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VOL. XXXT. XO. 41.
George D. Saxton Is Shot to Death
by a Divorced Woman at
Canton, Ohio.
No One Was Present When the Killing Occurred
and Prisoner Refuses to Talk —Law Suits
May Have Been the Cause of
the Assassination.
-.,n. <>. Dctm-or 7 George I>. Saxton, n biot..; .f Mr.
William McKinley, was shot dead at 6:10 o’clock this evening in
fiom of t ic r-sid-ne. of Mrs. IN.. If. Althouse. widow of Hie
lit. George Altiiou. ■■ .No. 1 Lincoln av-nu.', where he is pre
SUCled to have gone to make a call.
Five shots w-re ti1..1. f Wl:i h entered his body, and
Mr: Ant a. <George has be u pl.e d under arrest on suspici n
of th. murder.
Saxton was unemi clous when neighbors arrived and begin
inxx.~tigi.ting ao • iuu> of tie shooting, .md w.m dead wli.-n the.
I l.j sicians and otli'-ers .am.’ up, th- physicians expressing th
of .i,ion that death was in;.', ai; t a neons, tine - b ill', ts hivi g - ti
t<*red vital spots. The position ■ f the body indicated ihat r.e had
been on the step to the Althouse resident when th<
v ei. tired.
■lie body was taken to .in ui d : taking room and pine, d in
ch rge of the coroner. linm. -I, iieiy after th., autopsy it will be
taken to the theme of M. C. Barber, a broth-, w .er •
Saxton, who is unniarri <l. made his home.
Saxton left the Barber home about G o’clock, - ■ling Is bl< y
cle. and t! .s was ’he I i■ t s. n of him by his friends.
The Althouse homo was dark and I nked and th- neighbors
said Mrs. Alth- use had not l>< ell at Home for tin past Ihr. e .l.iy-c
Oneofthe neighbors sail a woman supp>so.i :o hate done the
shooting had passed b. -k of the Im-.r . Mt . <:■' r«?. t- k her
supper as usual at a <low: -town restaurant, and : -ane time 'ate.-
wls on a w.-st-bound ■ ar, and a <•< rding to th- tn to i an -
• :ory, got off at Had it avenu , tie -r the Althous- h< me. ,V on'
f> o clock the «a. ,nr I.y Hi. ; —ii. e till er.- and io k.-d up.
,iovble hi ■■■ her w s due pri, dpaiiy to t'he fact inat
moved from her old ii. me yesterday.
She Is a Divorce-! Woman.
Mrs George Is th. d Vol- 'd w,fo of Sump'.- C. G-orge, who
• eriy was a tenant of Saxton’s In his d wn-t -v.-. bu I •
bl-'.-k, conducting a <ll. ■ smuklng bn-iness. 11. i divorce was l>
: in Dakota, .nd a ;-i ce. - ling later tiled in io-al . our-.s
x til- husband n.- i.ii. t Saxton charged that Saxt-n had s■ at
her there to secure t ,e divorce, the proceeding here being a suit
- . m ; s or tin d ali nation of the wife’s afltecli .ns.
■J • a.-e 1-as been r .rough ill the Intermediate courts and was
;.. -.1 upon by the sup'.-nie court on an interplead ng,
. m i.a.iiix i • 111. >rl ■i • 1 f.-r I . r.i.g .m its imrl!.. In r --. 1.. ; ..■■■
thi urred, and on W- In sday, a settlement was .ff.--t.-l.
s .-.tee. j . ying ■ on the ' l .ini s- i up of? 20, '<> f--r
c:,ni:.g< s. M;.. 'l. hasals.. had s-x oral eases .-.gainst Sax
: -.. . laaninf., the l--.n:ion of furniture, the dot. ns of Saxlon that the arti<-l,s w re h - d for overdue rent in the rooms.
Mis. Alt.’.u ... in !r,.n; whose - the snooting oe.iir: el,
several mo m p< ice proceedings against Mrs.
George, : that li r life had been threaten, d.
Gripni.m t.':i.-rle> I l;i; < niiouse, of ,ar N->. 21. said to a re-
"Mi th .g. got on me . ,-ir at til.- square and rod., west as
far as Inzl. t- avenue, where she got off. I do not know when
she went, for 1 ttok no paiti-mar notice of her. However, 1
J.u .'v it wi Mrs G. .. -..1 t. .; : i. got off at tile avenue.
ai.-app. ar.-d <p ickly mev. la
VS it no io the Shooting.
Ibi- lb -1. man, ■ ■ -1: - .11 ■ ? ,V t Thi: d .■ I .mt 2'll
fee l lr.-m i-,.- Alt ipm: r. s. a . said:
"1v .. • t ■ 1’• ■ ■ •:■ ■ ■ 'Tj w n 1 h'-a :d t w-i shots f rom a
r-x.-w. t .mi . -,XV t.- .:...-a fi-.m Ila- m-mtii ol a gun. 1 w.-ni
in.a.- ■ ■ ■ 1. ill- . ■ f ami aft.-r mt txt-, min
utes li.i-l - ; 1 I ii d 'xxo tm r B-f re I i rd Hi ; 1...,\
e-.-r. 1 ■ xx . worn in or some one dr >- d m w-man’s <MI ■
C-- ixx. • fi t ■ Alth- .-. ■ p- ra:h.-r si .-wly, th n turn around
: I g . li.ick A: •• • time I li. :. rd tie- two more silo. s.
'I ... ' m.- I.', . ■.. ■ 1 t tin Sa-I- ft the |-a\ .-meet an I
ran up a x.i-ant !.•■ m-xt to Mr-. It. ?.l Quinn's r si-1 m-e. W’e
M •G.-, rg.- mill: aim-1 p i-.-t self-content xx .< n . rr s.ed
amt !.■■■- -I to m. ke a .-'ateni'mt.
It Is ..m -. i- : ■ . tl orge m, 1 frequ- nt titre t
of taking Saxton’s lit'-. Many of t lese threats are s .1-' to h v ■
l-'-u .'-nt thrmmh tlm i ail , and the federal grand jury last
m 1 ted tmr <or b- g aup - ■ .per us. of tlie mtiils.
■'•l . ■:■ -1; j -I a;..1 the injr tpient. so tar ..s Is
known here, ts still alite.
S :aple, <Gi-..ri--, ■ • huso. nd. is reportes to have s-eretly
rried in Wheeling . a t o Miss Lucy Graham, ..;
Ai.i.m-.. A -i a G -r, ~ . ..t his ,1. tn ;; ■ money from Six
for a.l' . a r x. -n.
. tii-i i' --' M Gm ■ -is b. .-'i living a' 'Co. h m
'■ ’ ' ■ • ’■ l '• ■■ Vt ’ block; .. -. ,i \ : . at xi here
She left til. ..oi.. i, Hit a ..'. lock t n...mi11-,.
'■'.'!i ■ tin •hi ■ v. ■ t dl-mg to < jin t might, Mis.
'mi g ■ lot . ai ■ mpl< d to
- to get in th- b; k v, .- ,| xv is put un-
■ 1.1 arrest by the m.. • brought ;■ ■ police lieadquarters.
\\ .a n tt s :r -. i -,h. int ■ t station sh, . .. rm-.I to be soil ■
pi..-1- ssed. Stic tt as gtv. :. a el.a r and .. ~- ot th- otliem st . k
■' ■ ' ' 1 ' A : "a- ;. Pomeroy, v. o was pres tn, pu led h s
ii.air in flout of her, a::.I said:
Mr.’ G - ...... ,1 some-
thing in his ear. He spoke -ping attorn.y a.l
tl en to . l-,.-r that !.■ < uld m-i gr m m-r i-. qu st. The q nst. ui
answered in a ; if .-t.y e.lm a;.,| q,j : i n.. -
i 1 - t. ■ i:, 1 111 .v. . r t Hie e .me.--.”
"Did you : O O. . .11 t:ie .-it. . I . a s abo..i i’,.ai iiim
T1 • r-- v... • a • q,. sii ~i.
’I ' pit. M <;• m, . . i t <• p. sec-.-Jug a• t
:. ■ . ■ i i ;■ ■ J.. with : . s \\ <■ will mt d . • n
yuii h ni' l.”
no a i prosecuto
■ . a ’lino’.’/ that Mr. ; was tl;o next ques-
tion tti.H v.a> pul to • r h- . i- ])-os .ar r.
■ v : • • < '.!.; Ii A : !ii: z <.f the i!.»S.
1 •: .. In i el to kill him; is
J ■ v. : ; corner ni
i«DS ’ Vx . ’ . • ■ .11) i st HI ■ » .1 ’ W.T
; i: ■ ' i • •• » 1* l‘<* 'it i li lit ?”
: ■ • ‘ ■ ’ >• ' » ’l’ J • :i •• i
The Atlanta Constitution.
notice there, are a great many burrs on
your dress. Will you tell how you got
t hem
Not a. muscle of Mi' ; - George's face
mixed, and h.-r head did not move a
particle to see whether there were any
I burrs on her dress. This ended tile exam
Mrs. George was taken into the woman’s
departnient, ami .in .-xamination xx is
made. Nothing xx as found on her. 'I he
skin of her hands was : . rap. d and will be
analyzed to s. m x.iiethm- there ar.? any
traces of gunpowder on th-in. She xxas
then locked up to await a leafing.
Mrs. McKinley Informed.
W.. ..-in. ;toa. r lb. n w of th-
1 murd. r of Mrs. M. Km’.- ' ■ broth. ■ xxas
| received nt the while lion- just about the
eemn ' -
I was -■ ■' ’.: 'll 1 pirit -T-n w ■ of her
broth, r's di nth xxas a at ,1 -lio.-k i . h.-r,
Mrs. M.-Ki:il--\ a wish to at
t. ".I th lon- tai. ami .■ • ord nglx mrrie.l
arrang. meins w. in ol- w... sh.- w.ll
tomorrow. ’1
Mr.-. M Kin’., x - .-r, MB 1 her. xx ."
j was tit im- t. pUotm thU the lat
pany "her.Tito' funeral will be held on
I Mondi'V.
I The unfortun it- . vent will not intmT-r ■
I will, , m P-. id. f- n il' to i ■.- <>m . ; a
. :.p..siti.-n. that !•■• will not I- able
1 Jnt.mdcd on Monday morning, but instead
i th. funeral. I: is not y< i det. rmined
whether Mrs. McKinley xx: I a-.-.-om .any ib
.' pr. si.lent t.. <mm ha. ’a: ■ Jep -tiding .n
--i lively on h.-r wi.~1.-s in tie matter.
Funeral Monday Z-fterncon. m . i i .- ’ ' M <’ it ' th
• brother-in law of Pr< sid mt M< Km:- y. re
reive ;i firni \V.:; 'lintjton
stating that 2 o’ciork w<»ul<i «>••-» sun th'
prej ■ IMi • Kinlcj as t h< u■
t\ r hu'.diaa the fuieril th.-
II -m ins of Gem ■ ■ Sa' i M’ ’■ v ’ '
Killlev’; - oth< Vho was assa ”-i •>'
I k.~; .light .al W 1.~ ipptoachlug tab house
of a fri.-ml
! \ ■ .rdm-ilx tint i. -ar M 1 :lf "
h 11> liren sei t d Tin services bto be
prix. lie. the family am’, lim-milia'- ;:i-m.s
b ing pre,-, nt and will o . -ar .it t ■ Bar -
h( ,me. whore, the body was taken The
.... : id< nt ; IM McKinh ya ■ ' ■
: VI ho li :s b ■ a in Wash!. g'"» nursim- b--r
. i, J b r, md t w latter will
. ■.a xx Hh th<- 11 -K .a- .
Mrs. Ann .• Goe.rge. If • xv..:a ’. mi ','•<• I
so mal eliar-o of fir t -t -er.-.- tmr i.-r mm'o
t. ~ .- - - fl! ” und b n I.
C 'tion xvith frict -m is cone, med, .•ilthough
xx • a her a:' ■rn --y s.
f > so, ms t < >mf rt; Ily est 11;
tit > nor rest is disttn b -.1 b? the cot lit ion 3
in widen sh- 1- laced, SI- is .-..0l an.l
colli-t.-d and still maintains silcm-c on
ovei’i- cot ’ ' - the t
The coroi r began I k ng to.-timouy this
.■ifternoon .III.! examined half .. loz.-n m-i :h-
~ 1 /, far l is Henrv
Bf.l-rnmn tl . !m aw ~ w-nmn in lia.-k
in front of the Althoiisi home tire s< verttl
Returns and Shoots A;,ain.
Aft. r the tii.-t shots sh ■ had walked axx- .v
hud then ti ■ t’i cam- from th.- man i
Call m m. She tnrm-d abruixtly, .xm 1'• ■ .
k Sind fired ral mor. ' ’
rah .way. JlexOUld not tell w.l l Hi. people
XV I-,, but "II re.-..gnize.l S:iX-
i - .
and known by ill. Since Ids at'empt io
<•.' . -,| Mi.. Annie 11. il .-r.m il was ex
p. i-d ibat yoiuething would li.-ippci.. She
I. id been his t- i ant in tin- Sax: ..u bio. h.
11. had just eomprnm.;.. d stilt for nli.-ii-
,-iting her GT. .-lion l x pax m- ~'is-
liand SI.L'--''. Mi-iai.ini- Samp!. <Geoi
..- ml t ivorei d : td.-.l xvomtm
b'-.i -ms In Ml-:-.. \.Um : ■ H i-ow 'turns
.-■it timt Mrs. Geoi go had I - n ir >und
th- r-5;.!.-ii. .- of Mr-. Althouse 1 r.-qm-ntly
I 1.1 • X. lie XX..S silo d. id on the do..r
I fre.|iien'ly thr-.imned to kill I.lm if lie
i i-t-t. 1.-ti dln■ .- ;m. on M rs. Althouse.
. President Leaves with Mrs. McKinley
for the Funeral.
Washington. <> er s I're.sid.-nt and
| Mrs. M ■•«<;.: X li II 1-eto at T.Z'i ..'el ..kt
1 night for Canton, where they will attend
; th< funeral of Mrs M< Kink y , I
< S..xt ri. Wilt t'n vx -. ex ■ r.-.l
1 ri-mtivi-. The I'.'it’lv traA’e I I'. a prixa,.
■ . ~- ,tt .1 to th- ;. e.ii .r • -.:■...
| John Barber, m ph. xx •! tn- ir. -I.lent, j
i v. lio was . ■ ■..■■ I ■■ma; im.-i; . i - fi om I
I the front witli a well-developed ease of j
I was bought down from
tbo .-nr, xx liere I. - w is c trefully p',aet?d i
■ '■‘as ''he tniin. ~ : •' tlm dm i j
, out th. oilleinls v. lm e.irae to .1.1 the ; res!- i
dent ia pa rt x -f. x ■■ ■ . - i . - . 1 b :i. -I ■
; arrive at I’au oii at le:_J .. m. tomoirow. .
/ X. - ' N X- ■ : A- :
,j L ...C'' A X;. - A gAHA' H„ ,L. Cj
-A- .Am '/ N'AT! -.a v-jgA iT' -A' r . ■ : .'A ; . ; "■> O
h M AT-. N ,- y H .'T --M
A\ . ■ A- ~. Ga :: ■' „,X -s ? V'i X
\ ■ -’T ' ■ ' "AiGv. 4 izfe I ’ JG"' jK
Maj M.c. VJiIKINSON OLt>’toS-A-MEff.fSXtC CAPT. MI N - J OHR- PiH.*ftA iNtlXrt. bi*""""
The Spanish Commander Ob
jected to United States
Soldiers Entering.
Commanders Discuss the Situation
While Subordinates Are Deploy-
ing- Forces an I Ara Prepar
ing for a Pitched
Manzanillo, October 7 A fight was nar- I
r.jwiy .v.rt d t-day b-tw .n the'.i
garrison, under Colonel Parr<.n. and
I .ii-.| Stab's tmops un.l-r Coiom-1 Kay.
i wiio have ariit-d her.- from Santiago to
I tai - pus.-., -.-ion of the city.
T he arrival of the Ann r.cans had tak- n ,
i the Spanish commander l>\ surprise and
; lie 1) , 1 reported to Colonel Ray t-aat h
i bad :. it-d xx • I from < bm. ral Bia m•> I
' aifin i.g Idin that ilie date for the Aim im
1 . :,n ... ..patimi I -.1 b. en p ..upon ..I ... < i.--
i tob-r bull, lie I I■■ -:■■■! i:j ' 1 ’
; nal ruet ions. Tin
It r . - nil Itodo so and :■nt a. dispat-. h
U, <;. i,. ral l-i .X ion. at Santiago.
At 7 oh lo -l. this morning ‘ - mi 1 R ■ '
I,ax ing not aid from Gen tal Lawton to
Ha- . ai.r.irx. .sent word by Adjutant Col- ■
- | illH to Co - I arron. tiiat in - . ■ dan
xx .11 ii. -in.. lions he should march a.s
.. :., -...- i.x it- d'" K >' '
v ty, when the Cnite.l States ’i»n.
R. 111. de 1 .o. -I ■'-‘ '' 1 ' .
~ ~ a 1 Par: ■ . tai’. t
. . . ii-- ;>;-’>!.<• LuHdiuk-' id t:i’ .
num o't'lae Cm -1 .Ma-..
. . , , ~: ~ i. ip, .- .tl.Hi-m was in mo’.on ,
:■ -- ■ ib": ' :
. :. .. ! ■■■ ■-■■ -■- "
Si ’iii-irds Called to At ms.
- M this J int I Spanish bugler sounded
•' • ■ s’., mish r irr..«»n
-W' ■ tm-. .m
th J '.?- : "- ! 'i'L' visit'd Cohmei Farrrm and
I -...m-wlmt s.ormx .nt-m • w W-"’.
, , v . .Hl.iit v.ih Hi.- aid o’. n ■■’. ''l"'
t ;i .. h, < on. ‘i. red liim.-.-ll tricke-.1. i oloiu 1 ,
lu'.v . xpiaiimd tmit he n< v< r . iid myihi ig
, .. ;-. ;Cl I h:- II: r .'ll . v.. . 1 o
•. i< :■■ ■ -■■■■ •■: g;."; g.L ,
i p/.'.' . ■' d’to '-t upon h:■ original ordt rs.
'I h. i. i.jh.’i « fiioiicl r.ui’Hi .-iid lii'- Ainvi- .
j, . |) | ( ID.!-! If x< uu<»\ ’ d .i‘ on- < .
t ’..lffiivi H.iy I■ ;• d <’<>H>nel 1’ -i ron d< - '
A!:vr ■ :.-. !«■» ‘.L- d.-ri ” I in •:>'» 1
<_ ;* Dll. I • !lt rul i’ ■“.* '» t Ul’dd b*’ < ’illl- '
E”!ii | uilii. it w.i »!• fid* d not to [
i I- :inn un’d th< ■ oliif’S li:»d •
< . . d ~1 b ..•« if I. t’.i. . • on, <■ donel |
. - ..'....AW..'V i.
der Item Colonel i'art cl hid jus: Il II t. I i
th- Amelie.ill troops ibat they mu- b-axm |
iniiii'-illa.cix. I'aplain Frost, ia common! i
I '■•■■'■'■- Raj - :---. refused
i :■» vHnjdy, vvher'upon h«’ v. is t< ,d ii w. ;
I tl ' id' -d d’ hi-- nil’ll WolLd In: Up«Hl tlh’lf •
j own heads.
At this moment Colonel Riy < ame up. ■
i .!?-i C.u’t.iin b’rost rrportMd th" <»o ur- j
1 his <>ver-Z';ii'»us subordinate iv..iy 'Phen I
began the in ti. h of a mile to tn- i
i ra.-ks through the. croxvdi d str-eis, most I
' of th- onlooker- being evidently pro-Span
l isli, judging from tb-ir scowling looks and i
, un< . mplimentary remark'. The march j
led around 111- square. A- th- Atmrie.ins
passel tiie Spanish giirrson the latt-r
p: nie-J i.mi-. The barracks were f.mnd
I ’ll .1 h-altmul locality and in good eondi- |
[ I: was Colonel R-iv’s first intention to .
tak, -etion as .on as the cable clo«. d. ,
■ . L', : :.N I
1 elusle.n--. th. Spanish ofii.-rs esp.- tally I
i 1 -".,!- closed |
patch fi
■ illo h r-: rcqi;ps*ted ,i d"!.sy until oclUmt ;
■ i" .md m.I • Vxicu.! ion v. us th'-r - •
j O' p- ,• d. |
Major, Six Privates and One
Poiiceman Killed in Bear
Island Battle.
Soldiers Were Fired Upon from the
Brush, and the Engagement Soon
Became General—The In-
dians Shoot Into
the Boats.
S1 P. 0.1,.1, Minn., fl.tober •’.. ’I" e I'ill.'-r
...nd o.her m-ighborii-:. Indians of tlm ,
Whit ‘Carth re- rx.:• ’■ m gon- on tlm
war path, and r umors of tlm mass i're of ; 1’..-on. with on- hnndre I n . n of j
■■ ’ :: I regular infantry, at I. ■■ - Lake, i
have ri .ii-li. 1 h-r- . "'lie .-ir- -: i-ause of j
th- uprising is attempts to a:;.• -t Pill . -a-r ;
i nd:.a is in eon: > : m 'with xiol ■:: vis -i’ i
the 1 :uor laws. Th. x c alm so aax- m ■
t cated badly by th- depu y marshals :
when earried to th- l iiite.l Slat-s . . ml .
.; I>l In -. Cl.f f l‘ -■ \ . ,M ,a ; -t ij-k 1
:. l-mas that lu w.-i turni-il - Irift in I’hiluih ■
;. nt;. • . am! is iia.iim r Ist am . to the
deputy marshal. report, show : ■ it an on ■ ig.-m-nt |
in progress and many of th-’.lers
i kill ■!. A :■ lil train is on the !
' ix to th. .<•■• no trim B: im rd wall one '
ili-i.oral B icon i..ul g im? to 11. ar I ' ■ : I
xvitli . . hm-ni -.f the Third i’li'antry ■
’ ii .-ill::.- - and txx -> ■ll :m ■.
|ir let w a.- issue I 1 tonight fir re
nfiirc-r . nts to go B. ir L.k-.
i ho Tr ad and Woun. ed.
r"-. :
.■ . • pri'. 1-s and on- Indian noil- ■■■ :i in r- |
ill ,al. <apt a in S:u ■ r-i a is a 1 Igh: I wo. al- ,
cd. Thirty Ind >ns are il-.oi. Tie dts- .
patch ! it o' ’( ire Mil wa nk. - .1■•.!: al his ,
jus; retmm-d from the b-.ttlo ,'ta.und. ,
.-. : ting
ail tlm ntrrnmg.
Major v> a w■ ■ shot • . ■ ■
l-L-, and he had Iris I dr. s. I. took the
fb-.d again .-.nd . ,i~ shortly a tier .x a shot
tiir-.i '.-li the I ody. 11.- rai I him.-, if to
,m.. .-■!,..W an i shouted t . G.-m ral I: ic-n:
"Give tit m h- 1, general; tn wr mind
Tin w< re his last v.ords.
TTa Journal b .at loom t. one 11. S. Tol
man. <b puiy marshal, and Cap.ain Hh ■ :. in.
\\ i!. the lent was trail t'.-rrit'C Worn;.l-d
n.-n slm xx , - fir.-.1 .m from th. brush. This
v. : li.- s' for an,;.' i opening
Tugboat Armored.
The pilot box of the Flora vx as at mor< I
xvitir h-.-t iron be-orc ■ iic pnilid out lilts'
morning. Seva ral shots t -xt . xx m-m s-
. ~1 :. i'i,- | will im x. >t i .. hot li-e
I uaxv I 'oii.t, let ' I- mi'-
narrows. There is filer way. I D.— ;
at ; ■ : c ail ' W ' -J - ' ' - ' ' ’ '
That :■■ -ip of land m : I b- captur.-.1. or I
tie :. ill 1... lb avy los • - in m..him: runs
Phi re was a big conferi nc< at th ag n j ■
lost r: glit. Lieutenant Itimiplir. y. "f t i
agency detachment, and Dr. Hart, the |
in ■ sur g. oii. were invped, wit a bait a I
dozen bad .-iartmt-rs who lad stirr. d up •
>■ nliment in favor of joining x!- i'ill.igers. I
Dr. Hart Cold them if they went on t’.m |
war path there would not be a live Indian ■
on L-h lake in a we-k. Lieut, mint |
Hum;- .rev b a ke.l the statement After I
.- ■•vori.l hour.-.’ talk, th- Indians id. .1 to
I- go-d Indians, at ].-ist for the pr. sent.
The assurance max not be worth much.
I’ .con Now Utts a Small Army '
St. i'aiil. (.tetob. rs. Nearly 2i ,: ’ additional .
troops will be scattered about th- scene |
ol '!.. disturbance mar 1.-.eii Lake wi;!en I
a l-w hour.-. Two i.. ..ri.-s ~f riatina -,
guard iiieii w-re s.-nt up today i.; the i
■ .L-ernor i f the prol.-i-tloti of th- Has
l.aki- .- -Kleis.
At rmdi.i..- ut a special train with ninety ,
additional regulars from th. Th rd r.-gi- .
m-nt at Fort Snelling started for the north.
They will be there by morning, and will be
placed by’ General Bacon where they can
protect the eotmliy. This will rnak
■i'-ii regulars in and about At alker ami
Leech l.aki'.
Reports front the scene of trouble tonight
indicate considerable uneert unity. The
(lancing on Bear Island is. kept UP, and is
looked on as one of the principal causes for
apprehension. Many Indians hax-o been
si . n going from other parts of the reserva
tion toward the island. Whether they will
join witli the comparatively small number
of turbulonts is not known. Inc I.cir
islanders nr" gaining Indian sympathy in
their claims of a. victory over the soldiers,
which may bring them r- ruits.
Troops Are Moving to the Front.
St. Paul, Minn., Oetob. r !• A Pioneer
Pr. s special from Ferris. Minn . a small
town north of I.—eh Lake, say-
General Bacon’s orders for the move
men; of mor- troops t" Hr.' vtcinilv "1
Lech izike took ninety men from Fort
Snelling on a sp-eial train last nig it. Iwo
cmj inies of th- Fourteenth Mmn sola
volunteers arc held at Duluth ready- to
start for points along the Fuss-ton lino of
the Gre.-.t Northin, where tl- two bat
teries <>f militia artillerymen Have ;>r-oo.lod
them, an.l tonight another company of the
Forirtc.nth mad- up o' - sixty men fr-un
company 17. of M-rriam pars, an,l fifty
from t.lio guard stationed i i charge of
Hamp V:indt'Z<">. wl:. r,. the Fourteenth Is
to be muster, d out, w is ordered to take
Hi- ■> o’clo-k train tomorrow morning for
points :i|.,:i;r the sane r> ad.
Tie ;<• last will t ik. wit - t Tom the equip
ment of til- two D ' mpanios, which
w-re bft at ('.imp Vamluz-o when the
rrb'n xx. 'a furlo'.-' ■!. T'he government is
[) irti-uiariv anxloti ■ about th- danger to
111- .1 mi : at th- In of r.T- Mis
sissippi, only a snr.’dl guard havimr be.-n
stationed there since th- trouble with the
Indi ms . am" on
i'.v tomorrow night over s. ven hundred
sold!, rs will b • ittcr. .1 all around 1..-. h
Bake, prot-et ing ."t I lers rnd pr-.u.rtx fi :n
tin- possible attack -if the uncertain num
ber of Indians now in arms ■ ; ilnst the
gov rnment. b ■cause they obje. : .1 to be-
l uii-ns for ille-al s •: ing of liquor to
Friendly Indians on Guar '..
V t, . Mir ■ • ’.-I. n ■ ..
■ ■ lb.d the
xv Is xx iii h surround trie - 11"’:.-' As
picket duty. Now that the are on
toe gr rttn-i.s 'ins. formal pr p i rat lim.s for
~ e Will pronanlv b ■ Ib-m i"'i d. ’ml’
th. r-- will b" Indian s. outs .-ut ill trm
■. . - - : : : r warnings o(
. W< Uld Hot il 'S'.tatC to kill
. . i . MaGay-1 iow. one of :ic
lie i I men of the It rr isla.’.d Indlins, ar
o, ; i.,- ageirey pent rw r'.tv-
T mre at.- 7.7 or i : 0 In th.- I'.irty. men, wo-
. ... : '. ■ -om t•■a ■■ ney n1 M .-•■
. ie-Ga 1 :..xx ' .ili- d OU n cd Bi- m al
once. He said he hail told the host:) son
th island that hex‘ottld not go with them:
. I th" w :!•'■ m- 11. .'lid that la-y were
.-..I:: ... Hie agency .
' Ail right." s.'!.| Hie h-rs'l’.' S. la.-m:- i!ix.
"i.'i them what xv ar.? doing." and tm y
•Kah-win-nin-gi -ka-da-zin,” - .id the old
man, when he was pris-d with ;t
ns to tii' number of tin- ho 1..-, th r
: ■ ibatits and their mentions
for the future. Tais being Interirret -I
I ■■ m't ktioxv i::yt >;ng m .-e . ,mt It."
He .11.1 sax- th t s- r as h ■ -w none
of the liostil. s were him d m be ugnt, hut
tl.ov all say th.V. As th->w manv Indians
wet ■ : .Hi ;lly on the. xvarpath. the agency
. >osed to hold
f • mm s■■ y tha'. I here w is not mure t
I xvi-my-fix-, or ■•hiriy.
The Grade To Be Revived for His Spe- ,
cinl Benefit.
AV.ishington. o rob. r Tlm administra- I
tion xxiii re •omm-ud t- e.mgr.—.r : lie re- j
pr< motion to that rank ol Rear Admiral
G. c g’e Dew. y, tmxx in command of tlm ■
A~'.:itlc : it: ui. Secretary 1.-mg made thi
positive aiinounceiimnt today, tbit he in
tended to recommend tlm grade of admiral
be rev.v I. and that that rank be con
ferred on Rear Admiral Dewey. Tit.' pres
ident indorses t)::.-i ide I.
Berlin October St - Prim ss 'I rtib.-tr koi,
wiio w.:’s under arr Imre ~n an extradi
tion d-ma’id from Hie Italian government,
~|,.|,i V , -:}J forging documents, eommit
t'-l Sili' h"’ E'"i.A> L !<* jH'li' - ' >■' 1 'll.
Th, r ,. ir i s. vet il ladles of high rank or
la-g.- i< pat :ii >n known ns Prin. ~ i’rubm
skoi. Among theip are th w t of tlm
, rand mat -al of the Russian court and
r ... American no 1 .1. who wa- form r!y
•qi - Am. 1 - R'V.-s, H is quite iri- on. -ix a
bi - tlrn.i .'iUn-r of thi s- ...dies is tlm Pi in
i' -Tr c.etskoi r■ ’. rred to in th- foregoing
Major Generals Breckinridge, Gra
ham and Wheeler Are to
r I
United States Volunteers Composing the First Army
Corps to Have the Central City for Bas©
of Operations —Atlanta Gets
First Brigade.
’ i
i i By Jos: Ohl.
Washington, October 7. -(Sp< lai.)—The for th« d stt -
! I bntion of the troops among the winter camps in the south were
i issm-.l from the offico of < i'-m rn 1 Milos to.lny I I t these 1 ares
,i c. rps are sent south witli h- elq Tt rs r : ■: ■■ -t Mmo.i,
, ! A, -•and Hiiutsvil!-. M.:- 'i.. Am- A .: '••bim u.
i Gr.. xll'i S. Hun -.ille ami Am -tm ar mid- dlvl-1 n
I fi. : Iqu irter.i.
I Tlm First army corp.; is given headquarters at Macon, wit i
Major General Breckinridge in command. The First division of
| til .C. -a- I im 1111 I. rt-' : It A! ' in and t!b- S'--ml livlshm at
'I II- Second army corps, m.d. r M.H r Gcn-r.d Gr.’i'nm. h-s
' corp • "!■ rs at An; usta, and I uarters »
I The Fourth trmy corps ha It ■ : s t Huntsville,
' with division headquartet II ■■■ '■' -
i General Win ei. : is in .'otnri ,i'id ..I H.i corps.
: Til.- full text of tile Older is as follows:
"i'.x direction of tie , 'T.-tn-y of xv:.r, tlm Third, Ffftfh and
, Slx b .-.rmy corps are xi .-ontimted: the Fl-si. S "ond and Fovrt’i
i rmy r orps will bo r< o g in!z< d and a t ned to cf mps at below
“First army corp?, Major General J. C. Breckinridge,
United States volunteers, commanding, headquarters at
Macon, Ca.
! "i‘;r. : division, headquarters at Macon, G.i.
One Bri fade for At Lanta.
■■:!'. ' ■ ' ' ♦
1 Fourth Tennessee and Sixth Ohio.
ml I rigmb-. .AI ..n. G Third Vnited s v • unt.’-r
■ tngii'.-r- S.- .md Ohio ."nd Sixth Aite.iiii
! brig;..!-,, G....T.nth 1 States volunteer
inf.-'inry, ami S- v nth I'n t d Stat -s inf-.r:■ ry.
I “Second division headquarters at Columbus, Ga.
....... , ■ i . r,|,. t'elmnb' Ga. Fi t AVe- t A’irginla, Ono
i Hundred and Sixtieth Indian i and T'.l’- I K .iHu ky.
■' J
j ""“Second army c rns. EJ< r General V. CI m,
I United States volunteers, commanding, ht i.dquarters at
■ Augusta, Ga.
I “First division, headquarters at Augusta, Ga.
: .and Third Mi.-bman. _ _ _ , (
i nl.i. Third <•■ :im eth i:t ami N’mlli « "im I- t ■'
"Third brigade. Amgu.-t ~ G. . Thi:- -mb Penr.- ylvania.
Elf lit .i P< nm ylvatii: th Minn. til
; " brlgml-. Gr.-tix ill. .S < . D-' nt > ■>• ■•'
1 S"i .'-ri'l W’-st Virginia, .-ml I ■ : ; N-w .1 t—>
I " S CVOT>d brigade. Si trtan >rg. S C., Fourth Mb mrl, Fifth
| Massachusetts nn IT« ' : '’• ' ’
I “Third civision, headquarters at Athens, i.
i NewJers y m Tvx ' : .
"S. -md l-rm.'.d'-. Atlicn- G . Third Ge" :■! I wenty-
I sc.', ml N.'iv Yn-k _ *
j “Fourth army corps. Major Gentr-l I-' ">" ■" '*'>
I United States volunteers, commanding, Im.i- ilia: "ers at
■ Huntsville, Ala.
i 1.-, beadquarters at II- I”. Aja
. bri gade, Huntsvillo Alm Ehdith Cnlted States .n-
, fi.ntry and T ut i I nite I b it. a -
I "Si-ond brig id.-. Huntsville. .All, Sixt.■-■".th ltd ■ 1 States
. infantry mid SIM', oin'h N- xv York
, “Second division, headquarters at Anniston, Ala.
' "First brlg’ado. Anniston. Alm. Second, Third Ton
j nessee and I'-.urth Wisconsin.
“First brigade, Anniston, Ala., Second United States Infan-
I try. Fourth Kentucky t.nd Third A.abnma.
’ "Second brigade. Anniston. Ain . Second Arkansas, Third
! Tenm ss. e and Fourth AVI-.
"Cavalry brigade. Huntsvill. Alm. S-'-ond 1 nit‘d Status
! cavalry. Sixth Cnited States cavalry and Tcntih United States
[ c;.,\alry.
"Artillery battalion. <tw > batteries, A and S- ond) at-
; tached to .madqttarter.s. Fourth <..i|.~,
"Tlm movement lnv.dv.-d i i tlm ah-vo dir- - el r. orgmizi
| lion am! : ~s:gnm.'Ut will c-tunmn.-.- mi i. t'm .li et’-m ol < rps
| emmandors on 27th. A- :m . maetl. -I- ’■ . v.lll b
S', timed Hint only one regiment shi.l r mb a p.rti.'iilar ..imp on
| Hie same day.
Officers Jen Days Ahead.
I "The commander of .i h corps will dir. tHi otli.-er who Is
I to coin ma nd any -amp to b- ■ I .' bli -h. d mm.-r t in . . r to pre
j <-,,,| to tlm .b-'unit..l point, a ■. d I.y o- morn .tai’’
j oill. tm. t-'f tin- pur, -e of main .; m
rang.ments lor Dr r. epH-m ■!' the w! mi Im should
]„( rde by .it least t-n days. II- will be film!-Im I with the
i report and thi> information coi ■ ti
I ted I.y t I.' board of -t'i- . : x.l ■. re. -utiv . -m-i.l ■: dHm sul-J 'Ct
! of tlm hiealion of winter camps in • ■ I'tain of ■ smith- rn st ite .
I Requisition will I' ■ m id - - pon the quat terma ter s ■ ■ par meat
|f. r lite Homing .'it’d bo'lng of i -nls. Tims.- Intel:.i.-q for th-i
nun will be erected a.- "t'diug l-> ■■ ni-dcl to b .. 1 by the
ei.i:rt. rmast' r general. Stith- 1- nt and proper Ims-ital i.-eom
n:< dations will I).- provided and tlm im. — in.-a nr- sf.r pl ic
ing' tlm camp in good sanitary (.mdition will be taken in .ad
vance of Hie arrival of t .-- t'-.rps,i' ' will vc-
< tell . ■ ■! :a< li u- xx ' " '■' ' • • '■ ’ ' ■ r >
! visions of this order may render necessary, ..." th.-y nmx 'learn
I to bo for the best int. rests of the si i vice. Assignments by tr>n«-
i fer of the gen-r il s'alT .dll -rs -Imiil.l al.--, be r.-.'ommended by
i tl i tn wlmn (ons’der-d advisable.
' "Orders lor moving tu the prop r points or, I--ns m-t
) brigaded but attach, d to arm;, corps will lie is. a. I from Hie
i ima.lquarters <f tile corps i-'iiorn .L
l "li xvill bo b.nmo in mind that the troop: w -> are to occupy
. the camps herein provided for -'re to be prep.-ir. 1-■ I bold In
! readiness for service in Cuba. Th. y max be md .- ,| to thi
Island on siliort notice, elt'her by regiments or b Ig id-s.
I “By,command of Major Gem rtil Mlles,
"H, C. CORBIN. Adjutant General.’’
< WHfiT iS IT?
“The wholr squadron x
C then set out to hunt J
j down * r
1 .hint follow that /
/ ron and you wil
Q huvn It und
J the money x
S tOO, f
) Th<* Weekly Constltu- \
<il tion 1s only ?1 per year. Q
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sure to spell your wor-l
/ < xiu’tly right, so the J
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