The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, November 16, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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12 f THE CONSTITUTION’S {510,000.00 | CASH PORT RECEIPTS CONTEST Upon the New Cotton Season, 1903-1904. ■ What Number of Bales Will Be Received at All United States Peris from Sept. Ist, 1903, to Jan. 12th, 1904. Both Inclusive? Contest Opened July 1, 1903, Closes December 31,1903. SIO,OOO CASH OFFER — I DIVISION OF* PRIZES received at’ °i't United both Inclusive 53,c00 OO For the next nearest estimate 1,500 OO For the next nearest estimate 500 OO For the next nearest estimate- 200 OO For the next nearest estimate 125 OO For the 5 next nearest estimates, 150.00 each 250 OO For the >O next nearest estimates, 25.00 each 250 OO For the 20 next nearest estlmetes, I 5.00 each 300 00 For the 50 next nearest estimates, 7.50 each 375 00 For the lOOnext nearest estimates, 5.00 each 500 00 97,000 OO Additional Offers for Best Estimates Macle Durins; j Different Periods of the Contest g For convenience the time of the contest Is divided into estimates received by The Constitution 3 during five periods—the first period covering the months of July and August, the other four being « one month each, the £d period September. 8d period October, 4th period November. sth period S December. We will give to the best estimate received during each period ,in addition to whatever other 1 prize it may take or ft it fake no other prize at all tlie sum of J2OO OO •j The five prixes thus offered at *200.00 each ft mount to 1,000 00 Two Crand Consolation Offers 3 First For distribution among those estimates] not taking any of the above 195 prizes) k coming within <SOO bales either way of the exact figures 1,000 OO Second—fcor distribution among those estimates not taking any of the above 195 prizes 5 ami uot sharing the first consolation offer coming within 1,000 bale i eilliei way of tile exact figures, 1.000 OO S Grand Total $10,000.00 iln case of a tia on any prize estimate the money will be equally divided. Conditions of Sendinar Estimates in This Contest (1.) Send Sl.OO' for WEEKLY CONSTITUTION one year and with it one estimate in our contest. (2.)’ Cents for The SUNNY SOUTH one year and with it one estimate in the contest. . t ) Send JR 1,2«> The WEEKLY CONSTITUTION anti SUNNY SOI iH both one year and r.end two estimates in the contest- that is. one estimate for The CONSTITUTION and another for The SUNNY SOUTH. ; 3(4.) Send 50 cents for one estimate alone tn the contest if yon do not want a subscription Such a r«- merely pavs for the privilege of sending the estimate. If you wish to make a number of estimates ! on this basis, you may pend three estimates for every SJ.OO forwarded at the same time estimates are sent. ; If as many a ten estimates are received at the same time without subscriptions the sender may forward ’ ■’hem with only $S •0- this special discount being offered for ten estimates in on* order. A postal card receipt ’ will : s:. f-.r ill estimates received without subscriptions. Where subscriptions are ordered the arrival . of t’m pan ■ •‘■‘■lf fs an acknowledgment that your estimate has been received and 1:- carefully recorded. (5.) The money and the subscription and the estimate must come in the same envelope. The estimate, | .3 the ’’ !!:1 the subscription go together. This rule is positive S Further General Instructions »<• con -frm •* >r !»<•: ,g e -.’mate-s on the Port Rm -ipts of Cotton Ist of September, 1903, through January 12. 1 l-XU Is hat 'a.j’.i ind oven- entry of estimates must bo accompanl-d by subscription to The Constitution or The ; , c . »■ y.-mltt- • ;.rm led f< r estimates without subscriptions They must bn sent in the identical »n- J .> • t ng !'..-■ i i v ’.' pais for the rstiinates or the subscription. You cannot subscribe now and send • > -nt of The Constitution v t t i.Hre him your agent anil not o-j: s. in forwarding | 3 your e: ■ t- • ■ t . of tho tlgur'-s as you intended them end the -ertalnty of the forwarding' of j S ar* one prize estimate he nr she wll h» ♦„ p share of the prize fund for ; » ... . ... -as -'i-sKful estimate Persons rn-;. onte; the contest ns many times as they send { ,-d s ■ in . s *h< sime p“r n mar rreefie » prize with each of the prepositions ■ m ruiklng your answer Just slate simply: "J estimate the Port Receipts Ist of September, 1903. through Jr.nuary s It .4. V - i<* cr ' znr-'s plain IV" c._ 'r- -ord them as received every .'ny KXACTJ.V AS THKY n \Nr> M H,’ XI,;,'■ V CIIANGI: WllA'mvriß It .'.''.oi want to make estimate, later, or if yo-.i want to < ja re; •xt ihe esthnati l-.a a made, send other subscriptions ! J . - . . a Statistics for the Last Six Crops a The tn! i .'' UI'I Kid.’ErPTS for the past few yean» from September Ist through the twelfth day of the fol- j 3 lowing Jar.'. ■"y re given to aid you in making an intelligent estimate in th)- contest It is not necessary to j -.■ it In one plain sum expressed in figures only. Don’t make any mistake In your 3 fi'.'!ir(?«. let : ni no an just what you mean to “iy. < «>fr IN'-s Hn* cov«rr th# ccnteet with f.gsr*# 5f forirer Tots! pert Total Bale* 1n iM \ .-ai rwelpr* Knptembwr l«t to ITth of foilowlag -intiary, both Incentive ( rnp for Season. 1H97 lEhS 0,070,773 11.199,904 if isms ] - » ' <i,2ft9.!7H 11.274.540 136,114 1900-KHH 4.646,74 1 10.3M3.422 - - - -3,279.507 10.680.760 5? J >!> • IM«’ - - 5,315,379 10,727,559 .J Secret iry H <ter. of the New* Orleans Exchange, certifies to the above and will furnish the official figures §| to decide this contest. I ATLANTA POSTOFFICE £ Office of the Postmaster Atlanta, Fulton Co., Ga., June 25th, IJIO3. | To THU tX'N’SfjTTUTION’, Atlanta, Ga. Peat Sirs:—.Replying to yours of this date enclosing copy of jrour new Cotton Contest, .1 beg to saT that i few days since at your request I submitted the same to the Department at Washington s for ruling thereon. g I am adviM-d by the Assistant Attorney General for the Postoffico Department that, the provi ® sions coutaiucsl therein do not introduce into the scheme the element of chance within the meaning || of the lottery law, and that the matter is therefore mailable. a Very respectfully, E. I’. BT.OIiGETT, Postmaster. I I ~ P CRD V ?u tAN 0 K 4' • > ORDER BLiNK for Estimates Only WITHOUT Subscriptions. 2 for Constitution or Sunny South, or Botn, with Estimates. ■“ PUBLISHERS TH F CONS’I I H TION, Atlanta, Ga. X PUBLISHERSTHECONSTITUTTON, Atlanta, Ga. Eneloned find one dollar, forwhich enter three Esti ll Enclosed find i for which send mates in your 510,000.00 Port Receipts Contest, upon ? ra The Weekly Constitution one year JI.OO, w ith ONE total receipts of cotton at all I. S. Ports from Septem- > Estimate. 1, 1903, to January 12, 1904, bot h inclusive as fol- | The Sunny South one year >oc, with ON 15 Estimate. lows: Os only ONE '->tininte, without Subscrip- | The Weekly Constitution and Sunny South l oth one tion, is desired wend oifearnt fill one blank.) year $1.25, w ith TWO Estimates. < oni esi ini’s estim % fe. Indicate Your Choice Flalnly. Strike Ont All Kxcept the One You Take. 1 | SUBSCRIBER’S ESTIMATES q? | i j Upon Total Fort KecelptHof Cotton at All U. S, Porta “* e From 1 Sept., 1903, to 12 January, 1904, both inclusive. . > . zi I' T L—ll -J I 2 * Contestant’s Name | Subscriber’s Name Address State If a* many as fen estimates are received nt rhe same tunc without JI toubacriptions the s< ruler may forward t hem with only 53.00 Huh S ArldrPMq State special diaconntbeinpr offered for ten ••stimatPH : i one order \ jh.s- jm lit..- ... ’ tai <ard receipt willbo sent for all estimates received without Hub- ■ = = = Bcriptionß Where subscript i*ms ure ordered the arrival of the paper >3 send only on* estimate if x <”i take only one paper, fill out its.*if Ik an acknowledgment t hat your estimate has neen received 3 both estimate blanks if you take both paper*. and iscarefully recorded I Address All Orders To THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, * Atlanta. Georgia. kj.Mmii 111 IM 1 111 i—-unnnrwn i ibi mi i ri THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA. GA.. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1903. THIS IS OUR OWN PAGE And this is your own Column all the way down and on both sides three columns wide. It is addressed as a j personal offer to every subscriber and agent, and every one who may i chance to read a borrow ed paper or a sample copy. The Whole Matter is Here in a Nutshell. the left you . have the SIO,OOO Port Receipts Contest, but you must send your estimate; right. On the right ! the greatest Combination ' Clubbing Offer we have ever made. There it is, plain as day, both Week ly Constitution and Sun ny South till January! first, 1905 for Only $1.25. To the right on the lower half are the two offers to agents. Partrid ges ready to broil as soon as your quick gun brings them down. Don’t dream over it but get right atj it, for the first week has, already begun and you will have to rush your club in to make it count. ' And the other---the> splendid $ 1,000.00 offer' sure for agents only, | prizes from $400.00 to $2.50 cash, 89 of them and all good for the money. Besides these . are the two plump prizes SIOO.OO and; $50.00; they arc yet to be won, nobody has yet 1 made half a start on ithem, for the largest .number of straight esti mates sent in by any agent, estimates in the Port Receipts Contest without subscriptions. Agents have for them- I selves, free, as many i estimates as they may send us for subscribers and contestants. Don’t forget this splendid op portunity to get these ample prizes. More than that. The i offer to agents says that| should we reach 200,000 CIRCULATION for the Weekly Constitu tion during this contest we will double all prizes for both contests, the Port Receipts and the ■ Agents. Less than fifty days remain and lots of work' must be done. There is time to do all of it but' none to spare. Get right into the work. Now you have read ithis column, read the' . others right and left. I The Atlanta Constitution. I Special Five Seasons Offer j <i i/Vofe Specla»K FREE Offer of Both Papers to January 1, 1904 The Fall of 1903 and the Four Seasons of 1904 for the Price of | One Yearly Subscription, For SI.OO the Weekly Constitution until Jan. 1. 1905. For 50 Cents the Sunny South until Jan. 1, 1905. For $1.25 Both these Papers until Jan. 1, 1905. THIS IS JUST LIKE BRIBERY. BOTH PAPERS FREE TO JANUARY I, 1904. I No other premium or clubbing paper being allowed with such subscriptions. And there is st I! more and more to offer. Two estimates in the $10,000.00 Port Receipts Contest for each sub scription sent under this oiler, and besides all that, A Beautiful 1904 Calendar Free. The Calendar is 10x15 inches in size and is a work of art, the pink of perfection. It is printed in twelve colors that blend, under the artist’s touch, into th? beautiful correspondent whose eyes meet yours so frankly that you lift your hat and await her cordial greeting, and the spierbud flowers whose delicate tinting suggests the fragrance and the glory of the carnation itself. To secure these two splendid papers Free to Jan. 1, 1904 Lso this special coupon form, mail it direct to this office, remittance, subscriuiion and estimates all in same envelope. ? ORDER BLANK for Constitution and Sunny South with .Estimates. PUBLISHERS THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta. Ga: Enclosed find for which send The Weekly Constitution and Sunny South both until Ist January, 1905. with TWO Estimates. SUBSCRIBER’S ESTIIVIATES Upon total Port Receipts of Colton at all U. S. Ports from September 1, to Janu ary 12, 1904, both inclusive. I ’ 2 I ' J ' ? Subscriber’s Name » Address State Send only one estimate if you take only one paper, till out both estimate blanks ts you take both I papers. If you want one estimate only without subscription, send oOc and fill one blank. Agents, H usual commission allowed on this offer. Don’t miss this opportunity. The sooner you subscribe the longer you will receive the two 1 papers. No back numbers furnished. It is all we can do to supply the demand for current a issues. Remit by safe methods, send remittance and estimates and subscriptions in same J envelope and address all to ATLANTA CONSTITUTION or SUNNY SOUTH. Atlanta, Ca. f I x I | Two Weeks of Partridges. THE CONSTITUTtOH OFFER | TO ITS AGENTS. | Get Your Gun- Ws Hunt tha Haws I —You Hunt the Subscribers. I ? I I i We exrimle from rrnrri-I" liu-n hi R J tlii - emit' -t ■. x :ig. nts -a | "■i li'-’s ’iiru r '.l abov.' 200 in ffl fi Slinum r Agents' - ntest Sin n.-l av ii;.., -nd li Unit «.ml.! l.r: » g ti>. :n 1.1 tlm rstnn-ttg t'-r I\- ■■ S wn will s.-;. ii'., pm g triiig.- priz. s in m. 8 W> now i.iT r i o all mi. r ■ M Tiiro. .■m.iil p.riz. -for Hi- t i : M S of subscript ions i 'P’. for i n tv "ks M ■J Novonib’-r 16 to 23 mol ?<ovrn h 24 to 30 <ln ■ s.-t priz.' ‘ "n a | tv • !<. Theso liaiv been known f-n- ■ S 3 .. v.-iul yours by nil ■ i- p< ovb- . 35 tin* pnrtriilgo • liti s-. Tin y do not I K colllli. I with the Sl. 150 I 3| eont' -t. all lists will be rmmtO'l in | 9 til u just the sum. j! fl UIIIST PRIZE I'o the agi-m U -eliding the large;. 1. • , 9 subscriptionsSlO.OO || 9 SI I'OXH ritizi: To tl • :» agent sending the next ra I largest list 5.00 ra TIIIRH PRIZE-To the agent sending the next, largest I,st of jmbsi ripl ions 2.50 Total each week $17.50 ’Phe'-o priz- s vflill be ,i warded each week and a full innoiine.- nii-tlt of the result will b made promptly. They are offered to make you find yourself. what yon can do in .a week wbmi ' mi try, and we want you to try sure enough. Partridge shoot -ng l>.p n Not ■ Li- I tnii'T th" law. Get "our gun fo’ sub. riptions n-’W and li:ir a l you ".in- so your emb is re. -iiid during eitlur partridge w-ek it w ill lie duly counted. I’ll' ■■ prizes are like p. rl ridge.. will a flash, swift Os wu_. and ni plump, juicy follows to put on your i.i iddb. Prop u- a . .nd that you have entered I’.. ■ Partridge emit* st. ..i v.. n.av supply t "tl with sample copies at once. \ vour list plain voitr of fers clear; use the SIO,OOO Port It, coipts contest, of course, in ymir eanvass, and let us ; wha; you ian do. You. have never - I taken Mj a partridge, prize, and yon must g| do so tliis month. Address- all M orders, estimates and remittances 9 plainly to 9 THE ATLANTA I'ONST IT PT ION, BE A GOOD ’ PARTRIDGE AGENT. I | The Atlanta Constitution Wants a good agent at every | postoffice and along every R. F. D. route in the south H , WE WANT a good Farmer or Postwar - r m Ma" B Doctor, or Tax-Collector or Sewing Mr..- ni A;.. 0 I Stock, or any other well-informed, eput ib). « . N ’ and who a wide acquaints a-o in 1 ■ : office from th* Ohio ami Potomac smith co- I: > ! u we will pnv them to work for s for 19 03. - j S in which The Constitution reaches hoO.OOO CIRCULATI Should we reach this figure during this contes wewii. double every prize now offered, whet he in this contest or in Port Receipts Contest. 0 I is up to the agents now to do the work, and they can win if they will. I Special Rule on Sunny South Combination Order?. i I All yearly rubscrlptions to The Weekly Constitution and ar- cl , ir - on our list (except Sunny South) will count e. rii -. : - 2. All combination orders for yearly eub-orlpti. ns to TEE WE ' 'ON STITUTION and SUNNY SOUTH, both for onl; $: 25 A Yi. :: TWO each In this -ontes:. This is done *.o give SPE 'IM, iljp - -■ ;■ Sunny South offer. Double privileges to subset.hers an 1 a.;- r E l.v f . a Contest also on this special offer. $1,150.00 in Cash to be Distributed as Follows: A Special Agents’ Offer— The Subscription (’oiite.-t. Con-urrent with the 5.10.000 Port Receipts Contest w« offer - ’■ rorlp- tlon agents, with full privileges of contest as given in tile rules 'mt.: ms, for the best .Rents’ work, as follow: For the larges: list of subscribers to Weekly Constitution from am. agent '-om ilcmber Ist. 1903, to December 31st, inclurive. 19035400.0 For the second largest list. .. I:.'.00 For the thlril largest list 7.5.00 | For the 2 next largest lists $25.00 each 50.00 For tb» 4 next largest lists 512.50 car 50.00 For the 5 next largest lists SIO.OO esch. 50.00 For the 15 next largest lists $5.00 earn 75.00 For the 80 next largest lists 52.50 each 150.00—$ 1,000.00 The Agents’ Port Receipts Contest A New Feature. To the agent sending the largest number of straight estlm.i'u bout subs'ription, for the Port Receipts Contest, a vOm; I by the proper remittances we will give . SIOO.OO To the agent sending the next largest list, as above 50.00 - 150 Cd Total agents' cash prizes $1,150.00 Lists to be made up under the rules published abose. The whole of the time covered by this contest. Is wt' th« period of the SIO,OOO Port Receipts offer, and every a tret sei-ding .1 t übs • ■>, •: i-m n..-: ei >1 (In addition to the subscriber's guess) a guess for him.,-, on ev< v i-a.l;. sul.s.-rlj tlon. I'lie SIO,OOO contest will enable you to secure mar e subset otherwise miss- will help you to take the S4OO agents- prize ...J ,M to y< chances of success in the contest. The people know The Constitution and want . . v.iil 1 , ■ t .nr-st for the asking. You a«k them and sec. If you have not already an agents' o utfit, ser.-i for one. v, . . n srimpie ■ copies and blank stationery free. The time is short. 1- • ; the j>. riod covered by the contest will be of the greatest ii:.<;r-s:. .imj w, w ; to go to work. It is possible for you to make S4OO b< si, ■ s -. our , .-sion an-l what you may secure on your estimates in the Port R eijits Co.:l-'s: Come I Into the race and help us to help yourself. THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GEORGIA.