The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, October 26, 1903, Page 20, Image 20

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20 ALL THE NEWS OF DIXIELAND CEORCIA. Little More Cotton in Elbert. Elberton. Ga., October 19.—(Special.)— '•he cotton crop is about gathered in rome places In this section, it Is being marketed rapidly by some of the farm ers, while others are holding back While >ne crop is nearly as good as last year, s 'ill it falls far short of what a crop should be. Just Missed Being Drowned. Augusta, Ga., October 19.—(Special.)— Miss Florence L. Tucker, of Atlanta, had a rather narrow escape front drowning at the ferry this afternoon. J. A. Fclot, who was driving, lost control of th'' horses, and could not stop them. Tim 1 try boat was coming over from the Georgia side, tut had not reached the Carolina bank when the horses reached the water. Seeing they’ were going right into the .1 iver, the ladies jumped out at lite wa ter's edge ami escaped injury, but the horses walked off in 17 feet of water, and as they went under the approaching ferry boat' came over their heads ttnei both were drowned. Fruit Growers H ive Grievances. Macon, Ga., October 20.—(Special.)— ’.'ommittces of the Fruit Growers’ Asso ciation of Georgia convened here this morning at the Hotel Lanier tor a con sultation with Hon. Wi liam H. Fleming, tiie association’s attorney. The association is preparing to carry complaints it has before tin- interstate commerce commission when it convenes in Atlanta the latter part of the present month. Old Wheless Homestead Burned. Augusta. Ga . Octob-r 20.-(Special.)- The old Wheh ss homestead, how the property of John J. McCarthy, ot Ihe Chronicle force, was destroyed by fire nt 5 o’clock this afternoon. The loss above irp insurance i>' about $l,lOO. 1 lie t ,a •’ was afire while M.Uarthy and family were at r. • Harris To Hang November 10. John Harris, murder- r of Polio man . Hans I>rasbaeh. of Xtlanta, was t ied, | sentenced to be I. n.- b. about six found guilty : :id senteno d to be , hanged, all in ab mt .is h rs last Tut s- ’ day. The date set for the hanging was Fri- | day, November 13. b"tv. 'en the hours . Os 10 a. m and 2 >. rn Attorneys S. i C. Cram fended him. arc. im-. d. b w ver. that • they would lilt a r o I 'r a tn-w ' at once, anil it th- me lon was uenled | appeal the cm--- to th suprem. court. . At no tun- o’ I H.i.ris a-nv his guilt and both in his nt d - trial and j-'ot b- :r- nten-e was toss. -I hf frequn-ly ;- i• -d tin- words: I , wish to pl- of amity i k- 1-d him." His i attorneys di vot' d fin'r i-,1--rts to aver- | diet of m.-ins,:: aybi'-r. Judge Lumpkin h.i- granted a stay of execution p-.-tiding an app< al to the su preme curt. - V..’. • made before him in Atlanta la: Saturday. Rev. Sr.'C’k Sent to Asylum. It Irburn. (la.. < " .her 20. -Rev J. R. S;iO''k. ; e -n; • J- I '■ Add'r h.’ibt 1,-ft • : th ■ tfiernnon for the i s >i:i:-ir. t:n .o M : : edge wile to take ; '' ft ii'w be. n k: by hi? family and I friend, f ■ - .:• • : h-altii was ; 1 Hur..' , . . .'ffect-d. First Frost, nt Buchanan. ’ 20 S| - I TA- j o ,i;. a fi.iivr T’:l in this county I Found Cnmps in Good Shape. s.,V.mb.i’i. (I:-.. •: .20. .(Special.)— I ( Iff. :■ C -H > H. V • . At! mta, ; s .-ri-b.ry "f tie -t.-.r- pris m emmis- I t • w • ■ . -■ ting the con- • -1 tb-ii. its ■ st.-bll.-iimcnt ' G- : > ' ■.-. a i' -—of Sa van- I Fairview Faun. v: W * ■ " .- i- 1; D Tat mu. ■ R-.-k Item--. >■:: cd or. ti; farm. From T.d'inf.- eh..;-■■■ i ■ !. ..rd the dis- 1 f :,t stard.ird - ir ■■■tron seed : lir'.wt’i he'' ■■■■ :: . last . igllt j r . when ton i ■ : ■ ■ b-1-im ss here, : Tie- w.-!] : : cats and I >e .ri-i; P”rp'- -irnw V. it have also . Mr Ta: ;i:i ■ -mtaiion as a i e ■ Mr. I 11111111 ■■ - : ■ . t to introduce ! •. - K f fl && teas A'”'A 8 fi \S bea OW 1 -\ CAN BE i Mx k CURED Lil O' J' l | e=-w** ’ /. Hero Is a message of joy that will i I' w lßra< ? Ww’ brins ■ i ' ! "' " 1 "' to thon ,ni ’ < ~f hear, ~- ' I: 0 WwW®‘ '' tbat wi:l S iv “ Dajypi to thosi who now ; . 1% T - suffer iron, that gri >.,•>« afllletlon-D, a s- I V \ ’.•... ,'A .■: /' - nt>s - ■ ln ‘ < a'_ V iWa<• —H * s the posi.lve statement of a detl- j 5 • ’k £? >L>wSi. <?A •. ". nite fact. !)■ itness can indeed be cured, i ■ R $ \ ’■ • a- ree-nt w db'.tl and scientific discov- ' P t’.f 5 V; f ’J ’. erics have proved. The World moves on J. fe<l' '. \ \ ' nt o.iy W.c. - -In knowledge. j n jnven- * ■V’.'i'c $-•,«' , on, in wealth, in go .dness—but greatest • ''li n» ’’ J t! in new methods for curing what. k\\ k\\ ‘ , * i' a wore considered incurable diseases. Day W-,', ~< ,'/' > >th and night the most learned and skillful \'vS>- - z 7 It'S ■■>.v.-i< are studying the causes and •.?'<■■ 'j )Jf ires of the various ailments that affect I ■ b 'dy '.nd sadden the heart of man. A' last a t.-hnigr. more painstaking or •• "■ more learned than the rest, has found the 1 cure that m<nns salvation for countl s., suderers. The <■• m .... hit i.’:. s haw for y.ars been dally studied by Or. E • .■,■.■■ His heart has often ached over the un- t ■ . :. of ill that thoy wer< ■ ' iffeeted him profoundly. He j . that ip .. ■ ••. •I: w< .' : not be compete unle.-s he could say to the deaf, • ■ . . 1 It i- now with the deepest pl.-amre that ho does say it. ;. .•■ It .:.S hi ' grateful patients re tlry. In the f illness • ..■ 1,.'- <«fs ■ t > persons ailhcf'ed with deafness, rncr consultation - 5 H•' 1 ADVICE, , {{■».■• kng have you been deaf? i: :• •• • -5 •■•■' . • ’•> D>rn aiid n* rv> y . rU v , >ir . s . j. ; tj&mp -.veatT.l v; . i .in’ll. ■• y-.j.;;- (•,-.■ ?7'«> of cuarg! i> t , y,, u have pain in the ears? nml gAv > '1 hi'. >1 <m T »<» y<>i» have i)--!e-vs in your ears? ji. H< -a-..: ,:.■■■■ : x t n;.» Li>’i I l ’, y-.rti h-ar better in a noisy pla<ce? -. . y. -v;.; <1 , >t !>o? >u h r./ a «lis ‘harg»- from either ear? ,t . n (i :?■.!;< - sirnpiV vour <leaTne>'s com- on gradually? *. v-.’.-t • ; jour d v.fnoss worse when you have a ** •-■ ’ ‘ ' '• v imr. . • , t, lF u hoar »ome sounds better than n-* c ,l. J•' ir'• sun >r 1: in I ‘- ifn .« •; un v ~ e ‘ ■ ■ 1 ’: ' ' •' • ’ ’ ]v, •. ,uy «i: .-■ crack '■ ••• u Mow your Hu.; .' 'ls -f p-.r >ns. form rly deaf. b‘?:ir . g r -f.t f’.l fc : tiin' ny t , what, i ?r. Sproulo o - ‘»r tn-’in Tm v .ok a<l\ Answer the above questions. ye? 4or n<>, . ,f 1 _• . (•' \ ..K : ‘;, y In <r. and write yoar nsm • and address plainly | Y >. Io L’ ;g i ?. /: V. •; . • t » him >n tin ..edteti (’at out and send t>» J nt ‘ ! !'. Sproub-, H. A., English Specialist. • ‘Graduate Dublin J._\ '•} J I’ ni versitj’. fornuT- !y Snrgt on British 1 Kojl Naval S<tv- A DURESS i' r ’- 6 to 12 Doan. St.. B'.-ston. Ih- will give you advice 1 tree. i I into Campbell county, modern and im- . proved farming Implements, which have greatly accelelcrated the development of ' the f irm. From this introduction of the latest machinery farms, have multiplied ami the yield has been noticeably in creased, and witii this a better condition ill tin’ health of the rural communities : has resulted. Emory Seniors To Hunt ’Possum. 1 Emory College. Oxford. Ga., October i 20.—(Special.)—In accordance with a . unique custom which was established i here som ■ three years ago, the entire ■ : senior class oi Emory college will go en ' ‘ masse upon a. 'possum hunting expedition : next Friday night. A call meeting of die V.'S held in tile college chapel this : morning, at which time al) arrangements , f.c- til" appro-iching event were perfected. I'rofessor Frank Clyde Brown, physical | director of the colb-ge, and James Park | H -iirmh. of the modern language depart- | , rm-nt. were unanimously elected as repre s<‘us:itlves from the, faculty who will bo : invited to accompany the clasts on this oc- | ■ casioti. | Big Blaze in Macon. Macon, Ga., October 20.—(Special.)—Fire gutted the main building of the Brown wagon factory on Cherry street, between Fourth and Fifth streets tonight, entail in-.- a loss of something like $35,000. The main building was a three story brick fronting on Cherry street for about li:.> feet and running back something ' like. 200 feet to an alley. In it were the offices and an abundance . iol mat. rial. finished and unfinished, i Alongside the main building is a two I store corrugated iron structure, nearly ' twice the size of the brick. . The tire was well under way in the rear ' of t.he brick when the alarm was rung . in ami but for the hard and eili :■ nt. work i of the fire d.-partm-nt the entire blm-k would in ill probability have been swept , away. Offer Little for Land. ; Hiawassee. Ga., October 21.—(Special.) i Mountain land buyers are here looking aft.-r timl.eied lands. They are well I pic.-ise.l with the timbers, stii’. they are. . offering but lit fie for the lands, owing I to th- fad that they are so far from i a railroad. Four Distilleries Destroyed. Hiawassee, Ga., October 21 .—(Special.) I’nited States Deputy Collector Hinton. ! with J. B. Johnson and posse arrived I irnre i :st night and reports the seizure of 'tin-'-- .arg.- stills in Rabun county yes . terdav. and the destruction of a fourth , dietilh ry. Harris’ Wounds Prove Fatal. Barnesville, Ga., October 21 .—(Special.— i The wounds of Yaden Harris, who was i shot by Toi.4 Bradley at The Reck Sun- : pi >ved fatal, and he died at'the borne of his mother in this city ; ea’iy litis morning. His body was buried ; : today at Milner. 11,- leaves a wife and several children, | b.-ing a man of about thirty years of j It. is claimed by those interested that tic shooting was accidental, arid it is not thought that Bradley will be prosecuted for it. ’ I Youth Fell Under Train. Macon, Ga.. October 21.—(Special.)— - Walter Owens, a youngster of 16 years, i whose home is near Dublin, fell under a I moving tram mar the Fiftli street cross- . ot. tie Georgia Southern a *! Florida . railway this as ernoon about 5 o’clock, ami laid im I" ’t leg so badly crushed th. ’ ..mputntimi may lie necessary. 'I here ' was. an ugly la - -ration ot the loot about ' th- instep, while the bones at the ankle joint w. !■ broken. The surgeons, who . '■ ’were call' d in are hopdul of saving the ■ ■ im-mb r. Ow.-ns had m arly five thousand i i dollar: in his imcket when he was pick- ■ I ed Ul ’’ __ j Forty Years for Burglary. S.'.vannah, Ga., October 21 .—(Special.)— I i tVilllam Waiters, a negro who had been ! dubbed tile “mysterio is burglar,” was ; I sentenced to forty years In the peniten- I tl.ary to.lav on two indictments for bur- j ' giafv He had committed many bnr ari v h. re before he was finally wound ami eaptured. Many ol ids robln-ri.s ; V -, ~t tie- resim-ne" of 1.-e Roy Mey er , which was raided ajmost nightly. Student at Athens Stabs Another , Athens. Ga.. October 22.—(Special.)— ' This astern on at 5 o’clock on College i' : I'.-nm- Grove MiConr.ell. of Cornelia, a member of the junior class ot the I ni- ■ v-rsily of G-orgin, stabbed and badly womui. i .. young boy nam'd .lack Mal- ' thews, a collector for the real estate office ol joli . T An !■-.' -■■■.: ’-1 itthews was cut i under the I'ft arm am! the bra.-hia! vein I was s<" <-i '-d He came near bleeding 1- ; d- ath b.-('oso hi could g.-t to a doctor, but i v. hen the f.livsicians finished with him he ■ right ex for the los of a i gle.l t J- 11 of IJ. >..>■; i ” M'-Cor.n-ll says that Matthews had been i t'-lli.-.g a y "trig lady tilings that im was I cimrgT-.i witn ; sial a’lOuT h T ami —- THE W EEKLY AT.MKT.A. GA.. MONDAY OCTOBER 26, 1903 that he went tn him and denounced It as untrue and slapped his face. He says that Matthews followed him out upon the street and struck him with a heavy stick and that lie cut him in self-defense. Dragged by Wild Horse. Moultrie, Ga., October 21 .—(Special.)— J. A. Bowers, a prominent young stock d.aler of Moultrie, had a horse to run away with him yesterday ami received very painful injuries, lie was driving near Autreyville when his horse became frightened and ran witii him. He w;is thrown from the buggy and one foot and 1 g crushed; lie held to the reins and af ter being dragged for a hundred yards finally stopped the animal H.- was too badly wounded to help himself lin k to town. His surgeons say that h" will recover from ids injuries, but wi.l bear the marks of them for life. Wife's Brains Were Shot Out. Vilia Rica. Ga.. October 22. —(Special.) Claud Smith, a young f irmer living out near Wesley Chapel church. 3 miles from town, acetoi n .ally shot his wife’s brains out today about I o'clock by ear. lessiy handling an old shotgun. Mrs. Siniih is yet alive, but there is no chance for )i r recovery. The couple had been married only two months. Young Smith says If his wife dies he will kill himself also. Killed by a Falling Tree. Columbus, Ga., October 22.—(Special.)— Near Crawford, Ala., yesterday afternoon Jack Crcgg, a farmer, was killed by the falling of a tree. He was loading a wag on and a tree which was being cut down by some negroes fell yo m ar him that one ot the limbs struck him. Cregg was in stantly killed. He le.ivi s a family. Center, Ala.. Ociober 22.—(Special.)— While helping his father cut taub.-r this morning. Berry Baker was caaglit be neath a failing tree and fatally injured W. C. Latimer Seriously Wounded Hogansville, Ga., October 22—(Spe cial..—W. C. Latimer, Henry Matthews. Zach lb Id and iierrnan Z.icbei y w tit opossum hunting last n.ghi, and, alter hunting till aoout 2 o cioco, tiny sio;qie.i to test, when Henry Matihews went to sleep witii ms pistol in his hand. Alter resting, Hamner went over to wane Matthews, when, in some way, the pistol was discharged, lhe ball entering lyiiimers abdomen ami making a very serious, if not fatal, wound. Ftiysiciaus have grave tears ol the result. Wild Deer in Elbert. Elberton, Ga., October 23.—(Special.)— This week two wild deer, a buck ami a doe, wore seen in this count;. Bever ly, and huntsmen immediately begun pui suit, but so far have tailed to bag th" game. it is not known How these ii« e' came into this section, but it is though' by some that they were raised in th" rn.-ar swamps. in another part o£ tile county a deer was killed last year. Johnson Named as Court Clerk. Macon, Ga., October 23.-(Spi-'-jai. i lion. Emory Spctr, judge of tic I'nii'-il Stales <•' un, named Tomlinson F. Johm -.m, a distinguished citizen of Savannah, as ci'-rK ol tin- ITiited Stat.-., court. Mr. Johnson is a. son ot in..- Gov ernor jleiS'.hm V. Johnson, oi Geor gia. Mr, Johnson succeeds 11. H. King. Youth Crushed Before Mother. Macon, Ga., Octo or 23.—(Special.)—G W. Strayer, aged 9 years, was killed this e\ening on Fourth street, at Tin-:-, whil his mother, who was in the buggy with him, c. isplng a ye ir old babe in her arms, was badly hurt. The Sirayi r fai.iiiy had been to the fair and had started home In the buggy. Immediately w- st of the Brown house urn lad, wno was diiving. attempted to cross tiie strict car track. H- was driving too slow or tin: car was moving too rapidly, and a collision resulted. Thi lad was thrown a- roes th street ear track ami his left leg was chopped oit’ above the ankle, whi.e tne scalp tin n from tiie right side of his head. Di. Hinkle, who was near by, was called upon, but notiiing could b - done Within five minute.; the lad died with his ct ished head resting on bis mother’s Girl and Mother Killed in Home. Jasper, Gm. October 23 (Special.)— Wednesday night In (Tn-roke- county, about 9 mill s east ot Jasper, Mrs. Annie Holcomb am] her I 7-year-olfi (laughter, who live a.loru-, were shot down at their home ami their 1> "lies mutilated by kniic wounds and in other ways. Inform.itton comes here that the women w.-re. assaulted b. fore they were mur dered. Mrs. Holcomb was found just book of her house with a bullet hole in her bt' -isi and two or ;hr<-.- deep stabs in In-r side made with a knife. The body of her daughter was found about. 150 yards from their house witii three or four bullet holes ami nine stuns made by a knife in in r body. I-?, id- ’.'1 1 Im- daughter w.i - trying to ese.ipe the terrible vengeance of tile as sassins in i was iveriak'-n and killed. Two nmn evidently are guilty of the crime, as two tracks were plainly seen about ’he premises and tracking tiie girl in her Hight. High Shoals Wants Road. Athens, Ga.. October 23.—(Special.)— There is a movement on foot to build an electric railway from Athens to High Shoals, tin road to be 16 mil. s in length ami to p-i• thm igh tin- towns of White hall. Watkinsville end Bishop. The parties behind the movement are prominent citizens of High Shoals and they say they are going in to build (lie road without tail- They offer to donate tiie right of way anil to take SIO,OOO n stock. They will also furnish the cross ties. They have sp-.1-.ti to several Ath ens parties in regard to the proposed road and they have received notning but encouragement. Cfficer Shot While on Trial. Savannah. Ga., October 23.—(Special.)— The oily was thrown into a turmoil this ■ -venirig by tiie report that a polic'-man had b: "ii shot and probably fatally Wounded while he was In for-.- .M,i.. -r Mv ei-s to answer cl'arg.-s that bad been pr-- sirred against, iiim. The shooting was done by Henry (.1. «’J'tw. an art mer chant of th" city, who charged that he liad be.-n unlawfully ai'restrd by tiie po ll, eman, (’hu ll's Collins, an 1 brutally treated by tiie officer. Car Destroyed by Fire on Sidetrack stone Moiml iin. Gm. 0.-sober 24.--(Sp' -—A freight ear in which there woe. three horses ami two men was burned on a side track I" tween this place and Di thbnia tonight. One of tli" men got out safely but the other is missing and it is believed that be burned with the horses. G -orgi > railroad passenger train No. 2-3 v. as dclay.-d an hour and a half by the fire. Will Meet at Jacksonville. Tifton, Ga., October 24. (Special.)— Th,, regular monthly meeting of the Go ,r --gia Saw Mill Association will 1.-’ held in Jacksonville, l-Tm, Tn -sday, November 3. There is a l;trg.- portion of tiie ns.-mci ation's membership in Florida, and the meeting Is held then- for tiieir benefit. Lumbermen Use Their Knives. Tifton. Ga.. October 24.—(Special.)- A ■ ■Utting affray <> -urr.-d early in tin week I at the saw mill the Gray I.umber Company, at Fineblooni, in which Gil ford Morgan was cut across tin- throat a.nd ba- k by a young man iniin. 1 Norris. Til-' illftieulty -iro: over a board bin. and Morgan b. gin tin .-iff: iy by slasli- - ing Norris tin- head with his knife. Norris, pullet! Morgan down on ; ill.-, lap and was i-utting him to pieces j when a friend of Morgan’s by the name i ol Bradlord knocked Norris down with Munyon’s Free Inviiaiion. T want every sick person tn send me I their n une and nddrrs* and full parth u . lais of complaiiit, with Coupon b<‘- ' low, which r. il! ontH! < I hrin to any one of m.v remedies tree, it 5011 li.ive Hheuma -lis:n, don't tail to send for a free of my Kiieiimat I<m Cure; 1 know it ui!J euro ?ou. if you suffer with ion or any stomnrh trouble, be sure and a free vial nf my Dyspepsia < ure; it will enable you to eat t hat you lik«-a nd all joulike. If you have a cough, send for iny Cough , Cure. I f your kidneys are out ofordvr, no j matter how serious, my Kidney Cure will prove a blessing. Mj- Headache Cure fctopsany headache in 7 to 1 <> minutes, IMarrlnva Cure corrects all bowel com plaints In a few hours. No matter what your disease is, write ami toll me all about your complaint, ami I will semi yon my remedies; free or you can l>uy them in any drugstore. Hi ’MON, Phila., J’a. CO«m P=>OFM. 1 ' Td’k coupon, proper!’’ tilled out. entitles sen der t* .1 tree s.imple <>f ;'ti\ of my remedies, and ; my doctor’s a.i . ice absolutely free. i r rue Address ' i iI I i Remedy Wanted ■ Men.: r A ' 1 ’ ; ■ fution. I an empty nail keg. Morgan will recover. I No .1:1' is ha c bci u made. Kept Wedding a Secret. i Athens, Ga., Ch-biber 24.--(Special.)—Guy | I Nich" -• ami Miss Maud Fierce, ont a ' sale-man and th<- other caslii.-r at the ■ I L. B. Flaton Company’s s ere. in this ' city, were seer -tiy married I-.-briiaiy 15. ! ' 1903. at Hi. Methodist paisonage. a few , ; mil- j from Athens, b. Rev. A. A Sulli- I van. ", liey kept the m.irri.ige a. s-0.-ret I u'it.l i< when tii'j" annoiini-e.l it to ; i their fri-mils. I Collar Bone Pierced Flesh. Tifton Ga.. October 24. (Special.)— ' Frank 18-year-old son of Marsli.ii T. B. Henderson, ot Tifton, fell from a id- . . cycle ".io m o iling this week and : ist-i m- ■ 'oil a '.ere fracture of his coilar bon", , ; one end I" ing driven . ■•.■ p into his shoal. ■ ..lei- mill tiie other protruding through j the skm. Bob Long Given Freedom ' Dahloni ga, Ga., October 24 (Si eclal ) The ti al of Bob Dong, cli.irgcd witii the murder of Henry Clark, resulted In ac quittal yesferday. He was a. year ago and a mistrial The sial. .as represented by SolieifiT W. char- -rs, assisied by 1: !’■ Gail lard. ur. ’i'll" defense by 0. J. Lilly and It IL Bak-; Tli.> ease ably v 'hdueti'd on both Free uiiHl January Ist, 1904. The Weekly CizisiTtmton and Sunny South. See particulars on page 9. LOUISIANA. Newspaper Man Shoots Lawyer. I Ne« (irieans, iaf. ■-r 20. -Assistant city Attorm-y E. S. \Vhiiak--r, who wis captain of volum- er • in th. Spam-ii- A merman wa r . w. allot twice •• liati li -. IlroWii, m wspaper reporter, tips afternoon. .X'cil::' r wound is s-rii>;.- ■ ■ Brown’s sister hml lie.-n Whitaker’s i ! stenograph'-r and It is understood that s-ie- is the can,-.' of tic.: shooting, though . both sides are si,ent. Duke of Abruzzi in New Orleans. New < iri'-.ins. < l ol>.-r 20. -The duke of Abruzzi s't foot mi New Orlear. ■■ soil for tin- first time t 11.. canie a.-iboi at 10 o’clock with his p rsonal tiltemianl. a lieu:. mini qf his own build and alnwst a duplieate of tin* ’ ■ prince ip, and an- impanieii I •>■ Consul Collector ol Fort MeCai Captain Merrill, the naval mi in., mla n t at this port. ’ljs ealis .n. both tin. eby . and th.- iiistom hour wire wry 1 brief Tile prince and his attendants were I ""pie:-kinl ly dr. --d in tiieir nival -a .- tonics and grouped with ill- liiglmi s in tin- nl.-r :iey I’.irm.--: i pretty pi -tor.-, , th-- duke being distiagui.-lmd "niv by his I i plume.-- and the si -.w of attenti >n given ’ ' him by tiie cmis l ami Ins aid--. See the great double fourteen montl s? offei Constitution and Sun ny South on page 9. ¥ Arrest Expected Today. Big Stem Gap. Ya., (iclober 19.—Tiie fiisapp .:r.-;i.-,- ■ ■' mid ion. i ire E. D. \Ven:z j i in Wi- . oiinty remains a mystery. Rewards offer-fl by his brother, D. B. Wentz, .if $25,000 for the diseovmy of tin- no nig m.iu alive mil $5,000 fur the r-.’covery of Ms body have kept 1.000 men in Hie. mountains almost constantly : since Friday. hi e.ami 'lion with Cm? ease an arrest i will be made tomorrow. , Dr. and Mrs. J. S. W.mtz. of Philadel phia. parents of th" missing man, ac- . : eompanied b\ one "f the younger boys oi the famil). arrived here this evening in a sueciiH train. They are at the home Os D. B. AVelitz. Fitzgerald Is Found Guilty. Ri.-Mmmd V.i.. October 21,-Frank H. Fitzu- raid, who retur: -d to Manchester ; recently, after a considerable absence in i i parts -mknowii and delivered hinis. If up ; tn the authorities, was found guilty in flic Manchester eorporalion court today of .-in!", zzli ng fund.-: ol Hi,- M.i ncliesti-r .-(■lionl board and sentenced to som i vears in prison, two ye.-irs for each of ■ two imli.-i im-nts to which lie pitaiicd guilty. Six other indietnu n(s against him wore imt prosecuted. Typhoid Fever at Lexington. Lexington, Ya.. Octolier 22. —lt appears thai th.,- typhoid fev. r trouble at the l Virginia Mili’. iry ■institute has extended | to Washington ami Leo university, where . i seven students are ill with the fever. ’!"i' have 1"'?u t’nii'tv-four ease- in i all in th" town of Lexington since the Ist of Hu- present month. | Dr. J. M. ('p-hiir. of this city, a metn . . up ilio chief medical advisor of tiie Virginia Military institute hoard of vis- ; itors. i. . aid to have win d Gi m ral Shipp, ' Hie sm-eriritenilent of the Virginia mil ! |7~"\ —~i ! A (-rent Dißc<»v»‘ry I 1 i ' 11 ni'h ve-e’.mbl* ■ y ” :. I rrniedit j • ■ harm- 1. srivmov ' 'P <lro Ry in s to i f J C I ' '■•' ■' '' I ggwfa? ! fecit* r pcrn» inrnt cure | l . H | iri \l tr t inent ur - ' >. suite rr; nothing fairer /Ttefe. i I - ircu’iir*. i J ‘ ' c,e ‘“’•• a PP l V 1 ’ /RBliM Dr.H. H.Green’s Sin-, | Box A, Atlanta, (4a. j ~-irv institute, after a consultaLon with other members of the board, recommemi ng that tiie institute he (nosed and the .-.dets furloughed for an inuetmite pe riod. It is beii( ved this recornmendat.oi' . ill be adopt< d Twelve Men Lost Their Lives. Newport News, Va., October 22.—0 n tiie Newport News schconer John K. Kirkman, which arrived here tonight, are two seamen of the crew of the Glou cester fishing schooner J. T. Williams, which went to pieces on a reef off Cape I'od light in the storm last Friday morn ing. They are probably the onlj snr .- vors of the fourtien men on board when the schooner str ick. Tin- rescued men. Viei'. r J Harris, of Bangor. Maine, and I’liarles Keeler, of New York, wi re pl.'ked up la.-i I’’y ni-’IH 60 miles east of Cape Cod. after clinging nine hours to tiie bottom of the dor\ in which tin j i scaped. Large Blaze nt Norfolk, Va. Nui I’clk, Va., October 23. The five-story b iiidiiig of the Old Dominion Paper Com piny, on Commercial place, was gutted by fire tonight, and it. was only by super human efforts that the Hames were kept within the four walls of the structure. A high northeast wind threw blazing brands >r squares and seriously endangered the heart of Hie wholesale section. The lire originated on lhe fifth floor, and had gained great headway before it. was discovered Whil perilous of tiie buildings escaped Hie flani“s were ruined l>y water, and Hie immense stock is a. total loss. ’I lie damage is estimated at from $50,000 to $60,000, and was insured. ALABAMA. First Frost at Selma. Selma. Ala.. October 19. This city ami vicinity wcr" visited by frosts this morn ing and it is I'-porti.l to have been heavy in' -orne loeai:tif-s. It is not believed. ...-.vever, (hat tiie frost has killed the eotton. Racer Dashed Into Crowd. Birmingi.nm. Ala... October 19. At the grounds this afternoon, nt the con clusion of a trotting race, one of th" l.orsi s b ■-aim u’.im.'inag- able and lin.- iied into :i crowd of people, which h -I surg -.1 ~n the tr-e-k. Several persons v? r !.nocked d-.wn. ami J.rnes Lit -, 01, H.-s : ■ was i-'i-riously injur- d. II Ims a i-ioken nose and is otlu-rwis-- hurt. First Cession of Court c. Appeals. Montgoni' ry. Ala., * >etobcr 19. - W it!) formality Ir fitting its dignity, the first session ever held here of the l.’nite-l Suites court of apii'.-als recently authoi iz.'-;l by congress for the Alabama di vision of Hi.- fifth circuit, convened here ti-'la.v at II o'clock in Hie I’nited Stales court room. The eourt was pm sid.-d over : y Judge Don A. i'.-irili-.-, o! l.e - rgia. who :.s associated Judge A. P. Mei’ ■«.-mi. k, of a -xas. and Judg David D. Sii-ib.c, ot A. ibama. Tiie e->urt will bi: in session li.-re about a week. Cooper Hotel Bu Tied Down. Opelika, Ala.. October 19.—The Cooper was burn -d nt 3 o'c’o- k this rnorn i j, entailing a loss of $35.V00, will) $14.- CbG in.-uran.e. Tiie James oriitu-ated in tie kite): n ami nothing was left except llle walls. it was owned by Mrs. B. Y. Cooper and B A. and 1,. M. (’coper, and was built Ol' |i: .-ss.-d bri- k and granii- , thr- e sro.-ies high. 'l he gusts of the hotel had narrow es capes. saving only their hand baggage. Woman Burned to Death. MoUtg'imc: ;.. Al 1,, ' i tub-r 20. -Mrs. T. (; Bur; on w.. b'.u ".i t-> d. -Hi a /.ir D.iphm-. Baldwin county. Ala., yester day afternoon. A fo:-'St fir.- ignitid Hi s-w-■ :■ a i'll': a. -1 in g b.-i aiul in a item Mini; to extingu’-h ill ■ ilirms her (■Milling ii-.-aiii. ignili 1, tie- burns re s..iii , tiitMly. Alabama Horses Take Money. Birmingham, Ala . Oct"’' c 20. 'S: e-- i : (1.) Alab '.ma hoi "s won both of the S-ICO purses on -lhe state fail card to day Th'.- 2:20 trot was won in sir light h- ats . . Benign, by Cecillian. Best tin-.", 2:20'4. Slie is owned by James Smiley, < ; this e:ty. The 2:20 pile" was won by Fatty Ledyard by Dan Led yard, li-r t re,. M-.:!s lining in 2:l9Vi. She is the projiert) of Mr. Burpree. of Roanoke. Aim Kiara H.. a ’i’exa.; hm.- . won Hie first in it of this rm-.- in 2:18. Three Indicted for Fraud. HuntsviL". -\l.|.. 0.-iob -r 2i . -'Spei-i H.) liaia-iments .-liarging a-"- the mails for f- .i ; - ’ p- w: ' w- f ■ -- ■ I I"■ In I’: He i Siali-s grand jury y- s'-i d iy afl--r --n 'll .:gainsl !.. R. Brie., G W. (Tem (-.’ts and R'lli- rl H. Duiican. The s.- ,t o; tiieir op.u.Hion,- lias Men Etowah, M-rsliall am! <.Ti"><'kee counties and Ris :i :- F iwi . (la. ■;”;... thr---- men -'''l't*'d to lie ger,, ral n'.-r bants aa.i by ii,-- use of nam-s well known in th fimim-ial world that i. .n pr.. H'.-.i la ge uoi-i;- of go.-is, wlitcli MI amemits wi -.- .-ver ;-..1d on these g -,ds and I'.arlv .ill th" moic-y taken i Zl New Cure For Wfcsa Mil 3 Remedies Free a Prof. Rup. P. James’ 3 New Preparations wl ‘ ■ -pi at once. Drains, Losses and I-.umsions, euro N-I'VOits and Men’s V.eiiknCF ’. Varieoi-el!-. I’t’-- title Troubles and restore Natural Strength, vigor and vital power without stimulation. Three largo bottles free lo eonvinc" you. No raouuy is wanted. Just tclJJus where to send them. A A ""■( -e W' : ‘™l!l| WhaS Thia Free Package Contains. Cm large buttle of I-'nnr'.ila C, to heal ti" Pr -state Gland; contract the -•i-.l >"..•! re Inxed ducts to prevent dr-ins. emission: i:n v.-.cte and to bring circulation to the dii.tcndm ”. ;u3 and cure Varicoc- ’e. One to.rge cottle j’.. .nula B, to replenish vital substance, rev:!'wz: th : brain, spine and sexmlstructur. s l.‘y luru.H: imr the true vital cuni'. ntsot vigorous manhood. .4 Lilfb- of f'or.,.ulo, J.toreconstructthi-’e rvc’.H and general Fystern, to restore manly vigor and vital power without ulation. These three new preparations cure and restore all men—whether old, yoi'.'ug or midd-e aucd— who suffer /rom any form of nervnus and sexual weakness, resultin'.* from overwork, pnj..ic;i dteay excesses, tho practice of secret vice or otherwise. You can write with perfect confidence and without, t--it of being humt,ugged by a “I'rescription. C. 0. D.,”or any other fraud. Jiwt tell us where to send tin in. ami (MJ voa visa e-: convinced of ,l ciireuith vt pc :/ino ee-nt enl tbi- three large free bottles w ill be forwarded to you in a ulain, Fcaled box, v. ithout any nit rks to ‘d/mtifv its contents or where it came from. This is the most exhaustive anc conipi . te free cu-* course ever offered nervous and wuHkeneti mi n. That it is absolutely successful in all cases is proven by the fact thut we ask every man to cive it a thorough tert, at bls own home, aud be his own judge, without paying U 3 one cent. There will be no interference with your work and daily habits and strict confidence regarding names, correspondence, etc., is assured, Address a JAMBSiSi JAMES, James Bldg., Covington, Free Medical Advice To All the Needy ■ Use Pay ng a Large Fee to Your Local Doctor When You Can Gel Even More Experienced Attention far Nothing. WRiTE DR. HATHAWAY IF YOU ARE SICK ■ Th s Croat Southern Specialist Has a Way of His Own of Curing Chronic and Sexual Diseases of Men and Women in a Wonderfully Shor’. Time in Your Own Home. Lose No but Write At Once. “Ho misleading A BOOK FREL statements j _ TO ALL allowed in my advertisements.’’ Al a WHICH BO YOU WAN t? DR. HATHAWAY. 1 Uecr.gniz -cl ~s th© Cl lest Estab ishutf a d r/loct i uc?:osnru’ Specialise I The secret "f curing disease is to : tiie trouble is. ' Dot's your d 1 under.- vand your ensi ?" th it is the ' tion. The very fact that yo-i are : sick nrov.-s tlrit he dm s not tin ':■■:■ it. so you should write te Dr. J N : Hathaway, -hat distinguished cm: I scientist an.l ph-.-wut.. te'.li’:" hi I your own words how you suffer in w li so in enough tel! you th" whj I wli- '-re* , and. lietter still, tell you new w.a v to which '.on eat. i <■ cur- I mark.nbiy <pii 1:. We kn w Hus t,-> | fact slti'-i- there tlmusamis of I ’ examples of his cretit ski'l. who likt I p- rharis orc., -ecmed hopeless. I The doctor wants to Invar from i ■ man amt woman who .-■ iffers fii.m | disease of the throat, lung’s, heart. 5 ! ach. sexual system, kiilney. bladder. mutism or bl od Tins, ire i-hroni. ’ .-as s. and it is chronic dis. as-s tha I doctor is very quick t" '- ire. If you I no' .'all in person write a letter, a bis cures are perfected fur home ns* ■ tliis wav he has cured" who I be.l-ridde>: for (ears, ne 'pie whm-j 1 I doctors e- :!d do nothing for. women 'were barelv able to drag Hiems | around the house, and m.-u who suf so from varicocele. emissions and , ’■'irms of sexual w--ik--"ss licit th.-v unmlttlug suicide. , Through : Hathaway's rn.ajes’ic skill these p I wi" all permanently cur, d at honi'-. A VERSA’!’! ,E GENU S l The doctor is tiie originator ami ’ eov,o"-r oi many new I’e.atur -s 1:1 me pra-'ti- H's method is now met ■ many of tin- 1- a.bng great Imsni’a!.- : sat )■ o.iiims in til" large --i'l--- "I Am and Europe. arM ii is Hi •' new me that i-' at th" lispisal of all who ’ , Mm. He expl.iin.-- this n.-w method I large volume of over I.COO p.izis c "II ,th . win J: Cure of .'hr-oni ■ Dis.-a wliieii is a t' xt-b"Ok for all wno w u mn’ierstan.l how dis- use e..m< s and ba ' can be cur'-i. This hook is m'W is in fr:n:H"cal edition? under th*' foil" titles, and you can get th" book you ! in th ir th'b' n or more store-' was clear Burned to Death in Home. i Hr. ksi.’m ?.bi . I >■td. r2O >. <’. M ! Av ■■■ - dlnr I mile 'f this plan'. : I W.I.- bi:rw I to 'bulb this morning in .' ' ' dr win d, dr tr-..- .-•! his I’esidencv. Im- lir • v.::> dl.-vvA .red by a tr.;:,: "t, th,. S'util i n railway. A s<-areh do - • I closed !::■■ 1- irned bod,' "I McAvoy. M - A, y’■ family was temporarily iibsent from hi nu- Daring Hold Up in Birmingham. Birmingham. Ala.. October 21.—'me ib ' ni'-.-t daring h dd ups m the history of Birmingham o ■.■urred <a: 'i this morning in in.nt of the Hillman hotel, when John Crew an employee of th- Bonis, i In and ♦ Nasbvill.- railioad, was robbed of S2O and l a gold was h. ) There wen sevral men sitting in front i.f the building, but none wore attract.'.l the daring robbery. While searching I tn., pockets ill.' robber became carol.-ss I and Crew grabbed the gun, a fierce Strug- t ■ g'l,. taking pl:i''e. I At tills ti’up the '■'i’"\vd IvfT'n *f> , an i the rp;in making anoth< r efip- t- 1 ' " i i gained his gun and escaped with the I ' money. __ ; Smallpox in New Decatur. Ala. New !'■ itur. Ala., - i 1 cia 1.1-There are a few eases of small- I 1 mix in the mgro quarters of this city. I , but the bond "f health say tin ro is no i .’ic'.-asion for alarm, as the disease is I I well under control. \s a precautionary measure, however. ; iit'ikik b.yn ordered that al! persons b- | \inn t •••]. Preparing for Primaries. ! Birmingham, Ala., October 22.—(Spe- J i cial.l—The democratic state executive | , r mmitt.•• met here today upon the cal! of the chairman to formulate a uniform ! plan for holding the county primaries ] next spring. It was doc id .-.i, however, to : defer action on the matter until during ] the ivly part of next January. George : ■ W Jom s, if Montgomery, and Stat. Ex nmim r S< di • wry. of Elmore, were elected t , tb< va.caneies on tie committee from i the second and lift!', districts, respectively | Tim committ. c meeting de '.. pel three i ' candidates far the presidency of the rail i road com mission H on. John X. Smith. ! the ineumb. tit; Robert J J.owe. chairman : ; of the state •xe.'iitive committee, and Hon. E. W. Booker, of Elmore, former ! . convict inspector. Had to Hang Hall Twice. Birmingham, Ala.. October 22.—Felix Ha** alias Henry Jacks..;,, colored, was ' hanged In ih. jat! yard here at noon to- i day for the murder of Norwood Clark. ! a young iC.vte man, who was clerk at a commissary at a eonstr i'tlon camp on | the Ensley Southern railroad. The. crime I occurred two years ago. Hall walked on the scaffold protesting ' his innocence, claiming that he had never I worked an (he Ensley South, rn railroad I and did not know Cl;<' he was in Mississippi when the crime oc- | curred. When the drop fell the rope slip- < j ped and the man breathed heavily for I know ’ free of <-;i-r-g. by w iling ‘r> the doct- r: 1. Diseases ot Vita! (organs 2 J Iscases , "f throat and lunes. 3. N -i vous b'biillv 1 and -■ -. . 1 well kne-s < > :.i'i •a ■ .1 :> ■■■ - ■ ' stj ' ! .ti -nt 4 Varlo .-cell' 5 Sirictu »■ am) is-tand i -m real dis s. 6. K: Im y an.-l ’Ma-dd--.' •wt in 7. Dise.asf-s o.’ women. 8. Blood pi'ison .'thc-r’.i (enlarged c-ltt-Cni j rn j tl . If you suffer from a complaint not men- Ll L. tinned in tin ■ list do not ie that keep yu : ,‘j from wriHm; >o t'.-- doi-i-m. Write and '. ■ b arn what lie h is to s.n ; he will be gla-l to t-.-i.-y, an I It v. ill -t you nothing. ’ These eight books are entirely fr. ie .- \ or ail of them, lo .anyone who is ini rest e vol ” 1 Yt-ongh to ask ffr tii.-m either by 'Hi I ing in prison or sending name and a i evrr,. ‘ Dy mail. a any { jq; HATHAWAY TO THE PUBLIC storn- rlieu- i "AU I a-’.; ' • sufL-riry n j e dis- ’ woman.” saM Dr. Ilathawn v y.-sterday it the an interview with a Constitnti m repm :- : can- I "is that lie or st:- give me the privib-. as .all of proving »o Hi--:n that I tav* the kno’s : In i edge and lhe method that will cure pc were niaiientlv and in a shorter space of tin: home ■ than any ether method yet known i ”.ho scipnee. The only way ’ .in i>ve ‘his n s. Ives . anyone who -annot call on n.e in p< .- fT.-r- d is for them to write m- . giving i’v--i oil: -- ; name and address, and besides sending v felt - the bbok they ask for. which is always i Dr. ■ free. I will forward all the pra.-tic i! .■•iiple j i-roof that any one wants that. I -.::i cu- ■ | him. I will tell them for nHiiing who j any other doctor of my pr- fessional ■ standing w >uld charge $5 for. Ask ’ ■ r • Us- : readers to write in . that is my on’.;. i.'dieal i quest.” > ( ] by i The doctor s* ems to be entirely simer-- s and I and frank in his statements and it d • - mrii-.a n'<-m as if every sick and m-' iy i-.-r.- ■ ethod I who earnestly wants to >"• eiir.-d -i. . : d wrl'e -iiiiiil thems'-i'i-s of the do -t.e's vabia-.-i --in a * off* r. especially since he Is willing to o called i so much for nothing. ises.” Write him th" very first moment i mt to i fin 1 time, for the sooner you writ - :’. • iow It I sooner you will be cured. .Address him ssued simply ]>!<• J NEWTON HATH.VWAA ■ wing 42>i Inman Bui! ling. 22’j Broad SU. At wiiiit. I lant.a. (>.' IJ, ■ ten minutes, when he was hauled up an hanged a second time. This time the fal broke his n? k. Bad Blaze at Montgomery. M.'int.g ry. Ala., O -tober 22. < :al.)-Tie- Inrg-- furnitiir. store of I’ Wolff damaged by fire and wilt" li. re tonight to tiie > xtent of $25,000 ’l'lie fir.- started on the fourth floor a: dillieult lo manage. The buil.iii ; was only partially destroyed. Sever iiremi ii were injured, tint not serious! . Th. furniture was not fully insure-. There wijs ifio-.i: a $40,000 stock in th store. Scott Paroled by Jelks. Montgom-. ry. Ala., o-tober 22.—(Spe cial.l—Gov-i nor Jelks today paroled Wil S ii-Tt of Sumter counie. upon cakditi that lie return to the penitentiary an- s. out his tinie immediately after 1: gets through testifying against his broth er. wii., is charged witii murder i:i Sum t. county. Scott was convicted in 1901 of mnrij. and sentenced to five years. The parolli., of a convict under these conditions i Alabama ha? heretofore been unknown. Wanted to Lynch Ne<>ro. Centerville. Ala., October 23.—Georv Murphy, a negro, was placed in jail he a charge ol attempting to erimina'i assault a young white woman. Alter tne negro’s rupture threats -■' lynching were made but the sheriff sue "’■(■lied in safely landing the negro .: Pleaded Guilty to Fraud. Huntsvill. Ain.. October 23.-(Special.) Georg, i- (Vents and R. E. Duncan, o ' "idM-’ii. appeared in the United State Continued on Page Thirteen. -jvi-'-vpr''. s*r «&»? t 3a . Why Frank Quit Tobacco. i notlc. in „ii:- piper abmit a new di.« 'liit v.,is and tasteless, tiia: s ••>.>ll giv. in i a. .-mt.. .. r any kind of ; . ah. . q.neklx cure anyone '■■’■'■'is. pi)'' "r .■i:-’:ir.'f,es or chewing With.'lit th.'ir knewt.'dg.. I sent fora package 1 T iv ’ H > > him secretly, and he has nt J' 1 . '">■■• 1 in an, i rm sine*-. Anyone an ■ ! I ■’ ■' I'..' tv.H p.i -l< ig.- ■ addressing Roy M-« Br il' X Ile nile d <■., 792 Fifth and Rave ' ' ■ ' ■' miatl. F'C '. and .a. ily drive foul ’t’.,o''.> smoke and dirty spltt-jons from tb» ■home.