The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, November 16, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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ALL THE NEWS OF DIXIELAND GEORGIA. Death Comes to Henderson. Columbus, Ga., November 9. —(Special.)— It E. L. Henderson, of Columbus, who Was shot bj Wilkins Wynn, at Hatji echubbee. Ala.. ; esterday, died from his wounds last night. Besides his wife and Hye children. Ids parents Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Hender son. ol Xiadßville, Ala., and several broth ers ant) pistils, survive him. The fu neral o«uurs from the Girard Baptise church. Wynn, who Is in jail at Seale, says (that Hend r- •• tired at !<.i first. The pistols of both moi appear to h ive been tired once. on< chamber in each weapon bearing evl'i-m o of i fr -ii di chare" . Henderson was w Hindi d in two places, . In his head and in his breast. Wynn was not injured. Found with His Throat Cut. Eatonton, Ga., November 9.—(Special.) JI J. Sammons, a highly respected and well-to-do farmer living in this county near Godfrey, committed suicide yester ’diy morning by cutting his throat with a A kinsman of Mr. Sammons, who lived ■with him and who slept with him on Saturda nl nros ea rl y y esterday morning and want into another part ot the house to build a. tiro. While he was out Mr. Sammons arose from Iwd, went To bis dresser, got Ids razor and drew it across his throat and returned to the bed, covered himself up and died 1" tore the S ’ ung man or any other .memb* r of his (family knew what had happened. i'llplies! inns who arriv'd soon after- found tho jugular vein and pharynx severed. Peacock Buried at Cochran. i ■H’liran. Ga., November 9.—(Special.)— Manly Peacock, who met death at Rhine. <;.■ m Ilodge county, at tin'; hands of JI G Ax oil. whose home ho had In vaded. was interred here yesterday. I’o ; -oek was a h andsome young fellow an. well Uki d here, whore his family live. They are among the most prom inent and well known people of this com munity. True Bill /..gainst Rich. c.ilumbns. Ga., November 10.—(Special.) Tl e grand jury today Indicted J. H. Hitch ot A charge .f assault with intent t murde- and can-yog concealed wcap- < s< vera] days ago Hitch shot Engineer J'-rkins. a neighbor, in the arm, because til. latte: weald not turn over to him 1 is t H'tch'si grandchildren. Perkins fi ■ d that the old man who va- irinking. would di them personal v X J ii v before Ordinary Redd has ?lnce ' »d; ds ■ : I<‘ r ■ ■ to b- insane and it was in'oi-need that he was to go to the asv- , }hh Whether the Indictments will bo r h : the circumstances remains James Spence Given Freedom. Waycross, Ga., November 10.—(Special.) , James I Spenct young lawj of W. it cross riH'l a brother of Represonta- ■ five J M Spenct . was ■ Wight n quitted <f The murder of a Httl. negro girl al' War< sboi.i, about three years ago. The use litis been continued from term I to t. "nt of AV.'i-e superior court for ov< r I was brought up for j Tn* ■4c win. tl a some one flrod I from : tr p g through Waresboro And th» bullet instantiy killed a litll. no. ; gro girl xx ho w; it the di pot charged with the ci ime. but he was final Jy re'easod and the grand jure indicted Noung S]'“nco. I he case ends with ).:•■ quittal today. , Elberton Asks foi the Conference. Elberton, Ga.. November 10. A> the j riornl-tg of the First Methodist i church Simdiy a unaniniomv invitation (••r.-'Ticc t" bull next :-oss-i,, ;l with ■ tiiitioi G, - ferenee ;I nd It Is now de- j rlred to “ ag.dn. A committee will ■ >. sent re f'. ' center''neo to lax the Invl- | tali;. ; ;p jj and insist lipin its a.-- ’ Accused of Murdering Son. '■l'lmlre. G.:.. N'lX' inbor 11. -(Special.) i n o g:., : .1 Imp today I,.<iieted R. 11. i Thirl.m > nt ;;.' stabbed Eis young son ; t Till i'l pl' -''ll. of li!;- m tip"-, ‘ b -'-i . !;•• ' d . . his son cnr.-cd him I »:i<! : t. n-,j h ILfe. Farmer;.' Institute for Cuthbert. , lob Id in Cut h- | bort Frii.G- .md Saiurday. Nov<rnboi- 20 ! Ti>o invitatiin was cxt.-udi d by | . . . (trade Ho'. I'.-uvl ’.lordan, ITon. Dudley | ton U.'X, b- ..I ipxdted to dclvm- ;,d j v■ ■ \ I ml"- w ill l.e i irnted one j file rail".' wii: civ., reduei-d ra.tes. ' F?ght on in Cherokee Circuit. > •' ■ ■. '■ - ?<<>; r-Tiric» |2 (Special >— | H. <•. St P- r f,) iin aliy PDi.nußced to- | i ,< l io’.i’.l'-ctw'd t f ’ u-H’-n th.' < J. J M - pgal ?:: i : - . x V I-’:: - a■ 1 ' ’••;onel 'j Shot Down by 'Burnett. • J.? . >.■-•v> ■})l-cr 12. ‘Special.') f V it*, a ;>’]]!• ♦ b .rh <1 his body fa d' i I. ‘t tho s -r.-'r n’s probe has not. s-> far. j her-; able ’ I hud it, W. T. Pagctt is in ; it j T*ag<tt*< v : ,! I was inf! 1 - b d tonight f=’i’‘.r*ly after dark by J-»h>i Burnett, boss i c-.rder nt the Bibb Kt gett and a niiir r son had been work- i Ing at tl>- Bibb mb's und< r Burnett. I Fome tw.i < - t;,r • we”ks ago young J'a.gett and tmrm-tt had a dispute as to | £ —TnrrmfiiTinir ibiftwhiiiiiiiihiiiii iiiiiMi HF Golden Age t d lß| MS LINCOLN COUNTY JfflkW mskeyXL r UT, THE DISTILLERS, guarantee three poods to sis Qgg? |q d^- J E^rxi~- L i-’A3,Sca I be pure and 7 rears old. Nnns better at anr price, n -jK&feSffip.LiJaaM I We will shl|. m ; lain boxo- to any address. F.spreas 9j W* nJ K Prepaid, atthe following distiller’s prices || I fl JI U’JSow | 5 Full Bottles....s 3.45 10 Full Bottles.... 6.55 i 12 Full Bottles. .. 7.9oil6®MK] S 15 Full Bottles.... 9-70 I 25 Full Bottles.... 15.90 | jgmM Freo Giass an<! Corkgcrew ,n Ever >' Box - ■ SSttawrrrl ;t I Your Money Back If Not as E Represented. |aMERICAH SUPPLY C 0. t 665 Rain St., Memphli, Tenn. J the lad’s time. The boss carder had given the boy time than the boy claimed, and a quarrel resulted. The elder Pagett took up the row. and began almsing Burnett, who made every effort to avoid trouble, so those conversant with the conditions assert. Will Make Bid for Baptists. Columbus, Ga., November 12.—(Spe cial. 7—The congregation of the First Bap tist church tonight de<4ded to Invite the next Georgia Baptist convention to Co lumbus. The invitation, which will be from all the Baptist churches of this city, will be extended at the approaching conven tion at Athens. It has been twenty-live years since the -tate I'liir,'. tition of Baptists was held In Columbus. Hail Will Vote on Liquor. Gainesville, “a.. November 12.—(Spe lial.j I pun tue petition of the required number of voTl Fit of Hall county tho or dinary today ordered an election on the local option question to be held on De ci mber T-t. The peiition >as been quietly circu lated throughout the county and was sprung as a surprise upon the prohibi tionists. who say they will fight the mat- Both side's are getting ready for the election and some interesting things are looKT'd for between now ami Decem ber 14. ' Southern Txpress Company’s Officers Savannah. Ga. November 12.—(Special.) At the annual meeting of the Southern Express Company today Morton F. Plant, son of the late H B. Plant, the founder of the company, was elected chairman of tile board of directors. The directors met and elected the fol lowing officers: <’halrman of Board—M. F. Plant, of Groton. Conn. I’resldint M J. O’Brien, of New York. First Vice President anil General Man ager- T. tv. Ixary. of Atlanta. Second Vice President '' 1, Doop, of Chattanooga. S'crotary and Treasurer G. H. Tilley, of New York. General Counsel F. £J. dußlgnon, of At lanta. Thomas Sunday School Association. Thomasville. Ga., November 12.- (Spe cial.) Tho Thomas County Sunday School Association x as organized .at the Baptist church last, night C. C. Buchanan, tho field organizer of the State Sunday School Association, presided at th meeting. Tho following officers were elected; Wilson M. Hardy, president; .1. Wardlaw. first vice presid* nt; J. M. Deklc, second vice president; A I*. Harley, secretary; D. C. Barrow, treasurer: J If Merrill, chair man executive committee New Oil Mill in Operation. Sandersville. Ga . November 12.—(Spe- i clal > The J-’armers' Oil and Guano Com- : pany began work Monday at their new oil mill. About, forty tons of cotton ‘ seed are consumed dally, and tho mill will bo In operation <i«y mid night until Utt- supply of seed Is exhausted. The buildings owned bv the company are val u. al $50,000 The officers are lx. A. M t artv. president, D I’. Hale, vice president. Dake Holt, secretary and tr«wi«- ui'-r; W. I’. Dn.wson, general manager. Griffin Prepared for Methodists. Griffin. G.) Nnvrmb**r 12 » Th<* and all the other r.itlzens ..f GritYii; arc making gnat preparations for the coming ot members of the north tonf-Tener, whit-h mc’ is here ' No'cmlnr 19 , Honn-H have been provided for all who will attend tin various other denomina | tlons -tandltig loyally by th, Methodist! in the "ff'ir: to arrange everything for j t>,c comf'W and convenience of the im poriant ami dist Ingulslu d body. Morgan Negroes Hold Fair. Madison. Ga... November 13. (Special.) ' 'rhe colored people of Morgan county are ; holding a fair in this city at the fair ; grounds'. They gave a big parade yester- ; day ami It was sreatly enjoyed by all ; wlio '.awed It Everything grown on a farm was represented in the parade, and ; the picture of true colored southern life. , as represented in the parad' was an j ideal one The exhibits at tho fall- are ; good ami large crowds are attending. ‘ Albert Wylie Named by Court. Savanna Ti. Ga.. November 13. The , l.’ntted State? court today appointed Al- | b< i t Wvif.- rei eiver for Benjamin D. I Gi-eene and John F Traynor, the purpose | being to secure control of the property j Green.-- -and Gaynor in Savannah to I insure li) 1 ' colle<-tion of the amount of : their forf'ited bonds. Greene and Gaynor both own largo ’ amount:-, of valuable stocks In Savannah i and these have been attached. Convict Sentenced To Hang Tifton, Ga,, November 13. -iSpecial ) ! Ned Jack Ferguson, convicted of killing 1 ti fellow convict in tho state camps at ; Worth at the last term of the Worth i -nj Tior '-'urt, lias been sentenced by J JudgT Supem-e to hang at Isabella "11 ‘ D- -ember 17. Fc.gnsnn was alrea lx serving a life sentence, and murdered an- I oilier convict without a shadow of pre- > Transrerred to Arkansas. Augusta. Ga.. November 13.--(Special.) | Rev. T'asper Wright, pastor of Broad- ’ way Methodist church, and a popular | member of the north Georgia, conference, i today received notice of his transfer i -.1 the Arkansas conference. This change i has been made by request. In the Intel , cst of Mr. Wright's health. His successor • here has not been named. Mail Carrier Has Disappeared Augusta. Ga., November 13.—(Special.) J. M. Everett, carrier on a rural mail free, delivery route from this office, has i not. been seen sine" W"ilnesday. The i Ity and along his route have been | thoroughly searched, but as yet there Is ; no clue to his disappearance. Both his family and th" postoffice an- j t-horities are much concerned lest he has met with foul play. Bad Negro Captured. Golumb is. Ga . November 13. (Special.) j The police believe they have captured I a long-wanted murderer in the person THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1903. of a negro arrested here yesterday. They have all reason to believe that (he party they arrested is Will Clem ents, wanted at Hawkinsville, Pulaski county, on a charge of murder committed in 1892. The negro has been sent to Hawkinsville for identification. To Honor Governor Heard. Elberton, Ga., November 13— (Special ) This week Hon. J. W. McCalla donated to the. Daughters of the Confederacy, Stophen Heard chapter. TO acres of land, which inclosed the tomb of General Ste phen A. Heard, first governor of Georgia. It is the intention of the chapter to use the land for park purposes. It Is situated near Heardmont. McKenzie Shot by His Stepson. Cusseta. Ga., November 14. --(Special.)— T. N. Riles shot his stepfather. If. L. McKenzie, about five miles south of Cus seta this morning and it B now thought that McKenzie will die soon. The ball passed through the wind pipe ami it js said that he breathes with great difficulty. Riles came to town and surrendered to tho sheriff and said ho wanted several of th" best men of Cusseta to go to the scene of the difficulty and see his and McKen zie's tracks. lie claims that McKenzie was cutting at him ami he ran to avoid a difficulty and wa< hemmed in a fence corner and had to shoot to save his own life. Jury's Verdict Favors Potter. - Savannah. G>-i., November 14 (Special.) | After a trial that lasted throughout the week, the jury in the case of W. J. rot ter at 8:30 o'clock tonight brought in a verdict of not guilty. Potter was not released. Ho was held for trial upon the indictment brought against him for the murder of Bour quln. The crime with which Potter waS ' charged the murder of Fred Taylor, the old negro servant of Gug i- Bourquhi. a wealthy white planter of Chatham eout ty, who was found murdered at the same time. Indicttiu'nts were returned against Potter and his son Kwayn*- .is tin- per sons guilty of the killing of the two men, and ft was up"n tlm Indictment for the murder of Taylor that Potter was tried. Spalding Won Prize at Savannah. Savannah. Ga.. November 14.-(Special.) rhe Savannah Agri< ultural and Industrial fair closed tonight at midnight after a successful run of ten days \V. L. Exley, Lamar Keller and C. E. G. Feb. the judges of the county ex hibit. made the following awards. ; Spalding county was awarded first prize of $400; Bulloch eountx cam, le-xt, and :xx ill get an award of $250. Following came Worth county for a prize of SIOO, and Camden SSO Agricultural products counted 60 points of the 100. vrgetables 20 points, and fruit and home merchandise 10 points each. ' Farmer Killed by Negro Hand. Americus Ga. November 14. (Special.) At Weston, Webster county, this morn ing, Marcellus Porter, a negro farm hand, instantly killed Mr. Swann, a prominent young farmer. The two men had a. disagreement over ' a settlement, when Potter shot Swann ■ with a double-barreled shotgun, killing him Instantly. SIOO REWARD. SIOO. The rca.tkTH of this paper will be pleased to learn thnt there t> at lea.-t on- drea I <1 dlbe-HHe that Hcienco has I'cett uhle to <ui* ,n Its stage.', and that is <’atarrh Hall s « ; ai h Cure Is th” only positive urn n-w known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being h ■ tuttonni disftaae, Ti'-iuives a. < <>nstltnlonril treat mert Hall's < atarrh ‘ ure ;• taken lnt* rnnlly. acting directly upon the Mood and nniccup surfaces th* gystcin. thereby destroying the foundation tin* dN’-nsf, an vs- .i.g the pa t’ent strength ■’> build',og up tie - ■n.-tltii lion and .i.--!Mi;ig .’latiire In doing Its work. ’!>«' propt !■ ’ >. h have so mu h fulth In Its ; curative powers, that they offer <'n»* Hundra 1 Unbars for any case tl at It. falls to euro. Sr-r.d for list of testimonials. ' Address T" J. CHHN’KY &CG Toledo, 0 ! Sold by T'rugglflt.s 75»- Hall's FamJlv I'llle are the NORTH CAROLINA. Road Declares First Dividend. Raleigh, N, <'. November 11. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the North Carolina Midland railroad at Winston-Salem today the report of the operating department showd the net earnings of the road for the past year to bo $29,000. A ilfvldend of 2'» per cool was declared, this being the tirsi on" since flic road was built. The old officers were r*'*d*> ted- Col. W. T. Blackwell, Durham, N. C. Durham. N. C . November 12 Colonel tt T. Blackwell, the tobacco manufac turer and former postmaster here, under ITesident Cleveland. dl"d nt his home here tonight. Moravians Celebrate Centennial. Raleigh, N. C November 13. The Ses qul Centennial c lobratimi of (lie first Mo ravlan settlement In Wachovia, tills state, lagan nt Bcthabara.. 6 miles north -f , Winstim-Sakin, today The programme hc-luded marking sit's of famous inci dents in tie early history of the C')"i.y, Txt" thousand people »<•>'<■ present. Bishop ; Rontlialer, vl ilie Southern province, was master of ceremonies Dr. J C. Clewell [ read a greeting from the Northern M" ravian conference. Papers were read giv ■ ing tlu> history of Hie colony that came here from Pennsylvania 150 years ago , The. celebration will continue several ! Corpse Weighted Down With Bricks. Elizabeth City. N November 14.- The body of K. Itayner Bell, who dis appeared from the bedside of his sii k raughtor during the night three weeks ago, was today found floating in tlie xx a rers of Pasquotank riv'-r. A line xvas wrapped txx-i -e .-iroutid tin- bondx- and to this line was attached a bag containing two bricks. A post mortem examination ; lias been or<ier< d Slue. 7 Bell's disappear- , unre his daughter has died. Choir Singing Lauses Fight. Asheville N November 14. —(Spe cial.)- Last night W. J. McCanless abused his partner and cousin. J. M McCanless, for leaving his studio to practice in tho afternoon church choir service, xvhere upon an altercation ensued. W. J McCanless got two bullets in his body and is In the hospital. The cousin surrendered to the au thorities. ALABAMA. Paralyzed While in Buggy. Eufaula, Ala.. November 10- (Special.)— Charles A. Stevens, a prominent citizen, suffered a stroke of paralysis last night and is In a critical condition at his home ■ here. The attack came while sitting In his buggy talking to a. (rend. He has ■ been prominently mentioned as a candi date for mayor at the coming election and is wiilely known ami esteemed In I many sections of the state, baling once ; been mayor of Decatur. Alabama Rads Stick to Negro. Montgomery. Ala.. November 10,—T,ha I Alabama supporters of President Roose- , velt, white and colored, headed by tho ; president's referees, who met in Mont gomery today, pleaded anew their support to th- president's well-known policy. . In tlie conference of more than sixty ; republicans resolutions declaring that the negro should have pl.-o- s on the <l"l'g.-i- l t.lon to the next republican national con vention. as well as representation upon all executive committees, were adopteil without a dissenting vote Captain Charles H. Scott, of Montgomery, was in dorsed for Alabama's member of the national republican committee to suc ceed Captain J W. Dlmmick. A dozen or more prominent negro poll- | ticians were present and heartily in dorsed the proceedings of the conference. Fire at Childersburg, Ala. Childersburg, Ala., November ll.—Fire destroyed the Childersburg dispensary and Wood’s store at 3 o’clock this morn ing. The loss is $5,000. The dispensary stock was insured a lu ] other losses prac tically covered. The cause of the tire is unknown. Immediate rebuilding is expected. Southern Car and Foundry Company. Anniston, Ala., November 11.—(Special ) The local plant of the Southern Car and Foundry Company will be put in opera tion next Monday morning. For the first time since tho company was declared bankrupt the big rolling mills will be put in operation and will be kept busy. Captain T. <l. Bush, one of the receivers, arrived In the city hist night and today issued instructions for th,, operation of t| )e plant. The company secured an order for hundrv'l . n-s, upon which work will b" begun at •>•!<■. . It is belie,ed that til" plant will b' run indefinitely, as it has h.-' it plainly shown by th" i "ielver within the past txxo months that it (-an In- conducted at a profit and that is just what th" credit.. .. desire The resumption of work means a groat, deal to the city It will Increase the city's payroll ar>> where from $35,000 to $40,000 per moeth. It will bring back to the city many persons who ha. been compelled to seek employment elsewhere. Crushed to Death by Engine. Selma. Ala.. November I I .—(Special.)— While engaged nt work in the yards of the Southern "il’way shops here today Robert Wilson xvhile carpenter, was run over by a switch engine and both his legs mashed "ff . lose to his body, the wound- causing bis death about one hour la i er. Government Dredge Sinks. l Mobile Ala., .b ■ "mber 10- The dredge ' Jumbo. 140 feet in length and valued at $75,000, which ■. -s engaged In tho work ' of widening th Mobile channel off Fort ; Morgan, went c wn last night In 25 fw; i of water. Ther were fully 20 employees on board and . wort gotten ofY safo- i jy. Boards Named by Jelks. | Montgomery, 8.i., November ll.—(Spe ejal. (—Governor Jelks today named the I following as menv.'-rs of the hoard of con | trot of the iiiii'- ite agri' nltural schools. i The governor, superintendent of ed mitfon ami t. -oinmlssloner of agri- ■ culture an- memoirs of each board: First Dlslrii G. (V. Bope S. A. I .Adams, of Ja<-k ~n. Second Distri ■ W. C. Creampton, of bJvergreet:, S. ' ook. of Nellie Third Distri' I M V. Capps, of Abbe ville. N. B.'ord, of Dothan. Fourth Distri J. W. McElreath, of Anniston: Dr A- Hili, of Sylacauga. Fifth Distrli'! M Hollenberg, J. M , Jenkins, of ■ upka. ' Sixth Dis;t:T-' !•.. Mitchell, W. L’. ’ (’arpi ater. 1 H i - ailton. Sex idh Distr A . W. Haralson, of Fori I'ayn" S. V. . Itiddlc. of G.-idsden. Eighth Distr: ■ Di Theo. Westmors ! laml. of Atlieii N. M. Rowe, of Tri ana. Ninth District - M. Hendrix, Richard Nation, of Bio. " x-llle. These appoint!:; .'s were made hr ac- ; cnrdnnee with a 'xv enacted by the last legislature puttm.- all of the schools un der boards. Jelks Pnrdre s Two Negroes. Montgomery. A , November 13 -<Spe- ' cial.i Governor J s pardoned two negro ' convicts. Adam nderwood, of Conecuh, ; convicted in 19*' f arson, sentenced for ! ten years, and rry Brown, of Mont - 1 g'uncry, .-."iix-i- for gaming and s'-n tenoed to twent xs and costs. Farmers’ lust ute at Huntsville. Huntsville. A:.. November 14 (Spe cial.i Th" first fnsllbito under the auup-C''of the Ma'lis";: I'nintx Far mere’ ('bib was !u ;.i I lalbm R. R. Poole, <'omn.i-.-lon r of agriculture; Dr. C. A Cary Proto -oi Ik B Boss .and Pr-ofessor R S. M< Intush, of the Alaba ma Polytechnic ins.ltutf, wcr,. present. The Auburn proAss-'is made adilre. n -s on technical subjo is. SOUTH CAROLINA. Destroyed a Big Still. Greenville. S November II (Spe ci i'i.i -Revei ■ < 'oil— t"r Aiken, Deputy Marshals Jim -n’.'l A'* x Phillips, returned t" the city t"; g! t f' om til." upper section of this coup’:', win-re they destroyed a, largo dlstillelocn'cd a/oouf half a. mile from the disli'.'ery t>»o officers discover' t two barrels f whisky buried in the grotirul. This was eontireatr d Parker Heads Olympian Mills. Columbia. 8 C.. November 13 \- a meeting of t dlr"-tors. ~f the Olympia mills tonight ii. Smith-Whaley re- ; signed the pre d"n--v, and K (A Parker, ■ of Greenvllh . wa.- • : octe<l president tem porarily. Tb'-re will be another meet ing tomorrow Went to Booth Ahead of Time. Union. S. Brown Hodg- r>|<.;•»•<], was hanged to day fo r th” i- irder nf Rodger Tant, a young white :r u. '• i Ayrll 5 last. Although th* of execution was l'..\e<l ft ir 2 o . (todg r rxpi't ,-.-<1 his ii jolinesa aod ■ a/tO'ii to the scaffold at ; >2 o'clock, ip, .r» iiiiy without, fear. In i stateni* i. < <cidernne.] man said 1 that if he v.. i ) h { - hang'Xi all thosc- who have bo- -d off on self <i« fens ought to be b’ o'.ht up and hanged Three Cotto; M ils Reorganized. Columbia, S. •' November 14. - The plan for the r Tganlzation of the < Olympia., Gran ■ and Rbhland cotton THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL. Few People Knew How Useful It Is In Preserving Health and Beauty. Nearly everyb ’; knows that "harcoai Is the safest un-i most efficient disinfect- ' nnt and purifier nature, but few real Ize Its value wacn taken into the human I system for the 'tu-i cleansing purpose. Charcoal Is -a : medy that the more you take of it the. t i ; it. is not a drug at all. but simply >bs rbs the gases and im- : purities always !>r'sent in th«: si.uii.j it and Intestines and carries them out of the system. Charcoal sweetens the breath after smoking, drinking or after eating onions and oti<er utor. is vegetables. Charcoal effectually ciears and improves the complexion, it whitens the teetn ami t'urtner acts as ■■ ■'-uuiat aim emmenuy sate catnartic. It absorbs th- it.furious gases which collect in the si na i and boweis; It Uis iniects the nmu i and throat from tne ' poison of catarrh- Al), druggists : '• l.arcoal tn one form or .'inother, but probably tn.- best chai coal anti the most lor the money is ii Stuart’s Absorb ' I.ozcnges; tney are . -,‘omposed of tie d ]i t powdered w."ow charcoal, and other armless antiseptics , in tablet form . rather it, inc form of large, pleasant tasting lozenges, the chnr being mixed 'tith honey. The daily use of these lozenges will ■ soon tell in a mii' i' in. "roved condition of the general health, i otter .complexion, l sweeter breath ami<r blood, and tho : beauty of it is. t!sit m, possible harm can result from their continued use, but on i the contrary, gr. it l"-neflt. A Buff,do phy iim tn speaking of the benefits of chare ■ tl. says; "j .nlvise Stu- , art's Absorbent Dozengos to all patients suffering from gas in the stomach amt I bowels, and to clear the complexion and ■ purify tlie breath, nr ami throat; 1 I also believe the liver i s greatly bene- ' tited by the daily US'’ "f them; they cost ! but twenty-five rents a box at ‘ drug ' stores, and althougli in some sense a pat ent preparation, yet, I believe I get more, and better charcoal in Stuart's Absorbent i.ozenges than in any of the ordinary charcoal tablets.” j • mills ot Columbia was approved today at ■ meetings ot stockholders of tho mills by almost unanimous votes and the three mortgages to secure bonds on the three • i mills, aggregating $3,000,000, were au r | tliorized, executed and records J. ; The greatest satisfaction Is expressed ’ throughout the state at the successful : outcome of th' 1 reorganization plan, and it is generally believed that the three ' mills, which are in fine physical con ‘ dition, will be put at once on a strong business foundation. Murder of Wife Laid To Hayes. Wallhalla., S. C., November 14.—(Spe cial.)—After deliverating over four hours, at 4 o'clock this afternoon the jury re turned a verdict of guilty of murder against Hoyes Hayes, charged with hav ing killed his wife, Lulu Hayes, on the night of April 24. the weapon being a ’ single barrel breochloading shotgun. The theory of the defense was suicide, th.- gun and poker xvete found on the bed. The ease lias stirred the public mind to a pitch and when the jurors xv re amine.l on their voir <liie all save one admitted thai they had formed ami ex pressed opinions. TEXAS. Waco Motormen Surrender. I AVaco. Tex.. November 11. -The strike I begun September 27 last of the street car ■ motormen of local union 86. of tlie Amal- I gamated Association of Street and Elec ; trie Railway Employees of America, was ! declared off today. The surrender was j made unconditionally, the motormen feel i ing that :hej wet" defeated. Several I have made application to the company i tor reinstatement. Yellow Fever Situation. Laredo. Tex.. November 14.- The fever situation remains in, hanged. The official tnilletln issued tonight is as follows: New eases. 25, deaths, I. total cases to date, 866; tola! death:' " date, 82 Conditions at Mon'ci'ey are ‘lightly better. The j latest bulletin reported five deaths and ■ fifteen cases on Thursday last. Texas Merchants Fail. Tyler, Tex.. Novemb.-r 14.—Edw.irds & 'A'lams and W. B. Edwards, general mer . handise, at Emory. 't\ x . today filed a i joint petition In bankrupt' y xvitli lia bilities of $90,000; assets about tin same. Valise Was Full of Securities. Dallas, Tex., November 14.- President Charles N Alexander, of the Velasco, Brazos and Northern railroad reported to the detective department of the city . hall that thlevoß last night stole a valise from his buggy containing $260,000 worth of securities of tho raliroad- The entire: detective force of tho city Is at work on the case. The buggy from which Hie propertv was stolen was hitched on one of the most prominent corners of the business districts whi'c President Alexan der was In the office consulting with other perso- s. KENTUCKY. Six Trainmen. Pead in Wi'ock.. Louisville, Ky., November 12.—Two heavy freight train?, on* of them n : double header, collided in a dense . near N» \v Hope, Uy., on the. KrioxvHle : division of the Louisville and Nashville, oarh t<" ay, killing s!x trainmen and in juring two, one probably fatally. Th” trains met on a rovers” curve at i th*-- top of an embankment 30 feet high. ; Thr»‘t: engines ompb’tdy demol- ished nnd nearly pvery rare of both ' trains btuded at the f< ■»! of the fill. Piro 1 soon broke out and fifteen ours of mer j rhai.'iis-' and coal we»-< <b troyed. Hunter Wins in Kentucky. Louisvib”. K N<>\• irib’-r 12. Returns from all tho counties In the eleventh con- KTossiona! district, with only a few pre- A’lixts missing, gb T’ (rodfrov llU'itn. 5.022; U. <’ T>. bit- . pro.nib •’ •!. 2,064. These, figures ire rJJ.sputed ~y Ih’ wa rtfs-, who claims that, the oflbual count win gi\« him a majority of more than 200. Kentucky Still After Taylor. Washington, November 12. -Represcn tative Jamc.: of Kentucky today introduc ed n. bill amending the extradition sec- • lion of the revised statutes so as to re quire state officers to arrest and deliver persons xvho are fugitives from justice from other stal es, upo’i the present;'l lon <>.’ proper wail. Bits signed by the gov- . r< ;ior of flic state mnk'ng the requisf ibm. The bill is intended to cover tho case of former Governor Tavlor. of Ken twl.y. John White Captured. Middlesboro, Ky . November 14 -John ' White, who killed Jon Lester Thursday for tho eommanrt of men; lie is a man of with a. bar of iron, and made his es cape, was captured today. He was lodg ml In tlie Pi '■ vflle jail. Tii" killing oc ; curred on Hqmett's fork. Free Booklet ' On Blood Polson, written l>x* the loa.ding spool a list of this country Address Dr. J. Newton Hathaway, 42 Inman building, Atl.-inta, G i TENNESSEE. Will Reclaim Dismal Swamp. Knoxville, T< nn . Novi-tnber 9. -Five ■ ihoii.-mil acres of ‘‘tin d -inn.! u'vuinp kind ■’ near Norfolk, \'a.. ar, to ■ *•- claimed by tl. i’ri-.ikl i: I. <ml nml Lum ber Compaiij, . "mp " "<1 "i ( iliio nu n Will Unveil Shaft at Shiloh. Chattanooga. Tenn.. November 10 Governor I’ennypm-kor and party spent today at Chickamauga, and leave to night for Johnsonville, win re they will i take steamer for Shiloh. On that ’ tie'.d a monument xvill be dedk'n ted to- , rnarrow t" din memory of the Seventy seventh Pennsylvania regiment Negro Doctors in Session. Nashvile, Tenn.. November 10. -The : fifth annual meeting of the National : Association of the Colored Physicians, Surgeons, Dentists and Pharmacists be gin here t".ia... Dr F. A Stewart of Nashville, i-- president, and Dr. J W. \ ell, of Mancie. Ind.. secretary. M.iy..- A S. Williams, of this city, : among others, delivered an address of i welcome. Car Crushes Miss Calhoun. Memphis, Tenn., November 10. Miss 1 Douglas Calhoun, of 415 Pontotoc, street, prominent tn social circles ami member . f an aristo ratio t'.imily, was killed by a street car tonight on I nion street mar - llei'irinrlo. The young lady, her brother ! ami a lady friend were taking a horse- ‘ back rille. At the approaih of the car tin animal became frightened ami Miss Calhoun was thrown inini'dlntely in front of th< rapidly moving ear ami instantly killed. Queer Freaks of Lightning. Chattanooga, Tenn.. November ll[ This afternoon, at 5 O’clock, during a severe electrical storm, lightning struck the wires al thi' power house of the | Rapid Transit Company. . ausing a. Iqss I of about $20,000 ami fatally injuring the ; engineer in charge. The lightning on striking the generator, reversed tin current, causing the im- ! mens" 50-foot fix' wheel to burst Into ' many pieces. line of thes" hit Rolu it Morgan, crush ing- his in ad. while others were hurled through tli" brick building ami scatter- | • ■ii for many y a rds around tlie country. Our heavy pit ■ I II through the roof of the Conv-rv' Hri'lge Company, barely • missing three men. All of th" lini s of tie e.mtjiany are with- ‘ out nw-ans of operation. Nashville Has $48,000 Fire. Nashvilh*. Tenn.. November 12. -A. fire ■ started in the ware house of the Ten- ' nessee Chemical Company at West j SISTERS OF CHARITY Use Pe-ru-na for Coughs, Colds Grip and Catarrh* A Congressman’s Letter. i •. —, — —— ——- —. —■- ■- -- ■ ~ o 1 .* i I’ H ) I' JiSiwiL I i aaMO i | - ' me a o —' ' - I • ... • Tn every country of the civilized world | ; Sisters of Charity are known. Not only • i do they minister to the spiritual ami in- i J telleetnal tteed.-; of the cbargi s eommitte'.l , . to their » are. but they also minister to ■ . their bodily needs I With so many .-iiiiH»•■ ■ ■ to take care of . i and to protect from climate and disease, i ; these wise and lu-memt Sisters have ■ ■ found Peittna a n'-ver-f.iillng safeguard I Dr. Hartman rec> : s maux- letters ' ' from ' atiiolic Siste: fr .-n .:!! ox*cr th" Fnitml St ites. .A r- ommen 1 re.-mtlt received from a ('.aim.Pc Institution in ; 1 'otroit. Mi"li . roods .■<■• tollov. Dr. S. B. H.ii’tmaii, Columbus, Ohio: J Dear Sir—“Tlie young girl who used the. Peruna was suffering from , laryngitis, and loss of voice The result of the treatment was most sat isfactory. She found great relief, and after further use of the medicine we hope to be able to say she is en tirely cured."—Sisters of Charity. The yoimg girl xvas imior -'ie care ot ; ’he SB;. " o f ('harity and used Peruna i ; f"t catarrh o? the throat with good re I suits .■»< tl"- .y’mive loti- r r stifles. | Send to Tito Pi num Ms di'-inr? Co.. Co i ■: Itimbus, <)li: • f"r a Ire- "k wrl’ten by 1 i Dr. Hartman. 1 Nashville this morning. Thf damage • . the building is placed at $3,000 and stork ; $45,000. fully covered fix tn.-uram Th" Maze started In The. tatikag" and w,j ;- line to spontancou < '-.uhoust inn. Rev. J. E. Clarke Made Editor. Nashville. Tenn., N o-ember 12. -The ; board of pitblicaffon of the Cumberland ’ PresTtyferian chureTt this morning elected Rev. J E. Clarke to the editorship of I The Cumberland Presbyterian. as sac- 1 cessor b> Rev. Ira Lamlrlth, who re. i-nt- . I; resigned to accept, the general secre taryship of the Religious Educational ! Association, with headquarters In Chi- ' C.'Uio. Broke Leg in Football Game. Nashx'llle, T' nn . Novemb< r id. -In a 1 football game here this afternoon be- ' tween teams of tin- I’ntve.rsity of Ton- i nessee mmlhal dapartmeiit and the I'nl versity "f Nashvill". M. l-'etrin. right half- I back for the lati'-r Im.d Im. right leg i brok-n. 'j Wiley Voils Must. Hang. h'noxvili”, T”nn., clal ) -The Tt-nnt're*- cupv’-ine u'T'irt to- : nffi-ni.Hl th <«”a:h --.t - • Wil y Voils. who kill d .U’iipc ” ;)t Rock j wood, November 2 la is s.n- j tri'c’H t<» heits - i3l. Tii» men j wort’ frlen'ls. Voils claimed Uarb r sought \ to persuade him *o mo t-* ’ snloo]; ;> nd struck him for his refu--'' ami then V<>;'s ; shot him, I-H'-'ving Uirtor v.ould sho<>t. j - VIJFtCINIA. Scion of Henry Killed by Train. Roanoke, \'a., November 11. .1. R. ; Henry, a confederat- soldi'r, t. 1 the i great grandson of the famous orator and | statesman, Patrick Henry, was struck by ■ a Norfolk and Wester freight t in at I Elliston. 10 miles west of Roanoke, to- i day. and killed. His son. Daniel Henry, was killed by an I engine blowing up on his first trip as a. ; fireman on the same road several years j Olympia Mills Free of Court. j ( Richmond. Va November 11. -In the j United Si .it's circuit cotert today Judge I tfimo’.itoi dismissed tlie rece-lv-'-rs ap pointed for tlie Olympia cotton mills in I . CARTER'Sj w ß r§ig| 8 F3LS.S. MmtJi l n CURE h Fick Headache and relieve ah the troubles fnef- n dent tn a bilious state of the system, auch as ' ’ Dizziness, Nau Di iwsineas. Distress after eating. I’sdn in the Fide. &.c. While their most remarkable success has bi« u show nin curing SICK ; Headache, yet Carter’s Lit Ho Liver Pills are , ( equally vcJuubJoinConstipation, cr.ringandpre venting thisannoyingcomplaint.wiii! • they also correctall-lisor b rs« f 1 boct h.athnolate tha ' * l Jiverand regulate thobowehi. Eveu if tacyonly HEAD . Ache they would bo almost pri vlcfw to f hose who Buffer from this dndresHing comi hunt; butfortu- Tintely theirgoodnessdoc < nofcent!here.and th> t< who once try them will find these ht tie pills valu tibio in so many ways t ha t they will not be wil ling to do without them. But after all sick head P ACHE Is the bane of so many lives that Imre is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while |!• others do not. Carter’s Little Liver Pills arc very ’’mall and very easy to take. Ono <»r two pills make a dose. Th* \’sre strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vialsat 25 cents ; five for fl. Sold by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE C(X, New York. <• Small Pill, Small Doss, Smail Price. , I Th'i follow!: g letter is from Congress ' man Metkison, of Napoleon. Ohio. I T‘," ” -.111.-, M-dlcln. Co., I.'obimb-.- O- Te - —-- ■— -- *» i have u.-tea sev- ( , ' ral bottlx. of ' Peruna and f--1 \ I greatly benefited • !me e remrrh frU ™ i : i-’-ad. ■ m:i ■' _ % JaggL ' w ; ■ ■ .. .'tis..-,.. .* > ‘ tbirtx- x' <• a r s’ : t-t., ruling/' Ire- D'Vld M' “ i vid M-eklson. - i Dr Hartman, one of t’c» best knew: I physicians and .surgeons in lu- I’uit'. i S:<it»s, was fi first man t” f'irmn! •’ ■ Ptrunn. It was trironuh his l'cthila ;t!c! I perseverance tb.H i! was Ini t » ; th*- medical profession of -his country. I If you Ho not derive prompt ami sa’’'-’- ’ factor}/ romilm from the us*.- of Form ’. ( write at once to l.)r. Hartman giviii” : full staiement <>T your i Addres-’ Dr. Hartman. u s T ' I Hartman Sanitarian ; <'"iinnbia. S ('.. a $2,500,000 .-.-irpornri"-' I and dissolv- d the Injunction Th--- r« < - ; . wore appommi --.-•■-’p. : Judpfrt Simonton reversed h;s 1 Thi - tin- mihs, b j.s . : • » - carry not •” Sr plan of reorganization Allen Killed by His Uncle. ! Charlottesville. Am. N-'mb"r 13 ! Thomas J. Allen, a ca.ttle ,!■ < • :-. b .-s trader and farmer, who resides in N"',-- snn comity. Virginia, xvas .-.t ami kill ed today by his un ic, I' V. Alien, o' the same s- ■timi. The uncle met the nephew In Hie big l ;- xvay, and, wltlnmt xxre imlng Hi;-. -1 two loads of she: a/t". ' man, killing him Instantly. Tit" >:!•■■!■ then surrendered films.-if to th-.rl ties, and is now In tfi.- Ni'lson < . awaiting trial, bail having ,;; ~■ A Chance To Make Money. I h s ; -lling Non- A- ’ 1 > three or fmtr box"? rhe 'litre . per xv. 'k, 1- nr, fi-i• .-.. ■: ■ ■ St. I.o'iis. M . AVri'. : ren : ~, 7 MISSISSIPPI Suicide of Bank Cashier. morning at I <t t-loek ]■’. B. Neal, .issis* this city, suicided by shooting him’srel twice In the head. TI" had bf n .sb. k for same week anti sent fits wife downstairs at i o', hi, k thre was gom fi" shot himself. He was one of the w altliy e:Bz-...- of the eltx- and was state senator -r : Hinds and Warren e.'mn,'y, and was p:om. Inent in state polities. Asks $50,000 for Legs ci.lire A $50,000 damage salt ha.- I; -m entered in the .'ire-tit court of H;- ■ county against the Illinois Centra! re.-.- by Hugh Vltzthum. a y.mng w ti’" man formerly employed as a switchmre. b the company In this city, and w o . ha-i both legs cut off last Mr.t.-h while t tempting tn step on tho running bond of a switch engine. The p! ;: I”' .lainis that the a.'Cident was due a de'-ct :t the running hoard, tlie plank being loose and shaky. Congressional Candidates Appearing. Jackson, Miss . November 12- i:lp clal.)—The congressional campaign in Mississippi promises to open several months In advance of the usual date, ami th.- legislature mc.-ts in January several candidates xxill be in the field. Ho:. •) S. McCarthy, prlv.iti sc tetar; to United States Senator Mei anrln. .-inTieunces th.T he will be a < ongie. sion 1 < indid.ce in lite seeond distri t. noxx r. j<r. -.utej by Captain Thomas Spight. and will Inaugu rate his campaign at Baiesviil. . his old home, within the nex: two weeks. Confederates Aid in Ceremonies. Vicksburg, Miss.. November 14.—Gov ernor Rates, of Massachus' its. and a dis tinguished party from the N'-xx- England state, arrived In Vfiksl-.urg this morning to participate in the unveiling of the Massachusetts monument in the military 0.-irk here, the ceremony taking place late this afternoon. Included in the. partx- Is Mrs. Alice Rtiggh s Kits <:i, of Boston, aho designed the monument. The eamtt if Confederate Veterans and other con ’cderate bodies assisted in the cercmon- Do You Suffer with Piles? Do they protrude? Do they bleed'.’ Do they pain you? Do you have mucous or bloody dis I can cure you. t also cure varicocTa i.ttd stricture. Advice free. Dr Tucker. 16 N. Broad street, Atlanta, Ga. 5