The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, November 23, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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HANDSOME MEMORIAL TO JEFFERSON DAVIS 85 TO BE BUILT BY CONFEDERATE DAUGHTERS • 0-e.®.«.<-*->.»-®.«.0-*-®-*-®-»-®-»-®-»-®-'*-®-*.®-*' e-*-®-*-®.*-®-*.®.’-®-*-®-*.®*'®-*-®-*-®"*®-’-®-*' ®.«.©.».©.«.®.«-©-*’®'*'®’® ®• ® ® • ■ —TIB ■■»■■■■■—.«. ■■ l ’ I I • • . -» . «s ;I 5 1 »I I ? »I i * » 4 ® r ; * •5 , ? t■ J ° I v* fi j * • - . ; M * • fcu ' • ■" ’ ? * !r • 1 I L- -sh ' ... ■ j t » .;• ■ ; •• vw k v;. • • ' <’ • -'j * •F* I • •ta ■ < ?: -:U ; r-F"’ • '■*<<■' ’■•'-. 'll -- —.: r ,-->■-, r -,-A . son i t Design Accepted by the Dau; liters of the Confederacy tor tne Memorial to Jerterson Davis To B: Erected « • in Richmond. ’ *...© ..« ..© . « . « .. e -•■»■• . » . «•-• •♦ * • e-®-® • o-.-♦..-o-.-o .-«-.• ®- •-•- <* ®-® • • • e • • • ®«-®-.-o-c-.-®--e-c-. «■•■ t Richmond, Va., November 16—(Special.) t To William C. Noland, member of the : firm of Noland & Baskerville, architects, i belongs the credit for the conception of j <’u? I?mv!s memorial. To Edward V. Valentino, the eminent r :lptor of Richmond, and ladles of the Parte Monument AasorlnUon. Mr. Nolan Is indebted for valuable suggestions which ho hits Incorporated tn th.? design. Mr. Valentine has the exceeding!.- important commission of modeling the heroic statue of Mr. Davis and th-? nl’-p >r.■■"! figure of the south which cty-i He spl- nd: ’. -haft if more than half a hundred feet tn height. Tiio memolrd is & semi-circle colonnade formed of thirteen Dorie columns, typical of the elevon states which seceded from the union mid the remaining wo which . tent delegates to the confederate con . ess. Tiie diameter of the semi-circle is • about fifty-two fe. . white from the st--ps leading to the floor of ‘.he colonnade to . the middle column is approximately < thirty feet. Columns To Represent States. The columns are each aimt eighteen feet high, and above er. ■ t is the t-h! -Li of , TOBACCO GROWERS COMBINE. They Will Attempt Io Reduce the Acron va. Danville, Va., Now mher 17 Three hur- , dre-d tobacco grow' l ,:■ '■• . :.t;iig <■ ven , counties !■’ A'iryinia and ?■’■?. d? < ;irol|nn. ! met h“re today . ".d i'c-mod w’ t will lie known, as the : ob.i. . <li • r.- 1T0.e,-. tlve Associat n of Virginia at ■! North Carolina. S. C. Adorns. • f <’hariotte county, virgin::', yens triad.- r-esident; V.' tary the future tob-ic > " r«ngc k 1 » I >P f ‘ " 1 Y' 2 - FF’ / .<"F Mamd consumption ol whfsk.s it •'.- Unite ' h •' ; h!;’ def'roa.setl from 2 ■ „ . r ,. .('• , --f 't P T h'. S l-pirpos. I f V .- :1Y1 ] ( v M | <W ■ ~„, w $ S a B ! 4 /■ i jLASS ORUGGISTS ) | AND—OTHERS. | The better class of druggists, everywhere, are men of scientific attainments and high integrity, J § who devote their lives to the welfare of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and 3 purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians’ prescriptions and o | scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacture many excellent remedies,. but $ vs always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands, or imitation ineoicines. They ar;; the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line, which usually includes |. 'all standard remedies a,nd corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the finest and 8 ' tft il« t articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appliances. s The earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of the benefit< | 1/ conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession, is usually greatest I reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. 'I hey all know that Syrup of F;gsisan excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and therefoie they | | are selling m tnv millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of the choicest, 8 e romed ■ .°a-d t 'ey al way* take pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing the full O jfct name of the Company —California Fig Syrup Co. —printed on the front of every package. They kr. : that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and V J of weakness or torpidity of the liver and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or | b over-eating, that there is no other remedy so pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects as s i Syrup of Figs, and th'\y aro glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction. . j. Owing to tho excellence of Syrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction wnich it gives and the I I immense demand for it, imitations have been made, tried and conuemned, but there are | individual druggists to be found, here and there, who do not maintain the dignity and principles £ H of the profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment, and who do not hesitate fr. h to recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such.prepa-ra t ions 2 H sometimes have the name —■“ Syrup of Figs"—or “Fig Syrup” and ot some piratical concern, t 41 or fictitious fig syrun company, printed on the package, but they never have the full name of I | the Company—California Fig Syrup Co.-printed on the front of the package. The imitations | 3 should bo rejected because they aro injurious to the system. In order to sell the imitations A I they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and wherever a dealer passes £/ ft on a customer a preparation under the name of‘‘Syrup of I'ig ; ’ or ‘Tig Syrup, which D B docs not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package. M he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his d w establishment, whether it be large or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and | B and deception in one case he will do bo with other medicinal agents, and in the filling of physicians’ prescriptions, and should be avoided by every one who values health and happiness. I Knowing th'-t tho great majority of druggists are reliable, we supply the immem-c demand | I for our ex< ei dt entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be purchased every- | H where, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exceptions | | exist it is necessary to inform the public of the facts, in order that all may decline or return fl » anv imitation which tnav be sold to them. If it does not bear the full name of the Company— L W California Fig Svrup Co'—printed on the front of every package, do not hesitate to return the S H article and to demand the r ‘turn of your money, and in future go to one of the setter mass of H & druggists who will sell you what you wish and the best of everything in his line at reasons b. epi ice '' > thn state which It represents 'pon the s)i'»co between this medallion and th*' caps of the columns will he written inscrip tions to he selected later. The mottoes of each state will, of course, ba inscribed ' upon its shield. Each massive buttress at the head of I the <:ola.nni’.<io will be .-nrmounted by I artistic groups of war trophies. So mu<?lr for the outlines of the colaruiaxle proper. | Tn the center of the space half inclosed i : sisterhood of g-anite columns. , t . of the rotirederate states, rises a I m.ij. st!-- shaft 56 from its base. It i i- th five feet, four inches In diameter, ft i' twice belted !>>• bronze plates. These fall upon the l!n~s where he huge blocks of "r.-mlte are ct-menued. giving the shaft the appearance of a monolith. Far up on the gnat pillar, under rhe very ■ l.adew of the cap, is rhe motto of the I confederacy, voicing as it. does the «ontt ment of thousands of unreconstructed i “rebels'’ today -'T>>-o Vind’ce;' tratislat. d freely, “God will vindicate.” The bronze belts are relieved in front by the obverse and reverse sides of the great seal of the eonled.-r.-icy. The spare between will probaßly bear an Inscrip tion. possibly, “The e mfe.ierato States of America. 1361-1865.” i tl:;.n 2 tn more than '7 gallons p-m capita There mis been a great change In pub lic •=■ ntiment about the use of intoxicating .Irlnr.s. There are many good men who ii- alcoholic drink < in mo.h rati-m ami v, i. b.-11.-vo that su< h use is in no sense i .’ijurio'jv- But many are coming more , an-l more to behove tn t- tai a.bstln.-nci . s ie ..;,ly ..-ate cur?, in ti e old times when th.-re was ■■ .-.eoanter on every sideboard ; and ;. morning dram was deemed the pr .per thing, mn r.y young men uno-’r surroundings gr. w up witli-mt eve) b. <>ming addicted .to strong drink, but ni-.i.-.- more than 'now eontraclftd tile babli <?f crlnking that made shipwreck of . In ir lives. I ire Is Consecrated Bishop. Newarl:. N. J.. November 18 -The Bev. | Edwin S. Ei:ie, f.f.ner pi t -r of St. Paul '• < hurc'i Now Haven, was today conse . i-:-t-.! 'l-lshop of the Episcopal dloce- -of , N. icirk. I,' .-accession to tb.o late Bishop ; Starkey. -* Right Rev. Daniel S. Tuttle, of I Miss' :ni. presided, with Bishop Henry (’otter, of New York, .nd Bishop .1 ‘ii-’i I Scarborough, of New Jersey, as .-.msecia- I tors Aft--r the services- a public i--.ep- | tion was tendered Bishop bines in tie- i now auditorium. TIIE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA.. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1903. This and many other details are to be worked out laker. Only the general scheme can be said to have been per fected. Resting upon the capital is a pedestal supporting t’ne female figure, typical of all the south. It is to be about seven feet In height and from the street will ap pear the life size of a woman Davis’ Statue Will Be Eoremost. Foremost of ell will stand a heroic bronze statue of f’roi'dent Jefferson Davis, d signed by .Mr, Valcntlr e, who has ;-'lv*-n tfie world the Lest statue.-, f .TefTcrsor and R. E i ce, and brought himself ’ame and the commendation of all lov-rs of art. All who have seen Mr Valentines model -d’ the Davis stntue nro struck with it. Mr V dentine has placed Mr. Davis upon a pedestal nine or ten feet high, and the figure itself will oe about eight feet high. The president is repre sented at a period of ills life when Ids physical and mental force were at their 1..-st, Possibly he will I o in a pose ns ij.eaking, one handed extended, t’ ■- ndit-r resting upon an open bo..k, lying on a V.T.ilo il.e si'e" has not b' en cf-terminod upon, the very conception of the memorial suggests a site at the end of a vista. SCANDAL IS KILLING TYNER. lie Hay Not Live To Kace A-'cusers Before Jury. Washington. November I" 1 5' r .”' ‘ il. ■ Much solicitude expressed In the friends of C-m .11 .lames N. Tyner. o. r Indiana, formerly .-s ‘st art nttornov ml of the post otn. e department ov. r iiis re-ent physl c.-d conditio,-:. <’-n-mi Tyner has b--r-n In bad health for some months his tern-oval from the <ll rnr. wbh h fol lowed by his rei-.-nt fi’. iieiment on the .barge -.f .onspit I:..;- with Mr. ILirri. >n .1. ! .ir---t, or Baltinmio. '■> -leftn d the United States Ill’s further imdr-rmind. d ’ li< i'th. lie has u ■.l under the constant car p:-;-s ■ -. ma for some time past, am! rce.-nt stiff red a relapse whlcli, it was t, wo.ld ter minate seriously. His friends hope, h'.-w ever, that lie will live lon-; -ug'i to ft ’ i’.->’ expected that he -.’il; survive a trial. HW JffICKS THE CUBAN TREATY, : Says the Measure RTeprese-nts Inten tion of the American Trust, Work ing- Through the Republican Administration, To Make ; Deals with Foreigners. j I New Ye:k. November 18.—-(Special.)—- Repr • ‘ William Randolph Hearst I i 111, in ;: -rrow's American, in a signed I liiorii’ 1 e ills views on the pending | • nom re i-.-ity measure tn vigorous I language vidcH will Interest -ill those : who hav>- followed the course of this i m-asurt I" congr-.-ss. Mr Hearst says in • l itis bld locs not represent re.-tprocity . between ( - r countries and the pool 1c -if ; this country, it represents tb<- Intention ; of the American trusts, working through i the repnlil: -tn administration, to m ike ■ deals with ii.-relgn countries for tne flnan | . lai h-'rit-~ or the American trusts. There . I-; no reason why any should I put his indorsement on this republican ] trust m. 0- ire. The. genuine democracy of Anir-ri believes in a redaction of r'lo I laritT Tin- democratic purl" and demo i. ratio pea : tans Instruct'd by the mil ’ lions who control ami who are the demo- ■ cratic pari, demand tariff r.-du lions. AH j d.-zm-rat: ..... eager for Just, actual and i immediat reduction of the tariff. But . Ino tariff it stands, til? great feature • f Al.lore :i Industrial and financial life. ! must he >--• >’e<i Intelligently like ever; I otir r great national question. ■' The pc pl - demand a r-'du. tion of the : tariff. They demand now, at this session, i n reductior of t.lie tariffs that protect the i rlmina.l I- ts, adding to their power, 1 strength®’r their l-i wlessness. The j policy oft) -? people of the i’nlted States in regard 1 > the tariff is clear, and il is this: i "No protection for oppressive trusts. “Tariff r l-:ction 0:1 trust products ; which the trusts sell cheaper abroad than j at home. i "No lairt’. r protection for the manu | factored s’ ■ : which the American must . buy In JTisburg for 328 a ton, and which Is -M to the <’aiiadi.-ir:.--. or to ■other tor. : ~-wrs for $22 a ton. Tariff, beyond qr- :ion. has had its ’pro --t|ve’ effect. Tiie ; cople demand tariff icfutni, b.:t they wu.t to interfere with that ;.ro ectlon whl ■■ protects natural extortion; which has built, up monopolistic brigand- i age; whlc-:: has put trust king's above tile | laws; put <-v ry hotis -liold, every ilium r i table, at ti-e mercy of the trust z.giiit ■ and his pri ■ list. The American n-opie want to rest rm the tariff In their own I behalf. Tliey do not want to begin by ■ 1 . att’.ng off menger protection that Iws ■ been given t . the farmers, to ’ u’ actual . body of the people. They will not tie I fooled Into I-Horsing a sham reciprocity i which add to trust cor.trol of ihe na- i lion through the tariff, and w:.;rh ta’c's from those o pa?.' the tariff little . ! advantage tl.ev now derive tr. m It. GUNS GIVE SALUTES 0 KING AND QUEEN ' Tzcndon. November 17-King Emman >el and Qm”-' Helena, of Italy, reached I x> nr fc ... .-i*; I- tiie yacht -t i -i” f ’ \lhpr. ■-'hort’.y before II oVlo<*k ibis m.irni’-cr cmldst salutes from the sb.i-as •-•id la ;d b?.tt* r!- s In th- harbor. Upon . irrival of tle ya ht at the Jetty he | prl’ico of Wales went aboard <mmedl,-.te- 1 tv and welcomed th>.<r majesties in H’« I ! nnp Kin? Edward and of the nation. , .'“ton -do tl-’tHi -. met fn-» r ■ .-I vi-. iors I ni .< |,1.. th- Nab a:’. I f-n’no.l :m escort . for the royal yacht through the home , ; qe„t 1 m; at Si iihend. AH 'he ships : • nr' 1 and innuned and the <’heers . I of the crows ininr.l' <! with the rtuorrs . 'the g- ■■• in giving tho Italian king and - w-lcom.- to England Great < rowds ever- v.-ntap» poi- t an I ihe ' slier.'- vis ..right with b.intir. ' Guards . I nr hop ■■ of blue Jrickc.!-- and marine-; | lined ’.!■■■ Jetty and n band played the ! :. ;) ’|.r .intheni is the yn'ht steamed ■-.-•a The prince of Wales was met . - ;l the t.-i> o: the gangway by King \ < | Err,-, nniii’l and Queen Helen 1. Alter i , ..-etu'i Irid boefi exchanged between ' ' personage, the naval and mln- ; • lt -y co. menders were Introd . -.1 to the . ! k ; ng--nd q - An and the mayor of I’orß - mouth pr -s-'nted .an address to King ' manucl. who briefly expressed bis thanks ; . >,, r the mes age of good will from the ci tlzertf. The !;! g. who wore the uniform of a ■British ,- neral, was surrounded by a ; l.rilli.-int -nite, Including the Italian and British kw.-.I and mi'ltary attache.-'. The general brightness of the scene was , 1 -< ightc-. '1 by the picturesque uniforms ■ of several Italian officers belonging to cuirnssi-' regiments who formed part .■ the King Victor Emmanuel s ent- -r- ; After ! meh 0:1 board the ya lit the king ' and queen and the prince of Wales dis- | i .-mitarke I and King Victor Emmanuel re- ■ -owed t’-o guards of honor and naval • ' cadets fr-m the college al Osborne, after , . whi-h ’ ■party enteicd a train and • ■artrd f Windsor amid another salute ; Bom the guards of the licet. The ro? 1 visitors received an enthusi- ; : astic wcl -ome at. Windsor. The streets | w.'i-- gall-' bedecked and enormous crowds | from th. surrounding countiy Uriel the | approach. : to tlfc station and the entire ■ (he castle. Tt handsomely draped with th- Italian col ors. Kim; IMward, Queen Alexandra and -.. . e.l -.lie Italian sovereigns on the pl:-.tform • id the c ■ ■ tings b<-lw«v-n th-- hosts il : i-.- gu< - w.-r, rnos < ordi.-. 1. The em- tracing a’:-! handshaking l isted sorm- time , ■( statior t resented .1 brilliant sp--- ttu 1 . •'till th- gathering of royal p-r--.tuiges ard hlgti tatc oflici.-ils. till in bright uni forms. The two queens conversed anl- , matedly together. Outside tin- people l.- Pt up ti'i’ir saivos of (■!>■■ rs while the 1 bunds plaf-d the Italian national an-.bem. I After the presentation of an address from the mayor and corporation of Winil- ■ r tn King Vb-tor Emmanuel a proces- i don w 1 - f. rill--I. The two kings, ’he , i.rlnce of Wal-= and th.? duke of Con- 1 i :ii ,ght .» <u|b-,l tb<> first carriage and ; . the two oil-'i-ns and Princes- VI loria | I were sc.-it-o In the vehicle. Thmm ■ ' were followed by six state carriages con taining the suites, all drawn by white 1 horses with postillions in red and gold I j liveries ’lhe starting of th- procession I was thn for renew d eh'-crltig ti’id ■ bouts of “Viva,” which received mark- j e.l recogul-lon from the Italian king til'd , quef.n. Queen Helena had .1 sgi-elaHy , bright snill' for an who shout- • I the Montenegrin greeting. “Zivfo.” | The pro ion, which moi.l slowly .ilong th'’ ir">|i lined route tin I a' one I point re.- 'ring rousing “Huri-.ilis” from I I i'.i,. Etop boys, entered the cast!-.? by the , : famous sovereign's gateway. Actress Afire 011 the Stage. Oniah.-i. N“br.. N'ovom. .-r 18 Miss N. I- I lie M.-H r I- ...ling woman, we. se- : riiouslv burned alioi-.t the lower limbs during tin- third act of “M’liss” being j played at Krug's theater. H-r turn was j to rescue a •■eiioolniaster from a burning | s.-hool house. I I Tn dropping thvoug'h th.' roof li'-r skirts I caught fire, and a. real rescue follow.-d by I the leading man. I The young l-'idy was carried to the wings I and the flames wore extinguished, but not • until she was badly burned. I emWTIOU IM BE CUREO S. A Beautiful Giri Saved From Dread Consumption.— Other Wonderful Cures. h Ju il ■ I 'Mill U / f'■ I® I K nF [ J te 0 Bl il B ||l ■ B'i BRI A y/ \ F gj il z Y K M J f ■ iC ‘ 1 ' _V' *':' ■q.’ ! ■! *. d i < Jfe ...ps3tes».» u l ‘ai- ii H W jg Mis. Miry I. Holm rt. 2501 Clinton av--nue. Minneapolis. Minn, “My sen -■ offered for three mont'-s wl'h catarrh of the bronchial tubes which tin-.-a ten. 0 to become v--ry serious. The dm. tors ..d-. i- ' i that h.- seek a more t > vor.-ble climate, but as he had heard of Peruua .'i.--. a sp.-cldc for lung trouble he d eid.'.l to git-- it a trial before Im I--IT Lis famil? for an e.xpi-nsive Jo irie-y „.-nong strang.-r-. For six months -‘ ,n 11- .-d It t: it I all ■ a:.d found that th. trouble gr-. dually disappeared. blessed health took it- place. In two CELEBRATE DAY OF PURCHASE i Elaborate Exercises Wil 1 . Be Held at New Orleans. New Or!.-sn- . November : 7. -Tim state of Houl-Tina which has nppropriated SIOO,OOO to cover Its share in the St l.oitls p'.iH-hase . xp. slti.'ti next year, will , bold transfer commemoration exereis-cs ' f it own Deci mbt r 18 and 20 next Tl-.C lA.iiisiana Historical Society, the. 1 members of whlcli h i e long been work mi tr.-‘ date of th.' actual transfer, h;.vo ' re- . 1 ■■■! : programme -f tin- . ' The affair promises 10 be one of the . most .-l-ibora.ti- ever lif-Id in tim south and . tin nffi . r -. tl- - «. i.-ty announce I p::ir. ■ Ir-vc. < v-r been spared to make ; I a fit omincm'ral ion of ’he tiaa tsr. ' -1 ! ■ .X. rets.--, nbi ■■ nt r about 111- his- | toric Cablid-’, th. .-:t? hall of the <l.t s I . f the Sp.ii>: -i il -mir:iiL n. ami tl:- build- ! i: <■ ■. ■ .-lauds pi “I ally as when It ... . • ■ ■ r ‘“"l Till? thr.-.- days' programme will be j opened J riday evening, December I", : y’ilh a reception and ball In ’. <■ t’abildo. . which I- to repr--luce as far os possi- I H ■ I,all give n ~n<> hundred year ■ ago ’ :n honor of th.- Ati.-ri-.-in comml.-smn- , ,-rs Claiborne and Wiiklnson. The c-I- I'iate.l !.< inti--, of New <>r- ‘ leans wi.l dan t!:- minuet tn costunt--,-. I duplic-iting tiio.-e of colonial days, and an .>l.l-1 isiilon. d New Orleans supper wi I | mt'-rriml tl..- darning' at midnight. This 1 , .. etit v. Hl I." ci ■ i- . g-- of tin- ladies of I the historical H>< i.-ty. its patronesi ■■< m;- i r. :i-a;ii'g iln- best ;>t:d oldest families of j N'-w iirl.-it-s. I'he . -a-.•<’i-r:« will 1-c held in the t' I v h. r.- ther. yill )>e addresses b\ Gov- • .ri or ’b ..ill, mpre i-nt.-Uiv-••• of Ei in--.? : and Spain and tl-" IT.ited Slates, follow- i ~1 |.,\ mil.’arv parade, am! a naval 1- I ■,.. V- b. f"ro tiio <-it\. rhe tempof.i’y : museum -I tL- <'a 1.i1.-.o will be f..rm:ii!,- . op< ne-l. v ill be struck and In the i tend a.’special gala performance al Die 1 French c-pera h"' iso. On Sut.-liy, December 20 the real con- j AfUl PUHE OLO ItLWlfcX /W LincoSn WHISKEY W S-J Ooldeo Age - I aj-0 th© distillers and personally guarantee the purity and 1 p age of these goods. There is none better at any price, as a trial will . prove. We ship in plain boxes without marks to indicate contents, u M and prepay express to any station at the following distillers’ prices: / 5 Full Bottles - $3.45 19 Full Bottles » 6.55 f 2 Full Bottles - 7.90 N 5 Full Bottles - 9.79 25 FuU BottSss * * 5 - 90 I « (This is less than 70c a full bottle.) Free glass and corkscrew in every d H box. Your mone y back if not just as represented. Address AMERICAN SUPPLY CO., Distillers, | J 065 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn. -j Send for our Christmas Greeting--It’s Free. J months be was perfectly well and able to perform li'.s dutt-s. You have ind -<’d a. g- ite-ful mother s thanks.” -Mrs Mary llolbi-it. It Is the praise <>.’ thos' who hnvo been . I-...J by l’.-rim.-t that makes this rem dy so popular t'.tid so .-x.-<-r.sivelv used. .N advertisement could have accomplished t!ds result. I’orima nres. tin first staves of co sumption by removing tit - can: o. wl-ich is chronic catarrh. I’ cur. the cause in the tight way. It euros catarrh of the b: .m-iiini tub. s. which causes the cough. The. ' ttp.ninl of the transfer, the day will b-'- I gin with high mass and te (lettnt it the I oldest Eouls cathed.r:i!. after which, .u ■ the hour when the actual transf-r took j I.fib-oily of the ’ .-Ibildo ami the national I’lfice d'Arms. SAVE TRAYLOR, SPENCER * CO.'S TAGS. Subscriptions for Tobacco Tags. 1 Subocriptions to Veek’.v Constitution ' will be accepted paid by tobacco tags i from the following brands: I'-umh Good, Gold Basis, High Else. Kight of Way. • Bob Whit-'. Sp- iieer's Special. Good Will. ■ Natural Leaf. J.-w. ! and I’atriek Henry. | manufactur--I by Tr.ij or Sp--nccr & < u.. I of Danville. Va. I 50 mgs a six months' s .bserlptlon to Th. Atlanta W-ekly L'..n<titu: i-m. I 100 tag:- fm ore year's sob. nption to I The Atlanta. W-kly Con tHnt-m. 'ms m ikes tl'-sc tags | ily worth I I cent eacl-.. >OO of tlu-m pays for 1 h-a Constitution one war. which cost- «1 .00 fm'wsj K , Semi your tags t ill.’ pr-'paid and m e offer is good from .lamrir? 10. 1903. to I July 10, 1904. Address them plainly ; The Constitution. Atl in: e Ga. Largest Hailstone. i (From The Hartford Conrant.) Undoubtedly the largest i ul- to-.a- a ! during the recent storm was fcmid by t o , proprietor of a wll-kncwn case a :--w ! do-’rs south of Mulberry strict. The i proprietor was watching the storm from ’ his front door end noting the large size i of the hailstones. He was startled by the • crash of ar. enormous hailstone about : tile size of his two fists, s--mlngly pre- i I w ilk Just in fr-.nt. .1’ him. 1 Unwilling to venture oat. as ho feared 1 I for his head in ease of a repetition of ’ I th- occurrence, hi -.-tiled 1- inmi ■ M'-.i:!- i work and had bin- go out and pick it ’ 1 up. For about an hour the i-.a-lstom- was exhibited io all comers and was much I commented upon. J lie distressing part e? catarrh having been cured, the coach rp;i?es. This Ls the only right v/aj ■? C M’ss MfdKl’A. Bradford. 2520 W t 32-1 av.-.. D<nver. Colorado, writes: <4 For some years back I nave been troubled with delicate lan- . and whenever I caught a celt 1 , whit'.t occurred several times each year I ' always feared that the result would be serious. I came to Colorado hop: ■ - to improve my health, but the resu ' t were not wlxttt I had confideniiy ■ :- pected. However, what Colei .0 ozone could not do for me,Peruna • and in a couple of months I had u eight bottles and found that lung's W6T© b’ rongnr t-iian ev?r. / my health excellent. I find that i ■- rum. improved the mental as ' ’ as the physical health, as lam bet z naiured and cf a more happy di • ?- sition. Fcrt-na is. well worthy hi' est endorsement.’ —Miss Mabel Bi - Y'L.r r. c F. Kcnah. 434 Marti ' . , Ottawr. Ont., wriw- “A few nr..milts ago 1 epugnt a s'-i !n-.1 :l:m- :v> ; -. •■■ ■ :,1 it m< .1. I '- '. but benefit, until n - flip i ” -.’r .ci' • . : Peri l • ' hro igl.t me ' r.-'l. ,t. <n ' :m lf,!t th-t I Im 1 il- '.-i” rm ■la Within thr- ■ w> •ks t ' , ' nletetv r< store I ■ nd 1 t <- I fe.-’ health since ! “I row h n vc tiio grc.i. -st 1;■ n .1 j If you have the slightest s.yrc;v i of catanh cf the lungs don’t w.•? Get a bottle of .Varuna. Use it according to r-ireci r ns. It will remove every trace r r tarrahl irritat’or from the >r: bronchial tubes an 1 lungs. Catarrh cannot remain v.lrc:- runa is used. No cue nerd fear cm whose mucous membranes 11 ftom catarrhal inflammation. Give Feruna a trial. It does pH we claim as tb.e f in- letters testify. Catarrh Often Causes Con?umn* Ono-Irilf the mlinv women f nr.- <!'. iorii’g for almost : j .-one without benefit. A :-w ! ’ ' hrnlthv mucous membr.-iiu-s -.- I itnblv f illows. If - oo .Io not derive prom fit writ.-’ at 0:100 t-i Dr. 11 ■’ ' / pleased to gi ' Aiii’-'S Dr. ILirtic’:’. I the storv is tl'.at a certain pra -ileal Jo ■ it ' the iivigliborhood -1 r.H . . ,ic- t of th, hailstone 1 ? -m l tbr ■.-. Free Booklet On Nervous Debility, wrtl'en !y •' 1 leading sue,-inlist In this eoant’-y. dress D: J. Newton Ho thaw v, 42 man building. Atlanta. Ga. Weight as an Indicator of < i-’r.-m Sue- . > we .1 re a ■ : r.-ii I 1 r :.: i can-ful and sy.-t.-nu; ■■ -.:■■! M .; ■ ■at tI;L- 'time ■ .im-ot '■ • lof two v.-o<-ks apar. t-n- s. > -i. ! ■ furnishing inf >nr> . 1 I per limb o:' glow: ■ A True and Good St ry. were fourteen h.-a-i ", ITo-law went over t- :• ■ >v- ; -■ ■ '- I and :00k his w ill -t I “Wh.-lt at-- tin- -I -:. : - I ''.Nothing at rill!” --.-• id ;■ 'i ! ”Why not?'' 5