The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, October 26, 1903, Image 13

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RttftlbirtSßLjfeWSifhfend 524 PAGeT] ; VOL. XXVI. NO. 43. GORMAN MS J M ■ FOR ROOSEVELT, Serito i Gorman Sharply Attacks ‘Roosevelt for Pernicious Pr.rti 's-, sanship anil Says Th-.t ti” White R ’.ce Intends To k ' Dominate. Bnltim--r ■ M <>,•,.,,•• 24 ,S ■' , Al U I 11. I !■ - ' !Hi’..’ - ; ! X at Gori>’,,i 1 •;, ! 1 ■ :!!,: I; • ■ ■•■lt wl fe: to f n .;.-i - perm- ’ tin .i'l previous public tit'.i’im." S- : ' to. cot•.- .\ ■ t». I- t :•■ ■ *-ty s- ■ .-n in s< • . w Vuiti i St:; t no tm< rt- 1. t> r::: . Among other riings M: <: ... ,n ; ml: I • Unfortunately th- president of the 1 to the t- mt. T- Anglo-Saxons m:i,l --t laws. .1. .. on.pier... tie English r >ther 1 ■ but U t o-, shall ever have j J I. I r.< ■ i’.ook : 'i' W.i.Y,- I good f, He 1 .S told them that polities < -raHz- s tl:. tn. ’ speak of the president of the Unlteu States with the gr. it, st respect, as: all t 1 criticise bis public acts b, •mis'' 1 s <•»- and Ills spec h go front one eml , . try to tin other and dt t< 1- ; * foreign affairs. The while men of if ■: snil. who are reputable men of that : ■!',,.n the thought’' il men of til north ) m that no greater crime was ever 7 -pen ited 1 this country than the . ■. 1: dsement of the negro. The supreme court of the United iy t>s. which is composed almost ex s< ..-ivcly of republicans. th..’ ,t . safety of the koine, the pr< .-;,• Ity of h • south, d-mr-lel that the org .. .- x >• at the negro should n A t lie g'.f'.e.i wi’ i [n ithority which he did not know how ‘ With the impetuosity hardlv worthy . f a youth In ? small community the ■j , r »-ah -t of the United States suddenly • ■ morning b" jlit to tl • front uns i. o question, w h the ptop.e w- r t t ::.g quietly and < rdcrly by inciting 1 >ker W: suing on to dine with him in white house. ,is act was interpreted bv t> whole d race ns meaning not only politl i.ut social equality of the two races. ■ .w confronts ’is to deal wi’n Unis . ifon. The president oi the 1 I or Mar- l.»nd to dim- with .. I to occupy th same s.’at wiii li ~.-.b;;bly occupied by Book-: Wash : .t ai. 1 te’i you that no liberty, no ’ ty :• mains- when you have .1 oi.tutor ,-za ■ . 1 an « mp.'f ,r in Warmington v . .... s ~.. for A! ,ry!ander.s ami tell • . - wii i' b- wants don--. Ho toils 'hem . ■ tb< it ■ - ’’l'd to ■• ■ . ; r r • t«» the p II - 1•- i- ’ain » Hurt t• • • lavish uncial < . . 1 iit \ -< th-- Iwu r ’••‘•s/ 'SHAW SPOKE I?i KENTUCKY. If .-letarj- cf Treasury Discussed the money Question. f : . .. :<•. . IT toll, r 21. Before an ; ; ... . 2.000 y< '.pic Leslie M. ril.:.w. ■ t .r.rnry ■< the treasury, toni.'.lit do 1 . ,~d 1 . ”nrd and i-.d sp< e.-h in lie : np ign. Mr. Shaw ; aid ; ■ 1,...; : .a the motley qm stion. .ml , -r. to a ! • eent lit t. 1.1 !l. of W;U..m .1 indicating that the ■ e . ... . won; I hnv a. pr.’m'.- -ct ? p.,sir .i, ia ■ ■ mo- rat., platform. Ip;, ■ th- mon--.v question. Secre- 1 ■ . - "'I denioci., ■. part: x . t! 1892 ’. £ tin -■ ■ " , suo-.s- s. ii 1! tlm- e could t iin 1896 Xnd ■■ 1 ok- Ing i i. ■ V. an which to win I < iin; oi;; . ’ :■ d- : i-'.-rnile p. :: ■ adopts ! T.. . . t populist party They i;; it ■ de;, icrutie I. wis not; t Lva - pop..:,- .•. Ti>< aid it was Jack- Si.'.tiaii. It w :. 1 Jackson was a goid -5s indard ’l'imy said it was I-ft er |s-mian. It v. . • : -t. .Jefferson is mi i . ord gilt they i. l!:- «'r< coinage of silt r gr t 16 to I ami on that is.- io E’i'.c • as o w; t-i I. That plank was re- I a ffi t med in I SCO. . t ha i >t been dis- Vowed. II- ! apologized tor ®3.' is now an 1 tendered by tin dem '.nil party t ;• a much as it was in I 1896. The fa t • i’ Ims fewo : - jrl-nd g'Tcs not exempt it .rein consideration dj addition the e- I i-ader of the dom i. party. Mr Bryan, now as then. : e infiuentiii ' 1 itly declared ' om< ;. - oi' tlie St er issue won !betl .- paramount issue I the near fa tin • ’ — —, Splendid Double Offer. JESOTW ED O L-/X.553 CZ. EZ KL_ 9 Eil IS C="OF7f OYJL.'/ SS.OO U ~’’e Weekly Constitution SI.OO •The Inland Farmer (Weekly) SI.OO $2.00 Now divide by two. send us the dollar and have both papers for one i year. THE INLAND FARMER. The largest, most influential and most substantial circulation of any Weekly Agricultural Paper published in the South-Centra! States. Sixteen to twenty-four pages, weekly, it is subscribed for and enters the homes of prosperous people, ar.d is at once influential, forceful and This is a subscription offer right It is put on for ninety days and must bring results if we continue it. Let your orders come promptly. Remit by safe methods and address orders to THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. DOWSE GOES TO BOSTON LEFT GOTHAM SECRETLY i Nev. v... k_ < ‘ to' ■. r 19 When John A. , I’llW'-- opened 111.- .-■ com! ’’’gilt s Ist* eting i in Madison Square .lardon i’.c faced an I l.nm-n.-> throng; wiien he closed it his i audiem had dwindled .> only a few . hand:- I t • ; ;.< " ' he I i: mi tlit v, Illi 1.0. i f m -t. He ’fretted, sum-d. t lir--.i i<t • :. .a.i- !--d and family r* « Tied to th- it.-: *-f • thets. his ■ l,<a:-rs whi’.. !< ing the ni< ■' 1 inu. I several liv.ndr-d t-m-lmr. drowning the 11. had annoi:. .-. -I th it h-night Im , i i i. ii h-o it v-i r- •. a'a d. to I.i n f: t lie was .’'Eil i.’.h." ami al.-.o that he ... ,>... ... s to .-ay to tne : m ..sp.-pi rs and .r, .!■ report- rs. His tai.i. , w1.,-m v. i ; inter p. , s“d w.lh se',<: .i. hymns, .it ti’e- : wlem She trmip of tl-os-- • :x,-,. ih- bail m-.’r. than Ills vom could overcome, t d< vol. 1 chit ti; ■ i ,;.mitn- m; urn of i-.l .i- .m smokers, liquor dr.the ■ ■ ami v- pap- r n'- n. all o; whom iI. ...... as "dirty dogs. ' m.d "duly Pa-.khurst tc Dov.i?. ■ Th.- Lev. In. i lit.rie., 11. I'arkluirsi ; ~.mU . . h- fonowing op n i ter to j -j do not want to b< pre.- lining. but i if it is any mor.- pr- . umnliv in i .■.■ to ind I• y :■• . larifj you llm n .; is '.o: you io com. and trt 1- clarity • .' cw Y''lK_. . ml I .1 .!, t know wh.-m of .s- has I: . -11 th- h. ivi.-r contra-". I .-■t.-m .-oiii s-: vic.- at Madl.-oii ■ Harden last - tening and I went d-'-r --mineu io enj'y it it I could and to be ueneiitc. by it and to go aeay and re- i lui som-- -if tu- eimig.s i lad ■ ali'-g.-d against y.m. Bat it was I -i no us.-, your behavior on the ~)at- lor.-n crus.'teu .viry .urob oi sympathy 1 had ".tin you. 1 nev.-r heard from a ■ pub 1..- si... .k. r such a U.sciiarge ot . tier . vest ,at wrath and coats., ini. -live. I ' weal io iie.ii you pi a.-.i lie gospel and you pr-...C.1ed , ouie. /-.on Cliy. stiUK po..' I i was of you and almost .isiianied tu lie m x oiir audicm . Ii was ■ a long w.i; .. . .ii ih' .-i.‘ oven ot ' ll.e eir. ■ is l .ji.-.nd-d in tne same g-r len. I tie only coiisolatuu 1 (oind .. rive was mat it was s. tmom : and ’’ i n beyond the bounds >f | tn-- i espoei a bl.- tntit even those in your | eongr-g.ilion ix I, . did i. -t km-a what ; i iir.s'.i.i’iity is would have no idea that , it had anything t- do with wh.i, you 1 were sii'. Ing. <>l e'otrs- . the rl-.iienlous- ness ot performanci was only en- : .in -I ■ tie I!iin.> Hsity Ot your pre i ICn.siOils. If you -■laiin-o to be on yay I ordinary man in-r- might b. some uop..- . r even with what you call the rib:’,bit th, T:i:.i.l is u.-.i I :u< ■ ■ nig ;nd an discriminate as. keenly at . Hie J-.-. ; st between a prophet and a ' higgler, b tween an Elijah and a mounle- "I -,i- tills in :... spirit of anger, but I either •" I ■ id is : w sted or your he-rt is mL ■ ] r you have blun iered ’ adly in -.o i!- m- thuds Ymi cannot bully people I Zionism nor bln -k.-rii rd them into th. >■.: ’.!-m In .-.ven. ' Prophet Bowie Flits by Moonlight. Nev.- York. i). :oh*r 24. —Guarding his movements with al! p. sier.-- v, John Al xand r i’.e.v' "Elijah t ..- !b-.-t or.-. .” Is': N w Yolk at midnight f-‘r Uost-m. • .rrx g .■!' hi- farniiv and baggage with him ' tn" Ills prix;.to car 'L b- dut-Iy declin 1 Indi. ~to . > . in y way whin m i will ;.. this .-;-y. imi the infor | mat io:-, obtained w..s that Im ’■ : i■ to sail w it's n.- f full..- ' A m-t dia. i Up in an ng at tl Bowie and i l.i. fii'ni'y nmd" fo r th- private car I-i --! kim-o. wii: !> w.:s in :'m yard, but bo- f< ro.iei.iiig it v. . ,-.ppr--ache-I by ri rep . -ntati-.> •■ ■■ . asked when Iv- -.V -.ld :• a to N.-w ’’ork. ■ I'- ..m to th.-- ." w. hh only reply. Ye f im i - -. bit when are ■ -1 - o.ii . -b I ---I the son hu'-ru I I:’-. into -he --ar. . q!ii -k’y l.ill-.w. I with M‘ flow! n >. 1 low:.- ’.ml • l-llv w-'r 11, ", . m tb ■ ti.i ,s V.- ■■■ ; a’i -1 -1 mm. nd ex---.-. att>inm n.a i> [.r.-xa-nt -l ! s- Dowie in Boston. U . 2-’. ’-- A,.- . .. h r ’ ■ ' a i . ... tlu -.. G t -to :e DowlC. ■■ I- T’ ■■ >-.:ri y .;-o .--I i earl iage ■’ xx, i <lr:v< I, t th- am bin wharf. . v. .1. in- I by Mrs. St- rn. t’o- Jiriv iti r—T. t.-.ry :.. Mrs Dorie, and : ]■ X- valet.. - 1-...11,: -r of new: ri'.per men. wb > had r-aihr-.; at t'.m .'o-k :. 11 raet.'d th' at- , t' t’.'ion of Mr I K’-wb-. ami Ir- gave an ' ii:i -rx •’.X Will, ii he --aid tlp-r was l ; li d ai.out his coming to ■ ,i.-. . bi wif. trip to Ans- .;-I - id Im. ’ ex ent had 1.e.-n . ;.. xx.-. losing ii ,thing ■ 1.. ■ : • ■ New Y.-. l, today. : - tlm In: i im - in . had pr vl<’• •• 1 i I i e.inlinii the n- eti'm-s nt A’ id ... s.: .r- gai :--n ;i-Pi November i," ; lie C... 0 0,-1. H: :■ inni ■; N.- ■ inker 3 i I -mi; I.oid , ii.' :. . -i.- . In Uarne- gi- hail January I, but that lu should go bv ;w e oi th-:- I'm iti -i. in the- - urs - f the . b i View 10-la; . !■ wj-i S' - med - d'-siroiis of being Irmad" with ti:r- rer.ort- I irs. II- r l-rrcj to th.-;n "ilie bovs," ATLAXTV G A., MONILYY. OCTOBER 26, 1903. I nd - .-•.■-■■r , 1 ■ ■ ■■■ ’’ ' I tildes t-'.r them 1-- lake his p'.iotogra: i:. 1 1' , w.- XX ' • I id o' 1 re;, r -a I '.l I t" ■ n published I'm.i im ■m’mid'.i to s.::l i "itb >” ' ■ * 1 ’ 1 ' j cru -o.d - I low.- ~ ... . with I l ■;..., . u i imi b .. ■ ’ i'.. r- .-.:or* H , sai l that, it hat X’ r, n > • • ■ rl. • x"i- g t’ Is i'rt r- Zionists o'l E'rct’r'iion. , New Yo-k. Bt - I Z - - I.- in- XX, n’ m ■ n- 1 ■ i j . -ion ; -om.-l 'I - city. ; Tl:. . w. V- -v few loi ' r . I r.-irl- mornl:«g m .-ting in tl, • M- , G <- • rs< er ■■ ' ■ • ’ I .1-. I'S.-C-I Hie au.’i- e. tl • ’i I 1' ’: , l-ov.i. !>-n I’-’ -' •■'- m • ( i’ .’ |r . -enl nt U ■ car!" no’ ’-in.: t'«- ■ ll’-1.-l 'W. lie-mix Sheriff \V:,'-!a - t"'.i r'-.-fVed 1 a-, all:: '.'-I. :-i ''or 51.0r.0 mmin.’i i' ' 1 erti - 1 ' Ah xandi L' in favoi ’ of I:-.'.. :t !■'. Uli-my. of Wmie I'lai- . I N A' xi - , r ], j- is a n attorns- at \\ h Plains iJ the atta 'hment . - said to be ifo- 1.-:-iI s-rv’ee ren.'.'i-.-.i in 'lf , .:■ ■■ ; of J. L-.ithcr T'fm-son. a form. - Zionist. . j who wm= ■■■.- -ted f-,- a’l-.wlng hi- -m’l-’’- ~-r to di-- pneiirr '.mi wltii- i n doctor's i-tten-lnm.--a GROWTHOFNAVY DURING YEAR; Rear Adm'ral Bowles in His i Report Shows Additions Made. Washingion. Oetoi-'-r 25 ■ Jtcar Admi ral Bowles, chief of • b !!•< .. ■ of ■!,- s;ruction and repair, in bls annual r-p-.rt I ■ the ■:<•■ > ■< to t v of i’p. navy, revi. xvs . at length th--- pr cress mad.:- bv this g ,v --e: ment In navn) construatjan .: _: It show:: that tii- f lowing addi tions have beem mad, to til-. . ffe<- i-.e for. i of tlie navy during the vear: ; <»m l-attie ship. 1 ur monitors, tu.-lx- | j ti'ij --.lx boat ua ' ruyi-rs. cm torpedo i I >it and seven submarine torp-do boats. | | Th, list, should have Been Jncreits'-d ' by two battle ships and live -’--lis-ra tb- ! i r port states, but owing to strik- s ami ■ i " her cause- t!:-lr completion w,s ; I lay.-l Th- report -.--.e J- | : of pregr.-os of ve-t.-clr. -;-.d«r - ..iistr’i thm i 1 the pre.-i-r.t time nt- son: ' ;ci -■ raging .--.dieati ms f <• .-np'.ei i.■of ' : many th. most important c mir.i- .-. : I - m-l-b red as -i w.ii:, the pr.,gi ' - ;r ,d<> curing ti -■ last m- al y ear ii is been j | y. ry unsatisfa- : -ry. ' .-•neakliig c.f b.i.ti ship I'mitir | : ent. which Is being, milt at a govern- I m- nt yard, and w. imi ia .. sister shin i 1 ■ ' the L-iiiislaii i. m-iiig built ,i pri- ! vate com | any. th r-per: sax - that. I mtiiongh .-lightly behim! th.- l.otilsian'i. ' ti- progress made has 'm en w. il up t , j tl.. prexi-us av rage of contra-: built ! ‘Better I-!-.. ;• •• is for the deliver-- -i ■ steel mafr’al and ii-- com- I ■ pl.-ton- as ar.d aceura.-v of the plal ipon I : whi-h th. ships ami tbo-a s ;b.-. qm ntl | - m-tiioriaed arc being built furnish g.-.od . ’ gr-.imdi- for b<-lie-.-; ;g timi tlm t.ilure ! progres-: upon tm-.e 1.1 t.-r v s.-e -v, ~ I I ex.-, i mix I. sull-; li're .'f ac i.-it-mb d I | and that the e.impir ti >:i of the hull am.l . . n . inety will not d* la thes.. x —ls i . b, yon.l iln- >■ miract p-ri ,d. ! 'Hurfng t! -- past y,.ar delays in th-- ' delivt-ry of armor ■ ■ . d .• .. • ■ i mi: I: armor is now .... hand In -Ii ; > : yarn, in advar.-.-e ~f the lie- hr ! ; Imild- rs "i:-■ lill-a-:n capacity for the production :ot oi-ket t-i.'l prot.-. live d.. k plates . hm b,-en tie. enu.-c of inadequate: dc- ■ liv,Ties :o :!ie *!-i;.bml '. r- and I. m em- j b .rr.i-se.i -.nd their work t -a considerable extent in the past 1- is slat-’d that the burea'i's xv.-rk I continues to be cmbrirrassed bv lack of ■ I!;.■.•■nt ill ' docks of eai-.'i.'i'x su.i- .1 I to tl:, dimension;: of battle ships and ■ lirst-cias,-. . rnisers. i A n icii ’.-> the report Is a complete 1 list ot ail the ver.-el- in the navy, w : a I ( orate liata c ,::■■■ > ning them, also, a ; st:mu ary w.ti .: slr.-w- -!;- r.- ar- 232 vi I ,a th.,- mc.'y fit for sert : *e, 25 i b inding iici 23 '.."ibt I r sea ---rvi,-- Ves i cis lit so: ;. rvi-. . limse under 1-I .st-cla.-:-- l.ttle -'.’.ip;:. 10: second-- j bat:!,' ships. I; arm- rc-il cruisers. 2; ar i mured r..m. I : .-ingm turret harbor ,ie I f i-. monitors 4. d-.uliie tin r- : m- uno:., 6, ! prole ted rui- .-s. I+l unprotected :i I < rs. 3: gun boats, 12. ngnt. .trail g.m b ■ -.-. 3, ■ . mp-isiie g'U.i Omits. 0. ir.-u. 1 ir.g ships tnavaj armdemy). sliea’. ii-m. I, ! <-mi class (Doiphlib S'esuv ms), ... gnu ’ b -.its urul- i 500 tons, 21; imp. oo 1.-. at lie ! Sirov- Is, 16; Steel torpedo boats, 29; s-. , ‘ marine mrpec’.o boa..-. 8; tw-uien ti . - ' p. d - mia!-, I: lr- -i cruising vessels, sii-um. >5; wood.m c-‘i. i :ti ■; x. ss'de. si, a in, 6. w-'Oi!i-:i -..iiing vessels, 4; tugs. 39; auxii 1 mry cruisers, 5; converted v.aehts. 23; 16; s' ppiy ships and h ■ bill ’4 1 'I h” following arc vi.der consi rtici io’i or a.uthori - <i: i J'i st-ek>..■ battle ships, 14; arm-.,,-.-I , cruisers, 8; protected ermls rs. 9; guj , hot,r !■ r great lake-, in " begun,, I. , ,m p .'lm gun i -'ats. 2; st,- I t rpc-do' I,- at.-.. 6; training .-•lii’-s. 2, training hr- ;■. I, i-E DIFFERS WITH CARNEGIE. Redmond Says Irish Workmen in America Are Not Happy. I London. October 25.—Sneaking at Kil- ■ larney today. John Hedmonil, th- Irish . lr ider, deel.ared the time had arrived to i start a campaign against end.ration. | Ono ca :s.’ of emigration that ought to | | bo removed, hr said, was tlie exaggerated | prospects held . ni. to Irish boys ~n,; girls I if they w.-nt to Amorici. II- criticis.-d 1 Andrew < .'a rr.egi. 'r. nt sp. . -h at \\ t<-,ford and sal-1 the poorest laborer in Kerry was happier than the majority of Irish workingmen in the Unite-; States. KPUBLIffIS USE® Iffl OUTLOOK. : Situation in Ol io, JI tssa. il'itcetts and Maryland I-Tot .T-hi.-.ouraging to ' Roosevet.—rre- ident A,:;u Concerned About Great New York Fight. I , By Jos: Ohl. '< \\im -,n. I, i (, l'<-r 2-1. uSp.-- : < ■::•! , S: <a '..;m in t-’.i-ee s: . i.-s X> l. -h :a- : ■■■■■>:■:. ■ ■ ■ ’ :■■' mix- . ;■■ m.■:- i ’ ti..- city amp m ir, N- -,v i ■■■ ' •' ab- , tb- .'lenti.-:'. of th -i-l.'i'im ia- -, -n'.- p -m: ;-I I-. dor- j Th >- is every eviden-o of deep con , - :u .v-.-r the r. in uh.o and A' - ~ I eam-erm. v bieh ou.’.li: (■. i- ox rwm lm- ■ :r;;!y : ,-'.:ld > -m. ... u ■ I ; in Marx . .-. i. . u -lie . I i. ire. illy about ex -u. \.- tor I tb- light f >;• - at;--,! of the cilx o v.-w i .:k. ti. whole pux.-r of adiui.., t, .- :ion I l.m-k ~l 11:- fn ti ■!; • i.i u r who’ll fl’ l , ; -.i’lix-inism T'.'n I'.att ■ and !:ts Tien hi: - - ■ ;.-jm-I. , Tin- pr-’s’ has announced tbit he will i-o to • st .-;■ I: i , vole :ml in :< • <tx p-. -ii l -way im- made .1 plain. I that iiis in-art is in ths .New York (mill. H. ims ah.■ -.-!■.■ .b- non-tr.iled his m-tixe po!it: a| in . . est -n tlie M iryi iml - -n 'test by g, tting th. republican Laders I fr- :u th.:: 5:.,1, ■ vc r i.- ■■ ami pr • a ly I di.-tatiag 'b. plan of campaign f. the j white h-nise. Roosevelt, the Politician. ■ Tl •rt l» en a disposition ot the [ : part of ,m:ne | ,>1 tii-ians t" critiei?.- I’res- ' l-b.-at ft-a.-.-v. It f-.r his taking . dive 1.-liaig, ~: a political cam] sign. I-’’, these | , ,-nt : . fora ' t .>t th. I’.o -■ x- I- -,l to day Is a very pi::• • liv.-i> politician and not i tin ROusevelt of the civil scrvl - , uv I period. N , i an who " i. - ■ m ti. al 1 ■ yew of (,->: tics w il ■ ri'.i- is. tl:-- |,rrsi , d'nt for ,:i\i-i'4 to his par y I M "■.. and. . or any'.i. ■ I ■ . al! ■•!' the ' an - •• in : bis power; that he i goi::;: It • ids ' way t . give this ai l is in' :. mg solo'y . as 'eviden-e -' tile d-< ■;• eon.-.: ■ which he ;f.. 1- m tin M:,ryl.::..| . amp Til.- rc ! piibli.mns tlu-.. are 4 a great deal of talking ah >ut the rtainty of ’ ele ting thei: man Williams governor ■ oid of sending a i |.uhll. an ■' the sue- . I cessor of Seiiafm Ab”'.,urns. :1: is evl- ! dent that their • J.< n In direction I hav, no very gr.-.,- w ;■-■' •' t-ast. tn tile minds tlm .-. I .mm'r ’.on poiltl- ! ei.ii’s o iti !• Al • la: 1. | Th.- |>r.’ id. nt s Int. r- in th" Maryl ind I Cont- st n .-ix in s irn.- .1 :re.- be aff-' -t-’ i I by the ..el:.-f that if ' • d-m - rats win, ; S«'N Goi-'- 'i: u:!’. - 'A- ()*■:»• • ia t • I ;• r *‘l>- ?-• < >!.;• • aad ih * j id.ait 1.. it - i’l b v th" • s;:-.|,o ■ . i -■ • nominal";’ | im. i:i nv. j idgrrn nt. h->w<‘v« r. ■ tHi i. verv litrb- li.i, >• wit’n I lions \ .-It v. ‘i-. i a min b yiex-er in m.- .di stm: . a. 1 hi- : - 1 . ' tith 'lint ii- will not i only be man nat.-d mu . d. lb- has ; no V- : -. great faith in the claim of Mary- I I .ml , ... :; mis th,, th- > c.-rtabi to ; th.- | r - t L-J- of • mlminmt, a : i..n h- iv. in: th.-i: state in the republican col- Why This Concern Over Ohio? ' [; p. ,-x. . • dii -.lx- di'Tcult n: a .li nn e ;to ' derstqml wily j: is that the - I ..I-: in - .it stat,-. Wild members of j tile , ,it;-i am! > mi-i.-m . •■■ :it',rs from I al; ;J- -t •':■■ C-• l!;tr: -six- : -'en bur- . i ri—'i there sp-.-ak in ■ ' of the re- i p::t,li -i tick.-' .1-..- of S-mit .r llanm, in K' L:' I ho I" -,f I S n ■:■■•: ll irnm and ah is,.! Hi none -.1 ,1 I'- - ■ . <'o|.,:>--l Her- I ri. !■:. tim n.pubii .in i --m n-., tor gov- : Ir. tii-n t. th- •,,.!> . um. rats : li- V- • ; . T- an J .... V. l 1 :: a Iby Hom 50.000 to 100.000. tin y .! . : !--t S-< it is pos-inlo I ti I-.- of I sue!, a .--tit. I- illy ti. I -gi ’.. I .1- . | blit lor ’mm r- i-- .11 or of ii. r the ' ilitu | . all for ,; -os-lam - . -ml th-- ;.i si- ; -I- ii, -.1 th.- Um-- I Sm- - 'mis -•:> :■ d . .fet.Mfe;£• : i I -■■-.llors mil ■me r. - s.-n-n iim \ e 1-. ;"d - 'll: t■ ■ 1 Iltio gi . ■ - : • io t I supposition 'li.-t th*’.- -.ill regard th-- Old M ' as th- ! -1 ! trout of j th- lr party. ;ml ti.<li.i x an •'- •■ for future fa'-o’s. It is really -i ' -ry hand some- tribal- to the strength whi h llan- I n i has m the . x lll - repubi: an <■->!- I leagues t ■ ■ i e..-workers, ! Massachusetts Does Alarm Them. I ti,- r ; itdi- r.i; ar- genuine!-,' | alarmed ..v.-- he -indiJnns in Massaehu .- tis. I In' tariff qu- - :i->:i lias ut such i a loot’d- ,a: m; i:- i:. tbit --immunity 'th it tii- r-’public-in I- ad.-i < fear the • d-'-n.0.-rats nr, making - in ivy inroad I u;m:i til-- :■ -t:- a.;th. Th- :■ ports re !c ived Uy tb repubi: an s.-.-it,- -ommlt it. ■■ 'how fan a'-.;., ml G.istm.. . nio.-t a th ' noniim-e so: ~.,v- :m:. ■■■• in - to begetting , tb-. sam- hold irion th-- p- : ;>le of the I stato as I.Govern.,r Billy Russell. : xx 1,.,s utitimelx' .1- .- I i mi-imi •' dly cut r off i national car. er. The 'Tree raw I materiai'' :-y r iis-'-l by Um- detnoi-rnts ini ' , a very ;o;- ar xlcrnand in Mas sachusetts. There is lit.!.- else tn tlie (-.iiiipaig.i ..-M-;.: tin tariff issue and the dm-rox-rals hav- the pop Uiar : id.- "I' tha I jsstli . Il is bceam tiu-y r. aiizc this that ton I lepiibli,. nude’.; ar. calling loudly for I fear tint unless ibis present trend Is ‘ Stopp.-d. Ga.-ior, will el'-.-md to the ’ gi.w rnorsldp; and th'-ir fears run for i ward t" the .-am:>ai;-,:i of next y. ar when. i with ,i r.itie g- v -rnor and u demo i cratic platform making prominent the ’ .: uia-.d for reasonabm ami sensible tar ! iff reform, they feel tiu-y migiu not b<< table to k ■ p the state in retiubliean I ranks. Possibilities of 1904. i Should Toni Johns.m by any chance be jObeled g-'v. :-:|,-r of Ohio or s'novld tho l def. at of 11-inna come as a result of fm ' I' mm!-.- m. rlie siieetacular ni- yor of | ('l-vHand. O)ii-> will have i candidate fo,- | the demo.-rali,- pr -.-mirntia! nomination, i ;,i 1 In- will. ... .-nils--, b- tii present I , andidat-- mr gov rnor. • Should Ma.-sri ’-.-m tts ,-lo •• :, demo- [iT.iii- gov.-.nor, or should the republican | majority b.- materially reduced, an -Olney iioom will follow Immediately. A d'-rri" i- victory in Maryland will almost i- vii.-ibly r-milt in the Gorman boom for the pr-’sid'’Utal nomination. TROUBLE AT YONGAMPHO RUSSIAN AND JAP QUARREL Yokohama. October 25.—At the confer- ( hel.i yesterday between cabinet min- : isters and the old. r statesmen of Japan. | when the Far Fast risls was discussed, i th.-re wer., present among others Privy ■ Councillor Yamagata, Marshal Cy-ima. i <'-,..:.f Inouye, Privy Councillor Count. .Ma,-Ilk da. Foreign Mn.r ’ : Baron Ko-' mura, War Mini: ter G.-ner d Tearauchi ~ d Ba. en \ amamoto, ainist . of ma im.-. In addition to Minister Katsura ami ?.l iroins Ito. I; is offi-i illy reported bore H ’gh- , pmd bi... - ■i-.-.-ia: x- ~t' the .la:).!- , 1,,..... legation S -mu. K ,rea. ami hl-- I p ; r :v haw prevent dby th- Rus j limn landing at Yongamplio. th-W- : i: -I. ti, pirix p.-oe i a:id l.and-cci at , Winju. J. .. me-.-,, reports of a vi: ii. to the al ;ti YonMau. p*n> ar. j tn th«* (lie that th"r e vvas a uierc. i RUSSIANS HURRYING TROOPS TO THE FRONT s- Pot rsb ;g. Oc'mb •- 25.- d . S. at-. s I - rimi- : ".a I Ag--n t M . M La tig Imrm- Is at present here on his way rack . to Anierie.' fro.n Port Palncy. 'lie n.-w port on the eas'-rn s-h-'ro of the iaoa Tung p.-nlnsula, about 20 mins fr.irn port A, - lie R’-” T - ’ '. r-. oi trip from Po: '■ la'ln.-y be <-oi:nt< d seven trail,s bearing R ssian 1 01 li< r gain-; earn. fn.iney is r.ot progressing " -- -.1'".: to the x-om a- i 'i’l u:ent. t..-- ,-■ nainmg N- ' ' twang ami : j'.ot Arthur. The latter place is tavored . iiy \ I'-eroy Aiexiei'f. CONFERENCE RESULTED IN NO FINAL DECISION London ox-toner 25. According to r->- ports received here. ■— -■■■nf.-r.-n-'e h. I- Saturd-iv ut Tokio i-etwo.-n cal,met r.m- ; i-t.-r- and I--r state’.n-m o. Japan „,. result in .-my final <b eision. H umb-rstood that Barm. Von iiosen 1; •i; 111 min: -: er to Jaia --. has re. c v , ...YYYr-Y'YmweYfeh . . Ministei Komura it is . - that a ntajorit y of the -I pa-' '• >; ~Y faxure-l adl f'Xiid , ,„,i; . tin;; t'.i it It’issia should fuitill P her pledges with regard to Man- • r , ~-jo on tl - gr-uimi that am- eompr-,- !!!•<=.; would only postpo;,,- and not avett a contllot. RUSSIA ANGR i v ’TH THE UNITED STATES 1 nndon <> t -her 26. -S e- ial dispatches ffem St.'l’etersburg . K>o«'lng :'l-f. ,'mg in littssla against Hi- I ni’m I . a ] England mi - emint of tho s I ■■ i sympathy of t!r--e eoimtnes t- ' )a;,.i:i. Tim !■ b’l ls expres- .-i-,n in The Nov-- Vmmya. wlm'li, m . . nting on tho de -1; ion ot the Alas ka b-und.-iry tribunal, sn .. it hopes that .■.du will now sever tlie ties connect ing it witn lie it Britain. >... j. x .■ ■ -bra.- - .mmins n belh.'ose'.iig the expression that >.,t'ior '‘.real Brit tin n-r tlie United States will It.tori'-r- . ;ml Russia was novir het: r pr- pared tor war. Tills pa per urges th:,! ■ ..,n ha 1 better be crus h<-.l w: t limit .1 la y. RAISED INSURANCE ON THE JAPANESE T.!vcrpnol. Octo. 25.- 11, Hoving that -.-.■ i-- between Rns«la rmd Japan cannot 'or .- be J. lav'd ti,o m-irii: ■ underwriters to •■-■■pt war ri-ks on Japanese .- -a.iie- s. ev-n at tlm t. nii'.ing pi'ice of Russia Openly Against the Treaty st. Fetersb :::-. O toher 21.—Th; N. ■,.: >!. ot Pi ■- Ai.'imr, commenting ■a tii- eommcrcial treaty between the I.) 15,:.. . - i Ci :■ d #:■> s that 12 ■;■■ ■’.'.? ports In Alanehuria to !'• : S , - -t: idc-'i strikes at the ! ’ '• Russia': interests In Alan- h:! - ■ 1 ■ ? I: is convinced th..- treaty . wii! , ni- b-. :.-tlfied after material modl a'--,.. . s it affects part o. tlie t-r ■:;my which, by virimi of existing r-?- ' , : or-, i. not fi.-o «o long Russian .- m>- an «t:id< rstanding xv-.:. <" i legard'mg hr rights. ■ M iv- Novoy rlak adds. "In iditi ■ t-i ’■ :■ present oeci:pati-m Rus . !-,., ■r, . :.-tl treaty relations with I 'i.uiu i - gui ding tills t- rrltory giving her ! right i -.lild r -.ilw.-iys and guar.'.n :. - - :... simitar provisions will he , gr ■ to other's.'' State Department Not Alarmed. Was! i :gt ■ . <> •’ ’-or 21 State depart it -fl---’- nr- .I'-'-ot-'.-d to attach i--i'-- c". de.:. . t - tb.e -.-• ports that come ” mi, th-- fir e;,- t of purpose -if Rus . .. to .1. f. -t tlie opcr.itlon of t!it> netv .■ r --.: ••• - tw-i-n tlr I' Hod States nr,' 1 t’himi so far as it r»-iis to file opening I f pmt in Man hnrln to our commerce. it . pointed out that the reports come ■ In a r-iiiml- iliout way from sources which A" i . , de<iro to <-ale- ft 1 Stat ■ Jp: sin. A • an net of courtesy and in • View ..f tb- ILissinn -'ons.derablo Afan 1.-iiiilian !::t--rests, a draft, of this treaty . ~ .--Ign tar:- was iinotrii-ial-y stibmit- I ;,-d to tin- Russian agents in China and j by them eomirmhi d with the Russian foreign oHi- ■ Throng!-; entirely reliable , -.iime . the United St ites was assiiie ! : tha' tlie tr--aty was not oJi.jcctp.nablc to Hu.--. i With tlm complications then l existing in sou'li'-rn Europe engaging her ■ atleiitiou ia addition to the Manchurian I and K-.ri-aii problems it is understood I that Russia was very glad to come to tern with th- United States on a basis I that ’ m,‘ involve the sacrifice of any -of Russia's political aspirations as to ; Miinch uij.i. ■ The Unit.-4 Stales government Is en i ti:--!-- u’i. :.-'d that the Chinese treaty : wi-,-1, .--ntiiiefl 'ey the United Slat s sen ; me will s -u; ■ the objects aimed at. : !i:1 . :. t " opening of Manchurian ports ’ io Am r’-en commerce on even terms witli Rins-i-ven assuming that th,- isl -st,: ,; -:,t ' and the chief tor- i' . otli • I'on-'lm!-.' 1 n secret treaty he ! fore tii - , onsunimatTon of the Chines • ‘ Aim : ,•■'m treaty as reported In view of i tlie i. - t that Russia made no objection lto Hie latier convention the I nitc-i St.,:- -■ governmeut could certainly bol-1 I b ;1 ( n v...' not impaired by any pre ceding . ■ ret agreement. It. follows that tie- gov ermm nt would not regard any s’jb.-:. qm ut convention between Russia and China as surficient to invalidate any treaty in regular form with China, in ’ unquestioned snv'i.iin of Manchuria at i the of the conclusion. Article to Which Russia Objects. 1 Ta- full text of the article 12 of tb j coinmcr- i:il treaty b.-tween th. United I Stat -s r.’i.l China r- f ■: I to in th- dis- : pat.-!, fiom St. Pep: simrg lolloxv.-. ' t'h • j. .... gov. rnment. having m 1290 ..qci d tl--- mivlgabl,- inland water.- V.'s.-o s. ~.tix- or for ign. that in iv reg 's:,’: mr the piirpo-- .< conveyance of : |..-ss<-.n:.-s lawful m.-rcliandise, it u mm. Ogre ,1 the l hii- . gov, r:i:>,--n- L 7 " - -- 1 z.'-ii. . ;ir-- s :....! ].-,r.:L of 11, ' I d Si it. .-m I :l: ■ t!i--y may fr<-- ly ! • ligate in il o:, eoi 1 !■ ::n. with th 'S grunt- I ... tm- -oij,- :. of t’ldn , nr any ! pov..- I !:.-: vim.; roll, im: wii Ii Chin - I Chin., fii'-.- :■ igr<.-s to foster all such . »r- . . : ■ ■ to th >se already in foi t special pro- Japanese Engage in Gun Practice. Yokohama, 0.-tober 22 It is > rr.-i-t- ■ ly i.-port--I tha' th-.- Che k in tlr m-golia tions is dm- to to. Japanese dem-'md for equal railway- rights in M.inchuria. but it is bell 'ved that a mor.- serious diffi- u'.;y exists. ! The feeling of pop i. -r unrest is grow ing. 'I I'.'- asiiat of Tokio announced to day that ~ pi • limlnarv mobiliza • ion o:-.let had been issued to tin- tHlrt• -i:tli army . division. Though this was MTi ial'y d- - n.i- d. the report .-..incld.-i- with mm-h op’n i preparations against con:lng. ncies. • Thirl.on vi'-eis of th- Japanes-- squad ron are engag.-d in gun piacti-?e Off Sas- ' vho, 25 mil s from Nagasaki. Russia's Eastern Squadron. St. J’.-lersh irg October 22.—A request j of tin A.-ociated I’r ss today fora :"Ue ! men; from the foreign office indicating i Russia's posi ion in connection w '.'h the Far H is'.-i':, qu stion f only '.lie j nifieant of a less reassuring dis ; patch from Tokio T!-- newspapers here say the Rus lan ■ I’acilii sq-i idron cons’-ts of lltty four I warships. In. lading six batt!, ships, eight fr. St-ciass and five se -ond-elass er:ii;--rs. ; seven - ■ agoing gunboat: . two torpedo : cruisers, two tore-do -r insports and. i tvventv-four torpedo boat destroyers, hav 1 ieg ,n ..ggr. . ■' 750 ..ffi- > it J 13 - .200 men. 1 iiere ar. now on tho way to the Fat East two battle ships, tl e» first--’;;,s? , rui- -rs and el-ven torpedo hosts: -,f vai'loas a:.--s with 164 officers ' and 3.284 men. i The N-.VO- V I -birrs that many of tl,,- most itulu nt:-I J ipanove ; -leers I are s-jbsidlz-d by Americans and Et.glish ' mon. War Dogs Held In Leash. London. < ’tobe: 24 In a isp '! t The Paily Mail Hi .yorres:--mdont of ’be I paper at Yokohama --Iterates \ r „. October 19 that tht R - are V -r-'W ’ anil d--<-!:ire' that today he had nith; ntf r Information i that th--. I'.-av- 'Uilt a fort ami a.-•■ ' paring to mount !:• ’ ' «tuns th I Tlie .1 govo-nment. Um- ,-orre- I sp.mdent'r-'mtimms. is conterring with j repres. iiiatlves of all Jap-ox-se railroads with , view to off- '"i-’g the rn-.-t sp. dy i m -billzatl-n of th- army wh-n this I b. -.rm s m- .'seiry. Th, Ti. n-Tsin -orrf sm-nd-nt of The Daily Mall says in a dis teh hat Japan I ha.-' w irin'.| China ' a ' ' :1 '" ' I 1 : ; some points in ,'iitm's.’ t-'-rrit--rv if Russia I faj) 3 to ev icuate Manchuria. Hereto! re I tho uml- rwri*. r« at Lloyd's have taken optimistic ■ ■■ w of ■ ■ - - : Far'Ea-- Since yotord.iy imw-ver, ZWEOTS* ©OAFTEST. Closer? October tfs?, f 903- T&e of Contest ar& Very Gratifying. („ j,., . i Th,. Constitution ofi.-rcd S3OO forth., r simmer work in prizes of SI 00 "SSO $25 •■ :•■ t»z - - S!0. .v" prizes of $5. ’. •’> prizes Ts 3 , -.x , ?'. r ,\,mS'’so 'Th .'...; w.t.- upon th*- 25 <•. nt offer lvr iimn-t I Os th., list:.- took a immer sumvriptmn as tlm umt ami j 77 ■■ I’nt-r- th. t appear .-pposih th< ag.-tr's ntm- w. r*> «r- lon t:. 11 i e,■ . Th«-‘ list <»! ■ ’-it••-<.\Tl agents cont.! a a bia *'- .. J .7* , . ‘ ■ e.I a ..mnling to the terms ot tne a ■ rmm fmm.l <■!.' m-. Since -bat offer of October Iwe have made an a-- Pi-i > offer I,v Which w- will gl-.-.. <l.mbl. th., amount in.— n off-re-. « <•*< 4-. ' ~ ■ ~ n ■'..-o„ ,■< will b-ma The < 'on st 1t •. tim .- mailing list up <o 200,000 :r i "'J; I ,:',' n " th . rr-A.t -mm -i. whi-1. K alw.Umr k -ml i' ■ ■ :";7.,. :: ." .. '■ ; . : ' ■■ turn..' The ontost tisn w - _■ - .' J - I - 1 ' ' C( ?P l ‘ '' '7 ' j • t’l ' ■ ottmrs emmsh s ;■ - 7:7./ ' . . 1 | so that all P'-.>otosm.\ <...« ■’2 . ~ , :1 ,.... r ..m .In; not ad;yis tn b- lost i J’’”’ . - , ' i names property < ntt red t i t w . tht rusl >f subscrip iom i give bel.wv'tho priz- list of agents showing the number of subscriptions j and lti<- prize.- av. .< ru- 1 j t Jfje Prize Agents: , . „ , C.orgia 2.940 SIOO 00 ’• 1 ’. '},• ‘ ~;. 1,092 50 00 „ . f r w ini . • • • • A: . ■ m;i. . 1 .00/ 3. Jt .1. V\ i. ; in„h.u,i 667 t 0 00 4 John S. < linom v 238 l 0 00 5 11. Tl. t.oodwin •• ; ’ 218 10 00 ! 6- y: "• I ",' J. rg: i B 4 5 00 I A ( ‘ l ”’ a Wlh‘ " !n 130 500 I 8. <■ I . V. M.. .i . 145 500 ' 9 ‘ L'/rAu : 7. 77. '. 7mt . ran.lina 118 500 I •' : }" aßaa .-U 7■ 7 .77 7 ion 300 I B-iinS. p;\7m0n7. 7. s., an .. ..... 97 300 - " , ' , ; .:::: I: w. P. - n 89 17. Miss P ■ nit Glover I £8 18 I h'.mh 88 000 9 M t. k-tn v '' 40 86 300 20i H.-my T. King X ; m h . h.r linn 83 3 00 21 I ; I H Irn1 rn I . I | oo The Stoeknmn . . ~ ' 6» 2 50 04 1 j { p..w. rs Alamnm .60 250 I 25 Bui ('..vimrtun Smith t'.irolin.i 60 U W. Imi.l.m V ’ 57 2 50 27. Jerry t? 1 h.r ' «* 55 2 oO 23 R. R. L'uvis (.t-oigi,, o 4 09 W D V.onre . . • - Soutn ' ;:.r"ii:i’i. 50 30' J.’S. 8.'.-iami Smith Carolim. .... 50 250 31 S M. \h. i nathy T- x ■ 58 2 50 32. I>. L. Brvin Missi-myr 46 2 50 1 33 Bell Ta vim- I mii-mna 44 <. 50 i 3T E. M. Eag'm Mis:- s..ippi 44 2 50 I 35. 1. T. De l.un» Xiabama 42 250 | 36. John II t'all.tlmn "mm 4 j 50 j 37. L. 1.. Datis Mi.mis-ippi 41 2 | 24 PAGES. | I’RICE: FIVE CENTS. CALL IS ISSUED FOB EXTRA SESSION. In His Proclamation the President Specifies Cuban Reciprocity as the Special Question To Be Acted on —Text of the Call. ; Washington. October 20. Tlie presi irfent today -ssu-d the following pro.-la- I motion: j ’lv til-- Pr sid--:it of the United is. Ly I>l' laination: I \Vl’.- by resolution of th' ■' ” : r-t.- ~f March 19. 1903. tie- approval ■' r r- -al comni' i ia'. eonvefeion between the United States ami th.- "I Cuba, sign.-d at IL, V ana on I mber 11, 1902. is nec< b -'ore the said convention 'hall t::K . tY-ct; ...... : Ami. whereas, it is importaiu .-, ' P ibii int.-:. st.- of tin- Unit’d Stat, s to ; ih.-- raid I-Oiv entio-.i b- ->me operative as j earlv .is may . e, i Now, th-t.-for, . I T’i-.dore Ib-v'". • i'- ! pi-suleii: o! the United States "t Ame.- .. by virtm of th- pow.-r veste-l in me by i!:, : coristiUitic.m '!■> hereby procat'.n (and deciare that a.i extraordinary oc _;asi-,n r.’qn.r-s the convening oi b-na : houses of tl,-: congress ot th- 1 ni,'-I S it'-” a' their r-sp- live chamb-rs in ■th ■ ity of W ashington on the 9th day (~'f N'.,•.■•ember next, -it 12 o'clock, neon. th-- -mi that tney may c-'ii'i-l : a:’-- I d-tt-rmin* wbetner iht approval o'. < . congi'-ss shad be given to the said e'>n i vent ion. All ; - .sons entitled to a t as members o: th- tir'ty-eighth ingress at • i- q'tir d to take not! -of this pr .clama'.iou. Given under my lrin-1 and the •> o, i-n- United .mates a'. Washington. '■ 2O.'n day of <i '--’.i-'i. in the ■ >'■ ' 1 Lord one thois.uid nine hundred ami . three, ami of the imim -of t m.- Lnited Slai-s Um- one hundred and tw-.’t-- ' I t v-eighth. ... TH !-b )1 iORH ROOSrA i. Li ■ By 'he I’"' blent. JOHN HAY. Secretary of sta’-’. ; tile insurance rates to 'm' Fr-r E-'.st. .c-v I .-ring -ill if u .’.r l- ‘ ‘ I H.r- ■■ months, have be- n -1 ’ ;• ■]■ .. ■ lent ' 1 i Soul .ables time Um Britis , ' ■ I J- -.' ' - ' ' . ' : as a I,tx P -rt la ord-: ' • m’’itr.,l.z ILiS-yX'lusi\’ -’HDin. ' The l<‘B>*3ii foTrigi mhiist*' i t -i., a-n . i .... -tlin-n’. s-- to , ~’nplv with then II- „s,s'" , .it:- mr’s in •’»< dlr-'Mlor. : are negative 1 by the < mp; i or. who. in a ! fileting ‘foreign -i- i.M’i-i, s'.’tts J';;.".’.?/,' 1 any proposal. GALE ON THE BRITISH COAST. ’ I/liidon. October 25.-A heavy gale Is i S'.v--er-in- the coasts -,f Great F-' it | a'n an : v> > is are running to port for i shelter. i -ormbus Yard- rhilt's jatch. North Star, ''.ipt -i'.i Simpson, from N-vv York , ~-t , ~-r 16. lor Gteem - k. S -'-tfiml. Ii ': nut into Queenstown short of coal. ’ The Red Star line steamer Ftr.l.i’i- Cn - ain A’' r. -ht. which sailed ti'hn ; Ar.tvv. p last Satnr-Ia; for New- . ork. 1-as ai-lv- d at Soatnampton tn r-.--. I She will procei d after making repairs to | her st- gear.