The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, December 07, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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10 - “ —I z 11 ‘ j (d ONLY THREE WEEKS REMAINING OF THE GREAT J $10,000,00 CASK PORT RECEIPTS CONTEST. 1 5 . | How Many Bales of Cotton Will Be Received At Ali United States Ports from September Ist, 1903, to January 5 12th, 1904, Both Inclusive? Contest Closes December 31st, 1903. I i Secretary Hester’s last weekly cotton statement published elsewhere in this issue shows that through Friday, December 4th, there I have been received 4,018,020 bales this season, as against 3,828,513 bales last year, 3,630,813 bales year before last and 3,513,637 i bales in 1900. Knowing that 4,018,020 bales are in so far this season you have only to determine how many more will be reported e by January 12th, 1904 and your estimate will be ready How many bales do you say there will be? I TEIM THOUSAND DOLLAR CASH OFFER 5 —— Division OF PRIZES statistics for the last six crops. I - The total Port Receipts for the past few years fiom September Ist through the ror vhe exact, or nearest to the exact, estimate of the total twelfth day of the following January are given to aid you in making an intelligent esti- 1 number of bales of cotton received at all United States mate in this contest. It is not necessary to itemize your estimate, give it in one plain I Ports from Scot. 1, 1903. to Jan. 12, 1904, both in- sum expressed in figures only. Don’t make any mistake in your tiguns; let them mean x ’ ’ ’ ’ just what you mean to say. ; cincixc $ 3,000. DC Q Overs (j en f 6S f W |f|] figurgs o f former years. Total Port Total Bales In I , For the next nearest estimate 1,500 ,OO : Year. Receipts September Ist to 12th of following January, both Inclusive. Crop for season. ; For the next nearest estimate 500.06 ! 1897-18986,070,773 HJ 99 994 For the next nearest estimate zOO.OO 1899-19004,261.365 9,436,454 For the next nearest estimate 125.00 1900-1901 4,846,741 ; For the 5 next nearest estimates, $50.00 each 250.00 For the 10 next nearest estimates, 25.00 each 250,00 Secretary Hester, of the New Orleans Exchange, certifies to the above and will furnish For the 20 next nearest estimates, 15.00 each 300.00 the official figures to decide this contest. For the 50 next nearest estimates, 7.50 each 375.06 Conditions of Sending Estimates in this Port Receipts Contes ForthelOO next nearest estimates, 5.00 each 500.00 1. Send s>.oo for THE WEEKCY CONSTITrTIO.V one year and with ’t on-.- Cr.i .’ - : n our c ."It ’Z"’”'" i e. Send 50 cents for THE SUNNY SOUTH one year and with it one estimate It. the cont ■ ’t. , V U-O.DO 3 Sond SI 25 for THI „ WEKK r, Y CONSTITUTION and SUNNY SOUTH . '■ 'ir and .< . tv. > t the contest—that is, one estUnate for TTIK <_\>NSTITI;TION a.nd another for THE rs 'XNY' SO. lit. Additional Offers for Best Estimates Made During * 4 Send BO CENTS for one 01one in the contest - yo; do not war/ a 18. S e r r '■ I pavs for tho privilege of .sending the mate, if voa wii; ’ a nnrnb'T oi .his in../ Different Periods of the Contest. thrva estimates for every SI.OO forwarded at the s ”.e tlrn ■ t.ttj-n i 1 >s or,-, , r ; t. jf o mai..- t .- re r . ' , the same time without subscriptions tho e<*n’.-r may forward I'-r ni wlrh only s3.oo—tb s sp ’ -uni e-.r.g of:’- for I‘ot convenience the time ot the contest is divided into estimates re- ten estimates In one order. No furthe r discount allowed. A yi-.-tal yard receipt v. .11 be s- it for 1 mat--.- re ceived bv The Constitution during five periods the first period without subscriptions. Where Hub!- Tlptto: ar <r I red ihe arri’. . <>; the p.i?r . \. i .• r t i , j , i ~ .. , estimate has been received r.nd is carefully recorded, covering the months ol .huvand August, the other lour being one • . . . . ‘ , ~ , ; ~ . • 1 r\ 4 , ~1 6. Tho money and the subscription and th« estimate must came IF the same envelope. The. lnn.'.e. ve n noy ; . month each, the 2d period September, 3d period October, 4th the subscription go together. ™ s rule to positive period r* OX (‘III IAI, <>t.l p< line. I)> C-eillbei. 6 Every agent sending in subscript tons with estimates for subscribers Is entitled to send for himself free as monyestl- -I, ; Ji- 1 • , 1 mates as he sends for others. Estimates sent In by agents under rule 4 carry the same privilege to agents, viz., as many A\ <> will give to the best estimate received during each period (in ad- for tlieniselV e ß aa fir comers. dUtOllfo xxh.lil xti. o.llfl p;iz( ii max take, 01 if it takes no other Agents' prizes for SIOO and for SSO are.offered for th* largest and second Jorge st number of st- ight est!m---.:e- sent prize at all), the sum of $200.00. by any agent during tho Thcsa yet to be won. Oicy three week? .»*rt n.<*w. Got at 1 t The five prizes thus ofi’erei •■'i 5200.C0 -ach amount to .... 1,000.00 FI ’RTH E R GENERAL IN ST RU UTT ON S. Th© condition for sending estimates on the Port Receipts of Cotton Ist of September. 1903. t’ rough. J-n ry 12, 1904, Is Tiwn erwcftl'-tinM •’ at each and eve) • entry of estlm tes m -,t bo aceompanto.l by a -ib— T t'.on t’> Th« U-v riilu. 1-n - ■• ; c >’ I WU UldllU VVUbU.aUVH lh(s rf , mlttance provllle d for •* timates wtthom subscriptions. Tie ■, nu, tbe s nt i-> th- JU: NTJ< AL ETW L<’l’E THAT BRINGS THE MONET THAT PAYS FOR THE ESTIMATES OR THE SUESC RIPTION. You c rcnot . ;b! : too r.ow : f rir.d loi dbiribution among those estimates (not taking any of the ami bnd your. Hmates afterwards. aljOX'e I l .'-* prizes coming XX’ithin ,)00 bales either xvay of the j n sending your estimates by an agent of The Cor.-’titml :i you make him your agent nnd not n::r ■, forwarding exact figures : logo. oo y- ,r 1 tti v.’ ■■". both in to the correctne'-s of the figures an y m Intend, ' Co-rr: an’ t • . -tai: .. ’ -,r ■■■; ■ " Should a party send in more than one prize estimate, hr- or she will be <■to a sto’.V" of tl ■ • : ■ r ■ -ve-- I | Second I’->r distribution among those estimates (not taking any of time that it ma.y represent a suce.ssful estimate. m- t y the coni■ n-m.fij-t:- ■ . | . . 2 1,1 <■ , , . and under the rules tho same person may receive a prize with each of the propc it ions. I : the atiove 19g prizes and not sharinff the first consolation oner), , H . I fi AAA In malclncr yeur answer just state si mp!: : “J estimate tho Port R 1 ■ - .pts Ist of S-ptem - 1903. th cmnmg within 1.90-) bales either way of the exact figures S,VUU U < JU !004 ba| „ s .. M .. lkc yO ur figures plain xv« win r—u.' ttmm as wnt-i >r> day. emutly ,’s u’ y lc-f. |l AND WILL AI.LO'.V NO CHANGE WTIATEVER. If you want to make estimates later, or If you to -pt n the . C.- (»rai!t fotal .. IOjOGGbDO mate you have made. Bend other subscriptions. The last day upon which estimates can be mailed Is December 31. 1903. and orders must he so postmarked, and must In Case of a Tie on any Prize Estimate the Money will be Equally Divided r ch aJld bd postmarke<i as recelved here whhlß Ibe iays ,hereafter ' haot y nr ns ' ‘ - I Ah UiuMbHn <ordEß BLANK for Constitution or Sunny South, or Both, with BLANK For Estimates Only WITHOUT OFFERED TO EVERY HOUSEHOID ——— I rUJiT.JSiri ltS Tin; COKSm VI Toy, Atlanta, Ga.: PUBLISHERS THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ca | I End for nhlcli r.sft’mr. j me ideal Home Readlrq for Enclosed find $. . for which send , tnyour $1,0.00n.0° I‘ort neeelpfs Contest, u t ,->n total receipts OJ cotton at all V. S. Ports ], O>n tember I.IOOU, to ,1.,,, | Every Member of the Family. indicate uary 12, itioA, both inclusive, as follows: • . , i | Rnth VPH < < ricti.m t..r Tll ° W eekly Constitution one year, SI.OO, with Your Choice ’ one Estimate. plainly. Three for One Dollar or Ten for Three Dollars. The Sunny South one year. 50c, with ONE esti- Strike All Ex- CONTESTANT'S ESTIMATES. * " ' '' : AGENT’S ESTJMz'ITE.S. mate. eept the ——- .. . —-— r si§ I~y i = ■ : THS WCmKIV LOilStilUhOil The Weekly CouHtluiConari't Sunny South both ”” c ’ j Stoi 2 1 7 one year 51.25, with TWO Estimate. i Aon Take. 2 I . | ■ . v 7 5f u. ■?-J: 2 ( Tho world's Greatest SUBSCRIBER’S ESTIMATES 3 ’ ’ 1 L_L_ I XXce.KIJ Newspaper. stop here If you send only M.flO for estimates to/.vv* /ytc j-’ Stop hero If you K.-n,l only Ge- 1 estlmnu 5 ’ J y 4 , I pon total Port Receipts ot Cotton at all U. S. Ports from Septeru* without subac option 6!. ’ "i: .- ji:. c- j * _ _ teniber 1, 1903, to .Faunar.y 12, 1004, both IncJusive. . ? , ; ? 5 ,1 ? and The Sunny South. , ? .'l ; ———; —■ —■ i 1 The south's Greatest .I S i ■ | | i : = ,l I ! } N I U.m-cry We ( lily. 1 I- 77 ’ | 7 | ; . 1 i to; . . ’ ,- 7 j | . ’ BOTH QUE YFftR FOB OM.Y $| ?ij ® ——{ I \ —4p e ’ - | 10 1 ! i ■ ; '"' -“'’ 1 • 10 ' : f .. GREAT I RIX II EGES IX PORT FILL OUT ALL TEN ROWS XVITH ESTIMATES '' >'•£ 2 ii-i" 3 FiLL OUT ALL TEN RO VS XX” IH EST MXT ES | £ RECEIPTSCONTEST. nubserlber e Name IF XOU SEND $3.00 XX'ITH ORDER. t: =-->.? a I-'-- IF YOU SEND §3.00 WITH ORDER. ’ & S Address dll Orders to V j Address State ~, , , w ,/ Aildrrss ! Idthtss —. | 1 THE CONSTITUTION. Send only one eflttmato If you take only one paper, till oit both I | 111 j ’ estimate blanks If you take both papers, if you want one estimate stote state E ATI XNTA (i\ only without subscription, send 51)c mid lill one blank. I V J V. — — —— ——— ——' f ’ I ! Address all Orders to THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Atlanta 5 Ca. f 1 ( I THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA., MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1903.