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VOL. XXXI. NO. 39.
DAUGHTER OF confederacy
Funeral of Miss Winnie Davis in Richmond, Va.,
Saturday Last, Was Largely Attended.
Flowers in Great Profusion.
Richmond, Va., September 23.—Varina '
Anne Jefferson Davis, the "duighter of the
confedera v." shops her last si" l> in the I
bosom of the land she loved so w-11. Her
rem . ; ■ at SlO o'cb < k this ;
morning in eombim-.tion Pullman and ,
V nor , o o: t«i- N v York, N-xx Haven .
and Hartford ratiroad. which was atta.-iied ,
to th.- r.-gulir nmrnlu-- train front W ish- I
inatoti, and wi- 'net at the depot by Is-- .
<■ nip Confed, rate Veterans, of winch she]
was a membsr, and delegates from Picactt <
< olonel \rclt.r Anderson. Hon. J. Taylor;
Ellyson, Colonel E. L. Hobson and Dr. I
G and their wlv< s rec iV( <1 Mrs. :
l>avis and t • * ' •' immediate party [
V m
the funeral train ■ ■' gentlemen
lend for lit !• oil- andt no i.t: ird I
an r h V Thero
S U whhe l h.Zs attached to the hearse. |
and |
ntht rs ft I»vin I th. #u rs<, xx hle t>) pall- I
J rc-rs ind feui.ri In tor v.vaikxd on |
t a, r -id ..r th. x ■ bicl".
Up set. nth str. ' :■■ Fri.nli'.im th. me ,
to Nit th «d to - ■ cture ro. n >1 St. .
Paul s church Hu pt •>« " ‘ ' I
Its way. p .-sing eV y f< w yards itt.c ,
knots -?f Si ent p.-'l'b Who. as ■ Hie •
showed tl ■ir ■■ ■ -t bj uncovering. Hie ,
casket was placed in the lectur. room and
Colonel Laughton dismissed tit” cseoit.
The members of the guard of honor re
mained constantly on duty, being reii'V' , d
.-very half hour. Throughout the forenoon
the committee to ami to list tlow.-rs
at St. Paul's was k. pt busily engage.l.
and Hie coil, . tion was simply superb. Be-
Std , ... V. .. to «»• le. turn room
many ~ ...tittiii dowers were sent to the
Jiffers. ii hotel
Floral Tributes from Southern States.
r ... .. ■■ deposited in the lecturt room, |
ll„. casket ••■.. .-.irro mded by floral nib
utes from G- orgi.i, Virgin a, South C no- ,
from Al. xandria, w hl. it rest. 1 upon a
stand U ip< d in bl t< k i Ilk. To th 1< it of
f,‘ ' '• • • bl ’• ■ r•• I
i . > S »’ , « irn- 1 .« p ilnv (to
jl n.t.-., rh«- South Carolina dvp.t■m-nt
of < J ‘i - \' i‘-t:tns. spent tHc entire
V r. noon in t !j.<einvnt u! Up <T;un n
. ..r mm.hl ■ I <-y :>■<• Mule
R . . < - r Os tlw Ark ;. - Da .■ i .
tl |-e -.-!1 .Ml'. 11. C. Ho :■ .O ig, lull 1C
j'.’o. I, tl - O ,■ 1 a -T. '- ■■ s; : oi . .rn .-
1.. i :-:oac presidem of th. d:-
t. nt it li Mr. D avis was < n-
1; ■ ■ ■■■ . -
'. . . ■ . "J r.-- ~ I >.ivis
J. . ■ I . .. :. -,-ssiaii entered
, i. . • . . ; - ■ ■ V a r;.,t>. Tl.
tin . • ■ ;■ i pt....i.ra ?. entered tho church
■ to the right of tho
, . . -1 . lowing the I’iekett
, me ’■ ■■ ■ ■■ i . pallb. ar--is as jr. -
i .w .in.-, them • rn--
J '• ■ 1* ips, D. S.
W i : ibl-A n I'. ' ' x ai;-i
V. i- .- • .
j.luthe ■ Close Behind the Casket.
Mrs. J‘..MS follow .1 . .... o behind th- Cas
io . ~rin of Colon- 1 Ar--lier
A...bison. So V.. I With i.owrl head
.. : v - f ' 'y, ' ouim; 1..- ivily tin her
Mt Hay. tives and
and fl • ■ vas placed on the
j.. .I.M.ii- in front of Hie chancel, and Mrs.
1 iv. . v. t i .- r i-arty. took s.-ats. So--u
tin- body of Hl- Chur, h and galleries wore
;he c’.nn .. 'hrov.n <r, to the public,
jo. t • ir.i-i-iiael .inn-un...1 tho first hymn,
•'ll .w 1 rm a l-'otlmla I ion,” whit ii was a
I . vorite of c- n- r.-.l Rob. rt E. Leo's.
Aft< r the hymn had been sung Rev. Dr.
f>. Hol--- !'• id the psalm for the day
,m.i ■ X- a- r. My Hod. To The.-." was .mg.
Dr. Cirniielm. 1 r. id the lesson. "Art
Thou Weary" «,i.-> D-.i sung and at its
, ),. s ,. the vei-rans moved out with the
Mr Davis was prostrated a-id could not
t once tak« her place, but her daughter,
'jr i: wlii r- i . of .
ip,] Is. oichl her to be brave. It was sev
. min'::- -1" -r.- tin-<-n
1.. r could rise. The scene wis deeply
,i;. ling tho .> who witne dit were
. d :- i t' ■ ; ' i y :ha t in- ans so mu a to I,ini.
w. pt lie w: the grief of
Hie ag.-d lady.
'rli, ei wd about tii.. clmr.-ii. wia-n the
, . bet i.- ’ • n and p’a . d in tlie
j. ,r --. a; of itnme. proportionAs
f ; ,r as th.- i'-" < o-il'l le-i.-h up I'ratiklln
street, tiial thoroughfare was. crowded and
Ninth street was jammed for a block above
and below the church. Deflect order was
Jt^nteLßßilff^l '
4 Ilf fobs'
1 ilf >sm«s. S- ■ p gsiaMBMKIIB
i maintained, however, the marshal and the
police handling Hie crowd with little fric
The order of Hie procession was:
'rile marshal and staff, mounted.
i Behind them came General Alonzo Philips
■ and slaff. including Dieutcnant »'• |.>ncl .1 •• Sterne. Captain Wortham and Cap
tain Win-;lieid Grlflin. of company H. S'. -
| mid Virginia regiment.
immediately following the general and
| staff cam> company 1. and company M.
‘ Second r. giment. tin- former command. I
by Cap ain Shm keliord and tin- latter by
l-'irsl Lieiiti-nanl Moore, of company D..
i Capt.-Hn l o. i. ux. the
i talimi, .--.•al Lii-iiti-naut J’airhimb, tin- only
I other cog.mi iotied ollicer in th.- company
; sine,- the d.-ath of Licu.i-nant Woon, being
; ill in the li -spit; I in l-’lotai.i. Company M.
of th- Third r giment. under Cat.lain Ma
. .r. completed C.-plain Ito i- ux'n bat-
■ ia.ion B< hirid t l‘e I '-'iiil'mb s of the Second
1 Third regii ' I’-
ll and G, .il ill- J'irst and the Richmond
j Howltzi r . Alter the military trie pro< es
n w formed In the follow Ing ord< r:
I; I. I■ ■ , ' '. •' '■ te Vet
I . timl-r command of Commander
led by t’h< First tim. i t
i bl.lid. George i:. I’iekett camp, mid r
i command ..I I’ob-nel R. I.- M -.ury. Visit
i ing < imps. Veterans- from soldiers' hotnes.
* Sons Os V. teran.-. Honorary pallbearer.-..
I A live ' rs. Hi as . Family.
! Friends in col ri.ig- s. Hollywood Asso-
I elation. Holly woo<l, Junior Association.
■ iiakwood As (bikwo.i-l Junior As
-u 1 ■
~te Museum A-so.-i 11ion. Daughters of
th- Confederacy. 1.-• mid D:ek< ti camps
ladies' an:ii.i: i- • Private c.nii g''.s.
Starts to Hollywood.
With til b.m.l 1-- ing "* 1 ' ‘ r ' 11
in Saul" and tin t-nhug of b -Ils of many
,1,0- , .8, the I :. ii ;- d toward
Holly wood <■mt< . y. nmr. king bctw< ■ l
d- ii...- Um s of human.ty the entire m--
1 me. The procession was n-arly a mile
I in j, ngth, uiough the carriag. s were dri-, n
. ta were i.i-• -1 with
p ... ie .h ■ entin distant • . and along tho
-.. . . , n t. ry 1< .ding to tit. grave,
"' \ if mi -, and tdl ■ '
. it-, I'.ein bunds <l' and tnou
.■ ' ’ ' ovndi-
. .rnpany B, Second n hnt nt, ui
' <l, r C.ipi.iin Hu.'- 1. was >i- aued ■ -i
guard lo li.- a pi.: ‘.i- b' ’ t- !i "' Davis
, ■ .mar. ;.n.I pr- vcnled th'- crowding ot the
■ dr;-... kept ai. crowd from ent-.-ring
j 1... .' I.on. Ar..;..- wus slr -tehcd .-.bout
, ;;n- lin . ■..- ai' in w liich Mr. Davis is iu-
leried and a detail ul police assist. .1 tho
military in preyenting to'- crowd trom <-n-
Tli.- ; .mi was just sinking b.-hlnd the
I when tho 1.M.1 of th'- proc.-,- in canm
l p sight along l«i< road that wind > in and
1 out the- trees by the river’s bank,
j ill- unitary formed a: tne foot of tie.
o v.-i a■ .... the rit r and commands
1 a vie A of 1.1" city. Tlict ■ Was a . - :■■■
. , ... :y. 1. r..ns ttirm-d to tain I a-;
] t ,‘ ui lie l. at w ill m . -..r be- f u g-d - n
I by :<io.--.‘ w; . witnessed
The eliir-f marshal and aids had paused
; in the road titty yards fioni Hie grave
' and the s.:n<- d,stan«- troni tile of
. tne pro.-.-ssi--ii. Tile long line of veterans,
. Cue li. oi . ..- and the carriages ,noving atom
’ ,!,.• v.o.dland road, tie mi.i-.aiy drawn up
I in rigid line, the pieturi: que group of
' mounted marshals in grey, the crowns mi
| the hillsides an.l as ci..:;.- up to the clrcby
tne fii.rd would allow them to .-m. .
1 t.i" oi > grave, the 11. over d.-.-ked mounds
i ii.. squ.iic, the broad river moving re.-t
--. lessly, th, gr- .-n liil.s casting Hi. long
1 ndow .- of ey enin;.',, t'neir tops glistt ::ing
with tbe gold of sunsi t- -all these < nt. r< .1
I i;. o a pi. ..lie >f rale beauty, and many
' a man and v.-oman must have felt it titling
ti. it tile fuiiei.,l time of th.- fair daugb.ter
1 o: confederacy should be in an hour so
1 ,- icclul ami beautiful, and Hiat site should
. down in a spot so lovi-ly.
'i'll.- hearse was halted at the southeast
ern .-ntrane. to the circle, t veterans
being .ii.-.wn up close on all sides.
Th. services at the grave were simple,
but <b-e;dy impressive After the casket
. 1: been placed on th.- supporters, the
~ ,-tion was removed for a moment
' .-,-el Mis. Davis ami her daughter, Mis.
Hay. I. -I tho d< ci as<-I Mr:,. Duvis
h in an armchair mar the grave during
tl.- scrvi.-e .‘ml Mrs. Hay - knelt by her
I--. The Centenary M'taodist cliureh
! c’-.oir sang "Sh-.-p Thy Last Sleep." the
' committal pray- rs W'te r- ad by Dr. Car
' mivh.-iel ini the vast and sorrowing
Th- Dat s circle tonight is a mass of
l floweia, the designs being numbered by
■ limi.lrc'i.-. Prominent among those on the
.-. i., i v . i.. I a.lltz. r .ilfering, which yy is
Mr- Davis spent the night at the Jeffer
■ n bole, and will b-av" tomorroyv morning
-,t ... -k for New York. She will
... aipanied by Mrs. Hayes, h< r only
living child, win. yvill rcsidy yvlth li.-r for
i some tiini.
A.i- i<ly contributions are being received
from -i distaii e for the proposed Winnie
Davis monument, some of them coming
. from northern people.
■ C i: itir.ndcr cf United Confederate Vet-
erans Anncunces the Death.
I lb ■no .1.-'. S,-;... -rilo-r- ; c : . rii
i John B. Gordon, eomman.b r-in-chl f of the
I United Confederate Veterans, upon i< irli.g
I of the de.'Mi of Mi s Winn!.- Davis, s. nt
| out tin following, addressed to tin- Unii-d
I Cons, derate Me.eiai.s:
'Tin . ..n,i;ijmi iu gem rat. w ill a sorrow
wliiva i.. yv-i.1.. .in, ,uin-'uacto
I th. .u nit of M. \. .n.i.e Davis, ;b iiul-
| 1Z .1, alec of file e-mlederacy.’ , le
i . • .It. lll- . -a yva ■ 1 was • VOg. d
nr every apj ■ our I eunions
ti 1. 111 d‘ ■ :t. . 'em a..d t e i.n
• < ,: ■ d a dan: a ,1 y. n:• :• all ' : ti«t ra e.s
“It no too much to say that the ova
tions with wl,i. i she was every where
■ iby th< <-x soldiers of t > outhe n
arm'.. . were sm h as have rarely been ac
cord.! to any woman. Their grief at her
untimely' death yvill be as profound ami
poignant as their love for her yvhil" living
I was universal and sincere, and their most
■<ee»e«®o*oc«oo»o ooo®o«»<’ , » •••<>••■?■
• ©
• Sanilac de 'nb .. September 23 To 'he -,-sldents of Santiago yes- a
L ' terd important event si '■ • pituiation. as it was ®
o - .. tn. .... • of Gen I Cuixto Garcia to Santiago •
• Z-'. ■ ■ Sine. 1 temper on J ITth A' 9 o’clock in the •
® ' 1 rtl ° n ' " ' ‘flrnHs •
• ; c'D.-'.-tJ;-'- Cl sevet .■■■■■ ■ luteide tho city litii.t-
O :■ . and ■■ i him to town. Gar. la v.. - . • Iby his son, Co o- •
oV- • ne{ C -*n ' « " ; recentb ?
: V '. ' BO ' , . - ' ' rongedwlth .
0. • ■ '' was estimated th ■ lied the plaza •
/\ . I. ■r- ■ tint I. H ' ■ at he •
o -..'"J - : Ameri an o
• ZL. ' Seneral Gar la - the ®
° C’ ■ .'> /' ’ San c • which was lilied wit'h pt * : *
o '■ '■ /' '■ .. - T.e ) d •""* °
o ' Y uid General Garcia and d offlt •
: » WIZL- :
: w isl! - -- ■ ■ ■ -":
: -■ - :i:
e GENERAL GARCIA. 1 ; ' , •
• in the t '■ v called the ‘little n ( . ir , and foi the remembrance of •
« i : . led at whore gray *
• tn..:.' noble :-"l 1.-rs wio f.-li in th. mu- ■ v.'ii-h ' ' h ‘ |)( , \ ~f Cl , p mien.'.-, . ff-u'ts »
o ' . f Cuba, wo o great, debt t " . , , . : • ... . ive. if th< ®
• which wot ■ s -no, not . . nd dauntl. armv, had i ®
• Am. rican people, th 1 republic, t wl’.o had nothing •
o . -v. i sons to shed their blond wI th ours. Air:;. ~ . - . ■ to th •
• to gain in Cuba but : r. . two the a ene<> and •
o noble <"Hii : ry wbi. h has always I’aught for the ■a. '-*»■• j, ’• £ ’
a tie ■ esslon. at
• General Garcia’ speech wl ' ' , . a „ t j .. •m < -it .. >f this city. •
o Cubans present. . •«•••«•••••*
*coe»ooo»«<»ot>oao«:C'0«®ce® ” ~i,. i ■ .
-- I P' c ■ e. mnn ■■ n on board. .irtM .1 n '•
off. -t-on.-it" sympathies arc yvlth the grief
str'. ken mol tier.
. .linmaiullng gcTi- '.il direct- that
th.. .!•■;. a nil. ill ami d y Dion eomnr'nders
j. g ~. >ns and escorts of hot or as
' m.-iy- deem proper to r --pr. ■nt Hi--
United Confedi rate Veterans and t > ac< om-
P iny Hie r> inains to their final resting
' "Bv order of I. R. GORDON.
"Gen. r il <’onnna riding.
"GEORGE MOORMAN, Adjutant fi ll- I
Cabell Sends Condolence.
Dall j 3, Tex., S< pt< mb< r 19 kntong the
many telegrams sen' today from i - x l .- to
Mr.'. Jefferson Davis w is the f. ..lowing
“Pallas Tex., Semptembet 19 Mrs. Var
ina J. it- rs m I" ■ is. > - i: ragan t. Pier,
;> r | jn conim-m with all in-- i-on.ea
erates in the traus-Mi pi d P ■ :
.-.empathize wi'li you m '- "ir ; ’.-v.-re be
. men through tin . ■ M ■- Am-
‘‘Lieutenant G neral.”
“Trans-Misslsslppi I'■ partme it."
...j,, mi . V J. I ’.aw . ii 'em - t: >;■ D
j. | -|-' l4 I’nll. I Dali; liter- ot Hie 1 on-
fed. r.iey arc b .w.- i wild grief. ...nd Wi'd" 1 ’
to -111 their I.e-ir "V .-: 1I• ■ ■ ■■ - - ■ ' '■■■
“KATE <’ VBELL < 1 RBH..
«p r( sivlent United D inght nt ot th< C >n-
(‘urrle Will. on tom irrow. Issue a
SUltihle order to Hie national and state
org miz.-i lions and the sul.. >r. 1 i:i ■ t chapters
of 'l l e Daughters of th.- < •<mf.-d.-t aey
touching up.-a the d-'Hi es Ml- D.vis.
She wi; l likely at'end the fnnernl 'it Rich
-I’l,', “d ' It w-is with Mr- Curri.- that Mi.-s
D; V 3 was i ling in th rrlag. at tho
<-,,n;edy rate, annual reunion .at Atlanta
tile terrilm- rniustrirm. tho effects
Os which pr< ■ • ‘i- d Mi ’ 1 1 O'c-. s (-■ .Il 111-
Governor Culberson Wires Mrs. Davis.
Xustiti, Ter:., Sept.-mber lovr-rnor
(•ulber.. n i -I ty sent Hi. following mes
w i<- ( . t , c(.!i<h»icib • io Mrs. Jefferson Da
vis at Lt Pi r:
“[ beg- to .assure you of the profound
sympathy of the pie ”f Texas In the
~.,,n of V.iur great ami tiobb- daughter.
Inheriting a great name and born to the
> ■ th<' ■it il war. si ■ wa , ’
loved by ill- southern pl<. and "er
memory will be tenderly . ...n-h d by
Grand Army Men as Escort.
G li-.d Army men Will < “ th. r. I" ■ •
of Miss Winn DavN t" tin- d.-pot. Com
„ , ,1, , Cha ■ note to Mt . Daw w m ,s
fol; -w-':
H.adutmrter.s Sed'-rwi.-k Pee:, G. A.
.. 1 it men t Rhode I i.iml. Wake
field, September 21. Pi'J.S. •'>' ' •
r. r<o-i Davis Ro.-kliigh im Hot-I. Nar
i--,gansett 1’ - : r R- I- D.-ar M.i-l.nm-: In
b'.-li'aif of tln-’ollk -'"d memb.-rs of
post I wish 1.. ..her tin- - i' •’
. four Os our members to ese“H tho
ZnLLs of y<- r d ' 'y
cLZ" ' Ib'cHAi 'comma td< r.
M NaJtgansett Di< t. S' h" >' .
~- ~ ander of S Igwiek P< st,
. p W ak< ti. Id Sir. In n.'-nioi'y ot
our pleasant sojourn in Rhode Island,
, ordi iluy of tin- wh..h i-0pu1.,-
;LLT'm'rL'' l L;'V, , ';: I .L-wI't.' 1 't.'' l ''.'" ; kind
of£Cr ' K P y f J ! EFFERSON DAVIS.
tih< m n in blue to one w bom th s . t
of the late < OnG v " ■ '
Novelist and Lecturer Passes Away in
Laltltnoi". Md. 23.-(Spedal.)
Richard Johnston, the, fnm.s
s.m; b.-i n : ’ nd le <’- tur ' ?r ‘ ; vb °
been in a precarious con-'t i---' ' '
ninths in this city, di-d m-.rmrg.
Cm th. Hh Os M ir.-h. W-''. F-i-~b ird Mnl-
.. I- ■< -hstirgiiisbed b.lm
c- ,lm .!< c.'.i- tai’, w ■ -
; . jn ,-n !,t.: .‘iH“ a- »- m ot!-.
, f , .m;T. r. .v. bom on th -am strw
, I'm,', lltoii, G-i.
i;.. t> -I'd th. limits of the .dm ,' inml
fa<’iiit ; . s l>y which he was surround, I an..l
hay'. ng resolved to devote his . ir. rto
Jett is, ent - i M- • " a; 1 - '
tim. lo< i'-.t I’.null Id. in h'll. He wus
of ihe I'.' -I ''l'-' -s fmmed at th.-
■ ■ ■ j tan d with ,-
recc-rd in til studies. He diligently
studied layv for twelve months. an<) b»gan
:> j.r.-ii lie. 'n D!
, wh!< M" John =tun w
c . ■,.y.-n a D: it ’im. is .-iiown I - tn
fact E: ; t in i’l.7 ihr ■ imp inani off.
we re made ’■ him. '■■ ' the j .
of tiie north, rn judi.-iil <-ir<mt. .lujtl.e:-
was tiio presidency of Mercer university,
and tiie third, which lie accept.-.!, was tho
chair of belles lettres in the State univer
sity. On tho declaration of hostilities be
tween the sections lie resigned ills post at
’L i mLm
' ‘"VZvu'v W- ■ • war bi .-’mol
' yvm in op.’rat.on D- t al-mf forty I
--.-holiirs amt gt <<D •’ ‘>f >"'>
dirtinguishe.i m- n v.h.i i.av.- since figured ,
!in the history of Ge rgla and other sjou h
\, , : -...,e. h four yearßt st rife
im rcsolv- .1 on " d .• m- i. and moving
to .1 sit., about mil- ■ di.-tunt from
imnimore, Md.. ; -’d the since fatuous
I nn i.u-y b.y ■ bool. Sidney L.ini-T.
another st-. - et sin. of this state, yvas 'or
.- >n, • time . onneet-d with Johnston m this
I venture, ami dut -. this p< riod the lift -
| time :< . n.iship <: -■■■> two men was ce-
' m i,' I. Tl.e ■ i ii-.d 1,.-, n named in
■ m 11-., -. , r ’ D> y unort,
w: ---a ' h . I ■vit'-g
■ Not until lie was lifty years old. but
yvhilo still in the very prime of life ment-
I ally nn! pl ysl. u.l.y, .11.1 Mr. Johnston b.-gii
[Wii.-.t was to piove life yv-.rk by which
| In- should be lovingly r nr-mb- red by huti
| of southern and iiiruurn ]»< ~ple. I i-
I ;,ii-r the m in who discovered the latent
I genius in Johnston ■ .■! yy b i would not
i let Imi re-t until h, h.“l consented to
| publish some of his earlier stories. From
I Hie sui-c -s of tiles • Ml. Johnston was in
| due. .1 to gi-..;,.- and giving up
te.lolling aitiq-i-ther. in , f. yy- years began
to di y ot.- his yvimle ti to literature and
•-> -
■Z.' '.. -• )
. “T .'‘■’j. /
! Vl' // . .
IiICH A 1 1 i > M A L’2 1! N
1.-<tu-.-s to the .-I'-'" '> ' ,nd
tin- John Hopkins u iversitles of Balti
more. Since first b.-gmuing his active lit
eral-. work he has written over one bun
dr. d st )H< e art < r portion of which
hav ■ been jmblls!:- d in book form and
which hav. found their way to Hie library
sh.-ly.-s of the most ■ ilture.l people in the
"The Dukt-sbormigh Tabs.” under Hie
pseudonym of Philemon Perch, appeared in
ICI-lS'-:!; "Old .Ma'k Langston," a novel,
in DM; "Two Gi-av Touri"a. novel, in
ps.'.. “Mr. Ansal.ini Billings anti Other
I Geoigf . E dk." In lEw Among his other
w< !!-ki own “Th ■ Primes and
I Ti,, ... " and "Widow Guthrie,” a
! '1 I-. woik Which Settled Ills reputation
I 1,"-.. , .) . ■ -J and I n i -I him in the front
I . . tiioi ■ of this country is his
i■ ; , . , 'l l,', ; s a historical and
I . book on il'"- ■ litera.'.'.ire, and Is
, I ■! : a '.exilic.-k in r.i.iiix of tile
II ". ■ u.) ' i- :ml . -il' g-'S ill
lin I -ip. d Sl.’-'tC-. 11. wt. it while e.m-
I r.... ;■ ,| wit ii tSt :-■ iinil • : -i' X and as t.-r
•| ~ -. Baltimore gve William Hand
i i:,-.>y-n a half lrit n rest in the work for
, ; l-H.miig it ..“Wil IO Hie tim of Tenny-
■ I N,>t only .as an author, but als > as a
I n i '■ i hv.;.l t ■■■ i iin. ~f Richard Malcolm
I .lobm ton' be .-lit. • He v. as n . Xpert on
ith ihiu. ..nd yv.i'-n. m-i-ompiini. d on the
I ],'. - hi- b .o.iil'i' wife, he eonson'.e.i
■ ' :•> p. .rm for bi- tri mis, a rare tr at
• i a ■ lev rmbiy !.'•• r- suit.
I Mr Bi- 'wn .ml Mr John toil, who be
.< m. i.iitm te Hi nds shortl.y after the
! l;a;.-’s r. to I:.ilthnorc, togetin-r
[ -,y nte th i biogt tphy of Ah xand< r Ste-
I I pip U -, W.iieh wa- published in lS7s.
, I Mr. e.) Mrs. Johns: m had . b-v. n chii
i ■!, five s a.' and ■ daughters
i m ,i:,<. A-'.biir <’ id. Alb -n J.winston
’ i hoi s n ri-spunsib!" Post with tin- I'entr.,!
• j :a:1r...i.1. Ki.-hard is tim city editor of The
Bit i-il-mh'ini rA . n ng News, and Luci m.
• i tin -. oim-ie-t < ~ -1. s a Roman Catholic
I i-D. -• I lag : ' 'Wn. Md. His living
I daughters are Mrs. W. <;. Charlton, of Sa-
'| v .11:1:11. Mrs. Ward of '!,.yy- York, and
Mis.., itn h .'Hid I.file .1. mm-' ot.. yvrio r--
■ I -si “. ih t, ir 'il'-" in I' ilt Iniore. Miss
■ Limy John ton d h- tore the family 1. r t
, G< • . and M ■ Amj Johnston di. .1 in
1 L.ltimcre.
Peace Commission Reaches Queenstown
Queenstown. September 23. The Cunar.i
line steamer Campania from N.-yv York
t on September litli, with the United States
t ii< >on ..'D'-r an uneventful vov.iee
w -, . : v.. i n b .. exc< pling St nator
(■ vho i b-<-n suit, ring Hom t.eii
;r - w ia Th-re wa i
, . ... -j- . . o n board ' imp inia
' .;■! of H- ’ c-h tritics. I
j'r .- pr"- id.-I 11m collection netted ?-t'> |
for V'.ie S' . a n’t! Society.
' Governor and Colonel Seek To Have
Seven Hundred Soldiers Mus
tered Out.
Waihlngton, Stptembfr r l!ry
-1 an of the Third N"braska. with Governor
I H mb and R. pre- ■ nla'ive Stark w-rc
I ,in at the w. - department today and
1 c.-ill'd .-11 General Cot bin. Bryan sabmitt'-i.
i a few mor, papei.- requesting the dls< hair,c
| of m.-mb- rs of tils regiment.
Il is stated at tin- department that all
' a pH tion- lor dist harm submitted by
i Colonel Bryan yesterday and today will
i p .y-,. to j -i s through the regular nul.tary
> channels, and lite determination will
} be the 1 .••■nimend;iti..n of th" corps < oin
! niander, who is Major General Fitz,
Th.- party I.i ’• r h.i-l another inlcrvleyv
with I’m md. t : M -Kinley. At 1' ‘dime
Governor Holcomb ant boriz'-d a slat-ment
as t., the requ st wliieli Hwy »i--d sub
net‘..<l. iI- sad:
• y- ~ di.i not coiitlnc our repr-sent.itions
to I bird r- git-.i' iit, but m ule it em
brace ...: the Nebraska troops in tin- field.
N. -k i raise.t tiiree tegitm-nls for the
"Leaving th Second regiment “it ot con-
Bideralion v.. have soldiers in the field.
J 1,,, , X,-. : our q ota by about 7« <> im n
on 111.- basis of .111 army of lOO.UOO. and We
have a.-ke.l th.H tiie Nebraska love be
redrc-.l as to tiring It down to son, -thing
I m ,r th.- emreet proportion.
"This .art ang< ment w ou.d p.-rnit. tne
. weeding out el men yvhose eh- umstnm • s
| are sm h as to appeal especially to the
authorities for relief. Tiler,? ar, many of
1 th.— and the list is not confined to s:.k
I m< u. Th* re ar,- many of our volunteers
! win, left lucrative pmitions to g" i , Hi"
I war.-I!..I who have families dependent upon
them .-md f'-r whom we are seeking to
,-ur.- :. li. f."
I . Hol. oaib 1.1de.l that th.- r. quest
was rn ide in b, half of the enlisted men
I only and not in th.- interest of tin-
| ■ They hive the privilege of resigning if
tl’.ey desire to get out of Hu- service." he
I in this connection the governor stated
1 that no representations had been made
I eon-- ruing th.- attitude of Colom I Bryan
I personally, and lie could not say whether
I the colon', I would seek to resign or to se
cure a furlough.
The president took the representations of
■ th. delegation under consideration, prom
ising to give his response at an early date.
Governor Holcomb will leave for home to
morrow hopes to have the president's
reply before starting.
Bryan Still in Washington.
Wa: «ib.i.-ton. September f’L— Contrary to
| oxji, .-tation, Colom i William J. Bryan did
i not 1,-.iv.- th.- ,-lty tonight to rejoin his
' eommiml at J.ieksonville. He wished, ho
said. learn tin- decision of the president
concerning tin- discharge of soldi'-rs from
th,- Third Nebrasl;.i regiment and. there
fore. !:■■ :- rnvn -I to wait lu re another
I day. 11.- wi’! l--ave for the s.uitii tomorrow
. ...
Charley Robinson Kills His Brother,
Berry, Near Caesar’s Head.
Gre.-nville. S. C., September 24.—(Spe-
■ rial.»—N<-w.< r.-aehed here today of a hor
; rible homicide near Caesar's Head, on
Wednesday n ght. when Charley Robinson
killed his eider brother. Berry Robinson.
' The fratricide was brought about by a
; slight quarrel concerning a nutmeg grater.
; Charley Robins.m. who is toll gate keeper,
i .Hid has been driving for the < a,-.-ar Head
: hotel this summer, w.-i: to his lirother's
j house under the Influence of whisky and
■ emptied one barrel of his shotgun into his
i brother's heart. The shooting was in North
( arolina. in eight of the eta: line, over
I Hire., mil. s from Caesar Hea,i. Charley
' Robinson lives in Greenville eountv. South
C.'.rolina He is now in the Transylvania
; county jail, at Br.-vnrd, am! is prostrated
. over liis ra.- I deed. He is a married man
■ with nine .-hildr, n.
| 8.-ri'y Rouiiisoa leaves a wife, but no
I children. They were known to be on good
t- rm.- the day of tiie shooting and the af
fai: li. ■ uis-d great regr.-t among the
. mount list penile, among whom the Roh
' i:i-..ns ar,- a pr. mlm-nt family. Chari, y
; having ,-u cum ilti :>■<) considcrabie property
for a mountaineer.
Vesuvius Causes Alarm.
Naples. September 21.-The eruption of
Vesuvius is increasing in violence and It
is feared that it will assume the nropor-
1 lions of that of 1872.
Censures the Ministers and Declares That the
Artillery Captain Has Been Rightly
Adjudged Guilty.
Taris, September 19.—Tho Due d'Orleans
has issue 1 a manif.-s'., d noun g Die
Dreyfusit'-<. The manif, " , I.- a : t
At las: tho juomotcr.- .-f i >.l. -ns
plot against the . - or ■
: i<" la iht "and liave ' ■■ - - ofl ' ■■
mask. Ini.mi ! ,i■ I ", 'be mln
i.-ier. bay. d •I ■ .' vs ■> far
ns to b. -oni... Hi ir ,< -.. ;i<
Tile Dm- d'orl ,n- a.'-us<.i tin- ministry
of seeking a in of the Di yf is pt
--I.n-.- . wail,- eoi.v in,
guilty, umi. i- pt of • a.i-.g lb" "U"
for their own pi itit. h that the
■pr.-. pe.-t i. ~ a. t .|.,i. <r. ..nd ho
eulii luil' . his a:.Ill . ,m ' ■ wo.-'s:
Frcmihmi a. w ar.- tn esters in our
country. Your , - rv.inis, .ani.lect to <><•-
Impose upon i-ci th, will to which thov
submit under pretext of proving the in
nocence of a man whom the mil tary tri
bunals hav .-is a tr.iiior. It
is th. ai a,. i are :rjlng to destroy,
and France they arr- striving to ru n.
Frenchmen, w will not .-l ow tt.
Tin- mani:'e- ’o h fallen rather flat. The
I>r< j fus affair presents no n< iv f< a ure
It is stated th.-t G.-.iera! I'iianoitie, tim
new minist, r "t war, ha ■ led to .-a
point an entirely n< .v ." iff for tat ra- ls
try and to reorganize tin- ■■■ t.-i intelii
g,-nce de] artni- tn .
M. I'r,.- e:„ . . a Under in tho Dreyfus
agitation l. be, n imtn :, ,1 ■■-■ Pir
b fore a eoum il of th-- L gion of Honor.
i on the gr »und that lie has fire
nw tings at which ora'ors have. del. .unce-l
liie army.
Legal Status of Dreyfus Case.
I New York, Sept- .nbel D. A diM'., . h
I Tin World from I'.iri ly- Jul, ; i' I'-’.i' ■
I a leading member of the 1-tench mu, • ..
j j,Jains the pr. . ent legal st Hus of the Dr, x -
i fus . ,se .is follow- :
I ‘‘Judicially, the ministerial decision to re-
I fcr th. <-a. ■ to an ■ xamining .--mm;: - -11 -o
three decides n- il'.mg ex. - i't the " ' hid
ing of lb" Drcyl'.is de. is:.>n In Hi" tig": ~.
I .. event .. The eotnmk sloii’s timln’k
will det.-I nme Wiiether tber.. shall b a
I re .ision or no;.
decision is Important po!U icaby .a
that it revc ils and rovt the t n lm< nt
of the counti y in favor of a i t v,ston
I’aris is < ulet outw.u'db-. There seems
has Virtual y been determ.nod itjion.
Rut there is a great commotion among
j th. chiefs of the army. They undoubtedly
I have the disposition, if not the r.iura..-, to
l try to prevent i revi.• m nt the ehv. -ta
hour le. a military - oup d'etat.
M. who ■■ ■
min - r of wtr and who has cast his lot
unrest rvedly with the army. '. p-ont-d to
' as a possible dictator, but public sentiment
I « ,11 be a mo t ■ ff< Hve biF ag i t
designs. It. has v.-ered around completely
in favor of revision and justice, wdt - h
I.' . rhazy's promi < d c >nf< don is av it
ed w i the knot st curl ity. though ■■■■
| one will bell '-e .. word li< : >ys unit s he .3
supported by independent
Picquart’s Plain Words in Court.
i Paris. Si pti ml,er 21. T ■ pape
the minister i.i war, Gcni'.il < lamin
has examined the documents in the Drey
fus case and lias ordered the prosecution of
| form, l''.l’iii''l I’l,-quar*. on tho < , ir;;->
I O," m.d'‘Pl'equ i'rt ai I M.
I 1..81015, a l.iwx r. tin . , rge “f •< ■
| vealing documents .-one. rning ' >“ n.ith'i I
' def, use, was to havi beg in today b for,?
I the correct ioniil tribunal. The public ;.r- ■ ■
) e.-utor, lew -x■ r, ■ k< ‘I for an .
ment on th,- gt -ml ' ,-' ' ■ pros- -.: : a
;Ot <'•olonel l’ieq-1 ,rt .-n th ■ rm of
j g. ry and using forged d<.er.;i-.--iits ,i is I. a
! ordered by tho minister • ; war.
| M I.aborl. alm w ■ i M ZI i
I during th,- latter's famous trial, in-ligiiant
: Iv opposed adiournnieiit, w.,, It. !:■■
I said, was an ai:< mpt I ■ hand „v- r »' - '
Picquart into Hie clutch,- of the military
: (lutlioriti, s
| (‘olonel Piequart then rose and mM ■ i
' statement whi.'h caused a sensation Il-
‘‘This is, perhaps, the last time I
i shall speak in public. I shall sleep,
: perhaps, in the military prison of
Cherche Midi. Therefore, I wish to cle
i claro that if I find there tl e stiang
j ling cord of Lemercier Picard, or the
I razor of Colonel Henry, it will be mur-
I dev. for I have no idea of committing'
' suici e.”
: The audience was intensely m-iv-d mi l
1 shouted:
! ■ Vive Pi- quirt
Th< judg. s. howev, r, aft< r a shor ■■
liberation, -10. -.J.-.l to indetmilelx a I.i,- .' i
tl),. case, and Colonel Pn quart was
' away between poll --ni. a 1.- ::'■> ■ " ' ■ ■
ear,l. lb- ni.m r-l- n- I to by (’■ l-.m- I’: -
| quart, xvas a detective, understood to i rvo
I 1,e,-ii employed in the Dreyfus affair, who
; was found anged in 1 i- - 1 ’■ about a.
: some doubt upon the theory put forwatd
that he committed suicide.
Keep tire Proceedings Secret.
| The commission appoint, .I by the mini--
- ter of justice, M- Sarri- n. to examine t
I documents in tin- Dreytus • -as-
; nounce upon tin- advis , bdliy < i th. g ■» ,-
. erument formally grunting tn - jirisom-r “.
! Devil's Island a new trial, met this .after
i noon nt tin- ministry of justice. 'I -at-
| est precautions were taken to insure ...-
I It is understood the comtni. .-ion will coma
: to a decision by Monday m xl. when M
Harriett will,- its finding i- t
. cabinet council wihieh will b ■ pi- side d over
i by President Faure.
Meeting in French Guiana.
London, September 21 \ sp-.d il d.saat h
from Paris says the .1
: French Guiana in • ,ml>--r his i<-
eeived a dispatch announcing t'hat a mu
tiny has taken pin.-,, among Hn- ...nve <
i at C lyentm. tin- capital ,-f I-': a h G, .
! Tiie mutineer.-:, it tpp.-, . ox ~.w ■-I
and murdered the guards, t 'ion st .rim-I tiie
military storehouse and seized tho arms
and ammunition there. Tin y are now, ac
cording to the dispatch, besieging tiie prin-
wuarls it?s
"Tbo whole Rquftdron
then *»< t out to hunt x
down * • ’ ”
Just follow ti-at Hquad- r
? n r“ 5
Tl." Wcel ■ ' nstttn \
tion f • nly fl per yea
SCC'I ii y.H. ■ Wi.,- I xil:,
yo ,r - ei-li't on Bo y
Him- a. s. *'i ■ ",r wor-l '
< xtn-tly r. i.t. .«• tin- \
|.,.1,-is i a. -nv:ml the C
| <ipal prison, and It Is feared that -h“y
max sure, ed in ft, .-ing tin- IjCtO convicts
contlm-d :a tho building.
It- ,-i.|,,r. “in.-Ills I l.—n ' 1 graph- 1
for to tin- island of M.irti'dqu. . hut it is
said they will not :. rrl x - in timt - to sti p
press the mutiny
Dreyfus Will Probably Bo Ki'lcd.
Dev.l's i.-land, v ..- ■ xil-: Dr-yfus.
the former captain in the French ..a ill.-r.,
is contim d tin.h r sentem - I .-.< . :.-'g sold
s,. rets of t In- w■■ r olli-ton f.-t .-n n >v
< rum,-nt, is but a .short distune, from
[ It is possible that the revolt of con
j victs may be tiie death knell of the
prisoner whose condemnation has so
I stirred up the French nation, for his
guards are under strict or: cs to kill
him if any attempt is to release
j him or if there is any possibility of
; his escaping.
Esterhnz.y T -lks.
London. S j-tembei !■'.' Tl-' D ::y N« iv<
I today ..'vs that (' -mt I'. - •, u l-■ i
I sojourning in London in tl.,- gm.-e of an
| Italian count.
Ari pl . ( s . nt itlve of The N( ws < t ight
him at (’haring Cross -s I,- w- -about
t( , start for I’-'Hs In -h'""’" ’• • “j
I tervi-w ( unite !. 'Z... : ■ I . - .., 1 x■.
Ily tri. d ■ neral Veil ■"Xth it
111.- I 1.-nrl rlocum, nt w is
i .
I tl>“" l n;’t'.'.r- ! San,7l .r- ' Henri and mxs. .
I Tiie first two arc d< ad and I alone hold the
Comte I?’ Tl’izv iiff. ■!..! i guy non-
Rumors Ki r e in Pai is.
Pai . .
Among* oth> r im 1 , ■ :’ ni ■m- * • (-■ ‘I
Cln r< I Ai Mi H •'). 11 •: - < . ‘ •
Chi f Ik- M <’i p’i'on lomcrro'.v.
be k- »t mpl ’ i •' .‘I 1.--- >• i in i •inP/ 'v
Picquart Sent to Military Pti on.
’ i .of the n ilitary tuliiorities ii i civil coart.
and The l-'ret. ' . i n ■ th ,: th«
premier. M. Bri ..n . x . in - s
I were instituted w ■ ■ of
i The Rad:, ,1 makes a hitler att; -k on the
i general st.-frf. win. it .- iri.-es with .inning
I at the moral assassination Picq rt
-th rough ~ si-:-, t,:'. t, i -
'. H“fi im.-h.-fort in bis pap.-, The In
j transigeant. deci ires that I'.- quirt was
I I:'' ' ■ ' ns el Hmt ■!.' . ! L\ /j
staff of tile Fr. h ,niiy <-.:nn t n.,w
i < the full light of a revision of Hie
j Dr,yfus >..s,-
■ Ex-Major Presents All the Facts
j I. r.don. S- ; ' -ini,, i .... , 1..,-:. r\ ,-■ • :!s
morning eontln . ,- - . .
j lions, begun I. st Sunday, in . '.-i::- irti- '■>,
■ f <• in -i , . a, ..'in.- ... whieli Is
■ Coni' ■■ Este'a z> .. • ma : . it is
I ass riod. in t h-- ;>r. -a . ■ nio -■ j■ :. ■■ ;3
i than on . that In- was t'i- au -r of :■«
i f in;..a- Dr. xftis border, .hi. w : he w"e
I ".it the request of Ceionel .< :<a. rr, 11... w
I dead."
| "It was int,aided." In s.’id. "to e. a.-tituia
i material pro.,l' o' Dr, y Ins'- rm'll. |, was
I known through a Fr.-ncli spy in th. s :vi -o
;-.t Berlin lan: • tain d<>< anicnls aid
■ reac'iio.l tho German gon.-t il st: fl wh,.-!i
, Dreyfus alone could have obtained it was
a list of these documents wni constituted
the boidircaa. I'r. yfus h i., <, t, tested
It. sex.-ral ways. For in<iaa,.. .-, plan t'.,r
i the,t mu of tro.q,.- on t ..,? -omh
eastern frontier !.ad been <li.".| to him
i wliie-h wars quite fruit.-: i ■ A .ort time
j afterward- cur sides in Italy informed us
j that the Italian :: ff was making uioditi-