The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, December 14, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Thousands of Women Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It. Almost every one, from personal experience, knows that the effects of any kind of severe phy sical strain are felt, first of all, in the small of the back—in other words, in those Vital Organs, the Kidneys. This is as true in the case of the very powerful as it is with one of less strength, and it Is especially true whenever the kidneys are weak or out of order. The Great kidney Remedy Swamp-Root, strengthens the kidneys and through them helps all the other organs. WOMEN suffer untol 1 misery because the nature of their disease is not always correctly understood: in many cases when doctoring, they ate led io be ieve that womb trouble or female weakness of some sort is r onsible for their ills, when in fact disordered kidne s are the chief cause of their digressing troubles. Perhaps you sutler almost contin ually with pain in the bac bearing-down feelings, headache and utter exha istion. DIDN’T KNOW I HAD KIDNEY TROUBLE I had tried so many icmcdies without their having: benefited me that 1 vas about dis- // \\ // \\ It // ipo \\ & 11 r £ --Ul IV .•;■ 11J w / \«O r .J- *' ■ ■'// W "it&t// MRS.A ronrajrtn. out in a few days after taking your wonderful Swamp-Knut J begun to fee) better. T was out of health and run down gun rally: bad n-> appetite, was dizzy and s>ifT. r- I with headache most of the tinio. J di 1 not know that my kidneys v.« r- tic cause of my trou ble, but somehow felt they might be. and 1 began taking bwamp-R 'ot, as above stated. There is such a ph asant t;u te to Swamp. R-d, and It g«- s right t<» th* spot and drives disease out of the system. It has cured me, and I Cip erfully - •nim«ivl It to all sufferers. Gratefully yiurs, MRS A L. WORKER, 46 West Linden St.. Atlanta., Ga. THE mild and extraordinary effect of the world-famous kidney and bladder remedy. Sw ami-Rui't, i-s'xri real zed. It s'aml- the hiclie-t for its wonderful cures ot the mo.-t distressing cases. A trial will com 'neeanvone —and vou ma In taking Dr. Kilmer’- Sw amp-Koi Swamp Boot is the mo.-t perfect healer ever been discovered. Don't make at Swamp-Rod, Dr. Kiimer's Swamp-Rot on every bottle. To Prove what SWJIMP-ROOT, the great Kfidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, Will do for YOU, Every Reader of The Constitution May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail. EDITORIAL NOTICE—No matter how many doctors you have tried—no matter how mucli money you may have spent on other medicines, von really owe it io yours dt, an ! to your family, to at least give Swamp J biot a tr al. It- stauncht st f ieuds to-day are those who had almost given up hope of ever I ecommg w< 11 again. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery Swamp-Root, sent ab-olut ly tree bv mail, al-o a book telling all about Swamp-Root, and containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and Ih. it fa ttla r > i\ liv to it- wonderful curative properties. In writing to Dr. Kilmer* Go., Bii-ghainton, N. Y., he Mire to -ay that you lead this generous offer in Tite Atlanta Wee-ly Constitution. If you are already eonvim ed that Sv amp-Root is what you need, you can purchase the regular lilly-eent and one dollar size bottle- at the drug stores everywhere. NEGRO IN POLITICS IS CAUSE OF RIOL Alleged That Fur-ion Officials Were Taking Unfair Methods To Gain Control by Means of the Ne gro Vote—Several Shots Fired, bv* No One Hit. Norfolk, Va, December 3 Summoned by tho ringing of the bell of the Berk ley Avenue Baptist church tonight, a mob of 300 white democrats stormed the office of the Berkey improvement board, tn which were County Treasurer Lyons, Commishitmer of It vcmi Nicholas, Town Record r Old, In puty County clerk W. If. Lyons and nearly a score of ne groes, a i t i ,e.l th. entire party from the building to the street. County Treas urer l.yons was kicked halt way down the stairs. The crowd tl .n a. ii!. d the B< rkiey po -1 >e statior and found th r c.iuicy Clerk Alvah 11. Martin. a repiibii -;.n. seated at a table wit’; li v Juan Sumter, a negro councilman. Martin was attacked, se verely choke l ami slammed against a c. 11 doo: Ab h< s <>.>d re denunciatory speech' wi r.,- iledv n d to him. and he was then -..r:■ .1 t his home by the police. The mob >■ . composed o' about thren hundred men, ail white, and nearly all firmed, shotguns- and repeating tines be ing plentiful, wiiii.- r •■■vol vers ana clubs were also hi c ; a: Several shots w re tired In the str it. but no one v as hurt. The riot was roused by bitter political feeling wiiii-ii Ju. .-xi .. ,t t>ctwc. n the folk county at... the fa.. < I' con tinued by Martin. Ji t? charged by the democrats th;:* the county inii- l.ils pres ent in tne of'lce of the improvement board had as.-'mb!' .! tie r to collect the political tax *: m n gro-’s surr ptltlous ly, and that on ’ n r 'ri. ■ obstacles are placed tn tn. way of white democrats qualifying to v . In th • crowd w.-.s c. W. Rockefeller, a first cousin of the Standard oil magnate, and Rev. Herbert S. tioiz. a Christian min ister. Nordiea Tires of Husband. New York, 1 ■ ti>i>• ■ i IL- It is announc ed that papers I aV" be ‘it tiled here in a f lit to be brought by Mme, l-illian Xnr- IS THIS WHAT AILS YOU? r>o you spit up Jour food? Do ''oil belch gas .’ Do you swell after Je "" I'- you h.i.e hcart- t I Do y.,u have short- R. 1 n.-ss of breath? ’k l you have pains in Do you h ive soreness ■' fa "'i / I’,, \ ..<i Im co! > *./■'■ X hani .tiiil f< ■t? I> , you r with constipation or diarrhea? I can • •ure you. W. J. TUCKER. ,i$ Broad Street* Atlanta, Ga. I YOUR l ICGr health .makes you nervous, irritable and at times despondent. Rm thousands of just such sulf ring or broken-down women are being restored to heaith and sire gth every day by the use of that wonderful discovery, Dr. I Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder reme iy. TO-DAY I AM IN SPLENDiD HEALTH About 18 months ago T had a very severe at- 1 t.-ck of grip. I was extremely rLk f«»r three : weeks, and when 1 fin-Uly was able to leave : / I (j p i J A " Y /V. I I n:y b i I Wit*- left with . rtt !a.ting pains in • i n»y b.t \. win. a .•■•.rivoip-<1 me that I had a ‘ , c-. v. j. b; ’:<■ •- tr.ttiLlv M- phy.-k’.d « .'Edition j ' v»as su- h that 1 li t I no strength and was al! run d./vn. ’ , , M’ dt, M: -. «’ E Li:tb fuM I. of T.vnn. j ■ . ’ . ■•! nu to g.. • Dr. hihm t's Swamp Root ' ‘ a trial | I pi H’urod a bottle. and In id* of three I I that bottle, with ai: »’,h. r. and at the comnle- I tion of this oiu fr.’.ii I I was . cmplotel'- 1 M\ strength returned and t< lay 1 am • an well as ever. My bu.-incsa is that of canv.i-xr. 1 am <->n ! my feet a great deal of the time, and have ■ to use mu*li < nergy in g.-tnng around. My I * cun* is ihri- fa. • all the more t-markable. | j and is < x'• • din ;ly er;:t!fying to niv. MRS II N WHEELER. j 29 I' ■ .tSt . Lynn. Ma s. j iy have a s:im pie bottle s<>nt fri <■ l,y mail. ; >< t you aflord natural help to Nature, for ami g ntle aid to the kidney- th it has uy mistake, t ut remember the name, mt, and theaddre-s, Binghamton, N. \ ~ i’ll-a. the prima donna, for legal separa tion from her husband. Zoltan Doeme. the Hungarian tenor. They w.-re married May 26, 1896, at Indianapolis. WHAYNE HEIRS VICTORIOUS. | Insurance Company Is Ordered to Pay Policy. ' Louisville, Ky., December 12 —The jury I in Hu- car.' of the heirs of li. C. Whayne, i against the I’rovident Life Savings As j surr.n <■ Association, today returned a 1 verdict for $74,236, file value of a policy 1 on Mr. Whayne's life, together with in terest at 6 per cent from FGebruary 17 List. Mr. AVhayne. who was a wealthy maniif.i-. 1 un-r. v>as found d.-ad last Feb ruary in a surburb. The. Insurance com- • pony protested the policy on the ground :of suicide. 'l’ll'- case of the Whayne es- I trite inst the Equitable Lite Assnr ■ ance So.-i'-ty 10 collect policies aggre : gating $130,000 comes up Monday. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES i Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding i Pile . Your or 'g.-ist will refund money '. ii P.AZO <: I NT.’-' 1 .NT fails to cure you in I 6 to 14 days. 50c. j FOR APPALACHAIN RESERVE Resolution Is Adopted by National Forestry Association. Washington, Ins-ember 9.—Secretary of Agii.-ultu; Wilson presiii.d at the open ing session of th. Am. .L an Forestry As sociation today. The report of the di- I rectors irniieat'-d a substantial advance I in the forestry movement. I A nsolution was adopted declaring that th.;- a.-soeiatio:i lend its best efforts to the creation of the southern Appalachian national forest reserve. The committee on nominations recom rn. ii'l' d Sceretai-y Wilson for president of the association. Hr. B. E. !■'■..rnew, of New York, vice pre.-i 1.-nt; K. A. Bowers, of Connecticut, secretary, and Otto Lueb hart, of the District of Columbia, treas urer. ROOSEVELT PLAYS POLITICS. He Names a Missouri '‘Boss” for a Good Position. Washington, December 9.—President Roosevelt lias derided t> appoint Thomas J Ailkina ebairm.-in ot' tin- republican state ceimnittee of Missouri, to |w assist ant Unite.l Slates ti-. a surer at St. Louis. Genera! <;. I’.. Farrar, lit.- su’.itreasurer, notified Seeretarj Sliuav several days ago ot' his withdrawal from I lie contest. .Mr. .Adkins has not be n an aetive candi date forth office, but has indicated to ti e presidi r.t bis willit gn. s.. to accept, l>r,.' i,;,.,j it ,11,1 ■ a int. with bit, ac- | tivity in Missouri p di .5 s. i FREEDOM GIVEN TO ED BUTLER St. Louis ‘'Boss’’ Wins Before the Supreme Court. •Tcffr-t son city. Mo., December 9.—The supreme court today r. ver: d the decision ...' the lower court in Hie case of C l.inel i:-iw id li-itl.r. of St. l.'tiis, convicted at Columbia, M" . in October, 1902, of at tempted bribery, and dischurgid the pris oner. The s|ie.title charge against Colonel Butler that h. offered a bribe of $2,- 500 to lif Ibiiry M. Chapman, a mem ber of tiie St. Lotti board of health, to 1 Indue- Chapman to us ■ his inlluenee in (h iving '...• L> ■. rd award the garbage con -It’ . t tn Hu Si. Ixiuis Sanitary Com- Ip.-iny, a corporation 111 which Butler was inter, sled. Tiie jury fixed Ids punishment at three years in. the state penitentiary. THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTIONt ATLANTA. GA.. MONDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1903 NOT only does Swamp-Root bring new life and ac ivity to the kidneys, the cause of the trouble, but by strengthing the kidneys it acts as a gener I tonic and food for the entire constitution. SW MP-300T A BLESSING TO W3MEN My kllnryc and bl i-bb-r g ive me great trouble fur over two mon J., and I suffered vvP > '\',w yw/ w<s. ~|ffi unt -1 I mi.-cry. I became weak, 1 and v- ry mu. h run down. I had great difficulty in retaining my urine, ami was obliged to pass watt i very often night and day. After I ha 1 us* ! a samph bottle of Dr. Kilmer’n S a amp-K" )t. s« Lt me on my request 1 » xpp ri- need rcli f and I inimcdiatfdy bought of i.iy druggist two large b >ttles and continued taking it ly. I am pi iG-’d to say that Swamp-Hoot cured me entirely. I can now stand on my feet all day without any ba l symptoms what \or. Swamp-Root has proved a blessing t - me. Gratefully yours, MRS. E. AUSTIN. 19 Nasau St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Butler immediately took an appeal to the supremo court, and has been out on bond since then. Final arguments on the ap peal were heard bv the supreme court October 13. 1903. The iq>ini..n was wrltHn bv Judge Fox and was concurr. d in by all other judges. The court holds that the board of health lias no authority to let the garbage con tract, but that this power belonged to the hoard of publi, improvements. The board of health having charge of the contract, the defendants could not bribe members to do something which they had no authority to do. SAVE TRAYLOR, SPENCER <fc CO.’S TAGS. Subscriptions for Tobacco Tags. Subscriptions to Weekly Constitution will be accepted paid by tobacco tags from Hu following brands: Plumb Good, Gold Basis, High Life, Right of Way, Bob White, Spencer's Special, Good Will, Natural Leaf. Ji-w.-l and Patrick Henry, manufaeturi-d by Traylor, Spencer & Co., of Danville, Ya- 50 tags for a six months' subscription to The Atlanta Weekly Constitution. ICO tags for one year’s subscription to The Atlanta Weekly Constitution. This makes these tags prai-t.ii.-ally wortli I cent each. 100 of th tn pays for The Constitution otic year, which costs SI.OO. The biggest, brightest and ’ ' st weekly newspaper in the I nited States. Semi your tags fully prepaid and use nonp but the brands ii-’uned above, lhe offer is good from January 10, 1903, to July 10. 1904. Address them plainly The Constitution, Atlanta, Ga. NEVER BATHE, SAYS DOCTOR. To Bathe Is To Be Dirty and To In vite Disease. Chicago, December 10.—“ When the peo ple leave off bathing there will be little or nothing for the doctors to do. Pneu monia, colds and a hundred other ills result from the foolish habit of washing the body. ■'To bailie is to be dirty, for you there by make a. sewer of th skin. Blood, at tracted by tiie skin, gives up products that should be h ft to seek a natural out let and soils the skin.” The foregoing dt- larations, made by Professor John Dill Robertson, at the annual meeting of the Chicago Ecle tic and Surgical Socii.-tx. at the auditorium, lias aroused the inter, st ot tiie mem bers. Professor Robertson assi-rted that the theory that the closing of the pores of the skin would result in de ith is false. The habit of taking “dry baths” was also denounced. The rubbing of rough tow el over Hie skin. :i. -..riling to Dr. Rob ertson. removed the natural scales of Hie skin or the false skin. This, lie sai l I ..-.da. ..1 to the growth of baeteria. upon lhe skii . The doctor <-.u;clii<i.-.| with a touching incident of a poor Eskimo, brought from Greenland to Boston, who had never been ill in his life. He was given a bath, contracted pnenm...nia, and died in two days. Admiral Gherardi Dead. Stratford. Conn.. December 10.—Rear Admiral Bancroft Gherardi, retired, died at his residence here today. He had been seriously i'll since last Monday if nephritis, following a long illness from diabetes. He had lived here since his retirement from active service in 1894. Yellow Jack Yields to Cold. Monterey. Mexico, December 10.—Cold weather bating prevailed for over a week, no m-W .-m ■ -of yellow fever hav ing made their appearance, the board of health today officially declared the city free from the yellow fever, WK OF THE BOOK COMMISSION. Where Possible Awards Were Made in Favor of Southern Authors. Saving Will Be Between 25 and 50 Per Cent of Present Price. A uniform series of text books to uo used for the next five years in the com mon schools of Georgia was finally se lected and adopted Tuesday by the state school book commission, aftei* more than a month of arduous toil in studying bids, reports of the subconimlssion, hundreds of samples of books submitted and hear ing from numerous representatives of book publishing concerns as to the merits of thflr various publications. A tabulated statement Is presented here with. showing the r arious publishers who wore successful in scouting the contracts, the names of the books to be used, the prices at which the books are now sold in Georgia, and the prices at which they are to lie furnished to the state under bnnd given by the> company oft ring them. Immense Annual Saving. It will be seen from a comparison of I these prices how great an amount will be saved annually to the people of Geor gia, the reduction ranging from 25 to 50 j p r r cent In some cases below the prices i for which these books can at present be 1 obtained of dealers. 'Dlls will mean a ' saving of hundreds of thousands of dol lars to tlie people of Georgia, it having been estimated that 111'- sav'iig will amount to more than $600,000 during Hi’" live year period. 'Die commission reached its conclusion Tuesday at a i-na! in.iiing held at Hie governor's mansion ,aft.-r the- most care ful and faithful consideration of ail tie books offered, studying them from a ’standpoint of quality as w-.1l as of price. : Dissatisfied with the liist bids that wre ] ofiered, the commission rejected them ail and < ailed for mw ones throughout. ■ riles., bids Were much below those tirst submitted, and were in every way satis factory. Olu 1> >oks wiil bo received in exchange for n w ones on the same .sub ject. at a value all the way from 50 to 66 2-3 per cent of the new book ■ The books adopted by the commission will be used In the public schools next year, and the contractors will b Grilled I on to supply them at as early a date as possible. The successful bidd ts will con fer with Attorney General Hart at once, and the contracts will be signed without 'delay, It being the desire of the eomniis ! sion to get the books here as near the I first of the year as Is possible. Statement by Commission. ' X r ollowing is a statement from the 1 state school book commission relative to the books adopted, and giving the com mission’s reason for the actions taken: ‘•The state school book commission deems It proper to perpetuate with its report adopting a uniform system of text books for the common .schools of Georgia, the reasons which actuated each and every adoption. 1 lie. two and a , half millions of people in Georgia as- I fected thereby have a r’glit to know. I and it is our pleasure that they should. I “Tin: contmissh ' ■ >g.|iz. d from tile | start the d llcaey Tin I Importance of the work which the legislature of the stat..-, had thrust upon ft. and we are cognizant i of the difficulties and the embarrass ' ments sure to be encountered In its exe cution. “Os equal Importance to good personal associates for our children is the com panionship of good books. S.-nsiblee of this truth, we have undertaken this Important work, and if v...- have not done It wisely, it has at least been faithfully done. "In pursuance of the act creating the school book commission, we elected a subcommlsslon. R. allzing tb it the suc cess of the radical change about to be enacted depended largely upon the in tegrity and intelligence of tile subcom mission, we selected a committee of gen tlemen of universally recognized integ- I rity, conspicuous as educators, and de voted friends to the cause of education. ! “We have, as the law directs, "given gr.-at v . I'ght .and due consideration to i the reports and recommendations of the : subconimis.'sion. The individual reports of the subeonnne-sion are thorough, able and exhaustive. If we have acted wisely in the selection of books credit is due largely to the work and report of the subcommission. “In the selection ot books we have not thought it wise to sacrifice quality for price, and yet we have not thought It proper to Ignore price altogether, where oooks were of the same class. '•\Ve have shown a preference for southern authors, where the competitive books offered w- re substantially of equal merit, but we have not taken the lib erty to Indulge this sentiment when to do so involved an injury to the children ot Georgia, or unduly added to the bur dens of the tax-pay., rs who support the common schools of the state. “No book that is partisan In charac ter or unfair to the soutti and her tradi tions has, or could for a moment, find favor In our eyes. It lias been our alm to get the best books at the least pos sible price. “There were many books Inspected and rejected of necessity, both t>y the sub- May I Help You, Yeti Who Arc SlcK? My h«’lp ts of: .n d on trinl. I * ant to show each .>ick ono ju«t what Dr. {Shoop’s Restora tive can do be: a .-••tt lenient is made. And then, after a full n.onth's treatment, the pa iD iit. is to he ‘he .s->\ Judge*. If you «-ay, “1 am no better.” there is not a penny »>f cost ' , you. 1 alone will assume the . xp- nse. The offer is unique. The way to secure six bottles of my R'.toiativu on trial is .simple. There is no trouble but to write a postal, or a letter. 1 have made the way to help so easy, r i s inulc ’ ■ n-’ ix e l t »’si at • I have puhli. hi.ii (he books shown below. You nr<’ simply to ask for the book you need. That’s easy enough, surely. Tin u I will arrange with a druegist near you, >•» that V'M can secure six Lotties of br Shoon’s 11 s’ rat ive. You may take it a full month on trial. If it succeeds the < ■ to you is S 5 50. If it fails the cost is mine, j w .ji then ask the druggist t > Lili the cost to me, and you alone are to decile. Dr. Shoop’s Restorative acts on the Inside nerves. The nerves that control the vital or gans. Here lie? the key to my success. This hii ( -<->.<-‘4 moke possible to give a month’s treatment on trial. If failures w<r»- common, J would withdraw the offer. But I do n«»t. You will see my ofTor everywhere, year after year. Anti the offer is so easily obtainable, too. It is. much easier than to cal) a. physician. And a physician’s j call means expense, whether he succeeds or i fails. i I‘)ld you ever know of anything more fair, i more liberal? And I want you to make the ■ test, too. You will do me a favor to write to dav, now, while you have it in mind. ■ Simply stnrn wh.-h J you want an.) .•J"- ys< . P ‘V'eds Rai'-mr 4 f,,r " “"’C"- p. x b., ls, Ha, ,„r, );o(ik . f( , r (81 . n | e<n . 1 Hook 6 on Rheumatism. Mild cases, not chronic, are often cured with , cns or two bottles. At druggists. *'Wr ■ lii i i Wl l k ® The Animal’s Instinct. NATURE INTENDED WHAT WAS RIGHT. ” All nature is but art unknown to thee ; c All chance direction, which thou const not see ; "All discord, harmony not understood; "All partial evil, universal good ; "Anci spite of pride, in erring reason’s spite, "One truth is clear, IFhatever is is right.” Hopes Hssay on Sian. qk -T'ATURK provides everything nec- I essary for human existence. i The more we penetrate the se crets of nature the more we find to wonder at and to convince us that the closer we live to the laws of nature the healthier are our lives. The British and French medical authorities have recently stated that tiie people in those countries are deteriorating in physical make-up. The cause is violation’of the laws of nature. If we keep our body full of alcohol that forces the heart into extra dutv, weakening the stomach and par alyzing digestion; if we do not take the proper time for eating, digesting and sleeping; if we do not breathe pure air; if, in a word, we do the very things that nature intended we should not do, we will have to pav for it. Instinct teaches animals what is best for them, but man manufacture many noxious things, such as alcohol, to steal away our bodily health and strength. We can live long lives if we keep the body in health, strong to resist the attack of disease germs. Practice preventive medicine, Fn keeping the blood pure and the prin cipal organs active. Do not repose in the false idea that some tonic, made largely of alcohol, will give you strength; it is only a false strength at best and means the shrinking up of the red blood corpuscles. Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief con sulting physician to the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, ol Buffalo, N. \ ~ never believed in a tonic or blood medi cine made with alcohol, so he set about commission and the commission. This does not mean that the books so re jected were all Inferior. Some were re jected because not adapted to our condi tlcns, while others of equal merit with those select, d were rejected because dis proportionately expensive. "We have finally adopted, almost with out fxceptlon, th. books in the order of meri ; named by the subc-.nnmiss.on. and wherever we have sei", ted a (lift‘.'rent book it w;. : be,-, use th-, pri'-c ot the book recommended n a-!-- .1 ad > 'lsa i o mst.-.i '- li.iv." w.- .V ' ’ 1 1 '■ v- ? .- -■ in the opinion of the su j.-eaim. ." t " ,s unworthy of adoption. V may ado. upon the whole, tliat we hate ocen <h lighted with the Imol.: s :brnit.ted. ami not - with genome pleasure the jrnpn. menc of school book.- ov’-i thooe v*. os bovs. studied. •■The books adopted, w.' think, are the best, ami they liivi been secured at a price ranging 1 fi*nn 20 to 50 p-r c«Tit ot Hu- former retail price. This means a saving of le.imiieds of Ihousands of dol lars annually to the people of Georgia. “We have nisi arranged for a further redo'tion in the price of books adopt d. ranging from 15 per cent to 20 per cent to such county boards of education as will undmtake to distribute these books for their re-->"■etlv • counties, in h-a of requiring depositories t> be e tablished by the contractors in said counties. “We are awar.- that Cm- practical en forcement of the report “f ibis commis sion must of •ic.-.s-sity be attend.-d with in .is. or less iTiet.ion, for uniform adop tion n< -■ arlly nwans the displacement of many books already purchased and owned by the >-hildr nos the stat -. nils is Incident to the law. and was duly con sidered by the legisiatur.-- when they <.nacted It We have arranged in every instance for an exchange of old books on tiie same subject for new ones, the old books being accept'-d in payment at from 50 t'o 66 2-3 per cent of the contract price of the new ones. “If our labors in this behalf shall prove of benefit to the children of the state, we shall consider this lib-ral compensa tion. “The accompanying list shows the books adopted; some ot said books subject to revision in particulars specified. "JUSEriI M. TBKRELU. •'Governor; President. “PHILIP COOK. “Sei.-r triry of State. “WILLIAM A WRIGHT. “Comptroller General. “JOHN C. HART, "Attorney General. “W. B. A'KRRITT. “State School Commissioner.” TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ml druggists refund the money if v falls to cure E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c. are urged to hold cotton. President of Texas Growers Issues Circular to Farmers. AVashington, Hoecniber 9.—(Special.)— E. S. T’etcrs, president of the Texas Cot ton Growers’ Protective Association, who here has issued the following bulletin, which explains itself: Washington, I'. C , December 9.—To the Cotton Growers of the South: I have just. eomp’Wcil a. caret’ul analysis of the report of file li i. -a i of statistics, and I ain pr< pared to say that tile report issued December 3, estimating the cotton crop at 9,962,000 bal.-s, is not only conserva tive, but is over rather than under the indicated yield. 1. therefore, earnestly urge all growers of tiie staple not to part with their holdings except at the real value thereof, which is not l-< ss than 15 cents per pound, the figure I have repeat edly predicted would l> - paid. Pay no at tention to the future mar!;, is. and do not fi t the middleman am! sj ■ ul.itors fix the price of the limit of your labor. Farmers of the south, this is jour oppor tunity. If there is to be a corner, con duct it yourselves and reap the benefit thereof. Yours truly. E- S I’ETEKS. President T. xa Cotton Grow.-rs’ in jec tive As.-<>. i.i.-on. — Opium, Morphine, Free Treatment. Painless home cure guaranteed. Free trial. Dr. Tucker, Atlanta. Ga. to find in nature that which would in crease the red blood corpuscles and tone np and strengthen the human system. This he found in certain roots, herbs and barks, which he made into an alterative extract called Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med ical Discovery. It is a tonic and blood maker without a particle of alcohol or narcotics contained in it. Nervous ex haustion, when the slightest exertion tires one, sleeplessness, pimples, boils, or colds are the warning signals that the blood is not in a healthy state. On a bodv that has been weakened by an attack of Typhoid, Grip or Pneumonia, nothing will put on healthy flesh so fast as this tonic alterative of Dr. Pierce, a trulv "Golden Medical Discovery.’’ It nourishes the blood, and, instead of the ill-shaped corpuscles, the person’s blood takes on a rich red color and the corpus cles are more nearly round. Nervous ness is only THE CRY OF THE STARVED NERVES for food, and, when the nerves are fed 011 rich red blood, the person loses those irritable feelings, sleeps well at mgnt and feels refreshed in the morning. Dr. Pierce also advises simple diet, work, play, right exercise, frequent baths to keep the skin and pores clean, and a gentle laxative occasionally for the bow els. Dr. Bierce’s Pleasant Pellets are gently laxative, do not gripe, and are made entirely of vegetable ingredients. Do not allow’the waste materials to clog the system and poison it, or vour._-.ett to eat too heartily, but when you do, take one of these "Pellets” as an after dinner pill. Philip A. Fateh, Esq., of Mobile, Ala., Dermtv Sherifl, writes: "I suffered for nearly’ eight years with malaria v Inch poitoned my entire system and iiepi'.ve l me of my vitality, f was cured Hi three mon’hs bv using Dr. Pierce’s Gulden Medical Discovery. I know it was largely due to neglect and I paio htt.e BOOKS GEORGIA CHILDREN WILL USE FOR FIVE YEARS r -• PUBLISHERS I’.'Hil.--’ READERS- , - L r Affiynard Merrill &Co C-rafle.l I.- it r. I - R< mer - -25 $.20 i Mavnan derrill &Co ' rra.icrl U.ter :itm Second Read \ American Book Co—Lee’s Third Re , H r 10 ’ Amii'lcan Book Co—l.-c’s I-'oitctli 1: -■ 'er American Book Co-Le. Fifth Reader -60 ARITHMETICS— Ginn t Co- Bacon's Intermediate Ari tlnnctio .0 Ginn & Co—Went worth’s Practical Arithmetic 65 American Book Co—Milne s Standard .Vrithmeti.- .65 (To be v.i'd in Bth and subsequ : t g: i.l»- ) GRAMM ARS— -I>. C. Heath & Co—Hyde’s course In English. 1:..0k 1 -35 Maynard. Merrill A.- (.'•> Reed ,< K.-11-.a’ Giad.-d !.• •' in English, now edition 40 .35 30 Newsom & Co- Buehler’s Modern Grammar 60 .50 GEOGRAPHIES— Ginn & Co—Frye’s Elementary Geography 65 Ginn & Co—Frye’s Higher Geography, Georgia edition .. .. . 1.25 .38 HISTORY— Southern Publishing Co—Beginner's H i.-lory of■: >nr Country . .60 American Book Co Field’s History of United States 1.00 .65 University Publishing Co—Evans - His t■yof G- Tgia. .... 1.00 AGRICULTURE- Cultivator Publishing Co—Hunnicutt’s Agri ■■-jltui'C' 1.00 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE— Maynard. Morrill A- Co-.Hntch on’..- I, ..I--.;- and Hygiene. Book 1.......................... .. .50 Silver. Burdette & Co Conn’s Elementary JM . 1 no be used in 7th and subsequent grade > ... 60 AO CIVICS- Amerlcan Book Co—Peterman’s Civil Government Ga. edt’n .60 PRIMER- YVheeler Publishing Co—Wlieeler'. Pri m-r 38 WRITING— Central School Supply Co—Roudebush Copy Books io .05 SPELLING— B F Johnson «<• Co—Branson’s Speller, Hook I American Book Co—Swinton’s Word Book .. .. .. ’’ ...' 18 PROMOTION HAS COME TO BLANTON WINSHIP. Washington. December 9.—(Special.)— Captain Blanton Winship, of the S: teentli Infantry, one of the best knov. a and most popular Georgians in the ser vice, lias just been given a most impor tant and desirable appointment, being as signed to (he judge advocate general’s department with the rank of major. This is the legal department of the army. For some time Captain Winship has been acting judge advocate and the rec ord he made has met the enthusiastic in dorsement of Judge Advocate Gen ial Davis and liis associates. Before going into the army Captain Winship was a highly successful young lawver at Ma con. and in the Philippines he did a good deal of important legal work a wt;ll as seeing very active service in'the j.i id tn the days of the insurrection vacancy occurring in the judge ad lt ' ( . general’s department. Captain Winshin was strongly pressed for tl e pi ac Senator Bacon and Judge It. t;. • ..-i other members of the Georgia delegation fliere were a numb, rof other uh. -ups’ but Minship has landed the plum. HERBERT SPENCER IS DEAD. Famous English Philosopher Passed Away at Brighton. London. December 8-Herbert Spencer the famous author, died this morning' d his home in Brighton. His heallb been tailing tor some months. The nines, toon a critical turn a few davs a--, and he became unconscious last ni-ht’ desh ’’ Wl,hout pain - B.v his own d siK) the east possible information was given out during Mrjjpencer’s illness tives' Uvh^ d bavin « reln- and his secretary. a ß Fws own wT B h" U the attention to my trouble until I became so run down and weak that I knew I han to do something at once to regain my health. I began to feel better within four days after I had used the Golden Medical Discovery,’ and after using nine bottles I was restored to my usual health feeling better than I had for years . gladlv endorse this medicine.” "I ‘feel it my duty to write you as « have received so much benefit from thft use of your medicines,” says Mrs. F.- Sando, of Elon, lowa. "I was troubled with torpid liver, indigestion, anc nerv ous prostration, for about eighteen months and lost strength, so that I was unable to do my work. Consulted sev eral doctors but without receiving .ielp. Thev advised me to have an operation for gall stone, which I thought would be the very last step I would take. I then sat down and wrote to you for advice, some five or six months ago, and have since been taking your ‘ Golden Medical I): < covery.’ Can now say lam well ar.t able to do all mv work, besides doing lot= of weaving. In the last two months I have woven about four hundred yards of carpet and feel now that I will keep on with it as I like the weaving business so well. I took only eight bottles of the ‘ Golden Medical Discovery ’ and some of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. " I will be glad if I can say anything to those who are suffering as I did.” "CURE THYSELF,” bv reading some good book on medir-ai science. A thorough one is the "Com mon Sense Medical Adviser,” edited a::-1 published bv R. V. Pierce, M. D., of Buffalo, N. V. It. is a work of rjxio ■>s that vou can obtain bv sending 31 '• .■ cent stamps for a copy in cloth binding, or 21 stamps for the paper edition • . Dr. Pier, e.' It treats of anatomy, j. ologv, the marriage relations, and all thiiigs which are best for preserving health and preventing disease. remains will be brought to I cremated at Uemstead. Herbert Spencer was bore. ■ England, in 1820. Ills first ■■’ ’■'-■ done with a view of being i nei-r. and he thoroughly e-i i:; i ■ self fur this profession. Imt .■:■ ><»•,’ he became greatly interest. ' osophlcal studies, and soon gave his entire time to the pros these studies, and that of g- •. ■ : " turn. His chief labor has been t. out of an elaborate system of based on modern science. ’’ " JS the author of many books ah sic lines, and his works are l.r ■■■’■ ’- iel ' ever the English language Is sr t-t. Tobacco Men Name Os '’ ■ V ashington, December I > Vend : ■ Pobaeco M ciatmn today elected the f.-l’ i”.- r;f fivers: J’din Landstrce.t, Hi.' H. B. Miller. Pl vi.■■ president; Walter J I ‘ ’im. iima ■i, .r<ta ■y . .' ol ■ ’ ’ ’’ n j Richmond, treasurer. It. - I lives Tawney, of Minm.-.d.-i i Me. ot Kentucky, addr' scol > ■ a I ing, supporting the obj fail. Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or tler by the occasional use 1 utt’s Liver Pills. They rc>' ulate the bowels and produce , A Vigorous Body- For sick headache, malaria, I' ll ' iousness, constipation and Li-' uretl diseases, an absolute TUTT’S Liver PILL*