • home and it was not long iilur it s up ;,. arat ' ■ w.i.s sons whti.t under t ..■• ini. u-nc,- ot li quor. I ■ om I lid any 1 tion to him or ills condition, iiov.ev as it was pre. ... d h< would on dm ■; himself properiy. 't he parlor w;us cr ">vded with young people when. Gr.llin c.’iUi ill. '1 bey v. re singing and danciiip, < baring nr.d laughing and merrlm. nt was a’. m- < .eight, waen suddenly Grltlin attracted the ai > ntion of all by a loud ami offensive remark of some kind.' Griffin had been standing in flout of the fireplac, froi .... n it 1 ■ ■ ■ the parlor and was til;- most promt'? ill IkJi? iu th. ill; remark ... to Will Homin, a fruit tree man, wbo had just . hi■ r. .1 th. •. >m. Hooten, as 11 < aier. d the ro >;•>, wall-ad Up to t pine . ami in doing rm,:., d against Griffin. It was till.-, that calls-d rifli.i to lose his tenip- r and use the oil' reave language which hits h> ;rd I y cir; I ody in tin room. Grillin cursed him for everything imagin able. iio<j. .. told Gr ain !:•■ v. mid ..e him m-xt day, v> ill;, d ltd.. Um mon .-n tin I. gilt ;l..(l ,11; .'lied 11 I, Clli.P', OL Grtli.n’s conduct. xi Kaiie at Griffin’s Threat. Califf Went to Griffin and a !• 1•’ «1 to leave. Griffin cursed Galli'.' at-, 1., end dons Hooten and puli. d his pis -.-.1. t'uJUT opened ills knit put its blade on Griffin's throat. G.uiit'.- wile mie ia and p t ger nd to ; i lick into the other room. Gr.liin a.-ii-d for his hut, r.-a-■: d back with hit left hand and pulled out a largo dirk, r, mark Ing: "lie lias pat his knife to my throat and i am going to get him.” lie ud\anc< 1 lo lit.- .loot hading in tho room. About il'.e time h-. mu.-hid il Califf turned on him. Gin .c rais.-d uls pistol and 11. •< d ami Cal.if cmtni. n■! shooting al Griffin, both ii-ivam aig mi . ,o h i>. !;■ r ami finally clinching. .Mr-, Ceiiff r -... to anil - a.ii.oit hold of her husband. Califf fired four shots and Gridin two. Wm a the tiling c. used Griffin a id Califf fell apart—Grltlin falling in th- corner of tile room in a sitting position. .11. died as he fill. Califf fl il ; his feet and expired ill a 1> w mom. rite. Near where both f, 11, C. L. h a- . , a young farm, - lit mg about .four n e.s from JelfcrsonvlHe, who wii; sitting in his chair talking with .Miss Wimberly, a young lady, at tin- time the tiring commenced. lie was struck ju. i buck of his ears by a bullet, and 11. s brains oozed ent of the. frighlful wound. As he struggl'd In an unconscious stalo on the floor of the room. .Mary 1\ llis, olm of the guests, a little daughter of the post niistre:.. of tile plac-, was shot through the stonu inn sei aming and fell into a heap in the street. Mrs. Emm; Califf, wife of Calih’, was shot in the arm. The elbow j .int was shatt< :'i d into 11.■, tn- i.: -by the hug-' ball from toe p;-. tol of Gr.liin. A cl'amber of bort. r.s was no fit name for the s, , 1.., after the. . mliiig <f the ai f i a v. Gne could SC,. lying 0.-'r.r ■ tile floor, toss ing m a <1- liritim, young Joins with mils er a twitchim' ami a lac., contort. I by i his hr;.ins in a heap on tin I! bj hi'- head. Near him, sitting upright in the corner, was th. c< t; -e a n stiffening, his pistol lying partially under, him. ,At his I ot lay Califf ,-truggling in the throes of death, w hile leaning ow r him his wife, with blood ami -l. ar-staln -d whil. ■ . : slowly dripped from Hie of the lingers of on- hu d, th.- arm lo whi-'h hung limp ' le, ingin ; to ami fro ai . n aimless fashion a.- her body Contorted with pain or writhed in grief. Di i Grl’fin Have a Confederate? This morning gr. ..t thron-.s - :-i;ie into town ami in a short time the Califf home was die central point of a ; tractbin. There everybody went. The und- rtaker took charge of tile bodies and as be was prepar h g ;■ oung < .'aliff for burial madi di iovi • - ice which caused some doubt as to whether hi.s d- .- tii had be- n caused by a bull t from Griffin’s pistol. This came to the attention of t-i.i father of the young min. uni a iiaiiii'. in tigaition Was -h-m.imb d. It, w. kia.wn that Gritdii’s pi tol w:. ;a. .11 caliber. But there w< tv three other wounds in tli - b.uek, and tli- .-- w-re made by a .32. Tills indicated that some one be sides C.dll'f ord G1 Ilin bad be. a • ■ .ig' -l in the d■ sp- rate light and the coroner un dertook to ascertain who it was. Th-r were some cool heads in the. parlor Wil. n the shooting was going on. and one of these openly declared this morning tlia.t more than six shots had be n lire-1 in the loom. 11 non-- other than tlie two m. n had b--n shooting six shots would have lr 'il t; ■ mimb-r fired, ja l-'.lng bj' the two AS! Ml FEE C A TAR R H C U R E ’!.i' - <:> ■it •.;;•!% Jiffy ve.ars ia the treatment of r:.(arrh,a'i>-! h/»ve • ib-ci. fi.-ore cures than any : T» r - I must non retire from active life, ! will, 1 rnm this time* <>n, s< ml th«* means <»f tn iime.'rt and cure as med in my f i icti -', I’n*; 1 an I post-paid t'» every rca-’er of this paper who suffers fr >m this loath <»mo, 0.-.nrer !l< ’ v. ■ - ■ i ' - J. K. Lawrence, 114 West 32d tit., New York. r |3 k; g £] 0 U tea Eks Let us Fend you a Fr« < Trial i’arknay of plens ont and hurmb- ■ medi* ine that v !.'! tf<> rikdit to the t-Hit f?nd quitkiy cure you ol < <>n.4tipalion»_ Hick H <*it fliK'lx't M', sp<*’»sja. I:i<tiu«*n4 »on« Kidney ’l’i-oii •>!<••*♦ Lh.‘i '4 mnplni»it, heuaint »:•«»’ atid cil IJJood J-’. h can ■< nine jn oph out open. AJcirod E( ■. i PTR \ X JJR I G CO.. 75 . pistols after the duel was over, and these six were accounted for. Four of them were fired at Califf and found wounds were found on Griffin’s body, his dirk having split one bullet in two, one piece of which entered Griffin’s body, the other glancing off and landing on the floor. Os the two shots lived by Griffin one found a homo In Callff’s body and one was lodged In the side of Mary Pettis. Young Jones’s death wound was made by a .32 and this has lead to the opinion that he was killed by a ball from the pistol which sent tlie .32 caliber into Callff’s back. This feature of the tragedy was given special attention by the jury of Inquest. One circumstance led to another until a suspicion was directed totyard a young man of this place. So strong did this sus picion become that a. r- lative of Califf s swore out a. warrant charging him with the murder, but so far no arrests have been made. .Mrs. Califf is suffering tonight from ner vous prostration as well as from the ter rible wound she received, and little hopes are entertained of her recovery. Her arm was terribly shattered and tin physicians have no hopes whatever of saving it. If siie survives the amputation it is doubtful If she will - vi r recover from th-- shock. The pliysicians cut a .14 ball from tlm side ->f little Mary Pettis, and while she Is now resting w-11, those at. her bedside have little hopes of her recov< "-y. It Is altno.-t certain that the ball which shattered Mrs. Callff’s arm is the one wh:i h wonm.i -I the little- girl. It is thought that after passing through! tim arm it continued -m its mission of life tak ing and entered tim side of the child. The Case Against Carroll. AVhen it was discovered that It. L. Califf had met his death at tho hands of another party Short Griffin, tlie. tear dimmed eyes of a grief-strick< n family looked long and earnestly for the hand which had c-o.iniias.scd Ills death, and bls father, W. 11. Califf, Sr., sought to place the heavy hand of tho law on the shoul clei s of Giltnian C.irroll by going before J. I'. Balkeom, justice of the peace, and taking oath that it was Carroll’s hand that fired the l ullets killing his s-'n. Giltm in Carroll is the son of Dr. Carroll, now deceased, of Augusta, and the l-roth- r-in-la.w of Dr. T. S. Jone;-;, a prominent physician of this place, at whose home lie was visiting at tho time- of tlie tragedy. A sister of Dr. Jones Is grief stricken at the turn affairs have taken. When the officers in whose bands the warrant for the arrest of Carroll was placed < ailed at tin- home, of Dr. Jones, Carroll had d’sappeared, having in some mann-r received the knowledge that the warrant harl b< - n sworn out. lie lias not yet been found, and his friends make the siatni-nt that Im will not lie, but will make his ai>js-arancc- at the April term of Twiggs superior court, in tie event any iii.iii-trmnt is found against han. giving the P- ctiliar nature of the iav. gov< rn ng com mitment as a, reason for ills failure to go into trial lieforc- a cmnmi c-ettrl. Tim lav. is tlia.t to commit, no proof beyeind -a r- isom ble < nl-t of the i ill of tile d am is nee-ssary, but only such • vide eas ; a susjiicion of guilt n tho mlnd ol the 1 i esi-.’ing justice. The Parties to the Tragedy. B. D. Califf was a. brother of W. 11. Califf. Jr., a small rn-rcliant at this place, and was hiimself a ■ rpenter. W. 11. Califf, Jr., n .m l-d a sis ter of Short Gritlin. Short Griffin is a grandson of '’oloncl Short Grltlin, -le-'-".'--l. who r-'pr- s-'iil- d the comity of Twiggs several tim. s in tlie 1-;-isl -Hire, and was a.t one. time in tho . -nate. from tills district, and a son of Short Griffin, dveic:i. e<l, wl’.o w.:s a farmer. A trai fatalitj ■ ' this nan: , and while Colon- 1 Short Griffin dii 'l a natural -P-atii, all t'mse named alter him have had ttic-ir llvs blotted -mt in a v:->li-nt ni; -:: -r. Sli-mff Griffin, th-- father of Hi-- young mm just kiil-d, f.-ll from his w.-i"- n into a gully on the road from Macon to J.-ff«nvill« . ami his n— k was broken. This boy's uncle, Short Gr Ilin, was killed il. a fight in Ker’m-- -w. < r I’.ir-l Cm <■, alley, in Mm-m. hi :i fight, and tim l ist who bore tl ; mt !.- met ii:s -math at the hands of It. L. Califf <m the night of tho 14th in. taut. <’. 1.. Jones was the son of Stephen , I treasun r. flo v un n rt ■ -and a pr- ti-.l usi u - zcn. 11-- far-'.ied about imir nnh. 1.-.-m Ji-ff- i sonvl:He was tin- first cousin of Slmrt Grit! n mgl tim cousin "1' S. li. Joe. . . tim sheriff of this counfy, and Dr. T. S. Jems, tin- brothi-r-.n-la w of Giltman c.rroil. Me., i’mma Califf, tho v, of It. L. Califf. was, prior to ffi’.r marriage. Miss Slapp- y, and is the ni- - «'l I Sl-ipi c, a prominent plivsii-im of t- s ]>lm , . Sh-- is at ti-is wr.t .me r--- ing - asily. .-,-en amputate- Bittle Mary Pelt's is a ni-ot -Mrs. ■ n, and ; -laughter <>i M rs. Salbe D. Pettis, of tliis place. The I>: • I i. not doi: . w- ii. ■ iii• 1 11 • ' s l-,r r< -,-ovi ry an- cxi e- dmgly slim. A Bloo.y Si/ine. Tho floor of th-- rooms, ai which the tragedy . -■••ir.--d hav-- iml y< t b< - n -1-:im - cd, and blood is smeared over tho iloor, furniture- ai-l walls. It m a : ■■< ne> that would nauseate the strongest stomach, yet people, drawn by a morbid curiosity, are constantly going in an-i gazing upon it. It is ra.i.t■ - that of the whoh- number of . ... . liri'd, not a single bullet lodged in a him: I.ut ) iman tl- sh. Many i .-a rs aml mm-ii pl. >-l w-mld have b--n saved In.d the imuksimiimfiip been 1- as excellent. TO CUP-E A COLD TIT ONE DAY Ta’ T.-isaCv.- Bimirm Quinine Tables. Ail ill-m'-ae.s r- fund in-mey if fails to cure. 2‘e. Tin -enuine ha I* B. Q. on each p ick m . FIGHT WITH ROBBERS. Eittlitr and Son Made Brave Struggle Against Burglars. Bittle Kock. Ark.. I •• :'.i! <-r 17.-Nt ar Clinton, in Gan Buren < -.arnty, an m."-l f . ■■; mt 1 Pat lon Culpepper two .sons, one of whom v/.is married and ;■ small i.imily. V. idle trie i nt he household were soated at tlie snpi r nib'.e two whito im-n wearing 1 masks and heavily anro! suddenlj* spr.-ng into th’., dining room, ai -1 ''. veilng tio r weapons at the heads of the a; somhh tl family, commanded them to nmain quiet. It was the apparent intention of the men to rub the house, but one of them began firing into the people as they sat at tlio tnble. < me- bullet from a winc'n ster struck old man Patterson squarely in the mouth. The wounded man sprung from the table and darted into an adjoining room for his pistol, lie there encountered one of tho robbers and a hand-to-hai <i .’tru. v.'.e was ■ ■ the fray and as quickly joined by Patter son’s brother and two sons. Shooting imm«tiiatcly began <m both sides, the oid m -n emptying his revolver end the sons defending themselves as best :’ • could. When the rubber:.- had ex ]■. . -.11 tic .!- ammunition th< y resorted to t .eir knives and began slashing right and • wounded from the* rliie ball, as. is linished with the knife, his throat being cut from ear to tar. liis brother was knocked senseless to li e* iloor ii'ier being slashed wi’h knives erd the throats of both tin* \ oung married son aed hi.-- wife were cut by the robbers. The other sun was slot through tile left arm and tlie right arm was shatt- red. The room in v.’lich the struggle occurred pre -• • isi• d :: i• ■ some a< .• •. 'i'b<■ w liis and coiling w< re ph re d by bn'le’s, win dows and furi’.iture w< ’<- demoli'ho<i. blood stain- were upon the a. .11s and blood stood in pools upon tlie flour. ACTOR DREAMS A REALITY. William Terriss, an English Actor, As sassinated at Theater Door. T.on-1-n. De-ember IG. AVillkun T. rriss, th- well-known u-tor, wns n s.-ic.-iniitul, 'nit slabbed with a knife as In was - nt- r ing the stage donrof the Adelphi theater tw ilight. 'i'- ■rri.'-'.s’s assassin is suppos--1 to be a former super. The munl- r- r rushed at tqe actor as h-- was stepping across the pavc i-i- iit from h:s cab, and stabbed him just Ixffiiw the heart. As the actor fell his murderer was seized by people who were outside the theater. The wounded man was carried into tho theater and doctors were < all--l f." -in tho Charing Cross hospit'l, but *'erriss cx pir- d in lift- en niluut- s. Tlie assassin had the appearance of a for- WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA., MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1897. efgner and wore a long cloak. Terrisa fell shouting: "My God! He’s stabbed me! Don’t 13t him escape!” Mr. Tcrriss attempted to speak further, but It was impossible. The murderer was taken to Bow street police station, followed by an angry crowd. His name was given as Archer. The mo tive of the crime is not yet known. Tho murderer gives the name of Richard Arthur I’rince, but he was known ut the theater as Archer. His wife has been etn ploeyed there as a dresser. Since ho left Hi.- Adelphi, Archer has several times beg ged aid Hom the ditlcixiil theatrical funus of whoso committees Air. was a member. .Mr. Terriss had been staying at the HoteJ Cecil and today he attended a meeting of the Theatrical Benevolent Fund. Archer, it app.-ars, who is well educatid and a good singer, has been 1 ving in mean lodg 'ngs in the neighborhood of Bm-king-iam j-alace. ll'- ha-l often b-.-n assist..l linan ciallv bv Terriss and other members of tim Adelphi, but of lat-- he- had laconm so importunate thin Mr. ’1 erriss had r-1 erred han to tin Actors’ J’enevolent I' un<l. The understudy of the deccas.-d actor tells a curious story of how last night he dreamed that he saw .Mr. Ij mg oti a landing .--urroumle-i by a. crowd and rav ing. Ile S.IJ s: tbld my colleagues this morning ano could not get the horrible dr,- an off my inin-l th-’ w-liole day. Judge ol my lm*- ror ->n arriving at tlie theater tonight just as till- de, -I was pi rp- trated. 1 behove that but for the police the crowd would have lynched Archer." AVilllam Terriss was born in Bondon Oct'ob-r B. I’M. and --ame of an excellent family. His father w.i a Relit'..-h county gentleman, and liis mother :- n,ir eel, brat-d liistor'an ol t-re-.c- . tin Lite George Grote. Ter it - was a nom de the ater. tlie nan.- of the ocei .mud actor bi ing William J.-win. Dearing Used Two Fistcis. Louisvlli, . Ky., i> cc mbe r 17. Claudo Bryant, a bartender at Abe Roberts’a sa loon, this city, was shot ami kill- d this mon ing by Curtis W. Do iring, son of Charles T. Dearing, pr-sld -nt of the Beu laville Book Company, and on. of the most prominent citizens of Louisville. Bryant was unarm--1, while Dearing used two revolvers, firing nine shots in all. The killing was --i.f.ivly unprovoked. Peuving’ ;irr<si( ii .'•.nd pre.-'’iii <•«i in the police court immediately ullei’ tho killing. Fought Over Cotton Bale. Selma,. Ala., Deei-nib- r 17.—(Sp>-i’la,l.)— Yesterday afternoon ai St. Clair, Lowndes county, M. S. Mcßtu, a w< 11-known young planter, killed G- org-- Thomps ui, a m : ro. Thu affair happ- ried at M> Ra- 's gin, where tim two men had a controversy ov< r a bale of cotton. The negro advanced on Mcßae with a knife. Alcßa.- lir.-I orm shot, hoping' to se.'-i',' tim neero, but l-o thr, w himself on Meiiac :■»<! -ait his <>v, r coat In ral plac, M Rae, bri aking away, ,-mpticd bi’ pistol at th.- m-gro, killing hint instantly. Me I .a-' was in S-Inia t-xlay ami engag'd conns, 1, who will de f--:. I him at in-- j-o limitniry trial when it is li- ld; Suicide of Wealthy Hebrew. Montgomery, Ahi., December Hi. (Spe cial.—J. Schwed, a wealth NT w York H<- brew, formerly of Montgomery, was founo at hi.s room in a c;iy hotel this afternoon under the influence of a powerful narcotic. I’hy.-tic'ians admin'ster.'d to him without de lay. but he -lie,! in f--w hours without regaining consciousness. He was connect ed v. : i th- Wall s reet firm of Henry <'lew ■ .<■ < ■' I-- hml two grown sons it- Ne.w York :in,l a daughter, -vim recently married l’o,stoti;< e Inspe .or W. S. Ma.v- r, of Chicago. S- awed attend'd afa tii-m --abl" We,Mir,g her,' last night and w-m among' the merriest of the gue.-ts. No cause cun be asi ribe-l for his suicide. LACK OF FOOD IN THE YUKON. Secretary Alger Reports Investiga tions of Officer Ray. Washington. De- emher 13.--In answer to a senate resolution calling for such infor mation as. the war departm-nt p-?ss<. sses relative to the lack of food supplies on tim Yukon rive’’. Secretary Alger toil ,y n- i milted a letter reciting th s a lion in sending Captain Raj, Iv-glith infantry, lo tiia.;. country to invest If.a :-■ ami iiwio.-mig coiiics of that officer's reports, Lite features ot v. lileli have already been publish' d. Secretary Alger says: P'rom the.-c repot t it will be seen that .. early us r Ist and while on roi'le up the > liken Captain Kay was :n c-ipt of information to the effect mat miles-; some r. li.-: expedition was sent to mining di tr.ct ■ tt vation, or at least inevitable. ,: im Otimi soul ' . i.i 1e..: g 'I lai-.n-w from tlie ■ of cotnme, e of i orila 'd and Tacoma, which, while un ollhi il i n <1- partment believes to be tlmr , . . tained that since tin? imh ot August but LGJ tons ot pra v'o;oiw have reached Dawson City by river alal ti:a'.. the boa’s of two tralisportaticui comp ■ ■ "■ 1111 tons ol sitfipl < 1 that' place W'-re ohliAd to -liseharg-' their freight nt Fori Yultii'., -InO miles north of i-.v. ■on G" - . ow ng m Ihe lowness of , , these two points. It is ji.,l ;, :,;amd from tiir, -• in-l'pendent sources ■ |i, p pula lon of Dawson and vicin- :: ■■ ■ >ber of til's ■ ' r was estimated |,,q ]. .- K than 5.-lUO. and probably was much in exe of that numl -r, and that ,-■ tn, -. 1 -1 tion ■■ ’ Dai on City and ... ,c,. country tributary thereto a large toinib- r of Arm-rican citizens are reported io have insufficient food lo last them through tl.-- winter and. that many are absolut, ly desti ut< CHARGE SA NOLI WITH HOMICIDE German Barber May Have To Occupy Electric Chair Yet. New York, li-eoml' : 11- ("i ii'l -; Zanoll. bat her who ■ ■■ ■ been held o , su >!< lon of causing tTi-- d-ath of th,- many people upon whose deaths he col.Tcti d Inst ranc ■. w..s arraigned In the pollc, court today on the -barge of homicide in causing the death of Jennie Suhmer, his fourth and last wife, by tin- use of poison or some other means. The charge was based upon the result of the preliminary examination upon the body of Jennie Suhmer, which was ex humed yesterday. The neath certificate o.” that woman gave typhoid fever ns the cause. The cursory invesiiwitlon made by ti'.e experts yesterday proved that typhoid fever wax not a direct cam e of death. Zanoll has already plea-ied guilty to tho charge of defrauding an insm lie- com pany, but has posidveiy denied that he was in any way r, sp- nsible for th<? deaths of his four wives and Cm other persons whose insurance he obtained. Zanoll was held without bail on the -•barge of liomlidde. He will be examined on Saturday next. Throughout tii,' proceedings today Zanoll appeared perfectly cu.m. "BROWN'S BRONCTHAL TROCHES” are widely an admirable remedy for Bf'incliiiis, Hoars,ness, Coughs and I hrent troubb s. Sold only in boxes. They Were Asphyxiated. Toledo, 1i,.',-inner H. Lemke, aged twenty-two. and his sister, a f-w v,-ms younger, were found dead in their 1 t-d- this morning and In an adjoining room J tad Lemke, father of the two ehildr n, was found in a dying condit'on. Escaping coal gas from a stot was cause. iSopher Sentenced To Hang’. Harr:: onvi .- . . D--• mlii-i 11. Hatt s Sopher, who mtirlend his w fe and tw-> children at Arci-i . .Mo., in I ’d. was e:-- tenced t<iday to la ha iged -■ F iruary 4tn. Found Hanging in the Woods. Oswego. N. Y., Dec-mb.-r 13. Christian Dolison, a Sw- d- en route from Ch - ago to Sweden, was found hanging in the woods near I' rniiard’s, this county, rday. C. B. Collins Acquitted. Jacksonville, h'ia.. December 17. —C. R. Collins. , x-.state treasurer, was acquitted today <>f Hie . mb' zzlement of j:52,000. The il'-f- i.-iant did not d-'iiv that he was short that sum. but d - lar--I that th-re was no intent to defraud. Banks in which he had deposited state fundri failed. TWO EXECUTED AT JEFFERSON BrooKs and Reynolds Are Hanged Side by Side. BOTH EXHIBIT SOME NERVE Early Ont of Bed the Condemned Men Converse with. Callers. NEITHER OF THE MEN GAVEIWAY Only a Few Witnesses Admitted to the Execution, but Thousands Stood Around on the Hills. Jefferson, Ga.. December 17.—(Special.)— Wrapt in shrouds as white as their crime was blm k, Bud Brooks and Grady R< y nolds db <1 at the end of ropes swinging from tlie sum«- ban here today. Willi pray- rs upon tn-ir lips—ptay- rs that could bo heard by those outside tlie inclosutx— for the salvation of their souls, tile two m> i; dropp-,1 thiough the trip within a foot of each ot h< r, i heir last words cut Short by the r,-pe t-r at ■ ning about their necks. Two scores of people saw the two mur derers shoot downward, whil-- a throng on the outside knew that tin- sentence of tho court had b-■ n carried out by tlie rattle of the trap as it struck against tho sup ports of tlie platform upon which the men had stood. Soon after G o'clock Sheriff Brazelton en tered the jail, and finding both rn- n up. asked them w iat they wanted for br,.ak fast. He told th,on what ho had. and R< y- IK-Ids, with calmness that would have b M.-.n mor,- natural In a restaurant than In u jail, gave the order: "i’ll take,” in said, "s >me spar,-rib, some sausage, a slice of ham and some good coffee, if ft. stilts you.” "Ail right, . ■ ' • piled th ■.- ■ Iff. "What will you have, Bud? ’ "Oh, the same will do for in, .’’ an swered Brooks. The nu n w- re escorted to the -arri ige by the sheriff and his deputies, and w- re soon inside it. Tlie guar,l was fortn--I about the carriage and tie hot: i-s . ' ' d off for the galb-ws. A ride of fifteen min utes brought the ’arriago to the of the inclosure. Tho rid-- had keen made through a great throng of |.nop!e. Every one wanted to see the two tr.-n, and there was lots of rti’ ... r-ti'-cking as •■nr- rlage passed al m- the str, , Is over which it rolled to th gallows. Tin laticed over the- crowd and spoke to quite a numbev who called out to therm At the inclosar-v Sh-rift’ J ;t"i;-.«’l:-m uil' -l a wagon and asked for- ' ■ then said the two men t tl r 1 outside, ted th rowd to listen quietly. Both Ken Talk. Brooks was then led from tho carriage to gon, the sheriff showed none of tlie fear which had mark'd the ,ar ■ morning hours. Tho sheriff placed his hand u; m Brooks’s shoul der. and turning to the crowds, said: “Fellow citizens, let me intreduce Mr. Brooks first. H. will make hi. ;-ta.tem<-nt first, and I want von all to give him your attention.” It was more 1" intro.liiclng a sjio.aker a.t a political ■ ip;-; than handing up ;i. ijmm '.<• w > t ■ iiak'- liis ■■■■-•- ik : - Brooks’s; voice was even ami qmet. He declared that he had nothing to say more than v. ■■ ■ I when he delivered his statement in the courthousi-. lie said- that that statement was the truth, and tiiat he dh.l not want to retract anything he had said at. that time. He declared that ho was not present when M- rehan' Hunt was kill, il, but said that lie was wiling to <lio. He am- rted that he km w It w.-m right that he should bang, but said it an aw.ti thing. He Li. certain that Ills s'ti.t ii d bei n forgiven, and de-dared that he was going right home to heaven. "Will you meet Hunt up there?” sonic one In a tr- e top mar by called out. Brooks pa’d no attention to the Inquiry, and concluded by expressing the hope tiiat Im had not offended any one. As he linish ed 11- s opped 1 ■'k and In pin cri ing. In the s- :m- n -nn- r :-'i-< riff Brazelton fn tr-.-lee* 1 1 R, vis■ -'s. Ho ghtjiee*l liver the crowd, l asting his eyes in all dir, ction. "I know,” he said, “that 1 ought to be hanged. I have done wrong, an,l 1 am sorry for it; but 1 am satisfied that God has forgiven tr . 1 don't fear le.nh, and am ready to go. I regret th,- er me 1 com mitted. and It is all dim to 1,. d company and whisky. I want you ail to do better than I have done. Read your Bibles and pray. It wiil do you mor, good than bad company and God bies.s you all. 7 air arms ha-l already bv-n tad, and out dttle mo.-' wis rn essary. Th,- sh 'ff turned the men over to tin- ministers, and praver was offered, during w'.-K-h both men l’. .■ i low. With the prayer the sheriff asked th men if they am-thing were Inside the inclosure, and both men expressed a d. ire to shako hands with them. Gno only o:' tho ’three went upon the scaffold an I hade tin- two m ■'.■i.-sins g< odbj . The . ' <1 liis doputa quick- ly pinioned the feet of tim two men, and birth began praying. They prayed loud, loud enough for those on the outside to hear what they said. As they prayed, tho sheriff hurried down the s'.ei.s to the trigger. M hen he had reached it, he call ed out: “Are you ready?” Both men. i to give an affirmative answer and then resumed their last supplication. T':e!r words floated, out on the air, and w-re echoing through the inclosure wh.-n Sheriff Brazelton pulled the triggi r. There was a clatter as the lioards hit i< upport, and then tim two forms swung round and finally becanm still. It was tz.ts o’clock win-n the sherilf l. t them through the trap anil Brooks was dead in a little ov, r thirteen minutes, while Reynolds showed signs of lit, for a quarter of an hour. History of the Crime. Tim crlnu for which Brooks mil Rey nolds were liarg' I was one of singularly brutal and revolting clmraet' r. Their victim, M. C. Hunt, was a prosper ous merchant >f Belton, a small town lit this county. In tim latter part of last Feb ruary Reynolds approached Hunt and Said that he und< rstood th t h (Hunt) was looking for a purcha ,-r for his stock of goods. After s"’iie dmk.-ring a trade was t •!/ D-* w o 3?' bw V Zy th.,l dyppopsia h\i«ls on down to const!inp tion. if you can’i eat and dij^i"! your food, yon can t live. You don’t n< * d any doctor to tell you that, iw< n! through ali l’i;it expe: i< neo inyseli. First. • yspepsia, then liver complaint, then consumption, jt had artimlly reached my li’iies. I got no help in thin counti ? nor Loudon; but a Paris physician cured me with and I have since cured thousands will) it who were going io piece:- the same way. First the stomach, th<n tlie liver, then th; 1 lungs. I can't say for curtain at what Mage Floranlexion will or will not ctire consumption; but I know positiwly. and 1 can prove it, tha. it wiJl cure the worst < use of <lysp<*psia ever known on this earth. 1 will send asampie br.ttlo free by injt’i. Addros FRANKLIN HART,II4 West 32d St., New York, DrutjyiNts m-ll it Jfil.OO a bvtiit J • Mention 'The Constitution- made, and Hunt demanded his money. Rey nolds claimed that he ran a bank account at Jefferson, and suggested a trip across tho county to that town, saying that It would be pleasant to stop en route and en joy a bird hunt. They set off in Hunt’s buggy, and this was the last seen of tho merchant alive. Tho story that Reynolds told on his first trial was to the effect tiiat he iiml Brooks had an equal share in the affair, and on his evidence they were both convicted and seritenced to die on September 21th. All was in readiness for the execution, when Reynolds, who had lately been very devout tn his prayer and fastings, confessed. The attorneys of Brooks, on the strength ot this admission, .‘■'cured an order from tho superior court judge, carrying the latter s case before tlie supreme court lor final adjudication. The three brothers of the murdered man, then present in Jcfb-rson, did not wish the murderi rs to hang s- parately, as th< y ft ar id Reynolds’s ilea'li might create a sentl nn nt in favor of Brooks. At thmr in stance Governor Atkinson respited Reyn olds for thirty days, to afford the stipr, mo court an opportunity of pm-i-ing on l.ioi.k. a case. That 1 >ody just latt ly rendered an adverse d "cision, and Brooks was res im tenced to hang D< eember 7th. Reynolds s reprieve expired before that dam. but lie was again r-ipited, so that he and his fellow in crinm might dlo at 'the same time. MURDERER SUFFERS PENALTY. John Morpr.n, 'Who Killed Ills Bene factor, Hanged in West Virginia. Rip!, v. W A'a., December IG. John Mor gan was hanged here this afl-rno-m. Tim drop fell without any unu mil it ; ■ it, ex cept thirt M irga n broke down <1 ' ,' forenoon and spent Uho time crying. He r, covered so as to go on the scaffold with cotnpc sure. Mrs. Edward Green, a well-to-do widow, sped m venty years; her two daught' rs by Imr first httsbaml. Alice and Matilda I’tost, and her son. James Green, a'" I about twentv, lived a short distance from Rip- Icy. Mrs. Green had taken John Morgan m as an orphan boy ami given him a hoim . About three y ars ago Im married, on av.»linesday overling, Nov. ml- r Ith, he called at the house and asked Matilda. J'fost to cut his hair. Sim invited him to nmaln morning, when she would do the favor for him. Th- next morning Grt-en went out to feed :1m stock, accom panied by Morgan, who soon returned to th. house, saying Green 1 id gone to set h s traps. Whil, - ■ '■ " v - ' ' ” ■ , ~ ist Morgan picked up a hatchet and assaulted Matilda Pfost, striking her twi- ■ upon the head. She ran Into th. ■ porc'a, while Morgan turned upon Alla, Pfcst ami f lied In r with tim hate!:"’. ?.!org’:m i-'ft Alic,* to quiet .Matilda. ,'.d nmii.’i" d to get out of the house, and it u is ■■ •', >’v.rd ; solely on Imr inform,'tion tii -: id.a;titv of the murderer w is known. Horg: u lor, dll way the room ',f cld ’.I:-. Cr- en. and after d. . per.-i’o imr I rt .m' <1 er to ■ . hatchet .l a . Gr< body ■■■ : s found n< ar a eorncrib Morgan was siiie’tly afterward;-; captured in tl.o woods. A few day i ho escaped ' : captured. Alorgaii.-s correct name was John T. Raines. His father killed bls wife’s jov.-r same years ;u - and was Idm if Itiii'd by :,u oflic, r who was in pursuit of him. LUETGERT’S SECOND TRIAL ON. Sousafc Maker. Char "'ecl with Murder, Faces a Jury Again. Chicago, De.-mnber 14. -After two we-ks spent in securing a jury, the second trial of Ad dph i.. Luetg ■ burlj saus igo manuafcti.rer, ttecns-d <>f murdering h:s ife. Loui ;a, was ■■ on mi need befqt Judgi Gary tod::;, . Th. courtroom v. a <-..iv.-: •! ■. ■ • , taken, w! le >t of men ■nd v orm nst 'inr m s Imhint the and get a gltmpsi th, m an wl’.o is ch ed th boiling bls wife in c lustic pot . in one of his own sausage vats. The arrai:;;' :,;--nt of the courtroom was different fimn tho former trial. The jury sat in seats directly in front of Jud; o Gary’s b- nch. while facing tim jury and to the right was placed the witness chair. This arrang<-me:il, while alirn, t hiding tho jury from the vi- w of tim pr siding judge, I ■ , ■ the . ■' -- - face to fac< with both jndg. and jury. Til ■' Was t'm plan .id-.,,; .1 Im Jud; ,- Gary in turn fanmiis trial ol' tlie llay lark t . eight y, ars ago, ovei- wiii'di be pn sidt- t. Til pros.-eilt :>'l . us in the f.irtm r trial, wa.s i' l-i ' n'. <1 by Stat, ’s A.: torrmy Den en rind Assistant States Attorney McEw- n. whi'd Liu tgurt had a.t ni:- side as his <1 - fend, rs Attorneys Harmon, R is,- and Ke ; hoe. Assistant State’s Attorney McEwen made tim opening addr- .-'.s for tin- suite. Juror Is Bounced. Chicago, I>. cemLer IG.—A la w clem, nt in the Liietgert co involving the oi-l lir-it between nr,’.in ami non-union labor, wa.-i injected In tim course of today’s pr, Ings in the l.imtgert trial mil in .v • r.i' ' th-i work of securing a jury to 1 e b, .m.:i A.t the opening of court counsel for the defens'.- challenged, for e.iiise, Henry Loe.s berg. the last man sele-.ied to hear tlie evidi ce, alleging that he ras intens !j hostile to the defendant. itai.-ib' :g boasts of the fact that he Is not a mi-nil- rof any union. He is i pi- - m m in the , nrploy of a Job printing es tablishment which is in trouble wi'li tlie unions, and. some time ago was set upon b 3 men all fed to be union workei Th y threw red pepper in his eyes and for a t. me it was feared that Im would 100 his sight. B.'ia.’-berg was chosen as the twelfth juror In the Luetgert trial at a time when state and defense had each but one peremptory challenge remaining. He was accepted by the defense with a certain degree ot reluctance. , An affidavii from Albert J. Mallory, a union pressma.n. forme’. i.\ < imaged oy the firm which employs Emasberg, was p:.- seiiled, in wilt, 11 th?, affiant declared Unit o:i no I- is than a d< : ~‘ii oe-' isioiis bei’k exj ressed him' If as b in lavor of a rope for Luetgert. The charges mg.mst Hoasberg mime a set sation in the courtroom. B< d< s tie testimony of '.Mallory .-eV-rnl ol ’.he l- ilow workmen of Boasberg were heard, and at the conclusion ot Ib.eir irnmny a r-. ■ - > was taken. Luetgi " was furiou left the courtroom, ami said that 11 h had never committed murder b.-ior, bo would do it then could he lay hands on i Joil-Sbe I g ■ Jud a 'e Gary called Roasb,-’rg before him, gave him the a.lternat v, of resigning from tim jury or of b- ing di eh i . d. The Juror -d" to l<-sign and WHS iltllll. dm i • i?' diseh.'i rg, d. The waited i’s to" the right to discharge the other nmm b. rs of the jury, thus removing Um d.-m. - f ~?■ long' t e-up. A p in- ■ reinen orderd . y the. > the attorneys for th' state and the f..,:50 v. il tomorrow attempt to secure an omer juror. Luetgert Jury C inplcted. Clim .yo, jj.c.-inb. r 17. ■ more twelve im u it in the box to hoar hi,’ i vm. imo .... ? to si ow he jullt ■ ■ fnnoc of Adolph L. Lu' tgi-rt, ali -gvd w.L mur- The mtn who will tako tim place <>f Henry Boasb, ig is Robert Ynn ; i i hoe makt r, fortj ive years old Thori were tbreo consultations b, loro Aimers was chosen. To clear Taietgert. his attorneys will in the trial now coinnienc, 4 Introduce a new line of defense. in iraii'.ta'nlng tlie theory that Mrs. I ii. t;:-rt is still .-''ive, her acquaintance with Robert Davey an Englishman with engaging manners, who is bl.inwd by Luet gert lor his business troubl-s, will be brouglit out in court, ami the fact dwelt upon that Davi .v, who co ’.ducted i lie nego tiations with Luetgert for 'he incorpora tion and enlargement of his bnsimss, was very polite to .Mis. Lin rt, paying imr marked attmii’on, and frequently, so it is said by close tri-nos of Luetgert, spending almost tim, day with her in tin jioi . l i oiii winch the st:i:e maintains ii r Im; band lured 1 r to het death in the ba:-.- ... .;. ol i. • adjoining snusttgi ftudory. D.iwy left last January, osten sibly lo get the money for the sale of Li'- t gir/s .‘aw’age manufactory to a Dutch syndicate. Mrs. Luetgert disappeared oni tho night of May Ist. Whether the two corresponded in tne meant,nm cannot be learned, bin that tho pair w. re greatly Interested in each other , will be alleged, and upon 'this line t’ lo accused will base liis defense. I Mrs. Merry's Slayer Caught. Chicago, Dec. nibcr ]G. -Telegrams today from the Clhieago detectives sent to Ft ini e ton, Kv., say the two men under arr«?st there are Prince Merry, the peddler and his alleged accomplice, Smith. ’1 he pair tiro wanted for the murder of Merry s wife. Mrs. Merry vvajt beaten to death with a stove poker. Her disappearance was com plete as that of Mrs. Luetgert, the wife of tho rich sausage maker, now undergo ing a second trial for wife-murder, but after sharp work by tim police, the body of Mrs. Al't-rj- was finally discovered in a, hastily tikade grave, in a ditch outside tho city. The telegram stated that the Identifi cation of the two fugitives was complete and requested that another officer bi't to Frmcetmi at once to as.-inting' in ing- I ing the prisoners io Chicago. An officer . was sent this afternoon, having in Ills possession the ri-wnril offered for Merry's l and Smith’s capture anil tim proper h .mil pa purs to secure possession of the pr.son- I’r’n,-. : un, Ky.,December 1G Chicago ofll ctals arrlv-d h re this morning and recog nl:' <1 Merry, the wife murderer, and Smith, a-compile, . As soon as requisition pa pers com,? they will be taken to Chicago. DEADLOCK AGAINST HANNA. The Plans of His Ohio Opponents Have Been Formed. Washington, December 15.—(Special.)— Mark Hanna’s cnenii'-s are preparing to spring' the dea,llo<-k racket on him out in Glilo H.d Mark is in danger. Tim mysterious hints thrown out by the enemies of the big boss that they would si ill “do him up" are cxpl.iiiii'd by tho latest Infomratlon from the Buckeye state, mid them i.-ems to be something tangible In it .ill. Tim plan of the atiti-Hanna teen Ims its basis on tim ability of :l few men to deadlock tim legislature and pre vent t.bu eh--tion of anybody—a power tiiat has been demonstrat, d many times and very ricently. They are working, not for any man. but again -t. one man, and to car ry their end will make any sacrifice. A. prominent Ohio republican who Is Imro tells me that Kurtz has fifteen men alxso hitely pledged to follow ills direction and to volo against Ji inna first, last and all tho time; that there are others who have P' d d i!: -m. eh > s to loin the b illers af ter ballo no n tter whti the cau- cus may decree, ami Im sun. up tlie .sit uation by declaring tiiat if .H.'.nna Is not , on th" first ballot he will never se- cip'.- tho coveted prize. 1 hav-- doubled al! tho time the anti- Danna nicti to malt.’ good their bluff.’, and I. am .ill of ill',’ opln on lb it when It corni-s • , ■ , . . - , . i ■ e barrel kept on tap b.- the Cleveland millionaire would show-up under tho wire ai the lead, but tir'im fellows are so positive In their dec larations and tin ’.r opinions are so gener ally entertained by the Ohio democrats who are watching developments witn gr.-it ; intel'. :t. that 1 mil L- g'.ii. ng to think tli'-re may I.- .- in it! '• ; in then:. There can b,- no <1 mb, of the ability of a few mon to prevent tim election of Han na. Wh it w;'s don" iii K- iitueky, to tako ; the most familiar instance, <m be done In j Ohio. Tho repimlican majority in the Ohio ‘ tture not over five on the most lib. ral count and that puts those Inde pendent r- publi.-iins from Cincinnati dmvn to; r -.u’a. . No man can be elcete.l sena- | tor who does not y t a full majority of tho •, _ ;the anti-Tlamina men ; claim, iif’e--I r-' i’d ’'. mm i'- r use to vm • ’ n;i and ’ ' ' ' jig is tip for the big bos’. Those men , <::n create a !"mem,, nt de dlock : nd .-in I prevent anybody b> ing oil cted. -Jal :h v, ill I lervo their purpose just as well as tho clec ' ■ . republ in other tha : Hanna, perhaps better. Hanna’s Defeat Predicted. Columbia-:, < >.. D • mber 1... (Speehil.)- All.- i <>. Myers g: - out ! ."■ statement , the >. ocratlc st it< committee rooms to V that .Vry <L tno. t ike mernb rof the I legislature would be :n his scat at the time I of tim s- election r. ady to vote ■ for a republ ■' 1 ■ ! 1 ' republican would have to In? a free silver j Tim an' l-Hmina r-; ' ans now claim ; t v enty-seven ; ' Han: i r< publican votes, ■ .■xclusiv,- of Redkey, of Highland, and ; Smith, of Del:, ware, who sire, known to ’ look upon Senator Hanna with disfavor. t tor Foraker w i In re today ostensi- I ■. ,i iius'nc: but pent several hours with Governor Bi .. 11 at the iat - l. r's office. Ili'pr. nlativ" Redkey S’ltO nut t.m s uator mid th" governor. Ar, pul'.' -an ante oi’ ’< ■ i.' 11 si id '.cdoy that (1; , wa;s .... Hamm < ild not be r. -■ 1. It. i« SI; ' ' ■ cans will n< t ” into the caucus call' <1 by S*n.itor Ha n i s L’ri'iids, but will hold one of t ?' ir own. Hanna Returns to Washington. V. '.-hmgton, D comb r 15. -Senator ' n : i of Ohio, return- *1 '. - !’■ ■■ hlngton to— j p’-'l'l in apnari’fitly good health. FIGHTING ALABAMIAN’S WILL. Relatives of the Late Thomas Hussey . BC'P'in a Legal Battle. New York. Dcc.-mb, r 13.—The will of tho i lat.- 'i'lmm.'i - I!:’: ; ?y. of Montgomer.v, Ala., ■ vim wms foimd c;i low: r Lt’omlw iy in Brooklyn, -n Ai’.'.'nst 7th last, in un uncon scious <ot liii.m. with bonds and stocks in ; hf S posi ■ ’ion worth ?35,(00. is b< ing con- i irool ]yn. Tl ■ ■ tants are Eiiza betii Worrell, j J, r.'ti.i Madan, 'William J. Ward and ‘ S iadrad Hus;-ey. The first three named | come, from Montgomery, Ala., while Shad- | ra<l Hussey is from England. Thomas Hussey wan taken to a hospital. | A lew days later the courts directed that ! Im should Im taken in charge by his grand nieces, .Miss 1’ irriet Michell and M-n-y Ann Donohue, of Brooklyn. Hussey died at the r-sideimo of h’s nieces on August 2Sth, af t' r having been attended by Dr. Joseph M. Laub. Dr. Rauh is ex.cutor of tho will, | whi; h was drawn a day after Bussey’s ar- ’ •■lva! it the 1< .sidence of Ills ni - es. An estate of J’b.OOO was left by Hussey ’ to lie (livid, d into equal parts for the I two grandni' ces. I ndue infbi. f.i ■■ is chnrg, d b cd by the s, who t Mt Hu was not influenced in any way. I’art of the estate is mil e.statc. in Mont gomery. * PEOPLE'S PARTY WILL MEET, i National Ccmniittee Convenes in St. ' Louis Early Next Mouth. Cleveland, <>., D, eemli, r 14.—Tho nation- I til committee of tim m opl- party will um.-t ■ in St. Louis January 12th, t,> p' pin, tho call for its national convention, which will I be held in April. Th!;; will be the convent! in of the middle- i of-the-ro.;d populists and they conic thus ernly to tim front l.‘, cause they (l -iir to ! place their platfoirn before Hie country at once to avoid possible fusion. Ii is stated t' at tin main nlnnk in tho ' platform v> ill be a. demand forth,- referen dum. Lawyer Cliailes Butler Dead. N’w fork, I >eci miier 13.- Charles Butler, plJlantl,. ipist and lawyer, died at ills onio in tins city today. Mr. Butler xius born at K.mi- rhook I muling in February. ISO 2. H’s mother was a descendant of Oliver Croni- Wl 11. FStEE TO LADIES. V/c will give onn lady in each town or vlllarn p full i ■*t kl. .»•> ; i •... • . [doin ■' ' worn I ti;i’ wiH dev ('lop | j it . I ’.>t or an v pa,, of the ' i .I He sot ir. r. m<»v e x - . ! i,. . ... v Vri. •( » L :v for '* M. VV’IGGIJNb. 112 w v.m ,u-; sired. X<".v York. ; Mootiun The Cuustitutiuii, Scrofulous Homur Blood in a Terribio Condition and A!l Run Down In Health - Has Be come Strong and Healthy. “I was all run down, blood in terrible condition and I was troubled with a severe scrofulous humor which caused me great suffering. 1 took medicine for a long time but received no permanent benefit. At this time I was working in a general store, and I thought I would look over the medicines and see if I could find some thing that would hit my care. I read un advertisement of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and concluded to try it- The first bottle helped me wonderfully and I continued its use until I had taken nine bottles. By this time I felt like a new man, and since then have not been sick n day. lam now strong and healthy and I have such confi dence in Hood’s Sarsaparilla that J recom mend it as the best medicine on earth.” John J. Little, Munnsville, N. Y. Hood’s Isthc best-in fact the One True Blood I’crifi- r. Prepared by C. I. Hood & <’"-. I •" ~ are the best aiter-dinner Hood’S PsiaS pills, aid digestion. 25c« LABOR FEDERATION IS NOW IN SESSION Continued from First Page. fared against the appointment of -I- ’I Paxton to be Interstate eommenm commis sioner. After referring a comniunh ata n from tho New Jescy fed< ration of tra'l"s In i"i’. r- a' " to a ■ :;■ ssed report board of arbitrators in regard to stril: , Edward Harford, of the Hallway Lia ployies’ Union fraternal d. b gii.'c from England, and Hou. J. H. Wilson, associat-, fraternal delegate, followed and address. 1 tim federation. M. Henri Cardozo, a representative of the French government investigating the ; le, I industries in the United States, wa.s pr, - seated and spoke briefly, explaining the purposes of ’his visit. l’i? sid-.iit Gornp- i . in answer, said the federation invited 1> Vestlgation and referred M. Cardozo to lay leaders of the organization familiar •tvita tile steel indusir t. .s. Tlie report ot urn committee that ben'- licial a u lie given the textile w >r<o r Atlanta and that an adviser be sent to them, aft< r ;;om< diseuas on, wa.s adopt, . Then came tlie sth of the afleriuio , when a resolui.on was taken np prov.-i --ing for a firotest on the part oi Hie x council against tho reported , - posed appointment of J. li. Paxton to lo state commerce commissioner. it was referred to tlie committee on r- .o lut ions. 'ibis announcement of the sense of ti'» resolution and the action ot th<. fedora:;..>n was followed up by P. J. n i caustic speech and amid much app -i he moved that the presidetit of the : eration bo instructed to telegraph the pr- - Idi-nts of the orgunizations a. most v: protest against the. rumored appointor a of Paxton. Tltis motion was entl cally supported by many speakers and « i carried unanimously. The Paxton r ■ola tion will be report d tomorrow. 1>• trot, during the session, put in a strong bld :' r the next meeting. Discussed Convict Work. Nashville, Tenn., Deceml* r 16. Tho American Federation of Labor net today In adjourned session. The < omniitt,■■ < t resolutions introduced a resolution wh,. i h:-'! been prepared and submitted by I’■ 1- gate W. E. Klapaseky, oi the Journe; Barbers' International Union, urging : vi Federation of Labor to give its e.irn st ■ 11- eouragement to the proposed legislation ia behalt of the union barbers ol tae coo., 'ln. ri'.soluiUin w.,-. di? i. ,d ■ ■ ( delcgut, and illtully rcfi i. . ■ . branches witnout ricommend,-tion. session was imn ot uie spe* . u < o iim on vonvi t labor, it was Hu .• • oi ? cutnni.lieu tha emp.o. :w ii. i 1 < vlcl labor should b ■ pi imai -y fur support, and at the inruie.-i lor tnc m '> ing of goods will, n .siiuuld be US' d ill institinions. Tao eom of , ■ labor upon special industii-'s mis ; . i . ; ' :.: ■ 1 ■ .■' tO til' is forced to tow wages by tin: conip, ' oi’ iii" cheap convict article. ’1 legislation of the state of i’• nusy i. .in the is to be comnu ndid. It ; J vided that not more than 3 ja r . the prisoners of tlie state shall b, -a., in any one industry, and the intro. .• of labor saving machinery is i The Southwick bill, which is the dii.'.d before congress, . nil.-J..? of tin? conindli, ■ . an I il i. r, < mini that it. bo sanctioned by tin fe.l, i • This bill provides an eight-hour ,l ... th.- prisoner, and will permit only a jiercent.age of eonvieis to be emp!' l one iiKlustry. Furtljer, it nt k demeanor for any one to tr.iiis; products of convict labor from o; ■■ i ■ , ir, or to th< Columbia. During tho afternoon rcss’on Warmr explained that lr had i.o toward President Gompcrs in !■ ■ the attention of the fed .it i t < 1 tls- m.-nt of Siegel, Cooper A Co., in it Federationist. Gompers Is President Again. Nashville, Tenn., December IS. At scission of the Am- r.can Fed' r Labor, the committer on pr, ;-:•!■ it" port tvcomniei’ded that the pr- ■; an app. al to the unions of th" i " striking engineer;; of England. It ? vis -I that, rile federafion appropri ■ for this purp":-". -rntiel Gomp. rs and l.rm st I.’ I'lilladelph.a, w-re iioni’n '.■ i ' dent. ’J bo vote r- .-lilt'd: Go: .)'• ’ Ki-.i't -117. Th- announcement was i ed with applause. P. J. McGuire and Janies Dm: ■ placed iu nomination for first vl ■ i dent and second vice pr, s'.,l,mt, : I imously elected; Robert Askew v • ' third vice president without oppu.-i M. M. Girland became fourth vi" P ' dent by unanimous vote. George non was chosen treasurer and I’r? '■ rison secretary, without opposltim Kansas City gets convention iu xt ’ r A Wonderful Talking’ Macl Perfection has at last, surely b.-. ed in talking nmcli.m i. Th, 1? .most perfect machine has just co lt Is loud and char ur.d r, ;>i ,d speeches from the most noted .-'.i songs fi-'mi the world’; < itest niusi.' from the grim,. st ban 1 . of this wonderful machine is ba’ it affords a wonderful opport mi :y ’ who wish to g’vu public ent, v This machine is now eon roil. ; ’ catalogi:" and full part ul.irs • ■■ from. Sem ■. it-I*!>u ■!< x Co., g eu: tills nolle" . '.it in,l <ii,l . a book telling all about It. ’ Stricture Cured. Satisfaction guarant -id. Dr. Tm'ker, A-t- Junta, Ga. THE MISSING WOBD. A Statement of the Amount ' t!G Percentage Accrued to I. Agreeablj- to the conditions missing word contest wo pre t th,? sum to be used forth- ; up to and including Deceiub":’ is>li 11! Per cent of the amount re. scriptions from contestants compared with th. aniounl p'"-. cember 21, j'l'G, $.103.c0, in tl- - m ’ " word contest, whieli corn,'.-pond.. with the tim,? of this emi: st, :i k " crease is shown. \A e paid out I" L. Brittain 51,U33.50 on the tii.: ‘ and we 1 ■ the present one ? SI.G(Xi to s2,w>Q; every otic who c itc 1 '‘'' r tho rules increase: the arnoin Y’.'e would be glad to publish u- - ■'’• k tb'it OV’:l' s.,'i(l is subject io tii ' n"t ''ait until the last moment m . ' ’•>* and send in your word, it will in.,3 4 rush about Christmas time when e\ :!•' body wants to get ;i dav oil'. S, nd favorite word thi- we. I;. 'You ~m 1 . >»’• *” if you will just think. THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION.