The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, October 19, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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ALLTHENEWSOFDIME CONTINUED FROM PAGE TIN. Ing physicians by' ordering them not to hurt his l<g. Harris is c.i-.'if and dumb, and has n-or been known to speak a word since curly ehii liioinl. Yet when .1. Legrande and oilier physicians began handling the crushed log for the purpose of amputating it. the n>gro starilcd all present by a groan, after which he wa■ h ard clearly to command U intense agony: ■Turn t’i‘t It; ■; turn that leg loose- ‘ Winter Is Given Judgeship. Montgomery, Ala., (ictolv-- 14.—Gov t noi Jelks oi yesterday appointed J. G. Winter, of this • ily. as judge of the now circuit composed of Montgomery, Chil ton Elmore and Autauga. Governor J Iks this afternoon appoint ed F. Lloyd Tate, of Wetumpka, as .o --: clear of the < w judicial circuit. Alabama State Fair. Birmingham. Ala., October 15.—(Spe cial.)—The Alabama state fair opened .ere t-iday for a ten cays' ixliibitl.-n term und- i most auspicious eircumstiiiu-vs. T. - . xhibits ate fa.i at-v- the average 1 . . . pti illy go id. A. '4OO trot ami S4OO pm.-e have be-n ar- ri. r:y.a, r .l lyic’X, the pi..periy of E. \ t\ ooh. 4. , f A ■ 1 11 <a, gelling Hrs I money m‘ :; i:-e 2.18 pi,re. j-... ! <t !>:>>•- in the iritilni; race was 2 The '■ " ' ' ■ or 1, Wld tile in *-'- S-e. . -’l,.* C• VI I- ...; \\.ilih< ir Atlanta’: famous j p.. ,i a numa- i ol winning miles J. Iks Issues Three Pardons. 1.,--.. ..n- .. Ala, O<;'.o'« 1 16. iSpc- i ry, Ain.. <>i fob< r 16. (S;>e i'- 'H an invitation from Adjntant Killed bv Live Wire. *1 hi rI. 1 ' I " ' Falling- Limb • ' S- Ul. Birm-ia-l. ■<■ v" 17 ‘ ' , ini.)- Tl. ■ IO V KT ■ . -■ . •-- -. ol 1 ■ ■ Is! itt r< a- d P P ■'■ it is exp led that -"e will di Two Pardons IsT e h . . t■- .m- *. Ia *■ i- '■ 1 ’ I 7.- -ISpe- . . t - ~ - ’ !-. ■ t ■ ■• - t two pniiiuim and two p.i •". L.r., r,'" 15’If .1 £ C ■ >.• f A Si’ -me Court. 1 y i' [ j £•. *, rd M :1 . - n I <x ;3 r;| •x - M &a M AX' ;* U <.z L-j S-.j. kJ i : .: ?,•«#&! SX'-Axi?l.; H It takes five of theorynar- “f' w-.” ti naX a gal’cn, but a HAYNER QUART Isa | 1 H full quart, an honest quart o ! ounces, four to tb< I dlon. Now, you pay your dealer at t j ~wt :. .r. ■■'■>'.• ii' y better than HAYNER, If as pl ■I good, or i. bO a cailon. It > UAYX- L Vi!!--: .¥ you fcuvo at least l;i bo on every H •.j gaTou. We s X-ro X ■ i •>!«.>: ;,. l!oi> t.r i-ii-bubiy poorer • 3 Zg whiskey. Justtl nk ths ov r that I WHISKEY goes din m I I r dis He ■ • ' ■ • ■ ' ’ ; . R1 > DLSTILEEK’S G UAJ-> N AXTEB of Pinar -a-l* . d •, ou tn.-<’.<.a. s'enormous profits. That's why ' i •-’1 its sogoorl and; >-iie.': : -,ve’mi e over qn;:ri'ref a mik-on satisfied cus- M jU towers. That s why XdJ uuW U’j it. if our money back if you’re not satisfied. j Ss¥®s "<’■ Pirns’ Prsmts Aduderatfefi! m II ■/ ■ ’ ’ . L-’ - - ■- d H ’ i?; 1 ■J •■■■’*>.;J LUi» J 158 I -i£.! Xi B Ci's li & |a < P-’P s 1 S' ■■' 3 r? << Z 4 ■. -? L'.Av" xiixxs) ; z r '!??' v x L nn-?sw?i W ..) d h fl I 1 S l We Wfl! send votiFrUß FULL QUART BOTTLi'S of HAVNER’S SEVEN; '. . I« .< > '.nt; ii,i> KIT: <■ ■ I i oji 1. If veu do-: t S’.U l' »!■ ■ . ■ : '. . ' A"- l . 1 j ! is anybody else at •■' ’•' 1 ‘“ .’ X".:'X?? L , j will be n t irned to you } /■ k lit lie fairer If you ■’ '■ r <° •■ ' < tc r. 1, ... < . ri a let us send rouatri'i '■ '• . i> • '■; 1 ' •' I " i ' r ' ' Our elf, !"•>. a Jf y ■>: ■._ \ n friend to join you. We ship in a plain scaled oase, no marka to show what s f e w • fc'"*-’'''leAt'' : ' 'it tmi rm !•'* t** or c: r. ’ r-t ome of yo-,r frl 'ruis to join you, f : .-J. Fi • : q we. wiii s.'i.f .-n; : ■■■ ’ • •■ , .'•‘••T.’, I :’..’!..'' ? saving you ' ! * !,i *• over 06 l. ' ■ < *»7xz.a*»a i G paid-up capital o’ •7-300,00050 you i uno rifo <. | ■ TV* ‘ • otr near •<* aa i do it. NOW. , II ws •-. ::2 r 3 ; 1] ATLANTA- GA. DAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS, MO. ST. PAUL, MINN. U j.-x) UisnixKr.Y, Tros. O. ISM. lak,. r.m -'• , .-K -• ■ • -•?• ' TV’“ST" 1 —,y—-v-- -■•< X. * . . «. A- '. 1 ■ M. M. Marshall, president of the stand- i ‘ ing committee of ih., diocese, presented 1 resolutions which it had adopted. Removal Caused by Shortage. Raleigh, N. C., October 15. —A special J j from Greensboro says that Postmaster ; Lewis, of Madison, has been removed I from his ofliee on account of the dis- i 1 ivi ry by Postoffiee Inspector Etherman of a shortage of $585 in his accounts- The shortage was made good by Lewis’ 1 ■ n ai’.l the ofliee turned over to 1 C. L>. McAnally. Raleigh Men To Pay Taxes. ; Raleigh, N. C., October 16.—The collec tion of county and city tes» -s in Raleigh have been tied up here for some time be cause of an injunction obtained by p ir -1 i.-.- whose taxes liul been increased very l:-r- I . Today t-r- injunction was dis- . sidled and taxes will be collected at <>■:•<, . ■ the trc.i iry was ruuuing law. 'The plaintiffs have appealed. Two Girls Burned to Death. Raleigh. N. C., October 16.—A special from Sandy Run, Gates county, says that a. a icoiit of an aiteinpt to kindle lire in st ve with kerosene two white girls, ■ a 1 I 4 and 15 years, grand-children of Mrs. I’.iil Ward, were burned to death ; there yesterday. Believes in. Holding- Cotton. R il l 'll, N. C., October 17—(Special ) S L. P.itt- rson, the commissioner of ag- ' .ilture of this state, is very sanguine of the success of t'),- farmers' movement for , securing bi tter prices for cotton. In the ■ '■ nn.i ■ of all interview he said that the N >.-o i.aroliria farmers an- I'm better i iff now than in the past when cotron .'.ent t ■ low ilgures, and that they really ' are in good shape lor holding cotton, the | .. !:■.>:■. b ing they are ra sing so I many more of the necessaries of life. | Cid Home Week Raleigh, N. C„ October 1 7.-(Special.) j The great reunion of n-'n-resident North ! '.'a"uiihans at Greensboro this we -k was i .uh .1 sin cess that ilw managms have de id> it to make it an annual event. A ■ reunion association will be formed as a I .11 1-c 1 ompany. an-l it is proposed to de- , ■ vol" In ititure an entire week to ihu 1 union ij A i bo known ns 'The Old ; Four Sent Up for Whitcapping. Rai- gli. N C., October 17.— (Special.)— , ■ en bi lught to Iha . i tinry from Sampson ' oiinfy to year: for whitci pping I d 1 . . L. How trd. .'-.11 tlie p; i.~oni rs are white men, their mimes being Ciiurles Hoit, O. Arnett, ; i , , , Lon-' and John Stobb. One is a, went to Howards home 1 : rad been fi-llin;, false stories about ■ : ■ ■. a 1 I'n. , !,.- I ■i 1 hi. 1 ho lied inform' d up n the 1 toi . ing whisky, that county in ..di. lion territory. . :i ■ pri; oners do not seem to nt Ind their ; . . in, i■: and ini) risonment and claim tl, I Ibw.'ird has rved throe terms in tlie P- :r-en . i.irv. for niurd- hotise . < ;-.ii.i'_ mid i-i'.-i-iuing stolen goods. EVERY SUBSCRIBER INTER- ESTED. The Constitution is your paper. The port rcceims contest is youin. It reads now for SIO,OOO cash, you can n ake it 6:10.000 if by united ac . ion the subscription list cat’, go up to EOC 000 circulation. Every man i:,.y an".her will go way b:i --vru.-i ii. M'ii' ■. jp not send at least .Nee-roes Fleeing in Terror. rd r ., :aty I- fl lin t night. Since the t'- .Sunday main, in wl.i '1 : , .. !-•; 1 . <li< a v. hii< man, was f> - r -I, :ia* wtu’.e n.- m um have . , . r . : -ep uncr to rim the <nu, ■ to the city ye.-terH.i \- Feudists Kcw’ on Clear Fork. i’. tins .' •: Int > a and one of So a.h r- - s ami k:ii< d Jann s \ ,■ : t ■ 1 ; 1 r v '.:: -• b r tw<• :i Wi . .i» Hoary am! John S<>w .. J. l?a\ is and I’ '• Tin !<‘y V/lmeb r S .w War Game. \ e ; ~ . t !». ,nt. Ky . (k toiG r i.. wih j - 1:1 r- \ ’ w !»• fore .;o;jr the gun. i. • H .. <•< • ; 15 -Gt ■»!•<.; !■ .'.I !, ■ A \v Y< :k, w.:s !i»t v.’hiie . :■ f j' ’ •; :■! di- •< ill !• .1 Jm i • ti started mit THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, MONDAY, OCTOBEK 19, 1903. discharged by the buggy jolting and the entire charge took effect Just below the heart Dr. Godfrey Hunter a Candidate. Middlesborough, Ky., October 17.—The eleventh district republican congressional convention which met hero today, to nominate a candidate to till the seat left vacant by the death of Judge Vincent. Horsing, is deadlocked and the ilnal out come seems doubtful. D. C. Edwards, of London, succeeded in effecting a tempora ry organization and late tonight it ap peared probable that Edwards would re ceive tlie nomination. Dr. AV. Godfrey Hunter, of Burksville, is also a candi date. FLORINDA. Death of Governor Mitchell. Tampa, Fla., October 14. —Ex-Governor Henry L. Mitchell died at his home here today of general dellblity. He was 69 years old and his health bad been failing a year. He was circuit Judge from 1877 to 1883 and from 1888 to 1890 was jus tice of the supreme court of the state. He was governor from 1593 to 1897. ■>. ——• ARKANSAS. Coal Miners on Strike. Fort Smith, Ark., October 17.—1 t Is reported here that 250 men employed at the coal mines of the American Qjnokeless Company, at Huntington, are out on st l ike for alleged breach of contract by the company. A conference will be held tomorrow between the operatives and strike, representatives. LOUISIANA. Fired Upon by the Strikers. New Orleans, October 14.—A number of non-union coni wheelers were fired upon by strikers today as they were about to land from a tug. a negro was fatally wounded, but no others were Injured. Reunion City Will Be Named. New Orleans, October 17.—General E M. Mickle, adjutant general of the United Confederate Veterans, lias called a meet ing of the i xecutive committee to con i' oe in the city of Louisville on Novem ber 18. This committee will select the place fur the next reunion. It is stated i hit Baltimore. Nashville, Atlanta . nd Louisville each will Invite ‘ il.,- to mei-t there. Land Goes to Supreme Bench. >.'i w t irbiins, October 17. J Gwcri:.or Heard tn.l ty appointed Judge A. D. Lund, of Caddo parish, to be associate .instieo rs the supreme couijt. Iq fill the -.-i.-ancy ■ ■nu.--.-il by the resignation of Justii, Blaneluird. who is a . mdi ilat-. for governor. MIRKETJOTATIOIIS Spot Cotton Quotations. Mlantn. steady, 9L; Galveston, firm, 9 !l 16. Norfolk, li? in, Jialtirn jr \ i; ini: ;tl, 9 75, Boston, quiet. 9 9U: Wll niiii.utoii. steady, 9.50; Philadelphia, quiet, 0.05. Savannah, him, 9'-; New Orleans, i.. 9i3-i6, Mobil.\ q’lit t. 9’.y; Mem- ii;an, 9 13-16. Any t. quiet. <'i: i! ■•iiini, 9 ;; i; Cineiunati, dull. II; L a i: a illo, linn. 9•. : St. Louis, firm, 9 13-16; Ho; ion, steady. 99 16; New York, dull. 2.80. Keview of the New Orleans Market. New Orleans. October 17. —Spot cotton quk-t and steady; '-ales 2.900 bales, In eluding 2.300 to arrive. Quotations un- l‘--.iiuri's , i the opening were 7 In 8 : ..i : i \w i- than n.e close of yesterday. Ait' .'- the first half hour of trading there w.i ; .< ri- ivi ry, which carricii prices wi ll in- i i i os:eril.-i v'< cb’Cng I ’vel. L iter '.n ih morning unfavorable Liverpool and t . ib I'jiiie in N"w York f-.xethi-r with liquidations by longs, sent prices down 10 m 12 points. Tie- trading was quite . i-li’. •. but the markr.t elojed very weak a: about the low 'st figures of the day. \ ■ : u-s.'s w-'i--1. 1 '8 pi'lets on Oetob- r, No- .'Ha 13 and II to 12 on the other po- Fultires ranged as follows in New Or- Open. High. l»w. Close. O-lobcr 9 59 959 945 9.44-46 N. --mber . . . .9.50 9.50 9.45 9 13-45 D<(.-m!!..|- 940 9 33 9.43 9.43-44 Jami.- 9.54 9.59 9.50 949 60 I' ' -u-ry .. .. 9.66 9.66 9.66 9.54-56 \li.: h .... 9.67 9.75 9.65 9.64-65 April 9 70-73 Mav 9.80 9.85 9.75 9.75-76 The Dry Goods aMi ket. N w Y aI. October 17. The dry goods :i . '..w.i signs of Increased activity, >■'.l .. ii.-.iigh nansactions are. not g< u • ■ i, much larger In volume, they ex- Ir'.et’ ■ desire on tin- jiri't of buyers to ..... I for their future r. qulrements M uii ill- i-- 1: i," Improvement in prh e? in , iin quarti’is, th-re has been a dispo. I'.ion to withdraw certain of the . . twiii !: have been made during >i. ;.'si Rtt weeks. Liverpool Weekly Cotton Statistics. L: . cr;".ol. October 17. -Following nro the weekly cotton statistics: Total sales I limls 35 000 bales; total sabs v-i.. ,u -an 26.000 bales. English ’pinners' -ikiims 45.000: tolfl exports 5.000, im- ), :■ all bale"; import An ;■!. n 28 000: took of ail kinds 119 - OT>. - ■ k A-i.'ll 44.000. quantit v float, . 11 kln is. 258.000 bales; quantity .-ilaat; Aim 11 a::. 236,000; total sales on . union 300; total sales to exporters 1,500 bales World’s Visible Supply of Cotton. Nev. Orleans, C> tober 16. --Secretary Hi m-r’s slutement ■ f th- world's visible . u;, ' . of cotton, made up from special . .■. ■lie" and telegraphic advices, compar-s the figures of this week with last week, hi i. vi-ar and the year before. II i-nows I .b’-'i-ea--- for the week just . i.i -a -,f 223,905. against an Increase of 192.567 last ytir and an Increase of 286.883 yi-ir before last. The total visible is 1.827.382. against 1.603.767 last week 2.304.418 last year and 2 128.937 year before las’. Os this the t-.tal of American rotton is !?’5 382 against 1.097.477 last week, 1.863 418 la-i year and I 684.987 year be i«t a j . f all other klnds( Including v.-.p. fl.a-dl. India. etm. 602.000. Im.-; 508.000 bo I week 441.000 last. ■ 1 a '.OOOO ; I ar before last. a., to’.i’ well' .’.-ib’.' s mnly of cot ton an above, show = a ili-ri-ise com .'V.t vvi’h lust w-'-'k of 223 005. a de , ■ vie compared with last year of 477.- qpd a dee-ens'- oonipnrel with year i-iet nf »q| «05. Os the world's visible simply of rotton, ... i’lore is now afloat and bold In if-.-i» Rritinn and rnoßnental Europe r.snnoo ngaiTief 1 .122 00 last year and o'o non vrnr b-'forr ls«t; In Egypt 4« non -irpf "at 66.000 last and 81.000 ,-enr V-fVire last; In India 222 000. ■ i H-es 900 000 ln«t year and 200 000 ,> v. A fnro '.n-t and i-i ’ho United tSates eon poq a’afnst pisnoq ] year and -.■i-'ir heiforr last. S'crotary Hester’s Crop Statement. New Orleans, October 16.—Secretary 11-s’er’s weekly N--w Orleans cotton ex- I iti-.m-nl. issued before the close of business today, shows a decrease Iri the movement of co’ton Into sight corn ureil with tin- seven days ending this |aiq year in round figures 55.000 a ili- rc. sn tinder the same da' s year 1"'- ;■ 1„< t nf 78.n0n and a decrease under Ili.- atnc tint -- in 1900 of I 14.000. For the sixteen days of Oietober the to-i-lo show i decrease und-'r Inst year of 82.000 a decrease unde- the same perioi vi-ar bfl'orc last of 90 non and under the Ui-nn lime in uno of 272 000. For the 46 days nf the season that have elapsed the aggregate is Itehlnd the 45 dnvs of last tear 589.000. ahead of the same davs year before last 47 000 and umb-r 1900 bv 40! .000. The amount brought into sight during the past week has been 394 942 bales, against 449.456 for the seven days end ing this date Inst ' ear. 473.212 year be fore last and 508.533 same time In 1900, I $2,000.08 X 50 v ,' s X < THE SEMI-WEEKLY £THR f sthu ? _ n m $ One Count, and 12 Months’ Sub- > Ci S Bent Newt. Family, Story and Market < @ ® ® S scription to THE SEMI-WtEKtYSTAR <■ ’ , \ n r> v>- 1 / i T.niTr » a. ©.• •* .• d “» »»• •• ® - ( Or SI.OO Ihree Counts and Two f > 4 ! vi£; "..IS 'I7» j I To-Day. J If you are not first, you may be S * X in a contestVEirtT closed June 1J O• ? *•. ®.® ®© ” 0 S second. s<> V a if you c*« count you ! CORRECTLY ! ’>**•*<’’’.V \ jT. M. Childers, Piedmont, S. C„ Q *o* ( YOU AftEGUARANTEED ( V-'.* • “’x® (secured $500.00 in Do*. Contest, / * iA ( A PRiZS. ) ©••* © '*.*.*••/•* « VCvA® 9 • (which closed Jan. 31, 1903. < coswiTiofts : •»* *» •' w “ ’*•© J'/e O’*® In Dot Puzzles, which closed <?■ = ®-.- a .^i-?A-.-.'--tu.< , rf : vfeO:(f'):¥:^’. 3 '-%-’ii?.' , .j!-..y,:® m,.. ■■ « a X ;*.*!»w.*.>.v:’;:*.::; »•: bayard haw.. VNo attentun pabi to tel-giams. . a ® -JJr® ‘•. ?® « * Woodlawn Mills, Tenn., $1 fl; M . , Try ><.ur lull at < unring Tliero B Q., o ® Q © ..•.' .• (gi . ,V.fJ Xaa ®°.*•' © ® ®* 4 A. SHONKWILER, Atwood, 11l 'A X rut'l'yl' ®/V ’ .*® $125; MRS. CLARA HOWARD. < ; X If Pays ta H-Vfi Three Counts Tonganopie, Kas., sioc, and « r , r>. II I aja 10 r»uVO to U . .b. ® • ©V.* • •©.• ?• O «* 0 2,000 others secured smaller cash 7 With three counts you can :ake on© . - * " « ••*• <> •<* • J 5 * a & on -Ats-h : I what you think is the o a ®** * *©*< i? 9 & ° • • "• \ prizes. v ? ( i-rn <i < ount. anti air- that mu ■; more • • e**® a *’» ® IS ■■’.V I’’’-’The 1 ’’’-’The Semi-Weekly ‘' O Star SO Cents a Year, * j wm be u-conU. While All Others • A TO CONTESTANTS. Charge SI.OO. X No one connected with The St. Louis Q • • •«&e? tv W & r Star. dlr. i-fl.v -»r indirectly, will be a; @ ®**«** c « rt * ° *<> ® • c 0 « * —rr-.q m— ■■■■ ■■wkwhhw —h« wnmi —- X Iff'lbJciTu s’.' <S." « -'.‘"F-".“.TAfiaSl® I use THIS BLANK WHBH POSSIBLE. X WMte fliNSuTIU'b THE SEMI-WEEKLY STAE_ .90— 0 \7 the dots, or will they know until the I Dept., A i /A > y , l V' I '' ’ Y.o'7 Y M n ( bob 12 Months’ Subterlptlon »nd ons Count ! A ''Al! dot .1- II: ili: «■■ Li I .naif ..r- tn ) To those countin gor guessing the Ocrrect or nearest cor- 7 LOd S, 0. | ji.qo i Years' Subscription and three Counts. X £r inTlU C Sm:g ? rect number of dot sin the above Dot Puzzle. The Semi- < inclosed find tor months’subscription. | , am no .i-.-uLi- d■■ ■< /Weekly Star will give the following cash prizes: > rA w-?A> e .c! Sl ' ro id\Vil I v n'rii sFhst correct or tiearest correct count $ 50')'JO < Name j-■ .>• uT.oiv vPl'i'l’l-'’ 11 ’' t'">6o 5 Second correct or nearest correct count 2-0 Jt> < | X e-ish“ fferti'L JYm YiwH 11. -ill..- •• lil-l.d c BIT:'S l’\ »U Tlh COr’l Ct Os HCB FCS t <• . f I‘t ’ t COUIIt • 'S) S V . '-K inalv’ big Ui‘>ney working for The SNext Cd cuir<*ct counts. SIO.OO each 300 S S» Tai-Weakly star. J Next 60 correct counts. $5.00 each 300 00 ; County - —— * We want a good agent in » very town ? $500.00 to be divided equally amontf all remaining cor- ) | * or poHtotib ein the rnit.d w * S rect counts received 500 i» ) $ y a J T « ta ' $2,000 O) J ’ y..ur subscription t- ■Gy \ So every person sending a correct count will receive a cash S Counts or"T| 1 i ! n I I by money order or registered letter. J award—the first correct or nearest correct gets the largest < Guesses I ! , j * a res>s, THB ST r, (award. ? •n.Qet» l __||—J 1.1 J-—J I «■— <i ■ ' ——l A Dept A ST. LOULS. MO. >•.-- and for the 16 days of O t " it bos ben 895,953. against 978.-iOG . y. ar. ©36,449 year 1-st, . !. 167,606 s ; !i-ie time In I9CO. The movmib'jji sup e Sr;)i.'-:*; ■■ I shows •dpts a: ail ('riitcd Sta!-'>; • •. :.■< 1.249,- 5;-3, ‘agniiß't 1,573.88! In* • ■ , 1.095,- PC4 year before last and 1.-<28.062 same •< d a slppl, Ohio nn-i I’otom vj ri'-■•i s to north ern mills and Canada, 14.957, against 8! 238 '•'■■t y '.r. 89 663 ■ ■•■ hire last and I 14,026 same time Ir .00; interior .-•l.irks in .-X ■. ss of thus held at the c se of tl'e me: *'ir 142.646. Pi'.nlnst 285,472 laat year 2-17.671 ve-ar Imi'ore last 1 310.000 ■ ■me time in 1900: pnuthi-rn mill ta 239,000, ng iinst 289.500 lust y- nr, 260.157 year be fore last and 194.8-14 sarn> time in 1900. These make th?, total movemept for the 46 duvs of tJi‘? reason f r >’n September I to d'-te 1646.186. against 2,235 091 last y. nr. 1.692 775 year before last and 2.046 933 .' line time in 1900. I-’oroign exports for the we-'k have been 271,091. Cgnliist 218,006 last year, m ik li-ir the total thus ■ r for the sea°on 775.244. ngaln't I 038 939 lust year, a de < iisa of 263 695. Northern m’O tiklncs and Canada dur I: the past seven dn< ■ hrw a decrease . : 33 167 as compared with the corre si-mditig perji'il last ' - vr and their total i 'kings since September 1 have increased 26 608 The total takings or American mills, north and sou'h and f'anida thus far fin- this s.nson have b-en 445.821, against 521.792 last ' ear. Tin -e include 202 - B’6 by northern spimiei's, against 229.- 484. Slocks at the s>■• and the 29 lt'>d !-.g south--in l"1orioi iei'i‘ r-' hnv,. In . i as.-.I dur!"- tin- w> -k 36 994. ng 'inst nn Increase durln.r the -ni'iesnondlng pe i -1 list season of 115 360 and are ■ow 296 544 b-s' thin at this date in 1902. tm-lml :ic t,i.f- . v-r at ports and !i terfor towns fr im the l ist croip. and the r mt-i r of b ibs I :-, n ’ t into sl-tht thus f :• for the m w crop, ihe sunnlv to date I; 1.313 985 ngnb><t .1.450.165 for the - one period last year Takintrs Tty WoiM's Stunners New Orleans, Oetob-r 16.—Secromry Hr give-- tb.o t 'kings „f \m»-ri<• »1 i-otton bv spinners thr nighout the world :■■■ f l .|'<-ws in rmind ..-:;■■■ This w k 167.000 this v.->ir. .-n? linst 249 000 last y. ir and 172.000 y.-nr before last. Total since Sontemb Ist. this B’ against 1.150.000 last year and 922.000 the year before (if tills northern mil Canadian spinners :•■ -k 203.000 bii.b s I' ar. agains' ?.'’9.- 000 lust ycirand 189.000 the J-ar br-f.-re; s ithei'n ii.lmic-. 243.000, againsl 292.000 1 ■' v. .r and 262.000 t>. , ir before aid foreLii spinners 392.000. .i-minst 629.000 last y, ;ii- ami 481.000 the year before. Provisions. Atlanta ila . October 17. Regular ribs silos, boxed 8 35: hlaf ribs 8 35; bellies, 20-lb, average 8.50; do. 40-!bs. average. 8 75. Star hams. 14L.-; Banquet hums, I3'>,c. ('nlifnrnla hams 7- Simon pure lo tile rendered leaf lard 8\ Shield brand leaf lard 7L- Wh :•? Cloud com pound 7'-Jc. Groceries. Atlant.i October 16—Coffee, per 100 pounds. Arbuckle's $lO 50; Lion SI0.50; Blue Ilbb-m, 9’e. ground coffee, choice 10c, fair. 8 , prime 6?. Sugar, standard granulated 5.35. Sirup, Now Orleans 1-1'- Ik. ti.e s3'l4—J; mixed, choice 20&28; Salt, dairy -'a .-■. $1 30q1.40; barrel, built, $2.50: ice cream. $1 CO; common, 55<2)60c. Cl.eese fancy, full cream, twins, 14 3-4 c; singles, ,sc. Matches. 15, 45 3-4'i<ssc; 3COu. $1 SO4/».75. Soda. Arm and Ham mer, $1.75. Crackers, soda, 6 I-2c. cream 7’’: ginger snaps 6 1-2-'. Pie peaches. $ I 76, table peaches $2.75(1f3.00. Canned tomatoes. 51.60. Canned corn, $2.00 Beat mince meat 10. lb.; choice, 7c lb. < >ys i<- i. F. \V.. $1.65. L. TV . $1.20; I'n.-i;-y head rice 7i : l;.-ad dee, 6c. White fish , 60-ib. keg, $2.00; white fish, 100-lh. kegs. $4.40 mullet fish. 80-ib. kegs $4 50: mac aroni, 7c lb.: pork sn'isagi.'. 8 I 2.- lb. Sar dines. oil, caee, $3.75; sardines, mustard. $3 50; aalinon, case $3.50t??5.50. Lepper sauce, lozen. Cue; cU-’up. plots, dozen, s;■■; mb Hard, dozen. 90c. Rickies, 15-gal b-n. eoo t , $6.50. Flour, Grain and Meal. Atlanta, Ga., October 17. Flour; Dia- , mend patent, $5.50; fancy patent, . $5 00; stia gilts. $4.40; extra lancy $3 60; •, SB.SO, flrsr patent spiing wheat. 1 $4.75. Corn, choice white, 72: No. 2 I white 71c; No. 2 mixed 69c. Oats ; white clipped 54c; No. 2 whit-, 52; No. 2 mixed 61c. Bran. $1 15 Brown ’ shorts, $1.25; white shorts. 51.50. Vic- i tor food. 51.35 per 100 pounds. Quaker ; food. $1.25. Hav, choice, large bale, ; $1.10; No. I small. $1 00; No. 2 small, ; 90c. Plain corn meal, 75c; bolted, 68c. | I’earl grits. $1.60 Fruits and Confections. Atlanta. Ga.. October 17.—Oranges, s3:<(i ! 3 25. Lemons fancy<if4; choice $3.25 ■ (Ji 450 Bananas, per bunch, culls si@ 1.25; straights $1.75@2. Nuts: Wai-! /nits. No. I 12 1-2:: No. 2 10 l-2c; al monds 13c; pecans OlAftlOc; Brazil 10® lie, mixed nuts 12>,5c. Peanuts. Virginia, | Georgia 4c. Cocoanuts, per ICO, | J $3.75ii4. Pineapples, $1 75©2 crate. Dates 50-lb boxes. 6;, db/; packages 7ije lb bigs, ■ 1 Citron 15c Raisins xx $165 | ! per box; x.xx SA.BI per box. ITunes, i i ’ small 6iit6, large 6y7n.c. Candy, com- ; mon stick, 6c lb; mixed 6Y>c Country Produce Atlanta, October 17.—Eggs, fr-sh 19 1 (020 c. Country smoked bacon 11 , 'i12 1 4c; > hams, 13(015. Butter, Georgia fresh la- ■ hie, I&1120; '1 etui . . -.e table 18020, J c r- j , iou2o; e mkiiig .'Utter 15// 16; 1 . ! conditions improving. Live poultry,hens I i 35-1*0; .'i"S. ia.’-ee 27 1-20.2 I-a, .. ... j dlum 24ii26; small 180'20, Ducks, pud dle. 20(022 1-2; Pekin 27@30. Dressed i ! poultry, hens, 12 1-2013 1-2 per pound; : : fl ies 150 17c per pound; cocks, 8010 per i pound; turkeys. 13020. Onions, new 1 I crop 90'</SLOO bushel. Cabbages, > i in, I Iv-'a i i.c per pound. Sweet potatoes, ! ' new crop, 66 /75e per bushel. Beas, white, ’ ' $1.25 per bushel; do., lady. $1.2501.50; stock. $1@1.25. Dried fruit. Georgia ap- ' pies 5c lb., do. peaches, 405. Naval Stores. ■ Savannah, October 17. -Turpentine firm ! ci 56 1-4; receipts 7-15; sales 676: exports : 2.391. 11-'--in firm, receipts 3,099; s.?l(-s 3.207 exp-'rts 696. Quote; A B'' $2.15; 1> $223 E $2.35; F $2.50; G $2.55; 11 ; $2 70. I $3.15. K $325; M $390; N $3 95; window glass $4.05; water while . $4.35’ i Charleston October 17—Turpentine 1 I steady at 55 1-2. Rosin stead; A P. ! $2.05; D $2.15: $2.25; F $2.40; G $2.45: I II $2.60: 1 S 3. 15; K $3.75: M $3.90; win- : : dow glass 54.05; water white $4.35 Wilmington, October 17.—Siplrits turpet ■ ■ ! tine steady at 56: receipts 2o R'-sm , 1 firm at $2.05; rr-ceip's 18 Tar firm at ' $1.80: rr 'eipts 67. Crude turpentine firm I : at $2.23'1.13.80 an ! 3.80; receipts 38 Comment on Bonk Statement. I 1 New York. October 17.—The New York . . I Financier says; 1 The notable feature of the official I > Statement of the N. w' York assm iati <1 j ' banks last week tin? unexpecl'.-d ’.0.-s j of $604,800 in cash. The estimate', ' which were based upon the trac-' able ■ movements of money curing the we'.-k, 1 Seemed almost unmistakably to Indi ■■ not viiiy an inei ease of $1,418.400 in c . -.h, I but even a larger amount as the result : of Friday’s subtrea- ary operati-- - 1 While llmio might have be-n some slight . I error in the calculation ut loss on ti: • ! I luler-bai.k movement, the reports up ’• ; which the gains in cash, through recei; - ! of ill w gold, the pa ', nn nls for rede»-ni" l ' bonds and tlie subtreasury ope'an ms ! 1 were compute.i. could scarcely fail to be I I accurate, and it was trom these items ! tl'.'.t th " net result - were '.ilitained. Tii- j . discrepancy of $2,000,000 between the ■ ■■ - I i iimai'-d gain and ihe official loss cannot i ! i?e accounted for on the theory of avei- I ' ages. ihe loam, as reported by tin." 1 | statement, decreased $4,356,000. This . ■ was probably the result of the liquid.l i lion in stock’s early in the week and of I subsequent contraction of bank loans as I a consequence of the depression in the 1 market lor the greater part of tlie re | malnder of the W'-ek. Tl deposits wi re reduced 55.843.700, an amount $492,900 I in excess of th’, sum of thy decrease in I loans and of the loss of cash; lienee the 1 statement tailed to prove. J'he required i-.-s.-rve was reduced by $1.460 925, be- 1 cause of the diminished and de- I ducting fruni this sum th., net loss ot' en h, $856,125, as the gain in sur plus 1. S! rve to $17,433,250. This L near- I ty $12,000,000 greater than the surplus ■ ‘ al the corresponding dale last year, tloni ' puti-'J upon the 1....-as of deposits. !■ ss ' ' iln’se of $37,237,900 of public fumis, tin surplus reserve Is $26,742,385. Tlie jt< :u iOl cireination showed only a slight change, there being ait increase of $8,400. 1 Loans W‘re in cxeess of deposits sl6 - ■ 465 100. The daily average of clearings for the week was $186,000,000. against ' i $187,000,000 in the previous week. Sat- t I urday’s clearings, reflecting Friday's bus- 1 I mess, were a little higher than the aver- I , ng-, being $lB6 393.479. t'ompa risons of ! cl: tngi s in loans show decreases by eis?nt ' bank/ in ibis item of $4,100,000 ne. Th changes In cash resulted in a net gain I 1 i bv six banks of $1,400,000. . New York, October 17.—The statement ■ ; of the averages of clearing house banks j of tl’.is city for tl-.e week shows: j L’uns $906,265,500; deereases4, i D’.'posils $891,771,400; decrease $5,843,- ' , 700. C;rc.:lation $45,723,200; increase $8,400. Legal tenders $67,505,300; decrease sl.- ! 411.900. Specie $171,870,800; Increase $807,100. Res.'ive $240,361,100, decrease $604,- . I 300. '• Reserve required $222,942,830; decrease 1 : $1,460,925. Surplus $171,433,250; increase $856,175. 1 Ex-United States deposits $26,742,725; increase $948,275. Dun’s Review. ! New York. October 16.—R G. Dun & !(.'<- s weekly review of trade tomorrow ! will say: I "While some contractions in tra le and i industry have undoubtedly taken place, it !is not In proportion to the reduction of ' : 20 per cent in pig iron output or the re- 1 action in prices of securities, although in i ; normal years these have usually proved I j fairly reliable barometers. -Many branches I ■ of manufactures, however, are working ; full force with large orders still unfilled, i while the latest returns of the crops are I most encouraging. Finance and labor j arc the disturbing interests this year, neu- I tralized very largely by favorable com | mercial and agricultural conditions. The : la i result Is a fairly well maintained I \ lunie of trade. Railway earnings thus i i-i;- available for October are 6.2 per cent I la i ger than last year and 12.7 per cent i a. o'. 1901. "Widely con.’li -ting reports are received i : to th" edition of the iron Ami steel ! industry. 'i.'!i’-r. is evidence that the d' - i cline in quotations has been checked, ■ altlio'igh il is occasionally stated that j rptcial terms are made on important con- I tr.'i is. A tet'.-i inquiry is noted in the" I west, and in some favored lints Urs new I orders cover deliveries through all of next j year. A significant event was the an- ■ sotii'i:-.ii-iit that control of tha Clalton Sr.'l Company had not passed to the leading producer, and these mills with ; their modern equipment will continue to fo| ■ at.: independently. One result of the > M-vere fall in prices and diminished actlv ! it;, will be a g'neral reduction In wages. si/tne plants having already announced their intention to inaxe r. new scale on January I. • "Footwear factories are busy on con . tracts that will take some time to finish. ■ yet there are indications that trade i» quieting down at the east There is no '.diminution in activity at the west. ■ “More Mie machinery lias resumed at ■ •"ttoii mills, but the cost of raw cot ten Is still considerably above a parity • with prices that buyers are w filing to I give for goods. lucre ised inquiries are :;..ied. although uniatisfuj, 1 ory quotations 1 pievent biisim being consummated. "Woop'iis are dull In men's wear fab- 1 rics ami quiet in dress goods. "Failures this we k number 208 in the United Stat’-s, against 206 last year, and j iu Canada 28. compared with 24 a year Sir Thomas Lipton at Home. I Queenstown, October 17.—Sir Thomas I Lipton, who arrived here today on the steamer (’’"ilrie. fr >m New York, October i 0. lias been greatly benefited bv the l voyage, and h is almost coinpleb.-iy r.- I cot ere;! his 111’. 1111. Bryan Says He’s True to Silver. ! Neln October 16.-. Mr. Bryan 1 1 today authorized 1 denial of tlie report j , ivbi’l: quoted him as saying he believed j ’ that free silver would not be considered 1 i at the o< mo-ratio national convention In , ■ 1904. ————■ - —— King Bagged Much Game. | Parts, October 17. T:-.e king bagged 130 I i O il of the 64 1 pieces of game kill’d it. the I’tint at Itamoouiil-t touiiv. A linal din- Loubei at the Elysce palace. — a—; • X. XX X Thertxs <?ul.> one r inc-dr that will cure tiiOdo sufTern.- wuh Fits, F'-napsy (> r ’’alluig Siekiu-ss. I T‘iatisth“ one* re f by the eminent spu- euiixl us Kan-xis < ’ity . and to <x »-ry one siitl'-rm« t. '-m tins terrible d.,~ xdcr. who vviii nfiid liini tliej- mm-.eni.d addr. -s b- wu. iff ET largf* bf-omice i ?ttin his medicine-• t A «xr> xu» S-nd for n. Thousands have been cured, why not you? Address F. E. CSANT, Dept. 145 KANSAS CITY. MO. / <FT rich in Oklahoma Invent in iio now ' * < town of Douglas, Oklahoma, located in ihw i richest portion of the territory: I.vuO lots at each: terms of payment x> itiiin the reach of all Ji)v< st uiei.i will bring marvek.uh returns, Ft»r imt; «’p<‘f<>ng and ilisfribudon of Jotw will occur - w>n F fi'iull information and terma, address Douglas T«»wn.-ux • i».. bUG .New York Life Bldg., Kanhas City Mo, BOOK Tail?; ml Ky« and far Diseases may be cured o'. In-mo al email coet bv uii .1 medicines It is b*a-l*cHjo»- .-. iy H-v.strated, full of valuable infer V” 'dsYYsmatlon anabhould bo lead b - * e*wy ,Z .idercr frou-anv eye or ua: livubiu ' f \ 1 ‘‘is bookie 'Utten bv Dr. • uKa. ~4< • - ’nr of the world-ferrod F-I'J X’ Me hemo .Merh-)<1, which without iuif® x*jn . oi |._dn lily cm eaoMt b’ p«le*» '•A * rasei I" Curie offers to eevd this book- alHolufoly EKV '• to all v hu write Cor it. Addr-ws, Dr. F. Geo. Curts,3s2 Shukert Bldg. Kansas City,Mo iCMOE Primary, Scoendary cr Tertiary Blood Pcisen Permanently Cured. You can bo treated at home under »riu<* guaranty. Capital $500,000. We solicit the most <>bsi ’nate cases. We have cured the worst cases iu 15 to 35 days. If you have taken nierenry, iodide potash and still have aches and pains. Mueue Patches in Mouth. Sore Throat, Pimples. Conner- Colored Spots, Fleers on any part of the body, Hair or F.vehrow.s falling out, write for proof*' of cures. , Cook Remedy Co. 219 MASOIUO TBMPLI. Ckic»jo, Ul. 100-pp ImM Frt* ' ! LAUSES LikL. I .UAW Box 18 Bl 00 Ji Off to rl kit i MAHKIAOF: Directory I .... ( I jpOR SA 1 l -: i four-cent j<t;tinp :■ • ‘ . VJ 1» »y.i licit ••’ion; r. I I >ODS for lopat ir- 11i l-' ’.- 1 . Ur. S’. May, Bex lo€ : . Uleoaiiagt jzi, : 1 ?< <. V l’ i •!' g ”<i»a j-cc<l sot a • ’ - . iC. r « ry Company. Ha '> <>■ o ’ buwhel. Any quantity at Rome. <«a .1* your order at, onc«» socure the seed. I dollars per w’<-k m. ’ >.<» i tn men with r:z t»o mtr ic* - I \;t *.. I Goods. (-nntrnct. 1 ur. •. .?! *. it . 1..-. , 10, Navasota, 11 xas. "XTOV e»n stet th* job v ■ v : ■ ;• - u* ! I U pstvrr Jliwhkm A, • i.ry - n.i l'< .'■ '1 j Kff©cts sale or exchange of anytJ .’*4 hog. r your want a! <nc I ee 25 c< nts b L.AIHES to do pic eVM •• nt tr.r ■ $ i funi.htl K’ IB filer .» tP ‘f*l '• •' , Experience ÜB’ivcc-©af'v. .-r»nd n :■«•<!/» \ " to ROYAL CO , De> k 12. M : .J., C ■ li .. | LADIES: al. delayed ur 1 uoTiin .■' -r - address Par 1 hem cat ( (M. .$ .1 ♦ i i r * ■ J ‘lk A n Tobar< o Co’. C: nxbc: NC. • pggEyg an< ’ f » HaHit p ‘ r; ie DB. J. L. STEPHENS ~ ■ Ofc- «■ v&r tvapepU M 4 LehunojU* Ul.iu» n.-? v APIESi Ui .-d J Miiita.’DAi. .• V. .. . Wr e R • ■ H that PROTFCT I R. S. & A. 8. LACEY, Patent Atl'js, Washington, D. C. I ".-tec'-l i k v y S ■ ■ is obtained tar iush us. 2<- years t-xpene: £ird Dr Booklet. Patent De»elop?ner.t Co.cT America, 180 Broad»a»,XewTork City. fy'xX JfYt J't 3 elk"" fl"’ •'” attorney’* U HUUUI a. Hol 'tin. itlaatic Bld; . Uastirgtoß, DX Write tuday 'for aealoc booklet and free t >; treatment m DR. It KIM. Room I » Mitchell Buildinc. Hom«lon. lexaa. Dropsy -- O. E. COLLUM DPOPSY CO.. 3J J-. 313 ic v> ndes ihiil !‘n r, Af’tnU. (»a. CflpßaySiire: b;rni»h ♦b'" ”Tk and t-n 'i v ■ r.-. v .w; the lorui »; wli-.-rd ycu 11'■ t». S •!a! ...h ' • •' $ ' rets ar. w* " • 1 ♦3 . Uin the bt:» AM f'.illv .-•-nen 'tr '• - fuarenU- t ’rj-- a cf|Jfor»tflrYu*y su ■ . q - iLVtb $■ ■■ ' - MltAi 2t iM ii. Tl ItSMi to., B«X j} 30 Detroit. iu Either Rex. No eanvssß’n#. No soUcttln.’. No t:nie »tre mr rrnresenuitlv*. N ’rj ib v . • ■ • .. GRoded. Kaxy und pvofttrAble v. ci k unit bv tone at h< ” Address » J W. KIBB, Key TO’Ol Ft. Wayne, Ind Htirry. Doctor, or despair “Don’t uvh ■ dn n thiirr’’ i <!! 3 'rt clearly whnt's host t’V ahl <>f 1 ’iitui’. 11 •’ Ir < <>n Hum • n - Nature, nn health, disease. i<»vp. marriage .tud * parentage. Tell* what y<»u’d ask n 'loi tor, it . don't like to. 240 j • illustrated. 2S i-on’s : . it. 1 to introduce it we .send one ou’.v to anv aoult for postair .in cent* M! !!Ii VODi< CO., J 29 I -.SHi Mreei. New York. stem stem FREE GOLD WATCH wladvvs> Set Th’s ©oderrt vetch with American r .e --ment,fu .v w.iri-antedtokußpr t o'eitinir, as Goid-plated Etgrav.d r*Qu:il in apr? arance to Solfd !d Watch. ('SaMruarantced yr.-. It is given At ou hu t vo'a* HIKE t > I■•■V.-. <>i girls or ?> $ rne forx ’.hng Write tn-dnv and we mid iewelry with i larpo Pi• miiiin I isf postpaid V. hen "iM send h“ i? and the watch and eha ara , FOBiTTVELY sent you by return mail. jC. 8. MFC. CO., Ifept. w . thicago? HU 11