The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, October 26, 1903, Page 18, Image 18

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18 WORDSOLPRAISE The Following Indorsements from the Press, Financial Institutions end Customers Prove Not Only the Great Merit of the Kellerstrass Whisky, but the Company To Be the Greatest Distilling Company in the World. KeJlerstnss Distilling Company of Kan (->ty, Mt\, the propriet '• of Kellerstrass Whisky. have one of the mast com- • '•‘■’oly equipped plants of the kind in the v. ...r. j. They m ike the whisky, bottle it, pack -for shipment and s-nd it direct to the con ■-:u'T without ever ai having It to pass through lc hands of the u* aier. i’y this method of ‘ <• riling the company ean guarantee its ui;i ",rrn quality and flavor to th*.- consumer.—St i-ouis Republic, Nov. 9. 1902. KeHerstruss Rye is the best-known w hisky ui the world. Every town and hamlet from end of the country to the other has its •zular patrons o; the Kellerstrass Distilling Company, of Kansas City, Mo. The phenom- • nal success of this company is due to the merit of its whisky. They are extensive ad vertisers, but we know from years of expe rience in the newspaper business that unless I an article has real merit, advertising cannot i make Its sale profltable.—New York World. < Nov. 5, 1902. The delicious flavor and the purity of Koller wtrass Rye |» proverbial This well-known . •.risky Is made by th** Kellerstrass Distilling ■ Company, of Kansas City. Mo. Millions of bvt -I’3 of it have been sol-1 and nut a single ’ .u. tonier has ever » xpressed hi'* dis-ntlstac- » tivn. This u a remarkable record and cer tainly speaks well ter the lilgi: grade of this i famous whisky.—-Chicago American. Nov. 8 1902. A st iking examtee of the wonderful results produced by modern biter*. <■ methods Is the : Kellerstrass Distilling Co., of Kansas City, ( Mo. This company sells whisky by mall and • las thousands of c«:i-turner* residing in nil a arts of the country —New York Journal, Yov. 4, 1902. it pays to satisfy' people it this day and ; • t . The merchant who .sells on the ‘'satls- ■ action or money back ' plan and adheres to it < . triedy. Is s* i*i> m h»*ar<l ’• complain of a ecarcity of business The KrltensU.uis Instill ing Co., of Kansa. C'it? . M 1e- fully 300 - 000 customer.”, every one <4 whom It claims i*. f-atisfir.j. Their great suc.‘*is under these conditions If not s • remarkable after all.— i MmnvajhiU.s Farm- r.- Tribune. Nov 7, 1902 Tiie devrl »pnvnt of the ir.all-or-l'-r business • u the list f< w y trs has b'-en littl • snort of narvulous. 1* is • *w /-disc to ouy and sell ; ■linv-t anything ou ’ .*• tnZi-rte plan. The* Kellerstrass Distilling Co., »f Kansas City, Mo.. which has ;*»ng >* n famous fur the parity of it 1 - v.l> •’<■ hno ud'-no 3 the plan of Hing dir- o? t < *. •.risu-?fl<. Th* business i ut tl-c company hao :--p< I un-1 th»- cutiro f atput of its distil!*•’•?• H now sold in this , .i’ ... 1 it t .*• : ■ *',jruuni *« are » ■ ■ ■ ’ - ■ ■ n! " ;< •at X'- cut f.- tbc K‘i>rs-rass C'.’inpany j \ M srn is. No- •i ucr 4. I&02. ■ • tra-'; Ityi I-. Whisky of the i !«'. ll- r tra, - !>>•-.!.-r ,r < ' .yanv, of Kansas ■ ';ty. Mo.. Is knov. t ci. : ■-! by mor- pi-ople ; .in any otli-.r brir I < :' whisk' "s wonder- I ;*•; *;; ’or *;v 1. - , i: ■ t- Its ;*o Mil’- *-uri’v and | l; • d fl i’-,j In r to • *.••• I u.y pos- | bitty <>f adult * h< -I. r tri>- Com- 1 to th- ■ n- : ...'ll.ntf to <loai- •••. tin i* r any dr s* c:r • > They guarant***. • <• qua'idy of th*, whisky, and will refund i 'i* a-y tn co ■ .t *1 r ? -t p: v- p« rfectl.v sat- ‘ ; t‘>ry T. i* it i « J th**v • lalrn l« proven th- fact that •<.!»<• «a-mpi .. I>.*£ *>xer 325.- ;00 .■•cuiir customers residing in nil parts of <•- I n *•'*» Stu’ . and -'ana-la.—*Burlington > iu.vke;.«, Nov. 18 1902. ! I - e ’:tv. M, . I »:t.‘ U 3of the f.o t that •- '.l Tills S to? K.rih n;tr.- --s Dlsti'nng .-.d.iti-m for ... i-u’.-t: its whisk? Th:.s vv .in- ho s f.,.1% 300 000 • .isium-r and ; whisky tu r and Teriitory In Um :i.—H • .. I*, t. N v 4, 1902 n '-> fllmlr.U. : a-;- i -.* u • and thd x•’ ; n iltm; ti 0.1 tw-te Is to 1-wrr ■ .!?;*• V. J. . ', j. .■,••• r 4 n | r IPy. Tills t- an .abstract i-reposition that n cone? liovi’img ,npof Km.s.i- City. This r. turn; ou‘ 54.000 «p arts -f '\h’sk: >•- *:.r> t. - ::t $75,000 .. . -ar. and :t !•* r.t sl6.- i JCO list ... i • A ycai a,g-. t! < aTi -iiii’-? i :.l dfcs .'<> I- b- b:e« Mr. that It s h ss ind l- hiy • ]:•■■• •• ». .n. *. g. joq2. , ’ ■ .■ ■ * -I tj- •>!..- li< It yy, h : ■ kou. ;; ’ '• V J It? .!• t < • tltn - ;* .;, Nov. 4 1902 • ca?; thus niah- .. i.u *’»-r ; r<*f * That th* *• ■ Kt ..* • ’ .*is< |>|.-. r- mpau . . ctt,. Mo . which '• !i • ■' d - *..ah-: • pun* This :-4 the hri-: u.c : , -Oir< i r - \i. 7. .902 Th* : gt-a W.-f sh-'.a , k . 4. ’* ’ t;iv L-.1. t .no •-. r. •c»rl-i d :r-?*« o u. ;. o : uii dou>it that np n ar;.*'!*- • f nuti;. ;r s • ond* • f re- ■ Thi- wL:.h b‘.-’-l In C;ty, M-. a grea suc- < • by l ’he i..;f*.'r g-ai- widsky ;•/. • 1 ■’• 4 -ui.ged *. *r tht* :n*er‘nrr ■ I - .b. G./t-ttc. 16 1902. at< !ktv r --.nd J.i u:7> - : ?.•:?. v *-f tb -:(e «n J ; !. . y ‘/'.hi that ' ’la - ;*;u v ihey • • • Nov. 15 1902 r. ...-.rH-i..-. N. Y. J.. 20, 1902 -K*-!l. r- •: p.-n-1..: -• Gom'-ahy, kin-. s City, M*. ., 10-y< ir -Id Rp, * un* ail rUht, and *- ?.‘re l>* . t v»a-. :.y I :.-v* u» • i in a long line •’our bottles hold a full quart . nd if nny man aunts a flrrt-rbi- aitl-b- h*> will make no mistake in or i - ng f vcj. Wb<n I nc< 1 ...y more whisky you will ).*■ ..• rm* agsin Crlcnds of mine who k-nvc .-cnplt d y *ur .•hts v claim it is superior an> < .h»r bran.! they ever used. Yours truiy, U. A MILTS. fSberltn, Ku>, n c t. 3, 1902.-Kellerstisis . r» filing C- npany, K-rsas City. Mo: Gen- I .j •r: / r*tn toll y-ru that the whisky < j•- - $20,000 GIVEN AWAY! I M Absolutely ralJ « ——W W Pure! | Miliions and Millions of Bottles Sold! F yno masks on 1 Not One Dissatisfied Customer! C if PACKAGE ■■■■■ |A JR TO IKDICATE M I“ O Kellerstrass’ Whisky | I E‘ tel For Less Than $2.35 a Gallon ] 1 S Balti |7g| Read Our Special Offer: j"™r| A Pl It?" DIREST PROS a UKBTE9 STATES RECISTEREB DISTILLER T 0 CONSUMER W : W SEND us YOUR ORDER FOR IF } 4™S“K“-™!53.10 ?’ And wf will send you, / s '/?f£T OF" CiW'zS/?G<C, two sample bottles —one twelve, one iiJteen F'7?;k rou to try the We also have this same brand eiffht years old, which we will disp e ... 1 A at §2.50 per trallon. in lots of two or more gallons at one shipment. We also git - sample b<<- Hfei t,cs * 4-dass and corkscrew with these firoods. All our are nut up in fnl. quart bottles an-l sent express prepaid. If (foods are not satisfactorv, return them at our expense and we w: ; MONEY. It d. almost impossible to K et pure whisk-.- from dealers. V F SljOOu.Ou \.I C I\ tTZZZZ.... 7717777 “ t /t M WM i ™ E AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK ~^o f /f | OF KANSAS CITY, MO. | fjf FlSni^^' l liirni ::^te S=sSiSaSa:a ‘ ' =====^ I Nov. 4, 1901. fcb-J ’ te | To whom it may concern: £ ®W liffiKlWW rbW-’- I Thia 19 t 0 oertifv that the kellerstrass distilling k Ww i COMPANY have thia day deposited one thousand dollars f vM ! (Si*000.00) in Gold with us, and authorized us to pay it to v ] W I one who will prove that there ever was, or ever is a drop $ '? Sos whiskey taken out of thsir Bonded Warehouse, located ri«ht w <’,..7 lat their United States Registered Distillery. No. 22, 6th g r/ J ?Wi !i ' :;,: '^ ; bFte4WrKTM ¥F SQrH n ■<' " i District of Missouri, that is not absolutely pure, according to % f 4 ' IE.AKWI-U . | Unlted states Government inspection. g k ft h M |fe .. .teywgg -Fl -dgl, Z 1 G>i t" --v'l tel A‘l XI y-M’tek ♦V A ;* -O/I) I *» «'*« •uUionze .he above >-»«»■ '» »«>*'■** «*>»-» •< «*U and .he «:n- mir . co-itt. Uv -i rod L W iglM-M Ido ..>• do lu.l .. «. edvertu. W- have o,er v cu „™er, in «h- Um.ed W .U. which ..... .. . 1 i I- '"."4 H*ii! r■ ■■' ifeWj: IWSg&gSk";’. ,if 1 1 blir <•.„. whisker «ii» tht-»n«* «>» The above ofl’er h«» etood for nearly tw« years, but the money is Btlll H L-te'iJ i;■ 4 >b. ' ! j h'tef 1 : k.®'i c or?/"* IA I want 20,0'10 people to try our Whisky in the next 20 p' ; F7 I WBl SPjCGM L days . and te going <o spend $20,006.00 ,o get ,i,is - / r* te H -'V'" jte-teiH number of people to try it. fiere is our proposition to readers oi this paper: ft \y-' One gallon of cur TenWear-Qld Rye and one gallon of our rnghtWcar-Old / b *H|y. Ryc iVOu/( f cost vou 55.6.5. Sene us 54.65 and this advertisement, showing r ■ 'il/W- 1 lfint y° u read lt ln 1b s paper, and we will send you the above two gallons of J ’X Whiskv and four sample bottles, two glasses and two corkscrews - all ex- ft \ ■' press charges paid. He do this in order to get you to try the goods. / i | ‘-nsriLLEafcte-tete " ■■■■•- ft remember, thib is lf&s than per gallon, and we /-• b ‘i hVS. will mot ship more than one opdeh to each person. [ A ;. ""ft 2ft ft REMEMBER, you must mail us the whole page advertisement and your | I I 2ft b W/;fNAy/7ouse/n4mer/ca. You know us. We have advertised Vvi ?•'••.>!; uX ; RUA !?<M j n this paper lor years, but this offer will never appear again. READ TES- Uftj V?I iII KaISAS timomals in the column to the left. yd . - SB n 7a||l & 4 s » i Kollorstrass Bistilling Co, C \ KELLERSTRASS BLOCK, KAHSAS CITY, MO. K h'd C 7 fty: yftl REFERENCES—Any Bank or Express Company In Kansas City, ftj 1-7'l NOTE-Order* from Arizona. Colorado California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada. New Hexlco. |W J I I xi-- in tn in fl T| W Hi-,-, ,jiiip* The above t nn are so'e owners of Reg stered Dlstibery No. 22 of Hie <six h DMric<- of Miss a. . When writing lhem please mrnlton The Atkin a week y Constiiu ion. ceiv> .1 fro-ii .hi >- thv whisky 1 have w< r drunk In my ’.!!« . My trh nds declare also that it ia th? b* wbieky they hive ever drunk. You c’-rta;,'!; ;•••!.' upon getting my trade lung •• y.-.u xhip us the goods you Iva shipw-nz :<>r the past tew y.-ars, Years truly. MICHAEL SILVE-8.. Chandir;-. .din--. Sept. i 2, 1902. -Kell r- •, 4i iss Distilling Company, kani-ue City, M.».; Gentlemen Ac - .-pt my thanks fm your prompt ra-ss in iwn'Mng my goods. lam v,ei! pleased with it and will do all I cm to recommend you.- goods to my friend? and neighbors, ,m 1 THE WEEKLY CWOTTimONt AT.MMTA. GA., MONDAY. OCTOBER 2<s, 1903. : you « tn m> name in any way you » • in ;n» u:the fame and name of youi good.-, i ; r- thei" r no question ‘but what it is th* best •• ; n ’ purest whisky that we have over hid in ’ this Youss truly, JOHN SyUfiCK. i M ipifsville, Aik.. Aug. 30. 1902.-Kr-lh-r- ■ Stra.-a hi.-tillir.y Company, Kansas City. .M » : \ In ar Sil- J guess you thought I had forgut- I ten you. but 1 never forget a good thing in ; Cdi and winter, and I herewith give you an | efdcr for the gallons ».f your 10-- ar-<dd Hye, i it ie the- best whisky we have ev< ; been i • hie te get hold of. There i-> no uof y.»u i writin; m<? any !< H.-r;-, as y ii will always I >ld my trade as long as I uetel any whisky. Your, truly. (». A. RL'SSMLL. ’ 3'll American Nationn Bank of Kansas City, M<‘.. S. j- 27, 1902. To Wh<..n It May Con ! -.* rn; We take pleasure in recommending to [rh busino.-s community the Keik-rstrass Pis tililne; Ci.nuj.i’iy < f this city, of which Mr. i Ejil Kelhrstrass Is president. ■ Ever since they >.ere establi-hed in this city • tip y ■ iv>: transacted their banking businees i with i..--, and ho have watched vilh interest I :’ie w »t: 1-erfu! growth T tin ir business. : Their phenomenal surress is an unfailing in -1 uie-ation of Integrity, knowledge and indofati l ga.ble energy. V.'e have given them permission ’ t> use our bank >s r* i\.r<-nce, having answ .• >! : many inquire s ab< ’t then-., and there is nm I a single ease r ;.ort«’d to us that did not come ' up to our recommendation. We wish this progressive firm a-hundant <>ue ' c -ss in the iutur<, to which they are certainly ! untitled, and, n<» ■!■ übt. will obtain. Very truly I ours. I*- , Cashier. i Traders' Rink cf Kansas City, Kuns s City. |M<*.. Sept. 27. 1902.—T0 Whom (t Maj- Con- cern: I take pleasure In stating that I have t u several years done h;i..lnes with the Kel hrstrass Distilling Company, of this city, of ' which Mr. Ernest K'dlcrstrass is pn-.-unnt, s.n 1 that our relations have most satis- : f ictory. Their credit standing is first-el iss, j <nd -the wonderful growth of tib-ir buslne.-, ; curing the past five years is abundant evid* uec of their square tedings with their customers. Vuuis very truly, -I. R. DOMINICK, I'r.oldent. Ark.. Sept. 17. 1902.—Kellerstrass Distillin * C- mpany. Kansas »’itv. M • *. G* ntb - men—l desire to s-a.v a v«-rd in fa\ r of your whisky. 1 have b*s-n using it for uear’x thro • yearn and 1 can truly say that It is th? most delightful and invigorating beverage tna: 1 have ever drunk; for purity and » v vlleney is unsurpassed. Before 1 begin using it I suffered greatly with general debiJtv. but sinw using it my health is greatly irnpi ved and mv farm work has bec. in-.? a- Yours tru;}, W. E. XVI; c.'l > I -‘NI: Wo have test menials lik ■ C " ■-•vc iron* over 200 n ’•< and over 50.000 cu«- t micr.-.