The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, September 08, 1902, Image 1

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V)L. XXXV. KO. 3«. RJOSEVELT HAD NARROW ESCAPE CARRIAGE HIT BY A TROLLEY CAR i>i-field. . S- ptemher X—The rr# ’nt «.* the I -d States escaped a de ith by oi a few f«-et in a cn|- be tween h»« ■ irrlag.- and an clrc- ‘ • J ■W of tn -t trusted guards. Secret | Se-rvle-e Agent Will im Craig. was instant* ! 4 killed, an.l Dnv.d J Pratt, of Dalton. ! » the vehicle, n ■* seriously Injuns!. Prett- i ••le nt Roos ■ t himself was Kidly shaken up. *st r- vr>| only .i slight facial ! ’’ ’ ' ’ I, HWt i- 1 . or w >nnd In the s k nf lh . h , |(1 an<l Governor ■ tr it ' him*. 'f fr.nn the wreck practl callr r Ith .’it a s ratch. The carriage wis ■ m.e <h«d hl the* iniiMe t nf the rap 1 y moving ear aril th* wheel horse i ” P-e s ; ’ n.arxt the car w•» killed j * <r- w and passengers of Th- pr. - •!- nt a:-I party we re driving f tn tty j.» la'lteex through South • prin. !-->! thnr.euich' r. s ' I »' ■ 1. i was lined with che*er- I «n» i- Th. .I.strophe occurred In j I • " h >•*•!*. nh-x-* hipplness ’ Fateful Jon rney Begins. Aft-r a f w minut. s* .1 hi the journey t. U . y «is ts g-t- >|e mwhtie the: mnintt.e! p.’i. .* officers and the cxrringe* who hart a.mpini-<1 the preside nt on I r • :r <i »t irt—l off «.» on th, r■ * ’ I. x »•> ! »-r.- some ■tvtir.w Ip ige. r r.. :r .th r tnteffNi Mil !»• »»..! • • .hind tiie landiu In ’ • -r:.-' a- I • m<<r Crane Secret Ar t Craig wh • throughout • trip ’»>« hr<-n » •:>•?<\i ffc. < .Hv.w. w..« I • »n dr.v« r.« K»x b< «i«V <’o.irhniin I Vs ft. ‘ * th efr. r iff a hm.i.l, • - « ’ T ' • f- k« . f th. I ’ ’ tr • t!n. v ar»- !nM •’ ’ th*’ r a-!. with mid.» ••f t-f -f % for .wo* *l”:.* th. T -I.! l»-hir.I lb. pr.-»kk-n' J i - , . . th. t- .m - .vol w. s al.o it »'. . f- .-., th- eltv at ;, . • I «a« n tro VV on th.- w»-»f .«• '*' «‘f I ’. , . J m it the f«» of H«w- ’ t . . ■ . t •!< t Htb and t- im« 1 ... T"r.< • • - Collision Occurs. . r ~p;.r th.- MM«I o, r ’ r - Ih« >‘> • ( HP-"’ »«th • . C rr 1 ' tur'i-d ids I. 1.1.n* i ft ’ .. ' ,|rml on to :h- track v .' ■ f <r I'nnv-.llato!y behind .... ~ dtstant Alarm 1 ... ’ -> >l- k-> k they turned ; ’ ’ • w-v-d vlpmnisly to ~, . • his e «r. Aim >*t at th*. .tLig-r. r- so *.» his I . > it. * • n. •i'.u. i to the mo’or- - - • xett.-m. iit ! ,••G -. r i> st his . ar. but too j , , A .•. fr. :n th- fn-nzied m- , . ttuc | th- r >;.«lsi,Jv and .‘ t .. n nt I-tor.- w-re cheering ■ . n >n g*l t» g-♦ » | .-in il. out of th.- wijr hist ft- < triage ®n the i-ft side ... » h received the full f f T «, bl « The < >rri <K<- »■<* ki t n of .ie and -u --p e . U I .f. .d »n the tracks. Th- other - i..wer*.l irrnv« nttaehe.l to th- 1 . . .1 .framed by ■ • ■ " • - ■■ ■ ' * /. • fr »m lit* seat imw’.l- • « the rir and if l ,: ’ 1 i I, dv. Driver ITalt. . k th.- h*-a‘l «f *”**’ i ..'J -.J <r. t ..f h»m mH 1 , , . . ... -aping ■« similar J.t'.e. '■ - ... r-'-r .mne and , , , . u»-r« thrown u- ..f -m th <■ • ••• ••-• the i ‘. r ,. ~f nien Jump.*.! • • ' ‘ /.» • e’lt-n-.l h.«t-t“ * * ’’••l* J ■v? 7- ... ■ . , t ||. tune-.! imtit-, i?; President nnd Cortelyou Bloody. Th. t-r> ■■■'■ "I h!-H»l j Wl . e from th- « - .. -ti ■!!■ irr; l l >*•'* *’•' *’ ; ' s r* ' " tk. nup .<- . r.t try Cnrte!y.,n '. -■ \.-r- w n-ul in !*»•• *’”* J* , , 'nan which the blood w;.s fr.nli The .r. .ddent .fii kly regained ?• nt-e-tir. tn.l the three enii after *cpat~ed t*. :<<'• r-51.!.-n<-*‘ *»f ‘ mirl. - It <-ev« - «r th. er-ne of th- a. rtd.-nt. Mr Craigs b.-!y was found J<ft behind . .. ir H»s sh tlders and .’best «w» « „j and the btnly *« frightfully 111 i *.|f«<**! i.rtt.r Pratt was f-un.l in ' rwlrt H-« - 1 ’ ■ Ml. sprained and his fa--- badly .mt It.- m is initte-dat. !y |.ta.-.-d J-, rhe . • -las- and taken to tne House n-so tonight sax he wt.l r.-c«»vvr Ar n- t rue* body was taken to tho A It St.-x. adjoining th- h <e to which th- president had re w t. - > an. and S- re- t-rx- r rt-1 u and lat-r wns removed to s* «i. rtaking rooms In this city. Mystery About Accident. G -vernor frtne in relating his experl r - anys h- ieard th. g-rc of th a- - hire car i'l ample time, and h<- Im m dut-iv aro*e and warned the motor man to stop He »y* »•»•’ th ® m:,n ■<** pr-eetiy paid no attention to his signal cr th-s of the truuueri alvtis*i.l-. and the - - - - •\<- > •** *'■—- par continued until ft struck the carriage j with great force. No one on the car seems to h.« able to • explain how the- .iccident liapfee in'<l. Ev-n c, i. molormnn and ;x-rsons on the front ”• Bpp "7 ■'"■ to tell whi •’•'’’•did ft is -aid l»riv. Ira -Cd to ross th.- track s on-r iiian . , ordinarily make the- turn but th it ./ r„i. ...j to d.i so because ..f i fi«i th:, -mi e>f four horse* r - qmred more r- .J th,- two tr.xipers on th. right of nW irringe „i-o no.-d-d spa.*e to g,*t through. Moto-man Madde n nHhZ On ' , ' ,c,or Kelly furnisheel ball to- The charges ngaln-t them ar- min- ! .slaughter. They will probably b- ar-' ' raign.ei tomorrow morning. The* defense. , will probably present no evidence an.l the men will be he ld forth- grand jury President Reaches Home. Clyster Itav. N. V.. S. ptember 3 Pror!- I .lent Ibeos.-v. it returned to Oyster Hay it tonight but little the worse for hl-= i thrilling experience of the* morning Hie , tight che-e-k is swollen, there is a black bruts, under bls right eye nnel hl« mouth ,I' slightly swollen. Otherwise he shows Ino effects of the accident. He- will go south the latter part of the week n•- ’•'rd'ng tei the original se a he*.ltilr anil will lie- accompanied hr s. r- tan Cnrtelvou who. while considerably shaken up. ex’ , pects that his Injuries win not incapaci tate him f..r duty. Mr Cortelvou’s nose is I. idly I ruise-d. there- is „ lump on th t-n.-k of his head iml bruises b.dilnd hl< b ft .ar and on Ids body. w -'* i busily engige.l to night in -ig'iing eommlsslous and disisis- ' , " r that ii id Mccumulated during bis alts. nee. Mr. lUhis. y,dt was sin- ! I ARMY AND N< w Condon, I’onn . fteptomlicr 2 The defending forces in the New lain.lnn I distrl -t art tonight on the alert and ! awaiting an attack by- th- navy. .At ! midnight nndeclstio nioyc had been mad- I by th-- tket tinder Admiral Higginson. 1 At that hour General MacArthur left ‘ hlo headquarters and boarded his ya.-ht ’ Kanaaha forth- night, l-avlng Major llarnmn in chargt?. The impress!.., prevails here th it New port is tn- |H>lr.t wtii. h will |-. next at- ; ’ • k 1. aith-ugh tjij. ..un-wi-v, ro..- •....• i wn.-’es. Tie., ran b. sen pl.i.’il. from, y , r t V. rift • and the scar blight* nf kept .*n tlv*m continually. The defending ■ » . t * -s til at s.,i in regard to tie next 1 m .»v. Iw ma le by Admiral Hig-: : ' at d -very precaution has hern 1 T .k-n to n. tr i against a surpr’s. Eirly I 1 in the vv< i ing it was f-ar.-d that t:t at ta-k would t«* nt ide on lie t lquart-rs. . . This Is hirdly to tee exp.-ted. how-v-t , i.. r th- wither conditions ar against i th- navy and it Is- is liev. d to !-■ impos- i «i 1.1.. for them to safely reach a point at which they could land enough men to I overnow-r the defender* Without bclug ■ otaertra I Attack on the Fort. Th.' s< -on-l attack on the island forts . to »k P•c at ocl>• k this morning, and | as far as they went the maneuvers w-ru practically a repetition of last night s . eugageincnt. though, of course. there I w.-re different tactical movements. Tho ! army m.-:i claim a second victory. I lie -l ips attempted to pass through I’lum tint, but were obstructed by mines, three of the v.wsrlw being put out of action. ,\ft. r the et,gag. tn. nt, will, h over an hour, the ships proceeded toward Bl.s-k Island At t. ".n General Mi< Arthur. < onitnan l . Ing th- army of the defense, m id- this r. port -o the adjutant g-neral: N- w l.ondoti. t'-nn.. S< |»t. mlier 2. l!*e. | —Adjutant general war department, Washington: •At :• o'clock last night information . <.-.t di'tiic. eomniand. rs by tin *• i>' 3, J‘ quarters that in. rn. my * fl' , t would divid< in squadron, attacking w-*t -nd f line and attempting to f"i • ...her srit-idron attacking N wport At t. r. -. tn et.iny - t!—: sighted t -. Io forts Wright. Michie, Terra at I «r.b-ii, r s point Cor ‘ tt it..i an I we 1 sustained tire m.iint; ined on *hlps !v. Ml-hl- at.d Terry for fori' I minute-, with r-sult as rejs.rt. d by tne . enm in l-rr, that Brooklyn and Indiana c<— v attached to Willi nn iT.-ilr. the ! rr»-t - -rx-|.-.- n’in who lost id- lit’* todnx | ■ -fl-.- of t ralK's I>.rse.-Il loyalty .hi.l > n f th.- great attachm-nt th.- ' . hildr-•> felt for him. <nd he is sln.-.-r. lv | .-ri- v at t'r.iie’- d. .th Apart from tint .-x .-nt th- president Is not ass-rt. <1 hy hl* I Vhe in-*hlent f.els that the conduct of I th. tno’ormrin who was running th. trol- > • t -a-. ’...1 .-tinwas > . rimin.d. ani.-< the troll, x hid gotten 1., vend his .-ontrol. and the president can I hardlx- iH-livve this xx IS the case, h -cans • i «. >n .s th- .-ar strn. k the carnage it i j stooped. Motornian and Conductor Arraigned. M September » With! •h •X- Which followed th- ac. l-| ’ dent tn President K.tosevelt In a gn'it mwixiirv ahi.te.l. the citizens today w-re disc issing the <pi< stlon of resp-msibllity | for th— oec.irr.-n.-.., which on all sides I* : . ~s having m d the city’a ; i fame. it. that a str.-.-t car in disputing th•> ; ‘ right of way with th. president of the I’nlted States at least xx <s extremely .1:5- . mrt'-oiis. That the attempt to do 4his resided in a fatality and in th'- very n ir- | row . se.«|H- from death or Injury of tl <■ ; president himself and of the governor of ; the commonwealth is .-onsi.lered as ..nix I adding to th- gravity of the offense. H is argued also that th. Pittsti. Id Str-et Railway fompany should not have dls- r.-g;*ld.-d the re.pi.-st of th«‘ mayor that no . cars should be run while the president , was in the dty •» l> ,hM ,h< * ' l,y I government t«hes this view of the case. At anv rate at a meeting last night a ; x .mmittc* of Investigation was apiwdnted Including m-ml- rs of both bran, h.-s of the city government, with th.- max..r at , th. head. In addition to this body, which will deal primarily with yesterday s a< > i- I dent the common council also ap|>oin.» > ~ committee to investigate I of the sped of str.-.-t cars hi general and ( . to r- port how it may I*’ regulated 1...5S interest than was generally ex was shown In the a.ipearan-e be ; for- the district court todax of M',lor Euclid Madden and ,hat . Kellx who had charge of the .ar that struck the pr. sidenfs earriag. y esterd.p. Not mor. that, tlfti i« rsons were prese! , t. The cat- was n >t even call' d and after a c .nfcrenee between counsel for the sire t rallwax* men and th- court it was agr.-.d to umHDuuc the matter for two weeks. I "f for Midd. n and r.sno for Kelly was continued. The pr. -iding judge I was Joseph Tinker. president of the i Mr.-e t railway e-ompany. Had ~ hearing been ha.l he> would have' gi\fn iwo' J" k” " I* he li, led th .t win » k " h '‘. l "anothe r postpone m< : t will b. grant..! and that the |.r.litnlnarios i ' h *' Jury, if tlie . as.. sb.Hild coni. for,. Ht wl ,| t , lk( . n " r ' »'»*•■ that a.-tital trial will not be t'a. he d be fore- January. The- hodi of William t’ralg, the secret se jile'e .dll.- r. Ivas taken Io t’hi.-ago his afternoon ,\ d.'b gatlon of citizens •’IP'-ired it the undertaker’s rooms and I casket to the depot I h'.n"’,. ,M, 'r;'' ° m ’ rs a * ' , ‘ l n< a *”■ I f.' 1 , ’<-1.-ns As th- b..di loft th- j undertaking rooms the bells of the varl mis churches wore tolled, this continuing • during the passage «.f the procession to the depot. Mor,- than Hfti citizens f.d . lowed the body t.» the .station President Entertains Duke. ! Oyster Bay, N. V., September I The- ■ i pr. slel. nt today ontortalnnl (.'rand Huke- ■ Boris at luncheon. The grand duke cat... i to Oyster Bai- from Newport on Ogden Mills’ yacht Ute Felicia. With him wre • fount fassint. the Russian ambassador I at Washington; Private. Secretary to the Grand link.- Greaves; Ogden Mills, and ' i Assistant Secret a r>* of state Pierce, the i r.'pr. tentative' ed this gov.'rnment. Th*- . th—* hall of his home on Sagamore ‘ I Hill and afte r tlie pre se-ntatlons. whie-h w. ie nriele i.y Count Cassini, luncheon i was announced Th. grand dull. call. d. simpli to pai bis i. p.-ets an I ~t irt.t th jgirti I* ft on rite- Felicia, for Newport. H.-nry W hite, s. . rrtary tee the American ' embassy at laene|o:i, ,-aiie.j on the i NAVY WAR PLAY j Wi-re destroyed. About 4 a. m. enemy | ■itt-mptcd to piss throurh mln.- Helds In i 1 him Gut Major Murray, in charge <>.* ima i and Puritan by judgment firing and I Ala a Ims. it, by contact tiring. Passage lof sldp through fids mine Held ap i parent', not preceded bv explorer nor ; any attempt made to remove mims , Iheretore. report a. eepted as conclusive. Hoop thereafter enemy retire,! At :nid , night tli’-ee -hips of en.-mv sighted off Br-nton s |<. .-f . Mortar batteries at i 1, -'cams immediately open ,! and J slltps retired. Aixe t | k..,A’' de, -wU 1 ♦bug- of rvoi .w oisiicm ana ' .. / after t- th-.! _ MacABTHt K , Shellinp Approaching Vessels. New lidford. Mass. S- pt< mber Th- I . ent to,’. ,y ,t Fort Bod-nan was the I . , yof War Bnn ■ who im. o' or ft >m N< wporl I train and trolleys, m-<ompani<<l by ' I oloml Byer, of tile Twelfth New A’n-k : :,, ..j,,,. B t. it 1 ’-i ■■■"" 1 x derldlt, of th same regiment. , I Th. a«- <tant seer.-t try reviewed the | i evening parade, before the conclusion of . which i. with his escort, left the Hel i . and hastened I to Newport. . I.uring P- do claim was mode at 1 Fort Adams that two of the large v-s- , I els this morning were •! .. m »rtai bat- | This evening th- observers at ITlics . , ment ■ • s*-1 11 ’ 111 ‘ | Narr.g' n -It ay and at om-.- ga' < • th- I 1,1 U. Sto rt Adam.- nt. i sixteen .sli->H . hr. d lii- gov, mm nt boat brave V | I sailed through an imaginary stoitn "f| I th. Shor.- Os th- tort I ort Ada - , I . „ms th ~ it d. strov.d the y. ■ 1 . I re it passed Brentons r-. f light sht. . '„ r . . laims , viet "' ••• "i'- s I Jer rupp.-sin m that «*c ’-raf was the , 1-ivrl tug 1.. 'bn Ihe etaft P "• i 1 the .utt.r I" M-r. whi,h is, ! ~„t taking part in th.- e mlV.ct. ■ p-veett for desultory tiring by Pott G u’m-s nothing rd inter st hr tn tl I* vleinitv up t" a 1 t« In.ur tonight. I No attack s exp. et. .1 b. fore morning. Mtn Killed In Mimic War. Fort Wright, Fishers Island. N. V . ' ~t mb. r ° While the guns ot the to . ;.'re "ring on *l..- tl.-.-t t-d .v Edward I Rov was Instantly kill'd by the pr-tna- I tore discharge of a l-’-lneli gun and liar ' r , A Lavis and Samuel Ciev. ngcr wet i i ... rbaps tatall' wounded. S, '. r.l "tilers L.ffer d slight injury Ail th. men w r. . pV vat.s Os the S-eond company, coa t I Tt tilery, d th- regular army. ... jy to pr. hl” | .. mtry In th.- fall Mr Whit- ' am* H ■ evelt at lun. I n. Mr Theod.n. U ..os. v.-lt also b-ag pr-s- [ ent . , ~ r',,r- ' i .f th. Ir aebi nt .M Kb rdny. but Min b* ar i ! nwl.ward tnarKs ot th* <it i ‘u’’*’• Congratulations for President. 1 Washington. Sept, n.ber 4. Messages of ( ; cangratulatlons ovet the escape of tlw I president from his ac. hl-nt xcst n. x | ' have t« gun to com.- to the sttae tiepat t- , - ment ti'.m abroad. <me ot the tirst was | J th. following from Eni|>eror v> 111 am ot I Germany : . I Posen s. pteml.. rI. President. Wash ington- 'with all Americans. 1 praise ' Prov ence that saved >our life from the WILLIAM I K. ' The president, through Acting Secretary Ad.e. made the following response to ! Em|.*-ror Williams m.-ssagc. 1 -Mis Man sty. W illiam. Germany I.m --' j.etor. Pos. n: 1 warmly appreciate your niai. stv's svinpath. tie niessagt'- •■’l'l 11-3'! >< »KE ROOSEXELT. Messages were received from President 13.ub.-t, of Prance, and the shah of I er st.,. to I.oth of Which the president made j appropriate responses. GOVERNOR ODELL HAS A VERY NARROW ESCAPE FREIMINIA. N V.. Sept mber 3.- tSpeeial.t Governor Odell had a hair-breadth .scape here toda- from I being crushed to death under wheels of a j locomotive while walking from his train to a carriage which was to take him t. the residence of Justice Warren R. I Hooker . \ switch engine « is backing several coal cars through th st ition. Because of the .-iic.-rlng and the crowd the gox • rnor di.l not notice the approaching ears end steppe 1 on the track. Just as a cry of warning w >- raised a man who was rot iderttfled rushed forward and shoved the governor and Justice Hooker off the tta< k He himself was hit by .a cat. bare ly escaping being knocked down. A I LANTA, (J A., MOXDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1902. ILLINOIS MOB AFTER. : NEGRO WOMAN. e j Whites, Infuriated at Her Return, t Stone Her and Are Fired On by ‘ Three Soldiers Who Had Been O:d<-red To Act •I e. j as Guards. Carbondale, ill . September f.,—The tiouble at Eldoraehe. Saline county, over the presence of eel. r. 1 citizens ami the. . esrablishm.'Uf of tn. colored norma! and Institute model.-i after the I lusk.-g-e. Ala., ill itution, anil which I Vit - t o send a detach , no nt of th.- jllin.ei- national guard, ; roke j out ane w Thurrdny n ght. A colored wonar wh. once liefore had b-en run out of roan. • ame back, an.l at nightfall a .-rowel v-ut n. the pla.-e wh r.* , she' W'S stopping end -tone-el the hems-, j The- guard of thr- o seibllers. which f.r many nights had gua-.le.| th.- homo who a. th.! woman took n fllge. nr.l-red the mob to disperse, an.) on it-- failure- to obey, I Uriel. So fnr as known no castmltv en- SK.-el. Tin- occurrence, pre.bahly will cause th retenti >n of tin- tr >ps her. Indefinitely. SENDING THE NEGROES SOUTH. Cnrlsendale. Ills.. September 4,-Som.' four y. arg ago a gtrik. was eh-clared by K’iv uns N<». 21 Ti .in at Hu* gun i was handling tin p ,«d -r. He mid p, i; ~ nn-poimd charge -no the KUII j ri( | just pushed the Im t II bio -K in)., w ithout locking it v hen th. explosion oc- - orred. It j s snp; ,s.. ( ] tll )t ls I.lining rag had h. • . left in the gun. 80-.- Was literally- blow. ~ ■. s Jl.-ivis wa , lilt In th. chest by pie,., of tl\ing bone and sustained fat»i Injn les. Fleet Makes Third Attack. N. w T.ondort, Coni, S pt.-mber :’> Early ‘ this th.- /aval < v my •'-• , '* tie *orts of *' ' gan : t ";■ aid to .< l.Vssaatlv ■ for two hours, be'.ng dtfVeted nt >rt AA’rieht Flsh.-rs Island The attacking .in w.s composed of th battle ships Kearsarg.-, Alabama. Massachu setts and Indiana. la«t ,< so.m a t'r- first ’da "a; yylth |n tiring distance she was fired upon ftom . Fort Mi hie. but r> alb-nt: m was V i to this warning. f'>' th- shl?- came tight ’ along, heading in Ii- lirc-tion ot I rt 1 \A right it seeming - being the p.trpos. to .*?,pt ir- that strongly fortified i.' 1 "’, : teller. 1 to be ,-apH.le. with the aid of |.- ((lt . Mi.-hb- nn.l ''VV "\'Vr?mh .- H 1( . str<»ng*>t fl'H't A‘b tt nun< attack was made u Fort Wright, and I th.- bring from th- «uns and mortars I„• th- fort was kept up i>'-e' *s.cntly . . I 1 -IT'-'',/.,; I,'-;.'. a, a|’2,!t ; • an hour, when th. ships sad.-d w-ll out , ! toward th,- rac- again, th- defend.-ts | believing that th- ships w-re to retr.-at , In th, direction whence th-;, cam-. j i Suddenly th- h ;•< turi.ed andl ag. In mad.- , yigorous a taek ~n 1-or ''right. I this 'im.- at-emp’i gto k- ■' >•»• b 1 one of th- big shljs drew in pretty clos. t.. th- f-rt and .'lth rapld-tir- gttns covered the landing party, but in <>PP‘»- 1 sitinn to this mo', nent tin- gatling guns ' ;lt th- fori- w-re b- mght mto re.iuis.tlo.l , and th- 1.-nding ?■ rty was .-yidc tly r polled, or rath.-r t) <t particular phase of th’s attrirk w:i!’ n 4 success- ' ’ "yfter th- cor. luslon of this second nt tho sh‘ st* ntox] out into tho r.i«*e h:« -k In tho dlre< ti’»n <‘f Block ! ,S The result Os th- C■•nffl.-l will not b known until nftei th- umpires r.-tyr i -.n.l -.erliat.s !• "ill ’>”• oe • ision of much dl« usslon on tl„ part of the board I of arbitration. Ships Driven Off. ■ N-w Bedford. Mass . Sept-mber 2 Four warship*, whi di could not be identltl-d ! the Vnited Mine Workers on the St. j Louis ami Big Maddy foal Company. ' That strike h:»x u» v» r be» n deckur'i ot* : an I th. min.- hys been known as the onlx non-union shaft in Illinois. Ends. , ! snrles for several .lay- h.a\- been at w-tk . cn.leacoring to induce th.- negr.ies to go , south, and a large contingent has gon. ■ I to Lu Collette Ten-., and ot hers ar. to follow It is b'lleved the shaft will be . | unionized. KICKED ON WORD ‘•WHITE.’’ | Hot Color Line Discussion by the Stationary Engineers. B-ston September 4.- Discussion of the color <iu.sti.rn precipitated A warm ses sion of the Nation.d Association of Sta tionary Engineers today. While proposed amendments to the con- , stlt.'tlon wer. being discussed a delegate | m0v.,1 that the word ' white be included In the text. Instantly there was a storm. It arose uuiekly ami did not subside un‘ll most of the elements in the convention had to a greater or less extent exhausted ' 'l/nally the convention deckled to l-t the const it ut ion stand as it is- HUSTLED NEGRO FROM STATE. - Brought from Massachusetts To An swer Charge of Arson. Boston. Mass.. September 4—James M Rogers the colored man wanted in North Carolina on a charge of setting tire to i dwelling house, is beyond the Jurisdiction of anx court In this state. Alter Judg- Hammond, of the supreme court had de nied a petition for a writ of habeas <ot pus. having for its object the release of the prisoner, an officer from North < an llna hustled the negro out of the state. While the prisoner was being taken away his laxvv.r was applying to the federal court for a writ of habeas corpus. INDIANS ON THE WAR PATH. Mayor of Naper, Nebr.. Asks Gov ernor for Assistance. Omaha. Nebr.. Septemb. r L—Governor Savage tonight receive.! word of an up rising of Yankton Indians at Naper. Nebr., and the mayor of that plnce re quests the governor to send assistance. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT SWINGING AROUND THE SOUTHERN CIRCLE teexlngton, Ky., September 6.—Pres!- t • lent Roosevelt and party today pasr.-d through the states of West Virginia. Ohio. Kentucky anti Tennessee. The re ceptions during the day j n West Vlr- 1 glnia an.! Ohio wore enthusiastic but un eventful, and it was nightfall when Ken tucky was reached. All were asleep be- | fore they crossed into Tennessee. Stops were rna.Je today at Grifton, Wheeling. : li. nwoe d. Cambridge. Zanesville, N-w j i'k. Columbus. Washington Court House , Wilmington. Midland city. Cincinnati’ | Lexington and S imerset. | At U heeling the president made the ‘ only formal speech of the dav treating I ,n,M * s-neral industrial con- ! At Cambridge Jl>rn o one in th.- crowd 'I" !' 'P l ’ ir .'>’ Pln'ur.. of McKinl.-y and ■ 1 - * < to the annlvrr/<*irv o* This ineid.-nt was looked on by all vith ulsfavor. At Columbus the president pa. 1 ’ ( a touching tribute to McKinley amt at ■ ; all other pla. es .luring the rest of th.- I I'll.', e-spe e-1,111 v at Cincinnati anil Lex- ’ ' iTei’i" - , h * , r 'ft anv I r>Mh to the calls of the crowds at .1... ■ . pots. I’he special train is dm- l n Chattanoogi at 5..,., tomorrow morning. A slow sched ule has been arranged for it. President on Trusts. W heeling. W. Va., September fi. Presi- dent Roos, volt and party arrived over the Baltimore- ami Ohio at o’clock this morning from Washington. He was COMES TO END 1 from th, shore, owing to the haze, an. . reared off Fmt Rodman early this morn- ' !: "■ '* '■ ' P< n< d fire. . Th, fortl- . in. 'it""' ' ' Plied to the bombard- ! -'f'-r a hot battle. lasting several hours in left the bar to re wm s ; <u,: ,r :‘n- , Th " r -” ;< *' -’""bt i I ill Wid be until the official r--.ort« are mud.,. Colonel Frye ,-lnlms the victory I for the army. He assorts that th.’, h till > ‘p-dt/ 'Vf rtffnt unn nil 'n W' called t.. arms At that hour No picked up the cruiser Brooklyn as she was .speeding to the westward toward 'III,- Bic. At first It was supixised that th,- eruls.-r w IS on her way to New York for r-patrs. but she came so close to th. Island that a warning shot was hr. ,1. and . to the SUH,rise of the officers she replied | vigor nisi'. This action leads to the be- ■ i li. f that the r.-|HU-t. d accident to the Brooklyn has been exaggerate,! bv th navy officials tor the purpose of throwing th,-defenders of the tort of! th. ir guard Th- tiring had been on but a few mo ments when the Olympia was sighted i closely follow .ng tile Brooklyn, and siie, too opened tip with every available gun on ’th- torts. Alter these two v.s passed through Th- Bae- three ba. 11- ; I.‘hips Were 1... k.-d up by th- | lii- battle ships w.-r. soon rccognUed , t he K< -u-s tg. ..... Ala- . bam.,. an.i th-.' .ver- ding toward ! i)n Race in ’he order named. As tin • i pass..i th- torts they open-d tire. E'-ry gun at Fort Wright was now blazing ■ away ami F >rt Terry ami k " rt Michie we’- also making a valiant attempt t< . I put the Ships out of business. The rang- | , was at b ast. 1.""" yards. ; Th.- dens, smoke, both from th- guns | of the battl. ships and the forts, now en velop. d th. torm.-r. The ships soon t u-'k I advantage of tilts and scudded away through The Race. MacArthur’s Report. N-w ...ndon, September 4. 't nmn Major Gen-rat MacArthur sent th- f' l- , lowing daily r-port: ■Adiutant General. Washington. I>. < I Fort Rodman was attacked at X a m. y’S ' t-rday by Brooklyn. Olympia. Furltan. M xtiow.r, Montgomery and Alle.ti. I -ire commander claims all ships, -x, -pt I’m - 1 tan put out of action. Uitniing parly ,>tt nipt d and repulsed. Said ship- r- - „, n med in Vb-lnlty of Fort da' Battle snips returned to Bio. k Js land afH-r att.»< k <»n forts. wher«’ tn»’> I mained until early th:* morning, when I greeted by a vast crowd at the depot and I smiled his appreciation despite his bad discolored face. His right cheek was - rather badly swollen and contused and i Ids 1.-ft eve showed signs of discoloration. I I Mayor Sweeney. President Laughlin an 1 Secretary Birch, of the boar<l of trade, j I postmaster Hall and Councilman \\ ab r- . I house formed a committee which re<eiv. 1 j the president. The entire bo<iv which | I . mbodl'.l Secretary Cort.dyon an<l a stau 'of correspondents, <-nb i•.l ' eh.. - • i I wer. driven to the M. Lure house, head. 4 bv a military bawl. Throughout th.- .ii ! tin- rout.- enthusiasm was rite, the |s,r ' ’'' 'being lined with people from I Pennsylvania, eastern I i Virginia. At the hotel the chief exeeutivi I m.t a del.-gftion of prominent citizens . of Wheeling, intnxlueed by Senator »<•<•t President Roosevelt seemed in a vet. jovial humor ami Joked with his nrw!v- 1 made aequaintam-es. He a<ldr< s. < J • in , I enormous crowd from the balcony of th. ! h-b I. standing at the northwest t wlv re he had a range of four diff. r< nt 'lie'spoke long beyond his scheduled time, wldeli necessitated the curtailment i of the r. gidar programme. Roosevelt views Chickamauga Field. Chattanooga. September 7. Reosevelt vyns th. guest today of th. citizens of Chattanooga and right royally they . ntertalned him. He came to Chat tanooga specially to attend the national convention of the Brotherhood of ixico motlv-e Firemen, and tomorrow he will ».• th guest of the railroad nun. but toilay Chattanooga, as a whole, ent. r taltied him. . From arlv morning until late tl .« evening he was driven from one historic place to another, and the details of the battles that have made this c,t T vv.-r - explained to him bv men who w r. partielpanls in the struggles. •I he battle tie!-Is of <’ 11 ekamallgn M Is sionarv Ridge. Orchard Knob and Ixiok i nt Mountain driven over ; Tonight he attend.<l th- F ,rst P "’’hcr rhurcii. <'f which Rc\. J. W. !>•« | is the pastor. President Is Welcomed. The presidential train arrived here promptly at S:3O a. m. There was a large crowd it the station, and notwithstanding that the dav was Sunday, the president was accorded a warm welcome. A com- I ’ mute.- composed of Governor McMillan. A W. Chambliss. Congressman John A I Moon, General H. V. Rovnton. G.-n-ral i 1 A. P. Stewart and Captain .1 >*. Smart I ■ members of the Chickamauga Park . oin- I mission, f. neral a. W Wille am! j tain J. F. Shipp ent.-re el the president s I car ami welcome.! him to the city. Trol- ( i ley ears were In watting am! after the formal gn , ting was over th.- start for | th. Chl.-kamaiiga battlefield was made. At th.* entrance to Chickamauga park th- Seventh I’niteil States c.tialrv. i:n 1.- , command of Colonel Baldwin, whi. h ai t- I Cd .as the- president's escort through th park, wa. drawn up. Tin- presld-nt. with General Bovnf.m , . r-si.l. nt of the p -rk comm---mn. -’ .1 .lorses, ami after the other m.-mb n '•f the party had enter.-.l , irriag s, tb. drive through the park b-gan. Tin ,7v il cade was hardlv under wav b-fe.r- -;i‘ I resident his not -.-’ at a gi aio trot, .-ml ,or a mil - and i half i-d t.n --| t gin. -nt a merr-. chas over the- b-ttl ■ . tl-1.l The pace- was so h.t that s-x.-raj Os tb, iro.c, rs was unhorsed, and it ' rps "mo S sZrvf.--f ’ a " ;,n,i ”"' ,nr “ J I After inspecting a port’on .if the ti.-,.l I the president stopped at th. eami.iug ' J grounds of the r.-gim-nt am] revt. we.l i . the regiment, t. g>-th. r with th Third : batterv of field artillery, nml.-- ■ ,m --| man.l nf Captain Nil.- The'w t.-ok place- upon the spot where, th.rtv-t ne 1 • ars ago. <m i Sunday nmrning th .■ .nfod. rat. brigade ~f rai M--ulg;,i'i t ■ of Himlman s ,livision was r,-|>ui.-e<| n, F i' S Vi-n’> ° h l r ’T*‘ '* P" r lion ~f i;.-n --ir.el nihl-rs brigade of cavalry Roosevelt Witnesses Drill. At the eon-lns|on of th. review tho | Seventh e-avalry went through th-ir n-w calestheni.-s drill. The wre 1 . they were reported off Narmgans.-t; Pi. r I about I miles out at sea. TTwof the n?.a m i V bf>ml 'unii"<l Montauk I’.unt I and landed marines aliout !i .■'ei-.-k tli « j morning to capture signa! station th. r- All i0..,-, m. , lls . ... f ... t'w"n," q , niov.-ni-n-s covered during past i w »-nt x-tn ir hour.«. R’i’H ; r Major General Commanding.” _. Mem>nn»<i w— "i,b Great Salt Fond harbor. Sev.-ral of th- small craft had been sent | to' the northward Th- men ai>pateiitly • in- tmng of th- mimic war. with all t* hard work. Today Hi- marim s w-re al low-d liberty from eam|> on ll.iib'-r N k and as yesterday was pay day th-- w■ r< i v. rv mu, h in evidence about ’<•"'? Til- naw failed to make its dally Gl'- tur- ot the signal station today. Ih i Brooklyn's damage is not censid-r- l .<> I,- s -r.ons. as she mad- 12 knots an h'” ir very well In coming here from N-w lad ford. Game of War Comes to End. New Txmdon. Conn . September fi With the game of war ended, th- officers and rn.-n of th.- respective commands -f Ma jor tl.ii.ra 1 MacArthur and Admlra, Hig i ginson are once again in p’-.u • . il <’■ , •operation. Early this afternoon the f) m 1 ship K.-arsarge, with th- Alaltfima and i Indiana, came through the Race, mad- a ' loop toward the bari.or s mouth and tin , sailed back toward Newport. | General MacArthur went out in his I yacht Kanawha and exchange saaii.s | j with Admiral Higginson by dipping :t <g-- as th- K-arsirge pa-s.-d. . Through his chief ot staff. I bom. - H ' Barrv. Major G-n-ral M c Arthur too,-.- I sent a telegram to all • .mmand-rs - x I pressing htsc entire satistaeti-ui v-J H th | work of tli- army during ta. war ma 1 neiivers. which came to a close this Th- tirst news given —ut at h-ad'iuatt rs .-egarding the war ba'loon used a con nection with the war man-ii'-rs cam- to day when th- following m-s-a.-; " '- r - <fivctl from the balloon by t» b pb ». • • at 8:3“ a m »-ns -n - cessful in spite of wind and g' difficulties we hive . uco iu.- i. i . l ; - tenant Clifton and mys-lt ■ " •. 1 lhe balloon. 1 liseovered en-tny S ■ - so .. •• ■ ff Bai I Connecticut. Can command < rn.r- < .a>- trv in adjacent w-.t r- from l.illoon A military balloon wm a.ways pi-' ■ I great valm for military purposes an I used in suitable weather. Kr.1.1.1t dismounted and to the aeeompanitm-nt of the bam! performed their evolut >n>. The president at first w■- disinclined to witness :■ drill on Sunday, but upon Its Itelni- repr-s nted to him th V. the m.n were particularly anxious teat ..e should See Hi. drill and that this vva* tile onlv opportmiitv he would have to <lo SO. lie cans-Ute.l Lunch wa- - ’’ • ' <oon afterward, and th-n .livin'- s.-rv.. . s v Idch th.- pr.-sld nt -itt.-nd.-.1. were held or. the parade grounds. Georgians Present Cane. A very pl.-a slug incident oceurre 1 shortly Is'fore the president resumed his i ir.spectl'in of ihe battle Held A vlelega tion of citizens of Georgia. h«-i I’d bv <i. K, Harner, ot Rome, present 1 to i.inj a eat,e <’it from the Chickamauga bat- . [ t’etlehj. It is of hickory, with a silv ' I read and band suitably Inscribed. On , | the head Is the following: | "Presented to Presid nt R-iosev.-.i bv I citlz' ns of tho Seventh congressional <l:s- I trl.’t <>’ Georgia September 7. lHi»2.” j On the. band are tile names of six gen- I I erals who participated in the la. He of l Chickamauga—Longstreet.XX iieeh r. lloo.j, Roseerans. Thomas and Boynton. The seventh Georgia district was the home I of President Roosevelt s mother, and he alluded to this fact in ac. opting th. git;. The presentation speeclt wis mi l. by Hon. Moses W right, of Rome, to which the president responded as follows: “My Dear Mr. Wright; 1 cannot say how touched and pleased 1 ini 1 can imagine no gift that would have pleaaed me more than to have the y. uug men front my mother's stat. I >r.-se.ii in. this eitne with the name of six g. :-..i.b ? three of whom wore the blue and t.t.ot whom wore the gray, but whose descendants and kinsfolk are equally loyal to the ilag as It now is. I want to mention one curious thing. You have on here Gen eral XVheeler's name. I served under hint at Santiago. General Hood fought m command of the southern army. One ot his sons was in my regiment ..nd fought with great gallantry. I .in so much obliged—! can't tell you how 1 appre ciate It. No gift could ttav n.-en more appropriate and given in pi> as..nt.-r spirit nnd exactly al the right time. 1 thank you most warmly.” Battle Field Is Viewed. XVhen he resumed his inspection oi the battle Held the president dispenovj with I PRICE: FIVE CENTS. the caialry escort and entered a carriage | with Genera! Boynto®, S—retary Cort-1- l you and Acting Grand M.istei Hanna | •»«•!>. of the Broth“rho(»d of Ijoromotive I Firem.-n. reinvention b-gins acre ■ tomorrow. Sno.lgrass tower, which is I 70 fe et high, was so..n reached and aot- the w.iriTi weather, ;ne • g i.ient walked to th.* top, where as;/ n di.l vi. w of the battl. field was obtau -d. I 10-n-ial Boynton and Captain Smart j jminted out the many points of interest and explain?.! th.- jeositions occupied „y th*- different commands. The pr.-si 1. rit was greatly Intere st, ■ in many of th.- monuments which marg • «ttie tie i. a n< i after r- iding the in svr.pti..n> ~1, that erected by the state of Kentucky, had Assistant Secr.-tary Baines make a copy <,f it. | Th. driv, . xT.-noed through Missionary i Klug, to Or-.-iai-l knot, A eng th.- route . tin- pr-s.ident fr.ijucntly was greeted b-, ! l—ipl-. t<> whom he f.-spond.-d [ idising nis v'Ve ‘‘' l * b">ut e.n th,- road a number of !I the pn"i i"-,’?-, 1 . is/d" An,crlcan ~a K s j When Or.-hnrd Knob was r-iched the fp. e-siel.-nt walk.-.1 through to the tr011,.-,- l- irs, which eouvey-d th- pertj- r.> 'be : foot of Jxiokout mountain. At the top iof the mountain a large ,-rowd ha,l as sembb-d. w hich ch-, re.i th.- president as he left th- ar. \.■■•or',pan:-I bv General I Boynton and th** other ni**inb**rs of his • to Point !>■ >kout w. i I,- a rnagnitie.'. nt vie w of th- , country was had. * MT, PElFf’lfiCTOf i -Hill I uuLL IU HUIIfL ■o*, .! '■ f'-- ,n d of St. f.uefa p j - ■p'-mb.-r -. -Th. report brought bv the ! here / , ' an, ' r ' -Te. which arrived I ..f th« . ‘ r pv,n| ng from Martinique. th- los s of tw.» thousand lives through rrr T.“ r . OU ' hr ‘ ' k ” f Mont re. . ' ,O! *’ hs S,nce A ”»’>st 2d and ' lh ' ‘" ss “ f Hl® resulting from th- r.p,-t..] outbreak of Wednesday b-jitemlwr X The eruption of Mont pelee on Seo. 4;,- . add.-. ;hat absolute darkness pre v.fd.l -soAn afterwards, and that he chang-d his ,-ourse to due w-st in order to -scii.- the ashes which were failing thick. The fust officer could not se tin- .-.apt im . f-et awav and only knew him bv his v :■ They did not see the sun until alsmt 1" a. m. the same day. Th- st-am. r Van- further reports that sev- ini more valuable plantations were destr >v-d at th- time of the recent out !,r. ,k in addition to the townships re- X’-rr.-d to in previous dispatches, and add.- that the anxi-ty and dejection ot the siirvKvi-ag population is general. Nearly Million People in Peril. Chicago. S-pt-mber 5.—"1 am seriously alarmed at the n-ws of the renewed ac tivity of the Martinique and St. Vin cent v j. ;< co, said Louis If. Ayme. Fnited States consul at Guadeloupe, who is in Chicago on sick leave. "Should ' e loss of life cons-qii-nt upon the production of a great tidal wave would be appall | Ing. " ith F, I-e as a center, a chain ot islands • xfer.ds northward, embracing i a population of some 75<i.H0u persons. Al most without exception the cities and villages ar- situate.l along the coasts and ’ bit slight:.'- elevated above the sea. A I ti.l ,1 wave it, feet high probably would ; g. -lr..' a Half million lives before it I dash. I against tin shores of Porto Rico with its million inhabitants. "Tii-r. is also apparently grave danger ! that other long extinct volcanoes may ■ break out The great Soufriere ot ' G- adeioap- has be* n active for centuries. ' - < baig d -to ,m from th- old summit I er.t-T Till- max hav. a.f 1 as a sort ~r t y lv. mit if. as reports seem to indi at. . tile seismic for.-s are in . idng ci intensity, this volcano and I others .dong th, line of s-ismic weakness marked by the inland chain may soon | b- rivaling r-le-. ■The people of th-se islands ar, in a. hard e.tion. Th-ir communication i with th out-r world depends chiefly on ■ a single line "f st. ,m-is which cat! at i int. n il* ot from ten days to two w-eks : ' islands when freight of- It S-mte of He- ISiainis WII.-U li.-.m.v 0.- t, rs Th. whole fleet of this line could i.ot carry 7. >»• persons ■ XVhil. tl ■■ gr-at bulk of the poptif , ■ tion of i •IGarnis is made ::p of blacks an.l in'iattoos. there are many thou sand whites living there, chiefly ere ties, but not .1 few ym. ri. tns are establish.-i in or visiting the islands on business. The Island of Martinique seems to be doom si. It will not be possible to per suade Its people to remain there if th. v I e-iii get awa.v. Gtt ideloupe. where my • .-onsulate Is situated, ip in even worse ■ pi. di. am nt. It is staggering under a ■ tremendous debt which it cannot ]tiy , its 1 < one pl.mtations are being abandoned I anti Its business men retiring. It Is the 1 natural refuge of the fleeing people of Martinique and will have tnese terrified ; and starving thousands thrown up°n Its j already inadequate resources. •What imrnedi it so ire--s of re’i f we could take it would be difficult to sav. i but probaldy two er three of our war v< sse’s with scientific observers should ' be promptly disjxttchcd to the spot.” Volcanic Flood Sweeps Island. St. Thomas, i'anish West In lies, Sorx tember fi. Advlc.s from the island of St. X’incent report that an eruption of th’ Soufrterc volcano occurred at noon of Sept. mb. r 2. The outbreak w.s accom panied by rumblings and caused an ex >- I <lus of the population from Georgetown land Chateau Belair. On the Ith. at half ■past 7 tn tne morning and again at It 1 o'clock last night, loud n ’isos resembling thunder w -r.- heard. Thes noises were aecompan . d by electrical discharges from l-tSoufri. re, which c c-.tinued until 1 o’clock in the morning, when a contin uous roar began, tasting until 4 o’clock. This w is followed by a murmuring sound which was heard until S in the morning. In a short time th- heavens were obscur ed by dust or smoke a-,.l the scene was < something feartu! Nci.odx slept at all <; during the night No dust, the advices say. has y.t fallen at Kingstown ..r Georgetown, hut the ittnosphere has a t I hazy look Dust and pebbles fell at Bar ronoilie at 1 o’clock on the afternoon of ’ September 1 t I Reports from Chate . Belair are to the t i effect that there has Peen a heavy fall ; ot sand there, and that th*' arrow root I* cultivation on the Sharpe, i’etit Borde! and Richmond Vab estates has been destroyed In the j. .J. No deaths have been reported.