The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, December 07, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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ALL THE NEWS OF DIXIELAND CEORCIA. His Death Laid to Scientists. Savannah, Ga., November 30.—(Special.) John A. Turner died yesterday without the attention of a physician, and Solic itor General tv. W. Osborne will present the case to the consideration of the grand jury for it to say whether or not there was any criminal liability for his death. It is said there are two phases of the ease, one of the illegal practice of medi cine by the Christian Scientists, and the other that of negligence in allowing a man to die without proper attention. Mr. Turner would not allow physicians to treat him. He would not permit his wife to apply simple household remedies, fixing his faith in the Christian Science doctrine. When Mr. Turner died. W. H. Teasdale, n professor of the faith, and a practi tioner under its teachings, and a lady who had assisted in mlnitering to Mr. Turner were unable to give a certificate for burial. Robbers Visited Florida Town. Green Cove Springs, Fla., November - 30.—bast night cracksmen dynamited the if.ife of J. b. Kirkpatrick's saloon and rifled it of its contents, amounting to about S4OG The explosion awakened many of the residents, who report that it occurred about 2 o'clock in the morning. The robbers cut out the glass on one of the windows and effected an entrance, 'i he saloon was wrecked from the effects of th< explosion and the loss will amount to several hundred dollars in additioxi to the amount taken. There is no clew to indicate who the robbers were Slain by Smith Before His Door. V.rldosta. Ga., November 30.—(Special.) Hen b. Smith, a prominent citizen of Madison county, Georgia, shot and killed his neighbor, a man named Sapp, at the former'.' home, near Cherry Lake, on yesterday. A. ■ to the reports received here, rn i had !■ n enemies for some time, >::<! '•■so rday about noon Sapp drove up to Smith's house in his buggy and tiled the latter out. rendered to the author .ries. Boys Cheered Peabody. Athens. Ga.. November 30.—(Special.)— Ath >:,s has had during the past few days as listing.tislied visitors Dr. Charles Cuthbert Hill and Mr. George Foster of New York. These gentlemen stoppi .1 hi re on their way to Columbus, where Dr. Hall is to deliver the dedica tory ad Less on the occasion of the dedi ,-T of the new V. M. C. A. building In that city, which Is tho gift of .Mr. J'r ibody to his native city. Mr. Feai.ouy was introduced to the i: .•■t:ts lit was given an ovation such t-s b.if rarely o en accorded to any man «•:: the university rostrum. For fully thr- minutes the hall was rent with the - :.. ?f the students an-! the demon : - .i-rt was something remarkable. The boys fairly i Hod themselves hoarse in ni p-: friend of the institution. hr Hall nd Mr. Fea body left this Ht'ternojn for Columbus. Griffin Girls Had Narrow Escape, i?., Ga., November 30.—(Special.)— and Miss Ethel Walker. two of Spalding county's most p.'omimnt and attractive young ladies, w-; but not fatally injured tn .. runaway a -cident this 'morning about 8 o'clock. Th,.- young ladies w. re driving in from the farm of Captain A. J. Wal ker. when their horse became frightened at an incoming train and ran away and broke up the buggy as he dash.-<1 into a fence on the sidewalk. Judg? Seaborn Reese Joins Church. Sparta. Ga.. December I.—(Special.)— 1 udge Seaborn Reese. Sparta's eminent ;.ir;st and esteemed citizen, was received :to the full fellowship of the Presbytc ■ ;an church Sunday morning. Judge Reese was for many years on the su- T'-rior court bench o' the northern cir f Mrs. F. M In- Radium Reaches Savannah. ann Hi. Ga.. De-e mber I .--(Special.l— tn-. ' ' • r.t r-'h ’-.n I, is reached Sa ' ■: ih. It may be that this is the first ti ■ r.ew valuable .md wonderful sub . . It was brought •iom > ■ rtii by Dr. R. J. Nunn, th* Hi ph;, si inns, who paid ■9 ’■ - H is smaller than the point of i.. and ■ annot bo described keel When I >r. Ttunn dis- - i' is I’.-. moans of his microscop-?. ;. trie Girl Badly Binned. V , - Ga . fe.-ember i .—(Special.)— ••''terne at 3 o'clo.k at the home 11 •.- : C-'in-T. Just outside the city ;:ui: l.aili Comer, his little 5-y< ar-old ;;g iter, was almost burned to death, .ii- little child was -mt in a field near :■■>; playing with other children, had been built by s*>me . - wh > wore pu king cotton. ■; g.-t -•••><■• u- .ii tlie lire and her clothes g- ted Lie wo the flatn-'s could be -x- • h-■ ! .-he had be-a burned from h-r MUMATISM An All tHe Year Kotind Disease., '' A Rheumatism does not come and go with winter time always; in fact some suffer more during the " VST' • Spring and Summer than at any other season. When ■ J the blood is charged with Uric Acid, Alkali and other v’ I irritating poisons, then the system is in the right J I condition for Rheumatism to develop, and an attack - is liable to come at any time, Winter or Summer. i, ■)_./. ? ;-p Rheumatism, because it attacks different parts of - , ■'•JA.— the body, and is sudden or slow in its action, is given ' b*'\ G-X -i various names such as acute and chronic, muscular, ' v-' articular, inflammatory.mercurial and sciatic, but it is — s the same old acid blood that causes all. Some are taut sufierers, while others have only occasional spells of Rheumatism, t r. either kind is wearing upon the constitution, and in time produces i t-Iness in the muscles and joints, and sometimes the acids thrown off by Ihe blood settle upon the valves o f the r h- arf and ends suddenly and fatally. Portland, Ind., Jan. 10,1903. t- , . i„i. vßcnrnaticm After being terribly crippled for It won t do to lei Rheumatism three yearß wUh Kheumatism> and run on. It is a uangerous disease, and h av ing tried well known remedies I y- n can v -ver tell where it is going to could get no relief. And having ike. Home remedies, plasters, lini- read of the wonderful effects of ments and such things as produce s. s. S., I concluded to try it, and counter-irritation, are soothing and am happy to say that I was entirely may relieve the pain temporarily, but cured, and am able to work as well •he polluted, acid blood cannot be as I ever did , « a a n i u i ... i I cheerfully recommend. S. 3. S. to : ‘ v ' ky' tn ‘ i‘ t i all sufferers of this terrible disease Rheumatism raus-. be treated nnA will RBythat jf they will con through the blood, and no remedy t j aue the treatment, as per direc brings such prompt and lasting relief tions, they will find a permanent as S’S. S. It attacks the disease in ouro . H.W. SEES, the blood, neutralizes the acids, and removes all irritating poisons and effete matter the system. S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the thin acid biood, and. as it circu lates through the body, the corroding, gnawing poisons and acid deposits are dislodged and washed out of the muscles and joints, and the suiierei is happily relieved from the discomforts # and misery of Rheumatism. ■ | I s. s. S. is a purely vegetable remedy, does not contain any Potash or mineral ‘' l 2 of any kind, and can be taken with safety by old and young. Rheumatic sufferers who write us ilx.Tl their case will receive valuable aid and helpful advice from our Pbvsicians for which no charge is made. We will mail free our special Look on Rheumatism, which is the result of years of in treating this disease. It contains much interesting information about ail kinds of Rheumatism. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA, feet to the top of her head. Her little brother, who attempted to put out the flames, was burned badly around tho hands. The attending physicians say that the chances are against the child's recovery, but that she lias some chances to get well. Fell Dead at Supper Table. Carrollton, Ga., December 2.—(Special.) Tuesday night "Bill” Harper, a well known “fiddler” of Lowell, this county, fell dead at the supper table of Georgia Price, on Depot street, this city. Har per had been drunk and in the calaboose during the day, and was under the in fluence of whisky when he went, with some other white men, to supper, and without apparent warning the attack came, and he died In a few minutes. Mrs. Smith Awarded $9,000. Augusta, Ga., December 2.—(Special.)— In the ease of Mrs. Nettie Smith, the jury today reached a verdict, of $9,000 for the plaintiff against the Augusta Railway Company for killing her hus band. O. C. Smith, in a collision with a locomotive at a grade crossing. The suit was for $30,000, and the jury was out two days before reaching a verdict. Gaines Gets Life Sentence. Harmony Grove, Ga, December 2-- (Special.)—Jim Gaines, colored, who was charged with killing Henry Deadwyler, of I Nicholson, on the excursion train rc i turning from Atlanta to this place, v. is I tried in Gainesville today, found guilty and sentenced to the penitentiary for lite. Bale of Cotton Caused Trouble. Unadilla, Ga, December 2.—(Special.)— Charles Clewis. an aged and prosperous farmer living near this place, was seri ously stabbed this morning by Ran Bod ery. another farmer. The difficulty arose over the settlement of a ale of cotton which Bodery had sold. Ulcwis was stabbed seven times in the back, face and arms,, but it is not thought the wounds will prove fatal. A warrant has been sworn out for Bodery. Both Were Hit During Fight. Shellman, Ga, December 2.—(Special.)— The story of a serious shooting affray, in which Dr. M. A. Baldwin, r former rrdmber of the legislature from this I county, and James Blackburn, both of i Cuthbert, were principal-. wag receive ! ; here this afternoon soon after the trag- I edy. Dr. Baldwin being hit just over ! the. right nipple, the ball glancing and passing out over the shoulder. doing only slight damage. His adversary receiving | two dangerous wounds, one in the abdo men. another in the brick, supposed to have been inflicted by Ben Baldwin, a son ! of the doctor, about whom the trouble I leading to the shooting arose. Broken Slats Saved Life. Harmony Grove. Ga, December 3 (Special.)—Tuesday night Will and Gra dy Harris, brothers, engaged in a quar rel over some business matter. Grady was in bed and Will told him to get up and they would tight it out. Grady thought Will was about to draw a pistol and got his pistol and fired at Will, missing him. The brothers were so near en. h other that Will's face was black ened from the smoke of the pist'-l in his brother's hand. Just as Grady was about to fire the slats in the bed broke and this saved his brother's life. Farmer Holcombe Loses Ear. Rome. Ga, December 3.—(Special.)— (T.irles Holcombe, a well known farmer, living near Rome, was thrown over the headboard of his wagon this morning dur ing a runaway and one of his ears was entirely several from his head by one of the wheels. The horses were going at a terrible speed when the incident happened and it is a wonder that Im was not killed. AS It was. however, besides losing his ear Mr. Holcombe is not hurt much. Young Rounsaville Found Guilty. I Rom*. Ga, December 3.--(Special.)— I The jury in the case of Robert Ttounsa- I ville, charged w ith assault with intent i to murder Samuel Wood, brought in a ■ verdict at 4 o'clock this afternoon, re ducing the nl'eged crime to a misdemea nor and found him guilty of -assault and battery. Judge ITenry flood liim S3OO twelve months in the chaingang, after giving him a good lecture. Punishing the Gamblers. Griffin, Ga.. December 3.-(Special.)- At a special session of the city court of Griffin, held this morning at 10 o'clock. Ed Engram and Walter Burke, two will known white men, who live out near the Griffin mills, were fined SIOO each for gaming and running gaming tables. A warrant is also out for V> W • J-lynt for the same charges and several other cases will probably be made in the near future. This step will probably hr. ak up a band who have been gambling on the THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA. GA.. MONDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1903. edge of town in a locality that has gained the name of "the Styx” because of the blackness of its reputation. Courted Through the Mails. Augusta, Ga, December 3.—(Special.)— A rather romantic marriage took place here this evening between an estimable widow. Mrs. Mustin. of this city, and William J. Owens, of Texas, who won his bride through a. correspondence court ship. Except for the exchange of photo graphs they had never seen each other before. They left for the groom s home after the ceremony. Sudden Death of a Child. Rome, Ga., December 3.—(Special.)— Margaret McLeod, the 7-year-old daugh ter of William McLeod, died very sud denly this morning of acute indigestion. She was playing in the yard when aha fell to the ground and commenced writh ing in great agony. Medical aid was promptly summonded. but the child was dead before any relief could be given her. Physicians declare that death from acute indigestion as this age ate almost un known. Barn Burned Near Rome. Rome, Ga, December 3.—(Special.)— The barn and contents belonging to James Camp, a prosperous and well known farmer living near Rome, wa s to tally destroyed by tire at an early hour this’ morning. Besides some farm imple ments the barn contained 1,000 bushels of corn, fixe hundred bales of bay and seven bales of cotton. Loss $5,000. in surance SSOO. Shot at. Bird, Wounded Horse. Douglas. Ga, December 4.—(Special.)— Governor Durbin and suite are stiil hunt ing in Coffee county, having tine sport. Yesterday in company with Joe Brewer, who is an expert in all matter of sport, he went to the vicinity of B. H. Tan ner's, where they had line sport all day. In the afternoon, wluithei because of the cold or grade of the liquor they had along is not known, but the governor's aim became ■-inlu.-od. he ntss d the bird, but hit the horse. Tile lattei', naturally alarmed at such marksmanship, took to th • woods, leav ing parts of the buggy along the road to mark his trail. The sportsmen got to carnp about 10 o'clock pretty foot sore. The governor doubtless thinks that In dian corn loses none oi Its strength in transportation. The Shooting- of Pittman. Columbus, Ga, December 4.—(Special.) Special Policeman A. J. Giddens, of Gi rard, who shot Dudley Pittman, a young man of Girard, to death at an early hour tliis morning because the latter was advancing on him with a knife and a brick, cursing him, was taken to Seale, tho county seat of Russell county, this morning. It is understood that he will l-e given a preliminary trial next Mon day. The state will prosecute him on the charge of manslaughter, it is under stood. Giddens claims that he tired in selt-delcnse and that Pittman would have killed him with the brick if lie had hot shot. Taylor's Wish Was Gratified. Macon. Ga, December 4.—(Special.)— Tliis morning in the superior court. Judge Felton presiding, Jim Taylor, the notori ous burglar, was sentenced to sr-rv-t: twenty years in th--- state penitentiary, i.-'ylor was the negro who entered the hous< of Ofti- . r champ Drew, of Chief •Murphy's tori-.*, and was found by the officer concealed under a bod. At the tune of bis .-apture Taylor made a des perate attempt to <-^ capc . iind |, r ,,j s ,-. v . oral sliots at Hi ■)i ili.. ■ man. He has only just, returned from finishing ;i srntea.o in Llorlda. and when lie walked out from th-'- eonviet l amp h. was arrested for Hie Drew burglary. He eonfe.-sed to enter ing Hir- officer's residence and. declared he del so because of o desir* l t, got a permanent bom, . w-ould bo sure of his meals. 11. got the limit. Captain Powell Dies Suddenly. Valdosta, Ga . December 4 -(Special.)- • aptajn t. Powcli. a. prominent citi zen of Valdosta, dii ! suddenly in the store of tin- I’aiu- li-imiw.iy Drug Com pany hot this ait ■ .m. ‘ aptaiti Pow*oll we -m tic street a few" minutes before the tat.,' ,(taok. and was apparently in his usual health. Won't Tell Who Shot Hirn. Athens, Ga, li omb-r 4. (Special.) night A M. Bryant, proprietor of the white harbor shop in this .it.', was shot, in tii. side and is suffering from a pains il lint t,oi .',-rioiis wound. He will not say V.let. fi.. was when hot . r who .’.id the shooting, and tit" police have not boon able to find out. Ho says he reck mis ho was to blame ami shows no th t ire to have tin man who shot him prose cuted. Romans To Tour Cuba. Rome. Ga . ineceinbor 4. -(Special.) The following party of w. 11 known Homan, will leave tor a tour of Cuba on Decem ber 15: Professor and Mrs. T .1. Sim mons. Colonel and Mrs. I'. H Hamilton, Captain and Mrs. John J. So.ay. Miss Minnie Mort, m and A x Hamilton. File party will make a. complete tour of the island and expect to be. away about six weeks. They will visit ali the principal cities and interesting points. One Court Case Caused Another. Rome, Ga, December 4 —(Special Sam M ood, w ho recently had a difficulty with Roy and Robert RounsaviUe, which created such a. sensation, was In police court today charge.l with having a dif ficulty with Dick Black. Th. tight was brought about over the Wood-Rounsaville affair. Wood was fined. Black failed to show up at. court. Cotton Rushed to Market. Americus, Ga, December 5. -(Special.) The ballooning of cottcn prices recently his brought to market about all the • ■ t;on held on plantations near Americus and several thousand bales were sold since Thursday Farmers are satisfied with 12 cents and arc closing up the year's v ork. Four hundred bales were marketed here today and sold at satis factory figures. Put Poison in the Well. Columbus, Ga, December s.—(Special.) There i. great imagination in Girard over lite fact that some malicious person placed poison in .a public well, near the place where a street fair is being given, filie ponies of a show belonging to the fair drank some of (j le water, and one of the horses died and others are se riously affected. The show people offer a. reward for the arrest of the miscreant. Death of J. W. Wyche. Macon. Ga, December s.—(Special.)—J IV. Wyche, who was struck Tuesday eve ning last by a piece of timber falling from the Poplar street bridge, is dead. .Mr. W.vehe. it will be remembered, was pa.-Kng along Poplar street and when emerging from the bridge a heavy piece of timber dropped from the railroad above striking him squarely on the head. E'e was knocked senseless and when ho reached tin hospital the surgeon found that blood had clotted upon his brain. An operation was deemed necessary and a large coagulation was removed. On .account of his advanced age tho at toning physicians entertained but slight hopes of his recovery from the first, Elberton Wants Water Works. Elb*rton, Ga, December s.—(Special.)- - Interest In a system of water works is again aroused in Elberton, and well-de fined efforts arc being made looking to the establishment of a. system. A large majority of the wells in the city are giving out. Several causes are assigned for this. In nearly every instance a well has to be sunk through granite, and it is I'here is a quality added to the cake and biscuit by the Royal Baking Powder which promotes digestion. 'Phis peculiarity cd u Royal” has been noted by physicians, and they accord ingly endorse and recommend it. Royal Baking Powder is used in baking bv the best people everywhere. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. thought tho bias: -ig . ai:-. .- >'.ino ot the wells to go dry. s.-vornl promim nt i-it Izcns arc interef g hem in Hi< matter. Two Gins Burned at Cross Roads. Hartwell, Ga, i -•niber 5.-(Speclai.) Fire destroyed two IfU’ge to: at (''.n-. Roads, n few mi’ from H.irtwell, la.-f night. The gins were tl><- property of J. ft. I.eard and R M M.i FREE TO EVERYONE. Read and Learn How You May Pro em e It. The question of -by one coeds mid another fail „ a proa, in tiiat nas puzzled philosopli -for c .nines. One. man attains rich -nd P;.-m u, while ns neighbor who stn: >-d v.iiu mmgl? tm? same and better .ipportunitn ? ,•>.i.-i.- in poverty :nid ob>. '• man i.»n yin success who is suffi ting f» 1 ‘ an irritating and nerve-racking ise.i.-e and tie man who has tho qu-' sos ■ wi'liin him would be <i' k to r< ognize tim fact and seizt th to < cate the trouble. A person alllicteii with a .'lious ctne of hemorrhoids or pi is i- Im dieapped in the race for pow ' .uid ' t .mecment. It is impossible to n- • ■ ir. ■ tin mental energies tvhen thi.- diad:.. trouble is sapping the vital re J'., siiow li > v , this si.■ ti trouble can b>- overcome, we i'. li- i > • following letter from a pr : ' " !l I • a man: "When 1 receive th r lettei booklet on ‘Files iheir Nature, Camo and Cure,' 1 was . .. ■ : .1 condition. Ulcers to the numb . u s ven had form e< 1 on th( insidi • culm ing in a large :u:n '• : the oiitsid* rn- scmbling fistula. I t iV< red the most ex cruciating i' 'in ■ ei :;•■( ii" rest day or night. After re-.:: th* i .kb t I sent to my druggist !i i' he happened to bo out of Pyramid t. < 'no lust, at that time. However I otained a patt. M a box from my 1-v tb.'-i in low and began their use. I . .aramids compl f tely cured me. I : <1 a box inter, tint have ha<i no to use them. I have been waiting ' ' see that the cure was permanent a Iwriting y .u of its success. I beiicv ■ Pyramid Pile Cure to be the gve. i. st .' id bos* ink- lire on the market, a 1 you to please ac c« pt of my gr.-.toful thank: for this in valuable remedy 1 take great pleasure in recommend i.g use. t<> any suffer, r along tliis lie. )'■•>> may use my name if you wish f. rcbionce to any on it tlicted with thi disease.” ,1. O. Littell, Arthur, Ind. You can oh- »a a fr*o sample of this wonderful tv* dy. also the biiokiet de scribed above b\ writing your and address plainli postal e.-iril and mail ing it to thi I'v .mill Plug Company Marshall, Mi. h. TEXAS. Traffic Open Through Laredo. Laredo, Tex, November 30.--Governor Lanham today i. -ed t proclamation raising the yellow f ver quarantine, whirl has been in fore, .giinst, Laredo -inc* September 25. During the prevaenee of the epidemic here there have, be a 1,025 ease.-, 99 o which re - ulted fa ly Wh'm the governer's proclamation was issued at noon tod;..’ there was a. great demonstration. Flag wore disrilaycu on all the public buildngs, boll, wer rung and whistles blown throughout the city. Inspector Clark anoaneed today tha.: the regular train set vice will he re sumed tomorrow ov-r the Toxas Mexican re ad. Regular service w-s e:-tabl!slicd S"veral days ago over the 'ational. SOUT r i CAROLINA. Furman Endowment Secured. Greenville, ft. Ticcember I.—(Spe cial.)—Rev. Joe) I Allen tonight stated that the desired $l 5.000 endowment for Furman university lad been secured. He said the grab crisis in Furmen's history is now prn-sd and that the future will see it grow i tisefuln n s... and ex pand under the rfluence of increased wealth. Statement Is Tot Encouraging. ' liarb ston, F , December 2. The statement of th pinners anil Merchants bank of Camden ne president and cash ier of which kill-1 themselves on lite same day. is not. couraging. The depos itors and credi . will get their money eventually, but $71370 belonging to the stockholders wi ot realized. On the day of the doub agedy wlien the bank was closed the ■ is bn hand w as $171.99. Two Killed by Explosion. Greenville, S. C. December 2. -(Spe cial.)- Walter Gre-:. the 14-year-old son of \V. B. Greoi „ prominent farmer, of Batesville, died to.iy as a result of In juries received by the explosion of an engine Monday Th- explosion was caused by tlie failure oft: relief valve to work. J. L. Steading, sn of James Steading, of Walkersville, vis killed by the ex plosion of a gas erjine Monday night at Birmingham, w'ner he w-i. employed. The body will reac Greenville tomorrow, lie was well know here. Safe Blower Made a Haul. T,owndesville. s. ■< December 2.—(Spe cial.)—About 3 o\’Ck this morning the store of E>bb Iliybb. who does a. big business here as nerehaitt and cotton dealer, was l,n rR j: ized. The Intruders obtained over Hundred dollars cash, with ehecks of over on- thousand, dollars. By takir an " me the blowers showed mili.iti .■ with the work. Having obi’bod tools black smith shop, thee robe tit* mtc.- hinges of the large safe md afb’w.'.us nitro glycerine was Mr. Horton of- r.- SSO reward for the capture or half if tiic mon y. It. is thought three men i. eomrdished tho robbery. One is about j feet 9 inche- tall, weighs 165 pounds; has biack mustache, w-ars dark striped suit and is age 35. Anothi r about, same a.-:- , witii a reddish mustache. Large Fire at Piedmont. Piedmont. S. C, December 2.—(Special.) A destructive tin- het o ,t 3:40 o'clock this afternoon, origins Img on the roof "t the Babb Furnitiu’f Company's store and iini.kly eornmuni.-ating to the adjoining stores of the N-.sbitt-Childers Company, . Wigington -t Alexander, thenee to the :G. \\ . Walker t 'omtniny a;.d to Sinipson, Long & Co.; aiso. to tho Pi-drnotit batik •building and tint \V. ,\. SSi uii »'?•>: i < - >sitory, all of which were frarn6 build ings. and were .-ntireiy consumtd. iogetu ler with ccntonis. Th- estimat' d total I less on stocks was $60,000. The insu- I rance on th.-- stocks is estimated at $44.- 000. Tho buildings were owned by the : Piedmont. Fm nitnt - Company. and I wi re 1' illx- <’"(■ icfi by insurance. I tic la-11 telephone exili.inge. located in I Walk-, r A- Co.'S Stori . was d-trujed. | At S o’ -lock the tire was practically out, and further damage is improbable. They Had Blockade Whisky. I Spatt tnburg. S. C, December 3.—(Spo- I i—Bon Ferry, of Tryon, N. C., the I son of former Governor Perry, of South i Carolina, was captured in this city by i state eonstabh-s tonight, with about forty of blockade whisky. p>•■. ry res.sfcd arrest and in the niHoe. that ensued guns W‘ re used. Perry beii.g slightly injur ’d. ' H' was finally overpowered and carried to jail, whore, lie will probably await I trial perry is well known ar.d comes of a prom famil State of Ohio. City of Tiie-10, l.ncas ; County -ss. Frank H. '“honey nmk ■’ .’it-i tlia: he i... s«-n --i'- partii'r of the firm of F .1. ' 'r.-iv ■- ,c Co., •)■ nig business in tii- < itj County land Si or a f<-1-f s-.T t. i. .-oei th.-it >-i:i f'n :n will . the ,-um (>NH H('XT>l;l:n licip.Alts t each and o ---ry case of i joirr'n that car net hr .-Ur-.1 by till lice .If Hair Ciit.n-rh i'ur< FRANK J. CHENEY ‘ Sworn to before nr and • nr■ .-rib' I in my ■ pr-..neo. this 6tli day of I •<. «ml. A I’ 1886. A. W GLEASON. Nolary I’ll’lie. IL. Il'-- Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and I::'.- dire-tly "n th- Ido. 1 an.i niu.-.iu- sn:- I faces of the ss'.-n-ni. Send f.>r testimonial; f■. I Snd by all Hnig.eirts. 75e. H. J C HENi;V .C- cr>.. '' ..I .10, o. Hall's Family Pills a:- tho b 't. WORTH CAROLIINA. Suit Will Be Reargued. Raleigh. N. ('.. November 30. iSpe. ial ) Attorney General Gilmer i; informed by the clerk ot the l.'nited SI m* supreme court that the suit of South Dakota against North Carolina t"i paym-nt of bonds is ord .Ted for r>'aiguni' itt. Old Man Killed by Train. Charlotte. N. ('.. 1 tuber I. 'Spe- cial.) Jani'-s Pali l a, age 72. ;i well known citiz-n of Iredell coiii'ty. was in sta.ntly killed 2 mil- c oast of Stat« svilbt iliis afternoon by n westbound Fatten was in the act of d’-iving his horse, which was ai!a< h'd to a bt;xgy. across the Western X• rtii Carolina raid, whoa a. freight ♦ ngine strurk. hnn and h» was kiJb?d instantiy. Thirty Years Given Dr. Jay. Asheville, N. ( Dei ember I.- Dr. J. A'. Jay was today found guilty <>f mur der in the second degree and sentenced tn t iny years at hard labor. A few weeks ago Dr. Jay. who is one or the best known p'.i.-.-iclans In the Ashe ville country, murdered his three chil dren with a hammer. His mind was thought to be affected. Dixon Dies on Gallows. cii.'ilotte. N. December I Cyrus Dixon, a young white nianX. w i. hanged at Trenton, N. C.. for the murder in BB @ xfWAS OFFES? B “~“ OfCT FREE! S maih;'?n' B OB 'jUpR Your attention is directed to the above headline. We know the meaning of words and tviil do as v.e K i’LtiN say .' ow r<a d carefully We claim to he the lowest priceti Whirkey House and the Largest Nlail Order j/a'u'ks to .id Whiskey Concern in the South. We ship more wl-.isk-ey to customers residing in the southern states S) contents than all of the northern and western houses combined. Common whisker here is unknown All 0 1 " ’ the North Carolina whiskey we sell is good there's no bad. People hereabouts don t know what f adulterating means, and wouldn't adulterate if thev knew how they are too P honest! The trouble with most whiskey sellers nowadays is their greed so - E mixing, blending and watering. Wegiveour patron - more genuine 010 whisi -’v (. an< l ,esswater than any kn- vn competitor. “Casper’s 11 YearOld 'whiskey is a liqviti k joy! It's made bv honest “Tarheels” in the mountains of North Carolina, boiled li overo P enfurnacewood fires - ’ nold * st y i “ co PP erstil l' . just asit wasmadeby our « ■ « randfathers a century ago. First-rate wbiskcv i sold at $5.00 toS6.CC per gallon, g g but it's rnt any better than "Casper’s II Year Old." It is the best madeand must 0 LF'Fk? » 11 YFAB HI Ti M please every cu.tomer or we will buy it back. We are incorporated under the laws K ■B& B fil/ViL ■ of North Carolina, with a capital of $100,000.00, and the People’s National B 0 and the Piedmont Savings Bank of this Civ will tell you our gurrat ' > "rod. To K Bj R introduce this old, honest, mild and mellow whiskev, we offer 4 Full Quails at ”1 K R "Casper's 11 Year Old"— two sample bottles, one )•>, one 18 year old- a corkscrew 0 G i- W andadrinkingglass—alifor $2.95. If $5,9!) is sent, we will double the above and H put in free One Full Quart Extra. AVe have some of this whiskey oniv 7 years old and H B SRgy R will send sgallon keg for SIO.OO or 20 full quartson receipted $ll.OO andgivc free M I re corkscrews, drinking glasses and samples, making this whiskv cost Jass than $2.29 B KW In ? M Per gallon delivered. Weshin m plain boxes v.ith nomarks to indicator intent-;, and 0 1 PrepayallExpresstoanypointEastoflheiVlisslssippißiver.Cnstomersresidingwestof g P c-A/'wy qlr $ said river will please write for confidential price 1 ist and learn how to save money. H ’taltMADaV Hones-FWU Address IKE CASPER 00. (In®.) wi N st<^-!sal E m!'n.c: I NORTH CAROLINA PEOPLE Sa Largert and Lowest Priced Mull Order Wlil.kcy House tn tlie Smith. J: March, 1901. of Godfrey Webber. TTie trap was siirung at 1:10 p- m. and death resulted fifteen minutes after the drop fell. Dixon made no statement beyond Hint lie had already made, to the effect that he did not shott Godfrey, but fur nished the gun for the killing. About forty witnessed the execution North State Editors. Washington, December I.—A spy. ;al train conveying the members of the North Carolina Press Ass >ciation, w hi- i is to hold its midwinter mooring here, beginning tomuio.v, am ved in Washing ton tonight. H. P. Varner, of The. Lex ington Dispatch, the president of tic i.- sociation, will deliver his address tomor row. During the meeting papers are io be read by Joe Mitchell Chapple, H. .E. c. Bryant, J. W. Daily, J -a onus Daniels, C. R. Haly and J. J. Fir: is Sword of Colonel Stokes. Raleigh, N. C., December 3.—(Spcetal.) Tile sword presented by the First North Carolina regiment of volunteers in the war with Mexico to its major, Montford S. Stokes, has been placed in llv- hall of history in the stat,.' mu.- nm here. Each man in the regiment, 1.000 in all. con tributed a dollar toward its put • :,i.--e. During tlie eivti war it was on sp.'cial occasions us-d by Colonel Stokes, who was in command of one ot the finest North Carolina regiments. The workman ship is line, and the I.ill is studded with jewels, while tlie blade is almost entii.-ly covered with ins-riptions Ii is the only relic of Colonel Stokes, and comes from bis daughter, Mr.-’. C. N. Hunt, of N Cih \\ ilkesboro. ! Streams in the western part ot the tate i are unusually low. and up in All-g'ii.iy county, owing to the t mnrkabb- <-.>l<l .ind this lowness of the water, tii i-rw l:s .■■' frozen, for the first time in the ;no:.tii i.l November. Box Car Held on Attachment. Charlotte. N <’ . !>■' -mber 4.—(Spe- cial.)—To secure alleged damages for tlie death of a negro last Match on the rail road. three box car- of the ('liesap'ake and Ohio ioa-1 have u» -,i atluche'i by a‘- torneys for tite plaintiff in thi< city, and tlie case will lie atgtied next week tn chambers h. : : . The case is the first of its kind that has ever come up under tiie “a ttael-m-.-nt amendment” to siction 347 ot the state code, in which it is allowed that tin at tachment. may be mtidc for personal in i juries. SI,OOO for Forest. Reserve. ■ Charlotte, N. C.. December s.—The I North Carolina state board of agrieultcre : todav appropriated SI,OOO tn aid in for -1 van'ing ti.o n.'-v'ni*nt L r the ■ ■ -*t!>li Fl uent of the Appalachiari fori: t res-tv.. Do You Suffer with Piles? Do they I'iotrude'.’ Do they bl nd? Do they pain you? Do you have mucous or bloody dis charges? I can cure you. I also cure varicocTe and stricture. Advice free. Dr. Tucker. 16 N. Broad street. Atlanta. Ga. Read Great Port Receipts’ Contest announcement on Page 10. Only three weeks more. Don’t miss it. ViRCjmA. For Jamestown Exposition. Newport News. Va., December 3.—At. a mass meeting held at the Academy of Music her< tonight, under the auspices of the ciiamlicr of eomm-' ree, in the inter est of flic Jamestown i .X’j>"sition, $25,000 ' were added tn the subscription fund. I The enterprise was warmly advocated ' by the speakers of tlie evening, among whom were Representatives .L’hn Sharp Williams, of Mississippi; Washington Gardner of Michigan; John F. Lucy, ot Iowa; C'laude A. Swanson and Harry L. Maynard, "f Virginia, and Walter Scott (“opelaral. managing editor of The Rich mond Tiinc.s-Dispa tel>. Jordan Oystei Bill Passes. Richmond. V/t.. December 3 Tho great , ( fight of the presi nt •‘ion ot tb< Virginia house of delegates ended tiii : afternoon when waul i known as the [ Jordan bill, which hre-tk:- the Baylor ..ys ; ter survey and a uthoi na-s the staff to ■ lease barren and th plot'- i <o. stf-i- areas I won out by -i vote of 43 to 32. The Moccasin Still Ashore. ' Norfolk. Va., D- ember 5. The . üb niar'nc torp'-do boat Moc'-asln i~ still hard | shore near < arrlttirk. according to ad ’ vices over the coast wires tonight. At iu.'t accounts the craft. Is in ■•a.-".' ■o’-- dition and is not damaged. The Merritt ! Wreckage t’ompan;, has <-ont racte.; with ; the government to float the st r.itided ves : sei at a cost, it is said, of $7,500. Wanted Two sab sra n in cacti tate. $50.00 a-‘i | expenses: permanent position. L- nif k.-. I l ha< ■' Works ‘". I' •. -: , V a * Grover's Read To Be Sold. ' Franklin, Pa.. November 30. —l'ormor I President Groveland Ul. - -lurid is ibout : to foreclose a mortgag. upon the 'lartotv gauge Bradford. BordeU and Kinseua i railroad, of which h- is tir exclusive : bondholder. j At one time this road paid large di.i --' dends. The ro.'id is only 16 miles b- ig 1 and when it was built it ' promoters j-,- , : diic. d Mr. Gleveland to take- the entire : ! bond issue. M;. (Tevelaiid -till a- Lie j hond< and th* ovriotc, it s lid, oa I I him so mil' ll lapsed interest th.o b. is I i going to sell the equipment at. Itr.olf-rd ' | on December I. MISS£SSIPP!. July 7. Mississippi Day. Jf'ickson, ?•’!' . . r'•■-'(•ml', r I ’! i M;: - I I sissijipi bur- ri of thr- w lid's t:iii. t n ; : inciting t-i i-iV, w Jul.' 7 «>f •' \f • yp;T .1,-- Mh- issif'pi d-• \ :h tip'- S: 1.. | fail. It. i lhr- I’, niiivr? <• '■ y nf <• f ‘•embling’ of thr first ('"iif-titutidial (■■:. j ventßii in tii- Elks Ask Longino for Aid. Jackson. Mi ... D' cenib'-r 4. 'Sp'-cia I.) This aft*rn'".'n d<-legato>ns from the- Elks lodges of Jackson. Vicksburg N..-.--t--z and McComb < 'ity- called on t : . govorrir.r and request d him not :■> approve C * 90 Days’Trial V/e sell more reliable merchandise by mail than any house in the world. Volumocf saies regulates prices. No firm can undersell us on reliable goods; wo refuse to handle the other kind. hb*.Our Oakland . r . "X'.'i'V'XMachine K'if, Q,. Oakiar.d K ir Machine at g ..2 5 A _■ y ;s wa. raided for 5 years T'V sWWi Bill si 'l®!± ii lift JtnM® pended upon. Prine k is ir.uch 10-.vsr than ' I ■ anyoth’r f.-n <2. ks g !f : equal qua.i-y. z-i.i. ' , Hill-. 1 : Mounted on hand- E.« 'vivV-’’ m&W ■ Free Catalogue i of Sewing Machines containing cur 90 cays’ free : trial offer. lent on rG'.;-a3st. Write for it today. i MONTGOMERY WARD C-CO. Gi tter for th* ' ch:-:- ’.! lode- of Eiks in this state. They hold the name Eiks lins been c'pyright cd '*>’ lb" white lodges, and ’■ ' the colored Elks is an infringement. Th.- governor stated that, if pro if tn thi s . ffes ' ' 'du ■ I ■■ "would not approve th- liicrter.' In th* m<-:tn:i ’■•'l- I '' I] P until th* proof is forthcoming. Free Booklet Chi Biood Poison, written by the leading tof this ■■■ ": ■ Address Dr. J. N-. v.-tnn Hathaway. 42 Inman building. KE N F OK Y - Hammered Him to Death. Q-.iincv, Ky. No* mber 30.—Christian Dote a prominent citizen, was found murdered today. Hi- head apparently had be*n crushed with t hammer. A gang "f desperadoes i:i t.;c n*'g!tb"rhood nas 1.-cen sti. p*' t'-d, but. 1:0 arrests have been made. Deadly Duel Over a Job. Lexington, Ky., D. ..-ember 2.—Henry fray and Lewis Skaggs, residents of (•bilcs'ourg. in tliis ounty, quarreled to dav over the unloading of a car of coal, both claiming to have Lieu engaged for the work. Gra. wa- kiiied and Skaggs w*s J ';i::illv shot. B'.-tii l-ave large famili'-s. Compressed Air Explosion. Chattanooga. Tenn.. December 3.—(Spe cial.)—A serious explosion occurred at the round house oft! Cincinnati South ■rn at (Tik.lulc. Tori;., n ulting in tl.e scrio'.is injury of two tn Tlie com pressed air tank blew up. shaking a. nur - of the buildings almost from their foundstkni at*l demolishing tie. electr.e lighting appa: a t'i. . Dorsey Carpenter and I-'r*d K literal were badly injured ant! ivei. brought l" E'latjg*r I.■•spiral in this Fore man Fell to Death. T*nn.. December A- Edward Lindsay, a bridg- foreman of the. Louis ville and Nashville tailroad, I*l’ from the iTincii riv*r b’-idg* of tlie KnoxvilD, L:: i - 'l'll.- a ltd Jr Hi. " ri it n* T :c: • . today His no-I; nmi rig!'- leg wer* broken and he lived only live minutes, i.lis' >- ::i T:‘ll:,’i-g->, Al i., wh-ie he had i fiimil.v. ALABA Fsu A. Little Girl Burned to Death. SfirriH. AH , No’/•'m’.3o. -■ Sp-: ■ia !.'• AH THt-. 3-y. 1( r-chi daughter M and Air. . \V.:rr<; Ainbr • • , liiiiy b’H' at Ib»‘ rrirt'ut.-’ honi<> h<re i ‘ ni.- • iiinu ami tip <1 .-. f-w i," li wa the ' i ’ i box ; ard s»" til to b-nd gta -s. As i» '■> - x i iiig’i isli tin -biH<‘ . b< ■•!• h-r wwas b.'nify buri.-’d riving mother tio- I’amr . Peoragn Chavgr Laid to Editor. \ mI3G -- J. -n < •. of Lv,o''i-nr', <-f Th-* br.-f] r:-- v .irr-v-tcd this moiT;- ii;:; upon ■••’i-v’_- of t i'ijshig John L' tr ; - tn i.. In hi in ’-••■•iia"- , .and carri-’ I ,\b L I • -A : a 1 ! <!,) and. r S3OO bail b> ih< f- l -rai grand j'-.TV. which the (kfr-ndant math'. ?,h Lt-lb|ni' With i il-'ly ■. i lcU-c "t th-'» All Registrms Now Appointed. Mo.ltg *ll r;.-. Novcmb- I 30 —(Sp*- ial.l- File s'.'ii" lioar.J of i .-gii-tra t s to ny c 'rnpi'-toil appointing regi*:rors of sixty ..■"Uiiti'-:, nn-l Hire* regie Continued on Fasro Eleven. 7