The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, November 23, 1903, Page 24, Image 24

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24 WOROSOFPRAISE The Bollowing Indorsements from the Press, Financial Institutions nnd Customers Prove Not Only the Great Merit of the Kellerstnuw Whisky, but the Company To Be the Greatest Distilling Company in the World. The KeSlrrstmss DlfltSlllnr of Xan- City, Mo., the proprietor* of Kellettrtrajw Rye Whisky, have one of the moot com p’etely equipped plants of the kind In the world. They make the whisky, hottie it, pack h for shipment and send it direct to the con sumer wtthcut ever allowing it to pasa through the hands of the dealer. By this method of dealing the company can guarantee its urd f **rm quality and flavor to the consumer. St. Republic, Nov. 9, 1902. Ken«wtra» .Rye is the beet-known whtoky In the world. Fh.’ery town and hamlet from me end of the country to the other has Its 'egri'ar patrons cf the Kellenetrafis Distilling Company, of Kansas City. Mo. The phenom enal eticcess of this company la due to the merit cf Its whisky. They are extensive a*i vertlrerK but we know from years of expe rience ir* the newspaper business that un.le.we an article has real merit, advertising cannot make its flala profitable.—New York World, Xov. 5, 1902. The delicious flav- - and the purity of KeUer sTrass Re Is proverbial. Tills well-known V. .c-v is made by the Kellerstrasa Distilling mpany, of Kansas City, Mo. Millions of but s It have been sold and not a single er t>xe ever expressed his dlseatisfac- Tt!« is a remarkable record and cer (.!?' ■ epoaJ-• well for the high grade of this r. us V'.miP’ *ago American, Nov. 8. ; 902. x .* •Ik!’”’ ry .-■ -le ■■ f the wonderful reeults j < . Hi >• i business methods is the 1- v: st rasa 1». il’dng Co., of Kansas City, M nils ■ ny sells whisky by mail and . tb.ou.-a:. is <f mens residing in all , t. e- e * ♦ .-* <>:.••< York Journal, .xt. 4. 1902. ray.« , t . r people at this day and The * .'r ‘.'.ant who sella on the **satls . r or t ney ba plan and adheres to it ■. r. of a t ty of bj.' : The KellerstraM Difltlll of Kansas C : . Mo., has fully 300.- 000 customtTF. < vp- • one of whom it claims ' . ions is n•! *> remarkable after all. — ; M- ■ ipo’:- lar-yr/ Tribune. Nov. 7, 1902. ■ • dev - epr ent <• ff- * mail-order buxlnw i • last few ears baa been little ahort of -wh •’ .'t ‘s •■•V possible to buy and sell i .it ■ ’Uir.g :?g mail-order plan. The • rx ? I>i t t < Co,, of Kansas City, .V . whi-h hen long been famous for the ’ 7 ‘ s whtsi y. has adopted the plan o' ; ► ;• g d:--- t to the rr•n«U'. r iier. The business ■ i* * <.♦ company has developed until the entire , < it, t of its tilery Is now sold tn this j v ;.x arid it is said the express rompanieo ere t swamped by the enormous shipments | • go < it • Ke >rstras« Company » ,-cr? cay ■ •' Appeal, Memphis, No- e-n-e.r 4, 1902. K erstraas Rye, famous whisky of the • r-Atraws Tdr-irir.g Company, of Kansas Mo., !< known and used by more people .> any ot -r br... . of w'.lsky Its wondep /pular’’ 's ut 'fs ah.olute purity and irhtful fnv . ■ - i'T tn avoid any pos -.hh.’y of adulteration, the Ke'.lerstrass Com- • • •’hip * ’* v’Lbky direct from their dia ■ to tht « .’i* ,-rr, never to deal der any cir- .irres. They guarantee • »x juallt; <' v Cs-ky. and will refund - in cas- It dors rot prove perfectly eat- *> ory. T’. :• '• all they claim Is proven .-> : •» .>mpanv has over 325. : -C- cv'' rners residing in ail parts of i’nit*l *■ a > » rd Canada. —’Burlington d ; Nov. *B. 19C2. •-3JI S rs c - fact that it 1 h -ie -crcler wtalsky house In I t • "Id • < : * K traas Distilling r i v. •’ ; established a national ; r* •. xtion " - ’ - >.r?- r-f Its whisky. This j r mpony :as i /Jx* 300,000 customers and i ships whl.’ •■- ■ * > every’ Suite and Territory in < ■ - i ntoi -Houston Post, Nov. 4. 1902 To eliminrT." promts and tho ! » • >f .ng % •'»:s twice is to lower ; t 1 erlng the •'v ' ..-■-'ra-'t proposition that h - ’-' n • . ov the Kellc-rsfmzwi ■ C '’ Jug- * Kansas City. Thi-j ? '• : nttioT * ■ p-b.e r.n Irgh quality has i r» -Jted I’; :■ Tlduig up a. bn.*-that threat- : t'» r..-’- ■• ]<*•: i- i k tj her laairele . “ • ' • .ufa- : a’-d bottle* its i *g th* eojuromer ’ 54.000 quarts cf whisky every = _:4 urs. ■‘'.-.vs to express companies j nt to S ' j .000 a -ear F . ..1 H spent sl6,- i ( /?• list f->r • A. ’.-ear ago the ■ ' iu"t‘-rs of own, and 1 v t •* has had to secure space ; a- S • complete haa Mr. : ■-'v•> i/s Irnmeaso buslnras >w. '»d by cleanliness and 1 r-» * .un ry llg’l.t prirre and j Nov. 8 1902. 9 ii * rsaJ aprict e it Is al: lost impassible for ■.:i * ' .» i ; - nr**>e whisky yt the fault ■ p di" '• ■ ' e in. lieman or retail ' s - - '■ - “ ’■v. > I 'llling Company, • ■ .wfiafl In orjop to Jn/mre tte w.htaky rea ; g • consumer in the same L-vro s:?.’e uit l<--3 -s the distiliery, has . i M ‘.>e plan < • ~<■ e.r>s Shipping direct •o i'« elastomers Ths,* this plan is proving Pillar is evMe -M by tt*e fact that th« Kel le-Hraafl ■ ompfiny • rt< t'r '.-v.n to be the largest ■ wliksky house in ♦he world. -Atlanta Conetltu-* Cm, Nov. 4. 19Gzj S-» 'W deckers o«* • t«r»te their Whisky becK.n..e tb-y can tfru-s snake a larger profit. Thnl ttxey Eixfce a serious mlstaie is dexconotrated by the -nx>nder*ul scores* of the Kollemrass ZXa tbiing Oanspa. >. of Kannae City. Mo., which hne built up its enccmous tr*A* entirely lw frellb g a w.uiflyy • at is absdutely pure. This urrany eel’s mi-Hons f bottles of it* •<y every yr r, find l.i generally cor.»?e<led t » I- the largest -v.ilcky house in the world. Gr ‘Jia Bf ?. 1902. ' J w<’D*!.' growth of the KeKer.itretive 1 ■ ,■' Jing •> .. ■ fr->m a small ccnoern to th* largest r. .l-order whisky house In th* 11 demons:;beyond all doubt that up to-xl ’* bus? less methods, when coupled with an r-.-ticle of merit, produce* wonderful re- • xlts. *Y;i« company, which te located ta City, Mo., has achieved its great m»- by selling the highest grade whisky at p ; "Ice heretofore charged for the Inferior grade*.—St. Joeeph Gv.-.erte, Nov. i fl, 1902. Rys h tisod regularly r>y more ; people than any other brand of whisky tn the ' world. Thb» whL»ky la noted for Rs purity, !u j delicate flavor and Its uniformity of tar ts and • e nor. Tbt' Distilling Company of ‘ XazK-tae City, , the nmkera of thia famous ; whisky* deal with their cuatomera direct. They I employ no ssiiesnxea and do ru)t sell to dealer* • Tliey claim that this hi tite only way they can be mire of their customers receiving th* f whisky in the earns pure state It leaves the : dlstlhery.—S*L Joseph New*, Nov. 15, 1902- j •;»//venieur, N. Y , July 20, 1902.—Keller- ; t’rasfl DtatllHng Company, Karlas City, Mo.; ; Gentlemen—The whisky I ordered of you. eight , b >ttles. 10 y«ir-old Rye, camn all right, and ‘ js the best whisky I have u*sed tn a Img time. 1 x <»ur bottles hold a full quart, and if any man j v.-ar’s a first-elites article he will make no i mistake Li ordering from you. When I need ■ any more whisky you will h*ar from me oguin ; Friends of mine who have sampled your whb k’. < ’alm It is superior to any other brand they have used. Yours truly, C. A_ HLLTS. Gb-rlin, Kaa, Oct. 8, I so2—Keil erst rasa Distilling Company, K& City, M > : Gen tl©Diear-I can tell you that th* whisky I rs- ■i fiilß $20,000 Given away? W Pure! lab M fMiiiions and Millions of Bottles Sold ’| B : zI no marks on I I Not One Dissatisfied Customer! j i fl liS | ES?S THINK OF it: t 3 ■« Kellerstrass’ IOS Rye Whtt? I \ For $2.65 a Gallon. } li,lier3 Try I 'ST | Read Our Special Offer: ["ST] © oi to Imitate ' H I i M It?" BISECT FROa A UNITED STATES REGISTERS DISTILLER TO Sm« BI H sen ° us your ° rder for ft ? /I And we will send you, OF CH4PGE, two sample boftlew-one twelve, one fifteen / 4 , 7 F\ , : . A year old—Rye, a corkscrew and a ffold-tipped whisky gdass. We make this osier simply to gret /. 'a i’’ 'Fff- you to try the goods. We also have this game brand eight years old, which we ill dispose of F' 4 'Y’K at S 2 -50 P er £ allon ’ in lot 3of two or roore ff allon3 at one shipment. XVe also give sample bot- •• i tics, glass and corkscrew with these goods. AU our goods are put np in full quart bottles and -..Y'A sent express prepaid. If goods are not satisfactory, return them at our expense and we -will -1 fe® REFUND YOUR WwWlWlßThese goods are shipped direct from the Distilling Company, w hich their purity KKV-. ?1 K?'W and saves middleman’s profits. This is our regular proposition. Read A, CtA L offer below: ' I 53,©30.00 OFFER. B , THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK | 1 OF KANSAS .TV. MO. At W 1 itert IM t 3 ißltew year old 111 / MIMSe ' ''' jll I w . BOt hort,« the ebove hank to retwra root mooes to too as<S chert* ’■*« •*“' ♦« **- t’ w Wofl »*•» U | i 8 ® ' F X a edXi.r We Have over <BO 000 ceatomer. In th. Vetted State, which to .peak for lt»elf. Yvh M . |.ff-ff.l - J h g In th® bank, thare never having been a claimant. j. W® Illi -" x - ffi|l CO •<’l4/ We want 20,000 people ro try our Whisky io the next 20 Re ' Iff il A i'iS’ days , a „d we are going to spend $20,000.00 to get this Iliy j jUL number of people to try it. Here is our proposition to readers of this paper: ll* Mlaiiiii nmr-:. kt i gallons of our Ten-Year-Old Rye would ordinal dy cost you $6.30. W Si®pi fl '<„ -I|SIS Send us $5.30 and this advertisement, showing that you read it in this paper, \ jr vlhv. and we will send you the above two gallons of Whisky and four sample C W'W t!cSf two £ lasses and two corkscrews~ail express charges paid. W e do X SI tw s --h order to you/o try B > ■ TO! eceeesn. thss is only ff® gallon, amo we will W ojve o/wo? of two gallons to f iral life '' ■il'iSl REMEMBER, you must mail us the whole page advertisement and your £ fc'' letter not later than DECEMBER 15, 1903. Remember, this is the biggest Whisky p. U IHS&SAS CITY.MO.UM: )■ I .. ffff. ; -1 „ m ~.■> n S d i kellfirstrsss Distilling Co. C A Si KELLERSTRASS BLOCK, KANSAS CITY, MO. | i M y!| Bank cr Express Oompan? in Kassas City, | < : W- NOTE—Orders from Arizona, Colorado, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New .Texico. |. j Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Florida, must cal! for twenty quarts, prepaid. Ihe above firm are sole owners of Registered Distillery No. 22 of the Sixth District of Missouri. When writing them please mention The Atlanta Weekly Constitufie’*. i ; ■ -——— —- ■ —————— ■—~ ■ - . .. .. , ... i , .. .r ~„..- ( eeivod from you tho best whisky I have ever : drunl. li: my life. Mj' friends declare also that • it ia the best whisky they have ever drv.nk. You certainly can rely upon getting my trade aa long as you ship us ths goods you have • been shipping tie f</r the few years. Yours j truly MICHAEL SILVER. I ’• j Chandler, Minn, Sept. 12, 1902.—Ke1l er , straps Distilling Company, Kansu* City, Mo.: , Gentlemen—Acowpt my thanks for your prompt j ness in sending my goods. lam well pleased ! with 1‘ and will do all I can to recommend ! your goods to my friends and neighbors, and THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA. GA.. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1903. you can use my name in any way you see fit in spreading t’;'* fame and name of your goods, arA there Is no quttsfion but what it Is tlie b*>:r an.l purest whisky that we have ever had in thus locality. lours truly, JOHN SQL'IHR. Miaple.sville, Ark. 30. 1902- Kcller strase Distilling Company, Kansas City, Mo.: Dear Sir:;—l guess you thought I had forgot ten you, but 1 never forget a good thing in 1 fall and winter, and I herewith give you an I order fop five gallons <-f your 10-year-old Rye, las it Is the best whisky we have ever bwn able U» get hold of. There u no of you writing me auv letters. «s you will always hold my tra.<i<? ;15 ) O ng as I need any whisky. Yours truly. O. A. IHJSSKI.<L. The Am<TiC3.’> National Bank or Kan.-as City, : M>' , Sept. 27. 1902. -To Whom It May Con . i <-crn: ’.Vo take pie.tsure in recc-mmending to ; The business • uiunF: tIIP Kellerstrass Dls . ’ tilling Compa';;. of thi: city, of wh: h Mr. l Ernest Keller:-/iass is president. i Ever since th- v were established in this city they have tr.treacted th* ir banking busings i with us, and -a c have wal- hcd with interest i th® wonderful grov/th of their business. i . . Their phenom n il miccess is an unfailing in dication of Integrity, know ledge and Indefati- ' gable energy. We l.avc gi\ n them perm’s> '?n ; to use our bank a« reference, having answer- d ! many inquiries about them, end there Is n >‘_ J i a single case reported to u.s that di 1 not come j up to our recommendation. I Wo wish this progressive firm abundant sue- ] I ccss in the future, to which th ,, y are certainly j I entitled, and, no doubt, will obtain. Very truly 1 yours, I». GKAY, Cathier. * Traders’ Rank of Kansas City, Karris City, I Mo., Sept. 27, 1902.—-To Whom It May Con- cern.’ I take pleasure in stating that I have for several years dime business wi'.h 11; • Kel lerstros Distilling Company, of this ;’■ . of which Mr. Ernest Kellerstrass Is pr.. ; i h nt. n,p-.i tlr; t our relations have Ihun inc. ’ >•<:.-• factory. Their credit standing is Hr -f i t . anti the wonderful growth of tie ir busiu durinff tho past five, yaars is abundant ox 1,-nee of their square dealings with their c>.;r rs. Yours very trub*. J. H. TXXMINICK, IT d lent. Hamhurg, Ark . S-'pt. !7. 1902 K• Urt Crass Distilling Company, Kansas City, Mo.; Gcntle- ! mei. 1 to .ay a u 1 in fu; >r r vo-r whisky. 1 ha”, been using it for muirls th--•* ix- r« and I •',.u :iu ;• <_ t’”;: -- t v ? m ■••: I dellghioi) and in\iy-'rat;r : 10-’.’-r.iye -' - I ; ! axe er thunk, f-r ;m . \ ami excel' ncy It .is imsurpn.-■■• i. B- : -re J began usi y it [ ;.- ilf« •• I greatly w ;, h ge ;• i ' dt-b’.uty, I ’ airo’O I using it my j.- t'ih : pr. cly improx • d mid | my farm xymk has i .■••’ •• a real p' -is .to. j Ymii , :ru ; j. W . C. WHETS i XE. j We Lave tes-Rm ' . ,L- LLe (lie above from ■over 200 aewvpapers uai o, ur 50.0 JU ou»- 1 tomu—